Table Talk

The Hard Questions: If God is in Control, Are We Really Free?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick, James Rafferty, Jeffrey Rosario, Ty Gibson


Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000030A

00:21 In this conversation,
00:22 we're gonna tackle a pretty complex question
00:25 and its related to our previous conversation
00:28 where we came from
00:30 was with the question if God is love,
00:32 why is there so much suffering in the world,
00:35 and there's gonna be some overlap here
00:36 but this is a necessary subject.
00:39 The question now is,
00:40 if God is in control, are we really free?
00:44 And this is the question we have to ask
00:46 because there is in the world of philosophy,
00:50 in naturalism or materialism,
00:53 there's a materialistic determinism
00:56 that says that every single thing
00:57 that happens couldn't happen otherwise,
01:00 then it did happen because of the big bang.
01:03 Everything traces back to that one event
01:06 that created the causal chain that produced all outcomes
01:11 and that's materialistic or atheistic determinism,
01:16 but there is also atheistic determinism.
01:21 There's the view that the sovereignty of God
01:25 dictates every single event that ever occurs
01:29 so that omnipotence is viewed as omni control.
01:33 In other words, if God is all powerful,
01:36 therefore nothing ever occurs
01:38 that God Himself did not choreographed,
01:40 determine or make happen.
01:42 He's like the cosmic micro manager.
01:45 Yeah.
01:47 A big control freak in the sky.
01:48 And some people may or have referred to that
01:51 as the blueprint.
01:52 Augustinian blueprint.
01:53 Yeah, it's like the blueprint worldview
01:55 where there's a blueprint for every single thing
01:58 that's been predetermined and planned out.
02:01 So how do we approach this subject?
02:05 Well, first of all, do you resonate with it at all?
02:09 Do you resonate with a worldview
02:11 or a theological orientation that says
02:15 God is in control of everything that happens?
02:17 Well, one of the things I think it's important for us
02:19 to say from the onset is this,
02:22 because so many people have used this
02:23 in a positive way to, you know,
02:28 excuse me for using this phrase,
02:29 but to find a purpose driven life
02:31 or a purpose in life, and therefore
02:33 when they've dealt with bad situations,
02:36 they've tried to say,
02:37 well, no, God is behind this
02:39 and therefore there must be some purpose in this.
02:41 It's a way of coping.
02:43 It's a way of coping and it's a religious idea,
02:47 a religious way of coping.
02:48 And what I try to say right from the onset is this,
02:50 because I had this experience when I was in Africa,
02:53 I was counseling this young lady
02:54 and she was suicidal.
02:56 She was suicidal having migraine headaches
03:00 and when she...
03:01 when we got into this counseling session,
03:03 she told me her life story or experience.
03:06 When she was a young lady,
03:07 she had been sexually abused by her uncle
03:11 and the issue was in her life was
03:13 that she had never talked to anyone about this
03:16 and so when we were counseling, this was.
03:18 So I said, you know, have you talked to pastor now?
03:19 Have you talked to pastor now?
03:21 I said, well, have you prayed about,
03:22 have you talked to God?
03:23 Why would I talk to Him about it?
03:25 He's the one that made it happen.
03:27 She said it like that?
03:28 She said it like that and it was and by the way,
03:32 I had to say to her,
03:33 I know that's what you just heard
03:35 in that last sermon that we listened to.
03:38 That's what I had to say to her.
03:39 But I said, "I would like to share with you."
03:41 A sermon that you had preached?
03:42 No. Okay.
03:43 It was preached at the place where I was preaching also.
03:46 And I said, but I would like to share with you
03:47 a different option
03:49 and basically, the option I shared with her
03:51 without going into detail was Romans 8:28,
03:53 "All things work together for good
03:56 to them that love God and are called
03:57 according to His purpose."
03:59 Not all things that happen are God's will.
04:01 There's a lot of evil that happens on this world,
04:03 but God can overrule the evil
04:05 that is taking place on planet earth
04:07 and He can bring good out of it.
04:08 And I said that's one step away from what you're talking about.
04:11 And as I explained this to her,
04:12 tears begin developing in her eyes.
04:16 She was sobbing, and I just want to tell you,
04:18 it's just a powerful, powerful experience.
04:20 That girl completely, was completely transformed
04:23 by the gospel, by the good news.
04:24 It's liberating.
04:26 Ended up going to college, we sent her a Bible,
04:28 she ended up just falling in love with Jesus Christ
04:31 and her life just went
04:32 in a completely different direction.
04:33 What you say, you say it's liberating.
04:35 But I've had conversations with people
04:39 who the moment you say that no, God is not in control
04:42 of every single thing that happens,
04:45 it's not liberating for them, it's threatening.
04:47 And they feel like
04:48 well, then there's no reason for my pain?
04:51 There's no...
04:52 What's behind this?
04:54 How come, I was quite satisfied believing
04:59 that God had some plan or purpose or blueprint
05:02 or something He was up to,
05:05 in making this happen to me
05:07 and now you're telling me that...
05:10 There's no such thing, yeah.
05:11 That God isn't in control of everything?
05:15 Do we need to just say in a blanket manner,
05:19 God is not in control
05:20 or is that overshooting the mark in another direction?
05:22 It's overshooting mark in other direction.
05:23 Does God control anything that happens?
05:25 He overrules everything.
05:27 I believe, He overrules everything.
05:28 So in a sense, we all are understanding
05:30 and recognizing that God is alive and well
05:34 and He is in control of planet earth
05:36 but in another sense, we're recognizing the opposite,
05:39 and that is that there are things
05:40 happening on planet earth
05:42 that are distinctly unrelated to God
05:44 and not part of God's will.
05:46 I think that there is a real trickiness
05:48 even in the way that we've ordered the question
05:50 and this is, this has come up several times
05:52 in the way that we've ordered other questions
05:54 and that's what I like about these questions
05:56 'cause they're thorny,
05:57 they're thorny, they're difficult,
05:59 even the questions themselves are problematic.
06:01 So with this as a case in point,
06:03 if God is in control, then are we really free?
06:06 Well, there is a sense
06:08 in which you could describe God's being in control
06:10 that I would totally disagree with biblically,
06:13 and then there's a sense
06:14 in which you could describe God's being in control
06:18 with which I would totally agree.
06:20 So maybe we should sort of define
06:23 our terms there a little bit, in what sense
06:25 is God in control?
06:26 Like, for example,
06:28 if I decide to pick this up right now,
06:30 and then I decide to set it down.
06:32 Okay, that was an action that just took place.
06:34 It took place in time,
06:35 it took place in space, it has in some,
06:38 you know, miniscule way altered the person that I am.
06:41 In other words,
06:42 that is something that happens now.
06:44 It's a part of human history. Okay.
06:46 Okay, did God, was God in control of that?
06:50 Is that something God did
06:51 or is that something that David did?
06:52 'Cause I'm operating under the decided impression
06:55 that that was a choice that I made.
06:57 When we were just here in the back
06:58 to try to decide what, you know, shirts we wear
07:00 because if we all wear dark,
07:01 or we all wear light or whatever,
07:03 and I put on this beautiful shirt,
07:05 you notice how beautiful it is.
07:07 I'm under the impression
07:08 that this was a choice that I made.
07:11 Yeah, but the deterministic world view...
07:12 That was your choice, wasn't it?
07:14 Yeah, the deterministic world view says
07:16 that you're under the illusion...
07:18 Exactly. That you made a free choice.
07:21 The fact is, I'm not saying the fact is,
07:23 I'm saying that in the deterministic worldview,
07:26 they would say, the fact is
07:29 that your apparent choice was just that, it was apparent.
07:33 You didn't make the choice because God is sovereign,
07:38 God is in control,
07:40 God is omnipotent
07:41 and that equates to
07:43 God has predetermined every single micro detail
07:48 that ever occurs.
07:50 It's all choreographed ahead of time
07:52 and you didn't really make that decision at all.
07:55 So what would you...
07:57 Is there anything to John 3:16 on this question,
08:01 for whosoever believes in Him,
08:05 that sounds to me to contradict this,
08:08 the notion that, that everything
08:11 is controlled by God and that we,
08:12 that we're under the delusion, right?
08:15 Yeah.
08:17 God so loved the world that He gave,
08:18 and whosoever believes in Him
08:21 should not perish but have everlasting life.
08:23 So, it, to me, that sounds a lot like
08:26 what you were just saying,
08:27 you have the real, very real capacity
08:31 to make an exercise of your will,
08:33 to make a decision.
08:35 That's not pre-manipulated by God.
08:37 I agree. I agree with that.
08:39 I'm just gonna say that for me, John 3:16, a great text,
08:42 needs to be brought to the table literally,
08:45 but I feel like it's down the pike.
08:47 I feel like it's like three turns down the road.
08:50 I want to ask you the question, Ty,
08:51 I want to put you right on the spot here
08:53 'cause you know more about this than I do just straight up.
08:56 Is the way that you articulated
08:59 the theistic determinism or that last time
09:01 that you just were speaking about determinism,
09:03 were you speaking primarily about
09:04 like materialistic determinism or theistic determinism
09:07 with every event being choreographed?
09:09 You were saying theistic.
09:11 I was referring to theistic.
09:13 Okay. So here's my question. Yeah.
09:14 Do you feel like that's a fair? Is that accurate?
09:17 Is that an accurate way of characterizing?
09:20 I don't want to say caricaturing, the way
09:23 that a determinist would, in other words,
09:26 like accounts more self, is that fair?
09:28 I think it's bigger than that for them.
09:29 I think it's more scientific. I think.
09:31 That's all the question I'm asking.
09:32 Yeah.
09:34 Well, the way I understand it
09:35 just for some philosophical and historical background.
09:39 First of all, the idea of determinism
09:41 is not a Christian idea in its origins
09:47 and it's not a biblical idea.
09:49 This hails back to Greek philosophy
09:53 and you have a succession of ideas
09:56 that were passed down
09:57 and the basic lineage of the idea
10:00 is you begin with Plato,
10:02 and Plato conceives of God as absolute Being.
10:07 And by that he means that God is really all there is.
10:10 There is no such thing as a autonomous creature
10:15 or being that exists adjacent to God
10:18 as a free will being.
10:19 Anybody that looks like
10:21 they're existing adjacent to God
10:24 is an extension of God
10:27 projecting out into the world,
10:32 what He's conceived in Himself.
10:34 So for example, in Greek philosophy,
10:37 if the Greeks would win a war,
10:39 they would attribute it to the will of the gods.
10:41 If they lost a war,
10:42 they would attribute it to the will of the gods.
10:44 And the secret,
10:46 the psychological background of this is
10:48 it advocates the individual of responsibility.
10:50 Right.
10:51 If a man is married to a woman,
10:54 it's destiny that he be with her
10:57 until he doesn't want to be with her anymore,
10:58 and the moment he doesn't want to be with her anymore,
11:01 and then he enters into a relationship
11:03 with another woman,
11:05 he attributes it to destiny or fate.
11:08 I was supposed to be with you, but not anymore.
11:12 Now I'm supposed to be with you.
11:13 And you see how, how nicely that abdicates the man
11:17 of any shame or guilt.
11:18 He doesn't have to deal with himself on the matter,
11:20 because he conceives of himself as being acted upon
11:24 by an external force that is bigger than himself.
11:27 Okay.
11:28 Okay, so that's the Greek philosophical base
11:31 and then, Aristotle who was a student of Plato
11:34 came along and said,
11:36 "Well, if that's true, then God is conceived
11:37 as what Plato called the unmoved mover."
11:40 God is forever Himself, unmoved,
11:44 nothing external to God acts upon God
11:47 to produce response in God.
11:50 But while God is unmoved,
11:52 He never experiences emotion or response.
11:55 He's constantly the mover.
11:57 So if anything happens
11:59 whether you decide you have shredded wheat
12:01 or Cheerios for breakfast tomorrow morning,
12:04 God predetermined
12:06 that you're going to have shredded wheat,
12:07 that's what you're going to have.
12:09 Yeah.
12:10 Okay, so that comes to Aristotle,
12:11 but here's where it gets into Christianity.
12:14 A lot of people aren't aware of this history
12:17 but Augustine, arguably the most influential theologian
12:21 in Christian history,
12:23 Augustine was not raised a Christian.
12:26 He was a student of Greek philosophy
12:30 and then converted in adulthood to Christianity
12:33 and he brought his Greek philosophy
12:36 into his Christianity and he was the one,
12:38 Augustine was the one
12:41 who then wrapped biblical Christian language
12:45 around the Greek ideas and said,
12:47 "Okay, Paul speaks of predestination here.
12:50 That must be the same thing
12:53 that Plato and Aristotle were talking about."
12:56 So then you have this idea that God predetermines
13:00 from eternity past,
13:02 who's gonna be saved and who's going to be lost.
13:05 And then, hundreds of years later,
13:07 sorry, this is taking so long,
13:09 but there's no background, hundreds of years later,
13:12 you have John Calvin of Reformation fame.
13:17 And John Calvin is a student of the writings of Augustine
13:22 and he's the one that most fine tunes
13:25 the idea of theistic determinism
13:30 or predestination
13:32 and he goes so far, but Augustine did this too
13:36 and this is getting to what your real question was.
13:39 They went so far as to not only say that,
13:42 that God predetermines who's saved and last,
13:46 but God predetermines everything.
13:48 If a little girl is raped,
13:51 this is a part of God's sovereign plan.
13:54 If a car accident occurs,
13:56 if somebody is diagnosed with a disease,
13:58 whatever happens, it's all happening
14:01 within the parameters of the sovereign will of God.
14:06 The moment something is allowed
14:08 to happen outside of the will of God,
14:11 the assumption is, well, God's not powerful then,
14:13 God's not all powerful.
14:14 So, so yes, in that view,
14:16 God controls literally everything that happens.
14:22 There's some kind of divine reason
14:24 behind everything,
14:26 the good, the bad, the ugly, the otherwise,
14:28 anything that happens and it's a very dark idea,
14:32 it's difficult to conceive
14:34 of any more dehumanizing idea
14:40 than for me to look across the table at Jeffrey
14:44 and to conceive of Jeffrey
14:46 as basically a non entity, a shell
14:50 of an apparent autonomous being who makes choices,
14:54 but to in my philosophical and theological outlook
14:57 to basically say,
14:59 no, you don't actually exit adjacent to me,
15:03 adjacent to God, in relation to anybody.
15:06 You're an extension of the will of God.
15:07 You make no choices,
15:09 everything that happens to you,
15:10 everything that ultimately happens
15:12 in your destiny God predetermined.
15:14 And in a sense, it sounds like an attempt
15:15 to simplify the chaos of the world
15:20 'cause that's a simple answer.
15:21 That's a very clear cut one liner.
15:24 Yeah.
15:25 But I think we would all affirm at this table
15:29 that the world is complex and it's not that simple.
15:32 It's not that cut and dried, that there's a war,
15:37 that we're in the midst of a war,
15:39 I think you said something about,
15:40 we're in enemy occupied territory,
15:42 and that it doesn't work that way
15:44 that there are clearly things as a real description
15:46 that take place on a daily basis
15:48 that are not part of God's.
15:50 In fact, God has to enter and intervene.
15:54 Why would God have to intervene in anything
15:56 if everything was an extension of His plan?
15:59 Right.
16:00 I think we could accurately say
16:02 that God has macro control,
16:06 but not micro control.
16:09 That ultimately God's principles
16:11 will trump the principles of evil,
16:13 that good will ultimately overcome evil
16:16 that love trumps hate.
16:19 So God has an overall plan.
16:22 Yes.
16:23 At the end He's finessing and navigating
16:27 through the evil bringing good out of this bad.
16:31 Yeah, He's navigating forward through the evil
16:33 to an ultimate end of victory.
16:35 But He's not micromanaging every detail along the way
16:40 so that every bit of pain and suffering
16:43 that goes on in the world
16:44 is traceable to God predetermining
16:48 that that happened to you right then and right there
16:51 for some, for some reason.
16:52 So, macro control, but not micro control.
16:56 Another way of saying that would simply be to say
17:00 the fact that God controls some things
17:03 doesn't mean that God controls all things.
17:07 So we're not saying that God's not involved, right?
17:09 God is.
17:11 We're not implying that God is not involved.
17:12 God is in all. He's fully involved.
17:14 We're not even saying He's not sovereign,
17:15 He's fully sovereign. Yeah.
17:18 But He's sovereign in love.
17:23 In other words,
17:24 God is all powerful,
17:27 but His all mighty, omnipotent power
17:31 coexists with His love.
17:36 He has a particular will and that will is,
17:40 God chooses sovereignly for you and me to be free.
17:44 That's God's sovereign will,
17:46 and that has all the possible upsides and downsides
17:51 that come with that actual freedom so.
17:56 I think of a good illustration of this in relation to us
17:59 is parents and children,
18:01 I think it's a great illustration
18:02 because we want to control their lives,
18:05 we want to, you know,
18:07 we want to live in a certain place.
18:08 We want them to go to a certain school,
18:10 we want them to...
18:11 Yeah, you are going through that.
18:13 Grow up learning certain things
18:14 and we want them to make certain decisions
18:15 and while we have the power to do that, we don't,
18:19 we better not embrace it.
18:20 If we do that, we're gonna ruin them.
18:22 We're gonna take away their individuality
18:24 and we're gonna make them who we are
18:26 and we're gonna make them susceptible
18:28 to be controlled by somebody else
18:30 once they come out from under over roof.
18:31 Yeah, in other words,
18:33 we could control them but we shouldn't.
18:34 No. Yeah.
18:35 Man, this is good and after the break,
18:38 we'll just keep unpacking this subject.
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20:42 In reflecting on the first segment
20:44 of this conversation,
20:46 I think we were all sort of saying in the break,
20:48 and I was thinking that there is a sense
20:50 in which this conversation
20:52 you started by saying you're exactly correct.
20:53 This is a complex question.
20:55 If God is in control, how do we say it?
20:58 If God is in control...?
21:00 Yeah, if God is in control, are we really free?
21:02 And in the course of that first segment,
21:04 we need to let the viewers know,
21:06 those that are listening in to this conversation,
21:09 that we recognize that there is a complexity,
21:12 theological, philosophical, even historical
21:14 to the things that we're talking about.
21:16 But what we're trying to do in an hour long program
21:19 is to set a tone to talk about something
21:22 and this is, I think, the key.
21:24 That is a hugely influential philosophical idea
21:28 that many people might not even be familiar with
21:31 as a hugely influential philosophical idea,
21:34 namely determinism.
21:35 Right.
21:36 In other words, there are people
21:38 that are walking the streets right now
21:39 that have either watched a movie
21:41 or seen a sitcom, or read a book
21:42 or a magazine article, or heard a story
21:43 and they and it's been,
21:45 well God or where was God or God did,
21:47 and it just becomes a part of our modern psyche
21:51 to some degree that we are being acted upon
21:54 by the gods not in this case,
21:55 Zeus or Poseidon or Mercury or whatever but God.
22:00 Like the insurance clause.
22:01 Like the insurance clause, okay, exactly.
22:03 And yet many people outside of this conversation
22:09 would be hugely influenced by this,
22:11 but not even aware of the language,
22:13 the history and things
22:14 that we were just quickly sort of putting.
22:17 But I think we should summarize by saying,
22:20 we're really dealing with a picture of God
22:23 that is one in which He is an absolute control,
22:27 micromanaging control was the language that we use,
22:30 or He has relinquished to some degree
22:36 control to a greater end.
22:38 Yeah, to a greater end.
22:39 And for me, the questions would be,
22:42 first of all, is this true?
22:44 Is it true that God is in absolute control
22:47 when we kind of address that?
22:49 And then the second question is,
22:50 if God has to some degree relinquished control, why,
22:56 and in what sense has He relinquished control?
22:59 And I know that what you said, James, is so true
23:01 that when people are going through
23:03 the vicissitudes of life,
23:04 the ups, the downs, the difficulties, the trials,
23:06 the cancers, the diseases, the deaths,
23:08 we want to console ourselves
23:10 by finding some purpose, some meaning,
23:13 some intentionality in it, and we feel consoled by it.
23:18 But the question is, is everything that happens,
23:22 you quoted Romans 8:28,
23:24 does that mean that God is in control
23:25 of every circumstance?
23:27 We're saying no. No.
23:28 Okay, so then when is He in control?
23:29 When is He not in control?
23:31 And is it even possible to tell the difference?
23:33 And you also asked earlier you said,
23:36 what is that greater end that that He's aiming for?
23:40 I think Jesus if we accept the premise
23:43 without going into the details to demonstrate
23:45 why we believe this is so
23:47 that Jesus was God in the flesh.
23:49 Okay, here's a picture of God in the flesh
23:52 in Matthew Chapter 23.
23:56 Jesus sitting on a hillside overlooking Jerusalem,
23:59 Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets
24:04 and stones those who are sent to her,
24:06 how often I wanted to gather your children together
24:11 as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings
24:14 and you were not willing.
24:17 So, in this scripture is a picture of God.
24:21 This is God looking at a human situation,
24:24 the city of Jerusalem namely, and God is saying,
24:28 I wanted X, but you didn't want X.
24:33 You weren't willing to go where I wanted to take you.
24:38 This is Almighty God.
24:40 This is omnipotent God, this is sovereign God
24:43 and the answer to your question,
24:45 what's the greater end, what's the ultimate end?
24:48 I think one way we can say it,
24:49 and there are lots of ways to say it,
24:51 one way you could say it
24:53 is that God wants me to want Him.
24:58 God wants me to want what He wants,
25:00 He doesn't want to be the one
25:03 who wants a situation and then shove me into it,
25:09 force me into, manipulate me into it.
25:11 So what's the greater end
25:14 to which God in holding His power in reserve?
25:19 What's He up to?
25:20 He's up to this.
25:22 He wants me to want.
25:24 What He wants.
25:25 Yeah, not because and we need to clarify.
25:27 He doesn't want me to want what He wants,
25:30 because He's stubborn, opinionated and dictatorial.
25:34 He wants me to want what He wants
25:36 because what He wants.
25:38 It's in your best interest anyway.
25:39 It's in my best interest. Yeah.
25:40 You know, it's like,
25:42 it's like somebody has said that God can't,
25:46 God can't give me happiness apart from Him
25:49 because no such thing exists.
25:50 Yeah.
25:52 There is no happiness to be had apart from God
25:56 because in God is the recipe, the principles for happiness.
26:03 So He doesn't want me.
26:05 That's why in the Bible,
26:07 God is described as a jealous God.
26:10 And we look at jealousy in a very self centered way.
26:13 I'm jealous because you know
26:15 that person is flirting with my wife.
26:16 I'm jealous, really for my feelings,
26:18 but God is jealous for us, because of us.
26:21 He's jealous because He sees things
26:24 that are happening to us
26:26 that He doesn't want to happen to us
26:27 and so His jealousy is in...
26:29 Not self centered, it's other centered.
26:30 No, it's others centered.
26:32 I'm jealous over you with godly jealousy
26:34 because I want you to have those things
26:37 I've always wanted you to have and experience those things
26:39 I've always wanted you to experience,
26:41 and you are not willing to go in that direction.
26:43 You were gonna say something.
26:44 Well, I...
26:46 Yeah, just as you guys were talking,
26:47 I was reading from Genesis Chapter 2
26:49 and I was just thinking, you're in Jesus, right?
26:51 You're in Matthew and I was thinking,
26:53 well, what was the deal from day one
26:56 like at the gate with the kind of world
26:58 that God designed and created
27:00 in regard to His control or His sovereignty over it
27:04 and our involvement in it,
27:06 and I just read this quote, not to make some big point,
27:08 but this is really cool verse here.
27:10 I never noticed this one detail,
27:11 it says when in the Garden of Eden
27:13 and God's creating it says,
27:15 "And out of the ground,
27:16 the Lord God formed every beast of the field
27:18 and every bird of the air and brought them to Adam,
27:22 to see what he would call them."
27:24 Yep. Yeah, that's beautiful.
27:26 And whatever Adam called each living creature
27:29 that's what it was called.
27:30 That was his name. Yeah.
27:31 So I just, I think that's pretty cool is that God...
27:34 This may be a trivial example of this
27:37 but God creates this beautiful world,
27:39 this beautiful realm in which we exist
27:43 and the representative of the human race, right,
27:46 Adam, He puts Adam there and He says,
27:48 Adam and He brings all these animals.
27:50 He says, "So, Adam,
27:51 what do you think we should call these?"
27:54 So He's right there.
27:55 He's bringing Adam
27:57 into the decision making process he's in.
28:00 I wonder if when God created this world,
28:05 that brought Him pleasure because He exercised his will
28:08 as God brought something into existence
28:10 and it brought Him happiness and pleasure.
28:13 If God controls everything,
28:15 and we're not allowed to make any decisions,
28:17 He would be stripping us
28:19 from that happiness and pleasure
28:20 because we would have no potential for that,
28:22 'cause there'd be no effect from our actions.
28:25 You know what I'm saying? Absolutely.
28:26 Whereas here, Adam is invited to experience the pleasure
28:31 of exercising his will.
28:32 And just, it's something so simple,
28:34 so trivial as naming the animals.
28:36 Anyway, I just thought that was kind of cool.
28:37 It's right there in the garden.
28:39 I encountered the fact that the universe is not one
28:42 which God controls everything.
28:43 Well, just a few verses before that in Genesis 2:16,
28:46 one of my favorite verses in Genesis
28:47 that's along those same lines.
28:49 It's where God says
28:50 to the early couple, Adam and Eve, He says,
28:52 of every tree of the garden,
28:54 you may freely eat,
28:57 freely, to me the insertion
28:58 of that word freely there is huge
29:00 because God is saying you're free, you're free,
29:02 here's all of these trees,
29:03 we don't know how many there were.
29:04 But let's say there were 5000 fruit trees,
29:06 various varieties from which to choose.
29:09 And God says to every one of those trees,
29:11 the answer is yes.
29:12 It's a yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
29:15 He says, but of this one tree, verse 17,
29:17 just don't eat of this one.
29:19 So the ratio of yeses to noes in God's governance
29:23 is 5000:1 or whatever, 2000:1
29:26 or however many there are.
29:27 A million to one.
29:29 God's freedom, as we've talked about in the past,
29:32 and we're gonna come back to this over and over again
29:34 in the hard question series,
29:35 is that freedom is absolutely fundamental
29:38 to God's governance of the universe,
29:40 because it's fundamental to His own character.
29:42 Yes, that's the key.
29:44 It's fundamental to who He is.
29:46 And if that's true,
29:47 then this micromanage dictatorial, Augustinian,
29:50 Hellenistic view of God,
29:53 it's gone, the insurance clause God
29:55 who's causing and that and this and that
29:57 and you're gonna put on that shirt, that's gone.
29:59 Right.
30:00 But there's still that overruling.
30:02 Yeah, God's still sovereign.
30:03 In fact, let me just read these verses to you.
30:04 This is really powerful to me in this context.
30:06 Daniel Chapter 10,
30:07 Daniel's been praying for three weeks,
30:10 he's been fasting and flicking himself
30:12 and praying for an answer to an understanding of prophecy
30:16 that he got in previous chapters.
30:18 He wants to know more
30:19 and he's praying for three weeks,
30:20 and there's no answer, no answer,
30:22 no answer, no answer, no answer.
30:23 And then finally, in verse 12, Gabriel comes to him
30:26 and Gabriel says to him, Do not fear Daniel,
30:29 for from the first day
30:30 that you set your heart to understand
30:31 and humble yourself before God,
30:33 your words were heard.
30:34 So as soon as he prayed, the very first day he prayed,
30:36 his words were heard.
30:37 So what Gabriel is saying to Daniel,
30:40 "Listen, God hears and God answers your prayers."
30:42 But notice what he goes on to say, he says,
30:46 but the prince and he goes on saying,
30:48 I've come for your word.
30:50 So God answers them,
30:51 but the prince of the Kingdom of Persia
30:52 withstood me 21 days, that's three weeks,
30:55 that's the whole time,
30:56 withstood me 21 days and behold Michael,
30:59 one of the chief princess came to help me,
31:01 for I've been left alone with these kings of Persia.
31:06 Basically, what he is saying is God heard your prayer
31:08 and God answered your prayer the day that you prayed.
31:11 But there's this other force,
31:14 the powers of the Prince of Persia,
31:16 the Prince of Persia is,
31:17 these guys were the kings of this earth, the power,
31:20 the prince of the prince is Satan.
31:21 He's the prince of this world.
31:23 So he's withstanding
31:25 and what's really interesting about this
31:26 is the thing that Daniel wants to understand
31:29 the prophecies that Daniel were given was given.
31:32 These prophecies are God's will, God's purpose,
31:37 God is going to carry out in a sovereign sense,
31:40 He's gonna carry out these prophecies
31:42 but Satan is withstanding Him.
31:43 Satan is trying to stop.
31:45 The prince of this world
31:47 is trying to stop these prophecies
31:48 from being fulfilled.
31:50 So the point I'm trying to make is this.
31:53 There are even things that God is in control of
31:55 in the sense that He's carrying out His will
31:58 in these prophecies
31:59 that Satan is still withstanding him
32:01 that God is coming in with reinforcements
32:03 to make sure that these things happen,
32:05 that they are done in a way
32:07 that is in harmony with His will and His purposes
32:10 and Satan is still trying to come in there.
32:11 We're seeing this conflict taking place
32:13 between these powers of good and powers of evil.
32:16 So in the context of Bible prophecy,
32:19 you have this incredible picture
32:22 of this conflict taking place
32:23 between what God wants
32:25 and the opposition to rebellion.
32:28 We ended our whole last conversation
32:30 about if God is so good,
32:31 why is there so much suffering?
32:32 On that note, we ended it on the note
32:34 of the scriptural motif is one of conflict.
32:39 To me the way
32:40 I'm compartmentalizing the four conversations
32:42 that we've had up to this point,
32:43 I see two major themes emerging,
32:46 freedom and conflict that these are,
32:49 these are macro themes
32:50 for understanding what's taking place
32:52 not just in Scripture but in the world.
32:54 That's a great summary.
32:55 We have freedom.
32:56 God has given freedom, He's granted freedom,
32:58 He loves freedom, He values freedom,
33:00 His nature is that to be free to grant freedom
33:04 but there's conflict
33:05 and here's the interesting thing,
33:07 we can talk about Satan and some people say,
33:08 well, where's Satan, I've never seen Satan
33:09 or you know, demons, angels, never seen any of that.
33:13 But let me say this,
33:14 I don't know if you guys can relate,
33:15 but I have a suspicion that not only the three of you
33:17 around this table can relate,
33:18 but all the cameramen in this room
33:20 and everybody outside of this room,
33:22 to the conflict that I feel in my own self
33:26 to do right, to do wrong, to do this, to do that,
33:29 to go this way to go that way, the selfish thing,
33:32 the just thing or the self-ish thing.
33:35 And they are sitting on your...
33:37 You know, that's proverbial, isn't it?
33:38 The little demon and the little angel.
33:39 That's proverbial but isn't that emblematic
33:41 of something that we all know intuitively
33:43 that there is a moral struggle in our souls
33:48 to make the choice or the choice.
33:52 Can I just comment further on that, David, that,
33:55 increasingly there are people in educated Western culture
33:59 who find the existence of Satan and demons
34:05 completely ridiculous, they just write it off.
34:09 Are you kidding me? Really?
34:11 We're going back thousands of years now.
34:12 But here's the thing.
34:14 I don't know if you've looked at it
34:15 from this standpoint,
34:16 we all know that evil is moral.
34:23 It's immoral but it's,
34:25 it has a moral quality to it
34:26 and therefore we know that it is personal,
34:31 that has its origin in persons.
34:34 Take the devil, take demons out of the picture,
34:37 and evil as it occurs as we witness it,
34:40 it arises out of a free moral agent,
34:44 making bad decisions to rape, to pillage, to murder,
34:47 to control, to do whatever.
34:49 In other words, it's not a tree sitting
34:50 in the middle of the field.
34:51 It's not abstract, it's personal.
34:54 So the way I've thought about it in the past,
34:57 is that the most logical thing in the world
35:01 would be that if evil exists
35:03 and we all believe that it does,
35:05 the most logical thing in the world is to believe
35:08 that it's traceable to personal...
35:12 To an agent.
35:13 To a personal agent.
35:14 I get that.
35:16 It's not like the law of gravity.
35:20 It's not physics.
35:21 Evil is the personal exercise
35:26 of wills to do perverted,
35:29 bad, ugly, horrible things.
35:32 So when people ask me,
35:33 "Do you actually believe that the devil exists?"
35:36 I say, "Look at the world around you.
35:38 The only way to make sense
35:41 out of superhuman evil
35:44 that is just beyond anything
35:46 that we can calculate in this world
35:48 is to think that there must be
35:50 some super human evil personal agent
35:54 ultimately behind it.
35:57 I love that, Ty, with your permission,
35:58 I'm just gonna simplify it,
35:59 not only for the viewer's sake but for my own sake.
36:01 Let me see if I can do this. Okay.
36:03 You're saying that when we used...
36:04 It needs to be simplified, by the way,
36:05 'cause it's only the second time
36:07 I've ever said it.
36:08 Okay.
36:10 So you're saying that
36:11 when we see evil acts done on earth...
36:12 Yeah.
36:14 On the news, in your local neighborhood,
36:15 somebody was shot, somebody was whatever,
36:16 we trace that not to a tree, not to Iraq, not to a car...
36:20 Not to an inanimate wall.
36:21 Not to a glass of water, we trace it to a person,
36:24 an agent who has misused or perverted his or her friend.
36:26 That's right.
36:28 And you're saying, well, hey, if that's the case here
36:29 in what we see...
36:31 Then why wouldn't it also be the case
36:32 that the sum total of evil in the world
36:34 which is far beyond our comprehension
36:37 would also be traceable to an agent?
36:38 That's what I'm saying. I love that.
36:40 Yeah.
36:41 I see that, and then now let's further corroborate that.
36:44 Not only is that what our experience is telling us,
36:48 Scripture says, "Oh, and by the way, evil,
36:51 evil is traceable to an angelic rebellion
36:54 against the government of God."
36:55 Yes.
36:56 "Until the day that iniquity was found in you."
36:58 Right, right.
36:59 So this is going back to we asked the question
37:01 a few conversations ago,
37:02 how do we know that the Bible is God's Word,
37:04 that the Bible is inspired?
37:05 And we said, "Well, there's this internal
37:07 and this external thing.
37:09 There's this external reality,
37:11 but then this is internal corroboration.
37:12 That's for me, this is an example of that.
37:14 Yeah.
37:15 That is, that's a very good description of the world
37:17 I see around me,
37:18 then I go to the text
37:20 and I'm not asked to believe that yin and yang,
37:22 you know, evil can be good and good can be evil,
37:24 and they exist in a dualistic counterbalance
37:26 and I can't accept that,
37:28 I can't accept when a little girl is kidnapped
37:30 from her parent's home and was taken and abused,
37:32 and raped and killed,
37:34 and dumped somewhere in a river.
37:35 That's wrong.
37:37 That in no sense is good.
37:38 It's in no sense good in it and no sense is necessary.
37:41 And don't tell me that I couldn't understand
37:43 goodness and kindness and magnanimity
37:45 and grace and without that, some people say,
37:47 "Oh, no, you'd never know what good was
37:49 if there hadn't been evil."
37:50 Oh, no, or contraire.
37:52 I don't need that to see.
37:54 So I hate that, that's an enemy to me, that's,
37:57 and it's an enemy to God.
37:59 Yes.
38:00 God hates that.
38:03 He hates that abuse.
38:04 He hates that perversion, He hates iniquity.
38:07 He hates the perversion of the gift
38:09 that He has entrusted to us.
38:10 And there's a lot of intellectual,
38:13 rational, resolve, and satisfaction
38:17 in knowing that ultimately,
38:19 the universe in the world is governed by a God
38:22 who Himself stands against all evil
38:27 that is going on in this world.
38:30 He's not complacent. No, no.
38:32 He's not indifferent.
38:33 Some people get uncomfortable with a God
38:35 who's upset, who's angry.
38:38 You wouldn't want it any other way.
38:40 Who would want it any other way?
38:41 Well, how could you handle the God
38:43 who couldn't get angry?
38:44 Yeah, you don't want an indifferent God.
38:45 I don't even want a friend who can't get angry
38:47 at the stuff going on in this world.
38:49 Well Job got angry and God said that's my man.
38:52 Now Job got angry at God and God said,
38:54 "Hey, I'm not worried about him getting Angry me."
38:55 The anger was correct
38:57 but it was the direction that's wrong.
38:58 Yes.
38:59 And when Job got angry, God said that's my man.
39:01 He's angry at the same things I'm angry at.
39:03 Your friends, Job,
39:05 those three guys totally misrepresented me.
39:06 They think this is okay. It's not okay.
39:08 I'm glad you're angry. Pray for them.
39:09 Yeah, if you were able, as someone I know,
39:13 to witness the horrific things going on in this world,
39:17 and for it not to upset you,
39:20 I would think you need professional help.
39:22 Somehow you're not firing on all cylinders
39:26 to witness evil and not be angry about it.
39:30 How could we conceive of a God who is good,
39:33 who can look down upon our world
39:36 and not be in a holy sense,
39:38 in a righteous sense just livid
39:41 about the kinds of dastardly deeds
39:43 that we're doing against one another.
39:44 The thing that makes us human is the fact
39:46 that we are repulsed from these things, we do react.
39:48 We're not in the animal kingdom where things are just accepted
39:51 because, I mean we assume or we have in psychoanalyze
39:55 a lion or a tiger, whatever,
39:56 but we and by observation of nature,
39:58 we assume, hey, that's the way it is.
40:01 But the thing that makes us human
40:02 is the fact that we react
40:04 to these things and we get angry.
40:05 I know we've got to take a break here.
40:07 Ty asked the question, how could we not respond?
40:10 How could we not be happy with a God like that?
40:12 And the answer is
40:14 this whole other view that we talked about.
40:15 Yeah.
40:16 If you think that God is, if that is His will
40:19 and that's His will and that's His will.
40:22 It's a non mean of the sensibilities
40:25 of the image of God in us, the love of God in us
40:27 and it's not just done in that way,
40:29 it's done in a number of different ways.
40:30 Maybe in our next section we can touch on that.
40:32 Yeah, we have to take a break
40:33 but these are serious things
40:36 and we just need to understand it
40:38 the best we can as we continue the conversation.
40:40 Amen.
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41:47 So I think we need to get practical you guys,
41:50 we are dealing with this subject
41:52 on a philosophical level.
41:55 We're talking about the complexity
41:57 of the intersection between God's sovereignty
42:01 and His power and His will,
42:04 intersecting with the fact that we're free
42:06 and we have free wills,
42:08 and there's Satan and he intersects
42:11 and we explained all of that,
42:12 but I think there's a very practical question
42:16 that we need to address.
42:17 Okay, so, we're free
42:20 and God isn't micromanaging the world,
42:22 He's not in a kind of control freak mode
42:27 where He's determining everything that happens.
42:30 So what?
42:31 So where do we go from there?
42:33 I have a friend, a couple, a husband and wife,
42:36 for example, just to drive this in a very practical direction.
42:41 He's preparing for local meetings
42:44 that are gonna take place where people are invited
42:46 to come and hear the gospel preach.
42:48 He pulls his car over,
42:51 he grabs the sign that he's gonna nail
42:53 into the power pole there, the wooden pole.
42:57 He opens his truck door.
43:00 He steps out, shuts the door,
43:03 and boom, he's killed on impact.
43:04 The car that is coming by
43:06 doesn't see him getting out of his vehicle
43:09 and kills him on impact.
43:10 He leaves a wife and children behind.
43:13 Wow.
43:14 Okay, now she's faced
43:16 with having to sort through
43:20 not just a philosophical subject,
43:24 she's left to sort through the visceral pain of that loss
43:30 but then you can take it to another level.
43:33 You've got people doing horrible things
43:35 in the world all the time.
43:39 All you have to do is look at the evening news,
43:42 and it's almost more than you can bear.
43:45 So God's not in control in a micromanaging sense.
43:50 What then?
43:52 Do we just give up and say,
43:54 you know, things are gonna happen,
43:56 or did Scripture give us guidance
43:59 as to how God would have us relate
44:03 to the evil that's in our lives.
44:05 Yeah, I think going back to the text we looked at
44:08 earlier in Genesis Chapter 2 before there was evil,
44:11 before there was sin,
44:13 before there was suffering, pain, cancer, what have you,
44:16 how God brought Adam and Eve in to decision making processes
44:21 on earth in the garden.
44:23 He says, "Hey, what would you name these animals?"
44:26 So in the same way
44:28 that they had a contribution to make
44:32 before sin and pain came into existence,
44:35 that it would make sense now that you're asking now what?
44:38 Okay, we know that God isn't like this
44:40 yet this craziness happens.
44:42 What do we do now?
44:44 Well, it seems to me like
44:45 the answer would be the same
44:47 as it was prior to sin and evil,
44:49 just like human beings
44:51 were expected to contribute to take,
44:53 maybe what do you think of this term,
44:55 to take ownership.
44:56 Yeah.
44:57 Take ownership of the stuff that happens on this planet.
45:02 After sin, now we're in this crazy world,
45:05 we know God is a God of love.
45:07 We know what His character is like,
45:08 what do we do now?
45:10 Well, God would be inviting us just like He did in Genesis.
45:15 To get involved.
45:16 To get involved, to take ownership,
45:18 to contribute to join Him
45:21 in merging our heart with His heart.
45:23 And, at least to me,
45:24 that's at least the beginning of what I'm looking.
45:26 I have scripture for that.
45:28 Isaiah Chapter 1,
45:30 you have all these horrible things
45:31 that are being delineated,
45:33 terrible things that are taking place,
45:34 oppression and injustice of every kind and then,
45:39 rather than God just kind of breaking in and saying,
45:42 you know, here comes God
45:44 with His all mighty power to the rescue,
45:46 I'll sort this out.
45:47 This is interesting.
45:49 God turns the tables and He says
45:52 to those perpetrating the evil, He says to human beings,
45:54 He says to His own people,
45:56 wash yourselves and make yourselves clean
46:00 in verse 16.
46:01 Put away evil from your doings, do you get that?
46:05 Totally.
46:06 Put away evil from your doings,
46:09 He says, from before my eyes.
46:13 God's depicting Himself as beholding the evil
46:16 and He's saying, you stop doing it.
46:18 I saw a caption one time in a magazine
46:21 that was depicting a conversation
46:24 between human beings and God,
46:26 and the human beings were saying,
46:29 "God, why don't you do something?"
46:32 And the caption above was God's saying,
46:34 "That's my question precisely to you.
46:37 Why don't you do something?"
46:39 And that's what's happening here.
46:41 God is saying, you stop and watch this.
46:43 He goes on and He says, learn to do good,
46:47 cease to do evil, seek justice.
46:50 These are all imperatives.
46:51 These are all God's saying, seek justice David.
46:55 He says, rebuke the oppressor, Jeffrey.
46:58 You witness oppression.
46:59 You rebuke the oppressor, tell the oppressor,
47:03 don't do that to other human beings.
47:06 Plead for the widow, James.
47:08 God is saying to James, get involved with the widow.
47:11 Please... Take the literature.
47:12 Yeah, come now,
47:14 let us reason together, says the Lord.
47:15 Though your sins are like scarlet,
47:17 they shall be as white as snow,
47:19 though they are red like crimson,
47:20 they shall be as wool
47:26 if you are willing and obedient.
47:29 This is a powerful passage.
47:30 It is.
47:31 It's not just this one though,
47:33 there's tons of passages like this
47:35 that basically suggest that we are free moral agents
47:39 that have the choice that God is sovereign,
47:41 God has given us a choice that we are to make
47:44 and that choice has impact on other human beings.
47:47 Yeah.
47:48 Not that we have the power to cleanse ourselves,
47:49 not that we have the power
47:51 to do these things in and of ourselves
47:52 but we have the power to choose.
47:54 Yeah, yeah.
47:55 It shows what we see as a metanarrative in Scripture
47:59 as an overarching theme in Scripture
48:01 and that is that God takes human beings seriously.
48:06 He says, hey, like the caption you saw
48:09 on the magazine, well, what are you doing?
48:10 Yeah. Yeah, I like that.
48:12 Too often we want God to come in
48:13 and do for us what He would say,
48:18 "Hey, well you can handle that situation."
48:19 Now there are things that we can't do.
48:21 Right.
48:22 But then, I think God has put the church,
48:23 I just tweeted this the other day.
48:25 The church is one of God's gifts
48:26 to the world.
48:28 The church is a body of people, it should be a body of people,
48:31 a body of believers that are bringing about
48:34 the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
48:38 It should be in terms of teaching to read
48:40 and undoing injustice
48:41 and undoing oppression and rescuing from,
48:44 in a variety of social venues,
48:46 familial venues, addiction venues,
48:48 well, all of that,
48:49 the church is supposed to be doing good,
48:51 extending the kingdom of God and bringing truth
48:55 about the character of God to earth.
48:58 If we sit around twiddling our thumbs,
48:59 sitting on our, you know,
49:01 hands as it were on padded pews...
49:03 And saying God is sovereign
49:05 God is in control of all these things.
49:06 Doesn't really matter, everything's gonna be okay,
49:08 recognize the purpose, so, you know, we just kind of.
49:11 That view breeds inactivity.
49:13 I think so.
49:14 It breeds listlessness, apathy, indifference,
49:17 and yet in Scripture you read that.
49:19 It's funny because the text I read in Isaiah 1
49:21 resonates very similarly
49:24 to what is in Isaiah Chapter 6.
49:27 I love this, Isaiah chapter 6, excuse me, Micah 6:6,
49:31 "With what shall I come before the Lord,
49:33 and bow myself before the High God?
49:35 Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings,
49:36 with calves a year old?
49:38 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams,
49:40 ten thousand rivers of oil?
49:41 Shall I give the firstborn for my transgression,
49:43 the fruit of body for the sin of my soul?"
49:45 Now I want to make a modern application here.
49:47 Should I just become super religious?
49:50 Right? In other words, this is a...
49:52 Should I just do really religious things,
49:53 things that are in house
49:55 that are understood by religious peoples
49:56 in a religious context is that what God's asks us.
49:58 Shut myself away and pray, and read, and meditate.
50:00 Exactly, see after hyper religiosity,
50:02 well, he is but not misunderstood.
50:04 He says, okay, here it is, verse 8,
50:06 "He has shown you a man what is good:
50:09 what does the Lord require of you?"
50:11 And he gives three things, to do justly, to love mercy,
50:14 and to walk humbly with your God.
50:17 That's what God is after.
50:19 We're asking the question,
50:20 if God is in control, are we free?
50:21 One of the ways that God is exerting His will
50:24 and extending His kingdom on earth
50:26 is not through the mysterious interposition
50:30 of His hand into human events.
50:33 It's through the church.
50:34 It's through the tithes
50:35 and the people, it's through us.
50:37 Yeah, through human being.
50:39 He does the other, but it's not in the sense that.
50:42 Go ahead. You keep going.
50:43 What is not in the sense that
50:44 we have been trying to explain
50:47 is over the top micromanagement,
50:49 and I like this because that verse 8
50:51 begins with his showing the old man what is good.
50:54 It is the goodness of God
50:55 that motivates and leads us to walk humbly
50:58 and to show mercy and to love justice.
51:01 It's the goodness of God that motivates us.
51:03 And if we see God
51:04 as a micromanaging control God deity.
51:06 Freak.
51:08 Okay, I don't want to use that word,
51:09 but if we see Him that way,
51:10 it's not gonna lead us to do anything
51:12 'cause there's no reason for us to do anything,
51:13 but if we see God as a God of love
51:15 who honors free will and free choice,
51:16 a God who has macro-management but not micromanagement.
51:19 A God who's listening and looking at us
51:21 and what did you say?
51:22 What was the phrase you used earlier,
51:23 when He looks at human beings?
51:25 Takes us seriously?
51:26 He takes us seriously.
51:27 You have part to play,
51:29 you have something that I need your contribution.
51:30 Then there's a completely different picture here.
51:32 The thing that came to my mind is
51:33 John the Baptist was one of those people.
51:34 John the Baptist was one of those people
51:36 that was one of God's hands, mouths, feet on earth.
51:40 He was making a difference.
51:41 He's out, he's preaching, he's announcing, you know,
51:43 may every valley be made, you know,
51:45 fill the valleys and bring the mountains down.
51:47 Jesus is coming and check this out.
51:49 Jesus is speaking about this experience
51:51 and it says when all the tax collectors,
51:53 I'm in Luke 7:29,
51:56 "When all the people heard him"
51:57 John the Baptist, or excuse me,
51:59 "Jesus, even the tax collectors justified God
52:01 having been baptized with the baptism of John."
52:03 So he's talking about John. Now watch this.
52:05 Luke says, "But the Pharisees and lawyers
52:07 rejected the will of God for themselves
52:10 not having been baptized by John."
52:14 They rejected the will of God.
52:15 That's exactly right. So God has a will.
52:17 His will is for people to be baptized.
52:19 God enlist John to help Him carry out His will.
52:22 So here's God's will here's John's will,
52:25 coalescing with God's will
52:26 and yet even the force of John's oration,
52:29 the power of his ministry,
52:30 the strength of his consistent witness
52:32 coupled with God's will on earth,
52:35 and some people said, no thanks.
52:37 You know what?
52:38 This is interesting, too,
52:40 because in 1 Thessalonians Chapter 2,
52:41 Paul is writing to the believers there.
52:45 He just established a church there
52:46 and he left them and this is what he says.
52:47 He says, but we've rather than having been taken away from you
52:50 for a short time,
52:52 in presence, not in heart endeavored more eagerly
52:54 to see your face with great desire.
52:56 Therefore, we wanted to come to you
52:57 even I Paul time and again,
53:01 but Satan hindered us.
53:02 We wanted to come.
53:04 But Satan hindered us and you know
53:05 how Satan hindered them?
53:06 You know the reason why Paul had to leave
53:08 and the reason why he couldn't go back?
53:09 It's 'cause of the Jews.
53:10 The Jews stirred up the people in Thessalonica
53:14 after Paul was preaching there and it was,
53:15 there was such a raucous that they,
53:17 they had to get Paul out, and he couldn't go back.
53:19 But he's saying Satan hindered him.
53:21 So we have this choice that individuals are making
53:24 and when they make that choice, they're making that choice
53:26 to side with the ruler of this world.
53:28 They're making that choice that is stopping God's purposes
53:32 and God's desire to reach them
53:34 and share with them the gospel
53:35 and they're making decisions that is are in opposition.
53:38 That's very Isaiah 1, isn't it?
53:39 Here's all this negative that's happening.
53:41 Here's all this evil and God says,
53:43 okay, there's really two great principles
53:45 here at work,
53:46 and we're either aligning ourselves
53:48 with this principle,
53:49 and if we are then we're furthering the kingdom of God
53:51 and His work on earth
53:52 or we're aligning ourselves with this principle,
53:54 in which case we are aligning ourselves
53:56 where Satan hindered us.
53:57 And Paul is an example of that
53:59 because he's persecuted the church of God at one point,
54:02 and he turns around and he is preaching the gospel.
54:04 His will was changed. Yes.
54:06 His will was changed by the goodness of God.
54:09 And when he describes his will being changed, listen to this.
54:11 I'm in Acts Chapter 26.
54:13 This is Jesus speaking to Saul saying,
54:15 "Hey, this is what your life is going to be going forward.
54:18 I will deliver you from the Jewish people
54:19 as well as from the Gentiles
54:21 to whom I now send you for this purpose,
54:22 to open their eyes and order to turn them
54:24 from darkness to light
54:26 and from the power of Satan to God
54:27 that they may receive forgiveness of sins
54:29 and an inheritance among those
54:31 that are sanctified by faith in me."
54:32 I got a plan for your life, Paul.
54:34 I got a plan for your life, Saul.
54:36 And the plan is to turn for you to turn people
54:39 not just for you to be turned.
54:41 But for you to turn people from darkness to light
54:43 from the power of Satan to God, go.
54:44 I just really wanted to read this powerful passage.
54:47 I don't think we appreciate in general
54:50 how strongly God feels about what we're saying
54:53 in regard to our involvement.
54:55 You mentioned, I love what you said,
54:57 "Should I just seek hyper religiosity," right?
55:00 There's this passage in Amos Chapter 5,
55:03 where God says,
55:05 God uses language that is just shocking.
55:08 He says, He's speaking to the church,
55:10 He's speaking to believers
55:12 that are aware of the condition of their,
55:13 he says, "I hate, I despise your feast days."
55:17 Wow.
55:19 "I do not savor your sacred assemblies,
55:22 your church services
55:24 and even though you offer me burnt offerings
55:26 in your green offerings,
55:28 I will not accept them,
55:30 nor will I regard your peace offerings.
55:32 Take away from me, the noise of your songs,
55:37 for I will not hear the melody from your string instruments."
55:40 And then verse 24 is the point.
55:42 "But let justice run down like water..."
55:46 Come on now.
55:47 Start preaching.
55:49 "And righteousness like a mighty streams."
55:52 That's what He is after.
55:53 He is saying, look, stop your prayers.
55:56 Close your Bible. Put the tambourines down.
55:57 Yeah, stop the song, stop the prayer,
55:59 stop the plastic Christianity.
56:02 Pick up the shovels.
56:03 Go do something in this world,
56:05 alleviate the pain and the suffering.
56:06 Get your hands dirty.
56:08 And that's in essence
56:09 how you would worship Me and serve Me.
56:11 I have to say this, when the chips are down,
56:14 when the whole thing's done when Jesus returns,
56:16 He says, He uses this parable,
56:18 "Then the king will say to those on his right hand,
56:20 'Come you blessed of My father,
56:21 inherit the kingdom prepared for you
56:22 from the foundation of the world,
56:24 for I was hungry..."
56:25 That's it, yeah.
56:27 And he didn't pray for me.
56:28 I was hungry, you gave me...
56:29 Now that doesn't mean they didn't pray.
56:31 But after they prayed, they gave food.
56:33 "And I was thirsty and you gave me drink.
56:35 I was a stranger and you took me in.
56:36 I was naked and you clothed me.
56:38 I was sick and you visited me.
56:39 I was in prison and you came to me."
56:41 Clearly God here
56:43 is taking the decisions of people seriously.
56:46 Yeah.
56:48 Let me close this out with this one thought.
56:49 Do I have enough time?
56:51 Go for it, if you hurry.
56:52 This is a tweet and it's powerful.
56:53 "This universe was created by a God of love
56:55 to operate in ways of love.
56:58 So no lie can last forever
57:00 and all injustice will cease to exist."
57:03 Oh, I love that.
57:04 Who is that? Did you write that?
57:06 No, that's Vince, that's a friend of ours.
57:08 Oh, yeah. Vince.
57:10 And that, that, oh,
57:11 and that is a great place to land
57:13 because we're basically summarizing
57:14 and answer the question
57:16 if God is in control, are we really free?
57:18 The fact is that God exercises control
57:23 to the degree that our intersecting free will
57:28 with His is made valid.
57:32 Seriously, He takes into account what we do.
57:36 And collectively,
57:37 we bring evil to an end in harmony,
57:42 working in concert with God
57:45 rather than it cross purposes with them.
57:47 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2019-10-24