Table Talk

The Fall

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick, James Rafferty, Jeffrey Rosario, Ty Gibson


Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000004

00:01 [Music]
00:10 [Music]
00:21 >>Our conversation for, for this particular topic is going to go
00:26 in a negative dark direction at first.
00:28 But there's even good news in what we're going to be
00:32 discovering.
00:33 We've talked about what is the bible and what's it about.
00:37 We've talked about God.
00:39 >>God.
00:40 >>His nature, His character, what and who is God.
00:42 We've spent some time talking about creation.
00:45 What we are as human beings and how God made us and for what
00:49 purpose.
00:51 And now we're going to talk about what is commonly referred
00:53 to as the fall with a capital f.
00:56 >>Hmm.
00:57 >>The fall of humanity.
00:58 It's a sobering subject.
01:00 We, all of us are caught in the aftermath of the fall.
01:05 We wake up every day.
01:06 We experience the residual effects of that colossal event
01:12 in the history of God's creation of the universe.
01:16 So let's-- just begin to probe this subject.
01:20 Let's just dive right into it.
01:21 Its bad news but we'll discover some good news in it.
01:25 >>Something that I want to just say right off the bat when you
01:28 mention the things that we've been over.
01:31 Our third conversation was all about creation.
01:33 Man I loved that conversation.
01:34 There were so many little things--everybody was just
01:36 really in the zone.
01:38 I think they've all been really nice but something I think we
01:40 maybe didn't say exactly.
01:41 But we probably should have said at some point.
01:44 It was certainly implied.
01:45 And that is that even though the Genesis creation account is
01:49 poetic.
01:50 Even though there's poetic language in there.
01:52 The account is a literal, historical account of what
01:56 actually happened.
01:57 Now the reason I bring that up here is that we're about ready
02:00 to get into part of that.
02:01 You know the fall in Genesis chapter 3 tells a story.
02:05 And it's not just an analogy.
02:06 It's not just a metaphor.
02:07 It's not just some legendary embellishment.
02:12 No this happened.
02:14 And creation happened.
02:15 And this is what happened when God's original plan was
02:18 circumvented.
02:21 >>I've heard people say occasionally.
02:22 Hey, Genesis is written in poetic style.
02:26 It's a chiastic structure and it's a poem.
02:29 So we shouldn't take it literally.
02:31 But if you think about it people communicate through poetry,
02:37 actual things that have happened.
02:40 Or things they aspire to.
02:42 A person writes a song because they are trying to communicate
02:45 something.
02:46 So just because something is written in a poetic form doesn't
02:48 mean it's not true or that its fiction.
02:52 >>That's the point.
02:53 >>Yeah that's the point.
02:55 Exactly.
02:56 So when we transition I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly
02:58 that we just want to go right to Genesis three.
02:59 >>Yeah for sure.
03:01 >>Because we go Genesis one, Genesis two.
03:03 We've spent a lot of time on that.
03:04 God He creates.
03:05 He creates man in his image, it's good, it's good.
03:07 In fact I don't even know if we read that verse.
03:09 But we probably should.
03:10 I mean that's just a great place to start.
03:12 Is Genesis 1:31 Genesis chapter 1 verse 31, the last verse of
03:14 that chapter says then God saw everything that he had made.
03:19 And indeed it was very good.
03:22 So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
03:24 And that's a recurrent theme.
03:25 Talking about those, sort of poetic repetitions.
03:27 You have that and it was good and it was good.
03:30 God saw that it was good, that it was good, that it was good,
03:33 and then it concludes that God looks out.
03:35 You know, the vast panorama of all that he has made including
03:38 and especially mankind.
03:39 And He says it's very good.
03:41 >>Mmm
03:43 >>Yeah, so the difference between good, good, good, good,
03:45 good I think that's five and very good is creation in process
03:48 and all the different, that's six, ok.
03:51 [Laughter]
03:53 >>So five days it's good and on the sixth day it's very good,
03:55 creation in process with its various parts, creation
03:59 complete, perfect.
04:01 And that perfection was free of all pain and suffering and evil.
04:06 There was no relational tension or breakdown.
04:12 We've described that perfect pristine identic state as a
04:17 relational bliss.
04:18 In our previous conversations we've talked about the fact that
04:21 God basically is relational bliss.
04:25 >>Yes
04:26 >>Relational enjoyment Father, Son and Holy Spirit living
04:28 forever in eternity past and in love relationship with one
04:32 another.
04:33 Then created their image.
04:34 Their image, the man and the woman with the capacity for
04:38 creating a family, a growing family was also bliss.
04:41 It was it was other centeredness.
04:44 Adam saw Eve and related to her in reference to her needs.
04:48 >>Yes.
04:49 >>And vice versa.
04:52 >>Mhm.
04:53 >>There was not self-consciousness.
04:54 There was no sense of oh wow what does she think of me?
04:56 What does he think of me?
04:57 It was all ministry moving outward and then receiving in as
05:02 the byproduct of giving out.
05:04 >>Right.
05:05 >>That's the definition of very good.
05:07 That's perfection.
05:08 And that's what was lost.
05:10 So we come to chapter three.
05:13 >>Just something I'll quickly throw in there.
05:14 And that is so perfection then is not the absence of a thing.
05:17 It's not just the absence of evil.
05:20 It's the presence of love in relational integrity.
05:22 I loved what you said the other day, so simple.
05:25 There were no hospitals and there were no police cars, or
05:27 policemen.
05:29 So that's--but it wasn't just the absence of a thing it was
05:32 the presence of this beautiful, relational harmonious picture.
05:36 >>Hey by the way do you guys know what Eden means?
05:38 E-D-E-N the word Eden?
05:41 >>Pleasure, yeah.
05:45 >>Pleasure.
05:46 I mean that's lost on the common reader, I think.
05:48 I don't think you just; oh it's a place, like Chicago.
05:51 But what does it mean?
05:53 The word means pleasure.
05:55 So God created the man and the woman and He put them in an
06:00 environment.
06:01 And what did God call the environment He put them in?
06:04 >>Mmm
06:05 >>Pleasure.
06:06 >>That's right.
06:07 >>I've made you and I've put you in the garden of pleasure.
06:10 >>That goes back to what we were saying earlier.
06:11 The purpose for God creating man was to know Him and to enjoy Him
06:16 forever.
06:17 >> [Everyone commenting at once] >>But in our world today it
06:20 seems like pleasure has been hijacked.
06:22 And when we think of pleasure lots of times it's, oh the P
06:26 word.
06:27 He said the P word.
06:29 You know, it's something that's often attached to shame and
06:31 other things when it was created by God.
06:34 >>Yeah, Yeah.
06:36 >>It reminds me of a bible verse I just wanted to look this up in
06:39 a different version here.
06:40 Psalm 16 and--I really like this Ipad--Psalm 16 and verse 11 it
06:47 says You will show me the path of life in your presence is
06:51 fullness of joy at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
06:56 >>Yeah.
06:57 >>So pleasure--there's this idea as you said Jeffrey and it's
07:00 picked up in the bible in Hebrews for example it talks
07:03 about Moses who was Pharaoh.
07:04 He could have been Pharaoh in Egypt but he chose to suffer
07:07 with the affliction of his people rather than to enjoy the
07:11 pleasure of sin for a season.
07:13 I really like that because God created in the beginning He
07:17 created an environment that--that had us enjoying
07:20 pleasure forevermore.
07:22 >>Yeah.
07:24 >>In Hebrews the definition of the pleasure that the world has
07:26 to offer now post creation, post fall, is for a season.
07:32 It's fleeting.
07:33 It's seasonal.
07:34 It's temporary.
07:35 It's not.
07:36 >>Superficial.
07:37 >>It's superficial.
07:38 >>Is sin a parasite on God's original intent?
07:42 >>That's a great way to explain it.
07:43 >>Has the devil--has the fall of mankind hijacked the human
07:47 system and used it for illicit pleasures.
07:54 But there's nothing in and of itself that God made that is
07:57 bad.
07:59 I mean just look at what you are.
08:00 Look at what I am.
08:01 God created the man and the woman.
08:02 We have eyes to see things and he created a profusion of color
08:07 to surround them.
08:08 >>Let me give you an example of this that I think it's really
08:10 interesting when I first understood some of the
08:12 principles of the bible.
08:13 I learned about healthful eating and I remember when I was a
08:17 young boy I used to eat white bread and I can eat maybe even
08:21 half a loaf of that white bread.
08:22 I mean I could take one.
08:23 >>You could just make it into a ball couldn't you?
08:25 >>Make it into a ball and just pop it and pop it and pop it in.
08:27 I remember the first time I started eating.
08:29 >>You were a white bread junky.
08:30 >>Yes.
08:32 Whole wheat bread and I couldn't stand whole wheat bread.
08:34 I just didn't like it.
08:35 It was heavy.
08:36 It was thick.
08:37 It was just ugh.
08:38 And, by the way now, that's all I can eat.
08:39 I can't stand white bread so it's amazing how your taste buds
08:40 change.
08:42 But I remember eating a slice of whole wheat bread maybe two and
08:45 that was it.
08:51 I could not--I was full.
08:52 I was stuffed.
08:53 And it reminded me of the fact that the reason why I could only
08:54 eat a slice or two of whole wheat bread is because that
08:56 bread was filled with nutrient value.
08:57 It wasn't-it was not devoid of the things that you don't find
09:03 in the white.
09:04 It was filled with all of the nutrients my body needed.
09:06 So it satisfied me in a different way.
09:09 In other words, when you take pleasure out of the context in
09:12 which God created it.
09:14 Not only do you have it fleeting but you need more and more and
09:18 more.
09:19 >>Okay I got it.
09:20 I was like okay.
09:21 >>Yeah.
09:22 >>Alright I'm gonna stop eating white bread but where you're
09:24 going with this.
09:26 >>Pornography for example.
09:27 Pornography for example you see that as an epidemic in our
09:29 society today.
09:31 And it seems like that when you get hooked on it.
09:33 You just need more and more and more and more and more.
09:35 Now one of the greatest, I think, ways to heal that disease
09:39 >>Addiction.
09:43 >>An addiction is to find the way that God created us to have
09:47 that kind of sexual satisfaction.
09:49 >>Intimate pleasure.
09:50 >>Intimate pleasure in the context of marriage.
09:51 Commitment, long-term, the wholeness that satisfies and
09:57 doesn't have you craving for that which isn't satisfying but
10:01 for a moment.
10:02 >>Yeah
10:04 >>So what you're saying I love what you are saying there.
10:05 And it ties in directly with what Ty was just saying.
10:06 And that is that there is a parasitizing.
10:10 In other words, pornography is bad because it's a perversion of
10:14 what God made to be good.
10:15 >>Exactly.
10:17 >>In the beginning.
10:18 >>We talked about Song of Solomon.
10:21 >>Yeah everything else.
10:22 >>Everything else.
10:23 >>Where I was gonna go with that though--I began with the eyes.
10:26 But look at what you are.
10:28 Look at what I am.
10:29 You have eyes to see beautiful things.
10:30 You can use them to see bad things.
10:32 You have ears to hear good things.
10:33 You can use them to hear bad things.
10:34 You have a tongue to taste good flavors.
10:37 Think about this.
10:38 God's the one who engineered the human system in this way.
10:44 Right?
10:46 So you could say with total biblical accuracy that the human
10:50 being literally is an engineering marvel in the sense
10:54 that we are pleasure machines.
10:58 That's too--I don't like that word.
11:00 But we are-we are made, put it that way.
11:03 We are made to experience pleasure.
11:05 God created human beings putting them in the garden of pleasure.
11:10 When we come to the fall of mankind what we're dealing with
11:14 is everything that God made good, good, good, good, good,
11:17 very good being hijacked and turned.
11:20 >>Perverted.
11:22 >>Perverted, that's a great word--to evil purposes--to wrong
11:25 purposes.
11:27 And then I love the point you're making James, then there's no
11:29 real sustained satisfaction.
11:31 >>Right.
11:32 >>It's short, it's transitory.
11:33 It's like a fix.
11:34 >>Yes.
11:35 >>It's like you take in a short little burst of
11:37 self-centeredness pleasure.
11:39 But you're not experiencing the long term sustained pleasure of
11:41 other centered love.
11:45 >>I've just got to throw in here what might be my very favorite
11:48 C.S.
11:51 Lewis quote and he essentially says that there's no such thing
11:55 as pleasure without the fulfillment of that pleasure.
11:57 And then he gives several examples.
11:59 He says you know a duckling wants to swim.
12:00 Well there is such a thing as water.
12:02 And a baby is hungry.
12:03 There is such a thing as food.
12:04 And men and women want sexual desire.
12:07 Well there's such a thing as sex.
12:08 He says but if I find within myself a desire which no
12:11 experience in this world can satisfy.
12:14 The most probable explanation is that I was made for another
12:18 world.
12:20 So what we have is--is that there's--that's what you're
12:23 saying, you know.
12:24 We have eyes.
12:25 There's beauty.
12:26 We have a nose.
12:27 There's beautiful smells.
12:28 We have a mouth.
12:29 There's beautiful tastes.
12:30 But even so because we're in this fallen state there is
12:31 something for which we long that no earthly experience.
12:36 Even the best and most Godly of earthly experiences can quite
12:40 sat--we sense that we are cut off from the umbilical cord of
12:45 Eden.
12:46 Something is missing.
12:48 >>Yeah, yeah.
12:49 >>I love that.
12:50 >>Another thing that I think that's really powerful is the
12:52 idea that God created us for pleasure and the ultimate
12:56 pleasure that God created us for is the pleasure of selflessness
13:01 or other centeredness.
13:03 >>That's the point.
13:05 >>The pleasure of giving and doing for others.
13:07 So I find myself doing things in relationship to God's will that
13:12 I never would've considered a pleasure before.
13:13 And some people looking on can be thanking me for doing
13:15 something that I consider a pleasure.
13:17 Thank you for pleasure.
13:18 Thank you for--I find myself.
13:21 >>You're not just saying this.
13:22 >>Yes.
13:23 >>It's not just a cultural nicety.
13:24 You mean it.
13:25 >>Yeah.
13:26 >It was a pleasure.
13:27 >>Like labor for example.
13:28 God created us for labor.
13:29 And in this world today there's a lot of idea that, well, labor
13:32 is something you gotta get out of the away.
13:33 You gotta do so that you can make so you can get so you can
13:37 retire.
13:38 But in my thinking I don't understand.
13:40 I can't relate to that as much because God has been
13:42 re-educating-the bible kind of re-educates.
13:44 And you go in this direction I think is identic.
13:47 I think it's pleasurable.
13:49 You go in this direction where you gain pleasure out of labor.
13:53 >>Being productive.
13:54 >>Yeah.
13:55 >>It's the white bread and the wheat bread.
13:56 >>It's so powerful when you're doing what God created you to
13:59 do.
14:00 I think it becomes difficult when you're not.
14:01 >>Can I and maybe this isn't the direction that we want to go
14:05 here.
14:06 But for me I think it would be extremely helpful for this
14:08 conversation to provide sort of a basis and also for those that
14:10 are listening in to go back to the Genesis 3 account.
14:12 And to say ok well if that's what God created and it was very
14:16 good then how, specifically, did we get here?
14:19 >>Yeah.
14:20 >>How did we get to the white bread?
14:21 >>Let's break it down.
14:24 Let's go to Genesis 3.
14:25 Would you guys be comfortable if we just begin by just reading
14:27 the whole passage and then backing it up and breaking it
14:32 down?
14:33 It's a long passage that's why I'm asking.
14:34 >>Let's do it.
14:35 >>It's a long passage but.
14:36 >>Let's read through it together.
14:38 >>But if we just move through it then we'll have the ground work
14:40 before us and.
14:41 >>We can see where it's going.
14:43 >>Minutes left in this segment of the conversation.
14:45 Then we'll just get through it and then we'll come back and
14:47 break it down.
14:48 Starting with verse 1 in Genesis chapter 3 now the serpent was
14:52 more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had
14:55 made.
14:56 And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not
15:00 eat of every tree of the garden'?"
15:03 And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit
15:07 of the trees of the garden; verse 3 but of the fruit of the
15:10 tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, 'You
15:12 shall not eat of it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.'"
15:16 Somebody else want to pick up there?
15:17 >>Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die.
15:22 Verse 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes
15:25 will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and
15:28 evil."
15:29 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that
15:32 it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one
15:35 wise, she took of its fruit and ate.
15:37 She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.
15:41 >>Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that
15:45 they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made
15:49 themselves coverings.
15:52 And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden
15:55 in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from
15:59 the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.
16:03 Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, "Where are
16:07 you?"
16:08 >>I think down to verse 12 David.
16:10 >>Sure, sure so he said, "I heard Your voice in the garden,
16:12 and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself."
16:15 And He said, "Who told you that you were naked?
16:17 Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you
16:20 should not eat?"
16:21 >>So, so this is an account of the fall of humanity the fall of
16:27 mankind.
16:28 The passage is so full of significance that we need to
16:35 just break it down point by point.
16:36 >>Slowly.
16:37 >>Yeah I want to just begin with verse 1 and calling attention to
16:42 something that we don't often consider.
16:45 When we think of the fall of mankind we think of quote,
16:47 unquote the sin problem.
16:49 We rush right to behavioral dimension of the problem
16:53 usually.
16:54 Sin is transgression of the law.
16:57 And indeed it is.
16:58 First John 3:4 we speak of sin in terms of rebellion against
17:03 God.
17:04 We look at the act.
17:05 They partook of the forbidden fruit.
17:07 Back in verse 1 we need to get the backstory.
17:10 The backstory is that before the act of disobedience--the act of
17:14 sin is engaged in something is occurring in a conversation.
17:19 There's a conversation occurring between the serpent.
17:23 >>There's another voice.
17:24 >>Yeah there's another voice.
17:26 And Jeffrey that voice is introducing new ideas.
17:30 >>Mhm.
17:32 >>New perceptions, new concepts.
17:33 And the new perceptions and ideas that are being introduced
17:37 are ideas and perceptions specifically about God.
17:41 That's the subject.
17:42 >>It's in a question form.
17:44 >>Yeah.
17:45 >>Did God really say?
17:46 >>Yeah, yeah.
17:47 >>It's insinuating questioning.
17:50 It's questioning the character of God.
17:53 >>Okay we gotta take our break now.
17:56 Um and we're gonna have this great--the great story of a guy
18:00 that James and I had the privilege of meeting in Africa
18:04 named David.
18:05 And uh David's story is amazing so let's just.
18:07 Let's just take in David's story and we'll come right back and
18:12 continue in Genesis 3.
18:13 After I started drinking beers and womanizing my life was at
18:24 stake.
18:25 In fact my marriage was shaking every day.
18:30 I could go fight with my wife quarrelling every day.
18:37 Kids would cry, you know grab my trousers.
18:39 Don't beat my mother.
18:41 Don't beat our mother.
18:43 What has she done?
18:45 I continued drinking and to me ok that looks to be more of good
18:51 life.
18:53 I thought I was on top of the world.
18:56 But not realizing that I was losing a lot.
19:00 I was not satisfied with one girl.
19:06 I go to this one.
19:07 Tomorrow I go to another one.
19:09 I thought womanizing with a different woman I would become a
19:13 champion.
19:15 But I never became one.
19:16 I wanted to satisfy myself but then I was failing.
19:19 I want to empty myself.
19:21 I was not being fulfilled.
19:24 My wife before actually knowing Jesus because she was also
19:33 getting annoyed, you know of what I was doing.
19:35 But then after some time, after reading the discovery guides.
19:39 And then some church members used to approach her, give her
19:43 some literature to read.
19:45 But then I could see her change you know.
19:50 I used to be very rough.
19:53 But then she was asking politely, sometimes just crying.
19:59 Then I know she was, there was something. Why is she changing
20:05 so suddenly? Then I could go into the house, find these
20:10 discovery guides, grab one go into the bedroom read.
20:14 Oh yeah I think that's why she's changing.
20:17 >>It was these bible study guides that made the difference
20:25 in the lives of people like David.
20:26 The simple process of reading and believing the truth of God's
20:31 word was enough to shine a light in their dark time and lead them
20:34 to Christ.
20:36 >>After some time, you know, I started reading some discovery
20:41 guides.
20:42 Now after reading those I bought a bible, actually and started
20:45 comparing what was in the discovery guides of what was in
20:49 the Bible.
20:50 Continued reading the discovery guides, stopped the womanizing.
20:54 Like I said earlier on stopped women now.
20:57 Stopped moving with my friends.
21:02 Stopped the drinking.
21:06 Now after reading these [unintelligable] I got convinced
21:09 that I at least I have also to join.
21:12 Am now ready to be baptized as well.
21:16 I'm happy [unintelligable] discover Jesus through these
21:22 discovery guides.
21:23 It's good that the Lord has entered into my heart.
21:27 Right now satisfaction in the Lord a whole new life to let go.
21:32 I rather hold onto Jesus and see that my life is completely
21:39 changed.
21:47 >>To partner with Light Bearers in spreading the gospel visit us
21:49 online at
21:52 Or call us toll free at 1-877-585-1111.
21:57 You can also write to us at Light Bearers, 37457 Jasper
22:02 Lowell Road, Jasper, OR 97438.
22:04 >>David's story is incredible.
22:09 Like I said before the break.
22:11 >>Amen.
22:12 >>James and I actually had the privilege of meeting him when we
22:15 were in Africa and he's been dramatically impacted by the
22:18 ministry of Light Bearers.
22:21 But here's the thing in his story.
22:23 He really is an illustration as all of us are of what the fall
22:29 entails and what redemption looks like.
22:33 I mean this guy was basically just chugging down the pleasures
22:37 of the world, taking in whatever he could grab and gulp that the
22:42 world has to offer.
22:44 And what did he say?
22:47 He says I was just empty.
22:48 It wasn't going anywhere and I just--and and he became abusive
22:49 to his wife.
22:50 And then he encountered the beautiful concepts of the
22:54 gospel, the good news of the grace of God.
22:57 And it began to change him in his thinking, his feeling and
23:02 then his relationships.
23:03 This guy is now experiencing a steady long term kind of
23:08 pleasure.
23:09 >>Yeah.
23:10 >>That involves one relationship with one woman, namely his wife,
23:12 praise God.
23:13 That he is totally devoted to and now his children are
23:16 beginning to respect him again.
23:18 This guy's experiencing the real kind of pleasure.
23:21 >>It's the white bread the wheat bread.
23:23 >>Yes the white bread wheat bread exactly.
23:25 >>You know it's funny when you said there just an interesting
23:28 little thing.
23:30 When you said David story was amazing I had forgotten about
23:32 the clip and the--his name is David too and I was like yeah.
23:35 It's true because every David story is amazing.
23:38 Every Jeffrey story every Mary story.
23:41 Every story is an amazing story.
23:43 Every story of redemption and in a sense everyone's story.
23:47 Everyone who comes to faith is a story of the fall and of
23:50 redemption.
23:51 And even those who don't come to faith their story is the story
23:54 of the fall.
23:55 >>Yes.
23:58 >>It's this--this is the corporate story of humanity,
24:01 lack of trust and a lack of love for God.
24:03 >>And that's what we get here in Genesis chapter 3.
24:06 We get behind the scenes, not just the actions, as we all have
24:11 identified them in the transgression of the law.
24:13 But we get the subtle psychology that was brought up in the mind
24:18 and heart of Eve and then of Adam in relation to God.
24:22 In relation to the kind of God the character of God that
24:25 created them.
24:27 That they were having fellowship with--that they were having
24:29 relationship with.
24:30 And those questions that were put in their mind is what led to
24:32 the actions.
24:34 >>Yeah the devil didn't just come in the garden and say
24:36 listen.
24:37 >>Eat this.
24:38 >>Yeah he didn't just say eat this, perform this act.
24:39 She would have said no thank you.
24:41 >>And he didn't have like a label on his forehead that said
24:43 hi I'm the devil.
24:44 >>And I'm on a collision course with self-destruction would you
24:46 join me.
24:48 >>It was a subtle voice.
24:50 >>Yeah so he comes and the first line says the serpent was more
24:52 cunning.
24:53 The old King James says subtle.
24:55 So he approaches with cunning with subtlety another way to say
24:59 this is Satan approaches human beings with an intent to
25:02 deceive.
25:04 He wants to skew and distort their perception.
25:08 And God is, as we're about to see, the subject or the target I
25:13 guess would be a better word of this distortion campaign.
25:17 This propaganda campaign.
25:19 >>NIV says crafty.
25:20 >>Oh that's good.
25:21 >>It's crafty yeah.
25:22 >>Yeah, so--so what is the subject matter of the deception
25:27 God--well what does he say about God that is untrue?
25:30 >>In verse 4 and the serpent says to the woman you will not
25:36 surely die.
25:38 So off the bat right their it's already.
25:41 >>That's not off the bat yet though bro.
25:43 >>You've just.
25:44 >>That's not off the bat you skipped the bat.
25:46 >>Yeah I would say that when he says has God indeed said you
25:50 shall not eat of every tree of the garden.
25:52 The suggesting here is that God is somehow restrictive.
25:55 In other words when you go back and read Genesis chapter 2 God
25:59 says of every tree of the garden you may freely eat.
26:02 >>Large horizon of freedom.
26:04 >>Yeah just a small bit of restriction.
26:05 >>Yeah only for their good.
26:08 >>But the way that--yeah that's right--it was a positive helpful
26:10 restriction.
26:11 But the way that Satan.
26:13 >>It was a protection.
26:14 >>Protection.
26:15 >>It was a protection.
26:17 >>But just the way--the subtlety with which the serpent, Satan,
26:19 the enemy and we'll talk about him because he just sort of
26:22 shows up in the story.
26:24 And we've not talked about who or what he is.
26:26 We're gonna have to get to that.
26:28 But not right now.
26:30 He suggests that there's this vast swath of restriction with
26:31 just a limited amount of freedom.
26:32 I mean there's a subtle--and he also suggests that God is
26:35 somehow unclear that his word is not clear.
26:37 That there's
26:38 >>Yeah, yeah.
26:39 >>Equivocation.
26:40 >>Yeah that's something between the lines.
26:42 >>Yeah.
26:43 >>He's implying something.
26:44 What's the word an insinuation?
26:45 If you were to say to somebody who is a friend of yours.
26:49 Hey is your husband really faithful?
26:54 >>Exactly.
26:57 >>Are you sure that he's not?
26:59 You're not blatantly telling the lie right now.
27:00 >>You're planting the seed.
27:01 >>You're planting the seed and you're saying---you're
27:04 suggesting that something may be wrong.
27:06 >>Now the woman seems to sense immediately, intuitively no
27:10 that's not quite right.
27:12 >>She tries to recover.
27:13 >>She recovers.
27:15 >>We can eat of the tree.
27:17 We can.
27:18 We can.
27:19 God said we can eat of every tree.
27:20 What do you mean?
27:21 >>But she actually goes a little too far.
27:22 She says God has said you shall not eat it neither shall you
27:23 touch it lest you die.
27:25 And God had not said the thing about the touching.
27:27 She seems to be adding this just sort of overcorrect or over
27:30 compensate.
27:31 >>She's insecure.
27:32 >>What's interesting here is she's taking an apologetic
27:34 attitude.
27:35 She's defending God's character.
27:36 She's defending him against this insinuation.
27:37 No he says we can eat of every tree.
27:40 Just one we can't.
27:41 >>But the mild destabilization that's taken place
27:44 psychologically with her where she's now coming to the defense.
27:48 Satan capitalizes on and now he comes rather that subtlety just
27:50 a direct confrontal.
27:52 And that's where you were going with verse 4.
27:54 No, no, no.
27:55 Because she said we'll die.
27:56 And he says you will not surely die.
27:58 >>Yeah, yeah.
28:00 >>So subtlety has now transitioned to just an
28:02 outright--now that destabilization.
28:03 We can just imagine something that's teetering.
28:05 And now he gives it that further push.
28:06 Still and basically the suggestion here it's not even a
28:08 suggestion.
28:09 The accusation here is God is dishonest.
28:12 >>Yeah verse 4 is where it really comes clear.
28:15 I mean it's crystal clear.
28:16 It's like pppp.
28:18 >>Yeah he's.
28:20 >>God has lied to you.
28:21 He is deceiving--he is withholding something.
28:22 >>But he's deceiving for a reason.
28:23 God has a motive.
28:24 Satan is getting into God's character here.
28:26 God's up to something and I'm about to tell you what it is
28:30 he's saying to her.
28:32 And that's verse 5.
28:33 >>Yeah.
28:34 >>God knows that if you eat.
28:36 >>That's the part where I think he's suggesting that God is
28:38 restrictive.
28:39 >>Both.
28:41 >>God is trying to.
28:42 >>It's a continuum.
28:43 >>He's trying to limit you from an experience.
28:45 >>Of course.
28:46 >>Yeah.
28:47 >>Of course but let's even the way that that early question is
28:49 put.
28:50 >>Yeah it does imply.
28:51 >>It just plants the seed.
28:52 Now God is dishonest and here's why.
28:54 In other words it's not a one part.
28:56 It's not even a two part.
28:59 It's like a tripod deception.
29:00 You destabilize.
29:02 You confront and then you insinuate the reason.
29:03 You implant the reason as to why it is.
29:06 >>Jeffrey look at it this way he's basically saying, you know,
29:09 prong one of this lie.
29:11 God is unnecessarily restrictive.
29:13 Prong two He's lied to you about this.
29:17 You're not gonna die if you eat.
29:20 Prong three the whole reason God is lying to you is because he's
29:25 trying to hold back from you something that really would be
29:28 for your greater pleasure and good or whatever.
29:31 God is essentially--here's the bottom line--self-serving.
29:33 You've been under the impression that God loves you.
29:35 I'm telling you he doesn't.
29:37 And here the devil is literally denying the existence of love as
29:41 the premise for the relationship and saying listen, insinuating
29:47 you to basically look out for number one because you think God
29:50 is out for you.
29:51 No God's out for himself.
29:52 God is selfish.
29:53 He is attacking the very foundation of reality.
29:58 >>He's attacking the thing that we've talked about in our first
30:03 conversation, our second conversation and our third
30:05 conversation that God is love, that God is relational, that God
30:07 is good.
30:08 And here this is a direct frontal attack.
30:10 >>Right.
30:11 >>Now let me--maybe I could just pause here for a moment.
30:15 And throw this out there.
30:16 We're talking about something that happened thousands of years
30:18 ago, an actual event.
30:19 But in a way every one of us at this table has operated under
30:23 and believed these very same kind of deceptions.
30:27 >>Yep.
30:28 >>Yeah.
30:29 >>We're naturally wired with suspicion, suspicion towards
30:31 God.
30:32 We're naturally suspicious of God.
30:34 >>So let me just speak to--from my own experience and I'm, you
30:37 know I think we should hear everybody's here but just mine,
30:39 very briefly is that I became a believer in Christ when I was 24
30:43 years old, right.
30:45 Uh, prior to my coming to faith in Christ I was a purple haired,
30:50 tattooed, punk rocker, skateboarder.
30:53 That was my life.
30:55 And if and when and it did happen occasionally, people
30:59 would come and speak to me about God or speak to me about
31:00 anything religious or anything biblical my knee jerk reaction.
31:03 My instinctive reaction was always too restrictive, too
31:06 restrictive; no I wanna do my own thing.
31:09 I don't need some God telling me what to do.
31:11 I'm free to be my own man right.
31:14 It was not probably an outright atheism but it was agnosticism
31:17 that leaned toward and atheism.
31:19 Because I wanted freedom.
31:21 Everybody wants freedom.
31:22 So my basic view of God as a purple haired, punk rock,
31:26 skateboarder was that God is restrictive and if there were
31:29 such a being ad God he would only want to take something from
31:33 me that I wanted to keep and would be in my own best interest
31:35 to keep.
31:37 >>Yeah isn't that something?
31:38 >>But I mean how.
31:39 [Everyone talking at once]
31:40 >>That's the line right here.
31:42 >>Yeah we're in, you are, I am, all of us are a product of the
31:46 fall.
31:47 We've been infected with a primal lie.
31:49 And it's there.
31:51 It's in our thinking.
31:53 When we look, for example at anything--anything that God
31:57 says, for example and we perceive it as God's effort to
32:02 restrict my freedom.
32:03 We're wrong.
32:05 I have this verse that's just been ringing in my own personal
32:08 experience that I just think is fabulous in Psalm 119 verse 32.
32:13 Here is an inspired perception of the law of God.
32:18 Now we're not talking specifically about the law of
32:20 God.
32:21 But we're talking about the fact that God said to Adam and Eve
32:22 you can do this but don't do this, right.
32:27 So what's up with the things God says don't do?
32:29 Is he a micromanaging control freak?
32:32 Is he trying to restrict my freedom?
32:40 Look at this Psalm 19 verse 32 David says I will run in the
32:42 course of your commandments for you shall enlarge my heart.
32:45 And the NIV renders enlarge my heart for you have set my heart
32:50 free.
32:51 >>Wow
32:52 >>Okay so you've got here this idea, get this.
32:55 I will run.
32:58 You got the word run.
32:59 Question guys do you need space to run?
33:01 >>Yes.
33:02 >>Can you run in your bedroom?
33:03 I don't know how big your bedroom is.
33:05 Actually I know how big all of your bedrooms.
33:08 [Laughter]
33:09 >>Your bedroom you know is a small space.
33:10 You can't work up a--you can't work up any momentum.
33:13 You can't run for wall to wall.
33:14 So there needs to be space.
33:16 David says when I look at God's law I see space to run.
33:19 I see a large horizon.
33:22 And he says God has set my heart free.
33:27 He has enlarged my heart.
33:28 >>That goes perfectly with this here in James 2 verse 12.
33:34 The law of liberty.
33:39 >>Right.
33:40 >>Yes.
33:41 >>Of the law of liberty so anytime God introduces some
33:42 parameters within which we have--we should be living our
33:45 lives.
33:46 It's because it's only within those parameters that we're
33:47 free.
33:49 The minute we violate those parameters we become enslaved to
33:53 something.
33:54 >>Outside of God's realm.
33:56 >>I really like this too because, because it does seem
33:59 to, to match and parallel the present perception of religion.
34:04 Religion generally, I was raised in a religious home.
34:08 I was raised going to church every
34:10 >>Catholic home
34:11 >>Yep every week altar boy said my prayers every night.
34:13 And in that context I really wasn't interested in religion.
34:17 Religion was restrictive religion was all about the
34:20 different forms and things I was supposed to do especially during
34:22 lent or at Easter or Christmas I needed to go here.
34:25 I needed to do that.
34:26 I needed to act in a certain way.
34:28 And outside of those parameters I found fun.
34:30 I found joy.
34:31 I found pleasure.
34:32 And inside of those parameters I found to be very boring and very
34:35 restrictive.
34:36 >>Isn't that something?
34:39 >>Yeah very different from the way my natural heart seemed to
34:41 tend.
34:42 When I actually got to the place, and I was 21 years old
34:44 when I accepted Christ as my personal savior.
34:46 And I thought it was because of the fact, well, we're gonna talk
34:49 about this some more but the outcome that I was experiencing
34:52 in my life doing my own thing was very much like the outcome
34:56 that Adam and Eve experienced in their life.
34:59 And that led me to try another option.
35:01 And when I tried the other option and I actually talked to
35:04 God, accepted Christ and asked him to come into my life, I
35:10 found myself being set free, having that space to actually
35:12 run away from things that had imprisoned me.
35:15 >>You were deceived.
35:18 You were deceived.
35:19 What you said and what Jeffrey said and what you said are so
35:22 spot on because they--we in the world we have what we think is
35:24 freedom but it's really not it's slavery.
35:27 And in Christianity people have what you think is restriction
35:30 it's really freedom.
35:32 It's a complete reversal of what's expected.
35:39 >>Which is exactly what he says here?
35:40 >>In my experience I actually went through this where, where I
35:42 grew up with no religion at all.
35:43 You know I don't think--nobody raised me I just kind of
35:45 happened.
35:47 I mean I was raised in a home with no father, an abusive
35:50 step-father and a mom that had to work long hours and just was
35:53 completely caught up in her own abuse.
35:56 I was just out on the streets and for me as a kid growing up
36:00 as I came right there into 11, 12 into my teenager.
36:04 I was just hyperaware of and attracted to girls.
36:13 And that's no surprise.
36:14 >>That's not unusual.
36:15 >>All I--girls, girls, girls, that's all I was aware of.
36:18 And here's the thing I went through one broken relationship
36:21 after another at a very young age.
36:25 You know, I like you.
36:26 Do you like me?
36:27 Oh we're boyfriend and girlfriend.
36:28 Breakup.
36:29 >>Mhm.
36:30 >>Now it's on to her.
36:32 It's on to her.
36:33 It's on to her.
36:34 And then I met one girl and we became friends then boyfriend
36:40 and girlfriend.
36:42 And we've had this sustained relationship now for years and
36:44 years and years.
36:45 Now in my experience I look back at those, those, that series of
36:51 broken relationships and all of my friends and the world in
36:56 general operates that way.
36:58 You just move from relationship to relationship to relationship
37:01 and there is a short term pleasure that's involved
37:06 especially on the sexual level.
37:08 But here's the thing you're actually short circuiting and
37:11 narrowing your capacity for pleasure by moving from one
37:16 self-serving and self-centered relationship after another.
37:19 And when you settle into and move into one relationship with
37:23 one person for life, I'm saying basically God says one person
37:27 for life.
37:30 Is that restrictive or is that as the Psalm says enlarge your
37:33 heart.
37:34 >>It's both its restrictive in the positive sense.
37:36 >>In a positive sense because that grows your capacity for
37:39 trust, for security, for reaching levels and dimensions
37:45 of pleasure that you would never know in serial dating
37:49 situations.
37:50 >>You want love to be--I want my wife to think that our love is
37:54 restrictive.
37:56 It's to our benefit that we view love as restrictive isn't it?
38:00 >>It's restrictive in what Ty's saying and I know you know this
38:03 in the broad sense.
38:04 In other words it's one woman but now that you have the one
38:07 relationship there's a depth that you can--that you can
38:11 achieve--that you cannot achieve in one, serial dating as you
38:16 called it.
38:17 >>That was so interesting because that's the very thing
38:18 we're picking up here in Genesis, in Genesis 3 we're
38:21 picking up this little restriction that Satan's trying
38:23 to magnify.
38:24 >>Yeah.
38:25 >>And then this huge liberty that Satan's trying to diminish.
38:27 >On that, on that tell me what you think of this.
38:31 This might be amazing.
38:32 [Laughter]
38:33 >>You just set yourself up bro.
38:35 You just set yourself up.
38:37 >>What you just said inspired me.
38:40 >>It better be amazing.
38:41 >>Originally in the garden there's one tree that has a
38:45 restr-stay away, off limit label.
38:50 And every other tree is game on.
38:51 The minute they take of the fruit reality changes and now
38:57 look at the world we live in today.
38:59 Most of the stuff we see in the world is things that's totally
39:03 opposed to God's will.
39:05 So we have a lot of trees in the garden.
39:06 But most of the trees are off limits.
39:09 And the very few are, the very few things that we see in the
39:14 world that represent or mirror God's will.
39:16 So what I'm saying is originally one bad tree many good trees.
39:22 Now it's many help me out.
39:25 >>Bad trees.
39:27 >>Many bad trees.
39:28 >>And only one good tree is that brilliant?
39:29 >>No no it's many bad trees.
39:31 >>And one--few good.
39:33 It's been flipped.
39:34 So the Devil said God's original plan is restrictive.
39:37 But what has happened now as the devils plan has been introduced
39:42 and accepted into the world now.
39:44 >>Okay.
39:45 >>It's restrictive.
39:46 >>That is that is good stuff.
39:47 I don't know about amazing.
39:48 I don't know about brilliant.
39:50 But that is good I love it I love.
39:51 >>Sandbagged yourself.
39:52 >>And I hate to do this.
39:53 I hate to do this but we have to take a break.
39:54 >>Okay.
39:55 >>And when we come right back.
39:56 >>It's a good note to close on.
39:57 >>Yeah, yeah it's an amazing note to close on.
39:59 Then we'll come right back and pursuing.
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41:03 >>Okay so we're breaking down Genesis chapter 3 and we've
41:06 gotten through about verse 5.
41:08 It's in verse 6 that the act of sin is committed.
41:11 And my point earlier and I think you guys concur with this do you
41:17 see any holes in it is that the sin problem is a composite of
41:20 issues.
41:21 It's not sufficient just to say that they broke God's command
41:25 behaviorally bef--all the way through verse 5 things are going
41:30 on in the psyche, in the thinking, in the feeling process
41:35 toward God.
41:36 So what's happening here is that the sin problem behaviorally is
41:39 predicated on the sin problem beginning in the mind.
41:44 >>Psychologically.
41:45 >>Psychologically deception regarding the character of God.
41:49 I mean why commit the act of rebellion if you haven't changed
41:52 your mind about the person you're sinning against.
41:55 >>Yeah.
41:56 >>Right.
41:58 >>I think that that is a critical nuance that's often
41:59 missed when just the behavioral aspect is emphasized.
42:01 The behavior doesn't happen until a new and perverse and
42:07 inaccurate picture of God's character has been implanted
42:10 into the mind.
42:11 And now it's okay to violate a relationship with that being.
42:15 Because that being is not being trust worthy.
42:17 >>Yeah, it's it's, it's further reaching in fact when you
42:20 look--when you look at verse 5 think about this For God knows
42:22 the day you eat of it your eyes will be open and you will be
42:26 like God.
42:27 Why do you need God if you can be like God?
42:28 Why do we need God in a society we can take care of all the
42:33 things we need to take care of because we can be just like him.
42:35 If this restriction is taken away.
42:38 If we were not limited by this whole idea of religion and God
42:42 and someone that's bigger than us and we can just recognize
42:45 that, you know.
42:47 We can, we can be just like him.
42:48 We don't need him.
42:49 >>We can be our own God.
42:50 >>Yeah and that's what we see in society.
42:51 >>I love what C.S.
42:52 Lewis said I think in problem of pain.
42:54 He said they wanted a corner in the universe where they can say
42:56 to God this is our business.
42:58 You stay out of it.
43:00 And then he says they wanted to be nouns.
43:02 But they would forever have to be adjectives or something like
43:06 that.
43:07 >>Hmm
43:08 >>Which is powerful so I think what I see here we're talking
43:09 about the psychology beyond individual action is that there
43:13 is a desire for independence.
43:14 Isn't there.
43:16 So you're basically saying is there's the craving in the human
43:19 heart for independence.
43:21 >>Mhm.
43:23 >>For my little corner in the universe where this--God has no
43:26 business.
43:27 >>Something deception is Jeffrey is it's I want independence from
43:30 a controlling, domineering God.
43:34 >>Right.
43:36 >>You see that?
43:37 >>Mhm.
43:38 >>It's I want independence from a misconception.
43:41 >>Right.
43:42 >>Mhm.
43:43 >>So if God was known to be the God that God really is.
43:44 A God of liberty and freedom then the idea wouldn't even
43:50 arise in the human heart that I want independence.
43:52 Because you're not even thinking in terms of independence or me
43:56 and you segregated.
43:58 You want something from me that I'm not willing to give but
44:01 you're extracting it from me.
44:02 That's a part of the lie.
44:03 >>You wouldn't desire independence unless you felt
44:06 that that was being threatened.
44:08 Is basically what you're saying.
44:10 So in a--with a correct concept of who God is there would be
44:13 no--no desire for that type of.
44:16 >>Right and you know why one of the reasons why if you read
44:19 about this the whole fall of man in Hebrews 2 you recognize that
44:22 when God created us when he created the world.
44:25 He gave it to us.
44:26 He put everything in subjection to us.
44:28 So God actually gave us independence.
44:31 >>Oh that's good.
44:32 >>He came to visit, how are things going?
44:35 How way your day?
44:36 How is it going down her on earth?
44:37 How are all the things that I have given you?
44:38 And we have this freedom that was just outstanding.
44:41 I mean it was amazing when you think about it.
44:43 And yet verse 8 says in Hebrews 2 you put all things in
44:48 subjection under his feet in that you put all things under
44:50 him.
44:51 You left nothing that was not put under him.
44:53 But now we do not see things all things put under him.
44:55 So what's happened is Satan has come in and he's taken away all
44:58 that independence.
44:59 He's taken away all that liberty that God actually gave us and he
45:01 did that by misrepresenting who God was.
45:03 >>Yeah, yes.
45:05 >>It's very I love what you're saying there because if you
45:08 genuinely try.
45:09 You have a teenage son.
45:11 >>No I don't.
45:12 >>No he's not teenage anymore.
45:13 >>He's 20.
45:14 >>He's 20 ok.
45:15 So your 20 year old son or those of us.
45:17 >>Teenage girl.
45:18 >>I have a 10 and a 12.
45:19 But when your teenage son comes and asks for the car keys that
45:20 requires freedom.
45:22 Right.
45:23 But if you trust them they amount of freedom that you'll
45:27 give them is limitless.
45:28 >>Yes exactly.
45:29 >>So trust and freedom go hand in hand.
45:30 God says hey I trust you.
45:32 Oh this garden this is--go, go.
45:34 >>Yeah, yeah Psalm 115 says the heavens even the whole heavens
45:39 belong to the Lord.
45:40 But the earth h has given to the children of men.
45:42 That's delegation language.
45:45 >>That's our place.
45:46 [Everyone talking at once]
45:47 >>Psalm 115 and so basically God is saying I don't want a
45:50 micromanaging, domineering control over you.
45:55 I'm giving you freedom.
45:56 But the expectation is that that freedom will be used to the
46:01 healthy end expanding liberty for others.
46:07 And the sin problem shuts down liberty.
46:08 I think that's what we're saying.
46:10 The sin problem restricts freedom really.
46:12 It doesn't expand freedom.
46:16 When she eats of the fruit immediately in verse 6 the
46:17 effect that follows verse 7 their eyes were opened.
46:20 The eyes of them both, Adam and Eve, were opened.
46:23 And they knew that they were naked.
46:25 So they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves
46:28 covering.
46:30 So what's happening there?
46:32 The immediate effect that was promised in verse 5 doesn't
46:34 happen.
46:36 What happens is all the sudden a whole new psychological and
46:39 spiritual phenomenon enters in to the equation.
46:43 Suddenly they're experiencing guilt, and shame and
46:45 self-consciousness.
46:47 The language, the eyes of them both were opened and they knew
46:49 that they were naked is referring back; it's modifying
46:52 what was said earlier.
46:54 Where is it?
46:55 >>Genesis 2:25
46:56 >>2:25 they were naked and not ashamed.
46:58 So it's not like they became naked.
47:01 They were already naked, right?
47:03 And then.
47:04 >>The shame is associated with it.
47:06 >>Yeah now they don't trust God anymore.
47:08 Now they're in rebellion, in sin.
47:09 And all of the sudden self-consciousness.
47:14 Now I see that I'm naked which is a biblical way of saying they
47:16 began to experience self-centeredness and the guilt
47:20 that is associated with self-centeredness.
47:23 >>God then comes into the Garden of Eden because it says in verse
47:27 8 they heard the sound.
47:28 Have we gotten to verse?
47:29 >>Well we read verse 7 that they made coverings.
47:32 >>Made coverings.
47:33 So verse 8 here's where I was going.
47:35 They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the
47:37 cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves.
47:39 So clearly there's a fear dimension here.
47:40 >>Yeah.
47:41 >>So, so they have the experience of shame.
47:43 They're now suddenly self-aware in a way that has a guilt
47:48 associated with it.
47:49 They then assume, incorrectly that the shame that they're
47:54 feeling is actually a reflection of God's attitude toward them
47:57 and they're afraid.
47:59 So their instinct is to flee from the very one that made them
48:04 created them and had actually entrusted the garden to them.
48:05 >>Somewhere in the bible I think it's in Proverbs it says the
48:08 wicked flee when no one pursues.
48:10 >>I think part of this is because their situation is in
48:14 context of what God had said to them in Genesis 2.
48:17 In the day that you eat of that tree of the fruit of knowledge
48:21 of good and evil you are going to die.
48:22 And they didn't die.
48:25 I mean the serpent said you won't die.
48:27 God said you will die.
48:28 They ate the fruit and they didn't die.
48:30 So, so I can imagine that they're thinking well if the
48:34 fruit didn't kill us God certainly is or will.
48:36 >>Oh that's a powerful point.
48:39 >>You see what I'm saying?
48:40 So they're thinking, oh, there is a promise that God has made
48:45 here toward us and the serpent was probably right.
48:47 Their experience is telling them that the serpent was right the
48:50 fruit didn't kill us.
48:52 >>I got to jump in there though and Say God had not said, and I
48:55 know this is not what you're saying.
48:57 But this just goes to show how the deception worked.
49:00 God didn't say in the day that you eat thereof I will surely
49:02 kill you.
49:03 >>Exactly.
49:04 >>He said the day you eat thereof
49:05 >>Exactly you will surely die.
49:06 >>I know I get it but the deception is they think he's out
49:09 to get us.
49:10 >>Yes.
49:11 >>So they--the feelings of shame and guilt that they're
49:13 experiencing they incorrectly assume are a reflection of God's
49:16 attitude towards them.
49:17 >>Verse 8 says that they hid themselves.
49:18 What's happening in the context is who are they hiding from?
49:22 Not each other they're hiding together.
49:23 [Laughter]
49:24 >>So Adam and Eve were both in the bushes hiding together.
49:27 They're hiding from God which says that their whole perception
49:30 of God's character has been so distorted that now they're
49:33 expecting things from God that aren't even there.
49:36 >>Yesss.
49:37 >>That's right.
49:38 >>They're not even there when God finally does come to them.
49:41 He doesn't come pouncing and snorting and pointing the
49:43 finger.
49:44 He comes
49:45 >>to announce good news.
49:46 >>to announce good news
49:48 >>He comes to announce that a way of escape has been made from
49:50 the predicament which they find themselves.
49:52 >> I think it's a bit weird that they're going to hide in bushes
49:56 behind a tree.
49:57 Like you would think.
49:58 >>Well there were no buildings to hide in at that point
50:01 Jeffrey.
50:02 >>I'm wondering why they're hiding behind a tree period.
50:03 I mean you would think.
50:04 >>verses?
50:05 >>verses I'm just saying this is God this is Almighty God.
50:07 >>They're hiding in two ways.
50:09 >>So I'm saying it has to be deeper.
50:11 >>First of all they're trying to hide in the sense of making the
50:14 covering.
50:15 They're trying to hide their nakedness.
50:16 They're trying to hide their guilt.
50:18 They're trying to compensate for the problem they sense is going
50:20 on.
50:21 They feel condemned.
50:23 And they're trying to ameliorate that sense of condemnation.
50:25 Secondly they hide in the trees because it's the irrational
50:31 thing to do.
50:32 >>that's my point.
50:34 That's where I'm going.
50:35 >>Well didn't you hear the verse I was quoting.
50:36 I don't know where it is.
50:37 >>Proverbs 28:1.
50:38 >>The wicked pursue when
50:40 >>no one is
50:41 >>the wicked
50:42 >>flee
50:43 >>flee when no one pursues.
50:44 That's the phobia of the sin problem.
50:46 You're assuming ok here comes God let's hide.
50:51 It's pointless of course it's irrational.
50:53 >>And so what I'm saying is that.
50:56 >>how do you hide from an omnipresent God.
50:57 >>That's the point.
50:59 That's a powerful picture of the world today.
51:00 I mean the way we live our lives it is so irrational.
51:01 And it even goes contrary to what we already know is reality
51:05 and we go contrary to reality.
51:08 They're hiding from God.
51:10 It's impossible to hide from God.
51:12 So I think that's another dimension of the psychology of
51:15 sins impact on the human psyche and the human experience.
51:18 >>The irrationality is born out of the fact that they are now
51:22 experiencing a battery of emotions that God never intended
51:25 or created them to experience.
51:28 >>And they don't know how to react.
51:30 For the first time.
51:31 I mean we're very familiar to what of what shame feels like.
51:34 I mean I know I'm.
51:35 >>How bout that
51:37 >>I'm very well familiar of what shame and guilt feels like.
51:40 >>That Fernando Ortega song that.
51:41 >>Which one?
51:42 >>Remember me not my shame.
51:43 >>Mmm
51:45 >>That, that every time I hear that song it just.
51:46 >>Just imagine these people that for the first time.
51:49 >>Ever.
51:50 >>Ever they're experiencing what it feels like to be ashamed and
51:56 to feel guilty.
51:58 And I love what you said.
52:00 They're just like freaking out.
52:02 Because they've never felt that before.
52:03 They don't even know what to do.
52:06 So they go hiding.
52:07 >>So these are survival mechanisms.
52:08 >>Coping.
52:10 >>Coping mechanisms they're breaking down mentally and
52:12 emotionally feeling guilty.
52:14 They hide from God because they're afraid of him.
52:16 God comes and says where are you?
52:18 Obviously in the story the tone of his voice is not as
52:21 threatening as they were expecting.
52:22 It's not threatening at all.
52:24 They immediately present themselves before the Lord.
52:26 They come before God.
52:27 And they say well the reason we were hiding this because we were
52:29 afraid because we were naked.
52:31 And then God says who told you you were naked?
52:33 I mean think of that.
52:35 >>Mhm.
52:36 >>Who told you you were naked.
52:37 What is God saying in that?
52:38 Who told you you were naked?
52:39 Not me.
52:40 The implication is is that what you think of me?
52:48 Is that how you expected me to approach you?
52:49 You're feeling shame.
52:51 You're feeling condemnation but it's not coming from me.
52:55 >>Mhm.
52:57 >>These are things that are going on inside your heart and
52:58 mind because of what does he say?
53:01 Did you eat?
53:02 >>of the tree.
53:03 >>Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
53:06 The forbidden tree.
53:07 God immediately points to the sin itself as the source of all
53:11 these new battery of negative emotions they're experiencing.
53:15 >>What's amazing to me is the first response that Adam gives
53:18 is a clear indication of the complete depravity of human
53:23 nature right at the fall.
53:25 He says the woman.
53:28 The woman.
53:29 The woman.
53:30 It's self-justification immediately.
53:31 >>Blame casting.
53:33 >>Blame casting the woman you gave me.
53:35 She's the one.
53:36 >>And it goes perfectly with what we said.
53:38 The instance that they sever that connection and relationship
53:41 with God it immediately has social implications.
53:45 So the first recorded instance of a--Christ.
53:50 >>Yeah the love selfless.
53:52 >>Yeah it's the very second or moment after they break their
53:55 connection with God and so that goes back with the whole first
53:58 commandment, second commandment.
54:00 Love to God you break that.
54:01 >>The vertical the horizontal.
54:04 >>Well that's why the bible.
54:06 We're talking about the sin problem.
54:08 The bible defines sin in First John 3:4 as transgression of the
54:11 law.
54:13 And then in Romans 13:10 says that basically the law is love,
54:16 right?
54:17 So when we're defining sin in the fall of mankind we're
54:21 basically saying that sin is the fall of mankind is constituted
54:24 in anti-love.
54:27 It's a violated
54:28 >>Say that last part again.
54:29 Say that last part again.
54:31 >>Sin is defined biblically as transgression of the law.
54:33 The law is love.
54:35 Right.
54:36 Romans 13:10.
54:38 >>Okay got it.
54:39 >>Therefore sin is any thought, feeling or action that is
54:41 contrary to love.
54:42 It's all anti-love behavior whether it's mental, emotional
54:45 or actionable behavior.
54:47 >>That's why Romans 3:23 says that it's falling short of the
54:50 glory of God.
54:51 >>Yeah.
54:52 >>Exodus 33:34 the glory of God is revelation is character of
54:55 who he is.
54:56 God is love.
54:57 And you look at that in the context of the fall in Hebrews.
54:59 Hebrews talks about how everything is put in subjection.
55:02 Now we don't see everything in subjection.
55:04 But we see Jesus who is made a little lower than the angels for
55:08 the suffering death.
55:09 So Jesus came to redeem to take away the restriction which is
55:13 death.
55:14 Ultimately the restriction is death, of everything summarized.
55:16 And then it goes on and this is really, really powerful verse 10
55:20 of Hebrews 2 says for it was fitting for him, Jesus, for whom
55:26 are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons
55:29 to glory.
55:30 >>Yeah.
55:32 >>Whoa.
55:33 >>He's bringing back to glory.
55:34 We've fallen short of the glory.
55:35 We've fallen short of the character.
55:36 We've fallen short of the love.
55:37 We've fallen short of selflessness.
55:38 Adam is pointing to Eve.
55:40 Eve, by the way follows Adam, follows suit, perfect pattern.
55:44 You pointed to me.
55:45 I'm pointing to
55:46 >>God
55:47 >>the serpent.
55:48 >>and ultimately.
55:49 >>Ultimately to God.
55:50 >>to God.
55:52 >>It was the serpent that you put in the garden.
55:53 >>Yes But Jesus comes and he's bringing us back to glory, back
55:56 to glory, back to glory.
55:58 >>You know I've got my little doll here or figurine and
56:00 there's something that we just have to say here and this whole
56:03 conversation that we're having is predicated on a basic
56:06 assumption that we're going to get into our next conversation.
56:08 And that is that Adam and Eve were very unlike this figurine
56:14 that I have here which I can just manipulate in any way that
56:17 I want.
56:20 This being is not free to be in the position that it wants to be
56:24 in.
56:25 It's going to be in the position that I put it in.
56:26 >>Yeah.
56:28 >>But the whole story--everything that we've
56:29 talked about up to this point is built on the broad foundation of
56:32 an assumed freedom.
56:34 In other words he could have or could not have.
56:37 He could have been loyal or not been loyal which in my mind is
56:41 not only the answer, which it is.
56:43 It also raises a series of questions.
56:45 Number one why did God make mankind like this?
56:48 >>Rather than another way.
56:51 >>Rather than another way.
56:52 Why not like this.
56:54 Well I think that we're all quite happy that we're not like
56:56 this.
56:57 But it does sort of raise the significant question if God made
57:01 us with this kind of what you might call dangerous freedom was
57:03 that the best way to do it?
57:07 Now I think the answer to that is yes.
57:08 But if we don't if we don't begin to engage that
57:10 conversation.
57:11 >>Yeah, yeah.
57:12 >>Then we're gonna fall short of the real intent of Genesis 3.
57:15 >>Yeah
57:16 >>Mhm
57:17 >>That's where we're gonna go.
57:18 >>Which is the abuse of freedom and the appropriate use of
57:19 freedom.
57:21 >>We have like 40 seconds left and since you used this guy I'm
57:23 just gonna say here's the posture of the fall of mankind.
57:25 He's in running motion.
57:28 He's in shame motion and he's in blame motion.
57:32 He's pointing the finger.
57:35 >>Mhm
57:36 >>He's running from God.
57:38 He's ashamed.
57:39 That's the fall of mankind.
57:41 >>Experiencing emotions that God never created him or intended
57:44 for him to experience.
57:45 And we see all of these coping mechanisms that are just pushing
57:49 them further and further and further from the
57:51 >>And passion for independence that actually enslaves.
57:54 >>Mmm, mmm
57:55 >>Say it--say it again a passion for independence.
57:58 >>That actually enslaves.
58:00 >>Yeah >That's Genesis 3, that's Genesis 3.
58:04 >>Hey we're gonna just we're gonna be really really blessed
58:07 to get into the next part of this discussion.
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58:17 Bearers resources visit us online at or
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Revised 2014-12-17