Table Talk

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000510A

00:00 [Music]
00:10 [Music]
00:21 >>TY: We're moving through the reformation, you guys, and
00:23 this is both historical and theological material.
00:26 It's pretty incredible that a group of individuals at a
00:31 certain time in history all began to collectively come to
00:35 a unified realization that something was dramatically
00:38 wrong with the entire religious and political system
00:43 and voices began to speak the same thing, all over western
00:48 Europe.
00:50 It's amazing also that, as they began to articulate what
00:54 they were sensing that their entire argument against the
00:58 system wasn't political, wasn't even really
01:03 theological, it was personal.
01:07 It was Jesus.
01:09 They said that a person was the answer to all the problems
01:15 that they were facing.
01:18 If we maintain a perspective that merely keeps our faith in
01:24 the realm of theological tenance, we're in trouble.
01:27 >>DAVID: There you go, that's right.
01:29 >>TY: It's gotta be brought into personal experience.
01:33 We're moving through, at this point in our 13 part series on
01:36 the reformation, the five solas, sola scriptura, sola
01:40 gracia, sola fida, now, sola Christo.
01:44 Christ alone.
01:47 All that we've discussed so far centers in a person, in
01:51 the person of Jesus Christ.
01:53 >>DAVID: Like, the last time that we were together, the
01:55 redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
01:57 He's the person.
01:59 >>TY: So, scripture is an extension of the person of
02:03 Christ.
02:04 He is the Word, capital W, from which we get the word,
02:06 lowercase.
02:08 He is the Truth, capital T, from which we get the
02:11 lowercase truth.
02:12 Jesus is the source of the grace by which we are saved,
02:17 and the faith by which we lay hold of grace is first on
02:24 display in him.
02:25 It's first the faith of Jesus, we're on dangerous theological
02:29 and spiritual ground if our starting point is faith in
02:33 Jesus.
02:35 The starting point for spiritual experience in
02:38 salvation isn't faith in Jesus, then the ownness is
02:41 still on us.
02:43 The starting point is the faith of Jesus, and that
02:46 brings us to sola Christo.
02:49 Jesus is the one in whom our salvation is an accomplished
02:54 reality and in locating it, all outside of ourselves in
02:58 him, there is such a release of Pagan anxiety, which is
03:04 common to all human beings.
03:05 >>DAVID: On that note, Martin Luther, reflecting back on his
03:08 own human experiences, says, night and day, I pondered
03:11 until I saw the connection between the justice of God and
03:14 the statement that the just shall live by faith.
03:16 Then, I grasped that the justice of God is that
03:20 righteousness by which grace and sheer mercy God
03:24 justifies us through faith, then this sentence.
03:26 There upon, I felt myself to be reborn.
03:29 And to have gone through open doors into paradise itself.
03:33 That's the experiential element you're talking about
03:35 there.
03:37 At some level, it needs to go from merely the cerebral, or
03:39 intellectual, to the deeply emotional and personal.
03:42 He says, all of this, I was having these intellectual
03:44 awareness, these intellectual, you know, epiphanies, and
03:47 then, I felt like I was born again and I walked through the
03:50 very gates of paradise.
03:51 As I was contemplating scripture, the just shall live
03:55 by faith.
03:56 >>TY: What a testimony.
03:57 >>DAVID: And Wesley has a similar testimony.
04:02 Yeah, right, this idea that he feels this burden lift from
04:04 him and he had been a Christian missionary for years
04:08 prior to really understanding the gospel.
04:11 And when Wesley traces his conversion, he says, it was at
04:16 a meeting of the Moravian Missionary Society in London,
04:18 where the introduction to Luther's commentary on Romans
04:22 was being read.
04:24 >>TY: Just the introduction.
04:26 >>DAVID: The introduction.
04:27 >>JEFFERY: You said he had been a missionary, so that
04:28 just shows it's possible to be religious but not have that
04:32 experience.
04:33 Years and decades of religiosity and going to
04:37 church.
04:38 >>DAVID: Not only is it possible, it's almost likely.
04:41 You know, Ty has said before, and I tell you there's a lot
04:46 of truth to it, that religion is maybe the easiest and best
04:49 place to hide from God, 'cause you're surrounded by all of
04:52 this God-like stuff.
04:54 You can sort of avoid God himself.
04:56 >>JEFFERY: You're under the illusion that you are in this
05:00 experiential journey, but it's not experiential.
05:04 >>TY: I read something that somebody said to this effect,
05:07 that the religion of legalism is a way of forgetting God
05:12 that passes for remembering him.
05:17 >>DAVID: What, say that again?
05:18 >>TY: That legalism is a way of forgetting God that passes
05:21 for remembering him.
05:22 >>DAVID: Oh, that's hot.
05:23 >>TY: Yeah, the idea is that you can hide from God in the
05:29 things that purport to be of God.
05:32 Religious paraphernalia and books and music and pews and
05:38 pulpits and preachers and elders and deacons and you can
05:42 just surround yourself with religion and take refuge from
05:46 grace, from the gospel, in religion.
05:50 >>DAVID: So, Luther says here, he pondered night and day this
05:55 phrase, the just shall live by faith.
05:59 And Ty, we segued into that experiential thing by you
06:02 saying, and I thought it was a pretty strong statement, maybe
06:05 a little too strong, so I'm gonna ask you about it.
06:08 I think you said we're on dangerous ground if we think
06:12 that the starting point, the, yeah, that's the
06:17 clarification, the starting point is my faith, our
06:21 collective faith in Jesus and not the faith that belongs to
06:26 Jesus.
06:27 So, when Luther is contemplating, the just shall
06:29 live by faith, he's quoting there Habakkuk 2, right, he's
06:32 actually quoting Romans 1:17, which is quoting Habakkuk 2,
06:37 so what does that mean?
06:39 >>TY: This, from my understanding, is the major
06:47 transition post reformation, well, we're still in the
06:52 reformation, but this is the major transition, the next
06:55 step that needs to be taken because almost all of
07:00 Protestant evangelical Christianity starts with faith
07:04 in Jesus, but the faith of Jesus precedes faith in Jesus.
07:11 In fact, his faith is the stimuli for our faith and when
07:17 we speak of the faith of Jesus, what we're really
07:21 describing is the dynamic of love, and what I mean by that
07:25 is 1 Corinthians 13 is where Paul is describing what love
07:30 looks like in relational action.
07:32 And you know, he says, love hopes all things and believes
07:38 all things and love never fails.
07:40 He says a lot of other things about love, but he says it
07:43 hopes, it believes, and it never fails.
07:46 And it endures.
07:47 Okay, so, if we begin with the premise that God is love, then
07:53 we could say with theological accuracy, God hopes, God
07:58 believes, all things and never fails.
08:02 God believes the best of an individual before the
08:07 individual even has confidence in God.
08:11 And that stimulates response.
08:13 One scripture that seems completely unrelated, but I
08:17 think really is an illustration of the gospel is
08:23 Song of Solomon chapter 4 verse 7, where Solomon, the
08:28 beloved, the lover is saying to his beloved, the Shulamite
08:33 woman, you are fair, my love, you are beautiful, there is no
08:37 flaw in you. There is no flaw in you.
08:40 Well, of course there were flaws in her, but there was a
08:44 real sense in which love is blind, or the scripture says,
08:48 love covers a multitude of sins.
08:51 So, I think that God relates to us in faith, the faith of
08:58 God in the sense that he sees what could be.
09:01 He relates to us according to our potential, not according
09:04 to our current situation and reality.
09:07 >>DAVID: So, you're saying that this is a gospel
09:09 principle, God sees us as we can be, there is no flaw in
09:12 you.
09:13 And then, he invites us to believe in his belief, to have
09:16 faith in his faith That is, this to me is a paradigm
09:19 changing idea, and it's probably been the focus of my
09:24 thinking and preaching on this over the last about 5 years,
09:27 4-5 years, and when you see this, stories start coming
09:33 alive, like what Jeffrey has said, when you see something
09:35 you can't unsee it.
09:36 You start seeing texts of scripture, wow, I hadn't seen
09:40 that, I hadn't seen that, I hadn't seen that.
09:42 So, here's an example.
09:43 The woman caught in adultery, so, all of the people go out,
09:47 they file out as Jesus has written on the ground in the
09:49 dust of the temple floor and woman, where are your
09:52 accusers?
09:53 This is John 8, has no one accused you?
09:55 She says, no man, Lord, no one has accused me.
09:58 And then, he says, neither do I condemn you and then, go and
10:01 sin no more.
10:03 Now, you can read that as a command, hey, you had better
10:06 not.
10:07 If you do this, a worse thing.
10:10 No, what he's saying is, I see a future for you that you may
10:14 not right now be able to see for yourself.
10:17 I see a future, you can leave this life.
10:20 There's a new story, a new narrative that your life can
10:23 tell, and it doesn't involve this.
10:25 >>JEFFERY: It's like God prophecies into us a reality,
10:27 and you all know Romans chapter 4, where that's
10:33 basically what it says, God who gives life to the dead and
10:36 calls those things which do not exist as though they did
10:40 exist.
10:43 So, God speaks a truth into you that may not be, it's not
10:48 there yet, but it will be.
10:51 >>DAVID: So, Paul is drawing that theological point from
10:53 the embryonic story in the Jewish nation, or in the
10:58 Hebrew people, and that's Abraham.
11:00 You're gonna have lots of descendants, stars of the sky,
11:04 sand of the sea.
11:05 Man, you're gonna bless the nations.
11:08 And Abraham's like, yeah, okay, so, on that.
11:11 I don't have any children.
11:14 But God makes promises based on what will be.
11:17 He speaks faith into our lives.
11:21 Go and sin no more.
11:22 >>JEFFERY: And in a sense, that's what the 10
11:24 commandments are, right?
11:25 If we view them as promises, they're declaratives speaking
11:29 into the individual.
11:30 >>DAVID: You no longer have to.
11:32 >>JEFFERY: If you accept me as your redeemer, you will no
11:35 longer.
11:36 >>DAVID: Exactly, and then you go down the commandments.
11:38 >>JEFFERY: And then you go down the commandments, you
11:39 will no longer live this broken way of life and so
11:42 forth.
11:44 >>DAVID: Another story that's come alive for me is Acts 9
11:45 where Saul has been persecuting, he's now, you know blinded, and
11:50 he's hiding in this you know, home there in Damascus and
11:54 when Ananias comes in, he says Brother Saul, God told me to
11:58 tell you something and what he told me to tell you is that
12:00 you will bear his name before kings, that you will be a
12:03 powerful preacher and that you will suffer yet many things
12:05 for his sake.
12:06 So, that is not what Saul is expecting to hear from God.
12:11 I mean, his view of God is, when they're out of line, you
12:13 punish them, you persecute them, and if need be, you end
12:15 their lives.
12:16 So, here, no, God's got big plans for you.
12:19 God sees a future for you that you can't see right now of
12:21 which your temporal blindness is only an illustration of
12:25 your larger spiritual blindness, but God's got a
12:26 plan for you.
12:28 He's inviting you to believe in what he sees for your
12:31 future.
12:32 >>JEFFERY: And the beautiful thing is that God would not be
12:35 able to reveal that reality to us completely because we
12:37 wouldn't be able to handle it.
12:39 So, he takes us on a journey, on a step by step journey,
12:44 because that would be overwhelming to us for God to
12:48 be able to somehow reveal to you the kind of human being
12:53 that he dreams that you would become.
12:57 And so, that's the point of the journey.
13:00 >>TY: Jeffrey, you took us to Romans 4:17, God calls those
13:04 things which do not exist as though they do and the context
13:07 of course is he's calling you righteous even though you're
13:09 not, which in the human realm, that's lying, but from God's
13:14 perspective, it's not lying because he's prophesying and
13:17 his word has power to produce what he says, but if you take
13:22 chapter 4, verse 17, Paul develops, develops, develops,
13:25 when he comes to chapter 6 and verse 11, he says, likewise,
13:29 you also reckon yourselves to be dead to sin but alive to
13:32 God in Jesus Christ, our Lord.
13:35 Reckon yourself.
13:36 Reckon means what?
13:40 >>DAVID: Consider.
13:41 >>TY: Consider, regard yourself the way, you're not
13:43 righteous, but regard yourself as righteous by virtue of the
13:49 fact that you're in Christ.
13:51 Begin to see yourself differently and then, add to
13:54 that chapter 10 of Romans verse 8, I don't know if you
13:57 guys have ever noticed this, this just dawned on me a while
14:01 ago, it says here that the gospel is the word of God and
14:04 then it says that it is the word of faith which we preach.
14:10 Okay, the gospel, specifically in the bible in general, we
14:15 call this the word of God.
14:17 Paul calls it the word of faith, so whose faith is it on
14:21 display in the word?
14:22 The faith of God, okay.
14:25 So, in that sense, in that sense, that's what we talked
14:28 about in our previous conversation, right?
14:31 Where Jesus is a new narrative.
14:36 He's a new story.
14:37 He is according to, what is it, Ephesians 2 or Ephesians
14:42 4, where he's called the one new man.
14:45 Four.
14:47 He's the one new man, he's the new human.
14:49 So, the bible is telling a story.
14:53 It's the word of God's faith that is first lived out in the
14:58 person of Christ, and we're invited to indentify with that
15:05 new narrative.
15:06 So, we can either trace our identity to the first Adam,
15:10 with all the sin and guilt and shame and woe that proceeds
15:13 from him and that can be our identifier, the one with whom
15:20 we identify.
15:21 Or we can say, not the first Adam, but the second Adam, the
15:24 new man.
15:26 I relate to, I identify with, by faith, Jesus.
15:31 I want my humanity to be like his, not like his.
15:35 So, I'm shifting to a new start.
15:37 >>JAMES: I notice when you say like Christ, you're pointing
15:40 to me and when you say like the fallen, you're pointing to
15:42 Jeffrey.
15:44 I just noticed that, I don't know if you guys noticed that.
15:45 >>TY: It was unconscious.
15:46 >>DAVID: It was Ephesians 2, the new man, Ephesians
15:50 2:14-15.
15:51 >>TY: In Ephesians 2, when it talks about Jesus being the
15:53 one new man, it's very interesting, he's the one new
15:56 man and as such, in him, is combined the people of all
16:02 ethnicities and nations.
16:03 That's the point.
16:05 So, the middle wall of partition, which he calls in
16:08 the text, enmity, hatred, hostility between people.
16:14 The hostility between people, the wall of hostility between
16:17 people is broken down, why?
16:19 Because Jesus is the universal man.
16:22 Because Jesus is the universal man.
16:26 Jesus is the one man that represents all men.
16:29 >>JAMES: Check his lineage.
16:31 Matthew wrote it powerfully and amazingly.
16:34 Yeah.
16:35 >>DAVID: There's four women in there, in the genealogy and
16:37 every one of them is a Gentile.
16:39 Different situations, different backgrounds, a mixed
16:43 multitude we would say.
16:44 So, it's interesting, on the point about the faith of Jesus
16:49 and a new reality and calling those things, when Luther
16:54 says, again, I'm going back to Luther, he pondered day and
16:56 night on that statement, the just shall live by faith, the
16:59 just shall live by faith.
17:00 I'm gonna say something that might sound crazy.
17:03 I think that Luther was teaching what he was teaching
17:07 clearly, in the sense that he was teaching that we cannot be
17:10 justified or saved by works, but it's through Jesus, it's
17:14 by faith, or it's by grace, it's through faith.
17:16 I get all of that, but I think that while Luther was accurate
17:22 in the big picture, I think exegetically, on that text,
17:27 there has been development that suggests that there is a
17:31 better way to read what's going on there.
17:33 >>TY: When you say that text, you mean which text?
17:35 >>DAVID: I mean the text that was the nucleus, the just
17:38 shall live by faith.
17:39 This is the thing.
17:40 >>JEFFERY: So, for him, it was his faith.
17:42 >>TY: The just shall live by faith in Jesus.
17:44 >>JEFFERY: My faith in Jesus.
17:46 >>DAVID: Right, but it's interesting, if you go back
17:48 and I'll just read you this bombshell of a statement.
17:50 If you go back and actually read in Romans chapter 1
17:54 where, that's quoted, right, you have Romans chapter 1,
17:57 verses 16 and 17, where it says the just shall live by
17:59 faith.
18:00 He's quoting from Habakkuk, which we mentioned.
18:02 So, I've just got my bible open here to Habakkuk, and if
18:05 you read through this and I'll just read the first 4 verses,
18:09 if you read the first chapter of Habakkuk, the first four
18:11 verses say, the burden which the prophet Habakkuk saw, oh,
18:15 Lord, how long will I cry and you will not hear, I cry out
18:18 to you, violence, and you do not save.
18:21 Why do you show me this iniquity and cause me to see
18:24 trouble?
18:25 Plundering and violence are everywhere before me.
18:27 There is strife and contention, therefore the law
18:29 is powerless and justice never goes forth.
18:31 For the wicked surround the righteous, therefore, perverse
18:33 judgment proceeds.
18:34 God then responds, and says, you think this is bad, it's
18:38 gonna get worse.
18:39 The Babylonians are gonna come and you're gonna see even
18:41 worse things.
18:42 He then comes back again, the prophet Habakkuk, chapter 1,
18:45 verse 12, are you not from everlasting, oh, Lord, my God,
18:49 oh holy one?
18:50 We will not die, oh Lord.
18:51 You have appointed them for judgment, oh rock, you have
18:54 marked them for correction.
18:55 you are of pure eyes than to behold evil.
18:58 You cannot look at wickedness.
18:59 Why do you look on those who deal treacherously and hold
19:03 your tongue when the wicked devours a person more
19:05 righteous than he?
19:06 Why do you make men like the fish of the sea, like creeping
19:08 things that have no ruler over them?
19:11 >>JEFFERY: Why do you, why do you, why do you?
19:14 >>TY: It's a diatribe against apparently God not doing what
19:18 God should do.
19:19 >>DAVID: You're not being God.
19:21 >>TY: Where's your justice?
19:22 >>DAVID: And sometimes, we're like, whoa, blasphemy, but the
19:24 prophets often registered their frustration with God's
19:27 seeming absence from various situations.
19:30 So, he's saying, what, where, why, what are you doing?
19:34 Now this is so interesting, then chapter 2, verse 1,
19:38 Habakkuk says, I will stand my watch, I will set myself on
19:41 the rampart and watch to see what he will say to me in
19:43 response to what amounts to an interrogation.
19:48 And what I will answer when I am corrected?
19:52 Then the Lord said unto me, here it is, here's the answer
19:55 to this interrogation.
19:56 Write the vision, make it plain on tablets that he may
20:00 run who reads it, for the vision is yet for a future
20:03 time, an appointed time, at the end, it will speak, it
20:07 will not tell a lie.
20:08 Though it tarries, though it waits, though it delays, wait
20:11 for it because it will surely come and it will not delay.
20:15 Look at the proud, his soul is not righteous or upright in
20:18 him, but the just shall live by his faith.
20:23 >>TY: The it that's coming is a him.
20:25 >>DAVID: The it that is coming, the thing that will be
20:27 so plain as if written on tablets of stone that even
20:29 somebody that's running by quickly will be able to see it
20:31 like an advertisement, is Jesus.
20:33 It's Jesus.
20:34 >>JEFFERY: So, the his is Jesus.
20:36 >>TY: I love that so much.
20:38 I can't even tell you.
20:40 >>DAVID: Oh, I'm telling you.
20:42 >>TY: This puts the faith of Jesus in the context of
20:45 theodicy, do you see that?
20:47 >>DAVID: Absolutely, yes I do.
20:48 You need to unpack that, we need to take a break and I
20:51 want you to unpack that.
20:53 The faith of Jesus in the context of theodicy.
20:56 >>TY: We do need to take a break.
20:57 Let's come back in a minute.
21:00 [Music]
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23:03 [Music]
23:09 >>TY: Man, this Habakkuk's passage that you took us to,
23:14 which, let's remind ourselves, this is where Paul is grounded
23:18 in the book of Romans.
23:19 Romans introduces the gospel by quoting that very passage.
23:23 And Romans 1, verses 16 and 17, the just shall live by his
23:29 faith, and it's the faith specifically of Jesus, which
23:32 is proven by the fact that Habakkuk is a messianic
23:37 prophecy that is saying, wait for it, it's coming, in answer
23:40 to the question, why is there injustice?
23:42 You're not dealing with the issues.
23:44 You're not dealing with the issues in this world, there's
23:47 slaughter, there's war, there's bloodshed, where are
23:50 you, God?
23:51 Why aren't you doing anything?
23:53 And God says, wait, wait, it's coming, it's coming, it's
23:57 coming, and the just shall live by his faith.
24:02 Jesus comes into the world as the answer, as the solution to
24:07 all evil.
24:09 He does this on multiple levels.
24:11 Yeah, we see in his life, Jesus comes into solidarity
24:15 with human beings in his incarnation and at the cross
24:18 of Calvary and in coming into solidarity, we even answer.
24:22 of Calvary and in coming into solidarity, we even answer.
24:24 >>JEFFREY: You did not.
24:25 >>DAVID: What a boss.
24:26 >>TY: Can you take him out?
24:28 >>TY: Can you take him out?
24:30 >>DAVID: Just ended life, carrying on.
24:32 >>DAVID: Just ended life, carrying on.
24:33 >>CAMERAMAN: That was amazing.
24:34 >>JEFFERY: Finish your thought, finish your thought.
24:35 >>TY: The fly has been troubling us for the whole
24:42 discussion.
24:44 What are you gonna do with it?
24:45 Well, don't touch me and don't turn the pages of your bible.
24:48 [Laughter]
24:50 Okay, there we go, there we go, there we go.
24:53 Okay, there we go, there we go, there we go.
24:54 >>JAMES: There he is, people.
24:55 >>TY: James, that was impressive.
24:57 >>JAMES: Jim inspired me.
25:00 Thanks, Jim.
25:02 >>TY: Okay, so, we're looking for a philosophical, maybe
25:08 even a technical answer to why is there sin and suffering?
25:13 God answers the question by entering into the suffering
25:16 with us.
25:18 You look at the cross of Calvary, you look at the
25:21 person of Christ, and he's entering into the human story,
25:25 taking our shame, our guilt, our sorrows upon himself.
25:28 He's entering into it with us.
25:30 I mean, this is a poor illustration, but picture,
25:34 this is a good illustration, but it barely approximates
25:40 what really happened in Christ.
25:42 There's somebody who's suffering and is hospitalized.
25:46 One person shows up for the visit, reading bible verses
25:51 and articulating propositional points about suffering.
25:55 Another person shows up and sits in silence with the
26:00 sufferer, cries with them, holds their hand, prays with
26:04 them and identifies by sharing in their story.
26:09 Where's the greater comfort?
26:12 In a moment of suffering, the cross of Calvary is God's
26:16 ultimate answer to the theodicy question, why is
26:21 there sin and suffering in the world if God is good?
26:23 Well, Jesus proves that God is good in the ultimate sense
26:28 that he doesn't remain aloof from our pain, he enters into
26:32 it with us.
26:33 I love Habakkuk now in ways that I've never seen before.
26:35 >>DAVID: And what I love about what you just said there, Ty,
26:38 is in the dark nights of the soul, we need more than a
26:41 proposition, we need a person.
26:43 >>TY: That's right.
26:44 And Jesus is that person.
26:45 >>DAVID: Listen to this, now this is a bombshell of a
26:48 scholarly statement, written by Sigve Tonstad in his book,
26:52 Romans, Paul Among the Ecologists.
26:54 Now, just listen to this, this is a bombshell.
26:57 He says neither the Hebrew bible, nor the Septuagint,
27:00 that's the Greek translation of the Old Testament.
27:03 So, neither the Hebrew bible, nor the Septuagint supports
27:06 the translation the righteous live by their faith, Habakkuk
27:10 2:4, or the wording of the mainstream bible translations
27:14 into English.
27:15 Indeed, the choice of wording in most translations of
27:18 Habakkuk, this is crazy, listen to this, betrays the
27:21 translator's desire to put words into Habakkuk's mouth
27:26 that would fit what the same translators assume Paul to be
27:28 saying when he quotes the Old Testament prophet in Romans.
27:31 Rather than allowing Habakkuk to influence our understanding
27:35 of Paul, we have allowed the Paul of Protestant Orthodoxy
27:39 retroactively to influence translations of Habakkuk.
27:42 >>TY: He's essentially saying that we're bringing a
27:44 human-centered assumption to the reading of Paul.
27:48 >>DAVID: Yeah, exactly.
27:50 >>TY: It's gotta be your faith.
27:51 >>DAVID: And chronologically, Habakkuk comes first, so to
27:54 translate Paul in such a way that we're retroactively
27:57 saying, hey, what Habakkuk meant, no.
28:00 So, what you have Luther quoting Paul, Paul is quoting
28:03 Habakkuk, but this is key, when Luther's quoting Paul,
28:06 he's quoting the Paul, as it says here, of Protestant
28:09 Orthodoxy.
28:10 Which is fine.
28:11 In that 16th century, the question that was being
28:14 debated is faith alone, okay, fine.
28:18 So, Luther, with his 16th century eyes is arriving at
28:22 some of the truth, and a big part of the truth.
28:24 Jesus, sola Christo, right?
28:27 But it was even, it's not less that what Luther thought.
28:32 It's the faith of Jesus.
28:35 His faith and his faithfulness to us, to which our faith is
28:42 just a faint echo, a shadowy of a reflection.
28:47 >>TY: And that brings us back to our first discussion, the
28:50 real key to understanding the Old Testament is the idea of
28:55 God's covenant faithfulness.
28:57 So, why wouldn't you expect that to be the narrative in
28:59 the New Testament with Christ?
29:00 >>DAVID: With the Messiah.
29:02 >>TY: Yeah, Jesus, is living out the Old Testament
29:05 covenantal promise of God's faithfulness to us, not our
29:09 faithfulness to him.
29:11 >>JAMES: This really was clear to me, I mean, it's become
29:14 clearer to me as we've been talking right now, but the
29:16 clearest that it came home to my heart, my brain, just now,
29:21 is when you were talking about Romans chapter 10, and I just
29:24 wanna read it again and see if I picked up the point you were
29:27 making and this is it, okay, 'cause you know, I look in the
29:30 bible and I see there's not a lot of the faith of Jesus, the
29:33 faith of Jesus, the faith of Jesus, the faith, but all of a
29:35 sudden I started realizing, that doesn't matter.
29:38 The phrase the faith of Jesus is not the foundation for the
29:42 faith of Jesus.
29:44 The faith of Jesus is, Paul says here, but what saith it?
29:48 The word is neither even in thy mouth and in thine heart,
29:51 that is, the word of faith which we preach.
29:54 The faith of Jesus is the entire bible.
29:57 The word of faith.
29:59 >>TY: What an insight.
30:01 >>JAMES: The word of faith, and so, the whole thing is the
30:03 faith of Jesus.
30:05 From Genesis to Revelation, the whole story is the faith
30:08 of Jesus, therefore, Paul didn't have to get all caught
30:12 up in how many times he said the faith of Jesus, no,
30:17 because it was just, it's just there, the faith of Jesus is
30:20 just the whole narrative.
30:22 In fact, maybe he wasn't even concerned about that in Romans
30:25 chapter 1 or Habakkuk, because it doesn't really matter to
30:28 him because he knows and he's hoping that someday, we'll
30:31 know that the faith of Jesus is the underlying foundation
30:33 of the entire thing.
30:35 The whole story.
30:37 >>DAVID: Jeffrey, were you gonna say something to that.
30:39 >>JEFFERY: No, go ahead.
30:40 >>DAVID: Well, what I was gonna say to that is this is
30:41 why, first of all, I do think, just as a point of my own
30:45 perspective, I think that Paul deals extensively with the
30:48 faith of Jesus as, I get what you're saying.
30:50 He does in Romans.
30:52 If you read Matthew chapter 1, verse 1, right, this is the
30:55 start of the New Testament.
30:57 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of
31:00 David, the Son of Abraham.
31:02 Okay, you can't even get the New Testament started without
31:06 the Old Testament.
31:07 If you don't know who David is and the promises that God
31:10 made, the promises that God made to David and the covenant
31:14 that God made with Abraham, good luck understanding the
31:17 New Testament.
31:18 There's a lot of, oh, I'm a New Testament Christian, okay,
31:20 fine and good, but the New Testament is vacuous without
31:23 the Old Testament, vacuous is too strong of a word, the New
31:25 Testament is unsupported without the Old Testament,
31:28 yeah, what's it about?
31:29 Behold, the Lamb of God that takes away, the what?
31:32 >>JEFFERY: Jesus is our high priest.
31:35 What?
31:36 >>DAVID: The Son of Abraham, who's Abraham?
31:38 The Son of David, who's David?
31:40 But when you read, as an, if you look at my bible, I've
31:43 actually, I'm gonna hold this up for everybody to see, I
31:46 take, this is the only uninspired page in the bible,
31:49 the one that separatist the Old and the New Testament, so
31:51 what I do is, I just fold it over so that I don't have to
31:54 look at it, because it suggests that there is a
31:56 discontinuity, that there's some bifurcation, that that's
32:00 that and that's that.
32:02 No.
32:03 This is one story.
32:04 >>JAMES: So, Jesus taking down all the walls, including that
32:06 one.
32:08 >>DAVID: He broke down the middle wall of partition right
32:10 here.
32:11 So, Jesus shows up in response to all of the promises.
32:13 We went to this text, 2 Corinthians chapter 1, verse
32:15 20.
32:16 All of the promises of God are yes, in Jesus.
32:19 We went there.
32:20 So, when we come here, what we see is Jesus behaving in a way
32:24 that is consistent with what we see love to be.
32:27 Love believes all things, love hopes all things, love endures
32:29 all things, love never fails.
32:30 Jesus believes all things, Jesus hopes all things, Jesus
32:33 endures all things, including the cross, and he never
32:36 failed.
32:37 So, now, we come and we say, I believe that story.
32:40 Now, the word belief and faith are very similar words, very
32:45 similar words, and yes, there is a very strong and true
32:49 sense in which I need to believe it and God invites us
32:52 to have faith in it.
32:54 But that is a reflection.
32:56 In the same way that my love is just a faint reflection of
32:59 his love, my faith is just a faint reflection of his faith
33:02 and his faithfulness.
33:03 >>JEFFERY: Do you think that possibly Luther landed on
33:06 that?
33:07 >>TY: No, he didn't.
33:09 Not in Romans, he didn't.
33:11 >>JEFFERY: Regardless of his treatment of Romans 1, I'm
33:15 thinking, if he believes in this total depravity concept,
33:20 what you're saying is that, it can't begin with us, it has to
33:23 be the faith of Jesus, not my faith in Jesus, because that
33:28 still puts me as in an initiating position, right?
33:34 Well, if he believes in total depravity, clearly he believed
33:37 that he's not the initiator.
33:40 He doesn't have the capacity to initiate.
33:42 >>TY: In concept, in concept, he did see it, is what you're
33:47 suggesting.
33:48 >>DAVID: His solution, what was his solution to that?
33:52 What was Luther's solution?
33:54 We've talked about it in this program, not this program, but
33:56 in this series?
33:57 What was Luther's solution to the fact that it can't be my
34:00 faith.
34:01 >>TY: Irresistible grace.
34:02 >>DAVID: Yeah, that's right.
34:03 The denial of free will.
34:07 So, that's one way to do it, but another way to handle it
34:10 is to say, all of that faith, all of that grace resides in
34:13 Jesus and I simply access it by believing.
34:18 Now, all of these, in fact, were you gonna say something,
34:20 'cause I wanna go to a...
34:22 >>JAMES: Well, I just wanna build on that as you're going.
34:24 And that is, and when we allow the faith of Jesus to be as
34:28 large as it is, then there's no fear in us dwelling upon
34:33 this subjective experience, the works.
34:35 As long as that experience looms large, the rest of it is
34:38 just a natural, that's what Paul does over and over again.
34:40 He says, do we do away with love?
34:42 Do we do away with it?
34:44 No, of course not, of course.
34:46 In fact, he has no fear of talking about it to the hilt,
34:48 as long as this picture looms large behind him.
34:51 It's like...
34:52 >>DAVID: He assumes it.
34:53 >>JAMES: Yes.
34:54 He's under the shadow of grace, and therefore, he's
34:56 good.
34:57 >>DAVID: He assumes it.
34:58 So, Paul, in Galatians chapter 2, I love this.
35:01 Galatians chapter 2, there's a passage here that has the
35:05 phrase pistus Cristu, which is the Greek phrase for faith
35:08 Jesus, three times.
35:10 Faith Jesus, faith Jesus, faith Jesus.
35:12 Here in Galatians 2, Galatians 2.
35:15 So, what I'm gonna do is, I'm just gonna read this through,
35:18 Galatians 2, beginning in verse 15, I'm gonna read it
35:20 through, okay, then I'm gonna go back and show those
35:24 sections where faith in Christ, pistus Cristu, faith
35:28 Jesus, or faith Christ, can be rendered in the, not the
35:32 objective genitive, but the subjective genitive, and
35:35 you'll see how it totally transforms the passage, and
35:38 then, I'm gonna show you a very interesting redundancy
35:41 that is resolved by doing that.
35:42 >>TY: Okay, chapter 2.
35:43 >>DAVID: Galatians 2, beginning in verse 15.
35:46 Paul says, we who are Jews by nature and not sinners of the
35:49 Gentiles, knowing that a man is not justified by the works
35:52 of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have
35:56 believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith
35:59 in Christ and not by the works of the law.
36:02 For by the works of the law, no flesh shall be justified.
36:05 But if, while seeking to be justified by Christ, we
36:08 ourselves are found sinners, is Christ therefore a minister
36:11 for sin?
36:12 Certainly not.
36:13 For if I build again those things which I have destroyed,
36:15 I make myself a transgressor, for I through the law, died to
36:18 the law that I might live to God.
36:20 I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who
36:22 live, but Christ lives in me, and the life which I now live
36:24 in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved
36:27 me and gave himself for me.
36:29 I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness
36:31 comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.
36:33 Okay?
36:35 Now, I made one slight error there.
36:37 I said pistus Cristu occurs 3 times in the passage, that's
36:41 not true, it occurs twice, but pistus occurs three times,
36:43 actually, almost four, but you'll see what I mean by
36:45 this.
36:46 Now, I'm gonna reread this, more slowly now.
36:48 Verse 15.
36:50 We who are Jews by nature, that is to say, we're Jews,
36:53 we're genealogical Jews, we're descendants of Abraham, and
36:56 not sinners of the Gentiles, when he says this, he is not
36:58 saying all Gentiles are sinners, he's speaking tongue
37:01 in cheek.
37:02 The Greek word here is literally lesser breeds.
37:04 >>JAMES: Like the way you see it, you Jews see the Gentiles
37:06 that way.
37:08 >>DAVID: We know, it's in house language, we know we're
37:10 not the lesser breeds, okay, verse 16, knowing that a man
37:14 is not justified by the works of the law, but by the
37:18 faithfulness of the Messiah, Jesus, now watch this
37:22 redundancy.
37:23 Faith of Jesus, which is better, now watch this
37:26 redundancy that's done away with.
37:28 'Cause notice the very next phrase, even we have believed
37:30 in Christ Jesus.
37:31 >>TY: Yeah, it would be pointless to say it twice.
37:33 >>DAVID: We have faith in Jesus, we believe in Jesus,
37:36 and those words faith and belief are almost the same
37:38 words, they're just so closely related.
37:40 So, look at it again.
37:41 >>JAMES: This is beautiful.
37:42 >>DAVID: We, okay, so we are not justified by the works of
37:44 the law, but by the faithfulness of Jesus, the
37:46 Messiah, so we believe that story, we believe that story,
37:50 that we might be justified by the faithfulness of Messiah
37:56 and not by the works of the law.
37:58 For by the works of the law, no flesh shall be justified.
38:00 But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, by
38:04 Christ, by his faith, if we ourselves are found sinners,
38:07 is Christ therefore a minister for sin?
38:11 Certainly not.
38:12 For if I build again those things which I have destroyed,
38:14 I make myself a transgressor, just a brief word on that.
38:17 What he's saying is, if I try to build up the wall between
38:19 Jew and Gentile, if I erect a sign, okay, this is a quote,
38:24 use an illustration, can I borrow a piece of paper.
38:26 I'll just do this real quick.
38:27 So, if I erect a sign that says, Jews only, okay, Jews
38:36 only, I erect a sign, I'm building again, Jews only,
38:39 you're out, this is for Jews only.
38:41 The back of that sign says, you are also a transgressor.
38:48 Right?
38:50 Because the big drama of the calling of the Jewish nation
38:53 is that they themselves needed a Savior.
38:55 They themselves are sinners.
38:57 So, he says, if I erect that wall of partition, I cut
39:02 myself off.
39:03 Because the back of the sign says, you also are, so, if I
39:06 use Torah as a way to keep you out, that's what he's saying.
39:09 Now, this is so key, you know that that's what he's saying
39:12 because verse 19, for I through the law, through the
39:14 Torah, I through the law died to the law.
39:18 I had to go back and read my own scriptures.
39:23 The Torah, and I realized that I'd been reading them wrong
39:26 all along.
39:27 Then, verse 20.
39:28 >>TY: This is so good, I can hardly contain myself.
39:31 >>DAVID: Then verse 20 is a verse we know so well, but
39:33 listen to it with new ears.
39:35 I have been crucified with the Messiah, it is no longer I who
39:40 lives, but the Messiah lives in me, and the life that I
39:42 now live in the flesh, I live by the faithfulness of the Son
39:46 of God, who loved me and showed that faithfulness by
39:50 giving himself for me.
39:51 And then he says, this makes such sense, look, I'm not
39:55 setting aside the grace of God, because if righteousness
39:58 came through the law, then what's Jesus doing on the
40:01 cross?
40:02 Being faithful unto death?
40:05 That's the faith of Jesus.
40:07 >>TY: What a blessing, to put the whole gospel in Christ.
40:17 There's such a relief and yet, simultaneously, with that
40:21 relief, an overwhelming sense of new motivation.
40:25 >>DAVID: Not no motivation, new motivation.
40:29 >>TY: Man.
40:30 >>DAVID: Not I have to, I ought to, I should.
40:32 I get to, I want to, I can't wait to.
40:36 >>TY: Yeah that's beautiful. That's beautiful.
40:38 Let's take a break and we'll come right back.
40:40 >>TY: Yeah that's beautiful. That's beautiful.
40:41 [Music]
40:53 Announcer: A Light in Zambia is a moving video documentary
40:55 that traces the stories of 5 amazing African men and women
41:00 who encountered Christ through the powerful medium of gospel
41:03 literature.
41:04 To receive your free copy, call 877-585-1111, or write to
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41:17 Once again, to receive your free copy of A Light in
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41:35 Simply ask for the Zambia DVD.
41:36 [Music]
41:42 [Music]
41:43 >>TY: Man, if there's anything that just lights me
41:46 on fire inside, it's this faith of Jesus concept that
41:51 Paul is articulating in Romans and Galatians.
41:55 Understanding this passage that you just broke down for
41:58 us, David, it's amazing, it's amazing not merely on the
42:03 level of understanding, although you can't separate
42:06 understanding from it because it's the understanding that
42:08 produces such an emotional release.
42:10 It creates a tremendous sense of immediate freedom.
42:16 You're just overcome with a sense of God loves me like
42:20 that?
42:22 And the weight just comes off.
42:26 >>DAVID: Here's John Wesley.
42:27 When he was in the Moravian missionary meeting in London,
42:31 and he hears the reading of Luther's commentary, he says
42:33 this, I felt my heart strangely warmed.
42:36 I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, sola Christo,
42:42 for salvation.
42:43 And an assurance was given me that he had taken away my
42:47 sins, even mine and saved me from the law of sin and death.
42:53 >>JAMES: But it's interesting because we were talking about
42:55 Luther's commentary on Romans, now we're talking about
42:58 Wesley's understanding of Luther's commentary on Romans,
43:00 but we're taking it one step further here.
43:02 >>TY: Table Talk's understanding of Wesley's
43:04 understanding of Luther's understanding of Romans.
43:06 >>JAMES: No, no, no, no, no, no, but we're going further
43:10 because we're saying also that Luther didn't quite get it
43:13 all, right?
43:14 >>DAVID: I agree with that, yeah.
43:16 >>JAMES: We're taking it one step further and we're saying
43:18 there's a fuller picture of the faith of Jesus that is
43:20 much larger.
43:21 There's a picture here that takes in a completely
43:24 different perspective of how we read the bible, and now, we
43:27 need to reread the whole bible.
43:29 >>DAVID: And you see it.
43:30 That's actually what Paul means, when he says in
43:33 Galatians 2:19, for I through the law, died to the law.
43:38 'Cause he knew the Torah.
43:40 He said, I had to go back and read my own book, and I
43:44 realized that I had been reading my own book, my own
43:47 history, my own, my people's book.
43:49 >>JEFFERY: It's that veil that we talked about.
43:51 >>TY: You know, he does articulate in 2 Corinthians 3.
43:54 >>DAVID: Maybe we should go there?
43:56 >>JAMES: I think so.
43:57 That's gonna nail it for us.
43:59 I think that's really gonna help us.
44:02 >>TY: By the way, Jeffrey, David was mentioning the
44:05 kingdom New Testament, it's right here, you can get the
44:09 thing on your phone.
44:10 >>DAVID: Yeah, I have it, it's great.
44:12 Because, as Tonstad says there in his commentary on Romans,
44:17 you won't find this in most of the mainstream bible
44:19 translations, the best you get is the King James.
44:22 'Cause the King James says the faith of Jesus and of is the
44:24 possessive, it's the genitive.
44:25 >>JAMES: I'm not gonna argue with you on that.
44:27 >>DAVID: [Laughter]
44:28 It's the best, it is certainly the best.
44:30 >>TY: Okay, so, 2 Corinthians chapter 3, where do you wanna
44:35 start?
44:37 I'd go all the way back to verse 6 and move forward with
44:40 this passage.
44:41 >>DAVID: That's always the hard thing about scripture,
44:43 isn't it?
44:44 It's like, where do you jump in?
44:45 [Laughter]
44:48 >>TY: So, in verse 6, Paul says, we have been made
44:52 sufficient ministers of the new covenant, not of the
44:55 letter, but of the spirit, for the letter kills and the
44:57 spirit gives life.
44:58 So, in this passage, he's essentially saying, those of
45:02 us who preach the gospel, which, priesthood of all
45:05 believers is all believers, he's saying that our calling
45:09 is to preach the new covenant, that is to say, in his
45:12 context, he's about to explain to us, our calling is to
45:15 reframe Torah.
45:18 Think about it that way.
45:19 Our calling is to reframe the law, yeah.
45:21 That's what he's about to do for us himself in the
45:25 explanation.
45:26 We're called to preach the new covenant, not the oldness of
45:29 letter, but the new, and then he says, verse 7, but if the
45:33 ministry of death, written and engraved in stone was glorious
45:37 and it was, he's referring specifically to the event at
45:39 Sinai, the lightning, thunder, it was a glorious event, and
45:44 the law itself is glorious, the law itself serves a
45:47 purpose, it communicates, by the law is the knowledge of
45:50 sin.
45:51 He says, it's glorious so that the children of Israel could
45:53 not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory,
45:57 there's his word again, of his countenance, which glory was
46:01 passing away.
46:02 Now, we get nervous at this point because he just said
46:06 that what happened at Sinai, that glory is passing away,
46:11 but he's about to explain himself.
46:13 >>DAVID: Can I ask you a question?
46:15 >>TY: Yes, go.
46:16 >>DAVID: I've always been troubled by this and maybe you
46:18 guys can help me out here.
46:19 When he says the face of Moses, because of the glory of
46:21 his countenance, or his face, which glory was passing away,
46:24 is that saying that the glory of the law was passing away,
46:28 or his face didn't glow for the rest of his life?
46:30 >>TY: If you keep reading the passage all the way through,
46:33 Paul is beginning with his face and ending with the law.
46:36 Paul is beginning with his face and ending with the law.
46:39 No, the glory of the event, Paul is using as a platform,
46:44 as you keep reading, to say that we need to undergo a
46:47 transition in our understanding of scripture
46:52 that becomes centered in Christ.
46:54 We need to...
46:55 >>DAVID: I get that, I'm on that page, but just that
46:58 phrase, which glory was passing away?
47:00 What's he saying there?
47:03 >>TY: It's the glory of the law is giving way to the glory
47:04 of Christ.
47:05 That's my understanding of it and that's what he says.
47:08 >>DAVID: I know that's where the passage, that is not in
47:11 dispute, I just always wondered about that phrase.
47:14 Is he saying the law is losing its glory or that Moses's face
47:17 didn't glow for the rest of his life?
47:19 It dimmed.
47:20 >>JAMES: No, no, he's talking about the law, and I think
47:22 what part of what he's saying there is, is that the people
47:24 were not ready to enter into the fuller revelation of God
47:28 and into the relationship that God wanted to have with them.
47:31 Moses was.
47:32 >>TY: Which is on record in the passage in Exodus.
47:34 >>DAVID: That's a good point.
47:35 That becomes an illustration.
47:36 >>JAMES: And that was the goal that God had and that goal was
47:39 fulfilled in Christ.
47:40 So, they stopped and that limited glory had to pass away
47:46 so that they could get to the end of what the purpose of
47:49 that was and the end was Christ, the end was actually
47:51 contingency with God.
47:52 It comes out further as you read on, verse 13 is really
47:55 clear on that.
47:56 >>DAVID: So, where are we, we're on verse 8.
47:58 >>TY: We're on verse 8.
47:59 But again, in verse 7, there's the glory of the Sinai
48:05 event that includes the glory of the countenance of Moses,
48:09 etcetera, and then, verse 8, he says, that's passing away,
48:13 but how will the ministry of the spirit be, not be more
48:17 glorious?
48:18 He's asking a question.
48:19 If that was glorious, wouldn't what happened in the spirit be
48:22 more glorious?
48:24 And then, verse 9, for if the ministry of condemnation had
48:28 glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much
48:33 more in glory.
48:35 What he means by this language is he's saying, the law can
48:41 only serve to increase my sense of guilt and to condemn,
48:45 but Jesus comes along through the spirit and doesn't put
48:49 condemnation on me, he puts righteousness on me.
48:52 He puts it on me.
48:53 Just like the Romans, chapter 4, verse 17 passage.
48:57 He's regarding me as righteous, even though I'm
48:59 not.
49:00 Okay, so then, he says.
49:01 >>JEFFERY: It's interesting that the condemnation here is
49:04 even considered glorious.
49:05 >>TY: Well, Galatians explains that because it had glory in
49:10 that it was a tutor, it was an educator.
49:12 It served an actual good purpose.
49:14 Okay, so then, if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the
49:18 ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory,
49:21 for even what was made glorious had no glory in this
49:26 respect because of the glory that excels.
49:29 If you've only ever been awake at night, you've only seen
49:34 moonlight, but then, suddenly, after years of being a
49:37 teenager and never seeing daylight, you enter your 20s
49:40 and you start waking up in the morning and you see the
49:43 sunrise.
49:45 >>DAVID: Man, the moon is bright.
49:47 >>TY: The moon was really glorious, but now that you've
49:49 seen the sun, the moon has no glory in this respect, by
49:53 means of the glory that excels.
49:55 >>JEFFREY: By comparison.
49:56 >>TY: By comparison, I mean, we're talking here about,
49:59 okay, the Sinai event or the Golgotha event.
50:05 And he's saying, listen.
50:06 >>DAVID: Glorious, far more glorious.
50:09 >>TY: Okay, so, then he goes on and this is powerful, he
50:12 says, verse 11, for if what is passing away was glorious,
50:19 what remains is much more glorious.
50:22 Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of
50:27 speech, unlike Moses who put a veil over his face so the
50:30 children of Israel could not look steadily to the end, the
50:34 telos, the objective, the purpose, of that which was
50:39 passing away.
50:40 >>DAVID: Can I just stop right there, when you just say the
50:42 end, the telos, that was the point that Paul was making
50:45 when he said, to the law, I die to the law.
50:47 I had to go back and reread my own, 'cause I thought it was
50:50 about Israel.
50:51 I thought the big story was Israel.
50:52 >>JEFFERY: I got the end wrong.
50:53 >>DAVID: Yeah, the big story was Messiah.
50:55 Okay, unpause.
50:57 >>TY: Okay, unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face, we,
51:00 oh, verse 12, therefore, since we have such hope, we use
51:04 great boldness of speech, unlike Moses who put a veil
51:07 over his face so that the children of Israel could not
51:10 look steadily to the end of that which was passing away,
51:13 but their minds, and this is the point you were making, and
51:15 this is why we came to this passage, but their minds were
51:19 blinded for until this day, the same veil remains unlifted
51:26 in the reading of the Old Testament because the veil is
51:30 taken away in Christ.
51:32 But even to this day, when Moses is read, the veil is
51:36 upon, lies upon their heart, nevertheless, when one turns
51:39 to the Lord, that's Jesus, the veil is lifted, it's taken
51:43 away, now, the Lord is that spirit, and where the spirit
51:46 of the Lord is, there is liberty, and then, verse 18,
51:48 this is his clincher, but we, all with unveiled face,
51:53 beholding as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord are being
51:57 transformed into the same image from glory to glory,
52:03 just as by the spirit of the Lord.
52:05 Now, that we've read the context, we know that what
52:08 Paul is specifically dealing with here in the glory to
52:11 glory statement is, that's right, we're making a
52:16 transition from the glory of the Sinai event to the glory
52:20 of the Christ event and we're realizing that the entire
52:24 narrative of scripture is now answered in Christ.
52:30 >>DAVID: This is the plot, the Golgotha event, the Christ
52:33 event, this is just a subplot.
52:35 Not that it's not important, this has a tutorial role, but
52:37 this is the plot.
52:38 >>JAMES: And Moses saw this more than the people saw it,
52:46 his face was lighting up with glory.
52:48 He saw it, the people couldn't handle it so he put a veil
52:51 over his face.
52:53 So, look at this, this is so powerful, verses 12 and 13,
52:54 notice this.
52:55 Seeing then we have such hope, we use great boldness of
52:59 speech.
53:00 We're just letting it out.
53:01 Not like Moses did, where he put a veil over, we're not
53:03 doing the veil thing.
53:04 We are no longer doing the veil thing.
53:06 We are taking the people all the way to Jesus, we're taking
53:08 them all the way to the glory, we're not hiding anything.
53:12 >>DAVID: That hurt, he smashed his elbow on the table.
53:15 And there's a little, there's a suggestion here, I think, I
53:18 always thought there was a suggestion here of the veils
53:21 in the sanctuary.
53:22 You have the veil that separates the courtyard from
53:24 the holy and then the veil that separates the holy from
53:26 the most holy and those are lifted in Jesus.
53:29 The point of Jesus is access.
53:31 It's access, we go through into the very presence.
53:36 >>JEFFERY: What's your take on verse 18, beholding as in a
53:39 mirror the glory of the Lord?
53:41 >>DAVID: Which part?
53:42 The as in a mirror.
53:44 >>JEFFERY: Yeah, but we all with unveiled face, beholding
53:48 as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being
53:52 transformed.
53:53 >>DAVID: Well, I have a take on that, but I'm not sure it's
53:55 right.
53:56 >>JEFFERY: Spit it out.
53:57 >>DAVID: Well, he's using Moses as an illustration.
53:59 I'm looking at Moses has a veil on his face, and the
54:01 verse just before that, or is it two verses before that?
54:05 No, no, it's in that verse.
54:06 WE with unveiled face, so rather than looking at a
54:08 veiled face, we look in a mirror at an unveiled face.
54:13 Like, we're seeing the thing as it is.
54:16 I think he's just using it as an illustration.
54:18 >>JEFFERY: 'Cause I thought the mirror meaning you're
54:20 looking at yourself.
54:21 >>DAVID: Well, that's what I'm saying, like, as an
54:23 illustration of without a veil or with a veil.
54:25 I could be wrong about that.
54:26 Some translations say as through a glass.
54:29 So, maybe it means through a glass darkly?
54:32 >>TY: Yeah, I think that that's probably what it means.
54:38 Is it saying, the point is clarity.
54:42 The context is saying, there was misconception, there was
54:46 blindness, you're reading the passages.
54:49 >>JEFFERY: The mirror points back to you which defeats the
54:51 whole point.
54:52 >>DAVID: That's not the point of the passage.
54:53 You know, this lesson that we're on here is sola Christo
54:55 and it's just an example of the ongoing reformation,
55:01 really, that Luther was onto it, and if we think right now,
55:05 we've got it.
55:06 There is truth yet to be revealed.
55:09 But we can say Luther and then we can come this way.
55:11 We can still say there's a way to go, but wherever we go in
55:14 the future, it cannot be, yea, will not be, a negation of
55:18 where we've come from.
55:20 It's by faith, it's by grace, it's by Jesus, it's by
55:23 scripture.
55:24 >>JEFFERY: It's not less, it could be more.
55:26 >>DAVID: It could be more, but it can't be less than this.
55:28 >>JAMES: Amen, amen.
55:29 Here you go.
55:30 >>DAVID: He gives it back to me, finally.
55:34 >>TY: So much clarity, so much clarity.
55:37 God is, God is good and Paul is essentially telling us,
55:40 listen, you need to reread the bible in the light of Christ,
55:44 that's what he's saying to us.
55:45 Okay, Jesus has arrived and now, you need to get a clear
55:49 vision of him and you need to go back to Genesis and you
55:52 need to move forward through the whole narrative and it's
55:54 all gonna make a whole lot more sense than it's ever
55:56 made.
55:58 >>DAVID: In the same way that he said, I went back and read
56:00 my own faith with many Christians, many of us need to
56:03 go back and learn our own faith.
56:05 >>JAMES: Didn't Paul go to the desert somewhere or something,
56:07 what was that all about?
56:08 >>JEFFERY: Arabia.
56:09 >>JAMES: For how long?
56:10 >>TY: A long time, and that's the end of our program.
56:11 [Music]
56:24 蛂usic]


Revised 2018-01-18