The Prophetic Panorama

The Final Test

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TPP

Program Code: TPP000020A

00:13 Well, here we are
00:16 in our last session,
00:18 in this 20 part series,
00:20 on the Prophetic Panorama.
00:22 I hope, you've enjoyed it.
00:24 I hope, it's been a blessing
00:25 and that you've seen the importance,
00:28 the extreme importance for Seventh-day Adventist
00:30 to understand these things,
00:32 so that we can share them with the world.
00:34 Before we begin our last study together,
00:38 the title is "The Final Test."
00:41 We want to have a word of prayer
00:43 to ask the Lord to be with us.
00:45 Father in heaven, as we study about
00:47 "The Final Test"
00:49 that will divide the world into two groups.
00:52 We ask that You will show us how to be in Your group,
00:57 how to receive the seal of God
01:00 and be faithful until the end.
01:02 Use us also to teach others
01:05 so that they can choose the right side.
01:08 Be with us and lighten us,
01:10 we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
01:16 As we examine the Book of Revelation,
01:18 one thing is very clear,
01:22 and that is that the final crisis
01:24 will involve two objects of worship
01:28 and their respective sign of authority.
01:34 The Bible tells us that on the one side will be
01:38 those who are under the true creator,
01:41 and they will have His seal.
01:45 On the other hand,
01:46 are those who worship the beast,
01:48 and they will have his mark.
01:52 So basically, the end time crisis is all about worship.
01:55 The final test is all about worship.
01:59 In fact, the first four commandments will be
02:02 the point of conflict at the end of time.
02:08 Let me just summarize that,
02:09 so that we can see how worship is involved
02:13 in the final crisis.
02:16 How is the first commandment involved?
02:19 Well, we are told in Revelation 13:3-4,
02:23 that everyone on the earth will worship the beast.
02:28 Would that be a violation of the first commandments?
02:31 Thou shalt have no other gods before me?
02:34 Absolutely.
02:35 What about the second commandment?
02:37 In Revelation 13:14,
02:40 we're told that the beast from the earth
02:42 will make an image of the first beast
02:44 and everyone will have to bow down
02:45 before the image.
02:47 Does that involve the second commandment?
02:49 Thou shalt not bow down before images?
02:52 Absolutely.
02:53 How is the third commandment involved?
02:56 Revelation 13:6,
02:57 we are told that the beast blasphemes the name of God.
03:03 How about the fourth commandment?
03:04 Is that commandment involved in the final crisis?
03:07 Absolutely.
03:09 The Creator has His sign, and on the other side,
03:13 the beast has his.
03:18 However, even though the whole world,
03:22 according to Revelation,
03:24 will worship the beast and accept his authority,
03:28 there will be a small remnant
03:30 that will refuse to worship the beast.
03:35 Thus there will be two groups at the end of time,
03:38 one very large group and one small remnant.
03:43 The large group follows the beast or wanders
03:47 after the beast,
03:49 whereas the small remnant follows the lamb
03:53 wherever the lamb goes.
03:55 And so we are going to study about this end time crisis
03:59 over the issue of worship.
04:03 We wanna begin by finding in Scripture
04:07 what distinguishes the true God from all false pretenders?
04:14 Go with me to 1 Chronicles 16:26.
04:18 We're gonna notice now,
04:19 what distinguishes the true God from all false pretenders
04:24 from those who claim to be.
04:26 1 Chronicles 16:26.
04:32 It says there,
04:33 "For all the gods of the people are idols,
04:39 but the Lord made the heavens."
04:44 What distinguishes the true God from all false pretenders?
04:49 The fact that God is the Creator.
04:54 You see false gods cannot create.
04:57 Only God can create,
04:58 that is the one distinguishing mark of the true Creator.
05:04 Now, because God is the Creator,
05:06 the only true God,
05:08 what do we owe Him?
05:11 We owe Him worship.
05:13 Let's go to Psalm 95:1-6, Psalm 95:1-6.
05:19 When I was pastor at Fresno Central Church,
05:21 we would read this passage
05:22 at the beginning of every worship service.
05:25 It states here, "O come,
05:28 let us sing to the Lord!
05:30 Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.
05:34 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving,
05:37 let us shout joyfully to him with psalms.
05:40 For the Lord is the great God,
05:43 and the great King above all gods."
05:46 Now notice this,
05:47 "In His hand are the deep places of the earth,
05:50 the heights of the hills are His also.
05:54 The sea is His, for He made it,
05:57 and His hands formed the dry land."
06:00 So, these verses are telling us that God is great.
06:04 He's above all gods, because He's the Creator,
06:07 all belongs to Him,
06:09 and what should our response be?
06:11 Verse 6, "Oh come,
06:13 let us worship and bow down,
06:17 let us kneel before the Lord our Maker."
06:21 So, because God is the only true Creator God,
06:25 we as creatures owe Him reverence and worship.
06:31 We must bow down and kneel before the Lord,
06:34 our Maker that needs to be our response.
06:39 Another text that speaks about the response
06:41 that we should have is found in Nehemiah 9:6,
06:45 and this is referring primarily
06:48 to the heavenly beings.
06:49 Once again, they praise God because He's the Creator.
06:53 They worship God because God is the Creator.
06:56 Nehemiah 9:6, says the following,
07:00 "You alone are the Lord;"
07:03 Why is He alone the Lord?
07:05 "You have made heaven,
07:08 the heaven of heavens,
07:10 with all their host,
07:12 the earth and everything in it,
07:14 the sea and all that is in them,
07:17 and You preserve them all."
07:20 And now notice,
07:21 "The host of heaven worships You."
07:26 Why does the host of heaven worship the Lord?
07:29 Because the Lord is the, what?
07:31 He created the earth and everything in the earth.
07:35 So the first point is that
07:37 which distinguishes the true God
07:39 from all false pretenders,
07:41 is the fact that God is the Creator,
07:43 and our response to Him should be worship
07:46 because He is the Creator.
07:50 But now we notice that God also established
07:54 a memorial of creation.
07:57 So that we would remember,
08:00 that memorial is found in Genesis Chapter 1.
08:04 And before we read about the memorial,
08:06 let's notice the conclusion of the creation story.
08:10 Genesis 1:31 through 2:1,
08:13 actually, 2:1 belongs with Chapter 1.
08:17 That's another place where the chapter division
08:19 is not in the right place.
08:21 You'll see what I mean.
08:23 Genesis 1:31 through 2:1,
08:26 "Then God saw everything that He had made,
08:30 and indeed it was very good.
08:32 So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
08:37 Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them,
08:41 were finished."
08:44 When did God finish His work of creation?
08:46 Which day did God finish His work of creation?
08:49 Which day?
08:51 Sixth day. The sixth day, it says here.
08:55 But now we've got a little problem.
08:57 Let's read verses 2 and 3 of Chapter 2.
09:01 "And on the seventh day God ended His work
09:03 which He had done."
09:05 By the way, don't get thrown off
09:07 by the fact that in one it says he finished
09:09 and the other says he ended.
09:10 It's the same Hebrew word.
09:13 So it says, "And on the seventh day
09:15 God finished His work which He had done,
09:18 and He rested on the seventh day
09:20 from all His work which He had done.
09:21 Then God blessed the seventh day
09:23 and sanctified it,
09:24 because in it He rested from all His work
09:27 which God had created and made."
09:30 So the big question is,
09:31 how can God finish something twice?
09:34 How could God finish His work the sixth day,
09:37 and then finish it at the seventh day?
09:40 Well, I have an illustration that I think will help us.
09:44 I want you to imagine a master artist, a painter.
09:49 First thing that he does, he gets the...
09:51 You know, the wood and he makes the frame.
09:54 Then he puts the canvas to the frame, staples it
09:57 and the first day he add some add background
10:00 colors to the canvas,
10:04 and after he finishes his work
10:05 the first day he steps back he says,
10:08 it's good.
10:09 The second day, you know,
10:11 he portrays some clouds in the sky, blue sky,
10:13 nice and pretty, the firmament, you know,
10:15 and so he looks now steps back after the second day,
10:19 he says, it's good.
10:21 The third day, he paint some trees
10:23 and some flowers and some green grass
10:26 and when he finishes his work the third day,
10:28 he steps back, he says, it's good.
10:32 The fourth day, you know, he paints the sun in the sky.
10:35 You know, sometimes you see the moon in the daytime too.
10:37 So he makes a little moon there opaque,
10:39 and at the end of the fourth day,
10:40 he steps back, he says, it's good.
10:44 The fifth day, he paints some birds flying in the sky,
10:48 and he paints some fish jumping out of the water,
10:52 and then he steps back at the end of the fifth day,
10:55 he says, it's good.
10:57 On the sixth day, he paints some giraffes,
11:00 some elephants and some cows,
11:02 and some land animals.
11:04 And then he paints a man and a woman
11:07 standing in the midst of this beautiful place,
11:10 and when he finishes
11:11 the last touches on the canvas,
11:13 he steps back and he says,
11:15 it is very good.
11:20 Has he finished?
11:23 Yes and no?
11:25 What is still missing?
11:27 The signature that identifies
11:30 who painted the portrait.
11:34 You see, God painted the picture the first six days,
11:39 and He completed it.
11:40 But if God did not place His signature
11:43 on the work of creation, somebody else could claim it.
11:47 So the seventh day Sabbath is God's signature
11:50 that identifies who made everything.
11:56 So God finished His work the sixth day
11:58 and He signed it on the seventh day.
12:02 Now, God did three things with the Sabbath at creation.
12:06 First, He rested on the Sabbath.
12:09 By the way that word rested,
12:11 the word Shabbat should really be translated, He ceased.
12:15 In other words, He didn't create anymore.
12:17 He stopped creating of the seventh day.
12:19 It tells us what He didn't do on the seventh day.
12:22 It's not talking about quality of rest.
12:24 It's simply saying that God ceased His work of creating
12:26 on the seventh day, He created no more.
12:29 He rested, He blessed
12:34 and He sanctified or made the day holy.
12:38 And which day is the Sabbath according to Genesis 2:2-3?
12:42 The seventh day is the Sabbath.
12:46 It says that three times in Genesis 2:2-3,
12:51 no doubt about it.
12:52 So what I want you to remember
12:54 is that the Sabbath is a seventh day
12:57 and God blessed the Sabbath day,
13:00 He sanctified the Sabbath day
13:01 and He rested on the Sabbath day.
13:05 Now, let's notice some facts about the days of creation.
13:10 There is no doubt that the days of creation
13:12 were literal days of 24 hours each.
13:16 We have several reasons for that.
13:18 Number one, in the Old Testament,
13:21 every time that you find the word day
13:26 with a numeral qualifier,
13:28 such as 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd day, etcetera,
13:32 it always refers to a literal 24 hour day,
13:36 there is no exceptions in the Old Testament.
13:38 When the word day is used with a numeral adjective,
13:43 it always means a literal 24 hour day.
13:47 Secondly, the Bible tells us
13:49 that each day had an evening and morning.
13:51 It would be kind of ridiculous to say,
13:53 it was the evening in the morning
13:54 of first million years.
13:56 The expression evening and morning indicates
13:59 that it is a literal day,
14:01 evening when the sun sets
14:03 and morning when the sun rises.
14:05 Furthermore, there's an immediacy
14:07 in the language in the Psalms,
14:09 it says that God spoke, and it was done.
14:14 He said it and it stood fast.
14:16 It doesn't say they took millions of years
14:18 for His Word to be fulfilled.
14:21 There's another interesting expression
14:23 during creation week
14:24 that is used several times in the creation story,
14:27 and that is that God spoke and then it was so,
14:32 that speaks of immediacy,
14:34 not something that was drawn out
14:36 over millions and millions of years.
14:39 But the greatest argument
14:40 that the days of creation were literal days,
14:43 is found in the fourth commandment of God's law.
14:46 Because in the fourth commandment,
14:48 God says, you work six
14:51 and rest on the seventh,
14:53 because I worked six and rested on the seventh.
14:58 So how God tell us to work sixth and rest the seventh,
15:01 as He did,
15:03 if the days were not literal?
15:05 Are you understanding me?
15:07 So there's no doubt and you're gonna see
15:08 why I'm covering all these things.
15:10 There's no doubt that the days of creation
15:12 were literal days of 24 hours each,
15:16 just like we know them today.
15:20 At creation, there was no Jew.
15:23 So you can't speak of the Jewish Sabbath.
15:26 Furthermore, there was no sin.
15:28 So it's not part of the Old Covenant
15:30 because at creation, there was no Old Covenant.
15:33 There was just the covenant between God and Adam and Eve,
15:36 as long as they were obedient.
15:39 Now, it's important to realize that at creation,
15:42 God not only created things,
15:45 God also created measurements of time.
15:49 God created the day,
15:53 which is the amount of time
15:54 that it takes the earth to make one complete turn on its axis.
15:59 He created the month,
16:01 basically the period between one new moon and another.
16:04 He created the year,
16:06 the amount of time that it takes the earth
16:08 to make one complete turn around the sun.
16:11 But there is one measurement of time,
16:14 which God also created that is totally arbitrary
16:18 and has no astronomical explanation.
16:20 That is the week composed of seven days.
16:24 God could have made a week of 10 days,
16:26 a week of 8 days, a week of 5 days,
16:28 but the reason why the week has 7 days
16:31 is because God created the week of 7 days,
16:35 7 literal 24 hour days.
16:38 Henry Morris,
16:40 who was a staunch biblical creationist,
16:42 I think he passed away a while ago,
16:46 he wrote this,
16:47 "The Lord himself had worked six days,
16:51 then rested on the seventh,
16:53 setting thereby a permanent pattern
16:57 for the benefit of mankind."
17:00 So God works six, rest at the seventh
17:02 as a permanent pattern for human beings.
17:06 Now, Ellen White has a very interesting statement
17:09 about the week.
17:11 It's found in Patriarchs and Prophets, page 111.
17:14 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 111.
17:19 "Like the Sabbath,
17:21 the week originated at creation,
17:25 and it has been preserved
17:28 and brought down to us through Bible history."
17:33 The sequence of the week has never been lost,
17:35 is what she say.
17:37 The seventh day today
17:38 is the same seventh day of creation.
17:40 She continues writing,
17:41 "God Himself measured off the first week
17:45 as a sample for successive weeks
17:49 to the close of time.
17:51 Like every other,
17:53 it consisted of seven literal days.
17:57 Six were employed in the work of creation,
18:00 upon the seventh,
18:02 God rested."
18:04 And here comes an important detail.
18:06 "God rested, and then blessed this day
18:10 and set it apart as a day
18:13 of rest for man."
18:17 Now, how do we know
18:20 that the Sabbath today
18:21 is the same Sabbath of creation?
18:24 Somebody came and asked me that question.
18:26 In fact, it's happened more than once.
18:29 And I say, "Are you saying
18:30 that perhaps the Sabbath today is not the same Sabbath
18:34 that Jesus, you know,
18:37 kept while He was on earth?"
18:38 He says, "Yeah, we don't know
18:39 whether the weekly cycle is the same."
18:42 So, I said, "Okay, well, let me ask you a question.
18:45 What day you go to church?"
18:47 Say, "Well, I go to church on Sunday."
18:49 I say, "Okay, why do you go to church on Sunday?"
18:52 "Well, because Jesus resurrected that day."
18:54 I said, "Oh, so you're saying that you keep Sunday today,
18:58 because it's the same day that Jesus resurrected
19:01 when He was on earth, right?"
19:02 He says, "Yes."
19:04 I said, "Well, if Sunday is the same Sunday,
19:05 the Sabbath is the same Sabbath."
19:11 But then he says, "How do you know
19:13 that the Sabbath of the days of Christ?"
19:15 Okay.
19:16 He says, "Granted the Sabbath back in the days of Christ
19:18 is the same Sabbath yesterday,
19:20 how do you know that the Sabbath
19:21 in the times of Christ
19:22 was the same Sabbath of creation,
19:25 that the sequence wasn't lost between creation and Christ?"
19:28 I said, "It's very simple, because my Bible tells me
19:30 that Jesus was the creator of the Sabbath,
19:33 and He was not going to keep the wrong day."
19:39 It's sad that Henry Morris
19:40 after that statement that he made,
19:42 that God worked six and rested the seventh,
19:45 as you know, as a teaching to us,
19:50 a permanent pattern to us.
19:52 Then he says, "Well,
19:53 but the problem is we're not sure that
19:55 whether this weekly cycle of seven days
19:58 has been lost or not?
19:59 So any day will do."
20:02 Now, isn't it interesting
20:04 that in certain countries like in Europe,
20:07 the calendars begin the week with Monday?
20:13 That's interesting.
20:14 What happens if you begin the week on Monday?
20:18 Sunday is the seventh day.
20:21 Is the devil perhaps trying to tell people
20:23 that Sunday is the seventh day?
20:25 It doesn't work, though, because Bible says
20:27 that Jesus resurrected the first day of the week.
20:30 So the Bible can refute that very easily.
20:32 In Colombia, there's a...
20:33 My wife's country of birth.
20:37 There's a program that's called El SA(C)ptimo DA a,
20:40 the seventh day, and it's broadcast on Sundays,
20:43 interestingly enough.
20:46 Because they're trying to give the impression
20:48 that Sunday is a day of rest.
20:51 You know, isn't it interesting that the papacy
20:54 during holy week,
20:56 do you know what holy week is?
20:58 Some of you used to be Catholics, maybe?
21:00 Holy week?
21:01 You know, how many times a year
21:04 do Catholics keep Palm Sunday?
21:09 Once a year.
21:11 How many days do they keep Ash Wednesday?
21:15 How many days a year?
21:18 One day a year.
21:19 How many days do they keep...
21:22 How many days a year do they keep Holy Thursday?
21:25 One. How about Holy Friday?
21:28 One.
21:29 How about the Sabbath of glory as it's called?
21:32 One.
21:34 So why do they keep Sunday weekly?
21:38 Are you with me?
21:41 There's no command in the Bible to keep Sunday weekly
21:43 in honor of the resurrection of Christ.
21:46 All of the other days of Holy Week
21:49 are kept on a yearly basis.
21:51 But they say you gotta keep Sunday every week
21:54 in commemoration of the resurrection of Christ.
21:58 By the way, another point
22:00 that I want us to notice is that
22:01 God is the owner of everything because He's the Creator.
22:07 Notice Psalm 24:1-2,
22:09 Psalm 24:1-2.
22:13 Here, these verses are very well known,
22:16 "The earth is the Lord's,
22:18 and all its fullness,
22:20 the world and those who dwell therein."
22:23 And now comes the reason
22:24 why everything in the world belongs to God.
22:28 It says, for that means because
22:31 "He has founded it upon the seas,
22:33 and established it upon the waters."
22:36 To whom does the light belong?
22:38 To God.
22:40 To whom does the firmament belong?
22:41 To God.
22:43 To whom does the vegetation belong?
22:45 To God.
22:46 To whom does the sun and moon and stars belong?
22:49 To God.
22:50 To whom do the birds and the fish belong?
22:52 To God.
22:54 To whom do the land animals belong?
22:57 To God.
22:58 To whom do men and women belong?
23:01 To God.
23:03 But the Sabbath is of the Jews,
23:05 belongs to the Jews.
23:07 Now you tell me, how much sense does that make?
23:10 Did God make the Sabbath too?
23:12 Of course, He made the Sabbath.
23:14 If He made the Sabbath, then the Sabbath is His too.
23:18 And that's the reason why in the Bible,
23:21 God refers to the Sabbath as My holy day.
23:27 And it's called the Sabbath of the Lord your God,
23:30 because God rested on it first.
23:33 It's His holy day,
23:35 it's not the holy day of the Jews.
23:39 Now, God not only gave the memorial of the Sabbath,
23:43 but God commanded man
23:45 and woman to keep the memorial.
23:49 Not only that He established the memorial,
23:51 but He commanded human beings to keep the memorial.
23:55 Go with me in Exodus 20:8-11.
23:57 And let's see if the Sabbath of the fourth commandment
24:01 is the same Sabbath of creation.
24:04 Exodus 20:8-11.
24:08 Remember...
24:13 Remember what?
24:15 "The Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
24:20 Some say that the Sabbath originated at Mount Sinai,
24:24 or perhaps you know when the manna fell from heaven
24:26 during the Mosaic dispensation.
24:30 But the word remember indicates
24:31 that the Sabbath preexisted the fourth commandment,
24:34 because you can't remember something
24:36 that didn't happen in the past.
24:38 For example, we say, remember the Alamo.
24:41 You can't remember the Alamo
24:42 unless there was an Alamo experience.
24:44 Right?
24:45 So when the commandment says, remember!
24:47 It's saying, remember something that happened in the past,
24:50 God rested,
24:52 He blessed it and He sanctified it.
24:53 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
24:57 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
25:00 but the seventh day is the Sabbath
25:02 of the Lord your God.
25:05 In it you shall do not work:
25:07 you, nor your son, nor your daughter,
25:09 nor your male servant, nor your female servant,
25:11 nor your cattle, nor your stranger
25:13 who is within your gates."
25:14 And now comes the explanation, why?
25:16 For that means because "In six days,
25:20 the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
25:22 the sea, and all that is in them,"
25:25 and now listen carefully,
25:26 "and rested," which day?
25:31 "The seventh day,
25:33 therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
25:38 and hallowed it."
25:40 Are those the same three things
25:42 that God did with the Sabbath at creation?
25:45 Did He rest?
25:46 Did He bless?
25:48 Did He sanctify?
25:50 Was it the seventh day?
25:52 Is this the same Sabbath of creation?
25:55 It is.
25:57 And God is commanding human beings to, what?
26:01 Commanding human beings to keep it.
26:07 So the Sabbath is the seventh day.
26:11 The Sabbath God rested,
26:13 God blessed and sanctified both at creation
26:16 and in the fourth commandment of God's holy law.
26:20 And the interesting thing is
26:21 that God made a memorial in time.
26:25 You see, if God had placed a monument in Hawaii,
26:29 and it said to everybody,
26:31 so that you remember that I am the creator,
26:33 go every week and visit the monument,
26:36 those who live close,
26:38 the Hawaiians would have a monopoly.
26:42 But we don't have to come to the Sabbath,
26:44 the Sabbath comes to us,
26:46 wherever we are,
26:49 because the Sabbath moves, time moves.
26:53 And so we don't have to go to a shrine,
26:56 the Sabbath comes to us, it's holy time.
27:00 Now, there's another interesting thing
27:02 and now just mentioned this in passing,
27:04 who was the creator?
27:06 Jesus.
27:08 All things were made through Him,
27:10 it says in John 1:3.
27:13 Jesus was the creator.
27:15 Which day did Jesus finished His work of creation?
27:19 The sixth day.
27:21 What did He do on the seventh day?
27:23 He rested.
27:25 How about in redemption?
27:26 What day of the week did Jesus finished
27:28 His works of redemption?
27:31 What did He say on the cross?
27:33 It is, what?
27:35 It is finished.
27:36 And then what did Jesus,
27:38 the Redeemer do on the Sabbath?
27:41 He rested in the tomb, on the Sabbath.
27:45 So what the Creator did at the beginning,
27:48 the Redeemer who is the same person
27:49 did in redemption.
27:51 Thus the Sabbath is not only a sign of the Creator,
27:54 the Sabbath is also the sign of the Redeemer,
27:58 Jesus Christ.
27:59 Two reasons for keeping the Sabbath,
28:01 to commemorate the Creator
28:03 and to commemorate the Redeemer.
28:06 Nevertheless,
28:08 there are those evangelicals
28:10 and this is a very important point
28:12 that we're gonna look at now.
28:13 Many evangelical say,
28:14 "Yeah, but the Sabbath was not a creation institution.
28:18 Yeah, it's in the fourth commandment,
28:21 where God told man to rest on the seventh day,
28:23 but there's no command in Genesis for man to rest.
28:27 It says God rested.
28:29 It doesn't say that God told Adam and Eve, you rest."
28:32 And so they say, "That proves
28:34 that the rest at creation was God's rest
28:37 and He did not intend man to rest at that time
28:39 maybe later on, the Jews."
28:43 How do you respond to a question like that?
28:45 How do you respond to the reason,
28:47 why God did not command Adam and Eve
28:51 to keep that for Sabbath?
28:53 I'm gonna give you several reasons.
28:55 But first of all,
28:57 I want us to go to Genesis 2:3 again,
29:00 and Exodus 20:11.
29:02 And we're gonna notice something very important here.
29:05 You know, for much of my ministry,
29:07 I thought that God had commanded
29:09 Adam and Eve to keep that first seventh day Sabbath
29:13 after the first six days of creation week.
29:16 I thought that God had said,
29:17 okay, the Sabbath is now beginning,
29:19 keep the Sabbath holy Adam and Eve.
29:21 But then as I study it more carefully,
29:23 and I read from the Spirit of Prophecy,
29:25 I discovered that God did not bless
29:28 and sanctify the Sabbath until it ended.
29:32 In other words, God rested the entire Sabbath day,
29:35 and when the Sabbath, that first Sabbath ended,
29:38 He blessed it and sanctified it.
29:40 You say, "Is that biblical?"
29:42 Not only is it biblical,
29:44 but it's also everywhere in the Spirit of Prophecy.
29:48 Let's read Genesis 2:3.
29:50 Genesis 2:3.
29:52 "Then God blessed the seventh day
29:55 and sanctified it."
29:57 Why did God blessed and sanctified the seventh day?
30:00 "Because in it He rested from all His work
30:05 which God had created and made."
30:08 So why did God blessed and sanctified the Sabbath?
30:10 Because He had what?
30:12 He had rested on that day.
30:15 Notice once again Exodus 20:11,
30:18 Exodus 20:11.
30:21 It says, "For in six days the Lord made the heavens
30:24 and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them,
30:27 and rested the seventh day.
30:28 Therefore..."
30:33 God rested the seventh day.
30:35 "Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and," what?
30:41 "And hallowed it."
30:43 So when did God bless and make the Sabbath holy?
30:48 After He had what?
30:51 After He had rested.
30:53 It's God's rest that made the Sabbath holy.
30:57 Every second He rested became holy.
31:00 Every minute He rested became holy.
31:03 Every hour He rested became holy.
31:05 And when He had rested all 24 hours,
31:08 all 24 hours were holy.
31:11 What makes the Sabbath holy is God's rest?
31:14 Now, you say, "Pastor, that sounds different
31:16 than what we've heard."
31:19 Well, let me give you the reasons
31:20 why God did not command Adam and Eve
31:22 to keep that first Sabbath?
31:25 Let me ask you,
31:27 could God give Adam and Eve the Sabbath before He made it?
31:35 Was the Sabbath made for man?
31:37 Did God have to make it before He could give it to man?
31:40 Of course.
31:42 It says in Mark 2:27, "The Sabbath is made for man."
31:45 So God first had to make the Sabbath,
31:48 and then once He had made the Sabbath,
31:50 He can give it to man.
31:52 Point number two,
31:55 God could not command Adam and Eve
31:58 to keep the Sabbath holy until it was holy.
32:03 And it became holy when it, what?
32:06 When it ended.
32:08 You see, God could not tell Adam and Eve
32:10 in that first Sabbath,
32:11 keep the Sabbath holy, it wasn't holy yet.
32:15 Because it was made holy by God's rest as we read.
32:19 Third point,
32:21 how could God tell Adam and Eve,
32:24 how to keep the Sabbath without first giving them
32:27 an example of how to keep it?
32:31 Let me read you from the Spirit of Prophecy.
32:33 This is so clear
32:35 that even a child can understand it.
32:38 This is Patriarchs and Prophets, page 47.
32:42 "After resting upon the seventh day,
32:46 God sanctified it."
32:49 Now, what part of it after, don't you understand?
32:53 "After resting upon the seventh day,
32:55 God sanctified it,
32:57 or set it apart, as a day of rest for man."
33:00 When did God set the Sabbath apart as a day of rest for man?
33:03 After He rested on the Sabbath.
33:06 So that first Sabbath is the Lord's Sabbath.
33:09 He rested on that Sabbath
33:12 and then He gives the Sabbath to man.
33:14 She continues, saying the reason why,
33:16 "After resting upon the seventh day,
33:17 God sanctified it, or set it apart,
33:19 as a day of rest for man.
33:20 Following the example of the Creator,
33:25 man was to rest upon this sacred day,
33:29 that as he should look upon the heavens and the earth,
33:31 he might reflect upon God's great work of creation,
33:35 and that as he should behold
33:37 the evidences of God's wisdom and goodness,
33:39 his heart might be filled with love
33:40 and reverence for his Maker."
33:42 Amen.
33:43 Desire of Ages, 281, Ellen White wrote,
33:46 "Because He had rested on the Sabbath,
33:53 God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it,
33:55 set it apart to a holy use.
33:57 He gave it to Adam as a day of rest."
34:01 So when did He give it to Adam as a day of rest?
34:04 After He created, after He rested on it.
34:08 Now, the greatest argument
34:09 that why God did not command Adam and Eve
34:12 to keep that first Sabbath, is in the fourth commandment.
34:17 Listen carefully,
34:18 the fourth commandment applies to Adam and Eve,
34:21 beginning with the second week of the history of this world.
34:26 You say, how's that?
34:28 What does the fourth commandment say?
34:31 Work six
34:34 and rest the seventh.
34:37 Could Adam and Eve obey that commandment?
34:40 No, because they had not worked six.
34:45 So what God does is, He works six,
34:49 He rests on the seventh,
34:52 blesses and sanctifies the day, sets it apart.
34:56 Gives it to Adam and He says, Adam,
34:58 now you're gonna work six and next Sabbath,
35:01 you're gonna rest the way you saw Me rest.
35:06 That's why God did not command
35:07 Adam and Eve to keep the Sabbath
35:09 because that was not their Sabbath,
35:10 it was first His Sabbath.
35:13 And then He gives it as a gift to man.
35:18 But you know the Sabbath
35:19 is not only a sign of the Creator.
35:22 It's not only the sign of the Redeemer.
35:25 It's also the sign of the future Restorer.
35:29 Go with me to Isaiah 66:22-23.
35:34 You know, in one of our previous studies together,
35:37 we noticed that this world
35:39 is gonna be reduced to chaos
35:42 and disorder by the plagues and the second coming.
35:45 Jeremiah saw this world,
35:47 he said it was without form and void,
35:50 and the heavens had no light.
35:52 Everything will have been destroyed by the plagues,
35:55 and by the second coming of Jesus.
35:56 This world will be inhospitable,
35:59 uninhabitable.
36:01 So God is gonna have to make a new heavens and new earth.
36:04 He's going to have to do what He did at the beginning.
36:07 He's going to have to recreate,
36:09 if you please, the heavens and the earth.
36:13 Now notice Isaiah 66:22-23,
36:20 "For as the new heavens and the new earth."
36:24 Is that the same new heaven and new earth
36:26 that we find in Revelation 20:21-22?
36:29 Yes.
36:31 "For as the new heavens and the new earth
36:33 which I will make shall remain before Me,'
36:36 says the Lord,
36:38 'So shall your descendants and your name remain.
36:41 And it shall come to pass
36:43 that from one New Moon to another.'"
36:46 Don't get all caught up in the new moon.
36:49 The new moon simply means, month,
36:52 it should be translated month.
36:54 The Spanish version says from month to month.
36:57 You say, "Well, why are we gonna
36:58 worship the Lord every month?"
37:00 The reason is simple because there's a tree
37:02 that produces its fruit every month,
37:05 According to Revelation 22:2,
37:07 we're gonna go to eat from the tree of life
37:08 every month.
37:10 So it says, from one new moon to another,
37:12 that is from one month to another,
37:14 and from one, what?
37:16 "One Sabbath to another,
37:19 all flesh shall come to worship
37:22 before Me, says the Lord."
37:26 What will be the memorial of the new creation?
37:31 The observance of the Sabbath.
37:32 God says, I'm gonna create a new heavens in the north,
37:36 then He says, every Sabbath,
37:37 you're gonna come to worship Me
37:39 to commemorate the fact that I am
37:42 the creator of the new heavens and the new earth.
37:45 Now, let me ask you this,
37:47 in how many days do you think
37:48 Jesus is going to recreate this earth?
37:52 You know, I used to think that God would...
37:54 That Jesus would simply say, let everything be fixed.
38:00 Everything is back like it was at the beginning.
38:03 But then I got to thinking, I said, No, wait a minute.
38:07 When God makes a new heavens and new earth,
38:09 He must use a week like He did at the beginning.
38:13 You say, "Why is that?"
38:15 Because it says that we're gonna go
38:17 the seventh day to commemorate
38:19 the new creation of the heavens and the earth,
38:21 and you can't have a seventh unless you have the first six.
38:27 Did you get that or not?
38:30 So God is gonna...
38:31 Imagine this is the wonderful thing,
38:33 at the beginning Adam and Eve didn't see God create anything.
38:38 Did Adam and Eve see the God create the light,
38:41 the firmament, the vegetation,
38:43 sun, moon and stars,
38:45 the birds, the fish, the land animals?
38:48 Did Adam see his own creation? Of course, not.
38:52 Did Adam see the creation of Eve?
38:53 No, God put him to sleep.
38:56 How could they be sure that God was the creator?
38:59 Because God said so,
39:00 they have to accept it by faith.
39:03 But the beautiful thing is
39:05 that when God makes a new heavens in the north,
39:07 God's people will be alive.
39:10 We will be eyewitnesses of the new creation.
39:13 Imagine the first day God saying,
39:15 let there be light, because the planet is in darkness,
39:18 during the 1000 years.
39:20 God says, "Let there be light.
39:24 Let there be the firmament, a fresh air to breathe.
39:29 Let the earth become a gigantic botanical garden."
39:35 Sun, moon and stars occupy your places
39:38 because they were moved all their places
39:39 by the voice of God.
39:41 So God places them
39:42 where they can benefit the earth.
39:44 And God's people are there, spectators.
39:49 Let there be birds in the air and fish in the waters.
39:52 And it is so.
39:54 Let there be land animals.
39:55 And then when God finishes His work,
39:58 the sixth day,
40:00 He says to Adam and Eve,
40:02 and all of the redeemed He says,
40:05 what do you think?
40:08 Oh, Lord, this is beautiful.
40:11 So God is gonna say, what do you think?
40:14 Don't you think it would be great idea for us
40:16 just to spend all this day together,
40:18 beholding and contemplating that I made?
40:23 Do you think that the redeemer gonna say,
40:25 Lord, how is it that you give us
40:27 this yoke of bondage?
40:30 No.
40:32 They say, wow,
40:33 you made all this new for us?
40:36 Oh, Lord, let's spend all Sabbath together
40:40 to contemplate what You made,
40:42 so that we can see what a wonderful God you are.
40:45 The Bible tells us
40:47 that the observance of the Sabbath is a sign
40:49 between God and His people.
40:52 Exodus 31:16-17,
40:55 Exodus 31:16-17.
40:58 And many have misunderstood this verse here.
41:01 It says, "Therefore
41:03 the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath."
41:05 So, people say, you see, the Sabbath's only for Israel,
41:08 the people, the children of Israel
41:09 will keep the Sabbath.
41:11 Does it say that it's exclusively for Israel?
41:15 No, it doesn't say, it's exclusive.
41:17 Why would God say
41:19 the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath?
41:21 Because those were His people at that moment.
41:24 He wasn't gonna say church keep the Sabbath
41:26 because the church didn't exist yet.
41:29 He's speaking to His people at that time.
41:31 Israel, the Sabbath is a sign, keep it.
41:35 If He was speaking today to the church,
41:37 He would say, like it does through Ellen White,
41:39 keep what?
41:41 Keep the Sabbath.
41:44 By the way,
41:45 God gave all Ten Commandments to the Jews.
41:50 Did God gave all of the Ten Commandments
41:52 to Israel at Mount Sinai?
41:55 Yes or no?
41:56 So all of the Ten Commandments apply only to the Jews.
42:00 We can kill and we can commit adultery and we can covet.
42:03 We can have other gods, and so on,
42:06 because the Ten Commandments were given to the Jews.
42:08 So why do Christians say
42:11 that the Sabbath is for the Jews?
42:14 But the other nine commandments
42:15 that were given for the Jews are for everybody.
42:18 It just doesn't make any sense.
42:20 God gave the Ten Commandments and the Sabbath to the Jews,
42:23 because those were His people at that time.
42:27 So that's why it says,
42:28 "Therefore the children of Israel
42:30 shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath
42:32 throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant.
42:34 It is a sign between Me
42:37 and the children of Israel forever."
42:39 And then He explains, why?
42:41 "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
42:44 and on the seventh day He rested
42:46 and was refreshed."
42:49 The Sabbath is a sign between God and His people.
42:53 Notice Ezekiel 20:12, 20.
42:56 Ezekiel 20:12, 20.
42:59 Once again, the Sabbath is spoken of as a sign.
43:02 "Moreover, I also gave them My Sabbath,
43:06 to be a sign between them and Me,
43:09 that they might know that I am the Lord
43:11 who sanctifies them."
43:13 Verse 20,
43:14 "Hallow my Sabbaths,
43:16 and they will be a sign between Me and you,
43:19 that you may know that I am the Lord your God."
43:25 Now, when you look at the three angels' messages,
43:28 you'll find that there's a contrast
43:29 between the first and the third.
43:33 The first angel's message tells us,
43:36 fear God and give glory to Him,
43:39 for the hour of His judgment has come and worship Him
43:44 who created.
43:47 The first angel's message says, worship the Creator.
43:53 The third message says, don't worship the beast.
43:59 Do you see the contrast?
44:00 So the end time contrast
44:02 is between worshiping the Creator
44:05 or worshiping the beast.
44:07 Does God have a sign?
44:09 What is the sign? The Sabbath.
44:11 Does the beast also have a sign?
44:14 What is the sign? It must be a day.
44:16 It must be an opposite day
44:18 that glorifies and honors the beast.
44:22 Now, we have identified the beast
44:24 as the Roman Catholic papacy.
44:27 And I want to share with you now,
44:30 the Roman Catholic view of the day of rest.
44:36 And it's important because the papacy
44:41 is the power spoken of as the Antichrist
44:44 who attempted to change God's holy law.
44:48 Now, in spite of the fact that the Bible,
44:51 without exception,
44:53 refers to the seventh day Sabbath
44:55 as God's day of rest,
44:57 Pope John Paul II,
44:59 in his apostolic letter Dies Domini
45:02 on the Lord's Day.
45:04 And Francis I, in his encyclical Laudato si'
45:09 have declared that the seventh day is Jewish,
45:12 and the Christian Sabbath is Sunday.
45:16 The papacy claims
45:18 that the Sabbath is a relic
45:20 of the Jewish old covenant.
45:24 And yet the Roman Catholic Church
45:26 continues to have all kinds of practices
45:28 that are old covenant practices.
45:30 Like offering sacrifices using holy vestments,
45:34 sprinkling holy water, burning incense,
45:37 lighting candles, making shrines.
45:41 Those are old covenant practices
45:43 that are not commanded in the New Testament.
45:44 They continue the old covenant when they come to these days.
45:48 But when it comes to the Sabbath,
45:49 they say, the Sabbath was something
45:53 that belonged to the Jews in the Old Covenant.
45:57 But even more telling than what these very famous popes
46:01 had to say about the Sabbath,
46:02 that it was for the Jews,
46:04 it was for the Old Covenant
46:05 that Christian Sabbath is now Sunday.
46:07 Even more seriously than that,
46:10 neither John Paul II,
46:12 nor Francis I, actually believe...
46:16 John Paul is dead of course,
46:17 he didn't believe and Francis I does not believe
46:21 that the story of creation happened
46:23 as it is written in the Book of Genesis.
46:28 They believe that story is a legend or a myth.
46:32 It teaches spiritual truth, but it's symbolic.
46:36 The days of creation were not literal.
46:38 They were millions and millions of years.
46:41 And this whole world came into existence
46:44 through a process of evolution, that's what the papacy teaches.
46:50 I wanna read a statement, I have two here.
46:52 One from John Paul.
46:54 I'll just read one little part of it.
46:56 He says, "That the research that has been done
47:00 in the different scientific disciplines
47:02 has proven that this theory of evolution
47:07 is more than just a theory."
47:12 In fact, he says,
47:14 that this research by these different disciplines
47:19 is a significant argument in favor
47:22 of the theory.
47:24 Francis I said this,
47:26 "The Big Bang,
47:28 which today we hold to be the origin of the world."
47:33 You see, he's saying the papacy believes
47:35 that the Big Bang gave origin to the world.
47:38 "The Big Bang, which today we hold
47:40 to be the origin of the world does not contradict
47:43 the intervention of the divine creator,
47:45 but rather requires it.
47:48 Evolution in nature is not inconsistent
47:50 with the notion of creation,
47:53 because evolution requires the creation of beings
47:55 that evolve."
47:58 When we read about... Listen to this.
48:00 When we read about creation in Genesis,
48:02 we run the risk of imagining God was a magician,
48:06 with a magic wand able to do everything,
48:09 but that is not so.
48:13 He created human beings,
48:15 and let them develop according to the internal laws
48:18 that He gave to each one,
48:20 so that they would reach their fulfillment.
48:24 So the papacy today does not teach
48:27 that the story of creation is a literal story.
48:30 That didn't happen that way.
48:33 It's a symbolic story,
48:35 and creation has taken place over millions of years,
48:39 actually, through a process of evolution.
48:42 Now, this has serious implications.
48:45 First of all,
48:47 on what do we base the idea
48:49 that marriage should be between a man and a woman?
48:53 On the literalness of the Genesis story.
48:56 If that story is not literal,
48:59 how can you defend marriage
49:01 as being between a man and a woman?
49:03 The Sabbath depends on a literal story of creation.
49:08 So if you say that there were millions of years
49:11 and not literal days,
49:12 the Sabbath disappears in a midst.
49:17 What about gender identity?
49:20 Is Genesis clear on gender identity?
49:23 Male and female created them.
49:26 But when you throw out the creation story,
49:28 you can have many, many different genders
49:31 invented by human beings.
49:33 Because if the story didn't literally take place,
49:35 how do you know that there's only two genders,
49:37 male and female?
49:40 Furthermore, it becomes even more complicated.
49:44 Francis I is always speaking about the need
49:48 for the strong and the rich to help the poor and the needy.
49:53 His recommendation totally goes against the theory of evolution
49:57 which he believes in.
49:58 Because evolution functions
50:00 on the basis of the survival of the fittest,
50:03 the strong win and the weak lose.
50:06 So how can he say if evolution is the strong win
50:09 and the weak lose?
50:11 How can you say
50:12 that the strong should help the weak?
50:16 His recommendation totally contradicts the theory
50:19 that he teaches.
50:21 And even further, folks, even further than this,
50:25 how many more millions of years
50:27 is it going to take for evolution
50:29 to work out the wrinkles and defects
50:32 so that we have a perfect society
50:34 where everything has reached the climax of evolution?
50:37 How many millions of years more do we have to wait?
50:40 What does that do to the second coming of Jesus?
50:44 It delays it into the distant future,
50:47 after the process of evolution is ended.
50:50 That's the reason why the papacy
50:52 does not talk about the second coming of Jesus.
50:56 Because if they don't believe that creation was literal,
50:59 are they really gonna believe
51:01 that the second coming of Jesus,
51:02 a miraculous event is going to be literal?
51:05 Furthermore, their idea
51:08 that for millions of years,
51:10 there was cruel death in the animal world
51:12 because they teach that for millions of years,
51:16 you know, animals were killing one another.
51:19 The theory of evolution is a very bloody theory,
51:21 this death long before sin in the evolutionary model.
51:25 Let me ask you.
51:27 What does the idea of evolution do to the omnipotence of God?
51:32 You know, isn't God powerful enough
51:34 to make things right from the beginning?
51:37 Can He speak and make things perfect?
51:40 Does He have to use a mechanism like evolution that involves
51:43 death and cruelty, and suffering and pain
51:46 in order to create perfect beings?
51:48 No.
51:50 God can get it right from the beginning
51:52 because He is all powerful, He is omnipotent.
51:55 Can't a wise God get things right from the get go?
51:59 It's an attack on God's wisdom.
52:02 Is that an attack on God's love and mercy?
52:05 He's the God whose heart beats faster
52:08 when a little bird falls out of a tree,
52:10 how could He condone a theory,
52:15 where for millions of years animals are killing,
52:17 animals that are strong are killing the weak
52:19 in the process of evolution?
52:22 Furthermore, if the story of Genesis,
52:24 by the way, they don't believe
52:26 that the stories of Genesis 1-11 are literal.
52:29 If that's true, then the story of the fall of man into sin
52:33 is not literal.
52:35 And if that story is not literal,
52:37 we do not need a savior.
52:39 The only thing that needs to happen is that
52:41 we need to develop to the point of
52:45 where evolution reaches its climax of a perfect race
52:49 and a perfect society.
52:53 Those are the implications of the Roman Catholic view
52:57 of creation.
53:00 And, of course they would attack the Sabbath,
53:02 because the Sabbath is based on a literal creation story.
53:06 So what is the final controversy gonna be about?
53:10 Listen, the greatest controversies
53:12 that Jesus had in His day was over the Sabbath.
53:17 Is that true?
53:19 Constantly Jesus was in conflict
53:22 with the religionists of His day,
53:25 because of the way that they kept the Sabbath.
53:29 In other words, the issue in the times of Christ
53:32 was the way.
53:34 They kept the Sabbath in the wrong way.
53:37 At the end of history,
53:39 the conflict is not gonna be over the wrong way,
53:43 but over the wrong day.
53:46 Are you with me?
53:48 Now, you're saying, "Pastor Bohr,
53:52 you say that the final controversy,
53:53 the final conflict is a conflict over days?"
53:58 There's something deeper than days
54:01 in the final controversy.
54:03 Let me ask you, according to Daniel 7:25,
54:07 who created Sunday as the day of rest?
54:12 According to Daniel 7:25,
54:15 who changed the law in his mind
54:19 and establish Sunday as the day of rest?
54:22 The papacy.
54:23 The Antichrist.
54:25 So what are you doing
54:27 when you observe Sunday as the day of rest?
54:30 Whose authority are you recognizing?
54:33 You are recognizing the papacy's authority.
54:38 By keeping the day
54:40 you're recognizing the authority
54:42 that claims to establish the day as a day of worship.
54:47 On the other hand, when you keep the Sabbath,
54:50 who established the Sabbath?
54:53 God established the Sabbath.
54:55 So when you keep the Sabbath,
54:57 you are recognizing the authority of the person
55:01 who created the Sabbath.
55:03 So behind this issue of one day versus another
55:08 is the issue of authority.
55:11 Do you accept the authority of God
55:14 by keeping His Sabbath, that's a seal of God?
55:17 Or do you accept the authority of the papacy
55:21 by keeping Sunday as a day of rest?
55:24 That is the issue.
55:26 And you know,
55:27 Sabbath and Sunday are exactly opposites.
55:30 You know, we used to look in at the calendar,
55:33 and you know, you have Sabbath,
55:36 which is the seventh day
55:37 and then you have the first day of the week.
55:39 But really, when you look at it more carefully,
55:41 the Sabbath and Sunday are on opposite sides of the spectrum,
55:45 because Sunday is number one,
55:46 and the Sabbath is number seven.
55:48 They're opposites.
55:51 Now, let me ask you, what comes first,
55:53 the genuine or the counterfeit?
55:56 The genuine, right?
55:59 Or do we have a case where the counterfeiter say,
56:02 hey, let's make a counterfeit $30 bill.
56:05 And the government says, that's a great idea,
56:07 let's make a genuine one.
56:09 Of course not.
56:11 You have first of all the genuine,
56:14 and then after the genuine at some point,
56:17 the counterfeiters counterfeit.
56:19 Now, let me ask you,
56:20 what is the original day of worship
56:22 that God established as a day
56:24 to recognize Him as the creator?
56:27 It's the Sabbath.
56:29 Do you think that perchance sometime later in history,
56:33 Satan would establish a day
56:36 that would recognize his authority
56:39 and make it passed off as God's day of rest,
56:42 as a crafty counterfeit?
56:45 Absolutely. That's what he's done.
56:48 Ellen White says, that he's stolen the allegiance
56:51 of the Christian world,
56:54 from the Creator God, to the beast.
56:57 And unfortunately,
56:58 the Christian world doesn't even know it.
57:01 They don't realize that eventually by keeping Sunday,
57:05 knowingly keeping Sunday
57:06 contrary to what the Bible teaches,
57:08 means that they are going to receive
57:10 the mark of the beast,
57:12 they are gonna worship the beast,
57:14 and they will suffer the terrible punishment
57:17 that is mentioned in the third angel's message.
57:20 That's why we have a message to bring to them, to tell them,
57:23 keep the Sabbath in honor of the Creator,
57:26 because you love Jesus.
57:28 Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My Commandments."
57:30 If we love Jesus,
57:32 we will want to spend the whole day with Him.
57:34 Don't we enjoy spending time with the people we love,
57:37 the more the better?
57:38 So is it a great sacrifice for us to say, oh,
57:41 now comes that Sabbath,
57:43 I'll be 24 whole hours with the Lord.
57:46 What a bore.
57:48 No.
57:49 If you love Jesus,
57:51 you're gonna want to extend the Sabbath
57:53 a little bit before and after, because you love Him.
57:56 It's a memorial of His greatness,
57:59 that He's the Creator.
58:00 And may we recognize that
58:03 and share this truth with the world is my prayer.


Revised 2019-11-21