Table Talk

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000511A

00:00 [Music]
00:10 [Music]
00:20 >>TY: Man, this has been such a great conversation around
00:25 this table.
00:26 For those who are sitting in with us, we just wanna kinda
00:28 set the table one more time, set the table, 'cause this is
00:32 Table Talk, one more time, and first of all, just say what
00:37 we're doing here.
00:38 We're engaged in a way of interacting that comes to us
00:44 from the Protestant reformation.
00:46 I mean, people were doing it before the Protestant
00:49 reformation, people have been doing it after, but Martin
00:52 Luther actually came up with the idea of hey, let's do a
00:55 Table Talk.
00:56 Once he launched the Protestant reformation, he
01:00 just sat around a table with common people, average people,
01:04 because you have to remember, at that time, the idea was
01:07 that spiritual knowledge and theology and doctrine in the
01:11 bible was exclusive to the clergy, to the priests, to
01:16 those who had some kind of elite spiritual position.
01:20 And Luther said, no, the common person can understand
01:25 the word of God.
01:26 >>DAVID: Common man is beginning to think.
01:29 >>TY: The common man is beginning to think, and you're
01:31 not going to find in Luther the idea that hey, you should
01:37 believe what is being said by me because I'm in a position
01:42 of superiority over you, therefore, you ought to
01:45 believe it.
01:47 What you're gonna find in Luther is, study the bible for
01:50 yourself, and you can ask questions and God will give
01:54 answers.
01:56 And so, let's sit around the table and let's have a
01:58 discussion and you can bring up anything you want.
02:01 This is a heritage that has come down to us from Martin
02:05 Luther based on the idea of the priesthood of all
02:08 believers.
02:09 So, what a joy it is to have the privilege of thinking and
02:13 conversing, and we know because we've heard over the
02:16 years, this is season 5 of Table Talk, we know because
02:19 people have told us, hey, we saw you doing that, so me and
02:23 my girlfriends get together, one lady told me, in our
02:26 kitchen and we do our own version of Table Talk.
02:29 And there are other people around the world who have
02:31 said, we're just gonna do that.
02:32 We're gonna get together and we're gonna talk about
02:35 whatever we wanna talk about regarding the word of God.
02:38 Theology, God, it's just amazing.
02:41 It's a beautiful thing.
02:42 So, in a sense, we've started a little movement that
02:45 hopefully will grow.
02:46 We're doing this because we wanna share concepts that we
02:49 believe are vital and important, but we're also
02:51 doing this to model, hey, everybody out there, get
02:56 together with intentionality.
02:58 Get together, open the bible, and just start talking about
03:04 whatever you wanna talk about.
03:05 So, what a privilege.
03:06 >>JAMES: How apropos that we're doing season 5 on
03:09 reformation 500.
03:10 >>TY: That's right.
03:11 >>DAVID: Oh, that's good, excellent.
03:13 Even though, we thought, and you wanted it to be Daniel.
03:17 Daniel will be next year.
03:18 >>TY: Well, we all wanted it to be Daniel.
03:20 >>DAVID: That's what I'm saying, James is the Daniel
03:23 scholar though.
03:24 James, he knows about Daniel than us put together.
03:26 >>TY: Daniel could do an entire season of Table Talk,
03:29 all 13, I mean James could, not Daniel.
03:31 James could do an entire season of Table Talk himself,
03:35 all 13 episodes on just Daniel 11.
03:38 [Laughter]
03:41 [Laughter]
03:43 >>JEFFERY: Sitting at the table alone.
03:45 >>TY: He could just jump from chair to chair and interact
03:46 with himself on that subject.
03:48 >>JAMES: No, no, no, that would be boring.
03:49 >>TY: So, we decided, hey, this is the 500th year of the
03:52 Protestant reformation, the anniversary, so let's just
03:54 talk about that, and man, it's been rich, and right now,
03:58 we're at that part of our discussion on the Protestant
04:02 reformation where we're going through the 5 solas, and we've
04:07 so far covered sola scriptura, and then we went into sola
04:11 gracia, then we went into sola fida, and then sola Christo,
04:16 Christ alone, and now, we're at sola deo gloria, and
04:21 this...
04:22 >>JEFFERY: I love hearing you say that.
04:24 >>TY: Well, you've got, you roll the r.
04:26 >>JEFFERY: I like the way you say it.
04:28 Say it again.
04:29 >>TY: Okay, sola deo gloria.
04:30 Did I roll them a little bit?
04:32 Okay.
04:33 So, you say it, 'cause I wanna hear you say it with that
04:37 Dominican tone.
04:38 >>JEFFERY: I don't wanna interrupt your flow, keep
04:39 going.
04:40 >>TY: Come on Jeffrey, say it.
04:42 >>JEFFERY: [In an American accent] Sola deo gloria.
04:44 >>TY: No.
04:44 [Laughter]
04:46 You just said it like me.
04:47 Okay, so here's the thing, this is essentially that all
04:52 that we've talked about so far, grace and faith and
04:57 Christ and scripture, and the entire enterprise of the
05:01 gospel is to the glory of God alone.
05:04 To the glory of God alone.
05:06 And that's what we're gonna plow into right now.
05:09 We're gonna...
05:10 >>DAVID: I love that the entire enterprise of the
05:12 gospel.
05:13 >>TY: Not the Starship Enterprise, but the gospel
05:15 enterprise.
05:16 That's right.
05:17 So, let's just jump right into it.
05:19 When you guys think of to the glory of God alone, what comes
05:26 to your mind?
05:27 Let's probe what scripture says, first of all, maybe, I
05:30 don't know if you wanna do it this way or not, what about
05:32 just probing what scripture means when it uses the glory?
05:36 just probing what scripture means when it uses the glory?
05:37 >>DAVID: I think that's a great idea.
05:38 I was just gonna throw in before we do that is our last
05:41 passage that we were in in Table Talk, the last time
05:44 we were together was sola Christo, was 2 Corinthians 3,
05:45 which is that whole epic conversation about glory and
05:51 more glorious and glory and glory and that glory was made,
05:54 you know, less glorious by this surpassing glory.
05:57 I mean, it's awesome.
05:58 From glory to glory.
05:59 So, that's a great point.
06:00 I suppose that there are a lot of well-meaning Christian
06:04 people who are using the word glory and who maybe have not
06:10 adequately thought through what is it that we are talking
06:13 about when we talk about God's glory?
06:15 >>JAMES: I think a good verse to start with would be
06:17 1 Corinthians chapter 1, because it kind of picks up from sola
06:21 Christo and then kind of goes right into glory.
06:25 You know the verse I'm talking about, it's in verses 20, 1
06:28 Corinthians 1, I didn't bring my glasses, so I'm not sure.
06:32 They're off set.
06:35 1 Corinthians 1:29, 30, and 31.
06:41 1 Corinthians 1:29, 30, and 31.
06:42 >>TY: Oh, yeah, now I know what you were referring to.
06:45 >>TY: Oh, yeah, now I know what you were referring to.
06:47 >>JAMES: You gonna read it?
06:48 >>TY: That no flesh should glory in his presence, or in
06:51 his sight, but of him, you are in Christ Jesus, who became
06:56 for us, this is amazing, wisdom for God and
07:01 righteousness and sanctification and redemption
07:05 that, as it is written, he who glories, let him glory in the
07:11 Lord.
07:12 >>JAMES: That's beautiful, that's beautiful.
07:14 >>TY: I think he's quoting from Jeremiah maybe, I don't
07:16 know.
07:17 >>JEFFERY: Jeremiah 9.
07:18 >>TY: Is it?
07:19 >>JEFFERY: Yeah.
07:20 >>JAMES: So, sola Christo was the whole idea that Christ is
07:26 everything and in this, in these verses, it's basically
07:28 saying that very thing, but it's transitioning us now into
07:31 this whole idea of glory.
07:33 So, all glory goes to God because Christ is everything.
07:38 So, the connection is there.
07:39 >>DAVID: He's wisdom, he's righteousness.
07:42 >>JAMES: And this is the thing, as a believer, I'm
07:44 always focusing on the idea that Christ is my
07:47 justification and Christ is my sanctification and Christ is
07:50 my glorification.
07:52 But Paul throws in this other word in here, he's our wisdom.
07:56 He's our wisdom.
07:58 If there's anything that we come up with that seems wise,
08:01 Christ is the author of that.
08:03 If there's anything that we come up with that seems smart
08:06 or intelligent or witty, if there's any kind of thing that
08:10 we do, any kind of thing that we offer to the world, that
08:15 all comes from Christ.
08:16 Christ gets all the glory.
08:18 I think about the Old Testament idea of Solomon's
08:21 temple.
08:23 Solomon's temple.
08:24 That was the second temple, it was the one that Solomon
08:26 built.
08:27 It was Solomon's temple, but, outside of the portable one
08:31 that was built.
08:32 So, we think of it as Solomon's temple, but it
08:36 wasn't really Solomon's temple.
08:38 It was God's temple.
08:39 But it became known as Solomon's temple, and we do
08:42 that, we attach names to things.
08:45 And so, this text is reminding us, wisdom, Christ, Christ,
08:50 wisdom.
08:51 Everything.
08:53 >>TY: You're bringing up so many things in my mind that I
08:54 think could you back up because you're going from
08:57 Solomon's temple, but I'm remembering something, and
09:01 this may be a false memory, is this true that, isn't
09:04 Solomon's temple, isn't there a prophesy about the temple
09:10 being filled with a glory?
09:12 What is it?
09:14 >>DAVID: 1 Kings 8.
09:15 >>TY: Okay, and then, later in the minor prophets, something
09:17 like there's going to be a glory that fills the temple
09:21 and it's a Messianic prophesy, and so that, it's essentially
09:24 saying, isn't it, that, yeah, that Jesus will be the new
09:30 Shekinah that will fill...
09:32 >>JAMES: This temple will have greater glory than Solomon's
09:33 temple.
09:35 >>TY: And it will be Jesus, when he comes to his temple.
09:37 Yeah.
09:38 >>JAMES: See, the thing, the point here, though, I think
09:42 that is really powerful about glory is, the greatest glory
09:44 that we can give to God is the glory of revealing Christ.
09:50 The greatest.
09:52 [Laughter]
09:55 Wait a minute, you went into my bag.
09:57 >>DAVID: Can that say ninja, please?
09:59 >>TY: I'd like a blueberry muffin.
10:03 [Laughter]
10:05 >>JAMES: The greatest glory we can give to God, not the
10:07 greatest, because all this other, salvation I think is
10:09 the greatest.
10:11 Okay, but, outside of salvation, everything we have,
10:14 all of our wisdom, all of our ingenuity, everything that we
10:18 have and everything that we do has its source in Christ.
10:21 And I think sometimes, we separate those two, okay, I've
10:24 got this, I'm gonna give it to, no, we're just returning
10:26 to, anything we receive, we give back to God.
10:29 So, I love this word, this word wisdom because that word,
10:33 in a sense, covers everything else outside of the
10:35 salvationary thing.
10:37 >>TY: And in Paul's context, it's amazing, because he says,
10:40 Christ is our wisdom, and then, he goes on in chapter 2
10:43 to explain that what he means by that is that the common
10:46 wisdom of the world, what the world regards as smart and
10:53 intelligent is the exercise of power over people, and then,
10:58 God's hidden wisdom burst upon the scene that overturns every
11:04 conception of what wisdom really is, is the self
11:07 sacrificing love of Christ at Calvary.
11:11 So, the whole thing is flipped on its head.
11:14 The Greeks are expecting that God equates to power and then
11:21 Christ comes along, dies on the cross, and Paul says,
11:25 that's gonna look kind of foolish, but this is really
11:28 wisdom of a whole different sort on a whole different
11:31 level.
11:33 This is a whole different quality of wisdom here when
11:34 the most powerful person in the universe gives himself for
11:38 others to die on the cross.
11:40 >>JEFFERY: What would you say is at stake here?
11:42 I always, regarding God receiving all the glory, the
11:46 text that we read in Corinthians says, that no
11:48 flesh shall glory in his presence, and that all the
11:53 glory should go to God.
11:54 There's this emphasis in scripture.
11:56 What do you think is at stake for that not to be the case,
12:00 for us not to understand that, for us not to experience that?
12:05 >>TY: The total stability of the universe.
12:06 >>JAMES: And more specifically, I was listening
12:08 to a meeting not long ago that was talking about this, it was
12:12 pretty powerful and it was describing, if I could put it
12:16 in my own words, the idea that what's at stake with God
12:20 getting more of the glory is our very joy and existence and
12:26 experience as human beings.
12:27 >>DAVID: [Laughter]
12:28 You're talking about his presentation.
12:29 >>TY: I think that's a sermon Jeffrey delivered.
12:32 >>DAVID: It's funny 'cause you were saying, yeah, I've heard
12:35 that recently, too.
12:36 I remember that, who was.
12:38 I'm a little slow.
12:40 >>JEFFERY: Back to Genesis 3, the whole idea of, so, in that
12:45 whole train of thought, the way I think of the whole all
12:49 the glory goes to God and that simultaneously means that my
12:54 glory is in the dust, right?
12:56 And it seems like God getting all the glory translates to
13:02 something being stripped from me, right?
13:05 Or that debasement of humanity in order for God to be
13:09 exalted.
13:10 And so, that begs the question, what is at stake
13:13 here?
13:14 When I go back to Genesis 3, back to the Garden, we have an
13:19 example of what happens when human beings try to seize
13:24 God's glory for themselves, right?
13:26 And what happens is exactly that debasement of humanity.
13:31 So, something that seems that exalting God and debasing
13:35 humanity is actually the exact opposite, right.
13:39 When God is not exalted, humanity is debased.
13:46 That doesn't make any sense, that's completely
13:48 counterintuitive.
13:50 If God is not exalted and we, in the dust, we are actually
13:57 debased.
13:59 It's only when God is exalted that we, too, and so, there's
14:03 an author, that's right, an author put it this way, he
14:07 said when we seize what properly belongs to God,
14:12 we lose what properly belongs to us.
14:15 And that's the story of the fall of humanity.
14:20 So, we lost, the human race lost, Adam and Eve lost what
14:23 properly belonged in their jurisdiction to have a
14:27 fulfilling, satisfying and joyful life, they lost that by
14:31 trying to...
14:33 >>DAVID: Seize what was not rightfully theirs.
14:34 >>JEFFERY: What was God's to begin with.
14:36 >>DAVID: I love, you know, you're using the metaphor
14:37 there, which is the appropriate metaphor that when
14:39 God is exalted, it lays the glory of man in the dust and
14:45 the thought just occurred to me there, because you kept
14:46 talking about Genesis 3, Genesis 1 and 2, we are made
14:49 for, isn't that hot?
14:52 So, you have this idea that what are we without God?
14:56 >>JAMES: Oh, come on, keep going, keep going, keep going.
14:58 Keep going.
15:00 >>DAVID: So, if we try to live our life in such a way to be
15:03 like functional atheists where we're taking for ourselves
15:06 what God has given to us, we're just dirt.
15:09 James, go, go, he's gonna explode.
15:13 >>JAMES: So, when we are laid in the dust, then God is going
15:16 to do for us what he originally did.
15:19 He's going to recreate us from the dust.
15:22 When we are laid in the dust, that's when God can actually
15:26 do what he originally intended to do with us.
15:28 >>DAVID: I love what Jeffrey says here how that ideas is
15:31 counterintuitive, because many would hear that, let's be
15:34 honest, if somebody's just tuned into this program,
15:37 they're not a believer and they're saying, how, how do
15:40 you see dignity in suggesting that mankind should be in the
15:44 dust?
15:45 Right, that's a fair question from an outsider looking in.
15:47 Like, no, humans possess dignity, etcetera, etcetera,
15:50 but the truth of the matter is, is that in a universe,
15:52 just imagine momentarily here that there is no God, what
15:56 dignity do humans possess more than a mushroom or more than
16:00 a, you know, than a thundercloud, more than a
16:03 field of grass?
16:06 The answer would be what?
16:07 These are all just atoms sort of arranged in a different
16:09 configurations, the dignity that we have is a dignity that
16:12 is conferred on us by being image bearers of God.
16:17 >>JEFFERY: It's derivative of God's own glory.
16:19 >>DAVID: Which is fascinating because when you read the Old
16:22 Testament, you find that God is regularly and sometimes
16:27 vehemently, regularly, vehemently, denouncing
16:30 idolatry.
16:31 He's like, hey, no idols, no idols.
16:35 I don't want you making idols, I don't want you bowing down
16:37 to idols, and you hear that and you think, well, this is
16:39 kind of, you know, why?
16:41 What's the problem?
16:42 And here's the problem, the problem is on two levels,
16:45 number one, when we make an idol, a god is an idol,
16:49 whatever, God says, I'm not that stone, I'm not that wood,
16:53 I'm not that metal, I'm not that image because I have
16:57 already imaged myself on earth.
16:59 >>TY: David, check this out, what you just said put a light
17:04 on in my head combined with what Jeffrey said and what
17:09 James said.
17:10 Okay, here it is, God says, have no idols, only worship
17:16 me.
17:17 Now, that can sound ego centric.
17:19 That can sound like God is the cosmic narcissist, okay, I
17:23 want you to stand still for eternity and tell me how great
17:25 I am.
17:27 Okay, but, when you just said what you said and it built on
17:31 all of this said, well, why does God say only me and not
17:35 these idols?
17:36 Well, there's a verse, it actually occurs, I know two
17:38 times in the bible, I have no idea where they are, they're
17:41 just in my mind, but they're quote marks, these verses
17:43 exist in scripture, don't have idols because those who
17:47 worship them will become like them.
17:50 So, God's jealousy regarding his glory is an other-centered
17:57 jealousy.
17:58 He's saying, listen, I don't want you worshipping
18:03 malicious, ugly, capricious, coercive, mean spirited idols
18:11 or figments of human imagination of what God is
18:14 really like, I want you to worship me just as I am
18:18 because I'm love.
18:21 I'm a God of love, yeah, it's best for you.
18:23 Because if you worship those idols, those coercive, ugly
18:25 idols, you're gonna become coercive and ugly, but if you
18:27 worship me, you will begin to reflect my love, so it's in
18:33 your best interest, it's in your best interest to worship
18:37 the one and only true God because the one and only true
18:40 God is a God of love.
18:43 You'll become like what you worship.
18:45 >>DAVID: I love it.
18:47 By beholding we are changed and I love this idea, too,
18:50 that idolatry is not only demeaning to God, that God is
18:53 not like those, you know, those descriptions that you
18:56 gave there, but idolatry is also demeaning to humanity.
19:00 No, you're made in the image of God.
19:04 You're gonna set up some stone, some piece of wood and
19:08 bow down to something you made that can't breathe?
19:10 You know, you have that in the Old Testament there where the
19:12 ark was put in the temple of Dagon, it falls over.
19:14 I've just always chuckled at this, so then, the Philistines
19:18 come in and lift Dagon up.
19:21 I mean, the idol can't even lift itself back up.
19:24 So, idolatry is simultaneously degrading to God and to human
19:29 beings.
19:30 >>JEFFERY: That text, you're saying, it's all about when
19:32 you know me, right, only me, then you will reflect who I am
19:36 in love.
19:37 That goes with what Paul is actually quoting from in
19:40 Corinthians, he's quoting actually Jeremiah 9 and
19:44 quickly here, it says, thus says the Lord, verse 23, let
19:47 not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man
19:50 glory in his might.
19:52 Nor let the rich man glory in his riches, but let him who
19:55 glories glory in this, that he understands and knows me.
20:03 That I am the Lord exercising loving kindness.
20:08 So, that text basically says what you were saying, the
20:11 reason why I am demanding, you know, worship only of me and
20:17 not of these idols is because knowing me will allow you then
20:23 to reflect.
20:24 >>TY: What a realization, what a realization, God is not,
20:28 he's not selfish, he's not a narcissist, he's not an
20:31 egomaniac, he's saying give your heart to me and you'll
20:35 become beautiful.
20:37 I want you to be connected with me because it's in your
20:41 best interest.
20:42 We have to take a break on that note, but this discussion
20:44 is off to a really good start.
20:47 is off to a really good start.
20:47 [Music]
20:55 >>Hi, I'm Ty Gibson, welcome to
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22:47 in contrast to our world's popular misconceptions about
22:52 who God is.
22:54 who God is.
23:05 [Music]
23:09 >>TY: Something Jeffrey said in the previous segment
23:13 reminded me of a story that I once heard about a boy, a
23:19 teenage boy who, in a fit of rage and anger pulled out a
23:26 gun and murdered his father.
23:30 Later on, the police officers who had apprehended him,
23:35 arrested him, and put him in a cell reported that they heard
23:40 this boy in his cell at night, whimpering and crying and
23:46 weeping, and saying, I want my father, I want my father.
23:51 Daddy, where are you?
23:52 I want my father.
23:54 I mean, think about this, our world and culture is in the
24:00 process of negating God, of killing off all notion of the
24:07 existence of God and in doing that, we're left fatherless,
24:11 we're left with a void in our hearts that is imposing upon
24:17 humanity a level of sorrow and want and need and desire that
24:22 is just unimaginable.
24:25 There is this massive void.
24:27 When God says to us, hey, I want you to know me, I want to
24:33 be your Father, I want you to be in a relationship with me
24:38 that puts me in my proper place in relation to you.
24:43 God isn't saying in that, I want you to stroke my ego,
24:50 he's saying, I want you to understand who you are in
24:54 relation to me in order to exalt you and to give you the
24:58 dignity and the place in the universe that I have intended
25:03 for you.
25:04 Isn't that...?
25:05 >>JEFFERY: That's brilliant, and I think it goes perfectly
25:09 with, if we were to set this topic in its historical
25:14 context in the reformation, going back to that point,
25:18 'cause we're looking at the subject and looking at
25:22 scripture, but how did the reformers arrive at this sola
25:26 deo gloria, how did they stumble on hat truth?
25:29 And they formulated a statement of faith called the
25:34 Westminster confession, and from that, they made the
25:37 Westminster smaller catechism, these little booklets, and
25:43 they expressed their Protestant faith and they
25:45 mentioned glory and it goes exactly with what you just
25:47 said, and I just wanna read the first of 107 points in
25:54 this document.
25:55 Number one, this is the first one and it's the most famous
25:58 one, and it says this, question, what is the chief
26:02 end of man?
26:04 What is the goal, the whole point of human existence?
26:07 Answer, man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him
26:14 forever.
26:15 Okay, and to me, I've actually been asked before, what's the
26:20 purpose of human life?
26:22 That seems like a simple question, but that's a loaded
26:26 question, what's the purpose of human life?
26:29 How do you answer that question?
26:31 And I haven't arrived at a better on sentence summary
26:35 than...
26:36 >>TY: And this is from the Westminster...
26:37 >>JEFFERY: Smaller catechism, 1648, right?
26:42 The purpose of life is to glorify God and to enjoy him
26:45 forever, and the reason I think this has been life
26:48 changing for me and it's because those two clauses are
26:52 connected, they're inseparable, glorifying God is
26:56 synonymous to enjoying him.
27:00 So, if we process that, that's huge because I think that, I
27:05 think you said, or somebody said, that sounds egotistical
27:08 like, I get all the glory, but if those two things are
27:12 connected, glorifying God is connected to enjoying him,
27:15 that means you can't have one without the other, and that
27:19 means even if God were to thunder from heaven and
27:22 manifest himself in some, I dunno, some pretty impressive
27:27 stuff, some things that we would call glory, God's glory.
27:33 To think, if this is true, that God would actually not be
27:38 glorified unless the human agent finds enjoyment in what
27:43 God is revealing, so in other words, the glory of God is
27:46 contingent to how I respond to his relation of his own glory.
27:50 So, God is basically chaining himself, he's handcuffing
27:55 himself, in a sense, of course, and he's handcuffing
27:59 his glory that it's contingent on the believer and finding
28:04 pleasure in it.
28:05 And if that's true, it's not selfish.
28:08 >>TY: You know what else it implies, Jeffrey?
28:12 It implies that there is, intrinsically, in God,
28:15 enjoyment to be had.
28:17 Do you see that?
28:18 So, we have scriptures like Psalms 16:11, if I'm what is
28:24 So, we have scriptures like Psalms 16:11, if I'm what is
28:26 it?
28:27 At his right hand are pleasures forevermore.
28:29 The word pleasure is loaded.
28:32 Because pleasure has gone way off the rails with human
28:37 beings.
28:38 What we equate as pleasure is a kind of pleasure that
28:45 creates what we call diminishing returns.
28:48 Our world is engaged in pleasure seeking, a kind of
28:53 pleasure that actually can't deliver on what it promises.
28:58 Do you hear what I'm saying?
29:00 Can't deliver on what it's promising.
29:02 For example, lust promises what it can't deliver.
29:07 Lust promises love.
29:09 Lust cannot deliver on that promise.
29:15 Lust, or let me just flip it a little bit here, sex, sex,
29:23 which our culture is obsessed with, sex foreshadows in the
29:29 divine plan or is a window into something called love,
29:34 but if you separate sex from love, by which I mean, if you
29:37 separate sex from commitment and loyalty and devotion and
29:41 faithfulness, sex is reduced to the momentary release of
29:47 physical urges that doesn't equate to anything that's
29:51 sustainable.
29:52 >>JAMES: It's like fast food.
29:54 You need more and more and more and more and more,
29:56 because it doesn't satisfy long term.
29:58 >>TY: But you get full for a short time.
30:00 >>JAMES: Satiated for a full time.
30:02 >>DAVID: The way that I've thought about this, and I love
30:04 what you're saying there, Ty, is that the beauty of sex is
30:06 that it points to something beyond itself.
30:08 But if sex becomes just the thing, it would be like a
30:12 sign, say there's a sign here that says the Taj Mahal this
30:17 way, right, and the Taj Mahal is this big, beautiful,
30:19 amazing ediphus, right, which is awesome, I've not been
30:22 there yet, have any of you been there?
30:24 I've not been there yet, but it would be like going to the
30:26 sign, being like, hey, I went to the sign.
30:30 But did you go to the Taj Mahal?
30:32 I've been to the sign.
30:33 [Laughter]
30:34 It's just a shadow, it's a marker for something.
30:38 >>JAMES: I've seen the picture.
30:39 >>TY: That's what I was gonna say, oftentimes, people, we
30:44 don't even get to the sign, we just saw it on Google, that's
30:48 how far off lust is from love.
30:50 >>JAMES: I really like what you're saying, Ty, it reminds
30:52 me of the verse in Hebrews 11 where it says, and it's
30:56 talking about Moses, Pharaoh and the fact that he could
30:59 have really had a lot of earthly power and
31:02 satisfaction, whatever, and it says that Moses, when he
31:06 became of years, Hebrews 11:24, refused to be called
31:10 the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to suffer
31:13 affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the
31:15 pleasures of sin for a season.
31:18 It's seasonal.
31:19 See, in Psalms 16:11, pleasure is forevermore.
31:26 It's forever.
31:28 God never intended that pleasure would be seasonal.
31:31 So, what's happened is, what's happened is we've gone in and
31:34 we've taken out of pleasure the thing that makes it
31:37 eternal.
31:38 We have, that's why it's fast food.
31:40 >>TY: You have to say that again, 'cause I need that.
31:43 >>DAVID: We've taken out of pleasure the thing that makes
31:45 it eternal, which is God.
31:47 >>JAMES: And so, it becomes seasonal, and so, that's why
31:49 you need more and more and more.
31:51 Because the eternal part, the eternal experience of pleasure
31:53 is satisfying, it satisfies.
31:56 >>DAVID: As a father of two teenage boys, one of the
32:00 things that I've really tried to instill in them, because
32:03 we're living, as you said, in a sex-saturated, we're living
32:06 in the most sensual culture that has ever existed in the
32:08 history of the human, you know, enterprise.
32:10 We've never been here where we are right now.
32:13 We've leveraged technology to, that's right, it's ubiquitous.
32:16 So, one of the things that I said to my boys is rather than
32:21 having them, rather than turning them off of sex and
32:24 saying, hey, we don't.
32:25 >>JEFFERY: It's bad.
32:27 >>DAVID: Yeah, from a very young age, we have spoken to
32:29 our two boys, Violet and I, about sex and we have always
32:32 spoken about it in super positive, it's awesome, you're
32:36 gonna love it, it's amazing, when you find that person to
32:39 whom you give yourself, and the thing that I've emphasized
32:41 with them again and again is not only that sex is awesome
32:43 and amazing and a gift from God, but that sex is not just
32:46 something that takes place between two bodies in
32:49 proximity, but two human beings in love.
32:54 Right, that's the lie of lust, isn't it?
32:57 That sex finds its fulfillment in two bodies that are
32:59 proximate.
33:00 But that's not the case, it's two people, two human beings
33:03 with dreams and hopes and desires and loves and fears
33:08 that are yielding themselves in selflessness to the other.
33:12 You divorce that, and you're just standing in front of the
33:14 sign that says Taj Mahal, and let's be honest, the sign,
33:16 over time, will get, in fact, just the other day, we were in
33:20 a grocery store, we were checking out, this is in
33:23 Australia, just before we came here and I was with Landon, my
33:27 oldest, 16, and there was a Cosmopolitan magazine or Vanity
33:31 Fair, one of those magazines there, and you know, these are
33:33 forever advertising some sexual breakthrough and this
33:36 one said something like, you know, 15 sexual positions
33:40 you've never, and I said, Landon, let me just explain
33:42 something to you.
33:43 The human body has been with the human body is from the
33:46 beginning, there's only so many permutations here, right,
33:49 this is a lie.
33:51 What they're doing is, they are conceding that at some
33:53 level, their sexual experience is deeply unsatisfying.
33:57 So, they're trying to invent some new novel, no.
34:00 There's no new, there's no breakthrough position, there's
34:03 no, it's about giving yourself not just to a body, but to a
34:06 human.
34:07 And I'm saying this to my 16 year old son, and he's like,
34:09 yeah, dad, I get it dad.
34:12 This idea of joy, God clearly created, and you just pulled
34:16 this one out.
34:18 There's lots of joys we could talk about, we could talk
34:19 about the joy of music, the joy of fellowship, there's
34:21 many joys, but this is one in which the thing has been
34:25 extracted from its context and people are finding it,
34:30 diminishingly satisfying.
34:32 Surprise, surprise.
34:33 >>JEFFERY: Isn't it bizarre that Adam and Eve were placed
34:36 in the Garden of Eden, we've talked about this, and Eden is
34:38 pleasure, the Garden of Pleasure and back to our
34:41 earlier point, when we try to seize what properly belongs to
34:45 God, we lose what properly belongs to ourselves.
34:47 So, here they are, reaching outside of the safe boundaries
34:52 that is human function, how humans were intended to
34:56 function.
34:57 And they're in the Garden of Pleasure.
35:00 That just tells us at the gate how God feels about pleasure
35:04 and how integral pleasure was to be in the human experience.
35:09 But when we say, and when we say that in the context of
35:15 contemporary life, when I say pleasure should be integral to
35:17 your life, it sounds crazy.
35:21 Yet it's biblical.
35:24 >>TY: There is a sanctified hedonism, according to Jeffrey
35:27 Rosario, it was over my head, I don't know what you meant by
35:31 that.
35:32 There is something called pleasure that God invented and
35:36 intended for human beings to experience and that's what
35:40 this thing is telling us here.
35:42 What is the chief end of man?
35:44 >>DAVID: To know God and enjoy him forever.
35:47 >>TY: So, enjoyment is intrinsic to knowing God.
35:51 God's not anti-pleasure, he's pro-pleasure and anti-pain.
35:55 >>JEFFERY: Well, more than that, it consists not to know
35:57 him, to glorify him.
35:59 Pleasure is intrinsic in glorifying God.
36:02 When's the last time we thought in those terms?
36:05 We don't think in those terms.
36:06 >>DAVID: And the Christian church has often, not always,
36:10 but often, even the modern church, sort of arrayed itself
36:15 over and against pleasure, like pleasure is something to
36:17 be avoided, pleasure, etcetera.
36:19 And we often talk about loving God, appreciating God, fearing
36:25 God, reverencing God, there's a lot of different sort of
36:29 words that we use to identify the appropriate posture that
36:32 we have in relationship to the almighty.
36:34 All of those are true, but something we don't hard enough
36:38 of is, so we don't need less of something, we need more of
36:41 something, is I just enjoy Yahweh.
36:45 [Laughter]
36:47 He brings so much joy, and you think about the fruit of the
36:51 spirit, love, we got that one, joy.
36:56 God is to be enjoyed, but the portrait, the picture, that
36:59 many have of God is a God who is unenjoyable.
37:03 >>TY: Unenjoyable God, and yet, God is the source of all
37:07 true joy.
37:09 It's just.
37:10 >>DAVID: Who was the early, was it Erenaius, somebody
37:13 early on said the glory of God is man fully alive.
37:17 Is that, we can look that up, but I think it's Aranius, but
37:23 you know, Sarah Groves has that song, she's got that song
37:25 built on that, it's a beautiful song, but the glory
37:28 of God is man fully alive.
37:32 I have come.
37:33 >>TY: The glory of God is man fully alive, I'm gonna find
37:37 out who said that because I love it and I wanna quote it
37:39 for the rest of my life.
37:42 for the rest of my life.
37:43 >>JAMES: Your phone is, see, I'm doing the same thing
37:46 because, yeah, this is, this conversation is really
37:50 sparking a lot of issues for me, I was raised...
37:56 >>TY: Got it.
37:57 >>DAVID: Who was it?
37:58 >>TY: You are exactly right, one of the early
38:02 post-apostolic fathers of Christianity, go ahead, James.
38:07 >>JAMES: I was raised in a church that was quite
38:08 orthodox, quite formal, and my mom tells me that when she was
38:13 raised, so we're talking now '30s, '40s, '50s, '60s, in
38:19 her, and European background and American, but in her
38:23 church culture, 'cause you know, culture changed.
38:29 Same church, but culture changes that sex and those
38:34 kinds of , you know, that kind of activity was considered
38:41 something that was dirty, something that was shameful,
38:46 something that was, yeah, gotta have kids, but that's
38:50 about it.
38:51 And when she became enlightened, because she went
38:56 through the '60s revolution.
38:58 When I was raised, my mom had on her wall in her bedroom,
39:03 Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, you know, all
39:06 of the voices that came out of that culture, that '60s
39:11 culture, I was raised listening to all of that
39:13 music, and she was fully liberated, if you know what
39:17 I'm saying.
39:18 Yeah, so, when you, society swings to this extreme of
39:22 taking out of its context what God has made, what God has
39:26 created, the way that I , the words that I grabbed from
39:29 David I thought was really good, when we extract what God
39:31 has made and we take it out of its original context, we will
39:36 find that it is diminishing and you said -ly.
39:39 >>DAVID: Diminishingly satisfying.
39:41 >>JAMES: Diminishingly satisfying.
39:42 And no surprise.
39:43 Right?
39:44 That's what you said.
39:45 I can't find the word diminishingly as a correct
39:47 word.
39:48 Okay, and you can do it.
39:49 And I love that, and so what happens then when we do it,
39:54 culturally, there's finally gonna be a breaking point, and
39:58 the culture's gonna react to that and swing the other way,
40:02 and I feel like that's what we're seeing and it all goes
40:05 back to this idea of giving God the glory.
40:08 In other words, putting him so that we in response find our
40:14 place.
40:15 I love it.
40:16 I just think it's beautiful.
40:17 >>TY: We have to take a break, we're actually two minutes
40:19 over, and David, just hold, don't forget.
40:22 >>DAVID: I won't forget, I've got it written down.
40:24 >>TY: Let's take a break, we'll come right back.
40:26 >>DAVID: I won't forget, I've got it written down.
40:26 [Music]
40:37 Announcer: Digma videos are short, engaging messages
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41:19 Simply ask for Digma DVD 3.
41:22 [Music]
41:26 [Music]
41:28 >>TY: David, you had something on the tip of your
41:29 tongue.
41:30 >>DAVID: Well, I had three things that were jumping out
41:32 at me, but the last thing, and I'll get to all of them here,
41:34 but the last thing was when James was talking, James, just
41:37 remind me, because I know what I was gonna say, but how does
41:39 it tie in with your last point?
41:40 We were talking about the diminishing.
41:43 >>JAMES: That when we extract what God has made us to be,
41:46 when we take it out of its original context, we will find
41:49 that it diminishes our satisfaction.
41:51 >>DAVID: Okay, so the thing that I was thinking about
41:54 there is that, tying that in with this idea of wisdom, we
41:57 were in Jeremiah 9, remember, let not the wise man glory in
42:01 his wisdom, let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
42:03 mighty man glory in his might, rich man glory in his riches,
42:06 okay, you know that you have the personification of wisdom
42:09 in Proverbs 8, tell me if you love this, or this thought
42:12 just occurred to me, in Proverbs chapter 8, you have
42:14 this personification of wisdom, it's very Messianic,
42:18 you know, I was, daily his delight rejoicing before him,
42:22 before the mountains were formed, do we know what we're
42:24 talking about here?
42:25 The whole section of Proverbs 8 is taking wisdom and
42:28 personifying it and I've always loved the last verse of
42:33 Proverbs chapter 8.
42:34 Do you remember what it says, there's this whole wisdom is
42:37 amazing, wisdom is awesome.
42:38 Those who hate me love death.
42:41 So, when we, exactly, when we embrace the wisdom of God in
42:49 Christ, 'cause Christ, when we embrace that, we are living
42:52 the life that Christ made for, I've come that they might have
42:55 life and have it more abundantly.
42:56 When we reject that, we are, we talked about this in a past
43:00 session.
43:01 Though we might be living, we're embracing death.
43:06 When you divorce the pleasure from the origin of the
43:11 pleasure, you are not alive.
43:13 >>TY: Well, let me read the text because it says even
43:15 more, it says, for whoever finds me, wisdom, personified
43:21 wisdom, for whoever finds me finds life, and obtains,
43:26 obtains favor from the Lord.
43:31 But he who sins against me, that is, against wisdom,
43:36 wrongs his own soul, all those who hate me love death.
43:42 >>JEFFERY: So it's to your own detriment to seek your own
43:45 autonomy.
43:46 >>TY: By the way, guys, I found those scriptures that I
43:48 couldn't remember, Psalm 115, verse 8, and 135:18, those who
43:53 worship idols become like them.
43:55 Psalm 115 verse 8 and Psalm 135 verse 18.
44:00 Just 'cause I know somebody during the break was asking
44:03 for them.
44:04 Yeah.
44:05 So, that's the problem with idolatry.
44:07 It's not an ego thing with God, he's not saying, hey,
44:10 don't worship any other gods or idols because I need you to
44:15 stroke my ego.
44:16 That's not the point.
44:18 The point is don't worship any other gods or imaginary
44:22 pictures of God that you might concoct because you're
44:24 impressionable, you're a creature that reflects
44:28 whatever occupies the highest place in your estimation.
44:32 God has to occupy the highest place in our estimation
44:35 because we're gonna become like whatever it is that
44:38 occupies that place.
44:39 >>JAMES: Let's go one step further, just to add to that.
44:42 Don't worship idols because idolatry is the essence of
44:45 self worship, worship me because I'm the essence of
44:48 others-centered worship.
44:49 I'm the essence, I am the epitome of others-centered
44:53 thinking, whereas idolatry is the epitome of glorifying
44:57 self.
44:58 Who made that idol?
44:59 I did.
45:00 Why are you worshipping that idol?
45:02 Because it's...
45:03 >>JEFFERY: Looking at the Garden and Adam and Eve, do
45:05 you remember this, he said, they wanted a corner in the
45:08 universe to mark their own and to say God, this is our
45:11 business.
45:12 Then, he said, they wanted so desperately to be nouns that
45:16 they would have to remain adjectives.
45:18 So, the idea is, why you're saying the reason idolatry's
45:23 wrong is because it's really, you're actually not even
45:26 worshipping something else.
45:27 You're just worshipping yourself.
45:29 >>TY: And CS Lewis, I don't know if it's in that same
45:31 connection, but he also, at one point, said this profound
45:35 thing, human beings want happiness without God and
45:41 alas, there is no such thing.
45:43 It doesn't exist.
45:45 >>DAVID: He actually, in that same quotation, he says,
45:49 people ask, why can't God just give us happiness apart from
45:52 himself, that's the question.
45:54 And the answer is that's not possible, not even for God.
45:59 He is the source of joy.
46:00 To know God and to enjoy him forever.
46:03 To glorify God, you know, how is this not...
46:05 >>JAMES: And he is such that if it were possible, he would
46:08 do it, but it's not.
46:09 >>DAVID: Let me land this, I'm sorry, James, I didn't mean to
46:11 cut you off there, what was the thing you just said.
46:13 >>JAMES: I was just saying that God is so selfless that
46:16 he would do whatever it would take, but it is not possible.
46:18 >>JEFFERY: He would if he could but he can't.
46:20 >>JAMES: And that's what we see at the cross.
46:22 He would do whatever.
46:24 He would take himself.
46:25 If we think that happiness could exist without God, he
46:28 will take himself out of the picture and show us that it
46:30 doesn't.
46:31 We're not happy without him.
46:32 We're lost, we're miserable.
46:33 >>DAVID: There's something I wanna say that I'll come back
46:35 to in a second, but it reminds me of that illustration that
46:38 you used, Ty, at the beginning of not this session, but the
46:40 last one where you talked about the boy who shot his
46:43 father and then was heard later, you know, crying out
46:45 for his father, we know socially and psychologically,
46:49 developmentally, that the absence of a father, what's
46:54 called absenteeism from fatherhood or whatever, that
46:58 that is just debilitating, developmentally for children.
47:01 I mean, people can recover from it, my father left me
47:03 when I was very young.
47:04 Fortunately, when I became almost a teenager, my mom
47:07 married an amazing man, Richard Assherick, but there
47:10 was a period in my life where there was a father void.
47:13 You had that experience, you've had that, and you've
47:15 had that.
47:16 Whoa.
47:17 >>TY: And I never had anyone step in, you were very
47:19 fortunate.
47:20 >>DAVID: That's why I took his last name.
47:22 Strangely enough, that's another story, but the reason,
47:24 what I was gonna say is is that that same pathology that
47:29 develops or pathologies that potentially develop from an
47:32 absentee human father has its analogue in the absence of a
47:38 heavenly Father.
47:39 I don't know how you guys feel, but I sometimes, whether
47:41 it's listening to the news or driving down the highway, this
47:44 sense of sort of depressive foreboding comes on me in
47:47 strange times.
47:49 And I will get this sense, I will literally have the
47:52 thought, how are people coping in the absence of the sense of
47:58 the heavenly Father's love?
48:01 Now, somebody's gonna hear that and say, you're
48:04 psychologically weak, you need a crutch.
48:06 I don't know, I think I'm a reasonably intelligent,
48:09 observant, analytical person.
48:12 I think that people are medicating, I think they're
48:15 drinking, I think they're, you know, I'm saying, coping, this
48:20 world, this world that we're living in right now, what do
48:22 you wanna talk about?
48:23 Environmentalism?
48:24 What, terrorism?
48:25 You wanna talk about what do you wanna talk about?
48:27 You wanna talk about the economic disparity between the
48:29 rich and the poor?
48:30 Do you know that the 8 wealthiest people in the
48:32 world, the 8 wealthiest people in the world have more wealth,
48:36 8, than the poorest 3.6 billion.
48:42 That's half the earth's population.
48:44 So, this isn't a commentary on that as such political, I'm
48:47 not making a political statement here, I'm just
48:49 saying that this world is very hard to cope with day in, day
48:53 out.
48:54 A good friend of ours, we just learned, I just learned today
48:58 or last night, has cancer, a very serious cancer.
49:02 Fortunately, he's a man that loves Jesus very much.
49:05 How are people coping?
49:06 And the answer is, they're not.
49:08 >>JEFFERY: But you asked a question, you asked a
49:11 question, you know, how can they go on without that
49:16 source?
49:17 The thing, though, is, if you process your own childhood,
49:19 like my father separated from my mother before I could walk,
49:24 so that was the normal, right? But the more I interact with
49:28 other friends, I realized, oh, they have mom and dad at
49:31 home, which, to me, was new.
49:33 I didn't, I couldn't even process that, but the more I
49:36 got to know people, the more I realized how my friends hated
49:39 their dads and how many of their dads were deadbeats and
49:43 I arrived to the conclusion in my early teens, 13, 14, you
49:48 know what, I'm glad I grew up without a father, because if
49:52 that's what I would have had, I'm glad I just had my mom.
49:58 And the analogue, again, is the same, how do so many
50:03 people, how are they able to cope?
50:05 It's because they're thinking, in their own conception, if
50:08 that's what the heavenly Father is like, it stinks that
50:12 I don't have a dad at home, it stinks that it's just my mom,
50:15 it stinks that we're on welfare, it stinks that I
50:18 don't have all of that, but at least it's not that.
50:21 [Laughter]
50:22 Right?
50:24 So, to me, my childhood to me is a window to how it must be,
50:30 I can only say must because 'cause I met Jesus when I was
50:33 17 years old, and like you, I can't even fathom functioning
50:38 without my worldview in place.
50:41 But maybe it's because of that.
50:43 >>JAMES: What he said just now is my world.
50:46 So, for several years, my mom had a boyfriend and this guy
50:50 was evil personified, you know, he was alcoholic.
50:58 >>TY: Was that the guy who was with my mom?
51:01 Yep.
51:03 Bingo.
51:04 [Laughter]
51:05 >>JAMES: I remember waking up my mom just beat up, knife to
51:07 the throat, all kinds of stuff.
51:09 And getting woke up in the middle of the night and being
51:14 taken from one place, one city to another city in the middle
51:18 of a snowstorm just because of whatever, I can't even tell
51:21 you the issues that were going on and what you just said, I
51:24 realized it because see, what I did, in a sense, I blocked
51:28 that out.
51:29 I think, in my mind, I was raised without a dad, I was
51:32 raised without a father, no, actually, there were these
51:34 guys, there was this guys who was in our life for years, and
51:38 no way, thank you.
51:40 Well, I told my mom one day, I said, mom, I said, I hate the
51:44 life that you've brought us into with him, get him out.
51:48 >>DAVID: How old were you?
51:49 >>JAMES: I was 14 at that time, and she said to me, it
51:52 was like, to her, it was like, really, wow.
51:55 And it rocked her, she was willing to do it.
51:57 And I remember him, he would come to the house and he would
51:59 be knocking on the door, knocking on the door, in the
52:01 middle of the night to get in and she wouldn't open the door
52:03 because of what I had said, you know, about, but that was
52:05 kind of, in a sense, blocked out, it was like, no, I never
52:08 really had a dad, because I didn't want a dad like that, I
52:11 wanted nothing to do with that kind of dad.
52:13 >>TY: I grew up writing my name at school, Ty Ross.
52:20 None of you know me by the name Ty Ross.
52:24 That was my name, R-O-S-S.
52:27 My last name was Ross, that's what I wrote on my papers, Ty
52:30 Ross, because the guy that was my dad was named Charles Ross.
52:39 Turns out, he wasn't my dad.
52:41 I didn't know that, I thought he was.
52:44 That was the guy, he was not my biological dad.
52:48 He was the guy that was brutalizing my mother and
52:50 there was so cognitive and emotional dissonance in my
52:54 world that the moment my mom told me, he's not your dad, I
53:00 said, then who is?
53:03 And she said a name.
53:05 Jonathan Gibson.
53:08 And in a matter of weeks, it began, not right then on the
53:13 spot, I was just a kid, but in a matter of weeks, it dawned
53:16 on me that I wanted a sharp disassociation, and I said
53:21 mom, could I be Ty Gibson?
53:24 And she said, well, that's on your birth certificate, you
53:26 can switch to that.
53:28 [Laughter]
53:29 So, I switched to Ty Gibson an here's the thing, I've
53:31 never met the Gibson guy.
53:33 I don't even know who he is.
53:35 He could be a monster, too, but at least, I'm building on
53:36 what Jeffrey was saying, at least, with Jonathan Gibson,
53:41 there's a blank that I can, it's an empty canvas, I can
53:46 fill in whatever I want.
53:47 >>DAVID: And Gibson make great guitars.
53:50 >>TY: And Gibson make guitars, that's right.
53:52 So, I mean, seriously.
53:53 >>JEFFERY: You could've been Ty Ross.
53:55 >>DAVID: Dude, check this out, my birth name is David Cross.
53:59 We could be sitting here right now Ty Ross.
54:01 >>TY: Ty Ross, Jeffrey whatever, James whatever,
54:04 yeah, it's just nuts.
54:07 >>DAVID: So, don't we have to go to Revelation chapter 14 to
54:09 end this?
54:11 >>TY: Well, before we go to Revelation 14, you go there
54:12 and I go to one right before there?
54:13 >>DAVID: Yeah, go.
54:15 >>TY: So, on the level of Protestant reformation, and to
54:18 the glory of God alone, alright, we have to look at
54:22 briefly Ephesians chapter 2, verses 8-10, because this is
54:26 where the reformers were coming from, for by grace, you
54:30 have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it
54:36 is the gift of God, not of works lest anyone should
54:40 boast.
54:42 That word boast is glory.
54:44 It could be translated glory, it's the Greek word, I
54:46 believe, if I'm not wrong doxa, D-O-X-A, so essentially,
54:52 what he's saying, that in the scope of the gospel and
54:54 salvation, he's saying salvation is by grace alone,
54:57 through faith alone, in Christ alone, so there is no glory,
55:01 it's to the glory of God alone.
55:03 There is no glory for human beings in this salvation
55:05 enterprise.
55:06 David.
55:08 >>DAVID: I'm basking in that.
55:09 So, Revelation chapter 14, verse 6, right?
55:13 So, I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having
55:15 the everlasting gospel to preach to those that dwell on
55:17 the earth, to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people,
55:19 saying with a loud voice, fear God and give glory to him,
55:22 which, you know, we've probably heard that and spoken
55:28 that and communicated that in a lot of different ways, but
55:30 how about if we said, what if the text said, fear God and
55:35 enjoy him for it.
55:36 Right?
55:39 I mean, are you kidding me?
55:40 >>TY: We're not doing any theological damage to that.
55:43 That's what it means.
55:46 >>DAVID: Fear God and enjoy him.
55:49 It's not compulsory.
55:51 You better, it's privilege, you get to.
55:54 >>JAMES: And in the context of Ephesians, fear God and trust
55:58 in him, in the context of 1 Corinthians, trust in his
56:01 works, his merits, his faith, everything's a gift from God
56:04 so trust in everything he's done for you without you.
56:06 >>DAVID: See, God gets all the glory because there's no
56:09 residual glory left to go to us.
56:12 >>TY: But there's a whole lot of enjoyment that comes from
56:16 God's glory when we understand it in its proper place.
56:21 Man, what a great discussion this has been.
56:24 [Music]
56:35 蛂usic]


Revised 2018-01-18