Table Talk

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000411A

00:00 [Music]
00:00 [Music]
00:10 [Music]
00:21 >>TY: It's really a privilege to know you guys and to have
00:24 this friendship.
00:25 Oh, David, do you feel that?
00:28 Do you feel that?
00:29 >>DAVID: That was a moment right there.
00:30 >>TY: That was a moment.
00:31 It's a privilege to know you guys and to have this
00:32 friendship, not just because of the friendship dimension
00:39 but I'm coming to realize that if a friendship is centered in
00:44 Christ, it adds a quality to the friendship that you don't
00:49 have if the friendship is centered on anything else that
00:53 a friendship could be centered on.
00:55 I know people who their primary point of interest and
01:00 contact with one another is their job, their profession.
01:04 For others, it's an interest in a hobby or money, sports,
01:10 something like that.
01:11 There's all kinds of things that people can connect on,
01:13 and that people should connect on, it's wonderful that people
01:15 connect on all kinds of different levels, but man,
01:18 there is something incredible about resonating mentally and
01:25 emotionally and spiritually with another human being,
01:28 isn't there?
01:29 Where you see what they see, they see what you see, and
01:33 there is this incredible thing that sometimes we refer to as
01:37 cross-pollinating that occurs where what you see added to
01:43 what I see...
01:44 >>DAVID: That happened right at the end of the last session
01:45 for me, with the things that James was saying.
01:48 >>JEFFREY: Or the wording, just slightly different
01:50 wording and it just paints a different picture.
01:52 >>TY: Because you already have a context in what you see,
01:55 you've read some stuff, you've studied, your mind has been
01:57 open to something, so you see something in a way that none
02:01 of the others see something, even if it's the same thing.
02:05 You see it from a different angle, yeah, and then somebody
02:07 opens their mouth and says, but what about this?
02:10 And suddenly, in your context, with your knowledge, with your
02:14 perspective, you can see the thing in a way that they
02:18 didn't even see it when they said what they said and you
02:21 can speak back to them and it just creates this rippling
02:25 effect of perspective.
02:28 We grow in fellowship with one another and part of the genius
02:34 of Table Talk is that it has been encouraging other people
02:38 to do this.
02:39 I just keep getting people contacting, and I know you
02:44 guys have, too, I'll be travelling, I'll be somewhere,
02:46 and we're doing that, we're doing that, in our home, in
02:50 our church.
02:52 We're doing our own little Table Talk, praise God.
02:55 Because it's not just us.
02:59 We're just trying to share with people what we know and
03:02 in the process, model, hey, you can do this, you can have
03:06 spiritual fellowship.
03:07 So, I just love it, I just love doing this because I'm
03:11 learning so much in the process.
03:14 >>DAVID: Proverbs 27:17, as iron sharpens iron, so a man
03:18 sharpens the countenance of his friend.
03:21 I like the idea there of friend, which is what you are
03:23 talking about.
03:24 I think, too, that this requires, not that we're
03:27 bastions of humility or of piety, but it does require a
03:30 certain level of humility, a willingness to put yourself
03:33 out and say what you think is the case, which can be
03:35 humbling for people, and it can be intimidating, but then,
03:38 maybe even more so, a willingness to listen and to
03:41 say, okay, alright, I see that, versus, you know,
03:44 somebody's here as the teacher and we'll all sit and listen
03:48 to what he or she has to say, it's mutual.
03:50 I love that.
03:52 >>TY: Yeah, and sometimes, it has to go a step further.
03:54 You have to, the humility is beyond, okay, I see that, and
03:58 it's wow, I was wrong on that.
04:00 I saw that in a way that is not correct and thank you for
04:06 explaining that because now I see it way more clearly than I
04:09 did before.
04:10 >>JEFFREY: And voicing our view is not just for the
04:12 benefit of the listener, but I'm finding understanding more
04:15 of what I'm thinking, just by having to attempt to
04:19 articulate it.
04:20 >>TY: Yeah, isn't that great?
04:21 Okay, so, we're on a journey through the New Testament book
04:25 of Revelation.
04:26 We're calling this series the Revelation series and it's
04:30 been pretty exciting so far.
04:31 We've been just systematically moving through the book and
04:34 we've come to chapter 14, and we got through, last session,
04:38 we got through about verse 11, yeah, verse 11, and we really
04:44 have to pause and look at verse 12, in particular, but
04:49 also the remainder of the chapter, because verse 12, let
04:52 me see if this can, this is not real clear in my mind, but
04:56 I'm gonna say it this way, the book of Revelation, as we said
05:00 earlier, is a chiastic structure, like a capital A,
05:04 like a mountain, and at the top of that mountain is the
05:08 interpretive lens for the whole book and that's the
05:10 great controversy vision that is chapters 12 through about,
05:17 yeah, 14, to the end of chapter 14.
05:20 That's the great controversy vision, okay?
05:23 Now, here's the interesting thing, within the scope of the
05:25 great controversy vision, there is a pinnacle point.
05:30 There is a focal point.
05:32 >>JEFFREY: There's a chiasm within the chiasm.
05:34 >>TY: Thank you, there's a chiasm within the chiasm, and
05:37 at the pinnacle of the great controversy vision is verse 12.
05:44 This is the real point of the whole book of Revelation,
05:49 verse 12.
05:50 >>DAVID: That's a big claim.
05:51 We should know that that's a big, big claim, and we
05:53 recognize that's a big claim.
05:54 >>TY: So, let's read the verse and see what it's all about.
05:59 Jeffrey, verse 12, Revelation 14:12.
06:01 >>JEFFREY: Here is the patience of the saints.
06:04 Here are those who keep the commandments of God and the
06:07 faith of Jesus.
06:10 >>TY: Okay, so is that, does it strike you as profound as I
06:15 suggested that it is, or...?
06:16 >>DAVID: Well, let me say, I think the answer is absolutely
06:20 yes on two levels, and I'll just throw this out there.
06:24 The first is, its location, where verse 12 comes in
06:27 relationship to everything that we've been seeing, here's
06:29 a brief summary, Revelation 12 is the big picture vision,
06:31 dragon, war, heaven, that thing.
06:34 Revelation 13, these are the means by which the dragon
06:37 makes his war with God's people.
06:39 >>JEFFREY: Two beasts.
06:40 >>DAVID: The two beasts, the sea beast and the land beast.
06:42 Revelation 14 is the summary that there will be people,
06:44 that little parenthetical statement about those that
06:46 were on Mount Zion that will not capitulate, that will not
06:49 go along, which is 1-5, then it's like, this is the
06:51 message, that's their character, here's their
06:53 content, and then it's this statement, this encapsulated
06:57 summary statement of the fact that this message will
07:02 prevail, these people will prevail, their character, they
07:05 will not be defiled with woman, all of that, and it's
07:07 like, it's shrunk down to this summary statement that the
07:12 dragon and the beasts will not ultimately prevail over God's
07:17 people or over Jesus in God's people, so to me, yeah, it's
07:21 just shrinked.
07:22 >>JEFFREY: And it shows the ground for their endurance.
07:25 >>TY: It's like, have you heard the saying, the oak is
07:29 in the acorn?
07:31 So, all the potential for the oak tree is in this small
07:36 little seed.
07:38 That verse has Jesus and his faith toward the Father, his
07:43 faith in us.
07:45 Jesus, in this text, is moving all directions and Jesus is
07:49 the center here.
07:50 The faith of Jesus is the point.
07:53 And the faith of Jesus is projecting out from him to us
07:58 and producing in us a reciprocal faith, and that
08:02 reciprocal faith manifests itself in keeping the
08:05 commandments of God, and that constitutes the final
08:09 testimony, in it's mature state, before the universe,
08:15 including the inhabitants of earth, the inhabitants of
08:18 heaven, remember we said, somewhere, I can't remember
08:22 where, we said that the testimony was for the four
08:24 living creatures and the 24 elders toward us and then, at
08:29 one point, we're talking back to them and saying, yep, we
08:31 agree, everything that you've realized about the Father, now
08:35 we've realized about the Father.
08:37 >>JAMES: It's comparing 4 and 5 to 14.
08:39 Revelation 4 and 5 to 14.
08:41 >>TY: So, this is like the final stand of the people of
08:44 God on earth with their mature faith that is the faith of
08:49 Jesus.
08:50 >>DAVID: It's a reflection of God's faithfulness to us.
08:52 >>JAMES: You know, I really like this because I think that
08:56 this verse summarizes a real difficult issue that God has
08:59 been dealing with throughout the whole course of sin and
09:02 rebellion and the issue is, is that you have this, if you
09:05 will, dichotomy between the commandments of God and the
09:08 faith of Jesus.
09:09 And when you define the faith of Jesus as Christ's faith
09:13 towards us, the way that he looks at humanity, the faith
09:16 he's put toward us in that he hopes all things, believes all
09:19 things, endures all things, dies for us, and wants to
09:22 instill that thing in us that the way we look at other
09:26 people, hoping all things, believing all things, enduring
09:28 all things, and then, the commandments of God, which, if
09:31 you really define it, yeah, it's love, but it is
09:34 commandment keeping.
09:35 In other words, there's this obedience aspect and then,
09:38 there's this love aspect, there's the faith aspect,
09:40 there's this hope aspect, and they seem to be opposites, so,
09:43 if you go back to the Old Testament, for example, you
09:46 have most of the Jewish people coming down to Christ's time,
09:50 having this real strong emphasis on obedience, so much
09:54 so that they don't even want to keep Christ's body on the
09:58 cross over the Sabbath 'cause they wanna keep the Sabbath.
10:00 And yet, they reject Jesus, they don't have...
10:05 >>DAVID: You pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin and have
10:09 neglected the weight of your matters of the law, Matthew 23.
10:12 >>JAMES: So, then, you come to post-cross, post Calvary, and
10:17 you come into the Christian era, the new covenant era, the
10:21 grace era, and you have this really strong emphasis on the
10:24 faith of Jesus, if you will, on seeing and loving and
10:27 accepting people as they are, and in a sense, an abandonment
10:31 of the law of God, an abandonment of the obedience
10:34 to the commandments of God, as we understand them, and it
10:37 seems like Old Testament, there's this emphasis with an
10:39 abandonment of Christ, in the New Testament, there's this
10:41 emphasis with an abandonment of the law, but all of a
10:43 sudden, here, in Revelation 14, you've got this group of
10:47 people who not only keep the commandments of God, but in
10:50 spite of that, they don't get self-righteous, they don't get
10:53 hooked up on being better than other people, they still have
10:56 this faith of Jesus toward every single individual, we
10:59 talked, in this conversation, we've talked about leaders in
11:02 high places, we've talked about presidents and popes and
11:05 kings and rulers and the bottom line in the bible is
11:09 that we wouldn't criticize, we wouldn't be judgmental, we
11:12 wouldn't be sarcastic about even the worst of men.
11:15 But we would actually pray for them and intercede for them
11:18 and be willing to give our lives for them, as Paul did
11:20 for the Jews.
11:22 >>TY: That, to me, by the way, is a stinging correction to me.
11:24 >>JAMES: Well, it is to all of us.
11:27 >>TY: Because, in this election season, man, it's
11:29 hard to really have a positive attitude on some of these
11:33 politicians.
11:34 >>JAMES: But that's the faith of Jesus, that's the ultimate
11:37 goal, that's where we're headed.
11:38 You, all of us are headed toward this faith of Jesus,
11:42 the final, boom, we land right there, the faith of Jesus,
11:44 while, at the same time, we continue to keep the
11:47 commandments of God.
11:49 And it's a dichotomy, it's a tension there that God is
11:52 developing through the everlasting gospel.
11:54 >>JEFFREY: What do you think of the word patience, here's
11:55 the patience of the saints?
11:56 I looked it up here and the word actually means cheerful
12:01 endurance.
12:02 Here is the cheerful endurance of the saints, the ones that
12:06 keep the commandments of God in the faith of Jesus.
12:08 And you were talking about that tension, and you were
12:12 talking about not being critical and judgmental and
12:15 cynical.
12:16 I love the fact that, in the context of this intense test
12:21 that the people of God will face in the end, they haven't
12:24 assumed the posture of just this negative, critical
12:30 separation from all things of the world, but their attitude,
12:35 their disposition is cheerful endurance.
12:39 So, there's still this attractiveness about them.
12:41 I mean, nobody's attracted to long-faced religion.
12:44 Nobody's attracted to people who...
12:46 >>JAMES: No one's attracted to critical, criticism, either,
12:48 and the reason why people are critical is because that guy
12:51 is such a dastardly guy.
12:53 Well, why is he so dastardly?
12:54 Well, because we're such good people, we're such law
12:55 keepers.
12:57 We don't talk about people like that, we don't act that
12:58 way, we don't treat people that way...
13:00 >>JEFFREY: You're talking about being self-righteous.
13:01 >>JAMES: Yeah, a lot of people are attracted to these kind of
13:04 people because they're just the same, they're the same,
13:05 and so they're supportive and right.
13:07 >>JEFFREY: But these guys have assumed a different, I love
13:09 that, cheerful endurance.
13:11 >>TY: On that word endurance or patience, that word is
13:16 occurring again in a context.
13:19 So, if you're enduring, for example, if you're enduring in
13:23 an athletic endeavor, running, riding a bike, rowing,
13:29 something like that, it assumes that there's a thing
13:34 that you're enduring in, and the context here is the third
13:41 angel's message, second angel's message, first angel's
13:43 message, they're enduring in the everlasting gospel,
13:47 they're enduring in love when love is being drained out of
13:50 the world.
13:52 >>DAVID: That's the whole thing you showed us yesterday
13:53 that Dr. Bishof showed you about Matthew 24.
13:55 Love is going down, but love keeps, yeah, that was amazing.
14:00 >>JAMES: It fits right in here.
14:02 It has to.
14:03 >>TY: But back on the thing that you were talking about,
14:05 James, of this tension between, I guess, faith and
14:10 works, the faith of Jesus and the commandments of God, I
14:15 think this is brilliant, because there has been, down
14:20 through Christian history, and if you take in, as you were
14:25 saying, Jewish history, the history of Israel, human
14:29 beings tend to run to extremes, right?
14:32 We tend to be imbalanced and that's a part of our
14:35 dysfunction as human beings, where we tend to emphasize
14:39 obedience and law and justice to the exclusion or minimizing
14:43 of mercy, forgiveness, and that kind of, that side, or we
14:46 tend to eclipse obedience and the law and justice in favor
14:52 of mercy.
14:53 But what this is describing is a people in whom there is this
14:57 kind of equilibrium, this balance between these two.
15:02 So, they're not rejecting the law in favor of faith and
15:06 they're not rejecting faith in favor of the law, in fact, I
15:11 think it would be accurate to say that there is no
15:14 separation between faith and law, is there?
15:17 They are a synergistic hold.
15:19 >>DAVID: And that's what I appreciate about James is your
15:22 summary because you were not saying that there is an actual
15:25 demarcation or division or polarity between the two, but
15:29 that it's perceived that way.
15:31 So, I think you're exactly correct.
15:34 This is something that the human being brings in his or
15:37 her perception to the perceived contrast between
15:41 faith and works and love and law, but and you see in Jesus.
15:48 Okay, so, Jesus, of course, they have the faith of Jesus.
15:51 Jesus is the perfect embodiment of a supreme love
15:54 for mankind, that horizontal affection and kindness and
15:58 magnanimity that flowed out from him, but he was perfectly
16:02 in harmony and in connection with his heavenly Father.
16:05 There's no, you couldn't point to the seam and be like, okay,
16:08 well, here's where Jesus's faith stops, and here's where
16:11 the obedience starts.
16:12 They're one and the same, is that your point?
16:15 >>TY: Yeah, that's the point.
16:16 >>JEFFREY: Is that implicit in the text?
16:18 Here's the patience of the saints, that's the patience,
16:22 and then the remainder of the verse is just describing what
16:26 endurance actually is.
16:28 And in that description, both things are in the description.
16:32 In other words, if one of the two commandments of God, or
16:35 the faith of Jesus, is missing, then that no longer
16:37 qualifies as true endurance.
16:39 >>TY: Yeah, you don't have the thing.
16:41 >>JEFFREY: Right, so I think that's in the text, it's
16:43 actually right there.
16:44 >>JAMES: I wanna say something interesting here that just
16:46 came to my mind, but I'm thinking about Ezekiel 28,
16:48 where it describes Satan, Lucifer, before the fall, his
16:51 pipes were prepared within him, and it came to my mind
16:54 this illustration of for example, in heaven, of course,
16:57 harps, but a guitar, guitar strings have to be tuned
17:01 perfectly in order to make the sound, in order to bring forth
17:04 the sound that we all know is correct.
17:08 And in order to get a string tuned perfectly, you can't
17:12 have it too tight and you can't have it too loose.
17:15 So, when we look at these extremes, the tightness and
17:18 the looseness is the one extreme or the other, and as
17:20 we get too extreme to the love or sentimentalism or too
17:23 extreme to the legalism, and you know, obedience as
17:26 divorcing from love, we have the sound isn't right.
17:31 >>JEFFREY: We're out of tune.
17:32 >>JAMES: We're out of tune and God wants to bring the world
17:34 back into tune, he wants to bring us back into harmony, he
17:37 wants the music that we, that comes forth from us to be in
17:40 perfect illustration, a revelation of his heart, of
17:44 his love, of the music of heaven.
17:46 >>TY: I think a good way to say what we're trying to get
17:49 at is that the bible doesn't teach faith and works, the
17:55 bible teaches faith that works, in Galatians.
17:59 It's a continuum.
18:01 It's one thing, you can't have one without the other, that's
18:04 the book of James, right?
18:05 If you say you have faith, but you don't have works, well,
18:07 there's a problem with your faith.
18:10 Your faith isn't even faith.
18:12 I mean, you think it's faith, but...
18:14 >>JAMES: He says it's the faith of devils.
18:15 >>TY: Yeah, it's not the real deal, it's not the real thing.
18:18 Some people, a lot in Christianity, there's a lot of
18:22 talk, sometimes, about the law of God being nailed to the
18:27 cross and done away with and abolished and that kind of
18:29 language that the law of the Old Testament, we don't need
18:32 that, we don't need the law anymore.
18:34 The technical word for that is antinomianism, or anti-law,
18:38 but if you take the definition of Jesus and Paul and the
18:42 whole of the bible, in fact, that the law is love, that
18:46 really, it's love for human beings and love for God, who
18:52 would really want to translate that's, love is abolished,
18:57 love is done away with, there is no more love, we don't need
18:59 love.
19:00 Well, okay, if you don't need love, what do you need?
19:03 >>JAMES: Ty, another take on that, this is just a thought,
19:05 just to throw it at you, just for you to consider, Jesus was
19:08 the embodiment of the law and he was nailed to the cross.
19:12 And the cross is the thing that Christians exalt and so,
19:16 when we look at the law being nailed to the cross from a
19:19 different perspective, we're looking at the cross being
19:21 exalted, and therefore, the law being exalted, and what
19:23 I'm saying is, is that when Christ came and died on the
19:26 cross, he exalted the law.
19:28 He exalted it and therefore, when we see Christ on the
19:31 cross, we see the embodiment of the law being sacrificed in
19:35 the context of his forgiveness, his sacrifice for
19:38 our sins, but not being done away with, being lifted up,
19:41 being exalted, just like the cross is exalted.
19:43 >>DAVID: It magnifies the law.
19:44 >>TY: Yeah, okay, we have to take a break, but we spent our
19:49 whole first second on that verse which was fine because
19:51 that verse is powerful, who knows, maybe we'll come back
19:54 to it.
19:56 to it.
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22:04 who God is.
22:06 who God is.
22:23 >>TY: So, we were just looking at what might be considered
22:26 the key verse in Revelation chapter 14 and verse 12 is
22:30 that key verse.
22:32 I wanna make one more point and see what you guys think of
22:34 this.
22:35 Notice that the language is that these individuals who
22:38 endure and keep the commandments of God have the
22:40 faith of Jesus.
22:41 This is not, we need to distinguish here, this text is
22:45 not talking about faith in Jesus, this text is not
22:49 saying, is not talking about you having faith in him, it's
22:54 talking about us having his very faith.
22:58 So, it's describing, I think...
23:01 >>JEFFREY: His faith that we possess.
23:03 >>TY: Yes.
23:04 Jesus had a particular quality, kind, whatever, type
23:06 of faith, in his relationship with the Father and his
23:09 relationship with human beings.
23:11 He related in a certain way to God and to humans.
23:13 The way Jesus relates to God and human beings is now
23:18 reproduced in these people.
23:20 That's what's being said, I think.
23:22 >>DAVID: I agree, totally.
23:24 >>TY: So, that would include, then, faith in Jesus right,
23:28 because it would become reciprocal.
23:31 His faith in us is the basis.
23:35 So, let me see if this makes sense.
23:37 Our whole faith toward him is based on his faith toward us.
23:44 So, his faithfulness...
23:46 >>DAVID: If you just substitute the word love, the
23:48 same thing holds true, the same principle that you just
23:51 articulated, the same formula that you just articulated
23:54 holds true if you say love.
23:55 Our love to God is a reflection, a mirror
23:59 reflection, you could say, of his love toward us.
24:03 His loyalty, our loyalty and allegiance to him is a mere
24:07 reflection of his loyalty and allegiance to us.
24:09 >>JEFFREY: The bible says that clearly in 1 John, is it 3, we
24:12 love him because he first loved us.
24:14 >>DAVID: A lot of people draw the line, and I think Ty's
24:16 point is a great point, a lot of people draw the line at
24:18 faith.
24:19 Love is the thing that God does, yeah, our love reflects
24:21 his, loyalty, our loyalty reflects his, but that is also
24:24 true for faith, it is also true that our, James, you made
24:28 the point earlier that love believes all things and hopes
24:31 all things and endures all things.
24:32 So, if God is love and love believes all things, who's the
24:35 greatest believer?
24:37 This is the way I've been saying, I love this, too, this
24:39 is the way I've been saying it in my preaching lately, that
24:41 the big story is not our love for God, it's God's love for us.
24:46 And the big story is not our faith in God, it's God's faith
24:48 and belief that we can be more than just sinners.
24:53 And he injects that into us and everybody at this table
24:55 knows the power of words like this.
24:59 James, you can do it.
25:01 I believe in you, Jeffrey.
25:02 Ty, you're the right man for the job.
25:04 When somebody else expresses confidence, hope, belief in
25:08 you, it buoys you up.
25:09 What, you?
25:10 You believe in me?
25:11 It's not just a mutual thing where we believe in one
25:15 another.
25:16 We're equals.
25:17 God believes in us because he sees the potential.
25:19 We're made in his image and when he fills us with his
25:21 spirit, we can rise to a level that our little miniscule,
25:25 non-existent, mediocre faith could never attain.
25:27 >>JEFFREY: So, faith is the substance of things hoped for,
25:29 the evidence of things not seen.
25:31 So, God is seeing something in you...
25:33 >>DAVID: A hundred percent.
25:34 Go and sin no more.
25:36 Jesus says to the woman caught in adultery, go and sin no
25:37 more.
25:39 We often read that as a command, hey, you better not
25:40 sin any more.
25:42 No, Jesus sees a future for her that she can't see for
25:44 herself.
25:45 >>TY: And could you add to that that he has shown faith
25:48 in us because he knows the power of his love to do all
25:52 that in us?
25:53 You know what I mean?
25:55 >>DAVID: Faith, love, hope.
25:56 >>JAMES: And therefore, the operative word in this verse,
25:58 the key word in this verse is keep.
26:01 the key word in this verse is keep.
26:03 Here are they that keep.
26:04 Here are they that keep.
26:05 >>DAVID: Retain, hold.
26:07 >>JAMES: Could you keep this for me?
26:08 >>JAMES: Could you keep this for me?
26:09 I'm gonna give you this faith, I'm gonna give you these
26:11 commandments.
26:13 In other words, the operative word is keep because what
26:15 these guys are doing is they're not producing
26:17 something in themselves.
26:19 >>TY: I see your point now.
26:21 >>JAMES: They're keeping what God is giving them.
26:22 >>JEFFREY: Ty is like, what, what, what?
26:24 >>TY: I was like heresy, and then, I was like, oh, yeah.
26:27 >>JAMES: Jesus is giving us his faith and he's giving us
26:29 his love and he's saying, keep it.
26:31 >>DAVID: Good illustration.
26:32 Keep the Sabbath holy.
26:35 Keep the Sabbath holy.
26:35 The Sabbath is holy.
26:37 Keep it that way.
26:39 Keep it that way.
26:39 Here's my faith, keep that.
26:41 You like that?
26:42 >>TY: So, we have to hurry now, because Jeffrey had so
26:45 much to say about that.
26:46 >>DAVID: I hate hurrying.
26:47 >>TY: So do I.
26:48 So, let's just be cas about this, but I think there's a
26:52 connection between what's happening in verse 12 and the
26:56 ripening and the harvesting of the earth that follows in the
26:59 remaining verses.
27:01 >>JAMES: So much, so connected, Ty.
27:02 Look at this, look, we just talked about this, we just
27:04 talked about the fact that we start magnifying, for example,
27:08 the faith of Jesus, we go, wow, my conversation the last
27:12 few days hasn't been very faith of Jesus-y.
27:14 I've struggled a little bit with people and characters and
27:19 I need to endure and have patience through this next
27:21 election to make the faith of Jesus a reality in my life.
27:25 It's true, though.
27:26 I mean, if you think about it, the political scenario in the
27:31 United States, and even in the world, and other events are
27:34 calculated to test and mature the faith of Jesus in God's
27:38 people.
27:39 And that's the point, isn't it?
27:40 That's the point.
27:41 >>DAVID: Amen.
27:43 And I love the fact that you turned faith of Jesus into an
27:44 adverb.
27:45 That was awesome.
27:46 My conversation was not very faith of Jesus-y.
27:49 I love that, I love that.
27:51 >>JAMES: And this is what we're seeing here, we're
27:52 seeing a ripening of the earth, not just the bad, which
27:55 is obvious in here, but also the good.
27:56 It's a polarizing and a ripening of two groups of
27:59 people.
28:00 >>TY: Okay, that's what I was about to say, but clarify what
28:03 you mean by the ripening of the earth and then, you did.
28:05 You said, we're not talking here about ripening, you know,
28:08 peaches and pears, we're talking about, it's a
28:10 metaphor.
28:12 The bible uses agricultural metaphor.
28:16 For example, there is a text in Paul that tells how this
28:21 maturity process happens for God's people.
28:25 >>DAVID: I'm going through the rolodex in my mind, trying to
28:26 think about Paul.
28:28 >>TY: It's Ephesians 3 where he prays, in Ephesians 3, I
28:31 think it's like verse 14 and onward, he says, I bow my
28:34 knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the
28:37 whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would
28:39 grant you to be strengthened with might by his spirit in
28:42 the inner man, there's a maturity, strengthening taking
28:45 place, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, that
28:48 you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to
28:52 comprehend with all saints what is the length and depth
28:55 and height and something of the love of Christ that passes
28:58 knowledge, so there's the agricultural, yeah, so there's
29:01 the agricultural language.
29:02 Rooted.
29:04 So, the idea here is that a human being is like a plant,
29:11 in a sense, that has a root system that Paul is saying
29:14 needs, the roots need to reach down into the soil of God's
29:18 love and draw that love of God in Christ up into our personal
29:24 experience.
29:25 There are two ripenings that are taking place in Revelation
29:29 14, verse 14 and onward.
29:32 The wicked are ripening and the believers in Jesus are
29:36 ripening, right?
29:37 So, James was making the point that it is the ripening of two
29:43 groups of people.
29:44 >>JAMES: One's gathered to God and the other one is gathered
29:47 to the wrath, gathered to the, it says here, to the winepress
29:50 of the wrath of God.
29:53 >>DAVID: This is the very thing that Jesus articulated
29:55 profoundly in his parable in Matthew chapter 13, about hey,
29:58 there was a man that sowed good seed in his field and
30:01 other stuff came up and then people were like, hey, do you
30:04 want us to go gather up the weeds?
30:06 And he's like, no.
30:08 Wait until the harvest.
30:09 Maturity, to fruition.
30:12 >>JEFFREY: The field stays the same, so.
30:14 >>TY: What?
30:16 >>JEFFREY: That field, two things come up, sprout from
30:19 the field, right?
30:21 One is good, one is not good, but the field is the same, so,
30:23 I wonder if these two people who, these two people groups
30:27 who are ripening...
30:28 >>DAVID: Which are really two perspectives, these are people
30:30 who are embodying perspectives.
30:31 >>JEFFREY: So, maybe in response to the same thing,
30:34 the same field.
30:35 >>TY: Oh, I see what you're saying.
30:36 Oh, this is the Sermon on the Mount.
30:38 >>JEFFREY: Yeah, the gospel unfolds, and the whole world,
30:41 depending on the posture of the heart, will respond to the
30:44 gospel.
30:46 And depending on how that response is will determine,
30:50 what is that seed rooted into?
30:53 >>TY: Okay, I have two texts for that, what you're saying,
30:55 the Sermon on the Mount, the environment that God is
30:58 creating for everybody is the same.
31:00 He makes the sun shine on the righteous and the wicked, the
31:03 rain comes on the righteous and the wicked.
31:05 God's forgiveness, God's love, God's goodness, is the point,
31:09 is coming toward all, right?
31:12 But what Jeffrey's saying is that, that environment is the
31:15 same for everybody with two different ways you can respond
31:20 to the way God's treating us.
31:21 And I said I had two, what about James chapter 1?
31:25 And I said I had two, what about James chapter 1?
31:26 Every good gift comes down from the Father of lights,
31:29 with whom there is no variation or shadow of
31:30 turning.
31:31 God's goodness is a constant, a constant.
31:37 It's always toward everybody, but there are two different
31:40 ways that people respond.
31:42 >>JEFFREY: What about the illustration of the two balls,
31:44 the ball of clay, the ball of wax?
31:47 Both are put outside, subject to the sun.
31:51 The sun never changes, but the wax melts, the clay hardens.
31:56 But the sun stayed the same.
31:58 So, the gospel, God stays the same, what determines the
32:02 different reaction is the nature of the thing, right?
32:06 What has the thing become?
32:07 So, the nature of our hearts.
32:09 >>DAVID: With the smallest caveat being, I agree.
32:11 I think you were just gonna go there, that wax and clay are
32:15 physically, molecularly different.
32:19 So, that's just a product of being wax or a product of
32:21 being a clay.
32:22 With human beings, it's the choices, the decisions and the
32:26 perspectives that we voluntarily, that's the only
32:29 distinction.
32:30 >>JEFFREY: That we voluntarily make.
32:31 That will make you wax or clay.
32:33 And therefore, reacting to the same thing.
32:35 So, I, the beautiful thing is that this ripening of the
32:40 evil, of the wicked, and of those who have faith in Jesus,
32:43 flows from the everlasting gospel, that's my point is
32:47 that verses 6-11, that's the sun, the sun is the same, but
32:52 it produces two different types of harvest.
32:55 Righteousness becomes ripe and wickedness becomes ripe.
33:00 Something about the full disclosure of the gospel
33:04 ripens wickedness complete.
33:08 I don't know how that works, but.
33:11 >>JAMES: It's Romans 1.
33:12 >>TY: How?
33:13 >>JAMES: The gospel of Christ, the righteousness of God is
33:15 revealed for the wrath of God is revealed.
33:17 In the context of Revelation chapter 14, the last verse
33:21 where it says here, or the second last, the great
33:24 winepress of the wrath of God, God's wrath is consequential.
33:28 Man's wrath, you know, is vindictive.
33:30 God's wrath honors free choice, but man's wrath tries
33:34 to bind free choice.
33:36 So, when you look in Revelation 14, and it leads
33:38 us, naturally, into Revelation 15 and 16, I'm just gonna give
33:42 this as an example.
33:43 In the context of our illustrations, John chapter 3
33:49 says, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten
33:51 Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but
33:53 have everlasting life.
33:55 God didn't send his Son to condemn the world, but this is
33:59 the condemnation, that men loved darkness rather than
34:03 light.
34:04 That's the consequence.
34:05 Okay, and then, you read Revelation chapter 16, and
34:08 this is, in the context of the outpoint of the wrath of God,
34:11 which is identified as God giving us up, giving us up,
34:14 giving us up to those things which we're choosing, whether
34:16 it's sunshine, having this effect or that effect, now,
34:19 read here Revelation chapter 16, and I know I'm jumping
34:22 forward, but the context of 14 is the wrath of God and by the
34:27 way, 15 and 16 are magnifying and distilling for us what
34:32 this wrath actually looks like.
34:33 It's an unpacking.
34:35 >>TY: But what are they, for those who, in 15, 16, the
34:40 thing you're now talking about, it's called the 7 last
34:42 plagues, okay.
34:43 >>JAMES: Seven last plagues, the laws of God's wrath,
34:45 here's what it looks like, for example, and we're just gonna
34:47 look at Revelation chapter 16 and starting here in verse 8.
34:51 The fourth angel poured out, no, excuse me, verse 10, the
34:55 fifth angel poured out his vial upon the sea of the beast
34:58 and his kingdom was full of darkness.
35:01 And they gnawed their tongues for pain and blasphemed the
35:04 God of heaven because of their pains, their sores, and
35:06 repented not of their deeds.
35:08 Two points here, God is releasing people who have
35:12 chosen darkness rather than light, that's very clear in
35:14 Revelation of John 3:16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, okay?
35:19 And as he releases people, as he allows people, as he honors
35:22 choice, as CS Lewis says, as he honors choice, he says, okay,
35:26 your will be done, these people who experienced the
35:29 full consequence of their choices don't repent.
35:33 They don't change.
35:35 >>TY: That's Jeffrey's point.
35:36 >>JAMES: Which confirms that God has, actually honored
35:39 their choice.
35:40 Not that God has done something dastardly to them,
35:42 because they won't repent, but God is simply saying, even if
35:45 you're not gonna change.
35:47 >>JEFFREY: Were you granted a million years, this would
35:50 remain your posture.
35:51 >>JAMES: And what really brings this home is, many
35:53 times, God allows us to taste a little bit of the
35:56 consequence of our choices in order to bring us to
35:59 repentance.
36:00 We're like, whoa, but these people, there's no, that's why
36:02 it's called the 7 last plagues.
36:05 It's last because there's nothing else God can do, and
36:08 all through this, we find this phrase, they didn't repent,
36:11 they blasphemed God, they didn't repent, they blasphemed
36:13 God, to confirm the decision.
36:15 >>DAVID: I love that, can I throw this out?
36:17 The biblical context, we've said again and again that the
36:20 matrix in which the book of Revelation is written, the
36:24 paints from which he is painting the book is the Old
36:26 Testament, and clearly, as just even a cursory reading
36:29 will show, the backstory of the 7 last plagues is the 10
36:33 plagues that fell on Egypt.
36:34 And one of the questions that I get asked a lot as a
36:36 preacher and as a pastor and as an evangelist is, what's
36:38 this whole thing about how God hardened Pharaoh's heart?
36:41 God hardened Pharaoh's heart, God hardened Pharaoh's heart.
36:44 Here's an interesting thing.
36:45 You go back and read the story of the 10 plagues on Egypt,
36:49 and I don't remember if it's 6 or 7 times, but 6 or 7 times,
36:52 it says, Pharaoh hardened his heart.
36:54 First plague, Pharaoh hardened his heart, Pharaoh hardened
36:57 his heart.
36:57 Second plague, Pharaoh hardened his heart.
37:00 Third plague, Pharaoh hardened his heart, and it's not 'til
37:02 you get down to like the fourth or the fifth plague
37:04 that it finally says, and God hardened Pharaoh's heart.
37:06 So, this is a fascinating thing.
37:08 Pharaoh's making choices, Pharaoh's making decisions,
37:11 Pharaoh is proceeding to respond to God, whose request,
37:14 by the way, was quite reasonable.
37:16 Hey, can you just let this group of my people go?
37:18 For three days, they'll come back.
37:20 And Pharaoh's like, who is this God?
37:22 I don't know him.
37:23 So, then, God's like, okay, you're not reasonable, so
37:24 here's how we're gonna do this.
37:25 My nice, polite talking didn't work, how about this as an
37:29 initial plague.
37:30 There didn't have to be ten.
37:31 Pharaoh could've been like, okay, yeah, you're the God, I
37:34 get it, I see it.
37:35 Pharaoh hardened his heart.
37:37 Nebuchadnezzar did.
37:39 The Babylonian king, he got it.
37:42 That's a great point, I never put that together, I'm gonna
37:44 preach that.
37:45 So, the context here is that these are people that, plague
37:49 number one, they've hardened their hearts, they've hardened
37:51 their hearts, they've hardened their hearts.
37:52 So, this is not something that God is doing externally or in
37:54 a contrived and a manipulative way to them, like, you're not
37:57 allowed to repent, you're not allowed to experience mourning
38:03 over your choices.
38:05 Your heart is hard.
38:07 Not because of choices that I have made, I am now honoring
38:10 your choice.
38:11 We run a school.
38:12 A school called Arise.
38:13 Some people on the program will be familiar with that.
38:15 I remember going way, way back, probably 7 years ago, we
38:20 had to excuse a student from the school.
38:22 And I was in that meeting with a good friend of ours, Matt
38:23 Para, and I'll never forget, he said to the student, he
38:26 said, hey, listen, we're not kicking you out.
38:29 We're honoring your choice to leave.
38:31 >>JAMES: That was revolutionary for me.
38:33 The practical application.
38:35 >>DAVID: You have made choices and we're now honoring your
38:38 choices.
38:39 That's the 7 plagues.
38:40 This is not...
38:43 >>JAMES: And look at how this comes together 'cause Jeffrey
38:45 asked the question, what's the heart, in Romans chapter 1, we
38:48 have the wrath of God defined in the context of the gospel.
38:50 In Romans 2, he brings it together in 2 verses, 2 verses
38:53 brings this all together, Paul says this, verse 4, or despise
38:58 us thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance,
39:01 that's the gospel, and longsuffering, that's the
39:03 gospel, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to
39:05 repentance, his love and his goodness, and then, in verse
39:07 5, but after thy hardness and impenitent heart.
39:11 Are you treasuring up to thyself wrath against the day
39:17 of wrath and the righteous revelation?
39:18 >>JEFFREY: So, you're treasuring it up and then, at
39:19 the end, God says, this is what you've been treasuring up.
39:22 >>TY: You're full of this wrath, you've stored it up
39:26 inside you.
39:27 >>JEFFREY: You've stored it up, so okay.
39:28 >>JAMES: My goodness has tried to lead, but you've been
39:29 resisting my goodness, you've been resisting my goodness,
39:32 and so, you've been treasuring up this wrath.
39:33 >>DAVID: You've made these deposits, here's the
39:37 withdrawal.
39:38 >>JEFFREY: Can I make one quick point on that?
39:39 In the very end, in Revelation 22, which we will get soon, at
39:43 the end when Jesus comes, it says, he who is unjust, let
39:47 him be unjust still.
39:50 He who is filthy, let him be.
39:52 He who is righteous, let him be.
39:53 In my mind, I underlined and circled, let him be.
39:57 It's the same principle.
39:58 It's the same principle.
39:59 Let it be.
40:00 >>JAMES: The wages of sin is death, I'm just going by what
40:01 you said, your illustration of the withdrawal.
40:03 The wages of sin are death and we are insisting, I want my
40:05 wages.
40:06 I want my wages.
40:07 I want my wages.
40:08 Give me the money out of my bank account.
40:09 >>DAVID: It's so funny that you would say that because you
40:10 have that there in the, is it the opening of the 6th seal,
40:13 where they say, they say to the rocks, hide us from the
40:16 Lamb, hide us from the Lamb, and God is like, I don't think
40:19 you wanna be hid from the Lamb.
40:21 But, we honor your choice.
40:23 It's like, we want life without God.
40:25 To which God says, there is no such thing, but I'll honor
40:29 your choice.
40:30 >>JAMES: Hide us from life.
40:31 your choice.
40:32 >>JAMES: Hide us from life.
40:34 >>TY: This is amazing, and it fits with the Romans 2 text
40:35 that you just shared.
40:37 I wanna add one part from that Romans text.
40:39 It says that they're storing up wrath in themselves, for
40:44 the day of wrath and righteous revelation of the
40:47 righteousness of God.
40:48 So, whatever they're storing up inside of themselves,
40:52 they're storing up psychologically and
40:54 emotionally, some kind of response to the gospel.
40:58 They're storing this up, it's combustible in the presence of
41:02 the revelation.
41:04 >>JAMES: It really is. It really is.
41:06 It's heat.
41:07 Have you ever been embarrassed in public?
41:09 It's heat.
41:09 There's heat.
41:11 There's something that happens inside our psyche that causes
41:13 us to get hot and sweat and yes.
41:16 Can you imagine having everything you've ever done
41:18 put out before the entire universe?
41:22 Everything you've ever thought, everything you've
41:24 ever felt, everything.
41:24 And see, the bible says, yeah, before you.
41:28 >>JEFFREY: To enter into full realization of the true nature
41:31 of your own brokenness, I think that would snap
41:34 anybody's...
41:35 >>TY: Okay, I have to push the pause button right there,
41:37 'cause we have to take a break, but this has been
41:40 exciting.
41:41 [Music]
41:53 Announcer: Digma videos are short, engaging messages
41:56 designed for opening up discussion with individuals
41:58 and groups regarding the character of God as well as
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42:38 [Music]
42:43 >>TY: So, let's summarize, James, give a summary
42:46 statement of chapters 15 and 16 and then, we'll launch into
42:49 chapter 17.
42:50 >>JAMES: So, 15 and 16 basically are fleshing out the
42:53 last verses of 14.
42:55 And they're defining the wrath of God, which clearly is God
42:58 giving us up to the things we've chosen once we come to
43:00 the place where we're not gonna repent and we're not
43:02 gonna turn away.
43:03 And God is saying, okay, I'll honor your choice, I'll honor
43:05 your choice, reluctantly, with tears, he says, I'll honor
43:08 your choice.
43:08 How can I give you up?
43:11 How can I make you, how can I, Ephraim, how can I, so this is
43:15 the heart wrenching, gut wrenching experience, the
43:18 strange act of God actually giving us over to what we've
43:20 chosen, but he has to.
43:22 Love has to honor choice.
43:24 He can't force us.
43:26 In fact, those who are not wanting to go to heaven will
43:29 be torture to them, so he honors those choices.
43:31 And all the way through 15 and 16, we see this revelation of
43:35 God, and in the middle of it, we have this battle of
43:37 Armageddon where God says, now wait a minute I want you to
43:40 understand the conflict that's taking place and I want you
43:41 to trust in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, the faith
43:47 of Jesus.
43:48 >>TY: Okay, so that was real fast, you just mentioned the
43:50 battle of Armageddon.
43:52 >>JAMES: I just wanna mention, because we're not gonna touch
43:52 it in detail.
43:54 It's simply a continuation of the very thing, the very
43:57 conflict that we're involved in, the battle of God, the
44:00 valley of the decision, choosing God, the faith in
44:03 Jesus, the commandments of God, over the hardening of our
44:05 heart and rejecting his goodness.
44:07 >>TY: We all have a mutual friend, Pastor Dwight Nelson,
44:10 he summarizes the battle of Armageddon with this language,
44:14 he says, it's the final showdown.
44:19 And he links it to the final showdown between Elijah and
44:23 the false prophets on Mount Carmel.
44:26 The key idea with that battle of Armageddon is it's not
44:31 merely about physical bombs and explosions and tanks, it's
44:36 the battle that's going on in each person's mind and heart
44:40 regarding spiritual allegiance.
44:45 >>JAMES: Making a decision.
44:46 How long are you halting between two opinions?
44:48 If God is God, follow him, if Baal, follow him.
44:50 Make, everyone's in this valley of decision.
44:53 And that's what we see in Revelation 14.
44:55 We see a final decision made for or against God.
44:58 >>TY: Okay, so chapter 17, let's just admit something
45:01 upfront as we look at chapter 17.
45:03 It's hard.
45:04 Isn't it?
45:05 >>DAVID: As you all know, I recently preached on this and
45:07 I feel like I understand it pretty well, quite well, down
45:10 to verse 6 and then, I understand some of it.
45:15 It gets hard.
45:17 >>TY: Revelation 17 is difficult, but there are some
45:21 key concepts that aren't clear.
45:24 >>DAVID: Like, the big picture is easy.
45:26 The big picture is easy, but you know, the devil is in the
45:30 details, literally.
45:31 >>TY: So, since you preached it recently, take us through
45:34 the first few verses here and we'll comment.
45:37 >>DAVID: Okay, well, when you get to Revelation 17, we're
45:38 introduced to a new figure, a brand new figure, which is a
45:41 little bit unusual this late in the game, right?
45:43 There's only 22 chapters in Revelation, we're in 17, and
45:46 we're introduced to a new figure and it's a harlot and
45:49 her name is Babylon the Great.
45:51 So, I'll just read it, why don't I do that?
45:52 Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came
45:56 and talked with me, saying to me, so there's the tie with
45:58 the angels, with the bowls, so what we see here in 17 and
46:03 even 18 is the unpacking, the further elucidating of the
46:07 outpouring of that 7th bowl.
46:09 Yeah, you comfortable with that?
46:11 >>TY: I am.
46:12 >>DAVID: Okay, so the angel comes over, talks to John and
46:14 says, come, I will show you the judgment of the great
46:15 harlot, here she is, new character.
46:17 >>TY: Again, referring to the fact that her demise is now
46:20 gonna be described.
46:21 >>DAVID: This is the description of her demise and
46:24 we've not been introduced to her up until this point, at
46:27 least not by this metaphor, this picture, this symbol.
46:31 >>TY: We heard of Babylon back in chapter 14.
46:33 >>DAVID: The idea of a harlot.
46:34 The judgment of the great harlot who sits on many
46:37 waters.
46:38 Jeffrey has already read us verse 15, I'll just do that,
46:40 in a past session.
46:42 Then he said to me, "The waters which you saw, where
46:44 the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and
46:46 tongues.
46:47 This is a symbolic picture of this harlot, we've already
46:49 described it, a woman is a people, a church, rather, and
46:56 the waters are people, okay?
46:58 It's actually, this far into Revelation, it's not hard to
47:01 figure this out.
47:02 That's why I said it simple on one level.
47:04 Verse 3, so he carried me away in the Spirit into the
47:07 wilderness.
47:08 And I saw a woman, now watch this, sitting on a scarlet
47:11 beast, which we've already been exposed to beasts,
47:15 nations, empires, powers, full of names of blasphemy, having
47:19 seven heads and ten horns.
47:21 That's also familiar to us.
47:22 Sorry for the commentary, let me just go.
47:23 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and
47:25 adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in
47:27 her hand a golden cup full of abominations of the
47:29 filthiness of her fornication.
47:32 And on her forehead a name was written, mystery, Babylon the
47:35 great, the mother of harlots, plural, and of the
47:38 abominations of the earth.
47:39 I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and
47:42 with the blood of the martyrs.
47:43 And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.
47:47 >>TY: That's heavy.
47:48 You wouldn't read this to your 3 year old, your 5 year old as
47:53 a little...
47:54 >>DAVID: Let's have a bible reading.
47:55 >>TY: Yeah.
47:56 >>JEFFREY: Bedtime story.
47:58 First of all, it's identified as the harlot.
48:00 I think that's profound because, in the Old Testament,
48:03 we've been constantly pointing back to that in the book of
48:06 Revelation, based on the Old Testament.
48:09 But in the Old Testament, the harlot is always Jerusalem
48:14 apostatized.
48:16 For example, in Ezekiel 16, you have Jerusalem's harlotry
48:19 for anybody taking notes, Ezekiel chapter 16, in verses
48:23 15 and onwards.
48:25 And so, all through the Old Testament, when God's people,
48:28 when God's church is unfaithful, she's tagged as
48:33 the harlot.
48:35 So, here in chapter 17, whatever this harlot is, we
48:37 know because of the clues we get from the Old Testament, it
48:40 has to do with the church gone bad.
48:42 >>TY: Yeah, it's a religious body.
48:43 >>JEFFREY: It's a religious entity that is not
48:46 representing...
48:47 >>TY: The truth about God.
48:48 >>DAVID: And we should say, Jeffrey, you touched on it,
48:50 there, that the backstory, if you wanna understand what's
48:53 happening in Revelation 17:1-6, go read Ezekiel 16 and 23.
48:58 That is the backstory, the language, the dress, the
49:01 behavior.
49:03 That is the backstory of Revelation 17 and 18.
49:06 How your lovers turn on you, all of that is right in
49:09 Ezekiel 16.
49:10 >>TY: Yeah, that's where he got...
49:11 >>DAVID: That's the language.
49:12 >>JEFFREY: This is heavy because the tendency for
49:16 Christians to always view the enemy from the outside, the
49:20 world is the enemy, oppressive powers are the enemy, other
49:24 entities, secular entities, but according to John's
49:28 revelation, he has very little concern with the enemies
49:32 outside, and he always brings our attention to religion,
49:35 that the issue is found in religion itself, not in the
49:40 secular world.
49:41 I think that's also profound.
49:42 >>DAVID: Well, the secular world is there in the terms of
49:44 the beast.
49:45 >>JEFFREY: It is, but if you look at the onus of the
49:47 attention and of, it's almost like obsessive.
49:50 >>TY: The point Jeffrey's making is a powerful one
49:53 because, the secular powers, the nations in this passage
49:58 are not using the woman, the woman is using, the woman is
50:03 on the back of the beast.
50:05 >>JEFFREY: Who's riding whom?
50:07 >>TY: Who's riding whom?
50:08 Who's in charge here?
50:09 >>JEFFREY: Who's driving this thing?
50:10 >>TY: That's right.
50:11 So, religion gone bad is really bad because it
50:16 professes, it claims to represent God, so it confuses
50:21 human beings regarding God.
50:24 If a nation, a secular nation is doing horrible things, it's
50:31 doing horrible things in its own name.
50:34 And there is no projection onto God, but when a religion
50:38 that bears the name of Jesus, of all things, is claiming to
50:42 represent God and simultaneously doing these
50:45 kinds of things, I think that we have a very horrific part
50:50 of history here.
50:51 And there are two, let me point this out, we said that
50:56 this is religion gone bad, but the text actually tells us how
50:59 it's gone bad.
51:01 Number one, it's through her fornication with political
51:06 powers, with nations.
51:07 She's on the back of the beast, which is a political
51:09 power, so that tells us that the combination, the union of
51:13 church and state or religion and civil power, military
51:17 power, penalties, you're gonna go to jail, you're gonna be
51:20 punished by the state because of religious matters, that's a
51:24 lethal combination, and the other thing we know about this
51:29 power is that she's drunk with blood.
51:32 So, this is a woman who is shedding blood.
51:35 This is a religious power that is using violence and force,
51:38 persecution in the name of God.
51:41 Those are at least two of the things that tell us what's so
51:45 bad about this woman that makes her a whore, a harlot, a
51:49 prostitute.
51:50 >>JAMES: And it's really sad because, in a world where the
51:53 secular has lost credibility, in a world where people are
51:57 realizing that there's no help in atheism or in government,
52:02 et cetera, the church has their foot in the door, they
52:06 have an advantage and they use that advantage to gain and
52:09 solicit credibility from the people of the world, we are a
52:14 religious organization, therefore, we are better than
52:18 all those other options that you tried and I think the
52:20 world is right for that right now.
52:22 The world is right for a religious organization to step
52:25 in and try to heal and solve the problems of the world and
52:28 everyone's looking up and saying, oh, we've tried
52:30 everything, here's the last option, here's the best option
52:34 for us, let's try this.
52:35 So, really, when you look at Revelation 17, and this is the
52:37 point I'm trying to make, the context of Revelation 17 is
52:42 one of the 7 angels that has the 7 bowls.
52:45 It's in the end of time.
52:46 Even though we're looking at the history, the cumulative
52:49 history of all of these religious systems, we're
52:51 looking at an end time power that is finally, because in
52:55 the sequence here, this woman has been riding the beast, but
52:59 has been dethroned from the beast, fallen off the beast,
53:03 but is going to ride the beast again.
53:05 So, when we look at history, we've seen it already in the
53:08 dark ages, we've seen it already in history past, that
53:10 there's a time when these two came together, everyone said,
53:12 yes, religion is our answer, and then, it was dethroned,
53:14 atheism, communism, French Revolution.
53:18 And then, there's a time when this woman is gonna be
53:20 reunited with the beast.
53:22 And again, the world, which is ripe right now, is gonna say,
53:24 yes, religion is our only last, best hope.
53:27 >>TY: The other thing that stands out to me here is that in
53:29 verse 5, she's the mother of the abominations of the earth.
53:32 That's telling us that a lot of the horrible stuff going on
53:38 in the world is the result of bad religion.
53:42 That has to be understood.
53:44 When I was in Europe one time, maybe 7 years ago, I was in
53:50 Netherlands, in Holland, and somebody said, we did a poll
53:57 here, we went up and down the streets and we had two
54:00 questions for the people over here.
54:02 Now, you have to remember the historical context.
54:04 This is western Europe where Christianity was the thing, I
54:09 mean, everyone, all these were Christian nations and now,
54:12 they're very secular nations.
54:14 So, they're walking up and down the streets and they're
54:16 saying to people, do you have an interest in church or
54:20 religion?
54:21 Eight out of ten people said, no, and were ready to walk off.
54:25 Eight out of ten people, no interest at all in church or
54:27 religion.
54:28 But they said, we have a second question, do you have
54:29 an interest in God?
54:31 And the numbers flipped.
54:33 Eight out of ten people said, well, God, sure.
54:35 I'm interested in God.
54:37 Are you interested in Jesus?
54:39 Yeah, he's a pretty interesting figure.
54:41 Are you interested in religion?
54:43 Nope.
54:45 So, that tells us that something horrible went down
54:49 in human history that caused people to back up from
54:55 religion, but, as James is saying, people are starting to
54:59 lean in with curiosity about Jesus and about God.
55:04 >>JEFFREY: The whole concept of Gandhi, you know, I'd be a
55:06 Christian if it weren't for the Christians.
55:08 >>TY: Yeah, that's heavy, that's heavy.
55:10 So, somebody summarize in the 50 seconds that remains
55:15 Revelation 17 and the verses that we've covered.
55:18 David.
55:20 >>DAVID: Well, the brief summary is that you have an
55:23 unfaithful church on the back of a beastly state, and she is
55:27 in control.
55:28 She is a persecuting power, she is an illicit and
55:31 illegitimate relations with the kings of the earth, and
55:34 ultimately, God's judgment is going to be on this system of
55:39 church and state.
55:41 >>TY: So, the conclusion of the whole matter is that there
55:45 is a lethal combination that has been experimented with in
55:49 history and that is the union of church and state and the
55:52 religion of Christ, the pure and true religion of Christ,
55:55 segregates church and state in order to allow human beings to
55:59 have the freedom to love God for who he is, not on the
56:04 premise of penalty and threat.
56:06 >>JAMES: Perfect.
56:07 [Music]
56:11 >>JAMES: Perfect.


Revised 2018-01-16