The Prophetic Panorama

The Seventy Week Prophecy Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TPP

Program Code: TPP000013A

00:11 Let us pray.
00:14 Father in heaven, as we open Your Word,
00:16 we ask for the presence of Your Spirit.
00:19 This is a very complex subject, 70 weeks.
00:23 But I ask that You will make things clear,
00:27 so that we can understand all of the details
00:29 that we are gonna study.
00:31 We claim Your promise of Your presence
00:33 in the precious name of Jesus.
00:35 Amen.
00:39 We have found more material to cover
00:43 than I can actually do
00:46 in the two presentations on the 70 weeks.
00:50 If you would like a full study,
00:53 you can go to our website
00:58 and go to our archives
01:00 and there is a 26 page document
01:03 on Daniel 9.
01:06 And so I would encourage you to go there
01:08 for all of the details.
01:11 Daniel 9 is the greatest messianic prophecy
01:16 of the Old Testament
01:19 for two reasons.
01:21 Number one,
01:23 because it not only predicts the events
01:28 of Messiah's mission on earth,
01:31 but it predicts the specific dates
01:35 for those events.
01:37 You see, there are many prophecies
01:38 in the Old Testament that tell us
01:40 what the Messiah was gonna do.
01:43 But this passage not only tells us
01:45 what He was gonna do,
01:47 but also when He was going to do it.
01:53 Now I wanna review as we began
01:55 the four stages of Israel's history.
01:58 And I'll do this briefly and quickly.
02:00 The first stage is Sinai to Babylon,
02:03 a period of 800 years,
02:06 then Babylon to John
02:09 483 years,
02:13 then the ministry of Christ that last 3.5 years.
02:17 And after Christ's ascension till end of the 70 weeks
02:22 you have 3.5 years.
02:26 Now I want to begin by reading Daniel 1:1,2
02:31 where we find the beginning of the Babylonian captivity.
02:36 Daniel 1: 1, 2,
02:39 and what I want you notice here,
02:40 this is happening in the year 605,
02:43 is that before the city was destroyed,
02:48 the city also lost its governance
02:52 because the nobility were taken to Babylon.
02:55 So it lost its civil power to rule
02:59 before the city was physically destroyed.
03:03 And so it says in Daniel 1:1, 2,
03:04 "In the third year, this is 605 BC,
03:07 of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah
03:09 came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem,
03:12 and besieged it.
03:14 And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand."
03:19 So now Jerusalem is left without a ruler.
03:24 So governance is removed first.
03:28 So it says,
03:29 "And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand,
03:32 with part of the vessels of the house of God,
03:34 which he carried into the land of Shinar
03:37 to the house of his god,
03:38 and he brought the vessels
03:39 into the treasure house of his god."
03:42 And by the way he also took away the nobility.
03:45 Daniel and his friends were of the noble house,
03:49 so that they would be no ruler.
03:51 So before the city is destroyed,
03:53 governance is removed but then, of course,
03:56 the city, the temple and the walls are destroyed
03:59 in the year 586.
04:01 Let's read about
04:03 the destruction of Jerusalem in 2 Chronicles,
04:05 36:15-20,
04:09 "And the Lord God of their fathers
04:11 sent warnings to them
04:12 by His messengers,
04:13 rising up early and sending them,
04:15 because He had compassion on His people
04:18 and on His dwelling place.
04:21 But they mocked the messengers of God,
04:23 despised His words, and scoffed at His prophets,
04:28 until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people,
04:31 until there was no remedy.
04:35 Therefore He brought against them
04:36 the king of the Chaldeans,
04:37 who killed their young men with the sword
04:39 in the house of their sanctuary,
04:41 had no compassion on young man
04:43 or virgin, on the aged or the weak,
04:46 He gave them all into his hand.
04:49 And all the articles from the house of God,
04:51 great and small,
04:52 the treasures of the house of the Lord,
04:54 and the treasures of the king and of his leaders,
04:56 all these he took to Babylon.
04:59 Then they burned the house of God,
05:01 broke down the wall of Jerusalem,
05:03 and burned all its palaces with fire,
05:06 and destroyed all its precious possessions.
05:09 And those who escaped from the sword
05:10 he carried away to Babylon,
05:12 where they became servants to him and his sons
05:16 until the rule of the kingdom of Persia,
05:19 to fulfill the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah,
05:22 until the land had enjoyed her Sabbaths.
05:25 As long as she lay desolate she kept Sabbath,
05:29 to fulfill seventy years."
05:32 So two points I want us to notice.
05:34 Number one, the city loses its governance
05:39 before the city is physically destroyed.
05:43 And so if Israel's gonna be restored,
05:46 governance has to be restored
05:49 and the city has to be rebuild.
05:53 Now, Daniel just two years
05:56 before the 70 year captivity ended
06:00 fears that perhaps the sinfulness
06:02 of Israel is so great
06:05 that God is going to extent the period of 70 years.
06:09 So in Daniel 9:1, 2, we find Daniel studying
06:14 the prophecy of the 70 years that Jeremiah wrote about.
06:18 It says in Daniel 9:1, 2, "In the first year of Darius
06:22 the son of Ahasuerus, of the lineage of the Medes,
06:25 who was made king
06:27 over the realm of the Chaldeans.
06:28 In the first year of his reign
06:31 I, Daniel, understood by the books
06:35 the number of the years specified
06:37 by the word of the Lord
06:38 through Jeremiah the prophet,
06:40 that He would accomplish seventy years
06:42 in the desolations of Jerusalem."
06:44 So Daniel is saying, it's 938,
06:47 I know that we were taken captive in 605,
06:50 so the captivity should end in the year 536,
06:53 two years from now.
06:54 But then Daniel starts thinking he says, "Now wait a minute,
06:57 may be the sinfulness of Israel was so great
07:00 that God is not gonna fulfill His promise
07:02 and it's gonna be a longer period of captivity."
07:05 And so Daniel now raises a prayer to God,
07:09 and he confesses the sinfulness of Israel.
07:12 And he begs the Lord not to delay
07:15 in fulfilling His promise of letting his people go
07:18 after 70 years.
07:20 I only wanna read the last part of Daniel's prayer,
07:24 it goes all way from verse 3-19,
07:28 but I wanna read only verses 18 and 19.
07:32 "O my God, incline your ear and hear,
07:37 open your eyes and see our desolations,
07:40 and the city which is called by Your name,
07:43 for we do not present our supplications before You
07:47 because of our righteous deeds,
07:49 but because of Your great mercies.
07:52 O Lord, hear!
07:54 O Lord, forgive!
07:57 O Lord, listen and act!"
08:00 And then notice.
08:01 "Do not," what?
08:04 "Do not delay for Your own sake,
08:07 my God, for Your city
08:09 and Your people are called by Your name."
08:12 Don't delay to fulfill that after 70 years
08:16 You're gonna let Your people go.
08:19 So then
08:21 Gabriel comes to Daniel
08:26 and he tells Daniel,
08:28 "Daniel, the 70 years will end
08:32 and your people will return to the land
08:36 and God is going to give them
08:39 a 70 week probation."
08:43 Notice Daniel 9:24, what it says about
08:48 this period of 70 weeks.
08:53 Seventy weeks are determined for your people
08:57 and for your holy city, and then six things
09:00 are gonna happen
09:01 during the period of the 70 weeks
09:03 particularly at the end,
09:05 during the last week, to finish the transgression,
09:08 to make an end of sins,
09:10 to make reconciliation for iniquity,
09:13 to bring in everlasting righteousness,
09:15 to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy.
09:21 So Gabriel tells him, "Daniel, God will fulfill His promise,
09:26 your people will return to their land,
09:28 will return to their city,
09:30 governance will be reestablished,
09:32 the city and the walls will be rebuild,
09:35 the sanctuary, the religious system will begin
09:37 to function again,
09:39 and 70 weeks are given
09:41 as a grace period for your nation.
09:45 Now, of course, the big question is
09:47 when do the 70 weeks begin?
09:50 Well, in Daniel 9:25,
09:55 we have the secret of
09:57 when the 70 weeks we're going to begin.
10:01 It says there in Daniel 9:25,
10:03 "Know therefore and understand
10:06 that from the going forth of the command
10:10 to restore and build Jerusalem."
10:12 By the way those two words,
10:13 I don't have the time to get into it,
10:15 but restore is not the same as build.
10:18 Restore means to establish governance again
10:21 and the religious system.
10:24 Build means to build the physical city.
10:27 See both things were removed,
10:29 both things need to be restored.
10:31 So it says, "Know therefore and understand
10:33 that from the going forth of the command
10:36 to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah,"
10:40 which means the anointed one, "The prince,
10:42 there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks."
10:45 In other words there's gonna be 69 weeks
10:48 between the decree and the appearance
10:50 of the anointed one or the Messiah.
10:54 Now once again I want to underline
10:56 that there are two things that need to be reestablished,
11:00 governance, and the physical city.
11:04 Now there are four possible dates
11:06 for the beginning of the command to restore
11:11 and build Jerusalem.
11:13 One of them was given by Cyrus in the year 536,
11:17 the year when they were released from captivity.
11:20 That cannot be the decree to restore and build Jerusalem,
11:24 because the decree of Cyrus only gave them permission
11:27 to rebuild the temple.
11:29 You can find that in the Book of Ezra.
11:33 Then in the year 520, 16 years later,
11:36 Darius the Persian gave a decree,
11:40 restoring the decree that was given in 536,
11:43 because it had been suspended.
11:45 Once again the decree by Darius the Persian
11:49 was only to rebuild the temple,
11:51 that was in the year 520.
11:53 Then you have a decree
11:55 by Artaxerxes in 457 BC,
11:59 that is the decree
12:02 that restores and builds Jerusalem.
12:07 By the way, there was one more decree
12:09 by Artaxerxes in the year 444 BC,
12:13 that one won't work either
12:15 because that was only permission to go
12:17 and rebuild the wall.
12:19 So there's only one decree that fits.
12:22 The first two had to do
12:24 with the building of the temple,
12:25 the last one had to do with building of the walls.
12:27 There's only one in Ezra 7 that fulfills the command
12:32 to restore and to build Jerusalem.
12:36 Ezra 7:13 refers to that decree,
12:41 here king Artaxerxes states,
12:44 "I issue a decree
12:47 that all those of the people of Israel
12:50 and the priests and the Levities in my realm,
12:54 who volunteer to go up to Jerusalem,
12:57 may go with you."
12:59 And then it speaks about the rebuilding of the temple
13:04 and the city and restoring their civil order,
13:07 you can read in the following verses.
13:09 Now the question is,
13:11 when did Artaxerxes gave this decree
13:15 to restore and build Jerusalem?
13:18 To restore that civil and religious order
13:21 and to rebuild the city and the walls.
13:25 Ezra 7:7 gives us the date.
13:29 it says, "Some of the children of Israel,
13:31 the priests, the Levites, the singers, the gatekeepers,
13:34 and the Nethinim came up to Jerusalem
13:38 in the seventh year of King Artaxerxes."
13:43 So we know, when the decree is given,
13:45 it is given the seventh year of Artaxerxes.
13:48 And you ask the question,
13:49 what was the seventh year of King Artaxerxes?
13:53 Well, two great scholars
13:58 several years ago
13:59 wrote a book called "The Chronology of Ezra 7,"
14:03 their names Siegfried Horn,
14:05 who was is the dean
14:07 of Seventh-day Adventist Archaeologist.
14:08 He passed away a few years ago.
14:10 And Kenneth Wood who was editor of the Review
14:13 and Herald for quite a long period of time.
14:17 They showed in their book by examining archeology,
14:22 history, and astronomy that there's no doubt
14:25 that the decree of Artaxerxes was given
14:28 in the fall of the year 457 BC.
14:34 So in other words,
14:35 the 70 weeks began in 457 BC,
14:41 we know what the starting date is.
14:44 Now we need to understand
14:46 that the 70 weeks are not weeks of days,
14:49 they are weeks of years.
14:52 In prophecy days are equivalent to years.
14:57 So 70 weeks times 7 days,
14:59 each week comes out to 490 years.
15:04 In other words, from 457 BC forward,
15:09 the 70 weeks were going to last 490 years.
15:14 Are we on the same page?
15:17 Now, the 70 weeks
15:19 are divided into three segments.
15:23 They're divided into 7 weeks,
15:28 after the 7 weeks, 62 weeks,
15:32 and then the final week.
15:36 Let's read Daniel 9:25, and then we'll go to verse 27.
15:40 It says, "Know therefore and understand,
15:43 that from the going forth of the command to restore
15:46 and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince,
15:50 there shall be," what?
15:53 "Seven weeks,"
15:56 that's the first segment and then what?
15:59 "And sixty-two weeks."
16:04 So the first two segments are 7 weeks, and then 62 weeks.
16:09 And then in verse 27, it says,
16:12 "Then he shall confirm a covenant with many,"
16:14 for what?
16:16 "For one week."
16:17 That's the last week.
16:19 "For one week, but in the middle of the week
16:20 He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering."
16:23 So there's three segments to the 70 weeks,
16:26 three divisions.
16:27 7 weeks, 62 weeks
16:31 and one final week.
16:36 Now why do you have 7 weeks, 7 weeks is equal to 49 years.
16:41 At least I knew 7 times 7 is 49.
16:44 So the first 7 weeks have to do with the rebuilding
16:50 and restoring of Jerusalem.
16:53 You can read this in Daniel 9:25.
16:56 It speaks about these 7 weeks,
16:58 these 49 years after the decree is given.
17:03 It says, "The street shall be rebuild again
17:07 and the wall even in troublous times."
17:10 So the 7 years, 49 years,
17:13 after 457 deals with a rebuilding of the city,
17:18 and the reestablishment of their civil
17:20 and religious order.
17:22 But then you have 62 weeks that go beyond that.
17:27 The 7 plus the 62, take us to the Messiah
17:32 to the anointed one.
17:34 In other words, 69 weeks from 457 BC
17:39 will take you to the moment when the Messiah is anointed,
17:43 when the Messiah appears.
17:45 How many years is that?
17:46 Seven weeks plus 62 weeks is 69 weeks
17:51 times 7 days each week
17:53 is 483 years.
17:59 This is simple math.
18:02 It's not geometry, or algebra,
18:06 or trigonometry, or calculus.
18:09 We should be able to grasp this quiet easily.
18:13 Now let's go once again to Daniel 9:25,
18:18 "Know therefore and understand,
18:20 that from the going forth of the command
18:22 to restore and to build Jerusalem
18:24 until Messiah the Prince,
18:26 there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks."
18:32 I want to repeat once again that the word Messiah,
18:35 the word Messiah means the anointed one.
18:41 The equivalent Greek word is Christ,
18:44 the word Christ means anointed.
18:47 By the way, that's where we get the word christened from.
18:50 A christening is an anointing, right?
18:53 And the first part of christening is Christ.
18:57 So the word Messiah
18:58 or Christ means the anointed one.
19:01 So from the time that the decree is given
19:04 until the anointed one there would be 69 weeks.
19:08 Now the question is, when did Messiah appear
19:11 and when was the Messiah anointed?
19:15 Let's go to Luke 3:1-3.
19:18 Luke 3:1-3,
19:21 this passage gives us
19:24 several historical events to let us know
19:27 when the Messiah was anointed.
19:31 It says, "Now in the fifteenth year
19:33 of the reign of Tiberius Caesar,
19:36 Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea,
19:40 Herod being tetrarch of Galilee,
19:43 his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea
19:47 and the region of Traconitis,
19:49 and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene,
19:52 while Annas and Caiaphas were high priests."
19:56 I would say that
19:58 we have a lot of historical markers
19:59 here, wouldn't you?
20:01 Now the question is, what is the date?
20:03 We'll come back to that.
20:04 It says here, "The word of God
20:07 came to John the son of Zechariah,"
20:09 that John the Baptist, "in the wilderness.
20:11 And he went into all the region around the Jordan,
20:14 preaching a baptism of repentance
20:17 for the remission of sins."
20:20 Now the question is, when did this take place?
20:24 Well, we know that Tiberius Caesar
20:29 began his reign in the year 12 AD,
20:34 12 AD,
20:35 but this happened in the 15th year of his reign.
20:40 So you add 12 plus 15
20:43 and it takes us to what date?
20:45 It takes us to the year 27 AD.
20:49 In other words, the year 27 AD was going to be
20:53 the year in which Messiah would appear,
20:57 the anointed one
20:59 or the Christ was going to appear.
21:03 Now let's go to Mark 1:9-11.
21:07 Mark 1:9-11.
21:12 We just noticed that John
21:14 is going out preaching
21:18 in the year 27,
21:20 and while he's preaching somebody shows up
21:24 to where he is preaching, Jesus.
21:28 It says here in Mark 1:9-11,
21:32 "It came to pass in those days
21:34 that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee,
21:38 and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
21:43 And immediately, coming up from the water,
21:45 He saw the seven heavens parting
21:47 and the Spirit descending upon Him
21:50 like a dove.
21:51 Then a voice came from heaven,
21:53 'You are My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.'
21:56 " What date was Jesus baptized?
21:59 He was baptized by John
22:01 the Baptist in the year 27 AD.
22:06 Now let's go to Luke 4:18, 19,
22:10 this is right after the baptism of Jesus.
22:14 Luke 4:18, 19, Jesus goes to the synagogue in Nazareth
22:19 and He opens the book, He's asked to give
22:23 the scripture reading for the worship service.
22:26 And He opens up the scriptures
22:28 to a passage in Isaiah 61.
22:32 It says there in verses 18 and 19, Jesus is speaking,
22:36 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me..."
22:39 When did the Spirit come upon Jesus?
22:42 When He was baptized, right?
22:44 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
22:47 because He has anointed," what, He's what?
22:50 Oh, so when was Jesus anointed?
22:53 When He was baptized in the year 27.
22:56 "And because He has anointed Me
22:58 to preach the gospel to the poor,
23:00 He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
23:02 to proclaim liberty to the captives
23:04 and recovery of sight to the blind,
23:06 to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
23:08 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."
23:12 So when Jesus was baptized,
23:14 He was anointed for His mission.
23:18 Now lest you doubt,
23:20 let's go to over Acts 10:36-38.
23:24 Acts 10:36-38,
23:27 scripture interpret scripture.
23:31 The Bible explains itself everything that
23:34 we need to understand the Bible,
23:35 is in the Bible.
23:37 Acts 10:36,
23:40 "The word which God
23:42 sent to the children of Israel,
23:43 preaching peace through Jesus Christ,
23:45 He is Lord of all that word you know,
23:49 which was proclaimed throughout all Judea,
23:51 and began from Galilee after the baptism
23:54 which John preached."
23:56 Now notice, here comes the key portion,
23:58 "How God anointed
24:02 Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit."
24:06 When did Jesus received the Holy Spirit?
24:09 At His baptism.
24:10 And this speaks of His baptism
24:12 as His anointing.
24:16 So to Messiah to the time of the anointed one, 69 weeks.
24:22 And Jesus was anointed in the year 27 AD.
24:27 By the way, shortly after His baptism,
24:29 Jesus spoke some very interesting words.
24:32 Mark 1:13, 14.
24:35 Mark 1:13, 14,
24:38 this is right after His baptism,
24:39 now He's beginning His ministry.
24:42 "Now after John was put in prison,
24:45 Jesus came to Galilee,
24:47 preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,
24:49 and saying,
24:51 'The time is fulfilled.'
24:55 " What did Jesus mean when He said,
24:57 "He begins His ministry says, the time is fulfilled."
25:00 What time is He referring to?
25:03 The time of the prophecy of the 70 weeks,
25:06 He has just been baptized.
25:08 "The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God
25:11 is at hand.
25:12 Repent and believe the gospel."
25:16 Now let's go one last text
25:17 about the anointing of the Messiah.
25:19 John 1, we'll read verse 32
25:23 and then we'll go down to verse 41.
25:26 Jesus is baptized and then something
25:30 very interesting happens.
25:31 It says that in verse 32, "And John bore witness, saying,
25:36 'I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove,
25:40 and He remained upon Him."'
25:43 Then immediately after His baptism in verse 41,
25:47 Andrew finds his brother Simon
25:51 and he says something very interesting to Simon,
25:54 right after the baptism of Jesus.
25:57 He says,
25:58 "We have found the Messiah."
26:03 Are you catching all these texts?
26:05 The significance.
26:06 We have found the anointed one, right after His baptism,
26:11 which is translated into Greek,
26:13 "The Christ."
26:17 So when was Jesus anointed?
26:19 At His baptism.
26:21 In what year?
26:23 27 AD, 483 years after the command was given
26:29 to restore and build Jerusalem.
26:31 Now what season of the year was Jesus baptized?
26:36 He was baptized in the fall of the year 27.
26:40 You say, how do you know that?
26:43 It's very simple.
26:45 What season of the year, was Jesus crucified?
26:51 In the spring.
26:54 Because He was crucified at Passover,
26:57 and Passover was in March-April, in the spring.
27:01 How long did the ministry of Jesus last?
27:05 Three and half years.
27:07 So you go from the fall of 27, to the fall of 28,
27:11 to the fall of 29, to the fall of 30,
27:16 to the spring of 31.
27:19 How many years?
27:20 Three and half years.
27:23 He was baptized in the fall of the year 27
27:27 and He was crucified in the spring of the year 31.
27:33 Now something was gonna happen in the middle of the last week.
27:36 Well, you notice that, Messiah would come
27:38 at the beginning of the last week.
27:40 Now let's notice what was gonna happen
27:41 in the middle of the last week.
27:43 Daniel 9:26 and I don't have time to deal
27:46 with structural matters of Daniel 9.
27:49 In the material if you go to our website,
27:51 there's a whole structural study
27:52 because things seems to go back and forth
27:55 here in the prophecy of the 70 weeks.
27:57 It appears to not be in order, but it is in order,
28:00 if you know how it's structured.
28:02 But anyway, Daniel 9:26, says,
28:05 "And after the sixty-two weeks."
28:08 Sometime after the 62 weeks and the 7 weeks,
28:12 because the 7 weeks are the first part,
28:14 the 62 weeks are the next part.
28:16 So at some point during the last 62 weeks,
28:20 "Messiah will be cut off,"
28:23 the anointed one be cut,
28:25 "but nor for Himself."
28:27 You know, what does that mean?
28:29 Messiah would be cut off, not for Himself.
28:32 Well, we have to go to other places in the Bible
28:34 to find out what it means.
28:35 Isaiah 53:5.
28:37 Isaiah 53:5.
28:40 Who did Jesus die for? Did He die for Himself?
28:43 No.
28:45 Isaiah 53:5 says,
28:46 "But He was wounded for our transgressions,
28:49 He was bruised for our iniquities,
28:51 the chastisement of our peace was upon him,
28:54 and with His stripes we are healed."
28:59 So He was cut off not for Himself.
29:03 What does cut off mean?
29:05 Isaiah 53:8, it says,
29:08 "He was taken,"
29:09 speaking about Jesus the Messiah.
29:11 "He was taken from prison and from judgment,
29:13 and who shall declare His generation?
29:15 For he was cut off out of the land of the living,
29:20 for the transgression of my people was he stricken."
29:24 What does the cutting off, of Messiah mean?
29:27 It means that He was going to be killed.
29:31 But He would die not for Himself.
29:33 Is that true of Jesus?
29:36 Absolutely.
29:38 Now there's something very interesting.
29:41 There is a link
29:42 between the death of the Messiah
29:46 and another destruction of Jerusalem.
29:49 You see, this prophecy tells us
29:51 that at end of the 70 weeks, Jerusalem is gonna be
29:55 destroyed again like it was destroyed
29:57 by Nebuchadnezzar,
29:59 and it will be destroyed
30:00 because they rejected the Messiah.
30:03 You say, is there in the prophecy
30:04 of the 70 weeks?
30:06 Yes it is.
30:07 Let's go back to Daniel 9:26
30:10 and we'll read the last part of the verse.
30:13 After saying we just read,
30:15 "That Messiah would be cut off, but nor himself."
30:19 Then it speaks about the destruction
30:21 of the Jerusalem.
30:22 It says, "And the people of the prince
30:24 that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary."
30:28 Was Jerusalem gonna be destroyed again?
30:30 And the sanctuary gonna be destroyed again?
30:32 Yes.
30:34 Does it have anything to do
30:35 with the cutting off of the Messiah?
30:37 Yes.
30:38 So it says, "And the people of the prince
30:39 that shall come shall destroy the city
30:42 and the sanctuary,
30:43 and the end thereof shall be with a flood,
30:46 and unto the end of the war desolations are determined."
30:51 Matthew 24 speaks about,
30:52 "When you see the abomination of desolation..."
30:58 We'll come back to that.
30:59 Now there were further events during the last week,
31:03 not only was the Messiah gonna be cut off,
31:05 but Daniel Chapter 9 gives us the specific point
31:09 in the last week when He was gonna be cut off.
31:12 Daniel 9:27 says,
31:18 "And He,"
31:19 that is the prince who shall come,
31:20 that we read about in the previous verse,
31:22 we'll come back to that, "shall confirm the covenant
31:25 with many for one week."
31:28 Which week is that?
31:30 It's a last week, right?
31:31 We're dealing with the last week.
31:32 So what is the prince that who is to come, going to do?
31:36 He is going to confirm the covenant, during what?
31:40 During the last week.
31:41 And He's gonna confirm it with what?
31:44 Many for the last week.
31:47 Now there's something very interesting
31:50 and that is in the Book of Daniel,
31:51 when the word Prince is used.
31:55 It always refers to Jesus,
31:57 unless it's dealing with a secular prince.
32:01 The word Prince refers here to Jesus,
32:04 He will confirm the covenant with many.
32:07 Now let's notice in the New Testament,
32:10 the fulfillment of this,
32:12 Daniel or Matthew 26:27, 28.
32:16 Matthew 26:27, 28
32:20 this is when Jesus instituted the Lord Supper.
32:23 Remember the key words are covenant and many.
32:26 Right? Those are the key words.
32:28 The last week He will confirm the covenant with many.
32:33 In Matthew 26:27, 28, it says, "He took the cup,
32:37 and He gave thanks, and gave it to them,
32:40 saying, 'Drink from it, all of you.
32:43 For this is My blood of the new covenant,
32:47 which is shed for many for the remission of sins,"
32:52 the two key words.
32:54 Notice, Mark 10:45.
32:56 Mark 10:45,
32:59 "For even the Son of Man did not come not to be served,
33:01 but to serve, and to give His life
33:03 a ransom for many."
33:06 Once again, Isaiah 53:1, you know,
33:10 you would have to be awful fast
33:11 with your fingers to find these texts
33:13 but you know,
33:15 I just want you to catch the picture.
33:17 If you're writing down the text,
33:18 you'll be able to look at them later.
33:20 Isaiah 53:11,
33:22 this remarkable Messianic prophecy says,
33:24 "Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great,
33:30 and He shall divide the spoil with the strong,
33:32 because He poured out His soul."
33:34 The word soul means life.
33:36 "He poured out His soul unto death,
33:38 and He was numbered with the transgressors,
33:40 and He bore the sin of many,
33:44 and made intercession for the transgressors."
33:47 Now here's something interesting.
33:49 The word covenant
33:51 when it is used in the Book of Daniel,
33:54 it always refers to God's covenant,
33:56 it never refers to a secular covenant.
34:01 And the reason I say this is important
34:03 is because futurists believe
34:05 that the prince that who is to come
34:07 is a roman prince
34:09 that will establish a 10 nation generation,
34:12 10 nation federation at the end of time.
34:17 And he will be the prince that will come
34:19 and he will fulfill this prophecy.
34:22 But I'm gonna show you that the prince who is to come,
34:25 is not some prince who will arise
34:28 after the rapture of the church
34:29 and then reestablish a 10 nation Roman federation
34:33 and persecute the Jews.
34:35 The prince who is to come here is none other than Jesus Christ
34:39 and the covenant is not some secular covenant
34:42 of this individual in the future
34:44 with a literal Jewish nation.
34:46 The covenant here is God's covenant
34:49 that He ratifies with His people
34:51 when He comes to this earth the first time.
34:54 Now there's another thing that's gonna happen
34:56 during the last week.
34:59 Now we're gonna see when the Messiah is cut off.
35:02 Daniel 9:27,
35:07 "Then he shall confirm a covenant
35:09 with many for one week."
35:12 That's the last week, week number seven.
35:14 By the way would He confirm the covenant
35:16 with literal Israel during that week?
35:19 Of course, He would have to,
35:21 because the 70 weeks were determined for whom?
35:24 The 70 weeks were for Israel.
35:27 So that last week, what He's doing,
35:29 He's doing specifically in Israel,
35:32 He's doing for Israel.
35:33 He sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel
35:36 until the year 34
35:38 when the 70 weeks come to an end.
35:39 So it says,
35:41 "Then he shall confirm a covenant
35:42 with many for one week, but in the middle of the week,"
35:46 the middle of the last week,
35:48 "He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering."
35:54 So when was Messiah gonna be cut off?
35:57 In the middle of the last week.
35:59 Now here's something very interesting,
36:01 Notice Mark 15:38, 39.
36:04 Mark 15:38, 39,
36:07 Jesus is on the cross and He's about to die.
36:11 In fact, He's gonna breathe His last.
36:12 And when He breathed His last, something happens.
36:15 "And Jesus cried out with a loud voice,
36:17 and breathed His last.
36:18 Then the veil of the temple was torn in two
36:21 from top to bottom."
36:22 It was a massive veil in the temple.
36:26 And something very interesting happened
36:29 at that very moment.
36:31 Ellen White wrote in Desire of Ages,
36:34 page 757, a very remarkable statement.
36:38 You see, the prophecy says,
36:40 "That in the middle of the week,
36:41 he would cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease."
36:46 The sacrifice and offering would cease at that moment.
36:50 That was literally fulfilled.
36:53 Desire of Ages, 757,
36:55 listen to this remarkable statement.
36:57 This is when the veil is ripped from top to bottom.
37:01 "All is terror and confusion.
37:05 The priest is about to slay the victim,"
37:08 because at 3 o'clock in the afternoon,
37:10 the hour of the evening sacrifice,
37:12 "but the knife drops from his nerveless hand,
37:16 and the lamb escapes."
37:20 No lamb died that day,
37:24 the lamb escapes.
37:26 "Type has met antitype."
37:29 In other words, the fulfillment is here,
37:32 that day the lamb did not die
37:34 because the love of God who takes the sin
37:37 away from the world is the one who died.
37:40 Literally the sacrifice and oblation ceased.
37:43 She continues writing,
37:44 "The great sacrifice had been made.
37:47 The way into the holiest is laid open.
37:50 A new and living way is prepared for all...
37:52 No longer need sinful, sorrowing humanity await
37:56 for the coming of the high priest.
37:57 Henceforth the Savior was to officiate as a priest
38:01 and advocate in the heaven of heavens."
38:04 It was, now notice our terminology.
38:07 "It was as if a living voice had spoken to the worshipers,
38:11 There is now an end to all scarifies
38:15 and offerings."
38:17 Wow!
38:19 Literally fulfilled,
38:21 the sacrifice and the offering ceased.
38:23 Of course, the very next day they started all over again,
38:27 but with no significance whatsoever.
38:31 Hebrews 7:26, 27 tells us,
38:35 "For such a High Priest was fitting for us,
38:39 who is holy, harmless,
38:40 undefiled, separate from sinners,
38:42 and has become higher than the heavens,
38:44 who does not need daily, as those high priests,
38:48 to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins
38:51 and then for the people's, for this He did once for all
38:55 when He offered up Himself."
38:59 Are you understanding this prophecy?
39:01 It's a remarkable prophecy.
39:04 Not only does it describe the events,
39:07 but it describes the specific timing
39:10 for those events.
39:12 Now you say, no, wait a minute, Pastor,
39:14 you said,
39:15 "That the people of the prince shall come
39:17 and shall destroy the city
39:20 and the sanctuary."
39:24 Who is the prince?
39:26 Who are the people of the prince?
39:28 Well, I'll tell you upfront,
39:29 the people of the prince are the Jews.
39:32 And the prince is Jesus.
39:35 You say, now wait a minute, that can't be true
39:40 because the Jews did not destroy Jerusalem.
39:44 It says the people of the prince
39:45 that shall come shall destroy the city.
39:47 It says here that people are gonna destroy the city.
39:49 The people of the prince are gonna destroy the city,
39:53 and the sanctuary.
39:56 So the question is, did the Jews destroy the city?
40:01 Well, let me first of all deal with the word prince.
40:06 As I mentioned before the word prince in Daniel,
40:10 when it's used in the religious context,
40:12 always means Jesus.
40:16 He's called in Daniel 9:25, Messiah the Prince.
40:20 In Daniel 8:11, 12,
40:21 He's called the Prince of the host.
40:25 In Daniel 11:22,
40:26 He's called the Prince of the covenant.
40:29 And in Daniel 12:1,
40:31 He's called Michael the Great Prince.
40:34 The word prince always applies to Jesus,
40:36 so it must apply to Jesus in this verse as well.
40:41 I want to read
40:42 from Joshua 5:13-15.
40:48 This is right when Jericho is gonna be destroyed,
40:52 and Joshua is on the outskirts of the city
40:55 and a majestic beam appears to him.
40:59 And Joshua sees this warrior
41:02 with his sword in his hand
41:04 and asks him who he is?
41:06 Let's read Joshua 5:13-15, "And it came to pass,
41:10 when Joshua was by Jericho,
41:12 that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold,
41:14 a Man stood opposite him
41:16 with His sword drawn in His hand
41:17 and Joshua went to Him and said to Him,
41:19 'Are You for us or for our adversaries?'
41:24 So He said, 'No, but as Commander..."
41:27 And actually the King James says Prince.
41:31 Same word as in Daniel.
41:32 "The Prince of the army of the Lord, I have now come."
41:37 Who was this Prince of the army of the Lord?
41:40 Oh, there's no doubt who it is because it says here.
41:44 "And Joshua fell on his face
41:46 to the earth and worshiped,
41:50 and said to Him,
41:51 'What does my Lord say to His servant?'
41:53 Then the Commander of the Lord's army
41:55 or the Lord's host said to Joshua,
41:57 'Take your sandal off your foot,
42:00 for the place where you are stand is holy.'
42:03 And Joshua did so.'
42:05 " Who is the Prince of the host?
42:07 He is God.
42:10 Because Joshua calls Him Lord,
42:14 because Joshua bows and worships
42:17 and because this Prince of the host commands him
42:21 to take his shoes off his feet
42:24 because where he stands is holy.
42:28 So who is this prince that is going to come?
42:32 It's Jesus.
42:34 The people are the Jews.
42:35 Now let's look at the expression,
42:38 the Prince who is to come.
42:40 That expression
42:41 who is to come is very important.
42:43 Let's go to Psalm 118,
42:46 we'll read verse 22 and 23 and then we'll go to verse 26.
42:50 Psalm 118:22 and then verse 26,
42:56 Jesus here is prophetically speaking about Himself.
43:01 "The stone which the builders rejected
43:06 has become the chief cornerstone."
43:08 He's speaking about Himself, isn't He?
43:10 He's the stone.
43:12 "This was the Lord's doing, it is marvelous in our eyes.
43:17 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"
43:22 Daniel says, "The Prince who is to come."
43:25 Here it says,
43:27 "That Jesus was the stone that the builders rejected."
43:29 He said, "Blessed is he who comes
43:32 in the name of the Lord!"
43:35 Jesus quoted this verse.
43:37 In Matthew 21:42, at the conclusion
43:42 of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
43:46 Matthew 21:42 says, "Jesus said to them,
43:50 "Have you never read in the Scriptures,
43:51 'The stone which the builders rejected
43:53 has become the chief cornerstone.
43:55 This was the Lord's doing,
43:57 and it is marvelous in our eyes'?"
44:00 He's quoting this verse from the Psalms.
44:03 And when Jesus was
44:05 entering triumphantly into Jerusalem
44:07 on what Christians call Palm Sunday,
44:11 I want you to notice what the people sang,
44:13 they sang Psalm 118.
44:16 Matthew 21:9 says,
44:19 "Then the multitudes who went before
44:21 and those who followed cried out, saying,
44:23 'Hosanna to the Son of David!
44:26 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!'
44:30 Hosanna in the highest!"
44:32 ' Who is the Prince who is to come?
44:35 Jesus is the Prince who is to come,
44:37 when you look at the phrases.
44:40 And then Jesus goes on to say
44:44 that the kingdom will be taken from the Jews
44:48 and given to a nation
44:49 that produces the fruits thereof.
44:52 In Matthew 21:43 he says, "Therefore I say to you,
44:57 the kingdom of God will be taken from you
44:59 and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it."
45:02 And in Luke 19,
45:03 in the parallel passage after the people sing,
45:06 "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"
45:09 And after Jesus says,
45:11 "I'm the stone that the builders rejected."
45:13 Then Jesus goes on to speak about the kingdom
45:17 being given to the Gentiles
45:18 and He refers to the destruction
45:19 of Jerusalem.
45:21 Notice Luke 19:37-44.
45:23 Does the killing of the Messiah have anything to do
45:26 with the destruction of Jerusalem?
45:28 It does.
45:29 Twice we find in this prophecy that there is a link
45:32 between the Jewish nation slaying the Messiah
45:36 and the result of destruction of Jerusalem.
45:38 Notice Luke 19,
45:40 "Then, as He was now drawing near
45:42 the descent of the Mount of Olives,
45:44 the whole multitude of the disciples
45:46 began to rejoice and praise God
45:48 with a loud voice for all the mighty works
45:51 they had seen, saying,
45:52 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!'
45:55 Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!'
45:58 And some of the Pharisees called to Him from the crowd,
46:01 'Teacher, rebuke Your disciples.'
46:03 But He answered and said to them,
46:05 'I tell you that if these should keep silent,
46:08 the stones would immediately cry out.'
46:10 Now as He drew near,
46:12 He saw the city and wept over it,
46:13 saying, 'If you had known even you,
46:15 especially in this your day,
46:17 the things that make for your peace!
46:19 But now they are hidden from your eyes.
46:21 For the days will come,"
46:22 notice He's speaking about His rejection,
46:24 the stone that the builders rejected,
46:26 they sing blessed is He
46:28 who comes in the name of the Lord!
46:30 Jesus says the kingdom is gonna be taken from you
46:32 and it's gonna be given to the Gentiles
46:34 and then Jesus speaks
46:35 about the destruction of Jerusalem
46:36 because of His rejection, of their rejection of Him.
46:40 So it says in verse 43, "For days will come upon you
46:44 when your enemies will build an embankment around you,
46:47 surround you and close you in on every side,
46:51 and level you, and your children within you,
46:53 to the ground, and they will not leave in you
46:57 one stone upon another."
46:58 Is this speaking about
47:00 the destruction of the Jerusalem?
47:01 Yes or no?
47:02 Absolutely.
47:04 Why was Jerusalem destroyed?
47:05 Daniel says, "He will be cut off
47:08 and then the city is destroyed."
47:10 Here it says, Jesus says,
47:12 "The city is gonna be destroyed."
47:14 And then at the end of the verse He says,
47:16 "Because you did not know
47:20 the time of your visitation."
47:25 Are you with me?
47:27 Now we still have to resolve the issue of,
47:30 how it is that the people of the Prince
47:33 who is to come destroyed Jerusalem?
47:37 How is that possible that the Prince,
47:39 the people of the Prince destroyed Jerusalem?
47:43 Well, who destroyed Jerusalem
47:46 in the year 70?
47:49 It depends how you look at it.
47:52 Did the Jews destroy their own city?
47:56 Did they bring destruction on their own city?
47:59 Ha, by rejecting the Messiah.
48:03 Did God destroy the city?
48:06 Yes, He did,
48:08 because in the parable of Matthew 22:7, 8 it says,
48:11 "That after they rejected the message
48:14 after Christ was sacrificed, it said that the king got mad
48:18 and he burned their city and destroyed those mirrors."
48:23 So God did it.
48:26 Did the Romans do it?
48:30 Did the Romans do it?
48:32 So who did it?
48:37 The people, by their apostasy
48:40 led God to use the Romans to destroy the city.
48:44 But technically the people
48:46 of the Prince destroyed the city.
48:48 Are you with me or not?
48:50 Let me read you a statement from Ellen White.
48:53 I never cease to marvel
48:54 at the simplicity of Ellen White.
48:58 She always gets it right.
49:01 These days she's used very little in the church.
49:04 You see we go by the Bible.
49:07 Untrue.
49:10 Not even by the Bible.
49:13 I marvel every time
49:15 I read the writings of Ellen White.
49:16 I'll tell you my mouth is open
49:20 when I read her writings with the depth,
49:23 the profound theological depth.
49:25 Great Controversy, 35 and 36,
49:27 she's speaking about the destruction of Jerusalem.
49:29 "The Jews had forged their own fetters,
49:34 they had filled for themselves the cup of vengeance.
49:38 In the utter destruction that befell them as a nation,
49:42 and in all the woes that followed them
49:44 in their dispersion,
49:46 they were but reaping the harvest
49:48 which their own hands had sown.
49:51 Says the prophet,
49:53 'O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself,'"
49:57 she's quoting from scripture.
49:59 "'For thou hast fallen by thine iniquity.'
50:02 Their sufferings are often represented
50:05 as a punishment visited upon them
50:07 by the direct decree of God.
50:09 It is thus that the great deceiver
50:11 seeks to conceal his own work.
50:14 By stubborn rejection of divine love and mercy,
50:17 the Jews had caused the protection of God to be
50:20 withdrawn from them,
50:22 and Satan was permitted to rule them
50:25 according to his will.
50:28 By the way, the same thing happened
50:31 with Jerusalem
50:34 when it was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar
50:35 in the Old Testament.
50:38 Who destroyed Jerusalem in the Old Testament?
50:42 Was it Nebuchadnezzar?
50:45 Yes.
50:48 Was it God?
50:51 Yes.
50:53 Was it the Jews?
50:55 Yes.
50:58 You see, they had filled the cup,
51:00 it says in the prophecy it says,
51:02 "Until there was no remedy."
51:06 That cannot be healed.
51:09 And so because there was no remedy
51:11 the cup was full.
51:13 God says, "I will use My servant."
51:15 By the way,
51:16 God calls Nebuchadnezzar His servant.
51:20 "I will use My servant Nebuchadnezzar
51:23 to destroy Jerusalem and take away governance
51:27 because of the sin of the people."
51:31 So what does that mean,
51:33 when it says the people of the Prince
51:34 that shall come will destroy the city?
51:37 Is that prince, a Roman prince,
51:39 that's going to rise after the rapture of the church
51:42 in the Middle East
51:43 and he's gonna sign a peace treaty,
51:45 a covenant with Israel.
51:48 And he's gonna establish a 10 nation federation
51:52 and there in the first three and half years
51:53 he's gonna keep his covenant with the Jews.
51:55 And then after the first three and half years,
51:57 he's gonna break his covenant with the Jews
52:00 and he's gonna bring
52:01 a terrible tribulation upon them.
52:02 He's gonna persecute them,
52:04 and that's the time of trouble for the Jews,
52:06 but the church is enjoying the bliss of heaven.
52:12 False prophecy!
52:15 It's a very serious thing to take a prophecy
52:19 that centers in Messiah
52:21 and attributed to the Antichrist.
52:25 It's blasphemy to say that this Prince is the Antichrist,
52:31 instead of realizing that it is a Christ,
52:35 and the reason why the city was destroyed
52:37 is because they did not know the hour of their visitation.
52:43 The center of this prophecy is not Antichrist,
52:47 the center of the last week is not Antichrist,
52:49 the center of this prophecy
52:51 from beginning to end
52:53 is Jesus Christ.
52:58 Did you understand this prophecy?
53:00 I'm amazed,
53:01 I was able to cover as much as I did.
53:04 I tried to explain at the best I could,
53:06 it's a complex prophecy with many elements.
53:09 Now we still have to speak about the last three
53:13 and half years.
53:15 See, that's our next subject tomorrow.
53:18 Don't miss the next exciting episode.
53:22 Tomorrow in our first presentation,
53:23 we are gonna show, listen carefully.
53:26 When you read Daniel 9, it appears to give us
53:30 no concluding event for the 70 weeks.
53:35 We assume that after Messiah's cut off
53:38 in the middle of the week,
53:39 there has to be three and half more weeks,
53:41 because there's 70 weeks.
53:44 But Daniel 9 doesn't appear to give us
53:46 an event that concludes the 70 weeks.
53:50 So you say, how do we know
53:52 that the stoning of Stephen
53:55 closed the prophecy of the 70 weeks?
53:57 How do we know that?
53:59 Is it just an assumption by Adventist?
54:01 Well, you know, they stoned Stephen
54:04 and that closed the theocracy.
54:06 Listen, folks,
54:07 tomorrow I'm gonna show you ironclad evidence
54:11 from scripture that the stoning of Stephen
54:14 was the event that closed the prophecy of the 70 weeks,
54:19 in the year 34 AD,
54:22 specifically in the fall
54:24 of the year 34 AD.
54:28 So this is a magnificent prophecy.
54:32 It gives us the starting point, 457 BC.
54:36 The first seven weeks,
54:38 Jerusalem is rebuild and restored.
54:41 Then 62 weeks later, after the first seven weeks
54:47 the Messiah is anointed, Jesus is baptized.
54:52 Then He confirms the covenant with the Jews
54:55 'cause He was sent to them
54:57 'cause the 70 weeks were given for them.
54:59 He confirms the covenant with many for that last week.
55:04 And in the middle of the week He causes the sacrifice
55:08 and the offering to cease
55:10 because there was no sacrifice or offering that day
55:13 because the true Lamb of God died.
55:17 And then, you have the concluding
55:21 part of this prophecy
55:24 which is the close of the 70 weeks,
55:28 the stoning of Stephen.
55:31 A watershed event we're gonna notice.
55:35 Because listen carefully,
55:38 the door to the Hebrew theocracy
55:41 closed in the year 34.
55:43 The Jewish nation would no longer be God's nation
55:46 to take the gospel to the world
55:49 or for the world to come to them.
55:51 That nation of Israel failed.
55:54 There were faithful people that belong to Israel,
55:57 but the nation as a theocracy fell.
55:59 So God says, now I'm gonna have the Gentiles
56:03 going to all of the world
56:05 and share the gospel with all of the world.
56:08 And here's the interesting point
56:10 and will cover this a little more closely tomorrow.
56:14 Who was present at the stoning of Stephen?
56:18 Saul of Tarsus.
56:23 Interesting, Saul of Tarsus.
56:29 Was Saul of Tarsus converted really
56:33 at the stoning of Stephen?
56:35 Did he feel the pangs of conscience
56:36 at the stoning of Stephen?
56:38 Oh, yeah, he knew that Stephen was right.
56:41 In fact the Bible says that the face of Stephen looked like
56:44 the face of an angel.
56:47 Saul knew that he was wrong and that Stephen was right,
56:51 but he kicked against the pricks.
56:54 So on the road to Damascus,
56:57 he is knocked to the ground
57:02 and Jesus speaks to him,
57:04 "Saul, Saul, why do you prosecute Me?"
57:07 He says, "Who are you,
57:09 so that I know who I'm persecuting?"
57:10 "I'm Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting."
57:13 And here comes the key point.
57:16 At the stoning of the Stephen,
57:19 the plan of God closed for the Jewish nation
57:22 but present there was the apostle
57:25 that would take the gospel to the Gentiles.
57:30 So the door closes for the theocracy
57:33 but the person who is gonna take the gospel
57:35 to the Gentiles and plant the gospel
57:38 all over the world is present there.
57:42 And he's converted to the Lord,
57:44 and thus the gospel will go to every nation,
57:49 kindred, tongue and people planted
57:52 initially by the Apostle Paul
57:55 and then it's spreading
57:58 throughout the entire geographical region
58:03 of the world.
58:05 What a remarkable prophecy.


Revised 2019-10-14