The Prophetic Panorama

Protestantism's Prophetic Principles

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TPP

Program Code: TPP000003A

00:11 Welcome, it's good to see you here.
00:15 I want to invite you to bow your heads with me
00:17 as we asked the Lord's presence with us today.
00:20 Father in heaven, we thank You
00:22 for the privilege of being here.
00:24 We ask for divine wisdom to understand Your Word.
00:28 We're living in very, very turbulent times.
00:31 We want to know what Your will is,
00:34 and we want to abide in that will.
00:36 Thank you, Father, for hearing our prayer,
00:39 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus.
00:41 Amen.
00:44 Well, what we want to do first is review
00:48 the two topics that we studied
00:51 in our last presentations.
00:54 The first presentation was on the historical method
00:58 of studying Bible prophecy.
01:01 And you remember that we noticed that
01:03 the historical method begins in the days
01:06 when the prophet wrote,
01:08 and ends with a setting up
01:10 of Christ's everlasting kingdom.
01:13 And basically, we took Daniel 7 as our model
01:18 for the historical method.
01:20 And I want to review the sequence of events
01:22 in Daniel 7 as well as in Revelation Chapter 13,
01:26 because it's important that we remember that sequence
01:31 the links in the chain, if you please.
01:34 We have, first of all,
01:36 in Daniel Chapter 7, which kingdom?
01:41 Babylon, very well, Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon.
01:44 What is the next kingdom after that?
01:47 Medo-Persia, very well.
01:48 Then afterwards, we have a third kingdom
01:50 which is Greece.
01:52 And then we have a fourth kingdom
01:53 which is the Roman Empire.
01:56 And then what happens to that fourth beast?
02:00 Oh, it sprouts what?
02:02 It sprouts 10 horns. That's right.
02:05 In other words, the Roman Empire is divided.
02:08 And then among the 10 rises
02:12 a little horn,
02:13 and the little horn rules for how long?
02:16 1260 days,
02:19 but days in prophecy are equivalent to what?
02:22 Are equivalent to years.
02:24 And, of course,
02:26 what power is represented by the little horn?
02:28 It represents the Roman Catholic papacy,
02:33 not the Roman Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic papacy,
02:37 which is a system that unites church
02:40 with the state.
02:42 And then we went to Revelation Chapter 13.
02:45 And we noticed that Revelation 13
02:48 provides links in the chain that Daniel 7 doesn't.
02:52 Do you remember that the beast in Revelation 13,
02:56 the first beast that rises from the sea
02:58 represents the same thing as the little horn,
03:01 because it rules 42 months,
03:03 and 42 months times 30 days, each month is 1260,
03:09 the same number of years that we found
03:12 that the little horn ruled.
03:14 And so basically Revelation 13:1-10
03:17 tells us that the beast
03:19 which is the same as the little horn
03:21 ruled for 1260 years,
03:24 but at the end of the 1260 years,
03:27 what happened to the beast?
03:30 It received what? It received the deadly wound.
03:34 What weapon gave the beast the deadly wound?
03:38 It was the sword, and who bears the sword?
03:42 The civil power,
03:44 the state is the power that bears the sword.
03:48 Was the papacy wounded by the civil power?
03:51 Yes, France withdrew its support from the papacy.
03:55 In other words that took away the sword
03:57 from the papacy,
03:59 and with the sword it gave the papacy a deadly wound,
04:03 where's the sword is symbolic.
04:06 So we're told that the papacy received the wound
04:09 with a sword, the civil powers
04:11 withdrew their support from the papacy.
04:13 But then we noticed in Revelation Chapter 13,
04:16 that something is going to happen to that deadly wound.
04:19 What's going to happen to the deadly wound?
04:22 The deadly wound is going to be healed.
04:25 And all of the world is going to wonder
04:28 after the beast or the little horn.
04:32 You see, Daniel 7 doesn't explicitly tell us
04:34 that the little horn is going to have another period,
04:37 because Daniel Chapter 7 simply speaks
04:40 of the dominion of 1260 years
04:43 of the little horn.
04:44 But Revelation Chapter 13 adds
04:46 that at the end of the 1260 years,
04:49 it was going to receive a deadly wound
04:51 and then its deadly wound would be healed.
04:53 Now, which is the power that heals the deadly wound
04:57 according to the Book of Revelation?
05:01 That's right, the United States.
05:02 Another beast that rises from where?
05:05 From the earth's, it has two horns like a lamb.
05:09 These two horns represents civil and religious liberty,
05:13 the separation of church and state.
05:15 The fancy terms are Republicanism
05:17 and Protestantism.
05:19 And so for a while,
05:22 the United States behaves very well.
05:25 It abides by these two principles,
05:27 but then eventually it ends up speaking like what?
05:31 It ends up speaking like a dragon.
05:33 And we notice in our study,
05:35 in our first study of this series,
05:38 that this beast that rises from the earth,
05:42 actually everything it does is to help the first beast
05:46 recover its power.
05:48 It exercises all the authority of the first beast.
05:51 It commands everyone to worship the first beast.
05:55 It does everything in the presence
05:57 or on behalf of the first beast.
06:01 It builds an image of the first beast,
06:04 and it imposes on pain of death,
06:07 the mark of the first beast.
06:09 You see, everything this second beast does
06:11 is to help the first beast recover its power.
06:15 Has the deadly wound yet been healed?
06:18 No, when the wound is healed,
06:21 the papacy will behave in the future
06:24 like it did in the past.
06:26 And that will lead to the greatest time of trouble
06:29 in the history of the world.
06:31 The Great Tribulation that Jesus spoke about
06:34 in Matthew Chapter 24,
06:36 and the tribulation will be cut short
06:38 by the second coming of Jesus Christ
06:40 to establish His kingdom.
06:42 So you see Daniel Chapter 7 and Revelation 13
06:46 take us from Babylon,
06:47 which is the kingdom that existed in Daniel's day.
06:51 It takes us all throughout the course of history,
06:54 link after link culminating with the setting up
06:58 of Christ's everlasting kingdom.
06:59 Isn't this a nice method of interpreting prophecy?
07:03 It's discipline.
07:04 In other words, it's not guesswork,
07:06 you don't have to guess who the little horn represents.
07:09 All you have to do is know where the series starts,
07:12 follow the sequence.
07:14 And then when you get to the little horn,
07:16 you know what the little horn represents.
07:20 Now, in our second study, the last time,
07:24 we also notice that the little horn
07:27 would do something during the 1260 years,
07:31 two things.
07:32 First of all, it would think that it could change what?
07:35 God's law.
07:37 Has the Roman Catholic papacy claimed to change God's law?
07:41 Absolutely.
07:42 Even though the second commandment
07:44 that says don't make images
07:46 and don't bow down to the images.
07:47 The Roman Catholic Bibles have that commandment,
07:50 the Catechisms don't.
07:52 And the Catechisms are used
07:54 for instructing Roman Catholics children to prepare them
07:58 for first communion or for conformation.
08:00 And so, you know, the Roman Catholic Church
08:02 doesn't encourage people
08:04 to read the Ten Commandments in the Bible.
08:05 They say, the interpretation of the church in the Catechism
08:09 is the true interpretation of the matter.
08:12 Another way in which the papacy
08:14 sought to change God's law
08:16 was establishing a counterfeit day of worship.
08:19 The Bible says that we're supposed to keep
08:21 the seventh day Sabbath, but the papacy says no,
08:24 we are supposed to keep what?
08:26 Sunday.
08:27 And they say the church, the Roman Catholic Church,
08:30 the papacy changed the day from Sabbath to Sunday.
08:35 But we also notice that the little horn
08:36 not only would think it could change God's law,
08:39 but the little horn also thought
08:41 it could change God's what?
08:43 God's times.
08:45 Do you remember that we studied the times?
08:47 What does the word times mean?
08:50 What does Daniel 7 mean
08:52 when it says that the little horn would think
08:53 to change God's times?
08:56 Well, you received a handout this evening
08:59 with these two words, one is Hebrew and the other,
09:02 well, actually, some are Hebrew and some are Aramaic,
09:06 the word iddan and the word zeman.
09:09 I hope that you'll take this home
09:11 and look up all of these verses.
09:13 And you will see that iddan and zeman
09:16 are pretty much synonymous.
09:18 When the Bible says that God changes the times
09:22 and the seasons, and the Apostle Paul says
09:24 about the times and the seasons,
09:26 I don't need to tell you
09:27 because we've already studied prophecy.
09:29 When Jesus said to the disciples,
09:31 it's not for you to know the times or the seasons.
09:35 Basically, what it means is
09:37 that God is in control of the flow of world history.
09:40 He reveals how events are going to take place.
09:44 Did Nebuchadnezzar tried to change God's scenario?
09:47 Yes.
09:49 Did King Darius in Chapter 6
09:51 also tried to change God's scenario?
09:53 Absolutely.
09:55 But who controls the times? God.
09:58 And who commanded to keep His law?
10:01 God.
10:03 So what the Roman Catholic papacy did was,
10:06 first of all, say that you're supposed to keep Sunday
10:09 as a day of rest, changing God's law.
10:12 But it also, we're going to notice,
10:14 claimed to change the sequence of prophetic events.
10:19 And in the next several presentations,
10:21 we are going to study
10:23 how the papacy attempted to change
10:26 God's prophetic calendar.
10:28 How the events in the chain of prophecy
10:31 were going to be fulfilled.
10:34 Now, when we think of the Protestant Reformation,
10:37 expression such as Sola Scriptura,
10:41 scripture alone,
10:43 Sola Fide, faith alone,
10:46 Sola Gratia, grace alone come to mind.
10:50 But really,
10:52 these solas as I call them
10:56 were all reaction of the reformers
10:58 to the Roman Catholic papacy.
11:01 They had come to believe
11:03 that the Roman Catholic papacy was the Antichrist.
11:07 And I'm going to read several statements
11:09 from the reformers this evening a little bit later on
11:12 to show you what they believed about the Antichrist.
11:15 They believe that the papacy
11:16 was the Antichrist of Scripture.
11:19 How did they know that?
11:21 Well, the reformers used the historical method,
11:24 the historical flow method.
11:25 They knew that Babylon had passed,
11:28 they knew that Medo-Persia had passed,
11:30 they knew that Greece had passed,
11:32 they knew that the Roman Empire had passed.
11:34 They knew that the Roman Empire
11:36 had been divided into ten kingdoms.
11:38 So they said the Roman Empire was divided in 10 kingdoms
11:42 in the fourth and fifth centuries.
11:44 So it must be that the little horn
11:46 appeared shortly thereafter.
11:48 And so they look, they said,
11:49 "Where would the little horn be?"
11:51 They say, "That's the Roman Catholic papacy."
11:53 So in other words, they lived
11:55 during the flow of Bible prophecy.
11:58 They lived at the time
11:59 when the little horn was ruling.
12:01 And so it wasn't difficult for them
12:04 to identify the fact
12:06 that the little horn represented
12:08 the Roman Catholic papacy.
12:10 You see, they could see the chronology.
12:12 And they also could see the activities
12:15 of the little horn, of the papacy.
12:17 So they said, "Hey, it comes right at the time
12:20 in the line of prophecy,
12:21 where it was supposed to come, and its activities
12:25 of picking blasphemies against the Most High
12:28 and persecuting the saints of the Most High
12:30 etcetera is what's taking place."
12:33 And so all they had to do was use the historical method,
12:37 the historicist method, and see where the papacy fit
12:41 within the sequence.
12:44 And this understanding of Bible prophecy
12:48 gave the reformers a mandate
12:51 to unmask the Roman Catholic papacy
12:55 as the Antichrist of Scripture.
12:59 Let's examine some of the writings
13:02 of the prominent reformers of Protestantism.
13:07 I've taken a lot of these statements
13:09 from a work that was written by Le Roy Edwin Froom.
13:14 It's called the Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers.
13:16 It has four volumes.
13:18 Basically Elder Froom,
13:20 who was the ministerial director
13:22 for the General Conference for several decades.
13:25 He went to Europe, he spoke several languages.
13:28 And he traveled for several years,
13:31 going through the libraries in Europe,
13:34 accumulating information
13:36 on how prophecy was interpreted
13:38 from apostolic times,
13:40 all the way till the middle of the 20th century.
13:43 You know, those books, unfortunately are out of print,
13:46 but they are a masterpiece.
13:48 In fact, not only in the Adventist Church,
13:51 but in the secular world.
13:54 In the other churches,
13:56 there were several scholars that said,
13:59 "Wow, this is a tremendous series
14:01 on Bible prophecy."
14:03 And so, I'm going to take these statements from here,
14:06 volume 2 of the Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers.
14:09 But, of course, Froom takes them
14:11 from the original sources.
14:13 Let's begin by noticing it.
14:16 Before we read these statements,
14:18 let's begin by noticing the summary
14:21 of what the Protestants believed
14:24 about Bible prophecy.
14:27 What method did they use?
14:29 I'm going to give you a list of non-negotiables
14:33 for the Protestant reformers.
14:35 Number one, they used the historical flow method
14:39 or historicism.
14:40 That's how they knew that the papacy
14:42 was the link in the chain at the time when they lived.
14:46 Secondly, they did not believe that the Antichrist
14:50 was a single individual.
14:53 They believe that the Antichrist
14:55 was a system composed
14:56 of a succession of popes
14:59 who taken together
15:02 are the Antichrist of Scripture.
15:05 They also believed that the Antichrist
15:08 actually would sit in the church,
15:10 he would claim to be the vicar
15:12 or the representative of Christ.
15:15 They didn't believe that the Antichrist
15:17 was going to be a blasphemous individual
15:19 that would arise and blaspheme the true God.
15:22 They believed that the Antichrist would be
15:25 a series of individuals
15:26 that would arise within the church
15:28 and corrupt the church from inside.
15:31 They also believed
15:33 that the fourth beast of Daniel 7
15:35 was the Roman Empire.
15:37 And they believed that the 10 horns
15:40 that came forth from the head of the fourth beast
15:42 represented the divisions of Western Europe,
15:45 the nations of Western Europe.
15:48 They also believed that the restrainer
15:50 that is mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2,
15:53 it speaks that we're going to have two presentations
15:56 just on 2 Thessalonians 2,
15:59 but they believe that the restrainer
16:00 that was restraining
16:02 the man of sin from manifesting himself
16:05 was the existence of the Roman Empire.
16:07 As long as the emperor was ruling,
16:10 they said, the man of sin,
16:12 the Antichrist cannot surface.
16:15 But as soon as the power that withholds or withstands,
16:20 as soon as the Roman Empire, the Roman Emperor is removed,
16:24 then the Antichrist will appear.
16:27 So they believed that the restrainer
16:29 of 2 Thessalonians 2 was the Roman Empire.
16:33 And when the Roman Empire would be taken away,
16:35 the restraint would be taken away
16:37 and the man of sin, the papacy would manifest itself.
16:40 They also believe that the temple
16:43 in which Antichrist would sit
16:46 because 2 Thessalonians 2
16:48 says that the Antichrist would sit in the temple of God.
16:51 The reformers believed that the temple of God
16:54 was not a temple of the Jews built in the Middle East,
16:58 but the temple was actually the Christian church.
17:01 And when you read
17:03 in the writings of the Apostle Paul,
17:04 every time he uses the word naos,
17:07 the word temple, he's referring to a spiritual temple.
17:10 He's referring to the church.
17:11 He never uses the word naos to refer
17:15 to the temple of the Jews.
17:19 They also believed
17:20 that the harlot of Revelation 17
17:24 was a Roman Catholic papacy.
17:26 They also believed that the abomination of desolation
17:30 of Matthew Chapter 24 represented the papacy.
17:33 And, of course, they believed that the man of sin
17:36 was the papacy.
17:37 And one of the reformers at least
17:39 believed that the king of the north
17:41 in Daniel 11 represents the papacy.
17:44 That's very interesting.
17:45 The reformers also believed
17:48 that the Israel of their day was the church.
17:52 They did not believe that literal Israel
17:54 were the people of God.
17:55 They believe that the people of God
17:57 were those who accepted Jesus Christ
17:59 as Savior and Lord.
18:00 They believe, in other words,
18:02 that Israel was spiritual Israel,
18:04 it was the church.
18:05 And finally, they believe that the time periods
18:09 in which the little horn and the beast would rule
18:13 were to be understood symbolically
18:16 and not literally.
18:17 I want you to remember all these details,
18:20 because we're gonna find that the Roman Catholic papacy
18:22 changed every single one of these things
18:25 that the reformers believed.
18:27 If Martin Luther resurrected today,
18:30 he would die of a heart attack, when he saw,
18:33 when he would see what has been done
18:37 to the Reformation that he spearheaded.
18:39 Now let's take a look, look at some of the reformers
18:43 and what they wrote about the Antichrist.
18:45 They were unanimous that the Antichrist
18:48 was the Roman Catholic papacy.
18:51 Let's begin with John Wycliffe,
18:54 he lived from 1324 to 1384 AD.
18:59 He wrote a book titled De Papa, which means about the pope.
19:05 In Chapter 2 of his book, he wrote,
19:08 "The pope is Antichrist here on earth."
19:14 Now, during the period that Wycliffe lived,
19:17 there were two popes that were competing
19:19 for the papal throne.
19:20 They both claimed to be the true pope.
19:23 And this is what Wycliffe had to say about them.
19:27 He said, "They are two halves of Antichrist,
19:33 making up the perfect Man of Sin between them."
19:38 Now, he also wrote the following on Daniel 7:25.
19:41 I want you to notice his interpretation
19:43 of Daniel 7:25.
19:46 He wrote, "Why is it necessary
19:50 in unbelief to look for another Antichrist?
19:54 He says, "Why should we be looking
19:55 for another Antichrist."
19:59 "In the seventh chapter of Daniel,
20:01 Antichrist is forcefully described by a horn
20:06 arising in the time of the fourth kingdom."
20:10 Are you with me?
20:13 Whom did Wycliffe believe the little horn was?
20:16 The papacy. That's right.
20:18 And by the way, he lived before Luther.
20:21 He lived perhaps 150...
20:23 He was born 150 years before Luther.
20:27 Now, notice what he continues writing.
20:30 "Therefore the 10 horns
20:33 are the whole of our temporal rulers."
20:37 What he's saying is the 10 horns
20:38 are the temporal rulers in Europe now.
20:42 "And the horn has arisen from the 10 horns,
20:47 having eyes and a mouth
20:49 speaking great things against the Lofty One,
20:52 and wearing out the saints of the most high
20:54 and thinking that he is able to change
20:57 times and laws."
21:00 Then he have the interpretation of Daniel 7:25 pretty clear.
21:05 He most certainly, crystal clear.
21:08 He understood that the fourth kingdom
21:09 is Roman Empire.
21:11 He understood that the 10 horns
21:12 were the nations of Europe in his time,
21:14 and he understood
21:16 that the little horn was the Antichrist
21:18 and represented the Roman Catholic papacy.
21:22 Now, let's talk about William Tyndale.
21:25 Perhaps you haven't heard about some of these individuals,
21:27 but they were very influential in the Protestant Reformation.
21:31 Tyndale studied at Oxford and Cambridge in Europe.
21:36 He was the first to translate the New Testament into English.
21:40 And the Roman Catholic Church,
21:43 the Roman Catholic papacy despised him
21:46 for translating the Bible into English.
21:49 He was burned at the stake,
21:51 in fact, for translating the Bible
21:54 into the language that people could understand.
21:59 He wrote the following about the Antichrist.
22:02 "The pope's forbidding matrimony,
22:06 and to eat of meats created of God for man's use,
22:11 which is devilish doctrine by Paul's prophecy,
22:14 are tokens good enough
22:17 that he is the right Antichrist,
22:20 and his doctrine sprung of the devil."
22:24 What do you think? Was he crystal clear?
22:28 How did he know this?
22:30 Because he was living
22:31 in the period of the little horn.
22:33 You see the reformers, they could see
22:36 the historical flow of prophecy.
22:40 They knew that Babylon had ruled,
22:42 Medo-Persia had ruled,
22:44 they knew that Greece had ruled,
22:46 they knew that Rome had ruled,
22:48 they knew that Rome had been divided into 10 kingdoms.
22:51 And they said, of course,
22:53 if Rome was divided in 10 kingdoms
22:54 in the fourth and fifth centuries,
22:56 then, and the little horn arises among them,
22:59 then we must be living
23:01 in the period of the little horn.
23:03 I mean, it's not rocket science, folks.
23:06 It's very simple when you study the prophetic chain,
23:08 when you use the historicist's method
23:11 or the historical method.
23:13 Martin Luther,
23:16 the founder of the Lutheran Church,
23:20 he's famous because he nailed the 95 theses
23:23 on the cathedral door in Wittenberg
23:26 on October 31, 1517.
23:29 And by the way, I don't know if you're aware,
23:32 but a year before this,
23:34 actually, it was in the year
23:39 2017.
23:41 The pope and the Lutherans got together
23:43 in Malmo in Sweden,
23:47 to begin a year celebration
23:50 of the Protestant Reformation.
23:53 Do you think Luther would have ever done that?
23:55 Not in your lifetime
23:58 would Luther have done something like that.
24:00 Now, notice what Luther had to say
24:02 about the Antichrist.
24:04 This is once again found in the resource
24:08 that was prepared by Le Roy Edwin Froom.
24:11 I quote, "I am practically cornered,
24:15 and can hardly doubt anymore,
24:18 that the pope is really the Antichrist,
24:22 whom the world expects according to a general belief."
24:26 And now notice why he believes,
24:28 believed that the papacy was the Antichrist.
24:30 He says,
24:32 "Because everything
24:34 so exactly corresponds
24:38 to the way of his life, action,
24:41 words and commandments."
24:44 Was he just guessing?
24:46 He said, "Well, you know, the pope is a nasty guy,
24:48 so he's the Antichrist."
24:50 That's the way Protestants these days
24:51 try to interpret Antichrist.
24:53 They say, "Oh, well, let's see, who could Antichrist be?
24:56 Will, maybe Hitler, because he's a nasty guy.
24:59 Maybe Saddam Hussein,
25:02 maybe it was the Ayatollah Khomeini."
25:04 You know, it's guesswork, because Protestantism,
25:08 as we're going to see has lost the method,
25:11 the proper method of studying Bible prophecy.
25:15 Martin Luther also wrote in the year 1540,
25:19 the following.
25:21 It's actually kind of like a prayer,
25:24 "Oh Christ, my Lord,
25:27 look down upon us
25:29 and bring upon us thy day of judgment,
25:32 and destroy the brood of Satan in Rome."
25:36 You know, this is pretty strong stuff.
25:39 You say, "Maybe he should have been nicer."
25:42 Well, maybe Jesus should have been nicer
25:44 when he called the apostate Jewish leaders in His day,
25:48 brood of vipers and serpents,
25:52 and said, "How will you escape the condemnation of hell."
25:55 No political correctness there.
25:58 You know, sometimes we have to tell the truth.
26:01 And it's understandable that it might hurt.
26:04 But in the long run,
26:06 a little hurt is better than being lost
26:09 at the end of the age.
26:10 So he continues writing the following.
26:13 There he's speaking about Rome,
26:16 "There sits the Man
26:20 in Rome,
26:22 of whom the apostle Paul wrote,"
26:25 and then he puts in parentheses
26:27 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4,
26:30 where it speaks about the Man of Sin.
26:32 So he says, "There sits the Man,
26:34 of whom the apostle Paul wrote
26:36 that he will oppose and exalt himself
26:38 above all that is called God,
26:40 that Man of Sin, that Son of Perdition.
26:43 What else is the papal power,
26:46 but sin and corruption?"
26:52 Are you catching the picture?
26:54 Now, one of the very close collaborators of Martin Luther,
26:59 actually his right hand man,
27:01 if you please was Philip Melanchthon.
27:04 You know, God has a tendency to unite individuals
27:08 of two different types of personalities.
27:11 You know, like, for example, Paul and Barnabas.
27:13 Do you know what kind of man Paul was?
27:15 He was an explosive person.
27:17 You know, when John Mark, you know, he got discouraged
27:20 and didn't want to go, the Apostle Paul got mad.
27:22 He said, "Get rid of him."
27:23 And there was a fight between him and Barnabas,
27:25 and Paul went his way and Barnabas went his way.
27:28 Paul could be very abrasive.
27:32 But God called Barnabas
27:33 the kind of tame him a little bit.
27:36 So Martin Luther was that kind of person.
27:38 He was kind of like, like the Apostle Paul,
27:40 you know, very zealous for the truth.
27:42 And Melanchthon would say, "Well, let's speak the truth.
27:44 You know, let's be a little bit softer."
27:48 Now, notice what Philip Melanchthon
27:50 had to say.
27:51 By the way, he was born in 1497,
27:53 and he died in 1560.
27:56 This is what he wrote in a document
27:59 called the Disputation on Marriage.
28:03 It has a series of propositions.
28:05 I'm going to read number 18 through number 25.
28:09 Actually number 26.
28:11 This is what he wrote,
28:12 "since it is certain
28:14 that the pontiffs and the monks
28:17 have forbidden marriage,
28:20 it is most manifest, and true without any doubt,
28:23 that the Roman Pontiff," now, here's a very important point,
28:27 "that the Roman Pontiff,
28:29 with his whole order and kingdom,
28:32 is very Antichrist."
28:35 Did Luther believe that an individual pope
28:37 was the Antichrist?
28:39 No. Notice once again.
28:43 He states that the Roman Pontiff,
28:47 with his whole order and kingdom.
28:50 The Antichrist is not an individual,
28:51 it's a kingdom is very Antichrist.
28:55 That's proposition 18.
28:57 And proposition 19, he states,
28:59 "Likewise in 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul clearly says
29:03 that the man of sin will rule in the church."
29:07 So the temple is what? The church.
29:10 See, all the points that I mentioned,
29:12 all the summary of Protestant beliefs.
29:15 "Likewise in 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul clearly says
29:18 that the man of sin will rule in the church,
29:20 exalting himself above the worship of God, etc."
29:24 Proposition number 20,
29:25 "But it's certain
29:27 that the popes do rule in the church."
29:29 Notice the popes, plural.
29:32 The Antichrist is not an individual.
29:34 It is a succession of popes that lead a kingdom,
29:37 the kingdom of the papacy.
29:39 So therefore, he says, once again,
29:42 "But it is certain that the popes
29:44 do rule in the church,
29:45 and under the title of the church
29:48 in defending idols.
29:50 Therefore, I affirm that no heresy hath arisen,
29:54 nor indeed shall be,
29:56 with which these descriptions of Paul
29:59 can more truly and certainly accord and agree
30:03 than with this pontifical kingdom."
30:07 Notice, he is not saying an individual is Antichrist.
30:11 It's the whole pontifical kingdom.
30:14 It is the papacy and all of its history.
30:16 In proposition 25, and this is very interesting.
30:20 He's actually going to say that the king of the north
30:23 of Daniel 11 is the papacy.
30:26 Now, that's very, that's very interesting,
30:30 because there's a lot of debate these days
30:31 about the king of the north.
30:33 Some people say even in the Adventist church
30:34 that the king of the north is Turkey.
30:38 But Melanchthon was clear
30:40 on the identity of the king of the north.
30:42 Let me just read here, proposition number 25.
30:45 "The prophet Daniel also attributes
30:48 these two things to Antichrist, namely,
30:51 that he shall place an idol in the temple
30:55 and worship it with gold and silver,
30:57 and that he shall not honor women."
31:01 That is in Daniel 11, folks.
31:04 And then proposition 26.
31:06 He says, "That both of them, both of these,
31:09 gold and silver and not honoring women.
31:12 That both of them belong to the Roman Pontiff,
31:15 who does not clearly see?
31:18 The idols are clearly the impious masses,
31:22 the worship of the saints, and the statues
31:27 which are exhibited in gold and silver
31:30 that they may be worshiped."
31:32 So the king of the north
31:34 was also believed to be the papacy.
31:37 By the way, when you read
31:38 all of the statements of the reformers,
31:40 you discover that
31:41 they understood that in the Bible,
31:43 the papacy is referred to in different ways.
31:47 The papacy is the little horn.
31:50 The papacy is the beast.
31:52 The papacy is the Antichrist.
31:55 The papacy is the harlot.
31:57 The papacy is the man of sin.
32:00 All of these different references
32:04 refer to the same power.
32:07 Now let's talk about John Calvin,
32:10 the founder of the Presbyterian Church.
32:13 He lived from 1509 to 1564.
32:19 I read just one statement from John Calvin.
32:22 "Some persons think us too severe
32:26 and censorious
32:28 when we call the Roman pontiff Antichrist."
32:32 Say and some people were saying,
32:34 "Hey, don't do that.
32:36 Don't be politically incorrect and say the papacy
32:37 is the Antichrist.
32:39 Don't be mean spirited."
32:40 It was happening back then.
32:43 He continues, "However, those who are of this opinion
32:48 do not consider that they bring the same charge of presumption
32:52 against Paul himself,
32:54 after whom we speak and whose language we adopt.
32:59 I shall briefly show that Paul's words
33:01 in 2 Thessalonians 2 are not capable..."
33:04 Now listen to this,
33:07 Paul's words in 2 Thessalonians 2.
33:09 We're going to have two presentations
33:11 on 2 Thessalonians 2 later on in this series,
33:15 "Are not capable of any other interpretation."
33:18 He says, "This chapter is not open
33:21 to any other interpretation
33:23 than that which applies them to the papacy."
33:31 You know, what's interesting is none of these
33:33 Protestant churches these days believe any of this.
33:37 They totally gone astray.
33:38 We're going to see from the prophetic roots.
33:41 They've adopted the two systems that the papacy established.
33:46 In this way they have changed God's times,
33:49 God's prophetic times.
33:51 It's going to be an exciting story
33:53 that we're going to study here.
33:54 By the way, I wrote a book
33:57 called Futurism's Incredible Journey,
34:01 where there're many, many other statements
34:03 and much more material than what I'm presenting here.
34:06 You can get this book from Secrets Unsealed.
34:09 Everything is documented with footnotes, etc.
34:12 Now, let's talk about Huldrych Zwingli.
34:17 He is the founder of the Reformed Church.
34:20 Notice what he wrote.
34:22 He was a little more diplomatic,
34:23 a little nicer,
34:25 but he didn't fail to identify the papacy
34:27 as the Antichrist.
34:30 This is what he wrote.
34:32 "I know that in the papacy works
34:36 the might and power of the Devil,
34:41 that is, of the Antichrist."
34:44 Once again, "I know that in the papacy works
34:47 the might and power of the Devil,
34:49 that is, of the Antichrist."
34:51 And then he says, "Yet I cannot approve
34:54 of the Anabaptists
34:58 proclaiming the Word of God
35:00 only because of their hatred against the pope."
35:03 Because the Anabaptists hated the pope.
35:04 And so, all of their emphasis was on pope, hating the pope.
35:10 He says, you know, that can't be your only copy.
35:14 He continued writing, "I desire much more
35:18 that the love of God would be their motive
35:21 in resisting Antichrist,
35:23 and to lessen the burdens of their neighbors."
35:27 So Zwingli, even though he's a little more diplomatic,
35:31 very clearly says that Antichrist is the papacy
35:36 that needs to be resisted.
35:39 Now, let me give you a quotation from John Knox.
35:42 He lived from 1505 to 1572 AD.
35:47 He was the great champion of the Reformation in Scotland.
35:51 And I want you to notice what he wrote.
35:55 Once again, he's going to tell us
35:56 that the papacy is not an individual
35:58 that is going to rise in the Middle East
36:00 after the rapture,
36:02 who's going to sit in a rebuild Jewish temple
36:04 for three and a half literal years,
36:07 like conservative Protestants are teaching today.
36:09 No, no, no, notice what he wrote,
36:11 "First, then, not only are all the impious traditions
36:16 and ceremonies of the papists taken away,"
36:20 and as he's saying that we're taking them away
36:22 from Scotland,
36:24 "but also that tyranny which the pope himself
36:29 has for so many ages exercised over the church."
36:34 Now, let me ask you.
36:36 Did one pope exercised power in the church
36:39 over all of the ages?
36:41 One individual pope? Of course, not.
36:44 I read it again.
36:46 He's speaking of a succession of popes as the Antichrist.
36:49 Let me read it again.
36:51 "First, then, not only are all the impious traditions
36:54 and ceremonies of the papists taken away
36:56 in Scotland, but also that tyranny
36:58 which the pope himself has for so many ages
37:02 exercised over the church, and is altogether abolished,
37:06 that is in Scotland.
37:08 And it is provided that all persons
37:10 shall in the future acknowledge him
37:14 to be the very Antichrist,
37:17 and son of perdition, of whom Paul speaks.
37:21 The mass is abolished..."
37:22 He's speaking about what is happening in Scotland,
37:24 "The mass is abolished,
37:26 as being an accursed abomination
37:28 and a diabolical profanation of the Lord's Supper,
37:31 and it is forbidden to all persons
37:33 in the whole kingdom of Scotland
37:35 either to celebrate it or to hear it."
37:40 What about John Wesley, the founder of Methodism.
37:43 These are all the founders
37:44 of the great Protestant churches,
37:46 the mainline churches today.
37:48 What did John Wesley have to say?
37:51 He wrote,
37:53 "He is in an emphatical sense...
38:00 the Man of Sin,
38:02 as he increases all manner of sin
38:06 above measure.
38:07 And he is, too properly styled the Son of Perdition,
38:13 as he has caused the death of numberless multitudes,
38:17 both of his opposers, and followers."
38:22 Did John Wesley believe
38:23 that the papacy was the Antichrist?
38:25 Absolutely.
38:27 All of the great reformers, without exception,
38:29 believe that the papacy was the Antichrist,
38:31 not the Catholic Church, the papacy.
38:34 They could see it
38:36 because they looked at the sequence of powers.
38:39 And they looked at the activities
38:41 and the attitude of the little horn,
38:43 and the harlot,
38:44 and the abomination of desolation, etc.
38:47 Now, we need to bear in mind, this is a very important point
38:51 that the Protestant reformers were no ignoramuses.
38:58 Most of the great reformers,
38:59 in fact, all of the great reformers
39:01 had actually probably gotten doctorates
39:05 in Roman Catholic institutions.
39:07 They were very highly educated.
39:09 Many of them were able to read Hebrew,
39:13 Greek and Latin.
39:15 These were not individuals that were, you know,
39:17 they just speculated, they were kind of dummies,
39:20 you know, illiterate,
39:21 so they didn't know what they were talking about.
39:23 These individuals studied in Roman Catholic institutions.
39:27 And not only that, they were highly educated
39:29 in these institutions,
39:31 so they knew what they were talking about.
39:33 And as I mentioned, for them, the little horn of Daniel 7,
39:38 the beast of Revelation 13, the harlot of Revelation 17,
39:42 the Antichrist of 1 John 2,
39:45 the man of sin of 2 Thessalonians 2,
39:47 the abomination of desolation
39:49 of Matthew 24, and the king of the north in Daniel 11,
39:53 all represented the same system
39:56 under different names.
40:01 Now what about the great confessions of faith
40:02 of the churches?
40:04 You know, the churches of the Reformation
40:06 wrote these great confessions of faith
40:09 of what their churches believed.
40:11 And in these great confessions of faith,
40:14 they clearly state
40:16 that the papacy is the Antichrist.
40:19 I'm going to read you now,
40:20 from actually four confessions of faith
40:24 of the Protestant churches
40:26 that arose as a result of the Reformation.
40:29 First of all,
40:31 the Presbyterian Confession of Faith,
40:34 is actually known
40:35 as the Westminster Confession of Faith.
40:39 This is what this confession says,
40:42 "There is no other head of the church,
40:45 but the Lord Jesus Christ,
40:47 nor can the pope of Rome
40:50 in any sense be head thereof,
40:53 but he is that Antichrist,
40:56 that man of sin and son of perdition
40:59 that exalteth himself in the church against Christ
41:04 and all that is called God."
41:07 That's the Presbyterian Confession of Faith.
41:10 But these days, the Presbyterian Church
41:13 believes in what we call preterism.
41:16 In our next presentation, we're going to see
41:18 what preterism is.
41:20 They basically say that the Antichrist, well,
41:23 you know, the little horn was Antiochus Epiphanes.
41:26 And that the beast of Revelation Chapter 13
41:29 was probably Nero
41:31 because there was this tradition
41:32 that Nero was wounded to death,
41:34 and then he recovered from his wound,
41:36 actually, he died, and then he reappeared again,
41:39 and his wound was healed.
41:41 So they said, "Nero is the Antichrist."
41:44 Let me read you from a homily of the Church of England,
41:47 the Anglican Church.
41:50 This is what it states.
41:51 He, that is the pope,
41:53 therefore rather be called Antichrist,
41:58 and the successor of the Scribes and Pharisees,
42:01 then Christ's vicar or St. Peter's successor."
42:06 So what the Church of England is saying that the pope,
42:10 the pope is the Antichrist,
42:12 and he's not the successor of Christ.
42:15 He is actually the successor of the scribes
42:18 and the Pharisees.
42:20 Now what about the Lutheran Confession of Faith?
42:23 This is in the Book of Concord,
42:25 which is a large book that contains
42:28 many of the confessions,
42:29 and many of the teachings of the Lutheran Church.
42:33 Now, this is what
42:34 the Lutheran Confession of Faith says,
42:36 "The Pope is the very Antichrist,
42:40 who exalteth himself above,
42:42 and opposeth himself against Christ,
42:45 because he will not permit Christians to be saved
42:48 without his power, which nevertheless, is nothing,
42:52 and is neither ordained nor commanded by God."
42:57 Very clear.
42:59 What about the Irish Articles of Religion
43:03 written in the year 1615?
43:06 This is a rather lengthy statement.
43:08 But once again, you're going to find
43:10 that unanimously the Protestant Reformers
43:13 believe that the papacy was the Antichrist,
43:15 and the confessions of faith of the great churches
43:19 agree with the teachings of the reformers.
43:22 This is what the Irish Articles of Religion had to say,
43:26 "Since the Bishop of Rome
43:29 has erected a monarchy in Christendom,
43:34 claiming for himself dominion over all churches and pastors,
43:38 exalting himself to be called God,
43:42 wishing to be adored,
43:44 boasting to have all power in heaven and upon earth,
43:49 to dispose of all ecclesiastical matters,
43:52 to decide upon articles of faith,
43:55 to authorize and interpret
43:58 at his pleasure the Scriptures,
44:00 to make a traffic of souls, to disregard vows and oaths,
44:04 to appoint new divine services,
44:06 and in respect to civil government,
44:08 to trample underfoot
44:10 the lawful authority of the magistrates,
44:14 by taking away, giving, and exchanging kingdoms,
44:18 we believe and maintain
44:20 that it is the very Antichrist,
44:23 and the son of perdition, predicted in the Word of God
44:27 under the emblem of a harlot clothed in scarlet,
44:32 seated upon the seven hills of the great city,
44:35 which has dominion over the kings of the earth.
44:38 And we expect that the Lord will consume it
44:41 with the spirit of his mouth,
44:42 and finally destroy it
44:44 with the brightness of his coming,
44:46 as he has promised,
44:48 and has already begun to do."
44:52 I think that's pretty clear, isn't it?
44:54 Crystal clear.
44:57 The feeling was unanimous.
44:59 And once, folks,
45:00 the way in which the Protestant reformers
45:03 identified the papacy as the Antichrist
45:05 was in two ways.
45:07 Number one, by using the historical flow method,
45:11 historicism,
45:12 they could follow the links on the chain.
45:15 They said, you know, the lion, clearly Babylon, the bear,
45:19 clearly Medo-Persia, the leopard, clearly Greece,
45:23 the dragon beast, clearly Rome,
45:25 the 10 horns, the divisions in Europe
45:29 that had come from the Roman Empire.
45:31 And they say, "Well, you know,
45:32 that happened in the fourth and fifth centuries.
45:34 And now, you know,
45:35 the little horn must have risen."
45:38 And so they looked over to Rome, they said,
45:41 "The behavior of the papacy
45:44 is predicted very clearly
45:47 in the prophecies of the little horn,
45:49 the beast, the harlot, etc."
45:52 You see, all they had to do was follow the trajectory
45:54 of Bible prophecy,
45:56 and also look at the activities of the papacy
46:00 to know that the papacy
46:01 was the Antichrist of Scripture.
46:03 Now, there were some things that the Protestant reformers
46:05 did not understand.
46:08 They didn't know about the deadly wound.
46:10 As far as I know, they don't say much
46:12 about the deadly wound, if at all.
46:14 They didn't know that another beast,
46:17 the United States of America
46:18 was going to rise from the earth.
46:21 And that this nation was going to be different
46:22 than any other nation before it was going
46:25 to separate church and state,
46:27 and it was going to guarantee civil and religious liberty.
46:31 The reformers didn't know that, that was still future.
46:34 They didn't know that the United States
46:36 when it first guarantee civil and religious liberty,
46:39 but then later would speak like a dragon
46:41 by helping the first beast recover the sword
46:44 or recover its power,
46:46 because all of this was still in the future.
46:49 But they understood everything
46:51 up to the point of the little horn,
46:53 because they were living during the period
46:56 of the little horn.
46:58 Now, it's interesting to notice
47:01 what Froom has to say in summary
47:04 of all that the Protestant Reformers
47:06 and the Confessions of Faith said.
47:09 I'm going to read now from his book,
47:11 the Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, volume 2,
47:15 and pages 484 and 485.
47:18 You see, the Protestant Reformers made
47:20 the Roman Catholic papacy tremble,
47:24 because the accusing finger was pointed at the papacy,
47:27 and their arguments were irrefutable.
47:31 Because people could see
47:33 that their interpretation of prophecy was correct.
47:36 And they could see
47:37 that the description giving of the Antichrist
47:39 was fulfilled in the papacy, they could see it.
47:44 And so what happened?
47:45 The papacy actually
47:47 not only lost thousands of members
47:49 through the Protestant Reformation,
47:52 the papacy also lost entire nations
47:56 to the Protestant Reformation.
47:58 Let me read you Froom's description
48:01 of the aftermath of the views of the Protestant Reformers.
48:06 "In Germany, Switzerland,
48:09 France, Denmark, Sweden,
48:14 England and Scotland,
48:18 there had been simultaneous
48:20 and impressive declarations
48:22 by voice and pen
48:24 that the papacy was the specified
48:27 Antichrist of prophecy."
48:29 All these nations, Germany, Switzerland, France, Denmark,
48:34 Sweden, England and Scotland.
48:37 He continues writing, "The symbols of Daniel,
48:41 Paul and John
48:43 were applied with tremendous effect.
48:46 Hundreds of books and tracks
48:50 impressed their contention
48:52 upon the consciousness of Europe.
48:55 Indeed, it gained so great a hold
48:58 upon the minds of men that Rome, in alarm,
49:03 saw that she must successfully counteract
49:06 this identification of the Antichrist
49:10 with the papacy
49:11 or lose the battle."
49:16 And so the papacy said, "We have to do something
49:19 about the accusing finger of prophecy
49:21 that's being pointed at us.
49:24 We need to have that finger pointed
49:27 in a different direction."
49:30 And so, we're going to notice in our next study,
49:33 that the Roman Catholic Church
49:36 called a church council,
49:38 the church Council of Trent,
49:41 the longest church council in history
49:43 of the Roman Catholic Church.
49:45 And we're going to see in our study
49:47 that the Roman Catholic Church and that Council
49:50 which lasted from 1545 to 1563,
49:54 18 years,
49:56 you know, Vatican II Council lasted from 1962 to 1965,
50:01 that was three years.
50:02 But this one lasted 18 years
50:04 because the purpose of the council
50:06 was to counteract the doctrines of Protestantism.
50:10 Now the Council of Trent did not actually deal
50:13 with how to deflect the finger of prophecy from the papacy.
50:18 It just reaffirmed its doctrines
50:20 and nugget its heels in doctrinally.
50:25 But we're going to find that after the Council of Trent,
50:29 two Roman Catholic scholars arose
50:34 and they said, we know how to deflect the finger
50:39 of Bible prophecy from the papacy
50:41 to point it elsewhere.
50:43 The first of these individuals,
50:46 I'm going to pronounce the name as it,
50:48 you know, usually we say Alcazar,
50:51 but we need to pronounce it properly,
50:53 Luis de Alcazar.
50:55 Actually in Spain it will be Luis de Alcazar.
51:00 He admitted it,
51:01 or actually He resurrected from the early church fathers
51:06 what is known as preterism,
51:09 the idea that the Antichrist prophecies
51:11 were fulfilled in the distant past.
51:15 And then another scholar arose.
51:17 This is shortly after the Protestant Reformation
51:19 and the Council of Trent
51:21 that disagreed with Alcazar.
51:25 And he said, "Well, you know,
51:27 Bible prophecy of the Antichrist
51:30 has not yet been fulfilled.
51:32 It is going to be fulfilled in the future."
51:36 So basically, one scholar,
51:39 Alcazar says,
51:41 the Antichrist prophecies were fulfilled in the past.
51:44 And Ribera says, "No,
51:46 the prophecies are going to be fulfilled in the future,"
51:48 the prophecies about the Antichrist.
51:51 Now, if the Antichrist prophecies
51:53 were fulfilled in the past,
51:55 then they're not fulfilled in the papacy.
51:58 And if they were going to be fulfilled in the future,
52:02 they were not fulfilled in the papacy either.
52:05 And so the purpose of these scholars
52:06 was to deflect the accusing finger
52:10 that identified the papacy as the Antichrist.
52:12 These two individuals attempted to change
52:17 God's prophetic calendar.
52:20 They attempted to change
52:21 God's prophetic times, if you please.
52:24 Not only that the papacy think that it could change God's law,
52:28 but it also tampered with God's prophetic calendar.
52:33 It actually taught a different chain of events.
52:36 Let me ask you, was the papacy
52:38 doing something very similar
52:39 to what King Nebuchadnezzar wanted to do?
52:42 We studied this, right?
52:43 We studied this in our second presentation.
52:47 What did King Nebuchadnezzar do?
52:51 Well, God said, listen, prophetic history
52:53 is going to develop in this way.
52:55 There's gonna be a lion, a bear a leopard
52:59 and dragon beast, there's going to be
53:01 a head of gold, breast and hands of silver,
53:03 belly of bronze, legs of iron, and then 10 toes.
53:06 That's the way prophetic history
53:08 is going to develop.
53:10 And Nebuchadnezzar says, I don't like that scenario.
53:14 So in Chapter 3, what does Nebuchadnezzar do?
53:17 He builds an image like the one that he saw in his dream,
53:20 but it's totally of gold.
53:22 What is he saying when he builds this image
53:25 totally of gold?
53:26 What is his objective?
53:28 He's saying, prophecy is not going to be
53:31 fulfilled as God said.
53:34 In other words, there's not going to be
53:36 several kingdoms,
53:37 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and the divisions of Rome.
53:42 No, no, no, that's not the way
53:44 that history is going to develop.
53:47 Babylon is going to be an eternal kingdom,
53:50 which shall never be destroyed.
53:53 Babylon is not only the head of gold,
53:55 Babylon is the entire image of gold.
54:01 And he said, "Woe to whoever
54:03 has a different prophetic scenario in mind."
54:07 And there was a small remnant of three
54:10 that said, Nebuchadnezzar,
54:11 we do not accept your perspective of prophecy.
54:15 They're not, the issue is not only worship.
54:18 The issue is also that Nebuchadnezzar
54:21 is trying to counteract God's explanation of prophecy.
54:25 So they say, "We will not worship the image
54:29 that represents the eternity of Babylon."
54:31 We read from Ellen White last night,
54:33 the indestructibility of Babylon.
54:35 They said, "We don't accept that scenario."
54:38 So Nebuchadnezzar says, "I will show you
54:42 that my scenario is going to be true.
54:45 I'm going to throw you in a furnace
54:46 and then there will be no opposition."
54:50 So he throws the three young men
54:52 into the fiery furnace.
54:54 He says problem resolved, but what happened?
54:59 Oh, we know the story.
55:01 Jesus Himself, the Son of God,
55:05 by the way is called an angel,
55:08 in Daniel 3:25.
55:12 The person in the furnace was the angel,
55:16 Michael, the archangel, if you please,
55:20 which is a name that is given to Jesus Christ.
55:22 The name means who is like God.
55:27 And at the end, Michael is going to stand up
55:30 to defend his people.
55:31 Because the world
55:33 according to Revelation Chapter 13,
55:35 is going to say, who is like the beast?
55:39 And Michael is going to say, "Who is like God?"
55:42 It's going to be a battle between the beast and Christ.
55:46 And, of course,
55:47 Christ always wins that battle.
55:52 So did you understand what we studied?
55:54 Is this important?
55:57 Ellen White has told us
55:59 that if people don't know who the beast is,
56:03 they will end up worshiping the beast.
56:06 And so we need not only to understand this ourselves,
56:09 we need to become loyal followers of Jesus,
56:12 like those three young men in the fiery furnace.
56:16 We should love Jesus so much
56:18 that it's more important than our own life.
56:21 Only those who consider their link with Jesus
56:25 more important than life itself
56:27 will be able to remain firm in the final crisis.
56:31 That's the kind of person that God wants us to be.
56:34 He wants us to be like Daniel.
56:36 You know, there's this,
56:37 there's this song dare to be a Daniel, right?
56:39 You know that you've heard that song before?
56:41 You know, we need to be like Daniel,
56:43 who said, you know,
56:46 my God, whom I serve,
56:48 you know, he can deliver me from the lions,
56:51 but if he doesn't, I'll still serve the true God.
56:55 Didn't Jesus come into the lions' den?
56:59 It says, "The angel came into the lions' den."
57:02 I believe that angel is the same angel
57:04 that delivered the three young men
57:06 from the fiery furnace.
57:08 So, folks, in our next presentation,
57:10 we are going to take a look
57:13 at the Roman Catholic papacy's counter reformation,
57:20 their attempt to change God's prophetic calendar.
57:23 And we're going to introduce how Protestantism imbibed
57:29 the Roman Catholic methods of interpreting prophecy.
57:31 And we can see the result today.
57:34 Protestants have totally gone astray from their roots,
57:38 and therefore they see no danger in Rome.
57:40 They see danger by the Muslims or the Middle East.
57:44 They say that's where the battle is going to be.
57:46 They can't see
57:47 where the battle is going to take place,
57:49 because they are looking in the wrong place.
57:51 They have imbibed the prophetic methods
57:54 of the Roman Catholic papacy.
57:56 That's our next exciting study.


Revised 2019-09-30