Time Of The End

To You Is Promised

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Kenneth Cox


Series Code: TOTE

Program Code: TOTE000026

00:02 Can you believe it?
00:05 Can you build your faith on it?
00:08 The promises of God's Word are sure.
00:12 They do not fail.
00:17 This Book has stood the test of time.
00:30 Father in heaven,
00:32 tonight we look forward to that day -
00:36 the day in which You're coming back.
00:41 We pray that each one of us here
00:44 may be prepared... that we might be waiting,
00:49 watching. That You will give to us
00:54 Your Holy Spirit.
00:57 That it may fill our lives.
01:00 That each one of us may be faithful witnesses
01:06 in all that we do.
01:08 Bless us in our study tonight.
01:10 Give us the understanding that we need.
01:14 May our hearts be open.
01:16 This we pray in Christ's name, Amen.
01:28 Every individual that is born into the kingdom of God
01:34 is born into the kingdom
01:36 of God as a missionary.
01:39 There are no exceptions.
01:42 When you take the name Christian
01:46 you become a witness.
01:49 And from that day forward - the moment that you
01:53 accept Jesus Christ - from that day forward
01:55 you are a witness to those about you
02:00 and to those you come in contact with
02:02 of the power of God.
02:04 The scripture say this to us:
02:16 So the scripture says: "You are My witness. " Every one of you.
02:22 The moment that you make a decision and say
02:25 "I will give my heart to Jesus Christ... "
02:27 from that moment on you are a witness...
02:33 witness to the power of God in your life
02:37 and what the Lord Jesus Christ can do.
02:46 So God says that He is God and that we are His witnesses.
02:57 Now when it says: "Go ye therefore and make disciples
03:00 of all nations" do you know who that's talking to?
03:06 That's talking to you.
03:08 Talking to every one of you
03:10 because you become His witness.
03:13 All right.
03:18 That's what we've been doing here is preaching the gospel.
03:21 And as the gospel is preached it says that men and women
03:25 are to accept Christ. They are to follow Him
03:29 in baptism, teaching them to observe what?
03:32 All things. That's what we've tried to do here
03:36 is to teach you what God's Word says.
03:40 And I can honestly say
03:45 that as standing before the God of heaven
03:49 that I have shared with you
03:52 the gospel and the teachings of scripture. Amen!
03:56 Some of it may have not been too easy,
04:01 but God didn't ask me to make that choice.
04:05 God asked me to teach what?
04:08 "All things. " And that is what we have simply done.
04:12 In the Word, in prophecy, we have told you
04:15 what the Word of God says.
04:17 "Teaching them to observe all things
04:20 that I have commanded you.
04:21 And lo, I am with you... even unto the end of the age. "
04:26 So God just says that's our responsibility
04:29 is to preach the Word of God.
04:44 So God says the Word is to be preached.
04:47 It's to be preached as a witness to all nations.
04:50 And dear friends, it is preached many, many different ways.
04:56 You see, you are a witness.
05:01 You preach... 'cause the moment you tell somebody
05:07 "I'm a Christian"
05:10 your life immediately begins to witness to that fact.
05:16 So God says that He's called all of us to be witnesses.
05:30 You see, I run onto people that don't quite understand
05:34 what's involved here.
05:37 Have you ever read the description of Christ
05:39 in the Bible? In the book of Revelation? Huh?
05:45 Have you ever read there where it talks about Jesus Christ
05:47 and it says that He is a lion?
05:50 Huh? The lion of the tribe of Judah.
05:53 A lion is known for what?
05:58 Hmmm?
06:00 Well, it's known for stealing sheep.
06:02 It's known as being victorious.
06:05 It's known for being strong.
06:07 It's known for fights.
06:10 That's what it's known for... a lion is.
06:12 And it says He is: "The lion of the tribe of Judah. "
06:14 But you read it here, folks... You can read all about that
06:18 in the 5th chapter of Revelation
06:20 but when it comes to picturing Him, do you know
06:22 how it pictures Him? As a Lamb.
06:30 Strange.
06:34 Have you ever seen people that are afraid of a lamb?
06:38 Hmmm?
06:40 Revelation says they are.
06:42 Says when He comes back they'll cry for the rocks
06:45 and the mountains to fall on them.
06:48 But what I'm trying to get across to you
06:51 is it pictures Jesus as a victory.
06:54 It pictures Him as victorious.
06:56 It pictures Him as a conqueror but it says that He's a Lamb.
07:01 You see, what I'm trying to get across and what the scripture's
07:04 trying to get across is the weapons that He used -
07:08 that He uses - are gentleness,
07:13 humility, kindness.
07:16 Those are the weapons that He uses.
07:19 And you and I as witnesses
07:23 are to be humble, kind, gentle.
07:29 This is what God expects you and I to be
07:33 and thus our witness is to all the people that we meet
07:37 of what the power of Jesus Christ can do in your life.
07:42 How He can change you and make us.
07:44 And thus He sends us out as sheep in the midst of wolves.
07:55 To be wise as serpents...
08:00 harmless as doves.
08:03 Now watch, 'cause the Lord doesn't send you out here,
08:06 folks, to be witnesses without giving you something.
08:24 Said: "As the Father sent Me,
08:26 so I send you. " All right?
08:38 You see, what I'm trying to get across to you is
08:41 God calls you to be a witness but He said:
08:44 "If you're going to be My witness I'm going to give you
08:46 My Spirit... I'm going to give you the Holy Spirit. "
08:50 And so He gives to you and to me the Holy Spirit.
08:55 What does the Holy Spirit do for you and for me?
09:02 That's the question you need to ask: what does the Holy Spirit?
09:04 Now we talked about the Holy Spirit the other night.
09:07 And in our study the other night we found out
09:10 that you cannot use the Holy Spirit.
09:14 The Holy Spirit must use you.
09:17 But what does it do for us?
09:19 Well, these are things that it does for us.
09:26 You cannot be an effective witness for Jesus Christ
09:30 unless you have the Holy Spirit
09:33 because the Holy Spirit gives you the fruits of the Spirit.
09:39 And the fruits of the Spirit we found out the other night
09:42 changes character.
09:46 It's what gives you love and joy and peace and longsuffering.
09:51 The Holy Spirit comes in and it begins to work in our lives
09:55 and it changes us. And as it changes us
09:58 it gives us the power to be an effective witness
10:02 for Jesus Christ. And without it, you can never
10:05 be an effective witness for Jesus.
10:29 You see, He gives us power to be witnesses.
10:32 He doesn't give you power to go do your own thing.
10:35 He doesn't give you power to do all these other things.
10:38 He gives you power to be a witness for Him
10:41 in Judea, Samaria... to the ends of the earth.
10:45 He gives you power to be a witness for Him.
10:50 That's what the Holy Spirit does. And so if you find that
10:53 your Christian life is ineffective,
10:56 if you find that your witness seems to lack, well then
11:02 you need the Holy Spirit, friends.
11:04 The Holy Spirit will bring that power there.
11:08 Listen... this is what happened:
11:09 When the Holy Spirit fell on the Day of Pentecost
11:12 and those people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit
11:15 this is what took place. Acts 4 verse 33:
11:27 With great power they gave witness of Jesus Christ.
11:34 You see, it's the power of the Holy Spirit
11:38 that speaks to the individual heart.
11:42 Without it, nothing is going to happen.
11:46 But with the baptism of the Holy Spirit
11:49 power is given there and men and women were converted.
11:53 They gave their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ
11:56 by great, great numbers.
12:12 This is out of Hebrews 2.
12:21 You see, that attended their witness.
12:25 But I have said it several nights now, folks,
12:30 I have found that God
12:34 only gives the Holy Spirit
12:38 to those that are humble and of contrite heart.
12:45 It's the only ones He gives it to is those who are humble
12:48 and of a contrite heart.
12:51 And when He gives the Holy Spirit
12:53 power will attend our witness
12:57 and we will become witnesses for God.
13:00 And there will be miracles "and gifts of the Holy Spirit
13:04 according to... "
13:06 Now there's several things in that last part, folks.
13:09 It says that when the Holy Spirit is given to you and to me
13:13 that He will give us what? Gifts. All right.
13:17 "According to His will. " Get it clear.
13:21 It is not your decision, it's not mine
13:24 what gift we receive. It is up to the Holy Spirit
13:28 to give us what gift He wants us to have.
13:31 I've run onto people that are praying for certain gifts.
13:36 No! God does not tell you and I
13:39 that we're to pray for certain gifts.
13:41 It tells us that we are to pray for the baptism of the
13:44 Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit will give us what gifts
13:47 He wants us to have.
13:50 Gives it according to His will.
13:53 So what does the Holy Spirit do for us?
14:02 That's what the Holy Spirit does.
14:03 Those gifts is what makes our witness effective...
14:08 and without those gifts they're not.
14:22 And so it says that when Jesus went back to heaven
14:26 He gave gifts. The Holy Spirit was poured out.
14:30 And with the Holy Spirit being poured out
14:33 certain gifts were given to men and women.
14:38 OK?
14:48 All right. Do you know how to do that?
14:53 Do you know how to ask for gifts?
14:57 Huh? Do you know how to ask?
15:01 I have three boys.
15:07 When I went through school
15:09 I had the privilege of working in a hospital emergency room.
15:13 And I worked in that for a couple years.
15:17 And after spending two years in a hospital emergency room
15:21 I made a decision:
15:23 that when I got married and I had children
15:29 that they could not - as long as they were in my household -
15:33 ride a motorcycle.
15:37 No way.
15:39 'Cause I saw too many come in the emergency room
15:42 and I said: "That's it... no motorcycle. "
15:44 Well, you get three boys and you know what happens
15:48 don't you? "I want a motorcycle. "
15:51 You know? And I'd say: "No, you can't have a motorcycle. "
15:54 Well, we went through that over and over and over
15:57 as they grew up. But I want to give you
16:01 a scenario about asking, OK?
16:04 Let's say that my boy
16:09 Jim says: "Where you going, Dad? "
16:13 And I say: "Oh, I've got to be gone this weekend.
16:15 I have speaking appointments and all. "
16:18 And he says: "Well, can I go with you? "
16:21 And I say: "Well sure you can go with me
16:27 but it's not going to be a very good time for you.
16:29 You know, I have to speak four or five times
16:32 and I'll be in meetings all day long
16:35 and it's going to be kind of boring for you. "
16:37 And he'd say: "No, I'd like to go with you. "
16:39 And I say: "You're welcome... I'd love to have you go.
16:43 I'd like to have your company but you've got to understand
16:46 that I'm tied up all that time. "
16:48 He said: "No, I'd like to go with you. "
16:49 I said: Great! " So we get in the car
16:52 and we start down the road and we drive along and we visit
16:54 a little bit. And pretty soon he says to me... he says:
16:58 "Dad, I'd sure like to have a motorcycle. "
17:02 And I say: "Is that why you came with me?
17:07 So you could ask me for a motorcycle? "
17:10 And our conversation ends right there you know.
17:14 That's the end of it. And so we just sit there
17:16 and there's not much said
17:18 and the weekend doesn't go very great,
17:20 you know, because I said "No, you can't have a motorcycle. "
17:24 Well let's replay that.
17:27 He comes to me and says: "Where you going this weekend? "
17:31 I say: "Oh, I've got to speak at several places this weekend
17:34 and all. " He said: "Well can I go with you? "
17:37 I say: "Sure you can go with me but you're not going to have
17:39 a very good time 'cause I'm going to be in meetings all day
17:42 and you're just going to have to sit there
17:45 and it won't be a very good time. "
17:47 He said: "No, I'd like to go with you. "
17:48 And I say: "Are you sure? " And he said: "Yeah. "
17:51 I say: "Well great! I'd love to have you.
17:53 I could use the company. "
17:55 And so we get in the car and we drive along
17:57 and we visit and we have a great time
17:59 and go all the way to the meeting. And we just talk
18:03 and enjoy one another. And while we're at the meeting
18:06 he does little things to help me all day long
18:09 and everything and just really enjoyed the fellowship together.
18:14 And we drive back home.
18:18 We have a nice visit all the way home and I think
18:20 "Man this is wonderful. I really appreciate him going with me. "
18:24 And we get home that night and I'm talking to the wife
18:27 and I say: "Do you think Jim would like to have
18:29 a motorcycle? "
18:33 You understand the difference?
18:36 Great great difference on how you approach it.
18:39 And the same thing is true with the Lord.
18:43 You see, it's the condition of the heart.
18:48 And if a person is humble, contrite
18:52 and is seeking the Lord to know Him
18:56 God is more willing to give us the Holy Spirit
18:59 than we are to give good gifts to our children. Amen!
19:02 That's what He wants to do for you
19:04 if you and I will just come to Him and open up our heart...
19:07 let Him come in...
19:11 accept what He has for us.
19:13 He'll give us those gifts.
19:26 Marvelous what He wants to do for you and for me.
19:31 So dear friend, the Holy Spirit - the gifts
19:34 of the Holy Spirit - are given to you and to me
19:37 to make us effective witnesses.
20:05 So when it says there are diversities of gifts
20:08 that means there are different kinds of gifts -
20:11 OK? - but it's the same Spirit.
20:15 All right. Gifts of the Holy Spirit... what are they
20:19 when He speaks about gifts that He's going to give?
20:22 Well let's look and see what those gifts are.
20:42 Who's that? Yeah, that's you!
20:49 Dear friend, don't... when I read that list
20:52 don't say: "Well that's preachers. " No, that's you!
20:55 He gave some to be apostles and some prophets
20:59 and some evangelists and some teachers.
21:09 That's the reason He gave those gifts.
21:12 "Till we all come to... " What? Unity! "Unity of the faith. "
21:17 How do you come to the unity of faith?
21:21 Right here. This is how you come to unity of faith
21:25 is by spending time in the Word of God.
21:29 Opening up your heart.
21:31 Listening to what God's Word says.
21:35 "Till we come to unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God
21:39 to a perfect man... "
21:45 This is the gifts that He wants to give to you and to me.
21:50 So let's take just a moment to decide what we've learned.
21:56 What have we learned so far?
21:59 Well, these are some things about the Holy Spirit that you
22:02 should have picked up as we studied together.
22:10 Gifts are given by what? The Holy Spirit.
22:20 They're given to people like you and me.
22:22 That's who those gifts are given to.
22:31 It is not my responsibility
22:33 to pray and say: "Lord
22:35 give me this gift. "
22:37 I'm going to talk a little more about that in a moment.
22:39 It's my responsibility to pray for the Holy Spirit.
22:44 The Holy Spirit will give me what gifts He wants me to have.
22:48 That the scripture makes very clear.
22:55 Not just one gift.
22:58 How many gifts are there?
23:01 Nine of them.
23:04 OK? So there's more than one gift.
23:12 That's what it says here in Ephesians 4:13: that the gifts
23:14 of the Spirit will be in the church
23:17 clear until Jesus comes back
23:20 'cause that's what gives the church power,
23:23 that's what makes them effective witnesses for Jesus Christ.
23:32 That's what they're there for.
23:34 They are to make you and I
23:37 the type of witness that God would want us to be.
23:40 See, I get some people... and don't misunderstand me
23:46 folks... I very much believe in education.
23:51 If you don't think I believe in education,
23:54 my four children: one's a nurse,
23:57 the oldest one - a girl - is a nurse.
23:59 One's an architect.
24:02 One's an attorney and one's a doctor...
24:06 so don't tell me I don't believe in education.
24:08 All right. But let me tell you something:
24:12 I would much much rather have ignorance
24:17 on fire than to have intellect on ice... any day.
24:23 Any day. Because the Holy Spirit can take that and use it.
24:29 If that person will just simply surrender their heart
24:32 to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit can fill that person
24:36 and do in that person's life what education never could do.
24:41 And so, come to the Lord. Open up your heart.
24:45 Let the Holy Spirit fill your life.
24:47 It's the Holy Spirit that equips the saints.
24:51 Understand.
24:56 It's the Holy Spirit that gives the power for witnessing.
25:03 Nine gifts that the Holy Spirit gives.
25:06 Let's look at them... see what those 9 gifts are
25:09 'cause He has a wonderful gift for you.
25:13 See, the Holy Spirit has a wonderful gift for you.
25:17 What are some of those gifts?
26:04 Watch now:
26:16 The Holy Spirit is the one that does that and works
26:20 in the life of those nine gifts.
26:22 He gives to you and I as He sees our need.
26:28 What is the best?
26:29 You don't understand what's the best for you
26:33 but the Holy Spirit does and He will give you that gift.
26:38 If you and I will just humbly, meekly
26:42 come to the Lord and open our heart and soul to Him,
26:46 the Holy Spirit will come in and fill our life...
26:49 will make us completely different.
26:53 Nine gifts. To one is given the gift of wisdom.
27:02 I believe that's a gift of the Holy Spirit.
27:06 Now I believe that wisdom is a gift of the Holy Spirit
27:13 'cause I know a lot of people who have gone to school
27:16 and got great educations but they don't have any wisdom.
27:22 And I know people who haven't gone to school at all
27:25 that have great wisdom.
27:27 And I look for these people...
27:30 When I need counsel I look for people that
27:34 have been given that gift.
27:37 See, that's what I'm looking for
27:38 is one that the Holy Spirit has given that gift of wisdom to.
27:42 To others is given the gift of knowledge.
27:47 I went to school with a boy that
27:50 I believe was given the gift of knowledge.
27:52 In fact, we roomed together.
27:54 I can still remember I would be sitting at the desk
27:58 pouring over the Greek - studying Greek -
28:02 and he would sit over on his bed with his guitar
28:05 and strum his guitar and page through the Greek book,
28:09 And when we took tests, he'd make A's and I'd make B's.
28:14 I mean, he just has the gift of knowledge.
28:17 To this day I can call him up
28:21 and ask him dates and places and stuff
28:23 and he can just spiel that off like an encyclopedia.
28:27 Has the gift of knowledge.
28:29 But if I need counsel I don't call him 'cause
28:33 he doesn't have horse sense.
28:37 Given the gift of knowledge but not the gift of wisdom.
28:43 OK. To others is given the gift of faith.
28:46 And I'm sure you've know people that's been given that gift.
28:49 They just have a great faith... it's bigger than normal.
28:53 That's a gift of the Holy Spirit: they're given faith.
28:57 To others is given the gift of healing.
29:00 And I want to tell you tonight
29:02 I believe in divine healing.
29:05 Now folks, that doesn't mean that I don't believe in doctors.
29:11 I do. I don't care whether the Lord heals supernaturally
29:16 or whether He uses a doctor. As far as I'm concerned
29:19 it's all the Lord that does it.
29:21 But I do believe in divine healing.
29:23 I have seen it... I've experienced it.
29:29 In fact, I can remember a young girl 10 years old
29:34 coming to me and telling about how
29:38 she had a serious kidney problem.
29:44 Her parents were taking her to Rochester, New York,
29:50 to a clinic.
29:54 That the doctor told her that she didn't have long to live.
29:58 And she asked that if I would do what the scripture says
30:01 in the book of James... if I would anoint her
30:04 and pray for her.
30:05 And I told her I'd be happy to call some of the ministers
30:08 and we would anoint her and pray for her.
30:11 And we did.
30:12 And God healed her.
30:15 The parents took her to Rochester, New York.
30:19 They ran her through the clinic.
30:22 Doctors called in the parents
30:24 and said: "Why did you bring her here? "
30:26 And they said: "Because of kidney problems. "
30:29 And the doctor said: "Well if we can't find any signs
30:33 of any kidney problem, " they said, "we would have
30:36 doubts about this if you hadn't brought the doctor's records. "
30:39 But said: "We can't find... " They never could find anything.
30:43 They took her back home. She's a grown woman today.
30:45 Has children. God blessed her in a very special way.
30:49 I believe in divine healing,
30:53 but I believe in it just exactly like the scripture teaches it.
31:00 I do not believe in it as some ways that I see
31:04 it being practiced.
31:06 I believe in it as the scripture teaches.
31:14 Some people are given the gift.
31:16 I have a friend that I believe has the gift of miracles
31:19 'cause every time I go visit him I kind of walk sideways
31:24 'cause something unusual's going to happen with him.
31:27 I mean, that's just part of it.
31:29 Seems to have that gift that takes place.
31:33 Others are given the gift of prophecy.
31:35 That simply means that they have the ability -
31:39 or God gives them I should say - the ability to see
31:44 things that are going to happen before they ever happen.
31:48 That's a gift that's given by God.
31:51 To others is given the discerning of spirits.
31:55 They have the ability to discern whether the Spirit
31:58 of God is present or whether the spirit of Satan is present.
32:01 They can discern spirits of what's there.
32:05 To others is given the gift of tongues.
32:09 That simply means that God gives them the ability
32:15 to speak in another tongue.
32:19 That's simply what it's talking about.
32:21 That term tongues is used fourteen times in scripture.
32:26 And if you'll look at all fourteen times
32:30 all thirteen of those fourteen times it is absolutely clear
32:35 that it's talking about another language.
32:38 Only once is it not clear.
32:41 And dear friend, you do not study the scripture
32:44 and base your belief on one text.
32:48 If you do, you're going to be deceived.
32:51 You look at that in the light of ALL the scripture
32:55 not just one.
32:57 OK, I'll say more here about tongues in just a moment.
33:00 And to others is given the interpretation of tongues.
33:04 Those are nine gifts
33:06 that are given by the Holy Spirit
33:08 to make your witness effective.
33:12 And dear friend, I want to get something clear.
33:14 I run onto people that pray for the gift of tongues.
33:18 I do not find that in accordance with scripture.
33:22 I am to pray for the Holy Spirit.
33:26 If the Holy Spirit wants to give me the gift of tongues,
33:29 that is His decision not mine. Amen!
33:32 But I want to tell you: any one of those nine gifts
33:35 is manifestation of the baptism of the Holy Spirit...
33:39 not just tongues.
33:42 Any one of them is.
33:43 I believe in tongues.
33:46 I believe in it with all my heart.
33:49 But it is absolutely necessary
33:53 that you and I follow the spiritual instruction
33:57 concerning spiritual gifts.
33:59 I cannot take those nine gifts and practice them
34:03 outside of what scripture teaches.
34:07 So let's look and see what the scripture says.
34:24 Paul said it'd be nice that you spoke with tongues
34:28 but better yet that your prophesied.
34:55 What's Paul saying?
34:57 If I stand up here tonight and I speak to you in Swahili
35:01 won't do most of you any good.
35:05 He said for me to speak in a tongue -
35:09 a language - and you can't understand it
35:11 is not going to help you unless somebody can interpret.
35:16 With me? Yes.
35:18 Now listen. This is what the scripture is telling you, folks.
35:57 So Paul said: "If I can't speak to you
36:01 in a language that you can understand
36:04 I am not helping you. "
36:08 Understand folks: these gifts are given for what purpose?
36:14 They're given to help you witness.
36:18 If a person can't understand you
36:21 what kind of a witness are you being?
36:25 No, it's gotta be something that you can understand.
36:29 The scripture is very clear on that.
36:33 Now here it makes it very, very clear, folks,
36:38 so follow me carefully. I Corinthians 14:27:
36:57 What does that mean?
36:59 When it says "each in turn" what does that mean?
37:02 That means one at a time.
37:07 So what Paul's saying: "If somebody's going to speak
37:10 in a tongue, let it be one, two, or at the very
37:15 most three... one at a time. "
37:21 OK? Now listen.
37:24 And none of this... none of this... the scripture does not
37:28 support 15 people all on their feet at the same time
37:32 speaking in tongues.
37:34 Scripture does not support that.
37:36 OK. "Let one interpret. "
37:42 Now listen carefully.
37:55 Now what's that saying?
37:57 That text is saying that if somebody is going to speak
38:02 in a tongue, before they stand up to speak in that tongue
38:07 they are to know that there's somebody there that can
38:10 interpret it. And if there's nobody there to interpret it
38:15 they are to be quiet. That's what the scripture teaches.
38:21 Now dear friends, don't misunderstand me.
38:23 I believe in speaking in tongues,
38:27 but I believe in it exactly as the scripture
38:32 tells us it's to be practiced. Amen!
38:36 And I'm sorry today that that particular gift is abused.
38:42 There's many things done to it that God never intended
38:47 for it to be. The gift of tongues, interpretation
38:50 of tongues, the gift of faith, the gift of healing,
38:54 the gift of prophecy, the gift of knowledge, the gift of wisdom
38:57 all those gifts are given to you and to me
39:01 for the purpose of witnessing.
39:04 And the Holy Spirit will give us what gift
39:07 He wants us to have. And dear friend, any one -
39:11 any one of those nine gifts -
39:14 is manifestation of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
39:19 Scripture is very, very clear.
39:23 God's promise to the church in the last days...
39:27 what does He promise is going to happen?
39:30 This is what you... This is what you are to expect.
39:36 This is what you are to know is going to happen.
39:56 Let's see what's going to happen
39:57 when God pours out His Spirit on all flesh:
40:19 God says He'll pour out His Holy Spirit,
40:22 and one of the gifts that will be manifested in the church
40:26 in the last days will be that of prophecy.
40:30 Promises. And you and I can understand
40:34 that that is one of the gifts that we are to expect.
40:39 "On your sons and your daughters, " He said,
40:41 "I'll pour it out. "
40:43 Gives the promise of it
40:45 concerning the church right down at the end.
40:49 "The dragon... " Who's that?
40:52 The devil. All right.
40:54 "was enraged with the woman. " Who's that?
40:58 The church. All right.
41:00 The devil is mad at the church.
41:06 All right, here we go:
41:11 We understand that tonight, don't we?
41:13 No problem there.
41:19 So it says marks of the remnant church
41:22 are that they will keep the commandments of God,
41:26 have the testimony of Jesus.
41:28 What is the testimony of Jesus?
41:54 So it says that the church in the last days
41:57 will be a church that will keep the commandments of God
42:00 and that they will have the gift of prophecy.
42:04 The Bible is very clear on that.
42:07 I personally believe
42:09 that that gift of prophecy was manifested
42:13 in a very special way in the writings of a woman
42:18 by the name of Ellen G. White.
42:24 Let me tell you a little bit about her.
42:27 As a girl living in the state of Maine
42:33 back in the 1800's
42:36 she and another little girl had an argument.
42:43 When school was out and they were going home
42:46 they had exchanged words.
42:49 And Ellen and her sisters were walking ahead.
42:53 And this little girl that she had had the argument with
42:57 was behind her. And this girl shouted something at her
43:01 and she turned to look back. And this little girl had
43:04 thrown a large stone.
43:06 And just as she turned around to look back
43:09 this stone struck her on the bridge of the nose.
43:12 It was thrown with enough force that it knocked her
43:16 to the ground, knocked her unconscious.
43:20 Her sisters and the man that ran a store close by
43:25 took care of her until she regained her consciousness.
43:29 They helped her on home, but medical science
43:32 being what it was back then,
43:34 she wound up in bed for weeks.
43:37 In fact, that blow was so severe she was never able
43:43 to go back to school.
43:45 So all she ever received was a third grade education.
43:51 At the age of twelve
43:54 in attendance at a Methodist church
43:57 she gave her heart to Jesus Christ.
44:01 Accepted Him as her personal Savior.
44:03 And from that day she began to walk with the Lord
44:06 as best she understood.
44:09 At the age of seventeen, she and some other young ladies
44:14 were meeting together praying together.
44:17 And while they were praying together she had a vision.
44:21 In the vision she saw some people walking a very
44:26 narrow path.
44:29 As she looked at it, she could see that there was
44:33 a light that shone on that path.
44:35 But as she observed it carefully
44:38 she noticed that that light moved
44:40 and that as long as they walked in the light
44:44 they had no trouble seeing the path whatsoever.
44:47 But if they stopped and refused to walk in the light
44:52 the light went on. And if they didn't walk
44:56 with it they would be left in darkness
44:58 and they lost their way and fell off the path.
45:01 Now you and I have no trouble in understanding that vision
45:06 'cause the Bible tells us: "Thy Word
45:10 is a light unto my path. "
45:14 And you and I must walk...
45:17 we MUST - listen to me -
45:20 we must walk in the light as we receive it.
45:26 If we refuse to walk in the light as we receive it,
45:31 then we're going to be left in darkness.
45:34 That's what it's talking about.
45:36 I must walk in the light as I receive it.
45:39 When she came out of that vision
45:42 she told the young ladies what she had seen.
45:47 After that time throughout her life
45:50 she received many, many visions.
45:54 Sometimes when she was in vision
45:57 she demonstrated extraordinary ability.
46:03 Sometimes when she was in vision she didn't breathe.
46:08 She would be in vision for 30, 45 minutes
46:13 and not breathe.
46:15 They have put - as she spoke in vision -
46:19 they put a candle right at her mouth
46:22 and it would not even flicker.
46:24 They put a mirror there; there would be no moisture at all.
46:30 Sometimes when she was in vision
46:32 she had extraordinary strength.
46:36 One time when she was in vision, she held a large
46:39 family Bible at arm's length for some thirty minutes
46:44 as she quoted the scripture that she was being shown
46:48 in that Bible. I've had that Bible in my hand.
46:51 I can't hold it out at arm's length for five minutes
46:54 let alone thirty.
46:57 So she demonstrated many things
47:00 when she was in vision that God gave her.
47:04 Out of those visions, folks, she wrote many books.
47:10 She wrote some fifty-five different books.
47:14 I think as best I can tell
47:18 I have read everything that she's ever written.
47:22 She wrote a book on the life of Christ
47:25 called the Desire of Ages. Marvelous book.
47:30 She wrote a book about our time that you and I are living
47:34 called The Great Controversy.
47:36 Fantastic book.
47:38 She wrote books on health.
47:40 She wrote books on education.
47:45 Stop and think: a woman
47:49 with a third-grade education
47:53 wrote books such as
47:56 Christian Education.
47:59 And based on what this
48:00 woman wrote,
48:02 there are educational insti- tutions all around the world
48:07 like this one. All the way from grade school
48:12 clear through university
48:16 based on what a woman with a third-grade education wrote.
48:22 She wrote books on health such as Ministry of Healing
48:25 and Counsels on Health.
48:27 And on the basis of what she wrote, there are hospitals,
48:33 clinics, all over the earth.
48:38 Hospitals like this one at Loma Linda University
48:42 based on what she wrote.
48:45 All I'm trying to get across to you tonight, dear friends,
48:49 is that God is still leading,
48:52 God is still directing, and God is still guiding.
48:56 Now I can't ask you to believe that she was inspired.
49:03 What I can ask you to do
49:05 is to read what she wrote.
49:09 And if you will read what she wrote,
49:12 you'll have no question that she was inspired.
49:15 I would highly recommend to you that you reach such books as
49:20 Steps to Christ
49:23 that has been circulated by the millions of copies.
49:27 Or you read Desire of Ages.
49:32 I have read those books over and over and over
49:37 and they have been a great inspiration to me.
49:40 I can say this honestly, folks:
49:42 when I read what she wrote
49:45 like Desire of Ages or Steps to Christ
49:48 the same sweet, gentle spirit
49:53 that I see in Jesus Christ in the gospels
49:58 I see in her writings.
50:00 And I think you will find that you'll be drawn much
50:04 much closer to your Savior
50:06 if you'll take some time to read it.
50:08 It'll be a blessing to you.
50:10 So I hope it will bless you in a special way.
50:13 This is what she says. I want to make something clear
50:15 because I don't want you to think...
50:19 I've preached to you here now for five weeks...
50:23 I don't want you to go out of here thinking
50:25 that I build my belief on what she wrote.
50:29 I want you to listen to what she says:
50:46 What is the test of all inspiration?
50:49 Huh? The Word of God!
50:52 That's what she says. This is the test of ALL inspiration.
50:57 So she's just simply saying
50:59 "test it by the Word of God. "
51:02 I build my belief on the Word of God.
51:07 That's where I stand; that's what I believe.
51:11 Oh, I've enjoyed her writings
51:13 because they help me understand the Word of God. Amen!
51:17 But I build my belief on what the scripture says.
51:21 She says this:
51:35 She says they simply are to help you and I
51:39 come to a better understanding of God's Word.
51:43 That's what they're given for.
51:45 I believe that her writings
51:50 are an indication of the outpouring of God's Spirit.
51:53 I believe that we'll even see it more
51:57 as we move more into the last days.
52:01 And as the scripture says: "Your sons and daughters
52:04 will prophesy. " But let me tell you something tonight:
52:07 never, never, never... 10,000 years never...
52:13 will whatever is prophesied conflict with the Word of God
52:19 if it's of God.
52:21 I must use this as the test,
52:24 and I must bring everything to the Word of God
52:28 and stand on the Word of God and the Word of God alone.
52:33 Amen. Where I'm to stand.
52:38 She told many, many things, folks.
52:43 I don't have time tonight to go into all the things
52:46 that she wrote and told.
52:48 I have traveled... I have traveled places in the world
52:51 where she had never been where she described in detail
52:55 those very valleys. I have read
53:00 where she has told how that things were to take place.
53:05 How that she wrote letters months before the event
53:10 was to happen that got there on the very day
53:13 that it took place
53:16 'cause God led and guided in her life in a very definite way.
53:21 How are you... how am I...
53:26 to relate to this?
53:53 Promise that God gives you: believe in His prophets
53:56 and you will prosper.
53:59 But how am I to relate to the gifts of the Spirit?
54:04 Simply like this... I Corinthians 12:31:
54:32 It says that if you and I don't have love
54:36 we are simply a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal.
54:41 You see, you and I must come and let the Holy Spirit
54:46 do its work in our lives.
54:48 As it works in our lives it'll come in and change us.
54:53 It will do the work that needs to be done in your life and mine
54:58 to make us effective witnesses for Jesus Christ our Lord.
55:03 Listen as Maddy sings: Come, Holy Spirit.
55:09 Come, Holy Spirit,
55:14 I need you.
55:20 Come, sweet Spirit,
55:25 I pray.
55:31 Come in your strength
55:36 and your power.
55:42 Come
55:44 in your own gentle
55:50 way.
55:55 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
55:57 Heavenly Father, we thank you
56:03 that You're willing to give us
56:05 all that we need... and more...
56:09 to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ.
56:12 We come today surrendering our hearts
56:16 asking that the Holy Spirit
56:19 will be poured out upon us.
56:22 That it may fill our lives.
56:24 Give to us those gifts that You want us to have
56:28 that we might witness to those about us
56:31 of the love and the majesty and the power of Jesus Christ.
56:34 Bless each one here tonight.
56:37 For this we ask in Christ's name, Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17