Table Talk

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000506A

00:00 [Music]
00:10 [Music]
00:21 >>TY: One of the most incredible subjects regarding
00:23 the Protestant reformation, you guys, is what is commonly
00:26 referred to as the priesthood of all believers.
00:29 This is such a phenomenal idea, not just within the
00:33 scope of religion, but within the larger parameters of how
00:38 this idea, this powerful idea impacted society as a whole.
00:43 I think that it would not be an exaggeration to say that we
00:47 live in a world, those of us who live in cultures in which
00:53 human beings can think for themselves and pursue whatever
00:56 they wanna pursue and produce whatever they wanna produce,
00:59 we live in a world that, to some significant degree, there
01:03 are other factors, but to some significant degree, was
01:05 produced by this idea, by this idea, the priesthood of all
01:11 believers.
01:13 And the emphasis that I wanna begin by giving here is just
01:18 on the word all.
01:21 Nobody was saying anything that was universally applying
01:26 to human beings in general.
01:29 All, all who?
01:31 All, everybody this applies to.
01:34 >>JEFFERY: And the word priest, there's a small group
01:36 separated from all.
01:39 >>TY: Yeah, there's the clergy, and there's the laity,
01:42 and the clergy's elite, and they have certain privileges
01:45 and access to God and if you wanna get to God, you gotta go
01:50 through them.
01:51 >>JEFFERY: It's almost a contradiction, priesthood of
01:54 all, 'cause the word priesthood and the all don't
01:56 normally go together, so it's a contradiction.
02:00 >>TY: And so, with Luther and others before him and after,
02:06 everything was flattened out.
02:08 Just, everybody has equal access to the monarch of the
02:15 universe.
02:16 >>DAVID: You just, I got something, keep going, keep
02:18 going.
02:19 >>TY: Everybody has equal access, but then the converse
02:24 of that, if you have equal access, that means that you
02:27 now have the privilege of not only having the access to God,
02:33 but then being a channel through which God does things
02:36 in the world.
02:37 So, it's this amazing sense of sanctified independence where
02:43 you can now impact not just people around you, you can
02:47 impact the world around you.
02:50 And so, out of that idea, this whole new frontier of insight
02:56 came where now, you can be a direct source of doing in the
03:02 world to produce whatever you wanna produce.
03:05 >>JEFFERY: It's a celebration of individuality.
03:07 Yeah?
03:08 An exaltation of the individual.
03:10 >>TY: It's amazing, isn't it?
03:11 Just the idea.
03:12 We don't think it's, we don't think it's anything.
03:15 >>JEFFERY: We take it for granted.
03:17 >>TY: Because we were all raised with this way of
03:19 thinking in a world that takes it for granted.
03:21 >>JAMES: I wasn't raised with that way of thinking.
03:23 So, in my background, being raised a Catholic, when it
03:27 came to religious matters, when it came to the idea of
03:31 access to God, it was always through somebody else.
03:33 It was always through a priest.
03:35 It was always through a human mediator.
03:37 In fact, even the word of God, you know, I'm going to church,
03:41 I'm even an altar boy and experiencing that on a regular
03:44 basis, but I don't really have access to the word of God.
03:47 Not that it isn't available, it probably might've been, it
03:50 wasn't in our home, per se, I might've been able to go down
03:53 to the store in this free world that I lived in in the
03:55 '60s and '70s and buy one.
03:57 >>DAVID: But you weren't at liberty to interpret it
03:59 anyway.
04:00 >>JAMES: The idea that I could actually just read it for
04:02 myself and believe that the Holy Spirit would lead me to
04:04 understand it was just completely foreign to me.
04:06 In fact, when I was 21, my mom sent me a bible.
04:09 I was living by myself in America, she was in England,
04:12 she sent me a bible and I remember opening it, reading
04:16 one chapter in the gospel of John, not understanding or
04:20 comprehending it, closing it, and thinking in my brain, this
04:23 was written for the priest.
04:24 And that was it.
04:26 >>DAVID: You remember thinking that?
04:27 >>JAMES: I totally remember thinking that.
04:28 >>DAVID: This was written for the priest.
04:29 >>JAMES: Yep, and I put that bible on the shelf for one
04:31 year.
04:32 >>TY: Not knowing that you were the priest.
04:34 >>DAVID: It actually was made for a priest.
04:37 >>JAMES: Then, I remember going, a year later, I
04:39 remember accepting Christ in my heart and attending Calvary
04:42 Chapel and being so, so totally hungry for the word
04:47 and just looking at that preacher who was preaching to
04:51 me at Calvary Chapel and explaining the word of God and
04:53 just thinking, yes, yes, yes, still not thinking that I
04:56 could understand the word for myself.
04:58 >>DAVID: 'Cause he's like occupying priestly status.
04:59 >>JAMES: Yes.
05:01 And then, I remember being in a situation where my sister
05:10 was telling me things about the bible and I was just
05:13 telling her, that's not true, that's not true, that's not
05:16 true, that's not true, that's not true.
05:19 Having no idea except for what was being told.
05:21 And here's my thing.
05:22 So, I said, I know what I'm gonna do, this is my plan.
05:24 Not that I'm gonna go get a bible and read it and study
05:26 it, no, this is, and now, you gotta understand, this is the
05:29 1980s.
05:31 This is not the 16th century, the 15th century, the 14th
05:34 century, okay?
05:37 This was the 1980s and this is my plan.
05:40 I'm gonna go to my church, the Calvary Chapel Church, I'm
05:44 gonna go to this church and I'm gonna listen to everything
05:46 he says and then, I'll learn, I'll figure out where my
05:50 sister's off, so I'll be able to talk to the pastor and
05:52 he'll be able to tell me.
05:54 He can tell me what it is that my sister is, you know what
05:57 I'm saying?
05:58 He can tell me.
05:59 and so, that was my plan, and as soon as I did that with my
06:03 sister, you know what she did?
06:06 >>DAVID: I have no idea.
06:07 >>JAMES: She opened the bible.
06:08 [Laughter]
06:10 I'm telling her, this is, you know...
06:13 >>DAVID: You don't have your bible with you, you're just
06:14 talking.
06:16 >>JAMES: I don't have a bible, well, I have that bible, but
06:17 you know, it's like, I don't understand the bible, that's
06:18 King James.
06:20 Who reads the King James?
06:22 You know what I'm saying?
06:23 I don't get that.
06:24 So, I'm telling, basically, I'm telling my sister what the
06:28 preacher said, and she's telling me what God says.
06:31 >>TY: [Laughter]
06:35 You're like, quote, unquote, the preacher.
06:38 She's like, quote, unquote God.
06:40 >>DAVID: Just this week, I learned a word,
06:42 disintermediate.
06:44 Disintermediate.
06:45 A friend, Greg, taught it to me.
06:46 Disintermediate.
06:47 Often used in the financial sector where you have a lot of
06:50 like middlemen and if you disintermediate, you take out
06:54 one of those middle men.
06:55 And you make more money.
06:56 So, what you needed to have a disintermediation.
06:59 You needed to have a middle man removed, whether it was
07:01 the Catholic priest when you were younger, or the Calvary
07:03 Chapel pastor.
07:04 Not that we couldn't learn things from, you know, a
07:07 pastor or an authority figure.
07:09 Of course you did, but the idea that you could take the
07:12 middle man out, disintermediate that
07:13 situation, and go straight to the text like your sister was,
07:16 that's priesthood of all believers.
07:18 And the reason we were laughing in the middle there,
07:19 of course, as we know, that scripture says that you are
07:23 all, there's our word, all kings and priests because of
07:28 what Jesus has done.
07:29 >>JAMES: Where does the scripture say that?
07:31 We haven't even looked at those verses.
07:32 [Laughter]
07:34 >>DAVID: The book of Revelation, chapter 5.
07:36 >>TY: Before we look at the exact text, why don't we just
07:39 paint a picture of that world, because it seems, it seems
07:43 like it's not a strange idea to us, at least right now,
07:47 around this table, that there would be equal access to the
07:51 word of God, but imagine a world in which it's literally
07:56 against the law for you to even have one in your hands.
08:01 In fact, you go to the religious building over there,
08:03 and it's chained to a wall so you can't run off with it.
08:08 And it's there, but it's in a foreign language, and then,
08:14 when the priest does read it to you, he's reading it to you
08:19 in a foreign language on purpose.
08:22 The intent being that you not understand it.
08:26 The intent being that you not understand it.
08:28 Chained to a wall, in a foreign language, you don't
08:30 have access to it and it's literally against the law for
08:33 you to have one in your hands and read it for yourself, and
08:36 if you're caught with a bible, thinking for yourself,
08:41 formulating opinions, you could literally be executed
08:45 for that action.
08:48 That's the world in which the Protestant reformers lived.
08:53 >>JEFFERY: And even bigger, there's two categories,
08:55 there's the sacred and the secular, right?
08:58 And a thick line between the two, so those who dwell or
09:05 function in the sacred realm are the popes, the priests,
09:10 the nuns, the monks, and everybody else is in the
09:13 secular, right?
09:15 In the worldly, in the temporal, and so, these people
09:17 here have no business on this side of the line where the
09:22 bible is, where religious thought is, where doctrine is.
09:26 >>DAVID: And it's not just a bifurcation, that and that,
09:29 but there's a strong sense in which, that's the real thing,
09:32 that's the sacred thing, this is the, not profane maybe, but
09:37 this is the ordinary thing.
09:38 >>JEFFERY: And I think that that's why what Luther did is
09:42 so revolutionary, because what Luther did is he did away with
09:47 that line.
09:48 >>TY: Yeah, not just in people and priest, but he did away
09:50 with the secular and sacred line, yeah.
09:53 >>JEFFERY: He did more than just the common man can now
09:57 read the bible for themselves.
09:59 That sort of fits in a bigger thing that he did.
10:02 He did away with these two categories in society and that
10:07 is profound because now everybody who is inhabiting
10:10 this realm, according to Luther, if you've been
10:13 baptized, if you've confessed the name of Jesus, if you're a
10:16 Christian, you are automatically now also part of
10:20 the sacred realm, so everything you do...
10:23 >>TY: Even if you don't go into full time vocation.
10:25 >>JEFFERY: Yeah, the mechanic, the farmer, the guy, yeah, the
10:29 garbage collector.
10:31 Everyone in this realm now could view everything that
10:35 they are doing, provided that they have faith in Christ, as
10:38 a vocation directly related to their relationship with God,
10:43 right?
10:44 So, this is sacred, that becomes now a sacred vocation.
10:48 >>DAVID: What was this quotation that you read about
10:49 the common man?
10:50 >>JEFFERY: Well, that's actually, that quotation was
10:54 in regard to religious liberty.
10:57 There's another quotation that I wanna read before that, if
10:59 we wanna read, you know, the words of Luther, this is from
11:02 this document that he produced called an address to the
11:06 Christian nobility of Germany.
11:09 And this is really the first time where that line gets
11:12 challenged.
11:14 So, it says, and I quote, it is pure invention that pope,
11:20 bishops, priests, and monks are to be called the spiritual
11:24 estate.
11:26 And princes, lords, artisans, and farmers, the temporal, or
11:31 the secular estate.
11:34 That is indeed a fine bit of lying and hypocrisy.
11:38 All Christians, he says, are truly of the spiritual estate
11:44 and there is among them no difference at all but that of
11:46 office.
11:47 We are all one body, yet every member has its own work,
11:51 whereby it serves every other.
11:53 All because we have one baptism, one gospel, one
11:57 faith, we are all alike Christians.
12:02 And therefore, of the spiritual estate.
12:05 So, that, yeah, so that, to us, seems pretty obvious,
12:12 we're used to that, but in the world he lived in, that
12:13 would've been extremely provocative and revolutionary.
12:17 So, there is no line.
12:19 >>TY: So, farming is a spiritual venture, right?
12:22 Manufacturing furniture is a spiritual vocation.
12:26 I think it was Luther that said something like, you know,
12:30 the best thing for the Christian shoemaker to do in
12:33 order to represent God isn't to put crosses on his shoes,
12:37 but to make good shoes.
12:38 So, in the process of making good products, God is being
12:42 glorified.
12:43 >>DAVID: Whatever your hand finds to do.
12:45 >>JEFFERY: So, this whole thing about reading the bible
12:46 for yourself, that fits under that umbrella.
12:50 See, if that's true, what we just said, therefore, the
12:54 farmer should be able to access scripture for himself.
12:56 Or for herself..
12:58 >>DAVID: Let me just throw in something on that, real quick,
13:00 James.
13:01 So, Ty said the word, and you just said it just a moment
13:02 ago, access.
13:05 So, I can't get away from Romans chapter 5, verse 1,
13:07 therefore, having been justified by faith, we have
13:09 peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, and I love
13:11 this, through whom also we have access by faith into this
13:16 grace by which we stand.
13:17 The whole idea of what Jesus came to do, at it's most
13:21 fundamental level, was to bring about an access that was
13:24 otherwise unavailable.
13:26 So, he opens up a point of access, a point of
13:27 availability, and we see this in the way that Jesus
13:30 conducted his ministry.
13:31 Who is it that he calls to be his coconspirators in this
13:36 plan to bring the light of the good news to the world?
13:41 He says, oh, yeah, I need some fishermen, and I'm gonna need
13:44 a tax collector in here, and I'm gonna, he's not like going
13:47 to the religious schools, going to the seminaries, it's
13:50 like he bypasses them.
13:52 >>JAMES: He's not even quoting a bible verse, he's just doing
13:53 it.
13:55 >>DAVID: He's just doing it and this point of access, that
13:58 Jesus came to bring access, but what you have with this
14:00 world that Luther's in, Luther's world and the world
14:05 before him and the medieval period, you have this point
14:07 of, you were talking about chains in that, Ty.
14:10 Everything communicates a lack of access, a lack of
14:13 availability, a lack of approachability.
14:16 Oh, wait, wait, wait, you wanna get to him?
14:18 You talk to me and then I'll, and then, and then, and then
14:21 maybe we'll get the telegram through.
14:23 >>TY: I'll broker a deal with God for you.
14:25 >>DAVID: That whole situation needed to be disintermediated.
14:27 >>JAMES: David, what you're saying.
14:29 >>DAVID: I just wanted to throw it in again.
14:30 >>JAMES: What you're saying connects directly to a point I
14:32 was gonna make that really comes out here and that is,
14:35 another wall, I think a gigantic wall between the holy
14:39 people and the common people is the qualifications of the
14:44 holy people.
14:45 Jesus, in his day, he denounced the Pharisees, look
14:49 at them, they look so perfect, so righteous, so holy, so
14:52 worthy of being priests, so worthy of being the mediators
14:56 for all of these common people.
14:58 And when I was a kind, I mean, the whole idea of being a
15:02 priest was repulsive to me.
15:04 It was repulsive to me from the perspective that, that's
15:07 what you have to be to be a priest, you have to be that
15:10 holy and that righteous and that isolated from everything
15:15 around you and that different and I think what Luther is
15:17 doing is he's saying, actually, no, you could maybe
15:20 even get married, scandal of scandals, and still be a
15:23 priest.
15:24 And he did, and you could actually, you can actually,
15:27 you can actually.
15:28 Matthew, you can be a priest.
15:32 Matthew, John, James, you sons of thunders, Peter, Peter,
15:37 even Judas has the potential, Judas has the potential, the
15:41 potential is there.
15:42 Doubting Thomas for sure.
15:43 >>DAVID: It's so interesting, James, hearing you say that
15:45 and you having told your story about having been raised in
15:48 the Catholic situation, it reminded me of something that
15:50 I have not remembered for years.
15:52 So, I wasn't raised in a strong Christian home as such,
15:57 but my mom had been sort of a Baptist and my father was
15:59 Catholic.
16:01 So, when they married, they did what you might call the
16:04 logical thing and they became Episcopalian.
16:06 [Laughter]
16:08 Which is about as close as you can get to Catholicism
16:10 without being that.
16:11 So, I'm raised, you know, in this sort of nominal
16:16 Episcopalian church and my mom wanted me to be an acolyte,
16:21 right, which is like an altar boy.
16:23 Call them acolytes, you know that term?
16:25 So, I was an acolyte.
16:26 And so, I had to go to acolyte training and wear the gown, I
16:31 went to acolyte training and we were taught on how to light
16:35 the candles, many a service.
16:37 We had these candle lighters and I would have to light the
16:40 candle and you're in front of the whole church, the whole
16:42 church, and my hand is shaking like this and I'm trying to
16:44 light the candle and it won't, and I'm trying to get that
16:46 little wick, got it, and then, my job was to light the
16:49 candles.
16:50 And then, when it was done, you turned that little thing
16:51 over, there was a cup on there.
16:52 >>JAMES: And you put the cup down on, yeah.
16:53 Did the same thing.
16:55 >>DAVID: you've been there, too.
16:56 >>JAMES: Absolutely.
16:57 >>DAVID: So, my point was, the whole thing was so procedural.
17:04 It was so, it was so ceremonial, and at the end of
17:09 the day, I can say only in my little 8 year old mind, my
17:12 little 10 year old mind, I did not perceive that it was about
17:16 access to God, it just seemed like this is what you do in
17:20 church.
17:21 Like, you go to church and you put these on and you do this,
17:24 and so, then when I saw, I was the little acolyte and then
17:27 there was the priest, Father Ron.
17:29 Yeah, the big acolyte.
17:31 And Father Steve.
17:32 And these guys, I mean, Father Steve was, he was a cool cat.
17:34 I liked him a lot.
17:35 But I'm with you, there was nothing that was appealing
17:39 about that.
17:40 I just was like.
17:42 If you would've questioned me about it, I'm not sure that I
17:44 would've even known that it was even about God as such.
17:48 It was about church, this is what you do in church.
17:51 >>TY: Okay, so, that's Catholicism and the
17:53 Episcopalian church, this is high church, this is very
17:56 formal, this is very ceremonial, but at the same
17:59 time, it's, we're not saying, yeah, those churches are like
18:04 that and it's lame.
18:06 >>DAVID: No, I'm saying as a child, I just was not taking
18:08 it in.
18:09 >>TY: I know you weren't, but let me just add something.
18:11 The fact is, as human nature is naturally gravitating in
18:16 that direction, religion oftentimes is just a hiding
18:21 place from God.
18:23 If you can go through the ceremonies.
18:25 So, it doesn't matter if its Catholic, Episcopalian,
18:28 Baptist, Adventist, the fact is, even in our own faith,
18:34 it's oftentimes just a spectator sport.
18:38 People just go through, there's certain clothes you
18:40 wear and you go and you sit in certain kinds of seating and
18:44 there's a pulpit and the person comes out and says
18:47 certain things and you go.
18:49 It's a lot where Protestants were on the far liberal end of
18:53 the spectrum ceremonially, but it's still a formal process
18:58 that everybody in concert goes through and feels like, I
19:02 don't know what's going on in everybody's hearts, but in my
19:05 own, oftentimes, we feel like, okay, we did our duty.
19:09 We went to church.
19:11 >>JEFFERY: It's our own version of ritualistic
19:12 religion.
19:14 >>TY: Ours is a little bit more casual, but we're still
19:17 going through, it's the same thing psychologically.
19:20 We're going through a process of trying to get to God
19:24 through layer after layer after layer of accoutrements
19:30 that are religious and it's there and it's blocking our
19:34 vision.
19:35 We need to know in our own hearts and we need to
19:38 encourage, you know, everybody that we possibly can that,
19:43 hey, you could literally be driving down the street or
19:46 flipping burgers at your place of employment, selling real
19:50 estate and pause and open your heart to God as to a friend.
19:53 Right there, in your car, right there at your job, right
19:57 there at your, you can just say, Lord, this is what I'm
20:01 thinking, this is what I'm going through, I can't
20:03 navigate this.
20:05 Direct access to God in your heart, in your mind.
20:14 It's just amazing that we have that privilege.
20:18 Amazing that we have that privilege.
20:20 >>DAVID: And it was revolutionary.
20:21 >>JEFFERY: Do we have time to go to a text?
20:22 >>TY: No, we have to take a break.
20:24 You bring that text right after the break.
20:28 [Music]
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22:26 There's room at the Light Bearers table for you.
22:30 There's room at the Light Bearers table for you.
22:38 >>TY: Man, oh, man.
22:39 This priesthood of all believers idea has gotta be
22:41 one of the most powerful concepts ever released upon
22:44 the human race.
22:45 It's just incredible to realize that human beings have
22:47 direct access to God and every one of us have that access and
22:52 that everything that we do in life is a spiritual vocation,
22:56 or can be a spiritual vocation.
23:00 Jeffrey, you had some scripture, you had something
23:02 you wanted to bring.
23:03 >>JEFFERY: Well, the text that the reformers actually
23:05 discovered, that they encountered that opened up
23:08 this whole realm, there's several key texts.
23:11 One of them is 1 Peter chapter 2 and verse 9, and it would be
23:17 wrong to have this discussion and not read this passage.
23:23 1 Peter 2:9 and it says, but you are a chosen generation, a
23:29 royal priesthood, and that's the word they latched on.
23:32 A holy nation, his own special people that you may proclaim
23:36 the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his
23:41 marvelous light.
23:42 So, you were talking about the different scenarios in the
23:45 car, selling real estate, whatever, you can pause for a
23:49 moment and encounter God.
23:51 This text here tells us, what is it that qualifies you as a
23:54 member of the priesthood?
23:56 I think the second half of the verse is connected to the
24:00 first half.
24:01 The second half says that you proclaim the praises of him
24:04 who called you out of darkness into the light.
24:07 Those are the sacrifices that you offer.
24:10 Those are the sacrifices that qualifies you as a member of
24:15 the priesthood.
24:17 And so, you're not offering, this is spiritual priesthood,
24:21 obviously.
24:22 You're not offering a literal blood sacrifice.
24:25 You're offering the testimony of praise that flows from your
24:29 life.
24:30 You're testifying of the experience of going from
24:36 darkness to light.
24:37 Basically, this is gospel language.
24:39 Your experience of encountering the gospel and
24:42 so, if that's true, then anybody who's encountered the
24:46 gospel has been elected as a member of the priesthood.
24:52 And can offer sacrifices of praise in every and any aspect
24:58 of your life.
24:59 And that was hugely liberating to discover.
25:04 >>JAMES: There's something else here that I think is
25:05 really significant and it goes along with what Ty said
25:07 earlier.
25:08 If you continue with these verses, you find a couple of
25:11 admonitions here that really apply to the idea that the
25:15 priesthood of all believers is supposed to impact us in our
25:17 vocation, whatever it is.
25:20 It's supposed to help us to relate to people in a way that
25:24 gives God the glory and actually testifies to him.
25:28 I'm thinking here, specifically, of verse 12,
25:31 having you a conversation, now, this is we're reading 1
25:34 Peter chapter 2 and Jeffery, you read verse 9, and just
25:37 keep reading, you get to verse 12, and this is the context,
25:40 having your conversation, that is, your conduct, honest among
25:43 the Gentiles.
25:45 That whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they
25:48 made by your good works, which should behold glorify God in
25:51 the day of his visitation.
25:52 >>TY: Well, that's good, I've never seen that.
25:53 So, that's taking you right to daily life.
25:55 >>JAMES: Yeah, and it continues on, it talks about
25:57 marriage, it talks about work, it talks about the king, the
26:01 governor, the president, in other words, in everything we
26:04 do, because we're a priesthood of believers, in everything we
26:07 do, we should be exemplifying God and relating to people in
26:12 a way that we do our best in our vocation so that God gets
26:16 the glory.
26:17 I love that idea because that's a completely different
26:20 motivation.
26:21 >>DAVID: And I love that, and not just exemplifying, there
26:22 is that sort of evangelistic, administorial role, but
26:25 there's also, you become a point of access.
26:27 Not a point of access in the sense of mediation, but just a
26:31 point of, hey, look, this is the gospel, this is what the
26:35 gospel looks like.
26:36 If I'm a cobbler or I'm a seamstress or I'm a truck
26:39 driver.
26:40 >>TY: A cobbler, he said.
26:42 [Laughter]
26:43 A person who makes cobbler.
26:47 >>DAVID: No, cobbler makes shoes.
26:49 >>TY: I know what a cobbler is.
26:51 >>DAVID: How can you give me a hard time about cobbler?
26:53 >>TY: Just such an old word.
26:55 >>DAVID: Well, I'll tell you why it jumped out at me,
26:57 because, listen, I gotta give it context here.
26:59 >>TY: Nobody watching this is saying, yeah, I'm a cobbler.
27:01 [Laughter]
27:03 >>DAVID: The high school that I went to was Stevens High
27:05 School in Rapid City, South Dakota, and our cross-town
27:08 rivals was the Central Cobblers.
27:11 >>TY: Really?
27:12 >>DAVID: Yeah, so it's always been there.
27:14 I just wanna use my words, okay?
27:16 Leave me alone, leave me alone.
27:17 >>JEFFERY: But you said, not in the sense of mediation, but
27:19 this is what God looks like, I don't even have a problem with
27:22 it being in a sense of mediation.
27:24 >>DAVID: Well, it's mediation like, if somebody were to come
27:26 to me, I would say, hey, you don't have to come to me, you
27:28 just.
27:29 So, you're there as an advertisement, you are there
27:31 in the priestly role, 'cause the priests had a number of
27:34 roles, of which mediation was one.
27:36 Education is a role.
27:37 Right?
27:39 When you were saying the thing about sacrifices of praise,
27:41 man.
27:41 Romans 12:1, bam.
27:43 I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of
27:45 God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
27:49 holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable
27:51 service.
27:52 I love the NIV there, which is your spiritual act of worship.
27:56 Present your bodies to God, that is your spiritual act of
28:00 worship.
28:01 >>JEFFERY: So, you're not presenting a sacrifice, you
28:03 are the sacrifice.
28:05 >>TY: We recently did a series at our church called why we
28:08 worship and one of the messages, yeah, one of the
28:11 messages was dedicated to the idea that you come to church
28:16 and you engage in the act of worship in the sanctuary, we
28:21 say, and one of the messages was saying and then, when you
28:25 leave this building, you are the place of worship that
28:29 people are encountering.
28:30 You are the temple of God.
28:32 In your daily vocation, whatever you're doing, you are
28:36 like the tabernacle of Moses and the children of Israel in
28:40 the wilderness, the mobile tabernacle that was just out
28:43 and about, just moving around, and people wherever you go
28:48 have an opportunity to encounter God in your, I'm
28:53 gonna use the word that James brought to us, your
28:55 conversation, your conduct, your life is a point of
28:59 contact for people to access God.
29:02 >>DAVID: So, leading up to the passage that we read, which
29:05 you said was one of the definitive texts for this
29:07 reformers idea of the priesthood of all believers is
29:10 this passage, 2 Peter chapter 2, beginning in verse 4,
29:12 coming to him, Christ, as to a living stone, rejected indeed
29:15 by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, comma, as
29:19 living stones, comma, are being built up a spiritual
29:24 house, a place of worship.
29:26 A hole priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices
29:28 acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
29:31 >>JEFFERY: It's right there.
29:32 >>DAVID: And again, we take this for granted, we take this
29:37 for granted, but in Luther's time, in Calvin's time, in the
29:40 reformers' time, going back even earlier into, you know,
29:42 John Hus, this is wild.
29:48 Because the point is not about access, the point is about the
29:51 church.
29:52 One of the big divisions, like, one of the big picture
29:55 divisions between the Protestant reformer's view of
29:59 church and then, the Roman church's view of church was
30:02 really simple.
30:03 Is the church's primary role proclamational or is it
30:06 mediatory?
30:08 Is the church primarily have something to say or something
30:11 to do?
30:12 If the church has something to say, that's proclamational,
30:15 that's to go tell the gospel that you can go straight to
30:17 God.
30:18 Or, is it, hey, no, no, no, no, no, the church is here in
30:20 a mediatorial role, you come to the church and the church
30:23 mediates through the sacraments the grace of God.
30:26 This is a total turnaround from primarily mediatorial to
30:30 proclamational.
30:31 We got something to say.
30:33 >>JAMES: And one of the reasons, I think for me
30:34 anyway, why it was so appealing, not so appealing,
30:37 but why it was like I'm getting off the hook here is,
30:39 in relation to the mediatoral, in relation to something to do
30:42 was, I can just go to church once a week or once a quarter
30:46 at Christmas and Easter, I can dump all my sins, I can get
30:48 absolution, and then, I can go live my life to live it.
30:51 >>DAVID: The thick line that Jeffrey's talking about
30:54 between that and that.
30:55 >>JAMES: By reason of transgression, the truth was
30:56 cast to the ground and the sanctuary was cast down.
30:58 In other words, because it allows you just to continue
31:00 life as it, you get your ticket to heaven, but you get
31:02 to continue your life as is, whereas, in proclamation, a
31:06 transformation is expected.
31:08 There's an expectation that the gospel of Jesus Christ
31:11 will actually take hold of the heart and the mind and
31:14 transform you so that you will actually want to go from that
31:17 place and be that living temple that you have
31:20 encountered in this.
31:21 >>DAVID: It's not just a legal transaction.
31:23 >>JEFFERY: I wanted to read, again, just following the
31:28 train of thought, I'm trying to imagine, what would it have
31:30 been like to stumble on this truth for the first time,
31:35 right?
31:36 And so, going back to these documents that were written in
31:39 the 1520s, the first time this conversation, you know, took
31:44 place in history, took place around the table, so, when
31:47 Luther thinks about this concept, he now, it's like
31:50 when you see something, you can't not see it, you know
31:54 what I'm saying?
31:55 Like, when I drive, you know, I drive a Civic, a silver
31:57 Civic, and now I see silver Civics everywhere and I never
32:00 noticed them before, because now that I see it, I can't not
32:02 see it.
32:03 So, when you see this truth, you can't not see it anywhere
32:06 you look in scripture, so when Luther goes back to now the
32:09 gospel story, he starts sharing how this is
32:14 everywhere.
32:15 He says, for example, when you think of Mary, when Mary
32:20 received the news that she would be the mother of Jesus,
32:23 he says, what did she do when she received that astounding
32:28 news.
32:29 He says, she went back and continued sweeping the floor,
32:35 cleaning the dishes.
32:37 So, then, he goes further and he says, when Jesus was born,
32:43 what did the shepherds who came and saw and celebrated
32:47 and said, glory to God, this is God, he said, what did they
32:51 do?
32:52 And I just wanna read this to you.
32:53 He says here.
32:54 >>DAVID: This is Luther.
32:56 >>JEFFERY: Yeah, he says, the text says, and they returned,
32:59 and then he picks up.
33:02 He says, where did they return?
33:05 They returned back to their, yeah, yeah, so he says, surely
33:11 that must be wrong.
33:13 And he's mocking.
33:16 He says, there's a mistake there.
33:18 We should correct the passage.
33:21 It should read, quote, they went, shaved their heads,
33:24 fasted, clothed their rosaries, and put on their
33:28 monk, you know, their monk hoods.
33:30 He continues, instead we read, the shepherds returned.
33:35 And then, he says, where to?
33:37 To their sheep.
33:39 And then, he says, the sheep would've been in a bad state
33:43 had they not.
33:45 >>JAMES: I love that, I absolutely love that.
33:47 >>JEFFERY: So, just the simplicity of that, and it's
33:49 what you were saying, right?
33:50 It's, they're sacrifices.
33:55 They are walking priests and walking sacrifices.
33:59 Yeah, shepherding now becomes a sacred act so long as it's
34:05 done in the context of this is an expression of my faith to
34:09 Christ and the reason they're walking priests is because now
34:13 you said the word contact, right?
34:15 That's the point of the church.
34:16 We become a point of contact between other human beings and
34:19 God.
34:20 So, now, be it Mary or the shepherds, they are now a
34:23 point of contact because they've seen, they've
34:25 witnessed something and now, their function is to now relay
34:30 that in whatever capacity they find themselves in and so,
34:33 what can be more liberating than that?
34:35 >>TY: And then, in the larger, biblical context, not only do
34:38 you become a point of contact for other people, you're a
34:41 point of contact for the sheep and for all of life, because
34:46 the human being is a steward over creation and the animals
34:50 in this world should experience the kindness of
34:53 their stewards, right?
34:55 I mean, all of life is to be, the quality of life is to be
35:00 elevated on all levels.
35:01 But, hey, we're doing something around this table
35:03 that I just remembered, Luther actually modeled this by doing
35:10 something called Table Talk.
35:13 We didn't come up with this idea called Table Talk.
35:15 This is namesaked after Martin Luther, because Martin Luther,
35:20 after he left his role as a monk and became a reformer,
35:26 Luther formed the habit in the community of just pulling
35:30 together people, sitting around a table, and they
35:33 actually called it, you can actually Google Table Talk,
35:36 Martin Luther, and the discussions that they had
35:38 around the table with Luther are recorded, and he would
35:41 just spontaneously let them bring up any topic they wanted
35:43 to bring up, he would just sit there and have chats with
35:46 people that, yeah, they weren't recording them and
35:49 airing them on television, of course, but they were having
35:51 Table Talks, and that was a modeling of their priesthood
35:54 of all believers.
35:55 >>JAMES: I really wanna pick up on this point, because you
35:58 talked about church earlier, and I do think that there's a
36:01 place for preaching, but I really do believe that this is
36:04 an important aspect of legacy, this idea of Table Talk is an
36:10 important aspect of the legacy that Luther has handed down to
36:13 us, because I think we can do the same thing, I'm just gonna
36:16 use this phrase with our Sunday school lesson or our
36:19 Sabbath school lesson.
36:21 We can do the same thing that we do with a sermon.
36:23 It can become a second sermon, someone gets up front, they
36:27 open up the lesson and they just begin to monologue,
36:29 monologue, monologue, monologue.
36:31 And something that's really been powerful in pastoral
36:35 ministry for me is a pastor's class.
36:38 I was, in both churches that I pastored, the one that I'm
36:42 pastoring now and the one that I was pastoring previously, I
36:44 received a little bit of pushback to starting the
36:46 pastor's class.
36:47 And after I was finally able to get it, one of the
36:50 churches, which it took about a year to do, the thing that
36:54 was said to me was, well, after this class starts,
36:57 because my point was, there's gonna be a lot of people
37:00 coming to our church that are brand new and they can't sit
37:02 in our regular church, they don't understand, they're just
37:05 starting, they're babies and they need to be nurtured.
37:08 And so, the idea was, well, after you get them nurtured,
37:12 then you can, you know, they all go and we don't need to
37:14 have that class anymore.
37:15 But here's the point I'm trying to make.
37:17 >>DAVID: Why wouldn't they want a class?
37:18 I'm totally confused by that.
37:20 >>JAMES: Here's the point, yeah, exactly, and here's the
37:21 point I'm trying to make, have we come to a place in some
37:25 circles where we are doing the same thing that Luther
37:30 opposed?
37:31 Setting up a ritualistic form that everyone goes to and they
37:35 just sit through it and they sit through it and they sit
37:37 through it.
37:38 So, the pastor's class that I'm having now, it's really
37:41 interesting, the majority of the people that attend that
37:43 class are not members of the church.
37:46 And we sit down and we talk.
37:49 I don't have any agenda, we just talk.
37:51 Hey, how was your week?
37:52 Anything we can pray for?
37:53 How was your week?
37:54 Anything?
37:55 And then, I just take notes so, next time that we sit
37:56 down, hey, how's it going with that issue that we prayed
38:00 about last time?
38:01 Or, give me an update on your situation what was taking
38:04 place with thus and such.
38:05 And then, as we go through, each person talks and we
38:08 interact, whatever, amazing theology, practical theology
38:12 comes out of this.
38:14 And then, when we're done, we have a basic outline, a basic
38:16 scripture outline that we're going through, sometimes we
38:19 get to it, sometimes, we don't.
38:21 Right now, we're going through Matthew 26, which is really
38:23 powerful, the steps that prepared Jesus for Gethsemane,
38:26 because life for us is a preparation in Gethsemane in a
38:29 way, a preparation to understand how it is that we
38:33 can deal with the separation from God that we're feeling in
38:35 our lives, but I really believe that that's what
38:39 people need.
38:40 We need to have Table Talks in every church in every,
38:42 wherever we are, we need to be able to just sit down and talk
38:44 about stuff.
38:46 And not have some guy in an office somewhere who's figured
38:48 out, this is exactly what you need to cover this, these next
38:50 9 weeks, these are the things you need to talk about, here's
38:54 the points you need to make, here's the points you don't
38:56 need to make, make sure, no.
38:58 That's, I'm not downing that, I'm not saying that that's
39:01 bad, I think that's fine, I think that's good, but I don't
39:03 think that's the only thing we should be doing.
39:05 There needs to be a little bit more Table Talk.
39:10 Sit down, what's on your brain right now?
39:12 So, I think this Table Talk idea, we're doing this right
39:14 here and people have, you know, they've said, hey, I'd
39:16 love to sit in, or hey, I'd love, because that's what
39:19 people are hungry for.
39:20 >>TY: Yeah, we've gotten the word from all over the place
39:22 where people are actually doing this.
39:24 They watch the program and they say, hey, let's do one in
39:25 my kitchen.
39:26 This one lady came to me recently and said, yeah, me
39:29 and a few of my friends, we do Table Talk in my kitchen, we
39:32 just sit there and do what you guys are doing.
39:34 There's another guy in Australia, and they've
39:36 launched Table Talk in Australia, they're filming,
39:39 and then, there's one in Germany, in German, that's
39:42 actually doing a 13-part series on the Protestant
39:45 reformation as we're doing, well, they already finished
39:47 theirs.
39:48 I don't know what any of it says, it's all in German.
39:49 But these are friends of ours, these are people in Germany
39:51 who are just saying, hey...
39:53 >>DAVID: And the set looks quite similar to this, it's so
39:55 cool.
39:56 >>TY: It's amazing, people are just doing it.
39:58 >>DAVID: We spent a lot of money on this set.
39:59 This is big money, here.
40:00 The blackness around us.
40:02 [Laughter]
40:04 >>TY: Okay, we have to take our second break, but yeah,
40:08 this is a great discussion, we'll be right back.
40:09 [Music]
40:22 Announcer: A Light in Zambia is a moving video documentary
40:26 that traces the stories of 5 amazing African men and women
40:30 who encountered Christ through the powerful medium of gospel
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40:35 To receive your free copy, call 877-585-1111, or write to
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40:48 Once again, to receive your free copy of A Light in
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41:07 [Music]
41:14 >>TY: As we begin this section, I thought it'd be
41:16 good to give the Old Testament background to the New
41:20 Testament passages that we're reading.
41:22 Jeffrey brought to us the Peter passage that we're all a
41:26 royal priesthood, David brought to us the passage from
41:30 Romans 5 that we all have access, I love that word
41:35 access, and Romans 12, but check this out, the Old
41:38 Testament is full of this idea.
41:40 Beginning in Genesis, we have this, and it's not real
41:44 obvious, you know, right on the surface, 'cause it doesn't
41:46 use the word priest or anything like that, but it
41:48 says in Genesis chapter 3 that after God had created the man
41:53 and the woman, there they are in fellowship in the Garden,
41:57 and then, it says, in chapter 3, verse 8, that God came and
42:01 walked in the cool of the day in the Garden.
42:03 So, you've got this direct access, you've got God having
42:06 made human beings to have direct access and fellowship
42:10 with him.
42:11 Well, as the story continues unfolding, we come to the
42:14 story of Abraham, and when we get to chapter 12 of Genesis,
42:18 we have this idea where the Lord says to Abraham, comes to
42:23 him and says, Abraham, I'm gonna do something through you
42:28 and your posterity that's going to be a blessing to the
42:33 whole world.
42:34 Verse 3, in you, Abraham, in your lineage, all the families
42:38 of the earth shall be blessed.
42:41 Okay, then when you come, as the story continues to unfold
42:44 in Exodus chapter 19, God has now brought the children of
42:49 Israel out of Egyptian bondage and he announces to them in
42:53 chapter 19, verse 6, God says to them, you shall be a
42:59 kingdom to me, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
43:04 So, here, God is telling the children of Israel, okay, now
43:08 I've brought you out of Egyptian bondage and now I
43:12 have a job for you to do.
43:13 I have a vocation for you, and the vocation is that you're
43:16 going to be a royal priesthood.
43:20 You are, that's where the language of the New Testament
43:22 comes from, royal priesthood, a kingdom of priests.
43:25 What's fascinating, because the people push back in their
43:30 fear, in chapter 20 and verse 18 and onward, and into
43:35 chapter 21, they push back on this idea of direct access to
43:39 God, because they're afraid of God.
43:40 They have a misconception of God's character and so, you
43:44 have Moses, who goes into the mountain, converses with God,
43:50 he comes out of that direct access to God and talks to the
43:54 people and gives them a little bit of exposure to the glory
43:58 of God and their immediate impulse is to back up.
44:01 Well, as the story unfolds, they're now elevating Moses.
44:05 Moses isn't elevating himself, they're elevating Moses to the
44:11 position of intermedior between themselves and God and
44:16 then, there's this thing that develops in the camp of Israel
44:20 where these certain guys begin prophesying and saying, hey,
44:25 I've got a word from the Lord and the people do something
44:29 that later on, happens in the New Testament...
44:31 >>JEFFERY: Certain guy meaning a non-official priest.
44:33 >>TY: Yeah, these were just individuals, God had given the
44:36 vocation to all.
44:38 Moses was elevated to the unique position by the people,
44:42 and they now imagine that these guys were in the wrong
44:46 for having words from God and Moses responds by saying,
44:51 would that all of the children of God were prophets?
44:54 This is a very fascinating thing.
44:56 This is a very fascinating thing that Moses is saying.
44:59 He said, I don't want to be Moses and then there's the
45:03 rest of y'all.
45:04 I want, God can talk to you.
45:08 And so, quit forbidding these guys from prophesying, listen
45:13 to what they're saying, maybe God is gonna speak to you
45:14 through them, not just Moses.
45:16 That's in the bible.
45:17 [Laughter]
45:19 And this is the priesthood of all believers, so you need to
45:21 look it up because, actually, I'm just going from memory, I
45:23 don't know where the passage is, but it's there.
45:25 >>DAVID: Years ago, probably 3 years ago, I heard Dr. Richard
45:28 Davidson give an amazing sermon, amazing, mate, titled,
45:34 ablazing grace, and in that sermon, he described how, if
45:39 you carefully follow the textual like trajectory of
45:42 Exodus, that God's invitation was not just for Moses to come
45:46 to the mountain and, it was for every single person to
45:49 have the same relationship to God that Moses had, but when
45:53 the people backed up, Moses became the defacto
45:57 intermediary.
45:58 And here's an interesting point on that, by the way,
46:01 this thought occurred to me in the last session.
46:03 When God shows up, he's not showing up only in tabernacles
46:06 and only in holy places, he shows up in a burning bush.
46:10 A common point of access.
46:14 When Jacob is fearing the arrival of Esau, he lays down
46:22 and he puts his head on a pillow or a rock and that's a
46:25 point of access, that becomes the pineal, the place I've
46:27 seen the face of God.
46:29 There's many passages in scripture where God shows up
46:32 in these secular places, right?
46:35 He's not just confined to a singular, there's this
46:40 ubiquity about his availability.
46:42 You can meet him here, you can meet him here, you can meet
46:43 him, he's available.
46:45 I love that.
46:46 >>JEFFERY: By the way, Ty, I have good news for you.
46:48 It was actually in the bible.
46:50 >>TY: Well, I know it's in the bible.
46:51 >>JEFFERY: It's in Numbers 11:29.
46:53 James and I found it at the same time.
46:55 >>DAVID: Read the verse.
46:56 >>JAMES: It's really a good verse, this is amazing.
46:58 >>JEFFERY: It says, and Moses said.
46:59 >>JAMES: You gotta hear this.
47:02 Go ahead, don't let anybody interrupt you, go ahead.
47:04 >>JEFFERY: I'm reading from the King James, by the way,
47:07 just for fun.
47:08 >>DAVID: Do you want us to understand it?
47:09 >>JEFFERY: And Moses said unto him, envious thou for my sake?
47:14 Would God, that all the Lord's people were prophets and that
47:18 the Lord would put his Spirit upon him.
47:20 >>TY: I guess the King James Version is a step away from
47:23 Latin, but it still is kind of a, you know, it's a...
47:27 >>DAVID: We're gonna have a fistfight here.
47:30 >>TY: You gotta surmount the language to get to God.
47:34 >>JAMES: Actually, if you do some research, King James is
47:39 actually the simplest language of all the translations, do
47:44 some research on it.
47:45 >>TY: But nobody knows the first sentence that you read
47:46 or understands it.
47:47 >>JAMES: I'll admit that.
47:48 >>JEFFERY: Did you notice that when the whole let your
47:52 conversation be whatever, he said, let your conversation,
47:54 which means conduct.
47:56 [Laughter]
47:58 Hey, hey, hey, my bible actually said conduct.
48:01 I'm just saying.
48:03 >>DAVID: So, this is a verse that we alluded to earlier,
48:06 but I just wanna throw it out there.
48:07 In Revelation 4 and 5, I'm gonna just transition here.
48:12 In Revelation 4 and 5, when you have the throne room of
48:15 God and then, you see the redeemed, I love this in
48:18 chapter 5, verse 8, now, when he had taken the scroll, the
48:24 four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the
48:26 lamb, each having a harp and golden bowls full of incense
48:28 which were the prayers of the saints, and they sang a new
48:30 song, saying, you are worthy to take the scroll.
48:33 Now, this is of the elders, and to open its seals, for you
48:35 are slain and have redeemed us to God by your blood out of
48:38 every tribe and tongue and people and nation and have
48:41 made us kings and priests to our God and we shall reign on
48:46 the earth, and that phrase will come up at least two more
48:49 times in Revelation, kings and priests.
48:51 And you get the strong sense that this is not an exclusive,
48:55 clerical class of people.
48:59 This is the people of God, because what was the job of a
49:01 king?
49:02 A king was to reign.
49:04 Well, these are those that are seated with Jesus on his
49:05 throne, as he says in Revelation.
49:07 So, they are coreigning with Jesus and they are priests in
49:10 the sense that they are attached by the humanity to
49:13 Jesus and they occupy a priestly, which is an
49:16 educational, mediatory role.
49:18 Everybody, straight to God.
49:21 Which is, again, we've said this again, but it bears
49:24 repeating, this is something that we take for granted, this
49:26 idea of the universality of access.
49:29 We can come straight to God.
49:30 But this was a revolutionary concept.
49:33 And not only revolutionary, dangerous.
49:36 Dangerous to the establishment.
49:38 >>JEFFERY: If you're reading chapter 5, Revelation 1 says
49:40 the same thing, and in Revelation 20:6, they shall be
49:44 priests.
49:45 >>DAVID: Twenty, verse 6.
49:46 >>JEFFERY: Twenty, verse 6, and so, beginning, end,
49:48 bookends, right?
49:49 It's...
49:50 >>DAVID: Kings and priests, kings and priests.
49:52 >>JEFFERY: It's a theme.
49:55 >>DAVID: That's the one I just read.
49:56 >>TY: Go.
49:59 >>JAMES: Well, I was just gonna say, so the book of
50:00 Revelation, what's really interesting about the book of
50:02 Revelation is it's written in these prophetic cycles.
50:05 It cycles through a whole picture of salvation from the
50:08 beginning to the end and then it stops and starts again and
50:10 cycles through and cycles through.
50:12 So, it's interesting that this idea, like the second coming,
50:14 is repeated, repeated, repeated, repeated.
50:17 In other words, it's significant.
50:19 Not everything's repeated in a cycle, but the things that are
50:21 significant, the things that God really wants us to get are
50:25 repeated every time the cycle repeats, and this is one of
50:27 the things that's repeated every time the cycle repeats.
50:29 >>DAVID: So, this isn't a Revelation cycle, but you have
50:31 Paul, in his writings, repeating the lists of
50:36 spiritual gifts, right, or the list of spiritual gifts in at
50:40 least 3 locations, Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4.
50:43 The point, for Paul, was, hey, God, by his Spirit, has given
50:48 gifts to all.
50:50 Some are prophets and teachers and some are, and some are,
50:52 and some are, and some are, and some are.
50:54 This idea that no one is giftless.
50:56 >>TY: But check this out, that's beautiful, but check
50:59 this out, you guys, I just realized something.
51:01 I mean, I knew it before, but it just, in this context that
51:06 when you were saying that God gives universal access and
51:13 that we're all in a mediatoral role, between you and me, I
51:19 have a role to reveal something to you, to
51:23 communicate something to you about God that you don't
51:26 presently know and vice versa.
51:28 You have something to teach me, yeah, it's a community
51:31 thing, so we're all mediating the peculiar, unique insights
51:36 of God that we each have, but this is astounding that
51:41 mediation isn't just a temporary fixture between you
51:47 and me because now that I've shared with you, you know what
51:49 I know and now you don't need me for that piece of
51:52 information anymore.
51:54 But check this out.
51:55 We say that Jesus is the one mediator between God and man
51:57 so that we don't need an earthly priesthood and even
52:02 the mediation of Jesus is temporary.
52:05 Even Jesus, as a mediator, is a temporary fixture between us
52:11 and the Father.
52:12 There are two passages of scripture, at least, that make
52:13 this clear.
52:15 In John chapter 16, Jesus says, this is fascinating to
52:20 me, he says, so far, I've been talking to you, verse 25, I've
52:24 been talking to you in figurative language.
52:26 I've been telling you stories, but the day is coming when I
52:28 will no longer speak to you in figurative language, but I
52:30 will tell you plainly about the Father and in that day,
52:33 you will ask in my name, just like you have always done,
52:37 going through me as a mediator, you ask in my name.
52:39 But I do not say that I will speak to the Father for you.
52:42 I'm gonna stop being the one through whom you go to the
52:47 Father, because the Father himself loves you.
52:51 So, the mediation of Jesus, at some point, is even going to
52:54 cease, in a sense.
52:56 The other passage is Hebrews chapter 6, where it says, in
53:00 verses 19 and 20, we have this hope as an anchor to the soul,
53:03 both sure and steadfast, this is amazing, which enters to
53:09 the presence behind the veil.
53:12 So, the presence, there's a veil between us and God and we
53:18 are being led to enter behind the veil, into the presence,
53:22 and this is the role Jesus has, verse 20, where the
53:25 forerunner, that's Christ, our mediator, our priest, has
53:30 entered for us, even Jesus, having become a high priest
53:34 forever, according to the order of Melchisedec.
53:36 So, here, the word forerunner, this is amazing, we're all
53:40 familiar with the term forerunner, fore meaning
53:43 before, this is somebody who's going ahead because he's
53:48 leading somebody behind.
53:51 Mediation isn't a wall, it's a bridge.
53:54 That's what's being taught to us here.
53:56 Jesus isn't saying, I'll go there and you never can, Jesus
54:00 is saying, I'm gonna go ahead of you, come on.
54:03 >>JEFFERY: I'm going so that you may also go.
54:06 >>TY: You need to enter into the presence behind the veil,
54:08 but I'm gonna go before you and I'm gonna prepare, you're
54:11 going to come, and then, in chapter 4, earlier in Hebrews,
54:14 he just, Paul just straight up says that we can come boldly
54:18 before the throne of grace.
54:20 It's amazing.
54:21 >>JAMES: Ty, I really wanna talk about this chapter 16
54:23 because I think it's a great way to summarize what we've
54:27 been talking about.
54:28 >>TY: Summarize fast, we have a minute and 30 seconds.
54:30 >>JAMES: Yeah, I see that on Jeffrey's little stopwatch
54:32 here.
54:33 I think it's a good way to summarize what we've been
54:35 talking about.
54:36 Jesus here, in the chapter, in the context of the chapter,
54:39 the contextual subject matter of the chapter is the Holy
54:42 Spirit and the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the disciples
54:45 have always been leaning on Christ, and Christ is saying,
54:47 I'm leaving, but I'm not leaving you alone.
54:50 You've been asking me for stuff from the Father, but
54:53 you're not gonna be doing that anymore.
54:55 You're gonna access the Father directly through the gift of
54:58 the Holy Spirit, you're gonna pray in my name, and you're
55:01 gonna be able to communicate directly to the Father,
55:04 without me being here in person.
55:06 That's the point he's making here in relation to the
55:09 disciples and it's so powerful because it applies to us
55:10 today.
55:11 It's the subject matter that we've been talking about for the
55:13 last hour or so.
55:14 >>TY: The priesthood of all believers.
55:15 Man, oh, man.
55:18 David, we have 40 seconds.
55:20 Summarize everything that we've just learned.
55:22 >>DAVID: Well, I think it's a fulfillment of the new
55:24 covenant promise that we talked about in a previous
55:26 session where the idea is that no man, you know, you won't
55:30 have to teach me, there is that community sense, but we
55:32 will all go directly to God, and that disintermediation, he
55:36 knew I was gonna do it, of removing the clerical class,
55:39 the priestly class, the cardinal, the pope, the
55:41 bishop, it was like, hey, I'm going straight to God through
55:43 Christ.
55:44 And then, Jesus, as you mentioned, in his own
55:46 mediatoral role says, hey, look, even that is a just a
55:48 stop gap until we can all be seated with God on thrones as
55:55 kings and priests, all of us access to God.
55:59 >>TY: Face to face.
56:00 >>DAVID: Face to face.
56:01 [Music]
56:12 蛂usic]


Revised 2018-01-17