Participants: David Asscherick, James Rafferty, Jeffrey Rosario, Ty Gibson
Series Code: TT
Program Code: TT000009
00:01 [Music]
00:10 [Music] 00:21 >>You guys one of the most amazing things about human 00:23 nature is that we're communicators. 00:24 WE want to articulate and bring language to bear upon our 00:30 relationships with one another. 00:32 The reason we're communicators is because God is a 00:35 communicator, and we were made in His image. 00:38 That's why we have the word of God. 00:40 We have scripture because when God decided to communicate with 00:45 us He began to inspire prophets to compose ideas in words. 00:51 Jesus of course is the ultimate expression of God's 00:55 self-disclosure and His communication. 00:57 He is the word with a capital W. 00:59 >>Personification. 01:00 >>Yeah personification. 01:01 >>And sometimes we even communicate by saying nothing. 01:03 I mean we can actually say nothing and be communicating. 01:05 >>Yeah with our eyes, shrug of the shoulders. 01:08 Yeah, whatever we're communicating non-verbally. 01:11 >>I think though it would be good for us to continue to 01:14 communicate with words. 01:16 [Laughter] 01:19 >>Not to say nothing. 01:20 >>You mean as apposed to just staring at one another. 01:21 >>Sitting here saying nothing. 01:23 Yes. 01:24 >>There's a link here because we've been talking about the 01:25 covenant. 01:27 And the covenant is a way of God communicating to humanity. 01:30 And maybe somebody should do a review, because we're working 01:32 our way through the Old Testament. 01:34 >>Well I feel like what we sought in Genesis chapter 3. 01:36 That's what started for me. 01:37 I mean that's foundational to covenant. 01:40 Post-fall at least, we know there's a pre-fall covenant, you 01:44 know there's an agreement there. 01:45 But the post-fall covenant is Adam and Eve are spectators and 01:48 they're listening to a conversation between God and the 01:53 serpent, the snake, the deceiver, Satan. 01:54 And basically God is saying to him, to the serpent. 01:58 I am going to do something for them that is going to destroy 02:02 you. 02:04 You are going to have your day. 02:05 You're going to bruise my heel. 02:06 But I'm going to crush you. 02:07 And this is a promise that I am making to them that's going to 02:10 be fulfilled through the promise keeper, through the warrior that 02:13 is coming. 02:14 Now I like that. 02:16 That's foundational to covenant. 02:17 Everything that comes outside of that seems to be, well, not a 02:21 second covenant. 02:23 I wouldn't say that but the revelation of the failure for 02:26 humankind to keep covenant with God. 02:28 Yeah, I think that the best language is not--you recognize 02:32 that not that its a second covenant but that that is the, 02:35 sort of, promoidal, original covenant where God says this is 02:39 something that's going to happen. 02:42 I like the way that you says Adam is there, Eve is there. 02:44 They're the spectators to covenant. 02:47 God is saying this is something I will do. 02:49 I will put enmity, and we sort of already got through that to 02:54 get us up to about the time of Abraham. 02:56 We spent some time in the call of Abraham, of course originally 03:00 Abram. 03:01 And the whole concept there, and Ty did a great job of unpacking 03:05 the significance and the beauty, remember of the split pieces, 03:08 and God himself being the one who walks through that this is 03:13 what will be done to me if I'm not faithful to the covenant. 03:16 What we have then, is this picture where...where God is 03:20 extending His hand as the originator of the 03:23 the creator of the the one who will keep his 03:26 promises. 03:27 And everybody else's job, if you can use that language, including 03:32 Abraham. 03:33 But also Noah and Adam and the children of Israel right now 03:36 there 'job' is to believe those promises. 03:40 >>Amen. 03:41 >>Right and when you believe the promises of God then that will 03:43 create certain behaviors and actions within us. 03:46 But getting back to the time of Abraham, God takes his promise 03:50 to Abraham, you'll have a child, Abraham believes God. 03:51 And its accounted to him as convenental faithfulness. 03:56 OK you believe that I can do what I say I'll do. 03:59 Now if I could just be so bold as to sort of move quickly 04:02 through Abraham's history. 04:04 Abraham begat Issac, Issac--Jacob, Jacob-sons of 04:07 Jacob who come to be known as the children of Israel. 04:10 They then increase in--time---kind of super 04:15 simplifying here. 04:16 But a time of famine comes as they've grown, the go to Egypt. 04:19 But they continue to increase and Pharaoh gets nervous about 04:22 them. 04:23 They're eventually enslaved and that really gets us through it. 04:28 That's a super quick version of basically Genesis, the time of 04:31 Abraham down to Genesis, what is it 50 or 51. 04:33 So then we open in Exodus and now we're in the time of Moses. 04:35 >>Right. 04:36 >>Right? 04:37 Several hundred years have transpired now since the time of 04:39 Abram...Abraham but God is now longing to re-establish...maybe 04:45 that's the wrong word but to restate his covenant to his 04:49 people, the descendants of Abraham because God has made 04:51 that promise. 04:52 >>Yeah and it seems like 04:53 >>You are the descendants. 04:55 >>Yeah. 04:56 >>Go ahead...go ahead. 04:57 >>It seems like they've lost sight of it. 04:58 They've been in bondage for, you know, centuries now and they 04:59 have been completely captive to the Egyptians and the ways of 05:02 Egypt, the worship of Egypt, and the idolatry of Egypt. 05:05 It seems like God is reminding them or needing to remind them, 05:09 hey remember this covenant relationship that I wanted to 05:11 have with you...that I wanted to establish. 05:12 >>That I established with your Fathers. 05:14 >>Yes. 05:15 >>This is a statement that comes up repeatedly early in Exodus, 05:17 let my people people. 05:19 >>My people. 05:20 >>My people. 05:22 >>That is to say...that is to say the descendants of Abraham. 05:24 >>That's covenant language. 05:25 >>That's covenant language because that goes back. 05:26 And that's a beautiful thing because God is telling the 05:29 Pharaoh: 'these are my people. 05:30 They belong to me.' And following that through right 05:33 before you get to chapter 20 where God has this amazing 05:36 manifestation. 05:37 >>Excellent stuff. 05:38 >>Excuse me Exodus chapter 20, where the law presented 05:42 in 19 Exodus chapter 19--there's the preamble here in verse 3 and 05:47 Moses goes up to God and the Lord called to him from the 05:50 mountain and says 'Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob 05:54 and tell the children of Israel, you have seen what I did to the 06:00 Egyptians and how I bore you on Eagles wings and brought you to 06:04 myself. 06:05 Now therefore if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my 06:11 covenant..the language. 06:13 >>There's the language. 06:15 >>There's the language, then you shall be a special treasure to 06:17 me above all people for all the earth is mine. 06:19 This is God essentially reminding them of his covenant 06:24 faithfulness. 06:26 He's repeating history, he's saying you can see clearly that 06:29 I'm serious. 06:30 I'm not playing games. 06:32 I'm committed. 06:34 I've shown up in your lives. 06:35 I've delivered you. 06:36 I am here because I am pursuing you. 06:38 And this is all leading up to Exodus chapter 20 with this 06:42 awesome manifestation of the law of God. 06:45 >>So you did a great job there of sort of getting us up to 06:48 Exodus 19 and I love what you said early on there that that 06:51 refrain in early Exodus is let my people people 06:55 people go. 06:57 And a refrain that comes up in the Old Testament over and over 07:00 again is this I will be their God and they will be my people. 07:04 They will be my people...they', hey those 07:06 are my people you have to let them go. 07:08 So God here then says I like it in verse 5 now therefore if you 07:14 will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant. 07:17 The reason that they were the people of God was because of the 07:21 covenant. 07:22 In fact just to [zipper sound] 07:25 fast forward way to the New Testament just very quickly 07:29 Paul's point when he talks about well what's the good in being a 07:31 Jew after the gospel has gone to the Jews and the Gentiles he 07:33 says well they receive the oracles of God. 07:35 They were the one--they were the recipients of the, Ty talked 07:39 about the communication---they were the recipient and we're 07:41 gonna see here as we're just getting into Exodus 20 and 07:46 beyond that those oracles that were given to them were the Ten 07:49 Commandments, the writings of Moses, the sanctuary system. 07:51 God entrusted a treasure trove of knowledge about Himself to 07:55 them. 07:56 They were his people and he called them to be true to the 07:59 covenant that he was seeking to establish. 08:01 >>This wasn't just for them, in other words, the idea that this 08:04 was just for the Jews and so it was just for this people, no 08:07 this was for them to share with the rest of the world. 08:10 They were the medium through--God was going--through 08:12 who God was going to bring relationship of himself to all 08:15 peoples and all nations. 08:17 >>To go back to Ty's opening line there about how we're all 08:21 communicators we long to communicate. 08:25 We communicate with our eyes, with our hand gestures, with our 08:27 mouth. 08:28 You could say that Israel was God's communication. 08:29 >>Yes. 08:31 >>Perfect. 08:32 >>To the earth. 08:33 >>Perfect. 08:34 >>He gave them the law. 08:35 He gave them--the Bible calls these the ten words, right? 08:39 The Ten Commandments it says the ten words that were written on 08:42 what were called the tablets of testimony. 08:45 So they were then to take those words and communicate them to 08:47 the surrounding nations and the surrounding peoples. 08:49 >>And it's really interesting because when you look at the 08:51 Bible when we did this earlier we talked about how the Bible 08:53 was inspired, how it is God's inspired pen. 08:56 In other words, its not word for word but there are certain words 08:59 that are written specifically, directly by the hand of God. 09:02 And these words that we're about to read are those words. 09:06 >>Yeah. 09:07 >>Yeah often times in the Ten Commandments we...we think that 09:12 the Ten Commandments begin with thou shalt not have no other 09:16 God's before me as we come to chapter 20 of Exodus. 09:18 But the thing is that the covenant concept is front end in 09:24 the law itself. 09:27 Now I don't know what version I think you've got New King James 09:31 version. 09:32 >>Same King James. 09:33 >>James has King James version. 09:35 But in my New King James version when you look at Exodus 20 it 09:37 begins with verse 1 and God spoke all these words saying and 09:41 then in my version quote marks begin in verse 2. 09:45 So right now we're beginning to read what was inscribed with the 09:49 finger of God in the tablets of stone. 09:51 This is the covenant. 09:54 These are the tablets of the covenant and it doesn't begin, 10:01 as we look at the Ten Commandments with you shall have 10:03 no other God's before me. 10:06 It's not a you shall beginning, it's an I am and have done 10:09 beginning. 10:10 Verse 2 I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land 10:12 of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, you shall have no other 10:15 God's before me. 10:16 So the progression of the thinking here in the Ten 10:20 Commandments is God stating I have delivered, I have set you 10:25 free therefore be free, experience what I have by my 10:30 mighty power achieved on your behalf, your liberation is my 10:35 achievement and now having achieved your liberation you 10:39 shall have no other God's before me and the Ten Commandments 10:44 then, if you understand them in the context of God's liberating 10:47 power. 10:48 The Ten Commandments sound more like God is making promises than 10:52 God is, you know, exacting behaviors as commands. 10:58 It's's not you shall not I 11:01 delivered you, you shall not. 11:05 >>Is there something to the recital of history. 11:08 He's repeating the providential leading and I think there's 11:12 a---there's something there that applies personally like I need 11:16 to know that God is faithful. 11:19 I'm talking like real life now. 11:22 >>Right here, right now. 11:24 >>Like I need to know that I can trust God and I need to know 11:27 that it's possible to live according to his will. 11:30 And I think that's a beautiful thing so remembering what God 11:34 has done in the past is a powerful, powerful testimony 11:38 that God is--that we can trust him now and in the future. 11:41 >>There's a specific past that God is reminding them of in the 11:45 first commandment. 11:46 I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of 11:49 Egypt, out of the house of bondage is referring straight 11:51 back to the passover deliverance. 11:55 It's talking about the lamb that was slain, the blood was placed 11:59 around the door, and you could say, I don't know, what do you 12:04 think about this? 12:05 You could say that because the first commandment specifically 12:08 is referring back to the slain lamb and the passover that the 12:13 cross of Christ is explicit or at least implicit in the first 12:19 commandment. 12:21 >>Amen. 12:22 >>Of course. 12:23 >There's blood--there's blood there. 12:24 >>So its redemption language. 12:25 Its deliverance language. 12:26 Its liberation language. 12:27 >>The passover precedes the deliverance of passover precedes 12:31 the moral exhortation of the Ten Commandments. 12:33 Before we ever get to the this is how we should live, 12:36 deliverance has already taken place. 12:38 I like two things that you said Ty and I want to play off both 12:41 of them. 12:42 The first is you are using Pauline language intentionally 12:44 or not when you said I've made you free so live in freedom. 12:48 That's Galatians 5. 12:49 >>Galatians 5:1. 12:51 >>Yeah Galatians 5 for freedom Christ set you free and we think 12:53 of that in terms of down toward the New Testament etc. but God's 12:57 M-O, his motis operandi has not changed. 13:00 He set the children of Israel free from Egyptian bondage so 13:03 they could live in freedom. 13:05 The second thing that I want to say is that you are exactly 13:08 correct that these are less prohibition and more promise. 13:11 And I think if you just take the word shall and translate it or 13:16 render it in its totally contextually and exojectically 13:19 sound to do so, render it as will, you get a better feel for 13:24 the commandment. 13:26 You will not commit adultery. 13:28 You will not have other God's before me. 13:32 This is now a promise of what can and will happen if you live 13:34 in the light of my love and my deliverance. 13:37 >>Yeah that's powerful. 13:39 That's exactly the point. 13:41 In the first commandment then God is basically saying--He's 13:46 saying I've achieved the whole thing on your behalf. 13:51 You just need to live by faith in the recognition of what I've 13:56 done for you. 13:58 >>If..if--let me just say this. 13:59 This is something that I absolutely love when I teach the 14:01 law, the Ten Commandments I just go quickly through the first 14:04 four commandments and I show--I say very simply this, that the 14:07 first commandment is you will have no other God's before me. 14:10 That is God asking for us to give him our affections. 14:15 When I married my wife the minister said to us do you take 14:18 this woman to have and to hold. 14:20 Not literally to own her like you would own a trinket. 14:22 But to have her, to hold her, to give her your unqualified and 14:27 undivided affections. 14:29 The second commandment God says you will not make unto you any 14:33 graven image or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven 14:35 above the earth beneath the waters of the earth. 14:36 You will not bow down yourself to them or serve them. 14:37 So that raises the question with what do we make and with what do 14:41 we bow? 14:43 And the answer is the body. 14:45 God says that's an illegitimate use of your body. 14:48 I gave you the skill, I gave you those hands, I gave you that 14:51 body, that's an illegitimate use. 14:53 You will not use it for that. 14:54 Third commandment is you will not take my name in vain, well 14:58 with what would we take God's name in vain? 15:01 Our words, our mouths and so God says I need your words. 15:03 Your words should be directed toward me and toward others, 15:06 love the Lord your God with all your heart, your neighbors, 15:08 yourself. 15:09 The fourth commandment, remember the Sabbath. 15:11 God here says memorial of creation, seventh day I rested, 15:15 memorial of redemption, I delivered you. 15:17 What is He after here? 15:18 What is the Sabbath about? 15:19 Time. 15:21 So if you just look at those commandment number one I want 15:23 your affections, commandment number two, I want your body, 15:25 commandment number three I want your words, your mouth, 15:28 commandment number four I want your time. 15:30 That is the stuff of which relationships are made. 15:33 >>Yeah totally. 15:34 >>You have a spouse. 15:35 You have a spouse. 15:36 You have a spouse. 15:37 I have a spouse. 15:38 All of us are married and if you start slacking on any one of 15:40 those with your spouse she doesn't have your affections, 15:41 she doesn't have your body, your physical presence, she doesn't 15:44 have your words of affirmation and she doesn't have your time 15:46 you're having relational breakdown. 15:50 >>mhmm 15:51 >>Yeah. 15:52 >>So we so often shallowly and incorrectly read the law as if 15:54 its this stern don't, don't, don't don't, don't, I'm a 15:59 dictator and I'm in heaven and I---no God is saying I want you. 16:02 >>Yeah, yeah. 16:04 >>I want you. 16:05 >>Give me your heart. 16:06 >>I want you. 16:07 >>Give me your heart, enter into relationship with me, covenant 16:09 relationship with me and I promise you you will have no 16:13 other God's before me. 16:14 I promise you you will not commit adultery. 16:17 I promise you you will not murder, you will not steal. 16:20 You will not do those kinds of things when you're in proper 16:22 relationship with me. 16:25 >>to me. 16:27 >>And the impact of that takes on the social dynamic and we 16:30 were talking about, earlier that our relationship with God will 16:34 affect relationship with others. 16:36 You just highlighted the first four which everything you said 16:40 had to do with relationship with God. 16:42 And the way that the commandments are--are structured 16:45 is that it begins by emphasizing how we related, think and feel 16:50 about God and then it immediately transitions to what? 16:54 >>How we relate to others. 16:55 >>Yeah. 16:56 >> How we relate to other people. 16:57 >>Vertical, horizontal. 16:58 >>Exactly--that goes exactly with Jesus summary of the Ten 17:00 Commandments. 17:03 He said you can summarize it in two commandments. 17:05 Number one, love God with all of your heart, soul, mind and 17:08 strength. 17:09 Commandment number two, love your neighbor as yourself. 17:11 >>Matthew 22 17:12 >>And so you see it right here. 17:13 This is exactly what Jesus was speaking about that the thing is 17:15 structured this way. 17:18 IT affects everything so God's covenant is holistic. 17:21 >>Listen to this in Exodus 34 verse 28 so he was there with 17:25 the Lord, speaking of Moses, 34:28--40 days and 40 nights he 17:30 neither ate bread nor drank water and he wrote on the 17:34 tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments. 17:36 So we're tracing the thread of covenant through. 17:40 We talked about covenant with Adam, covenant with Abram, 17:42 covenant with Abraham after his name was changed, covenant with 17:45 the children of Abraham, and then the children of Israel. 17:47 Then now he says these tablets, this is the contract--we talked 17:52 earlier about how a covenant was a contract--it was a vow--it was 17:55 a promise. 17:56 God says this is the tablets of relationship. 18:00 >>Yeah. 18:01 >>This is the tablet of covenant, of connection. 18:04 >>Yeah. 18:05 >>you guys we need to take a break and we'll come back and 18:08 continue this discussion--what we're...what we're going to see 18:12 right now is the publishing process of Light Bearers 18:16 Ministry, the ministry that we're all associated with and 18:18 literally millions upon millions of publications are being sent 18:23 out all around the world. 18:26 >>Amen. 18:27 >>For the express purpose of establishing relationship 18:32 between human beings and God. 18:34 >>They're published in this very building that we're sitting in 18:38 right now. 18:39 >>That's right. 18:40 So let's just take a break. 18:41 We'll be right back. 18:42 [Music] 18:50 Light Bearers Ministry is primarily all about publishing 18:52 so let's just take a tour of our 15,000 square foot publishing 18:56 facility. 18:57 We're able to produce multiplied millions of publications in 32 19:01 different languages that go all over the world. 19:04 The great thing about this press is that it is completely 19:09 computerized. 19:10 The press is able to print on both sides of the paper in one 19:13 pass through the press roll after roll after roll all day 19:18 long. 19:19 Once the material is printed, folded, boxed and palatalized. 19:24 It goes into this large storage unit that's like a big drawer 19:28 system. 19:33 This is where it gets really exciting because once the 19:36 material is completely prepared we load this stuff up into 19:39 semi-loads that hold between 2 and 3 million publications. 19:44 And that material goes out to Seattle where it's loaded onto a 19:48 barge and then taken somewhere in the world. 19:51 [Music] 19:59 That stuff lands and these people are overwhelmed to have 20:03 reading material in their own mother tongue. 20:07 That's when people's hearts really begin to get touched as 20:10 they encounter the gospel of Christ and God's incredible love 20:12 for them, many of them for the first time in their lives. 20:16 Paper is powerful. 20:18 Paper is something that we see utilized in a way that goes 20:21 beyond anything that is in the world today. 20:24 It has a power that no other medium in the world has because 20:27 it has an ongoing life. 20:30 One person in the home reads that piece of literature and 20:35 then they can give it to someone else and they can read it and 20:37 share it and then they can give it to somebody else. 20:39 >>Next time you go two people instead of one. 20:42 >>It's actually passed on even from one family member to 20:45 another to read. 20:47 >>And next time you got three instead of two. 20:48 >>Unlike radio television that comes and then is gone, that 20:52 tract is a permanent possession of that individual. 20:55 And so you see one piece of literature after another, nickle 21:01 of less going to these individuals and being used over 21:03 and over again reaching one heart after another after 21:05 another. 21:06 >>To partner with Light Bearers in spreading the gospel visit us 21:15 online at or call us toll free at 21:19 877-585-1111. 21:22 You can also write to us at Light Bearers; 37457 Jasper 21:29 Lowell Road; Jasper, OR 97438 21:32 >>just to think that from this very location from where we are 21:36 sitting on this cement millions of pieces of literature are 21:41 going all over the world. 21:44 >>Praise God. 21:45 >>And bringing people back, drawing people back, inviting 21:48 people back into that covenant relationship that God has. 21:50 >>Amen. 21:51 Amen. 21:53 >>That we're talking about right now--that God wants us to enter 21:54 into--that God longs for us to enter into. 21:56 >>From hundreds of years past all the way through the days, 22:02 the birth, the life of Christ and to this very time, this very 22:04 year. 22:05 >>Well we were just before..before the break in 22:09 Exodus chapter 20 and as God is establishing or re-establishing 22:13 relationship with his people after they're coming out of 22:16 Egyptian bondage--after giving the Ten Commandments at Mount 22:21 Sinai God's covenant then immediately the book, of Exodus 22:27 continues to unfold with God stating what his overall purpose 22:33 is--what his overall goal is and its articulated really well I 22:38 think in Exodus 25 verse 8 where God now has given the Ten 22:42 Commandments and now he says to Moses for the people and let 22:46 them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them. 22:51 So God is...God is expressing His desire for coming into 22:54 relationship with his people here. 22:58 There is a temple to be built for the specific purpose of God 23:02 dwelling among his people. 23:04 >>Yeah. 23:05 The...the...the picture here is exactly the picture that we see 23:09 in Eden. 23:11 Adam and Eve are fleeing, they're hiding, they're covering 23:13 and God is coming down to be with them. 23:15 Here God is saying I want to be with them--that's the story of 23:19 scripture--we actual spent time on that way back I think maybe 23:22 our second or third conversation where we went to Revelation 21 23:28 there Revelation 22 where John is just enraptured with this 23:33 idea. 23:34 He says and God will be with them and they will be with him 23:36 and the Tabernacle of God is with men...with, with, with. 23:38 Jesus himself is Emanuel, God with us. 23:40 >>Yeah. 23:42 >>So here is a seeing through a glass, not even so darkly, but a 23:47 picture, somewhat veiled because it's not yet Christ in the Flesh 23:51 but it's God's desire to be with--to be proximate--to be 23:55 amongst his people. 23:57 >>This with language--this idea of relationship continues in 24:01 Exodus 25 because after verse 8 says let them make me a 24:04 sanctuary that I may dwell among them--then it immediately goes 24:09 into a description of how it's to be built and the most Holy 24:12 place is described and they're given specific instructions for 24:16 building the ark of the covenant...the ark of the 24:19 testimony with the two cherubim verse 18 and the two cherubim 24:22 are---are---are positioned on the mercy seat--that gold lid 24:25 that was on top of the box which was the ark ofú the covenant. 24:29 And then skip down you guys to verse 22 and God says here and 24:32 their I will meet with you. 24:35 >>Yep. 24:37 >>And I will speak with you from above the mercy seat from 24:39 between the two cherubim. 24:42 So here's this language again where God is basically saying to 24:46 the people. 24:47 I want a relationship with you...I want to communicate with 24:50 you. 24:51 And so I'm going to meet with you and speak with you from this 24:54 position. 24:56 >>The sanctuary is often called in the Old Testament the 24:59 tabernacle of meeting. 25:01 The place of meeting--the place of communion but--not but...and 25:05 the various ceremonies and priests and priesthood and..and 25:12 furniture and accoutrements. 25:14 I mean let's be honest the sanctuaryís really complex. 25:16 I mean at one level its really simple. 25:19 I want to be with my people. 25:21 At another level you start getting into the details--you 25:23 read through the book of Leviticus--measurements and the 25:26 various offerings--oh no this one's done like this, this and 25:31 this. 25:32 Well this one's a little different it's like this and 25:33 this. 25:34 There is a complexity there. 25:35 My take of the complexity--I'd be super intereted to see your 25:38 guys take on this is always that God is a real God. 25:43 He is an actual God who is holy who's majestic, whose powerful, 25:47 whose awesome. 25:48 And he's a holy God and because we are sinners and we have 25:52 fallen short of God's glory we can't just go walking into his 25:55 presence and the same time I might just walk into Ty's house 25:58 or walk into Jeffrey's house--God says the means by 26:01 which you approach me are these. 26:02 But even here it's not just some arbitrary thing, every article 26:06 of furniture, every sacrifice, every measurement, every detail 26:10 of the sanctuary points in some specificity to Christ. 26:14 >>One thing that's helped. 26:16 >>You come to me through Jesus. 26:17 >>Yeah. 26:19 Sorry about that David. 26:20 >>No go ahead. 26:21 >>One thing that's helped me because you said it is complex 26:23 and there's so many details and there's furniture and there's 26:25 just all kinds of stuff. 26:27 But the book of Exodus maps out the sanctuary in a very, very 26:32 simple way. 26:35 I don't know if you guys can see this but let me...let me go 26:38 back---This thing is all upside down and turned inside out. 26:43 OK so basically this is a topical view. 26:46 >>How topical view. 26:47 >>Helicopter view, and aerial view of the sanctuary, kind of 26:50 like a floor plan of the sanctuary. 26:52 And what we have going on here is that, that God said make me a 26:59 sanctuary that I may dwell among them. 27:01 The children of Israel are camped out around the sanctuary 27:05 and then there's one gate of entrance here and the first. 27:09 >>That's an important point. 27:11 >>Yeah there's one door. 27:13 >>There's one way in. 27:15 >>That's right. 27:17 That's reminiscent of course, well not reminiscent going 27:19 forward Jesus chapter 10 27:21 >>If foreshadows 27:22 >>Says I'm the door--you gotta enter in through me. 27:24 Well this one place that you can enter--the sinner comes in here 27:26 with his sacrifice--with the lamb that he's bringing for 27:29 sacrifice and the first article of furniture is the--the alter 27:33 of brass--ant that's where the sacrifices were made, then you 27:37 have this pool called the lavor of washing. 27:41 >Like a basin. 27:42 >>Yes and the Priest would interact with theú sinner here 27:45 as confession was made and then the animal sacrifice would be 27:48 slain. 27:50 And the blood, some of the blood of the animal sacrifice would be 27:53 caught in a bowl and then the Priest would continue by moving 27:55 into what was called the holy place, the first apartment or 27:59 room. 28:01 >>this is actually a building, we should say that we're looking 28:03 down here but this outer perimeter here is a courtyard. 28:05 It's like an open-- It's like a yard, part of your house but 28:08 with a fence around it. 28:10 >>It's a white fence. 28:11 >>A white---but this is a building--this is a building. 28:13 >>And there's a roof over it. 28:15 We've kind of removed the roof and we're looking down in. 28:18 And that holy place had three articles of furniture. 28:24 Here on the north side was the table of show bread and over 28:27 here was the candlestick--the seven branch candlestick. 28:31 And here, right before this second veil, was the 28:34 >>Alter of incense. 28:37 >>Alter of incense. 28:38 And what we were just talking about is the fact that the way 28:40 the whole thing was structured is that there was a second 28:42 apartment. 28:43 There was a most holy place. 28:45 It was in the shape of a perfect cube and there was that one 28:48 article of furniture called the ark. 28:51 The ark of the covenant. 28:53 >>Which is the thing you were just talking about. 28:54 >>Yeah. 28:55 >>With the two cherubim, the mercy seat. 28:56 >>Yeah and that's the place where God said that's where I'll 28:59 meet with you and speak to you from between the two cherubim, 29:03 above the mercy seat. 29:04 That's where I'll be and we sometimes refer to this, 29:08 although this language is not in scripture as the Shekinah 29:11 glory--that is the visible, radiant, glory of God was there, 29:16 between the cherubim and the Priest would interact with God 29:20 here and it's just a beautiful, kind of sand box illustration of 29:25 the entire plan of salvation. 29:27 How God implements covenant with his people. 29:30 >>And just to give the quickest illustration of how some of this 29:34 complexity--and this, again, just a sand box illustration. 29:36 >>And not a good one at that. 29:38 >>It's not bad 29:39 >>Because I'm drawing upside down. 29:40 >>Actually quite good. 29:42 It all points to Jesus so for example, very quickly, the lamb 29:43 was slain at the alter, that reminds of Jesus. 29:45 Jesus is the one who washes us at the lavor. 29:47 Jesus is the bread of life, that reminds us of Christ. 29:50 Jesus is the one that gives his spirit, and the spirit was the 29:54 oil that's kept the candlestick burning. 29:57 Jesus' righteousness is the incense of the, you know, the 30:01 prayers. 30:02 We then pass through the veil. 30:04 And Jesus himself is actually called, his flesh is like the 30:08 veil--it says in the book of Hebrews, then we come into the 30:11 most holy place. 30:12 Jesus is actually in there, then you have Jesus' covenant, you 30:15 have the mercy seat, which is Jesus' throne. 30:17 So the whole thing. 30:18 >>And the Ten Commandments. 30:19 >>The Ten Commandments of course are the very transcript of the 30:22 loving character of God. 30:24 So the whole thing, and again, this is a simple illustration--a 30:26 good one though. 30:30 Just points to the fact--the whole thing is pointing towards 30:33 him who--we're gonna discover in just a little bit. 30:35 Him who is the covenant. 30:37 >>yeah that's right...that's right. 30:38 >> God is saying, not only on the tablets of 30:40 stone....on the tablets of covenant he's also---you could 30:43 call this the house of the covenant--the house of the 30:45 relationship--the house of---we'll meet here. 30:47 >>Yeah, yeah. 30:48 >>Well beyond even the furniture---what went on there? 30:52 Yeah, what went on in this sanctuary? 30:55 There's different participants in this whole...this whole 30:59 illustration that God gave and you have the lamb. 31:02 And the bible talks about the lamb that's brought. 31:04 And I don't know ho...I don't know how much detail weú want to 31:07 get into that in this discussion but this lamb that's brought is 31:10 somehow going to illustrate to humanity in a tangible way what 31:15 God is up to and what he--to what lengths he will go to in 31:21 his covenant. 31:22 Isn't that the purpose of the lamb? 31:24 >>Oh yeah, yeah. 31:26 Of course. 31:27 >> And that somehow is going to reinforce in their minds, whoa. 31:29 Going back to what you said about Abraham and the animal and 31:32 God's the one who walks through. 31:34 >>That's right. 31:35 >>And...and...OK so now we are starting to get into a little 31:37 bit of the complexity but I think it's alright. 31:39 Because you have not only the furniture, not only the various 31:42 sacrifices of which the lamb was one. 31:45 But then the whole sanctuary system is based on a collendric 31:47 system. 31:49 There's a calendar--you'll keep these three feasts in the Spring 31:51 and these three feasts in the Fall and each of those feasts in 31:55 their own little unique details point in some element to a 32:01 dimension of Christ's ministry. 32:04 So for example, one of the feasts was called Yom Kipper or 32:08 the Day of Atonement...the Day of Atonement--one of the feasts 32:12 was carried on out on the tenth day of the seventh month and on 32:15 that day just listen to the language--the Day of Atonement. 32:19 You divide that up it's the day of at atonement. 32:22 And that's the point. 32:25 That's the point. 32:28 God longs for the rebellion in the human heart, the iniquity in 32:30 the human heart, the selfishness in the human heart to finally 32:32 and fully be eradicated so that he can be at one with his---the 32:35 whole thing sometimes and I think even in modern times our 32:40 Jewish friends have done this very thing---we think that the 32:44 complexity is the point--the furniture is the point--the 32:47 festival is the point. 32:48 That's not the point. 32:50 The point is God. 32:51 This is how we have a relationship with God. 32:54 This is how we come into communion and union and covenant 32:56 with him. 32:57 >>So the synonyms for the word one. 32:58 >>yeah. 32:59 >>Synonyms---Community, harmony, relationship. 33:01 So it's the day of relationship. 33:06 >>Yeah its the feast of tabernacles. 33:07 I want to tabernacle with you. 33:09 Its the feast of Passover. 33:10 I want to pass over your sins. 33:11 I want to pass over those iniquities through the blood of 33:14 the Lamb. 33:16 All of these. 33:17 >>The first fruits, yeah--right down the list. 33:18 >>The whole sanctuary service is pointed to Jesus. 33:21 And when you get to the New Testament you're looking at the 33:23 bottom line foundation at relationship with Christ. 33:25 I'm the way the truth and the life. 33:27 But in the Old Testament Psalm 77 verse 13 says thy way oh God 33:32 is in the sanctuary. 33:34 >>Yeah that's so cool James because here's the thing. 33:37 Back to this illustration--this poor upside down illustration. 33:40 But I think you guys can see that clearly. 33:42 >>Totally. 33:43 >>What James is quoting here--this is powerful. 33:45 I'll just...I'll just--let me see here different color--what's 33:49 happening here is Jesus says I'm the way---He's the language way 33:56 which means path--journey. 33:57 And Psalm 77 verse 13 says God's way is in the sanctuary. 34:03 The sanctuary illustrates a way--a path--a journey. 34:07 And that journey is basically a process of returning. 34:13 >>That's right. 34:14 >>To relationship with God. 34:15 >>That's right. 34:17 >>And it's consummated in the symbolism related to the most 34:19 holy place--the Day of Atonement--the day of unity--the 34:25 day where there is complete reestablishment of relationship 34:27 with God with no veil between. 34:29 >>Yes. 34:30 >>We've moved through a series of veils here. 34:31 And the most holy place--we have to remember where we came from. 34:34 The most holy place that's where the Ten Commandments is in the 34:37 Ark of the Covenant. 34:39 And that Ten Commandment law of God represents in some 34:44 magnificence sense what a human being looks like when they are 34:50 completely re-established in relationship with God. 34:54 Love to God is re-established--love to our 34:58 fellow human beings is re-established. 35:02 God's love manifested in that law--in a codeified form is 35:05 completely re-established. 35:07 God's law is written in the heart and in the mind. 35:09 The new covenant is fulfilled in that relationship that 35:16 consummates with the law of God being perfectly re-established 35:19 inside of us. 35:20 >>Our hearts become the stones that was written on. 35:22 >>Yeah. 35:23 >>And in Exodus, you know as you go through the establishment of 35:26 the sanctuary and the different perimeters and the different 35:30 measurements and the different pieces of furniture etc. you get 35:33 to the very end and just as you get to the end of all the 35:35 description that God give to Moses to give to the 35:38 people---just as you prepared to anoint the sanctuary for service 35:42 and inaugurate it--just there in the last chapters--chapter 35:46 29--you come to the summary and its really how we entered into 35:52 this whole understanding. 35:55 God introduced it this way and then he closes out this way. 35:58 He says verse 44 of Exodus chapter 29 I will sanctify the 36:03 tabernacle of the congregation and the altar. 36:05 I will sanctify both, also both Aaron and his sons to minister 36:08 to me in the Priests office and I will dwell among the children 36:12 of Israel and will be their God and verse 46 they shall know 36:17 that I am the Lord their God. 36:19 That brought them forth out of the land of Egypt that I may 36:23 dwell among them. 36:25 I am the Lord their God. 36:27 >>OK I have to say this...I have to say this. 36:31 That language is replicated in John chapter 1 in the New 36:35 Testament when Jesus comes into the world--the scripture says of 36:39 him in the New Testament John 1 verse 14 it says and the word 36:43 became flesh and the English version says dwelt among us and 36:49 we beheld his glory in the Greek it literally says the word 36:53 became flesh and tabernacles among us. 36:56 And we beheld his glory which is a direct reference to the 37:01 Shekinah glory above the mercy seat between the cherubim. 37:06 Jesus is the complete fulfillment of the symbolism of 37:08 the most holy place of the sanctuary. 37:10 >>Which reminds me of something else and that it that Solomon's 37:12 temple was glorious. 37:13 It was ruined. 37:15 It was taken down and another temple was built in its place 37:18 years later. 37:19 And there were those present at the inauguration of that second 37:21 temple which was the one that Christ came to that remembered 37:24 the glory of the first temple. 37:26 They wept. 37:27 But God said I'm gonna fill the second temple with more glory. 37:31 >>he said it would exceed. 37:32 >>Yes then the first temple and that is the fulfillment of that 37:36 promise. 37:37 >>So how did he fill the temple then?...with Jesus. 37:38 Jesus came as the more glory...the more glorious 37:43 fulfillment of that promise. 37:47 >>The verse that comes to my mind on this is the verse that 37:50 we quoted earlier in another conversation in a different 37:53 context but it's so awesome--Psalm 27 verse 4 one 37:55 thing that I have desired of the Lord and that will I seek that I 37:59 may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to 38:03 behold the beauty or the glory of the Lord and to enquirer in 38:09 his temple. 38:10 So that coupled with---what did you quote earlier Psalm 77:13? 38:14 >>13 38:15 >>Thy way oh Lord is in the sanctuary and David says the 38:19 beauty of God is seen in the sanctuary--the holiness, the 38:22 goodness, the love is seen in the sanctuary. 38:25 >>Check this out David that verse you just quoted in Psalm 38:28 27 verse 4 go to Psalm 63 and look at verse 2. 38:33 Verse 2 Psalm 63 verse 2 so I have looked for you God--David 38:39 is saying I've looked for you God in your sanctuary to see 38:42 your power and your glory because your loving kindness is 38:47 better than life. 38:50 So here's what David's anticipating. 38:52 >>Yes. 38:53 >>David is saying God I'm searching--I'm looking for you 38:55 and so where am I making this investigation? 38:58 Where am I making this inquiry into the character of God? 39:02 In the sanctuary. 39:03 That's where I'm looking to behold God's glory and in that 39:07 sanctuary I encounter your glory and then he equates it with 39:12 God's love--God's loving kindness and the word is there. 39:17 >>It's hesed. 39:20 >>It's hesed. 39:21 >>Beautiful. 39:22 >>It's the Old Testament word for covenant faithfulness. 39:23 In the sanctuary I encounter the covenant faithfulness of 39:25 God--David is saying. 39:27 >>Beautiful. 39:28 >>Yeah. 39:29 >>Love it. 39:31 >>We need to take another break right now. 39:32 >>These breaks are painful at times. 39:33 >>They're painful at times but we have something really great 39:35 to share with those who are sitting in on the conversation 39:38 with us. 39:40 So we'll just take a break with that offer and we'll come right 39:42 back. 39:43 Announcer: The Light Bearers story is a short, award winning 39:46 video that gives an inside look at one of the boldest and most 39:50 effective missionary ventures of our time. 39:52 You will see how multiple millions of gospel publications 39:55 are flooding the nations free of charge by surprisingly simple 39:59 means. 40:00 For your free copy of the Light Bearers story call 40:02 1-877-585-1111 or write to us at Light Bearers; 37457 Jasper 40:11 Lowell Road; Jasper, OR 97438. 40:14 Once again for your free copy of the Light Bearers story call 40:18 1-877-585-1111 or write to Light Bearers; 37457 Jasper Lowell 40:26 Road; Jasper, OR 97438 simply ask for the Light Bearers story. 40:32 >>Now with all of this really good news--really beautiful 40:36 picture of the tablet of the covenant...the tablet of the 40:42 covenant and the ark of the covenant and the sanctuary which 40:44 is a covenant you would think that the rest of the Old 40:46 Testament would be just one grand story of victory after 40:50 victory and going from excellence to greater 40:54 excellence. 40:56 But rather than being a grand success story much of the Old 40:59 Testament often is a story of broken promises and...and broken 41:04 covenant---not on God's part. 41:05 God never, ever, ever, ever broke covenant with the children 41:10 of Israel. 41:11 The everlasting covenant was always faithful on God's part. 41:13 But there was an unfaithfulness on the part of those that were 41:17 responding to the covenant. 41:18 In fact we see it we don't even get away from Mount Sinai before 41:21 the covenant is already broken in an act of just tremendous 41:26 significance pregnant with symbolism. 41:28 Moses comes from down from the mountain. 41:30 The children of Israel because Moses had seemingly been delayed 41:33 are dancing around the golden calf--well known story and when 41:37 Moses sees this--this is a violation of the covenant they 41:40 had promised, repeatedly all that God has spoken we will 41:43 do...we will do...we will do. 41:45 And yet here they have violated the very terms of the covenant 41:48 that they had agreed to. 41:49 Moses throws down the tablets of stone, they smash, they shatter 41:54 into various pieces. 41:56 >>like an act . 41:57 >>As a symbol. 41:58 >>And acted. 41:59 >>The covenant's broken, if this is--it would be like taking--if 42:02 this is the contract between you and me--OK its the tearing 42:05 of--its over. 42:07 Now then God re-establishes and that's much of the history of 42:12 the Old Testament. 42:13 Let's try...let's try...let's try...let's try that...let's 42:16 try--it's just over and over again and I just want to read a 42:18 passage to that affect Jeremiah 11 and I'll just read through 42:22 this quickly but just feel the path loss of this. 42:24 This is now hundreds of years. 42:26 >>Jeremiah 11? 42:27 >>Yes Jeremiah 11 this is now hundreds of years after this 42:29 beautiful establishment of a beautiful covenant relationship 42:32 built around the sanctuary, built around the...the Ten 42:36 Commandments. 42:38 Now listen to this Jeremiah 11 beginning in verse 1 the word 42:40 that came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying hear the words of 42:44 this covenant and speak to the men of Judah and to the 42:47 inhabitants of Jerusalem and say to them thus says the Lord God 42:49 of Israel cursed is the man who does not obey the words of this 42:52 covenant which I commanded your fathers in the day that I 42:55 brought them out of the land of Egypt from the iron furnace 42:58 saying obey my voice and do according to all that I command 43:00 you and so you shall be my people and I will be your 43:03 God--there's the refrain. 43:05 verse 5 that I may establish the oath which I have sworn, which I 43:08 have promised to your fathers to give them a land flowing with 43:12 milk and honey as it is at this day. 43:13 And I answered...and I answered and said so be it oh Lord. 43:17 Then the Lord said to me proclaim in all these words in 43:21 the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem saying hear 43:23 the words of this covenant and do them for I earnestly exhorted 43:27 your fathers in the day that I brought them out of the land of 43:30 Egypt until this day, rising early and exhorting them saying 43:32 obey my voice. 43:33 Yet they did not obey or incline their ear to me. 43:37 But everyone followed the dictates of his evil heart. 43:40 Therefore I will bring upon them all the words of this covenant 43:43 which I commanded them to do but which they have not done. 43:48 Then it goes on--I mean that's just the opening bit there of 43:52 Jeremiah 11. 43:53 >>you could just feel God's heartbeat. 43:54 >>Oh his heart is broken. 43:55 >>This is really interesting because you just read from 43:57 Jeremiah and Jeremiah's lamenting of the fact that the 44:01 people of God haven't been fulfilling the covenant. 44:04 But if you look at Daniel 9 in Daniel 9 we find Daniel in his 44:11 prayer--and this is a beautiful prayer--it's a long prayer but 44:14 it's a very emotional prayer and it's powerful because in verse 2 44:18 and here's the's the connect to everything you 44:22 said. 44:23 >>I'm ready. 44:25 >>In verse 2 Daniel says that he understood by the books the 44:29 number of the year specified by the word of the Lord through 44:33 Jeremiah the prophet. 44:34 So now Daniel studying the very...the very words of 44:40 Jeremiah which no doubt included some of the stuff you were just 44:45 reading. 44:46 >>Of course. 44:47 >>And in his study of Jeremiah he's lamenting the fact that 44:49 they're still in the same place. 44:51 And then he goes on in this beautiful prayer... 44:54 but we're talking about the covenant. 44:55 So check this out. 44:56 When you read those so much like verse 4 I pray to 45:01 the Lord my God and made confession and said Oh Lord 45:04 great and awesome God who keeps his...his covenant. 45:12 >>I'm just going to stop right there. 45:13 That's the first thing he says. 45:15 In other words in Daniel's prayer the first thing that 45:17 comes to his mind is God you're the covenant keeper. 45:19 >>That's powerful. 45:21 ..that's powerful so he mention the covenant...God's the 45:24 covenant keeper who and...and..and he has mercy with 45:27 those who loves him, with those who keep his commandments. 45:29 And then verse 5 the reality--we and aren't you glad he says we 45:35 and not God these people are a bunch of sinners. 45:38 God your church--he doesn't go pointing fingers he says we...we 45:44 he includes himself we have sinned and committed iniquity. 45:48 We have done wickedly and rebelled. 45:51 And then he says how have they rebelled? 45:56 They departed from him precepts and from his judgments neither 46:02 have we heeded your servants the prophets. 46:05 And this is leading to the point I'm about to make here who spoke 46:08 in your name to our kings, our princes, our fathers and our 46:11 land. 46:12 And so the point here is that I think a fair summary the Old 46:16 Testament is as you were saying prophet after prophet after 46:20 prophet after prophet being sent to God's people to woo them into 46:25 covenant faithfulness with God. 46:28 And so in summary you can say in Exodus is God trying to get his 46:33 people out of Egypt and the rest of the story is him trying to 46:37 get Egypt out of his people. 46:39 Jeffrey check this out. 46:42 [Laughter] 46:43 >>Yeah that's good. 46:44 That's good. 46:45 >>Amen I love that. 46:46 >>He wasn't always....they weren't always wooing those 46:49 prophets 46:50 >>No. 46:51 >>I mean there were....'cause sometimes. 46:52 >>And he had to---and they were killed obviously. 46:53 >>Yeah. 46:54 >>Sometimes they had some very strong language. 46:55 Go ahead Ty. 46:56 >>Jeffrey--Daniel chapter 9. 46:58 >>Yes of course. 47:00 >>Daniel chapter 9 brother. 47:01 >>Of course. 47:02 >>So you've got all this language early on in the chapter 47:05 about the fact that God is faithful to the covenant but the 47:08 people--the word is used in verse 7--are unfaithful. 47:12 Alright, then there's this remarkable prophecy. 47:16 This is the premier Old Testament, Messianic prophecy in 47:21 which the coming of the faithful one. 47:25 >>That's right. 47:26 >>Is foretold. 47:28 You come down to verse 24-70 weeks are determined for your 47:31 people and for your holy city and then there's a list of 47:36 things. 47:37 Notice this to finish the transgression, to make an end of 47:43 sins, to make reconciliation for the people, to make 47:44 reconciliation, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to 47:48 seal up the vision of the prophecy, and to anoint the most 47:51 holy. 47:52 T His is so amazing. 47:54 >>Six things. 47:55 >>Yeah. 47:56 Yeah so then notice this the Messiah is then foretold 48:00 alright. 48:02 5 Know therefore and understand, v verse 25 that from the going 48:06 forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until what? 48:09 >>Messiah the Prince. 48:10 >>Messiah the Prince. 48:11 There shall be 7 weeks and 62 weeks the streets shall be built 48:16 again and the wall, even in troublous times and here it is 48:19 verse 26 And after 62 weeks Messiah shall be cut off but not 48:26 for himself...cut off but not for himself. 48:31 And the people of the Prince who is to come shall destroy the 48:35 city and the sanctuary, the end of it shall be with a flood, and 48:39 s are determined 48:42 till the end of the war 48:43 desolation 48:44 verse 27 now then he shall that is the Messiah, confirm the 48:46 covenant with many for one week but in the midst of the week he 48:52 shall bring an end to sacrifice an offering. 48:55 This is amazing. 48:57 This prophecy is. 48:58 >>When you called in the premier Messianic prophecy that is 49:01 exactly the right language. 49:03 >>So what's happening here is in the context of the 49:06 unfaithfulness of Israel God then says I've been faithful all 49:12 along. 49:13 I'll continue to be faithful and I'm going to go a step further 49:17 God says. 49:18 I'm going to actually come into human history in the Messiah and 49:22 all of this list of things will be fulfilled in Messiah. 49:27 Jesus was the one all along who was to come and fulfill the 49:34 covenant, not only from the divine end but from the human 49:39 end. 49:40 Now Jesus comes and he is cut off reminiscent of the chapter 49:45 15 was it? 49:47 In Genesis where the animal sacrifice was 49:50 >>Cut in two. 49:51 >>Severed in two and God in the form of a flaming torch of fire 49:55 passed between the pieces. 49:56 Here's the same basic concept of severing and cutting and there's 50:00 going to be a terrible suffering that is going to be under gone 50:05 by the Messiah in order to keep covenant. 50:08 >>Go back even earlier to Genesis 3 we're introduced to 50:11 the deliverer and the first thing we learn about him is that 50:14 he will bear a woundedness. 50:15 >>That's right. 50:16 >>So keep going. 50:17 >>So then in verse 27 the whole point of his sacrifice which by 50:21 the way in verse 26 is not for himself. 50:24 >>That's right. 50:25 >>It's for us. 50:26 This is..this is another censored love that is expressed 50:29 here. 50:30 Jesus is dieing for us. 50:32 >>there are violations of the covenant. 50:35 >>That's right. 50:36 And he dies on the cross for the purpose of confirming the 50:39 covenant--fulfilling the covenant, being faithful to the 50:43 covenant. 50:44 That's the context of this..this prayer..this lament in Daniel 50:49 chapter 9. 50:50 >>Sir Isaac Newton called this the foundation stone of the 50:53 christian religion. 50:54 I mean this is just. 50:56 >>Daniel 9? 50:57 >>Yeah Daniel 9. 50:58 He said this, Sir Isaac Newton said this is the foundation 50:59 stone of the christian religion. 51:00 This is and this is probably one of the most misunderstood 51:03 prophecies. 51:04 >>Yeah. 51:05 >>Of all time and yet one of the most crucial prophecies of all 51:08 time for us to understand. 51:09 >>Well it's the one that Satan would want to hurl his most 51:12 subtle and terrible attacks against because it is such a 51:15 grand and beautiful picture of who the Messiah is. 51:18 >>Not just in Christ's day. 51:20 Not just in Old Testament misunderstanding but even today. 51:23 >>Yeah that's what I'm saying...that's what I'm saying 51:25 even today. 51:26 The whole disspensational and we're not talking about that 51:28 here but the mis-has basically taken this prophecy, a beautiful 51:32 grand illumination. 51:33 >>Of Christ. 51:34 >>Christ and his covenant faithfulness and turned it into 51:36 and anti-Christ thing and a dispensational it's just not 51:38 there. 51:40 >>Which is interesting because that's the same thing that 51:41 happened to the sanctuary. 51:43 The sanctuary service which God desired, designed that we would 51:47 see as an illustration of Christ and the plan of salvation was 51:51 completely misunderstood--misinterpreted. 51:53 IN fact God came to the place in the Old Testament where he says 51:56 you know I am sick and tired of your sacrifices--of your burnt 51:59 offerings. 52:01 They are a stench to my nose. 52:02 I can't stand them anymore. 52:03 >>Yeah that's right. 52:04 >>What are they? 52:06 >> Numerous times in the Old Testament he says sacrifice an 52:08 offering is not what I was after. 52:09 The point wasn't the details. 52:11 It missed the message. 52:13 >>I can't help but think that God is saying the same things 52:17 bout some of our interpretations of end time prophecy today. 52:19 >>Well certainly Daniel 9. 52:20 >>The way that we apply--the way that we focus on prophecy and 52:22 make it all about doom and gloom and not about Jesus 52:24 >>Yep. 52:25 >>I can't help. 52:26 >>Preach it preacher. 52:27 >>I can't help but to think God feels the same way. 52:29 If we can get Christ back into this which is what I really 52:31 appreciate about this whole focus. 52:32 It's all about Messiah and when Messiah becomes center then 52:36 there's something. 52:37 >>James you're quite the Daniel 11 Ephisianoto. 52:43 You're very comfortable with that. 52:44 Where is it in Daniel 11 that Jesus is called the Prince of 52:45 the covenant? 52:47 >>Well it's beautiful really because Daniel 11 is just repeat 52:50 enlarge on Daniel chapter 9, Daniel 8, Daniel, 7, Daniel 2. 52:51 So right dead in the middle, Daniel 11 has 45 verses. 52:56 I mean officially it has 45. 52:58 We can include the 3 verses in Daniel 12, the first 3 but 53:00 Daniel 11:45 right in the middle--half way--20 to 22 53:04 focus, pin point Messiah It talks in verse 20 about this 53:09 razor of taxes standing up in the glory of the kingdom and his 53:13 estate. 53:14 This is historically this is pinpointing the prophecy and the 53:17 prophetic time of Pagan Rome--of Imperial Rome. 53:21 And this razor of taxes is talked about in the New 53:25 Testament. 53:26 >>In the gospels. 53:27 >>Luke chapter 3 this is Augusta Ceaser who or Luke chapter 2 who 53:30 initiated and then right after Augusta Ceasar, when Jesus is 53:34 born. 53:35 You have a vile person, that's Tiberius Ceaser verse 21 and 53:37 then verse 22 with the arms of the flood shall they be 53:42 overflown from beforehand by Tiberius and shall be broken or 53:44 Ceaser I should say. 53:47 Yes also the Prince of the covenant. 53:49 So here is a focus on the Prince of the covenant. 53:52 It is none other than Jesus Christ. 53:54 >>And does it say he'll be broken? 53:55 >>He'll be broken . 53:57 >>That's--he'll be cut off. 53:59 >>Yes. 54:00 >>The Prince of the covenant will come and be broken. 54:01 >>This is the cross. 54:02 This is the cross. 54:03 >>Broken and cut off but not for himself. 54:05 >>I'll go a step further in a prophecy in Isaiah 42 verse 6 54:08 literally Jesus is called, not just the Prince of the covenant. 54:13 He doesn't just confirm the covenant. 54:16 Here the father is speaking and he says to Jesus to Messiah I 54:20 the Lord have called you in righteousness and will hold your 54:25 hand because your going to go through this horrible ordeal of 54:28 sacrifice. 54:29 I'm gonna be with you. 54:30 I will keep you and I will give you as a covenant to the people. 54:35 Jesus is the covenant in a personified form, to use 54:40 s language. 54:43 Jeffery 54:44 >>I love that. 54:46 I love that. 54:47 >>Jesus is the covenant. 54:48 He not only preaches the covenant, he not only keeps the 54:50 covenant, he is the covenant. 54:52 He is the means by which and I think this is where we're going 54:55 in fact I know it's where we're going. 54:58 God's been faithful that's the Old Testament constantly 54:59 extending himself, extending himself . 55:01 He's faithful. 55:02 He's never failed to keep his half of the covenant. 55:04 The rain keeps falling. 55:05 The sun keeps shining. 55:07 The heart keeps beating. 55:08 God is faithful in all of these natural ways and the 55:09 supernatural ways. 55:11 But men fail, fail, fail, Jeremiah, the prophets are come 55:14 back to the covenant. 55:16 The covenant breach is so bad that Babylon finally and other 55:20 nations take them captive and there's just this basically you 55:23 wouldn't call it a punitive recourse but you would say they 55:26 placed themselves so far outside of God's protective domain that 55:31 this is what happened. 55:33 We end up in that situation and then as we draw the thing to a 55:37 close Jesus comes not just God as God being faithful but Jesus 55:42 becomes a man and he is faithful and he extends the hand so 55:45 that--you've mentioned this in >fact, maybe we could just 55:49 quickly go there. 55:50 What's the passage that you have in Hebrews where Jesus is. 55:53 >>7. 55:55 >>7 Hebrews 7:22 55:56 >>Yeah, yeah that's one of my favorites. 55:58 >>Land that here. 55:59 >>Hebrews 7:22 paints the picture here of Jesus--you were 56:03 saying he was the personification of the covenant 56:06 but in Hebrews 7:22 it says the word surety 56:09 It says by so much more Jesus has become a surety of a better 56:15 covenant. 56:16 And the word surety there he's the guarantee. 56:18 >>Yes. 56:19 >>But the thing here is that in Hebrews 7 Jesus is the God man. 56:24 Jesus has come into this race, become a human being and with 56:29 one hand he holds the hand of the Father and with the other 56:32 hand he's..he's holding onto the hands of the human race. 56:36 And he's the connecting link and Jesus is the guarantee to us--to 56:40 the human race that God will be faithful in his side--in his end 56:46 of the covenant. 56:47 But Jesus is also the guarantee to God from man that humanity 56:50 will fulfill the covenant. 56:53 Jesus becomes the guarantee both on the God side and the human 56:59 side. 57:00 That's awesome. 57:01 >>He's the way the truth and the life. 57:03 >>And we need that because who among us here or who that's 57:06 listening in has not made some promise to God about something 57:10 they would do or wouldn't do? 57:12 Right and you might not say God I promise--it might not be in 57:15 that language but it can be mental, it can be more subtle--I 57:20 will never blank again or I will again--a vow, a promise and then 57:22 it falls apart. 57:23 Alright it doesn't always fall apart. 57:25 It doesn't have to. 57:26 But it--our promises and our resolutions cannot redeem us, 57:29 they cannot save us, they cannot reconnect us to God. 57:31 So Christ is faithful on our behalf. 57:34 And as we're going to get into our next conversation on 57:38 incarnation on Christ becoming a human being and the infleshment 57:42 of the covenants we're going to see that our responsibility is 57:46 to believe in the faithfulness of Christ of the covenant and as 57:52 the covenant. 57:54 >>Praise God and...and...and this is a great place to land 57:56 this thing. 57:57 I'm personally deeply impressed and blessed by the scriptures 58:02 that we've looked at and just having the idea reaffirmed-in my 58:08 mind that it's not about me. 58:10 >>Yes. 58:11 >>Keeping faith with God. 58:13 s all about him keeping 58:16 It 58:17 faith with me and my 58:18 faithfulness is basically a returning to him >Response. 58:20 >>Yeah, yeah, so beautiful. 58:22 Announcer: To receive our free monthly news letter and a list 58:27 of Light Bearers resources visit us online at or 58:31 call us toll free at 877-585-1111. 58:37 You can also write to us at Light Bearers; 37457 Jasper 58:39 Lowell Road; Jasper, OR 97438 |
Revised 2014-12-17