Presence, The

Mysteries Of The Ancients

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Shawn Boonstra


Series Code: TPR

Program Code: TPR000002

01:08 Good evening once again, and I want to welcome all of you
01:10 who have gathered here in studio audience
01:12 in Simi Valley, California, to hear Pastor Shawn Boonstra
01:17 of the internationally acclaimed "It is Written" TV program,
01:21 present the second in a series called "The Presence".
01:25 Tonight, he's going to be talking about the mysteries
01:27 of the ancients.
01:29 You know, the things that we can find in Scripture,
01:31 and the things that Pastor Boonstra is going to share
01:33 tonight, make the mystery novels that you can see
01:36 on the New York Times Best Seller List seem like kids play.
01:40 The word of God is full of all kinds of wonderful things
01:42 that intrigue our minds, but God intends
01:46 for us to understand those mysteries and Pastor Boonstra
01:49 is going to lay out an explanation of many of these
01:53 mysteries of the ancients. For those of you who are watching
01:56 by TV tonight, and those who may be watching
01:58 by a DVD, we just went to welcome you and thank you
02:01 for participating with us in "The Presence".
02:04 Now for our studio audience here in Southern California,
02:06 would you please welcome Pastor Shawn Boonstra.
02:16 Good evening.
02:20 Welcome back to "The Presence".
02:22 I'm glad that you're here for our second meeting.
02:26 Our subject tonight is, as Dan just told you:
02:29 "Mysteries of the Ancients", now before we begin,
02:33 because my presentation will be based on the word of God
02:36 I invite you to bow your heads with me in a word of prayer.
02:40 Father in heaven, we believe in our hearts
02:43 that the book that we're about to open is not like
02:46 the other books that we can find in a book shop.
02:49 This is Your voice, this is Your will for the human race,
02:53 this is Your good news for us tonight.
02:56 We ask that you would open our hearts and minds most of all,
02:59 so that we can see You and hear You leading in our lives,
03:03 for we ask it in Jesus' name, Amen.
03:07 When the Da Vinci Code hit book stores a couple of years ago,
03:11 and then hit movie theaters a few months back,
03:14 a lot of people got upset, why?
03:17 Because Dan Brown dared to suggest that everything we know
03:22 about Jesus of Nazareth over the last 2000 years
03:25 has been absolutely wrong. Dan Brown tells us in his book,
03:30 for example, that:
03:36 And that today there are people who can claim that they are
03:39 direct ancestors of Jesus Christ.
03:42 Furthermore, Dan Brown told us that:
03:59 You can see why Christians started to get a little upset
04:01 with this book. Then Dan Brown said that
04:08 Ones other than Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
04:11 he said that there were many other gospels that have been
04:14 hidden so that nobody would find out the truth.
04:17 Why did Christians get mad? They got mad because
04:20 if what Dan Brown is saying is remotely true,
04:24 it pulls the rug out from underneath the Christian
04:26 religion, and it would lead to the conclusion, eventually,
04:29 that the death, burial and resurrection of Christ,
04:32 as portrayed in the Bible, didn't happen at all.
04:36 Now, where did Dan Brown get his evidence for his
04:40 so called theory? He found it in a group
04:43 of writings known as the "Gnostic Gospels".
04:46 The Gnostics were an ancient sect of people
04:49 who had very strange beliefs, and they wrote a series of books
04:53 about 100 years after the New Testament had been written.
04:58 These books were discovered in the deserts of Egypt
05:00 at Nag Hammad in the 1970s, and they've discovered
05:05 that these Gnostics had a set of beliefs quite different
05:08 from that of the Christianity found between the pages
05:12 of the Bible.
05:13 The Gnostics, for example, believed that only a certain
05:17 group of people are going get to go to heaven
05:19 based on how intelligent they are.
05:22 Only the smart get to get into the kingdom of heaven
05:25 and your admittance into the kingdom of heaven
05:28 is completely reliant on how enlightened you are.
05:32 The Gnostics also believed that creation is a great big
05:35 botch job, some inferior God known as the Demiurge,
05:40 who wasn't supposed to be creating anything
05:43 made the world that we see around us
05:45 and it wasn't supposed to happen at all,
05:47 and the reason Jesus came, the Gnostics said,
05:50 was to tell everybody what had happened way back when,
05:53 and give them the keys of enlightenment to wake up
05:56 their minds.
05:58 Now, Dan Brown says that is original Christianity
06:01 and it's been hidden from us for centuries and centuries.
06:04 He says it's based on the Gnostic Gospels,
06:07 which he claims are much older, earlier, and more reliable
06:11 manuscripts than the Bible we have today.
06:15 He says:
06:22 Now, historically speaking, we know that what Dan Brown says
06:27 is, frankly, a bunch of baloney, and we know it's a bunch
06:30 of baloney because secular historians are running
06:34 as fast as they can away from Dan Brown, even secular,
06:37 atheistic historians are embarrassed by what he's saying.
06:41 They know there's not a stitch of truth to the book
06:45 "The Da Vinci Code".
06:47 That having been said, let me ask you a question:
06:51 is it true that there is a hidden history?
06:54 Yes it is. There is something that nobody
06:57 talks about much any more.
06:59 There is something that not many people are showing us these days
07:05 There are, in ancient history, much more ancient secrets
07:10 than those found in the Gnostics Gospels in the Nag Hammadi
07:13 region of Egypt. The ancient secrets
07:17 that date so much earlier than the Gnostics
07:20 actually reveal a very startling picture of Christianity.
07:25 Before I show that to you, let me review very quickly
07:28 what we looked in our last meeting when we studied
07:32 the Ark of the Covenant.
07:33 Very quickly, let's go through what we've already seen.
07:36 At our last meeting we discovered:
07:49 Except for the lid, which was pure gold, and what
07:51 was the name of the lid? Mercy seat.
07:53 It was the mercy seat, absolutely right.
07:56 We discovered that:
08:07 We also discovered that:
08:13 Moses was shown a pattern of what to build, God said:
08:16 "I want you to make an ark, and I want it to look like this... "
08:21 As we studied that pattern we discovered Moses built the Ark
08:25 after a model of God's throne in heaven.
08:28 It was actually a scaled down model of God's throne
08:32 in the heavenly sanctuary.
08:34 We also discovered:
08:41 And that told us something about what God is like.
08:45 God, it tells us, is both a law abiding, fair and just God,
08:50 who always holds people accountable for what
08:52 they've done, that's why His 10 Commandment
08:55 moral law is inside His throne, but it also tells us
08:59 because His law is covered with the mercy seat
09:02 that God is, in addition to being just, completely merciful,
09:07 and even though we have broken His moral law,
09:09 He provides a way for us
09:11 back into the kingdom of heaven, back into His presence.
09:15 Now, tonight there is more to it then we studied last night.
09:20 I want to show you something tonight that apparently,
09:23 Dan Brown and The Da Vinci Code has missed all together.
09:28 It's the ancient camp of Israel.
09:31 The Ark of the Covenant was located right in the heart
09:34 of the camp, at the very center.
09:36 The tribes, 12 of them, camped around the Sanctuary,
09:40 and inside this tent, inside this tabernacle,
09:44 in the back compartment, the Most Holy Place,
09:47 was the Ark of the Covenant. It was the very focal point
09:51 of the Israelite camp, it was the hub around which
09:54 everything else happened. The presence of God
09:57 above the Ark of the Covenant was the very center
10:00 of the Israelite nation. The presence of God
10:04 was so intimately close to the nation of Israel
10:08 that the Bible describes God's presence among them in very
10:11 unusual terms found in the book of Leviticus 26.
10:15 Listen to what God says beginning in verse 11.
10:19 He says:
10:26 We know that everybody has sinned, we've been cut off
10:28 from God's presence by our sins, but God says:
10:32 "I don't abhor you, I don't hate you,"
10:34 "I don't want to push you away. " God says: "I'll put"
10:36 "my tabernacle among you. I will walk among you"
10:41 "and be your God, and you shall be my people. "
10:44 God's presence was so intimately close to Israel that the Bible
10:48 actually describes God as walking among His people.
10:54 We know that God didn't literally walk up and down
10:56 between the tents of Israel because His presence
10:59 would have killed every sinner He walked past,
11:02 yet He chooses to describe Himself as walking among
11:05 His people, He is that intimate with us.
11:08 He desires so much not to be behind the veil,
11:11 not to be inside the tabernacle, but outside with you and I.
11:16 Even though we've rebelled against God,
11:18 turned our backs on Him, walked away from Him,
11:20 He says: "I don't want to be inside here" - He does that
11:23 for our protection, He says: "I don't want to be inside"
11:26 "this tabernacle, I want to be out there walking among you. "
11:30 Now, let me ask you a question: which member of the Godhead
11:37 was there with the nation of Israel?
11:39 In Christianity we know there is God the Father, God the Son,
11:42 and God the Holy Spirit. Who is it that travels
11:45 with Israel in the cloud, and takes up residence inside
11:48 the Most Holy Place, and is right there, desiring to walk
11:52 up and down the lanes between the tents and be with His people
11:55 who is it?
11:56 Well, oh, that's a good guess, you said the answer,
11:58 but let me prove it to you from the Bible.
12:00 Would you like to see the proof? Yes.
12:03 This side would love to see some proof, this side doesn't care
12:05 if I prove it or not; would you like to see proof, yes or no?
12:09 Yes! Alright, here we go.
12:12 Just before Israel enters into the Promised Land,
12:15 a mysterious being appears to Joshua, the leader
12:18 of the Israelites, a fascinating passage in Joshua 5.
12:22 The Bible says:
13:05 Now who is this that appears to Joshua?
13:08 Think about this, it can't be an angel because as you saw
13:12 a moment ago, when Joshua sees Him he bows down and worships.
13:16 If it had been an angel he would have been told to get up
13:19 off His knees, how do I know? The book of Revelation,
13:22 many of you have seen it in Revelation 19:10 when John
13:26 bows down to an angel, the angel's horrified.
13:29 He says: "John, get up off your knees, you're not supposed"
13:31 "to do this, I'm a created being like you. "
13:34 Angels do not accept worship. This being that Joshua sees
13:38 does accept worship. The next thing that happens
13:41 is He tells Joshua "take off your shoes, you're standing"
13:46 "on holy ground. " Now that rings a bell
13:49 for a lot of people because there's another story
13:52 that happens before Israel leaves Egypt.
13:55 This happens at the end of their journey as they're coming
13:57 to the Promise Land, but before they begin their journey,
14:01 Moses sees, in the wilderness, a burning bush.
14:06 You're all good Bible students. Here's what happens
14:08 at the burning bush, Exodus 3:5:
14:32 So who's in the burning bush? Who is it?
14:34 God. Moses then asks Him
14:37 "Who are you?" If you read the same chapter,
14:40 Exodus 3:14, God answers and said: "I am that I am".
14:45 God describes Himself as "I am", He just exists,
14:50 no beginning in time, no end in time, He is the great I am,
14:54 the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
14:57 Now, hundreds of years go by and Jesus comes to earth
15:01 and He's walking among His people and He says
15:03 something interesting to the leaders of Israel,
15:05 and He says it in the Gospel according to John,
15:09 John 8:58,
15:24 Why would anybody want to throw a stone at Jesus?
15:27 Because He just said "I am", He just told them "I'm the one"
15:32 "who was in the burning bush that Moses met. "
15:35 "I'm the one who traveled with the Israelites"
15:37 "through the wilderness. I am the God that appeared"
15:40 "to Israel in the past. " As a matter of fact,
15:43 I believe it's in 1 Corinthians 10:4,
15:45 Paul says it was Christ who followed the Israelites
15:50 through the desert. They wanted to stone Jesus
15:53 because they thought He was committing blasphemy,
15:55 He had just declared Himself to be the living God,
15:59 the Creator of heaven and earth. Jesus said: "I am God",
16:04 and He said that in a statement that predates all
16:07 the Gnostic Gospels by at least 100 years.
16:10 And the incident in the desert with Moses,
16:13 and the incident in the desert with Joshua
16:15 happened hundreds and hundreds of years before there was ever
16:19 a Gnostic on the earth. The church did not make up
16:22 the fact that Jesus was God, Jesus told the world
16:25 that He was God when He came.
16:29 And we know that He was the one who followed Israel
16:32 through the desert. The presence with Israel
16:36 is Jesus Christ, before He was ever born as a human being.
16:41 So apparently, Dan Brown missed something.
16:45 The most ancient documents, the documents found
16:49 in the Old Testament describe Jesus Christ
16:53 as the very presence of God. But there's more,
16:58 there's a bigger picture. We've already seen
17:01 that the Ark is a model of God's throne in heaven.
17:04 We have seen that it shows us God's desire
17:06 to be with His people. He places His presence
17:09 right in the middle of the camp of Israel,
17:12 but them it also shows us God's plan to take the Israelites
17:17 and bring them inside the temple into His presence.
17:21 It shows us God's plan to remove the veil, so that He can be
17:24 with His people with no barrier in between.
17:28 Let's take a look at the Old Testament Tabernacle,
17:31 the place where they kept the Ark in the Most Holy Place.
17:36 The tabernacle had 2 rooms, the Holy Place, this bigger
17:39 room here, and the Most Holy Place, this room furthest in.
17:43 It was all set in a courtyard, and out in the courtyard
17:46 were a number of articles of furniture,
17:48 there were also a number of articles of furniture
17:50 in the Holy Place, this first room, and then the Ark
17:54 of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place.
17:57 Now remember, as Moses built this, and Israelites built this,
18:01 they were building it according to a blueprint
18:04 that had been shown to them by God Himself.
18:07 The blueprint for this earthly tabernacle was a tabernacle,
18:11 a temple, up in the courts of heaven.
18:14 We studied that yesterday. This whole thing is a copy
18:18 of something that exists in heaven.
18:21 As you study it you also discover that absolutely
18:24 everything here says something very important about who God is
18:29 and who the historical person of Jesus Christ was.
18:33 So, tonight, let's take a tour through the Old Testament
18:37 sanctuary, looking at its various components to see
18:40 what it is that we can learn about the character of God
18:45 and the historical person of Jesus Christ.
18:49 The first thing you encounter out in the courtyard
18:52 of the tabernacle. This is a fence they set up
18:55 and they built the tabernacle inside that fence.
18:58 That whole area is the courtyard,
19:00 and on a daily basis sinner would take little animals,
19:03 notably lambs, they would bring them
19:06 into the courtyard, and a sinner would put his hands on the head
19:09 of a lamb, and the original language tells us
19:12 he not only put his hands on that lamb, he leaned on it
19:15 with all his weight and as he did, he confessed his sins.
19:20 Then the sinner had to take a knife
19:24 and cut the throat of that little lamb and put it to death.
19:28 Why? Because the Bible tells us
19:30 that the wages of sin is death. Why is it death?
19:34 Well, God is the creator, He made all life and He keeps
19:37 all life alive. In rebellion we cut ourselves
19:41 off from God, and the natural consequences of cutting yourself
19:44 off from God is death. It's like unplugging a fan.
19:48 When you unplug the fan and remove it from the source
19:50 of life, it will go out, be gone.
19:55 Romans 6:23 says "The wages of sin is death",
19:57 the Israelites had to take the life of those little lambs.
20:00 Here's an important question: did that little lamb
20:04 actually forgive the sinner, yes or no?
20:07 Absolutely not, a lamb can't do that for you,
20:09 that lamb represents something, that lamb points to something,
20:13 what does it represent? Don't say it yet,
20:17 I know you know the answer. What does the lamb represent?
20:21 There's a remarkable story in the Old Testament about Abraham,
20:24 maybe you remember. God comes to Abraham
20:28 and He says: "Abraham, I want you to take your son"
20:32 "and head for the mountains of
20:35 Moriah and sacrifice Him there. "
20:37 Abraham doesn't get it, he thinks: "What in the world?"
20:40 "Why would God ask me to do that", and yet, the Bible says
20:42 in faith he takes his son and he heads for the mountains
20:46 of Moriah. In faith he says "even if I slay him,"
20:50 "God could raise my son from the dead, I'm going to trust Him"
20:53 "no matter what happens". They head for the mountains
20:55 of Moriah, which incidentally is the very place
20:58 that Jesus, hundreds of years later was actually crucified
21:02 at the mountains of Moriah, that's where Calvary is found.
21:07 As they go to the mountains of Moriah, Isaac is looking around
21:10 thinking "Dad, what are we going to do, we're going to have"
21:13 "a sacrifice, I see everything here: the wood and the fire,"
21:16 "but there's something notably missing. "
21:19 Genesis 22:
21:36 Abraham's answer is that God will provide the lamb.
21:40 Now, here's something really interesting: this passage
21:44 is the first time a lamb is mentioned anywhere in the Bible.
21:47 You have to go through 22 chapters of the Bible
21:49 before you find any mention of a lamb at all.
21:52 This is the first mention of a lamb.
21:54 Now, a good rule of Bible study is that any time
21:57 the Bible mentions something for the first time,
22:00 it sets the stage for your understanding of it
22:03 for the rest of the Bible. This is the first time
22:05 a lamb is mentioned anywhere in the Bible, and the question
22:09 is asked: "Where is the lamb? God will provide. "
22:12 Now, this is the first time a lamb is mentioned
22:14 in the Old Testament, there's a first time a lamb
22:17 is mentioned in the New Testament and that also tends
22:19 to be very important. In fact, the first time a lamb
22:22 is mentioned in the New Testament, it answers
22:25 Isaac's question: "where is the lamb?"
22:27 It happens as John the Baptist in John 1 sees Jesus coming,
22:33 and he cries out, the Bible says in John 1:29:
22:45 There is no question whatsoever that the lamb in the sanctuary
22:49 service represents Jesus Christ, He is the Lamb of God
22:54 and He takes the sinner's place.
22:56 Your sin is put on Jesus, and that's why Jesus
23:02 appears as a lamb in the book of Revelation.
23:05 Revelation 5:6:
23:16 Here's a scene in heaven, it's God's throne
23:19 and there's a slain lamb in front of it.
23:21 This points back to the sanctuary, you have the Ark
23:23 of the Covenant hiding inside the Tabernacle,
23:26 symbolizing God's throne, and out in the courtyard a lamb
23:29 is sacrificed and it represents Jesus Christ.
23:33 Thousands of years before Jesus is born, the ancients knew
23:38 that a lamb of God would come and die for their sins.
23:42 Thousands of years in advance we had an accurate picture
23:44 of who Jesus would be, and modern critics can say
23:48 all they want that Jesus didn't really die and rise from
23:51 the dead, but the ancients knew it 1000 years before
23:54 it ever happened, God showed them in the lamb
23:57 of the sanctuary. In fact, the Bible calls Jesus
24:02 in Revelation 13:8:
24:11 What does that mean? That tells us that God
24:14 was ready for our sins the very moment He created us.
24:18 Think about this: God made you with the choice
24:22 to turn against Him, why? Why would God make you
24:26 with the choice to turn against Him?
24:28 It's because He wanted a relationship with
24:29 the human race, He wanted us to love Him in return
24:32 for Him loving us, and He wanted us to do that
24:35 of our own free will. You can't love somebody
24:38 unless you have the choice not to love them, right?
24:42 I have, I hope... we've been married about... I forgot,
24:49 About 13 years,
24:52 and I come home at the end of the night
24:55 and I get home and I'm excited because at the end of the day
24:58 my wife is still there, and do you know what makes it exciting?
25:02 She's there of her own free will.
25:05 I didn't have to chain her to the wall to keep her there,
25:08 I don't have to chain her to the stove, or the vacuum cleaner,
25:10 or the washing machine, she stays there and does all those
25:13 things for me out of her own free will.
25:15 What does that tell me? She must love me because there's
25:18 no other reason she would ever stay, right?
25:20 God gave us the freedom of choice, otherwise we couldn't
25:23 love Him of our own free will, and we made a provision,
25:26 should we rebel, Jesus and the Father come together
25:29 and say: "We're going to provide a solution even before"
25:31 "that happens". Jesus is called the lamb slain
25:35 from the foundation of the world, already before creation
25:38 Dan Brown was wrong.
25:41 Amen? Amen.
25:43 God made us with a choice, He was ready in case we sin,
25:45 Dan Brown says Jesus was some ancient mystic who spent
25:48 all His time philosophizing and teaching nice lessons,
25:52 but the most ancient documents tell us in advance
25:54 that Jesus came to die for our sins, you can't argue
25:59 with something that predicted it in advance.
26:02 Now, let's move through the sanctuary.
26:05 The little lamb was sacrificed, and then the lamb
26:07 was taken to the altar of sacrifice where it was offered.
26:11 Now, why was the little lamb giving its life?
26:15 It's because it was reminder of just how serious
26:18 our sins are. When you saw that little lamb
26:20 die and being offered in the flames of the altar
26:23 you couldn't say to yourself: "Oh, sin's not that bad. "
26:27 You couldn't make excuses for yourself, every little sin
26:30 led to death, you saw first hand just how serious sin was.
26:34 You couldn't say: "Oh, all I did was take one little stapler"
26:37 "from the office", or "all I did was steal a few paper clips"
26:41 "from my pencil tray at work. " You couldn't say it wasn't
26:45 serious because every sin led to death, the wages of sin
26:49 is death. The altar of burnt offering
26:51 points to somebody, and you know who it is.
26:54 The book of Hebrews tells us in Hebrews 9:26:
27:06 And when did Jesus sacrifice Himself?
27:09 It was on the cross of Calvary. The cross was more than just
27:12 an instrument of torture, the cross was the altar
27:17 for heaven's sanctuary. That's why the altar
27:20 in the old sanctuary was outside the temple.
27:23 It was outside the sanctuary itself because the cross
27:27 was not in heaven, it was down here on earth.
27:29 It happened down here on the earth, we are living
27:32 in the courtyard of heaven's sanctuary, and Jesus,
27:35 on the cross, becomes the lamb on the altar.
27:38 Now, as we move along, next to the altar is a big
27:43 water basin known as the laver. This is a place
27:48 where the priests had to wash themselves before they could go
27:50 inside the sanctuary, and why did they have to wash
27:53 themselves before they went inside the sanctuary?
27:56 Because just like you and I, they were sinners.
28:00 The Bible tells us about this in 1 Corinthians 6:9.
28:04 The priests had to wash themselves before they could go
28:06 in the sanctuary because you and I need to be washed
28:09 before we can go to heaven. 1 Corinthians 6:9:
28:19 As we are, we can't step into the presence of God,
28:23 so Jesus does something for us, you find in this very same
28:26 passage a little later on. Paul writes:
28:37 Jesus not only dies for you, He also washes you.
28:41 He not only pays the penalty for your sins,
28:43 He cleans you up and gives you a new life and send you
28:47 on your way to heaven as clean as a whistle.
28:51 That's the laver, let's take a look at who was washing
28:54 himself in the laver: it's the priest,
28:58 and the priest, before he could go inside, had to wash himself
29:01 in the laver and then he went inside the tabernacle
29:04 carrying the blood of the sacrifice.
29:07 Who is the priest a symbol of, who is it?
29:10 Jesus.
29:12 You're right, so you can say it more boldly.
29:14 Jesus. It's Jesus.
29:17 This is easy, the Bible tells us exactly who the priest
29:19 symbolizes, and the high priest in particular.
29:21 Hebrews 4:
29:47 Jesus is not only the sacrifice, He's the priest
29:51 who carries the blood into the sanctuary, but Jesus carries
29:54 His own blood into heaven's sanctuary, and presents it
29:58 before the throne of God.
30:01 The Bible says as He goes there He invites you to come in
30:03 with Him, you, because you have been cleaned by His sacrifice
30:06 and washed, are invited to go through the drapes,
30:09 into the temple, right into the presence of God,
30:12 and furthermore, it says that He understands your life,
30:15 and He's the only one that can really help you.
30:18 If you struggle with loneliness, Jesus understands that;
30:22 if you struggle with abuse, He was abused;
30:24 if you struggle with pain, He suffered pain;
30:26 if you struggle with temptation, Jesus even underwent temptation,
30:30 and He did it all without sin, and now in heaven's sanctuary
30:33 He says to you: "come on, come to the throne of grace"
30:36 "and I'll help you. I'll get you the help you need. "
30:40 What help is that? The Bible tells us in 1 John 2:1
30:52 "Propitiation" - there's a big word, do you know
30:56 what that word is in the original language?
30:58 "Hilasterion", it's the very same word that we translate
31:03 "mercy seat". Jesus said: "I am not only"
31:07 "the priest, I am not only the
31:10 sacrifice, I am the mercy seat. "
31:12 "I am the one that covers the law of God that you have broken"
31:15 "and My sacrifice pays for your sin. "
31:20 Here's a good question a lot of people ask:
31:22 if Jesus has to go in and talk to God about your sins
31:26 and present His blood, does that mean that God is trying
31:29 to destroy everybody, God the Father, and God the Son
31:32 runs in there and run interference so God doesn't
31:35 wipe out the whole human race? Is this a struggle between
31:38 God the Father, and God the Son: God the Father trying
31:41 to destroy, Jesus Christ trying to save us, is that
31:43 what the Bible is saying? Absolutely not. Good students.
31:47 This is one of the most misunderstood concepts
31:49 in the entire Bible, and the best known verse in the Bible
31:52 answer the question, it says:
31:59 God the Father and God the Son made plan before you
32:03 were created, that should you sin, Jesus would give His life
32:07 for you. Now, let's go inside
32:09 the earthly sanctuary, we're going to have to move quickly,
32:12 but I want to show this to you, I don't want to miss
32:14 any of it. As you went inside the sanctuary
32:16 to your left was a golden lamp stand with 7 branches,
32:19 and 7 oil lamps on top. It is the only source of light
32:23 inside that sanctuary. What does it represent?
32:27 This is easy. The rule of bible interpretation
32:30 is to let the Bible interpret itself, and Jesus says something
32:34 very interesting in John 8:12:
32:48 Jesus, the light of the world, John says earlier that Jesus
32:51 was the light that came into the world.
32:53 We had lived in sin and ignorance and darkness so long
32:56 that when Jesus came, God in the flesh, it was like a breath
33:00 of fresh air, and we could actually see clearly
33:02 for the first time in a long time, Jesus: the lamp stand
33:07 inside the sanctuary. Now, that was on your left
33:11 as you walked into the sanctuary.
33:13 On your right was a table of bread, known as the table
33:17 of show bread, or in some places in the Bible,
33:20 the table of the presence, what does this table represent?
33:25 It had 12 loaves of bread, one for each of the tribes
33:28 of Israel, what does it represent?
33:30 Well, we don't have to guess because Jesus tells us
33:33 point blank what it represents. John 6:51, Jesus said:
33:45 Jesus said "I'm the bread". Do you see what He's saying?
33:48 Bread is an essential substance, almost every culture
33:51 on the face of this planet has bread of some sort,
33:54 whether it's tortillas, or pita, or sourdough bread,
33:57 almost every culture has bread.
34:00 Jesus says: "I am not a garnish on the plate of spirituality,"
34:05 "I am the substance of your meal. "
34:07 Bread is so essential, it's become a big part
34:09 of our English language.
34:11 The word "companion", it comes from Latin words
34:14 "con" and "panis", it means "those who share bread together"
34:18 We call somebody who earns the money in the house:
34:20 "the bread winner", and even back in the last century,
34:24 slang for money, we called it "bread".
34:27 It's so essential, this is something you can't
34:29 live without. Jesus is telling people:
34:31 "I am not a side plate, I am not a side order,"
34:35 "I am the essence of the meal, you can't live without Me,"
34:38 "nobody gets into the kingdom of heaven without Me,"
34:41 "you can't survive on your own. You need Me. "
34:45 "I am the bread of life, you eat this and you will live for ever.
34:49 It all points to Jesus: the sacrifice, the priest,
34:53 that altar, the laver, the lamp stand, the table
34:56 of the show bread, and then up against the drape,
34:59 at the back of the first compartment,
35:01 on the left the lamp, on the right the bread,
35:04 and at the back of the room against the drape that hides
35:06 the Ark of the Covenant is the altar of incense.
35:09 What does it represent?
35:11 Again, the Bible explains it very clearly, Psalm 141:2:
35:20 You'll notice in the story of Zacharias, in the book of Luke,
35:22 chapter 1, the father to John the Baptist, it was Zacharias'
35:27 job to go inside and burn incense, and the Bible says
35:30 in Luke 1 that as he burned the incense the people
35:32 were outside the temple praying.
35:35 Incense represents prayer. The book of Revelation says
35:38 in Revelation 8:3, this is now in heaven's sanctuary:
35:56 The priest offers a special blend of incense,
35:59 he burns it, the smoke goes up, over the veil,
36:02 into the Most Holy Place to the throne of God.
36:05 It's our prayers. Why?
36:08 Even our prayers are contaminated by sin.
36:10 Do you know what it's like when we pray?
36:13 The first things out of our mouth are
36:14 "Dear Lord, I need this... and I need this... "
36:16 "and this, and this, and that, and when I have all that"
36:19 "I'm still going to need this, this, this and that. "
36:22 Our prayers are contaminated by sin and selfishness,
36:25 but in sincerity as we pray, Jesus, the Bible teaches,
36:29 mixes our prayers with His righteousness.
36:31 He adds sweet smelling incense, so that as our prayers rise
36:33 before the throne of God, He doesn't see a thing
36:36 wrong with them at all. The altar of incense represents
36:42 Jesus mingling His prayers with ours.
36:44 He cares that deeply about you.
36:47 In the Most Holy Place, as you go into the very back
36:50 behind the veil, is the Ark of the Covenant.
36:54 It's here that Jesus presents His shed blood for you.
36:57 In the book of Revelation 1 more time, the Bible says:
37:22 Why not? For all have sinned
37:25 and come short of the glory of God the Bible tells us.
37:28 Nobody could do it.
37:47 Jesus takes you from outside, through the Holy Place,
37:52 into the Most Holy Place and because He gave His life
37:55 for you, because He shed His blood for you,
37:57 you now have the right to step right into the presence of God.
38:02 The cross tells us, the sanctuary tells us,
38:05 we don't have to go it alone.
38:09 The sinless Son of God, His blood covers your sins
38:14 and He moves you back into the presence of God.
38:19 And knowing that, what reason would anybody have
38:22 not to accept His forgiveness? The only reason we have
38:26 is because we just don't believe that it could be true.
38:28 Billy, 5 years old, got a slingshot from grandma
38:32 and grandpa, he was so excited, he went out back
38:35 and started to shoot at stuff.
38:37 And he discovered after a couple of minutes that he wasn't
38:39 a very good shot, he missed everything he shot at.
38:42 He missed the windows, thanks goodness,
38:44 he missed the fence, he missed his sister, he missed
38:46 everything, so he was disgusted and came home with his slingshot
38:49 in his pocket kicking the dirt, and on the way home,
38:53 out of the corner of his eye he sees grandma's prize duck.
38:58 And he thinks to himself: "1 more time. "
39:01 Loads a stone, pulls it back, let's it fly
39:05 and the stone hits the duck and the duck drops dead.
39:09 He's horrified, so he grabs the duck, he runs
39:11 to the wood pile, shoves it in the wood, covers it up
39:14 and thinks "that's it, nobody saw my sin. "
39:17 And he turns around and there's his sister, Sally.
39:19 She saw the whole thing,
39:23 and she didn't say a word, she just went inside quietly.
39:27 Billy followed inside expecting the worst and sat through dinner
39:30 expecting her to tattle, and she didn't.
39:33 At the end of dinner grandma said: "Sally, I would like"
39:36 "very much for you to help me clean up the dishes today. "
39:39 And Sally said: "Grandma, I would love to do that,"
39:42 "except 1 little thing, Billy was just telling me"
39:44 "how much he wanted to do the dishes, weren't you Billy?"
39:47 "No!"
39:50 "Yes, remember the duck. "
39:52 Billy: "Yeah, grandma, I think I do want to do the dishes. "
39:56 The next day at dinner again,
39:58 "Sally, now it's your turn to do the dishes. "
40:00 "Uh-uh grandma, I don't want to do the dishes,"
40:03 "Billy was telling me he wants to do them from now on,"
40:05 - "didn't you Billy?" - "I said no!"
40:06 - "Remember the duck!"
40:09 And this went on day after day, week after week,
40:12 month after month, until little Billy couldn't take it anymore.
40:15 He walked into the kitchen one day and said:
40:17 "Grandma! I got to talk to you. "
40:23 "Grandma a few weeks ago I had my sling shot,"
40:26 "I put the rock in the slingshot and I fired it,"
40:28 "and it hit your duck, and the duck is dead,"
40:30 "I'm so sorry. "
40:34 Grandma bent down, gave him one of those hugs
40:37 only your grandma can give you. She said: "That's okay Billy. "
40:42 "I saw the whole thing happen through the kitchen window. "
40:47 "And because I love you, I forgive you. "
40:51 "The only thing I'm wondering is why in the world"
40:54 "did you let your sister make a slave out of you that long?"
41:00 Jesus said: "why don't you come with me inside the sanctuary?"
41:03 "My blood covers it all, I saw the whole thing,"
41:06 "I saw everything you did, I gave my life for you before I"
41:09 "even created the world, I made that decision. "
41:11 "My life belongs to you" said Jesus,
41:13 what keeps you from coming? He saw it all,
41:17 He's just wondering how long you're going to let the devil
41:19 make a slave out of you when He's opened the way
41:21 right into the presence of God.
41:54 Do you have your lesson? #2 "Mysteries of the Ancients. "
41:58 We want you to take that out, we're going to be going through
42:03 these questions and answers.
42:06 Question 1, as we're talking about the mysteries
42:09 of the ancients, just to review:
42:17 Hebrews 8:2-5, this is a review question?
42:44 Here's your answer:
42:57 Question 2:
43:14 Now we have 4 texts we're going to look at quickly.
43:17 The first is Isaiah 53:5-7:
43:52 An incredible prophecy, let's go to Revelation 5:6:
44:11 I also want to look at 2 Corinthians 5:21:
44:24 Can you say praise the Lord for that?
44:26 Okay, our next text is 1 Peter 18,19:
45:02 Question 3:
45:24 Haggai 2:7-9:
45:49 The answer to this question: The "desire of all nations",
45:54 that's Jesus Christ, who is yet to come,
46:09 The Shekinah glory gives way to the very presence
46:13 of Jesus in that temple.
46:39 God didn't want to just be in that little cubicle
46:43 over the mercy seat, He wanted to be with us,
46:45 expressed in the person of Jesus Christ,
46:50 Question 5:
46:59 We'll look in John 1:1-5 and John 8:12:
47:38 So what is the answer to #5?
47:44 Those 7 candle sticks represent Jesus Christ,
47:47 the light of the world.
47:48 Question #6-
48:06 John 14:8-10:
48:35 And in John 17:25-26:
48:53 What special message did Jesus shed light on while He was here?
49:08 I don't know about you, but I would like to be able to stand
49:11 in the presence of God, wouldn't you?
49:15 I know that as I am right now, I can't do that
49:18 unless the blood of Jesus Christ transforms me.
49:21 I am looking forward to that final day when I get to stand
49:25 in His presence. Question 7:
49:40 We're going to look at a couple of passage of Scripture.
49:42 One in John 6 and one in 1 Corinthians:
49:53 Have you ever been hungry?
49:56 Have you ever been so thirsty you could hardly wait
50:00 for a drink? He says that what He does
50:03 for you will be more powerful than your hunger
50:07 and your thirst, it will satisfy you much more.
50:10 John 6:51:
50:24 Isn't that an awesome, awesome thing?
50:26 You see, this ancient secret of the sanctuary
50:31 translates out to where we can actually see Jesus
50:35 in all of that. We can see God's big plan
50:39 for salvation. So what's the answer
50:40 to this one?
50:45 That's what the bread represents, the body of Christ
50:48 broken for you and me. Okay, our next question:
50:58 Revelation 8:3-4:
51:17 So what is this smoke rising from the altar of burnt incense
51:22 representing?
51:29 Have you ever prayed and wondered if your prayer
51:31 actually got beyond the ceiling of your house?
51:36 Here we see the prayers of God's people
51:40 being presented and represented as incense coming up
51:45 into the hand of an angel, and being presented before God.
51:48 I sure like that idea of having my prayers being presented
51:52 before God in this way. Isn't it also fascinating
51:55 that while He's showing what Jesus does, Jesus, symbolic
51:59 of so many things in the sanctuary, He also doesn't
52:02 forget to leave us out. He's letting us see where our prayers
52:06 play into this. Okay, our next question:
52:13 Hebrews 8:1-2
52:19 Notice, we're not getting down to the main point,
52:21 this is the main point:
52:45 #10 in your lesson:
52:58 We're going to be looking at several passages
53:00 very quickly, I want to look at Revelation 1:12
53:10 So what are we seeing there in Revelation 1:12?
53:14 The next on, Revelation 4:5,
53:31 So what do we find in this one?
53:33 In Revelation 5:6:
53:53 So what do we find in this passage?.
53:57 Revelation 8:3-4:
54:25 Notice where the prayers go to, right before the throne of God.
54:31 Revelation 11:19:
54:46 What does he see in heaven's temple?
54:56 So we see again, the continuity between what we've seen
54:59 here on this earth, and what there is in heaven.
55:02 Revelation 14:15:
55:35 So what do we see mentioned here?
55:41 Notice how the continuity continues to work all the way
55:44 through there.
55:46 Come down to our last question for tonight:
56:02 Type had met antitype, it was all fulfilled in Jesus Christ
56:06 at that very moment.
56:16 Whenever you stop and think about this, I want you to look
56:20 at Hebrews 4:14-16 because this is where it all
56:24 comes together. The writer of this passage
56:27 in Scripture is making an appeal right to our hearts:
56:40 What does it mean to hold fast our confession?
56:44 Cling to it, hang on to with everything you've got.
56:53 Aren't you glad for that? Our High Priest has lived
56:57 on this earth, He knows what it's like to live on this earth.
57:08 What do you think that means, to come boldly?
57:13 That means to come even though you know you don't have
57:16 a right to be there, except for His invitation.
57:21 To come based on His invitation, to come and cling to it,
57:25 and hang on to it like it's the only thing of value
57:28 in the entire universe.
57:38 Praise God for that promise, because that is a promise,
57:43 to come boldly, if you come boldly, He will give us help
57:46 in time of need. I don't know about you,
57:49 but I find myself in need on a regular basis,
57:54 and I praise God that I can come boldly, and that He has promised
57:57 to help me in that need. If you'd like to invite
58:01 Jesus to help you with your need where ever you are right now,
58:04 I'd like to invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray.
58:09 Heavenly Father, we want to thank You that You've invited
58:12 us to come boldly to Your throne of grace,
58:16 that we may find help in time of need.
58:19 I want to thank you, Lord, that the secrets of the ancient
58:22 prophecies of Scripture all point us to Jesus Christ,
58:27 and what He is doing for us now, and what He wants to do
58:31 in every single heart, to invite Him in.
58:34 Just now, Lord, I want to give everyone listening to this
58:37 prayer an opportunity to make a decision to listen to Your voice
58:42 and come boldly to the throne of grace.
58:45 Just where You are right now, I invite you to say:
58:48 "Lord, I come boldly, you know my need, take me, I'm yours. "
58:55 I pray this in Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2014-12-17