The Prophetic Panorama

A Judas in the Church Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TPP

Program Code: TPP000017A

00:15 Well, welcome again.
00:17 This is session number 17.
00:20 Believe it or not, time does fly by, doesn't it?
00:24 It's been a real pleasure being here in Hawaii
00:26 to produce this series.
00:28 And the two other series
00:29 that were produced by other speakers.
00:32 And today our topic of study has two parts.
00:36 The title is A Judas in the Church.
00:40 And we are going to take part one,
00:45 and then in our second session, we will study part two,
00:48 but before we do
00:49 we want to have a word of prayer.
00:51 And so I invite you to bow your heads as we pray.
00:53 Father in heaven,
00:55 as we study this very important subject
00:57 on 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2,
01:00 we ask for the presence of Your Holy Spirit.
01:03 There are so many out there
01:05 that are confused about these prophecies.
01:07 And You have given a wonderful message
01:09 to our church to share with them.
01:12 We ask that through these presentations
01:15 as they are in social media, satellite, and television
01:19 that You might reach many of those sincere souls
01:21 with the truth.
01:23 We ask that You will bless us,
01:24 that You will open our minds and hearts.
01:26 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
01:31 The Thessalonians had written to the Apostle Paul,
01:36 with a very important question.
01:38 They knew that those who are alive
01:42 when Jesus comes were going to be taken
01:45 to heaven with Jesus.
01:48 But they wondered about what was happening,
01:50 what would happen to those who had passed away
01:52 before the Second Coming of Jesus.
01:55 Evidently, they were not aware of the doctrine
01:58 of the resurrection of the dead.
02:00 So they wrote to the Apostle Paul to ask him
02:03 what would happen with them.
02:05 The Apostle Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians
02:08 to answer their question.
02:10 And in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17,
02:15 the Apostle Paul,
02:16 as we read in previous lectures,
02:19 told them that those who are alive and remain
02:23 and those who died in Christ, the dead would resurrect,
02:27 and together, they would be caught up in the clouds
02:30 to meet the Lord in the air.
02:33 Now he used an expression that
02:35 gave the Thessalonians the impression
02:38 that he was gonna be alive.
02:41 And they were gonna be alive when Jesus comes.
02:45 Twice in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17.
02:49 He said, "We who are alive and remain."
02:52 So the Apostle Paul had to write
02:54 a second epistle to them, to tell them,
02:57 "I wasn't exactly predicting that we were going to be alive
03:01 when Jesus comes."
03:03 In fact, something needs to happen
03:05 before Jesus comes.
03:09 And this is why he wrote the second letter
03:11 to the Thessalonians to clarify
03:13 that he was not predicting that he
03:16 and the Thessalonians would be alive
03:17 at the Second Coming of Christ.
03:19 I wanna read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2,
03:24 where the Apostle Paul offers this correction
03:28 to their misunderstanding.
03:31 In 2:1-2, the Apostle Paul wrote,
03:35 "Now, brethren, concerning the coming,"
03:38 the coming is the word Parousia,
03:40 a common word for the Second Coming,
03:43 "concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
03:46 and our gathering together to Him,
03:49 we ask you, not to be soon
03:52 shaken in mind or troubled,
03:54 either by spirit," that might be a vision,
03:58 "or by word," that is an oral report,
04:01 "or by letter," a supposed letter
04:04 from the Apostle Paul, "as if from us,
04:07 as though the day of Christ had come."
04:11 So the Apostle Paul says,
04:12 "The day of Christ,
04:13 the Second Coming has not occurred yet."
04:16 In fact, he's gonna say that something drastic
04:20 needs to happen before the Parousia,
04:23 before Jesus comes.
04:25 And we find that in Chapter 2
04:28 and verse 3 where he says,
04:31 "Let no one deceive you by any means."
04:35 And, of course, what he means
04:36 is don't let anybody deceive you
04:38 to make you think that
04:40 the coming of Jesus is imminent,
04:42 or that Jesus has come.
04:44 And then it continues saying, "For that Day,"
04:46 that is the Parousia, the Second Coming of Jesus,
04:50 "will not come unless the,"
04:54 I'm reading from the New King James,
04:56 "the falling away comes first."
05:01 So in other words before Jesus can come,
05:04 something is going to occur, the falling away.
05:10 Now it's important to realize that in the Greek,
05:12 the word apostasia,
05:15 where we get our word apostasy from,
05:17 which is translated falling away,
05:20 has the definite article.
05:22 This is not un-apostasy,
05:25 this is the apostasy.
05:28 This is a very specific apostasy
05:30 that the Apostle Paul
05:32 and the Thessalonians knew about.
05:34 So there was gonna be not un-apostasy,
05:37 but the apostasy
05:39 before the Second Coming of Christ.
05:42 And as I mentioned, the word that is used here
05:44 for falling away is the word apostasia,
05:49 which is used to describe a boat
05:52 that is not well anchored
05:53 at the port and is drifting away,
05:57 which means that
05:59 if it's drifting away from the port,
06:01 it was at the port at some point.
06:04 So falling away is not a bad translation,
06:07 but we need to understand that it's the word apostasia.
06:11 We're gonna see that what the Apostle Paul
06:13 was referring to when he said the apostasy is the apostasy
06:18 that is described in Daniel Chapter 7,
06:20 the little horn apostasy or the beast apostasy,
06:24 the beast of Revelation Chapter 13.
06:27 Now we need to discover
06:30 what sin is because in verse 3,
06:34 it says, "Let no one deceive you
06:37 by any means,
06:38 for that Day will not come
06:39 unless the falling away comes first,
06:42 and the man of sin is revealed."
06:46 So in other words, this apostasy is marked
06:49 and led by the man of sin.
06:53 So we need to know what sin is
06:55 because this is a man who's going to defend,
06:59 he's going to actually say that it's okay to sin.
07:04 So in 1 John 3:4,
07:08 we find the following definition of sin.
07:10 And I'm reading
07:12 from the New King James Version.
07:14 "Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness,
07:18 and sin is lawlessness."
07:21 I like the King James translation better.
07:23 It says,
07:24 "Sin is the transgression of the law."
07:28 So in other words, this apostasy is going to be
07:31 exhibited or manifested by an attack on the law.
07:35 It's going to encourage transgression of the law.
07:40 By the way, this reminds us of Daniel 7:25,
07:46 where we are told that the little horn
07:48 thought that it could change the times and the law.
07:54 So you have a common link here between 2 Thessalonians 2
07:58 and Daniel 7:25.
08:00 2 Thessalonians 2 says,
08:02 "That this man of sin would encourage
08:06 transgression of the law."
08:08 And Daniel 7:25 says, "That this power
08:11 would think that it could change God's law."
08:17 And then we notice also in verse 3
08:19 and we're studying phrase by phrase of this verse 3.
08:23 2 Thessalonians 2:3 once again states,
08:27 "Let no one deceive you by any means,
08:29 for that Day," that is the day of Christ
08:31 Parousia His coming,
08:33 "will not come
08:34 unless the falling away comes first,
08:37 and the man of sin,"
08:38 which is transgression of the law, "is revealed."
08:43 Now, what is the antonym of revealed?
08:46 What is the opposite of revealed?
08:49 Concealed.
08:50 So in other words,
08:52 the Apostle Paul is saying that,
08:54 at this specific point of time, this man of sin was concealed.
09:00 But at some point in the future,
09:02 he was going to be what?
09:04 He was going to be revealed.
09:05 In other words,
09:07 during the time of the Apostle Paul,
09:09 this man of sin was under the radar.
09:13 He was concealed.
09:15 He had not shown his head yet,
09:19 but he was going to be revealed
09:22 in the course of time.
09:25 Now let's notice also the name
09:28 that is given to this specific individual
09:32 that will lead this apostasy.
09:34 It says in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, once again,
09:39 "Let no one deceive you by any means, for that Day,"
09:43 that is the day of Christ coming,
09:45 "will not come
09:46 unless the falling away comes first,
09:48 and the man of sin," once again,
09:52 he's gonna encourage the transgression of the law.
09:54 He's gonna think that he can change God's law
09:57 is revealed which means that when Paul wrote he's concealed.
10:01 He's not revealed himself yet.
10:02 And then he's given the name,
10:04 the son of perdition.
10:09 So the name of this apostasy
10:12 is the son of perdition.
10:15 So we need to determine
10:16 what the son of perdition means.
10:19 The only other place in the Bible
10:23 where the name son of perdition is used
10:27 is with reference to Judas Iscariot.
10:31 Let's go to John 17:12.
10:34 John 17:12.
10:38 Jesus says,
10:40 "While I was with them in the world,
10:42 I kept them in Your name.
10:45 Those whom You gave Me I have kept,
10:48 and none of them is lost except the son of perdition,
10:53 that the Scripture might be fulfilled."
10:57 Once again, the name of this apostasy
11:01 and the apostate power
11:03 that leads it is the son of perdition.
11:06 And the son of perdition is given only in the Bible
11:10 to one person, and that is Judas
11:13 other than in this passage.
11:15 Now we need to understand
11:17 that in the Bible names are important.
11:20 Names are simply not a way
11:22 of distinguishing one person from another.
11:25 A name denotes the character of a person
11:28 that bears the name.
11:30 I wanna read from
11:31 the Interpreter's Bible Dictionary,
11:33 volume 3, pages 500 and 501.
11:37 And the meaning and importance of a name
11:40 in the Bible.
11:41 It says there, "In Biblical thought a name
11:45 is not a mere label of identification,
11:49 it is an expression of the essential character
11:53 of its bearer.
11:54 A man's name reveals his character.
11:58 Adam was able to give names to the beasts
12:00 and birds because,
12:03 as Milton says, he understood their nature."
12:08 So if this man of sin is called the son of perdition,
12:13 and Judas is called the son of perdition,
12:16 they both must have
12:18 the same basic character.
12:22 Are you with me or not?
12:24 So the question is
12:26 what kind of character did Judas have?
12:30 We're gonna come to that in a few moments.
12:33 But let me mention, first of all,
12:35 a misconception that exists in the conservative
12:38 Christian world.
12:40 And that is that the Antichrist is going to be
12:43 one specific wicked individual
12:46 who will rebuild the Jewish temple,
12:49 reign in the temple for three and a half years,
12:52 openly defy God, blaspheming his name,
12:57 and persecute the Jews.
13:00 And the reason why they believe that
13:02 the man of sin represents this nasty individual
13:07 who will arise after the rapture of the church
13:11 is because the singular
13:14 is use the man of sin.
13:17 So they say this has to be an individual man
13:20 because he's called the man of sin.
13:23 However, we need to remember a few things.
13:27 And that is that clearly the little horn
13:30 is the same as the beast.
13:32 We've already shown that.
13:33 And in prophecy, a beast does not represent
13:38 an individual except in the case of Nebuchadnezzar,
13:41 which is in the historical section of Daniel,
13:44 not the prophetic section of Daniel.
13:46 So in prophecy, beasts always represent
13:49 kingdoms not individuals.
13:53 And so we would assume that the little horn
13:55 which is the same as the beast of Revelation 13
13:58 represents not an individual
14:00 but represents a system in other words.
14:05 Secondly, we are told that this man of sin,
14:09 which is the same
14:10 as the little horn and the beast,
14:12 and by the way,
14:13 there's no argument in the Christian world.
14:15 They say the little horn, the beast,
14:16 and the man of sin represent the same power.
14:19 So whether it's an Adventist or non-Adventist,
14:21 they say all three of those represent the same power.
14:26 Now the little horn and the beast rule
14:29 for a certain period of time.
14:30 How long does the little horn rule?
14:33 Time times and the dividing of time,
14:35 how long is that?
14:37 1260 years.
14:39 How long is 42 months?
14:41 1260 years.
14:43 Do you know of an individual who has lived 1260 years?
14:48 Absolutely not.
14:49 It has to be a system because no individual
14:53 other than probably Moses or Elijah have lived that long.
14:57 Furthermore, the Bible tells us
15:00 that the man of sin was already wanting to show
15:04 his head in the days of Paul.
15:06 But the man of sin is gonna be destroyed at the Second Coming.
15:10 And so this must be a system that was about to rise
15:13 in the days of Paul,
15:15 and will exist until it's destroyed
15:17 when Jesus comes.
15:18 Are you with me or not?
15:20 Furthermore, it's interesting to notice that the expression,
15:24 the man of sin, which is masculine singular,
15:28 would seem to indicate an individual,
15:31 but in the Bible, the masculine singular
15:36 many times indicates a succession of individuals
15:39 and not an individual.
15:41 Let me give you three examples.
15:43 Hebrews 9:7,
15:44 we're not gonna read these verses.
15:46 We don't have time,
15:47 we have so much material to cover.
15:48 I hope I'm able to have enough time
15:50 to cover everything that we have to do.
15:52 But in Hebrews 9:7, it speaks of the priest,
15:57 masculine singular, but you read the text
16:00 is referring to all of the priesthood
16:03 in the Old Testament.
16:04 You'll find in 1 Samuel 8:11 that it speaks of the king.
16:10 But once again, you'll read the verse
16:12 in its context, it's referring to
16:14 all of the succession of kings in Israel.
16:18 The Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 3:17
16:22 says that we should study the Scriptures,
16:24 "That the man of God might develop perfection."
16:28 Well, that's not speaking about an individual man,
16:31 it's speaking about all of the men.
16:33 Are you with me or not?
16:35 So just because he's called the man of sin
16:38 does not necessarily mean that it's a specific individual
16:42 for the reasons that I've mentioned.
16:44 Now Dave Hunt, whom I mentioned
16:46 in a previous lecture,
16:48 had a correct view of the Antichrist,
16:50 but he identified the wrong person.
16:53 He believed that it was a nasty individual
16:56 after the rapture of the church at the end of the age,
16:59 but notice his description which really tells us
17:02 what the Antichrist is like.
17:05 In his Book Global Peace, pages 7-8, he wrote,
17:08 "While the Greek prefix 'anti' generally means 'against'
17:14 or 'opposed to,' it can also mean 'in place of'
17:18 or 'a substitute for.'
17:21 The Antichrist will embody both meanings.
17:25 He will oppose Christ while pretending to be Christ.
17:29 Instead of a frontal assault against Christianity,
17:33 the evil one will pervert the church
17:35 from within by posing as its founder.
17:38 He will cunningly misrepresent Christ
17:41 while pretending to be Christ.
17:44 And right here is where the plot thickens.
17:47 If the Antichrist will indeed pretend to be Christ,
17:51 then his followers must be Christians!"
17:54 Interesting description.
17:56 Does that fit the Roman Catholic papacy
17:59 like glove in hand?
18:02 Now it's interesting the word Antichrist
18:05 in Greek is antichristos.
18:08 It means basically the same thing
18:10 as Vicar of Christ.
18:13 You say how's that?
18:15 Antichrist means,
18:16 he who occupies the place of Christ.
18:20 What does Vicar of Christ mean?
18:23 It means one who occupies the place of Christ
18:27 except antichristos is Greek, whereas,
18:30 the expression Vicarius Christi is in Latin.
18:35 Incidentally,
18:36 the expression Vicarius Filii Dei,
18:40 Vicar of the Son of God means basically the same thing
18:43 as antichristos because it means
18:47 he who takes the place of the Son of God,
18:51 and that's exactly what 2 Thessalonians is describing.
18:55 Incidentally, in classical Greek
18:59 the word Anti-Basileus.
19:03 The word Basileus means king.
19:06 Anti-Basileus means the person
19:09 who occupies the place of the king.
19:12 We have the word Antipas.
19:15 Have you ever heard of Herod Antipas?
19:18 Well, the word Antipas means
19:21 he who takes the place of the Father.
19:25 Anti in place of, pater father.
19:28 So it doesn't mean he who against the Father.
19:30 It means one
19:32 who takes the place of the father.
19:34 We have the word antitype.
19:36 Have you ever heard the word antitype
19:38 that means that
19:39 which takes the place of the type.
19:41 The lamb is the type and the Jesus is the antitype,
19:46 he takes the place of the type.
19:48 And then we also have the word antilutron,
19:51 which means that
19:52 Jesus came to die in place of many.
19:56 So Antichrist does not mean somebody
19:59 who rises with fists up in the air saying that
20:03 God doesn't exist and blaspheme in the name of God.
20:08 The word means someone who claims
20:10 to occupy the place of Jesus Christ.
20:15 Now this means that the Antichrist is not going to
20:19 openly attack Christianity.
20:22 He is going to act in the place of Christ,
20:26 claiming to be the representative of Christ.
20:29 You know, it's interesting that
20:33 Judas has a character very similar
20:37 to the character of this man of sin
20:40 of 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.
20:43 I wanna read a statement that we find
20:45 from Great Controversy, page 234 and 235.
20:49 You know that the present pope that is in Rome,
20:52 Francis I
20:54 is the first Jesuit pope in history.
20:57 I wanna read you the description
20:58 that Ellen White gives of the papacy, you know,
21:02 is the pope an individual who openly opposes Christ?
21:07 Does he oppose Christ?
21:09 Or does he claim to be a follower of Christ?
21:12 He claims to be a follower of Christ.
21:14 Does he claim to occupy
21:15 the position of Christ on earth?
21:17 Yes, he does.
21:19 Does he claim to occupy the position of Christ
21:21 in leading Christians on planet earth?
21:24 Absolutely.
21:25 Now notice what Ellen White had to say about the Jesuits.
21:28 "When appearing as members of their order,
21:31 they wore a garb of sanctity,
21:35 visiting prisons and hospitals,
21:38 ministering to the sick and the poor,
21:41 professing to have renounced the world,
21:44 and bearing the sacred name of Jesus,
21:47 who went about doing good.
21:49 But under this blameless exterior
21:53 the most criminal
21:54 and deadly purposes were concealed."
21:58 That's the picture of the Antichrist.
22:00 Ellen White also described in Great Controversy, page 571,
22:05 the policy of papal Rome.
22:08 It's a short statement.
22:10 I've read it before.
22:11 I quote, "It is part of her policy,"
22:15 that is the papacy's policy, "to assume the character
22:19 which will best accomplish her purpose,
22:22 but beneath the variable appearance of the chameleon."
22:27 Do you have chameleons here in Hawaii,
22:29 you have chameleons?
22:31 What's the interesting characteristic of a chameleon?
22:34 It changes colors depending where it's at, right?
22:37 I grew up in South America,
22:38 they have chameleons down there.
22:40 So she says,
22:41 "But beneath the variable appearance
22:43 of the chameleon she conceals
22:46 the invariable venom of the serpent."
22:51 That is the picture of Antichrist,
22:53 not a blasphemous individual who raises his fist and says,
22:56 "God, you don't exist."
22:58 No, no, no, the devil is much more
23:00 deceptive than that.
23:03 Now you notice that the Antichrist
23:07 and Judas bear the same name.
23:11 So let's study the character of Judas to see
23:15 if we can discover
23:17 what the character of the Antichrist is.
23:21 The first thing that we wanna notice about
23:23 Judas Iscariot is that he was a shrewd politician,
23:28 and a sharp businessman who carried the money bank
23:32 and craved the praise of people.
23:36 I wanna read you some statements
23:37 from the Spirit of Prophecy.
23:39 First, in the Book Education, page 93.
23:43 She's speaking about Judas,
23:44 "He had come more into contact with the world than they,"
23:48 that is them, the disciples, "he was a man,"
23:51 this is according to his own estimation,
23:52 "he was a man of good address,
23:55 of discernment and executive ability,
23:59 and, having a high estimate of his own qualifications,
24:03 he had led the disciples to hold him in the same regard.
24:07 But the methods he desired to introduce
24:10 into Christ's work were based upon
24:12 worldly principles and were controlled by
24:15 worldly policy."
24:17 Would you say that that would be true
24:19 of the way that the Vatican operates?
24:21 Absolutely.
24:23 In Bible Commentary, volume 5, pages 1101 and 1102,
24:29 Ellen White further describes what Judas was like.
24:32 But Judas was a speculator.
24:34 He thought that he could manage
24:36 the finances of the church,
24:38 and by his sharpness in business get gain.
24:42 He was divided in heart.
24:44 He loved the praise of the world.
24:47 He refused to give up the world for Christ.
24:51 He never committed his eternal interest to Christ.
24:54 He had a superficial religion,
24:57 and therefore he speculated upon his Master
25:00 and betrayed Him to the priests
25:02 being fully persuaded that Christ
25:04 would not allow Himself to be taken.
25:07 Judas was a religious fraud.
25:10 He held up a high standard for others,
25:13 but he himself utterly failed to reach the Bible standard.
25:17 He did not bring the religion of Christ into his life.
25:21 What an interesting description.
25:23 Finally, in Desire of Ages, page 717, Ellen White wrote,
25:28 "Judas summed up all the disciples,
25:31 and flattered himself that the church
25:34 would often be brought into perplexity
25:37 and embarrassment if it were not
25:40 for his ability as a manager.
25:43 Judas regarded himself as a capable one,
25:47 who could not be overreached.
25:49 In his own estimation he was an honor to the cause,
25:54 and as such he always represented himself."
25:58 So that's the first picture
26:00 that we get of the character of Judas.
26:02 Now Judas also coveted an earthly kingdom.
26:06 He wasn't thinking, you know,
26:08 about the spiritual kingdom that Jesus wanted to establish.
26:11 No, no, he wanted an earthly kingdom,
26:14 where the Romans would be destroyed.
26:16 And Jesus would take over the reins of civil power.
26:21 In John 6:15,
26:24 we have the feeding of the 5000.
26:28 After Jesus fed the 5000,
26:30 the multitude wanted to take Jesus
26:32 and make him king.
26:34 Let's read John 6:15.
26:37 And then we're gonna look at
26:38 who's the ringleader of this was.
26:40 It says, "Therefore when Jesus perceived
26:43 that they were about to come and take Him by force
26:47 and make him king, He departed again
26:50 to the mountain by Himself alone."
26:53 Now who came up with the idea,
26:55 who spearheaded this idea of taking Jesus
26:58 and make Him a political king.
27:01 It was Judas.
27:02 Desire of Ages, page 718 and 719,
27:06 Ellen White wrote,
27:07 "Judas was first to take advantage
27:10 of the enthusiasm
27:12 excited by the miracle of the loaves.
27:15 It was he who set on foot the project to take Christ
27:20 by force and make Him king.
27:23 His hopes were high.
27:25 His disappointment was bitter."
27:29 In another statement, that we find in Desire of Ages,
27:32 718 and 719 Ellen White wrote,
27:36 "Notwithstanding the Savior's own teaching,
27:39 Judas was continually advancing the idea
27:43 that Christ would reign as king in Jerusalem.
27:46 At the feeding of the five thousand
27:48 he tried to bring this about."
27:51 And when Jesus washed the feet of the disciples
27:54 in the upper room, that was the straw
27:57 that broke the camel's back.
27:59 In Desire of Ages, 645, Ellen White describes
28:02 how Judas when Jesus washed the feet
28:04 of the disciples thought
28:06 this cannot be the king of Israel.
28:08 Humbled Himself to wash the feet
28:09 of His own disciples, He can't be the Messiah.
28:13 Notice Desire of Ages, page 645,
28:16 "If Jesus could so humbled Himself,
28:19 he thought, He could not be Israel's king.
28:23 All hope of worldly honor
28:25 in a temporal kingdom was destroyed.
28:29 Judas was satisfied that there was nothing to be gained
28:32 by following Christ.
28:34 After seeing Him degrade Himself, as he thought,
28:38 he was confirmed in his purpose to disown Him,
28:42 and confess himself deceived.
28:44 He was possessed by a demon,
28:46 and he resolved to complete the work
28:49 he had agreed to do in betraying his Lord."
28:53 So he wanted a temporal kingdom.
28:55 Let me ask you, does the papacy want
28:57 a temporal kingdom, a political kingdom on earth?
29:01 Let me ask you this.
29:02 How many times have you heard
29:03 Francis I talk about
29:05 the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
29:07 Never.
29:09 Because the goal of the papacy is not a kingdom
29:12 established supernaturally by Jesus,
29:14 but to take over
29:15 the political powers of the world
29:17 to establish the theocracy
29:19 that they had during the 1260 years.
29:22 The church dominating the state,
29:25 dominating society,
29:26 that's the Roman Catholic ideal,
29:28 all the time
29:30 since the days of St. Augustine,
29:33 so you would not expect the papacy to tell people
29:36 that we have this blessed hope,
29:38 the glorious Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
29:41 Judas also coveted money
29:44 and feigned a love for the poor.
29:48 Does Francis I talk a lot about helping the poor.
29:53 Does he visit hospitals, the sick, and so on?
29:55 He was like, "This is wonderful.
29:57 This is the most wonderful thing
29:59 since peanut butter was invented."
30:02 I'm being sarcastic in case you didn't notice.
30:05 Notice Matthew 8:19-21,
30:08 Matthew 8:19-21.
30:12 When Jesus first met Judas, He did not call Judas.
30:17 Judas offered his services.
30:19 And I want you to notice the story in Matthew 8:19-21.
30:24 "There was a certain scribe came to him and said to Him,
30:28 'Teacher, I will follow you, wherever You go.'
30:33 And Jesus said to him, 'Foxes have holes
30:35 and birds of the air have nests,
30:38 but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head."
30:40 If you're thinking that you're gonna join me
30:42 because you're gonna have political power,
30:44 and you're gonna have money, think again.
30:48 John 12:4-6.
30:50 John 12:4-6.
30:52 Once again, we see that Judas coveted political power.
30:56 It says here and then he feigned
30:58 a love for the poor.
30:59 "But one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son,
31:03 who would betray him said," this is when the woman,
31:08 you know, anointed the feet of Jesus
31:10 with that precious perfume.
31:13 "Why was this fragrant oil
31:15 not sold for three hundred denarii
31:19 and given to the poor?"
31:22 See, he really cared for the poor, didn't he?
31:25 Verse 6, "This he said, not that he cared for the poor,
31:30 but because he was a thief, and had the money box,
31:34 and he used it to take what was put in it."
31:38 In Luke 22:3-6, we noticed that
31:42 Judas sold Jesus for money.
31:45 He was money hungry.
31:46 Let me ask you,
31:47 is that true of the papacy as well,
31:49 they feign love for the poor
31:51 and they fleece people from their money?
31:53 Absolutely.
31:55 Luke 22:3-6, "Then Satan entered Judas,
31:59 surnamed Iscariot,
32:01 who was numbered among the twelve.
32:03 So he went his way and conferred
32:05 with the chief priests and captains,
32:07 how he might betray Him to them.
32:10 And they were glad, and agreed to give him money.
32:13 So he promised and sought opportunity
32:15 to betray Him to them
32:17 in the absence of the multitude."
32:20 Ellen White in Desire of Ages, page 716 wrote the following.
32:25 "Judas had naturally a strong love for money,
32:29 but he had not always been corrupt enough to do
32:32 such a deed as this."
32:33 That is to sell Jesus for money.
32:35 "He had fostered the evil spirit of avarice
32:39 until it had become the ruling motive of his life.
32:43 The love of mammon
32:45 overbalanced his love for Christ.
32:48 Through becoming the slave of one vice
32:51 he gave himself to Satan,
32:53 to be driven to any lengths in sin."
32:57 In fact, you know, something interesting
33:00 Judas became the Vicar of Satan.
33:04 Really?
33:06 The representative of Satan, an individual
33:09 who claimed to be faithful to Jesus
33:11 and be fighting for Jesus and be loyal to Jesus.
33:15 Notice John 6:70-71.
33:18 After the feeding of the five thousand,
33:21 when Judas was the ringleader
33:23 and trying to force Jesus to become king,
33:25 at the end of the chapter we find who was the ringleader?
33:28 It says in John 6:70-71, "Jesus answered them,
33:33 'Did I not choose you, the twelve,
33:36 and one of you is a devil?
33:39 He spoke of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.
33:42 for it was he who would betray Him,
33:45 being one of the twelve."
33:48 And yet Judas, even though Jesus said,
33:52 "He is a devil."
33:55 And actually we're gonna notice that
33:56 he became demon possessed at the end of his life.
34:00 He claimed to serve Christ and be loyal to Christ,
34:04 he feigned support, and yet at the same time,
34:07 he was secretly undermining Jesus.
34:12 Notice John 13:2,
34:15 "And supper being ended,
34:17 the devil having already put it
34:19 into the heart of Judas Iscariot,
34:21 Simon's son to betray Him."
34:23 Notice John 13:27.
34:27 "Now after the piece of bread,"
34:28 notice, after Jesus gives Judas a piece of bread,
34:31 and he says,
34:33 "to whom I'm giving this piece of bread,
34:34 he's the betrayer."
34:36 It says, "Now after the piece of bread,
34:38 Satan entered him.
34:41 Then Jesus said to him, "What you do, do quickly."
34:45 It's interesting to read Ellen White's remark
34:47 about Satan entering him.
34:49 In Desire of Ages, page 295.
34:52 She wrote, "Judas became a representative
34:56 of the enemy of Christ."
34:59 He became the vicar, which is what the word
35:03 vicar means representative.
35:05 He was not the representative of Jesus.
35:08 He was the representative of the evil one,
35:12 of the enemy of Christ.
35:14 And yet, Judas' hypocrisy
35:18 fooled even the disciples.
35:21 He worked underground by subterfuge.
35:25 He did not reveal his true character.
35:28 He was concealed.
35:29 He worked at cross purposes
35:31 with Jesus claiming to support Him,
35:35 but underneath he was working to
35:37 undermine the authority of Christ.
35:40 He had the appearance of a chameleon.
35:43 He did not openly war against Jesus.
35:47 But Ellen White tells us in Education, page 92
35:51 that He manifested a continuous, sacred,
35:55 and subtle antagonism towards Christ.
35:59 In the Book of Sanctified Life, page 59,
36:03 Ellen White wrote,
36:04 "Judas possessed a form of godliness,"
36:07 see all the forms were there.
36:08 He appeared to be religious,
36:10 he appeared to be a supporter of Christ.
36:11 "Judas possessed a form of godliness,
36:14 while his character was more satanic than divine.
36:19 He professed to be a disciple of Christ,
36:21 but in his words and works, denied Him."
36:27 You know, it's very interesting
36:29 that when the disciples and Jesus were sitting
36:32 there at the table in the upper room,
36:35 Ellen White tells us that Judas was sitting
36:38 to the left side of Christ.
36:40 That's significant.
36:42 Because in the Bible, frequently,
36:44 the left side is the side of God's disfavor.
36:50 Where did Jesus place the goats?
36:53 On the left side, right?
36:55 On the left side.
36:56 By the way, in Spanish,
36:58 the left side is called siniestra.
37:02 In English, the word is sinister.
37:05 The left side is the sinister side.
37:07 Do you know what's an sinister means?
37:11 Also, I don't know if this happens in English,
37:14 we say that he got up on the wrong foot.
37:16 Hispanic say he got up on the left foot.
37:20 And so and so the left in the Bible frequently
37:22 means the side of God's disfavor.
37:24 On the other hand, on the right side of Jesus
37:26 was the beloved disciple John,
37:29 who in the course of time reflected
37:31 the character of Jesus Christ.
37:33 In Desire of Ages, 644, Ellen White wrote,
37:37 "Judas pressed next to Christ on the left side,
37:40 John was on the right.
37:42 If there was a highest place,
37:44 Judas was determined to have it,
37:46 and that place was thought to be
37:48 next to Christ.
37:50 And Judas was a traitor."
37:53 In Matthew 26:25,
37:56 we find that Judas had the disciples,
37:58 the very disciples deceived till the very end,
38:01 he had the first church members deceived
38:02 till the very end.
38:04 They thought that he was an asset
38:05 to the work of God.
38:07 Notice Matthew 26:25.
38:11 This is when Jesus says,
38:12 "One of the disciples is going to betray me.
38:14 One of you?"
38:16 Oh, each one of them says, "Is it I?
38:19 Is it I?"
38:21 Notice what Judas said, Matthew 26:25, "Then Judas,
38:24 who was betraying Him, answered and said,
38:27 'Rabbi, is it I?'
38:30 He said to him, 'You have said it.'
38:32 " And even then, the disciples didn't realize
38:34 what Jesus was saying?
38:37 Notice John 13:26-29,
38:41 "He had a form of godliness,
38:43 and he deceived his own colleagues."
38:46 We find in John 13:26, "Jesus answered,
38:50 'It is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread
38:53 when I have dipped it.'
38:55 " In other words, to whoever I give the piece of bread,
38:57 disciples you can know that he's the betrayer.
39:00 Notice, "And having dipped the bread,
39:03 He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon."
39:07 He would have thought that the disciples gonna say,
39:08 he's the one.
39:10 No.
39:11 "Now after the piece of bread, Satan entered him.
39:15 Then Jesus said to him, 'What you do, do quickly.'
39:19 " Ellen White says that the disciples thought that
39:21 Jesus was sending Judas on an errand.
39:25 Verse 28, "But no one at the table
39:28 knew for what reason He said this to him.
39:31 For some thought,
39:32 because Judas had the money box,
39:34 that Jesus had said to him,
39:35 'Buy those things we need for the feast,'
39:37 or that he should give something to the poor."
39:40 They totally missed the point.
39:42 He had his fellow leaders
39:45 deceived till the very end.
39:47 By the way, how did Judas betray Jesus?
39:51 With a kiss.
39:54 What worse way could you have betrayed
39:56 the master than with the kiss?
40:00 We find in Luke 22:47-48.
40:04 "And while He was still speaking,
40:06 behold, a multitude,
40:08 and he who was called Judas, one of the twelve,
40:11 went before them and drew near to Jesus
40:14 to kiss Him.
40:16 But Jesus said to him, 'Judas,
40:18 are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?'
40:22 " You all know
40:23 what eventually happened with Judas.
40:25 He is called the son of perdition
40:28 because his final end was perdition.
40:32 He was lost.
40:33 Notice Matthew 27:3-5.
40:36 "Then Judas, His betrayer,
40:38 seeing that He had been condemned,
40:41 was remorseful and brought back
40:43 the thirty pieces of silver
40:44 to the chief priests and elders,
40:46 saying, 'I have sinned by
40:47 betraying innocent blood.'
40:49 And they said, 'What is that to us?
40:51 You see to it!'
40:53 Then he threw down
40:54 the pieces of silver in the temple
40:55 and departed, and went and hanged himself."
41:00 By the way,
41:01 it was not the intention of Judas
41:03 to betray Jesus so that Jesus would be crucified.
41:07 He was hoping to put Jesus under pressure
41:10 so that Jesus would release Himself
41:12 and he would take the throne.
41:14 He would destroy those who were oppressing him.
41:16 But his plan backfired.
41:18 And that's why he hanged himself.
41:20 You know, if he was expecting Jesus to die
41:22 when he saw that they were killing Jesus,
41:24 he would have said, "Oh, good, my plan worked."
41:27 But when it's playing backfired,
41:30 he went and he hanged himself.
41:31 And by the way, the Book of Acts seems to have
41:35 a different perspective
41:36 of what happened to Judas at the end.
41:38 It says that he fell a distance
41:40 and his belly exploded and his innards came out.
41:43 And so some scholars or liberal scholars say,
41:46 "See, the Bible contradicts itself
41:48 because one place it says that he hanged himself
41:50 and the other place it says
41:51 that he fell a distance and his belly split open."
41:53 Well, Ellen White explains it very clearly.
41:55 She says, "Judas was the heaviest
41:57 of all of the disciples.
42:00 There was a branch hanging over a ledge,
42:03 he put the rope around the branch
42:05 and because he was very heavy,
42:08 the branch broke.
42:10 The rope that held him to the branch broke,
42:13 and he fell a long distance and his belly split open.
42:17 He committed suicide."
42:19 But, you know, he expected to hang himself.
42:22 But in the process of hanging himself,
42:24 he felled at distance
42:25 and that's what happened to him.
42:27 So let's review the characteristics of Judas,
42:30 a shrewd politician, and a sharp administrator,
42:34 coveted political power, and desired Christ
42:37 to set up an earthly kingdom, was covetous of money
42:41 and earthly display,
42:43 feigned an interest for the poor,
42:47 he became the representative of Satan.
42:50 His hypocrisy deceived even those
42:53 who were part of the inner circle.
42:55 He betrayed Jesus with a kiss
42:57 even though he professed to be His follower.
43:01 He was an enemy from the inside who feigned love for Jesus.
43:06 That is the characteristic of the Antichrist.
43:11 Now let's go back to 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
43:14 We took quite a long time
43:16 to discuss the character of Judas.
43:19 Now let's notice another expression.
43:21 It says in 2 Thessalonians 2:4,
43:26 that the Antichrist that this man of sin
43:29 would oppose Christ.
43:32 Let's read the last part of verse 4,
43:34 "Who opposes and exalts himself
43:38 above all that is called God or that is worshipped."
43:43 So it says here that he opposes everything
43:45 that's called God.
43:47 And therefore futurists say, "See he's opposed to God."
43:50 So he can be somebody who claims to be
43:53 faithful to Jesus because he openly opposes God.
43:56 Well, the fact is, folks, that the opposition
44:01 of the man of sin against Christ is not overt,
44:04 it is covert.
44:07 What do you mean?
44:09 Let me ask you.
44:10 Did Saul of Tarsus
44:12 claim to be serving God?
44:17 Yes.
44:18 Did he persecute the church, thinking that
44:21 he was serving God and he was doing God's will?
44:24 Absolutely.
44:26 But was he opposing God?
44:28 He claimed to be supporting God,
44:31 but by his actions he was what?
44:33 He was opposing God, not openly.
44:37 Let me ask you this.
44:38 Did Jesus say that
44:42 after His departure,
44:44 many would kill His followers thinking that
44:47 they were doing God a service.
44:48 Notice John 16:2.
44:51 John 16:2, Jesus says to His disciples,
44:54 "They will put you out of the synagogues,
44:56 yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you
45:00 will think that he offers God service."
45:02 In other words, they will oppose God
45:05 while they think that they're doing what?
45:07 That they're doing the will of God
45:08 and supporting God.
45:10 Incidentally, you remember the experience of Gamaliel.
45:13 You know the Sanhedrin said, "Let's kill Peter and John."
45:18 And the wise Gamaliel says now, "Whoa!
45:21 Hold on for a minute.
45:23 Let's think about this."
45:24 Let's read Acts 5:38-39.
45:28 Acts 5:38-39.
45:30 Let me ask you if they killed Peter and John,
45:32 would they have been opposing God?
45:35 Absolutely.
45:36 Did they think that they were supporting God
45:39 by laying the plan to kill Peter and John?
45:42 Absolutely.
45:43 But they were opposing God,
45:44 even though they claimed to be supporting him.
45:46 Notice Acts 5:38-39.
45:50 It says, "And now I say to you,"
45:52 this is Gamaliel, "keep away from these men
45:56 and let them alone, for if this plan
46:00 or this work is of men, it will come to nothing,
46:03 but if it is a God, you cannot overthrow it,
46:06 lest you even be found to," what?
46:10 "To fight against God."
46:11 Would they ever have admitted that
46:13 they were fighting against God?
46:15 Were they?
46:17 Yes, they were fighting against God.
46:19 But they claimed at the same time to serve God.
46:22 Was Judas fighting against Christ,
46:24 claiming to serve Christ?
46:26 He most certainly was.
46:28 Ellen White in Great Controversy,
46:29 page 495 describes how Judas worked,
46:35 "Working with mysterious secrecy,
46:39 and for a time concealing his real purpose
46:43 under an appearance of reverence for God."
46:48 Isn't that an interesting description?
46:51 Once again, working with mysterious secrecy,
46:53 and for time concealing his real purpose
46:56 under an appearance of reverence for God.
46:59 Claiming to support God, but at the same time
47:03 working at cross purposes with Christ.
47:06 Now, this man of sin has another characteristic.
47:09 Let's go back to 2 Thessalonians 2:4,
47:13 "Who opposes and exalts himself
47:15 above all that is called God
47:17 or that is worship, so that he," he what?
47:22 "Sits as God," where does he sit?
47:26 "In the temple of God,
47:28 showing himself
47:30 that he is God."
47:35 So where does this individual sit?
47:37 Where does the man of sin sit?
47:39 He sits in the temple of God.
47:43 And so futurists say, "Clear as day."
47:47 He sits in the temple of God,
47:49 the Jewish temple is the temple of God.
47:52 So this must mean that a third Jewish temple
47:55 is going to be built and the Antichrist is gonna sit
47:58 in that temple after the church has been rapture to heaven,
48:02 but that is simply not true
48:07 because we need to let Paul interpret Paul.
48:12 We need to know
48:14 what Paul meant by the temple of God,
48:17 what the temple of God is?
48:19 Now let me review something that we've studied before.
48:23 When Jesus entered the temple after His triumphal entry,
48:28 how did Jesus refer to the temple?
48:31 My house, let's read it.
48:33 Matthew 21:12-13.
48:36 "Then Jesus went to the temple of God
48:38 and drove out all those who bought
48:40 and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables
48:43 of the money changers
48:45 and the seats of those who sold doves.
48:47 And He said to them, 'It is written,
48:50 'My house shall be called a house of prayer,'
48:52 but you have made it a 'den of thieves.'
48:55 " So it's called the temple of God
48:58 when Jesus goes in and then Jesus says,
49:00 "This is My house when He's in there teaching."
49:04 But what happens when Jesus leaves the temple
49:06 for the last time?
49:08 We've read this before, Matthew 23:38, Jesus said,
49:13 "Your house, not my house, not God's temple.
49:18 Your house is left on to you desolate.
49:21 Then he went to the Mount of Olives,
49:22 sat there and spoke
49:24 of the destruction of the temple
49:26 and the destruction of Jerusalem,
49:28 because they did not know the hour of their visitation."
49:32 Are you with me?
49:34 Now, the Apostle Paul never uses the word temple
49:40 to refer to the literal Jewish temple.
49:43 In fact, in all the epistles in the New Testament,
49:49 that the literal Jewish temple is never called naos,
49:54 which is the word temple here.
49:56 There's another temple for the Jewish temple,
49:58 the word heron.
50:00 In the Book of Acts,
50:01 when the Jewish temple is spoken up,
50:05 the word that Paul uses and not the one
50:06 that's used there is the word heron
50:10 when it refers to the Jewish temple.
50:11 But every time that
50:13 the Apostle Paul refers to the temple,
50:15 he uses naos and he clearly tells us
50:19 that it refers to the spiritual temple,
50:23 the Christian church.
50:24 So should we have Paul interpret Paul,
50:29 should we let Paul explain what the temple is,
50:32 rather than futurists?
50:34 I think that would be a good procedure.
50:37 So what does the Apostle Paul say about the temple?
50:40 Ephesians 2:19-22.
50:43 Ephesians 2:19-22.
50:47 Here the Apostle Paul is speaking to the Gentiles,
50:51 the Ephesian church.
50:54 And in verse 19, he states, "Now therefore,
50:58 you are no longer strangers and foreigners,
51:02 but fellow citizens with the saints
51:04 and members of the household of God," he's saying,
51:07 "You weren't Gentiles anymore.
51:10 You're not outcast anymore."
51:11 He says you are now because you've accepted Christ
51:14 according to the context.
51:15 "You're not strangers and foreigners anymore,
51:17 you're fellow citizens with the saints
51:20 and members of the household of God."
51:21 And then in verse 20, he states,
51:24 "Having been built on the foundation
51:27 of the apostles and prophets."
51:29 Let me ask you, is the foundation
51:32 composed of literal stones?
51:36 Is the foundation of the temple literal stones?
51:38 No, the foundations are people.
51:42 Apostles would be New Testament,
51:43 prophets would be Old Testament.
51:46 In other words, the temple, the church is built
51:49 on the writings of the Old and New Testament.
51:52 It continues saying, each building
51:54 has to have a cornerstone as well.
51:56 And so it says, "Having been built
51:57 on the foundation of apostles and prophets,
52:00 Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone."
52:03 Is Jesus, a literal stone?
52:07 Is this stone, the stone to the third temple
52:10 that's gonna be rebuilt supposedly?
52:12 Of course, not.
52:13 Christ is a spiritual stone.
52:16 The stones, the foundation stones
52:18 are spiritual stones.
52:21 Continue saying in verse 20, "Having been built
52:23 on the foundation of the apostles
52:25 and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself
52:27 being the chief cornerstone."
52:29 And now it speaks about those who are built
52:31 on the foundations.
52:32 It says, "In whom the whole building,"
52:35 Oh, so this is a building, what kind of building,
52:38 literal building or spiritual building?
52:40 Spiritual building with spiritual foundations,
52:43 it says, "In whom the whole building,
52:45 being fitted together, grows into a holy," what?
52:50 Same word as 2 Thessalonians too.
52:52 "Grows into a holy temple in the Lord,
52:56 in whom you also are being built together
52:58 for a dwelling place of God in the spirit."
53:01 So what is the Shekhinah of a spiritual temple?
53:04 The Holy Spirit.
53:06 Are you following me or not?
53:09 So Paul, every time that the Apostle Paul
53:11 refers to the word naos temple,
53:13 it is a spiritual temple,
53:15 whether it be the temple of your body,
53:17 or whether it be the temple of the church,
53:20 you know, the text that says,
53:21 "Do you not know that your body is the temple
53:24 of the Holy Spirit?
53:26 That God will destroy those who destroy the temple of God,
53:29 which is your body temple.
53:32 So let's let Paul tell us what the temple of God is.
53:36 The temple of God is not what some third temple,
53:40 Jewish temple in the Middle East,
53:42 then it's gonna be built over there by the Antichrist.
53:46 He's gonna literally sit there, he's gonna raise up
53:48 a big statue of himself, and he's gonna tell everybody
53:51 to bow before the statue to render him homage,
53:54 and you're gonna put a big tattoo on the forehead
53:57 of the right hand.
53:59 That literalism does not fit the way
54:03 in which we interpret prophecy.
54:04 Prophecy speaks in symbols.
54:08 And the Apostle Paul says the temple is symbolic
54:11 and represents the spiritual church.
54:15 You know, it's no coincidence.
54:19 The Pope Benedict the XVI
54:24 at the conclusion
54:25 of the week for Christian unity
54:28 in St. Paul's Cathedral
54:31 outside the wall in the Vatican,
54:35 for a celebration
54:37 he sat on a great white throne.
54:41 And on each side of the throne, there was a cherub.
54:49 Why is that significant?
54:52 That he would sit on a white throne
54:56 and on each side of the throne,
54:59 there is the cherub.
55:02 For the simple reason that in Psalm 80:1,
55:06 we are told that it is Yahweh.
55:10 It is Jehovah as it is mispronounced,
55:13 it is Jehovah who sits between the cherubim,
55:20 not even a deceptive counterfeit.
55:25 But because people don't read the Bible,
55:27 they don't understand the symbolism
55:30 of what he's trying to say, by sitting on a white throne
55:34 with a cherub on each side.
55:36 He's saying,
55:38 "I am usurping the possession of the one
55:41 who sits between the cherubim."
55:45 That's what Antichrist is like.
55:48 Antichrist rules in a system that claims to be Christian,
55:53 that claims to represent Christ just like Judas,
55:57 but it's covetous for power for an earthly kingdom,
56:01 for money and so on.
56:04 Now we need to end this session
56:06 by going to 2 Thessalonians 2:5.
56:10 The Apostle Paul is now very surprised
56:13 because he had already told the Thessalonians these things.
56:18 Notice 2 Thessalonians 2:5.
56:22 The Apostle Paul says to them, "Do you not remember
56:26 that when I was still with you
56:29 I told you these things?"
56:32 I told you this.
56:34 How is that they have forgotten so soon with?
56:38 Why do I have to write you and explain to you
56:41 that Jesus isn't gonna come
56:43 until the apostasy takes place first.
56:45 Incidentally, what is an apostasy?
56:50 You cannot be an apostate unless at some point
56:54 you embrace the truth.
57:00 What do we mean when we speak about
57:01 somebody apostatizing from the church?
57:06 Did they have to belong to the church
57:09 before they apostatized?
57:11 Absolutely.
57:13 So when it speaks here about the man of sin,
57:15 bring it on apostasy.
57:17 It must mean
57:19 that originally the church was pure.
57:22 And this system what?
57:24 Apostatized against the Lord.
57:27 And sadly, somebody like Hal Lindsey says,
57:32 "Well, you know, apostasy, that's not a good translation,
57:36 falling away, that's not a good translation.
57:38 It's the taking away in the rapture
57:41 when Jesus comes."
57:43 But the word in Greek is apostasia.
57:46 It's speaking about a tremendous apostasy
57:49 in the Christian world.
57:50 And we can see it.
57:52 It's in Rome, with the leader there.
57:56 But the world can't see it
57:58 because they're looking in the wrong place.
57:59 They're looking to the Middle East
58:00 because futurism has blinded the eyes
58:04 of a conservative Christian world
58:06 and we need to let them know that.


Revised 2019-12-02