Table Talk

Righteousness by faith: The Christ Event

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick, James Rafferty, Jeffrey Rosario, Ty Gibson


Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000023

00:12 [Music]
00:20 --One of the things that I'm absolutely loving about this
00:23 conversation is that we are not just sort of randomly going here
00:26 and there and this text and that text, not that there's not a
00:29 value in that, but the story is unfolding in a way that's very
00:34 textual, very biblical.
00:36 --And natural, it's a natural outplay of the story.
00:38 --Where I think we're at right now, because we've spent time
00:41 talking about how Jesus was, we talked about the birth, that he
00:44 was baptized, tempted in the wilderness, we walk through his
00:46 preaching ministry, his healing ministry, cleansing of the
00:49 temple.
00:50 We are now right up against a very important, in fact,
00:53 arguably, the most important thing that is going to happen in
00:57 the life of Jesus, and that is that he's going to die and he's
01:01 going to raise again from the dead, we're hard up against that
01:04 now.
01:05 And Jesus anticipated this, he announced that this was coming,
01:09 much to the incredulity and the confusion of the disciples, who
01:12 didn't get it at all, but what I wanna do and what I think would
01:16 be well for us to do is to go to one of those parables, maybe the
01:18 parable more than any other that communicates Jesus's own self
01:22 understanding of where this story is going, where it's
01:26 tending, and that parable is in the gospel of Matthew.
01:31 So, let's go there, Matthew chapter 21 and what's gonna
01:36 happen here is that we're gonna sort of get a feel for this,
01:38 Matthew chapter 21 and it's going to, if we're doing this in
01:41 the way that I think we're hoping it goes, it's gonna segue
01:43 into what will, in some ways, form the latter third of this
01:47 series.
01:48 We've got 13 parts and about, what, 4 or something to go, and
01:50 that's gonna be getting into Paul's understanding, or for
01:55 lack of a better term, Paul's theology of the story, of the
01:59 events, and so, it's all...
02:01 --Everything he wrote was to explain what we're talking about
02:04 here.
02:05 --This is like, if this is the symphony, we're in the final
02:07 movement here.
02:08 We're getting to the thing that is going to announce the grand
02:13 climax and point of the story, which is gonna be the death and
02:16 resurrection of Messiah.
02:18 Okay, so, we're in Matthew chapter 21, and why doesn't
02:23 someone just read, just read 33, and we'll just sort of comment
02:28 as we go.
02:29 --So, he says, here, another parable, there was a certain
02:32 land owner who planted a vineyard and set a hedge around
02:36 it, dug a winepress in it, and built a tower, and he leased it
02:41 to vine dressers and went into a far country.
02:46 --Okay, comment, by the way, he's quoting from Isaiah 5.
02:49 --With the analogies used of, what more could I have done?
02:53 --There you go.
02:54 --Verse 34 says, now when vintage time drew near, he sent
03:01 his servants to the vine dressers that they might receive
03:04 its fruit, and the vine dressers took his servants, beat one,
03:08 killed one, and stoned another.
03:12 Again, that would be the prophets, wouldn't it?
03:14 Again, he sent other servants, more than the first, and they
03:19 did likewise to them, then last of all, he sent his son to them,
03:25 saying, they will respect my son, but when the vinedressers
03:30 saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir,
03:33 come let us kill him and seize his inheritance.
03:37 So, they took him, they cast him out of the vineyard, and they
03:41 killed him.
03:42 --Okay, now, just stop there, Jeffery, if you don't mind,
03:43 because verse 40 is gonna be the question that Jesus asks the
03:47 basis of the parable.
03:48 So, let's just paint the picture here, what is this story about?
03:52 I mean, it's obvious, but let's say it anyway.
03:54 What's this story about?
03:55 The parable about?
03:56 --It's about Israel and their reaction to...
04:00 --And let's just add that the entire New Testament is about
04:02 Israel.
04:05 --In this particular story, you brought out that it's Isaiah 5,
04:08 so the language that Jesus is using here is not foreign to the
04:11 audience to whom he's speaking.
04:12 --This is their history.
04:13 This is a historical sweep of everything done.
04:15 --They're immediately thinking Isaiah 5.
04:18 --One of the things that you have to love about Jesus is the
04:22 economy of words that he employed.
04:24 I mean, this is basically, he's telling the Old Testament story
04:27 here in about how many verses is it?
04:29 Seven verses.
04:31 Now, the amazing thing is, though, is that as he's telling
04:34 his story, while they may have been aware that it was Isaiah 5,
04:37 to some degree, they're not making the connection.
04:40 The synapse and the neuron are not touching, to themselves,
04:43 right, because...
04:45 --They're like, this sounds familiar.
04:46 --That is kinda familiar, because the servants are sent
04:48 the prophets, they're beaten, stoned, and killed, more
04:51 servants are sent, saying, beaten, stoned, and killed, and
04:53 finally here comes the son, right?
04:56 And then Jesus has a question for them on a basis of the
04:58 parable that he's just told, which is, again, an
05:01 encapsulation of their history in about 7 verses.
05:03 Okay, what's the question, verse 40.
05:04 --Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he
05:10 do to those vinedressers?
05:12 --That is so incredible.
05:14 --Absolutely amazing.
05:16 --It's a setup.
05:17 Jesus is basically telling them a story in order to invoke in
05:23 their mind a sense of the truth and the justice of the situation
05:28 and before they even know what's happening to them, they're
05:31 caught up in the story and they're passing judgment,
05:34 they're discerning exactly what the owner would do.
05:39 --It's like with the prophet told David, remember King David?
05:41 --Of course.
05:42 --What would happen?
05:44 You are the man.
05:45 --And I loved the words you used there, Ty, he's trying to evoke
05:48 justice, you said, and another one.
05:51 Anyway, but the idea is he's even creating a sense of
05:54 outrage.
05:55 Who are these people to do such a thing?
05:57 And the whole time he's out flanking them.
05:59 He's intellectually outflanking them because they don't see
06:02 what's, they don't see the pennies are ready to drop.
06:05 --Against themselves, against their own better judgment, in
06:12 verse 41, they articulate, they vocalize the judgment, they
06:17 said, then they said to him, he will destroy those wicked men
06:21 miserably and lease his vineyard to other vine dressers who will
06:26 render to him the fruits in their season.
06:31 So, what have they just said, what have they just done?
06:32 --They passed judgment on themselves.
06:34 Something that came to me there is what is the purpose of a
06:38 vineyard?
06:39 --Well, to produce grapes.
06:42 --To produce grapes, to produce fruit.
06:43 If this is the history of Israel, this is an encapsulation
06:48 of Israel's history, what was God's design for them?
06:52 --Fruitfulness.
06:53 --Fruitfulness in what sense?
06:55 --The whole world being encompassed.
06:57 --Exactly.
06:58 --And becoming the vineyard.
07:00 --And there's no fruit.
07:02 In fact, quite the opposite, there's an isolationism over and
07:05 against the very ones that they should've been bearing fruit
07:07 among, and they passed judgment on themselves and then Jesus, in
07:11 a moment of what must've been, we shouldn't treat this too
07:14 academically or intellectually, this must've been deeply painful
07:19 and poignant for him.
07:20 Have you never read, he says.
07:22 In your own scripture, in your own story, your own history,
07:25 your own legacy, verse 42, have you never read in the
07:29 scriptures, and he quotes from one of the Psalms, the stone
07:31 which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.
07:34 This was the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.
07:38 Now, just to sort of pause here for a moment, in ancient times
07:41 when a building was built, you would often go looking for a
07:45 stone, a large stone, preferably large and preferably the right
07:50 angle so that you could put that what was called the cornerstone,
07:53 it was the stone that was placed first and around which, the rest
07:56 of the building was built.
07:57 The foundation stone.
07:59 This is the one that if this is right, when the other stones are
08:02 built off of it and upon it, it will make the symmetry and the
08:06 strength of the architecture sound.
08:08 But if it's a bad stone or not the right kind of stone, you try
08:11 to build a building around that, it's not gonna work.
08:13 So, this is a stone, you can just imagine in your mind's eye,
08:16 a bunch of people looking for the stones, no, we don't need
08:18 that, that's not the one, and then they find one, and then
08:20 they throw it out, and he says, the stone, that one that was
08:23 rejected by the builders, he says, that's the one that has
08:26 become the chief cornerstone.
08:29 The kind of building that you're building is the wrong building
08:33 because the kind of building that you should be building in
08:35 terms of your understanding, your self-understanding of who
08:37 you are is actually built around this seemingly unshapely,
08:41 seemingly inappropriate, seemingly out of place stone,
08:46 and that stone is me.
08:48 --Jesus doesn't fit in their construct of God or of
08:51 themselves or of the world.
08:54 --He doesn't fit.
08:55 --Which answers an important question, why didn't the people
08:59 get it?
09:01 Right, I mean, the whole story of the Old Testament is, this is
09:03 a people that are waiting in anticipation of the coming of
09:07 the Messiah, yet he comes and nobody gets it.
09:10 How would they miss it?
09:12 --We read that earlier where, I think it was in, what is it,
09:15 John 1 or somewhere in there where it says that all the
09:17 people were going to see him but no one believed his testimony.
09:21 So, he was very popular but very misunderstood.
09:24 --And I think the point you made is powerful because they were
09:26 reading according to their own, they had their own lens, yeah,
09:31 their own version of the thing, and their version of the thing
09:33 was wrong, so when you're looking for the wrong thing,
09:35 you'll find the wrong thing.
09:37 Someone like asking the wrong question.
09:40 In essence, they're asking the wrong questions.
09:43 --Jesus didn't meet their expectation because their
09:46 expectation didn't fit with God's original plan for Israel.
09:52 They had completely derailed from the original plan, and so
09:57 now they're expecting the conquest of the Romans.
10:01 They're expecting a leader, a Messiah who will be a military
10:05 leader, a violent leader, someone who will marshal forces
10:10 and basically, bring about political liberation, but more
10:14 than political liberation, they were expecting that Israel would
10:20 be exalted above all the nations to basically fulfill their
10:25 aspiration.
10:28 --In a favoritism, like, in a patriotic sense.
10:31 Exactly.
10:34 Now, here's what Jesus says in verse 43 on the basis of the
10:36 foregoing parable and the question and the answer that has
10:40 been given, he then has a conclusion, and the conclusion
10:43 is mind-blowing.
10:45 In verse 43, he says, therefore, I say to you, on the basis of
10:48 this preceding, the anteceding conversation, guess what.
10:52 The kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation
10:58 bearing the fruits of it.
10:59 I mean this is one of the most, totally astounding.
11:02 This is one of the most explicit texts in the New Testament where
11:06 Jesus plainly describes the transition from what was to what
11:10 is coming.
11:13 There's a transition taking place here, and then he even
11:16 goes back to Daniel, he goes and calls on the very language of
11:20 Daniel, Daniel chapter 2 in this case, in verse 44, whoever falls
11:24 on this stone will be broken, this cornerstone, this rejected
11:27 stone, this stone that doesn't quite fit, but on whoever it
11:31 falls, it will grind him to power.
11:32 That's the image of Daniel chapter 2, where it grinds the
11:34 other nations into power, and Jesus is like, yeah, that's
11:37 gonna happen.
11:38 But not like you think.
11:40 Not in the way that you think, and I just wanna throw this out
11:42 there, I see you turning in your bible, Ty, if you've got
11:44 something, jump in there.
11:46 --Well, there is, Paul also quotes the cornerstone passage
11:51 in Romans chapter 9, but he adds language and indicates that the
11:56 reason why national Israel was not prepared to receive the
12:00 Messiah is because they had gone about pursuing their own
12:05 righteousness.
12:06 And this series is on righteousness by faith.
12:09 Verse 30 of Romans 9 and onward, what shall we say then?
12:14 That gentiles who did not pursue righteousness have attained a
12:18 righteousness, even the righteousness of faith, but
12:21 Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained
12:24 to the law of righteousness, and then verse 32, the question is
12:28 posed, well, why?
12:29 What gives, because they, that is, Israel, did not seek it by
12:33 faith, but as it were by the works of the law, for they
12:38 stumbled at that stumbling stone, and then we're back to
12:41 Jesus.
12:42 --And he quotes, what does he quote from there in the last
12:45 verse of Romans 9?
12:46 --As it is written, behold, I lay on Zion a stumbling stone
12:48 and a rock of offense and whoever believes on him will not
12:52 be put to shame.
12:54 --Jesus is the stumbling stone, and that language...
12:57 --But why the stumbling?
12:59 That's the point I'm trying to get at.
13:00 The stumbling is deeply psychological and spiritual.
13:04 --It's due to their own misconceptions.
13:06 --Well, they're building, they're building a structure,
13:08 they're building a system of religion, they're building an
13:11 identity, individually and corporately, based on
13:13 righteousness by means of law.
13:18 But Jesus is proclaiming, and the bible all along has been
13:23 proclaiming, righteousness by faith.
13:26 Righteousness of a different quality that is grounded in the
13:28 faithfulness of God, the covenant keeping God of Abraham,
13:33 Isaac, and Jacob, but they want righteousness on the premise of
13:36 their own works, they want acceptance with God, they want
13:38 favor with God on the premise of their own righteousness, and so,
13:42 that's the deep, psychological, spiritual, emotional thing
13:46 that's going on here.
13:48 They can't see Jesus when he comes as the Messiah because
13:53 he's offering something they don't even want.
13:55 He doesn't fit.
13:56 --He's the stone that doesn't fit.
13:58 --Yeah, he doesn't fit with the structure.
14:01 --Something that I just read recently that was really sort of
14:03 enlightening to me and really helped me a lot was that one of
14:08 the reasons that the first century Jews, and of course,
14:11 there's a whole history here, we're dealing with the
14:14 destruction of their temple and a series of subjugations to
14:18 pagan power.
14:19 So, there was a legitimate psychological reason for them to
14:23 long for what they were longing for.
14:25 Like, you can understand, when you're a depressed, dehumanized
14:29 people, that you're longing.
14:30 But here's an interesting thing, there were a lot of different
14:33 ways to sort of deal with the dissonance of thinking, we're
14:35 God's people, but we're in you know, continual subjugation to
14:39 pagan powers, and one of those means was a radical
14:41 isolationism, an internalization, we're gonna
14:45 turn inward, and the thing that I read that was so helpful, it
14:48 was basically saying, when you read much of what Paul has to
14:51 say, and we're gonna get there, about the law, the law, and all
14:55 of that, it's not just that they were gonna do the law in order
14:58 to be saved.
15:00 Now, that's an oversimplification of what's
15:01 going on, what's, the deeper thing is, is that they knew that
15:06 they were God's chosen people by virtue of their genealogical
15:08 connection to Abraham, but the law in their fastidious keeping
15:13 of the law was the thing that guarded their social, cultural,
15:18 theological identity, and it effectively sealed them away
15:22 from those that were around them, and that became a kind of
15:26 salvation by works but it was because it was preserving who
15:28 they were.
15:30 --You know, I like the way this is summarized in the book of
15:31 Hebrews, if you will, you know, we've talked about how that
15:34 really, Matthew 21, Jesus is summarizing the whole story just
15:39 a few verses, the whole history of Israel, etc, which I
15:42 think is really powerful.
15:44 He obviously had a very clear understanding of the storyline,
15:48 of the way the story was working out in the lives of his people
15:51 and the history of the Jewish nation.
15:53 In the book of Hebrews, it's down to 3 verses, and these 3
15:57 verses are saying the same thing that's being said in Matthew 21,
16:00 but I want you to notice one thing that I think is really
16:03 profound in the context of what we've just concluded.
16:06 And I'm reading from the King James, so it's gonna sound a
16:08 little bit archaic, but I love this language.
16:11 God, who at sundry times and in diverse manners, Jeffery, you
16:15 can tell me what that means later, spake in the time passed
16:18 unto the fathers by the prophets, so we got the same
16:20 thing taking place here, has in these last days spoken to us by
16:25 his son, whom he has appointed heir of all things by whom also
16:29 he made the worlds, who, being the brightness of his glory and
16:33 the express image of his person coming to dispel the light and
16:37 to give a revelation of who he really is.
16:39 --Dispel the darkness.
16:40 --To dispel the darkness.
16:41 Disperse the light, dispel the darkness, give a revelation of
16:43 who he really is, and upholding all things, let me go back to
16:48 that, who being the brightness of his glory and the express
16:50 image of his person upholding all things by the word of his
16:53 power, when he had by himself purged our sins, set down at the
17:00 right hand of the majesty of the high.
17:02 By himself purged our sins.
17:03 This is the key point that we're closing on right now in this
17:06 section.
17:08 We're closing in on this idea that Jesus Christ, they came to
17:10 establish their own righteousness, but Jesus Christ
17:12 came to show them, it's not about your righteousness, it's
17:15 about what I'm gonna accomplish, the Son of God, the Israel of
17:20 God is going to accomplish in your behalf, new covenant, for
17:25 you, that which you could not do for yourselves.
17:28 --We know that the, I love what you say there, that Jesus is
17:31 clearly aware of the story, and for Jesus, as well as for Paul,
17:35 the book of Daniel forms an absolutely central piece.
17:39 We spent, like, I think at least a whole program, maybe a program
17:41 and a half on Daniel 9, and Jesus here, this whole story,
17:45 this parable of Matthew 21, this summary of Israel's history, is
17:49 straight out of Daniel 9, because he's saying, when
17:51 Messiah is rejected, there will, a destruction will come.
17:56 Messiah is rejected, destruction will come.
17:58 In fact, when Jesus goes into the temple for the last time, in
18:02 Matthew chapter 23, and we have this impassioned, almost angry,
18:06 I mean, he is impassioned, he's saying whoa to you, scribes and
18:09 Pharisees, whoa to you, he's tried everything, he's tried
18:12 reasoning, he's tried healing, he's tried tenderness, he's
18:15 tried prophecies, he's tried parables, he's tried miracles, I
18:19 mean, everything, and this is, you sense the desperation of the
18:21 moment in Matthew 23, where Jesus is just like, grabbing
18:24 them, as it were, by the scruff of the neck and saying, can't
18:26 you hear what's going on?
18:27 Absolutely desperate.
18:29 And when Jesus leaves, you can feel the pathos, the desperation
18:35 when he leaves the temple, oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, he says.
18:39 The one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to
18:41 her.
18:42 That's just the thing he was saying 2 chapters later, in the
18:43 parable.
18:44 --Two chapters earlier.
18:45 --Two chapters earlier, excuse me.
18:47 How often I wanted to gather your children together as a hen
18:50 gathers her chicks under her wings, but you are not willing,
18:51 and then, here's the word, this is straight out of Daniel, your
18:55 house is left to you desolate.
18:57 For I say to you, you will see me no more til you say blessed
19:00 is he that comes in the name of the Lord.
19:02 Now, never mind the chapter break, go right into the next
19:05 part, then Jesus went out, he departed from the temple.
19:07 Last time he will ever set foot in the temple.
19:10 And his disciples came to show him the buildings of the temple,
19:12 and said, oh, Jesus, cheer up, look at how beautiful the temple
19:14 is, it's gonna be okay, don't worry, they'll accept you one
19:16 day.
19:17 And then he says, don't you understand?
19:19 Don't you see this temple?
19:20 Assuredly, I say unto you, there's not gonna be two stones
19:21 left upon another that will not be, this thing will be flat,
19:28 absolutely leveled.
19:29 How does Jesus know that?
19:31 How does Jesus know that the temple and the city will be
19:33 absolutely flattened?
19:35 --He knows because of Daniel 9.
19:36 --But it's not just the temple, it's not just the building, it's
19:41 the entire system, the entire psychoediphus.
19:45 --Because it's happened before, the temple's been destroyed, but
19:48 it's been rebuilt.
19:49 --But now, the whole thing is coming crumbling down
19:52 permanently because the religious system can't bear
19:58 weight.
19:59 It can't sustain what it is that God intends, and that's
20:03 primarily because it can't sustain love.
20:07 It can't sustain an acceptance of others.
20:10 It can't sustain.
20:11 --It's become a part of the problem.
20:12 --It should be very clear to say, not the temple correctly
20:14 understood.
20:17 --The temple pointed to the Messiah, the one who would
20:22 fulfill.
20:23 --You said this a few sessions ago, substance, what was it,
20:26 shadow, meet reality.
20:28 Because, before the temple is destroyed, God is gonna take
20:30 that veil when Jesus dies, and he's gonna tear that thing from
20:34 the top to the bottom saying, okay, the old is passing away,
20:39 the new has come.
20:41 I got chills, actually, James, just a moment ago when you said,
20:45 it will be destroyed.
20:46 Because you said it had happened before and then you said, but
20:48 this is permanent, and here we are 2,000 years later and there
20:53 is no temple.
20:54 Why?
20:56 --Til the consummation, Daniel 9.
20:58 --It just sends chills down your back to think that it's a very
21:03 difficult thing to imagine, take the Jews right now.
21:06 The Jews who are alive today who don't believe that Jesus is the
21:09 Messiah, who don't understand that.
21:10 They have never had a temple again.
21:13 You go to Jerusalem today, you've been to Jerusalem, you've
21:15 been to Jerusalem, you go there today.
21:17 --It's characterized by weeping.
21:19 --Conflict and weeping and a longing for what was and my
21:23 heart breaks and Paul's heart, when you get to Romans 9, you
21:25 were just there, he just, his eyes are, he can't stop.
21:30 --They cannot relate to it at all.
21:31 --We have to take a break.
21:34 We're pretty excited about this.
21:35 It's so clear that Jesus is teaching something here that
21:43 upends the entire structure, but something new and beautiful is
21:47 being built.
21:49 The kingdom of God is taking on new form, new shape, but it's
21:53 the form and the shape that God always intended from the
21:56 beginning.
21:58 And let's just pursue that after the break.
22:00 [Music]
22:07 --This is the story of Niyima, who took a bus to the doctor and
22:14 found a piece of paper with words of hope about Jesus, which
22:19 was left by a church member who unpacked a box that came from a
22:23 truck which drove in from Durban where a ship was docked that
22:28 sailed from Seattle, loaded with containers stacked high with
22:32 millions of tracts, trucked in from the Light Bearers
22:36 Publishing House, where more than 600 million pieces of
22:40 gospel literature have been printed in 42 languages.
22:44 Here's the amazing thing, Light Bearers distributes this
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23:21 shared that paper with a classmate, who gave it to her
23:24 cousin, who shared it with his boss, who passed it to her
23:29 grandmother, who left it on another bus, where it will be
23:33 found by someone else.
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24:18 Who knew 5 little pennies could do so much?
24:23 --Before the break, we were exploring the fact that there's
24:26 a transition taking place.
24:28 This is a very significant transition where Jesus is
24:31 forming a new Israel, and he's explained explicitly in the
24:35 parable of Matthew 21 that this transition is underway, he told
24:39 them in plain language the kingdom of God will be taken
24:43 from you and given to another nation bearing the fruit
24:46 thereof.
24:47 John chapter 1 verse 11, similar idea, different language, he
24:51 came unto his own and his own received him not.
24:54 The question arises, were there any of the Pharisees who
24:58 believed?
25:00 I mean, is this just the whole nation that is rejecting the
25:06 vision that Messiah is casting, or do we have any evidence in
25:11 scripture that some of the Pharisees, or many, even, of the
25:15 Pharisees and religious leaders of the time.
25:17 --We have tons of evidence, we have tons of evidence that even
25:20 though Jesus lays out their future and the way that they
25:24 would fulfill that future in rejecting him, that our God has
25:29 always been a god who pursues us.
25:31 The God of creation is counting all of the people of this earth
25:36 as his children.
25:37 Some of them are children of wrath, but they're still
25:39 children.
25:40 Some of them are prodigals but they're still children.
25:41 And when you look at the story, even when you look at the
25:43 crucifixion event, let's just look there for a second, in Luke
25:46 chapter 23, we have post trial of Jesus Christ, he's been
25:52 condemned to death by Pilot, the Jews have brought these
25:57 accusations that he under political pressure, has
26:00 confirmed, affirmed, Jesus is being lead to Golgotha, Calvary
26:06 in verse 33 of Luke chapter 23, and notice, he's hung between
26:11 two thieves here, one on the left, one on the right, and in
26:17 that context, verse 34, this is the key verse, Jesus said,
26:22 Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
26:27 Now, this is really interesting language.
26:29 They don't know what they're doing.
26:31 Jesus told them what they were doing, he told them what they
26:33 would do.
26:35 And they perceived that he was talking about them.
26:38 So, they knew what they were doing, but they didn't know what
26:41 they were doing, and Jesus here is praying, and I think this is
26:44 kind of an intercessory prayer, Jesus is praying, this is,
26:47 hanging on the cross, Jesus Christ is the gospel.
26:50 This is the gospel, this is the good news.
26:52 This is about a God who pursues us when we're hiding from him.
26:55 Who comes after us when we want nothing to do with him.
26:59 Why accepts us when we reject him.
27:02 So, this is the essence, this is the final revelation of the
27:07 character of God, the full revelation of God's character,
27:09 and as he says this, Father, forgive them, for they don't
27:12 know what they do, and then it says in verse 35, and the people
27:17 stood beholding, and the rulers also derided him saying, he
27:21 saved others, let him save himself if he be the Christ, the
27:23 chosen of God.
27:25 So, right here in the context, you have these same rulers, you
27:27 have these same Pharisees, you have these same people, but
27:30 regardless of the situation, I think it's so beautiful that
27:33 this is set in this bleak language, this bleak
27:36 environment, that it's darker than dark.
27:39 In fact, the very presence of the cross, the atmosphere was
27:42 just darkness, that you have this light of the gospel
27:45 shining, and the answer to your question begins here and that
27:49 takes us right into the New Testament, because in the New
27:52 Testament, the book of Acts and other places, you have hundreds,
27:57 dozens, many, it says, of the Pharisees and the chief priests
27:59 believed.
28:00 --Yeah, I was just reading that here.
28:01 --Okay, what do you got?
28:02 --Acts 6:7, and then the word of God spread, Acts chapter 6 verse
28:06 7, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in
28:08 Jerusalem and a great many of the priests were obedient to the
28:11 faith.
28:12 --A great many.
28:13 --A great many.
28:14 So, even though they were not seeing it in the various
28:16 parables, not just Matthew 21, but through the whole ministry
28:19 of Jesus, who do you think you are?
28:21 You have Jesus trial, they don't get it, they don't get it, it's
28:24 just like, no, no, the penny, in Australia, they would say, the
28:26 penny hasn't dropped.
28:27 But when the penny drops, you know, you put the coin in the
28:30 machine and it, ding, ding, ding, we have a winner, and one
28:34 of those that comes to believe, this is Acts 6, it goes 7 is
28:37 Steven, 8 is Steven, 9 is the conversion of a guy named Saul,
28:41 Saul of Tarsus, who will become apart from Jesus the most
28:45 formative and significant figure in the New Testament.
28:50 --Now, just pause for a second there, let's not go past this,
28:52 and you know why Paul believes, one of the reasons why he
28:54 believes is because the, we don't know if he was standing in
28:58 front of the cross, but we know he was standing next to Steven.
29:00 --Steven when he was stoned.
29:02 --And what Steven does is a duplication of the act right
29:05 here.
29:06 --Steven recounts the history of Israel.
29:07 --He recounts the history of Israel, which is really
29:09 interesting, too.
29:10 Steven is not the Messiah, but he reflects the love of God.
29:13 In other words...
29:14 --When he says, they don't know what they, yeah.
29:16 --And then he looks up.
29:17 --Okay, you're referring to when he praised.
29:19 --Lord, do not charge them with this sin.
29:21 --He's doing the same thing that we see right here.
29:25 So, that reflection comes out to play.
29:28 It melts his heart.
29:29 He can't get rid of it.
29:31 --Who is this Saul?
29:34 Well, he self identifies in Philippians chapter 3 as a
29:37 Pharisee.
29:39 --A persecutor.
29:42 --And I think that the point that we're getting at here is
29:45 that they, Paul, which I've mentioned before, he said, I had
29:50 to go back and read my own story.
29:52 I had to go relearn my own history, read my own prophecies,
29:55 my own Psalms, my own, the things that were mine in terms
29:59 of by culture and by birth, I misunderstood them.
30:03 He disappears.
30:06 After he's converted, he disappears for like, what is it,
30:09 17 years, 14 years?
30:10 He's just gone, evaporates.
30:12 --He says he went to Arabia.
30:15 --Arabia.
30:16 What's he doing?
30:17 --He's sorting the whole story out.
30:19 --He is learning.
30:20 The way I like to say it is, he's unlearning.
30:24 He's got a lot to learn, but before you can put the new in,
30:27 he's gotta get some old out, and old what that traditional,
30:31 rabbinical interpretation of the story, of Israel's history, of
30:36 the story of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the whole thing.
30:38 --You know, it's really interesting because when you
30:40 look at the storyline from Matthew 21, you say, wow, how
30:44 could the Pharisees do that?
30:46 How could the rulers know that Jesus was talking about them and
30:48 at the same time want to kill him, wishing they could, but the
30:52 people were there and they were afraid, and how could they
30:55 crucify him on the cross and listen to him say, Father, how
30:58 could they hear the whole history of their nation and then
31:02 turn around and stone Steven to death, and yet, I find myself
31:04 doing the very same thing.
31:06 I know in my own experience when I first became a Christian, I
31:10 had the same mentality, not so much in wanting to kill anyone
31:16 because I believe that God, the gospel was just real to me and
31:19 that was just powerful, but I think about the stoning system,
31:22 I think about in relation to stoning as in being critical or
31:29 negative, hurting other people in maybe words or actions, it's
31:35 not killing them necessarily in the sense of murder, but it's
31:38 just hurting and the first inclination that I had, I mean,
31:43 the first things that I was doing because I was, in a sense,
31:44 I was rejoicing this truth, but in another sense, I was exalting
31:47 myself.
31:48 --Rejoicing that you were right.
31:50 --Right, and everyone else was wrong.
31:51 --Which made you wrong, by the way.
31:52 --It was March of 1985 and I was on a plane, Northwest Airlines.
32:01 --They are no more.
32:03 --And I was heading from Washington, yep, and neither is
32:05 this, I hope, pray God, to England, to London, England,
32:08 that's where my mother lives.
32:09 --This was '85.
32:10 --This was 1985.
32:12 --I was 3 years old.
32:14 --I wasn't born yet.
32:16 [Laughter]
32:21 --And so, but I remember, on the way over, I had a library of
32:25 sermons, there were about 26 sermons, and I had this bible
32:28 right here.
32:29 --The very same one.
32:31 --Archaic King James Version bible.
32:32 --That bible has been around.
32:34 --That belonged to John Wesley.
32:36 That's Wesley's bible.
32:38 --That's why I don't get rid of it.
32:40 And I was marking all these library sermons in there because
32:43 I was going to do war, I was going with my stones.
32:45 --Ammo
32:47 --I had 26, it was so....
32:50 --Who were you doing war with?
32:51 --My mother.
32:52 --Oh.
32:53 [Laughter]
32:54 --Stop that
32:55 --He said he was flying to England, yes, it was his mother.
32:58 --And seriously, as soon as I got off the plane, because she
33:01 was doing the same thing, she was chinking up the ammunition,
33:04 she was getting ready, and as soon as I got off the plane, I
33:06 remember, we met and immediately, it was just like,
33:09 you believe, yes, I believe that, and I can show, and the
33:14 back and forth, back and forth, back and forth it went.
33:16 So, it wasn't necessarily the same in this sense that we see
33:19 here, but the mentality was the same.
33:20 --In principle, it's the same, Jesus said that.
33:23 You're angry, you're a murderer.
33:25 --I was out in the garden, okay, and I had just, we'd just gone
33:29 through this thing, none of us were getting anywhere very
33:31 quickly, I was out in the garden and the Holy Spirit knocked on
33:34 my shoulder and the Holy Spirit said, James, you need to live
33:39 it.
33:41 Live the gospel.
33:42 You need to reveal love to your mom, not scripture verses, not
33:46 history, you don't need to show her where she's wrong, where the
33:49 church is wrong, where she's been mistaken, where she's
33:51 mistaken, you need to live the gospel, and I think that's what
33:56 we see on the cross.
33:58 That's what we see in Steven, and that's what finally won
34:00 Paul.
34:02 Paul heard the whole dissertation from beginning to
34:04 end.
34:05 He heard all of the history.
34:06 --He heard the reasoning.
34:07 --And the Holy Spirit was there, Steven was preaching under the
34:09 power of the Holy Spirit.
34:11 But when he saw Steven being stoned to death, and in the very
34:15 act of being stoned.
34:17 --The grace, the enmity that he treated his persecutors.
34:18 --Father, lay not the sin of their charge.
34:20 He couldn't get rid of it.
34:21 He tried his best.
34:23 You know, the Pharisees reasoned with him and tried to explain to
34:25 him, and for a bit, he was, but then he just couldn't get rid of
34:28 that picture.
34:29 It was powerful.
34:30 --Everything in your story and in the point you were making
34:35 where he had to experience it, we're on Paul, we're trying to
34:37 make this transition to Paul, and eventually we're gonna get
34:40 into the thought of Paul, but I think since we're on Acts 9,
34:44 talking about his conversion, I just wanted to point something
34:47 out here that it's not merely a theoretical revolution that
34:51 happens in his mind, but also God does something to him in
34:56 terms of how he's relating to others, specifically to the
34:58 church.
35:00 You remember that in Acts 9 when he's converted, he's on his way
35:04 to Damascus, is that right?
35:06 He's on the road to Damascus and he's in possession of letters
35:10 and his errand is he's going to this place in order to find
35:17 these Christians and to persecute them, to literally
35:19 kill them, right?
35:21 And the point is, is that on his way, as we're familiar with this
35:23 very common story, God appears to him in the shining light, he
35:29 falls, I'm in Acts 9, you're looking at, you know, 5, 6, 7,
35:33 all of that, the point is, he falls down, he hears the voice,
35:37 and now he can't see, he's blind, and I just picture,
35:40 here's Damascus here, and here's the road, and he's over here
35:43 somewhere, right before he gets to the gate, and now, the
35:47 instructions are, he's gonna need this man named Ananias,
35:53 who's gonna have to take him by the hand and basically escort
35:58 him in .
36:00 So, who is Ananias?
36:01 The very people that Paul was going to persecute are now the
36:05 very people that Paul depends on.
36:08 Right?
36:09 And it's so fascinating as you're imagining Paul, he's
36:12 making his way in, he was gonna enter the city with pomp, with
36:15 pride and all of this.
36:18 --Persecution.
36:19 --Yeah, and now, he's doing, he's holding his hand, not
36:23 Ananias, but, my point is that he is put in contact with the
36:29 very people he was gonna persecute, now he has to hold
36:31 somebody's hand to go inside the city.
36:33 So, essentially, the pride, the self-centeredness is being
36:38 stripped away, and the very people he's persecuting, he's
36:42 being with them.
36:43 --It's the process of being served by the very people he...
36:45 --And going back to your point, I think that also melts his
36:47 heart.
36:49 --What's the first word that he hears after this whole
36:54 experience is done, when he's, he's been blinded, he walks into
36:59 the city, he's in a house, God appears to Ananias, says, hey,
37:02 go talk to this guy.
37:03 What, you talking about that guy?
37:04 He's the one that persecuted.
37:05 No, no, go, just trust me, I've got a plan for this guy.
37:07 What's the first word he hears?
37:08 --Brother.
37:09 --Brother.
37:10 Puts his hand on his shoulder, Brother Saul, Brother Saul?
37:15 --That melts his heart.
37:17 --Reminiscent of Jesus with Judas as Judas comes to betray
37:21 him, and he's about to plant the kiss of betrayal on Jesus, Jesus
37:26 says, friend, are you betraying the Son of God with a kiss?
37:32 --Which takes us back to Zachariah 13:6.
37:34 When the question is asked, what are those wounds in your hands,
37:37 the answer is, they with which I was wounded in the house of my
37:43 friends, which is the you know, we gotta get past just Israel
37:47 because Jesus died for the sins of the entire world.
37:50 That my friends, it's the Romans, it's the Jews.
37:54 --To understand Paul's thought is important to understand his
37:56 experiential encounter.
37:59 --I think that the both of you are so onto something and it's
38:01 frankly something I've not seen before as you're bringing it out
38:03 here, that Paul's heart was melted by the love that he was
38:08 shown, not just the theology that persuaded him.
38:09 Because look at this, what it says, in Acts 9 where it says,
38:13 Brother Saul, I just, man, let that sink in.
38:16 --What verse are you in?
38:17 --I'm in 17.
38:18 Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road as
38:22 you came has sent me that you might receive your sight and be
38:24 filled with the Holy Spirit immediately they fell, there
38:27 fell from his eyes something like scales and he received his
38:30 sight at once and he arose and was baptized.
38:32 --Love helps people see.
38:34 --His eyes were opened, but also his heart was opened.
38:38 --And when your heart opens and now you can see with your eyes.
38:41 --And you don't have to go very far, look at this, look at this,
38:42 here we go, verse 20, this transitions us exactly where
38:45 we're headed, which is into Paul.
38:47 Immediately he preached the Christ in the synagogues that he
38:51 is the Son of God.
38:54 So, in answer to the broad question, where there any that
38:56 believed?
38:57 There were a lot that believed, but none more important, at
39:01 least in terms of the actual canon of the New Testament, than
39:03 Paul.
39:04 I mean, he's converted, he's befriended, and he begins to
39:08 preach Christ.
39:09 But he had to relearn his own religion.
39:11 He had to go back and learn his own faith.
39:13 --And the reason for that is because, as we're realizing
39:16 here, there is a direct connection, there's direct
39:19 linkage between theology and experience.
39:24 He's on a persecution mission.
39:26 James is talking about his experience, which I can identify
39:28 with, and I think all of us can, where there is condemnation and
39:34 there is judgment in the context of religion, in the context of
39:37 the name of Jesus.
39:39 How can that be?
39:42 Well, Saul's on a mission of persecution why?
39:44 Because, psychologically, we all tend to act out our picture of
39:51 God.
39:52 Which is simply to say that theology dictates relationship
39:56 and experience.
39:57 And this radical transformation in Saul's thinking about God is
40:05 affected by contact with people who are now accepting him.
40:10 God is using human beings as a medium of acceptance and
40:14 forgiveness and love, which, in turn, reacts upon him, and now
40:17 he becomes a man of peace, and the persecution...
40:21 --Preaching a gospel of peace.
40:22 --Yeah, he's so intent on persecution, but there is no,
40:25 there is no compulsion to persecute, to condemn, to judge
40:30 anymore when the gospel takes hold of the human heart.
40:33 Jeffery, you go, and then we take a break.
40:35 --We're gonna take a break right here, but, and then, now that
40:39 he's, his heart is melted by the very people he's out to
40:42 persecute, he receives a conversion experience,
40:44 immediately, he begins to preach, not only does he preach
40:46 to the gentiles, he also ministers to the Christian
40:50 believers.
40:51 Very quickly, in Galatians 1, verse 23, don't turn there, but
40:54 it says here, this is the reaction when the brethren hear
40:57 that this guy, Saul, now Paul, is one of us now, they're like,
41:01 it says here, and this is Paul writing, Galatians 1:23, but
41:05 they were hearing only, quote, he who formerly persecuted us,
41:11 now preaches the faith which he once tried to destroy, in verse
41:16 24, and they glorified God in me.
41:20 --In Paul.
41:21 --The believers are saying, now that's beautiful.
41:23 --So, now, they're listening to the very man that was
41:26 persecuting them.
41:27 --We don't want to, but we have to stop right there, just for a
41:31 break, though, we're coming right back.
41:34 [Music]
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42:32 [Music]
42:36 --Before the break, we were basically discussing Paul's
42:39 conversion in the book of Acts and the remainder of the book of
42:43 Acts is basically the story of Paul preaching the gospel.
42:47 His theology has now gotten off the ground, it's taken shape and
42:51 we see in the remainder of the New Testament, much of it is
42:55 written by the apostle Paul, and what is he doing?
42:58 He's articulating the gospel, which is to say, he is
43:02 reconfiguring his thinking regarding his own scriptures, as
43:07 a Jew, and he's recasting the vision in the light of Christ.
43:11 --And he's writing many of these letters, Romans and Galatians
43:16 and other places, two churches that he himself either planted
43:19 or played a significant role in growing.
43:22 There's a beauty in that.
43:24 He was gonna persecute and now he's growing, now he's
43:27 nurturing, now he's ministering, and that's just the, it's a
43:30 gospel within the gospel.
43:33 --I love the way this whole picture introduces Paul because
43:37 while it gives the history of him persecuting, it transitions
43:40 quickly to this revelation, it takes place on the road to
43:44 Damascus and this prophecy that God gives to Ananias, and I just
43:48 wanna touch on this verse right here in Acts chapter 9, verse
43:51 16, God is speaking and he's saying, I've chosen Paul, that's
43:55 the context, to be a vessel unto me, to take my name, to bear my
43:59 name, to reveal my character, if you will, to the gentiles, and
44:03 to the kings and the children of Israel, so it's all inclusive
44:06 again, that's the big story, the big picture that we're looking
44:09 at, and then it says in verse 16, and here's the prophecy, I
44:12 will show him how great things he must suffer for my sake.
44:17 I'm gonna show him how much he's going to suffer for my sake, and
44:21 if this is a picture, if Paul's experience is grounded in the
44:26 Calvary event, and if the Calvary event is a summation of
44:30 the story, if Calvary is a picture of the story of the
44:35 heart of God, then what we see in Calvary, what we see in this
44:39 prophecy is the heart of God.
44:41 The heart of God is suffering, the heart of God is agonizing,
44:45 the heart of God is in pain, and Paul has been chosen, and
44:48 actually, you and me and Jeffery and David have been chosen,
44:54 prophesied, called by God to reveal the heart of God, and so,
45:00 when we think about Christianity, we think about,
45:02 you know, preaching, we think about being a part of this
45:05 movement, sometimes we think about it in different terms.
45:07 In other words, I believe that it's very possible for us today
45:11 to be thinking like the Jews think.
45:13 Oh, glory, manifestation of all these positive blessings and all
45:19 of these things that we're going to do that are gonna be so
45:21 great, you know what I'm saying.
45:23 And yet, right when Paul is chosen, God makes it very, very
45:27 clear why I have chosen him, and this, we see this fulfilled in
45:29 Romans 9, Paul talks about it, he's chosen him to suffer
45:34 because Paul is going to reveal to the gentiles and to Israel,
45:39 to the entire world, he's going to reveal my heart.
45:41 And my heart, in relation to the sin problem, is a heart that's
45:45 been suffering, that's been filled with the anguish of
45:49 fallen humanity from the very inception of sin, and I want
45:51 that to be revealed through you.
45:54 --Well, that's a good launch pad into Paul's theology.
45:57 What is Paul's theology?
46:00 How has he recast the vision?
46:02 How is he thinking at this point, post-conversion, what is
46:07 the gospel according to the apostle Paul?
46:11 --That's funny, I started turning my page and I'm
46:13 thinking, wait a minute, you haven't given me a bible verse
46:15 yet.
46:16 --The perfect for that would be 1 Corinthians 15.
46:19 --Take us there, Jeffery.
46:20 --1 Corinthians 15, where, I mean, loaded chapter, by the
46:24 way, but in 1 Corinthians 15, it begins with this in verse 1,
46:28 I'll just read the first 3, 4 verses.
46:31 Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel, and then later
46:37 on, he's gonna define that.
46:38 The gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and
46:42 in which you stand, verse 2, by which you also are saved, if you
46:48 hold fast, that word which I preached to you unless you
46:51 believed in vain, for I delivered to you first of all
46:54 that which I also received, and here it is, that Christ died for
47:00 our sins according to the scriptures.
47:03 And that he was buried and that he rose again the third day
47:09 according to the scriptures.
47:11 That's a beautiful definition of the gospel, that Christ died for
47:15 our sins according to the scriptures, he was buried, and
47:18 that he rose again the third day according to the scripture.
47:20 Everything is sandwiched with according to the scriptures.
47:23 --Yeah, and it's the first of all.
47:25 I like that phrase that he uses, I don't know how your bible says
47:28 it, but mine, it's the first, it's the foundation of the
47:31 gospel, it's the first of all, I'm gonna describe to you, here
47:34 it is, here's the first, here's the foundation.
47:37 --Okay, I have a question for you.
47:38 So, how is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ the
47:44 gospel?
47:45 What makes it good news?
47:46 How does that event constitute the gospel, in what sense?
47:51 --Well, one of the ways it constitutes the gospel, I
47:54 believe, is if you go all the way back to the beginning of the
47:56 story, and we see that God has been obscured, his light, his
48:01 love, his heart has been obscured, he got, Satan got into
48:04 our psych, and caused us to look at God in a way...
48:09 --So, man's heart has been obscured.
48:10 --God is self-serving.
48:11 The gospel's been obscured.
48:12 Did I say something different?
48:13 --You said God.
48:14 --God has been obscured, the gospel's been obscured, we have
48:18 looked at God as self-serving, God is out to serve himself, so
48:23 the very first thing that I see here is that the gospel
48:26 according to the death of Jesus Christ reveals a selfless God, a
48:31 God that is other centered, a God that is willing to give
48:33 himself for us who counts us more valuable, I should say, who
48:38 has given his life in exchange for us, who says, basically, I
48:41 would rather have them live, I would rather die for them then
48:44 lose them.
48:45 --Well, later on in the chapter, and I totally agree with that,
48:50 that is happening here for sure, let me add something to it later
48:52 on in the chapter, verses 21 through 26 approximately and
48:56 then 45 and 47, you have Adam brought to light here, and
49:02 there's a sense in which Paul is saying that Jesus is the second
49:05 Adam, he's the second man, so what we see here is that the
49:11 death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, that Jesus
49:14 Christ himself, the Christ event rewrites human history, going
49:19 all the way back to Genesis.
49:21 --Adam was the representative of our race, now Christ becomes the
49:24 new representative for the human race.
49:26 --So we have somebody else to identify with now.
49:27 We have a new history to identify with.
49:30 Adam's history is a fallen history that derailed the plan
49:36 that he became a sinner.
49:37 Well, we have a new Adam now, we have a new man who rewrites
49:41 history and creates a new package of objective facts,
49:48 history that we can identify with.
49:51 He lived a perfect life in harmony with God's covenant
49:54 love.
49:56 He died on the cross, he rose again, he ascended to the throne
50:00 on high and that encapsulates God's plan for all of us as
50:06 human beings.
50:07 --We gotta touch on this for just a second because history is
50:10 huge.
50:11 What you identify with genetically in your history is
50:15 huge, it can have a huge impact on you.
50:17 I talked to you in an earlier session about how I look at my
50:20 genetic history, and I look at alcoholism, it's there, it's
50:22 there, it's there, it's there.
50:24 Something I didn't tell you that I, you know, have, that has
50:28 impacted me, my grandfather on my mother's side.
50:32 Now, my father and my mother were never married.
50:34 So, my father's name is Miller, my mother's name is Rafferty.
50:39 And on my mother's side, my grandfather, her father, his
50:42 name was James Rafferty, it's kinda strange to go to a
50:46 gravestone and see your name written there.
50:49 --My uncle's name was David Ascherick.
50:51 --Look at that.
50:52 Now, something that's interesting, as I went through
50:55 my early teen history and gravitated into alcoholism very
50:59 naturally tended into that direction, I remembered my
51:03 grandmother who told me in later years that even though my
51:06 grandfather, her first husband, owned a pub in Ireland and
51:10 alcoholism was rampant through our whole family on that side
51:13 and on the other side, my grandfather, James Rafferty, she
51:17 said, never drank, he didn't drink.
51:20 --Does that impact you to just hear that?
51:22 --It impacted me.
51:23 No, it impacted me, and at that time especially, because I was
51:26 deep into it by that time, it impacted me and I was just
51:29 thinking about that in relation to this story, this second Adam
51:32 story.
51:33 Yes, we're all born under this guilt and this weight of this
51:37 first Adam and how he was deceived and misunderstood God,
51:41 but now we have this second Adam.
51:43 In other words, Paul was saying, hey, you have a new genetic
51:45 history that's been written for you in Jesus Christ.
51:47 --Your own cultural background, you know, we all know it defines
51:51 who you are, how you talk, how you relate to things, what your
51:55 interests are.
51:56 --That's why you sound so Miami.
51:58 --You know, listen, when we were in school, we'd wear these
52:02 little flags, our flag, like, we'd wear bead and we'd put our
52:06 flag into beads, you know, in the shape, and we'd wear that
52:08 with pride because that's your identity, that's your history,
52:10 that's your heritage.
52:12 I don't have one right now.
52:14 I put it back on after the set, but basically, you know, that's
52:18 powerful, how you said, he wrote a new history, we have a new
52:21 history to identify with.
52:23 --Jesus is a rewrite of human history.
52:26 --And there are specific instances in which that history
52:31 is, comes in very sharp focus.
52:36 For example, the first Adam was unfaithful in a garden.
52:41 The second Adam, Christ, was faithful, he made the decision
52:45 to be faithful until death in a garden.
52:47 The first.
52:49 --Gethsemane.
52:50 --The garden of Gethsemane.
52:51 The first Adam had a rib removed from his side that became the
52:55 thing that made his bride, Eve.
52:59 The second Adam, Christ, was pierced in his side, and
53:02 scripture says, out comes blood and water.
53:04 The two things, the blood of Jesus and the water of the
53:07 Spirit.
53:08 So there's just so much here.
53:09 That makes the church, these are the things that make the church,
53:12 and there are others, but the point here is that this isn't
53:14 just something that Paul's like, hey, this is interesting.
53:17 There are touchstones, there are instances where that history has
53:22 been recapitulated by Jesus in the same way that we talked
53:25 about the recapitulation of Israel.
53:27 --But you mentioned earlier about Luke, the genealogy, that
53:30 he goes straight back to...
53:31 --As the son of God.
53:33 So and so, the son of so and so, Adam, the son of God.
53:36 --Yeah, so he wants you to see the link between Adam and Jesus.
53:38 --The two primary figures in the Old Testament that are the Son
53:42 of God are Adam and Israel.
53:45 When Jesus comes on the scene, you brought this out earlier,
53:48 Ty, when that term, son of God is used, it's not just some
53:51 willy nilly term, and we should just say here, it doesn't mean
53:54 the literal son of God in the same sexual sense that it means
53:58 when I have a son and when you have a son, in other words, in
54:01 terms of offspring.
54:03 And there's too many people that misunderstand that, even
54:05 well-meaning sincere people that come from a strong
54:08 non-Trinitarian perspective and they'll say, wait a minute, but
54:11 Jesus is the son of God.
54:12 --Therefore, he had to have a beginning.
54:14 --He had to have a beginning, and he has to be chronologically
54:16 younger than his father, because my sons are younger than me, my
54:20 father is older than me.
54:22 But what Jesus is, the term son of God is not a chronological
54:26 term, it's a relational term, it's a term of connection.
54:30 Right, so, in that sense, yes, the son of God, he's Adam, he's
54:35 Israel.
54:36 So, he's rewriting not only the history of Israel, he's
54:39 rewriting the history of Adam and I think, Ty, we should just
54:42 read some of those verses in 1 Corinthians 15 where he says
54:45 that.
54:46 Let's just do it, he says there in verse 20, but now Christ is
54:49 risen from the dead, and has become the first fruits of those
54:53 who have fallen asleep.
54:54 He's the first one of those that were asleep, asleep in the grave
54:57 that will be raised.
54:59 Verse 21, for since, by man came death, by man also came the
55:03 resurrection of the dead.
55:05 Adam, Adam.
55:06 Verse 22, for as in Adam, all die, even so in Christ shall all
55:10 be made alive, but each one in his own order.
55:12 Christ, the first fruits, and afterward, those who were at his
55:15 return, his coming, and he goes on, but the point that he's
55:18 drawing out here is that Adam did a thing, Jesus did a thing,
55:22 Adam did a thing, Jesus did a thing.
55:24 --One clarification on that first fruits, I think it's
55:26 important, too, to understand that the first fruits were not
55:28 necessarily first, like you were saying with this paternal thing,
55:32 in the sense of chronology, they were the first in the sense that
55:36 they were the best.
55:37 --Because we know that Moses was resurrected already.
55:38 --He was the best of those that were resurrected, he was the
55:41 chief.
55:42 --Like the first lady.
55:43 --Yes, and another thing here that I think is really powerful,
55:45 you know, when I was, just to identify again, when I was a
55:47 kid, I was born in the States, but I was raised in England.
55:52 My mother raised us in England, so when I was 10 months old, off
55:55 we went to England, that's where my sister and I, twin sister and
55:58 I were raised.
55:59 I remember in my early years in England as I started to grow up,
56:01 knowing that I was American, but I was being raised in England,
56:04 half Irish, I was interacting with other kids, and back then,
56:08 this is the '60s, you know, really, it's the '60s, the whole
56:11 time is the '60s, not even the '70s, this is like 20 years
56:14 after the end of World War II, I was raised in an environment in
56:17 England that was still recovering from that, and I
56:19 remember kids saying things to me about me being American about
56:24 the Americans having this attitude, about all this kind of
56:28 stuff, I remember thinking, I had never been to America, I had
56:32 no identity with America, nothing, but I felt connected to
56:36 America.
56:37 It was like, I'm American, and you don't say bad things about
56:40 us, you know what I'm saying?
56:41 There was an identity.
56:43 When Paul here identifies us with Christ, there's something
56:50 that he's doing here to our psyche.
56:53 He's saying you are connected with this Adam.
56:55 --You know what I just wrote down on this piece of paper
56:57 here, I wrote down, the holy history, that is to say the holy
56:59 history of life, of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus
57:02 is your history.
57:04 And I think we're gonna talk about that in our next session
57:07 or one of the sessions about this universality of what Jesus
57:11 has done.
57:12 It's not just an individual, oh, he did it for Ty and he did it
57:15 for James, he did it for the world.
57:18 --David, it's right here in the text that we just read in 1
57:20 Corinthians 15, for as in Adam, all die, even so...
57:25 --You're in which verse?
57:26 --Verse 22, even so shall all be made alive.
57:29 So, there is a universal sense in which Jesus is now, can I use
57:35 this language, the new representative head of the human
57:40 race.
57:42 So, again, it's not, Jesus isn't dealing here with just
57:44 individual salvation, getting each of us individually out of
57:47 trouble and...
57:49 --Because God is really angry.
57:50 --And getting us into heaven, Jesus here is working something
57:54 out that has universal implications.
57:57 --We respond individually, of course.
57:59 --We respond individually, absolutely, but there's only one
58:03 way to respond individually, Jeffery, and that is if you have
58:06 something objective that you're responding to that is applicable
58:10 for all.
58:11 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son
58:13 that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have
58:16 everlasting life.
58:18 That text, John 3:16 says that the love of God, by which the
58:22 sacrifice of Christ was made, was for all, but the believing,
58:25 the subjective part is individual.
58:29 In other words, put it this way, that believers in Christ do not
58:32 manufacture the facts of the gospel.
58:35 They apprehend them.
58:37 --They respond to something that is already fact.
58:39 --They respond to an objective reality that is worked out in
58:43 totality in Christ.
58:46 --Faith doesn't make facts, faith takes hold of the facts.
58:49 --That's right.
58:50 It's so crucial that we understand this and that's the
58:54 only way, really that you can grasp that salvation is 110% by
59:02 grace through faith alone in Christ.
59:05 There must be a solid, objective foundation upon which subjective
59:12 faith...
59:13 --Is laying hold of it.
59:15 --That's exactly right.
59:16 So, boy, this is pretty exciting, and we're just gonna
59:19 have to delve into it in our next conversation.
59:26 --Awesome.


Revised 2014-12-17