Table Talk

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000410A

00:00 [Music]
00:11 [Music]
00:20 >>TY: Revelation chapter 14 is a passage of scripture that
00:24 gives what some bible students have termed the final message
00:29 of mercy to the world.
00:31 I like the fact that they call it final message of mercy,
00:35 because there are some hard edges to some of the message
00:38 and some of it can come down kinda hard, but the fact is
00:42 that everything that is communicated in first, second,
00:46 and third angel's message is in the context of the
00:50 everlasting gospel, which is the first bit of language in
00:55 message number one, back in verse 6.
00:58 And I really appreciated in the last session that James
01:03 brought this idea forward that everything that happens in the
01:07 first angel's message is under the umbrella.
01:09 He went a step further and said, everything that is
01:12 mentioned in the first angel's message is defined by the
01:16 everlasting gospel.
01:17 It can't be at cross purposes with the gospel.
01:21 I would like to extend that to the second and third angel's
01:25 message and suggest that all of it is under the umbrella of
01:29 the gospel.
01:30 Yes, so let's read the second angel's message.
01:36 >>JAMES: Do we have to read it fast or slow?
01:38 If we have to read it slow, I can read it.
01:39 If we have to read it fast, then we can have David read it.
01:42 >>TY: At this point, we're not in a hurry, so you can read it.
01:43 >>JAMES: Alright.
01:44 >>TY: So, the second angel's message is in Revelation 14
01:47 and verse 8.
01:48 It's a single verse.
01:49 >>JAMES: And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon
01:53 is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations
02:00 drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
02:03 How was that for speed?
02:05 >>TY: That was good.
02:06 This is heavy.
02:08 So, here are the elements that we need to unfold.
02:13 First of all, I think the word followed is significant.
02:15 >>JAMES: Key.
02:17 >>TY: Isn't it?
02:18 >>JAMES: Yes.
02:19 >>TY: Okay because, followed what?
02:20 Followed the first angel's message.
02:23 So, do you guys see this connection that the
02:27 proclamation of the everlasting gospel in verses 6
02:32 and 7 precipitates the fall of Babylon?
02:36 So, there's a connection between the fall of Babylon
02:39 and the proclamation of the gospel.
02:41 >>JEFFREY: So, the events happening in the second angel
02:43 are in consequence to the message of what was
02:46 represented in the first angel.
02:48 >>TY: I think so.
02:49 I don't think they're free-floating.
02:51 >>JEFFREY: Which is awesome because Babylon doesn't fall
02:54 by God organizing a full-on direct assault on it, right?
02:59 It falls, sort of, kinda like the result of.
03:04 >>JAMES: But guys, this is the entire theme of what we've
03:08 been talking about in the book of Revelation.
03:10 God does not make a full-on assault against Satan, he
03:13 could've cast him to the ground as easily as you cast a
03:15 pebble to the ground, but he does what?
03:18 He exalts, he focuses on his heart, his character, his
03:22 love, his goodness, his sacrificing, others-centered
03:24 love, and it's that revelation of the gospel of who he is
03:27 that brings this, an enemy of God down.
03:30 So, this is the final message, this is a summation of
03:34 everything God has been doing from the very inception of
03:36 sin.
03:37 So, obviously, it's gonna follow that same track.
03:39 >>JEFFREY: Is this some sort of pattern, too, that's hinted
03:43 at, not only is this how God relates to evil, but maybe
03:48 this is also how the church and how God's people ought to
03:51 relate to evil.
03:53 This whole idea of not...
03:54 >>JAMES: Can't be the opposite of God, we gotta be, we follow
03:57 him wherever he goes.
03:58 >>JEFFREY: So, I think this is interesting because a lot of
04:01 Christians or people who believe in God, I think we may
04:03 have the tendency to relate to the world and point fingers at
04:07 things we don't like and overly critical about the
04:11 things we don't like all the time, but in God's pattern,
04:15 God exalts truth, exalts love, exalts his character, his
04:20 selflessness, and that is his critique in regard to evil and
04:25 darkness, right?
04:26 So, it's a lot easier to sit in judgement, to sit in a
04:29 critical posture, it's a lot harder to exemplify our
04:34 contrast and let that be the critique, you know what I'm
04:36 saying?
04:37 >>JAMES: I think that point is confirmed also by, not
04:39 something that's in the text, but something that's missing
04:42 from the text.
04:43 In Revelation 14 and verse 6, it says, the first angel is
04:48 preaching, or 7, it says, the first angel is preaching with
04:51 a loud voice.
04:52 >>DAVID: I've had the same perspective.
04:55 >>JAMES: Same perspective, so Revelation, I'm not finished
04:57 with it, so Revelation 14:8, it says the second angel
05:01 sounds, and it says, and there followed another angel saying,
05:05 Babylon has fallen.
05:05 There's no loud voice.
05:07 >>JEFFREY: The loudness is with the proclamation of the
05:09 gospel.
05:10 >>JAMES: It's not the enunciary, loud, in your face
05:12 megaphone on the corner, all sinners, you're going to hell
05:16 unless you repent.
05:17 It's basically the focus of the everlasting gospel that's
05:21 kind of bringing Babylon down and it strives a consequence.
05:23 People have seen it and they're going, whoa, Babylon's
05:26 just kind of falling, as they see the everlasting gospel.
05:28 >>TY: It's losing credibility.
05:29 >>JAMES: It's losing credibility.
05:30 >>TY: So...
05:32 >>JAMES: David was gonna say something.
05:33 >>DAVID: Well, I was just gonna say that the loud voice
05:35 returns with the third angle's message, which we'll get to,
05:37 so I don't wanna run ahead.
05:38 >>TY: Okay, that's the followed part.
05:42 We've talked about, the second angel's message follows the
05:45 first and we're saying that there's a connection between
05:49 the fall of Babylon and the proclamation of the gospel
05:53 because there are two systems being compared.
05:55 I like the word that Jeffrey used, there's a contrast.
05:58 And Babylon falls, or loses credibility by contrast to the
06:03 gospel.
06:05 What about Babylon, though?
06:07 We haven't even defined, this is a very cryptic term.
06:11 Babylon has fallen?
06:12 Is this the city over in...?
06:14 >>DAVID: Well, this is gonna, we will have an entire, the
06:18 degree to which we will be able to get into it in depth
06:22 remains to be seen in Revelations 17, but this
06:24 description of the fall of Babylon is picked up in
06:28 greater detail, with considerable depth,
06:31 in 17 and 18.
06:33 So, at this point, John introduces it, it's almost
06:36 like a repeat and enlarge theme here in the sense that,
06:39 we're gonna come back to that.
06:41 Whether or not we'll be able to in the context of this, you
06:42 know, we're running out of sessions, but Babylon is
06:46 defined, as are all of the terms in context in the book
06:51 of Revelation from the Old Testament.
06:52 So, we have ancient Babylon, Tower of Babel.
06:56 Then, we have Neo Babylon, under Nebuchadnezzar, and then
06:58 we have end time Babylon.
07:00 So, you're really dealing with 3 different phases, maybe
07:04 that's not the right word, three different nations or
07:07 powers or entities that could be legitimately defined as
07:10 Babylon, right?
07:11 The Genesis 11, tower of Babel Babylon, the Babylon under
07:14 Nebuchadnezzar, and then, end time Babylon.
07:18 >>TY: But all of those phases or manifestations of Babylon,
07:22 they're identified as Babylon because they have commonality.
07:27 >>DAVID: There is commonality.
07:28 >>TY: There are principles that are in play in every
07:31 phase of Babylon, in scripture.
07:36 Go ahead.
07:38 >>JEFFREY: Genesis 11, you just pointed to the tower of
07:41 Babel, well, what was the central characteristic there?
07:44 It was man trying to ascend, right, to the heavens, a tower
07:49 that will reach to the heavens.
07:51 So, in other words, it's man asserting himself and trying
07:56 to approach God in man's own terms.
07:59 >>TY: Kind of a self-salvation.
08:01 >>JEFFREY: That's it, and then, you fast-forward to the
08:04 Neo Babylon, as you mentioned, and Nebuchadnezzar.
08:08 Now, we're in Babylonia, right, the empire of Babylon,
08:11 and you have Nebuchadnezzar, and in Daniel chapter 4, which
08:15 we obviously haven't touched, Nebuchadnezzar says, is this
08:19 not great Babylon which I have built?
08:24 >>TY: For my glory, he says.
08:26 >>JEFFREY: Nothing has changed, as far as I'm
08:27 concerned, because you're seeing in Genesis 11 the same
08:30 operating principle.
08:32 The same thing in neo Babylon, it's a manmade system that's
08:39 being presented in the bible.
08:40 And so, when you get to this one here, same thing.
08:45 John is reaching back to the Old Testament and bringing
08:48 into focus this entity called Babylon because he wants to
08:53 draw our attention to the characteristics, which is this
08:58 manmade system.
09:00 >>JAMES: That's one of the commonalities.
09:01 >>TY: It's not just manmade, though, it's manmade with a
09:07 certain philosophical and theological outlook, which you
09:10 mentioned and that is self-exaltation, human beings
09:13 ascending to God versus the gospel, the everlasting gospel
09:20 teaches, God descending, condescending in the person of
09:27 Christ for our salvation.
09:30 >>DAVID: There is a point right here, don't lose
09:32 anything that you were thinking of, but I have this
09:35 sermon that I have been preaching for years going
09:36 back, oh, I don't know, a decade or more, where when God
09:40 describes the building of the altar, this is right at the
09:43 end of Exodus chapter 20, he says, hey, look, you can make
09:46 an altar for me, but on two conditions, these are
09:49 basically like the two stipulations with the building
09:51 of the altar.
09:52 Number one is you can't put a cut stone on it, no hunestone.
09:54 You can grab a stone from the riverbed or from the, you
09:56 know, the quarry, just chuck it in there, but not a
09:59 hunestone.
10:00 Don't put your tool on it.
10:02 >>TY: Don't apply any human effort to it.
10:03 >>DAVID: And then the other one is, no steps.
10:05 Don't build any steps up to my altar, because that would be
10:08 to undermine the central point of the sacrifice of Christ,
10:12 which is not that we ascend to him in any way, but that
10:17 descends to us, and what you see in the tower of Babel it's
10:20 like, architecturally, we will ascend, which anticipates a
10:24 theological anti-Babylon, we will ascend.
10:28 Something that I will do will make a contribution to this
10:31 whole God and man interface.
10:33 >>TY: So, essentially, we're saying that Babylon equals the
10:37 salvation by works system.
10:40 >>JAMES: I really like that definition, and you know why?
10:42 I was in Pakistan doing a seminar for a number of
10:44 pastors and one of them asked me, so who's Babylon?
10:47 We were done with the session, who's Babylon?
10:49 And I said, to him, I said in the context of Revelation 14,
10:54 and verses 6 and 7, Babylon, because it falls in the wake
11:00 of the everlasting gospel being preached.
11:02 Babylon is any system, any religious belief in the world
11:07 that is contrary to the everlasting gospel.
11:10 >>TY: That's a great way to say it.
11:12 That's a very excellent summary.
11:14 >>JEFFREY: That way it's not limited.
11:18 >>TY: The whole world is a merit system.
11:19 >>JAMES: And if anything is in harmony with the everlasting
11:22 gospel, it's good, and if it isn't, get out of it.
11:25 Let it fall, let it fall away.
11:26 >>TY: I love that.
11:28 That's very easy to wrap your mind around so you're not
11:30 pointing the finger, necessarily at any one person
11:34 or system, it's any system, and there are systems that
11:37 have been identified already in Revelation as specifically
11:41 Babylonian in its theological outlook, but basically, we're
11:45 saying that before Babylon is manifested in any kind of
11:49 corporate system, religion, or political system, it's in us.
11:55 We're all inclined to the salvation by works paradigm.
11:59 We're all inclined to self-salvation and Babylon is
12:04 the confusion regarding the character of God that would
12:08 cause people to look upon him as mean and austere and
12:12 distant and waiting for us to get our act together to earn
12:15 his favor.
12:16 The gospel is flipping the whole paradigm on its head and
12:19 saying, you can't earn God's favor because you
12:22 already have it.
12:23 God is already good and there's nothing you can do to
12:25 make him better than he is.
12:27 >>DAVID: Revelation 1, who loved us and washed us.
12:29 That's the order, that order is essential.
12:33 Loved, then washed, not cleaned you up, get yourself
12:37 together, now I love you.
12:39 >>TY: There's nothing you can do to make God love you more
12:41 than he already does and there's nothing you could do
12:44 to make God love you less because...
12:46 >>DAVID: His love is not a reflection of what's, I got
12:49 it, go ahead.
12:50 >>TY: I can't alter God.
12:54 If I could alter God, then I'm the bigger person in the
12:56 relationship.
12:58 I'm the more significant part of the relationship.
13:01 God is acting upon me and I'm responsive, not the other way
13:06 around.
13:07 >>DAVID: He's the initiator, you're the responder.
13:08 >>TY: Say that again.
13:09 >>DAVID: He's the initiator, you're the responder.
13:10 >>TY: And I'm the responder.
13:11 We love him, 1 John 4:19, because he first loved us.
13:16 >>JEFFREY: You know how you were saying that it's a
13:18 principle that everything that is based on selfishness will
13:20 eventually crash.
13:23 Remember you said that?
13:24 Well, here it says, Babylon is fallen and we're identifying
13:26 that the principle behind Babylon, before it takes an
13:30 institutional identity, is what's in our nature.
13:33 Well, the fall of Lucifer is the same thing.
13:36 It just came to my mind, the word fallen, in Isaiah 14, how
13:39 you are fallen from heaven.
13:41 So, what caused Lucifer's fall from heaven is the same thing
13:45 that, in principle, that causes Babylon's fall.
13:48 It's the same thing.
13:51 So, really Babylon is just, it's just the end time
13:55 manifestation of the very principle that caused Lucifer
13:59 to fall from heaven.
14:00 >>TY: You know what's interesting there, Jeffrey?
14:03 Is in Isaiah 14, Babylon and the king of Babylon,
14:08 specifically, is being addressed by the Lord.
14:10 >>JEFFREY: That's very powerful.
14:12 It just so happens to be Babylon there.
14:14 >>TY: It's Babylon that's being addressed in Isaiah 14
14:17 and then, in verse 12, it shifts to Lucifer.
14:20 There are verses in Daniel, see if you guys, if this makes
14:27 any sense.
14:28 Daniel, of course, is dealing with Babylon and then Babylon
14:32 manifested in the fourth power, the Roman Empire is end
14:37 time Babylon.
14:39 That's a lot to say in a sentence, but the fourth
14:41 power, but in the book of Daniel, listen to these
14:44 descriptions.
14:47 It says that a stone cut without hands smites or hits
14:52 the, chapter 2, yeah, the fourth, down here at the feet
14:58 where you have the Roman empire now divided into the
15:04 European nations and specifically, the most
15:07 dominant among them, the papal church state.
15:12 Okay, so it's interesting that it says that that kingdom
15:18 falls by a stone cut without hands.
15:21 In chapter 2 of Daniel, I think we're familiar with
15:24 that, but look at this, then, in chapter 8, and this
15:28 language in chapter 8 and verse 25, it says, through his
15:32 cunning, he shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule and he
15:36 shall exalt himself in his heart, that's the principle of
15:40 self-exaltation that we've been talking about.
15:42 He shall destroy many in their prosperity, he shall even rise
15:47 up against the Prince of princes, that's Jesus the
15:50 Messiah, but he shall be broken without human means.
15:57 That's the fall of Babylon.
15:58 Babylon falls not by the same principles of cunning and
16:02 deceit and self-exaltation, Babylon falls by the
16:05 proclamation of the gospel.
16:07 And then, there's a parallel text talking about the same
16:09 power again in Daniel chapter 11, verse 44, it says of this
16:13 final manifestation of Babylon, it says, but news.
16:19 >>JAMES: Tidings.
16:20 >>TY: Is it tidings in the King James?
16:21 Tidings or news from the east and the north will trouble him.
16:26 Trouble Babylon, therefore, he shall go out with great fury
16:31 to destroy and annihilate many.
16:33 These are parallel passages is what I'm saying.
16:36 Yeah.
16:37 None will help him.
16:38 Will come to his end by what?
16:40 By news.
16:41 >>JAMES: Yeah, by news.
16:42 >>TY: By tidings?
16:44 >>JEFFREY: Something being proclaimed.
16:45 >>TY: Something being proclaimed brings Babylon to
16:47 its knees, without hands?
16:50 >>JAMES: The stone, Jesus is the stone?
16:52 >>TY: Yeah.
16:53 So the gospel brings Babylon down.
16:57 Ideologically, philosophically,
16:59 theologically, in our minds, in our hearts.
17:02 And then, it brings Babylon down, that fall spreads and it
17:07 brings Babylon down institutionally, corporately.
17:11 The whole system crumbles under the beautiful weight of
17:16 the gospel because people begin to open their eyes and
17:19 say, wait a minute, this system is contrary to
17:24 everything my heart and soul needs, but here in Jesus,
17:29 there is a revelation of God that is truly good news.
17:33 >>JAMES: You know, it's interesting because Christ
17:35 makes that application in the gospels, and I can't remember
17:37 where, very personal individual, when he says,
17:40 whoever falls on this stone shall be broken, but whoever
17:45 this stone falls upon, it'll grind him to powder, and it's
17:48 a very individual, personal thing there.
17:50 >>DAVID: Yeah, the idea of brokenness, personal,
17:52 individual brokenness at the cross.
17:56 >>TY: Okay, pause button right there because it's time to
17:58 take our break, but when we come back, yeah, we'll come
18:01 back and we'll continue looking at the fall of Babylon
18:04 and then, specifically, the third angel's message.
18:07 >>JAMES: Yeah.
18:08 [Music]
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20:10 [Music]
20:16 >>TY: I really enjoyed that discussion of the second
20:18 angel's message and the fall of Babylon because I think we
20:22 forged a very important connection between the
20:25 proclamation of the gospel and the fall of Babylon.
20:28 We also made a very important connection that it's not just
20:32 institutional Babylon, but the fact is that before Babylon is
20:37 manifested in any kind of corporate institution, Babylon
20:41 is in us.
20:43 Babylonianism, if that's a word, is the religion of human
20:48 nature.
20:49 It's in us.
20:50 And we need to come out of Babylon, but Babylon needs to
20:54 get out of us.
20:56 And so, those were vital points that we made.
20:58 >>DAVID: It's funny, I was gonna, years ago, not long
21:00 after I was converted, probably 5 years after I was
21:02 converted, I had this idea for a book that I was gonna write
21:04 called Babylon, Come Out of My People.
21:07 >>TY: Really?
21:08 >>JAMES: That's good, I like that.
21:10 >>DAVID: I thought it was cool, because you had the
21:11 whole come out of my, I thought it was interesting.
21:13 Anybody can take that if they wanna.
21:15 The book is not, it's 10 years on.
21:17 >>JAMES: Just to touch on this, we didn't miss this
21:19 phrase, but I just wanna touch on it in follow up to what
21:21 David said, for, Babylon has fallen, that great city,
21:25 because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath
21:28 of her fornication.
21:29 And Jesus says in Matthew, yeah, Jesus says in Matthew
21:34 chapter 26, he takes this, the last Supper, he's with the
21:37 disciples, and he's breaking the bread and the wine and
21:40 when he gets to the wine, he says, he takes the cup, so you
21:44 got the cup in Revelation 14, takes the cup, he gives
21:47 thanks, he gives it to them, he says, drink ye all of it,
21:50 for this is my blood, and it's the wine, the grape juice,
21:54 this is my blood, which is of the New Testament, which is
21:57 shed for many for the remission of sins.
21:59 There's a counterfeit gospel.
22:01 We've talked about that.
22:02 There's a counterfeit gospel that Babylon is proclaiming.
22:06 A counterfeit wine, a counterfeit salvation, a
22:07 counterfeit New Testament, that leads...
22:10 >>DAVID: When you said counterfeit right there, you
22:11 sound really eastern.
22:12 >>JAMES: Do I?
22:13 That leads to fornication or spiritual unfaithfulness to
22:19 God.
22:20 Yeah, and it's in contrast with the everlasting gospel.
22:22 She's made people drink of this salvation that is not in
22:25 harmony with the everlasting gospel.
22:27 >>JEFFREY: So, they're getting drunk off, so that wine makes
22:29 you drunk and drunk is basically the opposite of
22:31 soberness, and so, it's clouding your judgement,
22:34 clouding your understanding, whereas the gospel does the
22:36 opposite.
22:38 >>TY: I think we're gonna talk about this more later on when
22:39 we come to chapter 17 and 18, but I just wanna point out
22:42 that when it says that she made all nations drink of the
22:49 wine of the wrath of her fornication...
22:51 >>DAVID: There's an illegitimacy there.
22:53 >>TY: Yeah, there's an actual fornication taking place here
22:59 that is the mixing of church of state.
23:03 That's the fornication.
23:04 >>JEFFREY: There's religion and power.
23:05 >>TY: Religion and coercion.
23:07 Religion and the sword, this is bringing together two
23:11 things that should never be brought together in the same
23:14 sentence, let alone in the same system, where nations are
23:20 pressured to conform to a religious perspective, through
23:24 a political system.
23:26 >>DAVID: And that will be expressly, you know,
23:29 communicated, and more thoroughly communicated in
23:31 chapter 17.
23:32 >>TY: Okay, so what about the third angel's message, then?
23:35 What's going on in the third?
23:37 >>DAVID: Can I just pause there briefly and just say,
23:38 so, you've got that, because she has made all nations, but
23:43 the drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, I
23:45 guess we did get that.
23:46 Yeah, okay, I'm happy.
23:47 >>JAMES: Alright, do we wanna read the next angel's message
23:49 fast or slow?
23:51 >>TY: I say, okay, slow.
23:54 >>JAMES: Alright, take it.
23:56 >>DAVID: Take it away, Jeffrey.
23:57 >>JAMES: Surprise.
23:59 [Laughter]
24:01 I'm medium.
24:02 I'm only medium 'cause he's fast.
24:05 >>DAVID: I meant the eastern United States.
24:06 >>JAMES: I know you did.
24:08 I was going, wow, no one's ever told me that before.
24:09 >>TY: Okay, so third angel's message, Revelation 14:9-12.
24:17 >>JEFFREY: Then a third angel followed them, saying with a
24:21 loud voice, if any man worships the beast in his
24:24 image and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand,
24:28 he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God,
24:33 which is poured out full strength into the cup of his
24:36 indignation.
24:38 He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the
24:42 presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the
24:44 Lamb.
24:45 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever, and
24:50 they have no rest day or night who worship the beast and his
24:53 image and whoever receives the mark of his name.
24:58 Here is the patience of the saints.
25:01 Here are those who keep the commandments of God and the
25:03 faith of Jesus.
25:04 >>TY: That's quite a passage.
25:07 >>JAMES: It ended on a good note, but those are some hard
25:08 words in there.
25:10 My heart pitter patters a little, it pounds a little
25:12 harder as you read through these verses.
25:14 It's a solemn warning.
25:16 >>TY: There's no doubt about it.
25:18 So, this is taking us back to chapter 13.
25:23 We've done chapter 13, but we have here, in the third
25:28 angel's message, we have a reference to the beast and the
25:32 image of the beast, right?
25:34 If we recall, chapter 13, we have the sea beast and the
25:38 land beast.
25:40 The sea beast we identified as the medieval church, the papal
25:44 Roman system, okay, and the image to the beast is made by
25:48 the second beast, by the United States of America.
25:52 This is a way, this is the bible's way of telling us that
25:56 the United States of America will form a governmental
26:00 system that reflects the way the church operated during the
26:04 middle ages.
26:05 >>DAVID: And if that sounds totally crazy to our viewers,
26:08 just go back about three or four lessons before this and
26:12 listen to that, because we developed that.
26:14 We're not just throwing that out there.
26:15 There's a very good case to be made for the point that you
26:19 just, that you made.
26:21 There's an excellent biblical case.
26:22 >>TY: Even if it does sound crazy, you should do yourself
26:24 the favor of exploring the evidence for that.
26:29 So, we have the beast, we have the image to the beast, and
26:33 now, we have something called the mark of the beast, which
26:36 was also mentioned in chapter 13 in the last few verses, but
26:40 we didn't spend any time fleshing it out and defining it.
26:45 So, then we have the mark of the beast, and then, we have
26:47 this very hard language, basically, if anybody goes
26:51 along with that system, that individual will experience the
26:56 wrath of God, without mixture, that's heavy language.
27:01 Not diluted at all, full strength wrath.
27:05 That's heavy language.
27:07 So, I don't know who wants to take this, but I pick Jeffrey.
27:10 >>JAMES: I'll start.
27:12 >>JEFFREY: I'll say one thing and you just take it.
27:15 I just wanted to comment on we were saying, man, this is
27:18 really strong language, right?
27:20 But as we read that passage and we've alluded to the fact
27:25 that it comes from chapter 13 and in chapter 13, we said,
27:29 the issue is coercion, right?
27:31 So, I just wanna comment, the reason it's strong language is
27:36 because what's taking place is so anti-gospel that God is
27:41 employing the strongest possible language to
27:43 communicate, this is so detrimental to humanity
27:48 because it's anti-gospel.
27:49 What I mean by anti-gospel is, if it's coercion, the gospel's
27:52 all about freedom, so why is God so concerned about this?
27:57 It's because God is so passionate about freedom and
28:01 the dignity of the individual.
28:04 And that's why God's like, rahhh.
28:06 >>DAVID: We have to be careful, though.
28:08 That's true, but we have to remember, and I'm hanging onto
28:12 this from our first session.
28:15 Ty said two things.
28:16 Number on, in Revelation, evil escalates, implodes, and ends,
28:23 coupled with God does not out monster the monsters.
28:25 So, we have to be able to make sense of this passage in a way
28:28 that we don't have God at the end of the day, finally
28:30 saying, all that freedom stuff, all that love stuff,
28:33 all that mercy and forgiveness stuff, I'm really angry and
28:36 I'm gonna kick some butt.
28:37 That kind of a thing.
28:38 >>JEFFREY: Well, I wanna suggest that I think he is
28:40 really angry and wants to kick some butt.
28:42 >>TY: [Laughter]
28:43 >>JEFFREY: But, what I'm saying is, his anger and his
28:48 desire to kick some butt is in regard to sin and to evil only
28:52 because of what it threatens, and it threatens to erode this
28:57 beautiful thing called freedom and dignity in the human
29:01 being.
29:02 I think you can't dance around the fact that there's anger in
29:04 these verses.
29:05 I don't have a problem with a God who gets angry.
29:08 I wanna know that the God who gets angry is angry at the
29:11 right things and in the right way, which I know is exactly
29:15 what you're saying, so.
29:17 >>TY: Can I give an illustration that has helped
29:19 me understand how God is angry in the right way?
29:22 Just imagine that there's a knock at your door.
29:26 You open the door, a police officer is standing there.
29:29 The police officer says, I have some really bad news,
29:31 your son has been brutally murdered.
29:34 Now, in that moment, you feel something.
29:36 You feel a legitimate anger because where there is a
29:39 murder, there is a murderer.
29:42 So, immediately you know that somebody has taken the life of
29:45 your son and you are legitimately angry.
29:48 Do you want the police to apprehend the murderer?
29:50 Yes.
29:51 Do you want that person to be brought to justice?
29:53 Yes.
29:54 And then, with all that you're feeling right there, all that
29:57 anger, suddenly, the police officer says, but it's worse
30:01 than that because the person who murdered your son is your
30:04 daughter.
30:05 Now, psychologically, emotionally, your anger, is it
30:12 different at all?
30:13 Is there anything that's changed?
30:14 >>DAVID: Of course.
30:16 >>TY: Now, you're like, where is she?
30:18 You want, you still want her to be apprehended, right?
30:21 You still want her to be brought to justice, don't you?
30:23 >>JEFFREY: But is she okay?
30:24 >>TY: You're not hoping she skips the country.
30:25 You want them to catch her, right?
30:28 But now you wanna get with her and plead with her and
30:31 understand and you wanna bring her to repentance for what
30:35 she, you wanna understand, you want her to understand.
30:37 Now, your anger is not for a no-name freak, you know, in a
30:43 different neighborhood, some maniac.
30:46 I'm suggesting that there is no no-name freak for God.
30:50 >>DAVID: I was just gonna say that the strength of that
30:52 illustration is that you create a situation where you
30:55 are equally, emotionally invested in two people, one
30:59 violate, one violator.
31:01 And you preached that not long ago in my church, Ty, in the
31:03 church that I pastor in Australia, and I gotta tell
31:05 you something.
31:06 I'd heard you use the illustration before, but my 15
31:09 year old son was sitting next to me and for at least 2 weeks
31:13 after that, he regularly would say to me, Dad, that
31:18 illustration of Ty's, that is so amazing.
31:21 That is so helpful.
31:23 Dad, it deeply impressed the mind of my 15 year old.
31:27 He was going over it again and again, and for him, he said as
31:32 much to me and I could see, this was a window into the
31:34 gospel for him, and I wanna thank you for that.
31:36 It was a moment of tremendous clarity that spoke to the
31:40 heart of a 15 year old, because he could see, whoa,
31:42 this is a massive dilemma for God.
31:45 Anger tempered with mercy and love and equally emotionally
31:50 invested.
31:51 God is equally emotionally invested with everyone.
31:55 >>JEFFREY: I know we're parking here, but I just
31:56 wanted to say one more thing on this.
31:57 This whole idea of God's hatred, in Hebrews 1, verse 9,
32:02 it says, God, who loves righteousness and hates
32:06 iniquity.
32:07 So, there's this balance here and I always like to say God
32:10 loves righteousness in proportion to how much he
32:14 hates iniquity and vice versa.
32:16 >>TY: Well, he hates iniquity precisely because he loves you.
32:19 >>JEFFREY: That's right.
32:20 So, and there's this thing that, that which God hates the
32:23 most is inside that which he loves the most, which is us.
32:27 >>TY: Say that again, that's powerful.
32:28 >>JEFFREY: So, that which God hates the most is inside that
32:31 which God loves the most.
32:33 >>TY: Which is you and me.
32:34 >>JEFFREY: He hates the most is evil and sin, he loves the
32:36 most every sinner.
32:38 So, again, I have no problem with a God who gets angry and
32:42 who's wrathful.
32:43 >>TY: In fact, you would struggle if God didn't feel,
32:47 yeah.
32:49 >>JEFFREY: And so, Revelation 14 is telling us that's the
32:51 kind of God we're dealing with.
32:53 >>TY: If you're psychologically well-adjusted,
32:54 you do.
32:55 >>DAVID: When we turn on the news and we hear about this
32:56 guy who drives this truck into a crowd of people in Nice,
33:00 France, and 84 people are dead, we should be angry about
33:04 that.
33:05 We should be like, who, why?
33:08 >>JAMES: Are they gonna bring that guy to justice that
33:11 jumped in the truck and shot him?
33:12 Are those police officers gonna be brought to justice?
33:14 I mean, no question about it.
33:15 >>TY: But at the same time, because we're fallen and
33:18 dysfunctional, we're angry and our anger spills over into who
33:25 is that freak that did that?
33:27 Whereas the illustration that I'm giving causes you to back
33:30 up from that and say, but what if that was your son, what if
33:34 that was your, the guy who drove that truck has a mom.
33:37 He has a dad.
33:38 >>JEFFREY: And that's what God's dealing with with every
33:41 single human being, because wait, that's my son.
33:44 We can be distant and say, I don't even know the guy,
33:47 off with his head.
33:48 >>TY: But God's not distant.
33:48 >>JEFFREY: Yeah, but God's not distant.
33:50 >>DAVID: Just very quickly, just hold that thought, I
33:53 know, I know, I don't wanna lose this.
33:55 Andy Gullahorn, he's a singer/songwriter, Christian
33:59 singer/songwriter, and he wrote an amazing song called
34:02 That Guy.
34:03 And he paints this picture, you know the song, he paints
34:05 this picture about how, oh, there's this guy and he's
34:09 walking and as the song unfolds, he's strapped a, he's
34:13 got a suicide vest, he's strapped, he's gone into an
34:17 area, and then he paints this picture and he pulls a fast
34:20 one on you, Andy Gullahorn does, and he says, and God
34:22 loves that guy.
34:25 So, you're set up.
34:27 You're emotionally set up in the song to be ambivalent,
34:29 then to be angry, and then to be confronted with, oh, oh,
34:34 you're right.
34:35 Not that we love that guy.
34:36 Hey, listen, we don't like it, we're upset, we're angry, but
34:40 God is emotionally invested.
34:42 >>TY: Go, go, go.
34:44 >>JAMES: We gotta bring this all together and get back into
34:46 the biblical perspective of this, and I think there's a
34:49 perfect illustration of this in a story from the Old
34:52 Testament, because we were talking about how this
34:54 terminology must come from the bible, especially from the Old
34:57 Testament, the mark of the beast comes directly from the
35:01 book of Genesis.
35:02 It's in Genesis chapter 4, and all of the principles are there.
35:07 It's an old story, the story of Cain and Abel.
35:10 It's the very beginning of this principle of religious
35:12 persecution and forcing someone to worship a certain
35:14 way that's opposite of the way that God wants worship to be
35:17 done and in this context, we find Cain and Abel, and guess
35:21 what.
35:22 Cain, one of God's children, kills Abel, one of God's
35:26 children.
35:27 They're brothers.
35:28 It's a perfect illustration.
35:29 And then God says, this is what God says, and I just
35:31 wanted to find this in the context of the wrath of God
35:33 because there's this phrase, the wrath of the wine, the cup
35:38 of the wine of her fornication, and the cup, no,
35:41 excuse me.
35:43 >>TY: The cup of the wine of the wrath of his, no, the cup
35:46 of the wine of the...
35:47 >>JAMES: The wine of the wrath of her fornication, and then,
35:49 the phrase that God has is, the same shall drink of the
35:52 wine of the wrath of God.
35:54 The wine of the wrath of her fornication, the wine of the
35:56 wrath of God.
35:57 All of the words are the same, except for fornication and
35:59 God.
36:01 The wine of the wrath of God is when God, Romans chapter 1,
36:04 give us up to the fornication, to the wine of the wrath of
36:09 the fornication.
36:10 The wine of the wrath of God is simply God giving us up to
36:12 what we have chosen.
36:14 So, Cain kills Abel, okay?
36:18 And God says, Cain, you are gonna be a vagabond, you are
36:22 gonna be a stranger, you are gonna be a wanderer in the
36:25 earth, and he says, this is...
36:26 >>DAVID: He's already chosen that.
36:27 >>JAMES: Yes, and he says, but this is more than I can bear,
36:30 and God, being his Father, right?
36:32 He says, I'm gonna put a mark on you so that no one will
36:37 hurt you.
36:39 In other words, God's saying, I'm the one that's in charge
36:41 of all this.
36:42 I'm the one, we don't take vengeance.
36:44 We need to be, God is the one that's actually going to be in
36:47 charge.
36:49 So, what God says is, no man is gonna harm you 'cause I'm
36:51 gonna put a mark on you.
36:52 The mark of the beast, in the context of that story, is this
36:56 development of a picture of one of God's children killing
37:00 another one of God's children over a religious issue and God
37:03 giving them over to that which they have chosen and allowing
37:07 them to be marked for this destination that only God is
37:11 in charge of dealing with.
37:12 In other words, we aren't to take vengeance, we aren't the
37:15 ones that are to step in there and say, okay, we're gonna
37:17 give you more of this way, and we're gonna give you more of
37:19 that way, God, but God is saying, in the end, there's
37:21 this fruit, this harvest, we're getting to it, and in
37:23 that harvest, we're gonna see the full fruition of the
37:26 principles of the beast and the full fruition of the
37:28 principles of the gospel.
37:30 And they're gonna be marked for this.
37:33 I'm gonna let them be marked for this, and these guys are
37:35 gonna be sealed for this.
37:36 >>DAVID: There are several things that you said in there,
37:38 James, that were so helpful to me, one of which was, so Cain
37:42 is whinging and whining, that's an Australian word,
37:45 whinging, aw, I'm gonna be a stranger, I'm gonna be a
37:48 wanderer, I'm gonna be cut off, I'm gonna be lonely.
37:51 You just chose to kill somebody so you wouldn't have
37:55 to be around them.
37:56 He was given over, that's Romans 1, God gave them up,
37:58 gave them up, gave them up.
38:01 God gave Cain over to the consequences of a life that he
38:07 chose.
38:08 You wanna alienate yourself from...?
38:10 >>TY: I've never seen this before, this is a powerful
38:11 connection.
38:13 >>DAVID: You sever yourself from people to such a degree
38:15 that I've got to my way, so much so that you'll end
38:17 another's life, and now, you wanna have your cake and eat
38:20 it, too?
38:21 You want the rest of your human relationships to be
38:22 fine?
38:24 It doesn't work like that.
38:27 >>TY: Okay, we have to take a break.
38:29 Again, we don't want to, but we have to take a break and
38:32 then, we'll come back and continue.
38:34 [Music]
38:47 Announcer: A Light in Zambia is a moving video documentary
38:49 that traces the stories of 5 amazing African men and women
38:53 who encountered Christ through the powerful medium of gospel
38:56 literature.
38:58 To receive your free copy, call 877-585-1111, or write to
39:03 Light Bearers, 37457 Jasper Lowell Road, Jasper, OR 97438.
39:10 Once again, to receive your free copy of A Light in
39:14 Zambia, call 877-585-1111, or write to Light Bearers,
39:20 37457 Jasper Lowell Road, Jasper, OR 97438.
39:26 Simply ask for the Zambia DVD.
39:30 [Music]
39:35 >>TY: So, we've covered some amazing stuff here.
39:37 We cannot pretend that this is not a difficult passage.
39:41 It is difficult.
39:43 >>JEFFREY: It's super easy.
39:44 >>TY: It's a difficult passage, but James made some
39:49 sense out of this that is very helpful for me because now I'm
39:53 beginning to realize that when God is essentially saying,
39:58 those who receive the mark of the beast are coming under my
40:02 wrath, God is essentially saying to his people, don't
40:08 you deal with the problem of their coercion and
40:14 unfaithfulness to me, they're gonna be, I'm gonna deal with
40:18 them in the way that only I can deal with them.
40:21 They're going to be subject to my wrath and my wrath, God's
40:26 wrath, according to Romans 1 that James pointed out, is my
40:30 system is a just and fair system because people get what
40:36 they actually chose.
40:37 They get what they choose.
40:39 We're gonna overshoot the mark and lop off someone's head or
40:41 ear or something and Jesus is gonna have to repair the
40:44 damage that we do.
40:45 >>JAMES: Yeah, that's Peter, the story of Peter.
40:47 >>TY: But God is saying, essentially, vengeance is mine
40:50 because I'm the only one who has a vengeance system that is
40:53 consistent with justice.
40:56 I'm the one who can unfold this the way it needs to be
41:00 unfolded, so back off and leave it to me.
41:04 That's very helpful for me understanding the third
41:07 angel's message.
41:09 >>JEFFREY: Yeah, 'cause it's their choice, right?
41:11 Those who receive, in verse 9, it's, on their forehead or on
41:14 their hand.
41:16 So, either by shared ideology, or out of convenience.
41:20 >>TY: Or out of threat that, to save my hide, I'm gonna
41:24 comply with the system.
41:25 >>JEFFREY: So, either way, yeah.
41:27 >>JAMES: They're supporting the system.
41:28 >>DAVID: I think, too, that...
41:30 yeah, you're right, it's a tough passage of scripture,
41:34 particularly in light of the picture and portrait that's
41:37 been painted of God up to this point in light of the goodness
41:40 of God in Christ.
41:41 You know, you have this language, full strength into
41:44 the cup of his indignation.
41:46 Okay, I think we managed that, I think that was alright, I
41:49 think we handled that pretty well.
41:51 >>TY: But here's the thing that James didn't say and I
41:54 just think that it needs to be thrown in here, the language
41:56 of the full strength in the cup.
42:00 Well, that's Matthew 26.
42:02 It's Jesus who, so the cross, Gethsemane and the cross shows
42:08 us what the wrath of God looks like, how it unfolds, right?
42:12 It's, my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
42:15 Which is consistent with what James was calling our
42:18 attention to, right?
42:19 >>JEFFREY: So, the cup of indignation that Jesus drank
42:21 is the cup that those in this passage drink only because
42:27 they refuse to accept the fact that Jesus already drank it
42:31 for them.
42:32 >>DAVID: When you read that in Matthew 26, Jesus gives the
42:36 cup, this is in the Last Supper, he says, drink you,
42:40 all of it.
42:41 I am very much of the opinion that that means Jesus is
42:44 saying, I don't think Jesus drank any of that cup.
42:47 I think that's why he says, I think they're like, hey you
42:51 have some, in the Lord's Supper...
42:53 >>JEFFREY: See, I think you were talking about Gethsemane.
42:55 >>DAVID: So, check this out, watch where I'm going, watch
42:56 where I'm going.
42:57 So, then, they're like, hey, you have some.
42:59 This isn't in the text, I think it's implied, I will not
43:01 drink this cup 'til I drink it new with you in the kingdom.
43:05 You drink this 'cause Jesus knows, in about 3 hours, he
43:09 has his own cup that he drinks.
43:12 They drink the cup of communion, connection, he goes
43:17 and drinks the cup of disconnection, wrath,
43:20 separation, isolation, forsakenness.
43:23 Okay, so, I get that.
43:25 This is tricky for me, though.
43:28 That next part.
43:29 >>JEFFREY: What next part?
43:30 >>DAVID: Well, the very, that's where I was going, it's
43:31 like, okay, I think we handled, there you go, he
43:33 shall be tormented with fire and brimstone, in the presence
43:37 of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
43:39 So, there's Jesus, there's the Lamb.
43:41 >>JEFFREY: But the Lamb, the fact that it's the Lamb that's
43:44 present.
43:45 >>JAMES: Let me ask you a question.
43:45 >>DAVID: No, no, no, I get that.
43:47 The word tormented, that's a tricky one.
43:49 >>JAMES: Well, let me ask you a question, can they be
43:51 tormented outside the presence of the Lamb and outside the
43:54 presence of angels?
43:56 Can they be tormented outside of the Lamb's presence?
43:59 What is it...?
44:01 >>DAVID: I think the Lamb's presence is the torment.
44:02 >>JAMES: Yes.
44:03 >>DAVID: Did we just finish one another's sentence?
44:05 >>TY: I think that has to be the case.
44:08 There's evidence for that.
44:09 >>JAMES: It's true in other places, Revelation 6.
44:11 >>TY: That's where I just went.
44:12 Go there and make that point, James.
44:15 >>JAMES: No, go ahead, Ty, you got it.
44:17 >>TY: This connection, well, in chapter 6, verses, were you
44:22 gonna 16 and 17, that's where I was at.
44:24 >>JAMES: Yep, 15, 16, 17.
44:26 >>TY: And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich
44:28 men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave, every
44:33 free man, hid themselves in the caves and the rocks of the
44:37 mountains and said to the mountains and rocks, fall on
44:40 us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne
44:45 and from the wrath of the Lamb for the great day of his wrath
44:49 has come and who will be able to stand?
44:51 They want to be hidden from the face of the Lamb.
44:57 This is describing the psychological torment that
45:03 comes from unresolved guilt in the presence of perfect
45:07 innocence.
45:08 I mean, think about this.
45:09 If his love, if his love for us doesn't go back to the
45:15 Matthew passage, chapter 21, if his love doesn't crush sin
45:20 in us, then that love is going to crush us out of existence.
45:27 >>DAVID: Unresolved guilt.
45:29 >>JEFFREY: Didn't we allude to the passages where the demons
45:33 and Jesus enters into the presence of the demons and
45:35 they're like, why have you come to torment us?
45:39 So, the very presence of Jesus is creating torment.
45:43 >>TY: So this can't be, when we're reading about torment,
45:45 you can go one of two ways with this.
45:47 You can either say that this passage is saying that God
45:50 will torture people in the sense that all of our
45:55 collective judgement, even with the Geneva convention
46:00 says that torture is wrong.
46:02 >>DAVID: There's no way that the Geneva Convention is more
46:04 righteous than God.
46:05 >>TY: The Geneva Convention ruled torture as wrong not
46:10 just because of the tortured, but because of the torturer.
46:14 It was saying the psychological effect that
46:17 torturing others has on the person doing the torturing, it
46:21 messes you up in your psychology to inflict torture
46:25 on someone.
46:27 This, the point that James is making is the presence issue.
46:31 They're in the presence of the Lamb and it's his very
46:33 presence that produces the psychological torment of
46:37 guilt.
46:38 >>DAVID: What do you think of this idea, the thing that
46:40 they're tormented with is not God, they're tormented with
46:47 fire and brimstone.
46:49 In other words, maybe I'm making too fine of a, okay,
46:52 let me read Isaiah 33 on this and tell me if you think this
46:54 is the right reach here.
46:56 >>JAMES: No, Isaiah 33 is the answer.
46:59 >>DAVID: Okays, so we're on the same page.
47:00 But Isaiah 33, I'll pick it up in verse 14.
47:06 The sinners in Zion are afraid, right?
47:10 That sounds like hide us from the wrath of the Lamb.
47:13 Fearfulness has seized the hypocrites.
47:15 Okay, hypocrisy.
47:17 Who among us will dwell with the devouring fire?
47:21 There we go.
47:22 Who among us will dwell with everlasting burnings?
47:26 >>TY: And right there, everybody's thinking, well,
47:27 the wicked, of course.
47:28 >>DAVID: The wicked, yeah, the wicked, thrown into the
47:31 torment, okay.
47:32 Verse 15, he who walks righteously and speaks
47:36 uprightly, he who despises the gain of oppressions, who
47:40 gestures with his hand, refusing bribes, who stops his
47:44 ears from the hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes
47:46 from seeing evil, he will dwell on high, his place will
47:50 be the defense of the fortress of rocks, bread will be given
47:53 him and his water will be shared.
47:55 >>TY: Verse 17, don't miss verse 17.
47:56 >>DAVID: Okay, I'm sorry, I was gonna.
47:57 Of course, I'm so sorry.
47:58 Your eyes will see the king in his beauty, they will see the
48:01 land that is very far off.
48:03 >>TY: Isn't that a powerful passage?
48:06 >>DAVID: So, it needs to be unpacked, it needs to be
48:07 explained.
48:08 I mean, it is fairly self-explanatory.
48:09 So, the idea here is that, the of Zion inside are afraid,
48:12 fearfulness has seized the hypocrites.
48:13 Who will dwell in the presence of everlasting burnings?
48:17 In both the Old and the New Testaments, God is a consuming
48:20 fire.
48:21 God's presence is a fiery, consuming entity to all things
48:29 that are contrary to his goodness and his character.
48:30 So, the question is, who could dwell with that?
48:34 Well, the wicked can't.
48:35 They're consumed by it.
48:36 But the righteous can.
48:38 So, this adds so much leverage, James, to the idea
48:41 that the source of torture is not God actively,
48:46 artificially, in a contrived manner, inflicting something
48:50 that's not native to the situation.
48:52 Oh, I think I had good articulation there.
48:54 It's something within the situation that God is
48:59 overseeing.
49:00 He's certainly superintending it, and what he's saying is,
49:02 and I love this language, these people have made their
49:06 decisions.
49:08 Their decisions have made them.
49:10 They have so identified with evil, so identified with
49:12 sin...
49:13 >>TY: That's CS Lewis right there.
49:15 >>DAVID: That's Lewis and Boyd, that's Boyd, and then,
49:16 God's like, well, the wages of sin is death and here we are.
49:22 Lewis, two kinds of people at the end of time, those that
49:26 say to God, thy will be done.
49:28 Those to whom God says, thy will be done.
49:31 So, it's native to the thing.
49:34 >>JAMES: Fire and brimstone.
49:35 Check this out, and this is just a new idea to me, but
49:37 it's amazing.
49:39 You look up the word brimstone, and it's probably
49:41 neuter from 2304, it means sulfur, you to go to 2304, it
49:46 means God-like, and it comes from 2316 as in divinity, you
49:51 go to 2316, the supreme divinity.
49:57 What? What?
49:59 >>DAVID: Just so we're clear...
50:00 >>JAMES: In other words, in other words, they're gonna be
50:05 tormented with the presence of God and the divinity of God.
50:09 >>DAVID: I'd have to see that again, you did lose me there,
50:10 but it made sense.
50:12 >>JAMES: Sulfur, the root word for sulfur goes back to the
50:15 divine supreme divinity, to God himself.
50:18 It's not, sulfur's not some organic material that is in
50:21 here, you know, that causes...
50:23 >>DAVID: Can you say that a little slower?
50:24 'Cause this could be a real breakthrough for me.
50:25 >>JAMES: The word sulfur, okay, you look up the word
50:27 sulfur, you go to your Strong's Concordance, that's
50:29 what I have here, and you look up the word, excuse me, fire
50:31 and brimstone, you look up the word brimstone, boom, you
50:33 click on that.
50:34 >>JEFFREY: You clicked on the wrong word.
50:36 >>JAMES: Did I?
50:37 >>JEFFREY: I think you did.
50:38 There you go.
50:39 >>JAMES: Okay, probably neuter of 2304, in its original
50:42 sense, a flashing, sulfur.
50:44 >>DAVID: Okay, so that's what happens.
50:45 When you light sulfur, it goes, it flashes.
50:47 >>JAMES: Okay, then 2304, you go to 2304, from 2316,
50:51 God-like.
50:52 Neuter, noun, divinity.
50:53 >>DAVID: 'Cause this is the word, I can actually see it
50:55 here, is it theios?
50:56 I can't tell if it's an L or an I, it's either thelos or
50:58 theios.
51:00 >>JAMES: T-H-E-I-O-S.
51:02 >>DAVID: So, theios.
51:03 Which sounds very much like...
51:04 >>JAMES: And then you go to the next word that comes up,
51:07 which is theios.
51:08 In other words, the word...
51:09 >>DAVID: So, go back just two, what is the word for
51:10 brimstone?
51:11 Just go back.
51:12 >>JAMES: Brimstone?
51:13 >>DAVID: Yeah, what is the actual word there?
51:15 >>JAMES: Theion.
51:16 >>DAVID: Theion.
51:17 >>JAMES: Which comes from theios, which comes from
51:18 theios.
51:20 Anyway, the point is...
51:22 >>DAVID: I never.
51:24 >>JAMES: Our God is a consuming fire.
51:26 Our God is a consuming fire.
51:27 The thing that torments them is his, now this is brought
51:30 out in...
51:31 >>DAVID: How did you know that?
51:32 >>TY: He pushed all those numbers.
51:34 [Laughter]
51:35 >>DAVID: Does that thing give other kinds of answers?
51:38 >>JAMES: This is bible study 101.
51:39 >>TY: I want you to show me that app, whatever you're
51:41 using there, 'cause I need to be able to do that.
51:43 >>JAMES: It's a really good app.
51:44 >>DAVID: Have you heard this before?
51:45 You knew this?
51:46 >>TY: No, not 'til this moment.
51:47 >>JAMES: This is bible study 101.
51:50 So, but this lines up with scripture.
51:53 Using a concordance is.
51:56 But this lines up with scripture, think this
51:58 through now.
51:59 Our God is a consuming fire.
52:00 >>DAVID: That makes total sense.
52:02 >>JAMES: Romans chapter 2, do you despise the goodness of
52:05 God, not knowing that...
52:06 >>DAVID: The goodness of God leads you to repentance?
52:09 >>JAMES: Or, are you treasuring up wrath against
52:11 the day of wrath and the righteous revelation...
52:14 >>TY: Of the judgement of God.
52:16 >>JAMES: Yes, it's his revelation.
52:17 Fire and brimstone.
52:18 >>DAVID: You're quoting Romans 2.
52:20 >>JAMES: Verses 4, 5, and 6, yeah.
52:23 Fire and brimstone is the revelation, that's why it's in
52:26 the presence of the angels, and that's why I asked you the
52:27 question, can this take place outside the presence?
52:31 Can this take place, just to be clear for our viewers?
52:34 >>DAVID: It cannot take place outside of God's presence.
52:36 Now, when you're asking that question.
52:37 'cause I was thrown off there, when you were like, can they
52:40 be tormented outside of God's presence?
52:42 I was like, well, he could leave the room.
52:44 I wasn't even understanding.
52:46 >>JAMES: Demons, why'd you come to torment us.
52:48 He leaves, torment leaves.
52:50 And is God tormenting evil?
52:52 No, he's revealing his goodness and it's a torment to them.
52:55 Unselfish love, every chord striking a note of unselfish
52:58 love in heaven is torture to selfishness,
53:02 to the selfish heart.
53:05 >>TY: Amazing.
53:05 We have 59 seconds left.
53:07 >>JAMES: Close it out, Ty.
53:09 >>TY: So, essentially what we've discovered so far is
53:13 that the third angel's message is an incredible revelation of
53:18 the fact that God is taking responsibility for dealing
53:23 with the lost and the wicked that we're not in a position
53:26 to deal with them in just and true ways, but God has just
53:29 and true ways, God has methods that are superior to our
53:35 fallen nature and God is saying, leave that part to me,
53:39 what you need to do is preach the gospel, live the gospel,
53:43 experience the gospel, and I will deal with those who
53:47 receive the mark of the beast.
53:49 >>JAMES: And keep the faith of Jesus.
53:51 The way we look at it.
53:52 >>DAVID: We will, we will.
53:53 >>TY: We'll come back to it.
53:54 We'll do it.
53:55 So, we're making an abrupt close here, but the excitement
53:59 level and the energy level's been high and the third
54:01 angel's message is clearer for me, personally, than it's ever
54:04 been.
54:05 >>DAVID: Hallelujah.
54:06 >>JAMES: Praise God.
54:06 [Music]


Revised 2018-01-16