Series Code: TT
Program Code: TT000404A
00:00 [Music]
00:10 [Music] 00:20 >>TY: So, the book of Revelation, we're discovering, 00:23 has certain features, certain patterns, and one of the 00:26 patterns that we've mentioned before that we need to 00:28 highlight now is that it moves through a repeat and enlarge 00:32 process. 00:34 We saw that the seven churches prophecy begins first century 00:38 and moves to the end of time to the second coming and 00:41 beyond. 00:42 Final judgment and the establishment of the kingdom 00:44 of God, new heavens, new earth. 00:47 Now, we've come to that part of the book of Revelation that 00:51 probably anybody who's read the book or studied or tried 00:55 to understand it would regard as the most complex part of 01:00 the book, the seals and the trumpets. 01:02 Now, we, on this journey through Revelation can't get 01:06 into the details in a mere 13 programs of every single 01:10 aspect of the book of Revelation, but we should at 01:13 least pause to mention what's going on with the seals and 01:17 trumpets because, in our last session, we talked about the 01:21 fact that, in Revelation 4 and 5, there is a scroll with 7 01:25 seals in the hand of the one who sits on the throne. 01:29 We identified that seal with the aid of the book of Ezekiel 01:33 as basically, human history with all its horrors and woes, 01:36 that scroll, and then Jesus alone, by virtue of his 01:41 solidarity with the human race, as the one who is worthy 01:45 to resolve the human predicament, to look into, to 01:49 understand and sympathize with... 01:51 >>JAMES: Which has already been resolved in heaven, which 01:53 needs to be resolved on earth. 01:54 >>TY: It's been resolved in heaven, but it needs to be 01:56 resolved in earth. 01:57 So, now we have the seals that are actually open before us. 02:00 So, James... 02:01 >>DAVID: Which is chapters 6, 7... 02:03 >>JAMES: And 8:1. 02:04 >>DAVID: The very first part of 8. 02:06 >>JAMES: Yeah. 02:07 >>TY: So, James, give us the flyby of the seals. 02:09 >>JAMES: Well, the seals flyby is another prophetic cycle. 02:12 So, we know it began in the apostolic age. 02:15 >>TY: First century. 02:16 >>JAMES: First century. 02:17 We see the inauguration of Christ in Revelation 5. 02:19 We see the fact that the 24 elders were there because of 02:23 the Lamb that's slain. 02:24 And then, the Lamb takes the scroll. 02:26 The history of the human race and he begins to unseal it, he 02:30 begins to open up the mysteries. 02:32 And the main mystery that he's opening up to us is, if God is 02:34 love, why sin and suffering? 02:36 And so, what we see is, we see a proclamation of the gospel 02:39 in contrast with, we're gonna look at red horse, we're not 02:42 gonna look at red horse, but red horse, black horse, pale 02:45 horse. 02:46 Those 3 horses, combined with the white horse, represent, 02:49 the four, again. 02:51 >>TY: In chapter 6. 02:52 >>JAMES: Chapter 6, the four again, all humanity is 02:55 included in these four horses. 02:57 And basically, if you wanna understand the four horses, 02:59 just go to Matthew 13, the parable of the sower and the 03:03 seed. 03:04 Jesus sowed the seed, it was a parable of the kingdom of God, 03:07 it fell upon four types of ground. 03:09 One ground was good, three were bad. 03:11 Four horses. 03:12 One horse is good, three were bad. 03:14 Four corners of the earth, four types of ground, four 03:16 horses, it's the history of humanity and each one of those 03:19 horses represents either Christ and his kingdom or 03:22 those that work against. 03:24 The red horse, persecution, the black horse, compromise, 03:26 the pale horse, death and destruction. 03:28 >>TY: And it parallels the seven churches. 03:31 >>JAMES: It parallels the same history, takes us all the way 03:33 down and then, finally, you come to this place where we 03:35 see this second coming of Christ and we have this 03:37 question asked in Revelation 7, who's gonna be able to 03:39 stand when Jesus comes and the answer is kind of an interlude 03:42 that's given, there's gonna be a great interlude of sealed 03:46 ones that no man can number that's gonna stand before the 03:48 throne and before the lamb. 03:50 And that brings us all the way into the new heaven and the 03:52 new earth where they worship him day and night, they walk 03:55 beside the river of life, they don't cry, the sun doesn't 03:58 light them anymore, no more tears, no more pain, no more 04:00 sorrow. 04:01 So, we've come all the way from the apostolic age through 04:03 this revelation of history, the gospel being proclaimed, 04:07 opposed by persecution, darkness, and death, and 04:10 coming out on the other side, we see this great multitude, 04:12 the second coming of Christ, and then, in the new heaven 04:14 and the new earth, the redeemed ones who stand before 04:17 the throne and no more crying and no more pain, boom, that's 04:20 the end of the second... 04:21 >>TY: Okay, so that's a snapshot of the seals. 04:23 >>DAVID: Can I ask you a question about that? 04:25 >>JAMES: Yeah. 04:26 >>DAVID: So, tell me if this illustration works, James. 04:28 You know a lot more about the seals and the trumpets than I 04:30 do, personally, so, tell me if you like this or if it works. 04:32 So, rather than moving through space in the book of 04:35 Revelation, we're moving through time. 04:37 That's what we've been talking about, the one who was, who 04:39 is, and who is to come. 04:40 From the time of John, a little bit back, but mostly 04:42 forward. 04:43 Right, moving forward. 04:45 So, imagine that we're gonna traverse now, not time, but 04:49 space, we're gonna cover, say, from New York to San 04:53 Francisco, so we're gonna traverse the United States. 04:56 That's a significant piece of real estate. 04:58 And the first time we drive it. 05:02 And when we drive it, okay, we saw that and there was a, and 05:03 we saw this, and there was a stop here and there was, 05:07 whatever. 05:08 And then, the second time, we walk it, just using different, 05:12 now we see different things, we're on different kinds of 05:15 roads, we're seeing different things, we're traversing, and 05:17 the next time, we fly it. 05:19 So, always, we're passing over the same ground, but we see, 05:24 like this, you see this. 05:26 Okay, now here's my question, get your picture. 05:28 So, would this be safe to say, and just totally shut me down 05:32 if it's now. 05:33 So, in the churches, we get the pastoral. 05:35 This is, church history from the church's perspective. 05:38 Seven churches. 05:39 The seals is the, like, the history of earth, moving 05:46 through the various phases, the unfolding of human history 05:50 with all of its pain, lamentation, mourning, woe, as 05:53 we talked about. 05:54 And then, the trumpets is primarily from the perspective 05:57 of conflict and not just, military conflict and even 06:02 judgement, which of course, announce judgement. 06:05 So, is that, yes, no. 06:07 >>JAMES: That's fantastic. 06:08 >>TY: I resonate with that. 06:09 >>DAVID: And there's gonna be unique things that you see 06:12 that'll be unique to driving, unique to flying and unique to 06:15 walking. 06:16 Just as you're gonna see. 06:18 >>TY: You're covering the same ground, territory. 06:21 They're not prophecies that run end to end, seven churches 06:25 followed by seven seals, followed by seven trumpets. 06:29 They are repeat and enlarge, they're all running 06:32 concurrent, all these three sevens. 06:35 >>JAMES: And what would really help is to just look at the 06:37 book of Daniel. 06:38 The book of Daniel does this in Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Daniel 06:41 8, Daniel 11. 06:42 Now, notice, Daniel 2 is an image, Daniel 7 is these four 06:46 beasts. 06:47 There's the image of Daniel 2. 06:48 Then you've got Daniel 7 being these four beasts, ending up 06:50 with this terrible beast in Daniel chapter 7, and then, in 06:53 Daniel 8, you've got other animals. 06:55 Not the same animals that were in Daniel chapter 7, but other 06:57 animals, and then, in Daniel 11, you've got the king of the 06:59 north and the king of the south, the king of the north 07:01 and the king of the south. 07:02 So, you've got your air travel, you've got your 07:04 walking, you've got your car travel, you've got those 07:06 different modes of travelling the same road and this is 07:09 really powerful, because here's the thing, here's the 07:12 underlying theme. 07:13 God's character has been vindicated in heaven. 07:15 His throne is surrounded by lightning and thunder and 07:17 earthquakes, all this power has been vindicated in heaven, 07:20 but it has to come down to this earth. 07:22 His character has to be seen on earth. 07:24 So, when you begin the third cycle, I just want us to move 07:26 to Revelation chapter 8, I want you to notice something 07:29 here. 07:30 When we begin the third cycle, third prophetic cycle, we 07:33 won't get into the details of this, but we'll just open it 07:35 in this way so that people can see this is where we're 07:37 starting, in the apostolic age, you have an angel that 07:41 stands before God in verse 2, excuse me, in verse 3, you 07:44 have an angel that stands before an altar, having a 07:47 golden sensor and there's given unto him much incense. 07:49 He offers it with the prayers of all the saints upon the 07:51 golden altar, which was before the throne. 07:54 All of this is sanctuary language. 07:56 It's indicating altar, cross, golden altar, sanctuary, the 08:00 cross and the sacrifice of Christ has been taken to the 08:03 heavenly sanctuary. 08:04 Prayers are coming up. 08:05 Now, if this is apostolic age, the prayers that are coming up 08:08 are the prayers of Christ's disciples. 08:11 They're praying together in Jerusalem for the outpouring 08:13 of the Holy Spirit. 08:15 That's the apostolic age. 08:16 We haven't verified that here yet, we've just said, if this 08:19 is the apostolic age, that's what's happening in the 08:22 apostles' world right now, okay? 08:25 Then it goes on to say, the smoke of the incense, verse 4. 08:29 >>TY: Where are you? 08:30 Oh, verse 4, okay. 08:31 >>JAMES: Comes with the prayers of the saints. 08:33 It sends up before God out of the angel's hand and the angel 08:35 took the sensor and filled it with fire off the altar and 08:37 cast it into the earth. 08:38 >>TY: Oh, Acts 2. 08:39 >>JAMES: Acts chapter 2. 08:41 >>DAVID: That sounds very Acts 2. 08:42 >>JAMES: Now, notice what happens here. 08:43 >>DAVID: Tongues of fire on their heads. 08:44 >>JAMES: Yes. 08:45 And notice what happens in verse 5, and there were voices 08:48 and thundering's and lightning's and an earthquake. 08:51 And that, the implication is, in the earth. 08:54 All of these things that we've just read, the voices, the 08:56 thundering's, the lightning's, all of those are around the 08:58 throne in Revelation chapter 4. 08:59 But after the death of Christ, after the lamb slain, it's 09:03 presented, in Revelation chapter 8, starting the same 09:06 cycle again, all of these things are now poured out into 09:09 the earth. 09:10 For what purpose? 09:11 To vindicate the character of God, to take the establishment 09:15 of God's throne that's been set in heaven, to now bring 09:17 that Revelation to planet earth. 09:19 How's it gonna be taken to planet earth? 09:22 Through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. 09:23 >>TY: Through the proclamation of the gospel. 09:24 >>JAMES: Yes, what were they doing? 09:25 They were preaching Christ, they were lifting up Jesus, 09:27 they wouldn't stop preaching about Christ. 09:28 That's where the trumpets began. 09:30 Then, we go through the same cycle. 09:32 Through these trumpets, we go through the same cycle of the 09:34 black horse, the red horse, excuse me, the black horse, 09:37 the pale horse, the same basic history that we found with the 09:40 persecution of the church and then we had the compromise of 09:44 the church, then we had the reformation, we go through 09:46 that whole history, and then we come to Revelation chapter 09:49 10 and we land right here where God decides that he 09:53 wants us to stop, put on the brakes, hold it right here, 09:57 God didn't decide that, we decided that, but God has kind 10:00 of an interlude here where he spends a lot more time on an 10:05 event that takes place in Revelation chapter 10, that 10:07 Jeffrey's gonna unpack for us, I'm volunteering you because 10:10 you're so quiet over there, that we didn't spend a lot of 10:13 time on in the seven churches, we didn't spend a lot of time 10:14 on the seven seals. 10:16 But God has a whole chapter on it now in the seven trumpets. 10:19 >>TY: Okay, so to summarize, because we're talking about 10:22 complex stuff here, just to make sure we're all tracking 10:26 in the same direction, we have three prophetic lines, seven 10:31 churches, seven seals, seven trumpets, all of them are 10:34 beginning with first church, first seal, first trumpet, 10:38 first century... 10:40 >>JAMES: Apostolic age. 10:41 >>TY: ...apostolic age. 10:42 All of them run concurrent, but are revealing different 10:46 aspects of that unfolding history but all concluding at 10:51 the same period in history, the end of time, straight up 10:55 to the second coming and beyond. 10:57 And what you're suggesting is that, in the middle of these 11:00 three cycles of sevens, when we come to the seven trumpets, 11:07 we encounter what you just called an interlude, and I 11:11 think that's good language because, yeah, parenthetical 11:13 statement, because what's happening is you come to the 11:17 sixth trumpet in chapter 9, verses 13-21, and then, 11:24 chapters 10 and 11 unfold before you get to the seventh 11:28 trumpet, which again, kicks back in, in chapter 11, yeah. 11:33 And verse 15. 11:35 So, that's why you're calling it an interlude. 11:38 The reason I'm repeating is because, again, this is 11:40 complex, and so, we wanna understand that now, what 11:44 we're gonna spend the remainder of our time talking 11:46 about, really, is this interlude, in this session, is 11:50 this interlude. 11:52 So, basically, chapters 10 and 11. 11:53 >>JAMES: And one reason we're gonna do that is because, if 11:55 we spend a lot of our time on the trumpets, we'd simply be 11:58 repeating what we've already covered in the churches, 12:02 which, we've already covered in detail, but it's the same 12:03 history, but here's something new, here's something that's 12:06 intriguing, here's something that's significant. 12:08 >>TY: So, let's crack into this interlude, this 12:10 parenthetical statement where things are revealed, I guess 12:14 we could say these things are revealed between the sixth and 12:18 the seventh trumpet, so just picture, there's two bookends, 12:24 so to speak, sixth trumpet unfolds, and then, it's as if 12:27 John is saying, wait a minute, but then God showed me this. 12:32 And he unfolds, starting with chapter 10, what's going on 12:36 here? 12:37 >>DAVID: And we, just a question, for James, actually, 12:39 just a yes or no answer, I'm just curious. 12:42 So, it says there in Revelation, I'll come right 12:44 back to your question, Ty, I'm just very curious about this. 12:46 It says there, and you had us read Revelation 8:5, when the 12:49 incense is thrown, there are thundering's, lightning's, and 12:51 an earthquake, and it got me thinking about this text in 12:55 Acts, maybe you've made this connection before, but the 12:56 Holy Spirit's been poured out, the gospel's going with 12:58 power... 12:59 >>JAMES: And the earth is shaken. 13:01 >>DAVID: Yeah, Acts 4:31, when they had prayed, the place 13:03 where they were assembled together was shaken and they 13:05 were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the word 13:08 of God with boldness. 13:10 >>JAMES: Voices, thundering's, lightning's, yeah. 13:11 >>DAVID: Yeah, that's not just saying, oh, and by the way, 13:13 there was seismic activity. 13:15 That's saying, something that's happening in heaven is 13:17 reverberating. 13:19 >>JAMES: All of the power that's around the throne in 13:20 Revelation 4 is now coming down to planet earth. 13:23 >>DAVID: Wow. 13:24 >>JAMES: All of that power that's around the throne is 13:26 now coming. 13:27 See, it settled there and now, we've gotta settle it down 13:28 here. 13:29 >>DAVID: Okay, so, then, here's the second thing that I 13:31 wanna sort of put to you. 13:33 When we, by the time we get to Revelation chapter 10, we've 13:36 traversed over the seals, same ground, as Ty's made clear, 13:40 over the trumpets, same ground, which Ty's made clear. 13:43 That's not easy stuff. 13:46 Like, you know it pretty well. 13:47 >>JAMES: It's challenging. 13:49 >>DAVID: Okay, so, just so we're conceding that to our 13:50 people, it's not like, anybody can just open up the book of 13:52 Revelation and oh, it's just a piece of cake. 13:54 I mean, there is some stuff... 13:56 >>JAMES: Revelation 8, 9, and even through 11 is probably 13:59 the hardest part of Revelation, the seven trumpets 14:01 are the hardest part of Revelation. 14:03 Well, Daniel 11 has been, they're vying for it. 14:09 >>DAVID: So, one other thing that I wanna say here is we 14:11 see this, when we get to Revelation chapter 10 verse 1, 14:13 for example, we're beginning this parenthetical statement, 14:16 I saw. 14:17 And we've made this point again and again, that you 14:20 know, I think it's some 45 times John says, I saw and 14:23 another 25 times or whatever, he says, I heard. 14:26 So, the picture that I have in my mind here is almost like an 14:29 IMAX film. 14:30 You ever been to an IMAX, you know, where you sit in the 14:32 theater and it surrounds you and it's, you know, even 14:34 sometimes, the chairs shake. 14:36 What God showed John was this surround sound movie like 14:42 thing, and then, he's sitting down and describing it to us, 14:45 so because of that, the book of Revelation is not like 14:49 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, which you can just read. 14:53 You can just read, Jesus walked here, he went here, he 14:55 did this. 14:56 >>JAMES: ...and then all the way through the end of Christ. 14:57 No, it's not like that. 14:58 >>DAVID: The book of, and not just only in the chronology, 15:00 the book of Revelation demands interpretation. 15:03 >>TY: Oh, absolutely. 15:04 >>DAVID: It just has to be interpreted. 15:05 You can't leisurely read this and say, oh, yeah, there was a 15:07 dragon with seven heads, that's not what's happening. 15:10 >>TY: Because there wasn't. 15:11 >>DAVID: Right. 15:12 >>TY: It doesn't mean what it says, it means what it means. 15:15 >>DAVID: I just was gonna say that, I just read this great 15:17 quotation where it says, the book of Revelation does not 15:19 mean what it says, it means what it means, and so, we're 15:23 being exposed to John's recollections, or his 15:27 writings, about this movie, or movies that he saw, yeah? 15:31 >>TY: Yeah, because it's symbolic. 15:33 The book is filled with symbols that don't, the images 15:37 he sees don't exist in real life. 15:41 It's just symbols in his vision. 15:43 >>JAMES: He takes a picture, then, he takes another 15:46 picture, and another picture, and says, look at these 15:47 images. 15:48 Here's the first one I saw, after that, look what else I 15:51 saw. 15:52 >>DAVID: And then I heard this. 15:53 >>JAMES: Oh, and look what else I saw, and he just keeps 15:54 showing us in the book, he keeps showing us all these 15:56 images that he sees and we gotta put it all together. 15:59 >>DAVID: The thing that I love about, even this first 16:02 session, that's super helpful to me, is that this thing is 16:04 happening in heaven, Revelation 4 and 5, and that 16:07 enthronement, that celebration, that worthy, 16:10 worthy, is now like, it's like having reverberations, 16:14 resonance, on earth with the apostolic church. 16:17 >>TY: Powerful. 16:18 >>DAVID: But then, the wheels come off, which we saw in the 16:19 churches, it goes, well, and then, mmm, do we see that in 16:24 the seals as well? 16:25 Like, mmm, and you come back up, and then trumpets, mmm, 16:27 okay. 16:29 >>JAMES: That's what those horses are doing, those horses 16:31 are impacting, impacting, the white horse and then, they're 16:33 impacting, trying to bring compromise, persecution, 16:35 trying to bring down the gospel, compromise the gospel. 16:39 >>DAVID: Except for that first horse is the white, the one 16:40 good. 16:41 >>JAMES: Yes, that white horse. 16:43 >>DAVID: Okay, that was, for me, as much as anything, maybe 16:44 our viewers probably benefitted from that as well. 16:46 So, now, we're in the parenthetical statement that 16:48 is Revelation 10 and 11. 16:50 The interlude. 16:51 >>TY: But before we jump right into that, since that's a good 16:54 place to pause, with all those clarifications and we're kind 16:57 of primed now to actually dig into chapters 10 and 11, this 17:01 would be a good time to take our break, then we'll come 17:04 right back and we'll launch into chapters 10 and 11. 17:06 [Music] 17:17 >>The bible is a big book. 17:19 It's composed of 66 smaller books, written by more than 40 17:24 different authors. 17:26 It's easy to get bogged down in all the genealogies, 17:29 ancient history and intersecting characters with 17:32 unpronounceable names. 17:34 And yet, the bible is full of rich and powerful truths that 17:39 all of us need to understand. 17:42 Wouldn't you love to have an experienced tour guide take 17:45 you on a step-by-step journey through some of the most vital 17:48 and beautiful truths contained in the bible? 17:51 Well, now, it's here. 17:53 It's called Truth Link. 17:55 Truth Link is a groundbreaking new series of easy to 17:59 understand bible study guides that thousands of people 18:04 around the world are raving about. 18:06 Why all the excitement? 18:08 Because Truth Link systematically unfolds 27 life 18:14 transforming biblical topics, but not as a list of dry 18:18 theological facts. 18:20 Rather, Truth Link takes you on an engaging, biblical 18:25 expedition, demonstrating how every truth of scripture 18:29 reveals some facet of God's beautiful character. 18:33 Truth Link isn't just information, it's a spiritual 18:38 journey that will radically impact your life. 18:42 We would really love for you to have these bible study 18:45 guides because we know they will be a blessing to you. 18:50 You can get them by visiting or by calling 18:55 541-988-3333. 19:01 [Music] 19:08 >>TY: James, you know this material in Revelation, 19:11 especially the seals and the trumpets, so well, that you 19:14 can just explain it like, yeah, and so, I felt the need 19:17 to recapitulate and say, well, wait a minute, it's kinda like 19:22 you're on the phone with somebody getting service for a 19:25 flight or something, what's your phone number? 19:27 And you rattle off your phone number real fast and they say, 19:29 wait a minute, back up. 19:31 Or your credit card number or something like that, you know 19:35 it, but they're unfamiliar with it, and so, that's what 19:39 necessitates backing up and I think that's really embedded 19:43 in the text. 19:44 >>JEFFREY: I was just about to say, that's what God is doing 19:45 with us. 19:46 He can, but we're so slow, that's why he has to parallel, 19:50 the three parallel cycles. 19:53 >>TY: So, God is doing the same thing, he's slowing down 19:55 for us and saying, hey, let me say my number slow and clear 20:00 so that you can get what I'm talking about. 20:01 >>JAMES: But you know what's really interesting about this? 20:03 Just to get a little bit more on this. 20:05 That's how the entire bible is written, from Genesis to 20:08 Revelation. 20:09 So, when you start in Genesis 1, you have the creation 20:10 story, which, Genesis 2 is a repeat and an enlargement of 20:12 the Genesis story. 20:14 When you look at Exodus, the beginning of the law of God, 20:17 and then, you go to Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Numbers, it's all 20:19 repeating. 20:20 >>TY: It's all repeat and enlarge. 20:21 >>JAMES: Yeah, and then you go to the New Testament, what do 20:23 you start the New Testament with? 20:24 Matthew. 20:25 What's that about? 20:26 What comes next? 20:27 Mark. 20:28 What's that about. 20:28 >>DAVID: Luke, John, yeah. 20:29 >>JAMES: Yeah, so. 20:30 >>JEFFREY: We needed it really repeated. 20:34 >>TY: It's not complimentary to us. 20:36 >>JAMES: Four times. 20:38 >>TY: For it to be repeated over and over. 20:42 Okay, so we've come to chapter 10 now. 20:44 This chapter is super significant and the language 20:48 is important and we can unpack it but, I think it would be 20:51 good to read the chapter through, just all 11 verses. 20:55 David, could you just. 20:57 Yeah, just read the whole chapter through and let's just 20:59 listen, underline, circle, and back up and find out what 21:03 we're encountering now. 21:04 >>DAVID: I'll read through it pretty quick 'cause we all 21:05 have our bibles in front of us. 21:06 I saw still another mighty angel coming down from heaven, 21:10 enclothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was on his head and 21:12 his face was like the sun and his feet like pillars of fire. 21:15 He had a little book open in his hand and he set his right 21:17 foot on the sea and his left foot on the land and he cried 21:19 with a loud voice, as when a lion roars. 21:21 When he cried out, seven thunders uttered their voices. 21:24 Now, when the seven thunders uttered their voices, I was 21:25 about to write, but I heard a voice from heaven saying to 21:27 me, seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered, 21:30 and do not write them. 21:31 The angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land 21:34 raised up his hand to heaven and swore by Him who lives 21:36 forever and ever, who created heaven and the things that are 21:38 in it, the earth and the things that are in it, and the 21:40 sea and the things that are in it, that there should be delay 21:42 no longer, but in the days of the sounding of the seventh 21:45 angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God 21:48 would be finished, as he declared to his servants the 21:50 prophets. 21:51 Then the voice which I heard from heaven spoke to me again 21:53 and said, go, take the little book which is open in the hand 21:57 of the angel who stands on the sea and on the earth. 21:59 So I went to the angel and said to him, give me the 22:01 little book. 22:02 And he said to me, take and eat it, and it will make your 22:04 stomach bitter, but it will be as sweet as honey in your 22:06 mouth. 22:07 Then I took the little book out of the angel's hand and 22:09 ate it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth. 22:11 But when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter. 22:13 And he said to me, you must prophesy again about many 22:17 peoples, nations, tongues, and kings. 22:20 >>TY: Okay, so this is quite a vision that John has here. 22:25 And I think it's important for us to acknowledge the fact 22:29 that, again, as is the case over and over again in 22:31 Revelation, John has his source material in the Old 22:36 Testament. 22:37 He is drawing upon passages that have been written before 22:42 that he's obviously familiar with and where he's quoting 22:45 from is the book of Daniel. 22:46 What you have here is you have John encountering a glorious 22:53 being, with one foot on the sea, one foot on the land, the 22:57 glorious being has a book in his hand that is sealed and he 23:01 hands it to John and he tells John, eat it, and it's going 23:05 to be sweet in your mouth, bitter in your belly. 23:08 So, what's going on here? 23:11 What is the Daniel allusion, because I think, personally, I 23:15 don't know if you've spent any time with this, but I went 23:19 back and forth, actually, comparing the language, and 23:22 it's the same being that is encountered in both instances, 23:28 but there are differences. 23:29 The main difference is that the being that Daniel 23:33 encounters, that being tells him the book, the prophecies 23:39 which you just received, which is equivalent to the book, is 23:41 sealed. 23:42 The difference is... 23:43 >>DAVID: This is Daniel 12. 23:44 >>TY: Yeah, the difference is, when you come to the 23:46 Revelation vision that John receives, the book is now 23:49 unsealed, it's open, it's in his hand, open, and he tells 23:53 John to eat it, to take in and to process the content of the 23:58 book and the brilliant thing about making that comparison, 24:00 and I'm giving the short version, I hope we can flesh 24:03 it out, but the brilliant thing about noticing that 24:06 comparison is that the book, in chapter 10, that John eats 24:12 and processes is, in fact, the book of Daniel. 24:16 It is, in fact, the prophecies of the book of Daniel that 24:19 were sealed to human understanding for the time of 24:22 the end. 24:24 >>JAMES: Which, by the way, is verified by the fact that when 24:25 the seven thunders are heard by John, that come out of the 24:29 book and he starts to write, the voice says, don't write 24:31 them. 24:32 Well, why not? 24:33 Well, 'cause they're already written. 24:35 >>TY: In Daniel. 24:37 >>JAMES: What you need to do is you need to go and eat the 24:38 book. 24:39 They've already been written out, you don't need to write 24:40 them out again, you need to eat, you need to actually 24:43 assimilate what's already been written, because Daniel 24:45 didn't. 24:46 Daniel couldn't get it, he couldn't understand it, and 24:48 so, that's why the certain man, the glorious being, 24:51 actually told Daniel, listen, your prophecies are gonna be 24:53 sealed for a time, a time, and half of a time, but in the 24:55 end, you're gonna stand in your lot and your book is 24:57 gonna be understood. 24:58 It's gonna be understood by people who don't write it out 25:00 again, doesn't need to be written again, but by people 25:02 who go and take your book, by words that were found, and eat 25:04 them. 25:06 >>JEFFREY: So, Revelation 10 is pointing to a period in 25:07 history where something, some development would take place 25:11 in an understanding of the words of Daniel. 25:14 >>DAVID: And we should say that the reason Daniel doesn't 25:17 understand it is not that he's imbecile or dumb, it's because 25:21 he lacked the historical scope. 25:22 >>JEFFREY: Of the nature of the words themselves. 25:25 >>DAVID: 'Cause he's describing the events that 25:27 will take place, like John, after him, the events being 25:30 described here, with historical perspective looking 25:33 back, maybe that's where you were going. 25:34 >>JEFFREY: So, they were sealed because they haven't 25:36 happened yet. 25:37 >>DAVID: They haven't happened yet. 25:38 >>JEFFREY: The words have not been fulfilled. 25:38 Should we read from Daniel 12? 25:39 I think we should. 25:41 >>TY: I was giving the brief overview, hoping that we would 25:42 go back and actually look at the passages. 25:45 >>JEFFREY: Can I jump into the fourth verse? 25:48 Daniel chapter 12 and verse 4, but you, Daniel, shut up the 25:52 words, seal the book until the time of the end. 25:57 Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase, and 26:01 I think that's the relation we were just pointing to. 26:03 Seal up the book until the time of the end. 26:07 In other words, what seals the book is this frame of time, 26:13 it's time. 26:14 It needs to be fulfilled in order for those things to be 26:16 opened. 26:18 >>DAVID: But by the time we get to the book of Revelation, 26:19 looking back, the events that are described here, it's now 26:21 history. 26:23 >>TY: It's like, I can't tell you what's on this page 26:26 because the page hasn't been written yet. 26:28 >>JEFFREY: That's it. 26:30 >>JAMES: But the ink of history is dry, as they say. 26:32 >>TY: Yeah, so, so, what does it mean here in verse 4, 26:37 Jeffrey, when it says, many shall run to and fro and 26:40 knowledge shall be increased? 26:42 Isn't that essentially, I mean, in the context, it's 26:45 telling us that the running to and fro and the increase of 26:49 knowledge is going to be regarding the prophecies of 26:53 Daniel that were closed. 26:55 >>JEFFREY: I think so because, in verse 10, there's another 26:58 emphasis, whatever is unfolding, some will not 27:03 understand, some will understand. 27:05 >>TY: So, understanding is the issue. 27:06 >>JEFFREY: I think understanding certain things 27:08 that pertain to the book of Daniel and that are in the 27:12 context of time and the fulfillment of time, that's 27:16 what it's talking about. 27:17 >>TY: Daniel himself didn't understand. 27:18 >>JEFFREY: Right. 27:20 >>TY: He was in, just meltdown over the fact that you've 27:24 revealed all these things to me in chapters, mainly 27:28 chapters 7 and 8, and chapter 9, he said, I didn't 27:32 understand it and the angel Gabriel basically came to him 27:36 with the bad news that, you're not gonna understand it, it's 27:39 closed to your understanding, you don't live in that period 27:42 of time that this pertains to. 27:44 It's for the time of the end, but when that time comes, many 27:49 will run to and fro would be equivalent to eat the little 27:53 book in Revelation. 27:56 Running to and fro, for, a Hebrew audience, conjures up 28:00 the image, 'cause they didn't have books where you turn 28:03 pages, they had scrolls that you unroll on tables and 28:06 you're running back and forth, comparing scripture to 28:09 scripture to understand, you're running to and fro and 28:13 your knowledge of the prophecies is increasing. 28:16 >>JEFFREY: Yeah, go ahead. 28:18 >>JAMES: I was just gonna say, which is incredible because 28:19 Daniel is set up in Ezekiel 28 as one of the wisest, you 28:23 know, are you wiser than Daniel? 28:25 I mean, Daniel was wise. 28:27 And it tells us that prophecy isn't about how much wisdom 28:29 you have, prophecy is about this connection with God... 28:33 >>JEFFREY: What God has revealed. 28:34 >>JAMES: Yeah, understanding and living in a time when that 28:36 thing is revealed, because even in Daniel 12, the certain 28:39 man stands on the rivers of the water and on the land, but 28:44 in Revelation 10, he stands on the earth and on the sea. 28:47 >>TY: It's global. 28:48 >>JAMES: It's a global, so God is... 28:49 >>TY: Wait, repeat that, what, the comparison? 28:52 >>JAMES: In Daniel chapter 12, this certain man is standing, 28:56 it says here, verse 5, this heavenly being is standing, 29:00 he's called a certain man, but this heavenly being is 29:02 standing on the river, one side of the river of the bank 29:04 and the other side of the river of the bank. 29:06 But when you get to Revelation chapter... 29:07 >>DAVID: That's local. 29:08 >>JAMES: That's local, that's limited. 29:09 But when you get to Revelation 10, he has one foot on the 29:13 land and the other foot on the sea. 29:15 >>TY: The whole world. 29:16 >>JAMES: That's global. 29:17 It's global. 29:18 >>JEFFREY: So, the book that was open in his hand in 29:21 Revelation 10:2 is the same book that was sealed in Daniel 29:24 chapter 12, and so, therefore, we would just conclude that if 29:28 it's now open, then the events taking place in the 10th 29:32 chapter of Revelation are the events predicted, related to 29:36 the... 29:37 >>JAMES: One more thing, one more thing, no more delay. 29:40 So, Daniel wants to know, no, it's delayed, it's delayed, 29:43 this time's gonna, so you come here, there's no more delay, 29:46 there's no more time now that your book is gonna be sealed. 29:49 You don't have to wait anymore. 29:50 >>DAVID: Your number has come up. 29:51 >>TY: So, let's identify the exact prophecy that was closed 29:54 to Daniel's understanding that was opened at the end time 30:00 segment of history, symbolized by John eating the little 30:02 book. 30:03 So, see if you guys agree with this. 30:05 We're kind of working backwards here, again, to 30:08 achieve clarity for those who are sitting with us in this 30:11 discussion. 30:13 We began in Revelation 10 and we read about John having an 30:18 experience, and then, we identified the language as 30:21 coming from the book of Daniel, and we've said, in 30:25 chapter 12 of Daniel, Daniel is told, your book is shut up, 30:30 it's sealed, but it will be opened in the time of the end. 30:32 We're in Daniel 12 now, so, now we're going back further, 30:35 we're rewinding. 30:36 We're saying, okay, Daniel, in chapter 12 and verse 4, what 30:39 is it that was sealed? 30:43 What did Daniel not understand and that's back in chapter 8, 30:46 isn't it? 30:47 >>JEFFREY: I think that we're retracing, but it's natural 30:49 because it's based on the key word. 30:51 So, in chapter 12, it says, seal up this vision, seal up 30:55 these words, but in Daniel 8 and verse 26, there's 31:00 reference to a vision in regard to evenings and 31:04 mornings, a time frame, it says, seal up the vision 31:09 because it refers to many days in the future. 31:12 The language... 31:13 >>TY: So, then, we're working backwards. 31:14 >>JEFFREY: So, the language is almost exact, verbatim to what 31:18 we read in chapter 12. 31:19 >>TY: Yeah, 12:4 traces back to 8:26 and 8:26 traces back 31:24 to 8:14. 31:27 >>DAVID: 8:13 and 14. 31:28 Because 8:14, this goes back to how we began our whole 31:31 study of Revelation, which is that two word question that's 31:34 pregnant with pathos and frustration, even, and 31:38 incredulity. 31:40 How long? 31:41 How long? 31:43 There's this rampaging, anti-Christian power that's 31:47 having its way with God, with his people, with his truth, 31:50 with his sanctuary, and it's like, how long? 31:54 >>TY: Take us there, David. 31:55 Those are the verses that we've traced back, we've come 31:59 from, just to make it clear again, we've come from 32:03 Revelation 10, which we traced back, the language, to Daniel 32:09 12, verse 4, which refers back to chapter 8, verse 26, which 32:15 refers back to chapter 8, verse 14. 32:17 So... 32:19 >>JAMES: And the same characters are mentioned in 13 32:21 and 14, are mentioned in Revelation 12. 32:23 The certain man, and the two, one asking the other. 32:26 >>DAVID: Yeah. 32:27 So, the question is, Daniel overhears this conversation, I 32:30 heard a certain one speaking to the other, how long, verse 32:36 13, will the vision be, concerning the daily 32:38 sacrifices and the transgression of desolation to 32:40 give both the sanctuary and the host, that is to say, 32:44 God's people, to be trampled underfoot. 32:47 That doesn't sound good at all. 32:48 >>TY: So, there's persecution going on. 32:50 >>DAVID: Persecution, there's a war being waged against 32:52 truth, against God, against the sanctuary. 32:54 Then, the answer is, and he said to me, verse 14, unto 32:59 2,300 days, then the sanctuary will be cleansed. 33:02 >>TY: This is incredible. 33:03 >>DAVID: It's really incredible. 33:04 That's a long period of time, which is why he says, in verse 33:06 26, hey, this is for the distant future. 33:10 2300 literal days is like, what, 7 years or something, 8 33:12 years. 33:14 But 2300 days as years, because this is prophecy and 33:18 we find in this scatological or end time prophecy, a day is 33:22 a year. 33:23 Well, that's a very long time. 33:25 That's two millennia and then some which, guess what, brings 33:28 us down to a period in Revelation 10 where the 33:32 prophecies of Daniel were being studied, they were being 33:34 studied vigorously, running to and fro, a period, an actual 33:37 period in earth's history that was built around an 33:40 understanding of this prophecy. 33:43 >>JAMES: And that lines up with seven churches. 33:44 It lines up perfectly with the seven churches. 33:45 It lines up with the church of Philadelphia. 33:47 So, again, we're confirming that prophetic cycle. 33:49 >>TY: But it's grounded in actual historic events that 33:52 happened right here in the United States of America, 33:56 there was an actual awakening of spiritual interest. 34:00 Sometimes, ministry referred to in the history books. 34:03 I mean, you can look it up on Wikipedia. 34:05 I mean, this is just history unfolded where there was an 34:10 awakening of worldwide interest, specifically in the 34:16 book of Daniel. 34:17 Just think of that. 34:17 Think about, think about it moving forward. 34:21 Daniel receives a vision about a 2300 day prophecy. 34:24 The angel tells him, Daniel, it's not for your time, it's 34:27 sealed up, you'll never understand it in your 34:28 lifetime. 34:30 This is for many days in the future, the end of time. 34:32 Many will run to and fro studying the scriptures and 34:36 they're gonna understand it, chapter 12, verse 4. 34:39 Come to Revelation chapter 10, and John is told, eat the 34:44 little book, it's gonna be sweet in your mouth, bitter in 34:46 your belly, and in real time history, that actually 34:51 happened. 34:52 There was a revival of interest where people began, 34:57 globally, to study the book of Daniel, specifically chapter 8 35:02 to figure out the meaning of this 2300 day prophecy. 35:05 >>JAMES: And the sanctuary and the cleansing. 35:07 >>TY: So, what happened in that awakening is, they began 35:13 to understand, first of all, just what David pointed out 35:16 that, wait a minute, this couldn't be day for day, 2300 35:20 days, it couldn't be, because in fact, if you do the math, 35:23 the angel specifically told Daniel, Daniel, you're not 35:26 gonna understand it in your lifetime, but from chapter 8 35:29 to chapter 12, more than 7 years has gone by in Daniel's 35:32 experience, and he never understood it. 35:34 He died not understanding his own prophecy. 35:38 So, it's not day for day, it's day for year, and it's 2300 35:42 years into the future. 35:45 So, what is that period of time and how does it break 35:50 down? 35:51 What is the beginning point, what is the ending point of 35:55 this large swath of history? 35:57 Is there somebody who has it in them to break down exactly, 36:03 well, actually, you know what we should do? 36:05 We should take our break because we're gonna have to 36:07 really do some work here, we're gonna have to do some 36:10 serious bible study. 36:11 >>JAMES: Easy peasy lemon squeezey. 36:13 >>TY: Well, you can't do it in 36 seconds. 36:15 >>JAMES: That's true. 36:16 >>TY: So, let's take our break. 36:17 >>DAVID: Not even James can do it in 36 seconds. 36:19 >>TY: Let's take our break and when we come back, we're going 36:22 to, we're gonna devote our time to understanding this 36:25 2300 year period of time, when it starts, when it ends, and 36:31 realize where we are in history. 36:33 >>JAMES: Amen. 36:35 [Music] 36:45 Announcer: Truth is not merely a list of theological 36:47 facts, but rather the revelation of God's beautiful 36:50 love in Jesus Christ. 36:52 Truth Link is a series of bible study guides that 36:55 magnify God's love as the center of every bible 36:58 doctrine. 36:59 To receive your free copy of lesson one, call 877-585-1111 37:06 or write to Light Bearers, 37457 Jasper Lowell Road, 37:10 Jasper, Oregon, 97438. 37:13 Once again, to receive your free copy of Truth Link lesson 37:17 one, call 877-585-1111 or write to Light Bearers, 37:23 37457 Jasper Lowell Road, Jasper, Oregon, 97438. 37:30 [Music] 37:34 >>TY: Okay, now, we're going to dive into one of the most 37:37 difficult parts of scripture, but I think that we've set 37:42 ourselves up to understand this difficult and amazing 37:44 passage. 37:46 It's Daniel 8:14, unto 2,300 days, then shall the sanctuary 37:50 be cleansed. 37:51 Now, I just wanna pause because we went by very fast 37:55 and said that a day equals a year. 37:58 We need to point out the fact that Daniel and Revelation are 38:02 highly symbolic books, and because they're symbolic, it 38:05 shouldn't come as a surprise to us that a day equals a year 38:09 in bible prophecy. 38:10 There are actual verses that just straight up say a day 38:13 equals a year. 38:14 >>JAMES: Ezekiel 4:6, Numbers 14:34. 38:17 >>TY: Those two verses just straight out tell us, a day 38:20 equals a year in prophecy. 38:21 Not all prophecy, but we know that this is one of the 38:24 instances where a day equals a year because the angel 38:28 specifically tells Daniel, your prophecy is for the end 38:34 of time. 38:35 So, we know that it's a day for a year because it's 38:36 extending all the way out. 38:37 >>JEFFREY: And unless the end of time took place 7 or 8 38:39 years after Daniel. 38:40 >>TY: That's right, that's the point. 38:42 That's the point. 38:43 Okay, so Daniel 8:14, he's told, Daniel is told, well, 38:47 let's just back up. 38:48 There's a conversation between two angels in 13 and 14. 38:52 >>DAVID: And anti-Christian powers waging war against God, 38:55 his sanctuary, truth, his Messiah, how long? 38:58 >>TY: An angel is asking, how long? 39:00 And another angle answers and says, well, I'll tell you how 39:02 long. 39:03 It's gonna extend all the way down 2300 years into the 39:06 future from some starting date to some ending date. 39:10 Then, the thing kinda goes dark. 39:13 Daniel's freaked out, he doesn't understand what's 39:15 being told him. 39:16 There are reasons for that that we've pointed out, 39:18 because it doesn't pertain to his time. 39:20 But he's still, he didn't have the historical perspective. 39:22 He wanted to understand it. 39:24 He goes into this prayer for his own people because he's 39:28 interceding on behalf of Israel. 39:31 He's a captive slave in Babylon and he wants so badly 39:36 for what the angel is showing him to pertain to him and his 39:39 people right now. 39:40 But it doesn't. 39:42 And so, after his prayer, this is fascinating, the angel 39:45 returns and says, okay, Daniel, now, now, I've come to 39:52 break this down for you. 39:53 This is in chapter 9, starting with verse, where would you 39:59 guys start? 40:00 The man Gabriel comes to him in chapter 9, verse 21. 40:04 And then, in chapter 9, verse 23. 40:08 >>DAVID: At the beginning of your prayer. 40:09 >>TY: At the beginning of your prayer and supplication, the 40:12 command went out and I have now come, I have come to tell 40:17 you, for you are greatly beloved. 40:20 Therefore, consider the matter and understand the vision. 40:24 The vision that Gabriel the angel has now come to explain 40:29 to Daniel, very clearly, is the vision of chapter 8, 40:34 specifically, verse 14. 40:35 So, there are two reasons why we know this, because it is 40:38 the immediately antecedent vision. 40:42 There's a second reason we know that that's what he's 40:44 come to explain, because what he breaks down from verse 24 40:48 onward has to do with time, the breaking down of time and 40:53 the only time element previous to this point is Daniel 8:14. 40:59 >>DAVID: That was unexplained, or not understood. 41:02 >>JEFFREY: And the third reason is because, in verse 41:04 24, when he begins, he uses the phrase, this chunk of time 41:09 is taken out of a bigger chunk of time. 41:13 >>TY: So, there's a bigger chunk of time, that's the 2300 41:16 years and now, verse 24. 41:20 >>JEFFREY: Seventy weeks are cut off, determined for your 41:22 people, for your holy city to finish the transgression to 41:26 make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity to 41:30 bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up 41:33 vision and prophecy. 41:35 >>TY: Okay, push the pause button right there. 41:37 So, we have, first of all, the angel is just saying, and 41:38 people need to visualize this, draw a picture if necessary. 41:43 You've got 2300 days, 2300 years and the angel come and 41:48 says, well, the first segment here is 70 weeks of that 2300 41:54 day period of time, day equals a year, so that's 70 weeks. 42:00 >>DAVID: 490 days or years. 42:02 >>TY: 490 days or years would be 70 weeks. 42:07 Then, verse 25. 42:09 >>JEFFREY: Yeah, then we're given the starting point. 42:12 Know, therefore, and understand that, from the 42:15 going forth of the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, 42:20 until Messiah the prince, there shall be 7 weeks and 62 42:24 weeks, the streets shall be built again and the wall, even 42:27 in troublesome times. 42:29 >>DAVID: So, 69 weeks. 42:31 But from this starting point, from the going forth of the 42:36 command to the restoring to build Jerusalem, remember, 42:38 Daniel's a captive, Jerusalem is destroyed, the temple is 42:40 destroyed, so, there's gonna be a command to go rebuild the 42:42 temple, and the angel's saying, when that command goes 42:46 forth, there will be 69 weeks out of the, remember, we're 42:49 dealing with 70 here, there'll be 69, and when you get there 42:52 to that 69, that's Messiah. 42:55 Messiah the prince. 42:56 >>TY: Messiah is there at that point, which out of the 490 42:59 years would be 483 years. 43:02 >>DAVID: So, you just had that last little week left. 43:04 Okay, so Messiah comes, there's a week left, 43:07 continuing on, and after the 62 weeks, Messiah will be cut 43:11 off but not for himself. 43:12 Let's just pause there. 43:14 Jesus died. 43:15 >>TY: He will be crucified. 43:15 Not for himself. 43:17 >>DAVID: No, he didn't die for his own sins, he died for our 43:18 sins. 43:19 Right, he, for God so loved the world, right? 43:22 So, he dies there, he's cut off, and then, what happens in 43:24 the wake of that, the rest of verse 26, the people of the 43:29 prince who is to come will destroy the city. 43:31 This is Jerusalem, and the sanctuary, the end of it will 43:33 be with a flood until the end of the world, desolations are 43:35 determined. 43:36 >>TY: That's an instruction of Jerusalem. 43:37 >>DAVID: Yeah, it's a little complicated, but it's the 43:39 destruction of Jerusalem by Rome in AD 70. 43:42 Okay, so far, so good, we're onto it here. 43:44 Then, he, this is Jesus Messiah, will confirm a 43:49 covenant with many for one week. 43:51 That's that 70th week. 43:52 He's confirming this covenant, but in the middle of the week, 43:56 he will bring an end to sacrifice an offering. 43:57 When Jesus died on the cross, the sacrificial system came to 44:01 an end, which was symbolized by the tearing of the veil, 44:03 and I love this little detail, not from the bottom to the 44:06 top, this was a huge veil, if a man would've torn that, he 44:10 would've cut it at the bottom and they would've tried to 44:12 tear it, but it's torn from the top to the bottom, 44:14 symbolizing that God says, okay, we're done with this. 44:17 No more lambs, no more bullocks, no more ox, we're 44:19 not doing that anymore. 44:20 >>TY: They entire symbolic system has now been fulfilled 44:21 in Christ. 44:23 >>DAVID: Exactly. 44:24 And that's the confirmation of the covenant. 44:26 Jesus perfectly loved the Lord his God with all his heart, 44:28 mind, and soul, and his neighbor as himself, did not 44:30 sin, fulfilled the Abrahamic covenant, and so, when he 44:33 died, it's like, okay, the Lamb of God that takes away 44:36 the sin of the world has come, which is why we now don't 44:40 bring lambs and other animals for the purposes of sacrifice 44:43 to church, because that happened, that's historical. 44:45 But Daniel's looking forward to it. 44:47 >>TY: It's fascinating that even the Jewish nation, Israel 44:51 itself, ceased the sacrificial system at that point. 44:55 >>DAVID: Well, not at that point, but in the wake after 44:57 the destruction of Jerusalem. 44:58 After the destruction of their temple, the sacrificial system 45:02 is never yet had been reinstituted, which I think 45:05 personally, is a dramatic fulfillment of this prophecy. 45:08 >>TY: It's incredible. 45:10 >>JAMES: It says, it'll lay desolate even to the 45:12 consummation of the very end of time. 45:13 >>TY: What does that mean? 45:14 >>JAMES: The temple, the temple will desolate 'til the 45:16 very end of time, means that that temple will not be 45:18 rebuilt, and right now, of course, there's a mosque on 45:21 the temple site, so it can't be rebuilt. 45:23 >>DAVID: There aren't a lot of people we should say that we 45:24 think that that's the big story, that there's gonna be a 45:27 temple, it's gonna be rebuilt in literal Jerusalem. 45:29 Scripture says, no. 45:31 >>TY: That's not the big story. 45:32 >>DAVID: The real big story is not the temple on earth, it's 45:34 already been destroyed. 45:35 Solomon's temple was destroyed, the second temple 45:37 was destroyed. 45:38 The real temple is a temple that cannot, will not be 45:41 destroyed. 45:42 >>TY: That Jesus himself... 45:43 >>DAVID: the high priest of. 45:44 >>JEFFREY: This goes back to our initial point about the 45:46 three approaches for interpreting prophecy. 45:49 That, depending on your approach. 45:51 So, there's futuristic, you know, approach, we'll see that 45:55 as something in the future, something that took place in 45:58 the middle east, and it gets all political and so forth. 46:01 So, the historicist position kind of spares you that 46:05 confusion, right? 46:06 And allows you to anchor this in history. 46:08 >>TY: So, somebody summarize, though, because we just said a 46:11 lot. 46:12 Somebody summarize what we just discovered. 46:15 >>DAVID: Well, I don't know if I'm gonna say, I'll say what 46:17 I'm gonna say and if I miss anything, you pick up the 46:19 pace. 46:20 >>TY: Well, say what you were gonna say and summarize. 46:21 >>DAVID: Okay, I'll do my best. 46:23 So, Ty said to draw a line. 46:24 So, you've got this line of this lengthy period, 2300 46:27 days. 46:28 Right? 46:28 Of which that 70 weeks was cut off. 46:31 So, we go from the start point here, which is in and around 46:34 the time of Daniel. 46:35 We can attach a period to that, 457, we can write that 46:38 down, you can go to the book of Ester, this was a decree 46:40 from, to rebuild Jerusalem from a Persian king named 46:43 Xerxes. 46:45 Our point is that, that brings you right down to about the 46:48 point of Jesus. 46:49 So, even if you didn't know this, this AD 457, you would 46:52 just go from about the time of Jesus's crucifixion and work 46:55 back and say, hey, was there a decree back there that sent 46:58 God, oh, there was. 47:00 Okay, great. 47:01 This is hugely convenient. 47:02 >>TY: [Laughter] 47:03 >>JEFFREY: I love that you simulate how would, oh. 47:05 >>DAVID: So, now, what you end up with is you've got your 47:07 2300 timeframe, your long period, of which you have the 47:12 smaller 490 that's cut off. 47:14 Well, you still have this whole period out here. 47:16 >>TY: 1810 years. 47:17 >>DAVID: Yeah, exactly, 1,810 years that remain. 47:21 So, we follow that and it brings us to the very period 47:26 described that you were talking about earlier, Ty, of 47:29 an awakening of a revival, largely under the preaching of 47:33 a Baptist preacher named William Miller, sometimes 47:36 called Millerism, sometimes called Adventism, it was an 47:38 anticipation of Jesus. 47:40 Jesus is coming again, he's returning, he's gonna be here 47:42 in 1844. 47:44 They preached this, they believed this. 47:46 They were passionate, based on the prophecy of Daniel 8 and 47:50 9. 47:51 They were passionate, and as we know here, we're sitting in 47:54 2016, Jesus didn't come, they were wrong. 47:56 >>TY: They were short and wrong. 47:59 >>DAVID: Right about the time, wrong about the events. 48:02 I don't know if that's a good summary. 48:04 >>TY: That is a very good summary because that, now that 48:07 we've done that work in Daniel, we can go back, 48:10 forward now to Revelation 10, and we can crack the code 48:14 there, we can understand what is that is being revealed. 48:18 >>JEFFREY: I was just gonna say that what you've just 48:20 described, that sort of anticipation and that letdown 48:23 fits perfectly with the way this is described in chapter 48:27 10, where John was to take the book and eat it, initially, it 48:32 would be sweet, and then, it would lead to a bitter 48:37 experience. 48:39 >>TY: Emphasize that, though, because this is a crucial part 48:42 of history, where sweet, bitter is a comparison. 48:47 Sweet in your mouth, we know for an absolute fact by the 48:51 internal evidence of the text that the book that is being 48:54 ingested, eaten, masticated, processed, is the prophecies 48:58 of the book of Daniel, specifically Daniel 8:14. 49:02 What would be sweet about that? 49:04 Well, they believed Jesus was coming. 49:06 >>DAVID: Amen, hallelujah, thank you Jesus. 49:09 >>TY: But then, why is it bitter in the belly? 49:12 Why would it be, well, he didn't come. 49:14 Can you imagine a more traumatic experience for human 49:18 beings than to be crying out from your inmost soul, as 49:24 Revelation points out, how long? 49:27 And finally, you begin to understand, we know how long. 49:31 Jesus is coming. 49:32 Sin, suffering. 49:34 >>JEFFREY: Imagine what the night before was like. 49:36 >>TY: Oh, just amazing. 49:38 >>JEFFREY: Imagine what that night was, yeah, that 49:40 anticipation and then, you're watching the sun and it goes 49:42 down and it comes back up. 49:45 And then it settles on you. 49:49 >>TY: We know exactly what it was like because we have 49:51 firsthand testimony from people who were so devastated 49:57 that they threw in the towel completely and decided they 50:00 didn't believe in God anymore at all and then, we have 50:03 testimony of people who said, but it was just too clear. 50:09 Daniel 8:14. 50:11 Something's going on here, but we don't know what it is, we 50:14 don't know what it was, something must've happened 50:17 because, let's rehearse again, let's go back over it again, 50:21 over it again. 50:23 The date is solid. 50:24 The date is solid, but it's not the second coming of 50:27 Jesus, what in the world is it that is taking place when we 50:33 come to that period of the end of the 2300 day prophecy, 50:36 which, by the way, did you say the time? 50:38 The time, if we begin with 457 BC as the starting point of 50:43 the 2300 day prophecy, we come to the time of Christ with 27 50:48 AD, 31, 34, that period, the final week, and we go 1810 50:52 years forward, we come to the year 1844. 50:55 It is not at all in the realm of possibility that it could 51:00 be coincidental that, that prophecy comes out to 1844 and 51:04 that there just happened to be a group of people who, at that 51:07 time, studied the book of Daniel and thought he was 51:09 coming in 1844. 51:10 >>DAVID: And let's remind ourselves of something that 51:13 you already said, Ty, and this was not, like, a group of 12 51:16 people sitting in a room. 51:17 This was a massive movement, particularly in the northeast 51:20 United States, but it was worldwide. 51:22 There were people that were, had scriptures, in Christian 51:25 situations, they really, genuinely believed, many of 51:28 them, tens of thousands and tens of thousands, going to 51:31 camp meetings and listening to preaching. 51:33 They really believed, it was called Millerism, it was 51:35 called Adventism, there are political cartoons about. 51:38 >>JEFFREY: I was just about to say, I have actually seen the 51:40 newspaper clippings of just the public, just ridiculing 51:43 these people. 51:45 >>TY: Everybody at that point who was a Baptist wanted to 51:48 run and hide because William Miller was a Baptist preacher 51:52 and Christianity in general was ashamed of the fact that a 51:57 time was set for the second coming and it failed. 52:00 It made Christianity look bad, to say the least, but this is 52:04 amazing to me, as the people continued studying scripture, 52:10 it began to open to their understanding that wow, wait a 52:13 minute, right date, wrong event, and here's the amazing 52:17 thing, some people have said, historically, that movement 52:20 could not have been of God, that movement could not have 52:24 been of God because they were wrong about the event, but 52:27 what about the disciples? 52:29 Are we prepared to say that the disciples of Jesus and 52:34 Jesus himself, that that whole thing was a false movement 52:38 because they thought that he was gonna set up his kingdom 52:41 on earth and he didn't? 52:42 >>JEFFREY: What about the fact that, the point that you love 52:45 to make, the fact that both the disciples in the early 52:49 church and this antimovement we're talking about, both of 52:53 their disappointments were based on a misunderstanding of 52:56 the writings of the same prophecy, of Daniel. 52:59 First, the Messiah. 53:00 Why would he confuse us to the Messiah dying? 53:04 When Daniel had foretold that? 53:06 It was a misunderstanding of what God was up to in his 53:09 Messianic activity. 53:11 And then, you have the same thing happening in the 19th 53:13 century. 53:14 >>JAMES: They thought that he was coming, the Messiah was 53:16 coming to wipe out the Romans and establish God's kingdom on 53:18 earth. 53:19 But he didn't come to do that, he came to die and then to go 53:21 into the heavenly sanctuary. 53:23 Then, the Millerites thought that he was coming to wipe out 53:26 the wicked and establish his kingdom. 53:29 The sanctuary was the earth, the earth was gonna be 53:30 cleansed. 53:31 But he didn't, he went into the second phase of the 53:35 heavenly sanctuary. 53:36 So, both of them involve the sanctuary in heaven, both of 53:39 them involve a misconception of God's kingdom on earth and 53:42 both of them involve the misunderstanding of what he 53:44 was coming to do. 53:45 And both of them were based on the same time frame. 53:48 >>JEFFREY: For anybody who wants to read about the bitter 53:50 experience about the early, Luke 24, is it? 53:54 Luke 24. 53:55 That's their bitterness experience. 53:59 >>TY: We thought he was the one, I guess he wasn't. 54:02 Well, no, he was, you understood the time, you 54:06 encountered the true Messiah, but you didn't understand the 54:09 nature of his work. 54:11 You didn't see what he was really up to, what he was 54:13 doing, it's the same thing with this experience. 54:17 >>DAVID: As Revelation 10 closes, in the context of our 54:19 study here in this Revelation series, there is this 54:24 anticipation of, well, wait a minute, we have to revisit 54:27 this. 54:28 That was a mistake. 54:29 There's unfinished business here because the very last 54:31 verse of verse 10 says, and he said to me, this is when the 54:34 bitter experience has happened, you must prophecy, 54:37 again, about or to many peoples, nations, tongues, and 54:41 kings. 54:43 In other words, this message of the 2300 day prophecy, of 54:45 the prophecies of Daniel, will go to the world again. 54:49 So, we're sort of left there. 54:51 >>TY: Yeah, it feels like this great disappointment they 54:54 experienced, this bitter experience, it feels like it's 54:57 the end of something, just close up shop, go home. 55:00 >>JEFFREY: It's the beginning of something. 55:02 >>TY: But it's actually the beginning of something. 55:03 You must prophecy again on a global scale. 55:07 There's a message to be given that is grounded in the book 55:11 of Daniel and the book of Revelation is going to be the 55:16 key to understanding those prophecies. 55:19 There's a sense in which any human being on planet earth 55:23 who begins to understand the prophecies of Daniel in 55:26 Revelation, those human beings themselves are prophecy in 55:30 fulfillment. 55:32 They're experiencing the fulfillment of prophecy in 55:36 their very hearts and lives and in their witness regarding 55:41 these prophecies. 55:43 It's amazing. 55:44 So, we've covered a lot, but what we've come to understand 55:49 is that the book of Revelation is understood in the light of 55:54 the prophecies in the book of Daniel. 55:56 Now, as we launch forward further into our study, we're 55:59 gonna discover that there are more gems of truth that are 56:03 revealed when we compare these two books. 56:07 [Music] 56:17 [Music] 56:29 |
Revised 2018-01-15