Table Talk

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000408A

00:01 [Music]
00:11 [Music]
00:21 >>TY: Man, it's great to be back with you guys.
00:23 I thoroughly enjoy studying the bible with you.
00:26 It's an experience that is not only intellectually stimulating,
00:33 but it opens my mind to see things and I know this is true
00:37 for all of us, that we wouldn't see unless we have a
00:41 conversation with one another, and the same is true all over
00:45 the world.
00:46 People should be having spiritual conversations.
00:49 People should be opening the bible, not just showing up at
00:52 church once a week and listening to somebody preach,
00:55 but getting together as friends and just opening the
00:59 bible, reading a passage and saying, hey, what's going on
01:02 here?
01:03 Let's study together, and that's what Table Talk is all
01:05 about and it's just a privilege, it's an honor.
01:07 >>DAVID: And it's a joy, it literally is fun, it's
01:11 enjoyable, it doesn't diminish the significance of it, or the
01:14 importance of it to say that it is an enjoyable thing to
01:17 sit down, behold how good and how pleasant it is for
01:19 brothers to dwell together in unity, Psalm 133.
01:22 It's pleasant.
01:23 >>JAMES: And a lot of people may not know this, but this is
01:27 probably the longest amount of time we get to spend together,
01:30 all four of us together.
01:31 We catch up between sessions, we get to talk about the
01:34 latest apps and gadgets and things we're doing, and then,
01:37 of course, we get to catch up on our spiritual journeys,
01:40 things we've been learning, etcetera.
01:42 A lot of the stuff that we've been talking about, it's like,
01:44 well, when did you learn, really?
01:46 Well, how long, did you, I never heard of that before.
01:49 And we're taking notes.
01:50 >>DAVID: I got a whole thing full of notes here, I'm loving
01:52 it.
01:53 >>TY: Yeah, yeah.
01:54 Well, let me ask you a question, another question to
01:56 get us into the passage.
01:58 >>JAMES: 366 GTO 389 4-barrel.
02:02 The best car.
02:03 >>TY: I didn't ask any question about a car.
02:05 If right now...I just wanna dig into your psyches, I wanna
02:11 find out what's going on deep inside your soul.
02:14 Okay, so, here it is, if you could right now, snap your
02:17 fingers and uninvent anything, any human invention,
02:23 innovation, technology.
02:24 >>DAVID: Email.
02:26 >>TY: If you could just uninvent it.
02:27 You would uninvent email.
02:29 >>DAVID: Email is the bane of my existence.
02:31 It's just like, it just keeps coming and I'm waging a war
02:33 against it.
02:34 >>TY: But I have things to say to you in emails.
02:36 >>DAVID: How about this?
02:38 You remember when you used to get a letter, you'd get a
02:40 letter, you'd sit down and you'd open it.
02:43 >>JEFFREY: You mean the letter you got two months after the
02:44 person wrote it?
02:45 >>DAVID: Yeah, but I don't mind that, a letter...
02:47 >>TY: You would uninvent email, okay.
02:48 >>JEFFREY: Snapchat.
02:50 You don't even know what that is, do you?
02:52 >>TY: I know what it is.
02:53 I tried it once, I didn't like it.
02:54 >>JEFFREY: It's annoying, it bothers me.
02:56 >>DAVID: But are you on it?
02:57 >>JEFFREY: No.
02:58 >>DAVID: Well, why would you wanna uninvent something that
02:59 you could just choose to not participate in?
03:00 >>JEFFREY: Cause I'm bothered that other people are on it.
03:02 >>DAVID: [Laughter]
03:04 >>TY: James, what would you uninvent?
03:06 Some technology or some device or something, can't be the can
03:10 opener?
03:12 What would you uninvent?
03:14 >>DAVID: Maybe something more important like an atomic,
03:15 like, the atomic bomb.
03:18 >>JAMES: That's the first thing that came to my brain.
03:19 >>TY: Wow, the atomic brain.
03:20 >>JEFFREY: That makes me sound really trivial now.
03:22 >>DAVID: Well, it makes what I said sound really trivial,
03:24 too.
03:25 >>TY: I think I would uninvent television.
03:27 I mean, we're on television doing this.
03:31 >>DAVID: There's the irony.
03:33 >>TY: We're just using the medium because it exists, but
03:36 man, isn't it the omnipresent idol?
03:39 If you think about it, it's just everywhere, and there's
03:43 so much, is there 10% of the stuff on television is worth
03:50 watching?
03:51 >>DAVID: No.
03:52 >>TY: Is there 5% that's worth watching?
03:53 >>DAVID: The only television that I see in a year, the only
03:57 television that I see, in terms of, like, programming,
03:59 where NBC, ABC, Fox, and all of that, happens when I go to
04:04 visit my parents.
04:06 When I go to visit my parents, the television is on.
04:08 It is continually on.
04:10 >>TY: It's just background noise.
04:11 >>DAVID: And the stuff, they just leave it on, God bless
04:13 them, I love my parents very much, but the stuff that's on
04:16 there, I'm just like, it's either so banal, so...
04:18 >>TY: I just can't even endure the commercials.
04:21 >>DAVID: It's terrible.
04:22 Oh, the commercials are an insult to your intelligence.
04:24 Your IQ goes down like 2 points every time you watch
04:27 one of those commercials.
04:28 You just sit there like, so I hear that, I hear that loud
04:32 and clear.
04:34 >>JEFFREY: I got a visual of you drooling.
04:35 >>DAVID: I'm sorry, I just had to do that.
04:37 >>TY: Anyways, anyways, anyways, the reason I asked,
04:39 again, I'm trying to just get us into the text here, but in
04:42 Revelation 13, we spent our time together last session,
04:46 last conversation, in verses 1-10 identifying the sea
04:50 beast.
04:51 When we come to verse 11 and onward, there's another beast
04:55 that comes up from the earth.
04:56 The previous one came up out of the sea, we identified that
04:59 power in history.
05:01 The second beast comes up out of the earth, out of the land,
05:04 and that beast, I think we're going to discover, in our
05:08 conversation, I don't know if the right word is invention,
05:11 but that beast invented something novel, unique,
05:16 different, that really wasn't anywhere in any human system
05:20 in the world.
05:22 That beast invented a system of governance that is
05:27 completely unique in human history.
05:30 So, I'll just leave it at that and we'll see if we can make
05:34 those connections, but, go ahead.
05:36 >>DAVID: Well, I was gonna say, maybe we should say that
05:38 the significance of coming up out of the sea, that's the
05:42 first beast, Revelation 13.
05:43 >>JEFFREY: Well, read it, we haven't even read it, have we?
05:45 >>DAVID: Well, no, we did, Revelation 13:1, and I stood
05:47 on the sand of the sea and I saw a beast rising up out of
05:49 the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his
05:51 horns 10 crowns and on his head a blasphemous name?
05:53 Did we not read that text?
05:55 >>TY: We read the text, you were about to define what it
05:57 means.
05:58 >>JAMES: Out of the sea versus the earth.
06:01 >>DAVID: So, that's the sea, and then the earth is verse
06:02 11, and then I saw a beast coming up out of the earth and
06:04 he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon.
06:06 >>TY: So, we got a clear comparison here.
06:08 >>DAVID: One is coming up out of this area, one is coming up
06:10 out of this area, and the earth, of course, is covered,
06:12 you're either on land or you're on the sea, right,
06:15 that's what's available to us here.
06:17 And sea, we see in Revelation, we see in Daniel that just as
06:20 we're dealing with beasts that are symbolic, time periods
06:23 that are symbolic, horns that are symbolic, this water is
06:27 symbolic and it's representing people.
06:32 >>JEFFREY: Chapter 17, verse 15, Revelation 17:15.
06:33 >>TY: Can you read that verse straight up because it defines
06:37 the symbol.
06:38 >>JEFFREY: 17:15 in Revelation, and he said to me,
06:41 the waters which you saw where the harlot sits were peoples,
06:44 multitudes, nations.
06:46 >>TY: We even use that kind of language today, we speak of
06:48 seeing a sea of people, a large body of people.
06:52 So, when it says that this beast comes up out of the sea,
06:56 it means a power, a system, an empire, a nation whatever, some
07:00 kind of earthly system, arose in a populated area of the world.
07:06 Among nations, among multiple nations that coexist, butting
07:12 up against one another.
07:13 >>DAVID: It seems a very reasonable inference then,
07:16 that a beast that comes up out of the land is coming up in a
07:20 different kind of area.
07:22 It's the opposite.
07:24 So, if this a densely populated area, a nations and
07:26 territories that have been occupied for centuries and
07:28 centuries and centuries, this is a place that is relatively
07:32 new.
07:33 Seemingly new, it's not as populated.
07:37 It's not the old world.
07:38 >>TY: It's the new world.
07:39 >>DAVID: It's the new world.
07:41 >>TY: And it is populated, not as densely populated, in fact,
07:43 it's a large land mass that is brought to view here, but
07:48 there are peoples there, which we can say something about,
07:51 but we're, we haven't even identified yet, but we know,
07:57 don't we, in our previous conversation, that the sea
08:00 beast of Revelation 13, verses 1-10, that beast is the Roman
08:07 empire papal phase, the medieval church, and we
08:10 identified that that church reigns for a period of 1260
08:14 years from 538 to 1798.
08:18 So, then, when we come to verse 11, it says, then, I saw
08:22 another beast coming up out of the earth, it's sequential.
08:25 So, we can expect some kind of power, some kind of system of
08:30 governance to emerge on the scene of world history after
08:37 or around 1798, and that new system, that new system of
08:41 governance will come up in a relatively unpopulated part of
08:47 the world.
08:48 It's obvious, with those two identifiers, who this land
08:54 beast is.
08:55 >>JEFFREY: But maybe we can just read another section of
08:56 verse 11, because it says that the beast comes up out of the
08:59 earth and it has two horns like a lamb.
09:02 >>JAMES: Before we go there, I wanna go back to the earth, I
09:04 just wanna give a verification for that.
09:05 If we go back to Revelation chapter 12, we have a
09:08 verification that the earth is a wilderness, it's an
09:12 uninhabited area.
09:14 >>DAVID: Comparatively less inhabited.
09:15 >>JAMES: Yeah, look at this.
09:16 We talked about this already, the woman, who is the church,
09:20 going underground and, in verse 6, she heads out to the
09:23 wilderness again in Revelation chapter 12 and verse 14, the
09:27 woman heads out into the wilderness and this time, it
09:29 says, to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle
09:31 that she might fly into the wilderness, okay?
09:36 That's a desolate area, a less populated area, into her place
09:40 where she is nourished for a time, time and a half, time
09:42 from the face of the serpent, there's that timeframe again,
09:44 and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as of a flood
09:48 after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away
09:50 of the flood, and that talks, and that language is talking
09:54 about, again, waters, but a flood in the bible actually
09:58 represents persecuting waters, when the enemy shall come in
10:01 like a flood, it says in Isaiah 59:19.
10:03 The Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against
10:05 him.
10:06 So, a flood is used in the bible to represent
10:07 persecution, which is coming against the woman, and it
10:11 says, so, verse 15, the dragon's casting out these
10:15 waters of persecution, but notice this, verse 16, here's
10:18 the key verse, and the earth helped the woman, and the
10:22 earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood, which
10:26 the dragon cast out of his mouth.
10:27 >>TY: Swallowed up the persecution?
10:28 >>JAMES: Yes.
10:30 Interestingly, during this period of time, God's people
10:34 found refuge not only in the Alps and the wilderness areas
10:37 of Europe, but they also found refuge in the continent of
10:42 America.
10:43 They actually came over to this continent in the 15th
10:46 century and the 16th century, in the 17th, all through the
10:49 end of this Dark Age period, the woman found refuge in the
10:54 continent of America, which is identified here as the same
10:56 place where this beast rises up, the earth.
10:58 It's the earth.
10:59 >>TY: They escaped persecution.
11:01 >>JAMES: Yes, they escaped persecution, they found refuge
11:02 here in the earth, the earth helps to swallow up that flood
11:05 of persecution, and then, as we move forward, going through
11:08 the history of the first sea beast, as you move forward, we
11:10 find another beast, another kingdom, another government,
11:12 another power, another earthly power, rising up out of the
11:15 same place where the woman found refuge.
11:17 So, it fits perfectly.
11:18 >>TY: That's a great connection.
11:22 >>DAVID: Well, in verse, Jeffrey...
11:24 >>JEFFREY: I was just getting to the point in verse 11
11:27 where, not only does it tell us the coming up, you just
11:30 positioned us chronologically, or in history, and now we're
11:34 having characteristics of what the thing is like and it says
11:37 it has two horns like a lamb and I think the fascinating
11:39 thing about that, we've run into Lamb already in our study
11:43 of Revelation, but what is it, 28 times, 27, 28, 29 times in
11:47 the entire book of Revelation that the word Lamb comes up
11:50 and every single time, it's in reference, every single time,
11:54 other than this, it's capital L, the translators, it's a
11:58 direct reference to Jesus.
12:00 >>DAVID: But I think even this is a reference to Jesus.
12:02 >>JEFFREY: I think it is, I think it is.
12:03 >>TY: But, you're gonna make a distinction, right?
12:07 >>JEFFREY: Yeah, well, the distinction I was gonna make
12:10 was that those other references are directly
12:12 referencing the Lamb Jesus, this reference is John pulling
12:18 that language, that characteristic, to describe
12:23 this beast as lamb-like.
12:26 So, this is not Jesus, right, this is...
12:30 >>TY: But it's an earthly system...
12:32 >>JEFFREY: Right, this is a Jesus-ish, Christ-ish
12:35 characteristic of this earthly system.
12:38 That's right.
12:40 And horns are symbols of governmental power, and so
12:45 these are lamb-like.
12:47 >>TY: Wait, you said that really fast, back up, you just
12:48 said that as though it were true.
12:51 >>JEFFREY: It is, just trust me.
12:53 >>TY: So, what did you say, though?
12:54 Slower.
12:55 >>JEFFREY: I was talking about the horns.
12:56 >>TY: Horns are a symbol of?
12:58 >>JEFFREY: Governmental power.
12:59 We've been running into beasts that represent powers and they
13:01 have horns on them.
13:03 >>TY: By the way, for those who are studying with us,
13:05 that's in the book of Daniel again?
13:07 >>JEFFREY: Yes, Daniel chapter 7, Daniel chapter 7.
13:10 And so, because the horns are symbols of governmental power
13:15 and the horns are lamb-like, put the pieces of the puzzle
13:19 together, we're looking at a power that arises in, you
13:24 know, late 18th century, whose governmental system will have
13:29 embedded into it Christ like principles.
13:33 >>TY: This is amazing.
13:37 >>DAVID: The first time I was exposed to this prophecy, I
13:39 was probably already a believer of about 2 months,
13:43 but when I was exposed to this prophecy as a premed student
13:45 at the age of 23, I was like, God is real.
13:50 I just was like, it just was like solidified.
13:52 Up 'til that point, I was already persuaded, given my
13:54 life to Christ, studying scripture, but I was like,
13:58 can you explain that again?
14:00 They walked me through the markers.
14:01 So, this is what we're looking for.
14:02 Late 18th century, relatively sparsely populated, compared
14:06 to the old world.
14:07 Helps a woman escape persecution from the Roman
14:10 power, lamb-like systems of governance, identified as a
14:14 Christian system.
14:16 >>TY: This is the United States of America.
14:19 >>JEFFREY: And you know what blows my mind is that...
14:21 >>DAVID: And it's not a stretch.
14:22 What's really going on here in your gymnastics with the text,
14:26 it's like...
14:28 >>JEFFREY: But that just rolls off your tongue as if it's so
14:29 natural, but I think it's fascinating that throughout
14:32 Christian history, Protestant history, that first beast that
14:36 we talked about in our last discussion, pretty,
14:39 the consensus is pretty strong, pretty unanimous.
14:42 I'm on Protestants.
14:43 That beast is the medieval church, the Roman state power,
14:48 but this second beast...
14:51 >>JAMES: Not so sure.
14:52 >>JEFFREY: Not so sure.
14:53 Through the centuries, and it wasn't until, you know, the
14:56 mid-1800s, 1851 where a young guy by the name of JN Andrews
15:03 wrote an article as he was looking at the prophecy, as he
15:07 was studying was previous Protestant, Baptist, and
15:10 Methodist and Presbyterian scholars had written, and they
15:13 were all poking in the direction, they were saying,
15:16 wait a second, it can't be the papal system, because that's
15:19 the first beast, but there's some sort of relation here,
15:23 some sort of passing of the baton, so to speak, and so
15:26 they were thinking, maybe it has something to do with the
15:28 Protestant version of Christianity, literally.
15:31 >>TY: So, they were onto it.
15:33 >>JEFFREY: They were onto it.
15:34 And JN Andrews, 1951, writes an article and he says, it's
15:39 the United States of America, and that's the first time in
15:42 history where that rolled off somebody's tongue like it did
15:45 yours just so naturally, and I think, I'd like to revisit
15:48 that to realize how, I want the wow factor back, you know?
15:52 Like, whoa, that's heavy, that's very heavy.
15:55 >>DAVID: And here's a very important point, with regards
15:57 to prophecy, we've discussed this before in terms of
15:59 Daniel's book was sealed.
16:01 Well, why was it sealed?
16:02 He didn't have the historical perspective to see Babylon,
16:05 Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome.
16:07 You couldn't have written that the United States was the
16:09 lamb-like beast of Revelation 13 in 1776.
16:14 >>TY: No, there's no way.
16:15 >>DAVID: You just wouldn't have had that, but by the time
16:18 you get, 1851, you've got, you know, 1776 is when the United
16:22 States declares independence, you're 70ish years in and
16:27 you're looking around and knowledge is increasing, to
16:32 use Daniel's term.
16:33 You're like, whoa, we're in that period.
16:36 Now, let me throw in...
16:37 >>JEFFREY: Another thing, within a generation, because
16:40 Jefferson, what, you know, early 1800s, he's still alive.
16:43 So, JN Andrews writing, connecting the dots, could've
16:47 been an acquaintance of somebody who was contemporary
16:50 to Thomas Jefferson.
16:53 I think that's amazing.
16:54 >>JAMES: You know what's amazing, though, too, is, oh.
16:55 >>DAVID: Let me just drop one more identifying mark.
16:57 Hold on, you've got what you were gonna say?
16:58 >>JAMES: It's the same thing, probably.
16:59 >>DAVID: The coming up.
17:00 >>JAMES: No, you get that and I'll get another one.
17:02 >>DAVID: Okay, so in the text here, Revelation 13:11 says, I
17:04 saw another beast coming up.
17:06 We all think here, you've got King James, most of us have
17:09 New King James.
17:10 The word here, the word coming up here is grew up.
17:14 It's to sprout.
17:15 >>JEFFREY: Like a plant.
17:16 >>DAVID: It's to sprout.
17:17 So, this is not a, this is not the old world beast, lion,
17:23 bear, leopard, conquer and devouring, one taking over the
17:27 other.
17:27 This is growth, it's new.
17:29 It's sprouting, it's almost quietly coming up.
17:33 Here again, we have yet another identifier.
17:37 We're not looking for a nation that's gonna come and conquer
17:39 a previously occupied geographical, no.
17:42 No, this is coming up, sprouting up.
17:44 That's mine, what were you gonna say?
17:45 >>JAMES: Well, the other one is in verse 12, it says, and
17:47 then he exercises all the power of the first beast
17:51 before him and causes the earth and them that dwell
17:54 there to worship the first beast.
17:55 This is a power that has universal military might.
17:59 Now, when you look at this, in relation to the US in
18:02 prophecy, you realize that, from the beginning, like David
18:06 said, this power developed gradually and slowly.
18:10 The United States was fighting for its independence in 1776
18:15 and was still struggling with that in 1812.
18:17 It was not a world power.
18:19 >>DAVID: Many people thought it wouldn't even survive.
18:22 >>JAMES: Right, and even into the 19th century, there's this
18:24 World War II and the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and all of a
18:27 sudden, now, we're living in a time where this prophecy, it's
18:32 obvious.
18:33 >>DAVID: You have to have a power that could be a coercive
18:36 influence on the earth.
18:38 >>JAMES: The United States has more military bases around the
18:42 world than any other power and just insists on having them.
18:44 >>DAVID: You probably know more about this than I do,
18:47 Jeffrey, but post-World War II, that war is where you have
18:50 the real rise, post-World War I, into World War II, and then
18:53 post World War II, that's where the United States
18:54 becomes the military monster that it is.
18:58 It was competition, is it England?
19:01 >>JAMES: It was the fall of communism in 1989-1990 that
19:05 allowed the United States to become the sole world
19:08 superpower.
19:09 Sole world superpower.
19:10 >>JEFFREY: We jumped there, I wanted to go back...
19:13 >>JAMES: Which is interesting 'cause it's the fall of
19:14 atheism.
19:15 Just think about that, that's in this prophecy, the deadly
19:16 wound was healed.
19:17 The wound's inflicted, the deadly wound is healed.
19:19 The wound was inflicted by atheism.
19:21 The wound being healed...
19:23 >>TY: Or by atheist France.
19:24 >>JAMES: Yeah, the wound being healed...
19:27 >>JEFFREY: You're identifying communism as a system
19:28 representative of atheism.
19:29 >>JAMES: Yes, suggests the decline of that power and the
19:32 rise of this next one.
19:33 Okay.
19:35 >>JEFFREY: I was just gonna say that, in the lamb-like,
19:36 'cause we just said, oh, lamb-like, Christian, America,
19:39 but I wanted to read some of the founding documents really
19:42 quick, just to show that when the students identified two
19:46 horns like a lamb, okay, system of governmental power,
19:51 but there's two, and they started to think, wait a
19:53 second, what is the foundation of this United States of
19:57 America?
19:58 And they identified two primary principles, right,
20:02 republicanism and Protestantism, freedom from a
20:05 king, freedom from a pope, right, the two primary
20:09 principles.
20:10 And in the founding documents, as I was reading this, I'm
20:14 reading the founding documents trying to identify, do I see
20:18 anything Christian-ish, Christ-ish here?
20:20 Anything Jesus would say?
20:22 Lamb-like, and let me just read the Declaration of
20:24 Independence, which I think is just glorious.
20:28 >>TY: Just makes my heart race with excitement, these words.
20:31 >>JEFFREY: We hold these truths to be self-evident,
20:34 that all men are created equal, that they are endowed
20:37 by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
20:41 these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
20:45 That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted
20:50 among Men, and this is the point that I wanna make,
20:51 deriving their just powers from the consent of the
20:56 governed.
20:58 We've been contrasting through this whole study of Revelation
21:03 these two powers, these two systems, right?
21:07 God and Satan.
21:10 Satan using coercion and brutality and so forth and so
21:13 forth, and Christ using an entirely different approach,
21:17 and this idea of deriving their just powers from the
21:20 consent of the governed, that is so lamb-like
21:23 >>TY: That's so powerful.
21:24 >>JEFFREY: That is so lamb-like.
21:26 >>TY: And that's what I meant, by the way, earlier, when I
21:28 said, is there something that this power invented on a
21:33 governmental level?
21:35 Is there a new system that is brought to the world as a kind
21:39 of experiment, and this is precisely it?
21:42 It's a method of governance that is by the consent of the
21:45 governed, it is a method of governance that does not
21:49 involve monarchical power, that doesn't involve papal
21:53 power.
21:54 >>JEFFREY: And so, in addition to that, when the Declaration
21:58 of Independence is drafted and when we finally secede from
22:03 Britain, there is still something that needs to be
22:07 settled because this new country cannot operate without
22:10 centralized power and therefore, there needs to be
22:15 power invested in the central, you know, in the government,
22:19 and so, the Constitution, and what I love about the first
22:23 amendment, so, now, we're in 1791, I'll just read this and
22:26 you guys can chime in about the lamb-likeness.
22:30 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
22:34 religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or
22:39 abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or
22:42 the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to
22:46 petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
22:49 >>TY: Don't you love that?
22:50 >>JEFFREY: So, it's basically the gospel.
22:51 That's the great controversy between good and evil and the
22:53 principles of the gospel being articulated.
22:58 >>TY: So, you could say it this way, that the Declaration
23:01 of Independence, the part that you've read anyway, and the
23:04 Constitution of the United States of America, is the
23:08 gospel of Christ in the form of governing documents.
23:13 Now, not in totality, and there's more to the gospel
23:17 than this, but at the core of the gospel is basically
23:20 non-coercive love.
23:22 At the core of the gospel is the God of the universe only
23:27 desires the service and worship that is born of free
23:33 hearts that love him based on the worthiness of his
23:37 character so that coercion is diametrically opposed to the
23:41 character of God.
23:42 So, this system that is brought to view here, the
23:45 United States of America, is bringing into the world, it's
23:49 actually the fruition of what Jesus and the apostles
23:54 started.
23:55 Down through history, it's developing, it's going
23:58 underground, it's resurfacing now, it's resurfacing in the
24:02 form of a free people that are governed by consent.
24:09 So, we've gotta take a break, but when we come back, we'll
24:13 continue moving through this remarkable passage that points
24:18 to the United States in bible prophecy.
24:21 [Music]
24:33 >>The bible is a big book.
24:35 It's composed of 66 smaller books, written by more than 40
24:40 different authors.
24:42 It's easy to get bogged down in all the genealogies,
24:45 ancient history and intersecting characters with
24:48 unpronounceable names.
24:50 And yet, the bible is full of rich and powerful truths that
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26:18 [Music]
26:25 >>TY: What we've been discovering here in Revelation
26:26 13 is nothing short of astounding.
26:29 If this passage actually foretold the rise of the
26:36 United States of America as a system, then what might it
26:42 also say to us about the future of this power?
26:46 So, if it's telling us, hey, there's gonna be this power
26:50 that's going to arise in human history that's lamb-like in
26:53 its governing principles, which we identified, does the
26:57 passage go on and say, but wait a minute, it's not gonna be good
27:01 forever, it's not going to be lamb-like forever, well, the
27:05 passage actually says, in verse 11, then I saw another
27:08 beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns
27:11 like a lamb, but then it says, and spoke like a dragon.
27:16 Now, we know the dragon is traceable to the devil,
27:20 ultimately, and to the Roman Empire, secondarily, so.
27:25 >>JEFFREY: I was gonna say that those two images, lamb
27:27 and dragon, in the same sentence?
27:29 >>DAVID: It's the only text in all of scripture that has that
27:32 juxtaposition.
27:33 >>JEFFREY: Lamb and dragon in the same sentence.
27:35 That is...
27:37 >>JAMES: It's amazing, it's describing the conflict, I
27:41 think, that this country's gone through from the very
27:43 beginning.
27:44 From the very beginning, you've got these principles
27:45 that are written into our Constitution, you've got these
27:47 amendments to the Constitution, and then you've
27:48 got these acts, these manifestations of dragon-like
27:53 principles that I think the text is telling us are gonna
27:55 get more and more intense because the verse, that's one
27:58 verse of many verses that describes this power, so, it's
28:02 gonna get more and more intense, but even from the
28:03 establishment of this great nation, there were little
28:08 manifestations, dragon-like manifestations that came out.
28:11 >>TY: Yeah, even in the beginning phases, the fact is
28:13 that we're all very happy to be a part of a governing
28:19 system based on the kinds of principles that Jeffrey read
28:24 to us in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution
28:27 of the United States of America.
28:28 It's incredible to be a part of a system that is based on
28:32 freedom.
28:33 But the fact is that, simultaneously, there's some
28:37 spiritual and moral dissonance because, blind spots, exactly.
28:43 You have founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson himself, who
28:47 penned these incredible words, who owned slaves.
28:54 >>DAVID: That's right.
28:55 >>TY: Who owned slaves.
28:57 So, we need to understand that this system is based on good
29:05 principles, and simultaneously, there are
29:08 those who are founding the nation who are violating the
29:10 very principles that they're articulating because they have
29:13 blind spots, I guess that would be a kind way to say it.
29:16 >>DAVID: And not only in terms of slavery, which was a
29:18 massive blind spot, to put it nicely, but you have the
29:23 treatment of the indigenous peoples of this land.
29:26 Absolutely horrific, broken treaty after broken treaty and
29:29 mistreatment after mistreatment and tragically,
29:33 this was being done largely, almost entirely by
29:38 Protestants.
29:39 In other words, these are people that have fled from the
29:43 flood of the old world, have come to the new world, and
29:45 they land, but they're still, to use Jeffrey's term, the
29:48 residue, that sticky residue of the old way of doing
29:51 things, you think of Luther, just use a simple example
29:54 here.
29:55 We're approaching the 500th year anniversary of Luther's
29:59 protest against the medieval church, right?
30:02 October 31st 1517, here we are, 2016.
30:06 So, we're just on the verge of that 500 years.
30:08 Luther himself believed in a state church.
30:12 That's why they are called the magisterial reformers.
30:15 They believed in a Christian magistrate.
30:19 The idea, this idea that you will have a government without
30:23 a king, the ruled and the rule, no, no, no, we don't
30:27 have peasants and lords, we now have citizens that are
30:31 governed only by their own consent and now we're gonna
30:34 have, not only that but no pope.
30:38 There is no religious authority, whether it's a pope
30:40 or a Christian magistrate, this was wild.
30:42 It was called, the language of the day was the American
30:45 experiment.
30:48 Can this work?
30:50 And...
30:51 >>TY: Can people self-govern?
30:53 >>DAVID: The idea was, this is absurd.
30:54 It was considered absurd, and frankly, it's miraculous.
30:58 If you go back and look at the history, and I'm not, Jeffrey
31:00 is more the historian when it comes to American history than
31:03 I am, but it's a miracle, for example, the Revolutionary
31:07 war, the United States could've won that war in the
31:09 way that they did with the minutemen and all of that.
31:12 There's a providence over it.
31:15 There was a providence over it.
31:17 Then, you get to the emergence of, it wasn't just like some,
31:21 okay, I live in Australia.
31:22 Australia's a beautiful country.
31:24 It's roughly the size of the United States of America.
31:27 >>JAMES: Continental United States.
31:28 >>DAVID: Yeah, without Alaska.
31:29 It's roughly the size of the lower 48.
31:31 But you could not stick 330 million people in Australia.
31:33 No way.
31:35 That's the population of the United States today.
31:37 You do not have the resources.
31:39 When people landed here, there are forests, there are oil
31:42 fields, there are minerals to be mined, the richness of this
31:47 country, in terms of its natural resources, was
31:49 phenomenal.
31:51 It's what enabled it to become this global military economic
31:55 power.
31:56 If they had found Australia, that would've been circuitous
31:58 for them to have found Australia, you do not end up
32:01 with the United States of America, that's not a knock on
32:03 Australia.
32:04 >>JEFFREY: Its own limitations and resources limit its power.
32:06 >>DAVID: The middle of Australia, there's nothing
32:08 there.
32:08 >>TY: Uninhabitable.
32:10 >>DAVID: I mean, I've driven it, there is just nothing
32:10 there.
32:12 Not these big forests and beautiful mountains and clear
32:13 flowing rivers, you don't have it.
32:15 So, when you see the providence of God all over
32:19 this, but that doesn't mean, and as Ty was bringing out,
32:23 that there were not some major oversights and some breaches
32:27 of the very principles that they themselves advocated.
32:30 Whether it's with slavery, whether it's with, even
32:32 suffrage, women voting.
32:34 That doesn't come around until, help me out here, you
32:37 might know, like 1900s, mid, Wyoming, I know, the state
32:40 that I'm from, was the first ever state that allowed the
32:42 voting of women.
32:43 But that's late into the game.
32:46 Then, you have the treatment of the Native peoples.
32:48 It's just, they got the principles right, but the
32:51 application didn't follow immediately.
32:53 >>JEFFREY: You know, too, the other thing was, even these
32:54 early students, even in the wars, the early wars, Spanish,
32:59 American, when America was becoming an empire, now taking
33:03 possession of foreign lands, colonizing other lands like
33:08 the Philippines.
33:09 We fully colonized the Philippines.
33:11 And so, this is so old world mentality being now adopted by
33:17 the lamb-like beast.
33:19 So, it's a total...
33:20 >>JAMES: Well, it's a perfect confirmation of the verse, in
33:22 a sense.
33:24 And I don't think that I've ever seen it this way before
33:26 because I've always thought, we'll speak like a dragon,
33:28 we'll speak like a dragon, that's somewhere in the
33:30 future, that's somewhere in the future, but the verse
33:31 indicates actually that they could be simultaneous and that
33:36 what we're looking at in the future in the following verses
33:38 is the imbalance, is the neglect and perhaps the
33:44 abandonment of the lamb-like principles and the total focus
33:48 on speaking like a dragon.
33:49 However...
33:50 >>TY: So, you're saying they're running simultaneous.
33:51 >>JAMES: Yeah, they're running, because when we look
33:53 at the history, they actually do run simultaneously.
33:55 >>DAVID: I think that's closer to it.
33:56 >>JAMES: And then, as we move on, one overbears the other,
34:00 and it's as if God is saying, I'm going to give an
34:01 opportunity for these principles to be seen in
34:03 government, just to get a peek and see how they operate and
34:05 to see what a blessing they are, but then, I'm gonna go
34:08 ahead and allow this to return to this dominant prince who's
34:13 gonna make full manifest his character in the end of time
34:15 and then, we're gonna end all this.
34:17 >>DAVID: So, dominant prince, you lost me there.
34:19 >>JAMES: The prince of this world.
34:20 The dragon.
34:21 >>TY: So, when it says in verse 11 that he had two horns
34:25 like a lamb and spoke like a dragon, the word spoke is
34:30 connected with verse 12, the word authority, he exercises
34:34 authority, which is connected with the word causes, he
34:39 causes.
34:40 So, essentially, what's happening here, it's not just
34:43 speaking in the sense of uttering words, how does a
34:46 nation speak?
34:47 Well, a nation speaks in the form of its legislation.
34:51 So, this is essentially saying that the United States of
34:54 America, founded on principles of Republicanism and
34:57 Protestantism, principles of freedom, of religion and
35:01 conscious liberty, that power will simultaneously and
35:07 ultimately legislate against the founding principles of the
35:15 documents that gave us this American experiment.
35:20 It's amazing that that's in the bible.
35:24 >>JAMES: This isn't Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome,
35:26 this isn't the Dark Ages, this isn't some future, this, we're
35:30 living right now in this.
35:31 We're looking at our history, our recent history, our
35:35 present history and we're predicting our future history
35:38 in the context of Revelation 13, in the context of bible
35:42 prophecy.
35:43 >>DAVID: There is such a feeling of what has been
35:45 described as American exceptionalism among
35:48 Protestant Christianity, you know, God bless America, God
35:51 has raised up America for purposes, you know, you wonder
35:56 sometimes what purposes people think that is, but this is a
35:59 slight side conversation, but some believe that God raised
36:02 up the United States, basically for the express
36:05 purpose of protecting Israel, like, national Israel over
36:08 there.
36:10 My point is this, I wish that people who believe in this
36:13 version of the sort of providential opening, 'cause
36:16 there's some truth to it.
36:18 There's some truth to it, but it's become a version of
36:21 American exceptionalism in which there's this giant blind
36:24 spot, hello, not only to our history, but increasingly, to
36:30 our present.
36:31 And, I'm telling you right now, as an American, this is
36:35 not a political statement.
36:37 There are things that we are doing, as a country.
36:40 I say, we, there are things that the nation that I live
36:43 in, of which I am a citizen, that are happening at a
36:45 governmental level, political level, that I find absolutely
36:49 terrifying, shuddering.
36:52 >>TY: Yeah, you're simultaneously proud and
36:57 embarrassed.
36:57 >>DAVID: And concerned.
36:59 >>JEFFREY: 'Cause you're proud of what it's founded on,
37:00 you're proud of the founding principles.
37:02 >>DAVID: But the application has been...
37:04 >>TY: Would you say you're patriotic?
37:05 I would say I'm patriotic if patriotic means to the
37:10 principles.
37:11 I would say that your patriotism isn't tested by any
37:17 candidate or party, though.
37:18 You can be a loyal America and reject the political parties
37:25 that are warring with one another, but be loyal to the
37:27 principles of the founding documents.
37:29 >>JEFFREY: I actually think being loyal to the principles
37:34 of the founding documents necessitates you to have a
37:39 dissenting voice when those principles are violated.
37:43 Otherwise, we're just, what are you?
37:45 >>DAVID: And we should say that we are not the only
37:47 people that are that way.
37:49 There are lots of people in the United States right now
37:51 that are raising the red flag of hey, that whole thing about
37:55 the Constitution and what about that?
37:59 And you know, Jeffrey, again, you would know more, in the
38:04 context of the interpretation of the Constitution, you have
38:08 different schools of interpretation.
38:10 So, some say, no, it's exactly what they said.
38:12 In the same way, you have schools of interpretation of
38:14 scripture.
38:15 It's an ancient document.
38:16 What did they mean and how are those ancient principles
38:20 applied today?
38:21 But at the core of it, the kernel, the nucleus of it, was
38:24 freedom, which is what your point about how it's the
38:27 gospel in a governmental system, noncoersive love,
38:32 voluntary loyalty to a system, the consent of the governed,
38:37 and every place where that freedom and that liberty is
38:41 being impinged upon by the government.
38:44 You know, like, our biggest fear, you know, we have met
38:47 the enemy, was that Kennedy?
38:48 Maybe not, and...
38:49 >>TY: We've met the enemy and it's us.
38:53 >>DAVID: We are him.
38:54 The greatest threat to America right now, to the principles
38:59 of America, is America.
39:02 >>TY: Yeah, that's right.
39:03 We have to take a break, but there's some pretty heavy
39:06 stuff that continues on.
39:07 We have coming up here, this thing called the image to the
39:13 beast, it'll be interesting to talk about that.
39:15 >>JAMES: And the mark of the beast.
39:16 >>TY: Let's just take a break and we'll come right back.
39:19 [Music]
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39:45 To receive your free copy of lesson one, call 877-585-1111
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40:16 [Music]
40:23 >>TY: You guys, what we've identified here in Revelation
40:26 13, verses 11 and 12 and onward, identifying the United
40:31 States in bible prophecy, this is phenomenal.
40:34 Once you see this, you can't unsee it.
40:36 Once you know this, you can't unknow it.
40:39 This bears testimony to the inspiration of scripture, this
40:43 tells us, wow, if that was written in advance, that gives
40:48 testimony to the fact that this is an inspired word.
40:52 This is an inspired document, yeah.
40:53 And secondly, it bears testimony to the fact that God
40:58 is active in human history.
41:00 >>JEFFREY: I was just about to say that, that God is present
41:02 and relevant in scriptures relevant now.
41:05 >>TY: But the thing is, is this freedom experiment,
41:07 according to the text, is temporary, it's going to wind
41:12 down.
41:13 We can expect, if this passage foretells the United States of
41:17 America, it's telling us that eventually, the principles of
41:20 freedom will be violated through its legislation system
41:26 and this experiment is short-lived.
41:29 It's not gonna go on forever and ever and ever, and we're
41:31 starting to hear, we're starting to hear dragon-like
41:37 rhetoric, aren't we?
41:39 It's coming through in the political system, it's coming
41:41 through.
41:42 >>JAMES: Well, it's getting louder and louder and louder.
41:44 >>TY: Yeah, anything that comes from the American
41:45 political system, would this be an exaggeration?
41:48 Anything coming from the American political system that
41:51 encroaches upon freedom is tending in the direction of
41:57 the dragon-like principles.
41:59 >>JEFFREY: Coercion is the main issue.
42:02 The main issue is coercion.
42:04 The eroding of freedom and why?
42:05 Because the gospel principle is the principle of freedom.
42:10 >>TY: Now, there's another way the passage says this.
42:11 >>JEFFREY: If you know the truth, the truth shall set you
42:13 free.
42:14 >>TY: It says, in verse 11, that the lamb-like power will
42:16 speak like a dragon, it says it'll exercise authority, it
42:19 says it will cause those who dwell on the earth to worship
42:24 the first beast.
42:25 Now, we have to pause and remember, who's the first
42:26 beast?
42:27 Well, that's the sea beast.
42:29 That's the one in chapter 13, verses 1-10 that's being dealt
42:33 with.
42:34 So, essentially, this is saying that the United States
42:37 of America, which was founded on no king, no pope, that
42:41 pulled away from papal dominance, will gradually
42:46 begin to return to papal principles and papal loyalty,
42:53 right?
42:54 Isn't that what this is telling us?
42:56 It'll make an image.
42:57 >>JAMES: It will reflect that same system.
42:59 >>TY: It says in verse, where is it?
43:01 In verse 14, it says that, it says that the beast that comes
43:05 up out of the earth will make an image to the beast, that
43:09 is, it will institute a governmental system at some
43:12 point that reflects the way the papacy, the medieval
43:16 church governed down through the dark ages.
43:18 >>JAMES: And this is an important point, because
43:19 sometimes, when people read that image, they think, it's
43:21 gonna be some kind of image, like an image that they're
43:23 gonna set up in the plane of Durer, like an image that you,
43:26 no, it's a reflection.
43:28 It's like, when you look in the mirror and you see an
43:29 image of yourself.
43:31 This power is going to image, or reflect, the same
43:34 principles that that power has.
43:36 >>TY: And what was it?
43:37 What, how did the medieval church govern?
43:40 It was by a union of church and state.
43:43 >>JAMES: Which is why it says that it has these two
43:45 lamb-like horns, but then it speaks like a dragon.
43:48 >>TY: So, we can expect the United States of America to
43:50 join church and state, is that what we're saying?
43:54 >>JAMES: Impudiate the principles of the
43:55 constitution.
43:57 >>DAVID: Correct, so that these things that Jeffrey read
43:58 will be in, they'll be in print, you know, you can't
44:02 unwrite history, the ink is dry, but it won't be in
44:05 practice, you're onto it.
44:06 That was exactly what I was gonna say, well done.
44:08 So, we have verse 12, causes the earth, verse 14, and
44:13 deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which
44:14 he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling
44:16 those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast
44:18 who was wounded by the sword and lived.
44:20 Verse 15, he was granted power to give breath to the image of
44:23 the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak
44:26 and cause as many who would not worship the image of the
44:29 beast should be killed.
44:30 So, this is not just like, hey, we advise you to worship,
44:33 this is like, do it or else.
44:34 You've talked about the conquistadors coming to was it
44:36 Peru?
44:38 Sword, crucifix, do as we say, or else.
44:43 Verse 16, he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor,
44:47 free and slaved, to receive a mark on the right hand.
44:49 >>TY: Translation, this is foretelling a resurgence of
44:53 persecution in the new world.
44:55 >>JEFFREY: Coercion, yeah.
44:57 >>TY: Persecution, coercion.
44:58 >>JEFFREY: Which is mirroring what took place with the
45:02 previous beast.
45:03 >>DAVID: And it is interesting, 'cause it's in
45:05 this context that the whole mark of the beast thing comes
45:07 up.
45:08 There's a lot of, you know, discussion and what is the
45:10 mark of the beast?
45:11 And for some, it's like a mystical tattoo or some
45:13 computer chip or something, but it's in this context of
45:16 coercion by the second beast the United States who's now
45:20 acting, behaving, and looking a whole lot like that first
45:23 beast, that period through the medieval period, that church
45:27 of the medieval period, verse 17, and that no one may buy or
45:30 sell except the one who has the mark of the beast or the
45:34 number of his name, last verse here, hear his wisdom, let
45:36 anyone who has understanding calculate the number of the
45:38 beast, it is the number of a man, his number is 666.
45:42 >>JAMES: David, one phrase that you missed there in verse
45:43 17 that I really wanted to highlight, that's why I
45:46 noticed it, and no man might buy or sell save he that have
45:50 the mark of the beast or the name of the beast.
45:53 The name of the beast speaks to the characteristics of the
45:56 beast and why this is important is because, what
45:57 we've outlined here is that the beast is using force.
46:01 The beast is hypocritical, lamb-like principles but
46:03 speaks like a dragon.
46:05 The beast is filled with deception, miracles, deceiving
46:09 those.
46:10 The beast is into control.
46:11 All of these are principles of the character of the beast and
46:15 we can think that we're in the right church, we're in the
46:17 right denomination, we're believing the right doctrines,
46:19 the right truths, but if we're developing principles of
46:22 control and deception and force, if we're developing the
46:26 characteristics of the beast, we're gonna go along...
46:29 >>TY: In any of our relationships.
46:30 >>JAMES: Yes.
46:31 >>DAVID: And that's a great point.
46:32 >>JAMES: We are gonna go along with the system.
46:34 Once the system comes together, we're gonna go along
46:36 with the system because we've been developing his
46:38 principles.
46:39 >>TY: And what if your whole way of processing reality is
46:45 based on self-preservation?
46:48 When it comes down to no man can buy or sell, which is
46:51 economic pressure, this is economic sanctions, nation to
46:55 nation, economic boycott within a nation.
46:59 If there are restrictions on commerce, that's a heavy
47:02 pressure to be placed on.
47:04 If self-preservation is the core of your operating
47:09 system...
47:10 >>JEFFREY: Which it is for most people, naturally.
47:12 >>TY: Including us around this table, the gospel liberates us
47:14 from it.
47:16 >>JAMES: And we love not our lives unto the death.
47:17 >>DAVID: I was just gonna, man, we got this thing going
47:19 on.
47:20 >>TY: So, if self-preservation is the core of our operating
47:24 system as human beings, then when you come under this
47:28 pressure, you're gonna go along with the system that
47:32 preserves you.
47:33 Who is it that said that if you, what is it?
47:37 If you sacrifice freedom for security, you'll have neither.
47:42 >>JAMES: We need to download the newest operating system.
47:46 Download, download from heaven.
47:49 The newest operating system.
47:51 >>JEFFREY: He's like spelling it out.
47:52 Download.
47:54 From up there.
47:56 >>TY: So, do you see what I'm saying?
47:58 The point here is really that we need to put in our hearts
48:07 the principle of non-coercive love, in all our
48:10 relationships.
48:11 >>DAVID: Ty, I've gotta tell you something.
48:13 One of the things that I love that you say, we all have
48:14 language that becomes ours and we own it and we use it and it
48:18 just comes out of our mouths very quickly and easily.
48:20 There's a phrase that you say with regularity that I
48:23 absolutely love and it's relational integrity.
48:26 Okay, so you say that a lot, what does that mean?
48:31 >>TY: Relational integrity is a phrase that I started using
48:36 because the word love has been so hijacked in society to mean
48:41 kind of a shallow, sentimental emotionalism, you know, it's
48:47 in pop culture, most songs are love songs, I love peanut
48:51 butter and jelly, I love this woman, but I don't love her
48:53 anymore because here's another woman and there's relational
48:57 violation.
48:58 But that's all called love.
49:00 And so, I thought, you know what?
49:01 The word love, what does it mean when the bible says the
49:05 word love?
49:06 Well, when the bible uses the word love, it means
49:08 others-centeredness, it means relational integrity.
49:12 It means I don't violate you to preserve or serve myself.
49:16 So, relational integrity is just my way of describing what
49:19 the bible calls love.
49:21 >>DAVID: So, what you are saying here is that these
49:23 principles, this is not just something that is happening on
49:25 a national level, a governmental level, a
49:27 political level.
49:29 These principles, that's the name of the beast thing that
49:31 you're talking about, they can infiltrate and infect our own
49:35 relationships with other people.
49:37 We can manipulate a situation, we can be coercive, we can be
49:40 deceptive, we can tell half-truths, we can, all the
49:43 while, thinking, how can I get the upper hand in this
49:46 marriage, in this neighborly relationship, in my home?
49:50 That's the way that we do, that's the way that we do
49:54 life.
49:55 It's just natural.
49:56 I just read recently that children learn, this is all
49:58 over the world, all over the world.
50:00 I'm reading a book right now called the mother tongue by
50:02 Bill Bryson and he says many fascinating things and one of
50:04 the things he says in there is that in every culture,
50:06 children learn to say no quicker than yes.
50:12 Every culture, that's who we are, no, hey, you, no.
50:17 There's not a natural affability, cooperation, hey,
50:24 can we, it's me, and you're doing something, no, no.
50:28 The whole issue of selfishness, it's a, somebody
50:30 talked about Romans 8 a while back, the carnality, the....
50:35 >>TY: The human heart has enmity against God.
50:37 >>DAVID: Enmity against God, Romans 8:7.
50:38 So, if we don't have the gospel, if we don't download
50:42 the gospel operating system, we will go along with this,
50:48 this is the religion of human nature.
50:50 >>TY: Ideologically, we don't agree with it, but if
50:53 relationally and emotionally we go along with it, we'll
50:57 violate our intellectual opinions.
51:01 To save ourselves...
51:03 >>DAVID: Are you ready for this?
51:05 Though all men will deny you, not me.
51:10 See, he's intellectually saying, I will lay down myself
51:13 for you, but when the rubber met the road, uh, yeah, I'm
51:16 out.
51:18 >>TY: That's right.
51:19 >>JAMES: You know, it's really interesting because when you
51:21 take this analogy a little bit further with computers, you
51:24 know, you not only have to keep your computer operating
51:27 system updated, 'cause you got fixes, fixes, fixes, fixes.
51:31 >>TY: You got a lot of fixes if you have a PC, not as many
51:33 if you have an Apple.
51:34 >>JAMES: But at some point, you may have to trade out your
51:37 equipment for another piece of equipment in order to go a
51:41 little further with the fixes and the operating system that
51:44 is progressing.
51:45 In other words, the path of the just is a shining light
51:48 that shines more and more into the perfect day.
51:50 And God can only show us so much, and as we've looked it,
51:52 just to summarize, we've looked at bible prophecies,
51:55 we've looked at the book of Revelation, we've been on this
51:57 progression, and we went into this dark period, this dark
52:00 pit, and we came out of this pit and then, God brought us
52:04 back to the track of progression, the light of
52:06 progression.
52:07 And it's as if we've been trading in these models, you
52:12 remember when we had our first $5,000 portable computer,
52:16 black and white, small little thing that weighed about 50
52:18 pounds, right?
52:19 >>TY: He's really old.
52:20 >>JEFFREY: Older than you, that was ages ago.
52:23 >>JAMES: We've traded in these models, and it's the same
52:25 thing with us, we have to look at the scripture, just like
52:27 when we looked at Revelation 13, we said, you know what, I
52:31 think those two principles are coexisting from the very
52:34 beginning.
52:35 I don't think the dragon-like principles just appear one
52:38 day.
52:39 We can actually trace them all the way back, we can actually
52:42 see, but the lamb-like principles were dominant.
52:46 They were dominant.
52:47 >>TY: They're gonna become less dominant.
52:48 >>JAMES: They're gonna become less dominant.
52:49 >>DAVID: You lost me on the computer thing.
52:52 >>JAMES: The point I'm making is...
52:53 >>DAVID: I think it's a good point, I just wanna understand
52:55 it.
52:56 >>JEFFREY: That was like the first thing he said.
52:58 >>JAMES: I'm cleaning out my office and I have two Macs in
53:00 there, old, old Macs.
53:03 >>TY: Oh, you gotta give those to me.
53:04 >>JAMES: They're just sitting there.
53:05 There's nothing I can do with those.
53:07 >>TY: You can give them to me.
53:08 >>JAMES: They're super old.
53:09 They can't take a new operating system, so when we
53:13 go back in history, there's a certain place in history where
53:16 we make a transition, we transition out of this mother
53:19 church.
53:20 Then, we transition out of this Protestant churches and
53:23 we transition into this advent movement, you see what I'm
53:25 saying?
53:26 We're making these transitions, yes, so we're not
53:28 just downloading, we're also upgrading, we're upgrading,
53:31 we're upgrading.
53:32 And what I'm saying, just to bring it to a conclusion, is
53:34 this, we have, for a long time, emphasized the idea that
53:39 the mark of the beast is all about, let's say, a day that
53:42 we worship.
53:43 But what we're talking about right now, we're upgrading
53:45 now.
53:47 We're downloading some bugs and fixes and we're realizing,
53:48 you know, it's about principles, it's about
53:50 character, it's about the way that we relate to people,
53:54 especially the people that we're closest to.
53:56 It's about the principles that make up the character of God
54:00 and the seal of God, or the principles that make up the
54:03 name or the character of the beast.
54:06 >>DAVID: I love all of that.
54:09 Something that I feel like I need to do, just for myself,
54:12 is to go back to Revelation 12 because we didn't really wrap
54:17 up 13-17, but it won't be difficult to do.
54:21 >>JAMES: 17 especially.
54:22 >>DAVID: Exactly.
54:23 That's the point I wanna get to is 17, but this will not be
54:25 difficult to do.
54:26 >>TY: Do it.
54:27 >>DAVID: Revelation 12:13, now, when the dragon saw that
54:30 he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who
54:32 gave birth to the male child, we've talked about that.
54:34 That's the persecution by the dragon of Christ, verse 14,
54:39 not of the dragon by Christ, but of Christ by the dragon.
54:44 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle that
54:46 she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where
54:48 she is nourished for a time, times and half, and time from
54:50 the presence of the serpent.
54:51 We've dealt with that, right?
54:52 Verse 15, so the serpent spewed water out of its mouth,
54:54 like a flood, after the woman, that he might cause him to be
54:56 carried away by the flood.
54:57 You've dealt with this, James.
54:59 Verse 16, but the earth helped the woman, and the earth
55:02 opened up its mouth and swallowed the flood which the
55:05 dragon has spewed out of its mouth.
55:06 Okay, so we've covered that territory, right?
55:08 But here's what I love, verse 17, which I don't think we've
55:11 dealt with.
55:12 The dragon was enraged with the woman and went to make war
55:15 with the rest of her offspring, who keep the
55:18 commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.
55:21 I'm gonna make one point and then I'm gonna let you guys
55:22 wrap it up.
55:23 The dragon makes war against the church of God, against the
55:27 people of God, against the remnants, God's people on
55:30 earth, and the means by which he makes war are these two
55:34 beasts.
55:35 That springs us into chapter 13.
55:38 The first beast, which is the medieval church, and the
55:41 second beast is going to be the United States, and it's
55:44 this confederacy of the whole world.
55:48 I just wanna make that point.
55:51 These two beasts don't just show up and rocket out of
55:53 nowhere.
55:54 It's like, hey, the dragon went to make war with God's
55:56 people and these are the means by which that war was made.
56:01 First beast, second beast.
56:03 >>TY: So, essentially, what we've discovered in Revelation
56:05 chapter 13 is that the sea beast, the first beast is the
56:12 medieval church and it operated by certain
56:15 principles, governing by certain principles.
56:18 The second beast comes into existence and operates by
56:22 principles of liberty and freedom, but eventually, what
56:25 we're going to see happen, I mean, the bible is
56:28 prophesying, it's saying, this is us.
56:31 Where it's headed is the United States of America will,
56:34 at some point, abandon the principles of freedom in favor
56:39 of reconstituting a system of religious coercion like the
56:44 first beast before it.
56:47 That's where we've landed.
56:49 [Music]


Revised 2018-01-16