Three Elijahs, The

The Historical Elijah

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: TTE

Program Code: TTE000001

00:35 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
00:38 Father in heaven, we thank You so much
00:39 for the opportunity of being here today to study Your word.
00:43 And as we study about the three Elijah's of scripture,
00:47 we ask for the guidance of Your Holy Spirit.
00:50 Give us clarity of thought and give us tender hearts
00:53 to receive the word which You will plant.
00:56 We pray this in the precious name
00:58 of your beloved Son Jesus, amen.
01:03 In this series, we are going to speak
01:05 about the biblical concept of Elijah.
01:09 And basically we are gonna see
01:11 that the Bible presents three distinct Elijah's.
01:16 The first is what we might call the "Historical Elijah."
01:20 This is the Elijah that lived in the Old Testament period.
01:25 The Second Elijah,
01:26 I have chosen to call the prophetic Elijah
01:29 or we could also call him the New Testament Elijah.
01:34 The final Elijah that we are going to talk
01:36 about is the Apoplectic Elijah.
01:39 In other words, the Elijah
01:41 that we find in the Book of Revelation.
01:45 Now, we are gonna find in these three Elijah's
01:48 very many common elements.
01:51 So, its very, very important that we pay attention
01:54 to what we are gonna study in this first presentation
01:58 because the details will resurface again
02:01 when we discuss the New Testament Elijah
02:04 and when we discuss the final end time Elijah.
02:08 So, it's very important that we understand
02:10 the sequence of events
02:11 in the original historical Elijah story.
02:16 In this story, we are gonna notice
02:18 that there was first of all a king
02:19 or a political ruler in every single case.
02:23 We are gonna notice also
02:24 that there is a harlot woman involved in the story.
02:28 We will notice as well that the harlot woman has instruments
02:32 that she uses to extend her apostate religion.
02:35 In the case of the historical Elijah
02:37 they were the false prophets of Baal.
02:40 Involved also are God's people.
02:43 In fact, God's people are deceived
02:45 by this threefold alliance of the king,
02:48 the harlot and the false prophets of Baal.
02:52 And then finally of course we have Elijah,
02:56 who rebukes this threefold alliance
02:59 and calls God's people to come back to the straight
03:04 and narrow way.
03:06 Now, the religion of Jezebel
03:09 and the religion of Ahab the king
03:12 and the religion of false prophets
03:14 is know as the religion of Baal.
03:18 And Baal was the sun god.
03:21 Now what we want to do is begin first of all
03:23 with the three enemies of Elijah
03:25 in our study in the Old Testament story.
03:28 So, turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Kings
03:31 16:30, 31,
03:35 1 Kings 16:30, 31.
03:40 Here we find a description of the alliance
03:42 between the king, the political ruler
03:45 and this harlot woman who is known as Jezebel.
03:50 It says there, "Now Ahab the son of Omri
03:54 did evil in the sight of the Lord,
03:57 more than all who were before him.
04:00 And it came to pass,
04:02 as though it had been a trivial thing for him
04:04 to walk in the sins of Jeroboam
04:07 the son of Nebat that he took as wife Jezebel
04:11 the daughter of Ethbaal,
04:13 king of the Sidonians and he went and served Baal
04:17 and worshiped him."
04:19 So we find here an alliance between King Ahab
04:23 and the harlot woman Jezebel
04:25 and the intention is to lead Israel
04:28 into practicing the false worship of Baal
04:32 who we are going to notice is the sun god.
04:35 Now in this story we need to recognize
04:38 that the dangerous figure is not the political leader
04:41 the dangerous figure is not the king,
04:44 the dangerous figure in this whole story
04:47 is actually the queen Jezebel.
04:51 She is the one who manipulates things,
04:53 she is the shadow ruler behind the political ruler.
04:58 We notice this for example in 1 Kings 21:8-10
05:04 and this is referring to the death of Naboth.
05:07 You see, the Bible tells us
05:11 that Ahab wanted Naboth's vineyard
05:13 and he couldn't find out anyway of getting the vineyard
05:16 and so Jezebel said, I'll take care of it.
05:19 And let's notice how she took care of it.
05:22 It says there in verse 8,
05:24 "And she wrote letters in Ahab's name,"
05:27 notice that she wrote the letters in the King's name.
05:30 "Sealed them with his seal,
05:33 and sent the letters to the elders and the nobles
05:36 who were dwelling in the city with Naboth.
05:39 She wrote in the letters, saying, proclaim a fast,
05:43 and seat Naboth with high honor among the people.
05:47 And seat two men,
05:48 scoundrels, before him to bear witness against him, saying,
05:52 'You have blasphemed God and the king.'
05:55 Then take him out, and stone him,
05:57 that he may die."
05:59 Notice that this was not a decree of the King.
06:02 This was actually Jezebel
06:05 who was writing this decree
06:07 she was sealing the decree with the ring of the king
06:11 for the death of Naboth.
06:12 In other words, she is exercising
06:14 authority over the king.
06:18 She was actually the shadow ruler in Israel
06:21 and she had enormous influence.
06:24 And as we study the story of Elijah
06:27 we notice that Ahab the king had a very weak character
06:33 and he was easily manipulated
06:35 by the strong willed queen Jezebel.
06:39 In fact, we notice this in 1 Kings 21:25,
06:43 the evil influence that the queen had over the king.
06:47 It says there in 1 Kings 21:25
06:51 "But there was no one like Ahab
06:54 who sold himself to do wickedness
06:58 in the sight of the Lord"
06:59 and now notice why he did wickedness
07:01 "because Jezebel his wife stirred him up."
07:05 In other words, she is the one
07:07 who is manipulating things,
07:08 she is influencing the king
07:10 so that the king will do her bidding.
07:13 In the book Prophets and Kings,
07:15 page 115 we find a very interesting disruption
07:20 of the character of Ahab.
07:22 It says there, "Ahab was weak in moral power.
07:27 His union by marriage with an idolatrous woman
07:32 of decided character and positive temperament
07:36 resulted disastrously both to himself and to the nation.
07:41 Unprincipled, and with no high standard of right doing,
07:46 his character was easily molded
07:51 by the determined spirit of Jezebel."
07:55 So you catch this interesting picture,
07:57 a weak king who is easily manipulated
08:01 a determined queen a Apostate harlot
08:05 according to the scripture strong willed
08:07 who uses the king to accomplish her purpose.
08:12 Now, what was the religion
08:13 that Jezebel wanted to impose
08:16 through the influence of the king?
08:18 It was actually a syncretistic religion.
08:21 In other words, it was it an amalgamation
08:24 between the worship of the Lord
08:26 and the worship of Baal.
08:28 It was not purely Baal worship
08:31 it was actually a mixture of Jehovah worship
08:35 and Baal worship.
08:37 In fact we notice this in 1 Kings 18:21
08:44 when Elijah is there on Mount Carmel
08:46 we find these words,
08:48 "And Elijah came to all the people,
08:50 and said, 'How long will you falter between two opinions?'"
08:56 Notice, the people were not determined
08:58 on one side or the other side,
09:00 they actually wanted one foot on one side
09:02 and one foot on the other.
09:04 So Elijah says, "'How long will you falter
09:07 between two opinions?'"
09:09 I like the way the way King James puts it,
09:10 "How long will you limp between two opinions?"
09:13 "'If the Lord is God, follow Him
09:16 but if Baal, follow him.'
09:19 But the people answered him not a word."
09:22 In other words, we find this story a syncretistic religion
09:27 where God's people were claiming to serve the Lord
09:30 and at the same time they were serving the sun god Baal.
09:35 Now in Hosea 2:8
09:38 we find the description of the religion of Baal.
09:42 He was actually considered to be the energizer of creation
09:45 as the sun energizes creation.
09:48 Notice what it says in Hosea 2:8
09:53 "Nor she did not know" this is speaking about Israel,
09:57 "that I gave her grain, new wine, and oil,
10:03 and multiplied her silver and gold
10:07 which they prepared for Baal."
10:10 Notice that Hosea here is telling us very clearly
10:14 that Israel attributed the grain,
10:16 the new wine and the oil to Baal
10:19 because Baal was supposing
10:21 the sun god who energizes creation.
10:24 So, what Jezebel was imposing
10:26 threw her influence upon the king
10:28 was actually the religion of the sun god.
10:32 This corroborated in the book Testimonies for the Church,
10:36 volume 3, page 282 where we find these words.
10:41 Speaking about Israel when they were on Mount Carmel
10:46 and the false prophets were trying to get Baal
10:48 to rain fire from heaven
10:51 "Their pleadings are mingled with cursing to their sun-god
10:58 that he does not send fire for their altars."
11:02 So notice that Baal was the sun God.
11:06 Now let's continue studying about Jezebel.
11:09 We have noticed Ahab,
11:10 we talked a little bit about Jezebel,
11:12 we've talked about the religion of Baal,
11:14 the religion of the sun God,
11:16 now let's notice
11:17 a few more details about this woman Jezebel
11:20 who was the dangerous figure in the story.
11:23 In 1 Kings 18:4 we find that Jezebel was a murderer
11:28 of God's prophets, of God's servants.
11:31 It says there in verse 4,
11:33 "For so it was,
11:34 while Jezebel massacred the prophets of the Lord,"
11:39 notice she massacred the prophets of the Lord
11:41 "that Obadiah had taken one hundred prophets
11:44 and hidden them, fifty to a cave,
11:46 and had fed them with bread and water."
11:50 So Jezebel was a murderous woman.
11:53 She killed the servants of the Lord,
11:55 she killed the prophets of the Lord.
11:57 After the Mount Carmel experience,
11:59 she even gave a death decree against the prophet Elijah
12:03 and she said this very day you are gonna die.
12:05 Notice what we find in 1 Kings 19:1, 2.
12:11 It says, "And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done,
12:16 also how he had executed
12:18 all the prophets with the sword."
12:20 Because at this point the prophets of Baal
12:22 had been executed.
12:24 Notice the message that Jezebel sends in verse 2,
12:27 "Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying,
12:32 'So let the gods do to me, and more also,
12:36 if I do not make your life
12:40 as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.'"
12:44 In other words, Jezebel gave a death decree against Elijah
12:49 but interestingly enough we will notice in this story
12:52 that God shielded the life of Elijah
12:55 and he protected him from this death decree
12:58 and eventually Elijah was translated to heaven
13:02 from among the living.
13:04 Now, notice also, three other characteristics
13:08 of this harlot woman who influenced the king
13:11 who united with the secular power
13:13 or with the civil power.
13:16 2 Kings 9:22 tells us
13:19 three important things about Jezebel.
13:22 It says there, "Now it happened,
13:25 when Joram saw Jehu, that he said,
13:30 'Is it peace, Jehu?'
13:32 So he answered, 'What peace'"
13:36 now notice this, "As long as the harlotries"
13:40 see she is called a harlot,
13:42 "As long as the harlotries of your mother"
13:46 she is called mother "mother Jezebel"
13:49 and notice "and her witchcraft are so many?"
13:54 She is called mother,
13:56 she is involved in witchcraft in the occult
13:59 and besides that we are told
14:01 that she was involved in her harlotry.
14:05 Those are three very important terms
14:06 that we need to remember
14:08 as we will study the last two Elijah's.
14:12 Now, notice also 1 Kings 18:19.
14:16 Now, we will go to another group
14:18 that Jezebel used to accomplish her purposes.
14:21 Notice that she joined the king,
14:23 she joined the civil power to accomplish her purposes
14:26 but to extend her religion
14:28 she had another group of individuals
14:30 whom she used to extend
14:32 the region of the sun god Baal.
14:35 Those are known as the false prophets of Baal.
14:39 Notice 1 Kings 18:19 it says,
14:43 "Now therefore, send and gather
14:46 all Israel to me on Mount Carmel,
14:49 the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal,
14:52 and the four hundred prophets of Asherah"
14:55 and now comes a very important phrase
14:58 "who eat at Jezebel's table."
15:02 Who fed these false prophets?
15:04 It was Jezebel.
15:06 So whose instruments were the false prophets?
15:09 They accomplish the will of Jezebel.
15:13 They extended the religion of Baal
15:15 through out the whole kingdom.
15:17 And so we find in the story of Elijah
15:19 a triple alliance or a threefold wicked alliance
15:23 composed of a civil ruler the king,
15:26 a harlot woman, Jezebel, and the false prophets
15:31 who are the instruments to extend
15:33 the apostate religion of Baal and of Jezebel.
15:38 Now, it's interesting to notice that this threefold alliance
15:42 actually had Israel God's people deceived.
15:46 Notice, 1 Kings 21:22 how this triple alliance
15:51 had Israel deceived with this apostate religion.
15:56 It says there, "I'll make your house
16:01 like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,
16:04 and like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah,
16:09 because of the provocation" now notice this
16:12 "with which you have provoked Me to anger"
16:15 and then the last phrase "and made Israel to sin."
16:21 Did you notice here that the king and Jezebel
16:23 and the false prophets actually lead Israel,
16:27 God's people to sin.
16:30 Actually, when Jezebel and the king,
16:32 and the false prophets were seeking Elijah they--
16:37 they sort Elijah through the influence upon the people.
16:42 Notice 1 King 19:10, 1 King 19:10.
16:48 "So He said," this is Elijah speaking,
16:52 "'I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts'"
16:56 now notice this,
16:57 "'For the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant,
17:02 torn down your altars,
17:05 and killed your prophets with the sword.
17:08 I alone am left and they seek to take my life.'"
17:13 Did you notice who was trying to take Elijah's life,
17:16 who actually was persecuting the prophets of the Lord?
17:19 Yes, it was the king, yes, it was Jezebel,
17:22 yes, it was the false prophets
17:24 but very clearly here it says
17:26 that it was the children of Israel
17:28 who forsake the covenant and actually did this work.
17:33 So, you have this threefold alliance
17:34 the king, the harlot woman and the false prophets of Baal,
17:39 the instruments of this harlot
17:41 and their acting upon the congregation
17:43 for the congregation to persecute Elijah
17:47 through their influence or through out the kingdom.
17:52 Now, we have another person
17:53 that we need to talk about in this story,
17:55 and that is the prophet Elijah, of course.
17:59 You know, we've talked about the bad company,
18:02 we've talked about the king, we've talked about the harlot
18:05 and we've talked about the false prophets.
18:07 Now, we need to talk about Elijah the prophet,
18:10 whom God raised to unmask this mass deception
18:15 that was taking place among the Israelites.
18:18 It's very important to realize
18:20 that Elijah is sent to God's people.
18:23 He has not sent to the un-churched so to speak.
18:27 He is not sent to the pagans.
18:29 The message of Elijah is given
18:32 to those who profess to serve the true God.
18:36 In other words, He is not dealing
18:38 with secular minded people who profess not religion
18:41 His message is primarily
18:43 for people who have religion,
18:45 for people who claim to serve the true God.
18:49 And we are gonna notice that Elijah
18:51 did not actually bring any new religion into Israel.
18:55 No new doctrines, no new teachings,
18:57 the purpose of Elijah is to bring Israel
19:01 God's chosen people back to the truth,
19:04 back to the foundations,
19:06 back to the worship of the true God.
19:08 In fact, let's notice
19:10 several texts that show that the purpose of Elijah
19:13 is to bring the churched
19:15 so to speak or to bring those who claim to be God's people
19:19 back to the straight and narrow.
19:21 Malachi 4:5, 6, "Behold,
19:27 I will send you Elijah the prophet
19:31 before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord."
19:35 And now notice, "He will turn
19:38 the hearts of the fathers to the children,
19:41 and the hearts of the children to their fathers,
19:44 lest I come and strike the earth with a curse."
19:48 What's been said in these verses
19:50 is that there is gonna be a reconciliation
19:53 between that generation
19:54 and the generation of the fathers.
19:56 The generation of the father's
19:58 we are going to notice are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
20:01 the religion of the founders of Israel so to speak.
20:05 In other words, there is going to be reconciliation
20:07 between the Israel of Elijah's day and the Israel
20:11 when it was founded by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
20:16 I want you to notice also
20:17 what we find in 1 Kings 18:37
20:21 on the mission of Elijah.
20:23 We are gonna notice that
20:25 he was not actually an innovator,
20:27 he was not actually bringing new truths
20:30 or new doctrines, he wanted to restore
20:33 that which had been forgotten by Israel.
20:36 It says, there "Hear me, O Lord,"
20:40 here he is praying on Mount Carmel
20:41 for fire to fall from heaven.
20:43 "Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know
20:49 that you are the Lord God" and now notice this,
20:53 "and that You have" what?
20:56 "Turned their hearts back to You again."
21:01 Did you notice that the role of Elijah
21:03 is not to establish new religion,
21:06 it is not to innovate,
21:08 the role of Elijah is to bring the people back
21:11 to what they have done astray, from back to true worship,
21:15 back to the commandments of God.
21:17 Luke 1:16 has the same idea.
21:20 Every time Elijah appears he is trying
21:23 to bring God's people away from apostasy back to the truth,
21:27 back to true worship, back to the commandments of God.
21:30 It says there in Luke 1:16 "And he will turn many"
21:37 now notice this "many of the children
21:39 of Israel to the Lord their God."
21:42 Now wait a minute I though that Israel
21:43 did belong to the Lord their God.
21:46 It must be that they were in apostasy.
21:48 Is Elijah is sent to an apostate Israel?
21:52 He is not sent to the Philistines
21:53 or to the Babylonians or the Egyptians.
21:56 He is sent to those who profess to be God's people
21:59 and they are practicing false worship,
22:00 they are trampling of the commandments of God
22:02 and they are worshipping the sun god Baal.
22:05 And so it says, "He will turn many of the children of Israel
22:11 back to the Lord their God."
22:13 Notice also Matthew 17:11 this comes through timing again
22:17 and the role of Elijah, it says there,
22:21 "Jesus answered and said to them,
22:24 'Indeed, Elijah is coming first'"
22:27 and notice "'and will'" what "'will restore all things.'"
22:34 In other words, he is gonna bring the people
22:35 back to the way it once was.
22:38 He is the restorer, he turns God's people
22:41 back to the true God by the way do you know
22:44 that when He was Mount Carmel
22:46 he had to repair the altar of the Lord
22:48 because Israel had forgotten
22:50 how to worship the true God
22:51 through the sacrifice of the lamb?
22:54 Notice I Kings 18:30,
22:57 here Elijah is at Mount Carmel
23:00 and I want you to notice what he does.
23:02 It says, "Then Elijah said to all the people,
23:05 'Come near to me.'
23:06 So all the people came near to him."
23:09 And let's listen to this.
23:11 "And he repaired the altar of the Lord
23:14 that was broken down."
23:16 Did he erect new sacrifices
23:19 that had never been heard of before?
23:21 No, he is restoring true worship.
23:24 He is restoring the altar
23:26 where the sacrifices were offered.
23:28 Notice also 1 Kings 18:31, 32,
23:32 once again the idea of restoring Israel, God's people.
23:36 It says there "And Elijah took twelve stones"
23:40 this is interesting he took 12 stones
23:43 "according to the number of the tribes
23:46 of the sons of Jacob,"
23:48 how many stones does he take?
23:49 Twelve.
23:50 Why did he take 12?
23:53 Because Israel had 12 tribes.
23:54 What is he restoring?
23:56 He is restoring Israel.
23:59 So it says, "And Elijah took twelve stones
24:01 according to the number of the tribes
24:03 of the sons of Jacob,
24:04 to whom the word of the Lord had come, saying,
24:06 'Israel shall be your name.'
24:09 Then with the stones he built an altar
24:12 in the name of the Lord."
24:14 And when actually praised for fire
24:16 to come down from heaven
24:17 I want you to notice, who he mentions in his prayer.
24:21 He mentions the founders of Israel.
24:24 It says 1 Kings 18:36
24:28 and we will read verse 37 as well,
24:30 "And it came to pass,
24:32 at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice,
24:36 that Elijah the prophet came near and said,"
24:40 listen to this "'Lord God of Abraham,
24:45 Isaac, and Israel,"
24:49 who is he mentioning in his prayer?
24:50 The founders of Israel.
24:53 "Let it be known this day that You are God in Israel
24:57 and I'm Your servant,
24:59 and that I have done all these things at Your word.
25:03 Hear me, O Lord, hear me,
25:05 that this people may know
25:07 that You are the Lord God"
25:09 and now notice this
25:10 "And that You have turned their hearts back to You again."
25:17 What is the role of Elijah? To bring new religion?
25:21 To establish new institutions?
25:23 To teach new doctrines?
25:25 No, God's own people are in apostasy
25:30 and the role of Elijah is to come
25:31 and to speak to God's people
25:33 who are worshipping the sun god
25:36 and to rebuke this threefold alliance
25:39 so that Israel will come back to the God
25:42 that they had once believed in and to the God
25:46 that their fathers had worshipped long before.
25:51 I want you to notice 1 Kings 19:10
25:54 the same idea coming through that people
25:56 that gonna astray from God's covenant.
25:57 So Elijah now restores the covenant of the Lord says,
26:01 there in 1 Kings 19:10, "So he said,
26:06 'I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts'"
26:09 now notice this "'for the children
26:11 of Israel have forsaken Your'"
26:14 what "'your covenant, torn down Your altars,
26:18 and killed Your prophets with the sword.
26:21 I alone am left and they seek to take my life.'"
26:26 Was it true that Elijah was the only one who was left?
26:29 No, because God tells him I have a remnant.
26:31 I have a faithful remnant
26:33 who has not bow the knee to Baal.
26:35 So we notice the remnant concept in this story.
26:39 Now, Elijah wanted to bring God's people
26:43 back to true worship,
26:45 back to the keeping of God's commandments.
26:47 I want you to notice that in 1 Kings 18:17, 18,
26:53 he rebuked false worship
26:55 and restored true worship of the Lord.
26:58 It says there, "Then it happened,
27:00 when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said to him,
27:05 'Is that you, O troubler of Israel?'
27:09 And he answered, 'I have not troubled Israel,
27:13 but you and your father's house have,'"
27:16 now how were they trouble in Israel?
27:17 Notice, "'In that you have forsaken
27:22 the commandments of the Lord
27:24 and you have followed the Baals.'"
27:25 By the chapter 16:30, 31
27:28 says that follow the Baals means to worship the Baals.
27:32 In other words, we find in this text
27:35 that Elijah is rebuking the king
27:38 because the king encouraged by Jezebel
27:41 and the false prophets are actually worshipping Baal.
27:45 In other words, Elijah is attempting
27:47 to restore true worship to the Creator God.
27:52 Now, do you know that in scripture
27:54 it is impossible to talk about worship
27:57 without taking about the Creator?
27:59 Because, we worship God because he is the Creator.
28:02 Notice what we find in Psalm 95:6,
28:05 Psalm 95:6 very short verse but very meaningful.
28:10 It tells us why we are supposed to bow and worship God.
28:14 "Oh come, let us worship and bow down,
28:18 let us kneel before the Lord" our what?
28:22 "Our Maker."
28:23 Why do we worship? Because God is our what?
28:27 God is our maker.
28:28 Now, listen up, you cannot talk
28:30 about God being the maker
28:33 without talking about the Sabbath,
28:36 because the Sabbath is the sign of the Creator.
28:38 If Israel had kept the Sabbath
28:40 they would have never worshiped Baal.
28:42 How could be attribute creating power to Baal
28:45 if they had kept the Sabbath
28:47 which indicated that there was only one true Creator God,
28:50 the Creator of the heavens and the earth?
28:52 In fact, notice Revelation 14:6, 7,
28:56 how the idea of the Creator
28:58 and worship are linked together with the Sabbath
29:01 because the Sabbath is mentioned
29:03 at the conclusion of creation week.
29:05 It says there in Revelation 14:6,
29:08 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
29:11 having the everlasting gospel to preach
29:13 to those who dwell on the earth
29:15 to every nation, tribe, tongue,
29:18 and people saying with a loud voice,
29:21 'Fear God and give glory to Him,
29:24 for the hour of His judgment has come'"
29:26 and now comes the key portion of the verse
29:28 that I want to underline "'and worship Him
29:31 who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.'"
29:35 By the way, that is a reference
29:37 to the fourth commandment of God's holy law
29:39 where we were told that we are suppose
29:41 to worship the Creator of the heaven the earth,
29:44 the sea and all that in them is.
29:47 So there is a clear link between worship,
29:51 the Creator and the Sabbath.
29:53 It becomes very obvious
29:55 that Israel was not keeping God's holy Sabbath or else,
29:59 they would never have been worshipping the sun god.
30:02 And so Elijah is called to rebuke false worship
30:06 and he is called to invite God's people
30:09 to return the worship of the Creator God
30:12 and the sign of the Creator God is the Sabbath.
30:16 But as we noticed in 1 Kings 18:18
30:19 Elijah was also called to restore
30:21 the commandments of God
30:23 not only rebuke false worship
30:25 and reinstitute true worship to the Creator God
30:29 but also to exalt the commandments of God,
30:31 particular the first table of the law,
30:33 the first four commandments
30:35 which have to do with worship to the Creator.
30:37 Notice 1 Kings 18:18 once again
30:40 here Elijah meets king Ahab and he says,
30:45 "I have not troubled Israel,
30:47 but you and your father's house have,
30:50 in that you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord
30:54 and you have followed the Baals."
30:57 Notice you have forsaken what?
30:58 The commandments of the Lord.
31:01 By the way, there is another commandment involved here
31:04 and that's the commandment of fornication or adultery,
31:07 Elijah is actually rebuking
31:09 the adulterous relationship between Ahab and Jezebel.
31:15 I want you to notice also that Elijah restored the true gospel.
31:18 He not only restored true worship,
31:20 he not only restored the commandments of God
31:23 but he also restored true worship.
31:27 Notice 1 Kings 18 and we will read verse 30
31:30 and then we will jump down to verse 36.
31:33 It says in verse 30
31:34 "Then Elijah said to all the people"
31:37 this is on Mount Carmel "'Come near to me.'
31:39 So all the people came near to him.
31:42 And he repaired the altar of the Lord
31:44 that was broken down.
31:46 And it came to pass," listen to this
31:48 "at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice,"
31:51 which pointed to Jesus.
31:53 See there was a morning and evening sacrifice
31:55 which pointed to Christ.
31:57 "That Elijah the prophet came near and said,
31:59 'Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel,
32:02 let it be known this day that You are God in Israel
32:06 and I am Your servant,
32:07 and that I have done all these things at Your word.'"
32:12 So he restores true worship and rebukes false worship,
32:15 he rebukes those who are trampling
32:17 on the commandment of God
32:18 and he invites God's people to keep the commandments.
32:21 He restores the true gospel of the sacrifice of the lamb
32:25 which represents the sacrifice of the Messiah.
32:28 And of course, his message went over
32:30 like the light balloon.
32:32 The Bible tells us that as a result
32:34 of God raising up Elijah the heavens were closed.
32:38 And because the heavens were closed
32:39 and it didn't rain there was sever feminine in the land.
32:44 I want you to notice 1 Kings 18:5
32:47 that this Famine was so bad the lack of rain
32:51 that cause the famine was so bad
32:53 that it reached even to the palace.
32:55 It says there "And Ahab had said to Obadiah,
32:59 'Go into the land to all the springs of water
33:02 and to all the brooks, perhaps we may find grass
33:06 to keep the horses and mules alive,
33:09 so that we will not have to kill any livestock.'"
33:13 So in other words that was this terrible period of famine
33:17 because of lack of rain.
33:18 And of course,
33:20 God had explained the reason for lack of rain.
33:22 Notice 2 Chronicles 7:13, 14 God had clearly explained
33:27 that if famine came there was a specific reason.
33:29 It wasn't because of the message of Elijah
33:32 it was because of the apostasy of Israel.
33:35 It says there, in 2 Chronicles 7:13
33:38 God is speaking "When I shut up heaven
33:40 and there is no rain,
33:42 or command the locusts to devour the land,
33:45 or send pestilence among My people,
33:48 if My people who are called by My name
33:51 will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
33:56 and turn from their wicked ways,
33:58 then I will hear from heaven,
34:00 and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
34:04 God is saying it's because of apostasy
34:07 that famine comes and natural calamities and disasters come
34:12 and yet we find that in the story of Elijah,
34:15 Elijah was blamed for the calamities.
34:18 In fact, notice 1 Kings 18:17
34:22 which we read before but now let's look at it again.
34:25 When Elijah goes before Ahab,
34:28 Ahab there has a very interesting
34:29 reception for him.
34:31 It says there in 1 King 18:17
34:35 "Then it happened, when Ahab saw Elijah,
34:39 that Ahab said to him,
34:42 'Is that you, O troubler of Israel?'"
34:46 In other words, all of our troubles
34:48 are due to your message,
34:49 because you don't accept Baal as God
34:52 and because you don't accept the influence of the king
34:55 and of this harlot woman Jezebel
34:58 and of the false prophets.
35:00 If you accept it our religion
35:02 all of our calamities would seize.
35:04 Prophets and Kings page 126
35:06 we can find an interesting comment on this.
35:10 "Jezebel utterly refused to recognize the drought
35:15 as a judgment from Jehovah.
35:17 Unyielding in her determination to defy the God of heaven,
35:21 she, with nearly the whole of Israel,
35:26 united in denouncing Elijah
35:29 as the cause of all their misery.
35:31 Had he not borne testimony against their forms of worship?"
35:36 Notice "Had he not born testimony
35:38 against their forms of worship.
35:40 If only he could be put out of the way,
35:43 she argued, the anger of their gods would be appeased,
35:46 and their troubles would end."
35:48 Remember that because we are gonna come
35:49 to all of these details in the Book of Revelation.
35:52 This is a striking typological story
35:55 that is gonna be fulfilled in the end time,
35:57 exactly the way we'll study it
35:59 from the Old Testament story.
36:01 I want you to notice that according to Jezebel
36:05 if they could kill Elijah prosperity would come back
36:10 because the gods would be appeased.
36:12 Back now let's 1 Kings 18:10 where it says,
36:17 that they sort Elijah where ever he might be found.
36:21 It says there "As the Lord your God lives,
36:25 there is no nation or kingdom
36:28 where my master has not sent someone to hunt for you
36:33 and when they said, 'He is not here,'
36:35 he took an oath from the kingdom or nation
36:38 that they could not find you."
36:39 In other words, he forced rulers
36:41 of different parts of the kingdom
36:43 to swear that they did not no where Elijah was
36:47 and that they had not seen Elijah.
36:49 In other words, they were seeking for Elijah
36:51 in every place in the kingdom
36:53 thinking that if they could get rid of him
36:55 the God's would be appeased
36:57 and prosperity would return.
37:00 Once again and Prophets and Kings
37:01 in this captivating chapter on Elijah
37:04 we find this remarkable statement.
37:07 "For three years the messenger of world
37:10 was shot for in city after city and nation after nation."
37:15 Notice not only in Israel but in other nations.
37:18 "At the mandate of Ahab,
37:20 many rulers had given their oath of honor
37:24 that the strange prophet could not be found in their dominions.
37:28 Yet the search was continued,
37:30 for Jezebel and the prophets of Baal
37:33 hated Elijah with a deadly hatred,
37:36 and they spared no effort to bring him
37:38 within reach of their power and still there was no rain."
37:43 Interestingly enough Elijah had to flee
37:46 to the desert or to the wilderness
37:49 when they were seeking Him.
37:51 Notice 1 Kings 17:1- 7.
37:55 Interestingly enough not only did he flee to the desert
37:58 or to the wilderness but in the wilderness
38:00 he was sustained by God.
38:03 Don't forget that.
38:04 It says in 1 King 17:1
38:07 "And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitance of Gilead,
38:11 said to Ahab,
38:13 'As the Lord God of Israel lives,
38:15 before whom I stand,
38:17 there shall not be dew nor rain these years,
38:21 except at my word.'
38:23 Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying,
38:25 'Get away from here and turn eastward,
38:27 and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan.
38:32 And it will be that you shall drink from the brook,
38:35 and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.'"
38:39 Notice God commanded the ravens to feed him.
38:42 Continue saying,
38:43 "So he went and did according to the word of the Lord
38:46 for he went and stayed by the Brook Cherith,
38:49 which flows into the Jordan.
38:51 The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning,
38:55 and bread and meat in the evening,
38:58 and he drank from the brook.
39:00 And it happened after a while that the brook dried up,
39:03 because there had been no rain in the land."
39:07 So Elijah persecuted fleece to the wilderness
39:11 and in the wilderness he has sustained
39:14 by a miracle of God.
39:16 By the way a very important detail
39:17 that I want you to notice is
39:19 that Elijah is on earth during this Tribulation Period.
39:24 He is on earth when the death decry is given.
39:27 He goes through the tribulation.
39:29 You need to remember this
39:30 because when we come to the end time application
39:33 we got to find that God's people
39:34 who'll be translated from this world
39:36 from among the living will go through the tribulation,
39:39 they will face the death decry remaining on planet earth
39:43 before they are translated to heaven.
39:46 And so now we move on to Mount Carmel,
39:49 up to this point Elijah's message
39:51 had not had much effect on the people.
39:55 In fact, we're going to notice
39:57 that when Elijah calls in for a decision
39:59 they don't even answer him a word.
40:01 Let's read that 1 Kings 18:21.
40:05 See they were limping between two opinions.
40:07 It says, there in verse 21
40:10 "And Elijah came to all the people, and said,
40:14 'How long will you falter between two opinions?
40:18 If the Lord is God, follow Him but if Baal, follow him.'"
40:22 Is he calling for a clear cut decision
40:24 between the Creator God and the sun god?
40:27 Remember that issue
40:28 between true Creator God and the sun god.
40:31 And the people said, oh we accept the Lord.
40:34 No they didn't.
40:35 It says in the last part of the verse.
40:37 "But the people answered him not a word."
40:43 His message had no power at that moment.
40:45 We are gonna notice that when the fire came from heaven
40:47 there was power that convicted the people.
40:50 Once again for Prophets and Kings page 147
40:53 we find this remarkable statement,
40:56 "Facing King Ahab and the false prophets,
40:59 and surrounded by the assembled hosts of Israel,
41:02 Elijah stands, the only one who has appeared
41:07 to vindicate the honor of Jehovah.
41:10 He whom the whole kingdom has charged
41:12 with its weight of woe is now before them,
41:16 apparently defenseless in the presence
41:19 of the monarch of Israel,
41:20 the prophets of Baal, the men of war,
41:23 and the surrounding thousands.
41:26 But Elijah is not alone.
41:29 Above and around him
41:30 are the protecting hosts of heaven,
41:33 angels that excel in strength."
41:37 In other words, his work is performed
41:39 through the ministration of angels
41:41 there was no one on planet earth not the king,
41:43 not the harlot, not the false prophets
41:46 who could touch the servant of the Lord
41:48 when he went to Mount Carmel.
41:50 By the way, have you ever noticed the worship style
41:54 of the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel?
41:57 Let's just read that quickly 1 Kings 18:26-29
42:02 we're gonna contrast that with a worship style of Elijah.
42:05 It's a different kind of worship style.
42:06 Very serene, and calm and solemn and reverent.
42:11 The prophets of Baal were very irreverent.
42:14 They shouted and they jumped.
42:16 Notice what it says in verse 26."
42:18 So they took the bull
42:21 which was given them, and they prepared it,
42:23 and called on the name of Baal from morning even till noon,
42:26 saying, 'O Baal, hear us!'
42:30 But there was no voice, no one answered.
42:32 And they leaped about the altar which they had made.
42:36 And so it was, at noon,
42:38 that Elijah mocked them and said, 'Cry aloud,
42:40 for he is a god, either he is meditating,
42:43 or he is busy, or he is on a journey'"
42:46 I guess he had a sense of humor.
42:48 "'Or perhaps he is sleeping and must be awakened.'
42:52 So they cried aloud,"
42:53 notice "Cut themselves,
42:55 as was their custom, with knives and lances,
42:58 until the blood gushed out on them.
43:01 And when midday was past, they prophesied
43:04 until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice.
43:06 But there was no voice
43:08 no one answered, no one paid attention."
43:11 No notice the contrast with Elijah's worship style.
43:15 This is found in verses 36 and 37,
43:17 little bit further down the chapter.
43:19 It says, "And it came to pass,
43:21 at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice,
43:24 that Elijah the prophet came near and said,
43:27 'Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel,
43:31 let it be known this day that You are God in Israel
43:35 and I'm Your servant,
43:37 and that I have done all these things at Your word.
43:41 Hear me, O Lord, hear me,
43:43 that this people may know that You are the Lord God,
43:47 and that You have turned their hearts
43:50 back to You again.'"
43:53 Very simple prayer, reverent, sincere,
43:58 no shouting, no jumping, no crying out,
44:04 a simple calm serene prayer.
44:09 And then the spectacular happened
44:11 his message had had no effect up to this moment
44:15 but when the message is joined by the fire from heaven
44:18 suddenly his message has convicting power.
44:21 We are gonna notice later on that in Revelation 18
44:24 you have a message that comes from heaven.
44:26 The whole earth is illumined with His glory
44:28 through the power of the Holy Spirit,
44:30 fire represents the Holy Spirit.
44:32 Notice 1 Kings 18:38, 39.
44:36 It says, "Then the fire of the Lord fell
44:38 and consumed the burnt sacrifice,
44:41 and the wood and the stones and the dust,
44:44 and it licked up the water that was in the trench."
44:47 And now notice,
44:48 "Now when all the people saw it,
44:50 they fell on their faces; and they said,
44:52 'The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God!'"
44:57 Do you seem them the message
44:58 with a fire from heaven has convicting power.
45:03 And now Israel is led away from their deception
45:06 and they are lead to the true God.
45:10 Prophets and Kings, pages 152 and 153
45:13 describes this scene in the following way.
45:17 "No sooner is the prayer of Elijah ended
45:21 than flames of fire,
45:23 like brilliant flashes of lightning,
45:25 descend from heaven upon the up reared altar,
45:29 consuming the sacrifice,
45:31 licking up the water in the trench,
45:33 and consuming even the stones of the altar.
45:36 The brilliancy of the blaze illumines the mountain
45:40 and dazzles the eyes of the multitude."
45:43 Notice that the mountain is filled
45:45 with glory with dazzling light.
45:48 She continues saying "In the valleys below,
45:50 where many are watching in anxious suspense
45:54 the movements of those above,
45:57 the descent of fire is clearly seen,
45:59 and all are amazed at the sight.
46:02 It resembles the pillar of fire
46:04 which at the Red Sea separated the children of Israel
46:08 from the Egyptian host."
46:12 Now we can't conclude our study
46:13 without noticing the end
46:15 of Ahab, Jezebel, and the false prophets.
46:18 Let's talk first of all about how the false prophets
46:22 ended their existence on planet earth.
46:25 1 Kings 18:40 tells us, "That the Israelites themselves"
46:31 I want you to remember this
46:33 "That the Israelites themselves
46:35 laid hands on the false profits and sue them.
46:39 It says there in 1 Kings 18:40 "And Elijah said to them"
46:44 that is to the people that were gathered on Mount Carmel
46:47 "'Seize the prophets of Baal!
46:49 Do not let one of them escape!'
46:52 So they seize them and Elijah brought them down
46:56 to the Brook Kishon and executed then there."
47:00 They were actually executed by Elijah
47:02 and by the congregation which had been the deceived
47:05 by this threefold alliance.
47:07 Once again Prophets And Kings pages 153 and 154
47:10 provide some insight into this experience.
47:14 "The priest of Baal witness with consternation
47:18 the wonderful revelation of Jehovah's power."
47:22 And now notice this
47:23 "Yet even in their own discomfiture
47:27 and in the presence of divine glory,
47:30 they refuse to repent of their evil doing."
47:35 The people repented but the prophets didn't.
47:37 They admit that they have deceived the people
47:39 but they refused to repent, she continues saying.
47:42 "Thus they show themselves ripe for destruction.
47:47 That repentant Israel may be protected from the allurements
47:51 of those who have taught them to worship Baal,
47:54 Elijah is directed by the Lord
47:56 to destroy these false teachers."
47:58 Remember that expression, false teachers.
48:01 "The anger of the people has already been aroused
48:06 against the leaders in transgression."
48:08 Notice, those who admire the most
48:10 raise their hands against them now.
48:13 All of this is symbolic
48:14 of what's gonna happen at the end.
48:16 "And when Elijah gives the command,
48:18 'Take the prophets of Baal,
48:19 let not one of them escape,'
48:21 they are ready to obey.
48:24 They seize the priests,
48:26 and take them to the Brook Kishon,
48:28 and there, before the close of the day
48:31 that marked the beginning of decided reform,
48:33 the ministers of Baal are slain.
48:37 Not one of them is permitted to live."
48:41 The very people that have been deceived
48:43 raise their hands to destroy the false prophets of Baal.
48:47 Now let's talk about the end of Ahab
48:49 and the end of Jezebel.
48:50 Very interesting description 1 Kings 21:23, 24.
48:57 Do you know that the blood of Ahab
48:58 was actually licked up by wild dogs?
49:02 Notice 1 kings 21: 23, 24.
49:05 This is a prophecy about the end of Ahab
49:08 and the end of Jezebel
49:09 it says, "And concerned Jezebel the Lord also spoke saying
49:15 'The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel.'"
49:21 What was gonna happen with Jezebel?
49:22 She is gonna be eaten by what?
49:23 By dogs.
49:25 "The dog shall eat whoever belongs to Ahab
49:29 and dies in the city
49:30 and the birds of the airs
49:32 shall eat whoever dies in the field."
49:34 Notice they would be consumed by dogs
49:36 and by the birds of the air.
49:38 Does that bring a bell
49:39 when it comes to Revelation Chapter 19?
49:43 It most certainly does.
49:44 Now it's read about the end Ahab.
49:46 This was a prophecy.
49:47 Let's read about the description of his end.
49:49 1 Kings 22:37, 38 1 Kings 22:37, 38.
49:55 It says "So the king died,
49:57 and was brought to Samaria.
49:59 And they buried the king in Samaria."
50:01 But there is more to the story.
50:03 "Then someone washed the chariot at a pool in Samaria,
50:07 and the dogs licked up his blood
50:10 while the harlots bathed,
50:12 according to the word of the Lord
50:14 which He had spoken."
50:15 Notice the dogs lick up his blood.
50:18 Now what about the end of Jezebel?
50:21 Also consumed by wild dogs and by the birds of the air.
50:25 Notice 2 Kings 9:8, 9 it says,
50:29 "For the whole house of Ahab shell parish
50:33 and I will cut off from Ahab all the males
50:36 in Israel both bond and free.
50:38 So I will make the house of Ahab
50:40 like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,
50:43 and like the house of Baasha the son of a Ahijah.
50:47 The dog shall eat Jezebel on the plot of ground at Jezreel
50:52 and there shall be none to bury her."
50:56 Interesting that's exactly
50:57 what's gonna happen during the millennium.
50:59 "And he open the door and fled."
51:02 Now this is a prophecy
51:04 but let's read about how it actually happened.
51:07 2 Kings 9:30
51:11 "Now when Jehu had come to Jezreel,
51:13 Jezebel heard of it" and notice what she did,
51:17 "and she put paint on her eyes
51:20 and adorned her head"
51:23 does she have adorning?
51:24 She fixed herself up like a harlot, most certainly.
51:27 "And looked through a window.
51:29 Then, as Jehu entered at the gate,
51:31 she said, 'Is it peace, Zimri, murderer of your master?""
51:35 see she thinks she's gonna continue
51:36 using the new king of Israel Jehu,
51:39 but she's gonna be greatly surprised.
51:42 Notice what we find in verse 32.
51:44 "And he looked up at the window, and said,
51:47 'Who is on my side? Who?'
51:51 So two or three eunuchs looked out at him.
51:55 Then he said, 'Throw her down.'"
51:58 Does Babylon have a fall in the Book of Revelation?
52:01 I'm just giving you some indications
52:03 of where we're going with this.
52:04 "Then he said, 'Threw her down.'
52:06 So they threw her down,
52:09 and some of her blood spattered on the wall"
52:11 and now notice, "and on the horses"
52:14 Revelation 14 will pick this up
52:16 "and he trampled her underfoot."
52:19 See the horses trample her
52:21 and the blood splatters on to the horses.
52:25 It continue says,
52:26 "And when he had gone in, he ate and drank.
52:30 Then he said, 'Go now, see to this accursed woman,
52:33 and bury her, for she was a king's daughter.'
52:36 So they went to bury her,
52:38 but they found no more of her than the skull
52:41 and the feet and the palms of her hands.
52:45 Therefore they came back and told him.
52:47 And he said, 'This is the word of the Lord,
52:49 which He spoke by His servant Elijah the Tishbite, saying,
52:53 On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs
52:57 shall eat the flesh of Jezebel
53:00 and the corpse of Jezebel shall be as refuse
53:03 on the surface of the field, in the plot at Jezreel,
53:06 so that they shall not say, "Here lies Jezebel.""
53:12 Do you know that the death of these individuals
53:14 actually was God's way of avenging the death
53:17 of His servants the prophets?
53:19 Notice 2 Kings 9:7
53:21 remember the terminology of all of this
53:23 because we are gonna come back to it.
53:25 You see this is all typological.
53:27 It's symbolic of future events.
53:30 2 Kings 9:7,
53:33 "You shall strike down the house of Ahab your master"
53:38 and now notice the reason, "that I may" what?
53:42 "Avenge the blood"
53:46 this will be picked up in Revelation 19
53:48 "That I may avenge the blood of My servants the prophets,
53:53 and the blood of all the servants of the Lord,
53:56 at the hand of Jezebel."
54:00 Now we have two final points
54:01 that I want to cover with you before we end,
54:05 and that is that there was a delay
54:08 after the Mount Carmel experience
54:09 and after the death decry which was given by Jezebel.
54:12 There was a delay
54:14 in the coming of Christ to pick up Elijah.
54:19 Noticed 1 Kings 18:43, 44.
54:22 Have you ever read in the Spirit of Prophecy about that
54:25 that cloud about half the size of a man's hand
54:28 that she talks about, where does she get that from?
54:31 Well let's notice 1 Kings 18:43, 44
54:35 "And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel
54:38 then he bowed down on the ground,
54:40 and put his face between his knees,
54:42 and said to his servant,
54:44 'Go up now, look toward the sea.'
54:47 So he went up and looked, and said, 'There is nothing.'
54:51 And seven times he said, 'Go again.'
54:55 Then it came to pass the seventh time,
54:58 that he said, 'There is a cloud,
55:01 as small as a man's hand, rising out of the sea!'
55:08 So he said, 'Go up, say to Ahab, prepare your chariot,
55:12 and go down before the rain stops you.'"
55:17 Notice a cloud like a man's hand is seen the seventh time.
55:22 And by the way, that cloud was an indication
55:25 that rain was coming
55:26 but it was also an indication
55:28 that Elijah was going to be translated
55:31 from among the living.
55:33 In fact, let's notice the description
55:35 that the Bible gives of the translation of Elijah.
55:39 2 Kings 2: 11, 12 after he went through the tribulation,
55:44 after he face this triple alliance,
55:46 after he presented the message with boldness,
55:49 after the fire from heaven came down
55:51 and united with his message
55:53 and brought conviction to Israel,
55:55 after Jezebel and Ahab and the prophets of Baal,
55:58 have perished we have a combination
56:02 of a story of Elijah in 2 Kings 2:11, 12.
56:08 He is translated to heaven from among the living.
56:11 It says there, "Then it happened,
56:13 as they continued on and talked"
56:17 this is Elijah and Elisha "that suddenly a chariot
56:23 of fire appeared with horses of fire" don't forget this
56:29 because in the book Great Controversy
56:31 we are gonna find that when Jesus comes the second time
56:33 He is coming with a chariot to pick up His people.
56:36 "Then it happened, as they continued
56:37 on and talked that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared
56:40 with horses of fire and separated the two of them
56:44 and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
56:50 And Elisha saw it, and he cried out,
56:53 'My father, my father,
56:55 the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!'
56:59 So he saw him no more.
57:02 And he took hold of his own clothes
57:04 and tore them into two pieces."
57:08 And so the story of Elijah ends
57:13 but it doesn't end because Malachi 4
57:16 as we are gonna see in our next study says,
57:19 that before the great and terrible day
57:21 of the Lord God will once again send Elijah.
57:26 Don't miss the next exciting study.


Revised 2014-12-17