Table Talk

The Hard Questions: Do We Need God in Order to Be Moral?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick, James Refferty, Jeffrey Rosario, Ty Gibson


Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000032A

00:00 [Music]
00:10 [Music]
00:23 our last conversation.
00:25 >>DAVID: So much energy we blew a light.
00:26 >>TY: Blew a light, but we also just couldn't stop and we felt
00:29 like we were hurrying through a lot of very powerful biblical
00:33 material, so we pretty much decided we need to just continue
00:37 on with the conversation where we left off and it segues nicely
00:41 into another one of the questions that we just wanted to
00:44 put forth, and that is do we need God in order to be moral?
00:48 Now, the reason we have this question on the table, there's a
00:50 background to it.
00:52 It might be worded here in a way that some people are thinking,
00:54 well, what in the world does that have to, I don't, that's
00:56 not a question that pops into my mind.
00:58 But if you pay attention to some of the conversations that are
01:03 going on among atheists, you have people like Richard
01:07 Dawkins, people like Sam Harris and various others, highly
01:11 educated scientists who are also atheists who are saying, we
01:17 don't need God to be moral, we're moral, and I'm an atheist
01:22 and I'm not moral, I mean, I'm moral, excuse me, I don't need
01:26 God because
01:27 -- >>DAVID: I don't need the big policeman in the sky.
01:29 >>TY: Yeah, I don't need arbitrary rules, I'm in an
01:32 evolutionary process that has given me the development of a
01:37 moral sense.
01:38 I have morals and I'm an atheist.
01:40 So, that's where the question comes from, but it goes all
01:44 kinds of other places, I think, when we look at scripture.
01:48 So, do we need God to be moral?
01:50 I mean, I'm just putting the question straight to you.
01:53 >>DAVID: Okay, let me, before you, you put the question right
01:55 to, we could also say this isn't just something that's happening
01:57 in the atheistic sort of academic circles, I hear this
02:00 question as an evangelist.
02:01 I'll have people say to me, well, why should I go to your
02:04 church or believe in your God.
02:06 I know some of your church members and I'm a better, I've
02:08 had people say that.
02:10 I know some of the people in your church, the way they do
02:12 business, the way they whatever, and they're no better than me.
02:15 >>TY: Well, let's 'fess up.
02:16 >>DAVID: They were actually talking about you, Ty.
02:18 [Laughter]
02:20 >>TY: The truth is, if we stop and we pay attention, we've all
02:24 had friends or acquaintances that were unbelievers who were
02:29 decent people.
02:30 >>DAVID: Better people than me.
02:31 >>TY: People who relate to their family with respect.
02:34 People who are doing community service, people who are
02:37 -- >>DAVID: Faithful to their spouse.
02:38 >>TY: Yeah, I know people who are atheist who've given their
02:42 whole lives to basically counteracting the sex slave
02:48 trade.
02:49 They've given themselves to a good moral cause because they
02:51 have a very high sense of justice.
02:53 The question is, is that high sense of justice something that
02:57 developed through the process of evolution?
02:59 Or is that high sense of justice and the difference between right
03:02 and wrong something that God originally created when he
03:08 engineered the human being and then it was compromised through
03:10 what the bible describes as the fall, but there's still vestiges
03:14 of that sense of morality in every human heart and God is
03:20 leveraging it, he's saying, hey, you know the difference between
03:23 right and wrong, not because you evolved this moral sense but
03:27 because you were created in my moral image and it's still
03:32 there.
03:33 You don't even acknowledge me, you don't believe in me, but the
03:36 fact is, I created you in such a way that you think that way, you
03:39 feel that way.
03:40 >>DAVID: You can't, like the psalmist said, if I ascend into
03:42 heaven, he's there, if I descend, God is ubiquitous, he's
03:46 pervasive, he's inescapable.
03:47 >>TY: That's right.
03:49 >>DAVID: Just to sort of put some personal David Asscherick
03:52 sort of vulnerability on this, one of the things that I've
03:56 wrestled with in my life is that I didn't, okay, I didn't have a
04:00 strong father figure early in my life.
04:02 It wasn't until I was adopted the second time that I really
04:04 had a dad.
04:06 Prior to that, when I was about 12 years old, prior to that, the
04:09 main father figure in my life was my grandfather.
04:12 Maybe the greatest man I've ever met, maybe the best, most moral,
04:18 kind, compassionate man I've ever met, his name was Charles
04:22 Oakley Atkins, my middle name is Charles, named after him, David
04:26 Charles.
04:26 My brother's Robert Oakley Atkins.
04:29 And he was a big, wonderful, compassionate but strong man.
04:33 And his nickname, everybody called him Oak.
04:35 Isn't that great?
04:36 His name was Oakley, and he was the oak of the family, I mean,
04:38 he just, there was a solidity to him, he was an anchor, and oh, I
04:44 could wax out for, one of the greatest honors of my life was
04:47 to preach my grandfather's, the homily at my grandfather's
04:49 funeral.
04:50 So, here's the thing with my grandfather.
04:53 After I became a believer he, let's see, I was 23, he would've
04:56 passed away about 4 years later.
04:57 So, he would've known me as a believer, he would've known
04:59 about my experience, becoming a follower of Jesus, going from a
05:02 young kid who just wanted to be a professional skateboarder to
05:06 this sort of, what he would've viewed as a very radical
05:09 transition, which my whole family did.
05:10 But my grandfather, unlike my grandmother, who was an overtly
05:13 Christian person, Presbyterian, loved the Lord, loved God,
05:18 Grandpa was, I wouldn't say he was ambivalent about religion, I
05:24 think that actually, that is what I would say.
05:25 He wasn't hostile, but he was ambivalent.
05:27 He wasn't, he never had anything negative to say, but he was, he
05:32 didn't go to church, he probably couldn't have found any text in
05:35 the bible, but this man was one of, like I said, the best men
05:40 I've ever met, and later in my life, later in my conversion, I
05:44 should say, toward the end of his life, when my wife and I,
05:47 Violeta, would go to visit, he was getting old, now this would
05:51 be a year or two before he passed away, and we would sing
05:57 to my grandparents.
05:58 My grandparents loved when Violeta and I would sing
05:59 harmonies, I would play the guitar, and without exception,
06:02 without exception, when we would play the song Amazing Grace, my
06:09 grandfather, in his stoic, wonderful, he would've been
06:12 almost 90 years old at this time, this father, this male
06:16 figure in my life, he would just, tears would just start to
06:19 come out of the corners of his eyes, you could just see it.
06:21 And my grandfather passed away, so far as I'm aware, never made
06:25 a confession of Christ or any, what we would call verbal,
06:29 outward, clearly Christian indication of faith and I don't
06:35 know, his case is in God's hands, I have complete peace
06:38 about that.
06:39 I know that God would not withhold salvation from anybody
06:42 that he could save.
06:43 But the point is, is that whether or not my grandfather,
06:46 that's not the question I'm addressing, whether or not he's
06:48 saved or not.
06:49 The point is is that this was a man who was Christian in every
06:54 seemingly, in terms of the conduct, but as far as the
06:59 content, I think that's a good way of saying it.
07:02 His theological content would've been nonexistent.
07:04 His conduct?
07:05 Absolutely Christian.
07:07 So, where does that come from?
07:12 Is that an evolutionary process?
07:13 Is that, no, that is the spirit of God, the revelation of Christ
07:19 to my grandfather, to every human being, wooing him toward
07:24 truth.
07:24 Wooing him.
07:25 >>JEFFREY: We were reading in John 1, where it says that he
07:31 lights every man that comes into the world, right?
07:33 >>DAVID: So, my grandfather, here's the question, do we need,
07:37 how did we say it?
07:39 Do we need God in order to be moral?
07:40 The answer is yes, but not for the reasons that some people
07:44 think.
07:45 >>TY: Or not in the way.
07:46 >>DAVID: Not in the way.
07:48 >>JEFFREY: Not in the sense that you need to be a churchgoing,
07:49 bible believing Christian in order to do moral acts, but in
07:55 the sense that morality, in that sense, flows from the very
07:58 person of God.
07:59 So, if you were to remove God out of the picture, there would
08:02 be no such thing as this intuitive moral compass that we
08:06 all have.
08:07 >>JAMES: Let's look at a bible verse, and there's a number of
08:09 bible verses, I think, that we can look at, but one of them
08:12 that I think about is in Titus chapter 2.
08:14 >>DAVID: Oh, I got that written down here, what are you doing?
08:16 >>JAMES: Titus chapter 2 and verse 11.
08:17 >>DAVID: Quit looking at my paper.
08:18 >>JAMES: You had a long spiel there, so I gotta jump in there.
08:21 >>JEFFREY: You got hijacked.
08:22 >>DAVID: Thank you for letting me open my heart to you about my
08:23 grandfather.
08:24 >>JAMES: No, that was beautiful, we loved it.
08:25 Titus 2, verse 11, and this is one of a number of bible verses,
08:30 we looked at a couple, but I think it would be really good
08:32 for us to just note a few more, that talk about the big picture,
08:36 as we talked about earlier, the macro picture, how God pervades
08:42 all humanity, all society, all culture, how God is working
08:46 through his Holy Spirit, you know, Romans, Paul says, those
08:49 who do not have the spirit of Christ are none of his, and you
08:51 were talking about how your grandpa has the spirit of
08:53 Christ.
08:54 Okay, he doesn't know Christ, but he has the spirit.
08:55 And Daniel, again, we're going back to the Old Testament,
08:58 Daniel had the spirit of the living God, and heathen people
09:01 knew that.
09:02 Darius knew it, the mother of Belshazzar knew it, you know,
09:06 there's this man, in him there's the spirit of the living God.
09:08 >>DAVID: The spirit of the living God, that's right, that's
09:10 a different kind of guy.
09:11 >>JAMES: And so, in Titus chapter 2 and verse 11, it says,
09:15 for the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all
09:18 men, and now, here's what he goes on to say, teaching us,
09:22 that deny ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live
09:26 soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world.
09:30 Okay, so that's what happened to your grandpa, that's what's
09:33 happening in this world today, in spite of, now, we say,
09:37 without Christians, without evangelists, without, sometimes,
09:41 we have to say, in spite of, in spite of Christians, in spite of
09:45 the way we come across and the way we represent God, in spite
09:48 of us saying, if you haven't confessed Jesus Christ, you
09:51 can't be saved, in spite of us saying that.
09:53 >>TY: There's a verse, and I don't know where it is, that
09:55 says the Lord knows those who are his.
09:58 >>JAMES: That's in Timothy.
10:00 >>TY: Okay, so the Lord is looking down from his vantage
10:03 point where he sees what's going on in people's hearts and he
10:10 knows those that are his, whereas, from our limited
10:14 perspective, our judgement is skewed and we might look and we
10:19 might think that we've picked out who belong to the Lord and
10:23 who don't belong to the Lord, and we say, those are the wheat,
10:26 those are the tariffs, we think we know, but our judgement is
10:31 skewed, so I look at what you've just described about your
10:34 grandfather and my heart was just moved, David, and I'll tell
10:38 you why.
10:40 Not just because you're my friend and I love you and I
10:43 think that it's a beautiful thing that brings my heart joy
10:46 that you had that person in your life.
10:50 That moves me on one level, but on another level, when you're
10:53 describing that, it comes to my mind, well, wait a minute, the
10:57 Lord is looking down on the situation and let's just say, if
11:02 I were to go to your grandfather and anybody else, all kinds of
11:06 different people in the world, and take religious language out
11:11 of the equation, so to speak, and have, imagine this
11:14 conversation with Oak.
11:16 What are your opinions about justice, treating people fairly?
11:21 Yep, I agree, that's how, that's what I say, what do you think
11:25 about people who are down and out and they're marginalized and
11:28 they just don't have enough, but you have a little more and you
11:32 have an opportunity to help them, what would your response
11:35 be?
11:36 >>DAVID: Yeah, he lived that way.
11:37 >>TY: Yeah, he lived that way.
11:38 Hey, what's your opinion about humility versus arrogance?
11:41 I like the humility thing, I don't like the arrogance thing.
11:45 Do you see where I'm going with this?
11:46 >>DAVID: Absolutely.
11:47 >>TY: You're describing the character of Jesus without using
11:53 the name and Oak is aligned with Jesus.
11:57 >>JEFFREY: He recognized that that's the very thing.
12:01 >>TY: Yeah, he's aligned with Jesus.
12:02 Do you see how that works or am I stretching this?
12:06 >>DAVID: I don't think you're stretching it.
12:07 >>TY: I've met unbelievers, call them atheist, agnostic,
12:13 whatever, they don't believe in God or the bible, who are
12:20 atheists on just grounds.
12:23 >>DAVID: Absolutely.
12:25 People are rejecting God for the right reasons.
12:26 >>TY: Rejecting God for the right reasons because of
12:28 misrepresentations of God.
12:30 So, when I say to you or you say to me or anybody in our world,
12:34 in our culture says, I believe in God, we can't assume that
12:40 what they mean when they say, I believe in God, is precisely
12:45 what you mean when you say you believe in God.
12:47 We could be holding, in our minds, two entirely different
12:53 pictures of what is meant, what is in contained in the word God.
12:59 >>DAVID: And the word belief.
13:01 >>TY: And there are some people who say, I don't believe in God,
13:03 and if you said to them, describe that, what you don't
13:09 believe in, you might turn around, Jeffrey, and say, well,
13:11 actually, I don't believe in that, either, so I share your
13:14 atheism in the sense that I reject that picture of God that
13:19 I find is as repulsive and untenable as you do.
13:22 Then, they might turn around and say, well, that's a new thought,
13:25 could you describe for me the God you do believe in?
13:28 And when you begin to describe things like compassion and mercy
13:31 and justice, yeah, they might say, well, I believe in all
13:34 that.
13:35 >>JEFFREY: So, basically, you're saying we have to define our
13:38 terms to have any intelligent conversation.
13:40 >>DAVID: We shouldn't assume.
13:41 >>TY: And we need to recognize, I think, what we're trying to
13:45 say is that all of this moral activity that goes outside of
13:49 the borders of religion and is pervasive throughout the world
13:53 and trying to creep into every human heart, all of that moral
13:56 sense is, in fact, from God, as the author of
14:00 -- >>DAVID: By his spirit.
14:02 [inaudible chatter]
14:05 >>TY: It's not the product of evolutionary advancement, no?
14:09 >>DAVID: Evolution, I don't even understand, I've heard the
14:12 arguments, I don't see how the evolutionary process, Darwinian
14:16 process can even begin to account for what we view as
14:20 morality.
14:21 >>JEFFREY: I have a story on that I wanna share after the
14:22 break.
14:23 >>TY: You tell that story right after the break.
14:25 [Music]
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16:22 [Music]
16:29 [Music]
16:30 ed about the reality that
16:32 outside of religion, there's people that properly represent
16:37 religion, or God's character, and yet, inside religion,
16:41 there's people that totally get it all wrong.
16:43 And just before we took the last break, somebody mentioned, or
16:48 kinda reaffirmed the fact that how do we get morality?
16:51 And somebody said that, it can't come from evolution, can it?
16:55 And that statement reminded me of an experience I had on a
16:59 plane.
17:00 I was flying from Europe back to the states and I was sitting
17:04 next to this guy and we started small talk, and he asked me,
17:09 hey, what are you doing, where are you going?
17:10 And I mentioned that I just came from a conference and he said,
17:12 what's the conference about?
17:13 And every time somebody asks me that question on a plane, I'm
17:15 always, oh, man, because I'm gonna say, I came from a bible
17:18 conference where I was teaching the bible, and it's, you know,
17:21 then you get into religion, and when I said that, the guy was
17:25 like, ugh, I'm an atheist.
17:27 And so, we got into this conversation.
17:28 >>JAMES: That's how he said it?
17:30 Just like that?
17:30 Ugh.
17:31 >>JEFFREY: Through the course of the conversation, literally,
17:33 that's how he responded.
17:35 Through the course of the conversation, we got into some
17:37 deep, philosophical stuff and this issue of morality, this
17:40 very question we're talking about now came up.
17:43 Do we need God to be moral?
17:46 And I was basically sharing, and I wanna know if you guys
17:49 resonate with this, if this is even a good idea.
17:51 I was sharing with him the impossibility of us even
17:56 believing in morality if God is out of the picture, right?
18:00 I was arguing that we need God for morality and the basic
18:04 premise of his rebuttal to me was that morality doesn't come
18:07 from God, morality develops through the evolutionary process
18:12 and the way that that's manifested is this thing called
18:15 the herd instinct.
18:16 You guys have heard about it, of course, the herd instinct.
18:18 >>DAVID: We've heard of the herd instinct.
18:20 >>JEFFREY: Yeah, you've heard of the herd instinct, right?
18:22 So, basically, at some point in history, we were all cavemen,
18:24 cavewomen, and we figured out that there are certain
18:28 behavioral patterns that are beneficial for the
18:31 -- >>TY: Herd.
18:32 >>JEFFREY:
18:33 --for the herd, right, for society, and that's how we
18:35 basically evolved.
18:36 So, we figured out that it's not good to steal, because if I
18:39 steal from Ty, then Ty is gonna steal from me and then we're
18:42 gonna kill each other, so we figured out, maybe we should not
18:45 steal, and that's how morality, through time, anyway, so, in
18:49 that course of that conversation, he basically said
18:54 that society determines morality.
18:56 We don't need God, society determines morality.
18:58 And I posed a question.
18:59 I said, have there been societies where people believe
19:05 certain things were okay but that were totally corrupt?
19:09 And I mentioned the classic example, Nazi Germany, I said,
19:12 you know, 1940s, Nazi Germany, it was believed and accepted,
19:17 society dictated and taught and said that it was acceptable to
19:22 kill individuals because of their ethnic background and so
19:25 forth and so forth.
19:25 I believe that that's wrong.
19:27 Are you saying that because their society told them that,
19:32 that that's right, or would you say it was wrong, the Holocaust
19:36 was wrong?
19:37 And the point there is just, it just revealed a huge
19:40 contradiction.
19:41 He basically thought about it for a second, I could see his
19:43 thought process, and he realized that there was a contradiction
19:45 there.
19:46 Because he believed, intuitively that the Holocaust was
19:48 desperately wicked.
19:50 But this is what he said, he basically said, in their time,
19:56 and in their society, I don't have the right to say that that
19:58 was wrong.
19:59 >>TY: Because he's struggling to be consistent with his logic.
20:01 He feels like he's blocked in.
20:03 >>JEFFREY: Yeah, and to me, that was just so telling that there
20:07 is, it's very difficult to arrive at even a foundation for
20:12 morality without God in the picture and every other
20:15 conceivable replacement, alternative explanation is
20:19 totally bankrupt, because if we're counting society, there
20:21 was a time in the United States of America not too long ago,
20:25 where because of the color of your skin such and such.
20:28 >>TY: So society was dictating.
20:30 >>JEFFREY: Society, society.
20:32 So, to me, that was just one example that came to my mind
20:35 where, to remove God out of the equation and if we're left with
20:40 evolutionary processes and the development of society, well,
20:45 we're in trouble now, because now we can't, we can't even
20:47 determine what's right or wrong because that's up to any
20:51 individual society, which is totally not true, because
20:53 everybody knows, everybody watches and views and hears what
20:57 happens in different parts of the world and we all react to it
20:59 as if there was something wrong with the morality of that
21:02 society.
21:04 Which, in instance, we're revealing, we can cast
21:07 judgements on another society when we feel they're immoral.
21:10 So, it's not true that morality comes from society.
21:11 >>TY: Well, we could take it another step and point out that
21:15 evolutionary morality is fundamentally one step short of
21:23 what we're calling morality because even in the usage of the
21:28 term moral, the evolutionary developed morality all thats
21:33 being defined there is a different, more sophisticated
21:36 level of self-preservation, or selfishness.
21:40 So, when we use the word morality, we're talking about an
21:43 altruism that is actually putting the other first for the
21:48 sake of the other.
21:50 Do you hear that?
21:51 Versus in the evolutionary morality, I'm putting you first
21:55 to my advantage.
21:57 >>JEFFREY: I'm not stealing from you for my own benefit so that
22:02 you don't steal from me, as opposed to it's wrong to do that
22:04 to you.
22:05 >>TY: Yeah, so it's a morality that is still self-centered,
22:07 it's a morality that is void if what we call, what the bible
22:10 calls love, it's a morality that is basically just another
22:14 manifestation of the survival of the fittest, you know,
22:18 scratching and clawing for the top spot, but we're scratching
22:22 and clawing at a more sophisticated level.
22:25 Now, we're wearing suits and ties, now we're scratching and
22:29 clawing through conversation and negotiation, but it's not
22:33 morality.
22:35 When the bible talks about this standard of morality, it's
22:39 describing something that transcends human culture and
22:44 human cultures are tapping into it and experiencing it because
22:49 of the way God made us in his image, and to some degree, we've
22:52 lost it, to a major degree, we've lost it, but we're
22:54 approaching it, there's a gravitational pull upon the
22:59 human heart and the human conscience toward a level of
23:02 morality that is altruistic, that is goodness for the sake of
23:07 goodness.
23:08 >>JEFFREY: Yeah, there's even a more fundamental question that
23:10 evolution would not answer, because science tells us what
23:14 is, but it doesn't tell us what ought to be, right?
23:16 So, a more fundamental question would be why should we care
23:21 about the other individual?
23:22 So, from an evolutionary perspective, somebody might say,
23:25 well, we are moral, we behave in moral ways because it makes
23:29 society better.
23:30 But a fundamental question would be, why should I care about
23:34 making society better?
23:36 On the basis of what should I be interested in, so you just keep
23:40 going in circles and whereas, in the biblical world view, we have
23:43 a foundation for why individuals are valuable, why they should be
23:48 treated such and such, they were created in the image of God.
23:50 Well, you don't get that from the whole...
23:51 >>DAVID: I actually find that, I find the argument, and I've read
23:55 a couple papers, actually several papers from atheists on
23:59 the evolutionary argument for the development of morality and
24:02 I actually find it fairly persuasive.
24:05 In other words, well, just the idea that if it were true, that
24:10 cumulatively, over time, people had a dawning awareness that to
24:14 do a negative act could reverberate negatively back on
24:18 me, that that would then begin to create a sense in which a
24:22 modicum or at least a veneer of morality would spread through a
24:27 given population.
24:28 I find that reasonable persuasive.
24:30 What, in other words, that seems plausible to me.
24:33 What I find to be the touchstone, though, the point is
24:37 Ty's point, and that is that even if that's true, even if we
24:41 give that, if we grant that, if that's at least a possibility,
24:45 that that could happen, that's conceivable, it's still a
24:49 morality that's rooted, to some degree, in what benefits me
24:53 ultimately or my progeny or my neighbor or, it's me, but in the
24:58 biblical portrait, love does good to another for the benefit
25:05 of the other, and even at the expense of one self.
25:09 That's the whole idea of sacrifice.
25:12 I actually do a series, a lecture on this very thing that
25:17 contrasts at the most fundamental level, if Darwinism
25:21 is true, if evolutionary, if that picture of the world is
25:26 true versus if the picture that Jesus painted is true, what does
25:30 reality end up looking like?
25:32 In other words, let's just take this to its logical conclusion,
25:34 let's take this to its logical conclusion.
25:35 And I find it to be a fairly persuasive argument, but at the
25:38 end of that presentation that I make, I tell this story of a
25:42 plane that, a number of years ago, like about a decade ago,
25:45 crashed, went just off the end of the runway in Toronto, and in
25:50 the airport there, the airport is close to or reasonably
25:54 adjacent to the freeway that runs by, and here comes this Air
25:58 France flight, goes off the end of the runway and just
26:00 immediately is in flames.
26:02 And here are people driving down the road and they see this plane
26:06 that's in flames.
26:08 They spontaneously pull their cars over, get out of their cars
26:13 and race, climbing over fences, race across the field, several
26:17 hundred yards, to this plane, because people saw this, dozens
26:21 of cars saw this, they run over there and at, I man, this is a
26:25 burning airplane, the doors had been opened, two of the four
26:29 evacuation doors were operational, they began to help
26:32 people get off, people are dragging people, people are
26:35 being burned, and the Canadian Department of Transportation,
26:39 the Minister of Transportation actually came on within 5 or 10
26:43 minutes of the flight crashing and made an announcement, hey,
26:46 there's been a terrible crash, there's been loss of life, we
26:48 don't know how much.
26:50 She's making this announcement, she's gotten word, it's come
26:52 back to her, this announcement's made, what unbeknownst to her is
26:56 that there are motorists, just citizens, that are racing into
27:00 peril, racing into death, potentially, helping people,
27:04 they don't know these people, they're not family members,
27:06 they're not friends, they're not, they don't know who these
27:08 people are, they're just humans pulling them off and as the
27:12 story goes, not one person perished.
27:15 It's an absolutely, and I closed the story and I give, in the
27:19 presentation that I give, there's this journalist who's
27:22 writing the next day and, I don't know if it's the Toronto
27:24 Star, the Toronto Sun or something.
27:26 He's telling the story, and he says, here's the bottom line,
27:31 strangers got out of their cars, the comfort and safety and
27:36 security of their cars, raced toward a burning aircraft to
27:38 help people that they do not know, may never meet again, put
27:41 their own lives at peril, and in a matter of 2 minutes organized
27:45 an effective evacuation procedure to get every single
27:48 person off of that airplane before, moments later, it was
27:52 engulfed in flames.
27:53 Okay, now that, that is very difficult.
27:56 That kind of magnanimous, absolutely selfless, altruistic
27:59 behavior.
28:01 I don't see how the herd thing can explain that.
28:04 >>TY: It makes no evolutionary sense.
28:06 >>JEFFREY: There's no survivability there.
28:08 >>JAMES: I gotta read this statement in the context of
28:11 that.
28:12 >>DAVID: Yeah, please.
28:13 >>JAMES: It's in a book called the Desire of Ages, it's on page
28:14 638 and this is what it says, those whom Christ commends into
28:19 judgement may have known little of theology, but they have
28:21 cherished his principles.
28:23 Through the influence of the divine spirit, they have been a
28:26 blessing to those about them, even among the heathen are those
28:29 who have cherished the spirit of kindness before the words of
28:34 life had fallen upon their ears.
28:35 They have befriended the missionaries, even ministering
28:39 to them at the peril of their own lives.
28:41 Among the heathen of those who worship God ignorantly, those to
28:45 whom the light is never brought my human instrumentality, yet
28:48 they will not perish, I think that's our question here, our
28:52 issue here, though ignorant of the written law of God, they
28:55 have heard his voice speaking to them in nature and they have
28:58 done the things that the law required.
29:00 Their works are evidence that the Holy Spirit has touched
29:04 their hearts and they are recognized as the children of
29:08 God, how surprising gladdened will be the lowly among the
29:11 nations and among the heathen to hear from the lips of the
29:15 Savior and as much as you've done it unto the least of these,
29:18 my brethren, you've done it unto me.
29:20 How glad will be the heard of infinite love as his followers
29:24 look up with surprise and joy at his words of approval.
29:28 >>DAVID: Hallelujah, sweet Jesus.
29:29 >>JAMES: Isn't that a powerful statement?
29:30 >>TY: Yeah, beautiful.
29:31 >>DAVID: So, check this out, on the break, when we were trying
29:33 to, you know, we had some technical things to take care of
29:35 on this last break, Ty just spontaneously said, coming out
29:39 of that first presentation, the first section of this talk, he
29:43 said, spontaneously, do you remember what you said?
29:45 >>TY: Nope.
29:46 >>DAVID: You said, this truth about God is so liberating.
29:50 >>TY: Liberating, yeah.
29:52 >>DAVID: It's so liberating because it frees you to believe
29:56 the best about people.
29:58 We know that humanity is fallen, we know that there's
30:01 selfishness, we know that the heart is deceitful above all
30:03 things, we know that, but we also know that the spirit of
30:06 God, in his pervasive, wonderful, wooing way.
30:09 You know, this, what I said to Ty is, this overwhelms me the
30:13 most in airports, I don't know what it is about airports, but
30:16 all of
30:17 -- >>TY: There's a lot of people there, for one thing.
30:18 >>DAVID: There's a lot of people, and every time I'm at an
30:21 airport, I see all these people waiting to go to Des Moines, I
30:24 see all these people waiting to go to Birmingham, I see these
30:25 people waiting to go to Cancun, and I'm thinking, every one of
30:28 those people's life is just as real and important to them as my
30:33 life is real and important to me.
30:34 I don't know them, I don't know where they're going, I don't
30:36 know the names of their children.
30:38 And you can become overwhelmed and think, how is the gospel
30:43 gonna get to every one of these people?
30:45 And as a minister, as somebody who has dedicated his life, as a
30:47 ministry that's dedicated our life, we're doing what we can,
30:50 and praise God, there are other ministries that are doing what
30:53 they can, but there is still an ocean beyond, people that are
30:56 untapped, but I just become so thrilled with the fact that God,
31:01 while using us, while asking us to participate in his word is
31:05 not outright, absolutely dependent on David Asscherick,
31:09 he's wooing, he's inviting, and in that quotation you just read
31:13 there, she says that these people who have done right, they
31:16 hear his voice, the word, the wisdom, the light that lights
31:22 every man.
31:24 >>TY: They're literally in the language of this quotation,
31:30 they're literally heathen who hear the well done from God.
31:37 It's amazing.
31:38 There's an example of this that is explicit in the ministry of
31:42 Jesus in Matthew chapter 8 if you guys wanna take a look at
31:46 this, I think that you will find this to be very beautiful and
31:51 satisfying, not only, as David said, because it liberates us to
31:56 believe the best about people.
32:00 >>DAVID: And to hope the best for them.
32:02 >>TY: Yeah, and to hope the best for them, it also, it liberates
32:05 us to believe the best about God and the way God is intersecting
32:09 with people.
32:10 But, look at this.
32:11 Here, Jesus, yeah, Jesus is ministering within the nation of
32:17 Israel and then it says here that when Jesus entered
32:22 Capernaum, a centurion came to him, pleading with him, saying,
32:25 Lord my servant lies home, sick with the palsy, he's paralyzed,
32:29 he's dreadfully tormented.
32:31 So, here's the story, you got a centurion, this is a Roman, so a
32:35 Gentile, a Roman soldier.
32:38 That Roman soldier comes to Jesus, there's some kind of
32:42 attraction, okay, he sees something, he sees something in
32:47 Jesus that draws him to Jesus, which is a point we've made
32:50 earlier that people are attracted to the character of
32:55 Jesus, they see goodness in him that is like a gravitational
32:58 pull upon their hearts.
32:59 So, he comes to Jesus, expecting goodness from Jesus.
33:04 Jesus, my servant is sick.
33:06 Would you heal him?
33:07 Jesus then affirms, we know the story, and says, yes, I'll heal
33:11 him.
33:11 >>DAVID: Just tell it, I love it.
33:13 >>TY: I'll come and heal him.
33:15 And the centurion responds and says, I'm not even worthy for
33:18 you to come under my roof to come into my house, but speak
33:21 the word only and my servant will be healed.
33:23 All you have to do is just speak the word and I know that what
33:26 you say will take place.
33:28 The centurion then explains his understanding of this based on
33:32 his own relation to those who are under him.
33:33 He says, I'm a man, I have a little bit of authority in
33:36 myself, and I'm under authority, I know how authority works, and
33:40 I see authority in you over my problem, and would you please
33:44 use it?
33:45 So, here's the part that is just amazing.
33:48 Jesus goes through this entire interaction, the servant gets
33:50 healed and then Jesus turns to the religious folks around him,
33:55 he turns to the Pharisees, the scribes, to the Jewish believers
34:01 around him, and Jesus says something that, in this context,
34:04 can only be regarded as scandalous.
34:07 >>DAVID: Scandalous, that's the right word.
34:08 >>TY: Jesus says, in verse 10 of Matthew 8, assuredly I say to
34:12 you, to you religious people, I have not found such great faith,
34:18 not even in Israel.
34:20 Okay, that's the foundation.
34:22 So, then if that's not scandalous enough, Jesus then
34:26 blows the lid off this thing and says to these people who believe
34:29 that salvation is exclusively for them, Jesus says to them,
34:34 and, okay, and, I say to you that many, not a few, but many
34:40 will come from the east and the west and sit down with Abraham,
34:45 Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.
34:49 Isn't that amazing?
34:50 So, with this, Jesus has basically said, when we get to
34:54 the other side of this great controversy between good and
34:57 evil, surely, these people believe, yep, Abraham will be
35:00 there.
35:01 Yep, yep, Abraham will be there.
35:02 Isaac, he'll be there, Jacob will be there and they're
35:05 kicking back under the tree of life, that's the picture we have
35:08 here, basically, and they're fellowshipping and Jesus says,
35:12 wait a minute, there are gonna be many from the east and the
35:16 west, so geographically, he's saying, we're here in Israel,
35:19 but if you go to the east, we're dealing with
35:21 -- >>DAVID: Persians.
35:23 >>TY: Yeah, Asia, you go to the west, we're dealing with western
35:28 Europe and the British Isles and all of that, okay, and he says,
35:32 there are gonna be many people from all these different
35:35 cultures and nations and they will come and sit down with
35:39 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom.
35:41 This scripture is Jesus explicitly saying that people
35:46 from all different cultures that have never had access to the
35:52 special revelatory knowledge of Israel
35:54 -- >>DAVID: In scripture.
35:55 >>TY: Yet these people will be in the kingdom.
35:58 >>JEFFREY: That would've sounded crazy to the original audience
36:01 here.
36:02 >>TY: Absolutely, but if you fast-forward to the book of
36:04 revelation, in chapter 7, John sees what he calls a great
36:09 multitude, which no man could number, and do you know, do you
36:12 remember the rest?
36:13 Out of every nation, kindred, tongue, or language group, and
36:17 people.
36:18 In the kingdom, a great multitude.
36:21 >>DAVID: And, let me tell you, to me, the story, talking about
36:25 liberation, the story of Jesus and the way that he affirms the
36:29 faith of the Roman centurion.
36:31 I wanna say something about this.
36:32 Jesus' endorsement of the centurion's faith and his
36:35 healing of the centurion's servant was not a wholesale
36:37 endorsement of all of the things about this man.
36:41 It wasn't an endorsement of the fact that he's a soldier and
36:43 that he would've been, in other words, what he's saying is, hey,
36:45 here's a person who's on a journey.
36:47 Here's somebody who has at least the glimmerings, the dawning of
36:51 recognition of who I am and I'm walking around my own people,
36:55 because the next part that he says is the kind of stuff that
36:59 got him killed.
37:00 Verse 12, but the sons of the kingdom, they will be cast into
37:06 outer darkness and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
37:10 In the first segment, Jeffrey basically said, there are
37:13 religious people who have a mischaracterization of who God
37:16 is, and there are non-religious people, we would say,
37:18 non-Israelites, moral, who have a correct concept, and that's
37:21 what Jesus is doing here.
37:23 And there is, by the way, and I don't have time to develop it
37:25 here, but there is a very intentional positioning of
37:30 Matthew's telling of this story with Jesus coming down off of
37:34 the mountain.
37:35 It's the first major miracle other than the healing of the
37:37 leper, which happens just before this.
37:38 Matthew has positioned this story and I believe Jesus
37:41 positioned this experience, he saw this guy and said, man,
37:45 because this was the very thing that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
37:49 were called to do, to take the gospel, not just given to, but
37:53 through and here this isolationationist, elitist,
37:56 patriotic, nationalistic, insular mentality had overtaken
38:02 Israel and Jesus starts dropping these little seeds to the
38:06 Cyrophenecian woman, to the woman at the well who was a
38:08 Samaritan, to the
38:09 -- >>JEFFREY: There's a term that he uses, even Paul, the
38:12 true Israelite, a spiritual Israelite.
38:15 So, this guy's a centurion.
38:16 >>DAVID: Paul doesn't use the word spiritual Israelite.
38:18 >>JEFFREY: No, no, no, but this whole concept of Israel of God,
38:21 and an Israelite indeed, but here in Matthew 8, so this guy's
38:25 a centurion, but he's really at heart, to the core, he's a
38:30 spiritual Israelite, basically.
38:31 In character and in spirit.
38:33 >>TY: Jesus is describing, I guess what might be called a
38:37 great exchange.
38:38 Picture two circles overlapping, and over here, in this circle is
38:44 the wide, unbelieving world that doesn't directly associate
38:48 itself with Christianity or with Israel at this time and its
38:53 teachings.
38:55 And this circle overlapping represents the church or Israel
39:00 back at this time, they're overlapping.
39:02 Here's the thing, right there at the overlap point, that's where
39:07 the Lord knows those who are his, but this is amazing, what
39:11 Jesus is describing here is that many, the sons of light, those
39:17 who have had great privilege and knowledge, many of those, what
39:21 are they gonna do?
39:21 Outer darkness.
39:22 And at the same time, simultaneously, what's gonna
39:24 happen with those who haven't had all the privilege and light?
39:27 It's just gonna, a great exchange.
39:30 Tribe after tribe, company after company, from the unbelieving
39:34 world, are gonna come into the fold and
39:37 -- >>JEFFREY: They're gonna be shaken out.
39:38 >>TY: Group after group are gonna be shaken out.
39:41 Isn't that amazing?
39:42 >>DAVID: I'm on fire.
39:43 >>JAMES: Now, there's a few more verses here that I wanted to
39:46 look at, but Ty was also taking us to a step of scandals.
39:48 You were saying it was more scandalous, take this, you got
39:52 this next step, and I think the Cyrophanician woman is another
39:55 one.
39:55 >>DAVID: That's a scandal.
39:56 >>JAMES: Because the question I would ask is can dogs be saved?
39:58 In the mind of the Jews, these people outside of their borders,
40:04 were like dogs.
40:05 And Jesus picks up, yeah, and Jesus picks that up because when
40:09 the Cyrophanician woman comes to him, asking this favor, and
40:13 she's the only other person in the life of Christ, the ministry
40:16 of Christ, she's the only other person where Jesus says, great
40:18 is your faith, great is your faith.
40:20 Your faith has made you whole, your faith, but great is
40:23 yout faith to the centurion, great is your faith to the
40:25 Cyrophanician woman.
40:27 But before he does that, she's asking him for a favor and he
40:29 says, it's not me to take the children's food and give it to
40:33 the dogs.
40:34 >>DAVID: He's voicing their own prejudices.
40:35 >>JAMES: And what he's saying there is, when he commends her
40:39 faith, he's saying to his disciples to the Jewish nation,
40:41 this is what I came, these are the people I came to save.
40:44 >>TY: The ones you call dogs, I don't regard that way at all.
40:48 >>JAMES: He's going, in other words, he's answering our
40:50 question, he's telling us that there are people out there, that
40:53 we consider dogs, there are people out there in this, in
40:56 military uniform, there are people out there, women that
41:00 have been married 2 times, 3 times, 5 times, there are people
41:03 out there that are more moral and more appreciative and more
41:08 accepting of me as the Messiah and ready for salvation than you
41:11 guys are in all of your religiosity.
41:13 >>TY: Amazing, we have to take a break.
41:14 >>DAVID: When we come back, we have to go to Romans 9, because
41:17 that's Romans 9.
41:19 >>TY: Yeah, let's pause.
41:21 that's Romans 9.
41:29 Announcer: A Light in Zambia is a moving video documentary that
41:32 traces the stories of 5 amazing African men and women who
41:36 encountered Christ through the powerful medium of gospel
41:39 literature.
41:40 To receive your free copy, call 877-585-1111, or write to Light
41:46 Bearers, 37457 Jasper Lowell Road, Jasper, OR 97438.
41:53 Simply ask for the Zambia DVD.
41:56 Simply ask for the Zambia DVD.
42:02 [Music]
42:03 eak, I'm just
42:05 vibrating, do you feel that?
42:07 [inaudible chatter]
42:09 I am a Pentecostal right now, like I believe in the
42:12 Pentecostal power of the spirit.
42:13 Okay, check this out.
42:15 Based on the conversation where we ended, I'm just gonna read
42:17 Romans chapter 9, here we go, verse 30, what should we say,
42:22 then?
42:23 That the Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness have
42:26 attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith, but
42:31 Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained
42:34 to the law of righteousness.
42:36 Why?
42:37 Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the
42:40 works of the law, for they stumbled at that stumbling
42:42 stone.
42:44 That is, that's the theology behind Matthew 8.
42:48 >>TY: Yeah, the centurion's experience is here described in
42:51 theological term.
42:52 >>DAVID: That's right, that is the very point that he's making,
42:54 and I tell you
42:56 -- >>JEFFREY: They basically lost the plot, basically.
42:57 >>DAVID: They lost the
42:58 -- >>TY: And somebody else was getting the plot.
43:00 >>JEFFREY: Yeah.
43:01 >>DAVID: Your exchange, your exchange, your exchange.
43:03 James ended with the Cyrophanician woman and I love
43:05 that and I love the woman at the well.
43:07 The Samaritan woman.
43:08 The disciples are like, you know, they come back, what are
43:10 you, what are you doing?
43:12 Even the woman was confused, hey, can I have a drink?
43:14 And what I love about that is, he doesn't say, can I get you a
43:17 drink?
43:18 Because she would've said, no thank you, no thank you.
43:21 >>TY: I'm good, she wouldn't have served, he's a man, she's a
43:24 woman, I have to, sure, I will.
43:25 >>DAVID: I don't, no
43:27 -- >>TY: I think he wanted a favor from her in order to make
43:29 -- >>DAVID: If he would've said, can I get you a drink, that
43:33 conversation would've been over in 5 seconds, because she
43:35 would've said, no thank you.
43:36 He gives her the opportunity to, he trusts her, he reposes trust,
43:41 gives her the opportunity to serve.
43:43 She's taken aback.
43:44 >>TY: Why would you want something from my hand?
43:46 >>DAVID: Why are you asking, I'm a Samaritan, you're a Jew, but
43:48 here's my point.
43:49 When the story unfolds, Jesus gives to this woman, as you
43:54 mentioned, James, not only a Samaritan, ugh, you know, a
43:57 Samaritan, spit when you say it, a woman who had been married
44:00 repeatedly, and Jesus is like, a woman, the one you're with now,
44:03 not even your husband, he gives the fullest disclosure of who he
44:08 is, she says, we know that when Messiah comes, he'll sort all
44:11 this.
44:11 He said, oh, man, can you see this?
44:14 Sister, that's me.
44:19 The pot is like, you know, I love this story, Jesus is
44:24 planting, and all the while, the disciples, and I feel like, I'm
44:28 this way, just befuddled and just, uh, what?
44:31 Huh, what's going on?
44:33 You know, just not getting it.
44:35 Even on the day of Pentecost, coming down, Peter's gonna get
44:38 this vision, you know, it's just like, these guys were slow to,
44:40 they were so parochial, they couldn't see the bigger, are we
44:45 that way?
44:46 >>JAMES: David, I know the point you're making here.
44:48 Why did Jesus tell her and no one else that he was the
44:53 Messiah?
44:54 Because she was willing
44:57 -- >>DAVID: She could hear it.
44:58 >>JAMES: She could hear it, she could receive it.
44:59 He couldn't tell, not that he didn't want to.
45:01 >>DAVID: But they would ask him sometimes, they would say, you
45:03 tell us if you're the Messiah.
45:04 Let me ask you a question, that baptism of John, was that?
45:07 >>JEFFREY: But with her, he seems to have freedom to just
45:09 -- [inaudible chatter]
45:11 >>DAVID: Even though she's a sinner.
45:12 >>JEFFREY: He sees something in her.
45:14 >>DAVID: She's a sinner and she's a woman and she's a
45:16 Samaritan, and yet, there's this
45:17 -- >>TY: She's open.
45:18 Somebody's gotta break out Romans 2.
45:20 >>DAVID: We're in Romans.
45:21 Let's go.
45:23 >>TY: Romans 2 is a scripture that we all have on the table
45:27 all the time.
45:29 Who's gonna do it.
45:30 >>DAVID: You.
45:31 >>TY: Oh, Romans chapter 2, this is fascinating, the Apostle Paul
45:34 is here, explaining something that, in a very nice way,
45:39 summarizes what we're talking about.
45:40 >>DAVID: I hope the people that are listening into this
45:41 conversation will get their bibles out and open to Romans
45:44 chapter 2.
45:45 This verse liberated me, this verse created a context in which
45:49 I could become a Christian, this passage.
45:51 >>TY: Really?
45:52 >>DAVID: For me.
45:52 >>TY: You break it down.
45:53 >>DAVID: No, no, no, no, no, I wanna hear it.
45:54 >>TY: Okay, I'll read it and you tell me what this says.
45:55 >>DAVID: I'll worship, you preach.
45:56 >>TY: Okay.
45:57 For, verse 14, for when Gentiles, who do not have the
46:01 law, by nature, do the things in the law, these, although not
46:08 having the law, are a law to themselves, verse 15, who show
46:13 the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience
46:16 also bearing witness, and between themselves, their
46:21 thoughts accusing or else excusing them.
46:24 This is astounding.
46:25 >>JEFFREY: And it's a passage regarding morality in a sense.
46:28 >>DAVID: And it's a passage regarding the judgement, verse
46:29 16, in the day when God will judge the secrets of men, by
46:31 Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
46:33 >>JEFFREY: I like the fact that the word nature's in verse 14.
46:36 >>TY: By nature.
46:37 >>JEFFREY: Yeah.
46:37 >>TY: That's right.
46:39 So, in other words, this is referring back, by the way, to
46:41 chapter 1, verse 19, where Paul had earlier said that what may
46:47 be known of God is manifest in them.
46:50 Well, here, when we come to chapter 2, the in them part is
46:52 by nature.
46:53 It's by nature, in other words, what we've said previously in
46:57 the conversation, there's moral activity inside of them, but
47:00 this moral activity is a transcendent morality that first
47:06 exists in God.
47:07 He then makes human beings in his image, that image is lost,
47:12 but
47:14 -- >>DAVID: It's compromised.
47:15 >>TY: Yeah, it's compromised, and remnants of that moral image
47:18 still reside in the human heart in a compromised form.
47:22 So, we're not moral by evolutionary process, we're
47:25 moral by design.
47:26 We're moral by design.
47:28 >>JEFFREY: I love how this acknowledges, though, the bible
47:32 itself acknowledges that there is an intuitive, innate
47:36 morality, which is where the evolutionists would take off
47:40 from.
47:41 >>TY: And this scripture says that when you violate it, when
47:43 you violate your nature
47:45 -- >>DAVID: Your conscience accuses you.
47:46 >>TY: Your conscience accuses you.
47:47 >>DAVID: Your own conscience accuses you.
47:49 >>TY: Yeah, you shouldn't have done that, you lay on your bed
47:51 at night.
47:52 You haven't necessarily, these people haven't read the bible,
47:54 they don't have the 10 Commandments, they lay on their
47:57 bed at night, and they think, why did I do that today?
47:59 Their conscience is, but also, he says, simultaneously, when
48:03 you do what's right, your conscience affirms you.
48:05 >>DAVID: Have you heard of the baby lab?
48:08 It's called, I think it's just called the baby lab, I think
48:12 it's located at Yale University.
48:13 I just read a synopsis of a paper.
48:15 They're constantly studying the development of human behavior
48:18 there.
48:20 And I just read a paper recently that was sent by a friend of
48:22 mine, Dr. Sean Pitman, and they showed that this idea that
48:27 children are blank moral slates and you can just implant any old
48:30 ideal, like, they're a blank hard drive, and you just put any
48:33 software in.
48:33 [inaudible chatter]
48:35 >>TY: Can't happen.
48:35 >>DAVID: Can't happen.
48:36 >>TY: Can't happen.
48:37 >>DAVID: They show that children from the age of as young as 2
48:39 already have an innate, in born sense of right and wrong, of
48:44 morality.
48:45 Now, you can squelch that.
48:46 You can become a person over years of silencing that voice
48:51 and abusing your own conscience and you can create a situation
48:55 where you are devoid of a conscience.
48:57 >>JEFFREY: But that's the point, you would have to initiate that,
48:59 you wouldn't naturally do that.
49:00 >>TY: And you would have to persist in it.
49:01 >>JEFFREY: That's hard work.
49:03 It's hard work to suppress your moral compass.
49:05 >>DAVID: And the converse is also true.
49:07 As you become a sensitive person and you respond to people with
49:10 empathy and kindness and compassion and you know,
49:12 whatever you've done unto one of the least of these, you know,
49:14 you clothed me, you visited me, you fed me, then we become
49:17 increasingly in tuned to moral situations around us.
49:21 That's one of the things I'll just be straight up, Ty, I love
49:23 about you.
49:25 I love all the guys here, but I've heard you, in repeated
49:26 situations, Ty, difficult situations in meetings and board
49:29 meetings or whatever, you say, hey, wait a minute, how does
49:33 this, how does this situation look from their perspective,
49:36 there's this like, there's this justice element, and I love
49:39 that.
49:40 There have been times in meetings where you have brought
49:42 things that even me, as a gospel preacher, I missed that.
49:46 I missed, there's a moral sensitivity that God has given
49:48 you, you know, and I love that.
49:50 I pray that God'll give me a similarly acute, and not that
49:53 all of us don't have it, but I've just noticed it in you a
49:56 number of times, but in the same way that that's the case, well,
49:59 the opposite could be, you can get to the place where you just
50:02 pull out a gun and just...
50:03 >>TY: That's called psychopathy.
50:05 >>JAMES: Let me share this statement real quick, just to
50:08 firm up what we're talking about Education of Age, page 29,
50:11 Christ is the light which lighteneth every man that comes
50:14 into the world, that's a verse that we've been looking at quite
50:16 a bit in 1 John 1:9.
50:17 >>TY: John 1:9.
50:18 >>JAMES: John 1:9, thank you.
50:20 As through Christ, every human being has life, so also, through
50:24 him, every soul receives
50:29 -- >>DAVID: The glasses come out.
50:30 >>JAMES: Not only intellectual, I've been putting it off for a
50:35 long time.
50:36 I waited until my wife got them and then I said, okay.
50:37 Not only intellectual, but spiritual power, a perception of
50:42 right, a desire for goodness exists in every heart.
50:45 Why?
50:46 Because Christ is the light that lightens every man that comes
50:48 into the world.
50:49 But against these principles, there is struggling, there is
50:54 struggling and antagonistic power.
50:57 The result of the eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good
51:00 and Evil is manifest in every man's experience, there is, in
51:02 his nature, a bend to evil, a force which, unaided, he cannot
51:05 resist.
51:06 >>DAVID: Which unaided he can't resist.
51:07 >>JAMES: To withstand this force, to retain that idea which
51:09 is most, in his inmost soul, he accepts as alone worthy, he can
51:15 find help in but one power, and that power is Christ.
51:17 >>TY: Just one quick bit of advice and secret you don't know
51:22 about, parenthetical statement.
51:23 On the iPad, you can make the type bigger so you don't have to
51:26 wear the glasses.
51:27 >>JAMES: I know, I just don't know how to do it.
51:28 I'm not able to do that right this second.
51:31 [inaudible chatter]
51:34 >>DAVID: I'm just gonna quickly read, because you started into
51:36 verse 14, I'm just gonna quickly read verses 11, 12, and 13,
51:38 because they really set the argument up.
51:40 Verse 11, there is no partiality with God.
51:43 Verse 12, for as many as have sinned without the law, without
51:46 the written code that God gave to the Jews, through Moses, they
51:50 will perish without the law, and as many as have sinned within
51:52 the law, they will be judged by the law.
51:54 For not the hearers of the law, the writings of Moses in the Old
51:57 Testament, are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law
52:01 will be just, and then he begins his argument with the Gentiles.
52:04 >>JAMES: Quick question, Ty, how do I make the type in my bible
52:07 bigger so I don't need my glasses?
52:08 >>TY: Doesn't work that way, you gotta buy a large print bible
52:10 for grandpas.
52:11 >>DAVID: It looks like you're going somewhere.
52:13 >>TY: Well, this is connected but it's a little bit of a
52:18 different way to go, and I think it's really a helpful thing to
52:22 go back to the Old Testament, to a prophecy in Isaiah 49 that is
52:28 about the coming Messiah, the one that we have in this
52:32 conversation and the previous conversation spoken of as the
52:35 word, the voice, the light.
52:38 This Jesus is foretold in Isaiah 49, and as the prophecy is given
52:47 in verse 1, it says, listen, oh coastlands to me.
52:51 Me, Jesus, the Messiah.
52:53 Listen, oh coastlands, to me and take heed you peoples from afar.
52:58 In other words, outside of the perimeters of Israel.
53:02 Okay, the Gentile world is being addressed here, okay?
53:06 Listen.
53:07 And then, it goes on to basically say, the Messiah
53:09 that's coming, the Savior that's coming, he is not just for the
53:13 Jews, he's not just for Israelites, he's for, and
53:18 there's all these different groups of people, people who
53:21 didn't have an islands and coastlands that are described.
53:24 And then, interestingly enough, when you come all the way down
53:27 to verse 12, surely, these shall come from afar.
53:32 Remember Jesus said, they shall come from the east and the west,
53:35 okay, surely, these shall come from afar, look, those from the
53:39 north and the west and these from the land of Sinem, the land
53:44 of Sinem.
53:45 Now, that's a very strange word that most people aren't familiar
53:47 with, but Sinem is the ancient word for China or basically
53:52 Asia.
53:53 The word Sinem refers to China.
53:56 So, today, in our modern language, you may hear on the
54:00 news about American Sino talks.
54:03 S-I-N-O.
54:05 Sino talks.
54:05 Well, Sino refers to China.
54:08 Or, you look up in the dictionary, sinology.
54:10 S-I-nology, sinology, it is the study of things Chinese.
54:14 Sinem refers directly to the people of China and what this
54:19 scripture is basically saying, you guys, well, two things here,
54:23 number one, don't you find it fascinating that China is
54:27 referenced in scripture as a people group, as a nation that
54:32 the Messiah has particular interest in.
54:34 Jesus loves the people of these far off lands outside of Israel,
54:40 and don't you find it interesting, secondly, that the
54:44 prophecy is basically saying that when this Messiah comes,
54:47 when this Savior comes, he's not just for one people group, he's
54:51 for everybody.
54:52 Jesus is the one who is the savior of all mankind and he's
54:57 coming for everybody.
54:59 >>DAVID: The New Testament calls him that, the Savior of the
55:00 world.
55:01 >>TY: That's right.
55:02 Powerful, love that prophecy.
55:03 >>JAMES: Okay, Psalms 87.
55:05 This is one that I think is powerful, too, and it just says
55:08 the same thing
55:09 -- >>DAVID: Speak into the camera, James, please.
55:11 >>JAMES: Psalm 87, you wanna see my glasses, don't you?
55:14 >>DAVID: Wanna see the glasses.
55:15 >>JAMES: His foundation's in the holy mountains, the Lord loves
55:18 the gates of Zion more than all of the dwellings of Jacob.
55:21 Glorious things are spoken of thee, oh city of God, see verse
55:24 4, I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know
55:30 me.
55:31 Behold, Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia, this man was born
55:34 there.
55:35 And of Zion it shall be said, this man was born in her, and
55:38 the highest himself shall establish her.
55:40 The Lord, verse 6, shall count, when he writes up the people,
55:44 that this man was born there.
55:45 Selah.
55:46 Think about this.
55:47 And here's the point that I get out of this, because when Ty was
55:49 reading those verses, I was thinking, that is really
55:51 incredible, verse 6 said, I'll be a light to the Gentiles.
55:54 And what God does in the context of this is he takes into
55:58 consideration where we were born, Rahab, where she was born,
56:02 the Babylonian, where he was born, the Ethiopian, where he
56:04 was born.
56:05 You were born in Zion.
56:07 Jesus comes and he looks at the Samaritan woman and he looks at
56:11 the Cyrophanician woman, and he says, wow, this is, these
56:13 people, from the east to the west, they're gonna come.
56:15 God takes him, so we say, well, they didn't know the law, they
56:19 didn't know the name of Jesus, this is what we've been talking
56:20 about.
56:21 They didn't know the X, Ys, and the Zs of theology, but God
56:24 doesn't look at it that way.
56:25 He considers where they're born, he considers light they've been
56:28 given, and whether their conscience is bearing witness
56:31 and they are becoming a law unto themselves, and that context,
56:34 they are judged savable.
56:37 >>JEFFREY: So, do we need God to be moral?
56:40 >>DAVID: You have to read James 1:17.
56:42 >>JEFFREY: That was my setup for that.
56:45 >>DAVID: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
56:46 I'm sorry.
56:47 >>JEFFREY: That was the setup.
56:48 >>TY: Well, you only have a minute and 30 seconds so you
56:50 better set it up and read, buddy.
56:51 >>DAVID: He's like doing this Latin slow thing.
56:54 >>JEFFREY: Every good gift, James 1:17, and every perfect
56:58 gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights,
57:02 with whom there's no variation or shadow of turning.
57:04 Every good gift comes from above.
57:06 If morality is good, every good thing that anybody does, whether
57:11 they are a believer or a nonbeliever, whether they
57:14 profess the name of Jesus, whether they don't, whether
57:17 they're in church, whether they're out, whether they love
57:19 religion, whether they hate religion.
57:20 Every good thing that we do is a gift that's extended from the
57:24 Father and we're just a conduit through which it is expressed in
57:26 this world, right?
57:27 So, I think the answer to the question is yes, we need God in
57:33 order to be moral in the sense that morality is grounded, it's
57:38 not something that God speaks and invents, it's grounded in
57:41 his very character.
57:42 >>DAVID: Sense of Grace, page 26, Christ is the source of
57:46 every right impulse.
57:47 >>TY: Isn't that something?
57:49 >>DAVID: He's the one.
57:50 Every good gift, I love the way you did that, if morality is
57:53 good...
57:54 >>JEFFREY: It comes from God.
57:55 >>JAMES: And that's what it means when he says that I am the
57:57 way, the truth, and the life.
57:57 >>JEFFREY: Amen.
57:58 >>DAVID: Which is a funny way to spin that text around.
58:01 >>TY: Yeah, he's the way, the truth, and the life in the
58:05 larger sense that he is always the way, the truth, and the
58:11 life, to anybody who encounters the way, the truth, and the life
58:14 in any way they encounter the way, the truth, and the life.
58:18 >>JEFFREY: That's good.
58:19 [Music]
58:29 [Music]


Revised 2016-04-14