Table Talk

God's Purpose in Creation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick, James Rafferty, Jeffrey Rosario, Ty Gibson


Series Code: TT

Program Code: TT000003

00:07 [Music]
00:17 I'm thoroughly enjoying these conversations--I don't
00:22 know about you guys.
00:24 >>Jeffrey just said a moment ago that--that--what did you say?
00:26 This feels like home.
00:27 >>Yeah it feels like home.
00:29 >>Like we're supposed to be.
00:30 >>At the table.
00:31 >>Yeah love it table talk.
00:32 >>And it's incredible to think that God has made us in such a
00:36 way that we can think thoughts and then articulate them to one
00:40 another and I can share something with you.
00:43 You can share something with me.
00:45 And one of the great things about this is--is new thoughts
00:49 emerge out of this sharing of thoughts back and forth.
00:52 And we grow just by interaction.
00:55 We're hoping that lots of other people would join this
00:58 conversation as well.
01:00 And, and just take in these things that make our hearts just
01:05 soar with excitement.
01:07 This is the subject matter that really matters most.
01:12 We're looking at very basic things and I don't know about
01:15 you but in the previous two conversations that we've had it
01:19 turns out that the basic things are the deep things.
01:24 >>That's right.
01:26 >>Sometimes people think, you know.
01:27 we need to get into subject matter that is, ya know, way
01:29 beyond the elementary truths of human nature and God's character
01:33 and uh there's deeper stuff out there.
01:35 I had somebody say to me recently, "ya know, you guys,
01:38 you need to talk need to talk about the deep
01:41 stuff like, like, ya know...
01:44 >>Bible prophecy.
01:45 >>Bible prophecy.
01:46 Masonic order and what people are up to in the dark circles.
01:49 >>Conspiracy theories.
01:51 >>Yeah all that stuff.
01:52 That's not the deep stuff.
01:53 That's the shallow stuff.
01:54 And that stuff, you know, it's up for grabs.
01:58 What's true?
01:59 What's not?
02:00 Not bible prophecy, of course.
02:01 That's certain.
02:02 But we're talking about things that might seem elementary.
02:06 But we began just talking about, well, what is the bible.
02:09 What is the bible?
02:11 >>That's hardly elementary.
02:12 >>It is the word of God communicated to us in this
02:16 written form.
02:17 Then we said what the bible is about?
02:18 And we discovered that God's word is about his character, his
02:23 love and the story that's playing out.
02:25 >>And nothing is deeper than that.
02:26 >>Nothing is deeper than that.
02:28 >>That's right.
02:29 >>In fact that's bible prophecy too.
02:30 Bible prophecy is really all about Jesus.
02:32 The first prophecy of the bible is about Jesus.
02:35 >>That's right.
02:36 >>It's about the enmity that Jesus put between us and Satan
02:38 so all of bible prophecy is really this.
02:40 Basically it's God.
02:43 Who is God?
02:44 Why did God make us?
02:45 Why are we here?
02:46 That's what bible prophecy.
02:47 >>It shows that history is directional.
02:49 We're going somewhere.
02:50 God has a plan.
02:51 >>It is true though as Preachers and Teachers we've all had the
02:54 experience ofú preaching a great message on the gospel around the
02:56 love of God.
02:58 The goodness of God and had somebody come up and say yeah,
02:59 yeah, yeah, yeah--we get all that.
03:01 What's there--you know, as if we've moved beyond that now
03:05 let's get to the--it's really unfortunate.
03:06 But what we're seeing here--what you're saying Ty is that, is
03:09 that--we're having what?
03:11 Forty-five minute conversations, fifty minute conversations and
03:14 we're just beginning to scratch the surface of the surface of
03:16 the surface.
03:17 There's so much depth below this.
03:19 I want to say something too so that those that are listening
03:22 into the conversation can appreciate.
03:24 And I think for us as well.
03:25 These are the things we talk about when the cameras aren't
03:27 on.
03:28 >>Mhm.
03:29 >>Right the cameras are rolling and we're having a conversation.
03:31 But you turn those cameras off in every instance the
03:33 conversation just keeps going.
03:35 If Ty's over to my house or James is over to my house or I'm
03:37 over to your house or Jeffrey.
03:38 What are we sitting down--we're talking about the goodness of
03:41 God, the love of God, scripture.
03:42 Not that we don't also talk about other things.
03:44 But that this is a saturative thing.
03:47 This is an authentic thing.
03:48 This is what's on our mind.
03:49 This is our passion.
03:50 >>Literally everything is spiritual.
03:53 This segregation between spiritual and secular is a false
03:59 segregation.
04:00 It's nowhere in the bible.
04:01 According to the bible all of reality is spiritual reality.
04:04 And it's either good spiritual stuff is going on or bad
04:10 spiritual stuff is going on.
04:11 So, the fact is we're talking about--we're conversing about
04:15 things that matter deeply in relation to God in all of our
04:20 relationships as human beings to everything we do, our work, our
04:24 education, our marriages, our relationships with our kids.
04:28 Everything is impacted by our perception of God's character.
04:32 >>That's right.
04:33 >>So what are we talking about today?
04:34 >Yeah.
04:35 >>Well we had a progression of thought.
04:36 We began with basically saying what is the bible?
04:38 We moved on to what and who is God?
04:40 And I think the logical next step is creation.
04:44 >>Of course.
04:45 >>We talked about God and.
04:47 >>God's original plan.
04:48 >>David brought out the point that, you know, if you just draw
04:50 a line and you put another line, a vertical line on the
04:55 horizontal line, you say all of this represents eternity past,
04:57 precreation.
05:00 Where there's just God and God alone.
05:01 And then the line this side is creation.
05:03 And we talked about well what was going on here?
05:06 What was God like for creation?
05:07 Well check this out.
05:09 At some point God said--there was a conversation where God
05:13 said let us make man in our own image.
05:18 That's God conversing within the Godhead and say hey let's do
05:22 something.
05:24 >>Elohim.
05:25 >>Yeah, let's do something.
05:26 What are we gonna do?
05:27 Create.
05:28 >So can I, can I just read that?
05:29 >Sure.
05:30 >>So Genesis 1:26 it say's let us make man in our image
05:33 according to our likeness.
05:35 Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds
05:38 of the air, and over the cattle over all the earth over every
05:41 creeping thing that creeps on the earth.
05:43 So God created man in his own image and the image of God he
05:45 created them, male and female.
05:47 He created them then God blessed them then God said to them be
05:50 fruitful and multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, have dominion
05:52 over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over every
05:55 living thing that moves on the earth.
05:56 >>Fabulous.
05:58 >>So I love the idea there, Ty, you're saying there's a
05:59 conversation that's taking place here between the Father, Son and
06:02 Holy Spirit.
06:03 There's a conversation within the Godhead, Elohim.
06:06 Hey let's make man in our image.
06:09 Those are all plural pronouns.
06:10 Us is plural pronoun.
06:11 Our is plural possessive pronoun.
06:12 Them, them is a plural pronoun.
06:16 The whole thing is wrapped in plurality.
06:18 >>So God who is an us and an our creates a them.
06:21 It's not that God is saying let I will create him.
06:27 Or I will create her, singular.
06:29 It's amazing this relational God creates relationship.
06:33 >>It's necessary because God is love.
06:34 We established that in a different conversation.
06:37 >>Oh pull that out-necessary.
06:38 >>Because God is love.
06:40 It's necessary for there to be some sort of plurality.
06:43 Because love can't exist as a singular thing.
06:47 >>An isolation.
06:48 >>Yeah, it's isolation to anything else.
06:50 There has to be the receiving end of things.
06:52 And so God being a community in of himself his creation reflects
06:57 that community so he creates a race that's also capable of-of
07:02 love.
07:03 >>But you said it's also, it's necessary.
07:05 It wasn't optional with God, really.
07:09 I mean imagine that you could play the violin or the cello at
07:14 a virtuoso level and choosing simply to never do it.
07:18 >>Mhm.
07:20 >>You see what I'm saying.
07:22 >>Mhm.
07:23 >>God has all this creative capacity.
07:24 He's going to express it.
07:26 He's going to create.
07:28 So we could say God is not only creator but just a little fine,
07:34 nuance of a change, God is creative.
07:36 >>Absolutely.
07:38 >>Isn't he?
07:40 >>Certainly.
07:41 >>Could I just read a great little quotation?
07:42 This is a quotation that I have come back to again and again in
07:47 my own understanding of who and what God is.
07:49 And it's actually written by a Christian fellow by the name of
07:52 Millard Erickson.
07:54 And he writes this--He says if reality is fundamentally
07:58 physical.
07:59 Then the primary force binding it together is electromagnetic.
08:03 If however, reality is fundamentally social, then the
08:07 most powerful constituting force is that which binds persons
08:10 together namely love.
08:12 >>I love that statement.
08:13 >>So let me just put a little flesh on that, you know, we've
08:17 got these magnets at the table for us to sort of play with.
08:19 But it's a good illustration.
08:22 What Erickson is saying is that if reality at its most basic is
08:24 just atoms and molecules in motion.
08:27 Then the most powerful force in the universe that's keeping
08:30 everything together is electromagnetism.
08:32 Right?
08:34 It's just; it's the thing that keeps the proton and neutron in
08:36 the nucleus of the atom.
08:37 It's just chk.
08:39 It's electromagnetic.
08:40 >> It's purely physical.
08:41 >>It's purely physical.
08:42 He says, but if reality is fundamentally not physical but
08:44 social right?
08:45 As scripture reveals, Father, Son and Holy Spirit as a
08:47 relational, social, familial entity he says then the most
08:52 powerful, constituting, binding force in the world is love.
08:57 And isn't that true?
08:59 I mean that is the thing--life is--relationships are the stuff
09:03 of which life is made.
09:04 >>I knew this at a very early age, personally.
09:06 Um I--this is a little weird to share this.
09:09 But it just came into my mind.
09:11 Um somebody asked me recently--I don't know if you've ever done
09:15 this exercise.
09:16 But somebody said what is the very first thing that you ever
09:19 wrote to somebody else?
09:22 Going all the way back in your memory-a little kid or teenager.
09:26 What's the very first thing?
09:27 >>I can't remember that.
09:29 >>No, seriously someone asked me this and my first thought was,
09:31 you know, I don't know.
09:32 And I began to think what was the first thing I ever wrote to
09:35 another human being.
09:37 And it just popped in my mind a memory like yesterday.
09:40 And it was this--as you guys know because you know me that I
09:44 grew up in a very, very abusive home.
09:46 I grew up just surrounded by anger and rage.
09:49 My mom was the--was just the punching bag for a step-father.
09:55 And he beat her up a lot.
09:56 Well the thing is, is that there were times when we would wake up
10:01 in the morning, as kids getting ready to go to school.
10:05 There were four of us and I'd go in the bathroom and he was
10:08 already gone for work.
10:10 And he had written on the mirror with her lipstick I love you.
10:16 And then he's gone.
10:18 Well he'd just beaten her up the night before.
10:20 And this is his way of, I don't know, making up or trying to
10:24 persuade here to stay or whatever.
10:25 Over and over again as a little boy I'd wake up knowing that she
10:28 had been beaten the night before.
10:32 Listening to her scream in the night.
10:33 Wake up as a little kid, go in the bathroom--I love you in
10:36 lipstick written across the mirror.
10:39 And when somebody asked me what's the first thing you ever
10:41 wrote to another human being?
10:43 Just in a flat--I didn't know the first few minutes--what did
10:46 I write, you know.
10:47 And then it just came to me--I remember the first thing I ever
10:51 wrote with my own hand as a little boy was one morning I
10:55 went in there and there the words were again.
10:57 I love you.
10:59 And here's the weird thing, I was just a little kid.
11:00 So I couldn't get any more elaborate than this.
11:02 But maybe, maybe it was elaborate.
11:03 I took her lipstick and I just scribbled it all out.
11:07 And then I wrote in my own hand with her lipstick under I love
11:12 you.
11:13 I mean it was the same words.
11:16 >>Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:17 >>It was the same words.
11:18 >>How old were you?
11:19 >>Like eight.
11:20 Different person.
11:21 Different context.
11:22 My meaning of the word love was definitely different than his.
11:26 You know, and I thought it was weird when they asked me that
11:28 question that I scribbled it out and just wrote the same thing
11:31 again.
11:32 You know, my mom went in there, I don't know what she was
11:33 thinking.
11:34 But I was basically saying no you don't.
11:36 But I do.
11:37 >>hmmm.
11:38 >>And.
11:39 >>Beautiful.
11:40 >>Yeah that I think what we're getting at here is God in
11:44 Genesis is creating a space and he's filling that space.
11:50 Our home was a space and it was filled with bad stuff.
11:53 God in Genesis was creating a space.
11:55 >>A social space.
11:56 >>A social space with good stuff.
11:58 And if you know you guys are familiar with that concept.
12:02 And I'd like to just flush that out of Genesis chapter one.
12:05 You've got a progression here in Genesis one of God doing
12:09 something.
12:11 Actually it's written in a poetic form.
12:12 In the poetic form of a chiastic structure.
12:15 Can be a v.
12:16 Can be an a.
12:18 Can be, it's just like a mountain basically.
12:20 You're climbing this side of the mountain.
12:23 You're climbing this side of the mountain.
12:24 You have a pentacle point.
12:25 And in Genesis one and two you have this basic progression
12:27 where God creates a space and fills a space with good things.
12:31 He creates a space.
12:33 He fills the space with good things.
12:34 And the way the poem goes is he--he creates on day one.
12:38 He just creates the sky, basically.
12:43 And creating the day and the night.
12:46 Then he fills is with the sun, moon and stars on day four.
12:49 Then.
12:51 >>So you're saying there's correspondence between day one
12:54 and day four?
12:55 >>And you'll see this well you do see this but here's the
12:59 thing.
13:00 Then he creates on day two the sea and the sky, right?
13:03 >>Mhm.
13:04 >>And then on day five he later on fills it with fish and birds.
13:08 >>He's a painter?
13:09 >>Yeah.
13:10 >>He's painting a picture.
13:11 >>And then he creates the land on day three.
13:13 And then he comes--he's come to the conclusion on day six he
13:17 fills the land with the animals and man.
13:20 And here's the cool thing.
13:22 He comes to the seventh day and he just creates a sacred space
13:24 of time and fills it with his fellowshipping presence.
13:28 And that's the Sabbath.
13:30 That's the seventh day which is the pinnacle of the creation.
13:34 So in other words, if you look at it this way, everything that
13:37 God's making and creating in the creation account is merging
13:42 toward one point.
13:44 And that point is fellowshp.
13:45 >>That's what I was just going to say.
13:47 It's a relationship not just with God Certainly with God
13:50 because he fills the Sabbath time with his own presence.
13:54 But it's also a time for Adam and Eve to bask in the rela--in
14:00 fact that would have been the first full day that Adam and Eve
14:02 would have experienced was the seventh day, Sabbath.
14:04 They're created on the sixth day.
14:05 And the first full day is the Sabbath, so as they're
14:08 learning--so who are you and what are--there's another one of
14:12 me.
14:13 Call it that Adam had named all--according to the story Adam
14:16 had named all of the other animals and at the end he's a
14:19 little dejected because he says there's--you know, I don't feel
14:22 quite the bonding with the hippopotamus or giraffe or
14:25 whatever.
14:26 [Laughter]
14:27 >>But then he goes into the deep sleep and God makes him.
14:30 >>The woman.
14:31 >>The woman and ah this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my
14:33 flesh so their first full day to explore that relationship right?
14:37 On every level physical, emotional, spiritual, just to
14:40 get to know one another.
14:42 That's the Sabbath.
14:44 >>Yeah that's--the Sabbath was hang out time with God.
14:46 >>Yeah and I really like that whole idea of the magnetism
14:49 verses the social--the love in Colossians chapter one verse 17
14:54 it's talking about this.
14:55 >>That's exactly the verse I was thinking about.
14:58 >>Really?
14:59 >>Yeah.
15:00 >>You were thinking Colossians 1:17?
15:01 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah I know the verse.
15:02 >>It talks about how we were held together by God.
15:06 And it says he is before all things that is creation.
15:10 He is before creation and in him all things hold together.
15:15 God is love.
15:17 >>God is love.
15:18 >>First John four verse eight.
15:19 So God says so in love all things hold together.
15:22 Love holds everything together.
15:23 It's not just this magnetism.
15:25 It's not just these.
15:26 >>Physical properties.
15:27 >>Yeah.
15:29 >>I know you're a King James guy.
15:30 I've always love the King James there yeah in him all things.
15:32 I love the King James too.
15:33 I love it.
15:34 In him all things consist.
15:36 That's such a great word.
15:38 It's from the word consistency.
15:40 It's a thing that binds it together.
15:43 >>Even the laws of nature there.
15:44 It's even beyond the spiritual realm.
15:46 Because when we speak of love and God is love normally we're
15:48 thinking in the spiritual realm.
15:50 But even in the material realm everything holds together in the
15:53 love of God.
15:55 >>It's all connected.
15:56 >>Nature holds together in the love of God.
15:58 >>Yeah I just noticed this on the table with the creation
16:01 poem.
16:02 But James was bringing out the point cohesion.
16:06 Everything's connected together but what's connecting these
16:09 rocks as David pointed out is magnetism.
16:11 But what's connecting God to people and Adam to Eve and Adam
16:17 and Eve to their children and Adam and Eve to stewarding the
16:22 earth.
16:23 That which is connecting everything together is love.
16:26 It's amazing.
16:27 >>Well that's what's connecting us together.
16:29 That's why we're here.
16:30 That's why we're sitting at this table.
16:31 That's why we're sitting at this table because all of us
16:35 connected to each other.
16:36 We're different, we're unique.
16:37 We have our, you know, differences, personalities.
16:40 But what holds us all together at this table is love.
16:43 Its lots of love.
16:44 >>That's true.
16:45 >>That's the mission that we're here for.
16:46 That's what we have sought.
16:48 >>And even just apart from the mission thing I can look at Ty
16:51 and James and Jeffrey and I can say in total transparency and
16:56 accuracy and authenticity that I love you guys.
16:58 You know this would be turned into a great big love fest.
17:01 [Laughter]
17:02 >>But seriously though.
17:03 >>I'd go one step further I like you.
17:06 Is that a step further or is that--it's an extension of love.
17:09 >>In my view it's not a step further but it is something
17:11 different.
17:13 >>God doesn't just love us.
17:14 He likes us.
17:16 >>We need, I think.
17:18 >>I think we need to unpack that difference.
17:20 >>I saw a show where it was a marriage--like a marriage
17:23 counseling show and the counselor has a couple in his
17:28 office and he asked the wife.
17:30 Do you love him?
17:32 And the guys sitting next to her and she goes, well of course I
17:35 love him.
17:36 And then he says do you like him?
17:38 And then she's like quiet [Laugher]
17:40 >>She's like, she's like I love him.
17:44 He's like no I get that do you like him?
17:46 >>We've been over that ground.
17:47 >>I really love him.
17:48 So it's just fascinating how.
17:50 >>Did she quote the bible verse love your enemies?
17:52 >>She didn't quote the bible verse but we love people.
17:56 And I mean we have to be honest I mean I have to be honest
17:59 there's people that I love.
18:00 But I can't tell you that I like them.
18:04 >>You struggle to like them.
18:05 >>I struggle to like them, difficult to like.
18:07 Maybe I'm difficult to like.
18:09 >>Let's unpack this more after the break.
18:11 But we're gonna share something right now that I think people
18:15 are going to -be really interested to know.
18:17 Here we are having this conversation around the table.
18:20 A lot of people wonder what is Light Bearers.
18:23 That's the ministry we're all associate with and work together
18:25 in this short mission spot it's going to tell people what Light
18:30 Bearers is or at least one aspect of what we do as a
18:33 ministry.
18:34 >>Light Bearers Ministry is primarily all about publishing
18:47 so let's just take a tour of our 15,000 square foot publishing
18:51 facility.
18:52 We're able to produce multiplied millions of publication in 32
18:56 different languages that go all over the world.
18:59 The great thing about this press is it is completely
19:04 computerized.
19:06 The press is able to print on both sides of the paper in one
19:09 pass through the press roll after roll after roll all day
19:11 long.
19:13 Once the material is printed, folded, boxed and palletized.
19:19 It goes into this large storage unit that's like a big drawer
19:22 system.
19:23 This is where it gets really exciting because once the
19:31 material is completely prepared we load this stuff into semi
19:35 loads that hold between 2 and 3 million publications and that
19:39 material goes out to Seattle where it's loaded onto a barge
19:43 and then taken somewhere in the world.
19:46 That stuff lands and these people are overwhelmed to have
19:57 reading material in their own mother tongue.
20:00 That's when people's hearts really begin to get touched as
20:04 they encounter the gospel of Christ and God's incredible for
20:08 them.
20:09 Many of them for the first time in their lives.
20:12 Paper is powerful.
20:14 Paper is something that we see utilized in a way that goes
20:16 beyond anything that is in the world today.
20:19 It has a power that no other medium in the world has because
20:23 it has an ongoing life.
20:25 One person in the home reads that literature and then they
20:30 can give it to someone else.
20:31 And they can read it and share it.
20:33 Then they can give it to somebody else.
20:36 >>And next time you got two people instead of one.
20:38 >>It's actually passed on even from one family member to
20:41 another to read.
20:42 >>And next time you got three instead of two.
20:45 >>Unlike radio television that comes and then is gone.
20:48 That track is a permanent possession of that individual.
20:51 And so you see one piece of literature a nickel or less
20:55 going into these individuals and being used over and over again.
20:58 Reaching one heart after another after another.
21:00 >>To partner with Light Bearers in spreading the gospel visit us
21:10 online at or call us toll free at
21:15 1-877-585-1111.
21:18 You can also write to us at Light Bearers, 37457 Jasper
21:23 Lowell Road, Jasper, OR 97438.
21:27 >>It's just great that so many millions of publications go out
21:32 of this place.
21:33 In fact a lot of people don't realize this but we're sitting
21:35 in, is this a secret?
21:37 We're sitting in the publishing house right now.
21:39 >>With the lights off.
21:41 >>Yeah with the lights off.
21:43 We're basically in our publishing house with the lights
21:45 off and--but it's incredible literally millions upon millions
21:48 publications.
21:49 >>Praise God.
21:50 >>Going out to all the world, multiple languages nations all
21:54 over the world.
21:55 It's just a very powerful ministry.
21:56 So.
21:57 >>Amen.
21:58 >>Preaching the good news in written form.
21:59 >>So far we've been leading this discussion and we've gone
22:04 through creation.
22:05 We've gone through God's expressive activity in Genesis
22:08 one and to lead up and all of that.
22:11 And all of these points lead to the question what was God's
22:15 original purpose?
22:17 What's the point?
22:18 Why do we exist instead of not exist?
22:21 Isn't that the philosophical question?
22:23 >>I like that.
22:24 >>Why's there something rather than nothing?
22:26 >>I like that formulation why do we exist?
22:28 >>Yeah why do we exist?
22:29 There's a text, there's a text in Isaiah that we can look at as
22:33 a sort of brief summary.
22:37 >>Like a summary.
22:38 >>Summary, definition.
22:39 It's a summary definition.
22:40 It's in Isaiah chapter 43 and there's some pretty grandiose
22:42 themes here.
22:44 I'm looking at Isaiah 43 verse 7 and this is I guess a dictionary
22:50 definition purpose for human existence.
22:54 And it says in verse 7 everyone who is called by my name, this
22:58 is God speaking whom I have created for my glory.
23:03 I have formed him.
23:05 Yes I have made him.
23:06 There's this idea that we, the human race have been created for
23:12 the glory of God.
23:13 And that connects to something in the mosaic literature in
23:17 Exodus where Moses is up on the mountain.
23:19 And he's in communion with God.
23:23 And God is manifesting himself to Moses and Moses poses a
23:28 question.
23:31 I'm going to read that very quickly I think this will launch
23:32 us into.
23:33 >>On top of Mount Sinai.
23:35 >>By the way Jeffery while you're going there
23:36 >>Yep
23:38 >> To Exodus you know I think a lot of people--I've heard people
23:40 just really trip over this.
23:42 What do you mean we were created for God's glory?
23:45 To some people's ears that God's and ego maniac.
23:48 In other words, I created you.
23:50 >>It's all about him.
23:52 >>To glorify me.
23:53 That God's an egocentric kind of being and that, you know,
23:55 basically hey you exist to stand, you know, in perfect line
24:00 saying praise God, praise God, praise God.
24:03 In some kind of--people have a strange view of what it means
24:06 when the bible says for my glory.
24:09 Have you heard that idea?
24:11 >>Absolutely it sounds like God is a self-centered being that
24:15 wants.
24:16 It's all about me, me, me but I think that this whole sort of
24:18 answer that question.
24:20 >>Where are you at?
24:21 >>I'm in Exodus 33 and I'm holding onto Isaiah; we were
24:25 created for God's glory and Moses poses a question to God in
24:28 verse 18.
24:29 Exodus 33 and he says to God please show me your glory.
24:34 >>That's a quintessential question right there.
24:38 >>Show me your glory and the response is, is dramatic.
24:42 The way God shows Moses his glory is essentially a
24:46 description of his character and so in verse 19 God says I will
24:52 make all my goodness pass before you.
24:55 I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you.
24:57 I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious.
25:00 I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
25:04 Then he jumped down to verse 34 and it actually happens.
25:08 In verse 5 the Lord descends in the clouds and stood with him
25:13 there and proclaimed the name of the Lord.
25:16 And the Lord passed before him, verse 6, and proclaimed the
25:20 Lord, the Lord God merciful, gracious, longsuffering,
25:24 abounding in goodness and truth.
25:27 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and
25:30 transgression and sin.
25:31 And by no means clearing the guilty.
25:34 Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and
25:37 the children's children to the third and fourth generation.
25:40 >>That's heavy stuff.
25:41 >>So the reply is profound.
25:43 The glory of God.
25:44 The way God demonstrates that is simply a description of who he
25:49 is.
25:50 So is that a window to answer the question why were we
25:52 created?
25:55 And what does it mean that we were created for God's glory?
25:56 >>When you were speaking there I was listening the whole time and
26:01 I love.
26:02 I think you've gone to exactly the right places Isaiah 43 and
26:05 then Exodus or is that.
26:10 >>Exodus.
26:11 >>Isaiah 43 and Exodus 33 and 34.
26:12 I love the opening question and answer to the Westminster
26:15 Catechism right?
26:17 The Westminster Catechism in historical Christian documents
26:20 says.
26:21 It opens with this line what is the chief end of man?
26:25 What's man's purpose?
26:26 The answer is this to know God and to enjoy him forever.
26:30 That's it the purpose for which we were created.
26:36 That's the idea of glory.
26:37 That's how I understand whom I created for my glory, to know
26:40 me, to enjoy me, to love me, to be loved by me, to be enjoyed by
26:43 me, relationship.
26:46 >>Egocentric.
26:48 >>Hardly egocentric.
26:49 >>He's other centered.
26:51 >>That's the whole point.
26:52 The whole point we've already been discussing up to this point
26:55 is God is love.
26:56 He is not a rigid singularity.
26:57 He is in himself a family, community in a relationship.
26:59 And so here when he says who are you, Moses on top of the
27:03 mountain.
27:04 Who are you?
27:05 Who am I talking to?
27:06 Because he's veiled behind the cloud, behind the smoke, behind
27:08 the lightening, the thunder and all of the power that was
27:12 manifested there on top of Sinai.
27:13 Who are you?
27:15 He says well this is who I am.
27:16 I'm
27:17 >>I'm good.
27:18 >>I'm good.
27:20 I'm this.
27:21 I'm this.
27:22 Now that does introduce something there.
27:23 Because you get down and it sounds really nice and really
27:26 good, just and forgiving, loving and then you get down to that
27:28 part about visiting the iniquity of the chil--ok now here's.
27:30 >>By no means clearing the guilty.
27:31 >>No means clearing the guilty.
27:33 Now here's something I think we have to come to grips with and
27:36 it's a big part of the question that you're asking.
27:38 Why do we exist?
27:39 And that is that we should not say God is love which we've said
27:45 over and over again.
27:46 And we're going to keep saying because that's the great truth
27:48 of who God is.
27:50 God is love.
27:51 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah but he's also just.
27:52 God is love but he's also.
27:57 >>It's a false dicotamy.
27:59 >>It's a--ex--ok--unpack that because I think that has to be.
28:01 >>The way I look at it.
28:03 I don't know if again, these Ipads are just so, so handy but
28:06 the way I've been looking at it is basic illustration.
28:11 See it, can you see these guys?
28:13 >>Got it.
28:14 >>Ok, so, wait a minute.
28:17 We got a circle here.
28:18 That circle is love.
28:20 The question is if this represents the totality of God's
28:25 character.
28:26 Alright.
28:27 >>And his nature.
28:28 >>And his nature.
28:29 The totality could we say that everything else that is true of
28:33 God--we'll start with basic division.
28:36 We'll have mercy and justice.
28:39 So the false dichotomy, you asked me to unpack that--to say
28:43 God is love.
28:44 Oh yeah God is love but God is also just.
28:45 Let me just ask this.
28:47 Isn't justice a manifestation of love?
28:51 >>Mhm of course it is.
28:53 >>Isn't there are circumstances we've all been in where the
28:56 loving thing to do is the just thing.
28:59 You apply justice in order to implement love.
29:04 >>Isn't parenting the perfect parallel?
29:06 >>Yeah, parenting is the perfect parallel.
29:08 But then you could add everything here.
29:10 You know segment out you could say, you know, patience over
29:12 here and what did it say?
29:15 Goodness.
29:16 >>Longsuffering.
29:17 >>Longsuffering, kindness, whatever.
29:18 You just put all those traits in the circle.
29:21 God is love.
29:23 Because God is love he's also holy and just.
29:27 >>That's the thing.
29:28 >>everything.
29:29 >>What you just said right there is the clarity.
29:31 Because he is love he is also holy, just, patient,
29:33 longsuffering, etc. That's the point.
29:35 >>So, so I think now this sort of ties in to my view so I took
29:39 the conversation slightly over there.
29:41 I want to bring it back to what Jeffrey was saying why we exist.
29:43 If God isn't like this then we might exist for a number of
29:47 reasons.
29:48 In other words if God just made us to be his minions to be his
29:50 puppets to be controlled by.
29:51 Which is kind of your question, you know that does make some
29:54 people nervous; whom I have created for my glory.
29:56 But if God is like that--if God is a relational, good, loving,
30:01 amazing, communal God then the reason for which we are created
30:05 is exactly what the catechism says there to know God and to
30:08 enjoy him forever.
30:10 >>Wow.
30:11 >>To be in a relationship with him.
30:13 To bask in his presence.
30:15 To--language is failing me.
30:18 >>If we're created for God's glory, Jeffrey and to enjoy God
30:25 forever.
30:26 These things go together.
30:27 God isn't interested.
30:29 He's not creating beings to serve him.
30:33 He's creating beings.
30:35 >>To serve.
30:36 >>To serve them.
30:38 >>That's right.
30:40 >>And then to have reciprocation that occurs.
30:42 He's the initiator of the relationship and he's calling
30:46 the best out of us toward him and toward one another.
30:50 So to say that we're created for God's glory isn't an ego
30:53 statement from God's standpoint.
30:57 It's, listen, I'm God.
30:59 I made you in my image.
31:00 I want you to experience life and reality the way I do.
31:02 And I experience it love, in goodness.
31:06 I enjoy my relationship within the Godhead, Father, Son and
31:11 Holy Spirit are enjoying one another as we pointed out the
31:15 word delight is used in scripture.
31:17 Regarding the relationship between Father, Son and Holy
31:20 Spirit.
31:21 They delight in one another's companionship.
31:22 Well God created us for his glory it means God created us to
31:27 basically enjoy relationships with him and with one another.
31:31 >>I've just got to jump in there quickly.
31:33 Just two days ago I was in the Seattle airport and you've seen
31:36 these shirts that people wear, life is good.
31:38 You know the shirts and the hats and the little smiley face
31:41 people.
31:42 I think it's a Seattle based company because they had a big
31:44 life is good store there in the SeTack airport.
31:47 And it dawned on me just as I was looking at all these
31:50 t-shirts and bags and socks and all of this life is good
31:53 paraphernalia.
31:54 The reason that life is good is that God is good.
31:57 He made life like this.
32:01 He made relationships.
32:02 He made puppies.
32:03 He made sunsets.
32:04 He made zoos.
32:05 He made birds.
32:06 He made surfing.
32:07 >>He made animals we made zoos.
32:08 >>Thank you.
32:09 [Laughter]
32:10 >>He made zoology.
32:13 There you go.
32:14 He made zoology.
32:15 Now I also have to pick up on that point that you just said
32:17 that's so awesome.
32:18 He says you said that God did not make mankind primarily to
32:22 serve him but to serve them.
32:24 And that's exactly what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 20 verse
32:28 28 he said the Son of man who is God on earth.
32:31 If you've seen me you've seen the Father.
32:33 The Son of man didn't come to be served but to serve.
32:36 And to give his life as a ransom for mankind.
32:40 >>I've got a verse for you guys on this straight up.
32:42 Jesus said, if I can find it in Luke.
32:44 Jesus said that one of the things that's going to happen.
32:48 We get into the kingdom and Jesus says oh here it is.
32:55 It's in chapter 12 verse 37 blessed are those servants whom
32:58 the master when he comes will find watching.
33:02 Assuredly I say to you that he, this is the master.
33:05 This is God Almighty.
33:06 This is the creator of the universe.
33:07 He, God, will gird himself, which is amazing.
33:13 He will gird himself and have them sit down to eat and will
33:19 come and serve them.
33:20 >>That's the picture.
33:22 >>So we get into the eternal kingdom, sin and suffering is no
33:25 more.
33:27 We're on the other side of this war between good and evil and we
33:29 enter God's presence and he says I've got a table prepared for
33:33 you.
33:34 Sit down, sit down, you guys sit down.
33:35 We sit down.
33:36 God puts on the apron and starts serving the meal.
33:39 >>Hmmm.
33:41 >>That's biblical.
33:42 >>Hallelujah.
33:43 >>That's what Jesus says.
33:44 >>And it's not only what Jesus says.
33:45 It's what he did in John 13.
33:47 >>Yes.
33:48 >>When the disciples sat down and he says if I then you
33:49 Lord--when He washed the disciples feet.
33:51 If I your Lord and Master have washed your feet.
33:53 You want to want.
33:54 God the picture that we're painting here.
33:57 Not that we're painting.
33:58 >>That's astounding.
33:59 >>The scripture that paints of God is a picture that causes us
34:01 to fall in love with him.
34:04 >>You know.
34:05 >>In fact.
34:06 >>Go ahead.
34:07 >>In fact Isaiah 43 that's where we started Isaiah 43 verse 7.
34:09 Well the context of Isaiah 43 is really interesting when you read
34:13 it in context.
34:14 It's talking about how God is going to call all the nations of
34:16 earth together.
34:18 All these nations that live and thrive and exist on this
34:22 self-glorification.
34:23 This principle of self-glory.
34:25 He's going to call them all together.
34:26 And you are going to be my witnesses.
34:29 And you are going to testify of how I am, of what I'm like.
34:32 >>Whoa.
34:34 >>Of what I really--what it really is like to give glory to
34:36 me or to be like me.
34:37 To be selfless, to be other centered.
34:39 So when we bring all these nations together from Babylon
34:42 and Egypt and Ethiopia etc. And then you're going to be my
34:45 witnesses.
34:46 You're gonna testify to my glory and what I'm really like in
34:48 contrast with that.
34:49 >>That's beautiful.
34:50 And you know I've been thinking that we're in Isaiah.
34:53 We're in Matthew.
34:54 We're in the New Testament but you don't even have to look so
34:56 far to arrive at the conclusion that we've been created to love
35:00 God.
35:01 To know God and to enjoy Him.
35:02 We we're talking about that chiastic structure of Genesis 1.
35:07 Forms sort of like a triangle.
35:08 And at the top of the triangle is the Sabbath, the seventh day.
35:12 And that there's no creative activity on the seventh day.
35:15 It's an empty canvass and God fills it as you said with
35:18 his--with his presence, right?
35:20 And so at the very beginning, the first full day that the
35:24 human race experiences is a day of rest in simple fellowship
35:34 with the creator.
35:35 And so this is really powerful because the very first full day
35:38 of Adam and Eve.
35:41 They're introduced to fellowship with God.
35:44 But even more than that God is introducing himself to a new
35:48 experience.
35:50 Because this is a new race that did not previously exist.
35:54 And it's a new experience for God himself to be able to
35:58 fellowship and to have a relationship with this brand new
36:02 race of created beings.
36:03 So I think that's another window.
36:05 We were created because God wanted us to exist.
36:12 Because God wanted.
36:13 >>That's the most basic level.
36:16 That's true.
36:19 >>God wanted us to be the object of his enjoyment.
36:21 >>And want is a higher compliment than need.
36:24 >>Totally.
36:25 >>Yeah, you could say that some people have said, you know, God
36:27 needed human beings to exist.
36:28 Well Father, Son and Holy Spirit that's a perfect cohesive
36:31 relationship right there.
36:33 God transcends everything.
36:35 I don't think it's totally accurate.
36:37 I mean this is philosophical to say God needed us.
36:40 But to say he wanted us.
36:42 >>You know.
36:43 >>It's amazing.
36:44 >>My wife always says, I'm sure you're wife says this.
36:46 Do you love me baby?
36:47 Do you love me?
36:48 She asks me that every day.
36:49 And I'm thinking I told you I loved you when we got married.
36:52 >>You said you were the romantic type.
36:56 >> [Everyone talking at once]
36:57 >>I'm getting there.
36:58 I'm getting there.
36:59 This is a set up you gotta just learn.
37:00 Take notes here.
37:01 This is a set up.
37:03 >>let me get some paper and pen.
37:04 >>I say baby.
37:05 >>Pen is poised.
37:07 >>You know why I love you.
37:08 She's like I don't understand why you wouldn't.
37:10 I say just because I do.
37:12 Just because I like you.
37:13 I don't have to have this long list of characteristics.
37:16 You're a great cook.
37:17 You know how to clean the house.
37:18 Blah, blah those are all characteristics.
37:21 But I would even venture to say it's a greater form of flattery
37:25 to say.
37:26 >>Just like you as a person.
37:29 >>I just get a kick out of you.
37:30 Like I just.
37:31 I enjoy you.
37:32 >>Yeah, your company, your friendship.
37:33 >>And I love that because God loves us.
37:34 We get--He gets a kick out of us.
37:40 I think that's a beautiful concept.
37:41 >>It's absolutely beautiful.
37:42 But you are touching on something that we actually ended
37:45 out last session on.
37:46 That we sort of went like that and we have to come back to this
37:49 idea that God loves us.
37:50 Because you just said love, love, love and then you started
37:53 using the word like inside of it.
37:55 We have to have that conversation at some point
37:57 because the fact that God loves us tells us a lot about God.
38:00 Tells us that God is good.
38:02 God is amazing.
38:03 God is unconditional and gracious.
38:05 But if God likes us that says something about Jeffrey.
38:08 That says something about James because you're different than
38:10 James.
38:11 James is different from Ty.
38:13 So that's--to me that's a question we have to engage with.
38:15 A lot of people can say yeah, yeah, yeah I get that God loves
38:18 me.
38:20 But I look in the mirror I don't even like myself.
38:24 How could God like me.
38:26 >>Yeah, yeah it's playing in the uniqueness of each individual.
38:29 You know we have some more time to flush these things out.
38:31 I don't know where you want to go from here but this love like
38:34 idea.
38:36 I think that it's incredible to explore that.
38:38 I'm wondering if there's anything direct in the bible
38:41 that we could think about that specifically indicates that God
38:47 likes us as individuals?
38:51 We've gotta take a break.
38:53 But we'll come back and then we'll just start flushing out
38:56 this like love idea.
38:58 I think we've all experienced it on the human level.
39:01 But can we honestly say God likes us?
39:04 And are there any times that God doesn't like us?
39:07 Are there things that we do--is there a sharp segregation
39:10 between God likes me but not what I do?
39:14 I don't know what you think about that--that distinction.
39:16 We'll just explore that when we come back after the break.
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40:20 >>So there are two really good verses that I think will unpack
40:30 or begin to unpack this whole idea of love and light.
40:33 First one is in First Corinthians chapter 13 and the
40:37 second one is in Matthew 22 verse 39.
40:40 Just looking at these two verses you get a picture of God's
40:43 character and the way he relates to us.
40:45 And then you get a picture of us and the way we relate to one
40:49 another.
40:51 >>Okay.
40:54 >>The first verse is First Corinthians 13:7 it's describing
40:55 love.
40:56 God is love.
40:57 >>Mhm.
40:58 >>And it says that love bears all things, believes all things,
40:59 hopes all things and endures all things.
41:01 >>Mhm.
41:03 >>Now the whole idea here is that love transcends even our
41:06 likes.
41:07 In other words, there are a lot of things about myself that I
41:09 don't like.
41:11 Jesus says in Matthew chapter 22 verse 39 you shall love your
41:14 neighbor as yourself.
41:16 Well in order to love somebody else as myself.
41:19 I have to have some love for myself.
41:20 The love that I have for myself in First Corinthians is the love
41:23 that hopes all things and believes all things.
41:26 Even though I might not like all things.
41:28 >>Yeah, Yeah.
41:30 >>So when I get up in the morning.
41:32 I look in the mirror.
41:33 I say awe there's a couple of things about myself I don't
41:35 like.
41:36 >>Are you talking about physical things or just like your
41:37 personality.
41:38 >>Being an example.
41:39 >>Okay got it.
41:40 >>Being kind of like an illustration of who I am.
41:41 So there are some things I see in the mirror of God's love that
41:43 I don't like.
41:46 >>Okay got it.
41:47 >>But I hope that I'll be better.
41:48 I hope.
41:49 I give myself room to grow.
41:51 I give myself room to
41:52 >>Oh I like that.
41:53 >>to have.
41:54 I have an expectation for myself.
41:55 That's the way we love our neighbor because there's a lot
41:56 of things about other people we may not like.
41:58 >>I just noticed something.
41:59 I love, love, love what you just said.
42:01 You said verse 7 in First Corinthians 13 Bears all things,
42:05 believes all things, hopes all things.
42:06 But then now you're bringing out a point that really I don't know
42:09 if you noticed this.
42:10 Is brought out in verse 6.
42:11 It says that love or God because God is love does not rejoice in
42:15 iniquity but rejoices in the truth.
42:17 >>Love it.
42:18 >>So isn't it possible for love to be rejoicing about certain
42:22 things about myself or about a person I am having a
42:26 relationship.
42:27 But not being excited at all.
42:29 >>Not liking.
42:31 >>Not liking other things about myself or somebody I'm having a
42:35 relationship with.
42:36 You see what I'm saying in that verse?
42:37 Is that there?
42:39 >>Yes it's in verse 6.
42:40 >>Does not rejoice in iniquity.
42:41 Sometimes we say that God loves the sinner but hates the sin.
42:45 That's right there.
42:46 He doesn't rejoice in the bad things that we do and the bad
42:49 traits that we've developed.
42:51 But he rejoices in the good things about us.
42:53 Right?
42:54 >>One of the things I think we're going to have to come to
42:56 grips with here is that over the course of our life.
43:00 Jeffrey's 30.
43:01 I'm 40.
43:03 You guys are close to 50 bordering in it.
43:05 As we get older we become the composite of the decisions that
43:11 we've made.
43:13 So we begin to identify ourselves with either love and
43:17 goodness and godliness.
43:19 Or we begin to identify ourselves with selfishness and
43:21 what it says iniquity here.
43:22 And that identification according to scripture can
43:25 become so--the division between the action and the actor can
43:29 become so seem less that at the end of time God chooses not to
43:35 save people.
43:36 Not because of an arbitrary choice.
43:37 But because they have become so identified with the action, with
43:41 the thing, with the godlessness, with the hate or the cruelty or
43:44 whatever it is.
43:46 That they themselves are unsavable.
43:48 In fact it's not even best to say that God chooses not to.
43:52 God honors the choices that they have made.
43:54 >>Yeah a short way to say, you know it's kind of scary,
43:57 probably the better word it's sobering what you just said to
44:00 me.
44:01 But a short way to say that is.
44:02 That we make our decisions and then our decisions make us.
44:05 >>I love that.
44:06 >>Right?
44:08 >>That's exactly right.
44:09 >>What we're choosing to do things and then those choices
44:11 are reacting to shape us psychologically, emotionally,
44:15 morally.
44:16 Our relationships are changed by our decisions and we're
44:19 gradually either growing into the likeness of God.
44:24 In our own unique characters.
44:26 Or we are becoming more and more like the ugly traits in our
44:31 self.
44:32 And they're magnifying and taking up space in our hearts
44:34 and minds.
44:35 Until we are so identified with the bad.
44:37 That there's no room for the good.
44:40 >>It's like a cycle right?
44:41 >>Yeah.
44:42 >>Character feeds actions.
44:43 But actions.
44:44 >>Reinforce character.
44:48 >>And develop character.
44:49 It's like a cycle.
44:50 It feeds.
44:51 >>The older we get the more solidified that becomes.
44:54 It's not that you can't teach old dog new tricks.
44:57 But just that once you're in the habit of 20, 30, 40 years of
45:01 doing a certain way.
45:02 Or thinking a certain way.
45:03 Doing something a certain way.
45:04 It takes supernatural things to break through that thing that
45:10 you have become so identified with.
45:12 And it might be something that you yourself don't like.
45:14 But God looks at the thing and says man I hate that thing.
45:16 >>Mhm.
45:17 >>Because God hates iniquity.
45:18 >>He hates it because he loves you.
45:19 >>That's true.
45:21 >>But at the same time love never fails, that's verse 8 of
45:23 First Corinthians 13.
45:24 Love never fails.
45:25 It's really important for us to be able to identify ourselves in
45:28 the context of the way that God looks at us.
45:31 >>Yeah.
45:32 >>Don't you think?
45:33 >>Yeah, you know all this talk about mirrors.
45:35 You were mentioning about looking in the mirror.
45:37 You just imagine, you know, the girl standing in front of the
45:39 mirror.
45:40 And just covering herself up, whether it's makeup or the
45:47 clothes that she chooses.
45:48 And just painting--creating this new persona.
45:51 Because she's so--she's aching inside.
45:54 Because she doesn't sense her--she doesn't see value in
45:59 herself.
46:00 And so her entire life is this desperate, grasping.
46:03 This desperate attempt to be somebody who she's not.
46:07 She's not comfortable in her own skin and you just look at all
46:11 the pain and all the aching in the world.
46:13 And it's --this planet is populated by billions of people
46:16 in search of themselves.
46:20 Of who they are.
46:22 And.
46:23 >>That's a great answer.
46:24 >>There's another cycle here.
46:26 Our concept of who God is determines our concept of who we
46:30 are.
46:32 So our understanding of the character of God is where we
46:35 glean our understanding of ourselves.
46:37 And that's why when you analyze different world views with
46:40 different views of who God is you see it reflected.
46:45 You see the reflection.
46:46 >>In the culture.
46:47 >>In the culture and in the lives of the individuals.
46:49 And so that's why--that's why we're so we're discussing this
46:53 God is love.
46:56 We're discussing this what is God?
46:57 What is He like?
46:58 Because that's critical because if we get that wrong.
47:00 >>You get everything else wrong.
47:02 >>It's like a domino effect.
47:03 Everything else goes south.
47:05 >> Well let's make this really practical.
47:07 So are you saying that, for example, if I have a picture of
47:11 God.
47:12 A belief system about God that has him standing toward me in an
47:17 attitude of condemnation.
47:20 Am I then going to view myself through the lens of that
47:24 condemnation?
47:26 And when somebody fails me my natural inclination is going to
47:31 be to relate to them harshly.
47:33 And to condemn them for their failures rather than be quick
47:37 and ready to forgive them.
47:38 Because if I don't think God can forgive me.
47:41 If God in my picture of him is not forgiving.
47:45 I mean you really gotta twist his arm to get him.
47:47 You gotta just plead and beg and do penance and go on pilgrimage
47:52 or whatever the worldview has to be.
47:54 If you need to force God to forgive you and he's reluctant.
47:57 Isn't that going to make me more reluctant?
48:01 >>Of course.
48:02 >>To forgive somebody who fails me.
48:03 >>Yeah you're gonna project to others your perception of God.
48:06 This is actually hinted at--I'm not even sure it's a hint.
48:10 This is blatant in the statement Jesus made the two great
48:13 commandments.
48:14 I was reading here in Mark chapter 12 and it says in verse
48:17 29 Jesus is approached and somebody says what are the
48:21 greatest commandments?
48:23 And he says well the first one is love the Lord your God with
48:26 all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and
48:29 with all your strength.
48:30 This is the first commandment.
48:31 And then he says the second one is and he addresses love for
48:36 other people.
48:37 And so that order.
48:38 >>Vertical horizontal.
48:40 >>But the sequence is pivotal.
48:42 We live in a world where everyone is interested in love.
48:44 We talked about the other day.
48:45 The songs we listen to on the radio.
48:47 The movies, it's all about love.
48:48 We're all in search of love.
48:51 But we're all trying to figure out how can we get satisfied
48:53 with love.
48:54 >>At the horizontal level.
48:56 >>At the horizontal level bypassing the first commandment.
48:58 Jesus said the first one is the first one.
49:01 The second one is the second one.
49:03 For a reason.
49:04 If you jump to number two before you nail number one.
49:07 You get what we get in our society.
49:08 >>That's kind of a broken illicit love.
49:11 It's not even love that we're looking for on the horizontal
49:15 level because before you tap into and begin to experience
49:18 God's Agape love as we talked about.
49:21 His unilateral selfless other centered love.
49:23 The only way you can love somebody is with
49:26 self-centeredness.
49:30 Right?
49:31 You gotta--you're always looking for them to satisfy you.
49:32 You know sometimes people say in relationships, in marriage
49:35 relationships--you know you don't love me the way I need to
49:38 be loved.
49:39 Or you're not meeting my needs.
49:40 Well the entire paradigm is wrong.
49:42 Right?
49:44 The whole premise is wrong because the point of a
49:47 relationship from my perspective is the serve you and meet your
49:51 needs.
49:53 Not to use you to meet mine.
49:54 But then when you flip it.
49:56 The whole point of the relationship from your
49:58 perspective is to meet my needs.
50:00 Right?
50:03 So if I'm looking out my eyes it's all about you.
50:06 If you're looking out your eyes it's all about me.
50:07 The moment I say you know what?
50:09 This whole thing where you're all into me.
50:13 I think that's the way we ought to go with this.
50:16 >>I think you're on to something here.
50:18 >>Yeah you're on to something here.
50:19 I think since you're all about me I'll be all about me.
50:22 And keep using you to satisfy me.
50:24 >>You're saying that's broken.
50:25 >>That's broken.
50:27 >>The more you focus on the emphasis is on the other
50:29 individual.
50:30 The more it reciprocates.
50:31 So it's a perfect plan that God has--the universe is run in
50:34 terms of God's kindgom in a brilliant principle.
50:38 Because love solves all of these social issues.
50:41 Because the more you invest in an individual the more that
50:43 reciprocates.
50:45 And it's a cycle.
50:46 >>Isn't that something?
50:47 >>You touched on something earlier Jeffrey.
50:48 You were just using it as an illustration.
50:49 I think we need to speak directly to it.
50:51 And that is the girl in the mirror.
50:53 That doesn't mean to imply that if, you know a girl or a guy
50:55 wants to look nice that they're insecure and they don't' know
50:56 who they are.
50:58 But your point is a point well taken.
50:59 >>Self-worth yeah.
51:01 >>All of us whether the girl in the mirror or David or Ty.
51:04 I mean us at this table and the people that are listening in.
51:07 We have those measures.
51:09 Those standards by which we evaluate ourselves.
51:12 And those standards or measures can come from a variety of
51:15 places.
51:16 They can come from the world.
51:17 They can come from media.
51:18 They can come from fashion.
51:19 They can come from magazines.
51:20 They can come from the expectations of peers.
51:21 We all have this at the table.
51:23 The trick the beauty is to allow.
51:26 This is what I think you are saying then too.
51:28 Is before we here all the other competing voices about who you
51:32 should be and what you should be.
51:33 And what you should do and what you should look like.
51:35 And what you should wear.
51:36 We need to hear God's voice.
51:37 And when we are solid and secure in who we are in God, in Christ.
51:42 What we are made to be.
51:43 All these other voices can have a place at the table.
51:46 But they may not have--they don't have the most important
51:49 place.
51:51 I'd say it this way God's voice has the throne and the other
51:53 voices have a place at the table.
51:55 >>That's nice.
51:56 It's kind of the audience of one idea.
51:57 >>You know I coined a word for that.
52:00 The audience 'cause you have the word God.
52:03 And then you have the word audience.
52:04 So I put the two together Gaudience.
52:06 >>Oh that's excellent.
52:08 >>We live for the Gaudience of one.
52:09 For God is our audience.
52:11 And it doesn't mean that I don't care what Ty thinks about me.
52:14 I do.
52:15 I care very much what TY thinks about me and Jeffrey and James.
52:17 Because I love you guys.
52:18 But what the media is telling me.
52:21 Or the movies are telling me.
52:22 Or the men's fitness magazine that you have to be this do this
52:24 whatever it is.
52:25 I know I can eeeee tune that out and tune in what God.
52:29 >>Yeah.
52:30 >>What God thinks about it.
52:32 >>yeah, yeah.
52:33 >>That was pivotal in my journey because similar.
52:34 I guess we all had a sort of experience or encounter near our
52:39 teen years.
52:40 But not--growing up with a single mom when there's no
52:44 father in the house.
52:46 You have to figure out what does it mean to be man.
52:48 >>Hmmm
52:49 >>Hmmm
52:51 >>Right?
52:52 I had to figure that out.
52:53 >>Yeah.
52:54 >>The world is telling me I have to figure out what it is to be a
52:55 man.
52:56 Well if dad's not in the home.
52:57 Well what's going to be my source?
52:58 What will be my reference point?
53:00 So it's MTV or it's--so then you figure out.
53:02 >>Heaven forbid.
53:04 >>The way that I dress.
53:05 >>The way you project yourself.
53:06 >>The way I talk.
53:07 The way that I project myself.
53:09 All that is--is I'm just mirroring some persona that I'm
53:13 watching or that I'm looking up to.
53:16 And I'm trying to be that person.
53:18 So I talk the way that I talk.
53:19 I dress the way that I dress.
53:21 And that's exactly the transaction that needs to
53:24 happen.
53:25 That's what we find in God is we find our reference point.
53:27 Who am I?
53:30 Who was I created to be?
53:31 This comes right back to where we began in Genesis
53:33 and asking the question basically why did God create us
53:37 in the first place, ya know, what is a human being?
53:41 And we discover in the Genesis account that human beings were
53:45 made by God, as you pointed out in Isaiah 43:7 For God's glory.
53:52 But let's just wrap some more language in that.
53:55 There's a collection of capacities that a human being
54:00 has, right?
54:01 We can say number one, we are intellectual creatures or
54:03 rational creatures.
54:04 >>Mhm.
54:05 >>Right?
54:06 We have the capacity
54:07 >>To learn.
54:08 >>Think, to learn.
54:10 Okay.
54:11 >>Deduce.
54:12 >>We're also emotional creatures.
54:13 We're also volitional creatures or free will creatures.
54:15 We make decisions.
54:16 And as they said then they make us.
54:18 We're relational creatures.
54:20 You know all of these things.
54:22 >>We're creative.
54:23 >>We're creative beings.
54:25 Right?
54:26 Not only procreative but creativity.
54:28 I mean God said okay here's this garden.
54:30 >>Make it beautiful.
54:32 >>Now I want you.
54:34 Yeah it's a beautiful garden the Garden of Eden.
54:36 Now I want you to tend to it.
54:37 To manage it.
54:38 And you get the implication that they were to grow the garden.
54:41 That is to expand it so that the whole world would become an
54:45 Eden.
54:46 >>Yes that's right.
54:47 >>So apply your creativity.
54:49 >>Naming of the animals.
54:50 >>The naming of the animals is an expression of God basically
54:52 saying hey.
54:54 >>Figure this out.
54:55 >>Get creative.
54:56 I'm not going to tell you the answer to every issue.
54:58 I want you to name the--I love that.
55:01 I want you to name the animals.
55:02 I want you to use your mind to come up with something to name
55:07 the animals.
55:08 >>And whatever you come up with we'll roll with it.
55:09 God said we'll roll with it.
55:11 Yeah I like that.
55:13 We'll roll with it.
55:14 >>Yeah, yeah.
55:16 >>Isn't that something?
55:17 God's a delegator for sure.
55:18 He's not a control freak.
55:20 >>So Ty what I'm hearing you say then is that you have these
55:22 capacities intellectual, emotional, volitional,
55:24 relational, creative.
55:25 That's the kind of person God is.
55:27 So he made us those kinds of people intellectual, emotional.
55:31 >>In his likeness.
55:32 >>Yeah.
55:33 >>Isn't that something?
55:34 >>That's absolutely beautiful.
55:35 Now let me say this.
55:36 What do you think of this?
55:37 You mentioned just MTV earlier but that's a very modern thing,
55:40 right?
55:42 Two hundred years ago what did the world say that a man was or
55:44 a woman was?
55:46 And four hundred years ago what did the world say a man was or a
55:48 woman was?
55:49 It's always changing.
55:50 It's shifting.
55:51 If you look at what was beautiful back in, you know a
55:54 certain old, renaissance era paintings.
55:56 The girls that they thought were the beautiful girls don't look
55:59 like today.
56:00 >>Right.
56:01 >>So here's something that's powerful.
56:02 Fashions shift and the world's perspective of beauty and what
56:06 makes somebody important shifts.
56:08 But God's perspective of what really matters.
56:12 What's really beautiful?
56:13 What makes you a true human?
56:14 The best Jeffrey that you can be.
56:16 That doesn't shift.
56:18 >>Mhm.
56:19 >>That is.
56:20 >>Well why is that?
56:21 >>Because God doesn't shift.
56:22 >>Because it flows from his unchanging character.
56:24 >>God doesn't shift.
56:25 >>Which is--and it flows from his love.
56:26 >>Yeah.
56:27 >>So, so I guess I would sort of say it this way.
56:29 If someone's listening in or even for us.
56:31 And you're thinking to yourself how should I live?
56:33 What should I do?
56:34 What's important in life?
56:35 Who did God make me to be?
56:37 That's the question.
56:38 The world will shift and change.
56:40 And today it's blue and tomorrow it's black.
56:42 And you know you've heard the saying the brown is the new
56:44 black, the black is the new brown and 30 is the new 20 and
56:46 all that.
56:48 No, no, no.
56:50 What does God say?
56:51 He has made us for more than just a purpose to look like this
56:53 and the makeup and the clothes and the abs and all that.
56:57 God has made us for something transcendent not that those are
57:00 unimportant.
57:01 But he's made us for something bigger.
57:03 For something grander and as the creator he is the one uniquely
57:04 qualified to tell us this is why I made you.
57:09 >>Wow it's beautiful.
57:11 Well guys we have one minute.
57:12 So.
57:13 >>How would you summarize.
57:15 >>Two things.
57:16 >>James summarize it.
57:17 >>Number one God is first.
57:19 In order for us to love this way vertically horizontally we need
57:22 to love.
57:23 We need to understand vertical.
57:24 >>Yeah.
57:25 >>And then number two what is love?
57:26 So let's just say we get that right.
57:28 We put God first but who is God?
57:30 What is love?
57:31 Let's identify love at its source.
57:33 Because we can get a wrong conception of what love is even
57:38 though we have the right order.
57:41 That love comes first from God in order.
57:43 >>Okay so what is love?
57:44 >>So what is love?
57:45 Love defined First Corinthians chapter 13 is other
57:47 centeredness.
57:48 It's selfless.
57:51 It's putting the other person.
57:52 It's projecting out rather than projecting in.
57:54 >>Yeah.
57:56 >>And that can only come from another source because
57:57 >>Yes.
57:58 >>All of us by nature are selfish.
57:59 >>That's right.
58:01 >>We're all thinking first.
58:02 >>We're wired for self-preservation.
58:03 >>This has been such a great discussion.
58:05 I have, yeah.
58:06 I thoroughly enjoyed this.
58:07 I've gotten so much out of what we've been talking about.
58:08 We're going to a little bit darker place next.
58:11 We're going to talk about the fall in our next show.
58:13 >>Because God's original plan was thwarted.
58:15 >>Yeah.
58:16 But that will be good too.
58:17 We'll get some good news.
58:18 >>Amen.
58:19 >>Amen.
58:20 >>To receive our free monthly newsletter and a list of Light
58:24 Bearers resources visit us online at or
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58:34 You can also write to us at Light Bearers, 37457 Jasper
58:40 Lowell Road, Jasper, OR 97438.


Revised 2014-12-17