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Program Code: TPP000019A
00:10 Hello, everybody again.
00:12 Welcome back. 00:14 We are on the final stretch. 00:17 The final 100 meters, so to speak. 00:21 We have two more studies together, 00:24 this evening both of them. 00:26 The first of these presentations 00:28 is titled "Wrong Person, 00:31 Wrong Place, Wrong Time." 00:34 And we are going to discuss 00:37 the devastating results of futurism 00:41 upon the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 00:44 Why this is such a serious matter? 00:47 But before we study this, 00:49 we want to do what we always do and that is pray, 00:53 to ask the Lord to be with us. 00:54 Let's pray. 00:56 Father in heaven, we come before Your throne 00:58 to thank You for such a wonderful day, 01:00 for Your multiple blessings, 01:03 we know, we don't deserve any of this, 01:05 but it comes because You are merciful, 01:09 and loving, and generous, and kind. 01:11 We especially thank You for giving us Your word, 01:14 which is a sure guide in a world 01:16 that is so confused. 01:19 We know that trying times are ahead, 01:23 but we have nothing to fear 01:24 because You have revealed the end from the beginning. 01:28 So as we study this important subject, 01:30 we ask for the presence of Your Spirit, 01:32 both in this place and in our individual lives. 01:35 And we thank You for fulfilling Your promise of being here, 01:39 where two or three are gathered together 01:41 in the precious name of Jesus. 01:43 Amen. 01:44 Amen. 01:46 I'd like to begin by reading a statement 01:49 that is found in Testimonies for the Church, 01:53 volume 5, page 292. 01:57 You know, some people say, 01:59 "Who cares what you believe about end time events." 02:02 You know, some people believe one thing 02:04 and other people believe another thing, 02:06 isn't enough just to love Jesus? 02:09 You don't have to have everything exactly right. 02:12 There might be some error here and some error there. 02:16 In this statement, Ellen White 02:19 speaks about the very dangerous implications 02:22 of error. 02:25 And that's not a long statement, 02:26 but it's very significant. 02:28 I quote, "Error 02:31 is never harmless. 02:34 It never sanctifies, 02:36 but always brings confusion and dissension. 02:41 It is always dangerous. 02:44 The enemy has great power over minds 02:47 that are not thoroughly fortified by prayer 02:51 and established in Bible truth." 02:55 So she says that error is never harmless, 02:58 never sanctifies, always brings confusion 03:01 and is always dangerous. 03:03 And Satan has tremendous power 03:06 to deceive those 03:08 who have not fortified their minds through prayer, 03:11 and through been established on Bible truth. 03:16 Now, in this series, we have been studying 03:18 the great chain of Bible prophecy. 03:21 We have actually been amplifying 03:24 the meaning of the historical method 03:26 or the historical flow method, 03:29 better known as historicism. 03:31 And I'd like to review the chain of events 03:34 that we find in the historicist method 03:38 of interpreting prophecy. 03:40 And I'm going to take Daniel Chapter 7, 03:43 and Revelation Chapter 13, 03:45 as the foundational chapters for this chain 03:49 that I'm gonna review. 03:50 This is gonna be very quick. 03:51 In Daniel Chapter 7, we have a lion, 03:54 that's Babylon, 605 to 539 B.C. 03:59 Then we have a bear, 04:00 which is Medo-Persia from the year 539 to 331 B.C. 04:06 Then we have a leopard which represents Greece, 04:09 331 to 168 B.C. 04:13 Then we have a dragon beast that has no horns for a while, 04:17 and that dragon beast represents the Roman Empire. 04:20 It ruled from 168 to 476 A.D., 04:25 168 B.C. to 476 A.D. 04:29 And then we have this fourth beast sprouting 10 horns. 04:33 These are the divisions of the Roman Empire, 04:36 and the division was complete 04:38 when the last Roman emperor was deposed. 04:42 Romulus Augustulus in the year 476 A.D. 04:47 And then shortly after that, 04:49 the little horn rose among the 10, 04:52 and by its characteristics, 04:54 we know that the little horn 04:56 represents the Roman Catholic papacy. 04:59 It began its dominion in the year 538, 05:03 and continued ruling until the year 1798. 05:08 It used the civil powers of Europe 05:11 to accomplish its religious will. 05:15 And then we noticed that in the year 1798, 05:18 the papacy received the deadly wound 05:19 with the sword. 05:21 It means, that the civil powers 05:23 that had supported the papacy before this, 05:26 now turned against the papacy, took away the sword 05:30 and gave the papacy the deadly wound, 05:32 which means that the papacy was no longer able 05:35 to use the civil powers of the world 05:37 to accomplish her purposes. 05:40 And we have been in that period of the deadly wound 05:43 for over 200 years, the last 200 years. 05:48 But we noticed also in the prophetic chain now 05:51 moving to Revelation 13, that when the first beast, 05:55 when the papacy receives its deadly wound, 05:58 at the same time another beast rose from the earth, 06:01 and that beast represents the United States. 06:05 At first, this nation, 06:07 the United States behaved like a lamb 06:10 in the sense that it had two horns like a lamb. 06:13 Those two horns represent civil and religious liberty. 06:17 The separation of church and state, 06:22 probably more exactly defined as Republicanism 06:26 and Protestantism, 06:28 a church without a pope 06:30 and a state without a king, 06:33 basically Republicanism and Protestantism. 06:36 And for the last 200 years plus, 06:38 the papacy has not been able to persecute 06:41 like it did during the 1260 years. 06:44 But we noticed that after a while, 06:47 this beast from the earth in Revelation 13 06:50 is going to change its behavior, 06:53 it is going to end up speaking like a dragon. 06:57 And Revelation 13 makes it clear 06:59 that the way in which it will speak as a dragon, 07:02 is that it is going to restore the sword 07:04 to the first beast, 07:06 it is going to return the power of the state to the papacy. 07:11 And then the papacy will be able to do, 07:13 as it did in the past, 07:15 use the civil power of the United States 07:17 and the other nations of the world 07:20 to accomplish its purposes. 07:23 And then we noticed 07:25 that the final test will come upon God's people. 07:29 And that's gonna be our last subject of study 07:31 in our next lecture, the final test. 07:35 In the final test we're going to notice 07:37 before probation closes, 07:39 is the test over whether we will obey God 07:42 and observe the day that He has established 07:44 as the day of rest, 07:46 or whether we will obey the beast 07:48 and keep the day that the beast has established 07:51 as the day of rest. 07:53 And then, 07:54 after everybody's made their decision, 07:56 either to receive the seal of God 07:58 or the mark of the beast, 07:59 probation will close. 08:02 No one will change sides after that. 08:05 Everybody will be either with a seal of God 08:09 or with the mark of the beast. 08:12 And then 08:13 those who follow the beast will persecute God's people. 08:17 It would appear like God's people 08:19 are going to be eradicated from the earth. 08:21 In fact, this is called the time of trouble 08:25 such as never has been seen in the history of the world, 08:28 it's called the time of Jacob's trouble. 08:31 And it will appear that God's people 08:32 are going to be blotted out from the earth, 08:36 but the Bible tells us that Michael, 08:38 who is Jesus Christ will stand up 08:41 and He will defend His people 08:43 and not one of His children will perish. 08:47 At the end of the tribulation, 08:49 the Lord Jesus will come in power and glory, 08:54 and He will deliver His saints from the powers of the earth 08:58 and then He will take them to heaven for 1000 years, 09:01 where they will sit on thrones and reign, 09:04 where they will perform a work of judgment, 09:07 judging Satan and his angels and the wicked. 09:10 Then after the 1000 years, 09:12 the holy city will descend from heaven. 09:14 The wicked will be able to see the record of their lives, 09:17 they also will be judged after they're resurrect. 09:20 They will pronounce that God is just and true 09:23 in everything that He has done. 09:25 Fire descends from heaven and consumes the wicked, 09:28 Satan and his angels. 09:30 And then God creates a new heavens 09:32 and a new earth 09:33 wherein righteousness dwells. 09:37 That is historicism. 09:41 You know exactly where you are 09:43 in the flow of prophetic history. 09:46 Now, I would like to invite you 09:48 to go with me to Daniel Chapter 7, 09:51 and let's read especially verse 25. 09:55 Daniel 7:25. 09:59 Now, you'll remember that before this, 10:01 we have four beasts. 10:04 We have a lion, which is Babylon, 10:07 we have a bear, which is Medo-Persia, 10:09 we have a leopard, which is Greece, 10:11 we have a fourth beast, 10:13 which is really a dragon 10:14 even though it's not called that in Daniel 7, 10:16 which represents the Roman Empire, 10:18 then that dragon beast sprouts 10 horns, 10:22 those are the divisions of the Roman Empire. 10:25 And then you have what we find in Daniel 7:25. 10:31 We read this verse before. 10:33 Let's read it once again. 10:35 "And he shall speak great words against the most High, 10:40 and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, 10:44 and think to change times." 10:48 It says times and laws, 10:49 but in Hebrew, it's singular. 10:51 "Times and laws: 10:53 and they shall be given into his hand 10:55 until a time and times 10:58 and the dividing of time." 11:00 Now, there are three things that I want us to notice 11:03 about this verse, as we study this evening. 11:07 Number one, 11:08 the little horn represents the papacy. 11:12 Number two, the papacy rules for time, 11:17 times and the dividing of time, 11:19 which is 1260 days and days are years. 11:24 And during this period, 11:25 the papacy persecutes the saints of the Most High. 11:29 So, three things, the little horn is the papacy. 11:32 Secondly, the papacy during the time, 11:36 times and dividing of time, that's the second point, 11:39 persecutes the saints of the Most High. 11:42 Now, Revelation Chapter 12 11:45 follows the same basic chronological order 11:48 as Daniel Chapter 7. 11:51 Let's notice Revelation 12:14. 11:55 Revelation 12:14. 11:58 Now, this verse is going... 12:00 Actually 13 and 14, 12:02 these verses are gonna begin 12:04 where Daniel 7:25 begins. 12:06 In other words, we're gonna skip the lion, 12:08 the bear, the leopard, etcetera. 12:10 And we're just gonna begin 12:11 with where the little horn began. 12:14 Revelation 12:13. 12:17 "Now, when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, 12:21 he persecuted the woman 12:24 who gave birth to the male Child. 12:27 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, 12:31 that she might fly into the wilderness 12:33 into her place, 12:34 where she is nourished for a time 12:37 and times and half a time, 12:41 from the face of the serpent." 12:43 Is that dealing with the same historical period 12:46 as a little horn? 12:48 Obviously, yes. 12:50 But now I want you to notice something very interesting. 12:53 Instead of speaking of the little horn, 12:55 it says that the persecuting powers the dragon, 12:57 did you notice that? 13:00 Instead of saying that the saints are persecuted, 13:03 it is the woman who was persecuted. 13:06 But the time period is the same, time, 13:08 times and the dividing of time. 13:10 Now what does this mean? 13:11 What it means is 13:13 that behind the little horn is whom? 13:17 The dragon, Satan. 13:20 Secondly, the saints of the Most High 13:23 are represented by the woman. 13:25 Now, there's woman, saints are interchangeable. 13:29 And number three, 13:31 the woman is persecuted for the same time period 13:35 that the little horn persecuted the saints of the Most High. 13:38 So let me ask you. 13:40 Is Daniel 7:25 13:43 along with Revelation 12:13-14, parallel? 13:48 Are they discussing the same time period? 13:51 Yes, a different way of expressing it. 13:54 Little horn, 1260 years, time, 14:00 times, the dividing of time, 14:01 persecutes the saints of the Most High. 14:04 But Revelation Chapter 12, says, 14:06 the dragon persecutes for time, times, the dividing of time, 14:10 but it speaks of the woman, 14:12 which represents the saints of the Most High. 14:15 Now, I want you to notice 14:17 what happens after the time, times, and dividing of time. 14:22 Now Daniel 7 doesn't go beyond 14:25 this period of dominion of the little horn, 14:28 of the 1260 years directly. 14:31 You know, it does insinuate 14:32 that the little horn is gonna be around 14:34 because he's gonna be destroyed when Jesus comes. 14:37 But the prophecy of Daniel 7 doesn't take us much 14:40 beyond the end of the 1260 years. 14:44 Right after that it speaks about a judgment in heaven, 14:46 which is the investigative judgment. 14:48 However, Revelation Chapter 12 14:51 takes us beyond the 1260 year 14:54 dominion of the little horn, or of the papacy. 14:58 Notice Revelation 12:16, 15:01 the very next verse after what we just read 15:05 concerning the dragon persecuting the woman, 15:07 for time, times, the dividing of time. 15:10 It says that when the woman is persecuted, 15:12 something comes to the rescue. 15:15 It says, "But the earth helped the woman." 15:21 So when the woman has been persecuted 15:23 by the dragon, 15:25 who is behind the little horn for 1260 years, 15:29 we find here that "The earth helped the woman, 15:32 and the earth opened up its mouth, 15:36 and swallowed up the flood 15:38 which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth." 15:41 So does persecution cease 15:44 as a result of the earth helping the woman? 15:46 Absolutely. 15:48 Because waters represent multitudes of people. 15:50 They're trying to drown the woman. 15:52 They're persecuting the woman. 15:54 But the earth comes to the rescue 15:56 and swallows up the waters and persecution ceases. 16:00 Let me ask you, what does the earth represent there? 16:03 It represents the United States, 16:05 because we're gonna notice in Revelation 13, 16:08 that this is amplified, 16:10 and it speaks about a beast that rises from the earth. 16:16 So the earth represents 16:17 the territory of the United States, 16:20 the beast in Revelation 13 that rises from the earth 16:23 rises in the territory, 16:26 where the United States was established. 16:28 Are you with me or not? 16:29 You're aware that the pilgrims came to the United States, 16:33 fleeing persecution in Europe. 16:35 And this land, 16:37 the United States gave them refuge, 16:39 particularly on the East Coast, first of all, 16:42 you know, they escaped persecution, 16:45 and they came here, the earth helped the woman. 16:47 In other words, and swallowed up 16:49 the waters of persecution. 16:51 But let me ask you, 16:52 is that arrangement gonna last forever? 16:54 No. Notice verse 17. 16:57 We're following a sequence here, folks. 16:59 Notice, first of all, we have the dragon, 17:03 persecuting the woman, 17:05 time, times, the dividing of time, 17:07 which is the same as the little horn, 17:09 persecuting the saints for time, 17:11 times, the dividing of time. 17:12 Daniel 7 doesn't take us much beyond that point. 17:15 Revelation 12 begins with the time, 17:18 times, dividing of time, 17:20 then it speaks about the earth helping the woman, 17:22 the territory of the United States 17:24 provides refuge for those 17:26 who are being persecuted in Europe. 17:28 And then we noticed that persecution comes again. 17:32 Because in verse 17 of Chapter 12, 17:36 this is the climax of Chapter 12, 17:38 it says, "And the dragon..." 17:40 Some version say "Then the dragon 17:43 was wroth with the woman." 17:45 I'm reading from the King James Version. 17:47 "The dragon was wroth with the woman," 17:50 and what did he do? 17:52 "He went to make war with the remnant of her seed, 17:57 which keep the commandments of God, 18:00 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." 18:04 Is persecution going to rise again? 18:07 After the earth helps the woman 18:09 by swallowing up the waters of persecution? 18:11 Yes. 18:12 That's the period of the deadly wound. 18:14 The United States has a lot to do 18:16 with the period of the deadly wound. 18:19 Because when the United States 18:21 returns the sword to the papacy, 18:23 Ellen White tells us that every country in the globe 18:26 will follow the example of the United States. 18:28 So as the United States goes, 18:30 so goes also 18:32 all the other nations of the world. 18:34 Now, let's go to Revelation Chapter 13. 18:37 Revelation Chapter 13 follows the same sequence 18:41 that we found in Daniel Chapter 7. 18:43 And I'm gonna synthesize 18:45 because there's some other things 18:46 that I wanna get to which are very, very important. 18:49 In Revelation 13:1-2, 18:51 you have the mention of a lion, 18:54 a bear, a leopard, 18:58 a dragon beast, 19:00 and the dragon beast, 19:01 according to Chapter 12, has 10 horns. 19:04 Did we find those characteristics 19:06 in any other place? 19:08 Daniel 7, right? 19:09 So in Revelation 13 begins with the same powers 19:14 that Daniel 7 has. 19:16 But in Revelation 13, 19:18 instead of saying that among the 10 horns 19:20 of this dragon beast rises a little horn, 19:24 it tells us that the dragon beast 19:26 gives his seat, his power and his authority 19:28 to the beast that rises from the sea. 19:31 And then the beast from the sea rules for how long? 19:35 He rules for 42 months. 19:38 Are the 42 months the same as the time, 19:42 times, and dividing of time? 19:43 Absolutely. 19:45 So is Revelation 13 parallel to Daniel 7, 19:48 and also parallel to Revelation Chapter 12? 19:51 Absolutely. 19:52 They run the same course. 19:54 Now, in Revelation Chapter 13, 19:59 where it's speaks about the beast, 20:01 we're told the following about the beast. 20:05 Number one, 20:07 it persecuted the saints of the Most High, 20:10 that would be the same as the woman in Chapter 12. 20:14 Secondly, 20:15 we're told that it ruled for 42 months, 20:18 which is the same thing as time, times, 20:22 and the dividing of time. 20:24 And we're gonna notice that there's a third characteristic, 20:27 in the Old Testament we have that the little horn 20:30 thought it could change the times and the law. 20:32 We're gonna find that characteristic 20:34 in Revelation 13, 20:36 as we go along in our study, a little bit later. 20:40 Now, Satan's final plan of attack against God's people, 20:45 involves the change in God's law 20:48 and the change in God's times. 20:51 Now you say, what are you talking about? 20:55 Well, first of all, 20:57 what is the change in the law? 20:58 What is the law talking about? 21:00 Is this just the ceremonial laws 21:02 or is this the moral law of God? 21:04 This is the moral law. 21:06 It's the Ten Commandment law of God. 21:08 And the little horn thinks that it can change God's law. 21:11 Did the papacy attempt to change God's law 21:15 during its period of dominion? 21:17 It certainly did. 21:19 And now, let me ask you, in the end time is the papacy 21:22 with the help of the United States 21:24 going to enforce the change in the law? 21:27 Yes or no? 21:28 Absolutely. 21:30 So is there something having to do 21:31 with the change in the law in the future as well? 21:34 Absolutely. 21:35 Now, did the papacy 21:37 through these two Jesuit scholars 21:40 attempt to change God's prophetic times 21:43 during the 1260 years? 21:44 Yes. 21:46 Is it going to use the change in the times 21:49 to distract people from the true fulfillment 21:52 of Bible prophecy in the end time? 21:54 Absolutely. 21:56 Now, what does God do to counteract this? 21:59 What does God do to counteract the change, 22:02 the supposed change in the law, 22:04 and the supposed change in the times? 22:06 Well, Revelation 12:17 tells us what God does. 22:11 He raises up a remnant, the remnant of a woman, 22:15 and that remnant has two characteristics. 22:18 What are the two characteristics? 22:20 They keep what? 22:21 The commandments of God. 22:23 Is that counteracting the change in the law? 22:26 Absolutely. 22:27 And they also have something, what do they have? 22:31 The testimony of Jesus Christ. 22:32 What is the testimony of Jesus Christ? 22:35 It is a Spirit of Prophecy. 22:38 Is there any book 22:39 that was written by Ellen White 22:41 that unmasks this false prophetic scenario 22:45 that we've been talking about? 22:47 What book would that be? 22:48 The book, the Great Controversy, 22:50 it's the classic historicist explanation of Bible prophecy. 22:56 God raised up among the remnant 22:59 a prophet to present the true prophetic scenario 23:04 to counteract the counterfeit scenario 23:07 that the little horn sought to change. 23:10 So Revelation 12:17 is speaking about God's plan to counteract 23:16 what the Roman Catholic papacy did. 23:18 And then, of course, 23:20 we find in Revelation 13:11-18, 23:25 that this beast that rises from the earth, 23:27 which represents the United States, 23:29 at first that's going to separate church and state, 23:32 it's going to guarantee civil and religious liberty, 23:35 it's going to stand for a system of Republicanism 23:38 and Protestantism. 23:39 But then we are told 23:41 that it's gonna help the first beast 23:42 recover its power, 23:43 and it is going to enforce the mark of the first beast. 23:49 What is the mark of the first beast? 23:52 The observance of Sunday as the day of rest. 23:56 Now, the question is, 23:59 why does Satan hate 24:02 the historicist method so much? 24:05 Well, because the historicist method tells us 24:10 who the real Antichrist is, the papacy. 24:15 When He would rise to power 24:18 after the removal of the Roman Empire? 24:21 Where He would rise in the church? 24:25 What He would do persecute God's saints 24:29 through mechanisms such as the Inquisition, 24:31 through blaspheming God 24:33 by claiming to have the power to forgive sins, 24:36 and claiming to be God's representative on earth? 24:38 And by thinking that he could change God's law 24:42 and change God's prophetic times. 24:45 Historicism also tells us, 24:47 how long the first stage of the Antichrist would be. 24:51 It would be 1260 years. 24:54 It also tells us 24:55 how this beast will be wounded, with the sword, 25:00 which represents the sword of the civil power. 25:03 It also tells us, 25:04 how the United States would rise to power 25:07 with these two principles 25:09 of separation of church and state. 25:11 And how the United States 25:13 would repudiate those principles 25:15 and help the first beast, 25:16 the papacy recover the power that it lost 25:19 when it received the deadly wound. 25:22 It also gives us a clear picture of the issues 25:25 that are involved. 25:26 The issues, folks, 25:28 are not the oil of the Middle East, 25:30 or hatred for the Jews. 25:32 The issues are whether you will worship the true God 25:35 and keep His commandments, 25:37 including the commandment that points to God 25:40 as the Creator of the heavens and the earth. 25:43 Furthermore, historicism points out 25:46 when and where the remnant church was going to rise, 25:50 and what the message and mission 25:53 of the remnant church would be. 25:56 Of course, Satan would want to eliminate historicism, 26:00 because historicism clearly portrays 26:04 what is going to happen in the end-times. 26:08 Satan has done his utmost 26:11 to destroy the historical method 26:14 or the historical flow method. 26:17 I read some statements before 26:19 from some non Adventist scholars 26:22 about the demise of historicism. 26:25 And I wanna read those statements again, 26:27 because it shows us 26:28 how Satan has been very active 26:31 to destroy the historical method. 26:34 Notice this statement from Richard Kyle, 26:37 who used to be a futurist. 26:38 He wrote a book, The Last Days Are Here Again, 26:41 and he wrote the following. 26:43 "Despite its visibility 26:46 the Millerite movement had little influence 26:50 on subsequent end-time thinking. 26:53 It did, however, have three long-term effects." 26:56 Millerism had three long term effects. 26:59 Number one, millerism spawned 27:02 the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 27:04 Number two, 27:06 it discredited historicist premillennialism, 27:11 causing it to fade out almost entirely after 1844. 27:16 And number three, 27:17 the Millerite fiasco demonstrated the perils 27:21 of setting definite dates for Christ's return." 27:24 Did you notice that he said 27:26 that historicist premillennialism 27:29 almost faded out entirely after 1844. 27:34 In another statement, 27:35 this is on page 102 of his book, 27:38 he said this, 27:40 "The great disappointment of 1844 27:43 had decimated historicist premillennialism, 27:48 but a futurist premillennialism called dispensationalism 27:54 soon arrived on the scene." 27:57 Thomas Ice, a futurist, 28:00 evangelical, not a Seventh-day Adventist. 28:02 In his book, The Great Tribulation: 28:04 Past or Future, page 6, 28:06 he co-wrote this book with Thomas, 28:09 with actually, Kenneth L. 28:11 Gentry Jr. wrote this. 28:14 "Historicism, 28:15 once the dominant view of Protestants 28:18 from the Reformation 28:20 until the middle of the last century," 28:21 he was writing in the 20th century. 28:23 So till the middle of the 19th century. 28:26 He says, "appears to exert little attraction 28:30 as a system of prophetic interpretation 28:33 to conservative Christians." 28:34 In other words historicism, 28:36 conservative Christians not really interested in it. 28:39 He continues writing 28:41 and then he puts in parentheses 28:42 "(outside of Seventh-day Adventist circles)." 28:44 So, in other words Adventist are still historicists. 28:47 Then he continues writing, 28:49 "Within evangelicalism 28:52 during the last 150 years, 28:55 futurism has grown to dominate 29:00 and overcome historicism." 29:03 What has futurism done? 29:05 It has grown to dominate and overcome historicism. 29:10 And all you have to do, to see if that is true 29:13 is turn on your television on Sunday morning. 29:16 If you have satellite TV 29:17 and watch the Protestants evangelists... 29:20 Protestant Evangelist preach on Sunday morning, 29:23 when they preach on prophecy. 29:25 It is pure, unadulterated futurism. 29:30 Now, what are the dangers of futurism? 29:34 First of all, 29:35 futurism changes the time 29:38 for the appearance of the Antichrist. 29:41 You see, the Bible tells us 29:42 that the Antichrist would appear 29:45 after the disintegration of the Roman Empire 29:48 shortly after the year 476. 29:51 What does futurism teach about the Antichrist? 29:54 They say, no, no, He's not going to appear 29:58 after the disintegration of the Roman Empire 30:00 way back then. 30:02 No, there's gonna be a 10 Nation Federation 30:04 in the future after the rapture of the church, 30:07 and then the Antichrist is going to appear. 30:10 And so basically futurism changes the timing 30:14 for the rise of the Antichrist. 30:18 Also, futurism changes the place 30:22 where the Antichrist will rule. 30:25 Futurists say the Antichrist is going to rule 30:28 in the Middle East, 30:29 in a rebuilt Jewish temple. 30:32 But the Bible tells us that He is going... 30:34 Yes, He's going to rule in the temple, 30:37 but it's not the Jerusalem temple, 30:39 which is no longer the temple of God. 30:41 He would rule in the temple, the spiritual temple, 30:44 which yesterday we noticed was what? 30:47 The Christian church. 30:49 Futurism also hides the manner 30:54 in which Antichrist would appear. 30:57 You see, futurist, 30:58 they say it's gonna be a blasphemous individual 31:01 that is gonna raise his hand in defiance against God 31:04 and he's going to persecute the Jews, 31:06 perhaps they say an atheist. 31:09 But the Bible tells us 31:11 that the Antichrist is not an individual, 31:15 it is a system of individuals. 31:17 It is a sequence of popes in the Roman Catholic papacy. 31:22 And this is not a single individual 31:25 at the end of time. 31:27 No, this is a system that has existed 31:30 for 1260 years in the past 31:32 and now is rising to power again. 31:36 Futurism changes the parties in the final conflict. 31:41 You know, if you listen to futurists, 31:42 they say the final battle is gonna be, 31:44 you know, the Arabs are gonna join forces 31:46 with the Russians 31:48 and they're gonna persecute the Jews. 31:50 But the Bible tells us what the issues are 31:51 in the Great Controversy at the end. 31:53 It has to do with who you worship. 31:56 It has to do with 31:57 whether you observe God's commandments or not. 32:00 Whether you keep His holy Sabbath, 32:02 to commemorate creation to remember the Creator, 32:05 that's what the issues are in the final conflict. 32:08 They are not political issues, they are not economic issues, 32:11 they are deeply religious issues. 32:14 But futurism says no, this is gonna be over oil, 32:17 it's going to be anti-Semitism, 32:19 it's going to be all of these political issues. 32:21 When the Bible tells us 32:23 then it's gonna be a deeply spiritual controversy. 32:28 Futurism also destroys the timing 32:31 of the 2300 day prophecy. 32:35 Is the 2300 day prophecy crucial 32:37 to the Adventist Church? 32:40 It is vitally important. 32:41 Now let me ask you, 32:43 what does that 2300 day prophecy depend on? 32:47 Well, it depends on the 2300 days 32:49 beginning in the year 457 B.C., right? 32:53 So the 2300 days begin in the year 457 B.C. 32:58 And then you have a first 490 years 33:01 that take you to the year 34. 33:04 Then the prophecy of the 2300 days 33:07 continues for 1810 years more ending, when? 33:12 In 1844. 33:13 But what does futurism do? 33:15 Futurism says, that the first 69 weeks 33:17 are fulfilled consecutively. 33:21 Then after the 69 weeks, the 69th week, 33:25 you have a 2000 year gap. 33:29 And then God's plan begins with the Jews again, 33:33 with the rapture of the church. 33:35 Let me ask you, if you put a parenthesis 33:37 in this prophecy of 2000 years, 33:41 what does that do to the 2300 day prophecy? 33:44 It destroys it. 33:46 Because the 2300 day prophecy depends on 2300 years, 33:52 all consecutive without any gaps, 33:54 but the minute you put 2000 year gap in, 33:58 the whole chronology of the 2300 days 34:01 is thrown out. 34:02 And incidentally, let me say this, 34:05 1844 is far more than just 34:09 the beginning of the cleansing of the sanctuary. 34:12 The pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 34:15 when they discovered 34:16 that Jesus entered the most holy place 34:18 of the heavenly sanctuary in 1844, 34:20 they discovered all of the distinctive truths 34:23 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 34:24 Because all of our distinctive truths 34:27 that which makes us what we are 34:29 in distinction to every other church 34:31 is found in the most holy place of the sanctuary. 34:35 All of those doctrines 34:36 that the Christian world despises 34:38 are centered in the most holy place. 34:41 Let me ask you, is the law in the most holy place? 34:44 Yeah. 34:45 Our pioneers, you know, 34:46 when they entered the most holy place, 34:48 they saw the ark, they said, well, in the ark was... 34:51 were the tables of the law, the Ten Commandments, 34:53 so they must not have been nailed to the cross. 34:55 Because Protestants said they were nailed to the cross. 34:58 What is in the center of the Ten Commandments? 35:00 The Sabbath Commandment. 35:02 You see, when they went into the most holy place, 35:03 they said, oh, the law is binding 35:05 because the law is there 35:07 because the earthly sanctuary was a shadow of the heavenly 35:10 and the earthly had the Ten Commandments. 35:12 And let me say it, 35:14 what was in the center of the Ten Commandments? 35:15 The Sabbath. 35:17 So the Sabbath must be on the tables of stone 35:19 in the heavenly sanctuary as well. 35:21 They also discovered health reform. 35:24 You know, in the Ark of the Covenant, 35:26 there was a part of manna, the manna... 35:29 By the way, the manna has a twofold meaning. 35:31 First of all, 35:33 God gave manna to test Israel 35:35 to see if they would walk in His law. 35:37 Is the Sabbath at the end of time gonna be a test 35:40 of whether we will walk in God's law or not? 35:42 Absolutely. 35:44 Secondly, the manna God gave to teach Israel 35:48 to live a healthy life, to have a healthy diet. 35:51 In Numbers 11, it says when they said, 35:53 oh, we're sick and tired of this vegan food 35:56 that you have given us, 35:57 you know, they said we want flesh, 35:59 we want what we used to eat, when we were not converted, 36:01 when we're in Egypt. 36:03 And God gave them what they wanted, 36:05 and they got sick. 36:06 So the part of manna represents health reform. 36:10 By the way, also in the Ark of the Covenant 36:12 was Aaron's Rod that budded. 36:16 Interesting. 36:17 I wish I had time to really get into that, 36:20 there's so much to say there. 36:22 But one of the teachings of the Rod of Aaron 36:25 that budded was that a dead rod, 36:28 sprouted miraculously to life. 36:31 That means that those who are dead 36:33 by a miracle of God will live again. 36:36 Amen. 36:37 And so the state of the dead is involved. 36:40 Incidentally, also, the state of the dead 36:42 is involved in the concept of the judgment. 36:45 Let me put it this way. 36:47 What do most Christian churches believe about the judgment? 36:51 When is a person judged 36:53 according to almost every single Christian church? 36:56 When you die. Right? 36:59 If when you die, you were a good person, 37:02 accepted Jesus, 37:03 your soul is whisked off to heaven. 37:06 If you did not receive Christ, if you are wicked, 37:10 your soul goes to hell. 37:13 So when is a person judged in this point of view? 37:17 They judge when they die. 37:19 So if a person is judged when they die, 37:21 why would God call a judgment in 1844, 37:24 to examine the cases of the dead 37:25 to see if they're gonna receive life or death? 37:29 Are you with me or not? 37:30 The state of the dead 37:32 is linked with the concept of the judgment. 37:34 The reason why the Christian world 37:36 can't accept the Adventist view of the judgment 37:38 is because they say, 37:39 why would God judge at a certain period in history, 37:42 if everybody's already been judged 37:44 when they died? 37:46 So the investigative judgment is centered there. 37:49 Every doctrine of the church, 37:50 every distinctive doctrine of the church 37:53 is centered in the most holy place, 37:54 and the pioneers discovered one after another, 37:57 these doctrines 37:59 when they entered the most holy place 38:00 in the year 1844. 38:02 And you'll notice that what happened was 38:05 that futurism attempted to destroy 38:09 the prophecy of the 2300 years. 38:14 Futurism also hides the un-time appearance 38:20 of the remnant church. 38:22 When was the remnant church going to appear 38:25 according to Revelation Chapter 12? 38:28 It was gonna come, you were gonna have 38:30 the dragon persecuting the woman 38:34 for time, times, the dividing of time, 38:37 1260 years, which ended 1798. 38:41 And then the very next verse speaks about the remnant 38:44 who keep the commandments of God 38:47 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. 38:49 So when would the remnant church appear? 38:52 It would appear sometime after, what? 38:55 Sometime after 1798. 38:59 But for futurists they say, no, 39:00 the remnant are the Jews at the end of time, 39:04 after the rapture of the church, 39:06 that's God's remnant. 39:07 So the purpose of the devil 39:09 is to hide the identity of the remnant. 39:11 And by the way, there are four characteristics 39:14 of the remnant. 39:15 Number one, 39:17 the remnant appears after the 1260 years. 39:21 Secondly, it would appear in the United States 39:23 and you say, where do you get that from? 39:26 Because Revelation 12:16, 39:28 the very previous verse says 39:29 that the earth helped the woman. 39:31 And then it says 39:32 that the dragon is in rage with a woman 39:34 and goes to make war with the remnant of her seed. 39:37 And so the remnant is gonna rise in the earth. 39:40 And then they keep the commandments of God, 39:43 and they have the testimony of Jesus Christ. 39:47 They teach that we're supposed to keep 39:48 all of God's Ten Commandments because we love the Lord. 39:51 And they also have in their midst of prophet 39:54 that presents the true prophetic scenario 39:57 that the Bible presents. 39:59 Futurism also destroys 40:01 the need to study the Book of Revelation. 40:04 You say, why is that? 40:06 Well, they might study it just out of curiosity, 40:10 or are simply because as an informational item. 40:14 But really, 40:16 futurism destroys the importance 40:19 and need of studying the Book of Revelation for Christians. 40:21 You say, why is that? 40:23 Because Revelation 4:1, if you go there with me, 40:27 it says, "After this I looked, and, behold, 40:29 a door was opened in heaven: 40:30 and the first voice which I heard 40:32 was as it were of a trumpet talking with me, 40:34 which said, Come up hither, 40:36 and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter." 40:39 And so, supposedly, 40:41 when John is told, come up here, 40:43 that's the rapture of the church. 40:45 And futurists teach that from Revelation 4, 40:49 all the way through Revelation Chapter 19, 40:52 this is describing events that will take place 40:55 after the church is rapture to heaven. 40:58 So why should the church study these chapters at all, 41:02 if they're gonna be gone? 41:04 What benefit would it be to the church 41:06 to study these chapters? 41:08 Incidentally, 41:10 if these chapters are as futurists say, 41:15 going to take place, 41:16 or being fulfilled after the church 41:18 goes to heaven. 41:20 What does that do with the central mission 41:22 and message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church? 41:24 We believe that our central message 41:26 and mission is to proclaim 41:28 the three angels' messages to the world. 41:31 But if Revelation 14 is future 41:34 after the rapture of the church, 41:37 then we're preaching a message out of time, 41:40 because that doesn't apply to our time, 41:42 according to futurism. 41:44 Now, two more things 41:46 that I'd like to say about how futurism destroys 41:50 the Seventh-day Adventist message. 41:52 Futurism leaves itself wide open to believe 41:56 the Antichrist counterfeit Second Coming of Jesus. 42:01 They will be ripe to receive the counterfeit Christ. 42:05 Notice Matthew 24:26-27. 42:09 We're gonna dedicate a little bit more time to this. 42:11 Matthew 24:26-27. 42:15 Jesus stated, "Wherefore if they shall say unto you, 42:19 Behold, he is in the desert, 42:21 go not forth: behold, 42:23 he is in the secret chambers, believe it not. 42:26 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, 42:28 and shineth even unto the west, 42:30 so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." 42:35 So this is speaking about 42:37 the counterfeit Second Coming of Christ. 42:40 By the way, 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2, 42:43 which we studied very carefully last evening, 42:46 in our two presentations, 42:49 describes also this counterfeit Second Coming of Jesus. 42:52 It's not Jesus, it's Satan, 42:54 who is disguising himself as Jesus. 42:57 Notice 2 Thessalonians 2:8. 43:00 2 Thessalonians 2:8. 43:03 It's speaking about the lawless one here 43:05 and the devil is behind the lawless one. 43:07 It says in 2 Thessalonians 2:8, 43:10 "And then the lawless one will be revealed, 43:15 whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth 43:18 and destroy with the brightness of His coming." 43:22 So you'll notice here, 43:23 the lawless one is going to be revealed 43:25 and Jesus is going to destroy him 43:27 by the brightness of His coming. 43:29 But before Jesus destroys this Antichrist, 43:33 this Antichrist is gonna do something very interesting. 43:36 Notice 2 Thessalonians 2:9, 43:40 "The coming..." 43:41 The word parousia, 43:42 the same word that is used for the coming of Jesus. 43:45 "The coming of a lawless one 43:49 is according to the working of Satan, 43:52 with all power, signs, and lying wonders." 43:58 There's only one other verse in the Bible 44:00 that uses those three words power, signs and wonders. 44:03 And that's Acts 2:22. 44:06 Now, the words are not translated the same in Acts, 44:09 but then the identical Greek words. 44:12 Notice, who was the one 44:15 in the Book of Acts that had power, 44:17 signs and wonders? 44:19 Acts 2:22 is speaking about Jesus. 44:22 And here Peter is actually preaching his sermon 44:24 on the day of Pentecost. 44:26 And he stated this, 44:28 "Men of Israel, hear these words, 44:31 Jesus of Nazareth, 44:33 a man attested by God to you 44:36 by miracles, wonders and signs 44:41 which God did through Him in your midst, 44:43 as you yourselves also know." 44:46 So Jesus did those three things. 44:49 But 2 Thessalonians 2 tells us that the Antichrist, 44:53 that Satan is gonna do those same three things. 44:57 He is going to imitate 45:00 the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. 45:02 I wanna read you, a rather large, 45:04 long passage from Great Controversy, 45:07 where Ellen White describes 45:09 the counterfeit coming of Christ, 45:12 which is falsified by Satan. 45:14 Page 624 of Great Controversy, Ellen White writes, 45:18 "As the crowning act 45:20 in the great drama of deception, 45:22 Satan himself will personate Christ. 45:26 The church has long professed to look to the Savior's advent 45:29 as the consummation of her hopes. 45:31 Now, the great deceiver will make it appear 45:35 that Christ has come. 45:37 In different parts of the earth, 45:39 Satan will manifest himself among men 45:41 as a majestic being of dazzling brightness, 45:44 resembling the description of the Son of God 45:47 given by John in the Revelation." 45:50 Revelation 1, the glorified Christ, 45:52 he's gonna look just like Jesus. 45:55 She continues writing, 45:56 "The glory that surround him is unsurpassed 45:59 by anything that mortal eyes have yet beheld. 46:03 The shout of triumph rings out upon the air" 46:06 'Christ has come! Christ has come!' 46:08 "What are Christians saying, 46:11 when they see this counterfeit second coming? 46:13 Christ has come! 46:15 Why would they say Christ has come? 46:16 Now, listen carefully, because they believe 46:18 that when Jesus comes in His glorious coming, 46:21 He's gonna be on this earth 46:23 during the millennium, 46:24 and He's gonna reign in glory here. 46:27 So if they're expecting Jesus 46:29 to come here for the millennium, 46:31 in His glorious second coming, 46:33 they will accept this false Christ, 46:35 thinking that it's Jesus. 46:37 Are you with me or not? 46:38 Now, notice when it continues saying, 46:40 "The glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed 46:42 by anything that mortal eyes have yet beheld. 46:45 The shout of triumph rings out upon the air" 46:48 'Christ has come! Christ has come!' 46:51 The people prostrate themselves in adoration before him, 46:54 while he lifts his hands 46:56 and pronounces a blessing upon them, 46:58 as Christ blessed His disciples when He was upon the earth. 47:02 His voice is soft and subdued, 47:06 and yet full of melody. 47:07 In gentle, compassionate tones 47:10 he presents some of the same gracious, 47:13 heavenly truths that the Savior uttered, 47:16 he heals the diseases of the people, 47:19 and then, in his assumed character of Christ, 47:23 he claims to have change the Sabbath to Sunday, 47:26 and commands all to hallow the day 47:29 which he has blessed. 47:31 He declares that those who persist in keeping 47:33 holy the seventh day are blaspheming his name 47:36 by refusing to listen to his angels 47:38 sent to them with light and truth." 47:40 And then Ellen White wrote, 47:43 "This is the strong, 47:45 almost overmastering delusion." 47:49 That's impressive. 47:51 Is most of the Christian world gonna buy 47:54 that this is Jesus Christ 47:56 coming in the second coming, why? 47:58 Because they don't know how Jesus is coming. 48:01 They believe that Jesus is coming, 48:03 He's going to touch this earth, 48:05 and He's going to reign here for 1000 years, 48:08 He gonna heal the diseases of the people, 48:10 He's gonna teach them in soft tones. 48:12 And if you believe that Jesus is coming here 48:13 for the millennium and His second coming? 48:15 Well, you know, when this majestic being appears, 48:18 you will probably buy into it. 48:20 Is that important to know how Jesus will come? 48:24 Why will God's people not be deceived 48:26 by this counterfeit second coming? 48:28 If their ears are telling them, it's Jesus, 48:30 their eyes are telling them that it's Jesus, 48:33 other people are telling them that it's Jesus, 48:36 why are they not gonna buy into it? 48:38 Once again, Great Controversy, page 625, 48:42 "But the people of God will not be misled. 48:46 The teachings of this false Christ 48:49 are not in accordance with the Scriptures. 48:52 His blessing is pronounced upon the worshipers of the beast 48:55 and His image, 48:56 the very class upon whom the Bible declares 48:59 that God's unmingled wrath shall be poured out." 49:02 So the first reason why God's people will know 49:05 that this is not Christ 49:06 is because He's teaching people to keep Sunday 49:08 when the Bible says it's Sabbath, 49:09 and God is not gonna contradict His word. 49:12 There's a second way. 49:14 "And furthermore, 49:15 Satan is not permitted to counterfeit 49:18 the manner of Christ advent." 49:20 How He woke up? 49:22 "The Savior has warned His people 49:24 against deception upon this point, 49:26 and has clearly foretold 49:28 the manner of His second coming." 49:31 And then she quotes, 49:33 the passage from Matthew 24:24-27, 49:36 31, Chapter 25:31, 49:39 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, 49:42 and then she ends by stating this. 49:45 "This coming 49:46 there is no possibility of counterfeiting. 49:50 It will be universally known, witnessed by the whole world." 49:55 Now, Jesus is not gonna appear here and there. 49:58 Every eye shall see Him, 50:00 says the Book of Revelation. 50:02 And then Ellen White makes this comment. 50:05 "Only those who have been 50:07 diligent students of the Scriptures 50:10 and who have received the love of the truth 50:13 will be shielded from the powerful delusion 50:16 that takes the world captive. 50:19 By the Bible testimony 50:21 these will detect the deceiver in his disguise." 50:27 By the way, 2 Thessalonians 2:11-13, 50:32 tells us the reason why the wicked buy 50:35 into the counterfeit second coming, 50:37 and why the righteous will not. 50:39 It says in 2 Thessalonians 2:11, 50:42 speaking about the wicked, and for this reason, 50:45 God will send them, what? 50:48 Strong delusion. 50:50 Now, God doesn't go around deluding people. 50:53 What it means is that these individuals chose Satan, 50:56 so God withdraws His presence. 50:59 He says, you don't want Me? 51:01 I'll step back. 51:03 And God allows Satan to deceive them. 51:06 If they decided to accept the truth, 51:08 God would have shielded them. 51:10 So it says, "For this reason, 51:12 God will send them strong delusion, 51:13 that they should believe the lie." 51:16 This is not a lie, or lying, 51:19 that they should believe the lie. 51:22 The definite article is there. 51:23 What is the lie? 51:25 It's the counterfeit Second Coming of Christ. 51:27 And then she writes, 51:28 "That they all may be condemned 51:31 who did not believe the truth 51:34 but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 51:38 Incidentally, those who are unsaved 51:43 will have absolutely no preparation 51:47 to go through the worst time of trouble 51:49 in the history of the world. 51:52 Let me ask you, 51:53 if you heard that a hurricane was coming to California, 51:57 would you prepare in Hawaii? 52:01 No, of course not. 52:04 It's only, if you believe it's coming here 52:07 that you will prepare for it. 52:11 Does the Christian world 52:12 believe that they're gonna go through the tribulation, 52:14 that it's gonna hit them? 52:16 There's no. 52:17 You see, we're gonna go to heaven 52:19 before the hard times come, 52:21 you know, we're gonna have our cake here, 52:23 and we're gonna eat it too. 52:25 And so when the time of trouble comes, 52:26 such as never has been seen in the history of the world, 52:29 they're gonna be unprepared, 52:30 they're not gonna have the necessary faith 52:32 to go through the Spirit 52:34 because they do not expect to go through it. 52:38 Finally, futurism gives Christians 52:40 a false sense of security. 52:43 Because they say, "Well, you know, 52:46 if I'm not saved in the rapture, 52:50 and I survived the Second Coming, 52:51 I can still be saved during the Tribulation. 52:55 And if for some reason 52:57 I'm not saved during the tribulation, 52:59 when Jesus comes a second time in His glorious coming, 53:03 well, maybe then I can be saved during the millennium." 53:07 The Bible doesn't teach that. 53:09 The Bible teaches that when probation closes, 53:12 it closes for every single person, 53:14 there is no more opportunity to be saved. 53:17 You are either saved or lost. 53:19 There is not a second chance, there's not a third chance. 53:23 But if you believe 53:24 that if you don't make it in the rapture, 53:25 yeah, you'll be here, 53:27 but you know, you can be that tribulation force, 53:30 that Left Behind series has, 53:32 and you know, you can stand for Jesus 53:34 and then when He comes in His glorious coming, 53:36 then you didn't make it in the rapture, 53:38 but now you make it. 53:41 By the way, I watched some of those movies, 53:42 I was interested in seeing 53:44 what futurists are teaching in practical terms, 53:46 in movie form. 53:48 It's just like their theology. 53:50 And the problem is, 53:51 people are so much in tune with Hollywood style movies 53:55 that they buy it, they swallowed hook, 53:59 line and sinker, folks, don't they? 54:02 They think that that's gospel truth. 54:04 You know, you take for example, 54:05 that movie on the flood called Noah. 54:09 Have mercy. 54:12 You know, the stone like creatures, 54:15 you know, the watchers, and so on. 54:17 It's nothing like a biblical story. 54:19 And yet people who are biblically illiterate, 54:21 they say, wow, I never knew that the flood was like that. 54:26 They buy it hook, line and sinker. 54:28 You know, they won't believe the Bible story. 54:31 But they will believe the embellishment 54:33 that Hollywood gives to the Bible story 54:35 because people these days are basically ignorant 54:39 when it comes to the Bible and theology. 54:42 And if you don't have the knowledge, 54:43 you will be deceived 54:45 and you'll be on the wrong side. 54:46 I wanna end by reading a statement 54:49 from Ellen White on Protestantism. 54:53 She says, "It is not without reason 54:55 that the claim has been put forth 54:57 in Protestant countries 54:59 that Catholicism differs less widely 55:02 from Protestantism than in former times. 55:05 There has been a change, 55:07 but the change is not in the papacy. 55:10 Catholicism indeed resembles much of Protestantism 55:13 but not exists, 55:15 because Protestantism has so greatly degenerated 55:19 since the days of the Reformers." 55:21 Would that be true of their prophetic concepts 55:23 these days too? 55:24 Totally degenerate. 55:26 She continues writing, 55:28 "As the Protestant churches 55:30 have been seeking the favor of the world, 55:32 false charity has blinded their eyes." 55:35 Do you know what false charity is? 55:37 Political correctness, we call it today. 55:40 Oh, yeah, let's love everybody. 55:42 False charity. 55:45 Political correctness. 55:46 She says, listen, 55:47 "As the Protestant churches 55:49 have been seeking the favor of the world, 55:50 false charity has blinded their eyes. 55:53 They do not see 55:54 that it is right to believe good of all evil, 55:57 and as the inevitable result 55:59 they will finally believe evil of all good. 56:02 Instead of standing in defense of the faith 56:06 once delivered to the saints, 56:08 they are now, as it were, 56:10 apologizing to Rome 56:12 for their uncharitable opinion of her, 56:16 begging pardon for their bigotry." 56:20 Do you think that if the Protestant world today 56:23 understood by what prophecy that Billy Graham would say 56:25 that the pope John Paul II 56:27 was the greatest moral leader of the world? 56:29 Do you think Robert Schuller would say 56:31 that he dreamed when he was alive, 56:33 he dreamed of the day 56:35 when the entire Christian world would accept the pope 56:38 as its leader? 56:39 Do you think Paul Crouch of TBN 56:42 would have said that he's not protesting anything, 56:44 he's deleting the word Protestant 56:46 from his vocabulary? 56:48 Do you think Lutherans would have signed 56:49 the Joint Declaration on righteousness 56:51 by faith with the Catholics? 56:53 Do you think the Protestant clergy would have signed 56:55 Evangelicals and Catholics together? 56:57 Do you think Tony Palmer would have said 56:59 that the protest is over 57:00 and we're all Catholics now again? 57:03 Do you think Kenneth Copeland would say to the pope, 57:05 we bless you with all our hearts, 57:06 we bless you with all our souls, 57:08 we bless you with all our might, 57:10 and we thank you, sir, we thank God for you, 57:12 and so all of us declared together be blessed? 57:16 Do you think that Ralph Reed would have written 57:18 or would have said, the truth, 57:19 my friends is this Catholicism never has been is not today 57:23 and never will be a threat to American democracy. 57:26 It was and remains the most colorful 57:28 and the most vibrant thread running 57:29 through that tapestry of American democracy. 57:32 What Rick Warren have said, 57:35 Protestants and Catholics are on the same team. 57:38 What James Robinson, the television... 57:40 who has a television program have said, 57:42 Pope Francis, let me just say to you, 57:44 that I see Jesus in you, 57:46 and in Christ we are brothers, we are family. 57:48 They've lost the method. 57:50 And therefore, 57:52 they wander in the wilderness of false prophecy. 57:56 And the Seventh-day Adventist Church is the church 57:58 that has the message to share with the world, 58:01 and woe to us if we don't do it. |
Revised 2019-11-21