Table Talk

The Hard Questions: If We're Saved by Grace, Why Are We Judged By Our Works?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick, James Rafferty, Jeffrey Rosario, Ty Gibson


Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000039A

00:00 [Music]
00:10 [Music]
00:24 questions series and we've saved maybe the best for last because
00:29 we get to delve into the question, if we're saved by
00:32 grace, why are we judged by works?
00:35 And that means we get to talk about grace, which makes it
00:40 perhaps the best topic because there are gonna be a lot of good
00:43 news in this discussion, I believe.
00:46 We have a perspective that I think God has put in our hearts.
00:52 We've had lots of conversations over the years and have grown in
00:56 our understanding of the gospel to such a great degree that it
01:00 would be an understatement to say that we're excited about
01:03 this subject.
01:05 Yeah, there are just countless people out there who desperately
01:10 need, as we desperately need, to see subjects such as the
01:16 judgement in the light of the gospel, and so, there are lots
01:21 of people, I believe, who are living under the burden of
01:24 believing that the judgement somehow precludes grace or
01:28 somehow, it's all about grace, but then, oh, when it's all said
01:31 and done, I'm on my own and somehow, grace is no longer
01:38 anything that applies to my ongoing standing before God.
01:43 So, with that, we need to lay a foundation.
01:47 We don't wanna jump to the judgement during the time right
01:51 before we were starting, James said, in this conversation, we
01:55 need to just really focus on grace and we all just said,
01:58 amen, of course, that's where we need to focus.
02:00 But we can't avoid the fact that there is something called the
02:03 judgement, it will happen, the bible is explicit about it and
02:07 we will be judged by our works.
02:08 So, what about the foundation, where do we go with this?
02:11 >>JAMES: Ephesians 2.
02:13 >>DAVID: Well, we can go, I think there's probably 100
02:17 scriptures that you could start at, maybe a thousand scriptures
02:19 that you could start at.
02:20 >>JAMES: A million?
02:22 >>DAVID: But there's, I think, only one place, at least for me,
02:24 there's a single place to start in answering the question, if
02:28 we're saved by grace, why are we judged by works?
02:30 No one will be able to apprehend an accurate answer to that
02:34 question if they do not first understand what the bible
02:38 teaches the gospel is.
02:40 >>TY: Okay.
02:41 >>DAVID: So, that would be like somebody saying, okay, what is
02:44 algebra?
02:45 What is geometry?
02:47 And they're still working on their times tables.
02:50 Right, not to suggest that the gospel is simple, but that it's
02:54 foundational.
02:55 If we don't understand the answer to that question, trying
02:57 to get to the judgement, good luck.
02:59 There are lots of people who understand the judgement who
03:02 don't understand the gospel, and therefore, guess what they don't
03:06 actually understand?
03:07 >>TY: The judgement.
03:08 >>DAVID: So, there's a million texts.
03:11 I mean, Paul is a great place to start.
03:13 Let's go there.
03:14 >>JAMES: Ephesians 2, and I think even though we wanna start
03:16 right in verse 8, I think we should go back to the context of
03:19 the chapter, that chapter and start in verse 1, you, he is
03:25 quickened, who are dead in trespasses and sins.
03:27 That's where we all began, wherein time passed, you walked
03:29 according to the course of this world, according to the power,
03:32 prince of the power of the air, and the spirit that now works in
03:35 the children of disobedience, among whom also we had our
03:37 conversation in times past.
03:38 In the lust of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of our
03:42 flesh, and we're of the mind, excuse me, and of the mind and
03:46 we're by nature the children of wrath even as others, but God,
03:49 who is rich in mercy, verse 4, for his great love wherewith he
03:53 loved us, even when we were dead in sins, quickened us together
03:57 with Christ by grace, we are saved, and raised us up together
04:01 and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus
04:04 that in the ages to come, he might show the exceeding riches
04:07 of his grace and his kindness toward us through Jesus Christ,
04:10 for by grace, you are saved through faith, and that not of
04:14 yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man
04:18 should boast, stop right there.
04:21 should boast, stop right there.
04:24 We're looking here at where we were, sinners, walking in the
04:26 desires of the flesh, lust of the flesh, walking according to
04:29 the world, and while we were sinners, while we were enemies
04:33 of God, he quickened us.
04:35 He made us alive and saved us by grace.
04:37 Now, that phrase, saved by grace, is emphasized twice, and
04:41 I believe one of the reasons why it's emphasized is because it is
04:44 the grace that is bestowed upon us, the grace that is appeared
04:47 unto all men.
04:48 It is that grace that allows us to even have life in order to
04:51 comprehend the grace that eternally saves us.
04:54 God has to do something for us in Christ Jesus before we even
04:58 know that he's done something for us, in order to give us life
05:02 so that we can grope after him and find him.
05:04 And he does that, and then, he goes on to say, I think in an
05:08 eternal sense, for you saved by grace, through faith, there's
05:11 the through faith part.
05:12 First one is just by grace, you're saved, but then it's
05:14 through faith, not of yourselves, it's the gift of
05:17 God, not of works lest any man should boast.
05:18 Now, there's the works part that's added to that.
05:20 I think verse 8 is describing the part that is eternal and
05:24 it's precluding works and suggesting faith, whereas the
05:28 first one is just saying, you've been saved by grace, God has
05:31 done something for you in Christ in order for you to have that
05:34 second part of that experience.
05:35 >>TY: The word gospel is never used in this passage, and yet,
05:42 beautifully, what Paul has described is the gospel.
05:46 The good news is described here, first of all, against the
05:50 backdrop of the problem.
05:53 The problem is that we're sinners in the first few verses,
05:55 in verse 1-3, but then, in verse 4, but God who is rich in mercy,
06:01 because of his great love with which he loved us, that's
06:04 powerful.
06:04 This is describing the motive of God.
06:06 What's moving God toward us as sinners?
06:10 Because of the great love with which he loved us, he reaches
06:14 out of himself to save us by his grace alone.
06:18 Now, this is a significant passage because it tells us that
06:24 we're saved wholly by grace and that works have no purchasing
06:29 power for our salvation.
06:32 So, if that's the case, we come back to our question, if we're
06:36 saved by grace, why would we be judged by works?
06:40 You see what I'm saying?
06:42 If we're saved by grace, why judged by works?
06:46 That's what we're inching toward, but I think we need to
06:48 further lay the foundation, we need to pour the foundation of
06:53 the gospel.
06:54 So, this is one gospel passage, how about you, Jeffrey, David,
06:57 anything else regarding the gospel itself?
07:00 >>DAVID: I'm gonna just stay in Ephesians 2, where are you
07:02 going?
07:03 >>JEFFREY: No, go ahead, I'm not going anywhere.
07:04 >>DAVID: I agree with everything James has said, of course,
07:06 everything Ty said, love that.
07:07 The problem that Paul is addressing here is not only sin,
07:14 but it's that which is the result of sin and that is being
07:18 dead.
07:19 He says, you he made alive who were dead in trespasses and
07:23 sins.
07:24 Verse 5, even when we were dead in trespasses.
07:26 So, if you wanted to, you could sort of look at it in a two part
07:32 formula, mankind faces two problems.
07:36 I face two problems, you face two problems, we face death,
07:39 right, and that which causes death, which is sin.
07:44 So, sin and death are the twin problems that are facing
07:48 humanity.
07:49 And the question then is, how will God rescue us?
07:54 Well, he certainly bestows grace, and he certainly has an
07:57 attitude of love toward us that causes, that's the motive.
08:00 For Paul, though, the centerpiece of Paul's gospel is
08:04 a historical event that took place in the man Jesus Christ
08:09 that consummated in his resurrection.
08:12 It was the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus that
08:17 is the historical event by which God shows the motive of his
08:23 heart and by which he demonstrates that he is saving
08:27 us by grace and that's exactly what Paul says in verse 6.
08:30 He says, he is raised us up together and made us sit in the
08:34 heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
08:36 That's resurrection language.
08:36 We were dead.
08:38 If you're dead, okay, I'm not really fond about this whole
08:42 death thing.
08:42 I'm not, I don't like this death thing.
08:44 Well, the bible doesn't just say that we will die in some
08:47 historical sense, in some medical sense, it says you are
08:50 dead.
08:52 You are dead in trespasses and sins, because the wages of sin
08:55 is death.
08:56 Well, if you're dead, you got a major problem.
08:59 A problem that only one thing can solve, and that is a
09:02 resurrection.
09:02 You need to be raised.
09:05 Well, how will we be raised?
09:07 And we will be raised because of this historical, wonderful event
09:11 in which God condescends to become a man, this is the
09:14 gospel, the holy history of the man Jesus Christ is the gospel,
09:18 it's the good news.
09:20 God becomes a man, he walks a mile in our moccasins, he lives
09:23 the life that we have not lived, he dies the death that we
09:25 deserved, he experiences the burial that should've been ours,
09:29 but there's not a period there, there's a comma, and he was
09:34 raised from the dead.
09:35 This historical event is, for Paul, for Jesus, for all the
09:40 biblical writers, the centerpiece of the gospel.
09:44 We've gotta be there, and in fact, Paul is so big and broad
09:50 and beautiful with his language that he says, we are sitting
09:53 with Christ in heavenly places, and Paul's thinking, we're
09:56 already there.
09:57 >>TY: It's a done deal.
09:58 >>DAVID: It's a done deal.
09:59 >>TY: Yeah, the whole course has been walked in the person of
10:03 Jesus Christ.
10:04 >>JEFFREY: What you were just quoting there, you were
10:07 basically kinda quoting 1 Corinthians 15, where Paul gives
10:10 the definition of, just for our viewers, I'd like to just look
10:14 at that real quick, in 1 Corinthians 15, verse 1, Paul
10:18 says, I'm declaring the gospel, and then he defines what that
10:23 gospel is in verse 3, for I delivered to you, first of all,
10:28 that which I also received, and then here's the definition, that
10:31 Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures.
10:36 Verse 4, that he was buried and that he rose again the third
10:40 day, according to the scriptures.
10:42 So, that's a very simple, foundational definition of what
10:46 the gospel is.
10:47 >>DAVID: And scholars believe that what's taking place there
10:50 in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 is that what you have is an actual
10:53 early, like, an early oral tradition of what the gospel is.
11:00 There's a doxological sense there and what that means is
11:03 that this, there's a rhyme, not a rhyme, but a meter, there's a
11:07 sense that Christ died for our sins according to the scripture,
11:09 that he was buried, that he rose again the third day according to
11:11 the scriptures.
11:12 In a pre-literary society, you're a Christian, you come to
11:15 my town, I'm a Christian, I go to your town, and you say, do
11:17 you believe in the Messiah, I say, I believe the Messiah.
11:19 Well, which Messiah?
11:21 Right, there's no internet, there's no Twitter, there's no
11:22 Facebook, there were lots of messiahs in the days of Jesus.
11:25 There were lots of promising, young Jewish upstarts that were
11:28 the messiah, so which one?
11:30 Oh, I'm a believer in Thudas the messiah.
11:32 I'm a believer in, you know, Judas the, there were different
11:35 figures that the bible speaks of.
11:37 Okay, which one?
11:37 No, no, no, I believe in Jesus.
11:39 Jesus of Nazareth?
11:40 Yeah, the one that died according to the scriptures that
11:44 was buried, that rose again the third day according to the
11:46 scripture.
11:46 Okay, same one.
11:47 That's the gospel.
11:48 >>JEFFREY: And I love the double emphasis on according to the
11:51 scriptures, according to the scriptures, that the gospel is
11:54 not merely pointing us to an event where God entering into
11:59 time and space, but that that event was a fulfillment of a
12:03 promise that was given, according to the scripture,
12:06 according to the scripture.
12:07 It was anticipated because God promised it and it took place.
12:12 So, I like that.
12:13 >>TY: I'd like to just add a few, a few breaststrokes to the
12:16 picture that you guys are painting because the language
12:19 that you've brought to the table is really meaningful in the
12:24 broader context of Paul's theology.
12:27 David, you said, in so many words, that Jesus in himself,
12:33 represents a holy history, that there's a historic act that
12:39 occurred in the person of Jesus Christ, and his life, death,
12:45 burial, and resurrection and ascension constitutes the
12:48 gospel.
12:49 How about this language from Paul in Romans chapter 3, where
12:53 he says, in verses 23 and 24, for all have sinned and fall
12:58 short of the glory of God, being justified freely by his grace
13:03 through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
13:07 This is very fascinating to me.
13:09 Redemption is described here as an accomplished reality in
13:15 Christ Jesus.
13:16 It's a done deal in him.
13:19 This is what we might refer to as the objective achievement of
13:25 Christ in himself, apart from the participation of any human
13:29 being.
13:30 And this is what Paul has in mind when he says, we're saved
13:33 by grace, through faith, not of works, we can't contribute
13:38 anything to the achievements of Christ.
13:41 The Christ even itself is basically the remaking, the
13:47 redoing, the retroversion of the human experience and he redeems
13:52 the whole thing.
13:53 He completely reestablishes a new humanity and there it is,
13:59 it's done and then you went further, David, you said, not
14:03 only did he live and die and was buried and resurrected, he
14:08 ascended and then Paul does something very fascinating in
14:11 Ephesians 2, he says, okay, Jesus is up there, he's ascended
14:15 and he says, we're seated with him in heavenly places in Christ
14:21 Jesus and what Paul means by this is that our complete human
14:28 representative is right there in the throne room of the universe,
14:33 so reason it through this way, even if, hypothetically, this
14:37 isn't the case, but hypothetically, even if all of
14:39 us and every human being said, no to the salvation that is in
14:44 Christ Jesus, that salvation is still in Christ Jesus.
14:50 It's an accomplished fact in Christ and faith is the
14:55 mechanism by which we identify with the salvation that is in
15:00 Christ Jesus, or said another way, faith doesn't manufacture
15:05 facts, faith lays hold of the facts of the gospel that are
15:10 present in Jesus Christ.
15:13 >>DAVID: There is a simple, and I'll just, this'll be so quick,
15:16 there is a reason, a very simple, practical, pragmatic,
15:20 utilitarian reason why we cannot make any contribution to the
15:25 accomplished fact of the life, death, burial, and resurrection
15:30 of Jesus.
15:31 It happened a long time ago.
15:32 It's historic.
15:35 How, pray tell, would you add something to that?
15:37 It's in the books.
15:38 You know, as the filmmakers would say, you know, it's in the
15:40 can.
15:41 You know, it's wrapped up, it's done, right?
15:42 How are you gonna add something to that.
15:44 >>JAMES: Guys, I love this because this is laying a deep,
15:47 solid foundation in the fact that we are saved by grace and
15:51 if we can lay this foundation as deep as possible, I mean, we can
15:54 throw some more layers on this, we can lay this as deep as
15:57 possible, it will be the way that we can best understand
16:01 being judged by works.
16:02 Because what we have to do is we have to completely dismiss the
16:06 idea that our works save us and if we can establish the fact
16:09 that we're saved by grace, that idea, before we even start,
16:12 it'll be gone.
16:14 >>DAVID: I kinda cut you off, there Jeffrey, I didn't mean to.
16:16 I just really didn't wanna lose that point about the basic
16:19 historical nature of an event.
16:22 It's done.
16:23 That happened.
16:24 How you gonna add something to that?
16:26 >>JAMES: But now it's your turn, Jeffrey, now we're gonna let you
16:29 have this time.
16:30 >>JEFFREY: I forgot what I was gonna say.
16:31 I forgot what I was saying, so.
16:34 >>TY: Well, since you forgot what you were gonna say, since
16:39 you forgot what you were gonna say, I'll just add one feature
16:43 because we're talking here about salvation and judgement.
16:46 Jesus lived and he died, he was resurrected and ascended.
16:52 Now, watch this, in chapter 12 of the gospel of John, Jesus,
16:57 referring to his death on the cross, watch this, says, he's on
17:02 the cross, he's going, he's dying on the cross, and he says,
17:05 now is the judgement of this world.
17:10 So, not only was the life of Jesus a perfected
17:17 reestablishment, recreation of the human being, his death on
17:23 the cross exhausted the judgement.
17:27 There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for you or me to
17:32 undergo and to
17:34 face the judgement on the terms of our sin.
17:38 We can actually enter into the judgement, point to Calvary and
17:42 identify by faith with the fact that the judgement happened in
17:47 Christ.
17:48 Right now, at Calvary, the judgement of this world, boom,
17:52 done deal.
17:53 >>JAMES: Ty, we have to look at one verse before we close, I
17:54 know we need to close this section, but just to back up to
17:57 the scripture on that, okay, 2 Corinthians chapter 5.
18:01 2 Corinthians chapter 5, and verse 14 is where it begins, but
18:06 I think, you can go further on this, but we'll just stop with
18:08 verse 14, we can always go into this a little bit more, but
18:11 notice what it says here, and I'm just gonna read it in the
18:13 context of the New King James and other translations.
18:17 This is how it reads.
18:18 For the love of Christ constrains us, which means,
18:23 motivates us, because we thus judge that if one died for all,
18:27 then all died.
18:29 In other words, what you just said, Jesus exhausted the
18:32 judgement, the punishment that should've come, not just to us
18:35 who are believers, but to the entire world, and if he died for
18:38 the entire world, then that judgement was exhausted in him.
18:42 Everyone died that death.
18:45 Everyone's punishment for sin, everyone's reward, everyone's
18:49 wages of sin was brought together and paid for in Jesus
18:53 Christ.
18:53 >>TY: That's astounding.
18:55 But it does raise the question, then why is there a judgement at
18:58 all?
18:59 And that's where we need to begin probing forward in
19:01 scripture when we come back after the break.
19:04 scripture when we come back after the break.
19:11 >>This is the story of Niyima, who took a bus to the doctor and
19:17 found a piece of paper with words of hope about Jesus, which
19:22 was left by a church member who unpacked a box that came from a
19:26 truck which drove in from Durban where a ship was docked that
19:31 sailed from Seattle, loaded with containers stacked high with
19:35 millions of tracts, trucked in from the Light Bearers
19:39 Publishing House, where more than 600 million pieces of
19:43 gospel literature have been printed in 42 languages.
19:47 Here's the amazing thing, Light Bearers distributes this
19:51 literature free of charge all over the world, and each piece
19:56 costs only 5 pennies to print, transport, and deliver.
20:02 Every day, millions of people buy a $5 cup of coffee, $5 a
20:07 cup, 5 days a week.
20:09 It adds up fast.
20:11 But at just 5 cents a piece, that same $25 can also ship 500
20:17 pieces of literature and give hope to people like Niyima, who
20:24 shared that paper with a classmate, who gave it to her
20:27 cousin, who shared it with his boss, who passed it to her
20:31 grandmother, who left it on another bus, where it will be
20:36 found by someone else.
20:39 And the story continues.
20:42 Five cents doesn't buy a lot these days, but in other parts
20:46 of the world, your nickel could change someone's life.
20:49 Your gift of $25 a month sends out 6,000 pieces of gospel
20:55 literature each year.
20:57 Fifty dollars sends out 12,000, and $100 a month sends out
21:02 24,000 messages of hope every year, all over the world.
21:09 Empower Light Bearers to continue the story.
21:12 Send your gift through, or by calling
21:16 877-585-1111.
21:20 Who knew 5 little pennies could do so much?
21:23 [Music]
21:28 [Music]
21:29 ndation in the gospel
21:32 and we've basically come to the conclusion that something
21:36 monumental was achieved in the person of Jesus Christ.
21:39 What was achieved in the person of Jesus Christ?
21:42 Everything pertaining to our salvation.
21:45 There's nothing that we can contribute to that achievement.
21:50 Jesus walked the entire gauntlet for us, he endured judgement on
21:56 our behalf.
21:57 He achieved perfection in his humanity and he died for us, he
22:04 rose again, he ascended to heaven.
22:06 And it's this kind of language that Paul employs when he says
22:11 things like Galatians 2:20, I am crucified with Christ,
22:17 nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me and the
22:20 life which I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God who
22:24 died for me and rose again.
22:26 Notice the language.
22:27 >>JEFFREY: That's the first verse I memorized when I became
22:28 a Christian.
22:28 >>TY: Is it?
22:29 >>JAMES: So, did he say it right?
22:30 >>DAVID: No, he didn't, not the end, but that's okay.
22:32 >>JEFFREY: It's a beautiful passage.
22:34 Keep going.
22:35 [inaudible chatter]
22:39 >>DAVID: No, that is correct.
22:41 >>TY: Okay, so the part that I'm trying to focus on here is I am
22:44 crucified with Christ, when?
22:45 Well, in the Christ event itself.
22:49 The historic event that you referred to, back there at
22:52 Calvary, this is a representative death.
22:55 This is a death that is being engaged in by the ambassador of
23:01 heaven coming down to earth and representing heaven on our
23:06 behalf and here we have before us a monumental achievement in
23:11 Jesus Christ that includes the judgement, according to John
23:16 chapter 12 and verses 31 and 32.
23:19 So, with that foundation laid, then James took us to 2
23:22 Corinthians chapter 5, and James, you went to verses 14 and
23:26 15.
23:26 >>JAMES: Just 14.
23:27 >>TY: Yeah, 14 and onward, but you guys look, go back up to
23:30 verses 10 and 11.
23:31 The context here to the gospel he's about to break down is the
23:37 fact that there is a judgment, verses 10 and 11, for we must
23:42 all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one
23:46 may receive the things done in the body, according to what he
23:50 has done, whether good or bad, knowing therefore the terror of
23:54 the Lord, we persuade men, but we are well known to God, but we
24:01 are well known to God, and I also trust we are well known in
24:06 your consciences.
24:07 What's he saying here?
24:09 He's essentially saying, yes, we're all judgment bound,
24:12 everybody's gonna stand before the judgement seat of Christ,
24:16 and it's in that context that he says, we're compelled by the
24:19 love of Christ.
24:20 Jesus moves us in love toward him because his love toward us
24:28 was a representative death that included all human beings, he
24:32 goes onto say that God is reconciled to us not counting
24:36 our trespasses against us by virtue of the achievements of
24:40 Christ.
24:41 >>JAMES: Ty, this is so powerful.
24:42 These texts are so powerful, I've never seen them before in
24:45 the context of the judgement.
24:47 This is the first time I've noticed, I mean, I know those
24:49 verses are there, I've read this many times, but I've noticed
24:52 that these verses that follow are in the context of the
24:54 judgement, in other words, in a nutshell, God is saying to us,
24:57 listen, there is gonna be a judgement, and because there's
24:59 gonna be a judgement, you need to know the gospel and you need
25:01 to know Jesus and you need to know that God has reconciled to
25:04 you and you need to know that he doesn't regard you according to
25:07 the flesh, and you need to know that you have a whole new
25:09 identity, a new creature, in Christ and you need to claim
25:12 that.
25:12 That's yours.
25:14 He became sin for us, he became sin for us, so if you wanna be
25:19 able to stand against, I'm gonna say it this way, Revelation
25:22 12:10, against the accusations of the devil, the accuser, you
25:26 need Jesus, what he's done for you.
25:28 >>JEFFREY: But that's another point there is that we must all
25:30 appear before the judgement seat of Christ and the reason that is
25:34 an important point is because when people normally think of
25:37 the judgement, they think that bad people are gonna be in the
25:40 judgement, right?
25:41 It's always in the negative.
25:42 We must all appear, even believers, even the saved,
25:46 excuse me, which preempts something that will come up here
25:49 sooner, I hope, that the judgement is not necessarily
25:54 bad.
25:55 It's not in a negative connotation.
25:56 The judgement has a bigger purpose that the lost and the
26:00 saved are affected by.
26:05 >>TY: Unpack that, no, say more.
26:06 >>JAMES: Unpack it, unpack that bag, that suitcase.
26:11 >>JAMES: Unpack it, unpack that bag, that suitcase.
26:12 the saved and
26:14 the lost, will be in the judgement, right?
26:17 That totally removes the idea that it's, just think about the
26:22 way we use the language, don't judge me.
26:24 When have you ever thought about that phrase with a positive
26:29 connotation.
26:30 >>JAMES: Old Testament David's experience, judge me, Lord,
26:32 judge me, he says it over and over again.
26:33 >>JEFFREY: You just blew my whole point.
26:35 >>JAMES: Oh, sorry.
26:36 >>JEFFREY: The whole point was to create a tension.
26:38 [Inaudible chatter]
26:43 >>JEFFREY: But that's exactly the point, that's exactly the
26:45 point.
26:46 Who, have you ever heard anybody say, Lord, please judge me?
26:52 No.
26:54 Because we think of that in the negative connotation and it's a
26:57 very narrow and incomplete picture of the judgement.
27:02 Why would a prophet say, Lord, please judge me?
27:04 >>TY: Because that prophet is expecting a positive outcome to
27:08 the judgement, not expecting a negative outcome.
27:10 >>JEFFREY: That's exactly what I was trying to say.
27:13 >>DAVID: On what basis would the Old Testament prophets such as,
27:17 or Old Testament prophets and writers such as David have
27:21 expected a positive outcome?
27:23 >>JAMES: On the basis of knowing Christ, for sure, or God.
27:26 >>DAVID: Right, so talking about David, so we can't
27:27 anachronistically read back, you know, David didn't have the
27:31 writings of Paul, he didn't yet see the life, death, and
27:34 resurrection of Jesus.
27:35 So, I'm asking the question, how would David have known?
27:38 >>TY: With a forward reaching faith in Messiah, he'd
27:43 definitely have the sacrificial
27:44 >>DAVID: How would he have known the story of judgement?
27:45 >>TY: Sacrificial service, sanctuary service, we have a
27:50 step by step process that is outlined that, again, outlines
27:55 the path that Jesus actually traversed on our behalf.
27:59 >>DAVID: James?
28:00 >>JAMES: Psalms 73, I was envious at the wicked.
28:07 >>DAVID: Yeah, that's right.
28:08 >>JAMES: They were not slippery, then I went into the what?
28:12 >>DAVID: Sanctuary.
28:13 >>JAMES: And saw their end.
28:14 How foolish was I and ignorant?
28:15 >>DAVID: Yeah, that's right.
28:17 >>JEFFREY: So, the judgement is hope that God would bring an end
28:19 to evil.
28:20 >>TY: I don't think we should pass by that scripture, just
28:21 saying that in passing.
28:23 What scripture, where is that?
28:24 >>JAMES: Psalm 73.
28:28 Well, maybe it's 77, I don't know, I thought it was 73
28:30 >>TY: David, is that what you were getting at when you were
28:32 asking the question, on what basis would David have expected
28:38 a positive outcome to the judgement?
28:41 >>DAVID: Yeah, that's exactly the question that I was getting
28:42 at.
28:43 It's saying
28:44 >>JAMES: And this is really powerful.
28:46 Go ahead.
28:47 >>DAVID: No, I was just gonna say, how would David have known?
28:49 We go from Paul and John and Jesus, and then, we're like,
28:53 see, David said, judge me, oh, Lord, because he anticipated
28:56 that the outcome would be positive and not negative.
28:58 So, we say, well, how did he know that?
28:59 That's what I'm asking.
29:00 >>JAMES: What's so powerful about this is, notice what he
29:02 says here.
29:02 >>TY: Where are you at?
29:04 >>JAMES: Psalm 73:1 and 2, I'm just gonna read 1 and 2 and then
29:05 we can paraphrase the rest if you want, maybe not, but here's
29:08 what he says, truly God is good to Israel, even to such of you
29:11 who are of a clean heart.
29:12 God is good to the good guys, but as for me, verse 2, my feet
29:17 were almost gone, my steps had well-nigh slipped.
29:20 So, he's here, at least talking about some kind of experience
29:25 where he's not a good guy, where he's struggled, he's
29:28 backslidden, my feet have slipped, I've backslidden.
29:30 So, God is, and then, he's going through all of these pictures of
29:36 the way that it seems like the wicked are prospering, and then
29:39 he goes into the sanctuary and he sees their end.
29:42 >>JEFFREY: That's in verse 17.
29:43 >>JAMES: Yes, verse 17 is where, until I went into the sanctuary
29:45 and then I understood their end.
29:47 Surely, God has set them in slippery places.
29:49 And I think what David is saying here in the context is, you know
29:52 what, I'm a believer in God, but I'm a backslider.
29:56 The good guys are gonna make it, but the backsliders aren't.
30:00 Maybe I should hang out with the wicked because it looks like
30:02 they're having a good time in this planet, this earth, things
30:05 are going well for them.
30:06 >>DAVID: He even says in verse 4 that, there are no pangs in
30:09 their death.
30:10 >>JAMES: Yes, yes.
30:11 >>DAVID: That's his whole point.
30:13 He says, verse 5, they're not in trouble like other men.
30:16 >>JAMES: Verse 12, they prosper the world, they increase in
30:19 riches, I cleanse my heart in vain, I've washed my hands in
30:22 innocence, I can't do this, I can't do this anymore.
30:25 Then, I go into the sanctuary and what do I see?
30:26 I see that the end of the wicked is lost, but there's, for those
30:30 who believe in something more than me washing my hands of
30:34 innocence and me trying to keep up the good works to make it to
30:37 heaven, there's something there in the sanctuary that I see that
30:40 gives me hope, and that sanctuary is, like you said,
30:43 David, that is this lamb that trod the wine press alone and
30:47 with the people, there was none with him.
30:49 >>TY: Well, verse 28, it seems like he's come full circle and
30:54 he's gotten over his bout with depression, and in verse 28, he
30:58 says, but it is good for me to draw near to God.
31:03 I have put my trust in the Lord God that I may declare all your
31:09 works, isn't that something?
31:10 So, I guess David was grappling, but then, he realized, wait a
31:16 minute, it is good for me to draw near to God and put my
31:21 trust in him because the end of the wicked is going to be that
31:25 they're going to face a judgement alone without God as
31:33 their advocate in that judgement.
31:35 >>JAMES: And also, in the context, I've backslidden.
31:38 >>TY: So, we know he's a sinner.
31:40 >>JAMES: I can't do this, so it's good for me to trust in his
31:43 works, in his righteousness, which is what the sanctuary
31:47 teaches.
31:48 It's beautiful, beautiful picture.
31:49 Righteous by faith right here.
31:51 >>TY: Okay, so are there other passages of scripture that put
31:57 the judgement in a positive light?
32:00 >>JAMES: Yes.
32:02 Before we go there, Romans 14, I just wanna touch on this, Romans
32:05 14 is so powerful because God, Paul is dealing with a church
32:08 that is divided between Gentiles and Jews and they are just,
32:12 they're all in the faith, he says in verse 1 of Romans 14,
32:15 but they are, and these are the words he uses, they're judging
32:17 one another and they're despising each other and in that
32:23 context, and they've got these little variations of belief, of
32:27 depth of experience, for example, I think the issue here,
32:31 of course, if you look at the context is, is that the converts
32:35 from Judaism are dealing with these extra things that they're
32:38 doing that makes them feel like they're more righteous than the
32:40 Gentiles.
32:41 The ceremonial laws, et cetera, and the Gentiles are just like,
32:43 full of faith.
32:44 Paul actually describes the Jews as weak in faith and the
32:47 Gentiles, full of faith, they just have full trust in Christ
32:50 and they don't have to do any of these things because it was
32:52 easier for them to discard things that they never did
32:55 practice for hundreds and hundreds of years.
32:57 But the principle is powerful because he brings it to this
33:00 head in verses 10 through 12, he says
33:03 >>TY: So, you were just in verse 1.
33:05 >>JAMES: Right, I was just explaining and summarizing the
33:07 context of it, and then, in verses 10-12, this is the, this
33:10 is where it comes to the punchline, he says, but why do
33:12 you judge your brother, why do you set not your brother, for we
33:15 shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ.
33:19 For, as it is written, for I live, says the Lord, every knee
33:21 shall bow to me, every tongue shall confess to God.
33:23 So, then every one of us shall give an account of himself to
33:26 God, let us therefore, because of the judgement, let us
33:30 therefore, verse 13, not judge one another anymore.
33:32 You are off the hook, brother, you are off the hook, sister.
33:35 You no longer have to take up the burden of judging or
33:39 criticizing your brothers or your sisters, even with these
33:42 little various, you are off the hook.
33:44 God has a judgment, we're all gonna stand before the judgement
33:47 seat of Christ, and he is going to call everyone into account.
33:50 You don't need to sit in the judgement, but you should do
33:53 this, rather, he says, verse 13 again, latter half, rather let
34:00 no man put a stumbling block or on occasion fall in his
34:03 brother's way.
34:04 That's what you need to be about, that's what you need to
34:05 be about.
34:06 Not judging people, but doing everything you can to lift them
34:10 up, to remove the stumbling blocks.
34:11 >>TY: This is interesting, then, one of the good features of
34:15 believing in the judgement is that we can be free from any
34:19 need to judge.
34:20 >>DAVID: That's good.
34:21 >>TY: We can just say, there is a judgement and I don't
34:29 >>JAMES: No one's getting away with anything.
34:30 >>TY: Yeah, I don't need to sit in judgement on you or anybody
34:34 else, that's not my department, that's not...
34:37 >>DAVID: That's not my department.
34:39 >>JEFFREY: That takes a lot of energy to sit in judgement of
34:42 everybody all the time.
34:43 >>TY: It's exhausting.
34:44 >>JAMES: And he's talking here about individual judgement.
34:47 We understand that there's a church that has accountability
34:51 that it calls its members to, we understand all of that and I
34:53 don't wanna preclude that, I just wanna say that this right
34:56 here is where we, as individuals, are let off the
35:00 hook.
35:01 And this is super good news.
35:02 >>JEFFREY: There's another passage, Ty, that I wanna read.
35:04 >>TY: Okay.
35:05 >>JEFFREY: Daniel chapter 7, there's this prophetic sweep,
35:11 obviously, we don't have the time to unpack it all.
35:13 >>TY: We have a few minutes.
35:14 Make sure you give the background because people won't
35:17 know where we're coming from.
35:18 >>JEFFREY: In Daniel 7, beginning in verse 17 and 20,
35:22 those are the verses I will not read, it's mentioned different
35:26 symbolic nations and kingdoms that arise on the scene of world
35:32 history, but when you get down to verse 21, it says, I was
35:37 watching, and the same horn was making war against the saints
35:41 and prevailing against them.
35:44 So, there's some kind of a prophetic insight here that the
35:49 saints, which is the people of God, would be victims of war,
35:54 persecution, some form of persecution, and then, in verse
35:57 22, the answer to that or the hope to that is that the ancient
36:02 of days comes into the picture and it says, and judgement was
36:06 made in favor of the saints, in my New King James bible, it
36:10 says, in favor of the saints of the most high.
36:13 And the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom.
36:17 So, judgement was given in favor of the saints of the most high.
36:21 That goes back to my original point.
36:23 2 Corinthians 5:10, all must appear before the judgement seat
36:26 of Christ, both the righteous and the wicked.
36:28 So, here's the thing, depending on the perspective that you look
36:32 at the judgement will determine if it's a positive or a negative
36:36 thing.
36:37 >>TY: So, it could be negative.
36:38 >>JEFFREY: Of course.
36:39 If you're the accused, if you're the guilty, are you looking
36:44 forward to that appointment that little slip you got in the mail
36:47 or whatever that you have to appear before the judge?
36:49 But what if you were the plaintiff, what if you were the
36:51 one crying out for somebody to intervene in a situation?
36:56 What if you were the one appealing to a higher power or
37:01 to a higher authority and forwarding a complaint that you
37:05 have been wronged, you following what I'm saying?
37:07 In that context, the judgement, that day in court is the day you
37:14 look forward to because it involves your vindication,
37:17 right?
37:18 So, I think, in that sense, that's another reason why,
37:22 another example where the bible presents judgement in a positive
37:26 note, in favor of, there's people that the judgement will
37:32 be in favor of.
37:33 So, it just depends on which angle you're looking from,
37:37 really.
37:38 >>DAVID: The thing that I like about Daniel 7 here and the way
37:44 that I love that it ties in with what James was saying about
37:46 Romans 14, I think that's good.
37:47 Romans 14, you don't have to carry the burden any longer of
37:52 judging others because that is not your department.
37:56 The actual context of Daniel chapter 7, which you addressed
38:01 just briefly is that there is a power that presumes to take that
38:06 very seat.
38:07 >>JAMES: That's exactly where I wanted to go.
38:08 >>DAVID: And God looks down and says, okay, here's a power, it's
38:11 a religious power, in the historical context, sitting in
38:14 the place of God.
38:16 Ostensibly, my power, this is the way that this power is
38:20 posturing itself, this power is the church, it's the medieval
38:22 church, and God is looking down and saying, well, wait a minute,
38:26 the problem I have with their judgement is that it's totally
38:29 out of harmony with my own judgement.
38:31 In fact, I'm going to stand in judgement of the power that is
38:35 judging inaccurately and falsely the saints of God.
38:39 >>JEFFREY: In judgement of their judgement.
38:40 >>DAVID: That's exactly right.
38:42 So, it's in that sense that judgement is given in favor of
38:46 the saints.
38:47 It's as if God shows up, there's a kangaroo court that's going
38:49 on, that's the term.
38:50 There's a kangaroo court, it's not a real, it's a joke, it's a
38:54 joke, it's a sham, and God shows up and says, no, no, no, no, no,
38:57 let's do a real judgement here, and when that real judgement is
39:00 done, the judgement by this ostensibly, allegedly, religious
39:07 power is shown to be, in fact, at diametrical odds with the
39:12 judgement of God, which is in favor of the ones who are being
39:14 persecuted by the church itself.
39:16 >>JAMES: David, David, David, think about this, this is so
39:19 powerful.
39:21 The point you just brought up is so powerful, let's make it even
39:22 more, just take it one step further.
39:24 That system presumed to judge people and put them to the
39:29 flames who were establishing themselves and others on being
39:34 saved by grace, through faith, and not of works, lest any man
39:39 should boast.
39:40 I mean, it's so, we've come full circle now.
39:42 We've come from Ephesians all the way around through the
39:45 prophetic chapter of getting all the way back around to that same
39:48 platform, prophetic platform that we, I'm just gonna confess
39:52 to this, we, in our own church, have somehow maybe missed, just
39:58 a little bit, in our focus, and we've gotta bring it back to
40:00 this focus.
40:01 >>TY: Or a lot-a bit.
40:02 >>DAVID: We gotta bring it back a lot-a bit.
40:03 Let me just close with this, in Daniel chapter 9, the ancient of
40:07 days is there, here comes the son of man, Daniel chapter 7,
40:09 excuse me, here comes the son of man in, this whole judgement
40:12 thing is going on.
40:14 Paul understood this, clearly Paul understood Daniel chapter
40:17 7.
40:18 There's huge indications that both Paul and Jesus knew and
40:21 knew well the prophecies of Daniel, the book of Daniel, he
40:24 invited us to do the same.
40:25 But here's what I love, in two passages that we've already
40:28 looked at, 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 10, and Romans chapter
40:30 14 verse 10, the judgement seat of Christ.
40:37 Who wouldn't be comfortable?
40:39 I mean, the Jesus that I read in the New Testament, I'll take him
40:43 as a judge.
40:45 The judgement seat of Christ.
40:47 I'll take that.
40:49 >>JAMES: And every time Christ had to sit with sinners and all
40:51 of these outcasts and he had to receive the criticism, he said,
40:55 no, no, no, I've got to do this because I'm establishing the
40:58 judgement seat of Christ.
41:00 I love it, that's a beautiful picture.
41:02 >>TY: Well, we have to take a break and we have one more
41:04 segment though that we can delve into this further, but this is
41:08 good news, it's so gratifying to talk about the judgement and to
41:15 be excited about it because it's good news and not bad news.
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42:20 s is fantastic, I love this.
42:22 We have saturated, saturated, saturated the judgement with
42:25 grace.
42:26 We have laid a foundation that makes the judgement good news,
42:29 not bad news.
42:30 And I think we need to continue with that, but I think it's
42:32 really important for us, if we're going to nail this in
42:35 relation to our question, we've got to understand, and our
42:38 viewers have to understand what works have to do with the
42:42 judgement.
42:43 >>JEFFREY: Yeah, we've talked about judgement and now we need
42:46 to bring in what the question poses.
42:48 >>JAMES: The first verses we began with were in Ephesians 2,
42:51 you remember that?
42:52 And we went from Ephesians 2, verses 1, all the way through
42:54 verse 9, but we didn't read verse 10, and there was a reason
42:57 for that because I was saving verse 10, I thought it would be
43:00 important for us to go back at this point to Ephesians 2 and
43:04 look now in the context at verse 10.
43:07 So, I'm gonna read it just from verse 8, just from verse 8, not
43:10 from the beginning, verse 8 says, for by grace you are saved
43:14 through faith and that, not of yourselves, it is the gift of
43:17 God, we've nailed that, not of works lest any man should boast.
43:20 Okay, that's where we stopped.
43:21 Now notice verse 10, this is powerful.
43:23 For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto
43:28 good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in
43:33 them.
43:34 Isn't that powerful?
43:35 >>TY: So, works are mentioned twice in the passage.
43:38 >>JAMES: Yes.
43:39 >>TY: In verse 9, it says that we're not saved of or by good
43:42 works, and verse 10 says we are saved for good works.
43:46 >>JEFFREY: And to put it another way, grace is mentioned first
43:51 and works are mentioned afterwards, so there's a
43:55 sequence there that authentic grace, genuine grace will
43:59 somehow produce works.
44:02 >>TY: So, what comes first, salvation or works, according to
44:06 this passage?
44:07 >>DAVID: Salvation, clearly.
44:09 >>TY: Salvation comes first, and good works arise out of that
44:15 salvation.
44:16 >>JEFFREY: Can I read another passage on that?
44:18 >>DAVID: Before you leave there, I'll just make a comment on
44:21 that, part of the reason, again, that works have to follow
44:24 salvation is the simple historical reason that our
44:29 salvation was worked out in Christ, in his life, death,
44:32 resurrection, and ascension, 2000 years ago.
44:36 So, how can, it has to be that and then this because this is
44:39 2014 and that was AD 31.
44:40 >>TY: That's present in verse 10 when it says, it says, for we
44:45 are his workmanship, here's the language, created in Christ
44:49 Jesus, and then, which God beforehand prepared that we
44:54 should walk in them.
44:55 So, this is complex language for most of us to understand.
45:00 What could Paul possibly mean when he says that our works were
45:05 prepared for us beforehand?
45:07 I mean, if I haven't done them yet, how are they mine and how
45:10 are they prepared before I even do them?
45:13 He's saying that they're prepared beforehand in Christ,
45:17 and I just catch up to them.
45:18 >>JEFFREY: Yeah, in the sense Christ lived the perfect life
45:20 and by faith, in our union with Christ, all of those, his life
45:25 and the ripple effects of his life become manifest in our own
45:29 lives.
45:30 >>JAMES: Now, there's something very significant that all of you
45:32 are saying here and I just wanna bring it together for the
45:35 viewers, and that is is that, it is obvious, from everything you
45:39 said and everything we've read that works are part of the
45:43 picture of our salvation.
45:46 In other words, we're saved by grace.
45:47 The question was, if we're saved by grace, right, why are we
45:52 judged by works?
45:54 And I would like to answer that question by saying, we are
45:56 judged by works to see if we're saved by grace.
46:02 >>TY: That's deep.
46:03 >>JEFFREY: The one reveals the other.
46:04 >>TY: I think you should say that again.
46:06 >>JAMES: We are judged by works to see if we're saved by grace,
46:08 because according to Ephesians chapter 2, if we are saved by
46:12 grace, through faith, not of ourselves, it's the gift of God,
46:15 not of works, lest any man should boast, it will bring
46:17 forth works, so we're judged by works to see if we're saved by
46:22 grace.
46:23 Are we truly trusting completely in the merits of Christ?
46:25 Now, the reason I bring that up is because there are 3 verses in
46:28 Matthew 7, verses 21, 22, and 23, that depict a group of
46:33 people who Jesus say will come to him in the end of time and
46:36 they will basically say, Lord, open up the kingdom of heaven to
46:39 us because we have done this, that, and the other, we have
46:43 done all of these works, and Jesus is going to say, I didn't
46:46 know you.
46:48 >>TY: You don't get in here on the basis of this, that, and
46:49 what you've done.
46:50 >>JEFFREY: Can I read the parallel passage on this, guys?
46:53 >>JAMES: In other words, if we're saved by grace, and if it
46:56 is a gift and it's not of works, our works will be such that our
47:02 dependence will be completely upon the grace of Jesus Christ,
47:05 and they will not be the reason why we enter heaven, they will
47:08 be the product of our salvation, not the means of our salvation.
47:13 >>TY: Where are you at?
47:14 >>JEFFREY: Titus chapter 2, everything you just said, but it
47:16 parallels Ephesians chapter 2, Titus 2, verse 11, for by grace,
47:22 for the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all
47:26 men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we
47:31 should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this
47:33 present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious
47:37 appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave
47:41 himself for us that he might redeem us from every lawless
47:47 deed and purify for himself his own special people, zealous for
47:53 good works.
47:55 So, again, just the link, the sequencer, grace appears and it
48:00 produces good works.
48:02 It's the same concept there.
48:04 >>JAMES: Now, let's stay right there just for a second and go
48:06 into chapter 3, because this is a continuum.
48:08 There's no chapter to this in the original language.
48:11 So, notice chapter 3, and I'm just gonna jump because I know
48:14 we have a couple other things we need to look at, but look at
48:16 this, verse 4, but after that, the kindness and love of God our
48:20 Savior toward man appeared, we've touched on that in
48:23 Ephesians, not by works of righteousness, which we have
48:25 done, but according to his mercy, he saved us, past tense,
48:30 by the washing and regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost,
48:35 which he shed upon us abundantly through our Lord Jesus Christ
48:38 that being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs
48:41 according to the hope of eternal life, this, verse 8, is a
48:45 faithful saint, and these things I will but thou affirm
48:49 constantly.
48:50 That and that word in the Greek means, so that, they which have
48:53 believed in God might be careful to maintain good works.
48:55 These things are good and profitable unto man.
48:57 Paul is saying here that we need to, and I'm gonna say it here
49:02 again, we need to affirm constantly the fact that we are
49:08 saved by grace, shed abundantly upon us by our Lord Jesus
49:11 Christ, because it we affirm that constantly, we will
49:15 maintain good works.
49:16 >>TY: Isn't that something?
49:18 So, emphasizing grace is the means by which good works are
49:25 generated.
49:27 >>DAVID: The funny thing is, though, is that there is a whole
49:29 cadre of well-meaning but ultimately misguided people
49:32 inside of the church that think the exact opposite.
49:35 >>TY: What's the opposite?
49:36 Articulate the opposite.
49:37 >>DAVID: Well, that if you emphasize grace, you will lead
49:40 people to dismiss, to carelessness, to recklessness,
49:44 to dismiss the claims of God's law, yeah, that's right, and
49:49 yet, Paul would say, and all the bible writers would say, oh
49:54 contraire mon friar.
49:55 Quite the opposite.
49:56 >>JEFFREY: I'm not sure they would've said that, but.
49:58 >>TY: I don't even know what that means.
50:00 I hear you say that, I don't know what that means and where
50:02 it comes from.
50:03 >>DAVID: Oh contraire mon friar.
50:04 On the contrary my friend.
50:06 >>TY: I know, I know what it means, but I don't know where.
50:12 >>DAVID: I studied French in high school.
50:15 It's French, yeah.
50:16 >>TY: So, again, the point is
50:18 >>DAVID: Not in Paris, in Rapid City, South Dakota, you
50:21 know, the capital of France.
50:24 >>TY: So, David, you're essentially saying that there
50:29 are those who think grace will give license to sin.
50:34 >>DAVID: Yeah, James keeps saying, we have to saturate this
50:36 in grace, we have to clothe this in grace, we have to dip this in
50:38 grace, we have to every other metaphor possible, and I hear
50:41 that, I love that, I think that's exactly right, I love
50:44 what we've done here.
50:45 I'm simply saying that on that last point that we were just in
50:49 there in Titus chapter 3, so that you will maintain good
50:51 works.
50:53 That there are many well-meaning, but ultimately
50:58 misguided people that would say the exact opposite.
50:59 If we want to elicit good works, the fruit of the spirit,
51:04 godliness, sanctification, we have to talk about doing good
51:08 works, godliness, sanctification.
51:10 Not that we shouldn't, but that's not the real problem, the
51:13 problem is, arises when you say, if you talk too much about
51:16 grace, then that will give license, that will create a
51:21 looseness, what did you say, reckless, or careless.
51:24 >>JEFFREY: Carelessness, license to sin.
51:26 >>DAVID: It's not true.
51:27 Grace is the only thing that can elicit actual, what you were
51:31 saying, James, you were saying, we were saved by grace but
51:34 judged by works in order to see if we're really saved by grace.
51:37 >>JEFFREY: So, we don't need to be sensitive about if somebody
51:41 is overemphasizing grace, we don't need to say, wait, wait,
51:43 wait, wait, but.
51:44 >>DAVID: Listen to me, listen to me, keep going, keep going.
51:48 >>JEFFREY: You emphasize grace, somebody says, yeah, yeah, yeah,
51:51 yeah, but we also need to...
51:54 >>TY: I heard a sermon one time, I didn't give this sermon, but I
51:59 heard this sermon title and I don't even, and the sermon title
52:03 was get your but out of here, it was just great because it was
52:08 all about getting the but that you're talking about out of the
52:11 gospel.
52:12 >>JEFFREY: That's a creative title.
52:14 >>TY: That's a creative title.
52:15 You can use that.
52:16 I don't know who it came from.
52:18 >>DAVID: That's a big but, by the way, gotta get that one out
52:20 of here.
52:21 So, check this out, follow this line of reasoning.
52:25 If we're not preaching a gospel, follow this, this is gonna sound
52:30 a little dangerous, but it's not gonna be.
52:33 If our gospel, our preaching, if Ty Gibson's preaching of the
52:37 gospel and James Rafferty's preaching of the gospel and
52:39 Jeffrey Rosario's preaching of the gospel and David
52:40 Asscherick's preaching of the gospel, and our listeners'
52:42 preaching, teaching, and sharing of the gospel doesn't at some
52:45 point, at some stage, cause people to ask the question, wait
52:50 a minute, aren't you doing away with works?
52:54 Then we're not preaching the gospel that Paul preached.
52:57 Let me read it to you, he says, in verse 15, what then shall we,
53:03 of Romans chapter 6, I'm sorry.
53:05 [Inaudible chatter]
53:10 Romans chapter 6, verse 15, what then, shall we sin because
53:13 we are not under the law but under grace?
53:16 Certainly not.
53:17 Paul anticipates that people are gonna say, whoa, Paul, that's
53:20 just a little too much grace, cool it on the grace thing.
53:23 Take your finger off the grace button, because if you keep your
53:26 finger on the grace button, if you keep your foot on the grace
53:30 pedal, people are going to think that this is a license to sin.
53:34 Isn't that what you're saying?
53:35 And he says, no.
53:37 My point is is that if our preaching of the gospel doesn't,
53:40 at some point, illicit somebody saying, wait a minute, are you
53:44 impinging upon, jeopardizing, or you see what I'm saying?
53:48 Works, then we say, oh, praise God, that's a good accusation.
53:51 >>JEFFREY: It definitely should not illicit yes, yes, we have to
53:56 work, but.
53:58 In other words, it shouldn't be the opposite.
53:59 >>TY: What's the opposite?
54:01 >>JEFFREY: In other words, we're talking about, it shouldn't be,
54:03 we should illicit the sensitivity that we talk about
54:07 grace so much that somebody would say, yes, but what about
54:09 works?
54:10 My point is that, sadly, it's normally the case that it's the
54:14 opposite, we talks about works, works, works, and then it
54:17 elicits a response, yeah, yeah, but what about grace?
54:20 >>DAVID: That's somebody's gospel, that's not Paul's
54:24 gospel.
54:25 That's not Jesus' gospel.
54:26 >>JAMES: Paul was radical.
54:28 >>DAVID: Talk about radical, I had a friend, you guys know who
54:31 this is, I won't say his name, he came to me one time and he's
54:34 good at putting on, and he's like, hey, man, I've been
54:38 studying the bible and he, anyway, he was letting on, he
54:41 was like, hey, I think we're off on this gospel thing, I've been
54:46 doing some new research and I, we're saved by works.
54:49 And I'm like, what?
54:52 And he's just like, no, no, no, we are, we are, and he's like,
54:55 he's playing it up, and he did it really well, for like, a good
54:57 10 minutes, and I'm like, dude, you have lost your mind.
55:00 He's like, no, no, we're saved by works, and then, in this
55:03 like, really pregnant moment, as I was becoming exasperated, it
55:06 normally happens in about the first 30 seconds, he says, yeah,
55:10 no, we're saved by works.
55:13 Jesus' works.
55:14 [Laughter]
55:15 >>TY: Punchline.
55:17 >>DAVID: I was like, come on, man, what do you gotta do that
55:19 to a brother for?
55:20 My blood pressure was like...
55:24 >>JAMES: Here, this is, this brings it together right here,
55:28 John chapter 6, verse 28, is where, the illustration you just
55:32 made comes together to answer the question that we're asking.
55:36 John chapter 6:28 and 29.
55:39 This is where, you just said, the illustration you just gave
55:41 answers the question that we've asked.
55:45 >>DAVID: You gotta hurry up.
55:46 >>JAMES: I know I've gotta hurry up, I know that.
55:48 Okay, John chapter 6, 28 and 29.
55:50 We can't, we cannot not cover these verses.
55:52 Okay.
55:53 [Inaudible chatter]
56:00 Then they said unto him, this is the people talking to Jesus,
56:04 the Jews talking to Jesus, then they said unto him, what shall
56:06 we do that we may work the works of God.
56:08 What can we do to save ourselves?
56:09 And Jesus answered, verse 29, he said unto them, this is the work
56:13 of God that you believe on him who he has sent.
56:17 Yes, we're saved by works, we're saved by the works of Jesus
56:19 Christ.
56:20 And we, our work, the first work we have, it's gonna come up in
56:23 the judgement, have you believed?
56:24 Have you believed on the works of Jesus Christ?
56:28 We will be judged by our works.
56:29 To see if we're saved by grace.
56:31 You got that?
56:32 >>JEFFREY: That's the best way to answer, that text is the best
56:34 way to answer that question.
56:35 >>JAMES: We will be judged by works to see if we're saved by
56:38 grace.
56:39 >>DAVID: So, James, just to be clear, I wanna ask this
56:41 question, are we saved by works?
56:42 >>JAMES: Absolutely, we're saved by works 100% >>DAVID: Whose?
56:46 >>JAMES: The works of Jesus Christ.
56:48 [Laughter]
56:50 That was a good illustration.
56:52 >>TY: So, 1 John, you said, you wanted to hurry up and get to 1
56:56 John, what's there?
56:57 >>DAVID: Well, no, you talked about it on the break, I love
57:00 that text, the boldness text.
57:02 >>TY: 1 John is amazing.
57:04 1 John chapter 3, verses 20 and 21, no chapter 3, verses 20 and
57:10 21 is the background.
57:11 He says here, for if our heart condemns us, God is greater than
57:15 our heart and he knows all things.
57:18 Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, then we have
57:22 confidence toward God, so the condemnation is going on in us,
57:27 it's going on in our hearts, and the condemnation that's going on
57:31 in our hearts, Paul says here, can give way to the fact that we
57:37 live before a God who knows everything about us and he
57:40 doesn't condemn us, so now we can have confidence before God.
57:43 Then, we come to chapter 4.
57:47 Then, we come to chapter 4.
57:51 >>DAVID: I'd never seen the connection with Romans chapter 2
57:54 there before, their conscience accusing or else excusing.
57:57 Keep going.
57:58 >>TY: Chapter 4, verses 17 and onward, love has been perfected
58:03 among us in this, that we may have boldness, when?
58:07 In the day of judgement, why?
58:09 Because as he is, so are we in this world.
58:13 There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear
58:18 because fear involves torment, but he who fears has not been
58:24 made perfect in love.
58:25 We love him because he first loved us.
58:29 We come into the judgment, according to this passage, and
58:33 we have confidence and boldness before God and the judgement by
58:37 virtue of the love of Christ, in which we stand secure, and I
58:43 love the word secure.
58:45 We have security, we have confidence, we have boldness in
58:49 the judgement by virtue of the accomplishments of Christ on our
58:55 behalf.
58:56 >>DAVID: Because if it was in our own works, we would never be
58:58 sure if we'd done enough.
58:59 You couldn't be secure.
59:02 >>TY: And we certainly never would have done enough.
59:05 >>DAVID: Of course.
59:06 >>TY: This has been a great series of conversations, 13 of
59:10 them, in total, hard questions.
59:14 We haven't answered them exhaustively, but this has been
59:18 a good conversation.
59:20 [Music]
59:31 [Music]


Revised 2016-04-14