The Prophetic Panorama

The Millennium: On Earth Or In Heaven?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TPP

Program Code: TPP000016A

00:11 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
00:14 Father in heaven,
00:17 what a privilege it is to call You Father,
00:20 the only, fully and completely faithful
00:23 Father in the universe.
00:25 Thank you for being a wonderful Father,
00:27 for giving us Your word.
00:29 A sure guide in the world that is so confused,
00:31 the religious world that is so confused.
00:35 We ask as we study the subject of the millennium
00:37 that Your Holy Spirit will be here to guide
00:39 our thoughts,
00:41 that we might understand the message
00:43 that You have for us in this particular moment.
00:49 We thank You for the privilege of prayer
00:51 and thank you for answering us
00:53 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus,
00:55 amen.
00:58 Revelation 19:11-21
01:04 describes the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to this earth.
01:10 He is described as a rider on a white horse,
01:14 followed by all of the armies of heaven.
01:18 By this time,
01:22 what has happened is that much of the population
01:26 of the earth has been destroyed by the seven last plagues.
01:31 When Jesus actually arrives,
01:33 there is only a small remnant to destroy.
01:39 And this takes us to the text where we find this,
01:42 Revelation 19:21.
01:46 It says there, "And The Rest..."
01:49 The word "Rest" is the Greek word loipos,
01:52 which means those who are leftover,
01:56 it's a remnant word.
01:57 In other words, the wicked that are left
02:00 after the devastation of the plagues,
02:04 "...were slain "with the sword which proceeded
02:08 from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse."
02:11 So, in other words, at the Second Coming,
02:14 all of the wicked are destroyed,
02:18 the ones who remain after the outpouring
02:21 of the seven last plagues, and the Second Coming of Jesus.
02:26 Now, we find the millennial passage
02:30 in Revelation 20:1
02:32 through Revelation 21:8.
02:35 And I want to underline that this passage of scripture,
02:40 this portion of scripture,
02:43 is not in chronological order.
02:47 In other words, even though the millennium is described
02:50 from Revelation 20:1, through Revelation 21:8,
02:54 the events that are described are not in chronological order.
02:59 In fact, we're going to find
03:03 that in this portion of scripture,
03:07 there are four repetitive cycles.
03:11 In other words, the same material
03:13 is repeated four times,
03:16 not in linear fashion but in cyclical fashion.
03:19 It's kind of like Daniel 2 is repeated in Daniel 7,
03:23 is repeated in Daniel 8 and 9,
03:25 is repeated in Daniel 11 and 12.
03:28 Each time adding details
03:29 that you don't find in the previous outline.
03:32 So we're gonna find in our study of this millennial,
03:35 a portion of scripture
03:37 that there are four repetitive cycles
03:41 that describe events before, during,
03:45 and after the millennium, after the thousand years.
03:49 Each of those cycles has a specific focus
03:53 on specific emphasis.
03:56 Let me mention as we begin
03:59 the verses where those four cycles are found.
04:02 The first cycle is Revelation 20:1-3.
04:07 The center of focus or the emphasis in these verses
04:11 is upon what will happen with Satan before,
04:16 during, and after the millennium.
04:18 And what will happen with the earth before, during,
04:22 and after the millennium.
04:24 So in other words,
04:25 they takes us full cycle before,
04:28 during and after,
04:29 but the center of emphasis is Satan and the Earth.
04:34 The second passage, cyclical passage
04:38 is Revelation 20:4-10.
04:41 Once again, events at the beginning,
04:43 during and at the end of the millennium
04:45 are described.
04:47 But this time, the center of emphasis
04:48 is not Satan and the Earth,
04:50 the center of emphasis is upon the saints,
04:56 upon the righteous.
04:58 What happens with the righteous at the beginning,
05:00 during and after the millennium?
05:03 The third cycle that we find in the millennial passage
05:07 is in Revelation 20:1,
05:10 through Revelation 21:1.
05:15 Actually, the Revelation 20:11, not 20:1,
05:18 it's a misprint on my computer,
05:19 through Revelation 21:1
05:24 is the third cycle.
05:26 And the emphasis in this cycle
05:29 is upon the judgment of the wicked.
05:32 It also describes events before the millennium,
05:36 during the millennium, and after the millennium,
05:39 but the emphasis is upon
05:41 the judgment of the wicked on Earth.
05:45 The final cycle is Revelation 21:2-8.
05:51 And the center of focus there
05:53 is upon life in the holy city with God.
05:58 What will life be like with God in the holy city,
06:04 the New Jerusalem?
06:06 So those are the four repetitive cycles,
06:10 each with a different emphasis.
06:13 But, when you put them all together,
06:15 they complement one another.
06:18 Now, let's go to our first cycle.
06:21 Revelation 20:1-3.
06:26 It says here in Revelation 20:1,
06:29 that, "A powerful angel descends from heaven
06:33 with the key to the bottomless pit
06:37 and a chain in his hand."
06:41 This happens at the beginning of the millennium.
06:44 And the reason he comes down is
06:47 that he is going to bind Satan
06:53 to this Earth for 1,000 years.
06:57 Now the translation
07:02 of the King James and New King James,
07:05 which is the bottomless pit,
07:09 is not really the best translation.
07:11 It's the Greek word "Abussos."
07:15 The equivalent word in Hebrew is the word "Tehom."
07:20 And we know that in Hebrew, the equivalent word is Tehom.
07:24 Because in the Greek translation
07:26 of the Old Testament,
07:29 in Genesis 1:2,
07:32 the word is translated Abussos.
07:36 The word that is translated deep in Genesis 1:2
07:39 is translated Abussos.
07:41 The same word of Revelation 20:1.
07:45 So, in order to know what the Abussos is,
07:50 what the Abyss is,
07:53 we need to go back to Genesis 1:2.
07:57 What was the condition
07:58 of the Earth before creation week?
08:01 Genesis 1:2 tells us,
08:04 "The Earth was without form,
08:07 and void.
08:10 Void means empty,
08:11 and darkness was on the face of the deep.
08:15 And the Spirit of God was hovering
08:17 over the face of the waters."
08:19 Once again, the Greek translation,
08:21 the word deep, is Abussos,
08:23 the same word that appears in Revelation 20:1-3.
08:27 That's why we know that Tehom and Abussos
08:30 are equivalent in different languages.
08:34 Now, what is it that reduces the Earth to this condition
08:41 without form and void and in darkness?
08:46 There are two things
08:47 that are going to return the Earth to this condition.
08:51 Number 1, the seven plagues of Revelation Chapter 16.
08:58 You see the plagues are going to afflict everything
09:00 that God made at creation.
09:03 The planet will return to darkness,
09:06 because the heavenly bodies
09:08 will be moved out of their places
09:09 by the voice of God according to Matthew 24:30.
09:14 The surface of the earth...
09:16 According to Isaiah 24, will be totally broken up.
09:20 The sun, moon and stars will be moved from their place.
09:24 Jesus said, the powers that rule the heavens
09:27 will be moved from their places in Early Writings, page 41,
09:30 Ellen White states
09:32 that they will be moved out of their places,
09:34 out of their orbits, but they will not disappear.
09:38 The intense heat of the fourth plague
09:41 will destroy all of the vegetation.
09:43 The water of the seas,
09:45 and of the fresh waters will be turned into blood.
09:50 All the fish will die.
09:52 All the birds will die.
09:55 All human beings will die.
09:58 And the earth will return to an empty,
10:02 disorderly and lifeless condition,
10:06 as it was before creation week.
10:08 That is denoted by the word Abussos,
10:13 Tehom in Genesis 1:2.
10:18 Now, let's read
10:19 what the Old Testament prophets tell us
10:23 concerning the condition of the Earth
10:25 at the Second Coming of Christ.
10:28 Jeremiah 4:19-26.
10:32 Jeremiah 4:19-26
10:36 gives us a description of the Second Coming
10:38 and what will happen to the Earth.
10:41 "O my soul, my soul!
10:44 I am pained in my very heart!"
10:47 Jeremiah saying.
10:49 "My heart makes a noise in me," in other words,
10:51 his heart is beating very fast.
10:53 "I cannot hold my peace,
10:55 because you have heard, O my soul,
10:57 the sound of the trumpet..."
11:00 There's a trumpet sound when Jesus comes?
11:02 Yes.
11:04 "...the alarm of war."
11:07 Does Jesus come to make war on the wicked?
11:11 Yes. In Revelation 19.
11:12 It says, "In righteousness, He makes war."
11:16 A battle of Armageddon.
11:19 And so it continues saying in verse 20,
11:21 "Destruction upon destruction is cried,
11:24 for the whole land is plundered.
11:27 Suddenly my tents are plundered,
11:29 and my curtains in a moment.
11:31 How long will I see the standard
11:34 and hear the sound of the trumpet?
11:36 For My people are foolish, they have not known Me.
11:39 They are silly children, and they have no understanding.
11:42 They are wise to do evil, but to do good,
11:45 they have no knowledge."
11:47 And then notice He describes the Earth
11:48 because of the wickedness
11:50 of the inhabitants of the Earth.
11:52 He describes in verse 23, "I beheld the earth,
11:55 and indeed it was without form, and void, and the heavens,
11:59 they had no light."
12:00 Is that the condition of the Earth
12:02 before creation week?
12:03 Yes.
12:05 Verse 24, "I beheld the mountains,
12:07 and indeed they trembled,
12:10 and all the hills moved back and forth.
12:12 I beheld, and indeed there was..."
12:15 what?
12:16 "...there was no man,
12:18 and all the birds of the heavens had fled.
12:22 I beheld, and indeed the fruitful land
12:24 was a wilderness,
12:26 and all its cities were broken down
12:28 at the presence of the Lord, by His fierce anger."
12:32 That's what's gonna happen as a result of the plagues
12:35 in the Second Coming.
12:38 And yet, the next verse,
12:39 verse 27 tells us that this is not the end,
12:44 because they're still 1,000 years
12:46 after the Earth returns to this condition.
12:49 It says in Jeremiah 4:27, "For thus says the Lord:
12:52 'The whole land shall be desolate;
12:55 yet I will not make a full end.'
12:59 " Because there are still events to occur
13:02 during the millennium and after the millennium.
13:06 Let's read another passage that describes
13:08 the condition of the Earth
13:10 when Jesus comes and as a result of the plagues.
13:14 Jeremiah 25:30-38.
13:17 Jeremiah 25:30-38,
13:21 "Therefore prophesy against them all these words,
13:23 and say to them:
13:25 'The Lord will roar from on high,
13:29 and utter His voice from His holy habitation;
13:33 He will roar mightily against His fold.
13:37 He will give a shout,'"
13:39 does Jesus give a shout when He comes back?
13:43 He will come with a shout,
13:45 according to First Thessalonians 4.
13:47 So it says, "He will give a shout,
13:50 as those who tread the grapes,
13:52 against all the inhabitants of the earth."
13:54 If you read Revelation 19, it says,
13:56 that the one on the white horse comes to trample the winepress.
14:00 That's the connection here.
14:01 Verse 31.
14:03 Verse 31, it says there,
14:06 "A noise will come to the ends of the earth,
14:08 for the Lord has a controversy with the nations.
14:11 He will plead His case with all flesh.
14:14 He will give those who are wicked to the sword."
14:17 Remember that out of His mouth comes a sharp sword
14:19 in Revelation 19:21?
14:21 There you have all kinds of connections
14:22 with the Second Coming passage.
14:25 Verse 32, "Thus says the Lord of hosts:
14:28 'Behold, disaster shall go forth from nation to nation,
14:31 and a great whirlwind shall be raised up
14:33 from the farthest parts of the earth.
14:36 And at that day,
14:37 the slain of the Lord
14:38 shall be from one end of the earth
14:40 even to the other end of the earth.
14:42 They shall not be lamented, or gathered, or buried;
14:46 they shall become refuse on the ground.'
14:49 " No one to bury those who are destroyed.
14:53 The winepress which represents the wicked.
14:56 Let's read Isaiah 24:1-6.
15:00 Once again, the Second Coming is described here.
15:04 "The land shall be utterly emptied
15:06 and utterly plundered,
15:08 for the Lord has spoken this word.
15:11 The earth mourns and fades away,
15:14 the earth languishes and fades away;
15:17 the haughty people of the earth languish."
15:20 And now notice why this happened.
15:22 "The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants,
15:27 because they have transgressed the laws,
15:30 change the ordinance..."
15:32 I have a whole presentation just on changing the ordinance.
15:35 It's the same
15:36 as what the little horn tried to do
15:38 to change the law of God, particularly the Sabbath.
15:42 You can find it on YouTube.
15:44 "The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants,
15:47 because they have transgressed the laws,
15:48 changed the ordinance,
15:50 broken the everlasting covenant.
15:53 Therefore the curse has devoured the Earth,
15:55 and those who dwell in it are desolate."
15:58 And now notice.
15:59 "Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned,
16:04 and few men are left..."
16:07 Who are the ones who are left?
16:10 Who are the few that are left?
16:12 The righteous, not the wicked,
16:15 because the Second Coming destroys all of the wicked.
16:18 Then it continues saying, "The earth is violently broken,
16:22 the Earth is split open,
16:24 the Earth is shaken exceedingly.
16:26 The Earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard,
16:30 and shall totter like a hut;
16:32 its transgression shall be heavy upon it,
16:35 and it will fall, and not rise again."
16:40 What condition will the Earth be in during the millennium?
16:43 It'll be a beautiful paradise
16:45 that everybody will want to live in, right?
16:49 It will be inhospitable,
16:53 uninhabitable,
16:55 without form, and void, and darkness broken up.
16:59 Everything that God made in creation
17:01 will have been destroyed.
17:04 And then what is God going to do?
17:06 Revelation 20:2-3.
17:08 Now we found the condition of the Earth.
17:10 Now we're gonna see what's gonna happen with the devil.
17:13 "He laid hold of the dragon,
17:16 that serpent of old,
17:19 who is the Devil and Satan,
17:21 and bound him for a 1,000 years,
17:24 and cast him into the bottomless pit,"
17:26 that is the Abussos,
17:27 the Earth without form, and void, and in darkness.
17:31 "He cast him into the bottomless pit,
17:34 and shut him up,
17:36 and set a seal on him."
17:40 For what purpose?
17:41 Why is he changed?
17:43 What does it mean that he's changed?
17:45 Here comes the explanation.
17:46 "So that..."
17:49 What?
17:51 "...He should deceive the nations no more..."
17:55 So what does that mean that he's bound,
17:56 that he can't, what?
17:58 That he can't deceive the nations.
18:01 Till when?
18:03 "...Till the thousand years were finished.
18:05 But after these things he must be released
18:08 for a little while."
18:13 God will bind Satan on earth that is in pre-creation, chaos,
18:19 emptiness and disorder.
18:21 Human beings could not live here during this period.
18:25 There's no vegetation, fish are dead,
18:27 all of the birds are dead.
18:30 There's darkness, it's uninhabitable.
18:35 The heavenly bodies have been moved out of their places.
18:39 And Satan will be forced to remain on this Earth.
18:43 Change to this Earth,
18:45 he will not be able to deceive the nations anymore.
18:51 Now, what does it mean that he's changed
18:54 and he won't be able deceive the nations anymore?
18:58 Why won't he be able to deceive the nations anymore?
19:02 Well, we still have to take a look at that.
19:05 So the first cycle ends.
19:07 Do we find out
19:08 what the Earth is gonna be like at the beginning,
19:10 during and at the close of the millennium?
19:13 Do we find that in this passage?
19:15 Do we find what's gonna happen with Satan before,
19:18 during and at the end of the millennium?
19:20 Yes.
19:21 What is the central focus in these verses?
19:24 The Earth and Satan.
19:27 But questions remain after you read the first cycle.
19:32 What happened to the righteous during this period?
19:35 There's no mention.
19:37 Were the righteous in heaven or on earth during this period?
19:42 What did the righteous do during the thousand years?
19:46 What does it mean to bind and unbind?
19:50 What happened to the wicked persons
19:52 who died at the Second Coming?
19:55 In what sense was Satan not able to deceive the nations
19:59 after the thousand years?
20:00 And what does it mean
20:02 that he will be released a little while
20:03 after the thousand years?
20:05 Released to do what?
20:09 When the first cycle ends,
20:11 you have a bunch of questions that are not answered.
20:15 So now we go to the second cycle.
20:18 Now we're going to discover some things about the righteous
20:22 at the beginning,
20:23 during and at the conclusion of the millennium.
20:26 See, there's something very important here, folks.
20:30 Studying Daniel, Revelation,
20:32 especially Revelation is very tricky.
20:37 God's not trying to trick us.
20:39 But God has inspired the prophet
20:43 to compose a masterpiece,
20:45 that you must decode not only with symbols,
20:48 you must decode the structure,
20:52 how events are organized,
20:54 what the chronological sequence of those events are.
20:58 I did a series a while ago.
21:01 It's in a syllabus called "The Wise Shall Understand."
21:05 Where I deal with various
21:06 structural matters of Revelation,
21:08 where there are cycles,
21:10 where there are repetitions, etc.
21:12 If you don't grasp that, you will be so messed up,
21:15 you don't know what planet you're on.
21:18 And obviously, I'm speaking, hyperbolically.
21:22 So let's go to the second cycle.
21:26 The second cycle deals with what will happen
21:28 to the saints before, during and after the millennium.
21:31 Revelation 20:4,
21:34 "I saw thrones, and they sat on them,
21:39 and judgment was committed to them."
21:40 Oh, now we discover something interesting.
21:44 What are God's people gonna be doing?
21:47 Judgment was committed to them.
21:51 "Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded
21:54 for their witness to Jesus and for the Word of God,
21:57 who had not worship the beast or his image,
21:59 and had not received his mark
22:01 on their foreheads or on their hands."
22:03 So these are dead people, right?
22:05 They died during the trial of beast,
22:07 his image and his mark,
22:09 and then it says, "And they lived..."
22:12 So are they gonna resurrect?
22:15 Are the righteous going to resurrect?
22:17 Yes.
22:18 "And they lived..."
22:19 And what did they do?
22:21 "...they reigned with Christ for thousand years."
22:24 So what's gonna happen with the righteous
22:26 during the thousand years?
22:28 They're gonna be...
22:31 Judgment is gonna be committed to them,
22:33 and they are going to live and reign with Christ
22:37 for thousand years.
22:39 Now, verse 6 of Revelation 20
22:42 refers to this resurrection of those who were beheaded
22:45 because of their trials over the beast,
22:47 the image and his mark,
22:49 calls this resurrection the first resurrection.
22:53 It says there in Revelation 20:6.
22:56 "Blessed and holy
22:57 is he who has part in the first resurrection."
23:00 So who resurrects in the first resurrection,
23:02 the righteous or the wicked?
23:05 The righteous.
23:06 Do they resurrect before the millennium,
23:08 or during the millennium, or after the millennium?
23:11 They resurrect before...
23:12 Well, they reign with Jesus thousand years,
23:14 so they must have resurrected before.
23:16 And they've given a work of judgment,
23:18 so they must have been resurrected
23:19 before they were committed the judgment.
23:22 So the first resurrection is before the thousand years.
23:25 So it says, "Blessed and holy
23:27 is he who is part of the first resurrection.
23:29 Over such the second death has no power..."
23:32 Over whom does the second death have power?
23:35 Over the wicked.
23:36 And when do they suffer second death?
23:39 After the millennium, we're gonna notice.
23:42 And then it says, "...but they shall be priests of God..."
23:45 that's significant, "...and of Christ,
23:47 and shall reign with Him thousand years."
23:52 Now, let's go to 1st Thessalonians 4:16-17.
23:57 And will notice that at the Second Coming,
23:59 Jesus does not touch the Earth.
24:01 He is going to take His people to heaven,
24:03 which means that they are going to reign, where?
24:07 In heaven.
24:08 And the judgment they are going to perform
24:10 is gonna be performed where?
24:12 In heaven.
24:14 Because the Earth
24:17 is not a place that can be inhabited,
24:19 according to what we noticed.
24:21 Is Jesus gonna take His people to heaven at the Second Coming?
24:25 Yes.
24:26 1st Thessalonians 4:16.
24:28 "For the Lord Himself will descend
24:29 from heaven with a shout,
24:31 with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God.
24:34 And the dead in Christ will rise first."
24:36 See, first resurrection, the dead in Christ rise first.
24:41 "Then we who are alive and remain..."
24:44 some people aren't gonna die before Jesus comes,
24:46 "...shall be caught up..."
24:48 See, these doesn't come down.
24:49 "...shall be caught up together with them in the clouds
24:52 to meet the Lord in the air.
24:54 And thus we shall always be with the Lord."
24:58 So does Jesus come down all the way down to the Earth,
25:00 that is Second Coming?
25:02 No.
25:03 His people are caught up.
25:05 Did Jesus promised to take His people
25:07 to His Father's house?
25:09 Where does the Father live?
25:11 We pray Our Father which art everywhere.
25:14 That's not what we pray.
25:16 We pray Our Father which art in heaven.
25:20 God, the Father lives in heaven.
25:21 We already noticed that He's not coming
25:23 at the Second Coming.
25:24 He's gonna welcome us at the gates to the city.
25:28 We studied that.
25:31 And so in John 14:1-3, once again,
25:33 we're told that the righteous will be taken to heaven
25:35 at the Second Coming.
25:37 They're not gonna be living on the Earth,
25:39 they're gonna be in heaven.
25:41 John 14:1-3 says,
25:42 "Let not your heart be troubled;
25:44 you believe in God, believe also in Me.
25:46 In My Father's house are many mansions;
25:48 if it were not so, I would have told you.
25:50 I go to prepare a place for you.
25:53 And if I go..."
25:54 He's going to happen, right?
25:55 "And if I go and prepare a place for you,
25:58 I will come again and receive you to Myself that where I am,
26:02 there you may be also."
26:03 And He said to Peter, where I'm going,
26:05 you can't follow Me now, but you will follow Me later.
26:10 Obviously, the righteous are taken to heaven
26:13 at the Second Coming.
26:14 They're gonna reign in heaven
26:16 and they are going to judge in heaven.
26:17 Is that clear?
26:19 The Bible is clear on that point.
26:22 Notice Revelation 20:4, once again.
26:27 "I saw thrones, and they sat on them..."
26:30 These are judgment thrones, by the way.
26:32 "...and judgment was committed to them.
26:35 Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded
26:38 for the witness to Jesus and for the word of God,
26:40 who had not worshiped the beast or his image,
26:42 and had not received his mark on their foreheads
26:44 or on their hands.
26:45 And they lived and reigned with Christ
26:47 for a thousand years."
26:49 So, now the question is,
26:50 who are the righteous going to judge
26:53 while they are in heaven?
26:55 Obviously, they cannot be judging the righteous
26:58 because the writers have already been judged before
27:00 the Second Coming,
27:01 and Jesus came to get them and they are in heaven.
27:05 They cannot be judging the loyal, faithful angels,
27:09 because the faithful angels don't need any judgment.
27:11 You don't have to examine their lives
27:13 to see if they're worthy to be in heaven.
27:16 So that doesn't leave us very many options.
27:19 The Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 6:1-3...
27:23 1st Corinthians 6:1-3
27:26 tells us explicitly whom the righteous
27:30 will judge during the thousand years.
27:33 Apostle Paul here speaking about church members
27:35 suing church members, which should never happen,
27:40 but it happens, unfortunately.
27:42 1st Corinthians 6:1 says, "Dare any of you,
27:47 having a matter against another,
27:49 go to law before the unrighteous,
27:51 and not before the saints?"
27:54 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world?
27:58 Excuse me.
28:00 This...
28:01 I thought God was gonna judge the world.
28:03 The saints will judge the world.
28:07 The word World here refers
28:08 to the wicked inhabitants of the world.
28:12 We say we're not supposed to be worldly.
28:16 That means that we're not supposed to have the lifestyle
28:19 and we're not supposed to live as world things live.
28:22 So when it says though,
28:23 the saints will judge the world,
28:25 it speaking about the wicked people in the world,
28:27 but not only will God's people judge the world,
28:30 the wicked who have remained on earth, dead.
28:34 They continue saying,
28:35 "Do you not know that the saints
28:37 will judge the world?
28:38 And if the world will be judged by you,
28:40 are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?"
28:43 In other words,
28:44 if you can't settle your little differences here,
28:46 how do you think you're gonna judge the world?
28:49 Verse 3, "Do you not know that we shall judge angels?
28:54 How much more, things that pertain to this life?"
28:58 Wow!
29:00 God's saints are gonna judge, what?
29:02 Angels.
29:04 Which angels?
29:06 The good angels?
29:08 It has to be the wicked angels.
29:11 So Revelation 20 says
29:13 that judgment is committed to God's people.
29:15 The Apostle Paul explains, who's gonna be judged,
29:19 the wicked and angels who have been left behind.
29:25 Now known as in Revelation 20:6.
29:28 It says, "Blessed and holy
29:31 is he who has a part in the first resurrection.
29:33 Over such the second death has no power,
29:36 but they shall be priests of God and of Christ,
29:38 and shall reign with Him for a thousand years.
29:43 Now, if you read verse 4,
29:49 through verse 6,
29:51 you're gonna find a problem.
29:54 You're gonna find that you give the impression
29:58 that it's the wicked
30:00 who resurrect in the first resurrection.
30:05 You read that passage,
30:07 it appears to say that the wicked
30:09 are the ones that are raised in the first resurrection.
30:12 But we already noticed in verse 4,
30:14 that it's the righteous that are raised
30:15 in the first resurrection.
30:17 And we've noticed in verse 6 that it's the righteous
30:20 who resurrected the first resurrection.
30:23 So what do you do
30:24 with the little parenthetical remark that says,
30:29 but the rest of the dead did not leave again
30:33 until the thousand years were finished.
30:35 Who are the rest of the dead that do not live again
30:39 until the thousand years are finished?
30:42 It has to be the wicked.
30:45 The reason I already gave you.
30:48 Incidentally, that expression,
30:50 but the rest of the dead did not live again
30:51 until the thousand years were finished,
30:53 that needs to be put in parentheses.
30:56 It breaks the flow of thought.
30:59 And when you understand that, it's an explanatory note,
31:02 you don't read it consecutively
31:03 with what comes in those verses.
31:05 Immediately, you understand that John is saying,
31:08 "Well, let me tell you something about
31:09 what's gonna happen with the rest of the dead
31:11 who don't resurrect in the first resurrection."
31:15 We have a punctuation problem.
31:17 You say, "Well, Pastor,
31:18 you're changing the punctuation of the Bible."
31:21 Well, punctuation,
31:22 there is no punctuation in the originals.
31:25 So the translators put punctuation
31:26 where they feel that it's needed.
31:28 And by the way, the New International Version
31:31 places parentheses
31:32 around the rest of dead did not live again
31:34 until the thousand years were finished.
31:36 They recognized that there is a parenthetical statement.
31:40 Now let's understand what second death is.
31:43 Very simple.
31:45 Everyone in this world has lived once, right?
31:52 If before Jesus comes, we die,
31:56 that will be our first death.
32:00 When Jesus comes,
32:01 if we receive Jesus as Savior and Lord,
32:04 we will resurrect in the first resurrection,
32:08 and we will not suffer second death.
32:11 In other words, once we resurrect,
32:13 we will live forever not so with the wicked.
32:18 The wicked also live their life,
32:20 here, in first line, so to speak.
32:23 Before the Second Coming, they die,
32:25 or at the Second Coming, they die.
32:27 After the millennium, they resurrect,
32:33 and then they're judged and after their judgment,
32:38 they suffer second death.
32:40 So it's the wicked who suffers second death.
32:43 It's not the righteous who suffer second death.
32:46 Are you following me or not?
32:49 Now, let's go to Revelation 27:8.
32:53 At the end of the millennium, Satan is going to be what?
32:57 Oh, he's gonna be released.
32:59 Let's read the verses and then we'll see what that means.
33:03 "Now when the thousand years have expired,
33:06 Satan will be released from his prison."
33:11 And what will he be able to do
33:12 now that he's been released from his prison?
33:15 "And will go out to deceive the nations
33:18 which are in the four corners of the earth,
33:20 Gog and Magog,
33:21 to gather them together to battle,
33:24 whose number is as the sand of the sea."
33:29 So when he's released, what is he able to do?
33:33 To deceive the nations.
33:37 So the question is,
33:38 what does the binding of Satan mean?
33:41 It means that he can't deceive the nations.
33:44 Why can't he deceive the nations?
33:47 Because all of the wicked power base of his has died.
33:51 He has no power base.
33:53 All of the nations are dead.
33:56 But after the thousand years,
33:58 the rest of the dead raise after the thousand years,
34:01 and now Satan has nations back,
34:04 and he can deceive them once more.
34:07 So the binding and unbinding of Satan has to do
34:10 with whether the nations are alive or dead.
34:14 When his followers are alive, he's loose.
34:18 When his followers are dead, he's bound,
34:21 because he doesn't have anybody to do his bidding.
34:26 So the condition of the wicked, dead or alive
34:30 determines whether the devil is bound or loose.
34:35 Now let's go to Revelation 20:9-10.
34:39 "They went up on the breadth of the earth
34:41 and surrounded the camp of the saints."
34:42 You say, "Well, this passage talks about the devil too."
34:45 But who is the center of focus here?
34:47 The devil now is gonna surround the camp of the saints.
34:50 So who is still the center of focus here?
34:53 It's the saints.
34:54 Satan is going to try and attack the city
34:56 where the saints are.
34:58 "They went up on the breath of the Earth
35:00 and surrounded the camp of the saints
35:03 and the beloved city..."
35:06 with an intention of attack in the city.
35:09 "...and fire came down
35:10 from God all of heaven and devoured them.
35:13 The devil will deceive them,
35:15 was cast into the lake of fire
35:16 and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are..."
35:19 That is probably better translations
35:21 where the beast and the false prophet were cast
35:24 before the millennium,
35:26 "...and they will be tormented day and night forever."
35:30 So after the thousand years, Satan will rally the wicked.
35:35 They've all resurrected.
35:37 He's loose now.
35:38 He has his power base back.
35:41 He organizes them to battle
35:43 against the Holy City.
35:48 But he's not able to prevail.
35:50 If you read Ezekiel 28,
35:52 it says that the wicked instead of following his orders
35:54 and attacking the city,
35:56 when they see that God is right
35:58 and Satan has been the deceiver,
36:01 they will turn on Satan and his angels
36:03 with the intention of destroying them.
36:07 So, here, you have the second cycle.
36:10 Who is the center of focus in the second cycle?
36:13 The righteous.
36:15 They resurrect in the first resurrection.
36:18 They reign with Christ for thousand years.
36:20 They perform a work of judgment,
36:23 there in the city that Satan wants to attack.
36:27 So the center of focus
36:28 in the second cycle is the saints.
36:33 Now we need to go to the third cycle.
36:36 The center of the third cycle is the wicked.
36:41 We don't find anything other than, say,
36:42 the rest of the dead will not live in, again,
36:44 until thousand years are finished,
36:46 we need to know more about the wicked.
36:50 And this cycle is found
36:52 in Revelation 20:11 though 21:1.
36:56 The third cycle, the central focus once again,
36:59 is upon the wicked.
37:02 So after the thousand years
37:04 that rest of the dead live again.
37:07 Satan has his power base back again.
37:11 But there's an event that takes place...
37:15 There's an event that takes place
37:17 in Revelation 20:11,
37:20 that takes us back to before the millennium,
37:23 because we're gonna begin a new cycle.
37:26 Have you noticed that you have in the first cycle,
37:28 it starts with the beginning of the millennium
37:29 takes you to the end.
37:31 The second cycle begins at the end of the...
37:33 beginning of Millennium takes you to the end.
37:35 Well, the same happens
37:36 with this cycle about the wicked.
37:38 It takes you to the beginning of the millennium,
37:40 an event at the beginning of the millennium,
37:42 once again to the end of the millennium.
37:43 And you say, what is the event
37:45 at the beginning of the millennium
37:46 in this third cycle?
37:48 Revelation 20:11,
37:51 "Then I saw a great white throne
37:55 and Him who sat on it,
37:58 from whose face the heaven and the earth fled away
38:00 and there was found, no place for them."
38:05 That is a description of the Second Coming of Christ.
38:09 The white throne, and heaven and earth flee away,
38:13 and no place is found for the heaven and the earth.
38:15 You say, "How do you say that that refers
38:16 to the Second Coming?
38:18 Doesn't Jesus come back on a horse?
38:20 So, how is He sitting on the throne
38:22 of the Second Coming?"
38:24 We need to understand folks that when the Bible says
38:26 that Jesus is gonna sit on a throne,
38:29 or He's coming on a horse,
38:31 those are symbols that represent functions of Christ.
38:36 The fact that He's sitting on a throne
38:38 means that He's coming back
38:39 as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
38:42 The fact that He's coming back on a horse,
38:44 a conquering horse,
38:45 is because He's a warrior
38:46 that's gonna defeat the enemies of God's people.
38:51 So in other words, the symbols
38:53 describe the function of Jesus.
38:56 By the way, do you know that another passage
38:58 describes Jesus as sitting on the thrown
39:00 at His Second Coming?
39:02 Revelation 6:14-17.
39:05 Revelation 6:14-17,
39:08 "Then the sky receded as a scroll
39:10 when it is rolled up,
39:11 and every mountain and island was moved on its place."
39:15 Does that sound similar to what we just read?
39:18 "And the kings of the earth, and the great men,
39:20 the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men,
39:23 every slave and every free man,
39:24 hid themselves in the caves
39:26 and in the rocks of the mountains,
39:27 and said to the mountains and rocks,
39:29 'Fall on us and hide us
39:31 from the face of Him...'" who what?
39:34 "...who sits on the throne..."
39:39 Everyone agrees that this is the Second Coming.
39:42 And Jesus is sitting, what? On the throne.
39:44 Because it says,
39:47 "...Hide us from the face of Him
39:49 who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
39:54 For the great day of His wrath has come,
39:56 and who is able to stand?"
40:01 So Revelation 20:11,
40:03 is describing the Second Coming of Christ
40:06 at the beginning of the millennium.
40:08 Revelation 20:12, the very next verse
40:11 is describing the judgment of a wicked death in heaven
40:14 during the thousand years.
40:18 Are you following or not?
40:22 Verse 11, sitting on the throne,
40:24 Second Coming, great day of His wrath.
40:27 Verse 12, now the dead are going to stand before His,
40:30 look before His throne.
40:32 How can dead people stand before the throne of God?
40:36 They're standing there through their records.
40:39 Are God's people going to examine
40:40 the records of the wicked during the thousand years?
40:43 Now we're gonna find a description here
40:45 of how the judgment during the thousand years
40:47 was done by the righteous.
40:50 It says in verse 12,
40:53 "And I saw the dead small and great."
40:55 Doesn't say here are the resurrected,
40:57 that the dead are standing there.
40:59 "I saw the dead small and great standing before God,
41:03 and books were opened,
41:05 and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life.
41:08 And the dead,"
41:09 doesn't say that they resurrected,
41:11 it says "the dead, were judged
41:13 according to their works by the things
41:16 which were written in the books."
41:19 Those are the ones
41:21 that the righteous are gonna judge,
41:22 judgment is committed to them.
41:24 This is an additional description
41:26 of the judgment of the wicked.
41:28 You see, that the Second Cycle
41:30 doesn't tell us who the righteous judged.
41:33 It simply says judgment was committed to them,
41:35 here, now we know that they're judging the wicked,
41:38 who are dead,
41:40 but they're coming through their records to be judged.
41:43 Are you with me?
41:45 Verse 13, describes the resurrection of the wicked
41:50 after the millennium.
41:53 Verse 13, says,
41:55 "The sea gave up a dead who are in it,"
42:00 the dead who were examined,
42:02 who went stood before the throne of God,
42:03 they were dead.
42:05 But now it says,
42:06 "The sea gave up the dead who were in it,
42:09 and Death and Hades."
42:10 Hades means the grave.
42:12 "Death and Hades delivered up the dead
42:14 who were in them."
42:17 And now the wicked are gonna see
42:19 their judgment after the millennium.
42:21 After the sea gives up the dead,
42:23 after death and the grave give up their dead.
42:27 It says, "They were judged each one
42:29 according to his works."
42:31 There will be a judgment of the weekend
42:32 after thousand years while they are alive,
42:34 they will see the record of their lives.
42:37 Read Great Controversy, the last chapter.
42:39 Ellen White explains this in a simple,
42:42 easy to understand way.
42:45 By the way, you're probably wondering about this,
42:47 the sea giving up the dead
42:49 and Death and Hades delivering up the dead.
42:52 A parallel verse would be Isaiah 26:19,
42:56 Isaiah 26:19.
42:58 It says, "Your dead shall live,
43:02 Together with my dead body they shall arise.
43:05 Awake and sing, you who dwell in the dust,"
43:10 that's the dead.
43:11 "For your dew is like the dew of herbs,
43:14 And the earth shall," what?
43:16 "Shall cast out the dead."
43:21 Does that sound similar
43:22 to what we read in Revelation 20:13?
43:27 The sea gave up the dead who were in it,
43:30 and death and the grave
43:33 gave up the dead that were in them?
43:34 That's the resurrection of the wicked
43:36 after the thousand years.
43:41 And then notice verses 20, chapter 20:14-15.
43:46 So I don't know if you're understanding
43:47 what we're saying.
43:49 But this third cycle begins with the Second Coming,
43:53 the one sitting on the throne.
43:55 Then the dead stand before God,
43:58 the righteous are judging the dead
44:00 during thousand years.
44:02 After that the sea gives up the dead.
44:04 Death and the grave gives up the dead.
44:06 That's the resurrection of the wicked
44:07 after the thousand years.
44:11 And when the wicked surround the city
44:13 and they're destroyed with a fire,
44:15 Revelation 20:14-15.
44:19 "Then Death and Hades," there is a grave,
44:22 "were cast into the lake of fire.
44:25 This is the second death.
44:29 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life
44:32 was cast into the lake of fire."
44:35 Does this reach the same climax
44:37 that the...that cycle number two reached?
44:40 Did cycle number two say that the devil and his angels
44:43 and the wicked would be casted into the lake of fire
44:45 when they surrounded the city?
44:47 Yes.
44:48 So there's gonna be two lakes of fire.
44:51 No, this is a repetition of the first leg,
44:56 adding details centering
44:58 on what's gonna happen with the wicked.
45:01 Are you with me?
45:04 Some of you are glassy eyed.
45:09 Now, something I need to explain.
45:14 Sometimes in the Bible,
45:16 the chapter divisions are where they should not be.
45:22 You see, the original writers did not divide the Bible
45:25 into chapters and verses.
45:27 And in some places in Revelation,
45:29 the chapter is divided in the wrong place.
45:34 belongs with chapter 20.
45:40 And you say, Pastor Bohr, you're changing the Bible.
45:42 No, I'm not.
45:43 Chapters and verses were not put there
45:45 by the original writers.
45:47 And I'm gonna prove to you now,
45:49 that Revelation 21:1
45:51 is the climax to the third cycle.
45:57 What does Revelation 21:1 say?
45:59 After the wicked are cast into the lake of fire,
46:05 and Death and Hades are cast into the lake of fire,
46:08 and those who are not found in the Book of Life
46:11 are cast into the lake of fire.
46:12 Then in verse 1 it says,
46:15 "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
46:20 for the first heaven and the first earth
46:22 had passed away.
46:23 Also there was no more sea."
46:26 Is that the climax to chapter 20?
46:28 After the wicked are destroyed,
46:30 God is gonna make a new heavens and a new earth, yes or no?
46:32 Absolutely.
46:34 So verse 1 belongs with chapter 20.
46:36 Now if I had time, I would show you
46:38 other places in Revelation
46:39 where the chapter division is in the wrong place.
46:43 There are several places
46:45 and the reason is because the people,
46:48 the people who made the chapter divisions,
46:50 they didn't have the Spirit of Prophecy,
46:53 which gives us a clue
46:55 as to where we need to divide the chapters.
46:59 They didn't have all the light.
47:00 They did the best they could.
47:04 Now 2nd Peter 3:10-13
47:08 describes the destruction of the wicked.
47:11 It says, "But the day of the Lord
47:12 will come as a thief in the night,
47:14 in which the heavens will pass away
47:16 with great noise,
47:17 and the elements will melt with fervent heat,
47:20 both the Earth and the works that are in it
47:22 will be burned up.
47:24 Therefore, since all these things
47:25 will be dissolved,
47:27 what manner of persons ought you to be
47:29 in holy conduct and godliness,
47:32 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God,
47:35 because of which the heavens will be dissolved,
47:38 being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?
47:43 Nevertheless we, according to His promise,
47:47 look for new heavens and a new Earth
47:50 in which righteousness dwells."
47:55 That's a third cycle.
47:58 But we wanna know what is gonna be like
48:00 to live in the city in the presence of God.
48:04 So we have a fourth cycle that tells us
48:07 what life is gonna be like in the north,
48:10 and what life is going to be like
48:12 in the city living with God.
48:15 You see, when we finish the second,
48:18 the last, the third cycle, we asked the question,
48:22 why did God allow the righteous
48:23 to come into the city and not the wicked?
48:27 What is it that the books contain
48:29 that condemned the wicked?
48:33 What will life be like in the holy city?
48:36 What will God be like?
48:39 We come to the last millennial cycle number four,
48:41 Revelation 21:2-8,
48:45 it begins in verse 2
48:48 with the descent of the Holy City.
48:50 This is...this is the clear reason
48:52 why we know that verse 1 belongs with chapter 20.
48:54 Let me ask you,
48:56 when the wicked surround the holy city,
48:58 is a city on the Earth
49:00 when the wickets surround the city?
49:04 Let me ask you, is the city on Earth
49:06 when the wickets surround it?
49:08 Yes.
49:10 If you read verse 2.
49:12 As coming after verse 1, you've got a serious problem.
49:15 Because verse 1 says,
49:17 "God makes the new heavens in the north,"
49:18 and then it says that the city descends.
49:22 Are you with me?
49:24 But when you realize that verse 1
49:25 is the climax to the chapter 20
49:28 and verse 2 begins the fourth cycle,
49:30 it makes all the sense.
49:32 So it says,
49:33 "That John sees the holy city, New Jerusalem,
49:37 coming down out of heaven from God,
49:41 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."
49:46 And then we find a description of what it's gonna be like,
49:49 verses 3 and 4.
49:52 And I heard a loud voice.
49:53 And notice here, by the way,
49:54 notice that all the verbs are future.
49:58 At this point, that city has descended,
50:01 but the wicked has not been destroyed yet,
50:03 because it's the beginning another cycle.
50:04 I don't know if your understanding
50:06 what I'm saying.
50:07 In the fourth cycle,
50:09 the wicked have not been destroyed yet.
50:12 You're gonna see that clearly.
50:14 "I heard a loud voice from heaven saying,
50:17 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,
50:21 and He will dwell with them,
50:24 and they shall be His people.
50:27 God himself will be with them and be their God.
50:31 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes,
50:35 and there shall be no more death."
50:39 Are all these things real at the moment
50:40 when this is taking place?
50:42 No, its future.
50:46 "And there shall be no more death,
50:48 nor sorrow, nor crying.
50:49 There shall be no more pain, no more pain,
50:53 for the former things that passed away."
50:57 So this is describing the moment
50:58 when God's people are in the Holy City.
51:02 And God is promising them
51:05 that when the wicked are destroyed,
51:07 none of these things are going to exist.
51:10 Are you with me?
51:12 You're gonna see it in a minute.
51:14 Notice verse 6.
51:16 "And He said to me, "It is done!
51:20 I am Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End."
51:24 Now comes what God is going to do.
51:26 "I will give of the fountain
51:28 of water of life freely to him who thirsts."
51:35 Better than Evian water, which is so expensive.
51:40 This is true sweet water,
51:43 that God is gonna give His people.
51:45 Revelation 21:7, "He who overcomes..."
51:49 Oh, now we know
51:51 why the righteous are in the city.
51:52 Why are the righteous in the city?
51:55 Oh, they overcame.
51:58 "He who overcomes shall," what?
52:01 "inherit all things," the earth with everything in it.
52:05 So it says, "He who overcomes shall inherit all things,
52:09 I will be his God and He shall be My son."
52:14 Do you notice that it's still future?
52:17 Because the wicked had not been destroyed yet.
52:20 But when we come to verse 8,
52:22 you have the final step in the cycle,
52:26 the destruction of the wicked again,
52:28 in the lake of fire.
52:29 Are there three lakes of fire?
52:32 No, it's the same lake of fire.
52:35 But it's another cycle.
52:37 It's says in Revelation 21:8.
52:41 Those who are outside, the one,
52:43 once inside are over comers.
52:47 "But the cowardly,"
52:51 now we know it was written in the books
52:53 that were examined during the thousand years.
52:55 Now we have some of the works that were written there.
52:58 "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers,
53:02 sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars
53:07 shall have their part in the lake
53:09 which burns with fire and brimstone,
53:11 which is the second death."
53:12 Once again, the verbs are future.
53:14 God's people are in the city,
53:16 and God is making this promise to them,
53:19 they're over comer's and he says,
53:21 "I'm gonna wipe your tears away,
53:23 there's not gonna be any more death,
53:25 and the wicked will be destroyed."
53:29 In other words,
53:31 Revelation 21:8,
53:33 brings us back to the point
53:38 where the cycle ends for the fourth time.
53:43 Now, Revelation 22:14-15
53:45 is not part of the millennial passage
53:49 but it tells us who's inside and who's outside.
53:54 "Blessed are those who do His commandments
53:57 that they may have the right to the tree of life
53:59 and may enter through the gates into the city."
54:04 So those in,
54:05 those who enter through the gates
54:07 are commandment keepers.
54:09 What about those outside?
54:11 "But outside are dogs and sorcerers
54:16 and sexually immoral
54:18 and murderers, and idolaters
54:23 and whoever loves and practices a," what?
54:27 "Practices a lie."
54:31 Now why is this topic important
54:33 as we deal with the issue of futurism?
54:39 The Bible tells us and we're gonna study this
54:41 in our next two lectures.
54:42 The title of the next two lectures
54:44 is A Judas in the Church,
54:48 part one and part two.
54:51 We are going to find
54:53 that those who believe in futurism teach
54:58 that Jesus is going to reign on this earth
55:01 for thousand years with the saints,
55:06 they come back after seven years
55:08 of being in heaven, after the rapture.
55:11 So they're gonna come back with Jesus
55:13 and they're gonna live here for a thousand years,
55:15 and Jesus is gonna rule with a rod of iron.
55:17 And he's gonna, you know,
55:19 He's gonna heal the diseases of people and everything.
55:21 Let me ask you, if you believe
55:25 that Jesus is gonna come to this earth
55:27 at His glorious coming,
55:29 to walk upon the Earth during the millennium,
55:32 could you be deceived by the,
55:35 by the counterfeit Second Coming of Jesus?
55:39 Are you following me?
55:43 You see, if you believe that Jesus
55:45 and His glorious coming,
55:46 is gonna establish Himself here.
55:48 Ellen White says that the devil's gonna come,
55:50 He's gonna heal the diseases of the people,
55:52 He's gonna speak real beautiful,
55:54 pretty things, and He's gonna...
55:56 You know, He's going to bless the people,
55:58 raise His hands and everything.
55:59 Those who are expecting Jesus to come,
56:01 to be here will be deceived
56:04 by the counterfeit of Second Coming.
56:06 That's why you need to know
56:10 where God's people will be during the thousand years.
56:14 Less people accept the counterfeit Second Coming
56:17 and be among the lost.
56:20 Are all these things important?
56:23 Folks, these are things
56:25 that are hardly ever even touched anymore in the church.
56:28 And we are living in those times.
56:31 The world needs to know.
56:33 Ellen White says
56:34 that those who don't know who the beast is,
56:37 will end up worshipping the beast.
56:41 Those who don't know what the mark of the beast is,
56:44 will eventually receive the mark of the beast.
56:48 And we live in a time
56:49 when people say, "Well, you know,
56:50 you don't wanna traumatize people.
56:53 You wanna be nice,
56:55 and we're gonna nice them right into hell."
57:01 They need to know.
57:03 And the Everest Church is the only church in the world
57:06 that has it straight.
57:09 And we shouldn't get proud about that
57:11 because great knowledge requires great responsibility
57:16 of letting people know.
57:19 What a message we have,
57:21 that the world needs right now.
57:24 You need to go back to your churches
57:27 and light a fire under your pastors
57:30 and say, you know, we need present truth.
57:33 We need the Three Angels' Message.
57:36 We need to know what's happening in the world,
57:37 how we can prepare for the coming of the Lord.
57:41 None of this evangelical soft talk,
57:44 you know, Jesus loves me this,
57:45 I know, where the Bible tells me so.
57:47 Yeah, that's okay for kindergarten,
57:51 for little kids.
57:53 We know Jesus loves us.
57:56 But He tells us what's gonna happen
57:57 because He loves us,
58:00 so that we choose to be on the right side
58:03 in the final controversy.


Revised 2019-10-14