Presence, The

Closer Than You Think

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Shawn Boonstra


Series Code: TPR

Program Code: TPR000003

01:08 Good evening once again, and welcome to "The Presence"
01:11 with Pastor Shawn Boonstra of "It is Written" TV.
01:14 Tonight is our third session, and you're going to hear him
01:17 talk about "It's Closer than you think".
01:19 Have you ever been driving down the road
01:21 and you're looking over into your rear view mirror
01:24 on the right had side of your car and if you look in
01:27 that rear view mirror, there's a little statement
01:29 right there along the bottom, and what does it say?
01:32 It says: "Objects in the mirror are closer than you think."
01:37 Tonight as Pastor Boonstra is going to be talking
01:39 about the presence, he's going to remind us and show us
01:44 that the presence of God is closer than we think.
01:48 Please welcome tonight Pastor Shawn Boonstra.
01:51 [Audience claps]
01:55 Good evening.
01:58 Thank you so much for being here tonight.
02:01 I'm just glad you've come back for night Nr.3 of "The Presence"
02:05 Tonight's subject: "Closer than you think."
02:08 Tonight's subject is doing to build on the subjects
02:11 that we have already studied for the past couple of meetings
02:14 together. On the 1st night we looked
02:16 at the Ark of the Covenant, which we discovered
02:19 was a scale down model of what?
02:22 It was a scaled down model of God's throne.
02:25 Then on the 2nd night we studied that the sanctuary
02:28 where they kept the Ark of the Covenant showed us
02:32 God's plan to restore us to His presence,
02:35 bit by bit, starting with the altar outside, and the courtyard
02:38 which represented the cross of Christ, where He gave His life
02:42 for us, all the way through the sanctuary, we discovered
02:45 it revealed God's plan to bring sinful human beings
02:48 back into His presence. So we've looked
02:51 at God's presence, we've looked at God's plan to restore us
02:54 to His presence, and tonight we're going to look at when
02:58 God plans to restore us to His presence,
03:01 but before I begin that subject, because it will be based
03:05 on the Bible, which I believe to be the word of our Creator God,
03:09 I'd ask for you to just bow your heads for a brief word of prayer
03:14 Father in heaven, this evening as we open the pages
03:17 of the Bible, we know in our hearts that You long
03:19 to be with us. You long to speak to us,
03:23 and we know that You inspired people in ancient times
03:26 to write these words, so as we read them we know
03:30 we are hearing Your voice. Our desire tonight is to hear
03:33 the voice of Jesus, to understand Him better,
03:37 to see His face, so I ask that tonight You would speak
03:41 to our hearts, for I ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
03:46 Every human being loves a good timeline.
03:50 We like to known where we are in the progress of events,
03:53 we like to mark time and put "X"s on our calendar.
03:56 One of the strongest pieces of evidence I have
03:59 that human beings love to keep track of time
04:02 comes from my own 2 children, 6 and 4, who ride
04:05 in the back seat as my wife and I drive from point
04:08 to point. A little while back
04:10 we were driving, it was a trip of about 1 hour and 15 minutes,
04:15 and about 15 minutes into that trip, from the back seat
04:19 came a little voice saying: "Daddy, how much further?"
04:24 I said: "Honey, it is 60 minutes to our destination."
04:28 "Daddy, how much is 60 minutes?"
04:30 "It's an hour." "That's a long time daddy."
04:34 I said: "We'll get there soon." A couple of minutes went by,
04:37 literally 2 more minutes, and a voice pipes up
04:40 in the back seat and says: "How much further now daddy?"
04:46 I said: "Well, 2 minutes ago it was 60 minutes,"
04:49 "so now it is 58." "Oh..."
04:52 2 more minutes went by, and another voice pops up
04:56 in the back seat: "Daddy, how much longer now?"
04:59 I said: "56 minutes." Another 2 minutes went by
05:02 and another voice pops up: "Daddy, how much further now?"
05:05 I said: "8 and a half hours." [Audience laughs]
05:08 I figure that way she'll be pleasantly surprised
05:11 when we're there in a few minutes.
05:13 We love to keep track of time because in our hearts
05:16 we have this sense that history is actually headed somewhere,
05:20 it means something, we're all driving it some point
05:23 and the human race is on its way somewhere.
05:26 That's why in the Bible a number of times you find
05:30 God laying out the entire history of the human race
05:33 in advance. There are at least 8 passages
05:36 in the Bible where God gives the history of the human race
05:39 and our civilizations in advance, and it lays it out
05:43 all the way from ancient civilizations, down through
05:46 the course of time, right up to the second coming
05:49 of Jesus Christ. Now, we don't have time
05:52 tonight to look at all of those prophecies in detail,
05:55 but let me give you a quick survey of one of them
05:58 found in the book of Daniel 7.
06:03 In Daniel 7, Daniel has a dream and a number of animals
06:07 start crawling up out of the waters of the ocean:
06:11 a lion, a bear, a leopard, a fearsome beast
06:15 with a bunch of horns on its head, and as you study
06:17 Daniel 7 you discover that it was laying out the history
06:22 of the world in advance. Daniel discovers that the lion
06:25 represented the kingdom of Babylon, the bear represents
06:29 the kingdom of Medo-Persia, which succeeded Babylon,
06:33 the leopard represented Greece, and Alexander the Great,
06:36 which succeeded the Medo-Persians.
06:39 This terrible beast with horns on its head represented Rome,
06:43 both in its united faze, and also in its divided faze
06:46 as it becomes the nations of western Europe.
06:50 I'd love to spend some time with you tonight,
06:52 and get into the details of that, and show you how we know
06:55 that, but we don't have that kind of time.
06:59 That doesn't mean you can't study it,
07:00 wherever you are tonight watching, by satellite,
07:03 ask those at your hall, speak to those who are moderating
07:07 your meeting and they'd be delighted to show you
07:10 how you can keep studying even after these meetings
07:13 are over, and figure out how we know that Daniel 7
07:15 is speaking about all these kingdoms.
07:18 In Daniel 7 it lays out all these kingdoms from Babylon
07:21 down to the divided Roman Empire.
07:23 That's the age we live in today because the nations
07:26 of Western Europe are a result of Rome breaking
07:29 into pieces. The next even in Daniel 7
07:32 described 3 times, is the heavenly judgment scene
07:36 where the books of judgment are opened, the angels gather
07:40 around the throne of God, Jesus shows up
07:43 and at the end of the judgment He is given a kingdom
07:46 so that the second coming can take place.
07:49 It is one of those timelines in the Bible with stunning
07:53 accuracy laying out all of the kingdoms of the earth
07:57 in a timeline from the days of ancient kingdoms
07:59 right down to the second coming of Christ.
08:02 It happens 8 times in bold detail, but there is 1 timeline
08:07 in the Bible that a lot of people really haven't noticed.
08:11 That timeline is buried in the rituals that take place
08:16 in the ancient sanctuary of the Old Testament.
08:19 It lays out a timeline from the days of Jesus
08:22 all the way down to the second coming of Christ.
08:26 Would you like to see a timeline like that tonight.
08:29 - [Audience] Yes. - Only 3 of you wanted
08:31 to see a timeline like that tonight...would you like to see
08:34 - something like that tonight? - [Audience louder] Yes.
08:37 Alright, now I'll show you.
08:40 In addition to all of the offerings and sacrifices
08:44 and rituals that they held in the sanctuary every single day,
08:47 we looked at these last night, the offerings: they would take
08:51 a little lamb and they would offer them for sin,
08:54 and you remember the sinner would put his hands
08:57 on the head of the lamb and confess his sins
08:59 and the sins would symbolically be transferred to the lamb,
09:03 then they would take the life of that little lamb
09:06 and bring its blood inside the temple.
09:09 That little lamb represented Jesus Christ,
09:12 and it pointed to the fact that everyday of your life
09:15 you can pray to Christ and He covers your sins
09:17 with His blood. Those rituals took place
09:20 every single day, but in addition to those daily rituals
09:25 that took place in the Old Tabernacle,
09:28 there were also a number of annual celebrations,
09:31 or feasts, that took place on an annual basis,
09:34 kind of like Christmas, or Easter, or your birthday,
09:37 they happened once a year on a specific day.
09:40 You read about them in Leviticus 23,
09:45 one of those feasts, the first on you mentioned
09:48 is The Feast of The Passover, and with The Feast
09:50 of the Passover they had something known as
09:52 a Feast of Unleavened Bread, and after that was The Feast
09:55 of Firstfruits, and then The Feast of Pentecost,
09:58 and then The Feast of Trumpets, and after that The Day
10:02 of Atonement, known today as "Yom Kippur",
10:05 and lastly The Feast of Tabernacles.
10:08 Now, these were annual celebrations, and they weren't
10:11 just parties, they weren't like the 4th of July,
10:14 or just a national holiday, these were festivals that God
10:18 told the Israelites to keep. God had something specific
10:22 to teach them, He wanted them to observe these holidays
10:26 in a very special way, so that they could learn something
10:29 about the God who was on the other side of the veil
10:32 inside the Tabernacle, and not only was God trying to teach
10:36 them something about Himself with these annual festivals,
10:40 it also gives us a very detailed prophecy, taking us
10:44 from the days of Christ all the way down to the second coming,
10:48 when He returns in glory and we are finally ushered again
10:52 into the presence of God. So tonight I thought
10:55 we would look at the feasts or festivals of Israel
10:58 in their order, to see what kind of a picture God paints
11:03 with them. The first one you read about
11:06 in Leviticus 23 is The Feast of The Passover.
11:12 This feast dates back prior to the time that the children
11:15 of Israel were in the desert, in fact it dates back
11:18 to the time that they were slaves in the land of Egypt,
11:21 about to leave for the land of Canaan.
11:24 If you remember the stories you learnt as a kid,
11:27 the pharaoh of Egypt was very reticent to let
11:30 the Israelites go. Moses would appear before
11:32 the Pharaoh's throne and say: "Let my people go!"
11:36 And the pharaoh would say: "No way!"
11:38 God would send a plague, say a plague of lice,
11:41 and as the pharaoh was scratching himself,
11:43 and picking the lice out of his hair he'd say:
11:46 "Well, maybe Moses, I will let you go."
11:49 And the lice would disappear and the pharaoh would change
11:52 his mind, just like most people today in hard times,
11:56 have an easy time praying to God, and asking Him for things
12:00 and falling into line with His will, but the moment
12:03 the hardship disappears, we go right back
12:06 to the way things were. As soon as the plagues would
12:09 disappear, a plague of lice, a plague of frogs,
12:12 a plague of blood, the pharaoh would change his mind
12:15 and say: "Moses, I'm not letting your people go,"
12:17 "you're staying here as slaves."
12:21 Then the last plague comes and this one is a plague of death.
12:27 The Bible tells us an angel walks through the land
12:29 of Egypt, and the first born in every house
12:32 drops dead that night. In the morning
12:35 when the Egyptians wake up, they go and discover
12:38 their eldest sons dead, not just their sons,
12:41 but the oldest of their livestock, all across the land,
12:45 every first born child in the land of Egypt is dead.
12:48 The angel of death hits absolutely every home
12:53 with 1 exception. It doesn't touch a single
12:57 Israelite home. Why?
12:59 Because of a strange ritual the Israelites observed
13:04 as the Passover was about to happen.
13:08 Exodus 12:3, the Bible says: Which day?
13:11 - [Audience] Tenth. - The 10th day,
13:13 that's very important, tuck that day behind 1 ear,
13:16 you're going to need it in a minute.
13:18 [text on screen]
13:23 What does a lamb point to? Jesus Christ.
13:26 [continues reading]
13:30 Every house had to have its own lamb.
13:32 [continues reading]
14:04 Every family was to take its own lamb
14:08 and on the 10th day of the month they were to tie it to a post
14:12 so that everybody would examine each family's lamb
14:14 to make sure that it really was a lamb without blemish.
14:19 On the 14th day they would kill that little lamb
14:23 and offer it as a sacrifice. We already know
14:26 that a lamb represents Jesus Christ, and when did Jesus
14:32 shed His blood for us?
14:33 He did it at the cross of Calvary.
14:37 This Feast of The Passover points us to the death
14:41 of Christ and it shows us that those who accept
14:45 the death of Christ, those who, symbolically, take the blood
14:49 of Jesus Christ, and place it on the door posts of their heart
14:53 will avoid the plague of death. We know that the wages
14:56 of sin is death. Jesus dies in our place
15:00 and we are spared the wages of sin because the Lamb of God
15:03 takes our place. The Passover ritual points us
15:07 specifically to the crucifixion,
15:10 the death of Christ at the cross,
15:12 and the apostle Paul makes this absolutely crystal clear
15:17 in something he says in 1 Corinthians 5:7, Paul writes:
15:21 [text on screen]
15:28 Paul said Jesus is our Passover.
15:31 The whole reason that they took the life of that little lamb
15:34 and wiped the blood on the door posts
15:36 was to point forward to the day that Jesus Christ
15:39 would die for our sins at the cross of Calvary,
15:42 sparing us the wages of sin, which is death.
15:45 Thereby, the angel of death passes over the Christian's home
15:51 Just in case there's any lingering doubt
15:54 that the Passover points to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ,
15:58 Jesus makes is crystal clear one night as He shares
16:02 the Passover dinner with His disciples.
16:05 We read about this in Mark 14:22,
16:09 listen to what the Bible says: [text on screen]
16:22 The bread of the Passover Feast points to Jesus' body,
16:26 not only is He the sacrificial lamb of the Passover meal,
16:30 He is also the bread of that meal, and we saw the other night
16:35 how Jesus said: "I am the bread of life."
16:39 Here's a question, and it's one that I'm sure you know
16:42 the answer to: what kind of bread
16:45 did the Israelites eat at the Passover Feast,
16:47 what kind of bread was it? It was unleavened bread,
16:50 it was flat bread, no yeast, no baking soda,
16:53 it was like pita, or tortillas. It was a flat bread.
16:57 Why did it have no yeast in it, no rising agent,
17:02 why is that?
17:03 It's because in the Bible leaven, or yeast,
17:07 is used as a symbol of sin, and Jesus, our Passover Lamb,
17:13 had absolutely no sin. This is why the Passover
17:16 Lamb had no blemish, and this is why the bread had no yeast.
17:21 Leaven represents sin, and that's why Jesus
17:25 speaks sometimes of the leaven of the Pharisees.
17:29 He was speaking of their sins, He was saying:
17:32 "Your sins are like yeast, you put a little bit of yeast"
17:36 "in a lump of dough, and very quickly it spreads to the rest"
17:40 "of the lump of dough", it multiplies, it's a living thing.
17:43 Jesus said your sin is like a living thing, and the longer
17:46 you harbor it and nurture it and crave it,
17:49 the bigger and bigger it grows.
17:52 That's why Paul says in 1 Corinthians 5:7:
17:57 [text on screen]
18:10 There was no leaven because Jesus had no sin.
18:13 Additionally, the Israelites at the feast of the Passover
18:17 had a ritual called the purging of the leaven
18:20 and they would go through the house with a candle
18:23 and very carefully inspect every corner of their house
18:26 and remove every last trace of leaven out of the house,
18:29 all yeast, baking soda, whatever it might be,
18:32 any leavening agent, why?
18:34 Because not only did Jesus die to pay the penalty of our sins,
18:38 He also gives us a new life, He gives us the ability
18:41 to walk a new life with Him and become a new creature,
18:44 and He helps us clean up the things in our life
18:47 that are not pleasing to God, He helps us with our
18:50 sin problem, that's why it is when you get to know
18:53 who Jesus is that you kind of start to hate the things
18:56 you used to love and start to love the things
18:58 you used to hate. He gives you a new heart,
19:01 He helps you purge out all the leaven.
19:04 Jesus is the Passover Lamb, in fact, He was actually
19:09 crucified on the very day of the Passover.
19:13 That's not an accident, that was designed by God,
19:17 and even more interesting than the fact the He was crucified
19:21 on the very Passover day, is the fact that on the 9th day
19:26 of that month, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on something
19:30 that today they call Palm Sunday.
19:33 He rides into Jerusalem and from the 10th to the 14th
19:36 He teaches publicly in the temple, everybody can hear Jesus
19:40 for themselves, and when Jesus is on trial,
19:43 the authorities ask Him: "What do You believe?"
19:45 "What do You stand for?" And Jesus said
19:48 "why don't you ask the people, they heard Me preaching"
19:51 "in the temple and they can tell you what I believe."
19:54 The Passover lamb was tied to a stake in public on the 10th
19:57 of the month, everybody could inspect it to see if it had
19:59 any blemish, and on the 14th it was put to death.
20:03 Jesus, from the 10th to the 14th teaches publicly
20:06 so that everybody can see for themselves
20:08 that He really is the spotless Son of God, the Lamb of God
20:12 without blemish, and on the 14th He gives His life
20:15 for the human race.
20:16 The Feast of the Passover points us
20:20 to the cross of Christ, and begins a prophecy
20:23 of the sanctuary. The Passover is the moment
20:27 that Jesus dies on the cross of Calvary.
20:31 That is the first festival in Leviticus 23.
20:35 It's the Festival of Passover along with the Festival
20:38 of Unleavened Bread, or the Purging of the Leaven.
20:42 The next festival that you come to is the one called
20:45 the Feast of the Firstfruits. This was a harvest festival.
20:51 Before this festival took place they would go into
20:54 the barley fields and they would choose a few sheaves
20:57 of barley and set them aside. On the Feast of First fruits,
21:01 which happened on the 3rd day after the Passover,
21:05 they would take a sheaf of barley and the priest
21:08 would wave it before the Lord, that's why sometimes
21:11 you hear it called the Feast of the Wave Sheaf Offering,
21:15 and why was he waving it before the Lord?
21:18 It's because it was a symbol of a harvest that was
21:20 going to come, they were saying: "Lord, this sheaf is ready"
21:24 "and that means by faith we believe that You're"
21:27 "going to make the rest of the harvest ready for us too."
21:30 Now, why did God have them wave that Wave Sheaf Offering?
21:34 Was it just an Israelite thanks giving day?
21:37 Was it just really a harvest festival?
21:39 Not at all, it points to something very specific.
21:43 The Passover happened on the 14th, the Feast of First fruits
21:47 happened on the 3rd day, Jesus dies on the 14th,
21:52 what happens on the 3rd day?
21:54 What happens? He rises from the dead.
21:57 That's why the Bible calls Jesus "our firstfruits".
22:01 1 Corinthians 15: [text on screen]
22:12 Jesus is the firstfruits, why is He called
22:14 the firstfruits? It's easy, He's first in line.
22:17 He rises from the dead, it's kind of like taking
22:21 1 sheaf out of the barley field, saying:
22:23 "Lord, because we have this 1 sheaf, we believe"
22:26 "we will have the rest of the harvest."
22:28 Jesus rises from the dead and it's as if God is saying:
22:31 "Look, I raised My Son from the dead, and you can know"
22:34 "in faith that one day all the graves are going to open"
22:37 "and there will be a great harvest."
22:40 That's why Jesus, over and over again in the gospels,
22:43 and in the book of Revelation, speaks of the second coming
22:47 as a harvest. Jesus rises as the firstfruits,
22:50 everyone else comes at His second coming,
22:53 as a matter of fact, that's what the Bible says
22:55 in 1 Corinthians 15:22: [text on screen]
23:11 Think about what this means, the resurrection of Jesus
23:14 was a real event, Jesus became God in the flesh,
23:19 a real flesh and blood human being,
23:21 He died a real death, like we have to die a real death,
23:25 and He actually rises from the dead,
23:27 it's the most documented fact of ancient history,
23:30 the tomb of Jesus is empty. Now, because the tomb of Jesus
23:34 is empty, God says: "that's the feast of firstfruits"
23:37 If My Son rose from the dead, you can count on it,
23:40 you're going to rise from the dead too,
23:42 and not only you, but your family, and everybody
23:45 you've ever lost, with faith in Jesus Christ
23:47 there's going to be a great harvest and the dead
23:50 will come back to life.
23:53 Jesus didn't come back to life after clinical death,
23:56 He didn't come back to life after 5, 6, 10 or 20 minutes,
24:00 He comes back to life on the 3rd day, and no matter
24:03 how long our loved ones have been in the grave,
24:07 when Jesus returns the feast of Firstfruits tells us
24:10 hundreds and thousands of years in advance,
24:12 the dead will rise again. Alright, that is the feast
24:16 of Firstfruits, is it clear so far, yes or no?
24:19 - [Audience replies] Yes. - Good.
24:20 You can explain it to me later. The Firstfruits points
24:25 to the resurrection of Christ. The next feast we read about
24:30 in Leviticus 23 is the Festival of Pentecost.
24:36 Now, a lot of people think of Pentecost in the book of Acts,
24:39 but its a much older ritual than that.
24:42 This is a ritual that points way back in history,
24:46 it's also known as the Feast of Weeks.
24:49 Why? Because 7 weeks after Israel
24:52 leaves Egypt, they arrive at Mount Sinai,
24:55 and as the come to Mount Sinai, God meets them there
24:59 and gives them the 10 commandment law,
25:02 which was later put into the Ark of the Covenant.
25:04 This happened on the day that came to be known
25:08 as the Feast of Pentecost. They celebrated Israel
25:11 at Mount Sinai. Just because God gave them
25:15 the 10 commandments at Sinai doesn't mean that those laws
25:18 weren't there before. God gave them to them,
25:21 but they were already in existence and we know that
25:23 because Lucifer was kicked out of heaven for breaking
25:26 those laws. He lied to the angels,
25:28 he coveted the throne of God. Cain got in trouble
25:31 for breaking that law because he murdered his brother
25:33 and God's law says: "You shall not kill."
25:36 God's moral laws have always been there,
25:38 always will be there, but on that day at Mount Sinai
25:42 He gives them a copy of those laws in 2 tables
25:45 of stone. Let's look at what the Bible
25:47 says actually happened that day as Israel is gathered
25:50 around the mountain. Exodus 19: [text on screen]
26:28 Think about what happens on the day of Pentecost,
26:31 the original one at Mount Sinai, all of God's people
26:35 are gathered together in 1 place at Mount Sinai.
26:38 There is a loud noise, the sound of trumpets,
26:42 and then there is fire that falls on the mountain.
26:45 If any of that rings a bell it's because it's exactly
26:49 what happens in the New Testament Day of Pentecost.
26:52 Pay attention to this now in Acts 2: [text on screen]
27:18 It happens exactly the same way all those hundreds of years
27:21 later. All of God's people
27:23 are gathered in 1 place, they're in 1 accord,
27:26 there is a loud noise, this time it's like a mighty, rushing wind
27:29 instead of trumpets, but still, it's a loud noise
27:32 and now again, there is fire, it doesn't fall on a mountain,
27:36 it falls on the head of each disciple in the room.
27:40 What just happened?
27:45 This is the anointing of God's church.
27:48 I want to show you something interesting that a lot of people
27:51 have missed as they study the day of Pentecost.
27:54 Peter says something remarkably interesting
27:57 a little later in the chapter as he explains to the audience
28:00 what has just happened, what they've just witnessed.
28:03 Listen carefully, he's speaking of Jesus: [text on screen]
28:16 Who just received the Holy Spirit according to Peter?
28:19 Jesus did, very interesting. [text on screen]
28:25 What's Peter saying? He said: "What's really"
28:28 "going on here today is that Jesus just received"
28:31 "the Holy Spirit, and He poured it out on us,"
28:34 "and that explains what you've just seen: the tongues of fire,"
28:37 "and the mighty rushing wind."
28:40 Peter is saying Jesus, heaven's great High Priest,
28:43 has just been anointed with the Holy Spirit in heaven.
28:47 It is poured over Jesus and it has fallen
28:49 on the church beneath. Listen carefully to what
28:53 the Bible says in Exodus 29. When the High Priest
28:56 in the Old Testament began to work in the sanctuary,
29:00 he had to undergo a special ritual.
29:02 It's said of Aaron the High Priest: [text on screen]
29:10 What is oil a symbol of in the Bible?
29:12 It's a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
29:14 Before Aaron could work inside the sanctuary, he had to be
29:17 anointed with oil. Jesus is the great High Priest,
29:21 He goes to heaven, He's anointed with the Holy Spirit.
29:24 There's a description of this in the book of Psalms,
29:27 Psalm 133: [text on screen]
29:34 Just like on the day of Pentecost, [continues reading]
29:41 "Aaron" - that was the High Priest in the Old Testament.
29:44 [continues reading]
29:46 It described the anointing of Aaron in the Old Testament
29:49 as oil being poured on his head, it runs down his beard
29:52 and down his garments onto the ground.
29:54 Jesus, our great High Priest after His resurrection
29:57 goes to heaven and He's anointed with the Holy Spirit
30:00 so He can begin working in heaven's sanctuary.
30:02 It pours over Him, down over Him onto the church beneath.
30:06 Jesus has been anointed as the great High Priest
30:09 in heaven's sanctuary, and at the same time the church
30:12 has also been anointed. Jesus begins His work
30:15 in heaven's sanctuary on behalf of sinners,
30:18 pleading his blood for those who repent and ask
30:20 for forgiveness, and at the same time,
30:22 the church has been told: "You now have the gift"
30:25 "of the Holy Spirit, go to the world and tell them"
30:27 "what Jesus is doing in heaven's sanctuary."
30:30 That's why Jesus said: "don't go anywhere,"
30:33 "wait in Jerusalem until you've received the gift:
30:37 "of the Holy Spirit." The Day of Pentecost
30:39 is the great anointing, both of heaven's High Priest,
30:43 and of the church here on earth, and it's the beginning
30:46 of the church age.
30:49 All these feasts happen in the spring of the year.
30:52 We have a summer time, and then some more fall feasts.
30:55 This summer time is the Church Age, the church is now sent
30:59 loose out to go and share the gospel of Jesus Christ
31:02 across the face of the planet. Then we come to the fall feasts,
31:07 and the first one we read about in Leviticus 23
31:11 is the Feast of Trumpets. This is the first
31:15 of the fall feasts, and we read about it in Leviticus 23:23:
31:20 [text on screen]
31:28 Now, what was God trying to warn the Israelites about?
31:32 In 10 short days the most solemn day of the year
31:37 was going to come, it was a day of judgment,
31:40 and on that day all the Israelites had to make
31:44 everything right with their God. They had to make sure they had
31:47 confessed all their sins, made everything right with God,
31:50 or they would be driven on of the camp of Israel,
31:52 cast out for ever, never more to be a part of the people of God.
31:56 As they drew to the end of the year there was a finality to it.
32:00 There came a moment when they had to be right with God
32:04 or they were out of luck. Now, what does this point us to?
32:08 God is telling us that as we that as we move down
32:10 through history towards the end of the world,
32:12 before the judgment begins, the whole world will be warned.
32:19 Here's what's really interesting: as you come
32:21 through the church age, down through the centuries
32:24 and you come down to the late 1700's and the early 1800's
32:28 something interesting begins to happen all over the face
32:32 of the planet. A little girl in Wales
32:34 inspires men to start the Bible society for starters, 1802,
32:39 and the Bible which had been available in 1802
32:41 in only 67 languages suddenly is translated into 2233 languages,
32:47 and they print 100 million copies just like that.
32:50 At the same time, a sure cobbler in the British Isles
32:53 by the name of William Carrey launches the modern
32:55 missionary movement, and all those new Bibles are carried on
32:58 foot all across the face of the planet.
33:00 At the same time, all over the world, independent
33:03 of each other, people begin to open those Bibles
33:06 and study the prophecies of the book of Daniel and Revelation.
33:10 As they begin to study the books of Daniel and Revelation,
33:14 what do they begin to preach?
33:16 For the first time in centuries, studied Christian history,
33:19 for the first time in centuries Christians around the world
33:23 begin to talk again about the second coming of Christ.
33:26 Even in countries where it was outlawed, in particular,
33:29 believe it or not, there were countries
33:30 in Northern Scandinavia where it was illegal to preach
33:33 the second coming of Christ. When the adults weren't
33:36 allowed to do it, miraculously, 5 and 6 year old children
33:39 began to stand up and preach the second coming of Christ
33:43 all around the earth. Then, as the second coming
33:45 of Christ is being studied, and the prophecies of the Bible
33:49 are being studied, all of a sudden, 1755, there's a great
33:52 earthquake in Lisbon that shakes the world, and in 1780
33:55 there's a dark day in the new world that leaves
33:57 everybody scared, and in 1833 there's the Great Leonid
34:01 meteor shower, 250,000 falling stars every single hour.
34:05 There is a dark day, an earthquake,
34:07 and the falling of the stars, just like is described
34:10 in the book of Revelation 6, just prior to the second coming
34:14 of Christ. The message goes out,
34:17 the warning to the world, Jesus is coming,
34:21 the trumpets are blown all over the world,
34:25 and Daniel predicted it. Daniel 12:4: [text on screen]
34:36 As Daniel writes His book, the angel says:
34:39 "Now seal that book, nobody's going to understand it"
34:41 "for a very long time, not until the time of the end"
34:44 "when many will run to an fro, and knowledge will increase."
34:48 Now, some people think that knowledge increasing,
34:51 and running to and fro is a reference to technology.
34:54 I don't believe that it is, not in its context.
34:57 Daniel is told to close up his book until the time of the end,
35:01 and when you look at the original language,
35:03 "many shall run to and fro" in the original language,
35:05 it says: "many will leaf back and forth",
35:07 as if they're reading a book. All of a sudden at the end
35:10 of time people will begin to study the Scriptures again,
35:12 and the book of Daniel, and they'll understand it,
35:15 and the warning will go to the world: "Jesus is coming",
35:18 it's prophetic knowledge that all of sudden increases
35:21 all around the world at the same time.
35:23 The trumpets are blown.
35:25 Here's the timeline now, the crucifixion of Christ,
35:28 the resurrection of Christ, the entire Church Age,
35:31 and the last day great awakening, a warning
35:33 to the world that Jesus is coming again.
35:36 The next feast that they celebrated, Leviticus 23,
35:40 is the great day of atonement, we've already mentioned this.
35:44 This is the great day of judgment, the most solemn
35:46 day in the entire year for Israel.
35:50 This is the day you had to be right with God,
35:52 and if you weren't, you were removed from the camp
35:55 of the Israelites. The Bible says,
35:57 Leviticus 23:27: [text on screen]
36:07 It's the annual day of judgment, all year they sacrifice lambs
36:10 and they carried the blood inside the sanctuary,
36:13 but as they did that, symbolically they were
36:16 defiling the place where God's presence was,
36:18 so once a year the high Priest would go into
36:21 the Most Holy Place, and he would sprinkle blood
36:24 on the mercy seat, just 1 day a year, and cleanse
36:27 the entire sanctuary of all the sins of the people of Israel
36:31 that had been symbolically transferred in there.
36:33 It was the day of judgment, you had to be right with God
36:36 and it was a day that they annually cleansed
36:39 the entire temple. It was the only day the high priest
36:42 ever went into the Most Holy Place, it was solemn,
36:46 sacred, known as a day of judgment.
36:49 As a matter of fact, the Israelite people were known
36:51 to greet each other on that day by saying: "May your name"
36:56 "be inscribed in the book of life."
36:58 It was the end of the year, the great day of judgment.
37:01 Now let's review what we've talked about.
37:04 Daniel 7 showed us all the kingdoms ending
37:06 with the judgment. In Daniel 8 we have another
37:09 prophecy with all the world kingdoms, this time beginning
37:12 with Medo-Persia. You've got to study this,
37:14 wherever you are, ask if you can study this chapter
37:16 in more detail. Medo-Persia, Greece,
37:19 Rome in all of its fazes, and at the end of Daniel 8
37:22 there's a prophecy about 2300 days.
37:27 We read about it in Daniel 8:14 [text on screen]
37:38 We already know when that happened on the day of Atonement
37:41 when they purged the entire sanctuary of the sins of Israel.
37:45 Is this a prophecy of the judgment?
37:48 There's no question about it, Daniel 8 gives us more evidence
37:52 to let us know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is.
37:54 Daniel 8:17: [text on screen]
38:01 It's a last day prophecy. There's a little more evidence,
38:04 Verse 19, Gabriel says to Daniel [text on screen]
38:16 There's 1 time in the Bible that's spoken of
38:18 as an appointed time. Acts 17:31.
38:21 Speaking of God it says: [text on screen]
38:30 God said there's a day appointed for judgment.
38:33 The Bible says that there's a feast pointing to the day
38:36 the sanctuary was cleansed, it was the great Day of Judgment.
38:39 Is God trying to tell us something about
38:42 the judgment hour? You better believe it.
38:45 Most mind bogglingly of all, Revelation 14:6,
38:48 shows us a message that goes to the whole world
38:50 just before Jesus comes. [text on screen]
39:08 Not is coming, not will come, but has already begun.
39:14 What does it mean? At some point the world
39:17 will know the judgment has already begun,
39:19 and at the end of that judgment, Jesus returns.
39:23 Has the judgment been scheduled? If so, when should be expect it?
39:28 You'll find out tomorrow night.
40:03 Those of you who are joining us by satellite
40:06 in the satellite audience, please take out your lessons,
40:08 The Presence Nr.3: "Closer Than You Think."
40:14 Pastor Boonstra tonight began by talking about
40:18 a series of mysterious plagues that took place in the land
40:21 of ancient Egypt. [text on screen]
40:38 I'd like to have you look at Exodus 12:21-23,
40:43 we're going to read this together, [text on screen]
41:08 The lintel is a word for the post that goes across the top
41:12 of the door, and then the 2 door posts.
41:15 So basically what he's telling them to do is to dip
41:18 the hyssop into the blood and mark the door of their home
41:22 over the top and over both sides with that blood.
41:25 [continues to read]
41:54 I just wonder tonight how many of you have taken the blood
41:59 of Jesus Christ and symbolically painted the door posts
42:03 of your home with that blood, just like what the Israelites
42:07 had done so many years ago. What was different about
42:10 their home? They had sprinkled the blood.
42:13 [text on screen]
42:18 We're going to look at Revelation 5:6:
42:21 [text on screen]
42:32 We also want to look at 1 Corinthians 5:7:
42:35 [text on screen]
42:51 So what did the Passover lamb represent?
42:53 [text on screen]
43:06 Question 3: [text on screen]
43:18 What did Pastor Shawn tonight, and what does the Bible
43:21 tell us the leaven represents? [Audience replies] Sin.
43:24 We want to look at the Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8
43:27 to begin with: [text on screen]
43:35 Ladies, whenever you bake bread, how much yeast
43:38 does it take to make that bread rise?
43:41 Just a tiny little bit, a little tiny bit of yeast,
43:45 or leaven, will leaven the whole batch, the whole lump.
43:49 [continues to read]
44:12 Now 1 Peter 1:18-19: [text on screen]
44:26 1 more text, 1 John 1:9: [text on screen]
44:38 What is the answer here? [text on screen]
44:48 So symbolically the leaven comes out of the home
44:51 because that represents sin, the good news is that you can't
44:56 get rid of it by yourself, but by the blood
44:58 of Jesus Christ, it can be gone from your home
45:01 and from your heart.
45:03 Question 4: [text on screen]
45:10 You saw Pastor Shawn do the wave up here,
45:13 a different kind of a way than what you're used to,
45:15 [continues to read]
45:22 We're going to look at Leviticus 23:9-11:
45:26 [text on screen]
45:49 Notice that was the establishment of the wave,
45:51 now we want to go to the question again:
45:55 [text on screen]
46:00 The 3rd day of the Passover... now remember,
46:02 it's not a trick questions, on the day of Passover
46:06 what took place the year Christ died?
46:09 The crucifixion. Christ as the Passover lamb,
46:13 was sacrificed on Calvary's cross on the Passover day,
46:17 the 1st day of Passover. On the 3rd day of Passover,
46:21 what was it that happened? The resurrection.
46:25 We're going to look in Luke 24: [text on screen]
46:51 On the 3rd day exactly according to the feasts
46:54 that Pastor Boonstra was showing us tonight,
46:58 on the 3rd day Jesus Christ was resurrected.
47:02 Okay, next question: [text on screen]
47:10 1 Corinthians 15: [text on screen]
47:32 And on in 1 Corinthians 15:51: [text on screen]
47:48 Isn't that a wonderful promise?
47:51 So the answer to this question: [text on screen]
48:07 I don't know about you, but I have seen some people
48:13 that have passed away into death in this life,
48:17 some people that were close to me.
48:19 I can tell you that I take great comfort, as I'm sure you
48:23 must too, in the fact that this firstfruits
48:27 of Christ's resurrection is a pledge, a promise,
48:30 that one day all those who are in Him will be resurrected
48:34 and enjoy life again. Isn't that wonderful?
48:37 Can you say amen to that? [Audience] Amen.
48:39 Okay, next question: [text on screen]
48:47 The anointing of oil, and you heard Pastor Boonstra
48:50 talking about how the oil was poured over his head
48:53 and flowed all the way down unto the ground,
48:56 there's the anointing oil. They also anointed
48:59 ancient kings that same way, when they were set apart
49:02 for a special purpose. Exodus 29: [text on screen]
49:16 Our next passage: [text on screen]
49:25 We're going to look at Hebrews 8:1-2: [text on screen]
49:46 What was it that happened down here that told us
49:48 that the anointing had taken place in heaven?
49:50 We're going to look at Acts 2: [text on screen]
50:29 When Christ was in heaven and was anointed,
50:31 received the anointing in heaven,
50:35 the evidence of that was that He turned around
50:37 and poured back out. So the answer to this:
50:40 [text on screen]
50:45 Next question, Nr.7: [text on screen]
51:03 Leviticus 23: [text on screen]
51:19 I want to talk about trumpets just a minute.
51:21 Here you have the trumpet fanfare that is announcing
51:26 that trumpets are being blown for a purpose.
51:28 This is a Feast of Trumpets, and they are being blown
51:30 to announce a special event, which we're going to go get to
51:33 in our next question. [text on screen]
51:38 We're going to continue on with Leviticus 23:
51:41 [text on screen]
52:24 The trumpets were sounded to warn that the Day of Judgment
52:29 was only 10 days away.
52:32 Our next question: [text on screen]
52:54 Revelation 14:6-7: [text on screen]
53:07 Notice it goes everywhere throughout the world.
53:11 [continues to read]
53:26 This message is to blanket the entire globe before Jesus comes,
53:31 to let everyone know that there is a judgment in session
53:35 because right after the judgment we know that Jesus
53:40 is coming back again. So really, the judgment
53:43 is nothing to be afraid of, the judgment is where God brings
53:47 everything into balance, it is something that is good news,
53:50 and isn't the gospel good news?
53:53 In Revelation 14:6-7, this message that is to go
53:56 to the entire world is about the gospel, it says:
53:59 "the everlasting gospel be preached into all the world",
54:03 and that is very good news. So the answer is:
54:07 [text on screen]
54:17 What was this great and solemn judgment day
54:20 on the Day of Atonement?
54:23 Leviticus 16:16: [text on screen]
54:36 This was a time where God is getting rid of sin
54:41 from the camp because God can't coexist with sin.
54:46 It's a time to get rid of it, put it aside,
54:49 and start all over on a new leaf.
54:52 I want to ask you a question, we're going to get to the answer
54:53 in just a second, but I want to ask you a question:
54:55 have you ever made a New Year's resolution?
54:58 Have you ever said: "You know what? I want to put"
55:00 "all that in the past, and I want to start all over again"
55:03 "right now, and start doing something new,"
55:05 "and I want to not make all the mistakes that I made."
55:09 We have these things called New Year's resolutions.
55:12 Well, God is doing one better than that
55:15 in the judgment. He is actually setting up
55:18 a time and place where He deals with sin completely
55:21 through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, as we have been
55:25 looking at and studying in this series on The Presence.
55:29 He is making it into al that, so: [text on screen]
55:45 This was when sin was being dealt with.
55:48 [text on screen]
55:54 Acts 17:31: [text on screen]
56:06 God already has set in motion the fact that He has appointed
56:10 a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness
56:14 by the Man He has ordained. [text on screen]
56:20 God has had this on His timeline from the very beginning,
56:24 it is right on schedule.
56:28 Our last question tonight: [text on screen]
56:38 Let's look at 1 John 2:1-2: "My little children",
56:44 I like the tone of that, it's a gentle, it's a drawing,
56:49 it's a compassionate entry to this text: [text on screen]
57:18 Aren't you glad for Jesus? Aren't you grateful
57:22 for what He has done and for the blood that He has shed
57:25 on this?
57:27 Now, I have a question for you as we come to the conclusion
57:30 of this study tonight: what do you want to do
57:35 with Jesus Christ? This One who has made provision
57:39 for you to be covered by His blood in the judgment.
57:44 What would you like to do with Him?
57:47 I would pray, and I would hope that each one of you
57:49 here in this studio audience, as well as those who may be
57:52 watching in a church, in a hall, in your home,
57:56 wherever you may be, to just bow your heads right now
58:00 with me and say: "God, I want to thank You for Jesus."
58:04 "What am I going to do with Him? I'm going to accept Him"
58:06 "into my heart right now," if you'd just bow your heads
58:09 with me right now as we pray that prayer.
58:12 Holy Father in Heaven, we thank You for Jesus.
58:14 We thank You for this timeline, we thank You for the way
58:17 in which You have revealed Yourself through history,
58:21 through prophecy, through the feasts of the ancient
58:24 Israelite system. I thank You Lord that You're
58:27 right on time, and that You are bringing a judgment
58:31 that will put everything right and that will deal with sin
58:34 so that You can come and bring a conclusion to this entire
58:37 matter and restore us to the existence that You have
58:41 in mind for us, and I thank You for that in Jesus' name,
58:45 amen.


Revised 2014-12-17