Three Elijahs, The

The Middle Ages Elijah

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: TTE

Program Code: TTE000003

00:33 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
00:36 Our Father and our God,
00:37 what a joy it is to come into Your presence.
00:40 How wonderful it is to have Your word,
00:44 which is a certain guide in this world of confusion rebellion.
00:48 We ask Father, that as we study about
00:50 what took place in the Middle Ages,
00:53 that Your Holy Spirit will help us learn the lessons
00:55 which will be useful to know
00:57 what's gonna happen soon on the scene of this world.
01:02 We ask for the presence of Your spirit,
01:04 and we thank You, for hearing our prayer
01:05 for we ask it in Jesus name, amen.
01:11 The Book of Revelation Chapters 2 and 3
01:16 describes seven churches which are known
01:18 as the seven churches of Asia Minor.
01:23 Now the number seven is not an arbitrary choice,
01:26 there were other Christian churches in Asia Minor.
01:30 But the purpose for which God chose
01:32 these seven churches is because the number seven
01:36 represents totality or completeness.
01:40 In fact, most conservative biblical scholars
01:44 believe that the seven churches represent
01:47 seven consecutive periods
01:49 in the history of the Christian church.
01:52 I'd like to begin by reading a statement
01:55 that we find in the book Acts of the Apostles page 585.
02:02 There, Ellen White was the author of this book
02:05 or the writer any way,
02:07 has this to say about the seven churches.
02:10 "The names of the seven churches
02:14 are symbolic of the church
02:17 in different periods of the Christian Era.
02:22 The number seven indicates completeness,
02:26 and is symbolic of the fact
02:29 that the messages extend to the end of time,
02:34 while the symbols used reveal the condition of the church
02:39 at different periods in the history of the world."
02:43 So this author clearly believes
02:45 that the seven churches represents seven consecutive
02:49 periods in the history of the Christian church
02:53 from the days of the apostles till the very end of time.
02:58 Now Ellen White, the author of Acts of the Apostles
03:00 is not alone in this assessment.
03:03 There are many writers today,
03:06 who have a different view of Bible prophecy than I do,
03:09 who believe the same about the seven churches.
03:13 I could mention two of the most prolific writers
03:15 on Bible prophecy today, Hal Lindsey and Dave Hunt,
03:21 both of them have gone in the record
03:23 in their publications saying
03:26 that the seven churches represent seven consecutive
03:30 periods in the history of the Christian church.
03:35 What this means is that the first church
03:37 Ephesus would represent the church of the apostles.
03:41 And the church of Laodicea would be the church of the last days.
03:47 The fourth church, the church of Thyatira
03:50 must really represent a church
03:54 that is found somewhere in the middle,
03:57 a period that is found somewhere in the middle
03:59 of the history of the Christian church.
04:02 In fact, as I've read from Dave Hunt and from Hal Lindsey,
04:07 I've noticed that they believe that the church of Ephesus,
04:11 which is the first church, represents the Apostolic Church.
04:16 The second church, which is Smyrna,
04:18 represents the church that was persecuted
04:22 under the Roman Emperors, the Pagan Roman Emperors.
04:26 The Third church, Pergamum,
04:28 actually represents the church when doctrines of darkness,
04:32 when error came into the church
04:34 during the period of the Emperor Constantine.
04:37 And the fourth church Thyatira
04:39 is believed to be the church of the Middle Ages,
04:42 the period of the Dark Ages,
04:44 not only in the writings of Ellen White,
04:47 but in the writings of many contemporary scholars.
04:52 Now it's important to realize
04:53 that in connection with the church of Thyatira,
04:57 you have the name of Jezebel.
05:00 Now that's significant, it cannot be literal Jezebel.
05:05 Because Jezebel died in the 8th century B.C,
05:09 we already studied about that.
05:11 So if the church of Thyatira
05:13 has that woman Jezebel influencing the church,
05:17 it cannot be literal Jezebel,
05:20 it has to be spiritual Jezebel.
05:23 Because literal Jezebel at that point was already dead.
05:28 Now I'd like to read the passage
05:30 that we find on the church of Thyatira
05:32 in Revelation 2:20-23,
05:36 and so I invite you to go there with me.
05:39 Revelation 2:20-23.
05:43 And we're not gonna read the whole message to Thyatira,
05:46 we're only gonna read these verses from 20 to 23.
05:50 Here Jesus says to this church, the church of the Middle Ages,
05:54 the middle church, the forth church.
05:56 You have three churches before
05:58 and you have three churches after,
06:00 and you have Thyatira which is right in the middle,
06:02 which fits perfectly with the Middle Ages.
06:05 And according to most conservative protestant scholars
06:08 Thyatira is covering that period of the Christian church.
06:13 It says there, "Nevertheless I have a few things against you,
06:17 because you allow that woman Jezebel."
06:21 This is Thyatira during the Christian age,
06:23 this isn't the Old Testament,
06:24 and literal Jezebel is already dead.
06:27 "You allow that woman Jezebel,
06:29 who calls herself a prophetess,
06:33 to teach and seduce My servants
06:36 to commit sexual immorality."
06:38 Other-- the King James says, "To commit fornication
06:42 and eat things sacrificed to idols."
06:46 So you notice two problems with Jezebel.
06:48 Number one, she commits fornication and number two,
06:53 she introduces into God's people idolatry.
06:57 Notice, verse-- what it continues saying in verse 21.
07:01 "And I gave her time" the Greek word is Cronos,
07:05 where we get the word Chronology from.
07:08 "I have given her " Chronology " time
07:12 to repent of her sexual immorality"
07:16 or fornication, "and she did not repent."
07:22 Therefore God says what He's gonna do with her.
07:24 "I will cast her into a sickbed."
07:27 In other words, for a while
07:28 she's gonna be out of commission.
07:29 "I will cast her into a sickbed,
07:32 and those who commit adultery"
07:34 or fornication "with her into great tribulation,
07:39 unless they repent of their deeds."
07:42 And then I want you to notice
07:43 that this harlot woman Jezebel has children.
07:49 It says in verse 23,
07:51 "I will kill her children with death,
07:56 and all the churches shall know
07:58 that I am He who searches the minds and hearts.
08:01 And I will give to every one of you according to your works."
08:06 So in the church of Middle Ages,
08:07 you have this woman Jezebel.
08:10 She introduces apostasy in the church.
08:14 The apostasy includes fornication
08:17 and it includes idolatry.
08:20 And the Bible tells us
08:21 that God gave her Chronology time to repent,
08:24 but she didn't repent.
08:26 So God says, "I'm gonna throw her into a sickbed."
08:29 She is gonna be out of commission for a while.
08:31 And He also says, "Those who commit fornication with her
08:35 will go into great tribulation,
08:38 and I will kill her children with death."
08:42 Now what does all of this mean?
08:44 Well, you notice that it actually
08:47 is echoing what we studied
08:49 in the Old Testament story of Elijah.
08:53 Now I want you to notice as we begin our study
08:58 then that Jezebel is the figure
09:01 who introduces apostasy into the period of the fourth church.
09:06 Let me ask you who was it
09:08 that introduced apostasy into Israel in the Old Testament?
09:13 Jezebel.
09:14 Let's read it, 1 Kings 16:30, 31.
09:19 1 Kings 16:30, 31.
09:26 By the way, do you have an illicit relationship
09:28 between Jezebel and the king,
09:30 between the civil power and Jezebel,
09:32 the harlot woman?
09:33 Yes.
09:34 It says, "Now Ahab the son of Omri
09:37 did evil in the sight of the Lord,
09:40 more than all who were before him.
09:43 And it came to pass,
09:44 as though it had been a trivial thing for him
09:47 to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,
09:51 that he took as wife Jezebel
09:54 the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians,
09:58 and he went and served Baal and worshiped him."
10:02 And so you have here,
10:04 Jezebel introducing the apostasy into Israel.
10:07 She is committing fornication with the king
10:10 and through the help of the king
10:12 she is imposing the worship of Baal.
10:15 And of course, Baal was the sun-god.
10:19 She's implementing the worship of the sun-god in other words.
10:24 Now Revelation 2:20, I want to read it again,
10:27 because we're gonna do a series of parallels.
10:29 Jezebel introduced the apostasy in the Old Testament.
10:32 Jezebel introduced the apostasy
10:35 into the period of the fourth church,
10:37 the church of the Middle Ages.
10:38 Revelation 2:20,
10:41 "Nevertheless I have a few things against you,
10:45 because you allow that woman Jezebel
10:49 who calls herself a prophetess,
10:51 to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality."
10:56 This is the New King James,
10:58 the King James says, "To commit fornication
11:02 and eat things sacrifice to idols."
11:06 Two great sins,
11:08 that is fornication or sexual immorality
11:12 and also eating things sacrificed to idols,
11:17 which means that there was a practice of idolatry.
11:21 Actually, during this period,
11:23 we find this Jezebel system doing three thing
11:28 just like happened in the Old Testament.
11:31 First of all, there was a controversy over the gospel.
11:37 Do you remember that in the Old Testament
11:40 Elijah had to repair the altar of the Lord?
11:44 Do you remember that John the Baptist
11:46 had to introduce the true Lamb of God,
11:49 who takes away the sin of the world?
11:52 Well, during the period of this church,
11:55 you have a false gospel
11:58 or a false prospective of the gospel.
12:02 Secondly, during this period of the church of the Middle Ages,
12:06 you have counterfeit worship.
12:09 You have false worship which needs to be renounced.
12:12 And in the third place,
12:14 this system we're gonna notice
12:16 thought that he could medal,
12:18 or thought that it could medal with the holy law of God.
12:22 Was this the problem in the days of Elijah?
12:26 Did he have to deal with false worship
12:28 by implementing true worship?
12:30 Yes.
12:31 Did he have to reinstitute the true gospel
12:33 by building the altar of the Lord?
12:36 Yes.
12:37 Did he have to restore the commandments of God?
12:39 We study this, when we notice the historical Elijah.
12:44 Now let's notice these three errors which Jezebel,
12:48 spiritual Jezebel introduced
12:51 during the period of the Middle Ages.
12:54 Revelation Chapter 13 and I want you to notice,
12:59 a couple of verses here in Revelation Chapter 13.
13:04 It's speaking about this period, forty-two months.
13:06 We're gonna to come to that a little bit later.
13:08 This is the same period
13:09 that has described under the fourth church.
13:12 Revelation Chapter 13
13:15 and I would like to read beginning with verse 4.
13:22 "So they worshipped the dragon."
13:25 By the way, the dragon here is the devil,
13:29 but it is also Pagan Rome, which tried to kill Jesus.
13:33 "So they worshiped the dragon
13:36 who gave authority to the beast,
13:38 and they worshiped the beast,
13:41 saying, 'Who is like the beast?
13:44 Who is able to make war with him?'"
13:48 So was there a problem of worship during the period
13:51 that the beast governed on planet earth?
13:54 Yes.
13:55 Now how long did this beast rule or govern?
13:59 Notice Revelation 13:5.
14:04 It says, "And he," that is the beast,
14:07 "was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies,
14:11 and he was given authority to continue for" how long?
14:15 "For forty-two months."
14:18 Was this beast given chronological time?
14:20 Yes, forty-two months.
14:23 Now if you do the calculations,
14:25 forty-two months is equal to 1,260 days.
14:30 And it is also equal to a period
14:32 which is called time times and the dividing of time.
14:36 This is the chronological time
14:38 which is mentioned in the period of the fourth church.
14:42 So was worship an issue during this period?
14:45 Yes.
14:46 It says, "They worshipped the dragon
14:48 who had given authority to the beast,
14:50 and they worshipped the beast."
14:53 Now let me ask you, was the issue of the law
14:57 a problem during this period?
15:00 Daniel 7:25, go with me, it's a same period.
15:03 In Revelation, it speaks about forty-two months
15:05 of the ruler ship of the beast.
15:07 In Daniel Chapter 7,
15:08 it speaks about time times and the dividing of time.
15:11 But notice what this power does.
15:14 It says in Daniel 7:25,
15:16 "He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,
15:20 shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
15:24 and shall intend to change times and" what?
15:29 "Times and law."
15:30 Was there a problem with the law during this period?
15:33 Yes.
15:34 Was there a problem with worship during this period?
15:37 Yes.
15:38 It says, "Then the saints shall be given into his hand
15:40 for a time and times and half a time."
15:43 This is the period of the church of Thyatira.
15:46 This is the time that God gave this system
15:49 to repent the chronological time,
15:52 forty-two months, 1,260 days or years
15:56 and time times and the dividing of time.
15:59 By the way, during this period
16:01 was the true gospel also trampled upon?
16:05 Did it need to be restored?
16:07 Absolutely.
16:09 Notice Daniel 8:11,
16:11 where this same little horn is spoken off,
16:15 as trampling on the sanctuary
16:17 and trampling upon the plan of salvation in the sanctuary.
16:21 It says in Daniel 8:11
16:24 "He even exalted himself
16:28 as high as the Prince of the host," that is Jesus.
16:32 "And by him" that is by the little horn,
16:36 "the daily sacrifices"
16:39 A better translation would simply be the daily,
16:41 everything that happens in the court
16:43 and in the holy place,
16:45 where God's people are saved by the work of Jesus.
16:49 It says, "And by Him the daily was taken away,
16:52 and the place of His sanctuary was," what?
16:57 "Was cast down."
17:00 Was the altar cast down in the days of Elijah?
17:03 Did he had to take the 12 stones
17:05 and restore the altar of the Lord?
17:07 Absolutely.
17:09 And so we find the same identical problems
17:12 in the church of the Middle Ages
17:14 as existed in the days of Elijah.
17:17 The true gospel had been forgotten,
17:19 the gospel of salvation, through the Lamb of God
17:22 who takes away the sin of the world,
17:23 the church institute of the mass
17:25 and human priest intercessors in place of the work of Jesus.
17:30 In the second place counterfeit worship,
17:33 worship to images and to ideals
17:36 instead of worship to the true God.
17:38 And in the third place, a system that claimed
17:41 to have the right to change God's holy law,
17:44 the very problems that existed in the days of Elijah.
17:50 Now do you remember
17:51 what happened as a result of the apostasy of Israel
17:54 in these three areas in the Old Testament?
17:56 God withheld from heaven rain.
18:01 Go with me to 1 Kings 17:1.
18:04 1 Kings 17:1.
18:07 We're gonna do a series of parallels.
18:09 We're gonna take the Old Testament story
18:11 then we're gonna look at the fulfillment
18:13 in the Book of Revelation during the period
18:15 of this fourth church, the church of Thyatira.
18:19 It says there
18:23 "And Elijah the Tishbite,
18:25 of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab,
18:29 'As the Lord God of Israel lives,
18:32 before whom I stand, there shall not be dew
18:36 nor rain these years, except by my word."
18:41 So let me ask you, were the heavens shut
18:43 so that they would be no rain
18:44 during the period of Elijah's prophecy?
18:47 Absolutely.
18:48 But now let's go to Revelation 11:6.
18:52 And I'm gonna show you that during the period
18:53 of this church of the Middle Ages,
18:55 the same phenomenon happened.
18:58 Only it's not talking about literal rain,
19:00 you see rain symbolizes what?
19:03 Rain symbolizes the Holy Spirit.
19:07 Now notice Revelation 11:6,
19:10 its speaking about the two witnesses.
19:12 "These have power to shut heaven,
19:18 so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy,"
19:22 did the two witnesses shut the heavens
19:24 just like Elijah did in the Old Testament?
19:27 Absolutely, so that there would be no rain.
19:29 Now let me ask you,
19:30 why is it that there was no rain in the Old Testament?
19:34 It was because of the apostasy of Israel.
19:37 God said that if apostasy came among His people,
19:40 He will withdraw the rain.
19:42 In fact, let's notice 2 Chronicles 7:13, 14.
19:47 2 Chronicles 7:13, 14.
19:50 God is speaking here and He says,
19:52 "When I shut up heaven and there is no rain,
19:56 or command the locusts to devour the land,
19:59 or send pestilence among My people."
20:02 Notice, God says, if I send locusts,
20:05 if there is pestilence among My people,
20:07 if I shut up the heaven so that there is no rain.
20:10 "If My people who are called
20:12 by My name will humble themselves,
20:17 and pray and seek My face,
20:20 and turn from their wicked ways,
20:23 then I will hear from heaven,
20:25 and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
20:29 Why was there this famine in the Old Testament?
20:31 Because of the apostasy of the Israel.
20:33 Why was there no rain during the period of the Middle Ages?
20:36 It was, because of the apostasy of the Christian church.
20:40 Now what is meant by the fact that there is no rain?
20:42 Listen, when there's no rain what comes as a result?
20:46 Drought.
20:47 And as a result of the drought, what?
20:49 Famine, right.
20:51 People start starving to death.
20:54 Now go with me to Amos 8:11, 12.
20:57 I want to show you,
20:58 what the famine in scripture represents
21:02 when there is no rain.
21:04 It says there in Amos 8:11, 12 the following,
21:09 "'Behold, the days are coming,' says the Lord God,
21:13 'That I will send a famine on the land,
21:18 not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water,
21:23 but of hearing the words of the Lord.'"
21:26 What is the famine? A scarcity of, what?
21:29 A scarcity of the word of the Lord,
21:31 because there is a scarcity of rain.
21:33 Verse12, "They shall wander from sea to sea,
21:37 and from north to east.
21:40 They shall run to and fro,
21:41 seeking the word of the Lord,
21:44 but shall not find it."
21:45 Let me ask you, what was scarce
21:47 during the period of the fourth church,
21:49 the church of the Middle Ages?
21:51 What was scarce was the word of God.
21:54 There was famine in the land,
21:55 because there was no rain.
21:57 To a great degree, God withdrew His Holy Sprit.
22:01 And as a result the word of God did not have effect,
22:04 because they live by the traditions of men.
22:07 And as a result, there was famine for the word of God.
22:10 So in Revelation, the rain is symbolic of the Holy Spirit
22:14 and the famine is symbolic of the fact
22:17 that the word of God is scarce.
22:19 You're not talking about literal rain and literal bread.
22:22 You're dealing with spiritual realities
22:24 in the Book of Revelation.
22:25 Now the question is how long did it not rain
22:29 in the Old Testament during the period of Elijah?
22:32 Notice James 5:17.
22:35 James 5:17, speaking about the experience of Elijah.
22:41 And it says this,
22:42 "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours,
22:47 and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain,
22:52 and it did not rain on the land" for how long?
22:56 "For three years and" what
22:58 "For three years and six months."
23:02 How long is that by the way? Three and a half years.
23:07 So for how long did not
23:09 any literal rain fall in the days of Elijah?
23:13 It was three and a half years.
23:15 Now let me ask you,
23:16 how long did the rain not fall during the period
23:19 of the Middle Ages of the church of the Dark Ages?
23:22 How long did rain not fall?
23:25 You think around the same amount of time?
23:27 Yes.
23:29 But in this period,
23:30 the time is symbolic, it's not literal.
23:34 That which was literal now becomes what?
23:36 Symbolic. Elijah is symbolic.
23:39 Jezebel is symbolic, because she is not alive.
23:42 The false prophets of Baal will find are symbolic.
23:45 Ahab is symbolic.
23:47 Israel represents spiritual Israel.
23:49 In other words, we need to understand the principle
23:51 that that which was literal during the Middle Ages
23:54 and at the end of time has a spiritual meaning,
23:57 a spiritual dimension.
23:59 Now how long did God give Jezebel to repent?
24:02 We already have read this. Let's read it again.
24:04 Revelation 2:21,
24:07 it says, "And I gave her time."
24:11 That word time is the Greek word chronos.
24:17 And we get in English from that word, the word chronology.
24:22 Do you know what chronology is?
24:24 Chronology, we speak of chronological time,
24:27 it's a specific measurable time,
24:29 its not indefinite time.
24:31 So how much time did God give Jezebel to repent?
24:35 He gave her chronological time.
24:36 How long was that time?
24:40 Three ways it is expressed,
24:42 42 months, 1,260 days
24:46 and time times and the dividing of time
24:49 which is three and half times.
24:51 Let's read those verses.
24:52 Go with me to Revelation 11:3.
24:55 Revelation 11:3, it says there,
25:00 "And I will give power to my two witnesses."
25:03 By the way that's the Old and the New Testament.
25:06 "And they will prophesy
25:08 one thousand two hundred and sixty days,
25:14 clothed in sackcloth."
25:16 So was our testimony gonna be open
25:18 and powerful during this period?
25:20 No.
25:21 There were gonna be testifying in mourning.
25:23 There was gonna be a scarcity of the word of God,
25:26 because there was famine.
25:28 And the reason for the famine is because there was no what?
25:31 No rain, spiritually speaking.
25:33 So how long were the two witnesses
25:35 going to proclaim their message in sackcloth?
25:39 One thousand two hundred and sixty days,
25:42 which represent years.
25:45 Notice also Daniel 7:25.
25:48 Daniel 7:25, speaking about
25:51 the same period as the two witnesses,
25:53 the same period as the beast,
25:55 the same period as the little horn.
25:58 Daniel 7:25 says this,
26:02 "He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,
26:05 shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
26:09 and shall intend to change times and law.
26:13 Then the saints shall be given into his hand," for how long?
26:18 "For a time and times and half a time."
26:22 How many times is that? Three and half years.
26:26 How long did the drought last in the days of Elijah?
26:29 Three and half literal years.
26:31 How long did the drought last with the church--
26:34 the fourth church, the church of the Middle Ages?
26:37 It lasted for three and half years,
26:39 but these are symbolic years.
26:42 Three and half, you multiply three and half times 360
26:46 and what do you get?
26:48 1,260.
26:50 You divide 42 months by 30 days each month
26:54 and what do you have?
26:59 What do you have?
27:00 If you take 42 months 30 days each,
27:03 how many years is that?
27:06 Its 1,260 years.
27:09 These three periods are the same period,
27:13 in other words, in which this church rule.
27:15 So in the days of Elijah
27:16 and in the church of the Middle Ages,
27:18 you have the very same time period.
27:21 Now let me ask you in the days of Elijah,
27:24 was there a faithful remnant to God
27:27 that had not bowed the knee to Baal?
27:31 Yes, let's read about it. 1 Kings 19:18.
27:35 1 Kings 19:18.
27:42 It says here, God is speaking to Elijah,
27:45 "Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel,
27:51 all whose knees have not bowed to Baal
27:55 and every mouth that has not kissed him.
27:59 "So was there a faithful remnant in Israel?
28:02 Yes, there was.
28:03 Elijah and seven thousand others.
28:06 Question in this church during the Middle Ages,
28:09 was there a faithful remnant that rebuke the fornication,
28:13 exalted the law of God,
28:16 taught true worship and rebuked false worship?
28:20 Yes, there was.
28:21 Notice Revelation 2:24, 25
28:25 it's speaking here about the church of Thyatira,
28:28 the church of the Middle Ages.
28:29 It says there, "Now to you I say,
28:35 and to the rest in Thyatira,"
28:37 the word rest there is the Greek word
28:39 loipos which means remnant.
28:42 It could be translated remnant.
28:44 "Now to you I say, and to the remnant in Thyatira,
28:49 as many as do not have this doctrine."
28:52 That is the doctrine of Jezebel.
28:54 "Who have not known the depths of Satan,
28:57 as they say, I will put on you no other burden.
29:00 But hold fast what you have till I come."
29:05 So did God have a remnant in the church of Thyatira,
29:08 the church of the Middle Ages?
29:09 Yes, like He had a remnant
29:11 in the church of the Old Testament
29:13 where Elijah and Ahab and Jezebel
29:18 and the false prophets of Baal existed.
29:21 Now in the Old Testament, who was blamed
29:24 for the calamities that were taking place,
29:26 and who was sort everywhere as a result of being blamed?
29:32 Elijah.
29:33 Did that same thing happened with the church
29:35 during the Middle Ages?
29:36 Absolutely.
29:38 Let's read, first of all, from the Old Testament.
29:40 1 Kings Chapter 18
29:43 and we're going to read verse 10.
29:46 1 Kings 18:10,
29:48 and then we'll jump down to verse 17.
29:52 "As the Lord your God lives,
29:54 there is no nation or kingdom
29:56 where my master has not sent"
30:00 this is Obadiah speaking.
30:02 "Where my master has not sent someone to hunt for you,
30:06 and when they said, 'He is not here,'
30:09 he took an oath from the kingdom
30:12 or nation that they could not find you."
30:15 So were they seeking Elijah
30:17 everywhere to take care of him?
30:19 Absolutely.
30:20 Notice 18:17,
30:24 when Elijah finally appears before King Ahab.
30:29 We find these words, "Then it happened,
30:31 when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said to him,
30:35 'Is that you, O troubler of Israel?'"
30:41 So who is blamed for the calamities?
30:43 Elijah was blamed.
30:44 Do they seek him out every where?
30:46 They almost certainly did.
30:47 Let me ask you, did the same thing happen
30:49 with the church of the Middle Ages?
30:52 Go with me to Revelation 12:6.
30:54 Revelation 12:6, and there are several elements in this verse
30:59 but I'm only gonna underline them one by one as we go along.
31:02 It says there, in verse 6 of Revelation 12,
31:06 "Then the woman"
31:07 which is the symbol of the church,
31:09 the faithful church.
31:10 "Fled into the wilderness,
31:12 where she has a place prepared by God,
31:14 that they should feed her there
31:16 one thousand two hundred and sixty days."
31:20 Is that the same time period
31:22 that we noticed for the church of Thyatira
31:24 and that we noticed for the little horn,
31:26 the beast and all these powers that are mentioned
31:29 that describe the church in the Middle Ages?
31:31 Absolutely.
31:32 And so the woman which is the faithful church
31:36 flees into the wilderness and why would she flee?
31:42 Do you think she's going on vacation?
31:43 Absolutely not.
31:45 She flees, because she's being, what?
31:47 Persecuted.
31:48 In fact, we read already from Daniel 7:25,
31:52 where it says, "That the saints
31:54 would be given into his hands,
31:56 he would persecute the saints of the Most High
31:58 and he would be given into his--
32:00 they would be given into his hands for time times
32:03 and the dividing of time."
32:05 Daniel 8 paints a picture also
32:07 of this power persecuting God's people
32:09 and God's people running for the mountains.
32:11 And I could mention for example the Waldenses,
32:15 who were persecuted by this system.
32:18 Now where did Elijah flee to,
32:22 when He was persecuted,
32:23 because he was blamed for what was happening?
32:26 He fled to the Wilderness. Notice 1 Kings 17:3.
32:31 1 Kings 17:3.
32:35 "Get away from here and turn eastward,
32:39 and hide by the Brook Cherith,
32:43 which flows into the Jordan."
32:45 And so Elijah flees into the wilderness.
32:48 Where did the true church flee
32:51 during the period of the Middle Ages,
32:53 during the church of Thyatira
32:54 which is dominated by that woman, Jezebel?
32:58 Revelation 12 and we're gonna read verse 6
33:01 and then we're gonna jump down to verse 14.
33:04 Revelation 12:6 says,
33:06 "Then the woman fled into" where?
33:09 "Into the wilderness,
33:12 where she has a place prepared by God."
33:13 Let me ask you, was there a place
33:14 prepared for Elijah, when he fled?
33:17 Did God have a place already and He say go there,
33:19 because that's where I'm gonna protect you.
33:21 Absolutely.
33:22 "Where she has a place prepared by God,
33:24 that they should feed her there
33:25 one thousand two hundred and sixty days."
33:28 Verse 14, "But the woman was given
33:30 two wings of a great eagle,
33:32 that she might fly
33:33 into the wilderness to her place,
33:35 where she is nourished for a time and times
33:39 and half a time,
33:40 from the presence of the serpent."
33:43 So did the true church during this period
33:45 flee into the wilderness, into the desolate places,
33:49 just like Elijah did?
33:50 Absolutely.
33:51 Now let me ask you, in the Old Testament
33:53 who sustained and fed Elijah and gave him his water?
33:59 God did miraculously.
34:02 How about during the Middle Ages
34:03 is that what happened when Jezebel was working
34:05 in the fourth church Thyatira,
34:07 the beast, the little horn,
34:09 the harlot, if you please?
34:11 Absolutely.
34:12 Notice what we find in 1 Kings 17:4-6,
34:15 speaking first of all about Elijah.
34:17 1 Kings 17:4, it says,
34:20 "And it will be that you shall drink from the brook."
34:23 This is what God has a place prepared for Elijah.
34:26 "And I have commanded the ravens to feed you there."
34:30 And then it says, following
34:33 "The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning,
34:38 and bread and meat in the evening,
34:41 and he drank from the brook."
34:43 Was he sustained miraculously by God?
34:46 Was he fed there by God? He most certainly was.
34:48 How about the church during the Middle Ages?
34:51 Was it fed and sustained by God?
34:53 Notice Revelation 12:6, 14 once again.
34:56 Revelation 12:6, it says,
34:59 "Then the woman fled into the wilderness,
35:01 where she has a place prepared for God,
35:03 that they should" what?
35:06 "Feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days."
35:12 Same time period that Elijah was feed.
35:14 Now let's jump down to verse 14,
35:17 "But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle,
35:19 that she might fly into the wilderness to her place,
35:23 where she is," what?
35:25 "Nourished for a time and times and half a time,
35:30 from the presence of the serpent."
35:32 Question, in the days of Elijah,
35:35 was there an adulterous relationship
35:37 between the king and Jezebel?
35:40 Yes, there was.
35:41 During the Middle Ages,
35:42 was there an adulterous spiritual relationship
35:45 between the church and the state?
35:47 Yes.
35:48 You see the fornication is not literal
35:50 during the Middle Ages.
35:51 The fornication is what? Spiritual.
35:54 In fact, let's go to Revelation Chapter 17.
35:56 Revelation Chapter 17 and I want to read verse 2.
36:00 Revelation 17:2,
36:02 it's speaking about this great harlot,
36:04 who is sitting on many waters
36:06 and we're gonna study this
36:07 in our last lecture in this series.
36:09 It speaks about this harlot and then we'll find in verse 2,
36:12 "With whom the kings of the earth committed," what?"
36:17 Fornication," there it is.
36:19 "And the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk
36:23 with the wine of her fornication."
36:26 So in the Old Testament,
36:29 there was this adulterous relationship
36:31 between Elijah and--
36:33 between Jezebel, excuse me, and Ahab.
36:36 And during the period of the Middle Ages,
36:37 there is this spiritual adultery relationship
36:42 between the church,
36:44 represented by Jezebel and the state,
36:47 which the church used to accomplish its purposes.
36:50 By the way, did Jezebel use Ahab
36:54 to accomplish her purposes
36:55 to try and kill God's people during the Old Testament period?
36:59 Is that the same thing that happened
37:00 during the Middle Ages,
37:01 the church appeal to the state in order to kill God's people?
37:05 Absolutely.
37:06 Let's read from the Old Testament
37:07 about this adulterous relationship.
37:09 1 Kings 16:30, and we'll read through verse 32.
37:15 "Now Ahab the son of Omri
37:17 did evil in the sight of the Lord,
37:19 more than all who were before him.
37:21 And it came to pass,
37:23 as though it had been a trivial thing
37:25 for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,
37:28 that he took as wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal,
37:33 king of the Sidonians,
37:35 and he went and served Baal and worshiped him."
37:38 Notice, God's Israelite king
37:41 join this harlot woman in marriage.
37:44 That's what the Bible calls fornication.
37:48 Is this true also of the church of Middle Ages?
37:50 Notice Revelation 2:20, 21.
37:54 Revelation 2:20, 21,
37:57 we read it before, but let's read it again.
38:00 "Nevertheless I have a few things against you,
38:04 because you allow that woman Jezebel."
38:06 See this makes the connection
38:08 between the church of the Middle Ages
38:10 and the Old Testament story.
38:12 It tells you that there is a connection
38:13 between these two stories.
38:16 "Nevertheless I have a few things against you,
38:18 because you allow that woman Jezebel,
38:20 who calls herself a prophetess,
38:23 to teach and seduce My servants to commit," what?
38:27 "Sexual immorality or fornication
38:30 and eat things sacrificed to idols.
38:34 And I gave her time to repent
38:36 of her fornication and she did not repent."
38:39 And of course, the text that we read in Revelation 17:2
38:43 says that the fornication that she had
38:45 was with the kings of the earth according to scripture.
38:51 Now, how long did the church remain in exile?
38:54 It remained in exile for time times
38:58 and the dividing of time.
39:00 How long did Elijah remain in exile?
39:04 Elijah remained in exile
39:06 like we read in James 5:17 for how long?
39:10 For three years and six months.
39:12 In other words three and half years.
39:15 In both cases in the Old Testament,
39:17 Elijah is an exile for three and half years.
39:20 In the period of the fourth church,
39:22 the Middle Ages church,
39:24 the church was in exile also
39:26 for three and half spiritual or symbolic times.
39:30 And by the way, this period begins
39:32 in the year 538 and it ends in 1798,
39:37 when the pope was taken prisoner
39:40 and he was taken to France
39:41 where he died in 1799, at that movement,
39:44 the church and the state were separated,
39:48 the state hated the church so to speak.
39:52 Now let me ask you, did Jezebel
39:54 in the Old Testament,
39:55 massacre God's prophets and God's Saints?
40:00 Yes. Notice 1 Kings 18:4.
40:04 1 Kings 18:4, it says, "For so it was,
40:10 while Jezebel massacred the prophets of the Lord,
40:13 that Obadiah had taken one hundred prophets
40:16 and hidden them, fifty to a cave,
40:18 and had fed them with bread and water."
40:21 Notice that Jezebel massacred the saints
40:24 or massacred the prophets.
40:26 Did she give a death decree against Elijah?
40:28 Yes. Notice chapter 19:1, 2.
40:32 Chapter 19:1, 2, "And Ahab told Jezebel
40:36 all that Elijah had done," This is after Mount Carmel.
40:40 "Also how he had executed all the prophets with the sword.
40:44 Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying,
40:49 'So let the gods do to me, and more also,
40:53 if I do not make your life as the life of one of them
40:57 by tomorrow about this time.'"
41:00 And when he saw that he arose and ran for his life
41:04 and went to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah
41:07 and left his servant there.
41:09 She proclaimed the death decree against Elijah
41:11 and Elijah had to flee for his life.
41:16 Is that true also of God's church
41:18 during the Middle Ages?
41:19 It most certainly is.
41:21 The Bible says that this system
41:23 persecuted the saints of the Most High.
41:26 They trampled the saints of the Most High.
41:29 And so you find the same experience
41:31 of this Jezebel system
41:33 as what happened in the Old Testament.
41:36 Now we have spoken about Ahab and Jezebel,
41:39 but there was a third group
41:40 that helped Jezebel in her endeavor.
41:44 And what was that third group? The false prophets of Baal.
41:49 Jezebel used the false prophets
41:51 to extend her religion and she used the king,
41:55 in order to influence him to persecute those
41:58 who are apposed to her agenda.
42:01 Now in the Book of Revelation,
42:03 do you find a third power
42:06 besides the kings of the earth and the harlot?
42:09 You most certainly do.
42:10 Let's read, first of all, the story in the Old Testament
42:13 about the false prophets
42:14 and who actually fed the false prophets.
42:17 1 Kings 18:19.
42:21 1 Kings 18:19, here Elijah says to Ahab,
42:28 "Now therefore, send and gather
42:31 all Israel to me on Mount Carmel,
42:34 the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal,
42:37 and the four hundred prophets of Asherah,"
42:40 and now notice this telling last phrase,
42:43 "Who eat at Jezebel's table."
42:47 Who's agenda that the false prophets implement?
42:49 The agenda of Jezebel. They did what she said.
42:53 She fed them.
42:55 By the way, you don't bit the hand that feeds you.
42:58 You know the expression.
43:00 And so she not only uses the civil power of the king,
43:02 but she had also false prophets that aided her
43:07 that did exactly what she told them to do.
43:10 Question, in the Book of Revelation,
43:13 do we have another power
43:16 that helps this beast recover the power which it lost?
43:21 Absolutely. Notice Revelation 16:13.
43:26 Revelation 16:13, I want you to notice
43:30 that there is a three fold alliance here.
43:32 How many enemies did Elijah have in the Old Testament?
43:35 He had three, the king, the harlot queen
43:39 and the false prophets.
43:41 In Revelation, how many enemies
43:44 does God's Elijah have?
43:46 Three.
43:47 Notice Revelation 16:13,
43:50 "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs
43:53 coming out of the mouth of the dragon."
43:56 We'll study more about this in our next lecture.
43:59 "Out of the mouth of the beast,"
44:01 which is this harlot power,
44:03 the dragon represents the kings of the earth,
44:06 the beast represents the harlot.
44:08 "And out of the mouth of," whom?
44:11 "Of the false prophet."
44:13 How many powers apposed against God's people?
44:16 Three, the dragon, the beast and the false prophet.
44:21 By the way, do you know that this is picked up
44:23 in Revelation 17 and it uses different symbols,
44:27 because it's speaking about the end time?
44:30 Notice Revelation 17:5, it speaks about a great harlot.
44:38 The great harlot is sitting on many waters.
44:40 The waters represent multitudes, nations,
44:43 tongues and people.
44:47 And it says that she's fornicating with whom?
44:50 With the kings of the earth.
44:51 So you have Jezebel, you have the kings
44:55 that she fornicates with, and you have the nations,
44:58 tongues and peoples that she sits on,
45:00 she controls, she dominates.
45:02 But I want you to notice Revelation 17:5,
45:05 something very interesting.
45:06 It says, "And on her forehead a name was written:
45:10 Mystery, Babylon the great."
45:12 And then what does it say, the what?
45:15 "The mother of harlots
45:17 and of the abominations of the earth."
45:22 So what is she called? The mother.
45:25 Now let me ask you this, how many of you
45:27 have ever met a mother that has no children?
45:33 Now I know woman who have no children.
45:37 But I haven't had the privilege of meeting
45:40 a mother who never had children,
45:43 because mother means that she had, what?
45:45 Children.
45:46 So the question is, does this beast system,
45:50 does this Jezebel of the Middle Ages,
45:53 does this middle horn power,
45:55 they're all pointed to the same time period.
45:58 Does Jezebel who ruled for time
46:02 that God gave her to repent, does this system have children?
46:07 It certainly does have children.
46:09 Now let me ask you, do the children arise
46:12 at the same time that the mother does
46:15 or are they born later?
46:22 That's a dumb question,
46:24 because the mother has to exist first.
46:28 She has to get to the age where she can be a mother
46:32 and then she has children.
46:34 So let me ask you this Jezebel system
46:36 that ruled during this period towards the end of her period,
46:40 would you expect her to have children?
46:45 A false prophet so to speak.
46:48 You see, here the Book of Revelation
46:50 picks up on both stories,
46:51 the Old Testament Elijah and the New Testament Elijah.
46:54 Do you remember the Old Testament Elijah,
46:56 you have Ahab the king,
46:58 Jezebel the harlot and the false prophets.
47:02 In the New Testament Elijah, you have Herod the king,
47:07 Herodias the harlot and her, what?
47:10 Her daughter. Are you catching this?
47:13 Who is an image and likeness of her mother.
47:16 In Revelation 12:13, you have the dragon,
47:19 which is the kings of the earth.
47:21 You have the beast, which is the same as the harlot
47:24 and you have a false prophet,
47:26 which is the same as the daughters of the harlot.
47:33 Notice Revelation 2:23,
47:37 did we read that this system was gonna have children?
47:41 Absolutely.
47:42 The fourth church,
47:43 remember this is the church of Jezebel,
47:45 the church of the Middle Ages.
47:47 It says there in Revelation 2:23
47:49 "I will kill her," what?
47:53 "Her children with death."
47:56 If she is the mother of harlot, does she have children?
47:58 Yes.
47:59 Are her children going to reflect her character
48:02 like Salome reflected the character of Herodias?
48:06 Yes.
48:07 Like the false prophets ate at Jezebels table
48:10 and reflected the desires of Jezebel.
48:12 Absolutely.
48:15 And so we find in the Middle Ages Elijah.
48:22 It's not Elijah in person.
48:25 The rain is not literal rain.
48:28 Jezebel is not literal Jezebel.
48:31 The false prophets are not literal false prophets.
48:35 There's not one literal king, it's the kings of the earth.
48:40 No longer, are you dealing with literal Israel.
48:43 You're dealing with what?
48:44 You're dealing with spiritual Israel.
48:47 In other words, what happens
48:50 during the period of the Middle Ages
48:52 is a repetition of the story of Elijah,
48:55 but on a broader scale.
48:57 And by the way the scale is basically in Europe.
49:04 Not the rest of the world, in Europe.
49:05 You know, it begins small,
49:07 begins in the land of Israel literally,
49:10 Old Testament, New Testament Elijah
49:12 then it broaden to where?
49:15 To Europe.
49:16 In our final lecture we're gonna notice that in Revelation,
49:19 it broadens to include the whole world.
49:22 Jezebel will be a worldwide system.
49:25 Ahab will represent the kings of the earth in the whole world.
49:29 The false prophet will have worldwide clout.
49:33 And it will no longer be literal Baal, the sun-god,
49:36 but it will-- be in apostasy
49:37 having something to do with the sun.
49:40 Not the literal sun, but a spiritual
49:43 understanding of the sun.
49:45 Now let me ask you, did this story
49:50 of the Middle Ages actually exhaust the meaning of Elijah?
49:55 Was everything fulfilled,
49:57 concerning the Elijah of the Old Testament
49:59 and the Elijah of the New Testament?
50:00 No.
50:03 The conclusion to this story has not been written yet.
50:07 Was Jezebel slain at the end of this period?
50:10 At the end of the 1,260 years, was she slain?
50:13 She'll never exist again?
50:16 No, she was given a deadly wound, right?
50:19 How about the false prophet?
50:20 Was a false prophet slain at the end of a period?
50:23 No.
50:25 Did the great and terrible day of the Lord come?
50:28 No.
50:30 Was a church translated from among the living?
50:32 No.
50:35 So the question is, are we to expect
50:36 the final Elijah to consummate
50:40 and fully fulfill the story of the Elijah of the Old Testament
50:44 and the Elijah of the New Testament?
50:45 Absolutely.
50:47 Let's go the Book of Malachi 4:1-3.
50:51 We've already read that in the last days
50:53 God is gonna send Elijah
50:55 before the great and terrible day of the Lord, right?
50:58 Now what is the great and terrible day of the Lord
51:01 before which God is gonna send Elijah the prophet?
51:05 It says there in Malachi 4:1
51:08 "'For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven,
51:11 and all the proud, yes,
51:12 all who do wickedly will be stubble.
51:15 And the day which is coming shall burn them up,'
51:18 says the Lord of hosts, 'That will leave them
51:21 neither root nor branch.
51:24 But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness
51:26 shall arise with healing in His wings,
51:28 and you shall go out and grow fat
51:31 like stall-fed calves.
51:33 You shall trample the wicked,
51:35 for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet
51:38 on the day that I do this, says the Lord of hosts.'"
51:43 So question, in 1798,
51:46 was this aspect of the Elijah's prophecy fulfilled?
51:50 No.
51:52 The great and terrible day of the Lord, didn't come.
51:55 The church was not translated.
51:58 Jezebel's final end didn't come.
52:01 Her daughters did not come to their final end,
52:06 which means that we are to expect
52:08 a final Elijah to fully fulfill the story of Elijah
52:14 as it is written in the scripture.
52:17 Now allow me to explain something
52:19 that's very important, a very important principle.
52:23 The harlot Jezebel has two stages of existence,
52:27 according to scripture.
52:29 The beast at the end of her first period of dominion
52:32 after the three and half years receives a, what?
52:37 Deadly wound.
52:39 And for a while, she is out of commission.
52:42 Did we find that in the story of Thyatira?
52:45 God says, "After I gave her time to repent,
52:47 I'm gonna through her in her," what?
52:49 "Sickbed."
52:52 Is that the end of her?
52:53 That's not the end of her, because we're
52:55 told in Revelation 13 that her deadly wound,
53:01 where she was thrown into the sickbed
53:02 is going to be, what?
53:04 Is going to be healed.
53:06 And all the world will wonder and worship the beast.
53:11 So is Jezebel going to have another phase of existence?
53:15 She most certainly is.
53:16 Now if Jezebel is gonna have another phase of existence,
53:19 must Elijah also or does Jezebel appear by herself?
53:24 No.
53:25 Must Ahab also? Yes.
53:28 Must the false prophets or the daughter
53:30 appear again also?
53:32 Yes.
53:34 You see, this last Elijah has two stages of existence,
53:37 they're not two separate Elijahs,
53:39 they are one Elijah, separated by the period
53:42 of a deadly wound.
53:44 The first stage is what we studied now,
53:47 the church of the Middle Ages where Jezebel,
53:50 spiritual Jezebel dominated for three and half
53:53 spiritual years.
53:54 There was spiritual famine, no spiritual rain.
54:00 But very, very soon the rest of the story
54:04 is gonna be written, because Jezebel
54:05 is gonna resurrect from her sickbed.
54:07 And so Elijah will come once again.
54:10 The false prophets and the daughters of the harlot
54:12 will once again enter into the arena
54:15 and also the kings of the world will once again
54:18 ally themselves with the harlot
54:21 according to the Book of Revelation.
54:23 By the way, this is the reason why in Revelation 6:9-11,
54:27 we don't have time to go there.
54:29 But in Revelation 6:9-11,
54:32 you have two groups of martyrs.
54:35 There's one group of martyrs
54:36 that were killed under the fourth horse
54:38 that's parallel to the fourth church.
54:41 And after they're killed they're crying out Lord,
54:43 until when will You not avenge our death?
54:48 And those who shed our blood on the earth until when?
54:51 And God says, "Rest a little while.
54:54 Here you have your white robes.
54:56 In other words, you are secure, rest a little while,
54:58 until the rest of the martyrs
55:00 who are gonna be killed as you were, is completed."
55:03 So how many periods of martyrs are you going to have?
55:07 You are gonna to have two periods of martyrs.
55:09 Those, during the 1,260 years
55:11 and those who will be killed at the very end of time,
55:17 slightly before the close of probation.
55:22 You notice Revelation 2:22, where God said,
55:26 "I'll throw or I'll cast her into a sickbed"
55:30 that's the deadly wound in the series of the churches.
55:34 "And those who commit adultery with her"
55:37 or fornication with her, those are the kings of the earth,
55:40 "with her into great tribulation."
55:43 What would that great tribulation be
55:45 in the light of what we've studied?
55:46 What happened when Jezebel,
55:48 when that spiritual Jezebel received a deadly wound?
55:51 That happened at the time of the French revolution, right?
55:55 Was France thrown into tremendous
55:57 tribulation and convolution?
55:59 You can read in the Revelation verse--
56:00 Chapter 11, it says there was a great earthquake.
56:05 Ellen White says, that France was shaken
56:09 as by a mighty earthquake.
56:12 The state and the church were separated
56:14 and there was tremendous tribulation in Paris,
56:18 particularly in France.
56:21 And that's what this is talking about.
56:23 In deed, I'll cast her into a sickbed,
56:25 that's the deadly wound and those who commit
56:27 adultery with her, that's the kings
56:29 into great tribulation unless they repent of their deeds.
56:37 Do you know that after this period of
56:38 1,260 years the Bible says
56:40 that God is gonna raise up His end time Elijah?
56:43 Revelation 12:17 says that there will be a group
56:45 who keep the commandments of God.
56:48 There are group, who have the testimony of Jesus Christ,
56:51 which is the spirit of prophecy,
56:52 the gift that Elijah had.
56:54 They will proclaim the first angels message,
56:56 "Fear God and give glory to Him
56:58 for the hour of His judgment has come.
56:59 Worship the Creator."
57:02 There will be a group that will keep
57:03 the Commandments of God which is found
57:06 at the conclusion of the third angel's message.
57:09 They will denounce Babylon and they will call
57:11 God's people to come out form the apostasy.
57:15 And like on Mount Carmel,
57:16 you have that glorious flash of light
57:18 that persuaded Israel that God that Jehovah was the true God.
57:23 You will have that mighty column of fire fall
57:25 from heaven in Revelation Chapter 18,
57:27 filling the earth with His glory.


Revised 2014-12-17