[Music] 00:00:00.26\00:00:10.30 [Music] 00:00:10.30\00:00:21.13 >>As the conversation continues in this particular conversation 00:00:21.13\00:00:25.06 we want to be talking about the end of all things, which is 00:00:25.06\00:00:29.56 really the beginning of the thing that God originally 00:00:29.56\00:00:32.53 intended. 00:00:32.53\00:00:33.80 We've been spending quite a lot of time sort of developing what 00:00:33.80\00:00:36.00 went wrong. 00:00:36.00\00:00:37.20 Fortunately we started off with the things that were going 00:00:37.20\00:00:40.30 right. 00:00:40.30\00:00:41.53 But as we've already mentioned scripture opens in Eden and 00:00:41.53\00:00:44.46 closes in Eden. 00:00:44.46\00:00:45.83 And as we move now in this conversation to the restoration 00:00:45.83\00:00:49.40 of all things and that end which is really a beginning we've had 00:00:49.40\00:00:53.93 a lot of things we want to talk about. 00:00:53.93\00:00:55.53 We want to talk about the role of the spirit. 00:00:55.53\00:00:57.40 We want to talk about resurrection because we've spent 00:00:57.40\00:00:59.80 quite a bit of time on the cross. 00:00:59.80\00:01:01.20 And then we want to talk about the restoration itself. 00:01:01.20\00:01:04.60 So I think maybe a good place for us to begin would sort of be 00:01:04.60\00:01:07.33 at this topic of the resurrection, which, as you've 00:01:07.33\00:01:11.20 mentioned Jeffrey in the past that there is historical extra 00:01:11.20\00:01:16.83 biblical and intrabiblical evidence for this as an event of 00:01:16.83\00:01:20.86 history. 00:01:20.86\00:01:22.06 Not just a theological construct but Jesus literally lived, 00:01:22.06\00:01:25.70 literally died, was literally buried and literally rose from 00:01:25.70\00:01:28.63 the dead. 00:01:28.63\00:01:29.36 And if that's true, right? 00:01:29.36\00:01:31.33 Then the Christian faith is true and this is really, really good 00:01:31.33\00:01:34.86 news not just good advice as you've said Ty. 00:01:34.86\00:01:37.20 So let's talk about the resurrection and where do we 00:01:37.20\00:01:40.30 want to go from there. 00:01:40.30\00:01:41.43 >>Well in the context of where we left off in our last 00:01:41.43\00:01:44.00 conversation the resurrection is of huge significance in the 00:01:44.00\00:01:49.76 light of what we discussed about the cross because we suggest--we 00:01:49.76\00:01:54.23 said very clearly and showed in scripture that Jesus experienced 00:01:54.23\00:02:00.20 not merely the first death but the second death. 00:02:00.20\00:02:03.80 And we defined the second death as absolute destruction and 00:02:03.80\00:02:09.30 annihilation that is an experience that will be had by 00:02:09.30\00:02:14.93 incorrigibly evil, unrepentant human beings that move beyond 00:02:14.93\00:02:20.30 the possibility of salvation. 00:02:20.30\00:02:22.66 We commonly refer to this event as the destruction of the 00:02:22.66\00:02:25.93 wicked. 00:02:25.93\00:02:26.90 >>Or hell. 00:02:26.90\00:02:27.63 >>Or hell that's right. 00:02:27.63\00:02:28.96 >>Fire, ok. 00:02:28.96\00:02:29.96 >>So if Jesus experienced the second death. 00:02:29.96\00:02:32.30 >>I know where you are going. 00:02:32.30\00:02:34.46 >>Yeah, why is he alive? 00:02:34.46\00:02:35.83 If the second death is annihilation that second death 00:02:35.83\00:02:39.43 is the full wages of sin, a death from which there is no 00:02:39.43\00:02:42.80 resurrection as we talked about then how can he possibly come 00:02:42.80\00:02:46.63 through that and emerged on the other side in the resurrection. 00:02:46.63\00:02:53.00 >>So I'm assuming that you not only are gonna propose the 00:02:53.00\00:02:57.26 question but you are gonna give us at least some direction by 00:02:57.26\00:02:59.80 way of an answer. 00:02:59.80\00:03:01.13 >>I would like to initiate the answer by simply pointing out 00:03:01.13\00:03:04.96 that in John chapter 10, look at John chapter 10 I don't want to 00:03:04.96\00:03:09.86 just refer to it. 00:03:09.86\00:03:10.76 We need to look at this one. 00:03:10.76\00:03:11.93 I was thinking about just referring to it but no John 00:03:11.93\00:03:13.53 chapter 10, let's look at verse 18 and I'll read the verse and 00:03:13.53\00:03:20.03 then we'll look back to the implications here for what 00:03:20.03\00:03:23.70 happened at the cross. 00:03:23.70\00:03:25.10 No one, Jesus says, takes it, that is my life from me but I 00:03:25.10\00:03:28.83 will lay it down of myself. 00:03:28.83\00:03:30.80 I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it up 00:03:30.80\00:03:34.80 again--to take it again. 00:03:34.80\00:03:37.20 This command I have received from my father. 00:03:37.20\00:03:40.53 So Jesus is here foretelling, prophesying of his resurrection 00:03:40.53\00:03:45.20 but he's prophesying of his resurrection on the premise of 00:03:45.20\00:03:50.70 something the father revealed to him. 00:03:50.70\00:03:53.93 The father has indicated that I will be resurrected. 00:03:53.93\00:03:57.56 There were a number of times when Jesus told the disciples I 00:03:57.56\00:04:00.80 will be resurrected. 00:04:00.80\00:04:02.26 >>That's right. 00:04:02.26\00:04:03.56 >>Ok but then as we saw in scripture when reality--when 00:04:03.56\00:04:06.90 reality really came into play regarding the sins of the world 00:04:06.90\00:04:11.90 upon him in Gethsemane straight through to the cross Jesus was 00:04:11.90\00:04:17.43 enveloped in an impenetrable darkness psychologically. 00:04:17.43\00:04:21.30 >>Psalm 88. 00:04:21.30\00:04:22.56 >>Psalm 88 I am shut up in the lowest pit in darkness in the 00:04:22.56\00:04:26.16 deep of this death from which there is no remembrance of me 00:04:26.16\00:04:31.60 and in verse 8 I am shut up and I can't get out. 00:04:31.60\00:04:34.20 I don't see resurrection for myself beyond. 00:04:34.20\00:04:37.00 But here's the amazing thing. 00:04:37.00\00:04:39.26 In that darkness Jesus had previously told Peter that if I 00:04:39.26\00:04:47.23 wanted to I could call to the father and he would send 12 00:04:47.23\00:04:50.33 legions of angels to deliver me. 00:04:50.33\00:04:52.63 So Jesus wasn't trapped. 00:04:52.63\00:04:55.30 His back wasn't against a wall. 00:04:55.30\00:04:57.93 It was a voluntary sacrifice, which is in the first line of 00:04:57.93\00:05:01.86 verse 18 here. 00:05:01.86\00:05:03.03 No one takes my life from me. 00:05:03.03\00:05:04.70 I lay it down of myself. 00:05:04.70\00:05:06.76 >>Another way to say that a very simple way to say that would be 00:05:06.76\00:05:09.50 you can't kill God. 00:05:09.50\00:05:11.06 >>That's right. 00:05:11.06\00:05:12.33 >>Nobody can come to God and hey I'm taking your life from you. 00:05:12.33\00:05:14.86 >>So this is a voluntary sacrifice, right? 00:05:14.86\00:05:17.26 He's giving his life and because he's giving his life at the 00:05:17.26\00:05:22.90 cross Jesus is experiencing something that is a 00:05:22.90\00:05:29.30 manifestation of his love in the most extreme possible 00:05:29.30\00:05:34.33 circumstances that love could be put to the test. 00:05:34.33\00:05:36.93 ecause he can't see life for himself beyond this darkness so 00:05:36.93\00:05:40.56 he is essentially making a totally conscious decision to 00:05:40.56\00:05:44.36 save man at any cost to himself. 00:05:44.36\00:05:46.96 >>Beautiful. 00:05:46.96\00:05:48.53 >>Any cost absolutely any cost what's the absolute? 00:05:48.53\00:05:50.76 Any cost? 00:05:50.76\00:05:53.66 His own eternal life he's willing to give. 00:05:53.66\00:05:56.56 And having made that decision his love conquered death at the 00:05:56.56\00:06:03.30 most fundamental level of selfishness and therefore the 00:06:03.30\00:06:08.03 grave couldn't hold him. 00:06:08.03\00:06:09.30 So Jesus goes into the grave and the father doesn't resurrect him 00:06:09.30\00:06:12.56 by fiat or by some kind of arbitrary command. 00:06:12.56\00:06:17.86 He has a perfect right to come forth from the grave by virtue 00:06:17.86\00:06:23.13 of the fact that he died without the stain of sin upon him. 00:06:23.13\00:06:28.66 He never yielded to selfishness. 00:06:28.66\00:06:31.36 He died in love and having done so he's resurrected by virtue of 00:06:31.36\00:06:37.06 that victory that he gained at the cross. 00:06:37.06\00:06:40.76 >>Wow that really brings out a powerful thought because 00:06:40.76\00:06:43.46 understanding that concept it helps me to recognize why it was 00:06:43.46\00:06:49.03 when he was on the cross that 3 times he was tempted to save 00:06:49.03\00:06:52.46 himself. 00:06:52.46\00:06:53.83 If you remember the Jews came to him, the thief on the cross came 00:06:53.83\00:06:56.93 to him and the soldier said to him save yourself, save 00:06:56.93\00:07:00.56 yourself, save yourself. 00:07:00.56\00:07:01.73 And I imagine as you've explained this Ty that they were 00:07:01.73\00:07:04.93 inspired the devil by Satan himself because he knew that if 00:07:04.93\00:07:10.20 he could not get Christ to yield to the principle of selfishness 00:07:10.20\00:07:14.56 that death could not hold him because death is the consequence 00:07:14.56\00:07:18.20 of sin and selfishness. 00:07:18.20\00:07:20.46 >>Could you say that death had no legitimate right to keep 00:07:20.46\00:07:26.90 Jesus? 00:07:26.90\00:07:28.50 >>Yes. 00:07:28.50\00:07:29.63 >>I love that language. 00:07:29.63\00:07:30.93 >>Yeah there was a legal dimension to that great 00:07:30.93\00:07:32.70 controversy as we've mentioned previously in Jesus has 00:07:32.70\00:07:35.20 prevailed. 00:07:35.20\00:07:36.00 He's victorious. 00:07:36.00\00:07:37.20 The book Desire of Ages which I love which is a narrative 00:07:37.20\00:07:41.80 commentary on the life of Christ there's a statement that just is 00:07:41.80\00:07:46.83 always with me when I think about the cross and it describes 00:07:46.83\00:07:51.26 it like this it says love and selfishness stood face to face 00:07:51.26\00:07:57.40 that's at the cross love and selfishness stood face to face 00:07:57.40\00:08:01.40 in mortal combat and love gained the victory. 00:08:01.40\00:08:06.23 That's what's happening at Calvary so Jesus goes into the 00:08:06.23\00:08:09.23 grave and he comes forth on the third day as a rightful victor. 00:08:09.23\00:08:16.73 He is in fact victorious over hell and death. 00:08:16.73\00:08:22.20 In Revelation chapter 1:18 says that he has metaphoric and 00:08:22.20\00:08:28.06 symbolic language the keys of hell and of death. 00:08:28.06\00:08:31.40 >>I was thinking of this that very verse a couple of months 00:08:31.40\00:08:35.40 ago when I had the really sad experience of watching my mother 00:08:35.40\00:08:40.20 in law die. 00:08:40.20\00:08:41.46 And I have never been in the room in a room with somebody 00:08:41.46\00:08:47.16 that was literally breathing their last. 00:08:47.16\00:08:48.80 Even my grandfather I wasn't present and other family 00:08:48.80\00:08:51.73 members. 00:08:51.73\00:08:52.86 I had never been present until a couple of months ago. 00:08:52.86\00:08:55.80 And I remember that when she passed away I began to think 00:08:55.80\00:09:00.36 immediately about the resurrection--resurrection she 00:09:00.36\00:09:03.20 dies early. 00:09:03.20\00:09:04.26 She had cancer. 00:09:04.26\00:09:05.20 It started with breast cancer. 00:09:05.20\00:09:06.53 We found a lump and then immediately followed up with a 00:09:06.53\00:09:10.30 mastectomy and then a lot of, you know. 00:09:10.30\00:09:12.13 >>Procedures. 00:09:12.13\00:09:14.66 >>Yeah procedures and juicing and all kinds of things that we 00:09:14.66\00:09:16.90 can do and the cancer moved from to the liver and then it moved 00:09:16.90\00:09:23.23 to the spinal cord and then eventually it went to the brain. 00:09:23.23\00:09:27.36 And to see the effects of death and the effects of sin in that 00:09:27.36\00:09:34.10 sin is what brings death into this world. 00:09:34.10\00:09:37.56 I remember thinking about that verse you just quoted how Jesus 00:09:37.56\00:09:40.06 has the keys for Revelation 1:18 and I was after they came and 00:09:40.06\00:09:45.00 took the body away I was sitting on the carpet in that very room 00:09:45.00\00:09:49.20 where she had passed away and I was just writing. 00:09:49.20\00:09:50.80 And I remember I wrote down that in this very room Jesus was here 00:09:50.80\00:09:56.43 and he was dangling the keys in the devils face. 00:09:56.43\00:10:01.26 That Christ conquered death and that is a powerful statement to 00:10:01.26\00:10:06.76 Satan and now that Christ has conquered death we have nothing 00:10:06.76\00:10:11.73 to fear because the tomb is empty. 00:10:11.73\00:10:14.53 >>Well think about the symbolism Jeffrey. 00:10:14.53\00:10:16.73 He has the keys of hell and of death in Revelation 1:18 the 00:10:16.73\00:10:21.13 implication is that he had to acquire them. 00:10:21.13\00:10:25.03 He had to achieve something in order to get them right? 00:10:25.03\00:10:30.60 And what does this mean then but that Jesus was conqueror over 00:10:30.60\00:10:38.96 the principles that set the great controversy into motion 00:10:38.96\00:10:44.53 the principle namely of sin and evil and selfishness. 00:10:44.53\00:10:47.56 And the devil as we've talked about, Satan, the fallen angel 00:10:47.56\00:10:53.63 Lucifer is the one who initiated the death process so Hebrews 2 00:10:53.63\00:10:57.63 and verse 14 says in as much then as the children. 00:10:57.63\00:11:01.36 >>Are you there? 00:11:01.36\00:11:02.63 >>Really. 00:11:02.63\00:11:03.76 >>In as much then as the children have partaken of flesh 00:11:03.76\00:11:06.63 and blood he himself, that's Jesus likewise shared in the 00:11:06.63\00:11:10.03 same that through death he might destroy him who had the power of 00:11:10.03\00:11:15.36 death. 00:11:15.36\00:11:16.33 >>Or the keys of death. 00:11:16.33\00:11:18.86 >>That, yeah, that is the devil. 00:11:18.86\00:11:20.16 So this is--this is a--this is a victory test Jesus has conquered 00:11:20.16\00:11:26.40 the devil and in so doing he conquered death. 00:11:26.40\00:11:28.43 >>And in verse 15. 00:11:28.43\00:11:29.73 >>So do it verse 15 go--go--go James. 00:11:29.73\00:11:32.50 >>And delivered them who through fear of death were all their 00:11:32.50\00:11:35.46 lifetime subject to bondage. 00:11:35.46\00:11:37.36 I love that. 00:11:37.36\00:11:38.63 I like to think of it this way what do you guys think of this? 00:11:38.63\00:11:41.10 The devil has as it were 3 primary weapons at his disposal. 00:11:41.10\00:11:46.06 Now this is an oversimplification but tell me 00:11:46.06\00:11:48.06 if you like this. 00:11:48.06\00:11:48.96 The devil has 3 tools at his disposal. 00:11:48.96\00:11:52.00 One is sin which he wields very capably tempting us etc. But 00:11:52.00\00:11:57.10 then the results of sin or what sin eventuates then is death. 00:11:57.10\00:12:00.83 So he has sin, which is a sword, he can use temptation. 00:12:00.83\00:12:04.43 Then he has death. 00:12:04.43\00:12:05.96 And then he has the fear of death. 00:12:05.96\00:12:08.33 And so Jesus he gets each of those. 00:12:08.33\00:12:12.03 Number one he doesn't sin. 00:12:12.03\00:12:13.90 He lives a life of perfect relational integrity before God 00:12:13.90\00:12:16.20 and man. 00:12:16.20\00:12:17.23 So sin is now conquered. 00:12:17.23\00:12:19.33 Jesus goes into the tomb as it was and wrestles the keys of 00:12:19.33\00:12:23.70 death from Satan's hand and comes forward and then the 00:12:23.70\00:12:27.56 author of Hebrews point is now there's no more fear. 00:12:27.56\00:12:31.16 He has released you from the fear of death. 00:12:31.16\00:12:34.43 >>I read a book I've just gotta say this it's a book that if 00:12:34.43\00:12:36.86 you've not read it it's an amazing book. 00:12:36.86\00:12:39.23 You like that the fear the death or the sin, death and fear. 00:12:39.23\00:12:44.80 Here's a book you wanna read a book that'll change your life 00:12:44.80\00:12:47.20 and I recommend it to our listeners as well. 00:12:47.20\00:12:49.43 It's called the last words of sinners and saints by Dr. 00:12:49.43\00:12:52.46 Herbert Locure. 00:12:52.46\00:12:54.70 >>And compilation. 00:12:54.70\00:12:56.03 >>Compilation all he did--all he did was he went back and he just 00:12:56.03\00:13:00.16 collected hundreds of instances of the last words of people, 00:13:00.16\00:13:03.63 scientists, actors, kings, politicians, satirists, authors, 00:13:03.63\00:13:10.56 Christians, atheists, and he just assembled them. 00:13:10.56\00:13:13.86 This is the chapter on atheist. 00:13:13.86\00:13:15.26 This is the chapter on actors and you can just go read and I 00:13:15.26\00:13:18.10 would say this if for no other reason but just the opportunity 00:13:18.10\00:13:21.06 to dies with courage and dignity you should become a Christian. 00:13:21.06\00:13:28.93 When you read the way that Christians die and the beauty 00:13:28.93\00:13:31.16 with which they embrace that cold reality. 00:13:31.16\00:13:36.73 >>It's because of that perspective. 00:13:36.73\00:13:38.76 Because Christ. 00:13:38.76\00:13:40.20 >>No fear. 00:13:40.20\00:13:41.00 >>Because he has the keys. 00:13:41.00\00:13:42.23 Can I read a text 'cause you were talking about weapons that 00:13:42.23\00:13:44.30 the devil has 3 weapons and there's sin, death. 00:13:44.30\00:13:46.33 >>You can only read it if it's Colossians chapter 2. 00:13:46.33\00:13:49.00 [Laughter] 00:13:49.00\00:13:51.10 >>Colossians chapter 2. 00:13:51.10\00:13:52.23 >>I'm already there. 00:13:52.23\00:13:53.10 [Laughter] 00:13:53.10\00:13:54.33 >>Well I'm glad I'm the one reading it then because verse 00:13:54.33\00:13:57.00 15. 00:13:57.00\00:13:57.90 >>Yes. 00:13:57.90\00:13:58.86 >>It's astounding. 00:13:58.86\00:14:00.20 >>I don't know I'm a big warrior guy. 00:14:00.20\00:14:03.20 >>Are you? 00:14:03.20\00:14:03.86 >>He's a warrior. 00:14:03.86\00:14:04.70 >>Your muscles are bulging out. 00:14:04.70\00:14:06.46 >>Warrior? 00:14:06.46\00:14:07.60 >>The warrior. 00:14:07.60\00:14:09.30 >>Warrior--Warrior 00:14:09.30\00:14:11.70 >>Grey hair. 00:14:11.70\00:14:13.33 >>No I mean warrior [Laughter] 00:14:13.33\00:14:16.50 >>In verse 15. 00:14:17.50\00:14:18.60 >>I had to clarify that. 00:14:18.60\00:14:20.50 >>I knew that about you. 00:14:20.50\00:14:21.76 >>In verse 15 in Colossians 2 because you were just talking 00:14:21.76\00:14:22.90 about weapons, weapons, weapons it says having disarmed. 00:14:22.90\00:14:26.56 >>There you go yeah, yeah. 00:14:26.56\00:14:29.30 >>Having disarmed ok now he's talking about Jesus because of 00:14:29.30\00:14:32.53 verse 17. 00:14:32.53\00:14:33.30 >>There were weapons? 00:14:33.30\00:14:34.60 >>There's weapons but I don't want to get into the context but 00:14:34.60\00:14:36.73 in verse 14 he's talking about Jesus at the cross verse 15 00:14:36.73\00:14:40.00 having disarmed principalities and powers which is familiar 00:14:40.00\00:14:47.20 Pauline language right? 00:14:47.20\00:14:48.66 We have Ephesians and so forth where he's referring to the 00:14:48.66\00:14:50.43 powers of darkness having disarmed the principalities and 00:14:50.43\00:14:53.73 powers he made a public spectacle of them triumphing 00:14:53.73\00:14:59.56 over them in it. 00:14:59.56\00:15:00.66 And I always like to circle the word it. 00:15:00.66\00:15:03.50 What is the word it referring to? 00:15:03.50\00:15:06.30 But the last verse in the last word in verse 14, the cross. 00:15:06.30\00:15:11.80 So--so--so 00:15:11.80\00:15:12.83 >>My marginal said in himself. 00:15:12.83\00:15:14.73 >>Ok, in himself and at the cross Jesus disarmed 00:15:14.73\00:15:18.66 principalities and powers and he made a public show of them. 00:15:18.66\00:15:22.10 And the picture that I think of is like you know the Alexander 00:15:22.10\00:15:26.43 the Great who comes back after one of his military--one of his 00:15:26.43\00:15:31.16 wars---one of his battles and he comes back and when he enters 00:15:31.16\00:15:34.36 back into his own gates he has the enemy with him and he's 00:15:34.36\00:15:40.23 making a public spectacle of him. 00:15:40.23\00:15:42.16 This is so powerful because we have God hanging on the 00:15:42.16\00:15:46.46 tree--hanging on a cross, naked and beaten and in that act he 00:15:46.46\00:15:51.46 has disarmed the very kingdom of darkness. 00:15:51.46\00:15:57.06 >In an act of what looks like absolute failure. 00:15:57.06\00:16:00.76 >>Defeat--looks like defeat 00:16:00.76\00:16:02.20 >>Good point 00:16:02.20\00:16:03.46 >>In that very act he defeats the kingdom of Satan and that's 00:16:03.46\00:16:06.90 so powerful that's amazing 00:16:06.90\00:16:09.13 >>Because the power that he has is not unlike Alexander the 00:16:09.13\00:16:13.13 Great it's not a power of might or of swords or of strength it's 00:16:13.13\00:16:17.43 a power of love. 00:16:17.43\00:16:20.23 It's a power of selfishness. 00:16:20.23\00:16:21.46 >>So all of the deceptions that we've been talking about--I 00:16:21.46\00:16:23.96 guess we began many conversations ago when we were 00:16:23.96\00:16:25.76 setting the stage about the Bible and the fall, all of those 00:16:25.76\00:16:28.33 deceptions they get nailed to that cross--they get nailed to 00:16:28.33\00:16:32.56 the cross of Jesus and its as God is hanging on the cross he 00:16:32.56\00:16:36.30 is refuting all the accusations of Satan that he's selfish, that 00:16:36.30\00:16:41.10 he's restrictive and so forth and so forth. 00:16:41.10\00:16:43.43 >>The wounded Warrior. 00:16:43.43\00:16:44.46 >>Oh wow, wow. 00:16:44.46\00:16:46.10 >>Not just a Warrior he had been introduced back in Genesis 3 as 00:16:46.10\00:16:50.26 the wounded Warrior. 00:16:50.26\00:16:51.86 You will bite or crush his heel but he will crush your head. 00:16:51.86\00:16:56.13 >>You know what I think that it would be appropriate then having 00:16:56.13\00:17:01.30 mentioned Genesis 3:15 and the language there to just fast 00:17:01.30\00:17:05.96 forward to Romans 16:20 where Paul quotes that same verse. 00:17:05.96\00:17:10.83 He alludes to that language and he's basically saying --well 00:17:10.83\00:17:15.63 basically let's just read it because I'm here. 00:17:15.63\00:17:20.73 >>I love this verse. 00:17:20.73\00:17:21.93 >>Isn't it great--isn't it great? 00:17:21.93\00:17:23.40 >>I love it because of what it calls God. 00:17:23.40\00:17:25.03 It calls him something very special. 00:17:25.03\00:17:27.56 >>The God of peace and the God of peace will crush Satan. 00:17:27.56\00:17:32.43 >>I like that word. 00:17:32.43\00:17:33.60 >>But doesn't that seem like almost 00:17:33.60\00:17:36.53 >>There's tension there. 00:17:36.53\00:17:38.00 >>The God of peace will crush it's almost what? 00:17:38.00\00:17:45.46 >>The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. 00:17:45.46\00:17:47.73 Isn't that something? 00:17:47.73\00:17:50.06 >>Yes perfect because if he's a God of peace he's absolutely 00:17:50.06\00:17:52.40 going to crush Satan. 00:17:52.40\00:17:54.60 >>So the victory of the cross in some way takes on a ongoing 00:17:54.60\00:17:59.53 residual and then finally climactic victory in the church. 00:17:59.53\00:18:03.76 >>That's right. 00:18:03.76\00:18:04.96 >>Yeah so Genesis 3:15 is fulfilled in Christ and then we 00:18:04.96\00:18:12.13 are the recipients and partakers of his victory which is the 00:18:12.13\00:18:17.26 victory of selfless love, other centered love, which then is 00:18:17.26\00:18:21.03 manifested ultimately through human beings and the kingdom of 00:18:21.03\00:18:25.20 darkness comes crashing down on the premise of the cross. 00:18:25.20\00:18:30.30 >>When we come back Ty would you take us through a little bit of 00:18:30.30\00:18:33.20 Ephesians 3 there because you talk about through the church 00:18:33.20\00:18:37.86 that this manifest grand beauty and glory of God will be shown 00:18:37.86\00:18:42.33 in the church. 00:18:42.33\00:18:43.23 >>Yeah let's do that when we come back. 00:18:43.23\00:18:47.13 [Music] 00:18:48.43\00:18:52.13 Announcer: After a tumultuous upbringing Deacon Francis found 00:18:52.13\00:18:54.10 his way into community of loving believers. 00:18:54.10\00:18:57.93 As he grew in his faith Deacon Francis felt a burring desire to 00:18:57.93\00:19:01.83 preach. 00:19:01.83\00:19:03.06 He found his calling to minister among those waiting outside 00:19:03.06\00:19:06.33 Colingalinga Clinic. 00:19:06.33\00:19:07.50 He had gone there early one morning for a medical 00:19:07.50\00:19:10.36 appointment only to find that the clinic didn't open until 00:19:10.36\00:19:13.26 8:00am. 00:19:13.26\00:19:14.70 He found out that patients cued every day prior to the clinic 00:19:14.70\00:19:17.96 opening. 00:19:17.96\00:19:19.23 There Deacon Francis found his flock among the sick, many of 00:19:19.23\00:19:23.20 whom are infected with HIV. 00:19:23.20\00:19:26.40 >>When somebody started out and he has HIV and Aids with the 00:19:26.40\00:19:33.00 people outside they think it is the end of it all. 00:19:33.00\00:19:36.60 They find me. 00:19:36.60\00:19:39.80 They hear my preaching. 00:19:39.80\00:19:41.46 They approach me to say Deacon here is the situation. 00:19:41.46\00:19:45.66 I've been told that I have HIV. 00:19:45.66\00:19:49.76 Me I'm dying. 00:19:49.76\00:19:51.00 Then I just pick it up from there start showing him the love 00:19:51.00\00:19:58.50 of God how God can change his life. 00:19:58.50\00:20:01.56 Announcer: Surprisingly the local authorities welcomed his 00:20:01.56\00:20:06.10 visits. 00:20:06.10\00:20:07.53 To this day he preaches to the patients each morning as they 00:20:07.53\00:20:10.96 await treatment utilizing Light Bearers tracts and bible study 00:20:10.96\00:20:14.23 guides as his teaching tools. 00:20:14.23\00:20:17.16 >>Zambian people love to read. 00:20:17.16\00:20:22.40 >>Many people really accept any spiritual material. 00:20:22.40\00:20:28.40 When you go anywhere in Usaka you can stand on a street corner 00:20:28.40\00:20:31.90 with a box of literature and they will literally come from 00:20:31.90\00:20:35.96 the other side of the road to get it if it's for free. 00:20:35.96\00:20:44.56 You'll find them in buses. 00:20:49.56\00:20:51.36 You'll find them in offices just reading that material during 00:20:51.36\00:20:54.33 their break time. 00:20:54.33\00:20:55.60 Announcer: The Discover Bible guides are often people's first 00:20:55.60\00:20:58.50 introduction to Christ. 00:20:58.50\00:21:01.36 The humble tracts act as ambassadors of truth. 00:21:01.36\00:21:04.33 This is how many encounter the love of Jesus and find hope in 00:21:04.33\00:21:07.90 their time of need. 00:21:07.90\00:21:11.80 Announcer: To partner with Light Bearers in spreading the gospel 00:21:14.23\00:21:16.40 visit us online at lightbearers.org or call us toll 00:21:16.40\00:21:20.40 free at 1-877-585-1111. 00:21:20.40\00:21:25.13 You can also write to us at Light Bearers 37457 Jasper 00:21:25.13\00:21:29.70 Lowell Road, Jasper, OR 97438. 00:21:29.70\00:21:41.36 >> I love Deacon Francis. 00:21:47.00\00:21:48.60 This guy devoting his life to standing in front of that 00:21:48.60\00:21:53.13 hospital--that place where the sick and the dying are coming 00:21:53.13\00:21:58.63 and he spends his early mornings handing out bible studies and 00:21:58.63\00:22:04.36 evangelizing people, sharing the gospel with them and building 00:22:04.36\00:22:09.16 the church of Christ on earth. 00:22:09.16\00:22:11.53 Now David you suggested before we took our break that we go to 00:22:11.53\00:22:16.66 Ephesians chapter 3. 00:22:16.66\00:22:18.06 And the reason why is because we were in Romans 16:20 and we saw 00:22:18.06\00:22:21.73 that the apostle Paul alluding to Genesis 3:15 said that the 00:22:21.73\00:22:26.50 church will be the medium that through which Christ will 00:22:26.50\00:22:30.63 finally crush Satan under his feet through the church. 00:22:30.63\00:22:36.96 Well Ephesians chapter 3 and verse 10 talks about how this 00:22:36.96\00:22:41.63 takes place verse 10 to the intent that now the manifold 00:22:41.63\00:22:46.10 wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the 00:22:46.10\00:22:50.50 principalities and powers in the heavenly places. 00:22:50.50\00:22:55.13 >>Principalities and powers. 00:22:55.13\00:22:56.83 >>Yeah principalities and powers were back to Colossians 2:15 00:22:56.83\00:23:00.60 >>It's the universal language. 00:23:00.60\00:23:02.86 >>According to the eternal purpose, which he 00:23:02.86\00:23:04.46 accomplished--accomplished--done deal in Christ Jesus our Lord. 00:23:04.46\00:23:09.10 This is amazing the church is the vehicle for the replication 00:23:09.10\00:23:14.03 if you will of the victory that Christ gained at the cross. 00:23:14.03\00:23:17.36 >>And it even says here that God is trying to make something 00:23:17.36\00:23:21.63 known to the universe and it's through human beings, through 00:23:21.63\00:23:25.30 the church that that lesson is going to be demonstrated. 00:23:25.30\00:23:30.46 >>Jeffrey in a previous conversation I think it was or 00:23:30.46\00:23:33.66 maybe just in this conversation weren't you referring to the 00:23:33.66\00:23:38.13 Holy Spirit coming as Christ departs. 00:23:38.13\00:23:42.03 It was a previous conversation. 00:23:42.03\00:23:44.66 >>John 00:23:44.66\00:23:45.93 >>Yeah the Holy Spirit now comes into the world for the formation 00:23:45.93\00:23:50.10 and development of the church--for the empowering of 00:23:50.10\00:23:52.36 the church to execute its mission. 00:23:52.36\00:23:55.13 Yeah so 00:23:55.13\00:23:56.40 >>Well it was remember in John 16 where Jesus was telling his 00:23:56.40\00:24:01.43 church--his followers that its to their advantage that he goes 00:24:01.43\00:24:05.16 away so that the spirit could come. 00:24:05.16\00:24:08.43 And in another text in John 7 it says that the spirit had not 00:24:08.43\00:24:12.10 come fully yet because Christ had not yet been glorified. 00:24:12.10\00:24:14.63 So there's a link there between Jesus and the Spirit. 00:24:14.63\00:24:17.80 >>Do you think it would be theologically, biblically 00:24:17.80\00:24:20.96 accurate to say that the victory that Jesus gained at the cross 00:24:20.96\00:24:24.43 was the catalyst for the coming of the Holy Spirit? 00:24:24.43\00:24:30.60 >>Absolutely. 00:24:30.60\00:24:31.86 >>Post Calvary--after the cross the Holy Spirit comes by virtue 00:24:31.86\00:24:35.00 of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. 00:24:35.00\00:24:37.50 >>Of course we were talking about how every member of the 00:24:37.50\00:24:39.36 Godhead is utterly selfless. 00:24:39.36\00:24:43.46 The father points to the Son and the Spirit is basically a lens 00:24:43.46\00:24:51.76 that magnifies what Jesus has done. 00:24:51.76\00:24:54.40 Jesus points back to his father but the spirit is like a lens to 00:24:54.40\00:24:59.43 magnify the work of Jesus so it makes perfect, logical sense 00:24:59.43\00:25:03.93 that Christ does his work and then what follows after 00:25:03.93\00:25:07.26 that--that's necessary for the spirit then to come and apply 00:25:07.26\00:25:10.90 what Christ has done to humanity. 00:25:10.90\00:25:13.70 >>Individual basis. 00:25:13.70\00:25:15.50 >>We weren't there. 00:25:15.50\00:25:16.50 We were not at Calvary. 00:25:16.50\00:25:18.60 We weren't present when that happened. 00:25:18.60\00:25:20.26 How do we enter into an experience where we interact 00:25:20.26\00:25:24.23 with the cross of Calvary? 00:25:24.23\00:25:25.43 It's in the person of the spirit. 00:25:25.43\00:25:27.30 He's the connecting link that allows us to interact with the 00:25:27.30\00:25:31.53 implications of Calvary. 00:25:31.53\00:25:33.06 >>Jesus literally say that when the Holy Spirit comes he will 00:25:33.06\00:25:36.16 not speak of himself but he will glorify me--he will magnify 00:25:36.16\00:25:42.03 Jesus and the victory that Jesus gained at cross on our behalf. 00:25:42.03\00:25:47.60 I love the fact that in Romans 5 picking up on the Holy Spirits 00:25:47.60\00:25:52.00 ministry that the apostle Paul says in slightly different 00:25:52.00\00:25:57.36 language he says verse 5 now hope does not disappoint because 00:25:57.36\00:26:01.20 the love of God--the love of God has been poured out in our 00:26:01.20\00:26:06.70 hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. 00:26:06.70\00:26:10.50 So the Holy Spirits ongoing ministry after the cross is to 00:26:10.50\00:26:15.56 continually pour out into human hearts a magnified sense of the 00:26:15.56\00:26:22.06 love of God manifested in Christ at Calvary. 00:26:22.06\00:26:26.33 >>You know there's always this question as to why is it that in 00:26:26.33\00:26:31.80 the New Testament it's all about the Spirit and the Spirit and 00:26:31.80\00:26:33.96 the pouring down the day of Pentecost. 00:26:33.96\00:26:35.23 When you read the Old Testament it seems a bit quiet in regard 00:26:35.23\00:26:38.26 to the Spirit. 00:26:38.26\00:26:39.53 But that's exactly the point I was trying to make earlier is 00:26:39.53\00:26:43.13 that when you read the Old Testament the presence of Jesus 00:26:43.13\00:26:46.03 is veiled as well. 00:26:46.03\00:26:48.76 It's in shadow but in the New Testament as Jesus pumps up the 00:26:48.76\00:26:52.56 volume so to speak and reveals himself more fully only then 00:26:52.56\00:26:56.73 does the Spirit come and reveals himself more fully because his 00:26:56.73\00:27:01.20 point is simply to magnify what Christ has done. 00:27:01.20\00:27:04.76 >>That's good. 00:27:04.76\00:27:05.86 >>So Jesus pumps up the volume. 00:27:05.86\00:27:07.56 The Holy Spirit by necessity has to pump up the volume because 00:27:07.56\00:27:11.80 he's just simply magnifying or revealing what Christ is 00:27:11.80\00:27:17.36 actually doing. 00:27:17.36\00:27:18.60 >>Now we've talked about how that Jesus suffered at Calvary 00:27:18.60\00:27:22.73 and suffers because of the sin problem. 00:27:22.73\00:27:25.66 We've talked about how the father also suffers. 00:27:25.66\00:27:29.80 But Jesus and the father suffer as members of the triune love 00:27:29.80\00:27:35.36 relationship between father, son and Holy Spirit. 00:27:35.36\00:27:38.00 Is there biblical evidence that the Holy Spirit also is involved 00:27:38.00\00:27:43.20 in the suffering that is the result of the sin problem and 00:27:43.20\00:27:47.40 the impact that it's had on our world? 00:27:47.40\00:27:50.20 Does the Holy Spirit also experience suffering? 00:27:50.20\00:27:53.40 >>I think the answer is yes we can say certainly the answer is 00:27:53.40\00:27:58.50 yes because he's a member of the Godhead and God is love. 00:27:58.50\00:28:02.66 >> At least indirectly, at least the bare minimum. 00:28:02.66\00:28:04.76 >>But I would go to a passage in Romans 8 I don't know if that's 00:28:04.76\00:28:08.43 what you're thinking 00:28:08.43\00:28:09.36 >>That's exactly what I was thinking. 00:28:09.36\00:28:10.76 >>Romans 8 then Romans 8 is we were just talking at one of the 00:28:10.76\00:28:14.80 breaks there how there are just certain passages in your 00:28:14.80\00:28:17.50 preaching ministry and in your study that you just gravitate 00:28:17.50\00:28:20.40 toward and I think we are all in agreeance that 2 Corinthians 5 00:28:20.40\00:28:24.36 is big for us. 00:28:24.36\00:28:25.33 Romans 8 is huge for me. 00:28:25.33\00:28:27.00 Romans 8 is one of those passages that I mean I will 00:28:27.00\00:28:30.73 probably read dozens of times a year. 00:28:30.73\00:28:33.53 Now certainly dozens--it's just I just go here. 00:28:33.53\00:28:35.63 I'm like a magnet to Romans 8 I just and especially in the wake 00:28:35.63\00:28:41.96 of the earthquake I was in Christ Church, New Zealand 00:28:41.96\00:28:44.96 February 22 when the earthquake struck right down town, hundreds 00:28:44.96\00:28:49.80 of people ended up dying in that earthquake and I was there. 00:28:49.80\00:28:53.66 The building was doing--it was a really traumatic experience not 00:28:53.66\00:28:58.83 so much because I was afraid for my life. 00:28:58.83\00:29:00.96 I actually had peace through the whole thing but just to see this 00:29:00.96\00:29:04.03 beautiful, quaint little English city, English type city just 00:29:04.03\00:29:09.93 devastated in 20 seconds. 00:29:09.93\00:29:11.83 And I was asked the next Sabbath so the earthquake happened 00:29:11.83\00:29:16.80 February 22 I think it was a Monday or a Tuesday I don't 00:29:16.80\00:29:19.10 remember the exact day. 00:29:19.10\00:29:20.33 The following Sabbath I was asked to preach in the church, 00:29:20.33\00:29:24.40 now that's a tall order. 00:29:24.40\00:29:26.00 Preaching at funerals that's a tall order but you're gonna go 00:29:26.00\00:29:28.10 preach their town is devastated the Christ Church Cathedral 00:29:28.10\00:29:31.00 which is the icon of their city devastated. 00:29:31.00\00:29:33.30 The CBD Central Business District devastated. 00:29:33.30\00:29:35.46 I mean you have hundreds dead they're still searching for 00:29:35.46\00:29:38.66 survivors at this point and they say would you come preach to us 00:29:38.66\00:29:42.96 Pastor? 00:29:42.96\00:29:44.36 That's a tall order so like the magnet when it came time for me 00:29:44.36\00:29:49.30 to preach I'm going to Romans 8 in that situation. 00:29:49.30\00:29:52.53 And in Romans 8 I'll just kind of quickly race through this 00:29:52.53\00:29:56.00 here. 00:29:56.00\00:29:57.13 Paul basically says in verse 18 for I consider that the 00:29:57.13\00:29:59.43 sufferings of this present time which I thought was a perfect 00:29:59.43\00:30:02.70 lead in for the situation there, the sufferings of this present 00:30:02.70\00:30:07.43 time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which 00:30:07.43\00:30:09.30 shall be revealed in us, Paul says. 00:30:09.30\00:30:11.63 Paul I love here what he says because he's not diminishing our 00:30:11.63\00:30:15.63 sufferings. 00:30:15.63\00:30:17.26 He's not causing us or asking us to deny the reality of suffering 00:30:17.26\00:30:21.33 in the world. 00:30:21.33\00:30:22.56 But what he is saying is that by comparison suffering cannot 00:30:22.56\00:30:25.43 compete with glory. 00:30:25.43\00:30:27.93 Then in verse 19 for the earnest expectation of the creation and 00:30:27.93\00:30:32.96 this gets into where we are going Ty with this restoration 00:30:32.96\00:30:34.86 of all things eagerly waits for the sons of God. 00:30:34.86\00:30:38.83 So Paul's point here is that the destiny of the earth and the 00:30:38.83\00:30:43.73 destiny of humanity are wrapped together. 00:30:43.73\00:30:45.76 Symbolically Christ, Adam rather is made of the earth. 00:30:45.76\00:30:50.10 The meek shall inherit the earth. 00:30:50.10\00:30:51.90 We sometimes think yeah the earth, the earth. 00:30:51.90\00:30:54.20 But God is redeeming the earth. 00:30:54.20\00:30:57.33 God is redeeming all of us. 00:30:57.33\00:30:59.73 He's redeeming the universe. 00:30:59.73\00:31:01.30 >>In fact when we talk about quote unquote going to heaven 00:31:01.30\00:31:04.00 and eternal life according to Revelation 21 and 22 heaven 00:31:04.00\00:31:08.80 turns out to be a merger of heaven and earth. 00:31:08.80\00:31:12.16 Actually the redeemed are going to live here forever-on earth 00:31:12.16\00:31:15.06 renewed. 00:31:15.06\00:31:16.50 >>So let me--that's right so let me just race through this the 00:31:16.50\00:31:19.20 creation was subjected to futility. 00:31:19.20\00:31:21.70 This is the fall not willingly but because of him who subjected 00:31:21.70\00:31:24.73 it but there was always hope, in hope. 00:31:24.73\00:31:26.83 Because the creation itself will be delivered from the bondage of 00:31:26.83\00:31:30.60 corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 00:31:30.60\00:31:33.20 And maybe we could just pause there and appreciate just how 00:31:33.20\00:31:36.96 far removed this earth is whether environmentally, 00:31:36.96\00:31:40.43 militarily, socially, familiarly from the earth that God 00:31:40.43\00:31:44.93 intended. 00:31:44.93\00:31:46.03 I mean the thing is just falling apart at the seems. 00:31:46.03\00:31:48.16 You all know that I'm a bird watcher. 00:31:48.16\00:31:49.43 I love birds. 00:31:49.43\00:31:50.66 And I go out to watch birds and my family is really into it. 00:31:50.66\00:31:53.63 I could spend the next hour or two talking to you about the 00:31:53.63\00:31:57.10 various avian tragedies that have taken place just in the 00:31:57.10\00:32:00.83 last hundred years. 00:32:00.83\00:32:02.33 I mean the earth is waxing old like a garment. 00:32:02.33\00:32:06.70 Not just in the birds but in the--biologists actually say 00:32:06.70\00:32:10.96 that birds perhaps more than any other single species are an 00:32:10.96\00:32:14.36 indicator species because they are migratory. 00:32:14.36\00:32:16.96 So if your bird populations start going down significantly 00:32:16.96\00:32:20.63 something's wrong. 00:32:20.63\00:32:21.76 That's the world that we live in. 00:32:21.76\00:32:23.76 the world is falling a part and the creation itself pulses. 00:32:23.76\00:32:26.40 He personifies creation here as groaning as just this isn't the 00:32:26.40\00:32:31.20 way it's supposed to be. 00:32:31.20\00:32:32.73 Verse 22 for the whole creation groans and labors with birth 00:32:32.73\00:32:37.30 pains together until now and that'll be a passage familiar to 00:32:37.30\00:32:39.73 us because Jesus spoke about that didn't he. 00:32:39.73\00:32:43.13 He said all of this is the beginning of birth pains. 00:32:43.13\00:32:45.50 >>I couldn't help to think about Jeffrey when you said 00:32:45.50\00:32:47.46 groaning---groaning----ohhh--bec ause we've been 00:32:47.46\00:32:49.80 experiencing----ohhh, ohh so you know there's a lot of pain 00:32:49.80\00:32:52.26 there. 00:32:52.26\00:32:53.06 Something's wrong. 00:32:53.06\00:32:53.90 >>I'm only 30 and I'm groaning so. 00:32:53.90\00:32:55.30 >>Something's wrong. 00:32:55.30\00:32:58.06 >>You're groaning. 00:32:58.06\00:32:59.33 >>I love the metaphor of birth pains because birth pains are 00:32:59.33\00:33:01.06 intentional, they're directional and here's the best part, they 00:33:01.06\00:33:04.46 end in new life. 00:33:04.46\00:33:07.70 So it's this beautiful picture that the earth waxing old as a 00:33:07.70\00:33:11.26 garment. 00:33:11.26\00:33:11.90 It's actually birth pains. 00:33:11.90\00:33:12.90 It's not the end of a thing. 00:33:12.90\00:33:14.63 >>The end is just the beginning. 00:33:14.63\00:33:15.80 >> It's the beginning of a thing. 00:33:15.80\00:33:17.23 Ok now here's the point and not only that but we also who have 00:33:17.23\00:33:22.56 the first fruits of the spirit, even we ourselves, Christians, 00:33:22.56\00:33:25.43 Jeffry and others. 00:33:25.43\00:33:26.40 We groan within ourselves. 00:33:26.40\00:33:28.33 What are we groaning for? 00:33:28.33\00:33:29.46 Because our back aches, because our head aches? 00:33:29.46\00:33:31.53 Not so much. 00:33:31.53\00:33:32.83 That's a product of it but primarily because we are eagerly 00:33:32.83\00:33:34.80 waiting for the redemption of our body. 00:33:34.80\00:33:38.56 So now don't miss that he says the creation is groaning and 00:33:38.56\00:33:42.50 then he says even we Christians are groaning, longing for 00:33:42.50\00:33:45.83 something better. 00:33:45.83\00:33:46.83 Now watch this for we are saved in this hope. 00:33:46.83\00:33:49.60 The hope that something better is coming. 00:33:49.60\00:33:51.16 But hope that is seen is not hope for why does one hope for 00:33:51.16\00:33:54.00 what he sees but if we hope for what we do not see we eagerly 00:33:54.00\00:33:57.73 wait for it. 00:33:57.73\00:33:58.93 He uses that word 3 times, eager, we're eager, we're eager. 00:33:58.93\00:34:01.56 Now watch this verse 26 likewise the spirit also helps in our 00:34:01.56\00:34:06.66 weaknesses. 00:34:06.66\00:34:07.86 For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought to 00:34:07.86\00:34:11.90 but the spirit himself makes intercession for us with 00:34:11.90\00:34:14.56 groaning that cannot be uttered. 00:34:14.56\00:34:16.20 Now just let that settle in on you and I remember when I 00:34:16.20\00:34:20.23 preached that day in Christ Church I said look not only is 00:34:20.23\00:34:22.00 creation itself groaning heaving in quakes such as this but 00:34:22.00\00:34:26.46 people are groaning and even we as Christians groan. 00:34:26.46\00:34:29.93 We long for a better experience whether in our families or in 00:34:29.93\00:34:33.03 our bodies or in our spirits. 00:34:33.03\00:34:34.33 Human beings are groaning. 00:34:34.33\00:34:35.50 We live on a broken planet. 00:34:35.50\00:34:37.36 And I love this when we don't know what to say or how to pray 00:34:37.36\00:34:40.46 or how to groan Paul says that the spirit himself he comes 00:34:40.46\00:34:44.53 along side us in the spirit groans with us, beside us and 00:34:44.53\00:34:50.33 for us things that can't be uttered. 00:34:50.33\00:34:54.20 >>Yes. 00:34:54.20\00:34:55.20 >>Verse 27 because he is searching our hearts. 00:34:55.20\00:34:57.96 >>That's right. 00:34:57.96\00:34:59.23 >>So he's groaning because he's searching our hearts along side 00:34:59.23\00:35:02.00 us because he's searching our hearts and knows the mind. 00:35:02.00\00:35:04.60 I love that. 00:35:04.60\00:35:05.53 It's beautiful. 00:35:05.53\00:35:06.76 >>Groaning is a fascinating word--what kind of words would 00:35:06.76\00:35:10.46 be synonyms for groaning? 00:35:10.46\00:35:12.63 Groaning is a manifestation of internal agony that is expressed 00:35:12.63\00:35:18.43 in an audible way but without vocabulary I guess. 00:35:18.43\00:35:24.26 It's just what does it mean to groan? 00:35:24.26\00:35:26.76 It means to suffer. 00:35:26.76\00:35:28.23 So the Holy Spirit is suffering? 00:35:28.23\00:35:30.96 The Holy Spirit feels the suffering that impacts our 00:35:30.96\00:35:35.66 world. 00:35:35.66\00:35:36.40 >>Of course. 00:35:36.40\00:35:37.66 >>The actual Greek is to sigh or to murmur which is [deep breath 00:35:37.66\00:35:42.16 let out] 00:35:42.16\00:35:43.86 >>That's right. 00:35:44.56\00:35:45.83 >>You know it's what we do when we're feeling something anxed 00:35:45.83\00:35:47.26 anguish, heartache. 00:35:47.26\00:35:48.70 That's what we do. 00:35:48.70\00:35:49.70 >I love that. 00:35:49.70\00:35:50.60 I love that. 00:35:50.60\00:35:51.80 The reason I love that and everything you're saying about 00:35:51.80\00:35:53.73 groaning is because often times the Spirit is viewed as this 00:35:53.73\00:35:57.46 energy. 00:35:57.46\00:35:58.53 >>Yes. 00:35:58.53\00:35:59.80 >>This light, this essence that kind of floats in the air but 00:35:59.80\00:36:03.13 you're giving us its emotion. 00:36:03.13\00:36:05.86 >>The Holy Spirit is a person, a being. 00:36:05.86\00:36:09.80 >>When you read the book of Acts and we're doing, praise God our 00:36:09.80\00:36:11.96 convocation is going to be on the book of Acts. 00:36:11.96\00:36:14.73 Or have already been done by the time these go. 00:36:14.73\00:36:17.43 But the whole thing when you read through the book of Acts 00:36:17.43\00:36:19.73 you cannot escape the fact that the Spirit is a person. 00:36:19.73\00:36:22.23 I mean he just keeps showing up. 00:36:22.23\00:36:24.26 The Spirit said and it felt good to us, it seemed good to us and 00:36:24.26\00:36:27.70 to the Spirit and you've lied to the Spirit. 00:36:27.70\00:36:30.23 He's mysterious. 00:36:30.23\00:36:31.83 >>Admittedly. 00:36:31.83\00:36:33.10 >>But a person as much as the father and the son are persons. 00:36:33.10\00:36:37.63 >>Totally. 00:36:37.63\00:36:38.86 >>Yeah I think that the idea that the father, son and Holy 00:36:38.86\00:36:42.76 Spirit are all suffering is grounded and centered in the 00:36:42.76\00:36:46.86 idea that God is love isn't it? 00:36:46.86\00:36:48.30 >>That's right. 00:36:48.30\00:36:49.56 >>Because love is the means by which suffering occurs if you 00:36:49.56\00:36:56.90 don't love you don't suffer. 00:36:56.90\00:37:00.43 Right? 00:37:00.43\00:37:01.56 The more I remember Jeffry you just mentioned recently 00:37:01.56\00:37:05.03 witnessing the passing of your mother in law and that just 00:37:05.03\00:37:09.73 brought me right back to my own experience as a young man a 00:37:09.73\00:37:14.86 number of years ago witnessing the death of my mother. 00:37:14.86\00:37:18.43 She was very young. 00:37:18.43\00:37:20.16 She was only 42 and for a period of nearly 2 years Sue and I 00:37:20.16\00:37:25.86 ministered to her physical needs and just watched her deteriorate 00:37:25.86\00:37:31.13 and die. 00:37:31.13\00:37:32.76 And it was--it was painful, it was emotionally painful but 00:37:32.76\00:37:37.23 think about this we, I'm speaking of the immediate 00:37:37.23\00:37:40.53 content just Sue and I, we're fallen, jaded, dysfunctional 00:37:40.53\00:37:46.26 human beings and we find it painful to witness the suffering 00:37:46.26\00:37:52.76 of someone we love with all the love we have but with still a 00:37:52.76\00:37:57.63 broken limited love. 00:37:57.63\00:37:59.50 God's love is infinite and therefore infinitely sensitive 00:37:59.50\00:38:04.50 right? 00:38:04.50\00:38:05.36 >>Yes. 00:38:05.36\00:38:06.50 >>So God's suffering must be in magnitude far beyond any 00:38:06.50\00:38:12.43 suffering that any human beings have ever experienced right? 00:38:12.43\00:38:18.36 >>Totally. 00:38:18.36\00:38:19.33 >>Let me put a trivia question to you guys. 00:38:19.33\00:38:21.46 What is the first thing that Paul says about love in the love 00:38:21.46\00:38:26.20 chapter, do you remember? 00:38:26.20\00:38:27.53 When he goes into his description in verse 4 00:38:27.53\00:38:30.40 >>Love is. 00:38:30.40\00:38:33.60 >>Do you remember it? 00:38:33.60\00:38:34.43 Suffers long. 00:38:34.43\00:38:35.66 The very first, and the word there is patience which comes 00:38:35.66\00:38:36.93 from the Latin to suffer which is why you can understand why 00:38:36.93\00:38:39.93 that word would become related, why we would call doctors 00:38:39.93\00:38:42.43 patients--patients. 00:38:42.43\00:38:43.93 He's a patient because he's suffering. 00:38:43.93\00:38:46.36 And we suffer when we wait. 00:38:46.36\00:38:49.43 We want something now so patience and suffers long or 00:38:49.43\00:38:53.90 long suffering sometimes--that's all the same etymology there. 00:38:53.90\00:38:57.26 So I love when you say God suffers the most because he 00:38:57.26\00:39:01.46 loves the most and the first thing that Paul says when he's 00:39:01.46\00:39:04.16 gonna tell us what love is and what love isn't he says oh 00:39:04.16\00:39:07.86 love---oh love suffers long. 00:39:07.86\00:39:09.80 >>And it's kind. 00:39:09.80\00:39:11.40 >>So love feels? 00:39:11.40\00:39:12.76 >>Of course it does. 00:39:12.76\00:39:14.83 >>By its very nature love feels what others feel. 00:39:14.83\00:39:18.56 I mentioned that book Desire of Ages at one point and there's a 00:39:18.56\00:39:23.03 statement in the book that stands out to me it says not a 00:39:23.03\00:39:25.00 sigh is breathed, not a pain is felt, not a throb vibrates or 00:39:25.00\00:39:29.90 not a throb pierces the heart but the throb vibrates to the 00:39:29.90\00:39:33.33 father's heart. 00:39:33.33\00:39:34.76 I think I got that a little bit wrong but the idea is in all our 00:39:34.76\00:39:38.73 afflictions he is afflicted. 00:39:38.73\00:39:40.96 God suffers in our suffering. 00:39:40.96\00:39:44.90 >>You know what's even more powerful I think in my mind and 00:39:44.90\00:39:48.60 I see this in the story of David and Absalom. 00:39:48.60\00:39:50.96 We have a tendency as human beings to put up walls to some 00:39:50.96\00:39:55.76 degree so that we don't suffer and we put those walls up with 00:39:55.76\00:39:59.00 intention and with evidence. 00:39:59.00\00:40:01.63 Oh that's a bad person, that's a bad person, that's a bad person, 00:40:01.63\00:40:04.46 wall goes up and they suffer and we don't feel it as much because 00:40:04.46\00:40:10.00 we don't need to, they're not related to us, they're not nice 00:40:10.00\00:40:12.20 people, whatever. 00:40:12.20\00:40:13.80 But God doesn't put up those walls. 00:40:13.80\00:40:15.43 God's love remains extended to every member of the human family 00:40:15.43\00:40:20.96 and when you look at David he was nearly overcome with grief 00:40:20.96\00:40:25.26 toward a son who had not only rebelled against him but wanted 00:40:25.26\00:40:28.43 to kill him. 00:40:28.43\00:40:29.26 >>It's a picture of the heart of God. 00:40:29.26\00:40:30.43 >>Well it reminds me of the story of the prodigal son 00:40:30.43\00:40:32.20 because when you think about the story of the prodigal son and I 00:40:32.20\00:40:35.46 don't know how much time we have left this segment but that is a 00:40:35.46\00:40:37.40 story where this son comes to his father and basically says 00:40:37.40\00:40:40.96 drop dead. 00:40:40.96\00:40:44.30 >>We have to go to. 00:40:44.30\00:40:45.43 >>We have to--we have to. 00:40:45.43\00:40:47.13 >>And yet the father when you see David with Absalom he's so 00:40:47.13\00:40:51.73 overcome with grief when he hears that Absalom is dead that 00:40:51.73\00:40:54.60 he wishes he would have died in his stead. 00:40:54.60\00:40:57.46 And that is the cross to me that is the essence of the love of 00:40:57.46\00:41:01.60 the father for all humanity. 00:41:01.60\00:41:03.40 We see this in the picture of the prodigal son. 00:41:03.40\00:41:06.16 >>Yes 00:41:06.16\00:41:07.36 >>I love that James God is always emotionally open never 00:41:07.36\00:41:10.70 emotionally closed. 00:41:10.70\00:41:12.06 He always feels what we feel. 00:41:12.06\00:41:14.03 Let's just keep exploring this in our final segment but we do 00:41:14.03\00:41:16.76 need to take a break and then we're come right back. 00:41:16.76\00:41:19.80 Announcer: Every human heart needs a deep abiding sense of 00:41:19.80\00:41:24.70 God's love, joy and peace. 00:41:24.70\00:41:27.10 With multiplied millions in print Secrets of Peace is in 00:41:27.10\00:41:30.83 constant demand as a timeless treasure of spiritual insight. 00:41:30.83\00:41:35.16 For your free copy call 877-585-1111 or write to Light 00:41:35.16\00:41:41.06 Bearers 37457 Jasper Lowell Road, Jasper, OR 97438. 00:41:41.06\00:41:47.60 Once again for your free copy of Secrets of Peace call 00:41:47.60\00:41:51.70 877-585-1111 or write to Light Bearers 37457 Jasper Lowell 00:41:51.70\00:41:59.33 Road, Jasper, OR 97438. 00:41:59.33\00:42:02.36 Simply ask for Secrets of Peace. 00:42:02.36\00:42:06.73 >>Everything--everything in the Bible Old Testament, New 00:42:06.73\00:42:15.40 Testament everything points to the heart of God. 00:42:15.40\00:42:17.93 Everything reveals to him the love of God. 00:42:17.93\00:42:19.60 This parable of the lost son is so powerful to me in fact in my 00:42:19.60\00:42:23.76 Bible version here on this IPad it says here the parable of the 00:42:23.76\00:42:27.83 lost son I would say the parable of the lost world. 00:42:27.83\00:42:30.73 >>Where are you at? 00:42:30.73\00:42:32.06 >>Acts or Luke 15. 00:42:32.06\00:42:33.30 >>Ok 00:42:33.30\00:42:34.03 >>That's kind of 00:42:34.03\00:42:34.66 >>Prodigal son. 00:42:34.66\00:42:35.93 >>Prodigal son excuse me that's kind of where we left off at our 00:42:35.93\00:42:38.13 break. 00:42:38.13\00:42:39.33 The parable of the lost son, the parable of the lost world. 00:42:39.33\00:42:41.56 And we look here at a man who had these two sons and the 00:42:41.56\00:42:44.73 younger said to him--to his father verse 12 Luke 15 give me 00:42:44.73\00:42:49.30 the portions of goods that falls to me. 00:42:49.30\00:42:51.43 The phrase that's out there is that falls to me at your death. 00:42:51.43\00:42:56.50 In other words I want my inheritance, which is something 00:42:56.50\00:42:59.76 that they were to get when the father died. 00:42:59.76\00:43:01.73 What he's basically saying is you know I'd kind of like to 00:43:01.73\00:43:04.60 have my inheritance right now I wish you were dead. 00:43:04.60\00:43:06.30 Drop dead. 00:43:06.30\00:43:07.56 >>And even though you're alive I don't want to hang out with you 00:43:07.56\00:43:09.30 any more I'm out of here. 00:43:09.30\00:43:10.60 >>I'm out of here. 00:43:10.60\00:43:12.43 That's us. 00:43:12.43\00:43:13.26 That's the world. 00:43:13.26\00:43:14.40 >>Self-centeredness. 00:43:14.40\00:43:15.90 >>And the picture the beautiful picture that we have here is the 00:43:15.90\00:43:17.93 picture of the father. 00:43:17.93\00:43:19.20 The father who not only gives, gives, gives but longs, longs, 00:43:19.20\00:43:22.40 longs, waits, waits, waits and then after the prodigal goes 00:43:22.40\00:43:26.96 through and wastes all this money in this far country with 00:43:26.96\00:43:30.03 this luxurious living and has nowhere to go but to a pig sty 00:43:30.03\00:43:34.66 and thinks about in a very misunderstood sense that his 00:43:34.66\00:43:41.13 father might be merciful to him by making him a servant. 00:43:41.13\00:43:45.03 In other words totally misunderstands even the heart of 00:43:45.03\00:43:47.93 his father. 00:43:47.93\00:43:49.20 Heads back with this very small understanding of the goodness of 00:43:49.20\00:43:52.30 his father, heads back to the father and the father sees him a 00:43:52.30\00:43:55.53 long ways off. 00:43:55.53\00:43:57.00 >>Beautiful. 00:43:57.00\00:43:58.23 >>Runs to meet him which was very questionable for a Jew to 00:43:58.23\00:44:02.50 do an elderly Jewish man to do but he just lays aside his 00:44:02.50\00:44:07.76 garment, lays aside all 00:44:07.76\00:44:09.43 >>And his pride. 00:44:09.43\00:44:11.20 >>Of his pride, everything and just goes after the son, wraps 00:44:11.20\00:44:13.76 his arms around him, restores him fully to son ship, gives him 00:44:13.76\00:44:17.90 a robe, gives him a ring, makes a feast. 00:44:17.90\00:44:19.73 >>Restores I love that. 00:44:19.73\00:44:21.13 >>Restores and that's the point. 00:44:21.13\00:44:22.76 Restoration. 00:44:22.76\00:44:23.90 Complete restoration takes place not because the son, the 00:44:23.90\00:44:27.26 prodigal son is worthy of any of it. 00:44:27.26\00:44:29.33 Not because he can say well dad I didn't spend everything I've 00:44:29.33\00:44:32.13 got here a little bit of money that I can give you. 00:44:32.13\00:44:33.83 I'm gonna make it up to you I'm going to be a servant. 00:44:33.83\00:44:35.40 I'm going to earn that money back. 00:44:35.40\00:44:38.03 No. 00:44:38.03\00:44:39.30 There was nothing that he could do but simply throw himself at 00:44:39.30\00:44:41.03 the mercy of his father. 00:44:41.03\00:44:42.30 >>Sounds to me like the story of the prodigal son should be the 00:44:42.30\00:44:46.00 story of the prodigal father. 00:44:46.00\00:44:48.16 The word prodigal just means lavish and wasteful and of 00:44:48.16\00:44:54.20 course the son was wasteful he took everything the father gave 00:44:54.20\00:44:57.46 him and he just poured it out in lavish luxurious living as you 00:44:57.46\00:45:02.46 said. 00:45:02.46\00:45:03.63 But there's a sense in which there's the father who is 00:45:03.63\00:45:07.56 extending and pouring out himself in a lavish way upon the 00:45:07.56\00:45:13.73 son and I guess even from an outside perspective in a 00:45:13.73\00:45:20.00 wasteful way. 00:45:20.00\00:45:21.33 But from the father's aspect. 00:45:21.33\00:45:22.83 >>It certainly seemed that way to the older brother. 00:45:22.83\00:45:24.20 >>Yeah to the older brother for sure. 00:45:24.20\00:45:25.40 But from the fathers perspective there's no waste. 00:45:25.40\00:45:28.60 I love my son and I'm going to give everything to have him 00:45:28.60\00:45:33.66 back. 00:45:33.66\00:45:34.93 >>These 3 parables that Jesus tells in Luke 15 that lost coin, 00:45:34.93\00:45:37.83 lost sheep and lost son, every one is both individual and 00:45:37.83\00:45:42.16 universal. 00:45:42.16\00:45:43.43 In other words it's about you as a person, you as a person, you 00:45:43.43\00:45:46.40 as a person, me as a person. 00:45:46.40\00:45:47.40 But it's also about this earth. 00:45:47.40\00:45:49.40 This earth is the lost sheep. 00:45:49.40\00:45:51.30 This earth is the lost coin and this earth is the lost son. 00:45:51.30\00:45:55.20 We are the one and everyone of those things that the father 00:45:55.20\00:45:58.06 does for the son puts a new robe on him, puts a ring on his 00:45:58.06\00:46:02.16 finger, sandals on his feet, kills the fatted calf. 00:46:02.16\00:46:04.60 Every one of those things communicates status, 00:46:04.60\00:46:07.03 reinstatement. 00:46:07.03\00:46:08.30 >>Love it. 00:46:08.30\00:46:10.13 >>So he was that there was no talk of working your way back, 00:46:10.13\00:46:13.83 no, restoration, reinstatement, we're back on plan A. 00:46:13.83\00:46:17.80 >>I'll just be a servant--no you're my son. 00:46:17.80\00:46:20.40 >>What do you mean a servant? 00:46:20.40\00:46:22.16 Yeah. 00:46:22.16\00:46:23.00 Absolutely. 00:46:23.00\00:46:24.26 >>Quit talking like that you're not my servant you are my son. 00:46:24.26\00:46:26.36 And he is received back with enthusiasm and joy. 00:46:26.36\00:46:30.26 >>When the older brother comes up he tries to talk the same 00:46:30.26\00:46:33.43 way, all these years he says I've been serving you and you 00:46:33.43\00:46:36.53 never gave me a little goat to celebrate with my friends and 00:46:36.53\00:46:39.13 the father just in astonishment what? 00:46:39.13\00:46:40.73 >>So he also has the same misconception. 00:46:40.73\00:46:43.53 >>Same mentality, both sons relate to their father--I say it 00:46:43.53\00:46:46.53 this way they're acting like servants when they're really 00:46:46.53\00:46:51.10 sons. 00:46:51.10\00:46:52.43 God has called us to son ship to daughter ship in Christ not 00:46:52.43\00:46:57.13 to--now a servant in a sense but not servant in the earning 00:46:57.13\00:47:01.83 sense. 00:47:01.83\00:47:03.10 >>Right and that's what they're thinking in the earning sense. 00:47:03.10\00:47:05.40 >>In the earning sense. 00:47:05.40\00:47:06.66 >>And in both instances this loops back to where we began in 00:47:06.66\00:47:10.26 these conversations and that's in both instances there relating 00:47:10.26\00:47:16.46 to their father as servants because they have a fundamental 00:47:16.46\00:47:19.73 misconception of the character of their father. 00:47:19.73\00:47:24.23 >>That's right. 00:47:24.23\00:47:25.06 >>Some how they have a distortion. 00:47:25.06\00:47:28.40 A distorted view of him. 00:47:28.40\00:47:30.83 >>You know I was just sitting back here taking in what you 00:47:30.83\00:47:33.60 guys were saying and I just couldn't help but think about 00:47:33.60\00:47:35.90 something that's not in the story but something that's very 00:47:35.90\00:47:38.06 real to us and we've talked about it a little bit but I just 00:47:38.06\00:47:40.16 couldn't help think about how life was after the son was 00:47:40.16\00:47:44.43 restored a week later, a month later, a year later, ten years 00:47:44.43\00:47:47.80 later how life was as the father begins to age and the son is 00:47:47.80\00:47:52.23 there in the home and every time the son looks at the father and 00:47:52.23\00:47:56.80 every time the son does something for the father and 00:47:56.80\00:47:59.63 every time the son is needed by the father how he's just there, 00:47:59.63\00:48:02.76 there, there. 00:48:02.76\00:48:04.30 And I couldn't help I mean I almost it almost brought tears 00:48:04.30\00:48:07.16 because I almost thought you know the love and the devotion 00:48:07.16\00:48:09.63 that that son must have had for his father from that day on. 00:48:09.63\00:48:13.36 And every time he looked at his father he just felt and could 00:48:13.36\00:48:17.46 sense the love coming out from him and then that love returning 00:48:17.46\00:48:20.46 back to him in this circle of beneficence. 00:48:20.46\00:48:25.66 I might be putting you on the spot Jeffry--way back like 9 or 00:48:25.66\00:48:30.20 10 conversations ago you had this great little line about the 00:48:30.20\00:48:33.10 love of God communicated to replicated in--do you remember 00:48:33.10\00:48:38.53 that by heart and then reflected back do you? 00:48:38.53\00:48:41.26 >>Vaguely basically the whole idea there was that the whole 00:48:41.26\00:48:43.83 purpose for God's creating this world in humanity is for the 00:48:43.83\00:48:48.66 perfect love of God to be manifested to people, replicated 00:48:48.66\00:48:55.56 in people and then reflected back from people. 00:48:55.56\00:49:00.13 >>That's it. 00:49:00.13\00:49:00.86 That's it right there. 00:49:00.86\00:49:01.73 That's the picture that came to my mind. 00:49:01.73\00:49:03.36 >>And those parables you're mentioning you've said 00:49:03.36\00:49:06.90 already--you've stated already that they basically represent 00:49:06.90\00:49:10.23 restoration--reinstatement. 00:49:10.23\00:49:11.73 And I'd like to go to Acts chapter 3 because this is why we 00:49:11.73\00:49:16.43 preach. 00:49:16.43\00:49:19.76 This is why we preach in Acts chapter 3 we've talked about the 00:49:19.76\00:49:22.50 spirit, we've talked about the church and in Acts chapter 00:49:22.50\00:49:26.43 3--we're looking at verse 18 and this is a statement that's right 00:49:26.43\00:49:33.60 in the middle of a sermon that Peter is preaching and he's 00:49:33.60\00:49:36.63 making these statements in regard to what is the point form 00:49:36.63\00:49:40.40 here on? 00:49:40.40\00:49:42.33 Christ has come Christ has been crucified; he's been resurrected 00:49:42.33\00:49:45.16 verse 18 but those things which God foretold by the mouth of all 00:49:45.16\00:49:50.03 his prophets that the Christ would suffer he has thus 00:49:50.03\00:49:54.73 fulfilled. 00:49:54.73\00:49:56.20 Ok the covenant verse 19 repent therefore and be converted that 00:49:56.20\00:50:00.13 your sins may be blotted out so that the times of refreshing may 00:50:00.13\00:50:05.76 come from the presence of the Lord and that he may send Jesus 00:50:05.76\00:50:09.36 Christ who was preached to you before and here's the point in 00:50:09.36\00:50:13.96 verse 21 whom heaven must receive until the times of 00:50:13.96\00:50:22.16 restoration of all things which God has spoken by the mouth 00:50:22.16\00:50:26.63 of all his holy prophets since the world began. 00:50:26.63\00:50:30.86 Peter is saying the whole point of God's covenant is the 00:50:30.86\00:50:37.03 restoration of all things. 00:50:37.03\00:50:38.56 And this is the thing that every prophet has proclaimed. 00:50:38.56\00:50:42.10 This is the message from Genesis all the way through. 00:50:42.10\00:50:45.63 This is the message that every prophet brought to God's people. 00:50:45.63\00:50:50.90 And this is basically why we preach isn't it? 00:50:50.90\00:50:52.30 We're preaching basically the kingdom of God and we're 00:50:52.30\00:50:55.46 inviting people into kingdom living while their feet are 00:50:55.46\00:51:00.10 still planted on this earth. 00:51:00.10\00:51:01.86 So when Jesus came--remember the statement the kingdom of heaven 00:51:01.86\00:51:05.16 is within you? 00:51:05.16\00:51:06.83 Remember that? 00:51:06.83\00:51:08.03 >>Of course. 00:51:08.03\00:51:09.30 >>We don't have to wait 'til we get to heaven to begin to live 00:51:09.30\00:51:11.93 restoration living. 00:51:11.93\00:51:13.63 We're invited to the table to live that right now I think one 00:51:13.63\00:51:16.66 old Baptist Preacher said something like it's not a pie in 00:51:16.66\00:51:21.96 the sky bye and bye. 00:51:21.96\00:51:23.40 But a steak on the plate while you wait. 00:51:23.40\00:51:26.30 Because we get to sample, we get to taste this thing right now 00:51:26.30\00:51:30.43 while we're still on earth. 00:51:30.43\00:51:31.96 And the reason I'm in ministry the reason I've given my heart 00:51:31.96\00:51:35.26 to the gospel and the reason that I am just so thrilled to 00:51:35.26\00:51:39.26 just be a servant and a son is because God has demonstrated a 00:51:39.26\00:51:45.73 better way. 00:51:45.73\00:51:47.43 God has invited us into a realm of existence where I can learn 00:51:47.43\00:51:51.83 what it truly means to be human. 00:51:51.83\00:51:53.66 And that's a beautiful thing and in Acts 3 Peter's saying that's 00:51:53.66\00:51:58.36 what the church is here for and no wonder what happens in the 00:51:58.36\00:52:03.06 book of Acts is that this simple, powerful, compelling, 00:52:03.06\00:52:05.66 clear message literally takes by storm the entire Mediterranean 00:52:05.66\00:52:10.46 world. 00:52:10.46\00:52:11.46 >>Oh yeah. 00:52:11.46\00:52:12.70 >>In the context of Acts 3 the reason that Peter uses that 00:52:12.70\00:52:15.10 language, the restoration of all things is that this lame man at 00:52:15.10\00:52:19.03 the beginning of Acts 3 has been healed. 00:52:19.03\00:52:20.70 A lame man who was apparently a particular--particularly 00:52:20.70\00:52:25.93 terrible case that needed healing when he's been healed 00:52:25.93\00:52:30.20 they come and say did you--what's going on here? 00:52:30.20\00:52:32.63 And they come under scrutiny from the religious leaders and 00:52:32.63\00:52:35.10 in the context of the restoration of this man. 00:52:35.10\00:52:38.40 Peter looks and says I'm preaching to you the restoration 00:52:38.40\00:52:43.40 of all things. 00:52:43.40\00:52:44.86 >>Everything's going this way. 00:52:44.86\00:52:46.56 >>Everything is going this way. 00:52:46.56\00:52:47.86 >>He was a living parable that crippled man. 00:52:47.86\00:52:50.63 >>That's right. 00:52:50.63\00:52:51.46 >>I never seen that before. 00:52:51.46\00:52:52.73 I'm preaching that. 00:52:52.73\00:52:53.93 [Laughter] 00:52:53.93\00:52:56.36 >>'Cause I've been assigned that chapter. 00:52:56.36\00:52:59.70 He is a living parable. 00:52:59.70\00:53:01.73 >>According to this program you already preached it. 00:53:01.73\00:53:05.23 >>That's true. 00:53:05.23\00:53:06.86 >>How did it go? 00:53:06.86\00:53:08.16 [Laughter] 00:53:08.16\00:53:10.00 >>I love this one verse Romans chapter 14 verse 17 for the 00:53:10.00\00:53:12.66 kingdom is not meat and drink but righteousness and joy in the 00:53:12.66\00:53:17.70 Holy Ghost. 00:53:17.70\00:53:18.93 All those things right now in the Holy Spirit. 00:53:18.93\00:53:21.50 >>What was it you had a great line there the feet on the 00:53:21.50\00:53:25.26 ground. 00:53:25.26\00:53:26.33 >>Kingdom living while your feet are still planted. 00:53:26.33\00:53:28.93 >>And the restoration of all things I like this two 00:53:28.93\00:53:33.03 Revelation 21--Revelation 22 we go back to the prodigal, we see 00:53:33.03\00:53:36.80 the son reinstated, he's given everything. 00:53:36.80\00:53:40.06 He is made I think he's put in a position at least equal to but 00:53:40.06\00:53:45.00 it seems like better I mean in a sense it seems like better. 00:53:45.00\00:53:47.40 I mean in a sense it seems like. 00:53:47.40\00:53:48.86 >>Of course. 00:53:48.86\00:53:50.00 >>His heart is changed so >Yeah this is what we see in 00:53:50.00\00:53:51.60 Revelation 21. 00:53:51.60\00:53:52.60 This planet becomes the center of the universe. 00:53:52.60\00:53:55.76 >>That's right. 00:53:55.76\00:53:57.03 >>Revelation 21 let me just read it just a couple of verses here 00:53:57.03\00:53:58.93 Revelation 21 beginning with verse 1 I saw a new heaven and a 00:53:58.93\00:54:02.46 new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed 00:54:02.46\00:54:04.93 away. 00:54:04.93\00:54:06.13 There was no more sea and I John saw the holy city the New 00:54:06.13\00:54:08.53 Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven where ever it is 00:54:08.53\00:54:13.00 right now prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 00:54:13.00\00:54:16.76 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the 00:54:16.76\00:54:19.83 tabernacle of God is with man and he will dwell with the. 00:54:19.83\00:54:24.60 Isn't that what we've been talking about from the 00:54:24.60\00:54:26.46 beginning. 00:54:26.46\00:54:27.60 Isn't that what God wanted and they shall be his people 00:54:27.60\00:54:31.20 covenant and God himself shall be with them and be their God. 00:54:31.20\00:54:34.46 >>I Love that. 00:54:34.46\00:54:35.50 That's beautiful. 00:54:35.50\00:54:36.66 >>That's the Eden-to-Eden perspective right there man. 00:54:36.66\00:54:38.70 You're idea in Revelation and now we're back face-to-face with 00:54:38.70\00:54:41.53 God. 00:54:41.53\00:54:42.80 We started face to face with God Genesis 1 and 2, all hell breaks 00:54:42.80\00:54:45.50 lose, the fall of humanity, this state of depravity and the 00:54:45.50\00:54:50.36 promise in Genesis 3:15 for the coming deliverer and sandwiched 00:54:50.36\00:54:54.63 in between these two pictures of Eden lost Eden restored. 00:54:54.63\00:54:58.93 >>God is trying to be with us, be with us, be with us. 00:54:58.93\00:55:00.76 >> The entire Bible--the entire Bible is journey of not man 00:55:00.76\00:55:04.10 seeking God but God seeking man. 00:55:04.10\00:55:07.36 >>Not sheep seeking a shepherd but a shepherd seeking his 00:55:07.36\00:55:09.96 sheep. 00:55:09.96\00:55:10.73 >>There you go. 00:55:10.73\00:55:11.80 >>So the pentacle of the restoration isn't just the 00:55:11.80\00:55:13.63 material blessing of heaven and eternal life and 00:55:13.63\00:55:17.53 >>Secondary. 00:55:17.53\00:55:18.90 >>Yeah the glorious New Jerusalem, streets of Gold and 00:55:18.90\00:55:21.43 the pearly gates and all of that. 00:55:21.43\00:55:23.33 That's not the point. 00:55:23.33\00:55:24.40 The point is being with God and God being with us. 00:55:24.40\00:55:29.10 God is a with kind of God. 00:55:29.10\00:55:30.70 He's a hang out kind of God. 00:55:30.70\00:55:33.43 He's with it and he's with us and at this point he's going to 00:55:33.43\00:55:39.43 be with us in the most intimate personal sense imaginable in 00:55:39.43\00:55:43.33 verse 4 it says he's going to wipe away all tears from their 00:55:43.33\00:55:46.10 eyes and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying. 00:55:46.10\00:55:49.26 There shall be no more pain for the former things have passed 00:55:49.26\00:55:53.03 away then he who sat on the throne said behold I make all 00:55:53.03\00:55:57.46 things new. 00:55:57.46\00:55:59.20 This is the kind of God if we can imagine this almighty, 00:55:59.20\00:56:02.73 omnipotent God. 00:56:02.73\00:56:03.96 This is the kind of God who reaches up his hand and brushes 00:56:03.96\00:56:07.03 tears from cheeks. 00:56:07.03\00:56:09.06 This is a super sensitive God full of heart who is relational. 00:56:09.06\00:56:16.86 He wants to be with us and the first thing he's going to do in 00:56:16.86\00:56:19.70 our immediate presence once the New Jerusalem has come down to 00:56:19.70\00:56:25.53 earth. 00:56:25.53\00:56:26.20 There's gonna be some tears. 00:56:26.20\00:56:27.10 >>Of course. 00:56:27.10\00:56:28.16 >>We're obviously we're overwhelmed by the entire 00:56:28.16\00:56:34.03 history of the sin problem and evil and how it's impacted the 00:56:34.03\00:56:38.63 world and we've revisited during the millennium all kinds of very 00:56:38.63\00:56:43.80 serious episodes in human history that have impacted us 00:56:43.80\00:56:46.26 individually and he wipes tears from our eyes. 00:56:46.26\00:56:51.66 >>And what will wipe the tears from his eyes? 00:56:51.66\00:56:54.90 Just the fact of our presence. 00:56:54.90\00:56:57.73 And that's powerful. 00:56:57.73\00:56:59.13 >>Enjoyed fellowship. 00:56:59.13\00:57:00.46 >>We wipe his tears. 00:57:00.46\00:57:03.13 >>We began this series by talking a lot about the fall and 00:57:03.13\00:57:06.60 Satan and the enemy and the accuser and all of this 00:57:06.60\00:57:10.63 Revelation 21, 22 happens after Revelation 20 where the accuser 00:57:10.63\00:57:14.90 finally with all of those that align themselves with him they 00:57:14.90\00:57:18.76 receive what they want. 00:57:18.76\00:57:22.16 That's the thing that's important. 00:57:22.16\00:57:23.43 They want a life apart from God but a life apart from God is no 00:57:23.43\00:57:26.70 life. 00:57:26.70\00:57:27.40 It's death. 00:57:27.40\00:57:28.90 And so you have Revelation 20 is the end of Satan, the end of 00:57:28.90\00:57:31.60 sin, the end of death. 00:57:31.60\00:57:32.80 Death itself is thrown into the lake of fire. 00:57:32.80\00:57:36.20 >>Evil, pain, suffering all of it. 00:57:36.20\00:57:38.20 >>No more and then Revelation 21, 22 some of those tears have 00:57:38.20\00:57:41.83 to be tears of joy. 00:57:41.83\00:57:43.93 >>Oh yeah for sure. 00:57:43.93\00:57:45.73 >>Because it's not the end. 00:57:45.73\00:57:47.13 It's funny how the end of the Bible, the last book of the 00:57:47.13\00:57:50.53 Bible is the beginning of the story. 00:57:50.53\00:57:52.30 >>The end is just the beginning. 00:57:52.30\00:57:54.53 What a way to live to know this what a different paradigm now to 00:57:54.53\00:57:59.73 wake up tomorrow morning and to just go about normal life with 00:57:59.73\00:58:04.10 this as the backdrop. 00:58:04.10\00:58:05.83 That's a beautiful thing. 00:58:05.83\00:58:07.30 >>Bottom line of this whole series guys, this is where we 00:58:07.30\00:58:10.53 land the plane. 00:58:10.53\00:58:11.63 God is love in the most beautiful sense imaginable. 00:58:11.63\00:58:15.40 >>Amen 00:58:15.40\00:58:18.50 >>Hallelujah. 00:58:18.50\00:58:19.20 >>Praise God. 00:58:19.20\00:58:19.76 >>Love it. 00:58:19.76\00:58:21.03 Announcer: to receive our free monthly news letter and a list 00:58:21.03\00:58:27.76 of Light Bearers resources visit us online at lightbearers.org or 00:58:27.76\00:58:30.33 call us toll free at 1-877-585-1111. 00:58:30.33\00:58:34.83 You can also write to us at Light Bearers 37457 Jasper 00:58:34.83\00:58:39.90 Lowell Road, Jasper, OR 97438. 00:58:39.90\00:58:40.90