Table Talk

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000413A

00:00 [Music]
00:10 [Music]
00:20 >>TY: Well, this is number 13 in the series, so we've come
00:23 to the conclusion of this Table Talk series.
00:26 >>JEFFREY: We've exhausted the book of Revelation.
00:27 >>TY: We have not exhaust it, that's for sure, there's so
00:29 much that we didn't touch upon, but I'm just wondering
00:31 before we launch into Revelation 21 and 22, what
00:35 would be the highlight for you so far?
00:37 A point of discovery, a point of insight, something you're
00:40 like, wow, that was time well spent?
00:42 >>DAVID: I loved, and I know that this is going well back
00:45 and there have been lots of highlights, but I loved the
00:48 section on Revelation 4 and 5.
00:50 That was growing out of the sermon that you preached
00:53 recently that I heard on that and then the opportunity to
00:56 discuss it as a group, I loved it.
00:59 >>TY: Revelation 4 and 5, what about you, James?
01:01 >>JAMES: Twelve.
01:02 Twelve is always my favorite and it's just amazing what is
01:06 in there, I loved that whole concept that's developed there
01:10 of the woman bringing forth the man child who answers the
01:13 accusations of Satan and vanquishes all of the
01:16 opposition of the accuser and just delivers his people.
01:18 I just love that whole picture, the great controversy
01:21 picture, it's beautiful.
01:22 >>TY: How about you, Jeffrey?
01:24 >>JEFFREY: I loved Revelation 14 and I love that passage,
01:27 here's the patience of the saints, those who keep the
01:29 commandments and the faith of Jesus.
01:31 >>DAVID: That was great.
01:32 >>JEFFREY: That was a highlight for me.
01:34 It's Jesus's faith that basically projects to us and
01:36 we respond to it.
01:37 I think that was a highlight.
01:38 >>TY: There was so much good stuff.
01:40 Mine was more recent and that is the full disclosure idea,
01:46 yeah, last session.
01:48 The language where it says in chapter 19, verse 11, that he
01:54 that's speaking, he judges, Jesus judges, the Father has
01:59 given him judgment, and then, in chapter 20, verse 4, and
02:02 he, Jesus, commits judgment to us.
02:05 That's an incredible revelation of God's character
02:09 for me that he commits judgment to us and he puts
02:13 himself out there to be evaluated and to disclose
02:16 everything.
02:17 I liked your language very much, the, what is it?
02:21 Declassified.
02:22 Yeah, declassifying all of the documents of the Great War
02:24 between good and evil.
02:26 All of history, it's all on the table, evaluate it, what
02:28 does everybody think?
02:29 >>DAVID: It bodes really well, I think, for the series that I
02:32 was right at the beginning, my highlight was 4 and 5, you
02:35 were 12, which is getting midway through, you were 14,
02:39 which is getting toward the end, you're just 20.
02:42 That's a good sign.
02:43 I have absolutely loved this series.
02:46 It's been so easy, not in the sense that we've been dealing
02:50 always with easy material, but it's just bubbling and
02:53 bubbling and bubbling.
02:54 I love it.
02:55 >>TY: I think we should acknowledge the fact that we
03:00 know we haven't exhausted the book of Revelation and we know
03:03 that we may have said some stuff along the way that we
03:06 didn't give enough clarity on that we could have made
03:09 clearer, or spent enough time on, but we're not here to give
03:12 all the answers anyway.
03:13 We're here to model and to share bible study, and we're
03:21 hoping that people will not say, okay, that was finality,
03:24 those guys shared everything, no, we didn't, we just
03:27 scratched the service and now we're racing.
03:29 >>JEFFREY: And even hoping that there would be some
03:31 disagreement on some minor point here and there that
03:33 would just stimulate more thought.
03:35 >>TY: Proves that we're thinking, yeah.
03:37 So, we want people to study, to read for themselves, and
03:39 not just say, okay, that was it, that's the definitive word
03:43 on Revelation, it's not.
03:44 It's not the definitive word, but Jesus is the definitive
03:48 word, he is the faithful and true witness that gives full
03:53 revelation to the character of God that makes it possible for
03:57 us to see who God really is and then, in response to that
04:01 revelation, to ourselves become a revelation to the
04:05 world that fills the world with the glory of God, not
04:10 because we have any glory in ourselves as the church of
04:13 God, but it's his glory and we're tapping into it.
04:17 And we're experiencing it.
04:18 So, it's, we're at Revelation 21 and 22 now.
04:22 This is, in fact, the grand finale, the book is now coming
04:26 to a conclusion and I would have to say that Revelation 21
04:32 and 22 stands apart, head and shoulders above anything
04:38 that's ever been written to describe what the world should
04:44 be like, and what the world eventually will be like.
04:47 You can't help but read this and find it attractive and
04:51 beautiful, even if, I don't know if you guys think this is
04:55 accurate or not, but even if you believe it's fiction.
05:02 >>JEFFREY: Still beautiful.
05:03 >>TY: Even if you think it's not true, you can't help but
05:06 read this and wish it were true.
05:08 >>DAVID: I say that a lot in my preaching, I say, the story
05:12 of God becoming a man and dying for his undeserving,
05:17 apathetic creation is a story that just on aesthetic
05:20 grounds, you can appreciate.
05:23 You might say, I think it's a fairytale, I think it's a
05:25 fiction, I don't believe it, but aesthetically, in the
05:28 words of Alvin Plantenga, it's not just the greatest story
05:31 ever told, it's the greatest story that ever could be told.
05:36 >>TY: You can't imagine anything better.
05:37 And the reason I think it's important to frame it like
05:40 that and say, even if you don't believe it's true, you
05:43 will find yourself attracted to it, I think the point there
05:47 is to say this, the fact that you find it attractive
05:51 indicates that it's true.
05:53 That's right, it has a resonance.
05:56 You're like, oh, my heart really longs for that kind of
05:59 world, well, why do you long for that kind of world?
06:01 >>JEFFREY: Not even having read any of the last 2
06:03 chapters, but isn't it powerful that the last 2
06:05 chapters basically bridge back to the first two chapters of
06:09 the whole bible.
06:09 >>TY: Unpack that, Jeffrey.
06:10 >>JEFFREY: In the fact that the last 2 chapters of the
06:12 bible, chapter 21, chapter 22 of Revelation, you have this
06:16 restored world, and there's no signs of the curse, there's no
06:21 signs of sin, of suffering, of pain, of death.
06:25 All that has been removed and what you have here is just
06:28 this new flourishing of a new beginning and in my mind, I
06:32 always think that the end of the bible is really just
06:35 announcing the new beginning, and so, because it ends that
06:40 way, it wraps back to Genesis 1 and 2, because in the first
06:42 two chapters, the book of Genesis, you have this edenic
06:47 creation, this beautiful environment that God created,
06:51 no sin, no pain, no suffering, no death.
06:54 These are bookends and they're perfectly complementary.
06:57 You were saying there's something instinctively within
06:59 us, even if we don't buy the story, we're like, this is
07:03 beautiful, I wish that were true.
07:06 Maybe the reason is because it's anchored back in the
07:09 original story of humanity, Genesis 1 and 2,
07:11 we are from Eden.
07:14 >>TY: It's like we have amnesia and you see something
07:19 beautiful and it wants to trigger your memory, oh, wait
07:23 a minute, I feel like that's who I am, that's how I'm
07:28 supposed to, that's the way, who am I?
07:30 Who am I?
07:31 And the memories are coming back little bit by bit when
07:35 you encounter beauty.
07:37 Beauty, Genesis 1 and 2, a world without evil, suffering,
07:41 and sin, and Revelation 21 and 22, a world without evil,
07:46 suffering, and sin, you encounter those ideas and you
07:49 think, hm, maybe I'm meant to be something more, maybe the
07:54 world is meant to be something more, and the amnesia starts
07:57 to lift.
07:58 >>JEFFREY: It's like you're sitting on the rocking chair
08:00 looking at the photo album, and you've got this amnesia,
08:03 and you're just flipping through the pictures and it's
08:07 triggering memories, and you see a picture, who's that?
08:09 Oh, wait, that looks really familiar.
08:11 Wait a second, that's my wife, that's my dad, and it's slowly
08:16 coming to you and as these images become fresh on your
08:19 memory, then you start piecing together a narrative.
08:22 Where do these pictures fit into my story?
08:24 And then your story comes alive.
08:26 >>TY: Okay, so let's look at the text.
08:28 So, Revelation.
08:30 >>DAVID: It's like reverse Alzheimer's.
08:31 >>TY: Yeah, it's like reverse Alzheimer's.
08:32 >>DAVID: You're getting clarity, you're getting
08:33 lucidity.
08:34 >>TY: So, Revelation 21 and 22, just starting with verse 1
08:39 of chapter 21, now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for
08:44 the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.
08:47 Also there was no more sea.
08:50 Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming
08:54 down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned
08:58 for her husband.
09:00 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, behold, the
09:04 tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them,
09:09 and they shall be His people.
09:12 God Himself will be with them and be their God.
09:15 And God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, there
09:21 shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.
09:25 There shall be no more pain, for the former things have
09:29 passed away.
09:30 Verse 5, then He who sat on the throne said, behold, I
09:35 make all things new.
09:37 And He said to me, write, for these words are true and
09:42 faithful.
09:43 Isn't that incredible?
09:44 >>JAMES: Yeah, I noticed how you stopped naturally right
09:46 there and that's the way, as you read these verses, that's
09:49 the way it comes across.
09:51 It comes across as though the first four verses are
09:54 revealing something so tremendously beautiful and
09:59 significant and powerful that, by the time it gets to the
10:02 fourth verse, it's like, I can't continue, I gotta stop
10:05 right now, just for a second here and I gotta really affirm
10:08 and assure everyone that everything I just said is
10:12 true, everything I just said is faithful, yes, God, the God
10:18 of the universe is going to actually inhabit planet earth
10:21 with his people, he's gonna tabernacle with them.
10:23 This is going to become, this fallen world of all of his,
10:28 unfallen world of all this created universe, this fallen
10:31 world is going to become the center of the universe, and if
10:35 anyone wants to visit with God or see God, I'm talking in the
10:40 context here of the fact that there are other worlds in
10:44 Hebrews and in Job, it talks about the Sons of God are
10:47 representatives of other worlds.
10:49 If anyone wants to come and actually visit God, see God,
10:53 they're gonna come to planet earth.
10:55 This earth is going to become the center.
10:57 This one blight in the universe is gonna become the
10:59 place where God dwells and he stops right there.
11:02 And he, of course, you know, all that's included in there
11:06 is the wiping away of the tears, no more death, no more
11:08 sorrow, but he stops right there and he's saying now, I
11:10 probably need to assure you, Ty, that what I'm saying is
11:13 true and faithful.
11:14 >>TY: This will happen.
11:15 >>JAMES: This is gonna happen.
11:16 This seems amazing, but this is gonna happen.
11:18 Because this is God's character.
11:20 God is a God who is gracious, God is a God who is loving,
11:22 his love in unconditional, and so, this is just, this is
11:26 kinda like, you know, we think we're done with Revelation, we
11:29 think we're done with this exposition of the character of
11:32 God, what is God like?
11:34 We think we're done with that.
11:35 This is just kinda closing it out, no, this is the capstone.
11:38 The actual, final cherry on the top type of Revelation
11:45 that we're getting here is, yes, I've delivered you from
11:48 sin, yes, I've taken care of the beast, yes, I've taken
11:50 care of all, you know, pain and suffering, but there's one
11:53 more thing you need to know.
11:54 I'm gonna come and live with you.
11:56 I'm coming to, that's gonna be the center of the universe for
11:58 now.
12:00 I'm gonna be actually living on, my city where I dwell is
12:03 gonna come down to planet earth and that's where I'm
12:05 gonna live.
12:05 >>TY: I will be with you for all eternity.
12:08 >>JEFFREY: There's a question here I wanna throw out, it
12:10 says God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, how do
12:12 you think that will actually happen?
12:14 I don't know the answer per se, I'm just throwing that out
12:16 there.
12:17 How will God wipe away our tears?
12:20 >>TY: Well, it's poetic, for sure, he's not walking around
12:24 to the multiplied millions of the redeemed and saying, yours
12:27 and then yours and yours, necessarily.
12:29 It's poetically describing the fact that God is going to
12:34 comfort and heal the sorrows that have weighed heavy on our
12:39 hearts.
12:40 And I think it's interesting that it's coming out of
12:42 chapter 20.
12:43 So, they've been with Christ for 1,000 years, all judgment
12:47 was committed to them, the whole full disclosure process,
12:51 now, if you think about it, there are some people that,
12:55 even against the overwhelming evidence of God's goodness and
13:00 the overwhelming outpouring of God's grace, there are some
13:03 people who are lost.
13:05 So, during the 1,000 year millennium where this full
13:08 disclosure process is taking place, it's easy to imagine
13:13 that there's gonna be a lot of crying, because we're looking,
13:17 as David said, all the documents are now on the table
13:22 and we're gonna have questions.
13:24 God, what about her, why isn't she here?
13:28 And God is going to show the records, the interactions, the
13:32 providences, he's going to explain.
13:34 He doesn't want any lingering questions in our minds and
13:38 there's gonna be tears, and so, when we come to Revelation
13:41 chapter 21, this is one of the most tender pictures of God
13:46 imaginable.
13:47 Anybody who sees tears forming in someone's eyes and
13:51 trickling down their cheeks that would be inclined to
13:56 wanna lean into that and to wanna wipe those tears away,
13:58 that's a lot of sympathy, that's a lot of love, that's a
14:02 beautiful picture of the fact that God isn't merely
14:06 powerful, he's all powerful, but he's not merely all
14:08 powerful, God isn't merely holy, he's holiest in itself.
14:13 God is love and he feels the feelings of others and he's
14:18 reaching out to comfort and he's saying, hey, it's gonna
14:23 be okay, eternity now is going to stretch out before you and
14:27 there's going to be, well, later on, it says, the leaves
14:31 of the tree of life are for the healing of the nations.
14:35 That's after, I don't know exactly what that means, after
14:38 sin is completely destroyed and you're in the new heavens
14:42 and the new earth, there's still, we're still healing.
14:46 Not healing from sin.
14:48 People aren't still sinning and repenting, but there's
14:52 definitely some residual damage, emotional damage that
14:55 sin has caused and there's gonna be healing process for
15:00 some time.
15:01 How long?
15:02 I don't know, nobody knows, but I think that's what's
15:04 going on with the tears, Jeffrey.
15:06 >>JAMES: I really like that picture, Ty, because that
15:08 takes us to another level.
15:10 I have often grabbed some Kleenex for someone who's been
15:13 crying, either in the church.
15:14 It was funny because we just had the chairs in our church
15:18 cleaned, professionally cleaned, and the guy that did
15:21 it came to do it, his business, he made a comment to
15:24 one of the members, he said, boy, opened the door for me,
15:27 he said, boy, he said, this is really an emotional church,
15:30 huh?
15:31 And she said, why would you say that?
15:33 Because you guys have boxes of Kleenexes under all of the
15:36 pews.
15:37 And I often grabbed a Kleenex or grabbed the box, grabbed
15:42 the box, but rarely have I taken a Kleenex and gone up
15:47 and wiped the tears, you know.
15:50 And I'm thinking, wow, what kind of picture, what a
15:54 picture is that?
15:56 >>TY: There's another one that parallels that, James, that I
15:59 think is beautiful back in Isaiah where Isaiah is
16:02 describing the Messiah suffering and the Father says,
16:07 I'll hold your hand through it.
16:10 That's in the bible.
16:11 Messiah's going to be incarnate, he's going to
16:13 suffer, but God says, but I'll hold your hand.
16:15 Who holds hands?
16:19 Whose hand do you hold?
16:20 It's a very tender God that we're dealing with.
16:24 >>DAVID: One of my favorite things to do is to hold my
16:26 boys' hands.
16:27 >>JAMES: Really?
16:28 >>DAVID: Yeah, even though they're 15 and 13, they don't,
16:31 they have not...
16:32 >>TY: It's not one of their favorite things, is it?
16:34 >>DAVID: Absolutely, my son, my 15 year old boy Landon will
16:37 regularly reach out and grab my hand walking through the
16:41 mall, walking through a, I love it, too, because he's not
16:45 yet been exposed, nobody's like, razzed him and said,
16:47 hey, that's not cool, what are you doing?
16:49 He doesn't know that that's not cool.
16:51 If he...
16:52 >>TY: That's the very definition of cool.
16:56 I was returning shoes one time in a department store and Sue
17:01 and my son, Jason, were circling the block because
17:04 they weren't gonna park, I was gonna do this real quick, get
17:06 back in the car, but it was taking longer than it should
17:09 take and so, Sue sent Jason in, you know, at this point
17:13 he's like, he's like 18 years old, and this 18 year old boy
17:17 comes in, as I'm doing business with the person
17:20 behind the counter, and he just comes up, he sees I'm, so
17:23 he's not gonna interrupt, he just comes up and he throws
17:25 his arms around my shoulders and my neck and he just hangs
17:28 his chin on my shoulder and just waits for it to get done.
17:31 >>JAMES: I've seen him do that.
17:33 >>TY: He still does that to this day.
17:35 And he just wraps his arms and he holds on to me, and then he
17:38 whispers, we're gonna loop one more time and then, he goes
17:40 out.
17:42 And the lady that I'm returning these shoes to, I'm
17:44 thinking nothing of it.
17:46 >>DAVID: This is your normal.
17:47 >>TY: Yeah, this lady, she looks at me, she says, who was
17:49 that?
17:50 And I said, well, that's my son.
17:54 And she began to cry, she began to cry.
17:58 She said, I would love for my son to love his father like
18:04 that.
18:06 So, what you're describing, David, what you're describing,
18:07 your 15 year old son holding your hand, that is cool.
18:12 The whole universe eventually is gonna look like that.
18:17 The whole universe is gonna be filled with that kind of
18:20 tenderness.
18:21 >>DAVID: Genuine affection, no shame, no humiliation, no
18:24 concern about what others think.
18:26 >>TY: Love it.
18:28 So, we haven't even, we need some Kleenex.
18:31 But we do have to take a break and then we'll come back and
18:35 continue on.
18:38 [Music]
18:49 >>This is the story of Niyima, who took a bus to the
18:53 doctor and found a piece of paper with words of hope about
18:57 Jesus, which was left by a church member who unpacked a
19:01 box that came from a truck which drove in from Durban
19:05 where a ship was docked that sailed from Seattle, loaded
19:10 with containers stacked high with millions of tracts,
19:14 trucked in from the Light Bearers Publishing House,
19:17 where more than 600 million pieces of gospel literature
19:21 have been printed in 42 languages.
19:24 Here's the amazing thing, Light Bearers distributes this
19:28 literature free of charge all over the world, and each piece
19:33 costs only 5 pennies to print, transport, and deliver.
19:39 Every day, millions of people buy a $5 cup of coffee, $5 a
19:44 cup, 5 days a week.
19:47 It adds up fast.
19:49 But at just 5 cents apiece, that same $25 can also ship
19:54 500 pieces of literature and give hope to people like
19:58 Niyima, who shared that paper with a classmate, who gave it
20:04 to her cousin, who shared it with his boss, who passed it
20:08 to her grandmother, who left it on another bus, where it
20:13 will be found by someone else.
20:16 And the story continues.
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20:34 Fifty dollars sends out 12,000, and $100 a month sends
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20:45 Empower Light Bearers to continue the story.
20:49 Send your gift through, or by
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20:58 Who knew 5 little pennies could do so much?
21:02 [Music]
21:08 >>TY: So, as we're looking at Revelation 21 and 22, Jeffrey
21:10 made this powerful point that these two chapters at the end
21:14 of the bible are like a mirror image of the first two
21:18 chapters of the bible, Genesis 1 and 2.
21:20 These are the only four chapters in the bible that
21:24 describe the world without sin and suffering, and so, they're
21:32 like, what did you call it, Jeffrey?
21:34 Bookends.
21:35 And then, the way I'd like to describe it is that everything
21:37 in between is God navigating evil.
21:41 He's dealing with evil, the sin problem and everything
21:46 that is wrong with the world, he's navigating through and he
21:51 is relating to human beings in such a way that he is, on the
21:56 one hand, accommodating our fallen condition, there are
21:59 many things that I would tell you, but you can't bear them
22:01 now, so, I'm gonna incrementally give you truth
22:03 as you can bear it so I don't sent you running away from me.
22:06 And he is constantly relating with covenant promise.
22:13 Now, a key part of the covenant promise through the
22:16 Old Testament where God is navigating through is he's
22:19 promising land, he's promising a city, he's promising an
22:25 urban center, what's that?
22:29 >>JEFFREY: A promised land.
22:30 >>TY: A promised land, but he's also promising a city.
22:33 He's, we're all headed for urban living, we're gonna
22:37 have, you know, the whole country around us, of course,
22:40 but God is describing a social network called Jerusalem.
22:45 Now, Jerusalem is a word that means city of Shalom, or city
22:52 of peace.
22:53 And that's what's described here in Revelation 21, it
22:56 says, New Jerusalem came down to earth.
22:59 There's gonna be a city, there's gonna be a thriving
23:01 metropolis, in which there are people living together and
23:07 it's called Jerusalem.
23:08 Now, this concept of Jerusalem, if you wouldn't
23:10 mind, I'd like to take you to a passage in the Old Testament
23:13 that I mentioned in a previous time, but I didn't wanna read
23:17 it then because I really was looking forward to sharing it
23:19 and talking about it right now.
23:20 Isaiah chapter 2, this is a high point of scripture.
23:25 This is a mountaintop of revelation here regarding
23:28 God's ultimate purpose for the world.
23:32 Isaiah chapter 2, David, would you just read through?
23:36 >>DAVID: I should probably turn there.
23:38 >>TY: Yeah, or Jeffrey's there.
23:39 Jeffrey, can you just read Isaiah chapter 2, starting
23:42 with verse 1-4?
23:43 1-4.
23:44 >>JEFFREY: The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw
23:47 concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
23:50 Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the
23:53 mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the
23:56 top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the
23:59 hills.
24:00 And all nations shall flow to it.
24:03 Many people shall come and say, come, and let us go up to
24:05 the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob.
24:09 He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths.
24:14 For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the
24:17 Lord from Jerusalem.
24:19 He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many
24:23 people.
24:24 They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their
24:30 spears into pruning hooks.
24:32 Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall
24:37 they learn war anymore.
24:39 >>TY: To me, this passage, two times, Jerusalem is mentioned,
24:44 Zion is mentioned, and it's describing, in an early
24:49 passage, what is more fully described in Revelation
24:52 21 and 22.
24:53 This is the final establishment of God's order
24:58 of things.
24:59 This is the way God wants things to be and he's
25:03 promising, it's gonna be this way.
25:05 And the way it's going to happen is that the law of God
25:10 is going to be taught, and as the law of God is taught,
25:14 people are gonna say, oh, that's incredible.
25:16 Now, do you remember in Deuteronomy where Moses said,
25:19 God has given you this great body of laws, Moses was the
25:23 lawgiver, through Moses, God gave this, what the bible
25:26 calls a body of laws.
25:27 And that body of laws, Moses said, when people, when the
25:31 other nations see that when these laws are implemented,
25:35 there's flourishing on all levels.
25:38 When you go out, and when you come in.
25:41 When you're in the city, when you're in the country, Moses
25:43 said.
25:44 Things are going well for you.
25:46 Everything works the way it's supposed to work when you
25:48 apply God's laws.
25:50 Moses said, with the people see that, when the other
25:52 nations see that, they're gonna come to you and say,
25:56 what is this body of laws you have?
25:58 Who is this God who has given you such great laws that
26:02 everything seems to be flourishing and going well for
26:05 you?
26:06 It's the ultimate evangelism to live out the principles of
26:11 God.
26:12 That's what it's saying, of the kingdom of God, and this
26:14 is promising that the effect of that will be the
26:17 establishment of a city, of a place, of a Jerusalem in which
26:23 there is an elimination of war and the poetry here, they
26:28 shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears
26:33 into pruning hooks, this is implemence of violence
26:37 compared with implemence of agriculture.
26:39 This is the most benign possible society, this is the
26:43 most brutal kind of society and they won't teach war
26:48 anymore.
26:50 Isn't that beautiful?
26:51 >>DAVID: And the word Jerusalem is peace, city of
26:53 peace.
26:55 >>TY: Shalom, but it's not the peace that's popular in a lot
26:58 of circles today, especially in Western culture has
27:02 developed a fascination with the kind of eastern mysticism
27:07 kind of peace.
27:08 >>DAVID: Like a meditative peace.
27:10 >>TY: Me, peaceful by myself, alone, in a state of
27:14 tranquility in my mind.
27:16 That's not biblical peace.
27:17 I'm at peace with myself.
27:19 Nirvana.
27:20 Biblical peace or Shalom isn't a state of mental tranquility,
27:27 it's social peace.
27:30 It's us living together without hurting one another.
27:33 It's everything touching everything without harm.
27:39 And that is ultimately the kind of world that God
27:43 envisions for us.
27:45 >>JEFFREY: But we're supposed to be living out those
27:46 principles.
27:47 We are invited to experience those principles of the
27:50 kingdom of God in the end now while we wait, right?
27:54 So, we're supposed to be getting ourselves in tune to
27:57 what that kind of reality will look like while we're still in
28:00 this reality.
28:01 >>DAVID: It's more than a little ironic and tragic that
28:04 the city of Jerusalem on this earth, as it is now, is the
28:10 most war-torn piece of real estate.
28:13 >>TY: Yeah, what a contrast, huh?
28:15 >>DAVID: There's something going on there in that it
28:19 anticipates, it strongly suggests that there is a great
28:22 controversy and that the resolution that we see with
28:26 the New Jerusalem, as you've been describing here, Ty, when
28:30 it becomes what it is was intended to be, you know, the
28:33 first time I think we're introduced to that is back
28:35 like Genesis 14 when Melchizadech shows up, who's
28:38 the prince of Salem.
28:40 Prince of peace, he's a Christ-like, yeah.
28:45 There's something going on there, it's beautiful.
28:47 >>TY: So, that Isaiah 2 passage, I'm just showing,
28:52 again, I think we've mentioned this over and over again,
28:55 everything in the book of Revelation is rooted in the
28:57 Old Testament.
28:58 All the books of the bible meet an ending the revelation.
29:03 It's, this material is being drawn, chapter 2 of Isaiah's
29:09 incredible, but the other one that, to me, is super
29:12 significant in Isaiah that is talking about the new heavens
29:16 and the new earth in Jerusalem is Isaiah 11.
29:19 Isaiah 11.
29:21 >>DAVID: When you originally said Isaiah, I thought you
29:22 were going to 11.
29:23 I loved 2.
29:25 >>TY: Well, in chapter 2, we have war eliminated and we
29:29 have God saying, essentially, my vision for the world is
29:33 that all people would dwell together in an agrarian
29:36 society, where all the relationships are based on
29:41 cultivating the earth, producing and sharing with one
29:45 another.
29:46 No currency, by the way.
29:48 There's nothing about money in Revelation 21 and 22.
29:51 >>JAMES: There is something there, though, that I think is
29:53 really significant and that is, there are gates of pearl
29:57 and streets of gold.
29:58 In other words, gold in heaven is pavement.
30:03 It's blacktop.
30:04 You know, Bob Dylan once had a song, the lyrics, I was raised
30:08 listening to Bob Dylan, the song lyrics were, I don't
30:10 know, but I've been told, the streets of heaven are lined
30:13 with gold.
30:14 I wonder if things would get much worse if the Russians
30:17 happened to get up there first?
30:19 >>TY: [Laughter]
30:21 >>JAMES: And the whole idea is, on earth, all we think
30:24 about is gold, wealth, getting it first, getting in space
30:28 first, getting to the moon first, getting this, getting
30:30 that, before someone else does.
30:32 Greed, selfishness.
30:33 And what God is saying, and I just think this is absolutely
30:36 fantastic, he's just saying, gold?
30:39 That's pavement.
30:43 That's pavement.
30:44 Pearls, pearls, pearls?
30:46 That's a door in heaven, that's a door.
30:50 >>JEFFREY: So, there's like a full on paradigm shift between
30:53 value systems.
30:55 There's a paradigm shift in value systems.
30:59 What we value is just turned upside down and we're
31:01 introduced to what God really values, and that's this
31:05 environment.
31:06 We're supposed to be living like that right now.
31:08 >>TY: And we are increasingly, aren't we?
31:12 I mean, all of you can think of relationships you have that
31:17 are increasingly free of manipulation and control and
31:20 lying and anything that is ugly and defiling, right?
31:26 Relationships that grow increase in relational
31:30 integrity, and so, we've tasted it, right?
31:34 We've tasted it, imagine a whole world like that.
31:36 >>JAMES: And the more we see it in God, the more we want it.
31:38 Like the wiping of the tears, it's like, oh, I've gotta get
31:41 to that next level.
31:42 That's what we want.
31:43 He appeals to us to draw us to that next level.
31:46 And like you said earlier, he doesn't show us everything at
31:48 one time because it would just knock us out, but then, he
31:51 shows it a little bit more and we're like, oh, yeah, and it's
31:53 so different when God shows it to us.
31:55 It's like it's attractive rather than it's condemning.
31:58 Oh, yeah, I wanna get there, I wanna get there, I wanna get
32:00 there.
32:01 >>TY: What do you think of the Isaiah 11 passage?
32:03 >>JAMES: You haven't read it yet, have you?
32:05 >>TY: Okay, so this is Isaiah chapter 11 and starting with
32:11 verse 6.
32:16 So, the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, that's a
32:20 predatory creature with a creature that is docile and
32:26 does no harm.
32:29 The leopard shall lie down with the goat, again, this is
32:31 intentional comparison of predatory creatures with
32:36 creatures that are docile and, the calf with the young lion
32:41 and the fatling together, and then, this incredible line,
32:45 and a little child shall lead them.
32:49 So, try to picture this scene.
32:50 You got leopard, you got lion, you got goat, you got lamb,
32:56 and a little child shall lead them.
32:59 Verse 7, the cow and the bear, again, that comparison, shall
33:03 graze together.
33:06 Their young ones shall lie down together, the young ones
33:10 shall lie down together, this is amazing.
33:13 And the lion shall eat straw like an ox.
33:18 So, you got vegetarian lions in this picture.
33:21 The nursing child, this is a toddler, this is an infant,
33:26 you know.
33:27 The nursing child shall play by the cobra's hole, and no
33:33 moms are freaking out, obviously.
33:35 And the weaned child shall put his hand in the viper's den.
33:40 And then verse 9 is incredible, they shall not
33:43 hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the earth
33:48 shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters
33:52 cover the sea.
33:53 That text is telling us that to the degree that people have
33:58 the knowledge of the Lord as the Lord really is, to the
34:03 degree that we see God as God really is, and get in sync
34:07 with who God is, to that degree, all hurt and harm
34:12 vanishes from human relations.
34:13 >>JEFFREY: And they shall be hurt no more, that reminded me
34:15 of there shall be war no more in the other passage.
34:17 >>JAMES: Yeah, and Ty, what you just said is in verse 10,
34:20 it's incredible, in that day, there shall be a root of
34:23 Jesse, which shall stand as an end sign of the people.
34:27 Jesse was the father of David who Jesus was identified as
34:31 the son of David, so this is talking about Jesus.
34:34 In that day, there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall
34:36 stand as an end sign.
34:37 He's gonna be our pattern, he's gonna be our banner, this
34:40 is what we wanna be like, an end sign of the people.
34:42 To it shall the Gentiles seek and his rest shall be
34:46 glorious.
34:47 His rest.
34:48 In other words, we wanna be like Jesus, and the Gentiles
34:52 wanna see Jesus.
34:53 And when we see him, we're attracted to him, and we just
34:55 enter into this incredible experience of rest from the
34:59 labors.
35:00 There's a comparison, since you brought up David, that I
35:05 think is amazing because when we come to the New Jerusalem
35:09 and the idea that there's no war, there are no implements
35:12 of war, there's no implemence of violence at all in God's
35:16 final reality where God's city is established, but David,
35:21 when he came to the end of his military career said God, I
35:25 want to build you a temple now.
35:28 I'm in retirement, I've been at war, I've been a king and a
35:33 man of war.
35:34 Now, there's a history here. There's a history here.
35:36 The history is that when David is the king of Israel, there
35:40 was one king before him and that was Saul, and before him,
35:43 all there were were prophets, no kings.
35:46 God explained, through Moses, that he did not want to govern
35:52 by kings, monarchs, he wanted to govern by prophets.
35:55 When you govern by a king, you govern by power.
35:57 When you govern by a prophet, you govern by knowledge.
36:01 A prophet is an educator, a teacher, he's communicating.
36:08 So, if you relate to people through a prophet, you're
36:11 relating to people according to the dignity of their
36:14 potential.
36:15 You're saying...
36:16 >>DAVID: You're respecting their intellect.
36:17 >>TY: You're respecting their intellect.
36:19 I'm not gonna micromanage you, I'm gonna elevate you through
36:22 knowledge, okay, they said, no, we want a king,
36:24 eventually, in their history.
36:25 >>DAVID: We don't want our intellect respected.
36:27 >>TY: No, we don't want that, we want a king like the other
36:31 nations around us and God said, no, you can't have a
36:35 king.
36:36 They said, well, we still want one anyway, please give us a
36:38 king, and God said through his prophet, don't be bummed, my
36:42 prophet, Samuel, because they haven't rejected you, they
36:46 rejected me.
36:48 So, go ahead and give them a king, but tell them something
36:50 for me, tell them, if you get a king, this is what it's
36:54 gonna be like, the king will take your daughters as
36:56 concubines, the king will take your men off to war, and the
37:00 king will tax your lands.
37:03 Now, one of the features of the mosaic system was, every
37:06 man under his fig tree and his vine.
37:09 That's the perfect state.
37:10 The perfect state is property ownership, and ultimately, God
37:13 wanted, each Israelite was to own their own plot of land and
37:16 cultivate the land and share with others, with no monetary
37:18 system.
37:20 That is, basically, the whole world is a hippie commune
37:22 without marijuana.
37:23 >>DAVID: [Laughs]
37:24 You just said that.
37:26 I love the fact that Ty just said that.
37:28 >>TY: So, here...
37:29 >>DAVID: You just betrayed your generation, revealed your
37:33 generation.
37:34 >>TY: So, then David says, okay, I wanna build your
37:39 temple, and God does something really odd in the storyline,
37:44 if you don't pay attention to the nuances.
37:46 Because, up to that point, you have God saying, David's a man
37:49 after my own heart, David, I'm blessing you, I'm giving you
37:52 victory in war.
37:54 God is actually empowering David to be victorious in war,
37:57 according to the story.
37:58 And then, he said, you can't build my temple, and David
38:01 essentially says, well, why not?
38:03 >>JEFFREY: You were the one that was leading me through
38:05 all that, you were blessing me.
38:07 >>TY: And suddenly, God says, well, because you're a man of
38:09 war, David, you have blood on your hands.
38:12 To which David might've said, what you said.
38:15 >>JEFFREY: It was under your leadership.
38:17 You gave me those victories.
38:18 >>TY: But, at the last minute, God disassociates himself from
38:21 war.
38:22 God says, okay, but David, you have to remember something, I
38:25 didn't want the people to have a king at all.
38:27 I wanted to set up a system of law through prophets that
38:32 would attract the nations to convert to Israel.
38:36 I wanted a massive evangelistic project to be
38:39 going on.
38:40 I didn't want war.
38:41 >>JEFFREY: All these wars was just me performing some damage
38:44 control.
38:45 >>DAVID: It's accommodation.
38:46 >>TY: It's me navigating evil.
38:47 You're the ones who want war, I don't want, ultimately, I
38:51 don't want war ultimately.
38:52 But you've given me no choice but to be with you, my people.
38:56 I mean, what is my choice?
38:57 Just abandon you and let the whole world go?
39:00 So, I've been with you, but no, you're not building my
39:04 temple because ultimately, the temple of God represents God
39:08 in God's ultimate state and that is, God is not a God of
39:12 violence and hostility and war, and we know that because
39:17 Revelation 21 and 22 reveals that God to us.
39:21 The world when it is the way God wants the world to be.
39:24 >>JEFFREY: It looks like this.
39:25 >>DAVID: Thank you, Jesus.
39:27 >>JAMES: There was another verse here that came to my
39:29 mind as you were talking, Ty, and I just, I really love that
39:33 whole idea because it does wrap up the whole great
39:36 controversy.
39:37 I was thinking about the conquest of Canaan, because
39:40 we're really entering into the new Canaan, in a sense, and
39:43 the conquest of Canaan, and a lot of people have this
39:46 question in their mind about God and he's sending his
39:48 people in there and they're wiping out this group and
39:50 they're wiping out that group and they're wiping out this
39:52 other group, and it's like, what kind of God is this?
39:54 Well, you know, obviously, we're missing something
39:56 because God really owns all of the earth, it's all his, you
39:59 know, so, but the bigger picture, I think, here, is
40:02 what you just explained, and that is, God was never into
40:05 war, well, how do you answer that question, then?
40:08 And the answer to it is found right here in Exodus chapter
40:10 28, or excuse me, chapter 23 and verse 28.
40:14 God is telling his people about the conquest.
40:18 >>TY: 23 what?
40:19 >>JAMES: 23:28.
40:20 And he says, in verse 27, he says, I will send my fear
40:25 before thee and will destroy all the people to whom thou
40:28 shalt come and I will make thine enemies turn thy backs
40:31 unto thee.
40:32 In other words, I'm gonna make them run from you.
40:34 >>TY: That's 28?
40:35 >>JAMES: That's 23:27, yeah.
40:38 I'm gonna make them run from you, and then he says, I will
40:40 send hornets before thee, which shall drive out
40:44 the Hivite and the Canaanite and the Hittite from before
40:48 thee.
40:49 That was the original plan.
40:50 God has this original plan.
40:52 This is how he operates, this is how he works.
40:54 Now, the book of Revelation's brought this all together
40:56 for us.
40:57 It's disclosure.
40:58 Everything I did was in the open.
41:00 I've done nothing but, Jesus said, that hasn't been done
41:03 openly.
41:04 And so, God has this plan of disclosure, and as he's
41:07 discloses, people say, hide us, we don't want anything to
41:11 do with him, let's go to the rocks and fall on us.
41:13 We wanna die.
41:15 We want to die.
41:16 That's what they're saying in Revelation 6, we want the
41:19 rocks to fall on us, we want to die.
41:20 And God is simply saying, you want to die?
41:23 Okay.
41:24 I'll honor that.
41:26 It's not as though God, I'm gonna kill you.
41:28 God is revealing the ultimate consequence of being at odds
41:33 with him and it's not just the New Testament, it's not just
41:35 grace, it's not just Jesus.
41:37 This is all the way through the bible, from beginning to
41:39 end.
41:41 >>TY: Well it's not, not just grace and Jesus, it is just
41:42 grace and Jesus, but what you're saying is grace and
41:45 Jesus is all through the bible.
41:46 >>JAMES: It's not just the Old Testament.
41:48 >>TY: Yeah, we have to take a break, and then we have one
41:50 final segment to tie this up.
41:53 [Music]
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42:55 [Music]
42:59 >>TY: So, Revelation 21 and 22, you guys, is extremely
43:04 beautiful and powerful.
43:05 One of the things we didn't mention in chapter 21, before
43:08 we move on is that the New Jerusalem is described as a
43:13 bride coming down out of heaven, adorned for her
43:18 husband.
43:19 There is a matrimonial element to the relationship between
43:26 God and his people.
43:27 There is a love that is of that highest possible order,
43:33 the highest kind of love.
43:34 There is a CS Lewis statement, and I can't remember exactly
43:38 where it is, but he says that what God has in store for his
43:42 people is so beautiful, it is a love of such a quality that
43:48 the ecstasy of the best love between a man and a woman in
43:53 this world pales in insignificance compared to the
43:58 love that God has in store between him and his people.
44:02 So, there's this bridegroom element.
44:05 But then, it unfolds from there.
44:08 What other points that we want to draw out of chapter.
44:12 Do you guys think it's significant to the fact that
44:14 the Holy City is measured?
44:17 And that it is as wide and high and, it's a cube.
44:22 >>DAVID: One thing that I will say, before we get to that
44:24 part, I love the emphasis there, and you guys were
44:27 giving me a hard time at the break about being so quiet,
44:29 but that's not because I was disengaged, but because I was
44:32 just, I was just loving the material there.
44:36 In Isaiah 2, in Isaiah 11, I was loving it, I was just
44:39 observing.
44:40 So, I'll try to be a little more participatory here.
44:42 But anyway, the thing that I was gonna say is that one of
44:46 the emphasis there, and I think it's an emphasis that we
44:48 need to make, and that is that our ultimate destiny is not
44:52 heaven in the sense that we sometimes think of heaven, or
44:56 that we usually think of heaven.
44:57 >>JEFFREY: Of a place.
44:59 >>DAVID: Yeah.
45:00 >>TY: Actually, it just means earth, but...
45:01 >>DAVID: That's what I'm saying.
45:02 Our destiny is earth.
45:03 We are earthly people, we are made of the dirt, blessed are
45:05 the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
45:06 And all of those texts that you were reading, yeah, we
45:10 have an earthy future and...
45:12 >>TY: Yeah, going to heaven is more of a Greek idea that was
45:15 imported to Christianity, yeah.
45:17 >>DAVID: I tell people with regularity in my sermons, we
45:19 talk about heaven a lot more than the New Testament.
45:22 The ultimate destiny for God's people is Revelation 21 and
45:27 22, it's the new earth, where we will, and I loved what you
45:30 were talking there about the agricultural, agrarian, social
45:34 connectivity, I loved all of that, and I was very much in
45:37 that and so, I just think it's imperative that we recognize a
45:41 passage of scripture, we don't have time to go to, but Romans
45:43 8, where Paul talks about the redemption of the earth.
45:47 >>TY: And our bodies.
45:50 >>DAVID: And that earth itself awaits the adoption of the
45:54 sons of God.
45:55 There is an intimate connectivity between mankind
45:59 and the earth.
46:00 And I just love that notion, because, as you know, I'm an
46:04 outdoorsy person, I love being outside and hiking and fishing
46:08 and surfing, not that we'll be fishing in heaven, I highly
46:11 doubt that, but, in the new earth, thank you.
46:15 Just this idea that we are earthy people made for earth
46:19 and I love that.
46:19 >>TY: So do I.
46:21 That's incredible, and not only, I know you're a country
46:26 boy and you like the outdoorsy stuff, but also, there's this
46:30 city.
46:31 >>DAVID: Yeah, when you said that, I was like, eh.
46:33 >>JEFFREY: He said, we're gonna be urban, I'm like, yes.
46:35 >>TY: That's Jeffrey.
46:37 Jeffrey's the urban guy.
46:38 >>DAVID: This guy's from Miami, I'm from Wyoming.
46:40 >>JAMES: That's so coo, though, isn't it?
46:41 >>TY: Miami, Wyoming.
46:43 >>JAMES: Because the city takes up about, the space
46:44 about the size of let's say the state of Colorado, the
46:47 state of Washington.
46:48 >>DAVID: That's a really big, scary city.
46:49 >>JAMES: But then you've got all the rest of the earth.
46:51 We didn't look at other verses that describe the fact that
46:55 there's not gonna be any more sea, there's not gonna be any
46:58 more desert, there's not gonna be any more desolate places,
47:00 so the entire earth, outside of the state of Colorado,
47:02 let's say, is all gonna be inhabited by us.
47:05 So, we're gonna have this, if you will, this high rise
47:08 apartment, this you know...
47:10 >>DAVID: See, that just doesn't appeal to me.
47:12 >>JAMES: We're also gonna have this beautiful place in the
47:15 country.
47:16 >>JEFFREY: Free laundry in those apartments.
47:18 >>DAVID: I gotta say, I don't think that, correct me if I'm
47:21 wrong here, when John says there was no more sea, in
47:23 verse 1, I don't think that means there is no more sea,
47:26 because Revelation doesn't mean what it says, it means
47:29 what it means.
47:30 >>JAMES: But I didn't say that.
47:32 If you want me to elucidate on it, I'll say it this way,
47:33 there's not gonna be any more waste places.
47:35 There's not gonna be any more...
47:37 >>TY: How about this, how about this, I think its Isaiah
47:39 33, 'cause, where it says that the desert shall blossom like
47:42 a rose.
47:44 He's just saying, the whole earth is going to be a
47:47 flourishing world.
47:50 >>DAVID: Most life occurs in the ocean.
47:53 Most biological life is in the water.
47:55 Right now, so, it's not a desert, it's not a desolate
47:57 place.
47:58 >>JEFFREY: But it serves as a separation between peoples.
48:00 >>DAVID: I think that's the point that John is making.
48:02 In verse 3, he says with, with, with.
48:05 >>JAMES: Not only that, but the point I'm making is, is
48:08 there's not gonna be the large bodies of water are not
48:11 necessary at that time.
48:12 >>DAVID: We'll see when we get there because this is the
48:14 point that I think that John is making.
48:17 He's on an island, he's in the Aegean Sea, he's cut off from
48:20 everything that's near and dear to him.
48:21 The sea, for him, is separation.
48:23 It's disconnection, it's exile, it's isolation.
48:26 So, I think that's what he's saying, there won't be this
48:29 separation, and the reason I think that is he's, I don't
48:32 think he's just making a geological statement here,
48:35 it's with, it's with, it's with.
48:38 There's no more separation.
48:39 >>TY: So, James is actually making the same point because
48:41 what he didn't get to yet and where he's going is...
48:45 >>JAMES: That there's still gonna be large bodies of
48:47 water, we call sea or oceans.
48:49 >>DAVID: As long as they're big enough to have tides and
48:51 waves.
48:52 >>JAMES: That's what I'm talking about, that's gonna be
48:53 there.
48:54 What I'm talking about is most of the earth right now is not
48:56 land.
48:58 Most of the earth right now cannot be used and I don't
49:01 think that's the way God created it in the beginning.
49:03 In the beginning, there was this mist that came up and,
49:05 but I don't think it eliminates, God made the fish
49:08 and the whales and all the, they're there.
49:10 It's just that it's not gonna be, just like today, we have
49:12 deserts, and I think there's gonna be this place where we
49:14 can see that the landscape is a little bit different,
49:16 whatever.
49:17 >>JEFFREY: There'll be diversity.
49:18 >>JAMES: Right, no waste, nothing will be wasted.
49:20 >>DAVID: I agree with that.
49:22 >>TY: But check this out, you guys, it says in this chapter
49:25 that the city, I was asking about this, it's measured and
49:29 it's a cube and the reason I think that's significant, it's
49:34 symbolic, I don't know how literal the actual, you know,
49:38 that it's a square, that it's a cube, but let's just say it
49:41 is exactly a cube, somebody did the measurement and they
49:44 said, compared to the size of the earth, that it would tilt
49:47 the earth off its axis, but God can overcome all the
49:49 physics of it, so here's the thing, this cube is
49:54 essentially saying, see if you guys, does this make sense?
49:59 The Old Testament revealed the sanctuary and Revelation is
50:03 full of sanctuary language.
50:05 The sanctuary indicated that there was a separation between
50:09 God and human beings.
50:11 The people live out in the camp around the sanctuary and
50:15 the courtyard.
50:16 They are represented through the priest, and at the center
50:21 of the whole thing is the most holy place, which is described
50:24 in the Old Testament, with its measurements, 20 cubits by 20
50:27 cubits by 20 cubits.
50:29 It's a perfect cube.
50:30 That place is the only place in the temple system where the
50:35 visible presence of God dwells.
50:38 That is the Shekinah glory.
50:40 And I think that what this is saying is that all of the
50:44 separation that sin caused between human beings and God
50:49 is gonna be completely elimination and everybody's
50:53 destination is most holy place level intimacy with God.
51:00 That's what it's saying.
51:01 >>DAVID: When the high priest would go into the most holy
51:04 place once a year on the, what is it, 10th day of the 7th
51:07 month, the in Old Testament dispensation, he had all of
51:12 those gems, he's, he brought representation of all of
51:18 Israel in.
51:19 Okay, well, that was in the shadowy sin-filled world.
51:22 In the absence of that sin-filled shadowy world,
51:25 we'll all be having, and I think this is your point, a
51:27 most holy place experience.
51:29 >>TY: Yeah, we'll all be in intimate...
51:31 >>DAVID: And check this out, that is strongly communicated
51:34 in Revelation 22, verse 4, and let me just read verse 1 to
51:38 set it up, right through.
51:41 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as
51:43 crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
51:46 In the middle of its street, and on either side of the
51:48 river, was the Tree of Life, which bore 12 fruits, each
51:51 tree yielding its fruit every month.
51:53 The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the
51:55 nations.
51:56 And there shall be no more curse but of the throne of the
51:58 God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and his servants shall
52:00 serve him, and they shall see his face, and his name shall
52:05 be on their foreheads.
52:06 That level of intimacy.
52:08 That is an exact return to the edenic ideal of Genesis 1 and
52:13 2, face to face communion.
52:16 Now, we see through a glass darkly, Paul said in
52:18 1 Corinthians 13, but then, face to face.
52:22 So, that is a most holy place experience.
52:24 >>TY: Yeah, it's incredible.
52:26 Face to face with God, the God of the universe?
52:27 >>DAVID: Remember when God said to Moses, no man.
52:29 Oh, God, I wanna see what you're like.
52:30 Okay, in the cleft of the rock, put my hand over you,
52:32 only my back parts because no man can see my face and live.
52:39 >>TY: And yet, here, that's what we're all destined to.
52:42 >>JEFFREY: New Heaven, new earth thing, it's not about
52:43 the gold or the pearls, none of that.
52:46 >>DAVID: That's pavement and doors.
52:48 >>JEFFREY: The point is, face to face communion with God.
52:51 By the way, you see the curse in verse 3?
52:55 There should be no more curse.
52:58 That's Genesis 3 language, right?
53:00 That's the original gospel promise.
53:03 >>JAMES: And the reason why the curse came was because of
53:06 the fall and the reason why the fall came was because of
53:08 this guy right here, the serpent.
53:10 >>DAVID: Notice, I turned him upside-down.
53:11 >>JAMES: He was turned upside-down in Revelation
53:13 chapter 20, but when we get to Revelation chapter 21 and
53:16 chapter 22, this guy is off the table.
53:19 [Laughing]
53:20 He's gone.
53:21 >>JEFFREY: He was waiting to do that.
53:22 >>TY: Did the cameraman survive that?
53:25 >>JEFFREY: He was waiting to do that for like an hour.
53:27 >>DAVID: No I agree. I love it. I love it.
53:29 >>JAMES: He's absolutely God.
53:31 >>JEFFREY: And all the kingdoms of the world,
53:33 no, I'm just kidding.
53:37 >>TY: Speaking of the kingdoms of the world, one final point
53:41 that I think is amazing...
53:42 >>DAVID: I love the fact you just threw that.
53:44 >>TY: I love it, too.
53:45 I didn't want him on the table ever to begin with.
53:48 That's great.
53:49 >>JAMES: We had to endure it.
53:50 >>TY: That's right, that's right, but check this out, you
53:52 guys, this is a point that just recently occurred to me.
53:55 In chapter 21, verse 20-27, the Lamb is the light of the
54:02 new heavens and the new earth and the new Jerusalem, and it
54:05 says in verse 24, and the nations of those who are
54:07 saved, the nations of those who are saved shall walk in
54:10 its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their
54:13 glory and their honor to it.
54:16 Okay, so, nations, so, it's not now a homogenous society
54:23 where everybody is the same.
54:25 Human culture and art, everything that makes unique
54:31 people unique, the nations and their various different ways
54:36 of speaking and being, all the beautiful stuff is retained
54:41 and the bad stuff is deleted and everything good about
54:45 human beings and their individual expressions, it
54:49 says, the bring all their glory, the glory of the
54:53 nations, and all of their honor, all the things they've
54:57 developed, and they bring it and they bring it into this
55:02 new society.
55:03 >>JEFFREY: We'll probably speak Spanish, though, in
55:04 heaven, right?
55:05 >>TY: Well, some will.
55:06 >>JEFFREY: That'll be the language of God's kingdom.
55:09 >>TY: But do you see that point?
55:11 >>DAVID: I get your point and let me just buttress that
55:13 point by saying that whether you look at the whole world,
55:17 the biological world, it is obvious, the genetic world,
55:20 that God values variety.
55:23 Clearly, God values variety.
55:25 Somebody just said to me recently that the incense in
55:26 the sanctuary was combined with, okay, cinnamon, and
55:30 nutmeg.
55:30 That it makes, that there's variety.
55:34 You look at birds, there's 10,000 species of birds.
55:36 You just have all of this indication that God values
55:38 variety.
55:39 So, why would we think that when we get to the best
55:42 expression of God's creative goodness, that homogeneity
55:45 reigns?
55:46 It's like no, all the same now, no, not gonna be that way.
55:49 >>TY: God is redeeming the earth, God is redeeming our
55:51 bodies, God is redeeming culture.
55:56 He's redeeming the human race.
55:58 >>JEFFREY: So, the best of what every culture has to
56:01 offer is concentrated and brought in to the new heaven.
56:04 >>JAMES: But it says it twice.
56:06 It says it in verse 24 with the kings, and then, it says
56:08 it in verse 26 again, it says, and they shall bring the glory
56:11 and honor of the nations into it.
56:13 >>TY: And we have 7 seconds left to say, this was incredible.
56:17 This has been an enjoyable experience to be in the book
56:20 of Revelation together.
56:21 Amen.
56:22 [Music]
56:25 Amen.
56:25 [Music]


Revised 2018-01-16