Series Code: TPP
Program Code: TPP000005A
00:15 Well, hello everybody.
00:17 Welcome. 00:19 We're glad you are here. 00:21 Before we begin, 00:23 I would like to mention that the first seven presentations 00:27 in this series are contained in this book 00:31 that I wrote a few years ago. 00:34 It's called, "Futurism's Incredible Journey." 00:37 Now this evening, we have session number five 00:40 and also session number six, 00:43 and then in our next presentations, 00:46 number seven will conclude the material 00:50 that is found in this book. 00:52 In the book, there is much more material 00:54 than what I'm able to present here. 00:56 So I would encourage you to obtain a copy of this book, 01:00 "Futurism's Incredible Journey," 01:02 where there's a lot of documentation 01:03 and a lot of additional material. 01:06 At this time, we want to have a word of prayer to ask 01:09 the Lord to bless our study together. 01:11 So let's bow our heads for prayer. 01:12 Father in heaven, 01:14 we thank You for this wonderful, 01:15 beautiful day and we ask that as we open Your Word, 01:18 that Your Holy Spirit will hover over this place, 01:21 open our minds and hearts, give us understanding 01:23 and help us to receive the message 01:25 and to help others understand 01:28 the prophetic times that we're living in. 01:30 We thank You for hearing our prayer, 01:32 for we ask it in Jesus' name, amen. 01:37 In our last study, we noticed how the Roman Catholic papacy 01:42 through two of its able scholars 01:45 shifted the interpretation of Bible prophecy 01:50 from the papacy as the Antichrist 01:54 to Antiochus Epiphanes and Nero, 01:58 or a future Antichrist 01:59 that supposedly will arrive at the end of the age. 02:03 In this way, the papacy as we've noticed, 02:06 intended or attempted to change God's times. 02:12 Because the word times 02:13 refers to God's sequence of prophetic events, 02:18 which we've already noticed 02:19 the method is the historical method 02:21 or the historicist method, 02:23 where you have prophecy 02:25 beginning of the days of the prophet 02:27 and then prophecy fulfilled step after step, 02:30 culminating 02:31 with the setting up of Christ's everlasting kingdom. 02:33 The papacy totally shifted and changed 02:36 that way of understanding prophecy. 02:39 And it was very successful in getting rid of historicism 02:44 among most Protestants in the world. 02:47 Now, for the 300 years after the Protestant 02:51 Reformation began in 1517, 02:54 when Luther nailed his 95 theses 02:56 to the door of the cathedral at Wittenberg, 03:00 Protestants remained faithful to their prophetic principles. 03:04 But in the decade of the 1830s, 03:07 and I want you to mark that date, 03:09 it's a very important date. 03:11 In the decade of the 1830s, in Great Britain, 03:17 there was a shift in the Protestant understanding 03:21 of Bible prophecy. 03:23 The apostasy from historicism 03:26 began around the year 1826, 03:30 when an Anglican scholar by the name of Samuel Maitland 03:34 wrote a series of pamphlets 03:37 and the title of those pamphlets was, 03:39 "Enquiries." 03:41 In these pamphlets, 03:43 this Protestant Anglican scholar Samuel Maitland 03:47 actually stated that the papacy did not fulfill 03:51 the specifications of the Antichrist prophecies. 03:56 He said that Antichrist would be an individual 04:02 that would rebuild the literal Jerusalem temple. 04:06 He would sit in the literal temple 04:09 for three and a half literal years, 04:11 and he would persecute the literal Jews. 04:15 And so basically he was exonerating the papacy 04:18 from fulfilling the prophecy concerning the Antichrist. 04:24 Very soon, other scholars of the Anglican Communion 04:28 joined Samuel Maitland 04:31 in exonerating the Roman Catholic papacy 04:34 from fulfilling the Antichrist prophecies. 04:37 I'd like to mention two of those Anglican scholars 04:41 that in the 1830s 04:43 shifted the interpretation of Bible prophecy 04:47 and its Antichrist from the papacy to Nero 04:52 and Antiochus or to a future Antichrist. 04:57 One of those scholars was Robert Berg. 05:00 And I'd like to read three statements 05:03 by Robert Berg, who was an Anglican. 05:05 You know, the Anglican Church was a Protestant Church, 05:08 it still is supposedly, 05:10 although they've gotten very close 05:12 to the Roman Catholic papacy. 05:13 But I want to read you 05:15 three statements of Robert Berg, 05:17 who joined Samuel Maitland, in stating that the papacy 05:21 did not fulfill the Antichrist prophecies. 05:24 Robert Berg wrote 05:26 and by the way, he lived from 1800 to 1866. 05:30 His first statement says, "First that 'the Man Of Sin' 05:35 is not popery appears from the necessity 05:40 that this chapter," That's Daniel 7, 05:43 "be understood of an individual 05:47 and not of a power or office 05:49 vested in numbers or held by succession." 05:54 So basically what he's saying is, 05:55 the Man of Sin of 2 Thessalonians 2 05:58 and the little horn of Daniel Chapter 7 06:01 will be an individual. 06:03 It is not a power or an office 06:06 vested in numbers or held by succession. 06:10 In the second statement, he wrote the following. 06:13 And I quote, "I would say that an individual is intended, 06:19 one person 06:20 whose pretensions live and die with himself." 06:24 So it's not a system. 06:26 It's not the Roman Catholic papacy 06:28 that ruled for hundreds of years, 06:31 actually 1,260 years. 06:34 He says, "No, the Antichrist will be a single individual." 06:38 And he stated, 06:40 "Whose pretensions live and die with himself." 06:44 And in the third statement, he wrote the following. 06:48 "Secondly, 06:49 the nature of these same acts and pretensions 06:53 prove that the 'man of sin' is not the Pope." 06:58 So he's saying the action of the Roman Catholic system 07:02 does not allow the Pope to be the fulfillment 07:05 of these Antichrist prophecies. 07:08 Another notable scholar from the Anglican Communion 07:11 who followed Samuel Maitland 07:14 as well as Robert Berg was James Todd. 07:18 He lived from 1805 to 1869. 07:22 In 1838, he wrote a very influential document. 07:28 The title of it was, 07:30 "Discourses on the Prophecies Relating to Antichrist 07:34 in the Writings of Daniel and St. Paul." 07:38 That's a long title. 07:39 You know, when they wrote books back then, 07:41 they put long titles, and even longer subtitles. 07:45 So the name of the book was, "Discourses on the Prophecies 07:48 Relating to Antichrist 07:49 in the Writings of Daniel and St. Paul." 07:51 So basically, he's dealing with Paul's comments 07:56 on 2 Thessalonians 2 07:58 and on the prophecies of Daniel 7. 08:01 What did James Todd say? 08:04 First, he said, "Antichrist is an individual, 08:08 who will appear shortly 08:09 before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. 08:13 Secondly, Antichrist will sit in a rebuild Jerusalem temple." 08:19 Then he said, 08:20 "Antichrist will rule for 1,260 literal days. 08:26 And another thing which he said, 08:28 which is very significant, 08:29 "The fourth kingdom of Daniel 7 was not the Roman Empire." 08:35 Do you remember that we dealt with that and we noticed 08:38 that Ribera had that same argument 08:41 that the fourth kingdom is not 08:43 the Roman Empire and also the preterist. 08:46 He also stated that the Roman Catholic Church 08:49 was a true church, a true Christian Church. 08:54 So his argument was, if the Roman Catholic Church 08:57 does not fulfill the Antichrist prophecies 09:00 and it is a true Christian church, 09:03 then why shouldn't the Anglican Church 09:06 join with the Catholics? 09:08 Let me just read you three statements 09:10 from the writings of James Todd. 09:15 They're short statements, 09:16 but they tell us his concept of the Antichrist. 09:19 The first statement says, and I quote, 09:23 "Romanism is not properly an apostasy from the faith." 09:29 So he's saying that the Roman Catholic theology 09:32 is not an apostasy from the faith. 09:34 In the second statement, and I quote, 09:37 he said and or wrote, 09:40 "The errors of Romanism do not amount to apostasy." 09:46 And in the third statement, he wrote, 09:49 "The Church of Rome is a true Christian Church." 09:54 The reason why he could say this 09:56 is because once again he projected 09:58 all of the Antichrist prophecies to the future, 10:01 to a single individual 10:03 who was gonna rebuild the Jewish temple. 10:05 He was gonna rule for 1,260 literal days, 10:09 and he was gonna persecute the literal Jews. 10:12 So he said, "If the Antichrist is gonna be an individual 10:15 in the future right before the Second Coming of Christ, 10:18 then the papacy does not fulfill 10:20 any of the Antichrist prophecies. 10:23 Well, around this same time, 10:25 between the year 1833 and 1845, 10:29 and I want you to mark the date. 10:32 We're gonna talk in our next presentation 10:35 about something that was happening 10:37 at the same time 10:39 in the United States of America, 10:41 The Millwright Movement, 10:43 that's very, very significant we're going to see. 10:46 But at the same time, 10:47 a movement arose 10:49 whose name was the Oxford Tractarian Movement. 10:55 Basically, it was called a Tractarian Movement, 10:57 because 90 tracks of the times as they were called 11:03 were published during this period. 11:05 Basically, these pamphlets 11:08 made it clear that it was their desire 11:11 of the scholars of the Anglican Communion 11:13 to deprotestantize the Church of England. 11:18 And in these tracks, 11:20 these influential men such as Berg, and Todd, 11:24 and Maitland, and others, 11:26 wrote that the papacy was a true Christian church, 11:29 and that the specifications of Antichrist 11:32 did not fit the papacy. 11:35 The arguments in these tracks were literalistic. 11:39 They dealt with a single individual 11:41 at the end of time, 11:42 who would be the Antichrist. 11:45 And so this track said, "If this is true, 11:48 that the papacy doesn't fit the specifications 11:51 of Antichrist, 11:52 then why can't the Anglican Communion 11:55 simply joined forces with the Roman Catholic Church?" 11:59 You see, when they forgot Bible prophecy, 12:02 the result was that they exonerate the papacy 12:06 from fulfilling Bible prophecy 12:08 and they say, "Why not join them?" 12:12 Now, one of the notable individuals who wrote, 12:15 actually he wrote 27 or 29 of these tracks for the times, 12:20 was an individual called John Henry Newman. 12:25 Now, he was a prolific writer, he was an Anglican minister, 12:30 he was also a scholar of the Anglican Communion. 12:34 And in these 29 tracks of the 90 tracks of the times, 12:40 he said, "The Protestant Reformation 12:42 was a tragic mistake." 12:45 And he openly advocated the need 12:48 for the Anglican Church to return to mother, 12:52 to return to the Roman Catholic Church. 12:55 By the way, Henry Newman later, we're gonna notice became 12:59 a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. 13:02 He forsook the Church of England in the year 1843. 13:09 In 1845, 13:10 he was received into the Roman Catholic Communion. 13:14 In 1846, he was ordained a Roman Catholic priest. 13:19 And in 1879, 13:22 he was named a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. 13:27 And for those of you who are versed in history, 13:29 John Henry Cardinal Newman 13:32 is a very significant and influential figure 13:35 in England at this time. 13:38 Now, we also need to take a look at another event 13:42 that was happening in another place, 13:44 and then we're going to return to England. 13:46 It just so happens that there was an individual 13:49 and this individual 13:50 is actually mentioned by Ellen White. 13:52 His name, Emmanuel Lacunza. 13:58 He was born in Chile 14:00 and he was a member of the Jesuit Order. 14:03 Now, we're not in England in the 1830s. 14:07 Now, we're dealing with an individual 14:09 and you're gonna see why I'm mentioning him now. 14:11 Who was born in Chile, 14:13 he was a member of the Jesuit Order. 14:15 And he wrote a very famous book. 14:17 The name of the book was, 14:19 "La Venida del Mesias en Gloria y Majestad." 14:23 Now for those of you are not acquainted with Spanish 14:26 that means, 14:27 "The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty." 14:31 He wrote this book in Chile. 14:34 However, his book somehow arrived in England 14:38 around the same time that John Henry Newman, 14:42 and James Todd, and Robert Berg were shifting 14:46 the Protestant interpretation of the Antichrist. 14:50 Now, this book written by Emmanuel Lacunza 14:55 had several basic views, 14:56 and I want you to remember that he's a Jesuit. 15:00 You remember that Al Kassar, the Preterist was a Jesuit. 15:05 You will remember that Ribera was a Jesuit. 15:09 You'll remember that Robert Bellarmine was a Jesuit. 15:13 And now you have Emmanuel Lacunza also a Jesuit. 15:18 I think that the Jesuits 15:19 are the ones that are behind this shift in Bible prophecy. 15:22 But basically, what was taught by Lacunza was, 15:26 first of all, Revelation Chapter 4-22 15:31 is still future from the time that he wrote. 15:34 In other words, nothing that is in Revelation 4-22 15:38 actually had been fulfilled 15:40 when Lacunza lived in the 1830s. 15:44 He also taught that the three and one half times 15:47 of Antichrist rule were literal years. 15:51 He also taught that Christ will literally reign on earth 15:55 during the millennium, during the thousand years. 15:57 He taught that the 144,000 would be literal Jews. 16:02 The temple in which the Antichrist would sit 16:05 would be a literal rebuilt Jewish temple. 16:09 And in that temple he stated that, 16:10 "During the thousand years, 16:13 literal animal sacrifices would be offered." 16:16 In other words, the sacrificial system 16:18 would be reestablished. 16:20 And he also stated that 16:21 the literal Jews during this period 16:24 would be regathered and converted 16:26 during the millennium, 16:28 and that God would literally fulfill His covenant 16:31 with a literal Jewish nation. 16:34 Does that sound like the Protestant interpretation 16:37 of Bible prophecy? 16:38 Does that sound like the Adventist interpretation 16:40 of Bible prophecy? 16:42 It's radically different in every detail. 16:46 The only thing that Lacunza 16:49 got right is that Jesus is coming 16:52 before the beginning of a millennium, 16:55 that he got right. 16:56 And Ellen White when she writes about Lacunza, 16:59 she says that he was right on that specific point. 17:02 By mentioning Lacunza, she's not saying 17:04 that everything that Lacunza taught 17:06 was kosher or was true. 17:09 You know, Ellen White also had 17:10 some things to say complimentary 17:12 about Martin Luther. 17:13 And Martin Luther didn't keep the Sabbath 17:16 and he believed that the dead weren't dead, 17:18 among other things. 17:19 So, Ellen White when she says that God used Luther 17:22 and inspired Luther to do his work, 17:24 we're not to understand that everything that Luther believed 17:27 and everything that he did was correct. 17:30 She's mentioning one specific point. 17:33 Now, let's return to England. 17:35 Remember the book that was written by Lacunza 17:38 with all these futurist ideas, 17:40 this Jesuit made it to England 17:44 at the same time 17:45 that the Oxford Tractarian Movement was taking place. 17:49 Now in England at this time also, 17:53 the church was in a terrible condition. 17:56 The Anglican Church had become dry, 17:59 formal, and stagnant. 18:02 And several men decided that they wanted to bring 18:04 revival to the Anglican Communion. 18:08 And so in 1825, these men, several of them, 18:13 established what is known as the Plymouth Brethren. 18:17 And the reason why they're called 18:18 Plymouth Brethren 18:19 is because they actually formed the movement in Plymouth, 18:23 England. 18:25 And their purpose was to bring revival to the Anglican Church. 18:30 Now, this organization or this Plymouth Brethren 18:34 had two notable figures 18:36 that had a great impact on the interpretation 18:39 of the prophecies regarding Antichrist. 18:43 One of them was Edward Irving 18:46 and the other one was John Nelson Darby. 18:50 They belonged to the Plymouth Brethren. 18:54 It's very interesting that Edward Irving, 18:57 who belonged to the Plymouth Brethren, 19:01 actually received a copy of Lacunza's book, 19:04 because he himself said so. 19:06 And he translated Lacunza's book into English, 19:09 because it was written in Spanish. 19:12 And Lacunza's book tremendously impacted 19:15 Edward Irving and Edward Irving, 19:17 of course, impacted the other men 19:19 that belonged to the Plymouth Brethren. 19:22 Now, as Irving read Lacunza's book 19:28 and was translating Lacunza's book, 19:30 he said, "There's something very strange 19:32 about the Book of Revelation." 19:34 The first three chapters mentioned the church, 19:38 the Seven Churches. 19:40 But, beginning in Chapter 4, all the way through Chapter 19, 19:45 there's not a single reference to the church. 19:49 He says, "It seems like the church in Chapters 4-19 19:54 is totally absent." 19:56 So he said, "How can we explain that the first three chapters 20:00 are all about the church age and yet Chapter 4-19, 20:05 there's not even one reference to the church. 20:08 And so he struggled with that, 20:10 until one day he was in church 20:15 and he had an ecstatic utterance. 20:19 You know what an ecstatic utterance is? 20:22 It's like he's making an utterance 20:25 under the influence of a spirit. 20:29 Now, there was an individual who was present there, 20:31 Samuel Prideaux Tregelles. 20:34 He was present at that meeting, 20:36 and he wrote the following about 20:39 how Irving came to his conclusions regarding 20:44 why Revelation 4-9 did not mention the church? 20:48 I want to read now from Samuel Prideaux Tregelles. 20:53 He wrote the following. 20:55 "I am not aware 20:57 that there was any definite teaching 21:00 that there would be a secret rapture of the Church 21:03 at a secret coming, until this was given forth 21:08 as an utterance in Mr. Irving's church. 21:12 From what was there received 21:14 as being the Voice of the Spirit. 21:16 But whether anyone ever asserted 21:18 such a thing or not, 21:20 it was from that supposed revelation 21:23 that the modern doctrine and modern phraseology arose." 21:27 That is the phraseology 21:28 about the rapture of the church. 21:31 He continues, 21:32 "It came not from Holy Scripture, 21:36 but from that which falsely pretended to be 21:39 the Spirit of God." 21:41 So now because of this utterance, 21:43 Irving says, "I know why Revelation 4-9, 21:47 doesn't make any reference to the church, 21:49 because the church is gone at that time. 21:51 The church has gone to heaven in the rapture. 21:55 In fact, futurists, 21:57 they will go to Revelation 4:1 and we'll come back 22:01 to this a little bit later on in this series. 22:04 And in Revelation 4:1, 22:05 God says to John, "Come up hither." 22:09 And so they say when John was told, 22:12 "Come up hither," 22:14 that is describing the rapture of the church 22:16 in Revelation 4:1. 22:18 And they say that the rest of Revelation 4, 22:21 all the way through Chapter 19, 22:24 all of those events are taking place 22:26 while the church has gone. 22:27 Well, the church went in the rapture to heaven. 22:29 So now, Edward Irving 22:32 had his explanation as to why the church 22:35 is not mentioned in Chapters 4-19. 22:38 It's because everything in those chapters deals 22:41 with what happens on earth after the church is in heaven. 22:45 Are you following me or not? 22:47 Now, it's not a coincidence 22:50 that a writer that still lives and has a TV program, 22:53 his name is Hal Lindsey. 22:56 Any of you ever heard of Hal Lindsey?" 22:59 He's written many books 23:00 from a totally futurist perspective. 23:03 And one book, which is very interesting. 23:06 It's called, "Vanished Into Thin Air." 23:09 You can imagine what it's about. 23:10 It's about the rapture of the church. 23:13 And basically what he says is 23:15 that while he was writing that book, 23:17 which is riddled with error with futurism, 23:21 he stated the following that happened to him 23:23 while he was writing the book. 23:25 "There were times that I experienced 23:28 the presence of the Holy Spirit in such power 23:32 that I went into an ecstatic state." 23:36 And so what he's saying is that this book 23:38 is not based on a study 23:40 and interpretation of scripture, 23:42 this book is actually based on, 23:45 as he says, an ecstatic state experience. 23:50 Similar to what Edward Irving had in his church. 23:55 You know, you cannot go by impressions. 23:58 He says that he had prayed for the Spirit 24:00 and that in this ecstatic utterance, 24:03 the Holy Spirit spoke to him. 24:05 Well, the fact is, folks, 24:07 that Pope John Paul II also prayed many hours a day. 24:12 And he believed that Sunday is the day 24:14 we're supposed to keep as the day of rest. 24:17 And he also believed that Mary was alive in heaven 24:20 and protecting Him. 24:22 A lot of prayer does not necessarily mean 24:24 that what you write is true. 24:26 We have to check everything that we teach 24:28 based on what is written in scripture. 24:32 Another individual 24:33 that was a member of the Plymouth Brethren 24:36 was John Nelson Darby. 24:38 And this individual we could consider 24:40 the Father of Futurism, 24:43 modern futurism in Protestantism. 24:46 I'd like to describe how Cardinal Newman's brother 24:52 described the physical appearance 24:55 of John Nelson Darby. 24:57 This is how he described 24:59 the physical appearance of Darby. 25:01 This is Newman's brother. 25:04 "A most remarkable man, 25:06 who rapidly gained an immense sway over me. 25:11 His bodily presence was indeed 'weak.' 25:15 A fallen cheek, a blood-shot eye, 25:19 crippled limbs resting on crutches, 25:22 a seldom shaven beard, a shabby suit of clothes, 25:26 and a generally neglected person, 25:28 drew at first pity, 25:30 with wonder to see 25:32 such a figure in a drawing room." 25:35 Now, don't be fooled by Darby's physical appearance. 25:39 He was tremendously influential 25:42 in futurism penetrating into Protestantism. 25:47 Darby did not believe 25:48 that history is important in the study of Bible prophecy. 25:53 He wrote the following. 25:55 "I do not admit history to be, in any sense, 26:01 necessary to the understanding of prophecy." 26:05 That's a remarkable statement. 26:07 In other words, we don't need to know history 26:09 in order to interpret prophecy. 26:11 The historical method is based on knowing history. 26:15 We begin with Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, 26:18 Rome, Rome is divided, then appears a little horn, 26:22 1,260 years, the deadly wound is healed. 26:26 We follow the historical trajectory. 26:28 History is vitally important. 26:30 But the problem is, 26:33 futurists have an interesting way of dealing 26:36 with the Antichrist prophecies. 26:38 They say that all prophecy was fulfilled. 26:41 All of Daniel 7 was fulfilled until the fourth beast, 26:44 until the Roman Empire. 26:46 But they say that the Roman Empire 26:47 was never divided 26:49 according to the specifications of the prophecy. 26:52 And therefore because it's not been divided, 26:54 in the future, a 10-nation Roman Federation, 26:58 a revived Roman Empire is going to appear. 27:00 And then the Antichrist is going to come up 27:03 among the 10-nation federation in the future 27:06 after the church is in heaven. 27:08 So if you have a gap of 2,000 years, 27:11 basically, between the fourth empire 27:15 and the rise of the Antichrist, 27:18 during that time you have historical vacuum. 27:21 There's nothing that occurs during that period. 27:24 You have no reference point to know 27:26 when the Antichrist is going to appear. 27:28 Are you following me or not? 27:29 So he says, "History is not important at all." 27:34 Darby also dichotomized the church in Israel. 27:40 He said that, "God has two different plans." 27:42 One plan for Israel, for literal Israel 27:45 and the other plan for the Christian Church. 27:48 I want to read once again what Darby wrote. 27:52 "I believe that God's purpose for Israel 27:56 and His purpose for the Church 27:58 are so distinct and mutually exclusive 28:03 that they cannot both be in force on earth 28:05 at the same time, 28:07 especially during the seven year tribulation. 28:10 If this is so, then the Church must be removed 28:15 before God can deal specifically again with Israel 28:19 as defined in Daniel's prophecy." 28:22 He's referring to the prophecy of the 70 weeks in Daniel 9. 28:27 So basically what he's saying in this quotation is that, 28:30 "God has one plan for literally Israel, 28:33 and he has another plan for the Church." 28:35 And when the Jews rejected Christ 28:37 at the first coming, 28:39 God put His plans for literal Israel on hold, 28:43 and they've been on hold for the last 2,000 years. 28:47 And we've been living in the times of the Gentiles. 28:50 And when the Church is rapture to heaven, 28:54 then God will start His plan 28:57 once again for literal Israel on earth. 29:01 And so he dichotomies, 29:03 he radically made a distinction between Israel and the Church, 29:07 two different plans of God. 29:10 Now, Darby traveled to the United States 29:13 from England six times, 29:16 between 1859 and 1874. 29:20 He had written several books, 29:22 which he brought to the United States 29:24 as he visited those six times. 29:27 But Darby's books at first had very little influence 29:31 in the United States. 29:32 They basically gathered dust 29:35 on the shelves of the libraries. 29:37 That is, 29:39 until a certain individual discovered his books one day. 29:45 The name of that individual was C. 29:47 I. 29:49 Scofield, Cyrus Ingerson Scofield. 29:53 Has anybody ever heard of C. 29:54 I. Scofield? 29:56 You see, he discovered in one of the book stands 30:01 a book that was written by Darby, 30:03 and he read it. 30:05 And he said, "Wow, this is the way 30:06 that we should be interpreting prophecy." 30:09 Now, Schofield was converted in the year 1879. 30:14 He pastored a large congregational church 30:17 in Dallas, Texas. 30:19 He became an avid believer of Darby's futurism. 30:24 In 1888, he published a book that is still famous 30:27 among those who believe the futurist scenario. 30:30 The name of the book was, 30:31 "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth." 30:34 He also began a monthly publication, 30:36 which was published for many, many years called, 30:40 "The Believer." 30:42 He also taught in Dwight Moody's Bible School, 30:46 and thousands of ministers, Protestant ministers, 30:49 went through Moody Bible School, 30:52 and were taught by him. 30:54 He also organized Bible Conferences 30:57 all across the United States. 30:59 In other words, this was not a lightweight individual. 31:03 He was the evangelist, if you please, 31:06 for Darby's point of view. 31:08 But the most influential thing that Scofield did, 31:12 was write actually compose 31:15 because he didn't write the Bible, 31:16 but he added footnotes 31:18 in what is known as the, "Scofield Reference Bible," 31:23 which was published in 1909. 31:26 This Bible is still 31:29 the Bible of choice of Protestants 31:31 that have a futurist perspective of Bible prophecy. 31:35 It is a Bible 31:36 that in the prophetic sections has footnotes, 31:39 explaining Bible texts from a futurist perspective. 31:44 So when you go to Daniel 8, 31:47 the little horn is Antiochus Epiphanes 31:49 and it goes into an explanation. 31:51 When you go to Revelation Chapter 13, 31:53 well, the Antichrist, the beast is gonna be an individual 31:58 who will rise at the end of the age. 32:01 The texts that seem to indicate 32:02 that the temple will be rebuilt, 32:04 he says, "See the temple will be rebuilt 32:06 after the rapture of the Church." 32:08 And so this annotated Bible had all sorts of notes 32:12 explaining the prophecies from a futurist perspective. 32:15 And it became the Bible of choice 32:18 for conservative Protestants, 32:19 Pentecostals, Charismatics, and Evangelicals. 32:24 Now, I'd like to read a statement by Richard Kyle. 32:28 He was once a futurist. 32:30 In fact, he belonged to the Plymouth Brethren. 32:33 Because the Plymouth Brethren did not only exist in England 32:36 and in the 1830s, 32:37 they continued even till 32:39 the time when Richard Kyle wrote. 32:42 This is what he says about the Scofield Reference Bible, 32:46 "Scofield's enduring legacy 32:49 rests in his Reference Bible -published in 1909, 32:55 expanded in 1917, and revised in 1967. 33:01 Sales of this Bible total about 10 million." 33:04 When he's writing this... 33:06 He's writing this about 20 years ago. 33:08 "The Scofield Bible 33:10 immediately became the standard of dispensationalism, 33:15 and for 90 years has been the major vehicle 33:19 for distributing dispensational ideas." 33:23 Dispensational is the same as futurist ideas, Ribera's ideas. 33:29 The idea of the rapture of the church, 33:31 the rebuilding of the Jewish temple, 33:33 the literal three and a half years, 33:36 and a personal Antichrist rising at the end of the age. 33:41 Now, there has been a phenomenal growth of futurism 33:45 among Conservative Protestants in the United States. 33:48 And that is due to five factors. 33:51 The first factor is what I just mentioned. 33:54 The Scofield Reference Bible 33:58 has extended futurism far and wide. 34:02 The second way 34:04 in which futurism has expanded in the United States 34:07 is through television evangelists. 34:10 You can turn on your television any Sunday morning 34:13 in the United States. 34:15 I don't know if you... 34:16 I know Hawaii is part of the United States, 34:18 but you're a long ways 34:19 from the mainland of the United States. 34:22 I don't know if you have those programs here. 34:23 But individuals like John Hagee, for example. 34:27 They give series on Bible prophecy 34:28 from a futurist perspective. 34:31 So television evangelists 34:32 in the United States time and again, 34:35 they share in their sermons this futurist scenario. 34:39 Also, fiction and nonfiction books, 34:44 like the, "Left Behind" series 34:46 that was published several years ago, 34:48 has proliferated tremendously this futurist perspective. 34:53 The fourth factor 34:55 is the creation of thriller movies, 34:58 such as Left Behind, The Omega Code, 35:01 Armageddon, Tribulation Force, etc. 35:04 These popular Hollywood style movies, 35:07 they actually present the theory of the rapture 35:10 and of course, people don't take it as a theory, 35:12 they actually consider it to be fact. 35:15 And of course, the final factor 35:17 is the forming of thousands and thousands of ministers 35:22 in institutions such as Moody Bible Institute 35:26 and Dallas Theological Seminary. 35:29 Probably you have heard of the Left Behind series. 35:33 It was published in 12 volumes. 35:35 It's sold over 80 million copies. 35:38 And it was on the New York Times 35:41 bestseller list 35:43 for months and months, if not years. 35:47 Let me read here what Jerry Jenkins 35:51 had to say about the Left Behind book series? 35:55 I think it had something like 12 volumes. 35:57 And from a futurist perspective, 35:59 it was written like a novel, 36:01 but their purpose was to give the impression 36:04 that it was gospel truth. 36:06 Jerry Jenkins, who was one of the coauthors, 36:08 the other one was Tim LaHaye, wrote the following. 36:12 "The purpose was to encourage the church 36:16 and to persuade unbelievers. 36:20 We have found 36:22 that people are reading the Bible again 36:25 because of it 36:26 and many have become believers." 36:29 Believers in what? 36:31 Believers in the futurist perspective 36:33 through these series 36:35 that sold over 80 million copies. 36:37 And by the way, when these books came out, 36:40 politicians in Washington D.C. were reading these books 36:45 and assimilating the content of these books. 36:48 Tim LaHaye, 36:50 who was one of the coauthors of this series of books, 36:53 also wrote concerning the purpose of them. 36:56 And I quote, "I'm hearing from church pastors 37:00 all over the world." 37:03 By the way, at this point when he wrote this, 37:07 the books have been translated into 14 languages. 37:09 So this was not only the United States, 37:11 the books had gone worldwide. 37:13 So once again, "I'm hearing from church pastors 37:16 all over the world 37:17 and they're telling me 37:19 that the books are the best evangelistic tools 37:22 they've ever seen. 37:23 It's gratifying to see so much interest in this story 37:28 because, of any of the major world religions, 37:31 Christianity has the most exciting story 37:35 to tell about the future." 37:38 Are you catching the picture? 37:41 Futurism has overwhelmed Protestantism, 37:44 due to all of these factors that I've been mentioning. 37:48 Now, the number of futurist ministers 37:51 and theologians is Legion. 37:54 Let me say something about the television evangelists 37:57 and there are many of them. 37:58 Let me just mention some, Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye, 38:02 Grant Jeffrey, John Hagee, Benny Hinn, Jack Van Impe, 38:06 who passed away by the way, Jack LaLanne, 38:09 the late Dave Hunt, David Jeremiah, Zola Levitt, 38:13 Pat Robertson, Randall Price, Dwight Pentecost, 38:17 and even Jerry Falwell while he was alive. 38:20 All of these individuals, 38:22 tremendously influential leaders 38:24 in the Evangelical Movement, 38:26 all have programs where they were pushing 38:29 this futurist scenario of Bible prophecy. 38:33 You know, some of these individuals 38:36 have taken Bible prophecy to a ridiculous extreme. 38:41 Let me mention one example. 38:43 Grant Jeffrey wrote a book and the title of the book was, 38:46 "The Signature of God/The Handwriting of God." 38:51 And basically what he says in that book 38:54 is that the books of Daniel and Revelation 38:57 and the whole Bible have a secret code 39:00 and you can determine the code 39:02 by counting words forwards and backwards. 39:06 And you can discover all kinds of interesting details 39:09 about events that have happened in history. 39:13 In that book, he says that I have discovered a code 39:16 that reveals the death of Princess Diana 39:19 from biblical times, 39:21 the plague of AIDS, 39:23 the assassination of Franz Joseph I of Austria, 39:28 the peace process between Israel and the PLO, 39:32 the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, the Gulf War. 39:36 And he said, "I even discovered 39:38 in this secret code of the Bible, 39:40 the names America, George Bush, General Schwarzkopf, 39:44 the Scud-B missile, and Russia." 39:47 Wow, isn't that interesting. 39:49 He also claims that in that book anyway, 39:53 that he found the secret code 39:55 that revealed the name Oklahoma City, 39:59 and the name Timothy McVeigh, Oklahoma, 40:03 and even the day and the hour 40:06 where that bomb exploded there at the Oklahoma City 40:11 federal building. 40:12 He says that the day 19 and 9th hour 40:15 he could discover 40:16 by just studying the secret code that is find, 40:19 found behind the surface of Scripture. 40:22 Needless to say, 40:24 the Bible does not reveal trivia like this. 40:26 The Bible is concerned 40:27 with the large events of human history, 40:29 not with curiosities. 40:31 And it's ironic to me 40:33 that an individual like him can find hidden, cryptic, 40:38 secret veiled subliminal messages, 40:41 and he cannot figure out 40:43 something as simple as which is the right day 40:46 to go to church. 40:50 Now, let me say something about Dave Hunt. 40:53 Dave Hunt was a futurist, he died. 40:57 But he was not a run-of-the-mill futurist. 41:00 He actually wrote two books. Two very... 41:03 He wrote many books, but two very influential books 41:05 when it comes to this specific issue 41:07 we're talking about. 41:08 One was A Woman Rides the Beast and the other was Global Peace. 41:14 And in these two books, 41:16 he openly states without political correctness, 41:20 that the papacy 41:22 is the great harlot of Revelation Chapter 17. 41:26 That's different than the many futurists 41:29 to say something like that. 41:31 Now, I want to quote from him 41:33 about him identifying the papacy as the harlot. 41:38 And I quote, He says, 41:40 "Some suggest that the Vatican will move to Babylon in Iraq 41:46 when it is rebuilt. 41:48 But why should it? 41:49 The Vatican has been fulfilling John's vision 41:52 from its location in Rome for the past 15 centuries. 41:57 Moreover, we have shown the connection 41:59 to ancient Babylon 42:00 which the Vatican has maintained down 42:02 throughout history in a paganized Christianity 42:05 it has promulgated... 42:07 As for ancient Babylon itself, 42:10 it wasn't even in existence during the past 2,300 years 42:14 'to reign over the kings of the earth.' 42:16 Babylon lay in ruins 42:19 while pagan Rome and later Catholic Rome, 42:22 the new Babylon, was indeed reigning over kings." 42:26 So he's saying Babylon is not literal Babylon, 42:30 Babylon is the papacy. 42:33 So my question is this. 42:36 If Babylon is the papacy 42:38 and Babylon 42:40 was the deadly enemy of God's people, 42:42 why would Babylon be spiritual and Israel be literal? 42:46 Because he says, "Israel is literal, 42:49 but Babylon is spiritual." 42:52 Let me read you another statement that he made. 42:55 "God is foretelling His final judgment 42:58 upon a great evil which began at the Tower of Babel 43:02 and which has only grown as politics, religion, 43:05 and science have become more sophisticated-until 43:08 finally, the whole world is united 43:11 in the pursuit of Satan's ancient lie. 43:14 This is the Babylon, 43:16 revived and headquartered in Rome, 43:19 that will be destroyed, never to be inhabited again." 43:23 So he's saying Babylon is centered in Rome. 43:25 Now, wait a minute, to say that, 43:27 you would have to say that Babylon is not literal, 43:31 but it's symbolic. 43:32 So if Babylon is symbolic, of a worldwide apostate system, 43:37 why would Israel, 43:39 the enemy of Babylon be literal Israel 43:42 in the Middle East? 43:43 Are you understanding what I'm saying? 43:44 He's inconsistent. 43:46 Now, Dave Hunt believed 43:48 that the four world empires would be the empires 43:53 that we have Seventh-day Adventist believe, 43:55 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. 43:58 Now, let's notice 43:59 when he had this say about the four kingdoms 44:02 in Daniel Chapter 7. 44:04 "Daniel explained that Nebuchadnezzar, 44:06 represented by the head of gold, 44:08 was the ruler of the first world empire. 44:11 The three other parts of the image, 44:12 made of silver, brass, and iron, 44:15 foreshadowed three more world empires 44:17 that would follow Babylon as its successors. 44:21 In a later vision Daniel would be given 44:23 the name of the second world empire, 44:25 Medo-Persia, 44:26 and details concerning the third kingdom 44:29 which clearly identified it as the Grecian Empire. 44:33 The fourth world empire, of course, would be Rome. 44:36 That much is history." 44:38 And so you say good, 44:39 he believes just like Adventist. 44:41 But when you get to the fourth kingdom, 44:43 Dave Hunt says, 44:45 "The prophecy of Daniel 7 was only fulfilled to that point." 44:49 From that point on, there have been 2,000 years, 44:54 almost 2,000 years 44:55 where prophecy has been put on hold. 44:58 In other words, Daniel 7 did not continue 45:03 fulfilling immediately after the fourth empire, 45:06 but there's been a gap between the fourth empire 45:09 and the 10 horns, 45:12 which he says is a Roman 10-Nation Federation 45:15 at the end of time. 45:17 Now, let me read what he has to say about this gap 45:20 of 1,900 to 2,000 years, he wrote this. 45:24 "Obviously, what the toes represent 45:27 has not yet come to pass." 45:29 He says the toes of the image that hasn't taken place yet. 45:33 "God's kingdom was not established 45:35 'in the days of these 10 kings. 45:38 Furthermore," and this is amazing, 45:40 "the Antichrist never appeared 45:43 to take the reins of the ancient Roman Empire." 45:47 It's amazing. 45:49 He's saying, "There's no evidence 45:51 that a nasty individual took the reins of the Empire 45:54 after the Empire was divided in 10 kingdoms." 45:57 So he says Antichrist has not yet appeared. 46:01 You know, it's sad that Dave Hunt would say 46:03 something like this or write something like this. 46:06 For the simple reason that he describes Antichrist 46:09 and his description of Antichrist is very accurate. 46:13 Why could he not see then that the papacy had fulfilled 46:17 the Antichrist prophecies, 46:18 when he describes the papacy in detail? 46:21 Let me read you that statement. 46:24 It's following his book Global Peace, 46:25 pages seven and eight. 46:27 "While the prefix 'anti' generally means 46:32 'against' or 'opposed to.' 46:33 " You know, when we say anti, we say it means against. 46:36 So he says, "While the Greek prefix 46:39 'anti' generally means 'against' or 'opposed to,' 46:42 it can also mean 'in the place of' 46:44 or 'a substitute for.' 46:47 The Antichrist will embody both meanings. 46:51 He will oppose Christ while pretending to be Christ. 46:55 Instead of a frontal assault against Christianity, 46:59 the evil one will pervert the church from within 47:02 by posing as its founder. 47:04 He will cunningly misrepresent Christ 47:07 while pretending to be Christ. 47:10 And right here is where the plot thickens. 47:13 If the Antichrist will indeed pretend to be Christ, 47:17 then his followers must be 'Christians!' 47:21 " Are you understanding what he's saying? 47:25 And yet he can't see that the papacy fulfilled 47:28 the Antichrist prophecies. 47:30 Because he's all caught up in this same idea 47:33 that we noticed that futurism, the futurism of Ribera, 47:36 and Bellarmine, 47:38 and all of these individuals that arose at England 47:40 in the 1830s, 47:41 the idea 47:43 that the fourth kingdom was fulfilled, 47:45 but then the 10-nation federation never rose, 47:48 and therefore the Antichrist never rose 47:50 for the next 2,000 years, 47:52 and therefore Antichrist has not appeared. 47:54 And yet he describes perfectly what the Antichrist is like. 47:59 In fact, Hunt go so far as to say 48:02 that the reformers were wrong 48:05 about their interpretation of Antichrist. 48:06 Let me read that statement. 48:08 It's in the book Global Peace, page 47. 48:11 He admits what the reformers believed. 48:13 He wrote, "The Reformers and their creeds 48:18 were unanimous." 48:20 The reformers and their creeds were what? 48:23 Unanimous. 48:24 "In identifying each pope as the Antichrist. 48:29 Scripture, however, does not support that claim. 48:33 The Antichrist is a unique individual, 48:36 without predecessors or successors." 48:42 So what he's saying this Protestant evangelical 48:44 is saying that Martin Luther and John Calvin, 48:48 and Ulrich Zwingli, and Melanchthon, 48:50 and John Hus, and Wycliffe, 48:53 and Tyndale, they were all wrong 48:56 in their interpretation of the Antichrist. 48:58 He's saying that the Antichrist is a single individual 49:02 that will rise in the future. 49:04 What tremendous blindness. 49:06 And the reason why is because Protestantism 49:09 has forsaken the method, 49:11 the proper method of interpreting Bible prophecy, 49:14 the historicist method. 49:16 You see the historicist method is very, very simple. 49:20 It's not complicated. 49:21 You just follow the chain link by link of Bible prophecy 49:25 without gaps, 49:27 without any parentheses, if you please. 49:31 You know, we've studied it, you have Babylon, 49:33 then Medo-Persia rises when Babylon falls, 49:36 then you have Greece when Medo-Persia falls, 49:38 you have Rome when Greece falls, 49:40 and then Rome 49:42 without any gaps of 2,000 years, 49:45 Rome sprouts 10 horns, 49:47 the divisions of Western Europe. 49:48 And then when the 10 horns are complete in the year 476, 49:52 then in the year 538, the papacy rises to power, 49:56 it rules 1,260 years, 49:58 1798 the state turns against it 50:01 and it receives this deadly wound, 50:03 for a while it is convalescing. 50:05 But at the same time that it receives the deadly wound, 50:08 another beast is rising from the earth, 50:10 the United States. 50:11 So when the first beast is falling, 50:14 the second beast is rising 50:16 to fulfill the next stage of Bible prophecy. 50:18 Are you with me or not? 50:20 And so you can follow the trajectory of prophecy 50:23 all the way from the times of Daniel from Babylon, 50:26 all the way till the end of time 50:29 when you use the historicist method. 50:32 But when you use the futurist method, 50:35 you are navigating a sea 50:37 without compass and without anchor. 50:42 The bottom line is, folks, that Hunt's view 50:46 as well as the view of most futurists today, 50:51 harmonizes perfectly with the Roman Catholic papacy's 50:54 view of Bible prophecy. 50:57 The church will be removed at the rapture. 51:01 Of course, the Roman Catholic Church, 51:03 they created this system, but they're preterist now. 51:07 But they also created through Bellarmine and through Ribera, 51:11 the futurist method. 51:13 But that's not the method that they stuck with. 51:14 They stuck with preterism. 51:16 However, they were the ones that created 51:18 this counterfeit scenario of futurism. 51:22 So basically, the church will be removed 51:24 from earth at the rapture. 51:27 Antichrist will be an individual, 51:29 they're teaching, 51:30 who will rise at the end of time. 51:32 He will sit in a literal Jewish temple, 51:36 which has been rebuilt. 51:38 He will reign for a literal three and a half years. 51:42 The fulfillment of Revelation 4-9 is still future. 51:47 The millennium will take place on earth 51:52 and literal Israel will be on earth 51:54 and God will have His plan for literal Israel 51:56 during that period. 51:58 And another thing that futurism teaches 52:00 is that there's a gap between Daniel's 69th and 70th week. 52:06 We're gonna have two presentations 52:07 just on the prophecy of the 70 weeks. 52:10 But basically, what futurists teach. 52:12 They're all about gaps. 52:15 And in the gap of 2,000 years is hiding the Antichrist. 52:20 And in the gap that they put 52:22 between the 69th and the 70th week 52:25 of Daniel Chapter 9, 52:27 there we find that they placed Antichrist instead of Christ. 52:32 Are you acquainted with the prophecy 52:33 of the 70 weeks? 52:35 You know, the 69th week comes to an end, Messiah is anointed, 52:41 and then in the middle of the week, Messiah dies. 52:45 And then at the end of the week, 52:46 you have the stoning of Stephen. 52:47 That's the biblical perspective, 52:49 the Seventh-day Adventist perspective. 52:51 But what futurism teaches is 52:53 that you get the week number 69, 52:56 Jesus wanted the Jews to accept Him, 52:58 but when they rejected Jesus, 53:00 God had to suspend His plan for the Jews. 53:03 And he could not fulfill week number 70, 53:06 the last seven years. 53:07 So during the last 1,900 years, 53:11 the prophecy of the 70 weeks 53:13 has a gap 53:15 between week number 69 and week number 70. 53:18 Let me ask you, what does that do with the prophecy 53:20 of the 2,300 days? 53:22 Does the prophecy of the 2,300 days 53:24 depend on the 70 weeks being fulfilled consecutively 53:28 and then moving on to the year 1844? 53:31 Absolutely. 53:32 But if there's a gap of close to 2,000 years 53:35 between week 69 and week number 70, 53:39 the 1844 date is obliterated. 53:45 Boy, the devil really knows how to work, doesn't he? 53:48 And so most of Christendom has accepted either 53:52 preterist view or the futurist view. 53:57 Liberal Protestants from the mainline churches, 54:01 such as Lutherans, and the Methodists, 54:06 the Presbyterians, and to a certain degree, 54:10 some reformed churches have accepted the view 54:14 that prophecy was fulfilled in the past, 54:16 the Antichrist prophecies were fulfilled in the past. 54:19 Futurism tells us that these prophecies 54:22 will be fulfilled in the future. 54:25 You know, reading Protestant books these days 54:28 on Bible prophecy 54:30 is like reading the writings of Ribera, Bellarmine, 54:34 Newman, Lacunza, and company. 54:39 They have swallowed 54:41 the Roman Catholic view of Bible prophecy, 54:45 one of the Roman Catholic views that was established 54:49 immediately in the aftermath of the Protestant Reformation. 54:53 We're gonna find in our study, 54:56 that the Seventh-day Adventist Church 54:59 is historicism's last stand. 55:03 I don't know of any other church in the world 55:06 that uses a historicist method of interpreting Bible prophecy, 55:11 like the Protestant Reformers. 55:14 There's only one church in the world 55:15 that upholds that view 55:17 and that is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 55:19 the view that was held by the reformers. 55:22 And it's sad, folks, that even within 55:25 the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 55:26 there are those who are playing games 55:29 with this issue of Bible prophecy. 55:33 Some people, for example, are saying 55:35 that the seven trumpets are all future. 55:40 They're saying that the king of the north, 55:42 you know, that doesn't have anything to do 55:44 with the past of the papacy. 55:46 The king of the north, they say, 55:48 "Well, that represents Turkey 55:49 that has a very important role to fulfill at the end of time." 55:53 They say, "Oh, the king of the south," 55:55 you know, some people say, "That's the Muslims." 55:57 And so there's this process of reinterpreting 55:59 Bible prophecy. 56:02 When really we know what will be the last power, 56:05 you know, the powers that are gonna play 56:07 a role at the end of time are not the Muslims in Turkey. 56:11 The powers that are gonna play a role in end time prophecy 56:13 are the papacy, apostate Protestantism 56:17 joined with the kings of the earth 56:20 that is the scenario that is presented. 56:23 And yet, even within 56:24 the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 56:26 there are individuals who are reinterpreting prophecy 56:27 and projecting past prophecies to the future 56:30 and taking future prophecies 56:32 and projecting them to the past. 56:34 And sadly, 56:36 in many Seventh-day Adventist Churches, 56:38 we never even hear 56:40 the preaching of prophecy anymore. 56:42 The prophecies that made us 56:43 what we are as Seventh-day Adventists. 56:45 The prophecies that give us our mission and our message, 56:50 have been almost totally forgotten 56:52 in some circles 56:53 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 56:55 and the world needs to know, folks. 56:58 The world needs to know 56:59 about these dangerous interpretations, 57:01 about these dangerous systems 57:03 that are gonna play a role at the end of time. 57:07 And it's our duty as Seventh-day Adventist 57:10 to share this message with them. 57:12 And woe to us if we don't. 57:15 Because if we don't, they will be lost 57:18 and God will hold us accountable 57:20 because of the wonderful message 57:22 that He has given us. 57:24 You see, we know exactly how things are gonna conclude. 57:27 And so we can live at peace, we can say, 57:29 "Oh, you know, 57:30 we're not concerned and we're not worried. 57:31 We know where everything is going. 57:33 "The world is saying, 57:34 "I don't know what's happening." 57:36 Their hearts are failing them for fear. 57:37 We have a message of assurance for them. 57:40 So let's share it. 57:42 Don't be mean. 57:44 Be nice, but be truthful. 57:47 This is not a time for political correctness. 57:50 God is in the gathering time. 57:52 This is a time for us to proclaim His message 57:55 to the world in these last days and to prepare ourselves 57:59 for the awesome events 58:01 that will soon transpire upon this planet. 58:04 May God bless us and help us fulfill this mission. |
Revised 2019-11-14