Series Code: TPP
Program Code: TPP000010A
00:11 Let us pray.
00:13 Our Father and our God, 00:15 we come before Your awesome throne, 00:18 recognizing our insufficiency, our lack of wisdom, 00:22 that's the reason why we come boldly 00:24 to the throne of grace to ask for wisdom 00:26 as we study this topic. 00:29 Very important topic, 00:31 the role of Israel in Bible prophecy. 00:34 We ask Father that You will give us clear minds 00:37 that we might be able to understand 00:39 what we are going to study. 00:41 Not only us, 00:42 but those who will watch these programs worldwide 00:45 on television broadcast and on social media. 00:49 We thank You, Father, 00:50 for the promise of Your presence 00:51 and we claim that promise 00:53 in the precious name of Jesus, amen. 00:57 In our next three studies together, 01:01 we are going to deal with Israel in Bible Prophecy. 01:06 And the reason why we're taking three sessions 01:10 to talk about Israel in prophecy 01:13 is because futurists believe that God has a special plan 01:19 for literal Israel in the end time. 01:23 In fact, they believe that at the end of the 69th week 01:27 of the 70 weeks of prophecy, 01:30 God suspended His plan for the Jews 01:32 because they rejected Jesus. 01:34 So for the last 2,000 years, 01:37 God's plan for the Jews has been on hold. 01:41 And the plan for the Jews will begin again 01:45 when the church is rapture to heaven, 01:48 and then everything that takes place after that 01:51 is with reference to literal Israel. 01:54 So we need to study carefully who is Israel in the end time? 02:01 Is it literal Israel, 02:03 those who still reject the Messiah 02:05 or is Israel spiritual Israel? 02:09 Well, let's study a review of Israel's history. 02:16 Turn with me to Exodus 19:1-6. 02:20 Exodus 19:1-6. 02:24 Here God descends to Mount Sinai 02:27 and He speaks to Moses about a covenant 02:31 that He wants to make with His people. 02:33 It begins by saying in verse 1, 02:36 "In the third month after the children of Israel 02:38 had gone out from the land of Egypt, 02:40 on the same day, they came to the wilderness of Sinai. 02:44 For they had departed from Raphidim, 02:46 had come to the wilderness of Sinai, 02:48 and camped in the wilderness. 02:50 So Israel camped therefore before the mountain. 02:54 And Moses went up to God 02:56 and the Lord called to him from the mountain, 02:59 saying, Thus you shall say to the house of Israel, 03:03 and tell the children of Israel." 03:06 The house of Jacob 03:07 and tell the children of Israel. 03:09 "You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, 03:12 and how I bore you on eagles' wings 03:15 and brought you to Myself." 03:17 So God says, you saw My glorious 03:21 and powerful acts of redemption of delivering you from Egypt. 03:25 So now God continues saying, in verse 5, 03:30 "Now therefore, if," 03:34 very important word, two letters. 03:37 Why they are important? 03:38 "If you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, 03:42 then you shall be a special treasure to Me 03:46 above all people; for all the earth is Mine. 03:49 And you shall be to me a kingdom of priests 03:53 and a holy nations. 03:54 These are the words 03:56 that you shall speak to the children of Israel." 04:00 So God says, 04:01 "I wanna make a covenant with Israel, Moses." 04:04 I want you to tell Israel 04:05 that I desire to make a covenant, 04:08 because I redeem them, I delivered them, 04:11 I want them to be my people. 04:13 So you go and ask them, 04:15 if they want to form a covenant with Me? 04:19 In Chapter 19:7-8, "We are told, 04:22 so Moses came and called for the elders of the people, 04:26 and laid before them all these words 04:29 which the Lord commanded him." 04:30 So now Moses takes the words to the elders of the people, 04:33 the representatives of the people. 04:36 Then all the people answered together and said, 04:38 "All that the Lord has spoken, we will do." 04:43 That's the covenant. 04:45 God says, "I wanna make a covenant. 04:47 If you will hear My voice, if you obey My covenant, 04:50 you'll be My special people. 04:51 Do you accept?" 04:53 Israel says, "We do." 04:55 This is actually God's marriage with Israel at Mount Sinai. 05:00 And then it says at the end of verse 8, 05:03 "So Moses brought back the words 05:05 of the people to the Lord." 05:07 So Moses says to the Lord, 05:10 "Israel said, yes." 05:12 And so now there is a covenant between God and Israel, 05:16 but it's based on whether Israel will obey God's voice 05:19 and keep His covenant. 05:21 It's a conditional covenant, very clearly. 05:25 Now, the Bible tells us 05:27 that God revealed to Israel a pattern of the sanctuary. 05:33 And the purpose for the sanctuary 05:35 was so that God could dwell among them. 05:37 He said, "And you shall build Me a sanctuary 05:39 and I shall dwell among you." 05:41 Now that we formed a covenant, I wanna dwell with you. 05:45 And so the sanctuary was built. 05:50 And when the sanctuary had been finished, 05:53 when the tent had been finished, 05:55 the Bible tells us that the presence of God 05:58 entered the sanctuary. 05:59 It's known as the Shekhinah. 06:02 In Exodus 40:34, we find these words. 06:06 "Then the cloud covered the tabernacle of meeting, 06:09 and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle." 06:14 So now God has formed a covenant with His people. 06:17 God has said, "I want you to be My people, 06:19 My special people. 06:21 If you obey My voice 06:22 and keep My covenant, you will be so. 06:23 Do you accept? 06:25 Israel says, "Yes, we accept." 06:26 So then the sanctuary is built, 06:28 the Shekhinah comes into the sanctuary, 06:30 and God now dwells among His people 06:34 as their God and they are His people. 06:37 Later on, God had Israel 06:40 through Solomon build a more permanent structure. 06:45 You see the sanctuary and the wilderness was a tent. 06:48 But later on when they settled in the Promised Land, 06:51 God told Solomon to build a solid structure, 06:55 a solid temple. 06:57 This temple was finished in the year 960 BC, 07:02 in other words Before Christ. 07:04 And once again, once the sanctuary was finished, 07:08 we're told in 1 Kings 8:10-11, 07:12 that the Shekhinah entered the temple 07:16 that was built by Solomon. 07:18 This is found in 1 Kings 8:10-11. 07:23 "And it came to pass, 07:25 when the priests came out of the holy place, 07:28 that the cloud filled the house of the Lord, 07:31 so that the priests could not continue ministering 07:33 because of the cloud; 07:35 for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord." 07:40 So once again, 07:41 when the permanent structure is built, 07:43 God comes to dwell among His people 07:46 as the Shekhinah. 07:48 Sadly, after Mount Sinai, 07:52 the history of Israel was a history of one rebellion 07:56 after another. 07:58 They failed to live up to their end of the covenant 08:02 for close to 800 years, 08:04 between Sinai and the Babylonia captivity. 08:08 In fact, 2 Chronicles 36:14-16. 08:13 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 08:17 describes this period of rebellion in Israel. 08:21 This is, 08:24 so speaking about God sending messengers to Israel 08:27 to try and get them to come back to Him. 08:30 It says, they're beginning in verse 14, 08:33 "Moreover all the leaders of the priests 08:36 and the people transgressed more and more, 08:39 according to all the abominations 08:41 of the nations." 08:43 Remember, that's the key word. 08:44 Israel is committing the abominations 08:46 of the nations. 08:47 When we deal with the 70 weeks, 08:49 we'll come back to that. 08:50 "And defile the house of the Lord 08:52 which He had consecrated in Jerusalem. 08:55 And the Lord God of their fathers sent warnings 08:57 to them by His messengers, 08:59 rising up early and sending them, 09:02 because He had compassion on His people 09:04 and on His dwelling place. 09:06 But they mocked the messengers of God, 09:08 despised His words, and scoffed at His prophets, 09:13 until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people, 09:16 till there was no remedy." 09:20 That's the history of Israel for a period of 800 years 09:23 after they made a covenant with the Lord at Mount Sinai. 09:28 Ezekiel 16:15, also describes very vividly 09:33 this apostasy of Israel. 09:35 It says, there in Ezekiel 16:15, 09:38 God is speaking to His people, 09:41 that instead of they keeping themselves only for Him 09:45 in the marriage relationship, they had many different lovers. 09:50 It says there, 09:51 "But you trusted in your own beauty, 09:54 played the harlot because of your fame, 09:57 and poured out your harlotry on everyone passing by 10:02 who would have it." 10:04 And so, towards the close of the 800 years of Apostasy, 10:10 God comes from heaven to Jerusalem 10:14 to perform a work of judgment. 10:18 In Ezekiel 1:4, 10:21 we find the description of the coming of God's 10:23 chariot to the sanctuary 10:25 to separate the righteous from the unrighteous in Israel. 10:30 It says there in Ezekiel 1:4, 10:33 "Then I looked, and behold, 10:35 a whirlwind was coming out of the north, 10:38 a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself; 10:42 and brightness was all around it 10:44 and radiating out of its midst like the color of amber, 10:49 out of the midst of the fire." 10:51 So now God is coming in fire. 10:54 And what He is going to do 10:55 is He's going to do a work of separation 10:58 between those who are faithful in Jerusalem, 11:00 the faithful remnant and those who are not. 11:03 The faithful will be spared 11:05 when Nebuchadnezzar comes to destroy the city, 11:09 whereas the unfaithful will be destroyed. 11:12 That judgment by the way of separation 11:14 of the righteous from the unrighteous 11:17 in Jerusalem is described in Ezekiel 9:1-6. 11:22 Ezekiel 9:1-6. 11:27 "Then He called out in my hearing 11:28 with a loud voice, saying, 11:30 'Let those who have charge over the city draw near, 11:34 each with a deadly weapon in his hand.' 11:37 And suddenly six men 11:39 came from the direction of the upper gate, 11:41 which faces north, 11:42 each with his battle-ax in his hand. 11:45 One man among them was clothed with linen 11:48 and had a writer's inkhorn at his side." 11:51 By the way this is Jesus. 11:53 "They went in and stood beside the bronze altar." 11:56 This is in the court of the sanctuary. 11:58 "Now the glory of the God of Israel had gone up 12:01 from the cherub, where it had been, 12:03 to the threshold of the temple. 12:05 And He called to the man clothed with linen, 12:08 who had the writer's inkhorn at his side; 12:11 and the Lord said to him, 12:12 'Go through the midst of the city, 12:15 through the midst of Jerusalem, 12:17 and put a mark on the foreheads of the men 12:21 who sigh and cry over all the abominations..." 12:26 Remember that word abominations once again. 12:28 "All the abominations that are done in within it." 12:33 So is God gonna put a mark upon those 12:36 who sigh and cry because of the abominations 12:39 that are being committed among God's professed people? 12:42 Absolutely. 12:44 Now what happens when the ceiling is ended? 12:47 When the faithful are all marked in Jerusalem, 12:49 mark for salvation, what happens with the rest? 12:53 Verse 5, 12:54 "To the others He said in my hearing, 12:57 'Go after him through the city and kill; 13:01 do not let your eye spare, nor have any pity.' 13:05 " Utterly... Now remember this terminology. 13:08 "Utterly slay old and young men, 13:12 maidens and little children and women; 13:16 but do not come near anyone on whom is the mark; 13:20 and begin at My sanctuary. 13:23 So they began with the elders who were before the temple." 13:27 So what we find is 800 years of Apostasy of Israel, 13:32 totally disobeying the covenant and disobeying God's voice. 13:36 So God says, 13:37 I am going to destroy Jerusalem, 13:40 I'm going to remove the theocracy 13:43 for a period of 70 years. 13:45 But before He can destroy Jerusalem, 13:48 and take away their political and their religious system 13:51 for 70 years, 13:52 it's necessary to mark those who are faithful, 13:56 who sign and cry because of the abominations 13:58 that are being committed in the city. 14:01 Now before the city was destroyed, 14:03 after the separation had been made, 14:06 the glorious Shekhinah 14:08 that had come into the sanctuary 14:10 when God made a covenant with Israel 14:12 and Israel said, yes, I do, 14:14 now departs the sanctuary. 14:18 It says in Ezekiel 10:19, 14:21 when the work of separation, 14:23 when the judgment of separation is finished, 14:25 it says, "And the cherubim lifted their wings 14:29 and mounted up from the earth in my sight. 14:32 When they went out, the wheels were beside them; 14:35 and they stood at the door 14:37 of the east gate of the Lord's house." 14:39 In other words, the Shekhinah now 14:41 has left the most holy place. 14:44 It has also left the holy place, 14:46 and it is at the East Gate of the sanctuary. 14:49 That's the entrance to the court of the sanctuary, 14:52 because the Shekhinah is now leaving the sanctuary. 14:55 So it says once again, 14:57 "And they stood at the door 14:58 of the east gate of the Lord's house, 15:00 and the glory of the God of Israel was above them." 15:03 And then in Chapter 11 verses 22-23. 15:07 Remember all these details. 15:08 We're gonna come back to them a little bit later on. 15:10 In Ezekiel 11:22-23. 15:14 The Shekhinah left the temple 15:17 and rested upon the Eastern Mountain, the Mount of Olives. 15:22 And before it leaves the Mount of Olives, 15:25 it lingers there for a little while. 15:28 Notice Ezekiel 11:22-23. 15:32 "So the cherubim... 15:33 These are the ones that are bearing God's chariot 15:37 that came for the judgment to the sanctuary. 15:39 "So the cherubim lifted up their wings, 15:42 with the wheels beside them, 15:44 and the glory of the God of Israel was high above them. 15:47 And the glory of the Lord went up 15:50 from the midst of the city and stood on the mountain, 15:54 which is on the east side of the city." 15:57 What is the mountain there is, 15:58 on the east side of the city of Jerusalem? 16:01 The Mount of Olives. 16:04 And so the glorious Shekhinah now abandons the temple 16:08 and it rests upon the Mount of Olives 16:11 and lingers there for a moment. 16:14 But then the Shekhinah leaves the Mount of Olives. 16:19 And the city has been forsaken. 16:23 It no longer has any protection. 16:27 And now Nebuchadnezzar comes and he destroys the city. 16:31 He destroys the religious system, 16:33 their political system, 16:34 and he destroys the city, 16:36 he destroys the walls and he destroys the sanctuary. 16:40 This is described in 2 Chronicles 36:17-21. 16:45 2 Chronicles 36:17-21. 16:50 You see, their abominations 16:52 have led to the desolation of the city. 16:55 Remember that. 16:56 Have you ever read in the Bible, 16:58 the abomination of desolation? 17:00 You have that here. 17:02 Because of the abominations of Israel, 17:06 God is gonna cause them to be desolated. 17:09 He's gonna withdraw their governance, 17:12 He is going to withdraw the religious system 17:14 and He's going to use Nebuchadnezzar 17:17 to destroy the city, 17:18 the walls and the sanctuary 17:20 and they're gonna be taken captive for 70 years. 17:22 It says in 2 Chronicles 36:17. 17:26 "Therefore He brought against them the king of the Chaldeans, 17:30 who killed their young men..." 17:32 Remember these words that were used, 17:34 that we read just a little while ago. 17:36 "Therefore He brought against them the king of the Chaldeans, 17:38 who killed their young men 17:40 with the sword in the house of their sanctuary, 17:42 and had no compassion on... whom?" 17:44 "On young man or virgin, 17:47 on the aged or the weak; 17:51 He gave them all into his hand. 17:53 And all the articles from the house of God, 17:55 great and small, 17:57 the treasures of the house of the Lord, 17:58 and the treasures of the king and of his leaders, 18:01 all these he took to Babylon. 18:03 Then they burned the house of God, 18:05 broke down the wall of Jerusalem, 18:07 burned all its palaces with fire, 18:09 and destroyed all its precious possessions. 18:12 And those who escaped from the sword 18:14 he carried away to Babylon, 18:16 where they became servants to him 18:19 and his sons..." 18:22 Now, was this a permanent arrangement 18:25 or was God going to restore the covenant with Israel? 18:30 Let's finish reading here. 18:32 Once again, it says, beginning of verse 20. 18:35 "And those who escaped from the sword 18:37 he carried away to Babylon, 18:39 where they became servants to him and his sons 18:42 until the rule of the kingdom of Persia." 18:48 Was there a limit to their desolation? 18:51 Yes. 18:53 "To fulfill the word of the Lord 18:55 by the mouth of Jeremiah, 18:57 until the land had enjoyed her Sabbaths. 18:59 As long as she lay desolate 19:02 she kept Sabbath, to fulfill..." what? 19:05 "To fulfill 70 years." 19:10 This is the first stage of Israel's history. 19:16 The first stage is the stage 19:18 where God makes the covenant with Israel. 19:21 They say to the Lord, we do, 19:24 800 years of Apostasy. 19:27 The Shekhinah that came into the sanctuary, 19:30 when the covenant was ratified, now departs from the sanctuary, 19:36 lingers on the Mount of Olives, then goes off to heaven. 19:40 The city now will be made desolate 19:43 because the presence of God is no longer in the sanctuary, 19:48 the presence of God is no longer in the temple. 19:51 But God has said, after the 70 years, 19:54 I will give Israel another chance, 19:59 which will be the second stage of Israel's history. 20:03 Notice 2 Chronicles 36:22-23, 20:07 where you find the second stage of Israel's history. 20:11 It says there in 2 Chronicles 36:22-23. 20:15 "Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, 20:20 that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah 20:22 might be fulfilled, 20:24 the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, 20:28 so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, 20:32 and also put it in writing, saying, 20:35 Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: 20:37 All the kingdoms of the earth 20:39 the Lord God of heaven has given me." 20:42 In addition, "He has commanded me 20:44 to build Him a house at Jerusalem 20:47 which is in Judah. 20:49 Who will among you... 20:50 who is among you of all His people? 20:54 May the Lord his God be with him, 20:56 and let him go up!" 21:00 Now the sanctuary is gonna be revealed. 21:03 And God is going once again to come to dwell 21:07 with his people 21:08 after the 70 years of captivity. 21:12 So they build a temple. 21:16 And when the temple is built, 21:19 the people see the temple and they cry, 21:22 especially the old guys who had seen the temple 21:25 that Nebuchadnezzar destroyed, 21:27 the temple that was built by Solomon. 21:29 Haggai 2:2-3, 21:32 tells us what the reaction of the people was. 21:35 It says there, "'Speak now 21:37 to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, 21:40 governor of Judah, 21:41 and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak, 21:44 the high priest, 21:45 and to the remnant of the people, saying: 21:48 'Who is left among you who saw this temple 21:52 in its former glory?' 21:55 "Who is still alive that saw this temple 21:58 as it was built by Solomon. 22:01 And then it says, "And how do you see it now? 22:05 In comparison with it, 22:07 is this not in your eyes as nothing?" 22:12 In other words, this temple is nothing 22:14 compared to the temple that Solomon built. 22:17 And it says that the elders cried 22:19 when they saw this temple, 22:20 the individuals who were old enough 22:22 to have seen the first temple. 22:25 And yet God made a prediction, 22:28 a prediction that the Jews are still today 22:30 trying to understand. 22:32 Haggai 2:6-9. 22:37 Haggai 2:6-9, 22:40 after saying that the people saw the temple and they cried, 22:43 those who had seen the first temple, 22:45 oh, now we find in Haggai 2:6, 22:50 a promise that God makes. 22:52 "Thus... 22:54 For thus says the Lord of hosts: 22:56 'Once more, it is a little while, 23:00 I will shake heaven and earth, 23:02 the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, 23:07 and they shall come to...' 23:12 " whom? 23:13 "The Desire of All Nations," 23:17 or the Desire of Ages if you please. 23:20 And then he says, 23:21 "And I will fill this temple with glory, 23:25 says the Lord of hosts. 23:27 The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, 23:29 says the Lord of hosts. 23:31 The glory of this latter temple 23:32 shall be greater than the former, 23:35 says the Lord of hosts. 23:36 And in this place I will give peace, 23:38 says the Lord of hosts." 23:42 The fact is the temple that was built 23:44 after the captivity never reached the level of glory 23:48 of the temple that was built by Solomon. 23:51 And that second temple was destroyed by the Romans. 23:55 So what does this promise mean? 23:57 That this temple that was built after the captivity 24:00 would be more glorious than Solomon's temple. 24:04 Probably not, should call it Solomon's temple. 24:06 It's the temple built by Solomon 24:08 because it's the Lord's temple. 24:11 Now we come to the third stage of Israel's history. 24:16 You see, the second stage of Israel's history 24:19 is the stage that takes place after the captivity. 24:24 By the way, did God sent many messengers to Israel 24:28 to help them in the rebuilding of the city, 24:30 the walls of the sanctuary and so on? 24:32 Let me just mention some of those messengers. 24:35 During the 70 weeks, 24:36 the second period is 70 weeks, okay? 24:39 God says, 70 weeks are determined 24:41 upon My people and their city. 24:44 So now God is saying, 24:46 the first 800 years were a failure, 24:49 but now they brought... 24:51 I brought them back from the captivity, 24:52 they're gonna rebuild the temple, 24:53 the city and the walls, 24:55 and I'm gonna give them another chance. 24:56 I'm going to give them 70 weeks. 24:59 And during that period God sends them 25:01 all kinds of messengers. 25:03 He sends them Haggai, Zechariah, 25:06 Joshua, Zorababel, Ezra, 25:10 Nehemiah, Malachi, 25:12 and finally, John the Baptist. 25:18 How did the people respond during this period? 25:21 Were they faithful? 25:24 No, they were not faithful. 25:27 The Bible tells us 25:28 that they behaved in a similar way 25:31 that they had behaved before, they were cured of idolatry. 25:35 But that separated themselves from the nations, 25:38 they became legalistic. 25:40 They expected a glorious Messiah 25:43 that would destroy the Romans 25:45 and put the Jews at the apex of civilization. 25:49 That's what they expected. 25:51 During the second period, they totally missed the point. 25:55 So now we go to the third stage. 25:59 During the third stage is when the Messiah comes, 26:03 when Jesus comes to this earth. 26:06 Now we're going to understand 26:08 how this second temple 26:11 was more glorious than the first temple. 26:13 Not in its physical structure, 26:17 not in the gold and silver 26:19 and precious wood and precious stones 26:21 that it contain. 26:22 But the fact that the temple after the captivity 26:26 did not have the Shekhinah glory 26:31 that is right after it was built. 26:34 But the Shekhinah glory came into that temple 26:37 when Jesus came to this earth. 26:39 That's what made it more glorious. 26:41 Notice John 1:14, 26:45 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, 26:51 and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only 26:55 begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." 26:59 We beheld what? 27:00 His glory. 27:02 Jesus is the Shekhinah. 27:06 Now we can understand the reason why, 27:08 in Luke 12:27-28. 27:12 You know, the Jews, they bragged about the temple 27:17 that was built by Solomon, 27:19 how wonderful and beautiful it was. 27:21 But Jesus said this, 27:23 "Consider the lilies, how they grow: 27:26 they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, 27:30 even Solomon in all his glory 27:33 was not arrayed like one of these." 27:35 In fact, in the parallel passage 27:38 that we find in Matthew 12:42, 27:40 something is added in the Gospel of Matthew. 27:43 Jesus says... 27:44 After He says that, 27:45 "Even Solomon and all his glory 27:47 was not arrayed like one of these." 27:49 Jesus then says, 27:50 "And one greater than Solomon is here." 27:54 Jesus is the greater glory that filled that temple. 27:58 Did Jesus teach in that temple? 28:01 Did Jesus teach in the temple courts 28:03 that was built after the captivity? 28:05 Absolutely, He taught there. 28:08 Now, during His ministry, 28:10 Jesus taught in those temple courts, 28:12 He was the Shekhinah 28:13 that came into the courts and taught. 28:16 And what did the religious leaders do? 28:19 They did what they did at every other stage. 28:21 They were rebellious to the Lord. 28:24 They fought Jesus tooth and nail. 28:27 And this was the last opportunity. 28:30 This was the third stage of Israel's history. 28:33 First stage, 800 years of rebellion. 28:36 God says, I'm gonna give you a second chance. 28:39 And so He says, 70 weeks are determined 28:42 for the city and for the people. 28:44 And during that time, 28:46 they totally misunderstand Bible prophecy, 28:49 they become legalistic, 28:50 they separate from the nations, 28:52 so God says at last of all, I'm gonna send My Son. 28:56 I'm gonna send the Shekhinah into the temple to teach. 29:00 And they opposed Jesus just like they did 29:03 in the previous two stages. 29:06 Now it's interesting 29:07 at the end of Christ's ministry, 29:11 Jesus descended the slope of the Mount of Olives 29:14 to enter the temple for the last time. 29:18 The Shekhinah will now enter the temple for the last time, 29:21 just like in the story of Ezekiel 29:24 that we studied. 29:26 Luke 19:37-38, tells us this. 29:29 "Then, 29:31 as He was now drawing 29:33 near the descent of the Mount of Olives, 29:36 the whole multitude of the disciples began 29:38 to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice 29:42 for all the mighty works they had seen, 29:44 saying: Blessed is the King 29:48 who comes in the name of the Lord! 29:51 Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" 29:54 Do you remember that 29:56 when the second house was built, 29:57 it says I will bring peace to this place? 30:00 So now Jesus is descending 30:02 the slope of the Mount of Olives 30:03 to enter the temple for the last time. 30:07 And the people are saying, "Blessed is the king 30:09 who comes in the name of the Lord! 30:11 Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" 30:15 And then Jesus enters the temple, 30:18 and begins to teach. 30:22 Now, the interesting thing 30:23 is that immediately after Jesus enter the temple, 30:26 notice the reaction of the religious leaders, 30:28 versus 47 and 48. 30:31 "And He was teaching daily in the temple. 30:34 But the chief priests, the scribes, 30:37 and the leaders of the people sought to destroy Him, 30:41 and were unable to do anything; 30:43 for all the people were very attentive 30:45 to hear Him." 30:48 So how is the leadership of Israel dealing with Jesus, 30:51 with this last opportunity? 30:53 And last of all, God sends his Son. 30:56 Are they accepting the message? 30:58 They're rejecting the message. 31:01 And so now Jesus, 31:03 after He descends the slope of the Mount of Olives, 31:08 He enters the temple. 31:10 Let's read about it in Matthew 21:12-13. 31:13 Remember, He's the Shekhinah now 31:14 that's entering the temple. 31:16 Matthew 21:12-13. 31:20 "Then Jesus went into the temple of God." 31:22 I want you to notice what the temple is called 31:24 when Jesus goes in, at the end of His ministry. 31:28 "He goes into the temple of God 31:31 and drove out all those who bought 31:33 and sold in the temple, 31:35 and overturned the tables of the money changers 31:38 and the seats of those who sold doves. 31:41 And He said to them, It is written..." 31:42 Now notice how He refers to the temple. 31:44 "'My house shall be called a house of prayer, 31:48 but you have made it a den of thieves.' 31:53 " So Jesus goes into the temple. 31:56 It's called the temple of God 31:58 and Jesus refers to the temple at that moment 32:01 when He goes into it as "My house." 32:06 And then in Chapter 21: 22-23, 32:09 Jesus is in the temple teaching. 32:13 And the religious leaders, 32:14 the different religious sects come 32:16 and they're questioning Jesus and they're opposing Jesus 32:19 tooth and nail, in every point. 32:22 And Jesus tells several parables to them. 32:26 One of those parables is the parable of the fig tree. 32:31 Very interesting. 32:33 You know, Jesus sees this fig tree in the distance. 32:37 And He says, "Now let's go 32:38 and see if we can get something to eat." 32:41 This is act of parable. 32:44 And so He goes and He finds nothing 32:46 on the fig tree except for leaves. 32:49 And He curses the fig tree. 32:51 And He says, never 32:53 may you produce fruit ever again. 32:56 And the Jews knew 32:57 that the fig tree represented Israel. 33:00 The next day it says that they pass by, 33:03 and they saw that the fig tree had dried up by its roots. 33:09 And it represents Israel. 33:12 That was an act of parable. 33:16 Jesus also told the parable of the vineyard workers. 33:20 Let's go to Matthew 21:33-43. 33:25 And we'll interpret this parable as we go along. 33:29 You'll find the three stages here of Israel's history 33:32 that we studied so far. 33:35 Matthew 21:33, "Hear another parable: 33:39 There was a certain landowner..." 33:41 that's called the Father, "who planted a vineyard..." 33:45 that's a city of Jerusalem, 33:47 "and set a hedge around it," 33:50 that's the law, 33:52 "dug a winepress in it and built a tower." 33:55 That's the temple. 33:57 "And he leased it to the vinedressers..." 33:59 that's Israel, "and went into a far country." 34:03 "Now when vintage-time drew near, 34:06 He sent his servants..." 34:09 this is their first chance, "He sent His servants..." 34:13 What for? 34:15 "To the vinedressers, 34:16 that they might receive its fruit. 34:19 And the vinedressers took his servants, 34:20 beat one, killed one, and stoned another." 34:24 So what do they do with the first call? 34:27 They rejected. 34:29 Verse 36. 34:31 "Again He sent other servants," this is the second chance. 34:35 Who were the other servants? 34:37 Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, John the Baptist, etcetera. 34:41 God is giving them another chance. 34:43 And it says, "He sents more than the first 34:45 and they did likewise to them." 34:48 That's the second opportunity. 34:52 And last of all, 34:55 they being, stage number three. 34:57 "And last of all 34:59 He sent His Son to them, saying," 35:02 who is the Son? 35:04 Jesus. 35:06 "He sent His son to them saying, 35:07 "They will respect my Son." 35:10 "But when the vinedressers saw the Son, 35:12 they said among themselves, 'This is the heir. 35:14 Come, let us kill him and seize his inheritance.' 35:18 So they took him and cast him out of the vineyard..." 35:21 Did Jesus die outside Jerusalem? 35:23 Yes, "they cast him outside the vineyard and killed Him." 35:30 How did they respond to the third call? 35:32 The last one, the last of all? 35:35 They rejected the Son. 35:37 Now let's continue. 35:40 They still haven't... 35:41 they still haven't understood who Jesus is referring to. 35:45 In verse 40, "Therefore... 35:48 Jesus asked the question, 35:49 "When the owner of the vineyard comes, 35:51 what will he do to those vinedressers? 35:55 They said to Him, 35:56 'He will destroy those wicked men miserably, 35:59 and lease his vineyard to other vinedressers 36:03 who will render to him the fruits in their seasons." 36:07 Are you getting the picture? 36:10 Verse 42, 36:12 "Jesus said to them, 36:13 have you never read in the Scriptures. 36:15 The stone which the stone 36:17 which the builders rejected 36:19 has become the chief cornerstone. 36:20 This was the Lord's doing, 36:22 and it is marvelous in our eyes?" 36:24 And then he says, "Therefore I say to you, 36:28 the kingdom of God will be taken from you 36:32 and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it." 36:36 Who is that nation that the kingdom was given to? 36:40 It was given to the Gentiles. 36:45 Now, Jesus also told another parable, 36:48 which we're not gonna have time to take a look at. 36:51 It's a parable that's found in Matthew 22: 1-14. 36:54 And remember, these are parables 36:56 that Jesus is telling in the temple. 36:57 He's making this last call to Israel, in the temple. 37:01 He's the Shekhinah. 37:03 He's saying, live up to the covenant folks. 37:05 I am the one who was promised to come and redeem Israel. 37:10 He's doing His best in the sanctuary 37:12 as the Shekhinah to get Israel to follow Him. 37:18 Matthew Chapter 22 has the same three stages. 37:23 Only it goes beyond the three stages. 37:26 Matthew 22 is the parable of the great banquet. 37:29 And I'll just synthesize so you'll understand. 37:33 Messengers are sent to Israel, to invite them to the wedding. 37:40 By the way, the wedding is the covenant, right? 37:43 So which speak about the wedding covenant? 37:46 Incidentally, in Jeremiah 31:32. 37:51 It says, that at Sinai, God married Israel. 37:55 It was a marriage covenant. 37:57 God said, "I wanna marry you and Israel said, we do." 38:02 That's what it was. 38:04 And so in Matthew 22, 38:06 there's this call for the invitees 38:10 to come to the wedding. 38:13 And you can read there, 38:15 they killed the messengers that invites them. 38:18 So more messengers are sent 38:21 after the bulls are killed, 38:25 which represents the death of Christ. 38:27 And they do likewise to them. 38:30 And so then in this parable, Jesus says, 38:35 "So now what's gonna happen? 38:37 Go to the highways and the byways 38:40 and invite them to come in." 38:42 You see the first two invitations 38:43 are given to the Jews. 38:45 They rejected both. 38:47 So the third invitation 38:49 after the death of Christ is go to the highways 38:51 and the byways and invite them to come in. 38:53 That's the whole period of the Christian dispensation. 38:56 That's the whole period where we've been preaching 38:59 during the last 2,000 years. 39:03 And then of course, 39:04 the place is filled with guests. 39:06 And then you have the examination of the guests 39:08 which I won't go into. 39:10 But in this parable, you have the three stages. 39:12 The interesting thing is that after the first messengers 39:16 are sent to call Israel to the wedding, 39:19 and they kill those messengers, 39:21 then after the death of the animals, 39:23 the sacrificial animals, that's the death of Christ, 39:25 more messengers are sent, 39:27 because after that Peter and John and others 39:29 are sent to the Jews, 39:31 because the 70 weeks haven't come to an end. 39:33 They do the same to them, including stoning Stephen. 39:38 And so it says in the parable 39:41 that the king was enraged with the people 39:45 and he sent his armies, 39:47 and they destroyed those people, 39:49 and they burnt their city. 39:51 That's the destruction of Jerusalem folks 39:53 in the year 70. 39:55 And then, of course, 39:56 the message goes to the highways 39:58 and the byways. 39:59 Jesus is telling this parable to them there. 40:01 He's saying, this is what's gonna happen to you 40:04 if you reject your marriage covenant. 40:07 And then when you get to Chapter 23, 40:11 Jesus pronounces His woes upon the scribes and Pharisees. 40:14 Let's read verse 29 and following, 40:17 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! 40:21 Because you build the tombs of the prophets 40:23 and adorn the monuments of the righteous, 40:25 and say, if we had lived in the days of our fathers, 40:29 we would not have been partakers with them 40:30 in the blood of the prophets." 40:32 We wouldn't have killed the messengers, 40:33 is what they're saying. 40:37 "Therefore you are witnesses against yourselves 40:41 that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets." 40:43 You're doing the same as what the messengers did. 40:49 What those who killed the messengers did? 40:52 And then He says this. 40:55 "You, yourselves that you are sons of those 40:57 who murdered the prophets. 40:59 Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers' guilt." 41:02 In other words the cup is filled, full. 41:06 And then He says, "Serpents, brood of vipers! 41:11 How can you escape the condemnation of hell?" 41:15 Wow. 41:16 But listen carefully. 41:18 Even after Jesus died, 41:21 mercy was still gonna linger for Israel 41:24 for three and a half more years, 41:25 because the theocracy did not close 41:28 until the stoning of Stephen. 41:30 So Jesus is gonna say, 41:32 I'm gonna send you more messengers 41:33 after you kill Me, for three and a half years. 41:37 We're gonna study the 70 weeks. 41:39 A couple of sermons on the 70 weeks. 41:42 Matthew 23:34-36. 41:45 Jesus says, "Therefore, indeed, I send you..." 41:49 it's in future tense. 41:50 "I'll send you prophets, wise men, and scribes: 41:54 some of them you will kill and crucify." 41:56 See, this is future. 41:58 "Some of them you will kill and crucify. 42:00 And some of them 42:01 you will scourge in your synagogues 42:04 and persecute from city to city." 42:06 Let me ask you, 42:08 who was that they persecuted from city to city? 42:11 Saul of Tarsus. 42:13 Who was scourged in the synagogues? 42:17 Peter and John. 42:18 You can read in Acts Chapter 4 and 5. 42:21 Who was crucified? 42:23 Peter, among others. 42:26 Jesus say, this is what you're gonna do. 42:29 And then He says in verse 35, "That on you..." 42:34 After He sends more messengers, 42:36 after His death, He says, 42:37 "That on you may come all the righteous blood 42:41 shed on the earth, 42:42 from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, 42:44 son of Berechiah, whom you murdered 42:46 between the temple and the altar. 42:48 Assuredly, I say to you, 42:50 all these things will come upon 42:53 this generation." 42:57 Are you with me or not? 43:00 So you find here actually a fourth stage 43:02 in the history of Israel. 43:04 And that is three and a half additional years 43:06 after the death of Christ, 43:09 where He's sending them more messengers, 43:11 Peter, John, etcetera, 43:14 to try to get them to receive the Messiah. 43:17 And our Peter and John 43:18 and the messengers treated in the same way 43:21 that Jesus was treated 43:22 and the other messengers were treated? 43:24 Yes. So you have four stages. 43:26 The first 800 years, 43:29 Israel rejects the messengers. 43:32 After the captivity, 70 weeks, they do the same thing. 43:37 Jesus comes, the Son comes, 43:40 they reject Him. 43:43 And it's at last, it's the last resort. 43:46 And then for three and a half more years, 43:49 additional messengers are sent 43:53 and they do the same with them. 43:57 And when Stephen is stoned in the year 34, 44:01 the Jewish theocracy comes to an end. 44:04 Jesus predicted it. 44:06 Now notice Matthew 23:37-38. 44:09 Matthew 23:37-38. 44:13 Jesus has done all this in the temple. 44:16 He's the last resort. 44:18 At last He sent His Son. 44:20 He's tried to woo them into accepting Him. 44:24 When He entered the temple, 44:26 it's called the temple of God 44:28 and He said, "This is My house." 44:31 But now the tone is gonna change 44:33 in Matthew 23:37-38. 44:39 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 44:42 the one who kills the prophets 44:43 and stones those who are sent to her! 44:47 How often..." Now He speaks about Himself. 44:49 "How often I wanted to gather your children together, 44:52 as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, 44:55 but you were not willing! 44:57 See! 44:58 Your house is left to you desolate." 45:02 Is there a change? 45:05 It's no longer My house but your house. 45:11 And then, do you know what happens? 45:13 Just like in the Old Testament. 45:14 Now Jesus leaves the temple 45:17 and He goes and sits on the Mount of Olives 45:20 and speaks about the destruction of Jerusalem. 45:25 Matthew 24:1, 45:28 "Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple," 45:34 now He's gonna talk about 45:35 because you did not know the hour of your visitation. 45:40 He now says, 45:42 it actually says, 45:43 "His disciples came up to show Him 45:45 the buildings of the temple. 45:47 And now Jesus says the following, 45:51 "Do you not see all these things? 45:53 Assuredly, I say to you, 45:55 not one stone shall be left here 45:58 upon another, 45:59 that shall not be thrown down. 46:01 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, 46:03 the disciples came to Him, saying, 46:07 tell us, 46:08 when will these things be? 46:10 And what will be the sign of Your coming, 46:12 and of the end of the age?" 46:15 Now Jesus is going to describe the destruction of Jerusalem, 46:19 which pre figures the destruction of the world. 46:23 You see, Matthew 24 has a two fold application. 46:27 It describes the destruction of literal Jerusalem 46:29 in the year 70, 46:31 but it also foreshadows on a small scale, 46:34 a larger destruction, the destruction of the world. 46:37 You say, how do we know that? 46:38 Because the disciples asked Jesus two questions, 46:41 is when will these things be 46:43 that there won't be one stone left upon another? 46:45 And what will be the sign of the end of the world? 46:47 They asked two questions. So Jesus blends His response. 46:51 He blends the two. 46:53 In other words the destruction of Jerusalem 46:54 because symbolic a small scale model of the destruction 46:59 that is gonna take place on a global scale. 47:04 Now notice Matthew 24:15. 47:06 Remember the first application is literal Jerusalem. 47:10 You remember the word abomination 47:12 in the Old Testament? 47:15 Remember the word desolation? 47:18 Now notice Matthew 24:15. 47:20 "Therefore, 47:22 when you see the abomination of desolation, 47:26 spoken of by Daniel the prophet, 47:29 standing in the holy place, 47:32 whoever reads, let him understand..." 47:34 What is gonna stand in the holy place, the what? 47:36 The abomination of desolation. 47:38 What is the abomination of desolation 47:40 that was gonna stand in the holy place? 47:43 We have to go to the parallel account in the Gospel root. 47:46 Do you remember who destroyed Jerusalem 47:49 because the Shekhinah left 47:51 and they rejected the Shekhinah? 47:53 Who destroyed Jerusalem? 47:55 Nebuchadnezzar. 47:57 But after Jesus the part of the temple and said, 47:59 you're house has left on to desolate, 48:01 He spoke about the destruction of the temple. 48:03 And who actually came to destroy it? 48:06 The Romans. 48:08 So what is the abomination of desolation in Matthew? 48:11 Luke 21:20 explains it. 48:14 But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, 48:20 they know that its desolation is near. 48:25 So what is the abomination of desolation 48:27 as it applies to literal Jerusalem? 48:30 It is, when the Roman armies come 48:33 and surround the city 48:34 and they are going to destroy the city. 48:39 Notice Luke 19:41-44, 48:43 where Jesus describes 48:45 what is gonna happen to the city. 48:47 Luke 19:41-44. 48:52 "Now as He drew near, 48:54 He saw the city and wept over it, 48:57 saying, if you had known, 49:00 even you, especially in this your day, 49:04 the things that make for your peace! 49:06 But now they are hidden from your eyes. 49:09 For the days will come upon you 49:12 when your enemies will build an embankment around you, 49:16 surround you and close you in on every side, 49:20 and level you, and your children within you, 49:24 to the ground; 49:25 and they will not leave in you one stone upon another," 49:31 why? 49:33 The last part of the verse, 49:35 "because you did not know 49:39 the time of your visitation." 49:44 Are you with me? 49:47 So let's review the four stages of Israel's history. 49:52 What is the first stage? 49:54 God comes to Israel, and He says, 49:56 I wanna make a covenant with you. 49:58 If you obey My voice and Keep My covenant, 50:01 you will be My God... 50:03 and I will be your God and you will be My people. 50:07 Do you wanna marry me, God says? 50:09 Israel said, yeah, 50:10 all that the Lord says, we will do. 50:12 But during the next 800 years, 50:15 Israel becomes a harlot and she has other lovers. 50:21 So God says, okay, I'm gonna put an end to this. 50:24 So the first stage of Israel's history ends 50:27 with the Babylonia captivity. 50:31 But God loved His people. 50:33 So after the Babylonian captivity, 50:35 God says, I'm gonna give them 70 weeks more, 50:38 490 years, 50:40 and I'm gonna send messengers to them, 50:42 and He sent them Haggai and Zechariah, 50:44 Zorababel, Malachi, John the Baptist, 50:48 among others, during those... 50:50 that period of 70 weeks. 50:54 The Bible says, that they did the same with the messengers 50:56 that were sent to them at that second stage. 51:01 So now God says, I will send them My Son, 51:03 stage number three. 51:05 I'll send Jesus in person. 51:07 And Jesus now as the Shekhinah 51:09 that comes into the temple 51:11 that was built after the captivity. 51:13 He is the Shekhinah glory. 51:15 That's why the Second Temple 51:16 is more glorious than the first. 51:19 Because Jesus, the Shekhinah taught in there. 51:24 And what did they do with Him? 51:27 What they did with Him 51:29 is that they threw Him out of the vineyard 51:32 and they killed Him. 51:35 And it's pretty final because it says, 51:37 and last of all, 51:40 the Father sent His son 51:42 and they said, let us kill Him 51:45 and take His inheritance. 51:47 But how great is the mercy of God? 51:51 Then He says, you know, 51:52 even though Jesus said your house 51:56 is left on to your desolate, 51:59 even though I spoke about the destruction of Jerusalem, 52:01 I'm gonna give them a fourth stage, 52:03 I'm gonna give them three and a half more years. 52:07 And the apostles are gonna go 52:08 and they're gonna preach to them. 52:10 I'm gonna send all kinds of messengers to them, 52:13 to try and get them to accept the Messiah. 52:18 What they did with them? 52:21 They beat Peter and John in the synagogue. 52:24 The leadership opposed the messengers. 52:28 They stoned Stephen. 52:33 That was the last opportunity that the Jewish theocracy had. 52:38 Now, let me explain 52:39 that the door of mercy did not close 52:42 for individual Jews. 52:44 God loves the Jews, 52:47 like He loves every ethnic group 52:50 and nationality in the world. 52:53 What came to an end was the Jewish theocracy. 52:57 In other words, God rejected them 53:00 as the instrument to reach the world for the Messiah. 53:06 He gave them four chances. 53:09 Let me tell you this, if they would not accept Jesus, 53:13 it's rather doubtful 53:14 they would accept the message of anyone else. 53:17 And so now God says, 53:19 and we're gonna find this when we study the 70 weeks, 53:22 this is actually the structure, 53:23 the historical structure of the 70 weeks, 53:26 where we said, this is foundation. 53:29 And so, 53:32 when the first group 53:34 that God chose did not fulfill its mission, 53:38 God says, 53:39 I will take the kingdom from them. 53:42 And I will give it to the ethne. 53:47 That's a word for Gentiles. 53:50 And I will give the kingdom to the Gentiles 53:52 and now they will go to the highways 53:54 to the byways, they will go into all the world 53:59 and call people to come to the Messiah. 54:02 That is the role of the Christian church. 54:05 Is that Christian church today fulfills the role of Israel? 54:11 The purpose of the church is to call the world 54:14 to receive the Messiah, 54:15 where the Jewish theocracy failed. 54:19 You see, if God had simply dependent upon Israel 54:24 during these 2,000 years, 54:25 nobody would have been evangelized. 54:28 Now some people say, 54:30 well, then you believe in replacement theology, 54:31 you believe that the church replaces Israel. 54:33 No. 54:35 The church continues faithful Israel. 54:38 The church is true Israel. 54:42 We're gonna find in our next couple of studies. 54:45 It is not another people 54:47 that God chooses in place of Israel. 54:48 No, it is a continuation of the mission 54:52 and the message of Israel. 54:55 It is spiritual Israel 54:56 because people might not have the literal blood of Abraham 54:59 running through their veins, 55:01 but they're fulfilling the mission 55:03 for which God called literal Israel. 55:06 Are you with me or not? 55:08 And so God has called the Christian church 55:11 to fulfill the mission. 55:12 And by the way, I'll end with this. 55:14 And we have, I have a lecture 55:15 that's coming up in the next couple of presentations 55:19 that I'm gonna make that make this very clear, 55:22 and that is that God does not have 55:24 too mutually exclusive peoples, 55:26 one plan for literally Israel, 55:28 and another for the plan for the church, 55:30 like dispensationalists, like futurist teach. 55:32 They say, well, you know, God has a plan for the church, 55:35 that's the last 2,000 years, 55:36 the rapture will mark the end of His plan for the church, 55:40 and then He will kick start the plan for Israel, 55:41 His other people. 55:43 That's not biblical. 55:45 Because when you read Revelation Chapter 12, 55:47 and I'm gonna come back to this later on. 55:49 When you read Revelation Chapter 12, 55:52 there's one woman that represents 55:54 both Old Testament and New Testament Israel. 55:59 The woman is with child. 56:02 So she must exist before the child. 56:06 In other words, 56:08 that represents the Jewish nation, 56:10 that was gonna bring the Messiah into the world. 56:13 But after the child is born, 56:17 the same woman flees to the wilderness 56:20 for 1,260 years, the same woman. 56:24 So in other words, the woman in the New Testament 56:26 continues the woman of the Old Testament. 56:30 Not two peoples with two different plans, 56:34 rupturing one 56:36 and leaving the other one behind, 56:39 as if they haven't suffered enough 56:42 already, the Jews. 56:46 Did you understand what we study this evening? 56:50 Foundation for what we're gonna study 56:54 in the next two lectures. 56:56 The next two lectures we are going to study, 56:59 first of all, 57:00 extensively about the cursing of the fig tree. 57:05 And then we are gonna study about the Apostle Paul's 57:08 perspective of who Israel is. 57:11 And incidentally, folks, 57:13 if the final battle is battling against Israel 57:18 and battling is a spiritual system, 57:21 it must mean that Israel is also a spiritual system. 57:26 Because you can't say like Dave Hunt, 57:28 that Babylon is a worldwide spiritual system, 57:32 but Israel is the literal Israel 57:34 in the Middle East 57:36 because Babylon was the enemy of Israel. 57:38 The final battle will be 57:40 the righteous against the unrighteous, 57:43 spiritual Israel against spiritual Babylon. 57:47 And like has happened 57:48 all throughout the course of history, 57:50 spiritual Israel will be victorious. 57:56 Like Jacob was victorious 57:58 when he struggled with the angel, 57:59 you have struggled with God and with man 58:02 and you have overcome. |
Revised 2019-10-21