Table Talk

Players and Stakes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick, James Rafferty, Jeffrey Rosario, Ty Gibson


Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000005

00:01 [Music]
00:10 [Music]
00:21 I love the fact that we're studying the bible around
00:24 the table.
00:25 This is exactly what needs to be happening all over the place
00:28 people sitting around the table having a conversation about the
00:30 things that really matter.
00:32 We've come from some really, really simple but deep topics.
00:36 And we're going to continue on now in the logical trajectory of
00:40 where we've come from.
00:42 We are now going to consider what we're calling players and
00:47 stakes.
00:48 The players and the stakes of the great controversy between
00:51 good and evil; the Great War; the cosmic battle between good
00:53 and evil.
00:55 And the reason we're calling this players and stakes is
00:57 because there are key individuals that are involved in
01:04 the war, in the great controversy between good and
01:06 evil.
01:08 So let's just take this in three parts, alright.
01:10 What do you guys think of this?
01:11 Number one let's talk about the fact that we live in an
01:16 inhabited universe.
01:18 We're not alone as human beings.
01:20 We'll flush that out more as we go.
01:22 We're not alone in the universe.
01:24 Number two we're going to talk about Lucifer specifically and
01:30 the angelic order.
01:31 I just said we're not alone in the universe.
01:33 There are other civilizations; I guess you could say other actual
01:38 communities of beings in the universe beside human beings.
01:42 And one of those communities' angels and Lucifer whom we're
01:47 going to get a character profile of, a personality profile of is
01:50 key in the controversy.
01:52 And thirdly let's explore the fact that planet earth and the
01:57 human race is right in the cross hairs of the Great War between
02:02 good and evil.
02:03 That the great controversy is happening right here right now
02:07 on our planet, more specifically between our ears.
02:10 Right here on planet earth with the human race.
02:14 So let's go.
02:16 Inhabited universe what are we talking about here?
02:19 Does the bible actually teach that there are other orders of
02:23 created beings in the universe besides human beings?
02:27 >>The answer's yes obviously.
02:31 I mean I shouldn't say obviously but an answer to the question,
02:34 you're asking a yes or no question.
02:35 The answer is yes the bible does teach that that there is God.
02:39 There are human beings.
02:41 There are other; you said civilizations, but other orders
02:44 of being, other kinds of beings.
02:46 We don't, probably it would be very safe to say that what we
02:49 don't know about these beings is far greater than what we do know
02:53 about them.
02:54 But what we do know about them the bible does present a
02:56 reasonable picture so that we can kind of--we know what we're
02:58 dealing with.
03:00 We know what we're talking about.
03:02 And so, yeah.
03:03 >>Are we talking Star Wars?
03:05 Are we talking Star Trek?
03:07 Are we talking weird looking aliens?
03:10 That's not what we're saying is it?
03:11 What are we talking about when we say that we live in a
03:14 universe with other orders of beings?
03:16 >>Okay so let's just start right there when--the moment you start
03:18 talking about, you know physical appearance that's where
03:22 things--that gets into the category of things that I was
03:25 saying there.
03:26 We don't know is far greater than what we do know
03:27 >>Okay.
03:29 >>I've never personally seen an angel but amazingly--this might
03:31 sound crazy to like an atheist or to an agnostic who is
03:37 listening in.
03:38 I have great reason to believe that there are angels.
03:40 But if you said ok now sketch an ang--I would probably sketch
03:44 something that's like I imagined.
03:46 You know a Hollywood picture, television picture or a painting
03:49 of what an angel is supposed to look like.
03:52 >>Okay.
03:53 >>So as far as their physicality I don't, that's not even the
03:57 point.
03:58 But I think the real point here is what kind of beings are
04:01 these?
04:02 And they are revealed to us in scripture as being in a sense
04:04 very much like human beings.
04:06 In that they are volitional beings.
04:09 They make choices.
04:10 They are moral beings in that they can make right and wrong
04:12 choices.
04:13 And so in that sense they're very much like us.
04:17 >>Okay first let's just establish that that other orders
04:18 of beings do exist.
04:22 Bring scripture to the table.
04:24 I'll bring one.
04:25 Okay you got one.
04:27 >>Hebrews 2 this is one we've been looking at quite a bit.
04:28 >>You love Hebrews it's always in Hebrews.
04:31 >> It's a relational book.
04:32 We're talking about relationships here.
04:34 Hebrews chapter 2 is a summary, if you will, of the creation,
04:37 the creation act and the fall.
04:39 >>I was already there.
04:41 >>And in Hebrews chapter 2 we looked at this already but we'll
04:43 just look at it again in verse 7.
04:45 It's talking about verse 6 man you are mindful of him.
04:48 What is he that you made him that you take care of him?
04:51 And then it says in verse 7 you have made him, that is man,
04:55 mankind a little lower than the angels.
04:57 So here is an order of beings that is described in Hebrews
05:01 chapter 2 in the context of creation.
05:04 Here's an order of beings that have been made higher than us.
05:08 In other words, we were made a little lower than the angels.
05:11 So there is an order of being, beings called angels that were,
05:14 occupied a position a little bit higher than us.
05:17 >>Okay I'll bring a scripture to the table then.
05:20 >>Before I can see you're in Job already.
05:21 I'm just gonna stay on the same page here in Hebrews chapter one
05:24 and I'm just going to read verse 14.
05:25 It says are they not all, they, angels, are the angels not all
05:29 ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will
05:33 inherit salvation?
05:34 So they're spiritual beings, spirit beings.
05:35 >>Okay, yeah, yeah.
05:38 And there in that scripture I'll just--before I go to the one
05:42 I've got here--that scripture actually says they're
05:44 interactive with the human realm.
05:46 Right?
05:47 'Cause it says there
05:52 >>They're ministers.
05:54 >>Sent forth, that's travel language.
05:56 They live somewhere else then planet earth as their I guess
05:57 you could say permanent address.
05:58 But their sent.
05:59 That means they come and they go right?
06:00 To be--to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation.
06:02 That means that they're actively engaged with the human race on
06:05 some level.
06:06 >>I like that.
06:07 >>Right?
06:08 Okay here's one I have to bring to the table.
06:09 This is Job 38 Job has been having his whole experience
06:13 which, which maybe we'll talk about later.
06:15 And then God is responding to Job who's now been, been just
06:20 really expressing how horrible his experience is and saying
06:24 basically God you know.
06:25 What's going on here?
06:26 Where are you?
06:28 So then God poses a question to Job okay.
06:30 He says in verse 4 where were you when I laid the foundations
06:35 of the earth?
06:36 This is Job 38 did I say what chapter?
06:38 >>Mhm.
06:39 >>Chapter 38 verse 4 where were you, Job, when I laid the
06:41 foundations of the earth?
06:43 Tell me if you have understanding?
06:45 That's verse 4 then God elaborates a little bit about
06:49 the creation of the earth.
06:50 And then he says in verse 7 when the morning stars sing together
06:54 and all the sons of God shouted for joy.
06:56 Okay so here's the question God is asking Job.
06:59 Job were you there when I laid the foundations of the earth?
07:03 When I created the earth?
07:04 When all the sons of God and the morning stars shouted for you?
07:07 So there's chronology here.
07:09 The chronology here is that when planet earth is created.
07:14 When planet earth is created there is already an order of
07:19 beings according to this that are witnessing the event.
07:21 So chronically if they're shouting for joy and singing
07:27 when earth and mankind is being made, they're witnessing it, if
07:32 they're singing about it.
07:33 So they already exist.
07:35 Now there are two orders of beings here, the morning stars
07:38 and the sons of God.
07:43 The morning stars are just a biblical metaphor in poetry for
07:45 angels.
07:46 Because according to Revelation 1 verse 20 and Revelation 12:7-9
07:49 right?
07:51 The angels are likened to stars.
07:53 So it's a cymbol for angels.
07:55 The stars in scripture are angels.
07:59 The angels are witnessing the creation of planet earth.
08:01 >>That doesn't, just to clarify, that doesn't mean that every
08:04 time we see the word star in the bible that that's necessarily an
08:07 angel.
08:08 >>Oh sometimes it means stars.
08:09 >> Yeah, Got it just I just want to--so we're clear on that.
08:14 But and that's not just in Revelation that's Isaiah too.
08:15 Isaiah 14 which we'll probably end up in later.
08:17 But morning star.
08:20 >>Every time Jeffrey uses the word hearts he's not necessarily
08:22 using it in the metaphoric sense with his romantic Latin self.
08:26 When he's talking about his love for Marianna, sometimes he might
08:29 be talking about the biological actual physical.
08:33 >>The cardiac muscle.
08:34 >>Yeah the cardiac muscle.
08:36 >>But mostly I refer to the romantic.
08:38 >>So stars are used to symbolize angels.
08:41 Okay, then there's the sons of God.
08:44 The sons of God are also, according to this scripture
08:48 verse 7.
08:49 They are witnessing the creation of planet earth and the human
08:51 race, right?
08:53 Who are the sons of God?
08:54 I'd like to suggest that the sons of God are the
08:56 representative heads of other worlds that God has made.
09:01 Now that's a mouth full and I can give you two pieces of
09:06 biblical evidence to demonstrate that.
09:08 Number one is the context of Job itself.
09:11 In chapters 1 and 2 there's a heavenly convention it's called.
09:16 And it says there was a day when the sons of God, that's the
09:21 language, came to present themselves before the Lord, and
09:24 Satan came also among them, right?
09:26 So the sons of God are coming.
09:28 They're traveling before the Lord for this heavenly congress
09:31 meeting of some kind alright.
09:32 They're called the sons of God.
09:35 Well who are they and why are they there?
09:36 Well in the context Satan came among them and the Lord said to
09:40 Satan from where, a point of origins question.
09:43 From where do you come?
09:44 And Satan said from earth.
09:46 So Satan is claiming to be representative of planet earth
09:50 and the human race, there's a lot there.
09:52 But these guys, these others are sons of God who are there to
09:56 represent other places in the universe that God has made with
10:00 rational volitional creatures.
10:02 Okay second biblical evidence is the genealogy in Luke chapter 3
10:10 so and so is the son of so and so.
10:12 So the son of so and so David the son of Jesse.
10:14 Jesse the son of Obed and it just keeps going back, back,
10:17 back until it finally says Adam the son of God.
10:21 So that language is indicating that in a primary sense, in a
10:26 primary sense Adam was the son of God.
10:29 We're sons and daughters of God, of course, all of us as human
10:32 beings on a secondary sense by procreation
10:34 But here's the point Adam was the son of God and the primary
10:37 sense that he did not have a human mom or dad.
10:40 He was the first and therefore the head of the human race.
10:43 Right, are you with me on that?
10:46 >>Totally.
10:47 >>So then the sons of God came to present themselves before the
10:49 Lord.
10:50 We can deduce that these are people traveling to meet with
10:54 the Lord who are representatives of other worlds God has made.
10:58 Okay so.
10:59 >I think that's what I like all of that and basically much of
11:03 what you're saying there strongly suggests that the, the
11:06 angelic beings are an organized group.
11:09 They're sent forth.
11:10 They're at a congress.
11:12 They're assembling.
11:13 There's' all these reasons to believe that they're organized
11:17 and that leads me to a couple of scriptures.
11:18 You asked us to bring some scriptures to the table.
11:20 One is where Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and Peter goes to
11:23 cut off the ear of the people that have come to arrest or the
11:27 head probably, but he misses.
11:29 The--those that have come to arrest Jesus and Jesus says I'm
11:32 in Matthew 26 verse 53 He says do you not think that I can now
11:37 pray to my father and he would provide me with more than 12
11:42 legions of angels.
11:43 So now this tells us a lot about the angels.
11:46 But one of them is that they're organized and they're under the
11:49 direction of God.
11:50 Now then sort of couple that with a text in First
11:53 Thessalonians chapter 4 where Paul refers to the voice of the
11:58 Arc angel.
12:00 Right and Arc here meaning the first or the one who's over.
12:04 So we have this sort of orderly picture.
12:09 This organized picture of these beings.
12:11 I think civilization, earlier your used the word civilization.
12:13 I think that's a very good word because it's an organized
12:17 assembly of other worldly beings, spiritual beings.
12:20 >>In our last conversation we were talking about the garden
12:23 and it seems that the early, I don't know if I'm overstating
12:27 this but one of the earliest statements about the angels is
12:32 right there in Genesis.
12:33 And it's in the context of the garden and the fall.
12:37 We were just talking about the fall in our previous
12:39 conversation.
12:40 And at the very close of chapter 3 there's, there's an angelic
12:45 order there that's involved with the affairs of humanity.
12:48 And it says there in verse 24 that God drove out the man,
12:51 speaking of Adam and Eve from the garden and he placed
12:55 Cherubim.
12:58 He placed Cherubim at the east of the Garden of Eden and a
13:01 flaming sword which turned every way to guard the way to the tree
13:08 of life.
13:09 So at the fall of man the angelic order is present.
13:13 It's also present there.
13:15 And it's somehow involved in the affairs of humanity and
13:18 obviously interested in the fall of man.
13:23 >>You know I really love this because in Matthew chapter 18
13:25 which is, which is just picking up where you're leaving off.
13:29 In Matthew 18 Jesus is talking about us and specifically about
13:33 little children, little ones, little ones.
13:35 And as he's talking about little ones and how we interact with
13:40 those who are maybe not as strong as us.
13:44 He describes how they are watched over by these angelic
13:49 beings.
13:50 So they're not just guarding this garden but they're actually
13:52 guarding us.
13:53 They're protecting us.
13:54 In verse 10 he says take heed that you do not despise one of
13:57 these little ones.
13:58 For I say to you that in heaven they're angels.
14:03 So all these little ones have angels.
14:04 >>Possessive.
14:06 >> Their angels, their angels.
14:07 >>That's where we get the idea of a guardian angel.
14:08 >>Guardian angel.
14:09 Their angels always see the face of my father who is in heaven.
14:13 So there again you have that connection.
14:15 You have the connection of the angels with God the organization
14:18 connection there.
14:19 And then again you have that transition from God and the
14:24 order to us.
14:25 Not just to .
14:27 >>That is so good.
14:28 >>One of us but there, to the plural, to all of us.
14:29 All of us have angels that--and Jesus says be careful because
14:31 these angels are continually guarding these little ones,
14:36 continually watching over these little ones.
14:37 >>So there's something to this whole guardian angel thing.
14:39 >>It's biblical.
14:40 >>There's something to that.
14:41 It's powerful and, and Peter, you'll remember this text gives
14:45 this really powerful picture.
14:47 I'm in First Peter chapter 1 and you remember that verse 12 and
14:53 I'll just read the last part there just for the sake of
14:56 brevity here.
14:57 But it says that the angels desire to look into.
15:00 >>yea.
15:02 >>speaking of the salvation.
15:04 >>It's talking about the condition of humanity and God's
15:07 plan of restoration.
15:09 This whole process of the gospel and of the story of redemption
15:13 and how the angels desire to look into it.
15:17 So you were just saying that you have angels that are sent to
15:19 guard.
15:21 So you have this beautiful picture that--and I love what
15:23 you said we are not alone.
15:24 And not only are we not alone.
15:25 >>They're invested.
15:26 >>They're invested in this because after all I think we'll
15:29 undeveloped this.
15:32 This thing went down in their back yard.
15:33 >>And it didn't just go down in their back yard.
15:35 It went down in their family.
15:36 Because we've been talking, you know, a guardian angel, that's
15:39 positive.
15:41 And the angels that were there to guard.
15:42 But every one of the--not everyone but so many of these
15:45 texts that Job text.
15:46 Even the text I quoted don't you think that he could send his
15:48 angels to protect assume a conflict.
15:51 All of these texts that we're quoting are set against the
15:55 background of a conflict.
15:56 And I just want to read a verse here that will sort of set that
15:59 up.
16:01 This is in the book of Revelation and it says chapter
16:02 12 verse 9 so the great dragon was cast out.
16:06 That serpent of old.
16:07 That's how we spent our last lesson was on the serpent in the
16:09 tree, he's cunning and he's subtle.
16:12 That serpent of old called the devil and Satan.
16:14 We're gonna talk about him in just a moment.
16:16 But look at this who deceives the whole world.
16:18 There's the deception.
16:20 There's the cleverness.
16:21 There's the subtlety.
16:22 He was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him.
16:27 So there is a civil war.
16:30 You say this happened in the back yard.
16:32 Indeed it happened not just in the back yard in terms of
16:34 territorial vicinity it happened in their family.
16:37 This is a civil war.
16:39 >>And it says his angels.
16:41 It's like whoa, whoa, whoa, since when does the dragon or
16:45 Satan have his own angels?
16:47 >>Those that are loyal to him.
16:48 >>So we thought that God created all the angels but now there
16:51 seems to be a transition of loyalty.
16:53 >>God did create all the angels.
16:54 >>Right, right, right.
16:55 >>He created them but check this out.
16:57 In Genesis chapter 2 one of the things--this was before the fall
17:01 Genesis 2.
17:02 One of the things that God said to Adam and Eve was to tend the
17:05 garden and keep it.
17:06 And the word there to keep in the Hebrew one of the meanings
17:09 is to guard it.
17:10 Right now if I said to you hey Jeffrey guard this.
17:15 You aut--what do you automatically assume.
17:17 >>Yeah it's an assumption there.
17:19 There's something to guard against.
17:20 >>Yeah against.
17:21 It says beware of dog.
17:23 That means there's something what?
17:24 >>Something hairy in there that you gotta watch out.
17:26 >>So if God says to Adam and Eve, this really gives us an
17:28 insight to the fact that the serpent didn't just show up in
17:30 the tree.
17:32 You know spontaneously, whoa, you know.
17:33 Rabbit out of a hat.
17:35 That they were told to be on the lookout for a deceiver, for an
17:39 enemy.
17:41 >>For a thief.
17:42 The bible says he's a thief.
17:44 >>A Thief.
17:45 A murderer that would come.
17:46 >>Guys we gotta take a break.
17:47 >>Awe.
17:49 >>We're coming back though.
17:50 This is good stuff.
17:51 The break we're gonna take though, this is pretty exciting
17:54 stuff.
17:56 We're producing some videos and Light Bearers is really
17:59 interested in communicating to the world at large.
18:04 And there's a project we're calling
18:08 And we just want people to understand what is.
18:11 It's basically a building library of sharable videos.
18:15 You can literally click on any one of these short videos.
18:20 They're about 7 minutes long each.
18:22 You can click on any one of these videos and email it to a
18:25 friend, stimulate a conversation.
18:27 >>They're good.
18:28 >>With somebody.
18:29 And this is a building library.
18:30 They're right now I think about 10 or 12 of them at the website.
18:33 Something like that and then there are more that are being
18:36 produced and so we just want to share with people that this
18:40 resource is available.
18:42 And take a look.
18:45 >>Hi I'm Ty Gibson, welcome to
18:49 I am so excited about this website because you're about to
18:54 discover a powerful new way to share life, transforming
18:58 messages and videos with your family, friends and anybody else
19:02 on the planet who has access to a computer.
19:04 Digma is a Greek word.
19:08 It basically means to show or to reveal something by means of a
19:12 pattern or an example of some kind.
19:14 It's the second half of the word paradigm from which we get the
19:19 English word paradigm as in paradigm shift.
19:22 And so what you're going to find at is a growing
19:26 library of short videos and transcripts dealing with
19:29 paradigms and fundamental questions.
19:31 What's the meaning of life?
19:33 What is our origin and destiny as human beings?
19:37 What happens when we die?
19:40 Does God exist or are we alone in this vast universe?
19:44 Why is there so much evil and suffering in our world?
19:48 An estimated 70 percent of Americans have a computer right
19:53 in their home and stay in touch with family and friends by
19:57 email.
19:58 And more than 400 million people are active on facebook.
20:01 And 5 million new users are signing up every week.
20:07 We are literally in the midst of a communications revolution of
20:12 massive proportion.
20:13 This is granting the gospel direct and easy access to
20:18 millions upon millions of homes and hearts.
20:22 And that's what is all about.
20:26 It's a tool for leading our family and friends on an
20:29 exciting paradigm shift by revealing the truth of God's
20:33 creative power and his incredibly beautiful character
20:38 in contrast to our world's popular misconceptions about who
20:43 God is.
20:45 >>I've just gotta say that I love those Digma videos.
20:55 >>I've just gotta say that I love those Digma videos.
21:09 I know that it's you on their Ty but it's a product of Light
21:13 Bearers ministry and I have showed those to so many people
21:17 in so many different contexts and settings and never have I
21:20 yet had a situation where people weren't like, well these
21:22 are--these are special.
21:25 So praise God for the wisdom that he's given you and the
21:28 resources he's given this ministry to do it.
21:30 >>yeah, yeah.
21:32 >>Now, now I want to get right back into our conversation here
21:35 'cause we were sort of transitioning from the first
21:37 part which was we're in an inhabited universe.
21:41 And now we're transitioning into sort of who is this Lucifer guy?
21:45 Who is this Satan guy that we keep sort of coming up against?
21:48 And let's talk about him.
21:52 But before we do I think what we're seeing scripture confirm
21:55 here is just a basic sense that most people have.
21:59 You go outside especially in a place that doesn't have a lot of
22:03 light pollution.
22:05 You know you go off in the wilderness and the woods or the
22:07 desert and you're away from lights.
22:09 And you look up and the sky is awesome.
22:10 I mean I was just recently in the outback of Australia.
22:12 We drove right down through the middle of Australia and the sky
22:16 there is amazing.
22:18 The stars are so thick that you feel like you could just almost
22:21 reach out and touch them.
22:23 And no one who has seen that can fail to think to themselves at
22:27 some level.
22:29 We can't be alone.
22:31 There has to be this too big, too grand.
22:35 There has to be something out there.
22:37 And scripture here is confirming this basic human sense and
22:40 intuition that we are not alone.
22:43 >>Yeah and the bible is also confirming because you've been
22:45 hinting at the existence to a dark side of all this.
22:49 The bible clearly communicates that God created everything good
22:53 and perfect.
22:56 But then there was, as you called a civil war.
22:58 There was a fracture in the angelic community.
23:01 The angels were all created good, holy, and beautiful with
23:05 the capacity to love.
23:08 Like God loves obviously.
23:09 The bible describes the angels as emotional beings at different
23:16 times.
23:17 >>Yeah because they experience joy.
23:18 >>They experience joy.
23:20 They rejoice the angels in heaven rejoice when one person
23:21 turns to the Lord, Luke chapter 15 tells us.
23:24 So the angels are very real.
23:26 But there's been a division among them according to various
23:29 scriptures.
23:31 Revelation 12 comes to mind.
23:33 >>We just read that one Revelations 12.
23:35 >>Yeah, so verse 7 says there was war in heaven.
23:37 War erupted in the heavenly realm.
23:41 >>The last place I would ever think of a war breaking out
23:44 would be heaven.
23:46 >>yeah, yeah and I think maybe the inhabitants of heaven, when
23:50 they witnessed the creation of humanity and saw this glorious
23:54 new thing that God had made.
23:56 They probably thought the same thing Jeffrey.
23:58 The last thing we will ever expect for there to be a war
24:02 between good and evil is on planet earth.
24:05 But the fact is God created these beings, angels, with free
24:11 will.
24:14 And so it happened.
24:15 In Ephesians we clearly have language in chapter 3 verse 10.
24:18 Here's the language I'm just quoting a part of the verse that
24:22 there are principalities and powers in the heavenly places or
24:26 the heavenly realm.
24:28 Okay, also again in chapter 6 it says we wrestle not against
24:33 flesh and blood but against principalities and powers
24:36 against the rulers of the darkness of this age, that is
24:40 this era in universal history.
24:43 Against spiritual hosts or groups of wickedness in the
24:48 heavenly realm.
24:49 So both of these scriptures according to Paul.
24:52 Paul's perspective is cosmic.
24:54 He sees that there is an intersection an inner
24:58 penetration between a heavenly realm and the earthly realm.
25:03 This scripture says that there are rulers and authorities,
25:06 principalities and powers.
25:08 Which implies what you were saying an orderly system of some
25:11 kind.
25:12 Even after the fall.
25:13 It's orderly because we're told in one of the gospels; I don't
25:16 know the verse off the top of my head that Beelzebub or Satan is
25:20 the ruler of the demons.
25:22 That means they're under his authority.
25:25 So scripture is clear.
25:27 The angels have experienced a division among themselves.
25:32 There is a great war that has erupted between angels.
25:38 And they have two different sides now among them.
25:41 Right?
25:44 That's clear in scripture.
25:45 The numbers aren't exact in scripture but we're told in
25:50 Revelation chapter 12 that approximately one-third of the
25:53 angels.
25:55 Well how many angels are there?
25:57 We don't know exactly.
25:58 But we have two scriptures that tell us that it's a sizable
26:00 number.
26:01 One is in Hebrews chapter 12 here's Paul's language and
26:05 innumerable company of angels.
26:07 Did I say the word innumerable like there were a lot of b's
26:13 there I thought.
26:16 An innumerable company of angels.
26:18 So there are a lot of them.
26:19 And Daniel chapter 7 says ten thousand times ten thousand.
26:23 >>And thousands of thousands.
26:24 >>Right.
26:25 So there are a lot of angels.
26:26 >>And that's referring to the angels that remained.
26:28 >>Oh good point.
26:30 >>On God's side meaning.
26:32 >>That there's.
26:34 >>That doesn't even factor in the third spoken of in
26:35 Revelation 12.
26:36 You follow what I'm saying?
26:37 >>Yep.
26:38 >>That means there was a lot in other words.
26:39 >>And here's the point of the thousands and thousands and ten
26:40 thousand times ten thousand.
26:41 The word million doesn't occur very much.
26:42 In fact, not at all, I think in the King James or maybe just
26:45 once.
26:46 In Hebrew speak when you wanted to say a really large number you
26:50 said a thousand.
26:52 If you wanted to say a really large number you'd say ten
26:54 thousand.
26:56 So to say a really, really large number would be thousands of
27:00 thousands.
27:01 And a huge number would be to say ten thousand times ten
27:03 thousand.
27:04 In other words you don't encounter billion, trillion,
27:06 quadrillion in scripture.
27:07 This is basically scripture--it's not saying a
27:09 hund--ten thousand times ten thousand is a hundred million.
27:12 Okay it's not saying there are a hundred million angels and then
27:14 a thousand times a thousand another million.
27:16 A hundred and one million.
27:17 No what its saying is there's and inum--
27:19 >>multiplied millions of angels.
27:21 >>You got it.
27:22 >>Maybe even.
27:23 >>A large number.
27:25 >>billions.
27:26 >>Yeah perhaps.
27:27 >>there are billions of human beings and everyone has a
27:28 guardian angel according to Matthew 18:10 was it?
27:31 >>18:10.
27:32 >>Okay but hey I want
27:33 >>there are billions of human beings but there are millions
27:36 and billions that have already died.
27:38 So if angels--if those faithful angels have not experienced
27:41 death.
27:42 They wouldn't have a diminishment of their
27:43 population.
27:44 So there's every reason to believe that there would be
27:46 billions or more.
27:47 >>It's amazing you know the scriptures are telling us that
27:50 there is a light and a dark side to this great controversy.
27:58 When I was a kid and again I grew up in a secular home.
27:59 We had no knowledge of the existence of God.
28:02 It was never spoken of.
28:04 But I had an experience as a child that has never ever left
28:10 me.
28:11 And it was so scary that to this day it's a vivid memory in my
28:17 mind.
28:19 We were living in Los Angeles California and there was this
28:23 story in my family.
28:24 Everybody was grieving about the fact that one of my uncles had
28:31 accidentally shot another one of my uncles, his brother in a
28:35 hunting accident.
28:41 >>Wow.
28:42 >>literally he killed his brother accidentally in the
28:44 woods.
28:45 Thought he was, you know, one of the animals they were hunting
28:47 for.
28:48 And shot and killed him.
28:50 And this was a very horrible thing in our family.
28:54 And as a kid I remember hearing the story about Uncle Billy is
28:57 dead.
28:58 And again in a secular home some of our family members.
29:03 I'm just a kid standing on the edge watching all of this
29:07 happen, my aunt's got together and they sat around a table in
29:13 our house.
29:15 And they determined, I don't know where they got the idea, to
29:18 make contact.
29:22 >>With Billy.
29:24 >>With Billy to communicate.
29:26 >>Right.
29:27 >>With Billy.
29:28 Now I was just kind of watching from a distance and what I
29:32 witnessed was so amazing.
29:37 And it frightened everybody when they as they were sitting around
29:39 this table engaged in this communication process.
29:43 And communication started there was a point at which one of my
29:46 aunts began kind of, you know, arguing with what was taking
29:53 place with this being that was communicating.
29:57 And as a kid I watched from a distance around the corner as
30:01 the table that they were sitting around literally began to quake
30:05 and to shake and to just start to lift up.
30:08 And to just move in a direction across the room.
30:11 I ran to my room and I don't know memories when you're a kid
30:17 can start to get a little blurry with the time.
30:19 I don't know if it was days or weeks later I was lying on my
30:22 bed.
30:24 And this was the experience that you would think that was the
30:26 scary part.
30:27 Here was the really scary part for me as a kid.
30:28 I was laying in my room and my face was toward the wall on my
30:32 bed.
30:34 And something sat on my bed.
30:38 Depressed the mattress I could feel it.
30:42 And I knew that it wasn't my mom.
30:44 I knew that it wasn't a brother or sister.
30:46 >>you just had a sense.
30:48 >>I was terrified.
30:49 Now here's the thing.
30:50 I didn't know till years later that the bible actually
30:53 says--teaches very clearly that we are not--this is in
30:57 Deuteronomy we are not to engage in what the bible calls
31:00 necromancy.
31:02 Which is the word for communication with the dead.
31:04 Or the bible calls it familiar spirits.
31:07 And the reason why is because the dead know not anything,
31:11 scripture says.
31:13 They are in an unconscious state sleep waiting for the
31:15 resurrection.
31:16 And when human beings think they're communicating with
31:19 familiar spirits familial spirits, family members who have
31:24 died.
31:26 Really what they're experiencing is contact with demonic forces
31:29 that are coming into the situation.
31:32 And
31:33 >>What did you do?
31:35 In your room when that depression came on the bed?
31:36 >>I laid there for a long time just terrified and trembling.
31:40 And finally worked up the courage to just turn around and
31:43 look.
31:44 And there was nothing there.
31:45 It was not a human being.
31:46 There was a dark spiritual force right there in my bedroom.
31:50 >>You know I went through an experience like that once as a
31:53 Christian, as a believer.
31:54 And it reminds me that the bible teaches very clearly that there
31:58 are good and bad angels.
32:00 In fact you can see this in just a couple of verses in the book
32:04 of Matthew chapter 4.
32:05 Jesus is in the wilderness.
32:07 He has come to this earth as a man as a human being.
32:11 And he's been led out into the wilderness and there he
32:13 encounters Lucifer.
32:15 He encounters the devil.
32:16 He encounters Satan.
32:17 And it says here that the devil in verse 5 of Matthew 4 took him
32:20 to the holy city and set him on a pentacle of the temple.
32:23 So there's power.
32:25 There is a spiritual being that has power to manipulate and take
32:29 control of and move physical objects.
32:33 >>A body.
32:34 >>Physical objects including people and do things with them.
32:36 And then he says what's really interesting.
32:38 He says if you are the son of God cast yourself for it is
32:42 written He shall give his angels charge concerning thee.
32:46 And in their hands they shall bear thee up lest though at any
32:49 time you dash your foot against a stone.
32:52 In other words the devil himself is communicating in this verse
32:54 that God has given angels charge over human beings.
32:58 So there's another confirmation of what we looked at in Matthew
33:01 chapter 18.
33:03 I was in a situation, as a believer, a fairly new believer
33:06 where it was night time.
33:08 I was going to sleep and I was by myself.
33:10 And I just was laying there and all of a sudden I felt something
33:14 very dark around me.
33:16 Just like you did.
33:17 A presence I don't know how to explain it other than that.
33:20 But the sense of that presence got closer and closer and closer
33:25 until I was completely incapacitated.
33:27 I couldn't move at all.
33:29 And I just felt something was there completely immobilizing
33:33 me.
33:34 And it was a really terrifying thought because.
33:36 >>What did you do?
33:37 >>I couldn't move.
33:39 I couldn't do hardly anything.
33:40 All I could do and I just remember this distinctly
33:42 thinking just cry out for Jesus.
33:45 Just say the name of Jesus.
33:48 And I couldn't say it with my mouth.
33:50 I couldn't move at all so I just thought it, thought it, thought
33:53 it, Jesus help me, Jesus help me, Jesus help me.
33:54 And it was really terrifying but moments later it was gone.
33:59 Just gone.
34:00 And I think that that experience was enough for me to realize.
34:03 >>You could move.
34:04 You could talk.
34:05 >>it was gone.
34:06 I was fine.
34:07 >>Empirically you couldn't prove that experience or my experience
34:09 to anybody.
34:10 I mean it's, it's my experience.
34:11 But you could never prove to me that it didn't happen.
34:13 >>Yes exactly.
34:15 It was enough for me to know that these verses we're talking
34:17 about.
34:19 >>You read the gospels and you see Jesus encountering the same
34:21 thing don't you?
34:22 You see Jesus he's encountering individuals.
34:23 >>People, people yeah.
34:25 >>In this spiritual conflict I mean I was in New Mexico and I
34:28 was in somebody's home.
34:30 A Gentlemen's home and I was there to actually give him a
34:33 bible study and as I was reading he all of a sudden starts
34:39 talking.
34:40 And his voice went from his normal voice to [growl] some
34:44 deep creepy voice.
34:46 And I just locked up like this.
34:48 And I just started reading though I walk through the valley
34:53 of the shadow of death, you know.
34:54 >>Psalm 91.
34:55 >>I'm like reading.
34:57 And I couldn't--I wouldn't look up.
34:58 I was just so, you know he had crazy hair.
35:00 And he would look at you with these piercing eyes.
35:02 And I just read and read and read.
35:04 I didn't want to stop reading and I whispered a prayer at the
35:08 end and I--I was out.
35:10 So obviously there are people that we--that we encounter and
35:13 that even in Jesus' day encountered.
35:15 There's--in other words there's a spiritual war taking place.
35:18 >>There are going to be people.
35:19 There will be people secularists and moderns who will say that's
35:24 not true.
35:25 There are no Spiritual beings.
35:27 There are no angelic or demonic or supernatural beings.
35:30 But here's the reality.
35:31 Just factually.
35:32 Just speaking totally factually if you look at most cultures
35:36 that are presently in existence and most cultures that have
35:39 historically existed.
35:41 Most of those cultures well in excess of 70, 80 perhaps even 90
35:46 percent believe in some form of spiritual power both good and
35:50 evil.
35:51 >>In the supernatural.
35:52 >>That's what I'm saying in the supernatural.
35:54 And many of those cultures have a particular fear of spirit
35:57 beings or ancestral spirits.
36:01 So the point here is this isn't just some quirky little thing
36:04 that happened to Ty or to James or to Jeffrey or to myself or to
36:07 the listeners.
36:08 These are real things and if you just go on the, the cooboration
36:12 of historical and cultural data, many, many, many millions of
36:18 people have had similar experiences.
36:20 >>What are you supposed to say that millions upon millions of
36:22 people know that never happened?
36:24 >>The majority, the majority of the human race for the majority
36:26 of the history of humanity has always believed in the
36:29 supernatural.
36:30 >>It's only in this modern time which we are supposedly now to
36:33 scientific for the spiritual that this is beginning to be
36:36 doubted.
36:37 But even today in so called modern times the majority of the
36:40 cultures would affirm basic spiritual realities of good and
36:43 evil.
36:44 >>Can I tell you a positive one?
36:46 >>Of course.
36:49 >>Okay so [Everyone talking at once]
36:51 >>James shared with us from scripture that angels are
36:54 guardians to children; they have an interest in children right?
36:59 Jason, my son, he was no more than 7, 8 years old.
37:04 We as a family were visiting friends in Montana.
37:07 They had about 80 acres, not about; they had 80 acres on the
37:10 boarder of Canada in Montana.
37:15 This is lots of bush, okay.
37:17 We go to this place.
37:21 Jason had a knife that he had purchased in the Philippines.
37:27 It was a souvenir.
37:29 He was playing with it with his friends on this piece of
37:31 property.
37:34 The son of the family we were there visiting.
37:38 They were out romping on this property.
37:39 He loses the knife, okay.
37:40 The whole spring/summer/winter goes by.
37:41 We never found the thing, searched and searched and
37:43 searched.
37:44 Next season, all this new growth is up.
37:46 All this time has gone by.
37:48 We're back visiting this family in Montana alright.
37:52 And, Sue, with her children offers a very simple prayer
37:57 because Jason can't forget
38:01 >>yeah, yeah, yeah.
38:03 >>He can't forget this knife; do you think we can find it?
38:05 Do you think we can find it?
38:06 I'm thinking I don't think we can find it.
38:07 [Laughter]
38:08 >>Okay so can we look?
38:09 Can we look?
38:11 And so we go outside and we look at all this bush 80 acres
38:13 whatever.
38:14 And Jason's mommy simply prays, hey Jason let's pray.
38:17 Dear Father in heaven if it's possible please help Jason, you
38:21 know he liked that souvenir from the Philippines when we were
38:26 there.
38:27 Help him find it.
38:29 I kid you not.
38:30 We open our eyes from prayer and they have a dog.
38:36 And this dog, we look down and is holding that knife from last
38:42 season in his mouth.
38:46 Basically hands it back to my son.
38:49 You could say whatever you want [laughter] you could say
38:55 whatever you want.
38:57 >>Are you serious?
38:58 >>I'm dead serious.
38:59 >>I mean I don't doubt you because I think it's possible.
39:03 >>We're believers and we doubt you.
39:04 [Laughter]
39:06 >>No I --I'm saying you can't prove these things empirically.
39:08 I'm telling you this happened.
39:09 >>What did you do?
39:10 I just want to know like what was the reaction like right
39:12 then.
39:13 >>I was--I was blown away to say the least and felt kind of a
39:14 weird nervous feeling in my stomach.
39:16 That's what I felt.
39:18 >>What did Sue say or do.
39:20 >>Jason was simple as a little boy.
39:22 He was just like oh neat.
39:24 He got his knife you know.
39:26 [Laughter]
39:27 >>We gotta take a break but when we come back we need to develop
39:32 our character profile of Lucifer because that's where we were
39:34 going and we need to finish that next.
39:36 >>Amen, amen.
39:37 >>Digma videos are short engaging messages designed for
39:47 >>Digma videos are short engaging messages designed for
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39:56 the character of God as well as your own personal, spiritual
39:59 growth.
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40:15 Once again for your free DVD sample collection of Digma
40:19 videos call 1-877-585-1111.
40:25 Or write to Light Bearers, 37457 Jasper Lowell Road, Jasper, OR
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40:32 Simply ask for Digma DVD 2.
40:40 >>Clearly the bible identifies powers of evil, powers of good.
40:43 Forces of evil, forces of good; spiritual wickedness in high
40:45 places.
40:48 We've looked at this from biblical perspectives.
40:50 We've looked at it from an experiential perspective.
40:52 All of us have somehow experienced the dark side of the
40:56 forces that are in this world.
40:58 So who specifically is this?
41:00 I mean what is this being that we've been talking about?
41:03 These angels that follow him.
41:05 Does the bible identify him?
41:07 What is he like?
41:08 What is his personality like?
41:10 What is he up to?
41:12 What is his purpose?
41:14 How did he come into being?
41:16 Was he created by God?
41:17 >>In the course of our conversation we've used several
41:18 names for him.
41:19 We've said Satan.
41:20 We've said devil.
41:21 We've said Lucifer.
41:23 >>Beelzebub.
41:24 >>Beelzebub.
41:25 These are all terms that the bible uses to describe this
41:26 power that we're talking about and fortunately for us we're not
41:28 left to wonder what is this strange dark force that I feel
41:33 in my room or in the woods or whatever.
41:34 The bible comes right out and fingers this individual as none
41:39 other than one of these angels that rebelled against God's
41:45 government.
41:46 >>Let's put some scripture on the table.
41:48 >>Okay.
41:49 >>Isaiah chapter 14.
41:50 >>Bring it Jeffrey.
41:51 >>Isaiah chapter 14 is the lifting the curtain, giving us a
41:54 glimpse behind the scenes.
41:55 And I'm just going to read from verse 12.
41:57 >>Okay.
41:58 >>I think this is one of the foundational verses.
42:03 How are you fallen from heaven oh Lucifer son of the morning.
42:07 How you are cut down to the ground you who weakened the
42:11 nations.
42:13 You have said in your heart I will ascend into heaven.
42:15 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.
42:19 I will sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest
42:24 sides of the north.
42:26 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.
42:29 I will be like the most high.
42:31 >>That's astounding.
42:32 >>And there's a link here.
42:34 I mean there's several links here but just one link here that
42:36 just jumped out at me right now is I will be like the most high.
42:39 So it reminds me of Genesis 3.
42:43 You will be like God.
42:49 >>Right.
42:50 >>So the same--there's a passion here to be like the most high to
42:51 be like God and it's almost like an echo from Genesis 3 where he
42:56 promises you will be like God.
42:58 >>Very much so and because chronologically what's taking
43:02 place here in Isaiah 14 is actually before Genesis 3.
43:05 In a way Genesis 3 is an echo of this.
43:07 >>Yeah, yeah.
43:09 Chronologically that would be the case.
43:11 I see something going on here that is really, really
43:14 fascinating for what we talked about in Genesis 3.
43:19 And that is that Lucifer's basic framework of thinking is
43:24 described here and he's being quoted in a sense by the prophet
43:29 right?
43:30 You said in your heart.
43:31 So this is getting into his inner thinking.
43:34 You said in your heart.
43:35 I will ascend into heaven.
43:37 I will exalt my throne about the stars above God.
43:40 I will sit in the mount of the congregation on the farthest
43:44 sides of the north.
43:45 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.
43:47 Now here's the thing I'm going to say alright.
43:50 I will be like the most high is the final of the five.
43:51 And what's happening here is a kind of demonic psychological
43:59 projection if I can use that word.
44:02 Lucifer is saying I will exalt myself.
44:05 I will live with reference to myself.
44:08 I will be self-serving and self-centered.
44:10 I will be like God.
44:11 Did you hear that?
44:13 >>yeah.
44:15 >>Okay so what he is saying
44:17 >>That's huge.
44:18 >>In Genesis 3 is he is saying essentially you remember God is
44:21 self-serving.
44:24 He's denying the existence of love in God and in the universe.
44:28 And he's basically becoming self-centered.
44:32 Sin is originating in him.
44:35 It's self-centeredness.
44:36 It's originating in him and then he's basically saying God's like
44:40 that.
44:41 He's projecting his bad character on God.
44:43 Isn't that amazing?
44:47 >>It's amazing.
44:48 >>That's powerful cool.
44:49 Question real quick.
44:50 I will be like the most high.
44:52 Well we've been establishing that God is love.
44:54 God is love.
44:55 God is love.
44:56 Did this rebellious being, selfish rebellious being want to
44:59 be love.
45:00 >>Obviously not.
45:02 >>No his misunderstood.
45:04 >>He's denying the existence of love.
45:06 >>Isn't that interesting?
45:07 So he's demonstrating a misconception of God as you were
45:09 saying.
45:10 >>He does not want to be like God in character.
45:12 He wants to be like God in power.
45:13 >>That's it.
45:14 That's it.
45:16 >>That's an excellent way of saying it.
45:17 >>And he assumes that God is leading by position and not by
45:19 influence.
45:21 If I could just have the position.
45:23 >>Oh I love that.
45:24 >>That's good isn't it?
45:25 >>Yeah, yeah.
45:27 >>If I could just have the position then I would be God.
45:28 But what makes God so awesome and special.
45:29 >>It's his character.
45:30 >>The position that he occupies.
45:32 In fact, the biblical story, and we're getting way ahead.
45:33 But the biblical story is that God will actually relinquish
45:36 that position at the top.
45:37 And still carry the influence because he leads because of who
45:40 he is.
45:41 >>Isn't that something?
45:44 >>Yeah, God will ultimately, can we say rule the universe by
45:46 means of benevolent love.
45:48 And not by means of authoritarian control.
45:51 >>By influence.
45:52 >>The thing that really emerges to me that I see in the passage
45:55 here are these five I will statements.
45:58 Right because he says I will ascend.
46:00 I will exalt.
46:02 I will sit on the mount.
46:04 I will ascend again.
46:05 And I will be like the most high.
46:06 And so each of those statements I will I will I will I will is a
46:10 clear demonstration that this is a war of wills.
46:13 Right he has a will.
46:15 He has a desire and he is at the center of his desire.
46:18 I'm going to.
46:20 I'm going to.
46:21 I'm going to.
46:22 And so it's a war of wills.
46:24 That's the first thing.
46:26 The second thing very quickly is when you notice all of the
46:28 language that communicates up, upward motion.
46:31 I will ascend number one into heaven.
46:34 Number two I will exalt.
46:35 Number three my throne above.
46:37 Number four the stars.
46:38 Five of God.
46:39 I will sit on the mount six of the congregation on the farthest
46:43 sides of the north.
46:44 Seven I will ascend eight above nine the heights ten of the
46:46 clouds eleven.
46:47 I will be like the most high.
46:49 Depending on your various translation and exactly how you
46:53 count it.
46:54 You have not less than ten maybe as many as twelve references to
46:56 I'll go up, up, up, up, up, up I want to be higher than the
47:02 sphere that has been allocated to me.
47:06 >>That's a that's--that's the demonic psyche right there its
47:10 self-exaltation.
47:11 The amazing thing is as the poem progresses I will exalt ascend
47:15 and it's going up, up, up, up.
47:18 And then
47:19 >>15
47:20 >>yet verse 15 you will be brought down.
47:23 You will be brought down to hell to the lowest depths of the pit.
47:28 Up, up, up, down.
47:30 I mean you could say that self-exaltation leads to a
47:36 diminishment of influence and power.
47:38 It doesn't grow a person's influence and power.
47:40 It actually loses power.
47:42 >>We know this to be the case.
47:43 If you have a politician or a leader who tries to lead by his
47:47 force and by his power and not by the person, not by the
47:52 quality of his character.
47:53 That by the strength of his position we call that a
47:55 dictatorship.
47:57 Right?
47:58 And who wants to be under a dictator?
48:00 Nobody wants to be under a dictatorship.
48:02 And so it's this basic idea that as I leverage my position for
48:07 influence and control my actual credibility in the eyes of my
48:11 subjects diminishes not increases.
48:12 >>Exactly the opposite with Christ.
48:14 Exactly the opposite with God.
48:16 But with God and the person of Christ in Philippians chapter 2.
48:20 >>Yes.
48:21 >>It talks about the downward.
48:22 >>Yes.
48:23 >>Descending.
48:24 Now notice this.
48:26 This is really interesting beginning with verse 5
48:28 Philippians chapter 2 it says let this mind be in you which
48:31 was also in Christ Jesus.
48:32 So this is calling us to partake of the nature and the character
48:35 of God who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery
48:38 to be equal with God verse 7.
48:40 But made himself of no reputation.
48:42 There's the first.
48:43 Took the form of a bond servant, second.
48:45 Came in the likeness of men, third.
48:47 Being found in the appearance of a man, fourth.
48:50 Humbled himself, five.
48:51 And became obedient to the point of death.
48:53 Even the death of the cross.
48:56 >>I'd say became obedient, six even in death of the cross.
48:58 Not just any ordinary.
49:00 >>Yes.
49:01 >>result down, down down.
49:02 >>Down, down, down.
49:03 >>Notice this though verse 9 therefore God also has highly
49:05 exalted him.
49:06 >>Yes.
49:08 >>And given him a name above every name that at the name of
49:11 Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven and those on earth and
49:15 those under the earth and every tongue should confess that Jesus
49:18 Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father.
49:20 >>Key word there is therefore.
49:21 >>Yeah so you have this humbling going down, down, down, down.
49:26 Which is the mind of God, the character of God.
49:28 That not only brings exaltation but also brings the entire
49:32 universe to acknowledge.
49:34 >>That's right.
49:35 To appreciate him in the strength of his character.
49:37 >>For his character.
49:38 >>Amazing.
49:39 >>So you have an exact inverse.
49:40 You have just like that.
49:41 Here is I'm going to go up at the expense of others.
49:45 And the ultimate result is that you're brought down.
49:47 Here's I'll go down for the benefit of others.
49:49 And the ultimate result is that you're exalted by the very ones
49:52 for whom you humbled yourself.
49:53 >>Isn't that something?
49:56 >>And even those who are not buying into that.
49:58 In other words this is all the universe.
50:01 This is not just those who are benefited from eternally.
50:03 But those also who are looking on like Lucifer and.
50:06 >>At some level every single being recognizes the justice.
50:09 >>Yes.
50:11 >>And goodness of God.
50:12 At the end of time.
50:13 Believer recognize it now.
50:14 >>The humility and the love of God the selfless giving of God.
50:17 >>Yes.
50:18 >>Another thing that I've noticed here in Isaiah 14 and
50:20 this character profile of Lucifer is that he's had a
50:25 devastating or an adverse effect upon nations and kingdoms.
50:28 It says at the end of verse 12 you who weakened the nations.
50:34 So he's exerting influence and then it says in verse 16 that he
50:39 shook kingdoms.
50:41 In verse 17 he's the one that made the world a wilderness or a
50:46 desolate place and he destroyed the cities.
50:48 So, so he's exerting
50:49 >>his influence.
50:51 >>And overall destructive effect on nations and kingdoms and the
50:56 world as a whole.
50:58 I don't know if it's a good idea to quote from the rolling stones
51:03 but I found as a teenager when I first began to wake up
51:08 spiritually very fascinating the song sympathy for the devil by
51:12 the rolling stones.
51:15 The lyrics are just incredible please allow me to introduce
51:18 myself I'm a man of wealth and taste.
51:20 I've been around for a long, long year stolen many a man's
51:24 soul and faith.
51:26 I was around when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt and
51:31 pain.
51:32 Made sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate.
51:36 Pleased to meet you hope you guess my name.
51:38 But what's puzzling me was the nature of my game.
51:40 And then he says this Isaiah 14 remember nations, kingdoms.
51:44 He says, he says here I stuck around St. Petersburg, Russia
51:52 that is.
51:53 When I saw it was time for a change I killed the Czar and his
51:55 ministers and Anastasia screamed in vain.
52:00 I rode a tank held a general's rank when the Blitz Krieg raged
52:04 and the bodies stank.
52:07 Please to meet you hope you guess my name.
52:09 And then the song closes just call me Lucifer.
52:13 Because I'm in need of some restraint.
52:16 It's an amazing lyric.
52:19 >>It's terrifyingly biblically accurate.
52:23 >>Yeah so he has an effect on the nations, on kingdoms.
52:26 Here in this song anyway.
52:28 >>And he has an effect on musicians too.
52:30 >>The devil is involved in the French revolution.
52:33 I mean in the Russian revolution in the Blitz Krieg.
52:36 Anyways, I just, that lyric jolted me as a teenager and made
52:41 me wonder.
52:42 >>How could it not.
52:43 >>yeah.
52:44 >>That takes us right to Ezekiel 28.
52:45 >>Alright.
52:46 >>Because in Ezekiel 28 you have this other description of
52:48 Lucifer and it begins in Ezekiel 28 it begins here in verse 12.
52:54 And as you begin this description of Lucifer here son
52:59 of man take up the lamentation the king of Tyrus and say to him
53:03 thus says the Lord you sealed up the sum.
53:07 You were full of wisdom perfect in beauty verse 13 you were in
53:10 Eden the garden of God.
53:12 Every precious stone was thy covering, the Sardis, the topaz,
53:14 the diadem, the barrel of the onyx, the jasper, the sapphire,
53:18 the emerald, the carbuncle, and the gold.
53:21 The workmanship of thy taberets and of thy pipes was prepared in
53:25 the day that though was created.
53:27 This is a parallel of symbolism here of tyrus but also of
53:33 Lucifer and the pipes that are being talked about here are
53:36 directly connected to music.
53:39 To his ability to actually or his involvement in music.
53:44 In other words, and it's also brought about in Ephesians
53:49 chapter 2 it talks about how that this power is the prince of
53:54 the power of the air.
53:55 You got pipes.
53:56 You got air.
53:58 You've got, you've got a direct connecting here between Lucifer
54:00 and there's a lot more here that we need to look into as far as
54:03 his description and what he's like.
54:05 But Lucifer and the angelic choirs because in heaven, in
54:10 fact God himself is musical.
54:13 The bible describes God as singing over us.
54:15 And all of heaven is a place of music of praise, continual
54:20 praise toward God.
54:21 And here Lucifer is described as the covering cherub.
54:23 The covering angel.
54:25 The one that was probably highest in rank of all of the
54:28 angels, or all the created angels next to God, next the the
54:33 throne of God and quite surely in charge of music.
54:38 In charge of praise.
54:40 >>You know this text brings up a question.
54:42 It mentions perfection, perfect numerous times here.
54:45 But if this being was perfect like the bible says he was how
54:51 can a perfect being become corrupt in the sense that the
54:57 bible describes it?
55:01 >>Well verse 15 James didn't get to that.
55:03 I thnk at least begins to answer the question.
55:06 >>read verse 14 too 14 and 15.
55:08 >>Okay
55:09 >>'Cause he stopped at 13.
55:10 >>Alright verse 14 you were the anointed cherub who covers.
55:13 I established you.
55:15 You were on the holy mountain of God.
55:17 You walked back and forth in the midst of the stones of fire, the
55:20 fiery stones.
55:21 Verse 15 you were perfect in your ways in the day that you
55:24 were created till iniquity was found in you.
55:26 So I think that scripture clearly is saying, you know, in
55:33 answer to the issue you're raising.
55:34 How could perfect being sin or become corrupt.
55:35 It was self-actualized.
55:37 He is the origin of sin and evil.
55:40 It says he was created perfect but iniquity was found in you.
55:46 So this is something that originated in him.
55:49 It's not something--God didn't create, you could say it this
55:54 way.
55:55 God didn't create Satan.
55:57 God created Lucifer the unfallen, beautiful angel.
55:59 Lucifer created Satan.
56:01 >>Does it go back to what we were talking about earlier that
56:03 in the book of Genesis part of God's creation in his creatures
56:08 was the volitional, the ability to make actual decisions that
56:12 mattered.
56:14 >>Yeah for sure.
56:17 >>Of Course.
56:18 >>We're gonna have to continue on with this subject.
56:20 >>Because I feel like we're just getting started.
56:23 >>Yeah we're just getting started on the volition issue,
56:25 the free will issue.
56:26 >>But we have accomplished at least most of what we set out to
56:28 accomplish.
56:30 And that was basically to establish that we live in an
56:31 inhabited universe.
56:33 We said in an earlier conversation that the universe
56:35 was friendly and that is partially true.
56:39 Because the universe is friendly at the divine level.
56:42 But we've learned in this presentation that there is a
56:46 level at which the universe is not friendly.
56:47 There is a dark power.
56:48 >>Right.
56:49 >>there is a power that is in rebellion against God.
56:51 And we've learned that it's an angelic power, it's a
56:54 self-centered power, so in that sense you said we were going to
56:57 accomplish this, this and this at the beginning.
56:59 And we've done most of that.
57:00 But we can talk even more about it and we need to.
57:03 >>Yeah, the third one was basically that we said we were
57:07 gonna cover is that humanity and planet earth is the center now
57:10 of this war between good and evil.
57:12 And we're just gonna have to develop that subject more.
57:14 We basically seen that it is in fact the case.
57:16 Lucifer fell and according to Revelation chapter 12 he came to
57:21 this earth to set up camp.
57:23 >>And even what we spent in our last conversation in that
57:25 Lucifer, the serpent, Satan is in the tree deceiving Adam and
57:31 Eve demonstrates that mankind is at the center of this conflict.
57:36 >>Okay guys so
57:37 >>And there is a lot more here that we can bring out as far as
57:40 answering some of Jeffrey's questions.
57:41 >>So, so we literally have just seconds left.
57:44 So what's the take away?
57:47 Number one we do live in an inhabited universe.
57:50 >>That's friendly and unfriendly.
57:52 >>And Lucifer is an actual being who is fallen and number three
57:57 the great controversy between good and evil is right here
58:01 right now on planet earth among the human race.
58:05 >>Exactly
58:06 >>It's real.
58:09 >>To receive our free monthly news letter and a list of Light
58:11 Bearers resources visit us online at
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58:21 You can also write to us at Light Bearers, 37457 Jasper
58:24 Lowell Road, Jasper, OR 97438.


Revised 2014-12-17