The Prophetic Panorama

The Historical Method's Last Stand

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TPP

Program Code: TPP000007A

00:10 Aloha.
00:11 Aloha.
00:12 Good to see all of you here again.
00:15 Thanks for coming.
00:17 We have a very important subject
00:19 of study in this session.
00:21 I just like to mention that
00:24 this first session is going to be
00:27 the conclusion of the historical study.
00:29 We've been dealing with a lot of history,
00:32 because we need to know
00:33 how the counterfeit prophetic scenarios came in.
00:36 And the only way that you can know that
00:38 is by studying history.
00:40 Beginning in our second session today,
00:42 we are gonna begin studying portions of the Bible
00:47 that are misused by those who believe
00:50 in a future application of the Antichrist.
00:53 So we're gonna delve into the scriptures
00:55 and we're going to look at the arguments that they use.
00:59 We're gonna consider them and we are going to
01:03 let the Bible speak as to whether they are
01:05 accurate or not.
01:06 Before we begin this evening,
01:08 we do want to have a word of prayer,
01:10 as we always do.
01:12 So I invite you to bow your heads reverently
01:14 as we pray.
01:15 Father in heaven, we thank You
01:17 for the privilege of being here in this beautiful place.
01:21 We thank You
01:22 because You have given us Your word.
01:25 What would it be like to live in this world
01:27 without Your word.
01:29 We would not know where things are trending.
01:31 But we have no reason to be distressed,
01:35 no reason to be concerned because we know exactly
01:39 where things are leading
01:40 and how the story will end.
01:42 We ask that as we study Your word
01:44 in this session that Your Holy Spirit
01:46 will be with us to guide our thoughts
01:47 and open our hearts.
01:49 And we pray this in the precious name of Jesus,
01:51 amen.
01:55 The best explanation that I have ever found
01:59 on the historical method of interpreting prophecy
02:03 was written by Ellen White.
02:07 In the book Education, pages 178 and 179,
02:13 Ellen White defined
02:15 what the historical method is.
02:19 And I'd like to read this statement
02:21 as we begin our study
02:23 in the next few minutes.
02:27 I quote, "The history that the great I AM
02:32 has marked out in His word,
02:35 uniting link after link
02:39 in the prophetic chain,"
02:42 do you notice that?
02:44 "Link by link in the prophetic chain
02:48 from eternity in the past, to eternity in the future,
02:53 tell us where we are today
02:57 in the procession of the ages
03:00 and what may be expected in the time to come.
03:05 All that prophecy has foretold as coming to pass,
03:09 until the present time,
03:12 has been traced on the pages of history,
03:16 and we may be assured
03:18 that all which is yet to come
03:21 will be fulfilled in its order."
03:26 Isn't that a magnificent description
03:28 of the historical method?
03:30 Everything that was supposed to be
03:32 fulfilled in the past was fulfilled.
03:35 Prophecy tells us where we are in the present
03:38 and exactly what's gonna happen in the future.
03:41 And she states that prophecy is a chain
03:46 composed of links
03:48 and one event links to another beginning with Babylon
03:53 and ending with a setting up of Christ
03:55 everlasting kingdom.
03:57 Now some people
03:58 wonder whether Ellen White knew
04:00 that people would miss apply prophecy
04:04 and take prophecies that were
04:05 fulfilled in the past and project them to the future.
04:09 And the answer to this question is, yes.
04:13 Ellen White knew
04:14 that some people were going to take events
04:17 that were fulfilled in prophecy in the past
04:20 and they were going to miss apply them to the future.
04:23 In fact, Ellen White wrote a very long letter.
04:28 It is composed of two parts, to a teacher,
04:32 a school teacher, by the name of John Bell.
04:35 You can read the entirety of this letter
04:38 that she wrote to this teacher
04:40 about his method of interpreting prophecy
04:43 in Manuscript Releases,
04:45 volume 17, and pages 1 to 23.
04:50 And there she basically tells Professor Bell,
04:55 that he's taking things that were fulfilled in the past
04:58 and he is projecting them to the future
05:00 and warns him not to do that.
05:03 There are some in the Adventist Church today
05:06 that are doing something very, very similar.
05:09 For example, they are saying
05:11 that the seven trumpets are still in the future
05:15 that they haven't been fulfilled yet.
05:17 Well, the Seventh-day Adventist view,
05:19 traditional view, beginning with the pioneers
05:21 is that the trumpets describe consecutive events
05:25 of church history
05:26 and that we are now
05:28 in the period of the sixth trumpet.
05:30 And yet individuals are reinterpreting the trumpets
05:33 and applying them to the future
05:35 when at least the first five have been fulfilled
05:38 and we are living in the period of the sixth.
05:41 I wanna read just a portion of that letter
05:44 that Ellen White wrote to Professor John Bell.
05:48 This is what she wrote.
05:49 I quote, "Some will take the truth
05:53 applicable to their time,
05:56 and place it in the future.
05:58 Events in train of prophecy
06:02 that had their fulfillment away
06:05 in the past are made future,
06:08 and that's by these theories,
06:10 the faith of some is undermined."
06:14 She continues,
06:16 "All that God has in prophetic history
06:19 specified to be fulfilled in the past has been,
06:25 and all that has yet to come
06:27 in its order will be."
06:32 Now I encourage you to read the entire two letters
06:35 that Ellen White wrote to John Bell.
06:37 They are very enlightening about the proper way
06:41 of interpreting Bible prophecy.
06:44 Now it's no coincidence that futurism took hold
06:50 in the late 1820s
06:52 and early 1830s in England
06:56 because at that period, most of the immigrants
07:01 that came into the United States
07:04 were from Great Britain.
07:06 I believe that was the devil's intention
07:09 for this movement towards futurism
07:12 in England in the 1830s,
07:15 to be transported to the new world,
07:18 to be transported
07:19 to the United States of America.
07:22 You see, at the very time,
07:25 when futurism was taking hold in Britain,
07:29 in the 1830s,
07:31 on the other side of the Atlantic,
07:34 in the United States, in New England,
07:38 there was a great religious revival
07:42 spearheaded by a man whose name
07:45 I'm sure you're acquainted with,
07:48 William Miller.
07:50 This movement was known as
07:52 the Great Second Advent Movement.
07:55 And the method that William Miller
07:58 used to interpret prophecy
08:01 was the method that we are using here.
08:05 In other words, in Britain,
08:08 futurism was invading the church,
08:11 immigrants to the United States would bring it here,
08:15 at the same time in the United States,
08:18 the Millerite movement
08:20 was using the historicist method to interpret
08:24 Bible prophecy, two rival methods.
08:29 Now it's no secret that during the times
08:34 of this Great Second Advent Movement,
08:37 protestant denominations fought William Miller
08:42 and his fellow laborers, tooth and nail.
08:47 The mainline churches expelled entire families
08:51 for embracing the Millerite message.
08:55 When Jesus failed to come as expected,
08:58 Protestantism forsook historicism
09:02 and embraced futurism in its place.
09:06 In other words, the fact that Jesus
09:08 did not come in 1844,
09:11 after William Miller and his fellow laborers
09:14 had used the historicist method
09:16 to predict that Jesus would come.
09:19 The Protestant world said, see, we told you so,
09:23 that method does not work.
09:27 You're wondering whether that's true.
09:30 I wanna read now several statements
09:33 from Protestant scholars that tell us
09:38 that the reason why historicism died
09:42 in the 1840s
09:44 is simply because of The Great Disappointment
09:48 of the Millerite movement.
09:50 And these scholars are not Seventh-day Adventists,
09:52 these scholars are clergy
09:56 and scholars from other denominations.
09:59 The first individual that I want to read from
10:01 is called Richard Kyle.
10:04 He wrote a book, "The Last Days Are Here Again."
10:08 And Richard Kyle once belonged to the Plymouth brethren.
10:13 In other words, he was once a futurist,
10:15 but he abandoned the movement.
10:17 And he wrote this book,
10:19 which is critical of the Plymouth Brethren
10:22 and it's critical of futurism.
10:26 He wrote in his book, "The Last Days Are Here Again,"
10:29 page 91, the following words.
10:33 And I quote.
10:34 "Despite its visibility, the Millerite movement
10:40 had little influence
10:42 on subsequent end-time thinking."
10:46 Once again, I'll read that.
10:47 It's important that we catch what he's saying.
10:50 "Despite its visibility the Millerite movement
10:54 had little influence on subsequent
10:57 end- time thinking."
10:58 In other words, Millerism had no impact
11:00 on concepts that people had regarding Bible Prophecy
11:04 after the Millerite movement.
11:06 He continues, "It did, however,
11:10 have three long term effects."
11:12 Millerism had three long term effects.
11:15 What were they?
11:16 "Number one, Millerism spawned
11:20 the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
11:23 Second, it discredited
11:27 historicist premillennialism,
11:31 causing it to fade out almost entirely after 1844."
11:37 Did you catch that?
11:38 Once again number two.
11:40 "It discredited historicist premillennialism,"
11:45 that's historicism, "causing it to fade out
11:48 almost entirely after 1844.
11:52 And number three, "The Millerite fiasco
11:56 demonstrated the perils of setting definite dates
12:00 for Christ's return."
12:03 So Richard Kyle, who was once a futurist is saying,
12:06 the Millerite movement had little impact
12:09 on the thinking about end-time events
12:12 after the Millerite movement.
12:14 It spawned the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
12:17 and it made historicism fade
12:23 after the great disappointment.
12:26 In a further statement, Richard Kyle wrote something
12:31 very interesting once again concerning historicism.
12:35 In his book, The Last Days Are Here Again, page 102,
12:39 he wrote, and I quote,
12:41 "The Great Disappointment of 1844
12:45 had decimated
12:48 historicist premillennialism."
12:52 What is it that was decimated?
12:57 Historicist, what?
12:59 Premillennialism.
13:00 He says that was The Great Disappointment
13:02 that decimated it.
13:04 And then he says this,
13:06 "But a futurist premillennialism
13:10 called dispensationalism
13:12 soon arrived on the scene."
13:16 In other words, after 1844, historicism fades away,
13:20 but there's another system that's coming in at that
13:23 same time, futurism.
13:26 Another scholar, who is a futurist by the way,
13:30 he wrote...
13:32 He actually, he was a co-author of a book titled
13:34 "The Great Tribulation, past or future page 6.
13:39 Once again, he refers to The Great Disappointment
13:42 in 1844 as the reason why historicism faded away.
13:47 This is a longer statement,
13:49 but it has several very significant points.
13:53 And I quote, "Historicism,
13:57 once the dominant view of Protestants."
14:01 Notice, he's admitting that
14:02 historicism was the dominant view
14:05 of Protestants.
14:06 So, "Historicism, once the dominant view
14:09 of Protestants from the Reformation
14:12 until the middle of the last century,"
14:13 and by the way,
14:15 he's not writing in the 21st century,
14:16 he's writing this in the 20th century.
14:19 So the previous century would be the 19th century.
14:22 So he states, "Historicism,
14:24 once the dominant view of Protestants
14:26 from the Reformation,
14:27 until the middle of the last century,
14:30 appears to exert little attraction
14:34 as a system of prophetic interpretation
14:38 to conservative Christians."
14:40 And then he adds in parentheses,
14:42 "Outside of Seventh-day Adventist circles."
14:46 Are you understanding the statement?
14:49 The conclusion is remarkable.
14:52 He wrote, "Within evangelicalism
14:56 during the last one hundred fifty years,
15:01 futurism has grown to dominate
15:06 and overcome historicism."
15:10 That's a remarkable admission.
15:13 He's saying that the method
15:14 that Miller used was historicism.
15:17 When Jesus did not come,
15:19 as Miller predicted, people said,
15:21 "The method was wrong."
15:23 And so they threw away the baby with the bathwater,
15:27 if you please.
15:29 And another system came in, in its place, futurism,
15:33 imported from Great Britain, around the same time
15:37 by individuals like Irving and Darby,
15:40 and others.
15:42 Folks, Satan is an avid student
15:46 of prophecy
15:48 because Satan wants to know
15:50 how prophetic events will occur
15:53 so that he can attempt to destroy
15:57 the sequence of events that God has established.
16:00 Satan wants to confuse people's minds.
16:03 So Satan studies prophecies in order to lead people
16:09 to wrong conclusions about Bible prophecy.
16:13 You know, in 1844, there was a tremendous number
16:19 of religious movements taking place in Europe
16:24 and in the United States.
16:26 In fact, New England, where William Miller
16:30 mostly preached was called the burned
16:35 over district because there were so many movements,
16:39 so many religious movements that people didn't even know
16:42 what was truth and what wasn't truth,
16:44 because every movement claimed to have the truth.
16:49 Let me just mention some of these movements
16:51 that arose around the same time
16:53 as the Millerite movement.
16:55 Satan influenced these movements to appear
16:58 because he wanted people to not know
17:00 where the truth was because he knew that
17:03 the true church was about to reappear
17:07 after the year 1844.
17:09 Around this same period, you have Mormonism appearing
17:14 with their Prophet, Joseph Smith.
17:18 At the same time you had Christian Science
17:21 appearing with its prophet Mary Baker Eddy.
17:25 During this time, Theosophy appeared,
17:28 with its champion, Helena Blavatsky.
17:33 During this time, the Bahá'í originated
17:36 with its founder, 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
17:39 During this time, spiritualism became prevalent
17:44 through the Fox sisters and Andrew Jackson Davis.
17:48 During this time, Pentecostalism had its origin
17:52 in the United States with its champion
17:54 Margaret MacDonald.
17:56 During this radius of time, the Jehovah's Witnesses
18:00 appeared with their prophet, Charles Taze Russell.
18:05 During this time, futurism took a hold
18:09 through John Nelson Darby and Edward Irving.
18:13 And of course, we all know that during this time,
18:16 evolutionism through Charles Darwin and Marxism,
18:21 through Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
18:24 had their origins.
18:26 Let me ask you,
18:28 was Satan doing everything possible
18:30 to confuse the minds of people
18:33 so that they could not interpret prophecy correctly
18:37 and they would not know where to turn?
18:39 It becomes very obvious historically that this was
18:43 what Satan was attempting to do.
18:46 Let me ask you, do you think that
18:49 Satan knew when the 2300 days began?
18:55 Do you think Satan knew when the decree
18:57 was given to build
18:59 and restore Jerusalem?
19:01 Of course he did.
19:03 Did he know that
19:04 Daniel received the revelation from God,
19:07 that from the going forth of the word to build
19:11 and restore Jerusalem
19:12 until the coming of the Messiah,
19:15 there would be 69 weeks and then during the last week,
19:19 Messiah would be anointed, that's the baptism of Jesus
19:22 in the middle of the week, Messiah would be cut off
19:26 and at the end of the last week,
19:28 the Jewish nation would be rejected as God's theocracy?
19:32 Did Satan know all of that by his study of prophecy?
19:36 He most certainly did.
19:37 Therefore, did the devil know that
19:39 the 2300 days were going to end in the year 1844?
19:44 Of course he did.
19:46 And of course, we all know that
19:47 the Millerites were correct with regards to the date.
19:52 The date that was established, October 22, 1844,
19:56 was the correct date.
19:59 The problem was that they had the event wrong.
20:03 You see they believed
20:04 that the cleansing of the sanctuary
20:06 was that Jesus was gonna come to cleanse the earth.
20:08 Nowhere does the Bible say that
20:10 the earth is the sanctuary.
20:12 It was just an assumption.
20:14 But Jesus did do something in 1844 on October 22.
20:18 He did not come to this earth to cleanse the earth.
20:21 He went into the Most Holy Place
20:24 to cleanse the sanctuary
20:26 from the sins of God's people.
20:29 But the Protestant world rejected
20:32 the message of the Millerites.
20:36 Now I want to read you some statements from scholars,
20:39 non-Adventist scholars that describes,
20:44 that each of them describes where preterism
20:48 and futurism come from.
20:50 You remember that we studied that, you know,
20:53 preterism comes from an individual called
20:56 Luis de Alcasar, a Jesuit from Spain.
21:00 And futurism originates with another Jesuit scholar
21:04 Francisco Ribera.
21:06 And you might be saying, well,
21:07 that's just Pastor Ribera's interpretation,
21:09 that's just Le Roy Edwin Froom.
21:12 Well, allow me to read you from several scholars
21:16 who tell us where preterism and futurism originated.
21:22 The first that I'm gonna read
21:24 is from a Roman Catholic scholar.
21:27 Interesting.
21:29 His name is G.S. Hitchcock
21:32 and this is what he wrote.
21:35 "The futurist school,
21:38 founded by the Jesuit Ribera in 1591,
21:44 looks for Antichrist, Babylon
21:49 and a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem,
21:52 at the end of the Christian dispensation."
21:56 Did you catch that?
21:58 What is this Roman Catholic scholar saying?
22:01 He's saying that the futuristic school
22:03 was founded by the Jesuit Ribera in 1591.
22:09 And he's saying that this system looks
22:11 for the Antichrist to rise
22:13 in a rebuild Jerusalem temple
22:16 at the end of the Christian dispensation,
22:18 which then means that
22:20 it does not apply to the papacy.
22:22 He continued writing, "The Preterist School,"
22:26 that is the school that says that prophecy
22:28 was fulfilled in the distant past,
22:30 "The Preterist School founded by
22:34 the Jesuit Alcazar in 1614,
22:38 explains the Revelation
22:40 by the Fall of Jerusalem,
22:42 or by the fall of Pagan Rome in 410 A.D."
22:48 There you have it from a Roman Catholic himself.
22:51 He's telling us that futurism and preterism
22:56 comes from the womb of the Roman Catholic papacy
23:00 more specifically, Jesuit scholars.
23:05 Let me read you a statement by Dean Henry Alford.
23:09 In the Prolegomena of his Greek testament,
23:12 he described the origins of preterism.
23:16 This is what he wrote and I quote.
23:20 "The preterist view found no favor
23:25 and was hardly so much as thought of,
23:28 in the times of primitive Christianity."
23:31 In other words, in the early church,
23:33 preterism did not awaken much interest.
23:38 Then it continued, "The view is said to
23:40 have been first promulgated in anything like completeness
23:45 by the Jesuit Alcazar in 1614."
23:49 There you have another scholar saying that in 1614,
23:53 the Jesuit Alcazar
23:55 originated the idea of preterism.
23:59 The same writer spoke about
24:01 or wrote about the origins of futurism.
24:06 Once again, he says, "The founder of this system
24:10 in modern times appears to have been
24:13 the Jesuit Ribera about A.D.
24:17 1580."
24:19 There you have another scholar saying that futurism
24:23 and preterism had its origin
24:27 in the Roman Catholic Church
24:30 by two Jesuit scholars of the Roman Catholic Church.
24:35 Let me read you from Richard Kyle
24:38 who I mentioned before.
24:40 He wrote about the origins of futurism.
24:46 And I quote, "Among the Jesuits
24:50 who insisted that the Antichrist
24:52 was still to come,
24:54 the approach of the Spaniard Franciscus Ribeira,"
24:59 he's giving his Latin name,
25:01 "had significant implications
25:04 for future millennial thought."
25:07 Now he's saying something that the others didn't say,
25:10 and that is that the views of Francisco Ribera
25:14 had significant implications for future millennial thought.
25:18 In other words, that was gonna 'cause a future impact
25:20 in the interpretation of prophecy.
25:22 He continues writing,
25:24 "Both Catholics and Protestants,
25:27 who identified the Antichrist as a contemporary pope
25:32 or leader generally took a historicist interpretation
25:37 of John's Revelation."
25:39 Ribeira reintroduced
25:42 a somewhat literal interpretation
25:45 of John's Revelation."
25:47 Ribeira reintroduced a somewhat literal
25:51 futuristic approach to the Apocalypse of John.
25:55 In doing this, he concluded that
25:57 the Antichrist
25:59 was a future renegade Jew."
26:04 So there you have another scholar.
26:06 We've quoted three of them so far.
26:09 Let me quote now from George Eldon Ladd.
26:13 He wrote a very important book
26:16 that has many, many good things.
26:18 It's called "The Presence Of The Future."
26:20 And he wrote many books, but that's the one
26:22 that I think I appreciated the most.
26:25 He was once a futurist but he also abandoned futurism.
26:31 You see, there are many scholars
26:32 that have abandoned futurism
26:34 because they say it doesn't make any sense,
26:36 because it abuses the scriptures that
26:38 twist the scriptures, it offers all kinds of
26:40 private interpretations
26:41 as we will see in our next study.
26:44 From George Eldon Ladd, he wrote the following,
26:47 and I quote.
26:49 "It will probably come as a shock
26:53 to many modern futurists to be told,"
26:58 it will be a shock to futurists,
26:59 did you know that?
27:01 "It would probably be a shock
27:02 to many modern futurists to be told
27:06 that the first scholar in relatively modern times
27:10 who returned
27:12 to the patristic futuristic interpretation
27:15 was a Spanish Jesuit named Ribera.
27:19 In 1590, Ribera published a commentary
27:23 on the Revelation as a counter-interpretation
27:28 to the prevailing view among Protestants
27:31 which identified the Papacy with the Antichrist."
27:36 What was the purpose of futurism?
27:37 It was to what?
27:39 To offer a counter-interpretation
27:42 different than the view that Protestants had.
27:45 And the Protestants of course,
27:46 used the historicist method
27:48 to identify the Papacy as the Antichrist.
27:52 The quotation ends by saying
27:55 and this is the view of futurism.
27:57 "Antichrist would be a single evil person
28:02 who would be received by the Jews
28:04 and would rebuild Jerusalem,
28:07 abolish Christianity, deny Christ,
28:11 persecute the Church and rule the world
28:14 for three and a half years."
28:19 So there you have it from scholars
28:21 who are not Seventh-day Adventists.
28:23 Where did preterism originate?
28:26 It originated with Alcazar,
28:30 a Spaniard Jesuit
28:33 and it is the official Roman Catholic view now.
28:37 Where did futurism originate from?
28:40 It originated once again with the Jesuits,
28:43 with Francisco Rivera,
28:45 who wrote a commentary in Revelation,
28:48 saying that the Antichrist
28:50 would be a future nasty individual
28:52 who would rebuild the Jewish temple,
28:54 persecute the Jews and rule
28:57 for three and a half literal years.
29:00 And Protestantism has imbibed
29:04 these counterfeit ways of interpreting prophecy.
29:07 In fact, Dave Hunt, as we noticed yesterday,
29:10 was so explicit on this.
29:12 He said, "Yes, the Protestant reformers,"
29:15 unanimously is the word that he uses.
29:17 "The Protestant reformers unanimously
29:19 believed that the Pope was the Antichrist."
29:21 But he says, "They were wrong."
29:25 Even though he gives a quotation
29:27 where he gives a description
29:28 of what Antichrist will be like.
29:30 He's not your run of the mill futurist
29:32 because he doesn't believe that the future Antichrist
29:35 will be a nasty individual necessarily.
29:37 It's gonna be someone that is gonna infiltrate the church,
29:40 and he's gonna claim to be the representative
29:43 of Christ on earth.
29:45 And yet he could not see or maybe he didn't wanna see
29:49 that there was in Rome, an individual
29:51 who claims to be the successor of Jesus Christ
29:55 and sits within the Christian Church,
29:59 incredible blindness.
30:02 Now we have previously identified
30:06 the little horn and the beast
30:10 as the Roman Catholic papacy,
30:11 the first beast of Revelation 13,
30:14 the beast that rises from the sea.
30:17 However, we have also said
30:19 that another beast rose after this first beast.
30:24 It is a beast that did not rise from the sea,
30:27 it rather rose from the earth.
30:30 And we have identified this beast
30:33 as representing which nation?
30:36 It represents the United States of America.
30:41 The beast has two horns like a lamb,
30:45 but it ends up speaking like a dragon.
30:49 The two horns of course,
30:51 represents civil and religious liberty.
30:53 The two horns represent
30:55 the separation of church and state
30:57 because when you join church and state,
30:59 there is neither civil nor religious liberty.
31:02 And our founders of the United States
31:04 knew this very well.
31:06 And so they radically separated church and state,
31:09 and they guaranteed full civil and religious liberty.
31:12 It's called Republicanism and Protestantism,
31:17 that is a state without a king and a church without a pope,
31:21 if you want a description of what that means.
31:24 Now this beast that rises
31:26 from the earth will speak like a dragon
31:30 but this beast is given another name in Revelation.
31:33 Not only is it the beast that rises from the earth,
31:37 but this beast has another name
31:40 in the Book of Revelation.
31:41 You see... Now wait a minute.
31:43 What's the name that has given,
31:45 the other name that has given to this beast?
31:48 Well, let's go to Revelation 16:13.
31:53 Revelation 16:13.
31:58 Now you remember
31:59 that in Revelation, Chapter 12 and 13,
32:01 there are three beasts.
32:03 In Revelation Chapter 12 you have the dragon.
32:08 In Revelation 13:1-10, you have the beast.
32:12 And in Revelation 13:11-18,
32:14 you have the beast from the earth.
32:17 So how many are God's enemies?
32:20 God's enemies are three, right?
32:22 The dragon... What does the dragon represent?
32:26 Come on. What does the dragon represent?
32:28 It represents Satan but there's more to the story.
32:33 Who tried to kill the child when the child was born?
32:38 Was it Satan?
32:40 Did Satan stand next to Mary with a pitchfork in his hand
32:43 and his tail sticking out, ready to kill Jesus
32:46 when Jesus was born?
32:47 By the way, the devil is not like that.
32:49 I'm just...
32:51 You know, giving you a description
32:53 of what many people think the devil looks like
32:54 but he was a beautiful angel according to scripture.
32:57 But Ellen White says that he's aged.
33:00 You wanna read it in Early Writings page 152,
33:02 he's getting old, his hair is receding.
33:06 Anyway, I'm not gonna get into that description.
33:08 But in Revelation Chapter 12, it says that the dragon
33:12 stood next to the woman to devour a child
33:14 as soon as the child was born.
33:16 Well, the fact is,
33:17 the devil did not do that in person.
33:19 What did he use?
33:20 He used the ruler of the Roman Empire, Herod.
33:23 So the dragon even though primarily
33:26 it represents Satan, it represents Satan
33:29 working through Pagan Rome.
33:32 So the dragon in Revelation 12 is Pagan Rome.
33:35 Then in Revelation 13:1-10,
33:38 you have the beast that rises from the sea.
33:40 That beast that rises
33:41 from the sea blasphemes against God,
33:45 he persecutes the saints of the most High
33:48 and he rules for 42 months,
33:49 the same thing that the little horn did.
33:53 So the beast from the sea represents the same thing
33:55 as the little horn.
33:57 And we know that that beast represents
33:59 the Roman Catholic papacy.
34:02 But then you have the next beast
34:04 whether as the first beast of Revelation 13
34:07 is receiving its deadly wound,
34:09 that's when the next beast rises
34:11 from the earth.
34:13 And it's the beast that has two horns like a lamb
34:14 and speaks like a dragon.
34:16 Now let's notice that these three powers
34:20 are mentioned here in Revelation 16:13.
34:23 Notice what it says.
34:26 John is seeing something,
34:28 "Then I saw three evil spirits
34:32 that look like frogs.
34:35 They came out of the mouth of the dragon..."
34:38 Is that one of the powers
34:40 that's mentioned earlier in Revelation?
34:42 Yes.
34:43 And out of the mouth of whom?
34:46 Of the beast.
34:48 Is that the second power that is mentioned
34:50 in Revelation 13:1-10?
34:51 Absolutely.
34:53 "And out of the mouth
34:54 of the false prophet."
34:58 So what is the name of this beast
35:00 that rises from the earth?
35:02 It is what? It is the false prophet.
35:06 But the question is, whose false prophet?
35:10 Well, it's gonna claim to be God's false prophet,
35:14 or God's Prophet, God's true prophet.
35:18 But really, it is someone else's prophet.
35:21 And you see, "Now,
35:22 whose profit would it be really?"
35:24 Even though he claims to be God's prophet,
35:27 this power actually is the prophet of someone else.
35:31 He's a false prophet.
35:35 Let me ask you, whose false prophet is he?
35:38 He is the false prophet of the beast
35:41 that rises from the sea.
35:43 He is the false prophet of the papacy.
35:46 You say, well, how do you know that?
35:49 We already covered this before
35:51 but we need to look at it again.
35:53 Everything that this second beast
35:56 of Revelation 13 does,
35:59 it does to help the first beast.
36:03 It speaks for the first beast
36:05 and it acts for the first beast.
36:08 Are you following me or not?
36:10 So basically, this beast that rises
36:13 from the earth is the messenger
36:16 or the emissary of the first beast
36:20 of Revelation 13.
36:21 It is the spokesperson for the papacy.
36:24 It is the papacy's false prophet,
36:27 even though it claims to be God's true prophet.
36:31 Now you'll remember Revelation Chapter 13.
36:34 It tells us that this beast from the earth,
36:36 the false prophet,
36:38 exercises all of the authority of, whom?
36:43 Of the first beast.
36:45 It commands everyone to worship the first beast.
36:49 You can read it in Revelation 13:11-18.
36:53 Everything that it does,
36:54 it does in the presence of the first beast.
36:59 In many Bible versions believe that that expression
37:01 in the presence means on behalf of,
37:05 for example, the New International Version.
37:07 And that would be very significant
37:08 because then this beast would act in favor of
37:12 or in behalf of the first beast.
37:15 In those verses, it also tells us that
37:18 this beast from the earth, the false prophet
37:21 makes an image of the first beast
37:25 and it also imposes the mark of the first beast.
37:30 So whose spokesperson is this beast
37:33 that rises from the earth?
37:34 This false prophet.
37:36 He's the spokesperson for the first beast,
37:39 for the Roman Catholic papacy.
37:41 Are you catching the picture?
37:43 That's why he's called the false prophet.
37:45 He claims to speak for God,
37:47 but he's actually speaking for whom?
37:50 He's actually speaking for the beast.
37:53 Now let's pursue that just for a minute.
37:56 What day of worship does the papacy
38:00 say that we're supposed to keep?
38:03 Sunday.
38:05 Where do they get that idea from?
38:08 From Exodus 20?
38:11 From Genesis Chapter 2?
38:14 No.
38:15 They get it from church tradition.
38:18 Where do Protestants get it from?
38:21 From the Bible?
38:23 They might claim to get it from the Bible.
38:25 They might misuse texts from the Bible but really,
38:30 where did it come from?
38:32 It came from the Roman Catholic papacy,
38:34 from the mother.
38:36 And they still have a lock of her hair
38:39 like we read last night.
38:41 They have never been able
38:42 to get totally loose of the papacy,
38:45 because they keep the same day.
38:46 They are an image of the papacy in the day
38:49 that they keep.
38:51 What does the papacy believe concerning the dead?
38:56 Basically, they believe that the dead know everything.
39:00 The Bible says that the dead know not anything.
39:03 But the papacy teaches
39:05 that the soul of man is immortal.
39:07 And when a person dies, if they were evil,
39:10 they go to hell.
39:12 If they were righteous, they go to heaven,
39:14 their soul goes to heaven.
39:16 And if they were semi righteous or semi wicked,
39:19 they go to purgatory.
39:22 And if they have not reached the age
39:23 of accountability, their soul goes to limbo.
39:28 It's amazing
39:29 how they invent different spheres.
39:32 But really, what the papacy is doing
39:36 is they're contradicting
39:37 the clear testimony of the Bible,
39:39 where we are told the living know
39:41 that they will die,
39:43 but the dead know not anything.
39:46 They're sleeping according to scripture,
39:48 until Jesus comes to resurrect them,
39:50 they are neither in heaven nor in hell.
39:54 What do Protestants generally believe
39:56 about the state of the dead?
39:59 Do they believe that the dead know nothing?
40:02 No.
40:03 They believe what?
40:05 That the dead aren't dead.
40:07 They believe in the immortality of the soul.
40:10 They also believe that if a person is righteous,
40:12 their soul goes to heaven at death.
40:14 If they were unrighteous,
40:15 their soul goes to hell to burn in the fires.
40:19 Where did they get that from?
40:20 From the Bible? No.
40:23 They got it from the Roman Catholic papacy.
40:25 They were never able to break loose
40:28 totally from the errors of the papacy,
40:30 they did not finish the Reformation.
40:33 And so doctrinally,
40:36 Protestantism is an image of the papacy in many regards.
40:42 But as we've studied, Protestantism is also an image
40:47 of the papacy in the method it uses to interpret prophecy.
40:52 It is an image of the papacy
40:55 in its prophetic interpretation,
40:57 because the Roman Catholic Church
41:00 through the Jesuit Alcazar,
41:03 said that all of the Antichrist prophecies
41:05 were fulfilled in the distant past.
41:10 Do the mainline Protestant churches teach that same thing?
41:14 Yes, they do.
41:16 The Jesuit Ribera said that
41:18 all of these prophecies will be fulfilled in the future
41:22 after the rapture of the church.
41:25 Do conservative Protestants believe that?
41:28 Yes, they do.
41:30 Where did Protestants get preterism and futurism?
41:33 From sitting down and studying the Bible?
41:35 No, they got it from the Roman Catholic papacy.
41:39 And so Protestants are an image of the papacy doctrinally,
41:45 because of the Sabbath and the state of the death
41:47 and their view of hell,
41:48 and also in their method of interpreting prophecy.
41:52 Are you with me?
41:54 Raise your hand if you're understanding
41:55 what I'm saying.
41:57 Now if Protestantism had not gone astray
42:02 from its roots, do you think Billy Graham
42:05 would say that the Pope John Paul II
42:07 was the greatest moral leader of the world?
42:11 If Protestantism had not gone astray from its roots,
42:14 its prophetic roots, would Robert Schuller,
42:18 the founder of the famous Crystal Cathedral,
42:20 have said that he hopes that the day will come
42:23 when the entire Christian world
42:25 will accept the pope as its leader?
42:28 If Protestantism had not forsaken historicism,
42:32 would Paul Crouch, the Founder of TBN,
42:35 the largest religious chain of television stations
42:39 in the world have said, I'm not protesting anything.
42:44 Interesting.
42:45 I'm deleting the word Protestant
42:48 from my vocabulary is what he said.
42:51 If Protestantism still accepted historicism,
42:56 would the Lutherans have signed a joint declaration
42:59 of righteousness by faith with the Catholics?
43:02 Would they have signed the Joint Declaration
43:06 and righteousness by faith?
43:07 Would they have signed Evangelicals
43:09 and Protestants together?
43:13 Would Tony Palmer have said that
43:15 the protest is over
43:16 and now we are all Catholics again?
43:20 If Protestantism had hung on to its prophetic system
43:23 of interpretation, would Kenneth Copeland
43:25 say to the Pope,
43:27 we bless you with all our hearts,
43:28 we bless you with all our souls,
43:30 we bless you with all our might.
43:32 And we thank you, sir, we thank God for you.
43:35 And so all of us declare together, be blessed.
43:39 If Protestantism had hung on
43:41 towards prophetic historicist roots,
43:43 would Ralph Reed have said, "The truth,
43:45 my friends is this, Catholicism never has been,
43:49 is not today, and never will be a threat
43:52 to American democracy."
43:54 It was and remains the most colorful
43:57 and the most vibrant thread running through the tapestry
44:00 of American democracy.
44:02 If Protestantism had hung on to its roots of historicism,
44:06 would Rick Warren have said, "We are on the same team."
44:10 If Protestantism had hung on
44:12 to their prophetic interpretation
44:14 that points to the papacy as the Antichrist,
44:17 would James Robison had said, "Pope Francis,
44:20 let me just say to you, that I see Jesus in you,
44:24 in Christ we are brothers, we are family."
44:29 You tell me.
44:31 If Protestants had hung on to the historicist way
44:34 of interpreting prophecy,
44:36 which clearly identifies the papacy as the Antichrist,
44:39 would these leaders of the Protestant world
44:42 be saying such things?
44:44 They would not but they have totally lost
44:47 their prophetic roots.
44:49 Now let's go to Daniel 7:25.
44:55 Daniel 7:25.
44:58 We've read this verse before.
44:59 Now let's read it again.
45:02 Speaking about the little horn which represents the papacy,
45:06 we are told, "He shall speak great words
45:09 against the most high and shall wear out
45:13 the saints of the most high,
45:15 and think to change times and laws,
45:21 and they shall be given into his hand until a time,
45:24 times and the dividing of time."
45:29 So you'll notice that the papacy did two things
45:32 according to Daniel 7:25, actually did more but the ones
45:35 that I wanna focus on are that he thought he could change,
45:39 what?
45:41 The times and the law.
45:44 We've already noticed how the papacy claims
45:46 to have changed the law, by changing supposedly
45:49 the day of worship from Sabbath to Sunday.
45:52 We've also noticed the change in the times has to do
45:55 with supplying
45:57 a counterfeit prophetic scenario,
45:59 preterism and futurism in place of the proper method,
46:03 which is historicism.
46:05 Now here's my question.
46:07 Do you think that at the end of the 1260 years
46:12 of the time times and dividing of time,
46:15 God would raise up a movement to correct
46:19 these false views concerning the change
46:22 in the law and the change in the times?
46:26 Absolutely.
46:27 Go with me to Revelation 12:17.
46:30 Revelation 12:17.
46:34 In this verse, we're gonna find
46:36 God's response to the papacy's change
46:39 in the times and in the law.
46:41 God is going to raise up a remnant,
46:44 and that remnant is going to restore
46:46 the two things which the papacy ruined.
46:49 Notice Revelation 12:17.
46:53 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman
46:56 and went to make war with a remnant of her seed."
47:01 And this remnant has two characteristics,
47:03 which, what?
47:05 Keep the commandments of God.
47:09 How many of them? All 10.
47:13 Who keep the Commandments of God...
47:15 And not only do they keep the Commandments of God,
47:18 but they have another characteristic,
47:19 and what is it?
47:21 And have or possess the, what?
47:25 Possess the testimony of Jesus Christ.
47:31 In contrast to the little horn,
47:32 we thought it could change God's law.
47:34 God raises up a remnant of the woman's seed,
47:37 who keep the commandments of God.
47:41 And in contrast to the change in the times,
47:43 God raises up a remnant
47:45 with who has the testimony of Jesus
47:48 to correct the false prophetic views of the papacy.
47:53 Now what does the testimony of Jesus mean?
47:57 Well, let's go in our Bibles to Revelation 19:10,
48:01 because you're wondering, you're saying, "Okay,
48:03 keep the Commandments of God,
48:04 that would certainly be the correction
48:06 in the change of the law."
48:07 But is the testimony of Jesus, is that a correction
48:11 in the change of the times?
48:13 Well, let's notice what the testimony of Jesus is.
48:17 Revelation 19:10.
48:20 An angel appears to John and John is so overwhelmed
48:24 that he feels like he wants to bow down and worship.
48:28 It says there in Revelation 19:10.
48:31 "And I fell at his feet to worship Him.
48:35 However, he said to me, see that you do not do that.
48:38 I am your fellow servant."
48:41 And now notice this carefully,
48:43 "And of your brethren
48:46 who have the testimony of Jesus."
48:47 What do the brethren of John have?
48:51 The brethren of John have the testimony of Jesus.
48:55 And then notice, it continues saying,
48:57 "Worship God for the testimony of Jesus
49:00 is the Spirit of Prophecy."
49:04 So what would the remnant church have?
49:06 It would teach to keep the commandments of God,
49:08 including the fourth, thus counteracting
49:11 the change in the law and it will
49:13 also have the Spirit of Prophecy
49:16 to correct the wrong method of interpreting prophecy.
49:21 Now let's go to Revelation 22:8-9.
49:25 This is a parallel verse to Revelation 19-10.
49:29 Revelation 22:8-9.
49:34 It says here...
49:37 Once again an angel appears to John
49:39 and he feels the urge to worship this angel.
49:42 It says, "Now I John saw and heard these things.
49:45 And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship
49:49 before the feet of the angel who showed me these things.
49:53 Then he said to me, see that you do not do that,
49:57 for I am your fellow servant and of your brethren,"
50:02 the what?
50:03 The prophets.
50:05 Now let's compare the two verses.
50:07 What did the brethren have in Revelation 19-10?
50:11 The testimony of Jesus.
50:14 But what do they have in Revelation 22:9?
50:19 They are what?
50:20 Your brethren the prophets.
50:23 So what does it mean that the testimony of Jesus?
50:25 It means that you are a prophet.
50:29 So it says, in of your brethren,
50:30 the prophets,
50:32 and of those who keep the words of this book,
50:34 worship God.
50:36 Are you catching the picture?
50:39 Now somebody might say, well, Pastor Bore, you know,
50:42 maybe you're just linking
50:43 Revelation 12:17 haphazardly,
50:48 with, you know, Daniel 7:25.
50:52 How do you know that these two verses are related?
50:54 It's very simple.
50:56 If you go back to Revelation Chapter 12,
50:59 immediately before verse 17, I want you to notice
51:02 what we have, immediately before verse 17.
51:06 It says, "Now when the dragon
51:08 saw that he had been cast to the earth,
51:11 he persecuted the woman
51:12 who gave birth to the male child.
51:15 But the woman was given two wings
51:16 of a great eagle that she might fly
51:18 into the wilderness to her place,
51:20 where she is nourished for a time and times,
51:24 and half a time
51:25 from the presence of the serpent."
51:28 So Revelation 12:13-14 refers to the time times
51:34 and the dividing of time.
51:35 And then 12:17 says that there will be people
51:38 that keep the commandments of God
51:40 and that will have
51:41 the prophetic gift in their midst.
51:44 Do we find in Daniel Chapter 7,
51:47 a reference to the time times and dividing of time
51:49 when it comes to changing the law
51:52 and also changing the times?
51:54 Are you seeing the connection?
51:56 In other words,
51:57 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
51:59 did not appear like any other church.
52:02 The Seventh-day Adventist Church rose
52:05 in fulfillment to a specific Bible prophecy.
52:08 Revelation 12:17.
52:10 The Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches that
52:12 all of the commandments must be kept correcting
52:16 the supposed change in the law that the papacy did.
52:20 And the Seventh-day Adventist Church
52:22 also has in its midst,
52:24 a prophet that corrects the false
52:28 prophetic views of preterism and futurism.
52:32 Let me ask you, have you ever read the book
52:36 "The Great Controversy?"
52:39 Ellen White stated that there was...
52:41 If there's one book that God wants to go
52:45 to the whole world, it is "The Great Controversy"
52:49 and not the abbreviated one.
52:53 No, the full and complete "Great Controversy."
52:57 And you say why the full and complete one?
52:59 Simply folks because Ellen White
53:02 in that book follows the historicist method.
53:06 She's correcting the change in the law
53:09 by the Roman Catholic papacy.
53:11 She begins with the destruction of Jerusalem,
53:15 then she deals briefly with pagan Rome,
53:18 then she deals with the rise of the papacy,
53:22 then she speaks about the United States in prophecy,
53:26 then she speaks
53:28 about the healing of the deadly wound,
53:30 the image of the beast, the mark of the beast
53:34 and this beast, establishing something
53:38 or many things in support of the first beast.
53:42 And then she describes the terrible time of trouble
53:45 that will come upon God's people,
53:47 once the deadly wound is healed.
53:49 Then she describes how Michael will stand up
53:51 to defend his people.
53:53 Then she describes the seven last plagues
53:56 and then next she describes the moment
53:58 when Jesus comes to deliver his people from their enemies.
54:03 Then she goes on to describe the Millennium,
54:05 the events that take place during the millennium
54:08 and then the events that take place
54:10 after the millennium,
54:11 concluding with the new heavens and the new earth.
54:15 What method is Ellen White using?
54:17 Historicism.
54:20 The method of linking prophetic history,
54:23 link after link in the chain,
54:28 so that you can see at each moment
54:30 where you are in the flow of Bible prophecy.
54:35 Now we know why Ellen White stated
54:37 that she would want "The Great Controversy"
54:39 to go to the whole world.
54:42 Because I'll tell you folks, people might not read
54:46 "The Great Controversy"
54:47 right now but at the right time,
54:50 they will shake the dust off of those books
54:54 and they will say, you know, I have this book
54:56 "Great Controversy" and I just wonder
54:59 if it addresses any of the things
55:01 that are happening today.
55:03 And they will come to the chapter
55:05 on the United States in Bible prophecy.
55:08 And their eyes will be open.
55:09 They'll say, well, we're living that time right now.
55:13 And they will understand the things that are gonna come
55:17 and they will prepare a character fit
55:19 for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
55:23 Is the study of Bible prophecy important?
55:26 You know, these days people say, oh, no,
55:28 just talk to me about Jesus.
55:31 Well, prophecy is about Jesus, isn't it?
55:35 You know, once an individual,
55:38 a minister at a minister's meeting said,
55:42 they're in presence of all the ministers.
55:44 He says, I'm not interested in what's coming,
55:47 I'm only interested in who is coming.
55:51 Well, if you don't know what's coming,
55:53 you might accept the wrong who
55:57 because Satan is going to
55:58 counterfeit the second coming of Jesus Christ.
56:01 You better know how Jesus is gonna come,
56:05 or else you will accept the false Christ.
56:08 And so folks, what I want you to see
56:11 in these seven studies,
56:13 these seven historical studies that we've gone through so far,
56:16 is the tremendous importance of studying Bible prophecy,
56:20 understanding prophecy.
56:22 It makes us what we are as a church.
56:25 We originated with prophecy and we will end with prophecy.
56:30 Love, yes, we need to talk about love.
56:34 But prophecy is a revelation of Christ's love.
56:37 He tells us what's gonna happen
56:39 so that we can prepare.
56:41 Or we'll just think that Jesus is too loving,
56:43 He says, oh, no, what's coming is terrible.
56:45 I don't want to traumatize them.
56:48 And so I won't say anything.
56:50 Is that love?
56:52 People say don't preach the Third Angels' Message,
56:55 it scares people.
56:56 And by not talking about, you're gonna scare them
56:59 right into hell or not scare them
57:02 right into hell rather.
57:04 Folks, we need to recover as Adventists, our message.
57:08 The reason for our existence, our mission.
57:12 Hawaii needs to know about this,
57:14 not only Hawaii, but the rest of the world.
57:17 The Three Angels' Messages need to go to every nation,
57:21 kindred, tongue, and people.
57:26 The Seventh-day Adventist Church
57:27 is historicism last stand in the world.
57:31 There is no other church
57:33 that is strictly historicist church.
57:36 There might be individuals
57:38 who have elements of historicism
57:40 but the Seventh-day Adventist Church
57:42 is the last great hope for the world understanding
57:46 Bible prophecy and woe to us.
57:49 If we don't take what God has given us
57:52 and prepare ourselves
57:54 and also proclaim it to the world,
57:56 so that people in the world can also
57:59 be ready for that awesome event,
58:02 the second coming of Jesus Christ
58:04 in power and glory.


Revised 2019-11-14