The Prophetic Panorama

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TPP

Program Code: TPP000002A

00:00 ♪♪♪ (Intro Music)
00:13 Welcome back.
00:14 We have a very interesting study that we're going to do now,
00:19 and that is, Who Changed God's Times.
00:24 But before we do, we want to have a word of prayer,
00:26 so I invite you to bow your heads with me.
00:28 Father in heaven we thank you for your wonderful word
00:33 assure guide in a world that is so confused.
00:36 We ask that that word will speak to us
00:39 as we study about the change in God's times.
00:42 We thank you Father for hearing our prayer,
00:45 we ask it in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
00:49 Well let's do a little bit of review
00:51 of what we studied in our first subject together.
00:55 We have been studying the great prophetic chain.
00:57 The chain begins with which Kingdom? Babylon.
01:00 Then it continues with Medo-Persia,
01:03 then Greece, then the Roman Empire.
01:07 Then what happens to the Roman Empire?
01:09 It divides into ten kingdoms,
01:11 and then, who rises among the ten?
01:15 The little horn, and it uproots how many kingdoms? It uproots
01:18 three, and rules then
01:21 1260 what? Years. And the 1260 years
01:26 end what date? 1798, when the papacy received the deadly wound.
01:33 Is that the end of the papacy?
01:36 No,no it's not the end of the papacy
01:38 because revelation tells us that its deadly wound
01:40 is going to be what? Is going to be healed, the whole world
01:44 will wonder after the beast. What or
01:47 who is it that is going to help this first beast
01:50 recover its power? What nation?
01:53 The beast that rises from the earth
01:55 the United States of America believe it or not.
01:58 It almost seems impossible. Now we notice that the little horn
02:01 represents the Roman Catholic papacy
02:03 and I want to reiterate
02:05 that we're not talking about the individuals
02:07 in the Roman Catholic Church.
02:08 There are many sincere loving Christians
02:10 in the Roman Catholic Church.
02:11 They serve God the best they can according to their knowledge.
02:15 Many of them are more faithful with
02:17 with what they believe than we are
02:19 with what we believe to be honest with you.
02:22 But that doesn't mean that the papacy is God's system.
02:27 Even though there are sincere individuals in the system,
02:30 it doesn't mean that the system is God's system.
02:33 The system is apostate.
02:34 The papacy which is the union of church and state,
02:38 mainly the high hierarchy
02:39 of the church is where the problem is.
02:42 We gave several characteristics that identify the Antichrist.
02:47 The little horn.
02:48 First of all it has to rise after the year 476.
02:52 Secondly it has to rise in Western Europe.
02:54 In the third place,
02:56 it has to uproot three of the 10 kingdoms
02:58 into which the Roman Empire was divided. Four, it
03:02 would speak blasphemy is against
03:03 God claiming to have the power to forgive sins
03:07 and have the representative of Christ on earth.
03:09 Then it would persecute the saints of the most time
03:12 which is what the papacy
03:13 did through mechanisms such as the Inquisition.
03:17 Then it says that he would think that he could change times
03:22 and the law.
03:23 And we notice that the papacy does claim
03:25 to have changed God's law.
03:27 It removes the second commandment from the catechism,
03:30 and it clearly states
03:32 that it has changed the day of worship from Sabbath to Sunday.
03:36 And then we notice that the papacy was going to rule
03:39 1260 years time times in the dividing of time.
03:44 Now there is one point that we did not look at
03:48 in our first presentation,
03:50 and that is what does it mean in Daniel 7
03:53 when it says that the little horn would think
03:58 to change the times. We know
04:01 what it means that he would try to change the law,
04:04 that the papacy would try to change the law.
04:06 But what does the change of the times mean.
04:10 Well you know some scholars in the Adventist church have said
04:12 that really what it means is that the papacy would think
04:15 to change the times in the law. Times in the law.
04:20 But that's not what the Hebrew text says.
04:23 The Hebrew text says that he would think to change
04:25 times and law. There are two separate things.
04:30 So what does it mean that the papacy would think
04:33 that it would change the times.
04:34 We already know what it means that it would think
04:37 to change the law, but what does it mean
04:39 that the papacy would think to change the times.
04:42 Well let's go to Daniel chapter 2 and verse 21.
04:46 I believe that this is the central verse of the whole book.
04:50 It has three phrases that I want us to notice
04:54 here, three sentences.
04:56 These are three things that God does.
04:59 It says there in Daniel 2:21
05:03 << And He (that is God) changes the times
05:07 and the seasons; ..who changes the times and the seasons?
05:11 God changes the times and the seasons,
05:14 that's the first thing that God does.
05:16 Secondly, he what?.. He removes kings and raises up kings;
05:23 ..and in the third place, What does he do?..
05:26 He gives wisdom to the wise
05:28 and now knowledge to those who have understanding. >>
05:33 Now it's interesting these three phrases
05:36 are actually illustrated in Daniel chapter two
05:40 and Daniel chapter three.
05:43 You remember that the king had a dream,
05:47 and he couldn't remember the dream.
05:49 So who gave Daniel wisdom in order to tell the king
05:55 what the dream was? God.
05:58 So God gives wisdom to Daniel to interpret the dream.
06:04 And then if you read Daniel 2:37-38
06:07 it says there that Nebuchadnezzar was ruling
06:11 because God placed him on the throne.
06:14 See that's another phrase that we find in Daniel 2:21.
06:17 He puts kings in place and he what?
06:20 And he removes kings. That's in Daniel 2: 37 and 38.
06:25 And then the third point is that God changes the times
06:28 and the seasons.
06:30 I believe that primarily what he's saying is
06:32 that he changes the times
06:33 and the seasons that human beings try to manipulate
06:38 into changing what God has said that is going to take place.
06:42 And that is illustrated, we're going to find,
06:44 in Daniel chapter 3. In Daniel chapter 3,
06:48 we're going to find that God has told
06:50 Nebuchadnezzar how history is going to flow.
06:53 But Nebuchadnezzar attempts to change the flow of history
06:58 that God has revealed,
06:59 and God will intervene to interrupt the king's plans
07:05 to change God's prophetic calendar.
07:07 In other words, what I'm saying
07:08 is that what the change of the times
07:12 means is that the papacy was going to attempt to change
07:18 the order of prophetic events
07:20 that God has established in his calendar.
07:24 The papacy was going to try
07:26 and implement a counterfeit prophetic scenario.
07:29 And we're going to notice that that is illustrated
07:31 in Daniel chapter 2 and Daniel chapter 3.
07:34 Now, you'll notice here that it says in Daniel 2:21
07:38 that God changes the times and the seasons.
07:43 Now the question is, is the change of the times
07:47 one thing and the change of the seasons
07:49 another thing, or are we to take this as an idiomatic expression
07:54 that means that God is in control of prophetic events?
07:59 I believe that we're going to see in our study
08:02 that when it says that God changes the times
08:05 and the seasons, it is an expression
08:07 that means that God is in control of prophetic events.
08:12 The change in the times is not one thing
08:14 and the change in the seasons is that another thing.
08:17 They really are to be coupled together
08:20 and they basically mean that God has control of human events.
08:25 Now it's interesting to notice that in the book of Daniel
08:29 there are two words that refer to time.
08:35 One is the word Iddan, and tomorrow
08:38 if you come I'm gonna give you several pages
08:40 that have all of these words
08:42 as they appear in the book of Daniel.
08:44 The word Iddan and the word Zeman. Now the word Iddan
08:49 is translated
08:50 God changes the times, and the word Zeman is
08:55 God changes the seasons. Iddan, times, and Zeman, seasons.
09:02 Now, let's turn in our bibles to Daniel chapter two
09:07 and verses eight and nine.
09:10 Daniel Chapter 2 and verses 8 and 9.
09:13 I'm going to show you that these words are synonymous.
09:16 In other words, this expression
09:17 God changes the times in the seasons,
09:20 doesn't mean that he changes the times
09:22 and changing the seasons is another thing.
09:24 It's an idiomatic expression
09:26 that means that God is in control of prophetic events.
09:29 Everything transpires as God has delineated
09:33 in his prophetic calendar.
09:34 And so it says there in Daniel chapter 2 verse 8.
09:38 << The king answered and said, I know of certainty
09:42 ..he's speaking to the wise men of Babylon..
09:45 that ye would gain the time,
09:50 ..In other words, you're trying to buy time.
09:52 You want a period of time until my wrath passes away..
09:55 because ye see the thing is gone from me.>> Now, the word
10:00 that is used there is the word Iddan. In other words,
10:04 you're stalling for Iddan, you are stalling for time.
10:08 Now, when you go to chapter two and verse sixteen, chapter two
10:13 and verse sixteen, the same concept
10:15 is there of buying time but the word that is used
10:19 is not Iddan, the word that is used
10:22 is Zeman which shows that they're synonymous.
10:24 Basically they mean the same thing.
10:26 Notice Daniel chapter 2 and verse 16.
10:29 << Then Daniel went in, and desired of the King
10:32 that he would give him time...>>
10:35 So you see that they're synonymous?
10:37 Iddan in Daniel chapter 2 verse 8,
10:40 and Zeman in Daniel chapter 2 verse 16.
10:43 So when it says that God changes the times
10:45 and the seasons, it's basically saying the same thing.
10:48 It's saying that God is in control of human events.
10:52 So, the word Iddan and the word Zeman
10:55 can refer to a period of time buying a period of time,
11:00 but it can also refer to a point of time.
11:04 Both words. Let us notice Daniel chapter 3 and verse 5.
11:08 Daniel chapter 3 and verse 5 Here the word
11:11 that is used, is Iddan. Daniel chapter 3 and verse 5.
11:17 It says, < 11:22 the sound of the coronet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery,
11:25 dulcimer, and all kinds of music,
11:28 ye fall down and worship the golden image
11:30 that Nebuchadnezzar the king has set up.>>
11:32 So notice that says, when the moment arise
11:34 when the time arrives that you hear the music,
11:37 you're supposed to bow before the image.
11:39 That's a point of time, isn't it?
11:41 Now notice Daniel chapter 3 and verse 7, the word Zeman.
11:46 It's the other word for time,
11:48 and it's clearly shows that it's synonymous
11:51 because in Daniel Chapter 3 and verse 7
11:53 it says, << Therefore at that time, when all the people heard
11:57 the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, spaltery,
12:01 and all kinds of music, all the people, the nations,
12:03 and the languages fell down in worshipped the golden image...>>
12:06 Is that the same concept that we found in verse 5?
12:10 The point of time, exactly. But in Daniel 3 verse 5
12:13 the word that is used Iddan. In Daniel chapter 3 and verse 7,
12:18 it's the word Zeman.
12:19 So what my point is this, that when Daniel Chapter 2 verse 21
12:24 says that God changes the times and the seasons
12:29 and really these are synonymous terms,
12:31 it means that God is in control of prophetic events.
12:34 God has established a prophetic calendar
12:38 of how events are going to take place.
12:40 Are you with me or not?
12:42 Now, let's noticed several other verses that use these words
12:47 Iddan and Zeman. Go with me to Daniel chapter 4 and verse 32.
12:52 >> Daniel chapter 4 and verse 32.
12:56 This is speaking about the time
12:57 when Nebuchadnezzar kind of lost it for seven years
13:01 and God cause him to become a vegetarian.
13:06 And you know it really helped him
13:07 because at the end he came to his senses.
13:09 He was thinking straight.
13:12 I'm just kidding, I'm not making a point out of that.
13:15 But Daniel chapter 4 verse 32 says,
13:17 speaking about Nebuchadnezzar,
13:20 << They shall drive you from men, and your dwelling
13:24 shall be with the beasts of the field:
13:27 they shall make you eat grass like oxen,
13:29 and seven .. Iddan .. seven times shall pass over you..
13:36 Is God announcing a prophetic period?
13:39 Is he announcing, this is going to happen,
13:42 this is according to my calendar?
13:43 Absolutely.
13:45 So it says.. and seven times shall pass over you, until you
13:48 know that the most High rules in the kingdom of men
13:51 and gives it to whomever he chooses.>>
13:54 But then it's very interesting in verse 36,
13:57 if you go with me to verse thirty-six,
13:59 the word that is used Zeman
14:03 and it's the same concept. So there is Synonymous. Notice
14:07 once again Daniel chapter four and verse thirty six. It says
14:12 there, and this whole chapter deals
14:14 with Nebuchadnezzar's insanity,
14:16 And at the same time... that is when the seven years were up,
14:21 he says at that time, at that point of time
14:25 and the word is Zeman here... my reason returned unto me;
14:30 and for the glory of my kingdom, mine honor
14:32 and brightness returned unto me;
14:34 and my counsellors and my lords sought unto me;
14:36 and I was established in my kingdom, and excellent
14:39 majesty was added unto me.
14:42 So are Iddan and Zeman synonymous?
14:46 >> Absolutely.
14:47 >> And as I mentioned, if you come tomorrow to the meeting
14:50 and you know my production crew doesn't like me
14:52 to say that I'm promising to give you something
14:55 because everybody who watches on television
14:57 then they're calling this and saying send me one too.
15:00 But anyway, I promise that I'm going to send you this handout
15:03 where you can check out all of the references
15:06 in the book of Daniel to Iddan and to Zeman,
15:10 and you're going to see that they're synonymous.
15:12 >> The point that I'm trying to make folks
15:14 is, that the expression times and seasons simply means
15:18 God's prophetic calendar. The way in which prophecy
15:22 is gonna be fulfilled, the prophetic chain
15:24 if you please that God is established.
15:27 Did God establish a prophetic chain for Nebuchadnezzar's
15:30 insanity? Did God
15:31 say, you are going to go insane for seven years
15:34 and then after that you are going to get your reason back.
15:37 Did God make that prediction? Established that period of time?
15:41 He most certainly did.
15:43 Now, let's go also to Daniel chapter 7 and verse 12,
15:48 and then we will read verse 22 and you're going to see
15:52 once again that these words are synonymous.
15:55 Daniel chapter 7 verse 12,
15:57 and we're not going to interpret this verse
16:00 because it would take us far beyond the time that we have.
16:04 But it says there in Daniel chapter 7 and verse 12,
16:08 And concerning the rest of the beasts,
16:12 they had their dominion taken away,
16:15 yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time.
16:21 So is that basically saying the same thing?
16:24 For a period of time, a season and a time is a period of time.
16:28 The word that is used there, the word season,
16:34 is the word Zeman, and the word time Iddan.
16:38 So you'll notice once again in the same verse
16:40 you have these two words that are linked together
16:44 that basically are supposed to be understood as together.
16:49 And then let's notice verse 22. Daniel chapter 7 and verse 22
16:55 It says, Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment
16:59 was given to the saints of the most High;
17:02 and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.
17:07 Now when we find in Daniel seven verse twelve
17:10 that God extended the period for these beasts a time in a season,
17:14 does that mean that God established a certain time
17:17 for this to happen to these beasts?
17:20 Was God establishing a prophetic time?
17:22 Absolutely, and in verse twenty two, is there a specific time
17:26 when the Saints are going to receive the kingdom from Jesus?
17:29 Is that a prophetic event that's under God's control? Absolutely.
17:33 So the words Iddan and Zeman are used to describe
17:36 prophetic events. God's control of the prophetic calendar
17:41 if you please.
17:43 Now, let's notice an illustration that we find
17:46 in Daniel chapter 2 and Daniel chapter 3.
17:51 >> You remember the story of Daniel Chapter 2.
17:55 >> The king had a dream.
17:58 And this dream, he forgot when he woke up.
18:02 So he did what a normal King would do back then, a pagan king.
18:06 >> He called all of his astrologers, and his magicians,
18:09 and the Chaldeans, the experts of the kingdom,
18:11 to tell the King
18:12 not only the interpretation but the dream.
18:16 >> By the way, this shows that Satan is not able
18:18 to read the mind.
18:20 Because I'm sure the devil was dying
18:21 to read the mind of the king to know what he had dreamed,
18:26 but he couldn't.
18:28 >> And so these charlatans were unmasked.
18:32 It was proved that they were charlatans,
18:34 that they didn't know what they were doing.
18:36 And so you know the story, calls the wise men,
18:39 they're not able to tell the dream
18:41 and much less the interpretation.
18:43 So eventually the king, Daniel goes in
18:49 and says to the king now please give me some time
18:52 and I'll go look in my crystal ball
18:54 and then I'll let you know. No, that's not what he said.
18:58 Give me some time I'll go outside
19:00 and look at the stars at night and astrology
19:02 will tell me the King's dream. No no no.
19:05 >> What did Daniel do? He went to his private chambers
19:10 and he prayed to the Lord for wisdom.
19:14 Which we find in Daniel chapter two and verse twenty one.
19:18 And so, Daniel is given wisdom to give the dream
19:25 and the interpretation of the dream.
19:27 >> So that's the first aspect that we find
19:29 in Daniel chapter 2 verse 21. It's actually the third item,
19:33 and that is that God gives wisdom
19:35 and understanding to the wise. That's what he did to Daniel
19:39 so that Daniel could explain the vision
19:42 and could actually give him the vision.
19:44 But notice Daniel two verses thirty seven and thirty eight.
19:48 This is very interesting
19:50 because we have the second element of Daniel 2:21.
19:54 It says: You, O King,... here Daniel is
19:56 speaking to Nebuchadnezzar... You, O king,
19:57 are a king of kings
20:00 >> Why was he a king of kings? >> Well, he had better weapons,
20:04 he was much more intelligent.
20:06 Is that the reason why? No, You O king,
20:09 >> are a King of Kings for the God of heaven
20:12 has given you a kingdom, power, strength, and glory;
20:16 who places kings and removes Kings
20:18 according to Daniel 2:21? God does. See, here
20:21 Daniel is reminding Nebuchadnezzar of that
20:25 and God gave Daniel wisdom
20:27 in order to tell him this beforehand.
20:29 So you have two elements there from Daniel two verse
20:32 twenty one. And then I continue saying:
20:35 and wherever the children of men dwell,
20:38 or the beasts of the field and the birds of the air.
20:41 He has given them into your hand,
20:43 and has made you ruler over them all.
20:46 Who is it that places kings and removes kings,
20:48 who determines who rules? God does. Who gives wisdom
20:53 so that an individual can tell the king his dream,
20:57 and what the dream means? God does.
21:00 But there is a third element. This is very interesting.
21:04 The third element is that God changes the times
21:07 and the seasons.
21:08 Now let's pursue that for a moment.
21:12 After Nebuchadnezzar heard his dream
21:15 he said yeah this is what I dream.
21:18 >> And after Daniel explained his dream, you know,
21:22 that there was gonna be the head of gold, Babylon; breast
21:25 and arms of silver, Medo-Persia; the belly of bronze,
21:29 Greece; the legs of iron, Rome;
21:31 and the ten toes which are the same thing
21:33 as the ten horns in Daniel chapter seven,
21:35 which means that there was gonna be a division. Nebuchadnezzar,
21:40 at first he was amazed he says,
21:42 wow, look at this guy so wise.
21:45 His God must be the true God. That's what he thought.
21:49 But then after a little
21:51 while Nebuchadnezzar said to himself, huh,
21:56 so Babylon is only going to be the head of gold.
22:01 That's not the way history is going to transpire. History
22:06 isn't going to transpire the way God says.
22:09 I am in control of history.
22:12 So what did then Nebuchadnezzar do? Nebuchadnezzar
22:16 made an image totally of gold. what is that Nebuchadnezzar is
22:22 really saying? He's saying history
22:25 is not going to follow the way
22:27 God says, it's going to flow the way I say.
22:32 He's trying to take control of God's prophetic calendar.
22:36 He's trying to counteract God's prophetic calendar.
22:39 That's the third element and Daniel to verse twenty one
22:42 right before this whole story takes place.
22:46 And so the King makes an image totally of gold.
22:50 And you know the story. He commands
22:52 everyone in his realm who was present there to worship the image
22:57 that he has raised up. But there are three young men
23:01 that say we will not bow down on worship.
23:03 >> Now, we need to understand that the issue here
23:05 is greater than the issue of worship.
23:08 >> The issue is these three young men
23:10 are not only not willing to worship, practice false worship,
23:14 but they are unwilling to believe the prophetic scenario
23:18 that the king is portraying.
23:20 Because God has said how history is going to develop.
23:24 So they're not only saying,
23:25 we're not going to practice false worship,
23:27 they are saying we are not going to believe
23:32 the prophetic scenario that the king is giving.
23:35 Where he's trying to take control of God's times.
23:39 And so Nebuchadnezzar hears that there are three young men
23:44 that did not bow down to worship the image.
23:48 So the king says, bring those three young men here
23:51 and he threatens them. He says to them:
23:54 is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego that
23:57 you don't worship the image that I raised up? which Ellen
24:00 White says represented the eternity of Babylon. That Babylon
24:04 would last forever. The Babylon would never fall.
24:08 >> You don't accept my perspective of history,
24:10 you don't worship my image.
24:13 >> Do you see that fiery furnace over there?
24:16 If you don't bow and bow down and worship
24:20 you'll be thrown into that fiery furnace,
24:23 and what god will be able to deliver you from my hand?
24:29 It's a direct challenge against God.
24:34 >> He's saying I, am more powerful
24:36 than the God of the Hebrews. Let me ask you,
24:39 >> did God change the king's plans? He most certainly did.
24:46 You know the story. The three young men
24:49 were thrown into the fiery furnace
24:51 and Nebuchadnezzar says, problem solved.
24:56 >> This shows that I'm in control of history,
24:58 that's my scenario, there's no opposition now.
25:01 Suddenly he looks into the furnaces and says:
25:04 >> did we cast into the furnace three men?
25:08 Well, I see four men walking like in the garden.
25:14 And they're not consumed, and
25:16 the figure of the fourth individual
25:18 is like the son of God.
25:23 Did the Lord change Nebuchadnezzar's scenario? Did God show
25:29 that he is sovereign, and that history will develop
25:32 as he had said that it will develop?
25:35 >> Absolutely.
25:37 In other words, God is in control of the kinds of Iddan and Zeman.
25:45 Now, Ellen White has a perceptive concept
25:48 that we find in Patriarchs and Prophets page
25:50 five hundred and four, speaking about why Nebuchadnezzar
25:53 raised up that image totally of gold.
25:56 She wrote: Instead of reproducing the image as he had seen it,
26:01 he would excel the original. His image
26:07 should not deteriorate in value from the head to the feet,
26:12 but should be entirely of gold- symbolic throughout of Babylon
26:18 as an eternal, indestructible all powerful kingdom,
26:23 which would break in pieces all other kingdoms
26:28 and stand forever.
26:33 >> Did God interrupt Nebuchadnezzar's perspective
26:38 of history? That God take control and say history will develop
26:42 as I say, not as you say? He most certainly did.
26:47 So we have these three expressions in Daniel 2:21.
26:50 If we had time I would show you that this theme runs
26:53 in all of the chapters of Daniel. The central theme of Daniel
26:57 is that God is in control of human history,
27:01 and whoever allies himself with God
27:05 will end up victorious with God
27:08 because God is in control of prophetic events.
27:13 We have another illustration of this.
27:16 In Daniel chapter 6.
27:18 You remember the story of Daniel in the lion's den.
27:21 You know when I was a kid I used to love
27:23 that story, specially when it got to the part
27:24 of Daniel
27:26 being thrown into the lion's den.
27:29 You know, and not being eaten by the lions.
27:32 The king established a law that for 30 days,
27:36 is that a set time a specific time?
27:38 Absolutely. That no one could make a request of God
27:43 or man other than the king. So he makes this decree.
27:48 And the interesting thing is that then the King
27:51 after he gives the decree,
27:53 he discovers that what these evil men wanted
27:58 was to get rid of Daniel, and the king loved Daniel
28:02 But he's been tricked into this, and the laws of the Medes
28:04 and Persians could not be changed.
28:07 >> And so now it appears that Daniel is going to cat food.
28:12 >> And so the king, he goes right before Daniel
28:15 is cast into the lion's den
28:18 and he says: Daniel, I am bound by my own law.
28:26 >> I cannot deliver you, may the God
28:30 who you continually serve deliver you
28:34 because I can't. Did God
28:39 intervene and change the king's plans?
28:44 He most certainly did. You know the story.
28:47 >> Daniel it's taken, he's thrown into the lion's den.
28:52 And the enemies say problem solved.
28:57 >> And so the king he's not able to sleep,
29:00 no musicians are brought before him.
29:02 >> He's suffering terrible insomnia all night
29:08 because his friend Daniel is in the lion's den.
29:11 So the next morning he goes to the lion's den
29:13 and he says:
29:15 Oh Daniel, has the God whom you continually serve
29:20 been able to deliver you from the lions den?
29:23 >> Has he overturned my law and protected you?
29:27 >> And Daniel says what? Daniel said,
29:30 the Lord sent his angel
29:36 >> and he shut the lion's mouth
29:39 so that the lions would not eaten me. Was God in control?
29:43 Does God care really when human beings
29:45 establish a time period for something to happen?
29:48 Can God intervene and can he interfere with that
29:51 and make his plan be fulfilled?
29:54 >> Now I want you to notice Daniel 6.
29:56 This is really important there's a key word here.
29:59 Daniel Chapter 6 and we'll start reading at verse 14.
30:03 The key word is changed. Then the King,
30:08 when he heard these words, was sore displeased with himself,...
30:12 this is when he discovers the plot of the enemies of Daniel...
30:16 and set his heart on Daniel to deliver him: and he laboured
30:20 till the going down of the sun to deliver him.
30:24 Then these men assembled unto the King, and said unto the king,
30:29 Know, O king, that the law the Medes and Persians
30:32 is, that no decree nor statute
30:35 which the king established may be changed.
30:37 >> This is the the prophetic period
30:39 that established for thirty days.
30:42 >> Verse 16, Then the king commanded,
30:44 and they brought Daniel,
30:46 and cast him into the den of lions.
30:48 Now the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God
30:52 whom thou servest continually,
30:54 he will deliver thee. And the stone was brought,
30:57 and laid upon the mouth of the den; and the king sealed it
31:00 with his own signet, and with the signet of his lords;
31:03 that the purpose might not be changed concerning Daniel.
31:09 But did God change the plan concerning Daniel?
31:13 >> He most certainly did. >> So what I'm saying folks
31:17 is that the expression,
31:21 he shall think to change times in the law
31:25 and the times, the law, we know what that means.
31:29 >> It means that the papacy would remove
31:32 the second commandment basically
31:34 and he would think that he could change
31:36 the commandment concerning the Sabbath.
31:38 But the change in the times
31:40 would mean that somehow the little horn
31:44 or the papacy would try to interfere
31:46 with God's prophetic calendar. Are you understand me?
31:52 In other words, somehow the little horn would attempt
31:56 to change God's scenario of prophetic events.
31:59 How events are going to transpire in history.
32:03 Perhaps hide the identity of the Antichrist
32:07 by establishing a counterfeit prophetic scenario.
32:11 Are u understanding what I am saying?
32:12 That's what the change in the Ttmes means.
32:15 And the question is, did the Roman Catholic papacy
32:19 attempt to meddle
32:21 with God's prophetic calendar, with God's chain.
32:25 if you please, and institute a counterfeit way
32:30 of interpreting events to distract people
32:33 from the true meaning of Bible prophecy?
32:37 In the next several presentations
32:38 we're going to notice that that is exactly what happened.
32:42 Now we also need to examine the expression times and times
32:48 and seasons in the New Testament.
32:50 Because those words are used in the New Testament,
32:54 they are Greek words. They're not Iddan and Zeman. They are Kairos
32:59 and Chronos where we get the word chronology from.
33:03 But the parallel is there.
33:05 So let's examine what the word time or times
33:09 in a prophetic context represents in the New Testament.
33:12 Go with me to Galatians chapter 4
33:14 and verse 4. Galatians chapter 4 and verse 4.
33:19 Very interesting verse.
33:21 Did God have a specific date when he was going to send
33:24 Jesus to this world to become incarnate?
33:27 Did God had that on this calendar? Ellen White
33:30 has a remarkable statement in Desire of Ages
33:32 where she says that everything that Jesus did on this earth
33:36 was in harmony with the calendar that they had settled
33:39 in eternity past. Every single event.
33:42 An amazing statement. Notice Galatians four verse four.
33:46 when the fullness of the time had come,
33:50 God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law.
33:55 Does that word time have anything to do
33:57 with God's prophetic calendar? Sure.
34:01 When the time arrived in God's calendar,
34:05 The Messiah came to the world. Noticed Mark
34:09 chapter one and verse fifteen. What I want you to see now folks,
34:14 this is very important, is that the word
34:16 time and times when it refers to Bible prophecy,
34:19 is referring to God's calendar or prophetic events.
34:22 Events that God has established
34:24 that are going to happen in his timing and in his way.
34:27 Notice Mark 1 verse 15.
34:31 >> Jesus has just been baptized, and now he's gonna say something
34:36 at the very beginning of his ministry.
34:38 He says, The time is fulfilled,...
34:44 >> Tht word Kairos in Greek... The time is fulfilled,
34:49 and the Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent
34:54 and believe the gospel.
34:56 >> What was Jesus referring to when he says
34:59 that time is fulfilled?
35:03 >> He is referring to the conclusion
35:08 of the prophecy of the 70 week. You'll see, his baptism
35:13 was predicted the exact moment of his baptism
35:16 was predicted in Daniel chapter 9.
35:20 >> And so after Jesus is baptized
35:22 which is his anointing as the Messiah,
35:24 he says, the time is fulfilled. So does the word time
35:29 has anything to do with prophetic events?
35:32 It most certainly does. Let me read you from Ellen White.
35:35 Desire of Ages page two hundred and thirty two.
35:39 The time which He declared to be fulfilled
35:43 was the period made known by the angel Gabriel to Daniel.
35:48 So the time that Jesus said is fulfilled,
35:51 is what God revealed to Daniel. What did he reveal to him?
35:54 'Seventy weeks' said the angel,
35:56 'are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city,
36:00 to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, and
36:02 to make reconciliation for iniquity,
36:04 and to bring in everlasting righteousness,
36:06 and to seal up the vision and prophecy,
36:08 and to anoint the most holy'. So when
36:12 Jesus said the time is fulfilled,
36:14 is he talking about specific event on God's calendar
36:17 that took place exactly when God said it was going to take place?
36:20 Absolutely. Notice Acts 1: 7 and 8.
36:24 This very interesting verse, similar to Daniel 2:21.
36:28 Acts chapter 1 verses 7 and 8.
36:31 Before we read those two verses let me say
36:34 that Jesus is responding to a question
36:36 that his disciples asked.
36:38 >> Let's read Acts chapter 1 and verse 6,
36:41 and then we'll read verses 7 and 8.
36:44 The disciples come to Jesus and they ask him: Lord will you
36:50 at this time restart the kingdom to Israel?
36:55 You know , on your prophetic calendar,
36:58 is this the moment to restore the kingdom of Israel?
37:03 What was the answer of Jesus? Notice, And he said unto them,
37:09 it is not for you to know times or seasons.
37:13 >> Does that sound familiar? Is that referring to a prophetic event?
37:18 >> Yes!, It is not for you to know times or seasons
37:22 which the Father has put in His own authority.
37:26 So who is in control of the times and the seasons?
37:30 Jesus is saying to them, it's none of your business
37:34 because the times and seasons are in God's control.
37:38 He says when things are going to happen.
37:41 So it says,
37:43 And he said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons
37:47 which the Father has put in His own authority.
37:50 But you shall receive power
37:52 when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;
37:54 and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem,
37:57 and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
38:02 >> So let me ask you, what would times and seasons refer
38:05 to in Daniel chapter 2 and verse 21?
38:08 >> He changes the times and the seasons.
38:11 It must refer to God's prophetic what? God's prophetic calendar.
38:15 How he has revealed that prophetic events will transpire.
38:19 In some way, the little horn was going to attempt
38:23 to change God's prophetic calendar.
38:26 He was going to try to deflect the true fulfillment of prophecy
38:30 by establishing a counter-fit scenario,
38:34 and I'm going to show to you in the next several lectures
38:37 how the Roman Catholic papacy did that.
38:40 >> It is historical. It is exactly what took place.
38:43 And I'll get a little bit ahead of myself.
38:45 The Roman Catholic papacy instituted a system
38:48 of prophetic interpretation called preterism.
38:51 The idea that the prophecy of the little horn
38:57 was fulfilled in the old testament
38:58 was the person called Antiochus Epiphanes.
39:03 If that prophecy of the little horn
39:05 was fulfilled in the old testament,
39:08 it has nothing to do with the papacy.
39:11 Are you with me or not?
39:13 >> Also a Roman Catholic Jesuit established another system
39:16 of interpretation called futurism.
39:19 And basically he thought that the Antichrist will arise
39:23 at the very end of human history.
39:26 And if that's true the papacy does not fulfill that prophecy.
39:31 Is this changing God's times,
39:34 changing God's prophetic scenario?
39:36 >> You're gonna be amazed as you hear this story
39:39 in the next several presentation.
39:41 It's gonna it's gonna take us five or six presentations
39:44 to fully develop this in the next several lectures.
39:48 Now let's go to first Thessalonians chapter 5
39:51 and verses 1 and 2. First Thessalonians
39:53 chapter 5 and verses 1 and 2.
39:55 Once again we find the same expression times and seasons.
40:01 >> Notice what it says there. The Apostle Paul writes,
40:07 But concerning the times and the seasons,
40:17 brethren, you have no need that I should write to you.
40:24 Once again the same expression times and seasons. Now,
40:27 what was the apostle Paul saying when he said to them,
40:30 about the times and seasons
40:33 I have no need that I should write to you?
40:35 >> Well we need to look at the following verses.
40:37 In the following verses
40:39 the apostle Paul is talking about the clause of probation
40:43 and the second coming of Christ.
40:46 He says, I don't have to really instruct you about the times
40:50 and the seasons. Which does God has a date
40:53 for the close of probation? Does God has a date
40:57 in his calendar for the close of probation?
40:59 >> Yes, Does God has a date for the second coming?
41:03 You say, well no, the date is movable.
41:06 No it isn't.
41:08 God has a date on his calendar for the second coming.
41:12 But we don't know the day or the hour.
41:14 >> That's what Jesus said. No one knows the day and the hour,
41:17 but there is a day and an hour.
41:20 Was there a day an hour to begin the judgment?
41:23 Absolutely.
41:24 And so the apostle Paul when he says
41:26 but concerning the times and the seasons, brethren,
41:28 you have no need that I should write to you.
41:30 >> In other words, I've talked to you
41:31 about these prophetic events
41:33 before. In the succeeding context in verses 2 through 6,
41:39 the apostle Paul is describing events relating to the end.
41:44 He is describing events that have to do
41:47 with the closer of probation and the second coming of Jesus.
41:51 By the way, this
41:53 word for, this expression times
41:57 and seasons according to the Greek lexicon,
42:01 one of the better Greek lexicon's of the New Testament.
42:05 >> It's called the Greek- English Lexicon
42:10 of the New Testament and other Christian Literature,
42:14 basically it says that these words can mean-
42:17 definite, fixed, determined or alloted time.
42:23 And then it goes on to explain that the word Kairos
42:26 is one of the chief eschatological terms.
42:30 The word eschatological means, end time terms,
42:32 having to do with Bible prophecy. So are u understanding this point?
42:40 >> What did the little horn do?
42:43 The little horn ,not only thought it could change God's holy law
42:47 by removing the second commandment from the catechism,
42:51 >> even though it's in Roman Catholic Bibles,
42:53 and by attempting to change the day of worship
42:56 from Sabbath the Sunday. But it even went so far
42:59 as to attempt to change the order of prophetic events
43:04 that God established just like Nebuchadnezzar tried to do
43:07 when he built the image
43:09 saying Babylon will be eternal, prophetic history
43:12 will not transpire as God has said, it will transpire as I say.
43:17 >> Now let's notice a few other texts
43:19 that describe the times. Luke chapter 21 verse
43:24 twenty four, Luke 21 and verse twenty.
43:29 This speaks about a very interesting period.
43:33 And you're going to see what the word times means.
43:37 >> It says here in Luke 21 and verse 24.
43:41 speaking about the Jews the Jewish nation.
43:44 And they will fall by the edge of the sword,
43:50 and be led away captive
43:51 into all nations. Was that literally fulfilled
43:54 after the destruction of Jerusalem with the Jews?
43:57 Absolutely. And then it says,
44:00 >> And Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles
44:04 until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
44:11 Has God establish a certain period
44:13 that is called The times of the Gentiles? Yes.
44:18 >> And you say, what are those times of the Gentiles?
44:20 I wish I had time to expound upon
44:23 this one verse. What are the times of the Gentiles?
44:25 Well, when we go to Revelation chapter 11 in verse 2
44:30 we find a very interesting expression.
44:33 Let's go there for a moment to Revelation
44:36 chapter 11 verse 2. There you're gonna find
44:39 what the times of the Gentiles are. What period it is.
44:44 >> So it says there in chapter eleven
44:47 and verse two of the book of Revelation,
44:52 >> But the court which is without the temple
44:55 leave out, and measure it not; for
44:58 it is given unto the Gentiles:
45:03 and the the holy city shall they tread under foot,... for how long?
45:09 Forty two months. So,
45:10 how long does the times of the Gentiles last?
45:14 It last forty two months. Is that a prophetic period?
45:18 >> Is it a specific prophetic period that God is established
45:21 that must be fulfilled the way that God has said
45:23 it's going to be fulfilled?
45:24 Absolutely. Was it fulfilled to the very letter?
45:28 Yes. But you'll notice that it is called
45:32 the times of the Gentiles. Once again the word times deals
45:36 with a specific period of prophetic events.
45:40 Now in second Thessalonians chapter two, go with me
45:44 to second Thessalonians chapter two.
45:47 And we're going to notice something very interesting
45:49 about this same period. The forty two months
45:52 the twelve hundred and sixty days,
45:54 or what is also called the time times and the dividing of time.
45:58 >> Second Thessalonians chapter two and verse six.
46:03 This is talking about the man of sin.
46:05 Do you know who the man of sin is?
46:07 It's the same as the little horn.
46:10 Different names are given to this system,
46:11 to the papal system.
46:13 In some places it's called the little horn,
46:15 in Daniel 7 and 8. In Revelation
46:18 13 it's called the beast. In second Thessalonians 2,
46:22 it's called the man of sin In Revelation 17
46:26 this system is called the harlot.
46:29 In first John chapter 2,
46:31 >> it's called the Antichrist. In Matthew 24
46:34 it's called the abomination of desolation.
46:36 In Daniel 11 this system is called the king of the north.
46:40 In other words, all these names
46:42 applied to the very same system in prophecy.
46:45 >> Different names that describe the same power.
46:49 >> Now, notice chapter two and verse six. For a while
46:55 the Man of Sin was not visible.
46:59 He was under the radar, if you please.
47:02 But there was a certain moment when the Man of Sin
47:05 was gonna stick up his head
47:07 and people was gonna see, he was gonna be revealed.
47:10 Notice second Thessalonians Chapter 2 and verse 6.
47:14 The apostle Paul says,
47:16 And now you know what withholdeth.
47:18 And we're going to study this a little bit later
47:20 in more detail. And now you know what withholdeth.
47:25 There is something holding back the manifestation of the Man of Sin.
47:30 But then it says, that he might be revealed in his time.
47:38 Was there a specific time in which the Man of Sin
47:42 was going to manifest himself so that people could see him?
47:46 >> Absolutely. When was that time? Time,
47:50 times, the dividing of time.
47:53 Twelve hundred and sixty days. Forty two months.
47:58 When that time came the Man of Sin revealed himself.
48:03 But notice once again that the word time is used here
48:06 to say that when the time comes
48:08 that God is established on this calendar the Man of Sin
48:12 will reveal himself. Notice first Timothy chapter six.
48:18 First Timothy chapter six and verse fifteen.
48:22 Once again the word times refers to prophetic events.
48:27 First Timothy chapter six and verse fifteen.
48:32 Let's read verse fourteen to get the context.
48:36 It says in verse fourteen, that they'll keep his commandments
48:40 without spot, unrebukeable
48:44 until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
48:47 What does it say next?
48:50 Which in his times he shall show,
48:56 Is there a time for him to show?
48:59 Yes. In his times he shall show.
49:04 Who is the blessed and only Potentate,
49:08 The King of kings and Lord of lords;
49:12 who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light
49:14 which no man can approach unto; whom no man has seen
49:18 nor can see: to whom be honor and power everlasting.
49:23 >> Amen. So once again, he will shows himself
49:28 when the time comes.
49:32 Notice also Revelation chapter 11.
49:35 Revelation Chapter 11, and let's read
49:41 verse 18. Revelation chapter 11 and verse 18.
49:46 Are you catching the gist of what we're studying?
49:50 Are you understanding the point
49:51 that I'm trying to make with all of these verses?
49:54 The point is folks, that when the Bible uses the word time
49:59 and times in a prophetic context
50:01 it refers to God's prophetic calendar, events
50:03 that he has established that will be fulfilled
50:06 at a certain time with certain individuals in a certain place.
50:09 >> Now notice Revelation chapter 11 verse 18, Revelation 11
50:14 and verse 18. That the nations were angry and
50:19 thy wrath has come and the time of the dead,
50:24 that they should be judged.
50:27 Does God have a specific time for the
50:29 judgment of the dead?
50:33 Does he have a specific moment
50:34 that he has established in time
50:37 for the judgment of the righteous dead?
50:40 >> What date is that? October 22, 1844.
50:45 Onto 2300 days and the sanctuary shall be cleansed.
50:50 >> Is that clearly in God's calendar?
50:52 Has he established that date for the judgment of the righteous?
50:56 Yes.
50:57 Has God also established a date for the judgment of the wicked?
51:01 This actually is referring to the judgment of the wicked,
51:04 it's not referred to the judgment of the righteous.
51:06 >> Let me ask you when are the
51:08 wicked gonna be judged?
51:13 They are going to be judged during the millennium.
51:18 Do you think God has a date for the beginning of the millennium?
51:23 Do you think God has a date from the beginning of the millennium?
51:26 That's what it says here.
51:28 It says in verse 18, and the nations were angry
51:31 and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead,
51:36 that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward
51:40 until thy servants the prophets, and to the saints,
51:43 and them that fear thy name, small and great;
51:46 and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
51:51 So you'll see here once again that very clearly God
51:56 has established a time for the judgment of the dead
52:00 both of the righteous and also of the wicked.
52:05 >> Now let's go to our last reference.
52:09 >> It's also in Revelation chapter
52:11 eleven, Revelation chapter eleven
52:14 and we are going to read in this chapter,
52:18 let's see if I can find it here.
52:22 >> Actually Chapter 10 not Chapter 11.
52:24 We just went to Chapter 11.
52:26 Let's go to Chapter 10 and verse 6
52:31 and I'm reading from the King James Version.
52:33 Modern versions don't really catch the nuance
52:36 of what this verse is saying, they translated
52:42 differently only the King James version
52:45 has the correct translation of this verse.
52:47 Notice what it says in verse six.
52:50 You're acquainted with the little book episode right?
52:53 In Revelation Chapter 10 an angel descends from heaven
52:57 with little book in his hand. You know what that book is?
53:02 It's the message concerning the judgment in the book of Daniel.
53:05 So it comes down with that little book
53:07 and he tells John to eat the book.
53:10 And the book is what? Sweet in his mouth but...
53:14 bitter in his stomach. What does that mean?
53:17 It means that the message of the judgment
53:20 that is contained in Daniel when it was first assimilated.
53:25 It was gonna be a sweet experience
53:27 but it would be followed by a bitter aftermath.
53:31 >> Did then happen leading up to the 1844 movement?
53:36 Did they suffer a severe disappointment?
53:38 Did they proclaim the judgment?
53:39 Was that a sweet message at first?
53:41 Oh absolutely. But then it became what it became bitter.
53:46 Now it's interesting to notice
53:48 in Revelation Chapter 10 verse 6.
53:50 Then once again, that this angel with the little book
53:55 after the book is open.
53:56 In fact after the great disappointment
53:59 the angel lifts up his hand to heaven.
54:04 And he says something very interesting verse six... And sware
54:08 by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven,
54:12 and the things that are there in, and the earth,
54:15 and the things that they're in are, and the sea
54:18 and the things which are there in, that
54:21 there should be time no longer .
54:29 >> What did the angel say? Time would be no longer.
54:33 Is this talking about the end of the world?
54:37 It's not referring to the end of the world.
54:39 How do we know that it's not talking about time
54:41 comes to an end? For two reasons. Number one, this
54:49 is happening during the sixth trumpet
54:53 and the world doesn't come to an end until the 7. So that time
54:59 you cannot be referring to the end of the world .
55:03 >> And secondly, because after the angel swears
55:07 that time will be no longer, John has told prophesy again.
55:13 >> What good would it do to prophesy again
55:16 if the world had come to an end?
55:19 >> So what must this refer to? It must refer to prophetic time,
55:25 and that's how Ellen White describes it.
55:28 >> And so what this is saying is that
55:31 after October 22 1844
55:34 there will be no more prophecies that have to do with time.
55:43 So have we provided enough evidence from scripture
55:47 that the expression he changes the times and the seasons
55:50 simply means that God is the one
55:53 that establishes the course of prophetic events,
55:57 and when human beings mess with that, God changes their plans
56:03 and he institutes his plan according to his calendar.
56:09 >> So basically folks we're gonna see in our next studies
56:14 that the papacy has attempted
56:18 to change God's prophetic calendar
56:22 by projecting the fulfillment of the Antichrist
56:24 prophecies to the distant past
56:27 or the distant future.
56:29 >> And meanwhile the papacy hides its identity
56:32 because people are looking at the wrong time
56:35 in the wrong place.
56:37 And the sad story is that the Protestant churches
56:43 the conservative Protestant churches
56:46 have bought this hook, line and sinker,
56:51 fishing pole, fishermen, and boat.
56:57 And fish. Protestantism has bought this.
57:04 >> They are totally gone away from their roots
57:08 in the Protestant Reformation,
57:10 and for this reason they look to the Middle East,
57:13 they talk about the Muslims,
57:15 they talk about all of these events
57:17 that are taking place in the world in the Middle East.
57:21 >> And meanwhile the power of the papacy grows in Rome,
57:25 and apostate Protestantism in the United States
57:28 comes closer and closer to Rome.
57:30 And they cannot see prophecy being fulfilled
57:33 because they're looking in the wrong place,
57:36 in the wrong time, for the wrong people.
57:41 This is vitally important so I hope that
57:44 you continue coming. Spread the word, spread the word.
57:49 >> We'd like to have this place totally full
57:51 so that we can see how God's prophetic events will transpire
57:56 so that we can be prepared
57:58 for what's coming very soon upon this world. /JAB 20190219


Revised 2019-07-17