Table Talk

Righteousness by Faith: One Righteous Man

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick, James Rafferty, Jeffrey Rosario, Ty Gibson


Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000020

00:02 [Music]
00:12 [Music]
00:20 This has been a great discussion so far in our
00:23 righteousness by faith series.
00:25 We are in part 7 now and we're calling this one righteous man
00:29 which gives a clue, a hint that we are inching toward the New
00:34 Testament.
00:36 But let's just admit it we love the Old Testament scriptures.
00:38 --Amen.
00:40 --And we love the Old Testament scriptures because we are seeing
00:42 that the narrative and the story that is broken down and
00:48 unfolding in these Old Testament scriptures is rich with gospel
00:53 truth and insight.
00:55 --By the way we should mention that if because normally the Old
00:57 Testament is viewed as awe, all that crazy stuff, all the
01:01 complexity, all those weird verses but I think we should
01:04 mention that if we were to view the Old Testament in the context
01:07 of the story then all of that weirdness kind of begins to make
01:13 more sense.
01:14 --seeming weirdness
01:15 --Hey can I ask a question?
01:16 --Thank you.
01:17 -I've asked this question of a lot of people before, if you
01:18 could have either the Old Testament or the New Testament
01:20 memorized in any translation of your choice but just verbatim
01:24 which would you chose?
01:25 --Old for sure.
01:26 --Old
01:28 --Yeah old because the new one is smaller.
01:29 [Laughter]
01:31 No think about it though if you had the Old Testament memorized
01:34 you could then read the New Testament with such a rich
01:38 perspective there would just be trigger, trigger, trigger,
01:40 trigger.
01:41 --It's amazing though, if you ask most people, not maybe us
01:44 who are preachers and you know closet theologians as it were,
01:47 but you asked most people like just people that I am in
01:51 familiarity with, Christians, have them over to the house 75%
01:54 of the people New Testament, New Testament, New Testament.
01:56 You'd say New Testament?
01:57 --I just love the book of Revelation so I'm kind of
01:58 sticking.
01:59 --Well you have that memorized.
02:01 --But he just asked a question so I gave an answer.
02:04 --Ok, alright, I'm taking Old.
02:05 --So we're talking about the Bible as a story, okay.
02:11 And we're seeing here that the Bible isn't just a collection of
02:14 books with verses that you can pull picky little statements out
02:19 of to construct whatever you want to construct.
02:22 --Well it is that but it's not that responsible.
02:25 --Financial principles, principles for successful
02:28 living.
02:29 The Bible is actually an unfolding narrative.
02:32 It's telling a story and we've seen that that story, the ground
02:36 work for that story is laid in the book of Genesis of course,
02:39 and we have this towering figure, Abraham.
02:43 Abraham is the father of the concept the truth the reality of
02:49 righteousness by faith and Israel is the people that
02:53 emerges from Abraham for the purpose of establishing God's
02:59 covenant in the earth for all the nations of the earth.
03:03 And we've been looking at numerous Old Testament
03:06 prophesies that are pointing forward to the fulfillment of
03:10 covenant in Christ the Messiah.
03:12 And now we've come to one that we all hold very very near and
03:16 dear and sacred to our hearts, Daniel chapter 9.
03:21 Daniel chapter 9 is just an incredible Bible prophesy of the
03:28 Messiah.
03:29 And it's greatly misunderstood.
03:32 We don't need to go into the details of this but Daniel
03:36 chapter 9 is not generally viewed as a Messianic prophesy
03:43 but that's really what it is.
03:46 So you have to try hard not to see the Messiah.
03:49 --Exactly.
03:50 --You have to try very hard.
03:51 --I don't know how people do it.
03:52 I don't know how people do it but some manage to.
03:54 For me Daniel chapter 9 is the critical hinge verse, it's the
04:00 full proof verse between the Old Testament and the New.
04:03 I mean there are lots of passages there that you could go
04:05 to but this passage more than any other single passage in the
04:07 Old Testament encapsulates for me this crucial transition from
04:12 the covenant that was not kept, you know, by Abraham's
04:17 descendants broken, broken, broken, broken, not on the part
04:20 of God but on the part of God's covenant people and the fact
04:24 that it will be kept.
04:26 But it will be kept by a faithful Israelite, one
04:28 righteous man who will be the true Israel, the true Adam, the
04:33 true humanity and that's Jesus Christ.
04:35 This is the one for me that all of this sets up this.
04:40 And that's why it's just such a crime, it's such a tragedy when
04:44 Daniel is misunderstood somehow not in its radical
04:48 Christocentric way which is the biblical way.
04:51 You go ahead.
04:54 --Well I love the way that the chapter is introduced because in
04:56 the beginning of this chapter we have this corporate language.
05:00 Daniel uses this word over and over and over again, it's really
05:04 easy to catch.
05:05 He's a captive in Babylon.
05:07 He's there because of the apostasy and unfaithfulness of
05:10 his people.
05:11 He's there because God's purpose was always to reach the Gentiles
05:16 and other nations through his people and God's purposes will
05:19 not fail.
05:20 He will be faithful to that and he'll use whoever will be
05:22 faithful to accomplish that.
05:24 So there's Daniel being faithful and therefore God brings Daniel
05:27 into Babylon, not for the purpose of anything less than
05:31 revealing this God of heaven and earth, this creator to the
05:34 Babylonians so they can be saved which actually ends up being
05:37 these of Nebuchadnezzar.
05:39 --That's a powerful point because we're talking about how
05:42 Israel is in captivity because of their lack of fidelity to
05:47 God's covenant right?
05:49 They're in captivity as the result of their unfaithfulness
05:53 contrasted with God's faithfulness, however, the fact
05:56 that they're in captivity also serves as double purpose, like
06:00 you're saying.
06:01 It brings them, it brings God's covenant exposure to other
06:06 nations.
06:07 --But not in the way that he intended to be.
06:10 --Right but, but like Ty said earlier when we were looking at
06:12 that verse, does the, does our unfaithfulness make God
06:14 unfaithful
06:15 No never.
06:16 He's still going to be faithful to accomplish his purpose.
06:19 --If the New Testament teaches us anything it teaches us that
06:23 God's promises will be fulfilled but not in the way that we
06:27 expect or anticipate.
06:30 And it's the grandest plot twist in all of literature I think.
06:32 By the time we get to God becoming a man and fulfilling
06:36 we're getting there, I mean.
06:38 --I mean earlier even in the book of Daniel in chapter 4
06:41 where we have this pagan king who encounters the God of Israel
06:45 but not in the, not in the ideal way.
06:49 It wouldn't have been at the top of God's list, this is how I
06:52 want to introduce myself to Nebuchadnezzar.
06:53 --Jeffrey you just preached, what a week and a half ago now
06:57 at a large gathering in Florida, GYC.
07:01 There were thousands of people there and one of the passages
07:03 that you preached on was the whole experience of the Queen of
07:08 Sheba coming to Solomon.
07:09 That's God's ideal.
07:11 And maybe you can just unpack that a little bit.
07:13 What was your kind of point?
07:15 --Yeah the idea there is that obviously there's news that's
07:18 traveling to other nations, there are reports, there are
07:21 rumors that these people, this nation Israel has something
07:26 amazing and very special.
07:28 So with the Queen of Sheba, what is it 2nd Kings chapter 10, you
07:32 have these people traveling coming in to encounter this
07:37 Hebrew culture because they've heard rumors that there are some
07:41 amazing things with these people that their God is amazing right.
07:45 So you have that but whenever you don't have that ideal
07:49 situation God allows his people to go into captivity and by
07:52 doing that he brings exposure to his covenant.
07:57 Just because the covenant people are in captivity to another
08:01 pagan nation.
08:02 You have Babylon, you have this --Exactly, Egypt, Greece.
08:06 --Again here, if you're done.
08:08 Ok here's this other theme that we've been following and that is
08:12 this corporateness, this corporateness of humanity.
08:15 So Daniel is obviously a righteous man in the sense that
08:19 we understand it.
08:20 He is faithful to God.
08:21 God is using him.
08:22 --He's a new covenant believer.
08:23 --And even his enemies can't find fault with him.
08:26 Now this is a spotless guy and he, but he uses this terminology
08:29 we, we, we, we, we.
08:31 And he uses it in a very very negative sense.
08:35 He's talking about all of the unfaithfulness of the people of
08:39 Israel to God he includes himself with them.
08:42 Now either Daniel is trying to be very humble.
08:45 He's trying to be very, you know, meek and you know of
08:52 course, yes I recognize that I, or he's actually speaking from
08:55 his heart.
08:56 --Or he truly feels that way.
08:57 --Yeah he knows.
08:58 --I totally agree with that but maybe there's something more and
09:02 this just came to me, I don't know if this is, if you guys
09:05 would resonate with this or not but he's speaking corporate
09:10 language.
09:11 So when he's saying we have sinned he understands something
09:14 that we have talked about in our previous session and that is
09:19 that while Israel is many Israel is one.
09:22 My son, my servant, singular.
09:25 He recognizes the corporate nature of Israel in the singular
09:31 sense and that prepares the way for the one true faithful
09:35 Israelite that is to be prophesied.
09:38 --That is exactly what I was gonna say.
09:39 You said it a lot better than I did.
09:41 And the whole idea here is that the corporate sense is this
09:45 depravity of our human fallen nature that he recognizes no
09:49 matter what his outward behavior is and we see that in Daniel 10,
09:52 no matter what his outward behavior is he recognizes that
09:55 he is depraved that his falleness is much deeper than
10:01 just his outward actions.
10:02 So he can be a man that's blameless, spotless praying
10:04 doing all of these things but he recognizes within himself is
10:08 that same disposition that the whole nation has to go into
10:12 apostasy.
10:13 And what's really powerful, you mentioned this Ty, and I'm just
10:15 going to elaborate on it is that it's that way of thinking that
10:20 allows heaven through Gabriel to communicate to him the corporate
10:24 identity of the Messiah is going to come and identify with
10:29 corporate humanity in its fallen condition and take upon him, us,
10:35 upon him our sins and our iniquities.
10:37 --So there's a sense in which Jesus is not only the one new,
10:42 one faithful Israelite but he's one new man.
10:46 He represents the entire human race as we move into the New
10:50 Testament.
10:51 Yeah can I just fly through chapter 9 because we've
10:54 mentioned chapter 9 but we haven't done anything with it.
10:56 I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna look at some of high points.
10:59 --Someone has to read verse 4 at least.
11:01 --Ok that's where I was gonna begin Jeffery, watch this.
11:03 In verse 4, this is amazing, God is called Oh Lord great and
11:08 awesome God and what is it defines God's greatness and his
11:11 awesomeness who keeps his covenant in mercy.
11:15 Ok then you skip down to verse 7 Oh Lord righteousness belongs to
11:21 you.
11:22 So God keeping His covenant is what defines His righteousness
11:27 which we flushed out before.
11:29 But now watch and then the end of verse 7 God who is righteous
11:33 who keeps covenant is called the one who is, well, excuse me
11:40 verse 7 righteousness belongs to you but unfaithfulness to us.
11:44 So unfaithfulness is held in contrast, our unfaithfulness is
11:49 held in contrast to God's righteousness and covenant
11:51 keeping.
11:52 Then look at verse 8 he says at the end of verse 8 we have
11:55 sinned against you.
11:57 This is very interesting especially in the light of our
11:59 previous discussions and that is that sin is defined here
12:05 specifically as unfaithfulness to covenant.
12:08 Isn't that something?
12:09 And then verse 9 to the Lord our God belongs mercy and
12:14 forgiveness.
12:16 So there's an expectation here that our unfaithfulness will be
12:19 dealt with by mercy and forgiveness.
12:24 So it's just amazing to me that in this context, again, the
12:29 language is covenant language.
12:30 God is defined in terms of faithfulness to the covenant and
12:33 sin is defined in terms of unfaithfulness to covenant.
12:36 --The whole thing here in Daniel 9 is taking place, again, as is
12:40 all of scripture against the backdrop of either an explicit
12:44 or implicit law of court there is a court scene here, there is
12:50 a trial, there's a standard, someone has been faithful to
12:52 that standard, someone has been unfaithful to that standard.
12:54 And in the case of Daniel it's particularly remarkable because
12:58 Daniel is confessing he's not trying to justify himself and
13:01 say no no no we've been true to the standard.
13:03 We should be found justified or blameless in the implicit law of
13:08 court.
13:09 He's saying we're actually guilty.
13:10 And you have been faithful, you have been righteous.
13:12 Now with your permission I think we'll get a better feel for the
13:16 flow of the passage if I just quickly read it through
13:18 beginning in verse 4.
13:19 It really and you did touch on some of the main passages there
13:23 though, the main highlights Ty.
13:24 But it really gives us a feel for the way that Daniel was
13:27 thinking, right.
13:28 Because this is exile, the temple is destroyed.
13:31 I mean we've got to put ourselves, Israel as God
13:35 intended it is nowhere to be seen.
13:37 Jerusalem and the temple as God intended it is nowhere to be
13:40 seen and this is the response and the thinking of a faithful
13:44 Jew, in the light of what has happened.
13:46 Verse 4 Oh Lord great and awesome God, first thing out of
13:51 his mouth, who keeps his covenant and mercy with those
13:54 who love him and with those who keep his commandments.
13:56 So he begins by saying implicit law of court you've been
13:59 faithful, you've been true.
14:00 Now watch the rest of this we have sinned and committed
14:03 iniquity.
14:04 We have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from
14:06 your precepts and your judgments.
14:08 Neither have we heeded your servants the prophets who spoke
14:10 in your name to our kings and princes, to our fathers and all
14:14 the people of the land.
14:15 Oh Lord Righteousness belongs to you, rightness in the implicit
14:19 law of court.
14:21 But to us shame of face as it is at this day to the men of Judah
14:23 to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel, those near and
14:27 those afar off and all the countries which you have driven
14:30 them because of the unfaithfulness which they have
14:32 committed against you.
14:33 Oh Lord to us belong shame of face to our kings, our princes
14:37 and our fathers because we have sinned against you.
14:40 To the Lord our God belongs mercy and forgiveness that we
14:42 have rebelled against him.
14:44 We have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God to walk in his
14:47 laws which he set before us by his servants the prophets.
14:49 Yes all Israel has transgressed your law.
14:54 So what you see here, I mean clearly, you can read the rest
14:57 of the prayer it's one of the most emotive prayers in all of
15:00 scripture.
15:01 What Daniel is saying, it's one of the longest, Daniel is saying
15:03 here is the standard.
15:04 And the standard is the covenantal agreement that you
15:06 made with Abraham that was then, and I like what you said in an
15:09 early session Ty that was then augmented and nuanced and never
15:12 changed but added onto by later prophetic revelation in Moses
15:17 and even outside of Moses.
15:19 So here you have this thing, the covenant, and what Daniel is
15:21 essentially saying is God there's not been an instance in
15:25 which you have not kept covenant with your people, not one
15:27 instance.
15:28 But we have sinned.
15:30 We have rebelled.
15:31 We have turned away.
15:32 So we're guilty.
15:34 --And in fact he even mentions the oath that was written by the
15:36 Law of Moses in the rest of that first verse.
15:37 --Yes he does, yes he does.
15:39 Read it.
15:40 --It says therefore the curse was poured upon us and the oath
15:43 that is written in the Law of Moses the servant of God because
15:45 we sinned against him.
15:47 And so he's confirmed the words which he spoke against us and
15:51 against our judges and judged us are bringing upon us a great
15:54 evil for unto the whole heaven has not been done which has been
15:57 done upon Jerusalem.
15:59 As it is written in the Law of Moses verse 13, all this evil
16:03 has come upon us and yet we made not our prayer before the Lord
16:06 our God that we might, that we might turn from our iniquities
16:10 and understand by truth.
16:12 -He is, Daniel is quoting directly here.
16:15 The ideas that he's getting are straight out of Deuteronomy 28.
16:18 That the closing passage in the writings of Moses 27, 28, 29, 30
16:23 was essentially this Israel I have made the universe and the
16:28 world to operate on certain principles, principles of love
16:31 of magnimity of grace of forgiveness.
16:36 And if you operate in harmony with those principles as
16:38 communicated in the covenant than this is what will happen.
16:40 If you operate out of harmony with those principles this is
16:44 what will happen.
16:46 So he's basically saying blessing and cursing and Daniel
16:49 here is saying all that stuff that you said that's happening
16:53 right now.
16:54 We know the times in which we're living, the circumstances in
16:57 which we are living and the beauty of Daniel chapter 9 is
17:00 there's lots of passages like this in the Old Testament where
17:02 prophets are saying you know Jeremiah 11 is a great one.
17:05 You had a covenant unfaithful, unfaithful, unfaithful,
17:08 unfaithful but the beauty of Daniel 9 is that when the whole
17:11 thing closes and I don't know how much depth we want to get
17:13 into in terms of the actual prophesy and anticipation of
17:17 Messiah.
17:18 But the thing that Messiah will do is the most remarkable thing
17:22 verse 27, I'll just jump down there, if you guys want to fill
17:25 in the details above that that's great but he says he, Messiah,
17:30 will confirm a covenant with many for one week but in the
17:34 middle of the week he brings an end to sacrifice and offering.
17:37 Daniel 9 opens with Oh great and awesome God who keeps his
17:41 covenant we've broken, broken, broken, broken, broken.
17:43 Daniel 9 but you will keep it.
17:48 He will come and keep covenant.
17:51 --Powerful, powerful
17:52 --I love this I love it in the context of his prayer too
17:54 because when he gets ready to end his prayer than Gabriel
17:56 comes to give him this prophesy.
17:58 As he ends this prayer he says so here's our condition, here's
18:01 how sinful we've been.
18:02 Here's all of our apostasy now could you do this for your
18:05 namesake?
18:07 Yeah could you do this because of who you are?
18:10 Because of your faithfulness?
18:11 You are such and awesome God and I would hate to see your name,
18:16 because remember what you did with Israel I mean with Egypt.
18:19 He talks about that.
18:20 Remember how you brought us out of Egypt?
18:22 And that's the same thing Moses said.
18:23 Moses said don't destroy them because what about your name?
18:26 --This is burning in my bosom because of some sermons that you
18:29 preached.
18:31 Spend a little moment on that I mean you preached this whole
18:34 idea recently, again at GYC on hey what are the Gentiles?
18:39 Walk us through that.
18:40 --Well in the context of this passage that God realizes how
18:43 high the stakes are for the rest of the world to have access to
18:48 his promises.
18:49 And so this idea that you're talking about where God is
18:52 pleading with, Daniel pleading with God that in scripture you
18:56 often find where God will say I'm gonna do such and such, not
19:00 because you deserve it but for the sake of the Gentiles.
19:04 What will they think of my name, name, my character?
19:08 And then you find the flip side of it where often times in
19:12 scripture God's people are pleading with him and they say
19:15 you need to do such and such.
19:18 Not because of us but you have to because if you don't what
19:21 will the Gentiles think?
19:22 What will people think of you?
19:25 So you have this concern, this high sense of awareness in the
19:30 heart of God to be properly understood so that people know
19:34 who he is and what he is like.
19:37 --His reputation is at stake but not because he's egocentric.
19:41 His reputation is at stake because he has an evangelistic
19:44 eye.
19:46 God is still thinking in terms of Genesis chapter 12 I want to
19:51 bless the whole world, all nations.
19:54 I'm pursuing every man, woman and child on planet earth.
19:57 And if you, my people, make me look bad in their eyes then the
20:03 power of the attraction is broken.
20:05 --You've got it.
20:06 --Which is so beautiful because that's Ezekiel 36 the whole
20:10 tenor of Ezekiel 36 is let me read just a couple of verses
20:14 here, therefore says I say unto the house of Israel thus saith
20:17 the Lord verse 22 I do not this for your sake oh house of Israel
20:22 but for my holy namesake which you have profaned among the
20:25 heathen where you went and I will sanctify my great name
20:28 which was profaned among the heathen which you have profaned
20:31 in the midst of them and the heathen shall know that I am the
20:34 Lord says the Lord God when I shall be sanctified in you
20:39 before their eyes.
20:40 And then he talks about the new covenant, sprinkle clean water,
20:43 etc., etc, etc.
20:44 --You can summarize that like this you guys are making me look
20:47 bad.
20:48 And again it's not a concern for his reputation for his own
20:51 conceit sake.
20:52 He's saying I'm the source of life.
20:56 I'm the best thing for you in the whole world and you guys are
20:59 making me look terrible.
21:01 --Guys this is beautiful point in Hosea
21:03 --Can you go in after the break?
21:04 --That's what I'm saying after the break.
21:06 --We have to take a break there's this thing called time
21:09 and it just keeps ticking away.
21:11 So let's just take a break and we'll come right back.
21:13 Don't lose that thought Jeffrey.
21:23 This is the story of Niyima who took a bus to the doctor and
21:28 found a piece of paper with words of hope about Jesus, which
21:33 was left by a church member who unpacked a box that came from a
21:38 truck, which drove in from Durvan, where a ship was docked,
21:42 that sailed from Seattle loaded with containers stacked high
21:47 with millions of tracts.
21:49 Trucked in from the Light Bearers publishing house.
21:52 Where over 600 million pieces of gospel literature have been
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21:59 Here's the amazing thing Light Bearers distributes this
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22:48 it will be found by someone else.
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23:32 Who knew 5 little pennies could do so much?
23:38 Jeffrey right before the break you were gonna launch us into,
23:39 what, Hosea?
23:40 A passage in Hosea?
23:42 --Yeah what triggered the thought was we were in Daniel 9,
23:45 he's doing this long beautiful prayer for the first 14 verses.
23:49 And then in verse 15 he says and now Oh Lord who brought your
23:53 people out of the land of Egypt.
23:54 Ok so, real quick here, it brings us back to this point God
23:59 expects us to have confidence in His promises on the basis of His
24:04 track record right?
24:05 So now Daniel brings back Lord in keeping with your reputation.
24:11 --Can I add verses before you go to Hosea?
24:13 --Go for it.
24:14 --Because you were in chapter 9 here's exactly what you just
24:16 said in verse 14 God is righteous in all the works which
24:22 he has done comma though we have not obeyed his voice.
24:24 See that?
24:26 --Yeah.
24:27 --Ok
24:28 --Ok so here's what I'm saying the thing, the seminal event
24:32 that he points to is the bringing out of Egypt, I just
24:36 wanted to bring out this little point here that I think is
24:38 powerful.
24:39 In Hosea 11 next book in verse 1 when Israel was a child I loved
24:45 him.
24:46 --Singular.
24:48 --Yes.
24:49 --And out of Egypt I called my son.
24:53 Ok in reference to this major major event in the history of
24:58 this people right, the exodus from Egypt.
25:00 --That is the defining event in the history of Israel
25:03 --That's it.
25:04 --But the reason I think that's powerful is because when the
25:07 Messiah, because we're basically on the...we're right there.
25:09 When we get into Matthew chapter 2 I get the privilege of
25:15 cracking open the Jesus book.
25:17 So in Matthew chapter 2 obviously the context here is
25:21 Christ is born, here's His childhood.
25:24 They flee back into Egypt to protect the child right, and
25:29 then in verse 14 it says they arose and took the young child
25:35 meaning Jesus and his mother by night and departed for Egypt and
25:40 was there verse 15 until the death of Herod that it might be
25:43 fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet
25:48 saying out of Egypt I called my son.
25:52 Direct verbatim quote from Hosea 11:1 so here's the point that
25:56 I'm trying to make, Daniel 9, Daniel is pleading Lord we have
25:59 failed, we have been unfaithful, our relational fidelity stinks.
26:04 But you have been faithful, you have been faithful.
26:07 So the point of Daniel 9 is the Messiah will come to be faithful
26:13 where God's people were unfaithful.
26:15 --So here's the incredible thing.
26:17 --That's exactly right.
26:18 --Here's the incredible thing in Daniel chapter 9 and the whole
26:20 Old Testament we have this constant refrain God is faithful
26:23 even when Israel was not, God is faithful, Israel no, God is
26:27 faithful, Israel not.
26:29 Jesus, God is faithful now man is faithful and Jesus fulfills
26:37 faithfulness to the covenant from both ends of the spectrum.
26:39 --He's the righteous one.
26:40 --Yes he's faithful, he's faithful as God to man and he's
26:44 faithful as man to God.
26:47 --He's the Lord of righteousness.
26:48 --The circle of beneficent is complete in Christ.
26:51 --Jeremiah 23:6
26:52 --So he is man's guarantee that God will fulfill his promises
26:55 and God's guarantee that man will be made in his image
26:59 and will be able to fulfill to be faithful to God's
27:02 covenant.
27:04 --Exactly, the longing desire of God's heart, and you see this
27:06 refrain over and over again in the Old Testament is I will be
27:09 their God and they will be my people.
27:11 So God's always scanning.
27:12 He's got the radar on looking for the person about whom he can
27:16 say, that's my guy, that's my dude right there.
27:19 We see an instance of this, by the way, with Job, right?
27:21 When Satan comes and says it's my planet, whatever, I've been
27:25 walking to and fro God what does he long to do?
27:27 He wants to point to somebody and say that's my guy.
27:29 --Have you noticed, have you noticed Job.
27:30 --Now to some degree, I mean there have been times I think
27:33 where God could have said that about me.
27:34 So to you, so to you, so to you, so to you.
27:36 So to Job in other instances.
27:38 --For me not last Tuesday.
27:41 [Laughter]
27:42 --Not last Tuesday, what happened last Tuesday?
27:43 --It was a bad day.
27:44 I was a bad boy.
27:45 --Ok [Laughter]
27:46 --It was bad.
27:47 --I was in California, so I don't even know what he's
27:49 talking about.
27:50 I'm nervous.
27:51 -Don't confess, don't confess.
27:53 --But the only one about whom it could always be said under
27:56 every, even the most trying and testing circumstance Jesus said
28:00 I do always those things that place Him.
28:03 He could say, the thing that he said as he was coming up out of
28:05 the waters of baptism, my son in whom I am well pleased.
28:10 This is the one.
28:11 You want to know what I'm like.
28:13 And Jesus would say again, if you've seen me.
28:15 --But here's the thing, when he comes up out of the water in
28:18 baptism, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, Paul
28:23 later on takes that beloved son language and applies it
28:27 corporately to the human race.
28:29 So when Jesus goes through the process of fulfilling all
28:33 righteousness being baptized, when he comes up out of the
28:37 water, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.
28:42 That is a universal corporate benediction that God the father
28:47 is speaking over humanity as a whole in Christ.
28:50 --Wait, wait, wait, wait amazing.
28:52 --Ty, Ty, Ty but what you just said, you know, drawing
28:56 attention to the baptism is even more profound in the context of
29:00 Israel because isn't it true that Jesus very carefully and
29:05 tactfully begins to repeat the history of Israel.
29:08 --I don't know about tactfully but yes, carefully.
29:11 --Very intentionally.
29:12 --To retrace the history of Israel so he
29:15 --Name instances.
29:17 --For instance how long is he in the
29:19 --wilderness for 40 days, wilderness for 40 years
29:22 --and then
29:24 --well first of all before the wilderness what's the baptism of
29:26 Jesus parallel.
29:27 --That's where we're going crossing of the Red Sea.
29:28 --That's right.
29:30 --Before that out of Egypt.
29:32 --And after Jesus gets baptized where does he go?
29:35 --Into the wilderness.
29:37 --Into the wilderness.
29:38 --For how long?
29:39 --For 40 days and
29:41 --How long was Israel in the wilderness?
29:42 --For 40 not, and then check this out when Israel is in the
29:44 wilderness they received the book of Deuteronomy when Christ
29:47 is in his wilderness he comes and he's being tempted by Satan
29:50 and he quotes 3 times it is written, it is written, it is
29:54 written from the book of Deuteronomy.
29:56 --It's just, it's profound
29:58 --What's the next one though.
29:59 --When Messiah is fulfilling
30:00 --yeah what's the next one, what's the next one?
30:02 --He goes on from there and Jesus delivers his first sermon
30:04 where?
30:05 --From a mountain.
30:06 --From a mountain and what is that sermon?
30:08 It is a magnification of the law of God.
30:12 You're at Sinai now.
30:13 Jesus, Israel personified is now at the mountain and the law is
30:19 restated.
30:20 This is remarkable fulfillment.
30:22 --And there's one that we misread at the beginning and
30:24 that is that the circumstances by which ancient Israel,
30:28 national Israel was led into Egypt was because a man named
30:31 Joseph had dreams that anticipated that.
30:34 In the gospel of Matthew he wants to make it very clear that
30:37 Joseph has dreams and the dream says hey take my child into
30:42 Egypt.
30:43 So you have this whole
30:45 --Joseph, the father of Jesus has a dream.
30:47 --Take him into Egypt.
30:48 --So Jesus, we began with the baptism.
30:53 --There's another one by the way.
30:54 --I mean, yeah, we back up from there Jesus came out of Egypt
30:58 then which parallels the exodus.
31:00 -Of course, exactly, at every -What's the one we missed?
31:03 --The reason why we have Christ coming into Bethlehem or at
31:09 least his parents coming in is to decree, a royal decree of a
31:11 heathen king.
31:12 And you see the same thing taking place in relationship to
31:15 going into captivity into Egypt.
31:17 --The Pharaoh.
31:18 -Yeah the Pharaoh.
31:20 The Pharaoh decreeing yes bring all of your house all of them in
31:22 here so every one of these things is paralleling, every one
31:25 of these things is taking us through this, as you said, this
31:28 repeat of the history of Israel.
31:30 --My memory may be wrong on this so correct me if I'm wrong but
31:33 wasn't, didn't Jesus go into Egypt because there was a census
31:39 being taken and wasn't
31:41 --Not into Egypt, no no no, that was into Bethlehem.
31:44 --Into Bethlehem.
31:45 --He went into Egypt because someone was going to harm the
31:47 child.
31:48 --That's right.
31:49 --What about this, I'm stretching, I'm stretching you
31:51 guys now Genesis 12 Abraham the father of, I'm gonna call him
31:56 Israel, he's called out of his father's house.
32:01 And then Christ the Messiah comes from his father's house,
32:04 from the father in heaven.
32:07 --What?
32:08 [Laughter]
32:15 --It's too deep, it's too deep.
32:19 --There is no question that Matthew, let's take it a two
32:22 levels, first of all Jesus is clearly intentionally doing
32:25 this.
32:26 This is not just serendipitously occurring, oh look at that,
32:29 willy nilly, it just happened to match up 40 days, Joseph.
32:32 --Not a coincidence.
32:34 --Jesus is intentionally purposefully doing this for a
32:38 reason and the reason is to send a message, a clear message that
32:42 he is Israel.
32:45 Now that sounds a little strange to us because we think of Israel
32:47 as a nation.
32:48 But let's remind ourselves that the first person ever called
32:52 Israel was a single person.
32:55 --Jacob.
32:56 --Jacob who won a spiritual victory.
32:58 --Yes.
33:00 --Right a single person that won a spiritual victory.
33:02 And then that grows and becomes the nation of Israel.
33:06 And here we have a single person gaining repeated spiritual
33:10 victories and becomes Israel.
33:12 Now this is a language thing, theological and linguistic that
33:17 I'm very insistent about.
33:19 --Jacob had 12 sons and Jesus had 12 disciples.
33:21 --Of course, there's so many, and I don't mean to cut you off
33:25 there but there's something that we have to be precise about.
33:27 Ok I'm cutting you off, no you cut me off.
33:28 [Laughter]
33:30 And that is that we so often talk about how the church
33:34 replaced Israel.
33:35 You hear this it's sometimes called replacement theology, you
33:38 know, Israel didn't get 'er done and so God raised up the church.
33:40 And so this masks the much larger point.
33:44 God did everything he said he would do in Israel.
33:48 --It's important to understand this.
33:50 --In Israel but Israel was not the nation of Israel, they had
33:53 opportunity, the failed, they failed, they failed, they
33:55 failed, they failed, we went to Isaiah and looked at all those,
33:57 my servant will do this, my servant will do this.
33:58 Isaiah writes with hope, with belief, with anticipation.
34:01 But what happens is the greatest plot twist in all of literature
34:04 God himself becomes, not just a man, but a Jew.
34:09 He becomes Israel step-by-step, point-by-point walks through the
34:12 history of national Israel.
34:14 And so it's not that Israel has been replaced.
34:18 It's that Israel has been fulfilled.
34:21 --And let's just make this point crystal clear, so God
34:22 accomplishes everything he promises to Israel in Jesus
34:27 Christ.
34:28 --There's a verse that says that exactly, it's, it's
34:32 2 Corinthians chapter 1.
34:33 --Is that the yes and amen verse?
34:35 --Yes 2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 20.
34:38 I love this.
34:39 I tell you if this one verse was understood by many of our
34:42 various Christian friends in various places it would, it
34:48 would literally short circuit so much misunderstanding about
34:51 Israel all of this.
34:52 --Where is it?
34:54 --2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 20.
34:55 For all of the promises of God, let's just pause right there
35:00 --The whole testament.
35:01 --The entire Old Testament every promise that God made.
35:03 --And and more specifically Israel's entire history.
35:06 --Exactly and its history in the Proverbs, in the Psalms, in the
35:10 prophecies, in the poems, everything.
35:12 All of the promises of God in him, that's Jesus, are yes.
35:20 And in Him amen to the glory of God
35:24 --Now notice this David, notice this verse 18 but as God is
35:30 --faithful
35:32 --faithful, true, our word or the word of God toward you is
35:35 not yay and, excuse me, was not yay and nay.
35:39 --Yes and no.
35:40 --For the son of God, Jesus Christ who was preached among
35:43 you but us even by Silvanus and Timotheus and was not yes and no
35:50 but in him was yes.
35:52 That's the context of it.
35:53 God is faithful, the word has been preached, the promises have
35:57 been fulfilled.
35:58 All of it is established in Christ.
36:00 --That's right.
36:01 --No I'm reading these with new glasses.
36:03 This is so clear in the context of all these Old Testament
36:07 verses.
36:08 --The first time I ever read and understood this book I read an
36:11 entire book that was based on this single verse right here
36:16 2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 21.
36:17 It was called The Israel of God in Prophecy by Dr. Hans Lara
36:20 dell who's passed away now.
36:21 But there's this major misunderstanding in modern
36:24 chrisiandom that says God is going to do this to national
36:28 Israel.
36:29 I'm talking about right now 2014 Israel.
36:30 And the whole thing is misguided.
36:33 It's not the way that Paul or any New Testament writer
36:36 understood what Israel was.
36:38 --It's already done.
36:39 --It's been done, it was done 2000 years ago.
36:42 Everything that God was going to do, every promise that God made
36:47 is yes.
36:48 But where is it yes?
36:49 It's yes in Jesus.
36:50 --And again it seems like this is just one of those statements,
36:55 these verses just kind of stated.
36:57 And then it gets on to, you know what I'm saying.
36:59 --I see what you're saying.
37:01 --It's understood.
37:02 It's just understood.
37:03 --One of the things.
37:05 --I don't know what direction you want to go here Ty.
37:06 --This is what Silvanus is preaching this is what
37:08 Timotheus, this is what every one of us has been preaching,
37:10 this is the word we've been preaching.
37:12 --The one thing I was gonna mention earlier and I just don't
37:14 want to let it trail in the dust because I think it's important
37:17 is back in Daniel chapter 9, we don't have to turn there.
37:19 We started with the opening of the covenant, we ended with
37:22 someone will come and will keep covenant, will love God with all
37:25 his heart, mind and soul and his neighbor as himself.
37:27 And I loved it a little bit later in Daniel chapter 11 verse
37:31 what is it, you know this 21, 22?
37:32 --Yes.
37:33 --He calls him the prince of the covenant.
37:36 For Daniel I mentioned that, let's see how a Jew was thinking
37:42 about covenant, about Jerusalem, about the Deuteronomy blessings
37:47 and cursing's, the anticipation is of someone who will come.
37:50 They are longing for a faithful Israelite.
37:53 Longing for someone to keep covenant with God.
37:56 --Since you brought up Daniel 11 and there's no way we can break
37:59 down Daniel 11 but I will just say this, Jesus is called the
38:04 prince of the covenant in verse 22.
38:06 And just mention this, this is an area of study that we can get
38:10 into sometime and those who are in this conversation with us.
38:14 But check this out, when we talk about eschatology, end time
38:19 events, the way the closure comes to human history.
38:24 The word covenant show up repeatedly in verse 28 you have
38:28 a power that has moved up against the holy covenant.
38:31 And in verse 30 you have this power that has rage against the
38:36 holy covenant.
38:37 And those who over whom this power exerts influence forsake
38:43 the holy covenant.
38:44 In verse 32 they do wickedly against the covenant.
38:50 And then there's by contrast those who know their God do
38:54 great exploits and as they know their God and carry out great
38:58 exploits what they're doing is they're manifesting, they're
39:02 following through with faithfulness to the covenant in
39:06 an end time setting.
39:07 So we don't have time to get into that.
39:09 I'm just pointing out that end time events even, how many times
39:14 have you ever heard end time events, the prophecies of Daniel
39:17 and Revelation spoken of, taught or preached in the context of
39:22 conflict over the covenant?
39:25 It's foreign to our thinking and the reason why is because we're
39:29 not doing theology and we're not doing eschatology in the direct
39:34 lineage of the historical trajectory of the Old Testament.
39:37 We're not reading the story, we're not reading the story,
39:39 we're jumping to the book of Revelation and we're defining.
39:45 --And with our newspaper in one hand and the book of Revelation
39:47 in the other.
39:48 --And we're not even thinking in terms of the covenant history of
39:52 Israel, its fulfillment in Christ and how the whole thing
39:55 is moving toward a complete realization of covenant
39:59 faithfulness in end time events.
40:01 --Can I, there's something that I know we at this table
40:05 understand.
40:06 But I just want to expressly spell out for those that are
40:08 listening in and that is when we talk a lot about, we talk about
40:11 the covenant, the covenant of course, is the whole history,
40:15 the arrangement that God made originally with Abraham and then
40:17 with his descendants and then ultimately, you know, sort of
40:19 epitomized in the nation of Israel.
40:21 We mentioned earlier that the determinative events that sort
40:25 of defines Israel is the exodus.
40:27 That's God calling his people out.
40:29 He brings them to the mountain and he gives them, he enters
40:31 into this covenant with them.
40:33 And He gives them the sanctuary you might remember a couple of
40:36 sessions ago we said oh the sanctuary but then we never went
40:38 back to it.
40:39 And in the sanctuary, without getting into too much detail
40:42 that we can go into as much as we want.
40:43 I just want to make this one point.
40:45 In the sanctuary was this most holy place piece of furniture in
40:50 the Israelite system and that was the Ark of the Covenant, the
40:54 Ark of the Covenant.
40:56 Listen to the language, most holy.
40:57 It was placed in the most holy place.
41:00 And what's inside of that thing?
41:01 The encapsulation, that which epitomizes and distills the
41:05 covenant, that's the Ten Commandments which is to say you
41:09 just go down them 1, 2, 3, 4 the first tablet or you know 5, 6,
41:12 7, 8, 9, 10 the second and that is supreme love for God and
41:16 authentical love for man.
41:18 So this is the standard and by the way you have, this is what I
41:20 like to say, you have the big 1, the big 2 and the big 10.
41:24 The big 1 is love, the big 2 is love for God, love for man and
41:28 the big 10 is the Ten Commandments and then you have
41:30 further, you know, the rest of the law and then you have,
41:33 that's what Jesus did.
41:36 There was never a time in Jesus' entire life where it was not
41:40 true that he was not loving God with all of his heart, mind and
41:43 soul.
41:44 And there's never an opportunity, just go read the
41:45 New Testament.
41:46 Read the gospels where Jesus is dismissive or unkind or cruel to
41:50 another person.
41:52 He kept covenant with God.
41:57 He was the very thing hoped for and longed for anticipated.
42:01 Wow.
42:03 --That's why I love this thing in Daniel 9 which I'd love to
42:05 get back to just share a little thought but I know we're out of
42:07 time on this session.
42:09 --Can we come back to that?
42:10 That's where we'll come back after the break.
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43:13 James I think you were gonna take us back to Daniel 9?
43:16 --Daniel 9 because this whole new covenant thinking is just
43:19 beautiful and powerful especially when you recognize
43:21 that it is the landscape of the book of Daniel.
43:25 The whole book of Daniel is written in this new covenant
43:27 language so when you come to Daniel 9:24 Gabriel has come and
43:32 answered Daniels prayer.
43:33 He's going to give him more understanding of this prophecy
43:36 of Daniel 8, this 2300 day prophecy and in Daniel 9:24 he
43:40 begins to give him this insight, this understanding.
43:43 And he begins by saying this 70 weeks are determined or cut off
43:48 determined upon by thy people and thy holy seed.
43:50 In other words, your people Daniel, the Jews, the Jewish
43:53 nation, the Hebrews are going to have a time allotted to them.
43:56 It's a prophetic time of 70 weeks and that time is going to
43:59 be allotted and in that time they need to do, now notice
44:03 this,
44:05 --It's quite a list.
44:06 --Finish transgression, make sin, make reconciliation for
44:09 iniquity and I like this because it's transgression, sin,
44:13 iniquity, it's the whole bucket right there everything's there.
44:15 Every aspect of our depravity is there to bring in everlasting
44:20 righteousness to seal up the vision and the prophecy and to
44:23 anoint the most holy.
44:24 There are 7 things they need to accomplish now I like to ask
44:26 people when I preach on this prophecy I like to ask them did
44:28 Israel accomplish these 7 tasks in the allotted time?
44:34 --Yes and no.
44:35 --Ok most of the time people say no.
44:39 And my second question that I ask them in response to that is,
44:43 the second question I ask them is where they supposed to?
44:48 Were the literal Israelites supposed to accomplish those
44:52 tasks?
44:53 And the answer is yes as long as you're allowed to define what
44:55 that means.
44:56 And the answer to that.
44:57 --You guys are no remembering where in the first Table Talk 13
45:02 parts I said hey remember we dealt with, Daniel 9 and we
45:06 struggled with it.
45:07 --I don't remember that I'm still not getting it.
45:09 [Laughter]
45:10 And the answer the obvious answer in the context of the way
45:12 that most people think, not the way that you're thinking, not
45:15 the way that we've established this general direction.
45:17 But the way that most people think the answer is no.
45:20 God never intended that they would be the ones that would
45:24 fulfill this because notice verse 25 know therefore and
45:28 understand.
45:29 There's something that he's about to say in verse 25 that
45:32 you've got to understand in the context of the 70 weeks which is
45:36 490 prophetic days or 490 literal years.
45:42 There's something you need to understand and know in the
45:45 context of these tasks that need to be fulfilled and what is
45:47 that?
45:49 Well this is what it is known therefore and understand that
45:50 from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to
45:53 build Jerusalem until the Messiah the prince shall be how
45:57 long?
45:58 7 weeks and 3 score and 2 weeks.
46:00 --69 weeks.
46:03 --Ok you've got 70nweeks this is what needs to be done,
46:05 pause for a second.
46:06 Think about that.
46:07 Take it all in.
46:08 --I see it and it's powerful.
46:10 --Know and understand that in 69 weeks Messiah's coming.
46:13 --Why did he say 70?
46:14 --Yeah before the 70 weeks is up covenant is kept.
46:17 --Exactly and it's kept by Jesus because you can't keep it.
46:20 You have failed and failed and failed and failed and failed and
46:23 failed and failed.
46:24 --That's right.
46:26 --And this time he will
46:27 --The Messiah will succeed.
46:30 --Do you see that?
46:31 --Yes I see it.
46:32 --So he has to come before the 70 weeks.
46:33 He has to because you've only got 70 weeks.
46:35 --Is this true or not you guys?
46:37 It had to be Jesus which is to say it had to be God in the
46:42 incarnation because one of the 7 tasks that has to be performed
46:46 is to make reconciliation, atonement.
46:50 --By the way, by the way.
46:53 --Human beings can't make atonement for their sins.
46:56 --They can't do any of this, transgression, sins, all of
46:59 these things by the way, are fulfilled in Christ, New
47:03 Testament.
47:04 You can find phrase, verses, everything.
47:05 --The language.
47:07 --The language is all there.
47:08 --James I'm so deeply resonant with this idea that it's before
47:12 the 70 weeks has to be.
47:13 So otherwise we couldn't, Paul couldn't say well we just read
47:17 that he says in 2 Corinthians 1:20 that all the promises of
47:19 God are yes.
47:20 He could say all except for that one Daniel 9 couldn't do it.
47:25 Now here's something that I wanted to bring up there is and
47:27 we're gonna, you know, we got, praise God we have another what
47:30 7 sessions or 6 sessions or whatever it is?
47:32 Because I'm sure we'll get to some of this but I just want to
47:35 say here that this is a key transition.
47:38 Daniel understands it and when we come to the New Testament we
47:41 see Jesus and I don't want to go too deep I'm just gonna go
47:44 surface because I know you want to get into something.
47:46 Jesus in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to a lesser
47:50 degree John but especially in the synoptic is consistently
47:53 setting himself in a very interesting kind of antagonism
47:58 to the temples, to the temple.
48:00 He's setting himself over and against the temple.
48:02 Because the temple was always the central place where God was
48:06 doing what God was doing on earth, right?
48:08 The Shekinah was in the most holy place.
48:10 This is the place where God's doing what he's doing on earth.
48:12 It's the tabernacle of meeting.
48:13 It's the place and yet when Jesus comes Jesus knows that
48:16 that temple has been so misused, misunderstood and abused that he
48:19 actually goes in and there's huge significance here.
48:23 He cleanses the temple of all the money changers and
48:25 everything that are in there, casts them out.
48:28 You've made my father's house a den of thieves but here's the
48:30 interesting thing, they say who do you think you are?
48:33 Who gives you the authority to do this?
48:34 And then his response is very interesting he says you destroy
48:37 this temple and in 3 days I'll raise it up.
48:40 What?
48:41 They're like it took 46 years to build this how could that be?
48:42 Here's one for instance where Jesus is setting himself in just
48:47 a position and even in contrast to the temple because the temple
48:51 has been the main center of what God is doing on earth and yet he
48:54 knows that's passing away.
48:56 Well how does he know it's passing away?
48:57 Because of this very prophecy.
48:59 Daniel 9 parallels 2 events, the coming of Messiah, the rejection
49:05 of Messiah, the coming and the rejection of the Messiah and the
49:08 destruction of the city.
49:09 So the end of a thing and the beginning of a thing.
49:12 The Messiah rejected, city destroyed, Messiah rejected,
49:15 city destroyed 3 times Messiah rejected, city destroyed and in
49:19 each of these instances Jesus is trying to redirect.
49:21 You could almost feel the desperation in the New Testament
49:23 in the gospels.
49:25 Where he's like hey you see this thing there's not going to be 2
49:28 stones left upon another that won't be throne.
49:31 Get your eyes, I'm telling you this, this is not the thing.
49:35 And we could get into more detail there but just this idea
49:38 that this is the passing of a thing.
49:41 It's the end of an era but it's the beginning of an era.
49:45 And it's not without huge significance that when Jesus
49:47 dies on the cross you know Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani why have
49:50 you forsaken me.
49:52 The veil of the temple, the place, the location where God is
49:55 doing what God is doing on earth is torn.
49:57 God says ok we're done with that.
49:59 That system, that system is over now because the thing has come.
50:04 And this is all rooted in Daniel.
50:08 --Shadow reality. --Shadow reality.
50:09 Shadow meet reality.
50:10 --So basically Jesus was saying I am the temple.
50:11 --That's exactly what he was saying.
50:12 --What was the point of the temple?
50:13 The temple is a place where people can encounter the
50:15 presence of God.
50:16 It's a connecting link between heaven and earth.
50:18 --John
50:19 --And yet that's Jesus.
50:20 He comes for that purpose.
50:23 --I mentioned that you see Jesus setting himself in opposition
50:26 and sort of juxtification to the temple and primarily in Matthew,
50:29 Mark and Luke but John in John 1 does make the point, very
50:33 profoundly, that he came and tabernacled among us.
50:36 It's a very purposeful.
50:37 He pitches his tent with us.
50:39 This was an intentional work.
50:42 --Make that connection there, it's going right back to Exodus.
50:45 --It's going right back to the exodus.
50:48 I mean there is, I just feel like we're children swimming in
50:51 the ocean right now.
50:52 --It's deep.
50:53 I mean look at, just look at this one verse, just this one
50:55 verse.
50:57 In relation to what we just read in Daniel, look at this one
50:59 verse it's in Romans chapter 5 we're just touching on it,
51:02 Romans chapter 5 and Paul is summarizing, because you know
51:07 Romans, I mean he's just digging into the Old Testament, all
51:09 through Romans he's digging into the Old Testament.
51:11 He talks about the story of Abraham and Sarah in Romans
51:14 chapter 4, He gives the big picture of our depravity in
51:16 Romans 1 and 2, talks about the gospel.
51:18 Romans 5 he begins here in verse 6 for when we were yet without
51:23 strength, ok, that is the realization that Daniel is
51:26 bringing forth.
51:28 We have no strength we have no righteousness, in due time.
51:31 Now that is a direct reference to a specific prophetic time,
51:35 due time, in the Greek it actually means in the proper
51:38 time or the set time.
51:39 At the right time Christ died for the ungodly.
51:42 He's referring here I think back to the Daniel time prophesy, for
51:45 scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure
51:48 for a good man some would even dare to die, verse 8 but God
51:50 commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet
51:52 sinners, Christ died for us.
51:54 Now notice this in verse 9 much more then, being now justified
51:58 by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
52:02 For if, when, verse 10, we were enemies, we were reconciled to
52:07 God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we
52:10 shall be saved by his life.
52:12 He shall, it says right here in Daniel chapter 9 he is going to
52:15 make reconciliation for iniquity.
52:18 Paul has got to be quoting directly from the prophecy of
52:21 Daniel and applying it to Jesus.
52:23 --I love that at the right time.
52:25 --Yes in due time.
52:26 It wasn't willy nilly and we see in the gospels Jesus will sneak
52:30 away when a crowd comes, when they try to make him....
52:33 --the time has not yet come.
52:34 --Yes, the time has not yet come, but then in the garden
52:37 they come with, you know, the swords and the clubs and all of
52:40 that.
52:41 He essentially says man I was teaching in the temple every
52:44 day, let's go.
52:45 And he willingly goes because he knows, he actually says, one
52:48 place he says my time is at hand.
52:50 --By the way, real quick, you mentioned that he's gotta be
52:53 quoting from Daniel, right, then you begin to see that there's,
52:56 there's so many little things that are said that are in direct
53:00 reference to this prophecy.
53:02 For example verse 27 says he will confirm a covenant.
53:05 During that last stage of his earthly life.
53:09 Fast forward Matthew 26 he's with his disciples, they're
53:14 partaking of the bread and the wine, of the juice that
53:16 represents his blood and he says this is the blood of the new
53:20 covenant.
53:21 At the exact same time
53:23 --he knows it he knows it.
53:24 --He knows what it is.
53:25 --By the way that's the only place, if I'm not mistaken that
53:28 the word covenant occurs in all of Matthew, the only place.
53:30 --Is that right?
53:31 --Yep, he knew that his death was the ratification, the
53:35 sealing of the covenant of Daniel 9.
53:37 But there in Daniel 9, we've got to look at this because this
53:41 covering is not only forward to Romans but it's going to loop us
53:46 back to Abraham.
53:47 --verses 26 and 27 Ok so in the 5 minutes we have remaining
53:52 we're back in Daniel chapter 9 and the way that Jesus fulfills
53:58 covenant is by a very specific means.
54:01 Verse 26 and after 62 weeks Messiah shall be cut off but not
54:08 for himself and then the language follows up in verse 27
54:12 he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week thus
54:16 bringing an end to sacrifice.
54:19 Ok that's verses 26 and 27 this language specifically is
54:23 referring back, again, to Abraham.
54:26 Genesis chapter 15 remember we looked at Genesis 15 and God
54:31 specifically entered into covenant with Abraham by having
54:35 Abraham cut into 3 animal sacrifices and then both God in
54:43 the form of a flaming torch and Abraham passed between the
54:47 pieces in order to form covenant with one another.
54:51 This language is so beautiful that Messiah shall be cut off.
54:56 Essentially what it's saying is that Jesus, in order to keep
55:01 covenant, will follow through to experience this cutting off or
55:07 this sundry, this separation when he cries out on the cross
55:12 "My God my God why have you forsaken me?"
55:15 Jesus is experiencing all the dark psychological and emotional
55:19 horror of the separation that comes between God and falling
55:26 human beings apart from salvation.
55:28 This is astounding.
55:30 --So he's taking upon us of thousands of years of covenant
55:35 infidelity and he's taking it upon himself.
55:37 --And he's following through to keep covenant to remain faithful
55:42 but you remember in Genesis 15 the covenant the symbolism, let
55:46 me slow down here, the symbolism of cutting the animals into and
55:50 passing between the pieces was a formal ritualistic oath.
55:58 It was a way of saying may it be done as it's done to these
56:03 animal sacrifices if I don't follow through to keep my word.
56:07 --But he did.
56:09 --Yeah Jesus did.
56:10 He follows through to keep God's word and he makes atonement for
56:13 our unfaithfulness to the covenant on the human end of the
56:18 spectrum.
56:19 We didn't keep covenant so he has to be severed.
56:21 He has to be cut off.
56:23 --That's why since not for himself.
56:25 --Isn't the word there, that's right?
56:27 --Forgive me if I'm wrong about this but isn't the language
56:29 there the exact same language the cutting into pieces?
56:32 --It is.
56:33 --The passing through the pieces that's the idea.
56:35 It's the very same word.
56:37 --Not only that but in the New Testament it talks about people
56:40 who are lost in Matthew 24 for example and it talks about them
56:44 being cut off.
56:47 It talks about it in the context of them being cut off.
56:48 In other words
56:50 --You mean the Old Testament.
56:51 --In the New Testament too.
56:52 --Oh ok got it.
56:53 --In the New Testament it bores that same phrase, that's what
56:54 we're talking about the idea that the New Testament is born
56:56 from the Old Testament.
56:57 Christ tasted what will be the experience, the reality of those
57:03 who reject this covenant experience, what God has
57:08 accomplished for them, Christ tasted that because that cut off
57:11 phrase is used to apply to those who reject.
57:14 --Now David I just want to point out here you mentioned the
57:17 language, the word covenant in Daniel 9:27 he shall confirm the
57:21 covenant, the word covenant is bareth in the Hebrew and the
57:26 word literally means to cut asunder or to cut in pieces.
57:32 And that is exactly the same word that is used in Genesis 15
57:36 verse 18 on that day when this sacrifice was made.
57:40 On that day the Lord made a covenant, bareth.
57:43 It's the same exact word a cutting of the pieces will take
57:48 place.
57:49 There is just this infinite scale of suffering that will be
57:53 endured by God in Christ in order to save the human race.
57:59 --The depth of this, again, I just feel like a child swimming
58:03 in the ocean here.
58:04 To sort of put the picture together, at least for my mind,
58:07 I just want to say that what Jesus has done and has
58:14 accomplished is so remarkable, so intentional, so perfect that
58:20 he just is worthy of our worship.
58:22 We had a moment and it wasn't on camera here it was off camera
58:26 but when the camera's went off we were like.
58:27 We were freaking out, like this is true this is awesome.
58:31 Jesus was a genius, you know we were just like having a worship
58:33 moment right there.
58:34 And we so often, that's right, we so often think oh worship.
58:37 Ok somebody cue the band and we'll worship.
58:41 This is worship man.
58:42 --It is.
58:43 --Understanding, studying, conversing, fellowshipping, this
58:48 is, I love it there in Malachi 3 where it says that a book of
58:51 remembrance was written before the Lord when people thought
58:54 upon His name.
58:55 That's what we're doing right now.
58:57 We are thinking about the goodness of God in Christ, his
59:00 covenant faithfulness.
59:01 And this is an act of worship.
59:03 And it's an experience of worship.
59:05 --We're essentially saying that when we begin to see God for who
59:09 God really is He becomes extremely attractive.
59:13 We're drawn to Him.
59:15 He's beautiful in our eyes because there is beauty in
59:19 covenant faithfulness.
59:22 This is a response that's right.


Revised 2014-12-17