The Prophetic Panorama

Seventy Week Prophecy Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TPP

Program Code: TPP000014A

00:10 Well, hello, everybody.
00:13 Good to see you here again.
00:15 Today, we are going to study part 2
00:18 of the 70-week prophecy.
00:21 We're gonna focus particularly on the closing date
00:24 of the 70 weeks.
00:26 But before we do,
00:27 we do want to have a word of prayer
00:29 and so I invite you to bow your heads
00:31 with me as we pray.
00:33 Father in heaven,
00:34 thank You for the privilege of being here again,
00:37 and as we conclude this study on the 70 weeks,
00:39 we ask for the presence of Your spirit.
00:42 It's amazing to us to see
00:44 how this prophecy has been fulfilled to the very latter.
00:48 We know that You sit on Your throne
00:51 and history is under Your control.
00:53 Bless us as we study together
00:56 and comfort us and give us assurance.
00:58 We pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
01:02 Well, let's review the 70-week prophecy.
01:06 The 70-week prophecy begins in the year 457 BC,
01:11 in the fall of 457 BC.
01:15 The first 49 years or the first 7 weeks have to do
01:20 with the rebuilding and restoring of Jerusalem.
01:24 That's from the year 457 to 408 BC.
01:28 And then 62 weeks beyond that takes us
01:31 to the anointing of the Messiah,
01:34 and that's redundant
01:36 because the word Messiah means anointed.
01:39 But anyway, Jesus is baptized in the year 27 AD
01:43 in the fall of 27 AD.
01:46 And then for the last week,
01:47 Jesus confirms the covenant
01:50 with the Jewish people
01:52 because the 70th week belongs to the Jewish nation as well.
01:57 And in the middle of that last week,
02:00 Jesus is cut off.
02:02 That means that he's killed, but not for himself.
02:07 So what we studied so far takes us
02:09 from 457 to 408 to 27 to 31,
02:13 the spring of 31.
02:16 However, we still have 3.5 years before the ending
02:20 of the 70 weeks from the year 31,
02:24 from the spring of 31, to the fall of the year 34.
02:29 Now the important point that I want us to notice
02:32 as we begin our study is that probation did not close
02:37 for the Jewish theocracy when Jesus was crucified.
02:41 Probation did not close in the year 31
02:45 because the Jewish people had 70 full weeks,
02:51 not only, you know, leading up to the year 31 AD.
02:57 Now I want to read a series of texts
03:01 that show that probation did not close
03:05 for the Jewish theocracy in the middle of the last week
03:09 when Jesus died on the cross.
03:11 Go with me to Matthew 10:5 and 6,
03:15 Matthew 10:5 and 6.
03:19 Here, Jesus is speaking to His disciples,
03:23 and He gives them prohibition and also a command.
03:29 It says there,
03:31 "These twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them saying,
03:35 'Do not go into the way of the Gentiles.'"
03:39 Jesus says don't go to the Gentiles,
03:41 "And do not enter a city of the Samaritans,
03:44 but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
03:49 Now why would Jesus say something like that?
03:52 You know, "Don't go to the Gentiles,
03:53 go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
03:55 Simply because Jesus was speaking
03:58 still during the period of the 70 weeks
04:01 which were determined or allotted for the Jews.
04:05 Now notice also Matthew 15:24, Matthew 15:24.
04:11 Here Jesus makes a statement that appears to be calloused.
04:16 It appears that He's saying that the salvation is basically
04:21 simply for the Jews and not for the Gentiles.
04:24 But that's not really what Jesus is saying.
04:27 Matthew 15:24, "But He answered and said,
04:32 'I was not sent except to the lost sheep
04:36 of the house of Israel.'"
04:38 He's saying this to a Canaanite woman
04:41 who's a Gentile.
04:42 Now that appears to be careless.
04:44 Jesus is saying, "I said, I was sent only to the Jews,
04:46 that wasn't sent to the Gentiles."
04:48 We need to understand, however,
04:49 that Jesus said that because the 70 weeks
04:52 were still not finished and the 70 weeks
04:55 were allotted to the Jewish nation.
04:59 So we need to understand that
05:00 this is not a callous statement.
05:02 By the way, Jesus did bring salvation to Gentiles
05:05 during His ministry too.
05:06 But it was the exception, not the rule.
05:09 This Canaanite woman, He said,
05:11 "Salvation has come to your house.
05:13 I haven't found this kind of faith in Israel."
05:15 Also the centurion,
05:17 remember the centurion that Jesus healed His servant?
05:20 The centurion was a Gentile.
05:22 We also have Jesus ministering to the Samaritan woman.
05:26 So it's not that Jesus ignored
05:28 the salvation of the Gentiles and the Samaritans.
05:31 It's that he was set specifically
05:34 to fulfill the events of the final week
05:36 of the 70 weeks,
05:37 which were allowed it to the Jewish nation.
05:41 Now go with me to Matthew 21:12-13,
05:44 Matthew 21:12-13.
05:47 This is at the conclusion of the triumphal entry
05:51 of Jesus into Jerusalem.
05:53 It says there, "Then Jesus went into the temple of God."
05:59 So when He goes in, it's the temple of God,
06:01 "And drove out all those who bought
06:03 and sold in the temple,
06:05 and overturned the tables of the money changers
06:09 and the seats of those who sold those.
06:11 And he said to them, it is written,
06:14 my house shall be called a house of prayer,
06:17 but you have made it a den of thieves."
06:20 So notice when he goes in,
06:22 it's called the temple of God
06:23 and Jesus refers to the temple as My house.
06:27 And then Jesus, in the next couple of chapters,
06:31 tells a series of parables to the different sects
06:36 of the Jewish nation.
06:38 And He concludes by pronouncing the woes
06:42 upon the scribes and Pharisees,
06:44 the scribes were the theologians
06:46 and the Pharisees were the ministers.
06:48 Matthew 23:32 to 38
06:52 has the concluding part of the woes
06:56 upon the scribes and Pharisees.
06:59 It says there beginning with verse 32,
07:02 and Jesus is speaking quite strongly,
07:04 "Fill up then the measure of your father's guilt."
07:08 In other words, the cup is gonna be full.
07:12 There's not gonna be any more room.
07:15 "Fill up then the measure of your father's guilt,
07:18 serpents, brood of vipers,
07:21 how can you escape the condemnation of hell?"
07:25 And now I want you to notice something very interesting.
07:28 Jesus is saying these words
07:31 shortly before his death on the cross,
07:34 shortly before his passion,
07:36 and yet Jesus is going to say
07:38 that even though He's gonna die in two or three days,
07:43 He is gonna send more messengers after His death
07:46 to literal Israel
07:47 because the 70 weeks have not yet come to an end.
07:51 Notice what He continues saying in verse 34,
07:54 "Therefore, indeed, I send you prophets,
08:01 wise men, and scribes."
08:05 And now notice, "Some of them you,"
08:08 What tense is the verb?
08:10 "Will kill and crucify.
08:14 And some of them you will scourge
08:18 in your synagogues and..."
08:21 By the way, even though the helping verb is not there,
08:24 it is in the Greek,
08:26 "And will persecute from city to city."
08:30 So is Jesus gonna send more messengers
08:32 to literal Israel and they're gonna do
08:34 to the messengers what they did to Jesus
08:37 and all the messengers that came before?
08:39 Absolutely.
08:41 So probation is not close to the Jewish nation
08:43 when Jesus is crucified.
08:45 Verse 35 says, after he sends the messengers,
08:48 it says, "That on you may come all the righteous blood
08:52 shed on the earth,
08:54 from the blood of righteous Abel
08:56 to the blood of Zachariah, son of Berechiah,
08:59 whom you murdered between the temple
09:01 and the altar.
09:02 Assuredly, I say to you,
09:04 all these things will come upon this generation."
09:08 So Jesus is saying, "Even after My death,
09:10 I'm gonna send you, wise men, I'm gonna to send you prophets,
09:14 I'm gonna send you messengers and you are going to do
09:16 the same thing to them that you're going to do to Me
09:20 and that you did to the messengers
09:22 that I sent you in the Old Testament.
09:25 And then notice that Jesus next speaks about
09:29 the destruction of Jerusalem.
09:32 Once again, Matthew Chapter 23 and beginning with verse 37,
09:39 Jesus says, "O Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets
09:43 and stones those who are sent to her.
09:46 How often I wanted to gather your children together,
09:50 as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,
09:52 but you were not willing."
09:56 And then notice in verse 38, what Jesus has to say,
10:00 "See, your house is left to you desolate."
10:06 And then in the next chapter,
10:08 the first verse says that Jesus departs the temple.
10:13 When Jesus the Shekinah departs the temple,
10:16 the house is left what?
10:19 The house is left desolate
10:21 because God's presence isn't there
10:23 and yet mercy still lingers for three and a half years.
10:27 Remember in the Old Testament
10:29 when the Shekinah left the temple right before
10:31 Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple
10:33 that the Shekinah left the temple
10:35 and lingered for a little while
10:37 on the Mount of Olives as if saying,
10:39 "I don't want to leave."
10:41 Well, Jesus did the same thing.
10:43 He did not want to reject the Jewish theocracy.
10:47 And so after this, He goes to the Mount of Olives,
10:50 and He speaks about the destruction of Jerusalem
10:52 after saying that their house was left desolate.
10:56 When He goes in,
10:58 it's the temple of God and it's My house.
11:01 When He leaves after pronouncing
11:03 the walls on the scribes and Pharisees,
11:06 He says, "Your house is left unto you desolate."
11:09 Now what messengers were sent to the Jews
11:11 during those three and a half years?
11:14 Peter, John, the Seven Deacons,
11:18 men filled with wisdom, also, you know,
11:23 Stephen was sent during that period.
11:25 So messengers were sent to the Jews
11:29 even in those three and a half years
11:30 after the crucifixion.
11:33 You know, it's amazing that even after the Jews
11:36 at the trial of Jesus said we have no king but Caesar,
11:41 after they said his blood be upon us and our children.
11:45 After saying release unto us brothers,
11:48 mercy still lingered for three and a half years.
11:53 The Shekinah did not want to leave first permanently.
11:56 The Shekinah wanted to see if they would repent
12:00 and accept the Messiah.
12:03 Now I mentioned yesterday in our study
12:06 that there's an intimate connection
12:09 between what happened to the Messiah
12:13 and the destruction of Jerusalem.
12:15 Now you remember in the Old Testament
12:17 that the people became a past date,
12:20 they played the harlot as the Bible says,
12:23 and as a result,
12:24 God used Nebuchadnezzar to destroy the city,
12:28 the sanctuary, the walls,
12:30 and they went captive for a period of 70 years.
12:34 After that, they rebuilt their city
12:37 and they rebuilt the temple.
12:39 But in Daniel Chapter 9,
12:40 we find that at the end of the 70 weeks,
12:44 actually beyond the end of the 70 weeks,
12:47 Jerusalem was going to be destroyed again, this time,
12:51 not by the Babylonians but this time by the Romans
12:55 and the reason why Jerusalem was gonna be destroyed
12:58 is because of what happened to the Messiah.
13:00 Go with me to Daniel Chapter 9 and I'll show you this,
13:03 the connection between
13:04 the death of the Messiah
13:05 and the destruction of Jerusalem.
13:07 Jesus said this was gonna happen to Jerusalem
13:10 because they did not know the hour of their what?
13:13 Of their visitation, in other words,
13:15 the crucifixion of Christ,
13:16 the rejection of Christ is directly related
13:19 to the destruction of the city later on.
13:22 In Daniel 9:26, we find these words.
13:27 "And after the 62 weeks, Messiah shall be cut off,
13:31 but not for Himself."
13:34 And after talking about Messiah being cut off
13:36 and not for Himself,
13:38 we find a reference
13:39 to the destruction of Jerusalem.
13:41 It says, "And the people of the prince who is to come,"
13:44 the prince is Jesus and the people of Israel
13:46 that bring destruction upon themselves
13:48 by rejecting the Messiah.
13:50 "And the people of the prince who is to come shall do," what?
13:54 "Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary."
13:58 And now the keyword,
14:00 "The end of it shall be with a flood
14:02 till the end of the war."
14:04 What's the next word?
14:06 "Desolations are determined."
14:10 What was gonna happen as a result
14:11 of the Messiah being rejected,
14:13 the people of a prince rejecting the Messiah?
14:17 There was gonna be a war.
14:19 And the result of the war would be what?
14:21 Desolations.
14:23 Notice also verse 27, once again,
14:26 what happens to Messiah
14:27 determines what happens to the city.
14:30 It says in verse 27,
14:31 "Then he shall confirm a covenant,"
14:33 this is the same prince of the people,
14:36 "With many for one week, but in the middle of the week,
14:40 he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering."
14:43 And now notice, here's the destruction of Jerusalem.
14:46 "And on the wing of abominations,"
14:48 is that a keyword, abominations?
14:51 Yes.
14:52 "And the wing of abominations shall be one who makes" what?
14:56 Desolate.
14:58 Was that a keyword in Matthew Chapter 23,
15:00 your house is left on to you desolate.
15:02 So you have abominations, and it says,
15:05 shall be one who makes desolate,
15:07 "Even until the consummation
15:09 which is determined is poured out on the desolate."
15:14 Are you catching the picture?
15:16 Does the work of the Messiah
15:18 have anything to do with the destruction,
15:20 the second destruction of the city of Jerusalem
15:22 and the temple?
15:24 Absolutely.
15:25 It's because they did not know the hour of their visitation.
15:29 Now we need to notice also that God,
15:34 of course, gives Israel,
15:36 gives the Jewish theocracy
15:38 another three and a half years of probation.
15:42 The door did not close in the year 31.
15:47 I want to read a statement from Great Controversy Page 28
15:51 where Ellen White refers to the additional messengers
15:54 that are sent after the death of Jesus.
15:58 Great Controversy, Page 28, Ellen White wrote,
16:01 "Through the preaching of the apostles
16:03 and their associates,
16:06 God would cause light to shine upon them."
16:08 This is after the crucifixion.
16:10 "They would be permitted to see
16:12 how prophecy had been fulfilled,
16:14 not only in the birth and life of Christ
16:17 but in His death and resurrection.
16:20 The children were not condemned for the sins of the parents.
16:23 But when with all the knowledge
16:26 and the light given to their parents,
16:28 the children rejected the additional light
16:31 granted to themselves,
16:32 they became partakers of their parents' sins
16:35 and filled up the measure of their iniquity."
16:39 So you'll notice that even after the crucifixion,
16:42 God sent Apostles and their associates
16:45 still to linger with Israel and try to get the theocracy
16:50 to receive the Messiah, but it was in vain.
16:54 Now go with me to Matthew Chapter 24.
16:56 I'm gonna show you
16:58 that the destruction of the city of Jerusalem
17:00 in the year 70 by the Romans
17:03 was the abomination of desolation.
17:07 You remember in Daniel 9:26-27,
17:09 the word abomination is used, right?
17:11 And the word desolation or desolate is used.
17:14 Now when is that fulfilled?
17:17 Go with me to Matthew 24:15 and then I'll read a statement
17:21 from the Spirit of Prophecy.
17:23 "Therefore, when you see the abomination of desolation,"
17:29 Are those the words that we read
17:30 in Daniel chapter 9:26 and 27?
17:32 Yes.
17:34 Therefore, when you see the abomination of desolation,
17:37 in case you still doubted it,
17:38 spoken of by Daniel the prophet.
17:41 So this takes us back to Daniel 9:26 and 27.
17:45 Standing in the holy place,
17:47 when you see the abomination of desolation
17:49 spoken up by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place,
17:52 whoever reads let him understand,
17:54 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
17:58 Now what was Jesus referring to when He said that
18:01 when His followers saw the abomination of desolation,
18:05 they should flee to the mountains?
18:07 Well, in Great Controversy, Page 26,
18:09 we have this explanation.
18:11 "And the Savior warned His followers,
18:15 'When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,
18:19 spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
18:21 stand in the holy place, whoso readeth,
18:23 let him understand,
18:25 then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains."
18:28 She quotes Matthew 24:15-16,
18:34 and then she makes this comment,
18:37 "When the idolatrous standards of the Romans
18:40 should be set up in the holy ground,
18:44 which extended some furlongs outside the city walls,
18:48 then the followers of Christ
18:50 were to found safety and flight,
18:52 when the warning signs should be seen,
18:54 those who would escape must make no delay."
18:59 So what was the abomination of desolation?
19:01 It was when those followers of Jesus inside saw
19:05 the standards of the Romans occupying holy ground
19:09 which extended a certain distance
19:11 beyond the walls of Jerusalem.
19:14 Now you not only get this from the Spirit of Prophecy,
19:18 you also get it by reading Luke 21:20,
19:22 which is the parallel verse to Matthew 24:15.
19:27 There it says in Luke 21:20,
19:30 "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies,
19:34 then know that its desolation is near."
19:38 So what is the abomination of desolation?
19:40 It's when the city was surrounded by what?
19:43 By armies.
19:44 Which armies?
19:46 The armies of Rome led by Titus.
19:50 So what follows the work of the Messiah
19:55 in verse 26 and verse 27 have met Daniel Chapter 9?
19:59 Very clearly, the rejection of the Messiah,
20:02 the crucifixion of the Messiah,
20:04 the people of the prince
20:06 causing the destruction of their own city
20:08 leads to the desolation of the city of Jerusalem.
20:14 Now there are other passages that show us
20:16 that probation did not close for the Jewish nation
20:19 for the Jewish theocracy, when Jesus was crucified.
20:23 Notice Acts 5:31.
20:27 This verse
20:28 is referring to the period before the year 34.
20:33 It says there in Acts 5:31, why Jesus ascended to?
20:38 It says here, "Him God," that is Jesus,
20:42 "God has exalted to His right hand
20:45 to be Prince and Savior, and to give" what?
20:49 "Repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins."
20:55 So could Israel still repent during this time period?
20:59 They most certainly could.
21:00 Did the Jewish nation repent?
21:03 No.
21:04 Individuals repented
21:07 but the theocracy did not repent.
21:09 The Sanhedrin dug in their heels,
21:12 and they refused to receive the Messiah.
21:17 There's another passage that I want to show you
21:19 that clearly indicates that probation did not close
21:24 when Jesus was crucified and the reason why, folks,
21:28 is because there were still 3.5 years
21:31 in the prophecy of the 70 weeks,
21:34 which were allotted to the Jews.
21:35 Are you understanding my point?
21:37 Jesus could not close the door probation,
21:40 His crucifixion because the 70 weeks,
21:42 said that there were going to be 70 weeks,
21:45 and the 70 weeks did not end at the crucifixion.
21:48 That was the half of the last week.
21:50 It ended three and a half years later.
21:53 Now Matthew 22:1 through 8
21:55 is an interesting parable of Jesus
21:57 and I will give you the interpretation.
22:00 "And Jesus answered and spoke to them again
22:05 by parables and said,
22:07 'The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king,"
22:11 God the Father, "who arranged a marriage for his son,"
22:16 Jesus, "and sent out his servants."
22:20 The apostles and the 70.
22:22 Were the apostles and the 70 sent out
22:25 to preach the gospel of Jesus?
22:27 Absolutely.
22:28 So it says here,
22:30 "And sent out his servants
22:32 to call those who were invited to the wedding,"
22:35 that is the wedding of the son that was planted by the Father.
22:38 And they were not willing to come.
22:41 Again, he sent out other servants
22:43 and now notice the chronological detail.
22:46 Again, he sent out other servants saying,
22:48 "Tell those who are invited,"
22:49 the same group that were invited first
22:51 by the apostles in the 70.
22:54 Once again, "Tell those were invited.
22:56 See, I have prepared my dinner,
22:59 my oxen and fatted cattle are killed."
23:03 What did the sacrifice of oxen and fatted cattle represent?
23:08 The death of Jesus?
23:10 Didn't the death of animals represent the death of Christ?
23:13 So at this point, Christ has died.
23:17 But other messengers are sent out
23:19 after Jesus dies according to this.
23:22 So once again, it says in verse 4,
23:25 again, he sent out other servants saying,
23:27 "Tell those who are invited.
23:29 See, I have prepared my dinner,
23:30 my oxen and fatted cattle are killed,"
23:32 representing the death of Christ,
23:34 "And all things are ready.
23:36 Come to the wedding."
23:38 How did they respond to the additional messengers?
23:41 Oh, "But they made light of it and went their ways,
23:45 one to his own fire, another to his own business,
23:48 and the rest seized his servants,
23:51 treated them spitefully and killed them."
23:55 Are you getting the picture?
23:57 Was Stephen killed?
24:00 Yes.
24:01 Was James killed?
24:03 You can read it in the scriptures.
24:05 They killed the messengers
24:07 that were sent after the crucifixion.
24:09 Now how did the God...
24:13 How did the father of this son react to this rejection?
24:18 Notice verse 7,
24:20 "But when the king heard about it,
24:22 he was furious.
24:27 And he sent out his armies."
24:29 Which armies would those be?
24:32 Which armies?
24:33 The Roman armies, right?
24:35 God the Father sends out the Roman armies
24:38 and what did he do?
24:40 He destroyed those murderers and burned up their city.
24:44 When did that happen?
24:46 In the year 70 AD.
24:50 Did the burning of Jerusalem have anything to do
24:52 with the rejection of the Messiah?
24:55 Clearly, like Daniel 9 says.
24:58 Now verse 8 says then that the message
25:01 is going to go now to the Gentiles.
25:03 See the sequence that we've been studying.
25:05 It says in verse 8, "Then he said to his servants,
25:08 'The wedding is ready,
25:10 but those who were invited were not worthy.'"
25:14 So what's going to happen now?
25:15 Who's going to announce
25:16 that the wedding is going to take place
25:18 and call people to come to the wedding?
25:20 Verse 9, "Therefore, go into the highways..."
25:25 I don't have time to show you this
25:26 but when the word highways is used by Jesus,
25:30 it refers to the Gentiles.
25:32 He told His disciples, don't go into the highways,
25:36 don't go to the Samaritans.
25:38 To go to the highways means to go where?
25:41 It means to go to the Gentiles.
25:43 So he says, "Therefore, go into the highways,"
25:47 in other words,
25:48 the Gentiles are not going to do this,
25:50 "and as many as you find, invite to the wedding."
25:55 Is that clear?
25:57 Crystal clear.
25:59 Now the question is,
26:02 when was the ending date of the 70 weeks?
26:06 What event marked the end point of the 70 weeks?
26:11 Unfortunately, when we read the story of Daniel 9,
26:17 there's a clear starting point.
26:20 It says,
26:21 from the command to restore and build Jerusalem for 57 BC.
26:27 Then it gives us a next chronological detail,
26:30 the next 49 years or 70 weeks,
26:33 has to do with the rebuilding of the city
26:35 and restoring the civil religious order.
26:38 Then after that, 62 more weeks,
26:41 it takes you to the year 27, baptism of the Messiah.
26:46 Then in the middle of the last week,
26:49 the Messiah is cut off but not for himself
26:52 and He causes the sacrifice and the oblation to seize.
26:57 But unfortunately,
27:01 there appears to be no event mentioned
27:03 that concludes the 70 weeks, the year 34.
27:09 Wouldn't it be the year 34?
27:11 Of course, it would be.
27:12 Because if Jesus was baptized in the year 27,
27:15 by the way in the fall of 27, fall of 27 to the fall of 28,
27:18 to the fall of 29, to fall of 30,
27:20 to spring of 31 is 3.5 years.
27:24 From the spring of 31 to the spring of 32,
27:28 to the spring of 33, to the spring of 34,
27:31 to the fall of 34 is another 3.5 years.
27:36 Are you following me or not?
27:38 Simple then.
27:40 Now what event marked the ending of the 70 weeks?
27:46 Go with me to Daniel 9:24.
27:50 It doesn't appear on the surface
27:52 but there's a very important detail
27:55 in Daniel 9:24 that indicates...
27:58 That gave us an indicator of when the 70 weeks would end.
28:03 What event would lead to the end of the 70 weeks?
28:07 Daniel 9:24 mentions several things
28:13 that were going to happen during the 70 weeks,
28:16 particularly the last week of the 70 weeks.
28:19 Daniel 9:24 says that six accomplishments
28:22 would take place primarily
28:24 during the final of the 70 weeks.
28:26 It says to finish the transgression,
28:29 to make an end of sins,
28:31 to make reconciliations for iniquity,
28:34 to bring in everlasting righteousness,
28:37 to seal up vision, and prophecy,
28:41 that's what we're going to look at
28:42 and to anoint the most holy.
28:46 Now the point of these six
28:49 that we want to particularly focus on
28:52 is the phrase to seal up vision and prophecy.
28:59 Now there's something very important
29:00 that we need to realize,
29:02 and that is that when this is translated
29:04 to seal up the vision and prophecy,
29:08 it's the identical word that is used in verse 24,
29:12 the same verse where it says to make an end of sins.
29:17 In other words,
29:19 to seal the vision in the prophecy
29:21 means the end of the vision and the prophecy.
29:24 Unfortunately, in the translation,
29:27 in verse 24, you have one reference to chatham,
29:31 which is to seal,
29:33 and the other translation is to end.
29:38 But really the word chatham means to end.
29:43 So basically, the meaning of Daniel 9:24
29:48 is end to end vision and prophecy,
29:53 just like it says to end sins, to bring an end to sins.
29:59 Now why is this important?
30:02 It's extremely important because we need to determine
30:05 who had the last vision for Israel,
30:09 and which was the last prophet of Israel?
30:12 In other words,
30:13 what event ended the prophets that were sent to Israel
30:18 and ended the visions
30:20 that were given to literal Israel
30:22 because the prophecy says
30:24 to bring to an end vision and prophecy.
30:27 In other words, for the Jewish theocracy,
30:29 there would be no more visions,
30:31 and there would be no more prophets.
30:34 The question is, when did this happen?
30:38 Well, when you examine
30:40 the story of Stephen's stoning in Acts 7,
30:45 something is very interesting.
30:49 Most of the chapter, in fact,
30:52 verses 2 through verse 53 is a long sermon
30:58 that Stephen preaches
31:01 telling the whole history of ancient Israel.
31:03 He's speaking to the Sanhedrin.
31:06 He's speaking to the experts, to the theologians,
31:10 and the ministers of the day, and yet,
31:12 he preaches this long sermon from verse 2 through verse 53
31:17 reciting the history of ancient Israel,
31:20 which these individuals knew very well.
31:24 So why did Stephen waste this time
31:27 telling this long story of the history of Israel if...
31:32 You know, they already knew all of the details of this history.
31:37 There's a particular reason.
31:39 Two scholars,
31:40 two Old Testament scholars by the name of Meredith Kline
31:43 and George Mendenhall, many years ago,
31:47 dug up ancient covenants that were made in the nations
31:52 that surrounded Israel.
31:54 And they discovered that covenants were structured
31:58 in a very interesting way.
32:01 When a king was going to rebuke
32:05 a subject king or a subject nation,
32:09 he first thing that the king would do
32:12 would be to recite the benevolent acts
32:15 that he had had towards that rebellious people.
32:20 And if you read Acts 2, Acts 7:2-53,
32:26 you're going to see that the emphasis
32:29 that Stephen gives to this
32:31 is the benevolent acts that God,
32:34 the blessings that God poured out
32:37 upon Israel.
32:39 Now the prophets in the Old Testament
32:42 were actually God's lawyers in divorce court.
32:47 God was saying, "I was good to you.
32:49 I'll release you from bondage.
32:51 I blessed you with every spiritual
32:53 and material blessing, and you played the harlot.
32:56 And so I am asking for a divorce."
33:00 That was what the prophets were called to do.
33:03 God was saying, "I want a divorce."
33:09 However,
33:10 if you read
33:12 the rebukes of the prophets in the Old Testament,
33:13 you're going to discover that God always said,
33:17 "You know, I am asking for a divorce
33:19 because you played the harlot, you had other lovers,
33:22 and you didn't preserve yourself only to me.
33:25 But if you repent I will take you back."
33:29 You have, for example, the book of Hosea.
33:31 That's a very, very important book
33:33 when it comes to this type of covenant.
33:35 God says, "I was so good to you.
33:37 You know, you played the harlot.
33:38 But if you repent, I'll take you back."
33:41 And so the lawyers that are sent,
33:43 the prophets that are sent, you know,
33:45 they're not making a final declaration
33:49 that Israel can't repent,
33:50 and Israel cannot turn to the Lord
33:52 and be accepted once again by the Lord.
33:57 In other words,
33:58 all of the Old Testament covenants were covenants
34:01 that were not final.
34:04 But in this case, in Acts 7, the stoning of Stephen,
34:08 the tone of Stephen is totally different.
34:11 I'm going to show you that in a moment.
34:14 Stephen is the last of God's lawyers
34:17 in divorce court.
34:20 And he's going to tell Israel, this is it.
34:24 No more repentance.
34:26 No more door mercy open.
34:29 The theocracy is over.
34:31 Now let's go to Acts 7:51-53.
34:37 Stephen ends his sermon in a very accusatory tone,
34:42 just like the prophets of the Old Testament did.
34:45 And by the way, who is Stephen speaking to?
34:49 He is speaking to the Jewish Sanhedrin.
34:53 The Supreme Court of the Hebrew theocracy.
34:58 The leadership...
34:59 The Supreme leadership of the Jewish theocracy.
35:03 And in Acts 7:51, Stephen says,
35:09 "You stiff-necked and uncircumcised
35:13 in heart and ears.
35:16 You always resist the Holy Spirit,
35:19 as your fathers did, so do you.
35:23 Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute?
35:28 And they killed those who foretold
35:30 the coming of the just one,
35:32 of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers
35:36 who have received the law by the direction of angels
35:39 and have not kept it."
35:40 Now there's a very interesting detail.
35:42 If you read Stephen's sermon before this,
35:47 before this passage, verses 51 to 53,
35:50 Stephen always refers to our fathers.
35:55 But when he gets to the end of his sermon,
35:58 did you notice the change?
36:01 He's disengaging himself from the patrimony
36:05 in history of Israel.
36:07 Because he says,
36:09 "Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute,
36:14 and they killed those who foretold
36:16 the coming of the just one."
36:18 In other words,
36:19 he's disconnecting himself from the history of Israel
36:22 because they now are doing the same thing
36:25 that their fathers did,
36:27 and Stephen did not share that spirit.
36:30 Now unlike
36:34 all of the previous prophets,
36:37 Stephen did not make any call to repentance.
36:41 His speech has a finality to it.
36:46 In other words, he's not saying, you know,
36:48 "You stiff-necked people, you know,
36:50 you always persecute those messengers
36:52 that are sent to you.
36:53 But if you repent, God will take you back."
36:57 Doesn't happen.
36:58 In the Old Testament, the prophets would say,
37:00 you know, "God sends you messengers,
37:02 you will pass the tithes.
37:03 But if you come back,
37:05 God will receive you back again."
37:06 Not here, there's a finality.
37:08 There's no call to repentance.
37:11 There's no remedial point here.
37:16 Now when Stephen preached this last part of his sermon,
37:22 I want you to notice the reaction of the Sanhedrin,
37:25 they were hardened beyond repair.
37:30 In verse 54 through 58,
37:33 we find this reaction to the message of Stephen.
37:37 "When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart,
37:42 and they gnashed at him with their teeth."
37:46 Wow!
37:48 So did a sermon go over real nicely?
37:52 It went over like a lead balloon, right?
37:56 It says that they were cut to the heart,
37:58 they gnashed at him with their teeth.
38:01 "But he being full of the Holy Spirit,
38:03 gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God,
38:05 and Jesus standing at the right hand of God,
38:07 and said,
38:08 'Look, I see the heavens open and the Son of Man standing
38:11 at the right hand of God.'
38:12 Then they cried out with a loud voice,
38:14 stopped their ears and ran at him with one accord.
38:18 And they cast him out of the city."
38:21 So what they did with Jesus?
38:23 "They cast Him out of the city and stoned Him.
38:27 And the witnesses laid down their clothes
38:31 at the feet of a young man named Saul."
38:37 So when he presented his message,
38:38 was there repentance?
38:41 Did He make a call to repentance?
38:43 Absolutely not.
38:46 Who was the last prophet of Israel
38:48 that was given a vision?
38:51 Stephen?
38:53 Was Stephen a prophet that had a vision?
38:58 I see that you're saying...
38:59 Was he a prophet that had a vision?
39:02 Well, didn't he tell the benevolent acts of God?
39:06 Didn't they do what the prophets
39:08 of the Old Testament did,
39:09 tell the whole story of Israel how God was good to them
39:12 and blessed them physically,
39:14 mentally, spiritually, materially?
39:17 He played the role of a prophet.
39:19 By the way, did he also have a vision?
39:23 We just read it.
39:25 By the way, there's no evidence that anyone else
39:27 that was present there saw that vision.
39:30 It was only Stephen.
39:31 And that's what really made them Jewish leadership angry
39:35 was the vision that he said he had, the vision of Jesus.
39:40 And so it says, once again, in verse 55,
39:45 "But he being full of the Holy Spirit
39:47 gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God."
39:49 So he's having this vision, he saw the glory of God,
39:52 and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.
39:56 And he said, "Look, I see, the heavens opened,
40:00 and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God."
40:04 Whoa!
40:05 That infuriated them even worse.
40:09 And it says,
40:10 "Then they cried out with a loud voice,
40:12 stopped their ears and run at him
40:13 with one accord."
40:15 Let me ask you,
40:16 what was the reaction to the last vision given
40:19 to the last prophet of Israel?
40:21 It was rejected.
40:23 In other words,
40:25 prophecy and vision came to an end.
40:30 Just like Daniel 9 had said was going to happen.
40:35 They silenced the last voice of the last prophet to Israel,
40:41 there's nothing more that could be done
40:43 for the Jewish theocracy.
40:46 What more could God do now with the Jewish theocracy?
40:50 Nothing.
40:51 They rejected Christ.
40:54 They rejected the messengers
40:55 that were sent to them after Christ,
40:58 culminating with the rejection of the message
41:03 of the last prophet of Israel who received a vision.
41:09 But here's the good news.
41:11 When the 70 weeks end for the Jewish nation
41:15 and the door is closed, another door opens.
41:20 Did you notice in Acts?
41:24 Not in Acts.
41:25 Yes, Acts 7:58, it says,
41:31 "And they cast him out of the city and stoned him.
41:35 And the witnesses laid down their clothes
41:36 at the feet of a young man named Saul."
41:43 Who was present there
41:44 when the Jewish theocracy came to an end,
41:46 when the vision and the prophet came to an end?
41:49 Saul of Tarsus.
41:52 What was Saul of Tarsus going to do?
41:55 He was going to be the champion
41:58 to take the message to the Gentiles.
42:03 So when the theocracy ends for the Jewish nation,
42:07 God already has chosen right there the champion
42:11 that will now take the message to the Gentiles,
42:15 just like it says in the parables
42:17 that Jesus told.
42:19 Notice Acts 22:20 and 21.
42:23 Here,
42:25 Saul of Tarsus is reminiscing about his participation
42:30 in the martyrdom of Stephen.
42:33 And it says there in Acts 22:20 and 21,
42:37 "And when the blood of your martyr,
42:40 Stephen was shed,
42:42 I also was standing by consenting to his death
42:47 and guarding the clothes of those who were killing him.
42:51 Then He said to me, "this is what God says to him,
42:54 "'Depart for I will send you
42:58 far from here to the Gentiles.'"
43:02 Are you catching the picture?
43:05 Does the stoning of Stephen clearly indicate
43:09 that the door has closed for the theocracy,
43:12 and now it's going to go to the Gentiles?
43:14 Yes, the Gentiles,
43:16 the champion to the Gentiles is right there
43:19 at the stoning of Stephen.
43:21 Now go with me to Acts 1,
43:23 Acts 1:6-8, Acts 1:6-8.
43:30 Here, Jesus is still on Earth,
43:31 He's about to ascend to heaven and we find out these words,
43:37 "Therefore, when they had come together,"
43:39 that is Jesus and those who are going
43:40 to see the ascension, "they asked Him, saying,
43:43 'Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?'
43:48 And He said to them,
43:49 'It is not for you to know times or seasons,
43:51 which the Father has put in His own authority.
43:55 But you shall receive power
43:57 when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.
44:00 And you shall be,'" what, "'witnesses to Me,'"
44:03 where first,
44:05 "'in Jerusalem
44:08 and in all Judea and Samaria,
44:15 and to the end of the Earth.'"
44:18 Do you know that that verse has the structure
44:20 of the entire book of Acts?
44:26 Acts 1-7,
44:29 everything is happening in Jerusalem and Judea.
44:33 There are no Gentiles involved in Acts 1-7,
44:38 all of the work has been done in Jerusalem and Judea.
44:40 You can check me out.
44:43 But when you get at Acts 8:25, actually the entire of 8,
44:49 it says now that the gospel has gone to Samaria.
44:56 Now listen carefully,
44:59 the gospel goes in Acts 1 to Acts 7
45:02 to Jerusalem and Judea.
45:04 That's chapters 1 through 6.
45:06 Chapter 7 is the stoning of Stephen,
45:11 which is taking place there in Jerusalem.
45:16 Then in Acts 8, you have the gospel going to Samaria.
45:22 In Acts 9, you have the conversion of Saul.
45:27 And from Acts 10 to Acts 28,
45:31 you have the message going to the Gentiles.
45:34 So this one verse tells you
45:36 how the gospel is going to proliferate.
45:39 It's going to begin in Jerusalem and Judea.
45:41 Why would it begin in Jerusalem and Judea?
45:43 Because the 70 weeks were not finished yet
45:47 when Jesus gave this command.
45:49 But after the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7
45:52 because the first seven chapters deal
45:53 with Jerusalem and Judea,
45:55 but the seventh chapter when Stephen is stoned,
45:59 now in the next chapter of the gospel goes to Samaria.
46:03 In Acts 9,
46:04 the champion to the Gentiles is converted.
46:09 And in Acts 10 through Acts 28,
46:12 now the gospel is going to the entire Roman Empire.
46:17 Are you following me?
46:18 Amen.
46:20 Now let's go to Acts 13, Acts 13.
46:26 I'll give you a little bit of historical context
46:29 so that we understand where and why this is taking place.
46:34 Acts 13:1-2 is describing the official beginning
46:40 of Paul's ministry.
46:42 This is when Paul and Barnabas are going to be ordained
46:46 and sent out as missionaries on a missionary journey,
46:50 their first missionary journey.
46:53 And so now after their ordination,
46:55 Paul and Barnabas traveled to Antioch of Pisidian.
47:00 You can read this all in chapter 13.
47:02 I'm just giving you the details.
47:03 So Paul and Barnabas traveled to Antioch of Pisidian,
47:09 and there the Apostle Paul preaches a powerful sermon
47:12 to the Jews in the synagogue.
47:16 When the Gentiles heard this sermon
47:18 because they were present, they're listening,
47:21 they said, "Wow, this is great stuff.
47:24 Paul, why don't you preach to us
47:26 the Gentiles next Sabbath?"
47:30 The Bible tells us that the next Sabbath,
47:31 the whole city came to listen to Paul.
47:34 You can read that in Acts 13:44.
47:38 And when the Jews saw all of the Gentiles in the city,
47:43 who came to listen to the sermon
47:44 of the Apostle Paul, they were filled with jealousy.
47:48 They said, "Last Sabbath,
47:50 there were just a sprinkling of people.
47:51 Look at all the Gentiles that are coming
47:52 to hear about Jesus."
47:55 And so they became jealous.
47:58 And we're told in verse 45 that they contradicted
48:01 and blasphemed the message of Paul.
48:06 So now Paul says something very significant.
48:10 It's found in verses 46 and 47.
48:14 Then Paul and Barnabas grew bold and said,
48:18 "It was necessary that the Word of God
48:21 should be spoken to you first."
48:24 Why would Paul say that it was necessary
48:26 for the Word of God to be spoken to the Jews first?
48:30 Why would he say that?
48:33 Because of what?
48:35 The 70 weeks.
48:38 You see, the 70 weeks were determined
48:40 for your people in your city is what God told Daniel.
48:45 And so Paul is saying, "You know,
48:47 it was necessary for the gospel
48:50 to be preached first to the Jews."
48:53 But then notice when he says,
48:55 "But since you rejected and judge yourselves
49:00 unworthy of everlasting life,
49:03 behold, we turn to the Gentiles."
49:08 Are you catching the picture?
49:12 So do we have all of the events in the 70 weeks clearly marked
49:18 by important historical events?
49:21 Absolutely.
49:23 Seventy weeks were determined
49:25 for the literal Jewish theocracy.
49:28 457 BC, the command goes forth to restore,
49:34 that means to reestablish the religious system,
49:37 their civil system and to build Jerusalem
49:40 that means to build the city and the walls,
49:43 that took place historically, 457 BC the command was given.
49:49 The next 49 years or 70 weeks,
49:53 you have the story and you can read this
49:55 in the Book of Ezra,
49:56 all of the opposition and so on
49:58 while they were building the city.
50:00 You have the restoring of the religious system
50:05 of the Jews and the political system,
50:08 and you have also the rebuilding
50:11 of the city and of the walls.
50:15 Then you have 62 more weeks
50:18 that take you to the year 27 AD.
50:22 And in the year 27 AD, just like the prophecy says,
50:26 Jesus comes to John, the Baptist in the Jordan,
50:29 and he is baptized in the fall of the year 27 AD.
50:35 Then there's one whole week remaining.
50:38 And we're told that for that week,
50:40 the covenant would be still available for the Jews.
50:46 He will confirm the covenant for one week.
50:48 Why?
50:49 Because the 70 weeks said that the whole 70 weeks
50:53 were for the Jews.
50:54 Are you with me or not?
50:56 And then we're told that in the middle of the week,
51:00 the Messiah would cause the sacrifice
51:03 and the oblation to cease.
51:05 Did that literally happen?
51:07 When Jesus...
51:09 Remember we read, when Jesus died on the cross,
51:11 the Lamb escaped?
51:13 Because the true Lamb of God who takes away
51:15 the sin of the world had been sacrificed.
51:19 So in the middle of the week,
51:21 Messiah is cut off in the year 31,
51:23 but he's not cut off for himself.
51:27 Interesting.
51:29 And then there's 3.5 more years.
51:32 The 3.5 years as we've studied,
51:35 does God send them additional messengers?
51:38 Yes, He does.
51:39 The apostles preach.
51:41 Stephen preaches, the seven deacons preach,
51:44 sends the many messengers.
51:46 What do they do during those 3.5 years
51:48 where additional messengers are sent?
51:52 The story tells us that they reject them.
51:54 They go about their business and they kill some of them.
51:58 So then you reach the ending point
52:00 of the 70 weeks.
52:02 The year 34 AD, the Jewish Sanhedrin,
52:08 here's this powerful sermon that is given by Stephen,
52:12 telling all the benevolent acts of God toward His people,
52:18 and how they were rebellious time and again,
52:21 he is God's lawyer in divorce court.
52:24 But this time, he's not saying repent,
52:26 and God will take you back.
52:28 There was a finality to the story.
52:31 And then, Stephen at the end of his sermon, he says,
52:35 "I have had a vision,
52:37 the last vision given to the last prophet
52:42 of the Jewish theocracy.
52:43 I see heaven open and the Son of God in glory."
52:49 And what does the Jewish Sanhedrin do?
52:52 Oh, they don't say,
52:53 "Oh, we're sorry for what we've done.
52:55 You know, we want to be married with this Messiah, with Jesus."
53:01 Oh, no, their hearts raged within themselves,
53:04 they grit their teeth.
53:07 And it says that they run at him
53:09 with one accord and they kill him.
53:14 But present there was the messenger
53:18 that God had chosen
53:20 to now continue taking the message.
53:24 See, the Gentiles don't take a new message.
53:27 They take the same message
53:29 that the theocracy failed to take.
53:31 That's why the church is still Israel,
53:34 spiritual Israel,
53:36 because it is taking the same message
53:38 to the world now.
53:40 Now the world will not come and see Israel the blessed.
53:43 Now God's people will go out
53:46 and they will preach the gospel.
53:48 And thousands upon thousands of Gentiles will become Jews,
53:54 spiritually speaking.
53:55 And then they will become messengers
53:58 and the message of the gospel
54:00 will proliferate to the entire world.
54:04 Isn't this a magnificent prophecy?
54:07 It's amazing.
54:09 No human mind could have invented this.
54:14 It's the clearest passage in the Bible
54:16 that Jesus is the Messiah
54:19 because everything was fulfilled to the very letter,
54:23 not only as to events
54:26 but as to specific timing as well,
54:29 the greatest messianic prophecy of the Old Testament.
54:33 Let me conclude by saying something about the year 1948.
54:38 Futurists teach that the re-establishment
54:43 of literal Israel as God's chosen people
54:47 in disobedience to their land in 1948
54:51 is the greatest sign
54:53 that the rapture could take place at any time
54:57 and that God is soon going to kick start
54:59 His suspended plan for the liberal Jewish nation,
55:03 and that the Antichrist prophecies,
55:06 and that, you know,
55:07 the rebuilding of the Jewish temple,
55:09 and 3.5 literal years of antichrist,
55:12 all of that is going to be fulfilled
55:14 in the future after the rapture of the church.
55:18 Instead of seeing Christ at the center of the prophecy
55:21 of the 70 weeks,
55:23 they see antichrist as the center of this prophecy.
55:29 God's plan for the literal Jewish nation
55:31 has come to an end.
55:33 That does not mean I will repeat
55:36 that Jews individually cannot reach salvation.
55:40 God loves the Jews.
55:43 The Bible says salvation is of the Jews
55:45 because God called the Jews to preserve the truth
55:49 in the midst of a world of paganism.
55:51 So, you know, we're not saying that individual Jews are lost.
55:55 No, no, no.
55:57 God loves the Jews.
55:59 He just wants them to understand
56:01 that Jesus is the Messiah.
56:04 And that in receiving Christ, they will be free indeed,
56:09 and that they will be saved indeed.
56:12 And when they receive Jesus, then they become real Jews,
56:17 they will become real Israel because not all of Israel,
56:22 Paul says, is Israel.
56:24 Not all the seed of Abraham is the seed of Abraham.
56:29 But in Christ, you are Israel.
56:32 "If you are Christ's,
56:34 you are Abraham's seed
56:37 and heirs according to the promise."
56:39 Amen.
56:41 Why does the devil cause so much turmoil
56:47 in the Middle East?
56:49 Al Qaeda, ISIS,
56:54 militant Islam war against the West.
56:59 It's because Satan wants the Christian world to look
57:02 over there for the fulfillment of prophecy,
57:05 and that's where they're looking.
57:07 And meanwhile, the Antichrist,
57:09 and it's held from the United States
57:11 grows in Rome and in the United States,
57:15 and no one can see it
57:17 because they're looking in the wrong place.
57:21 In football, there's a play that's called the counter play.
57:26 You know, the blockers,
57:27 they all run towards one side because supposedly,
57:30 the runner or the halfback is going to run that way.
57:34 And so when the opposing team sees
57:36 that the blockers are all going this way,
57:39 they say, "Oh, the runner is going that way."
57:41 But then the runner goes around the other end,
57:44 there's no blockers but the other team
57:46 doesn't have anybody to tackle him either
57:48 because they thought he was going the wrong way."
57:50 The devil is an expert at the counter play
57:55 and making it appear that prophecy is fulfilled
57:58 where it isn't.
58:00 We have to let the Christian world know,
58:03 so that they will not make the wrong decisions
58:06 in the time ahead.


Revised 2019-10-31