Time Of The End

Mercy Of God And The End Of The World

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Kenneth Cox


Series Code: TOTE

Program Code: TOTE000025

00:05 Can you build your faith on it?
00:08 The promises of God's Word are sure.
00:12 They do not fail.
00:16 This Book has stood the test of time.
00:39 For what earthly reason
00:43 would the Father
00:46 send down His Son
00:53 to suffer rejection
00:58 and pay for
01:00 crimes He had not done?
01:07 For what earthly reason
01:12 would the Father
01:14 let Him hang on the tree?
01:21 I wept
01:23 with the answer...
01:27 the one earthly reason
01:31 was me.
01:38 I was the
01:41 reason
01:48 the one
01:49 earthly reason.
01:58 I was the
02:00 guilty;
02:07 He was the
02:09 sacrifice.
02:16 I was the
02:19 taker;
02:25 He was
02:28 the giver.
02:35 Dying
02:37 while I go free...
02:42 the one earthly reason
02:47 was me.
02:52 The fairest of heaven
02:57 was summoned
02:59 from His throne in the sky
03:06 to pay for my purchase...
03:10 not even
03:13 the angels could die.
03:20 The only provision
03:25 for my pardon
03:27 was destined to be
03:34 that sweet Lamb of glory...
03:40 His only reason
03:44 was me.
03:52 I was the
03:54 reason...
04:00 the one earthly
04:03 earthly reason.
04:10 I was the
04:13 guilty;
04:19 He was the
04:22 sacrifice.
04:29 I was the
04:32 taker;
04:39 He was
04:41 the giver.
04:48 Dying
04:50 while I go free.
04:55 The one earthly reason,
05:01 God's only reason,
05:05 the one
05:08 earthly reason
05:12 was me.
05:22 Amen!
05:34 Heavenly Father,
05:39 there was no earthly reason
05:42 for You to send Your Son
05:46 except, Lord, that without Him we would be lost.
05:51 Lord, tonight
05:55 may we see clearly
05:57 that life is found only in Jesus Christ.
06:02 May we surrender our hearts,
06:05 may the Holy Spirit move in our lives,
06:10 and may each of us be drawn close to Jesus Christ.
06:15 For this we ask in Your name, Amen.
06:26 We find that today man is trying to find
06:29 life in many, many different places.
06:34 Just exactly where can I find eternal life?
06:39 We find that some people think that they can communicate
06:44 with the dead... that life is found there.
06:49 They look to those that have gone on before
06:54 hoping that some way some how
06:57 that they might communicate and talk with them.
07:01 But life is certainly not found in man.
07:06 Not going to find it in man. Man cannot offer it.
07:10 It is not to be found among mankind.
07:14 Man has looked for it down through the centuries
07:17 but it can't be found in humanity.
07:21 Says in Genesis 3:19:
07:37 So the Bible is very clear that you and I were taken from dust
07:42 and it says that we will return to dust.
07:46 And you have stood in funeral services
07:48 and you've heard the minister say the committal:
07:51 "dust to dust and ashes to ashes. "
07:53 We know that when a person dies they return back to the dust
07:58 or to the ashes. So life is not found in us.
08:03 Man does not have immortality.
08:07 It's not found there.
08:09 Tells us in Job 4 and verse 17:
08:12 "Can a mortal... " Can a what?
08:15 A mortal. Doesn't say immortal.
08:18 Mortal means what?
08:21 Mortal means subject to death. Yes.
08:33 No way. Man is dust and he returns back to the dust.
08:39 So all I'm trying to get across to you tonight
08:41 is life - eternal life - cannot be found in human beings.
08:47 Man has searched for it.
09:05 So it says clearly that only God
09:09 has immortality.
09:11 Now what I'm doing here tonight, folks, is I'm laying down
09:15 a basic principle of scripture. And if you get that real clear
09:20 in your mind, then a lot of the troubles that people have
09:24 will clear up. And so the principle that I'm trying to
09:28 lay down tonight is that God is the only One
09:31 that has immortality.
09:33 Man does not have immortality... man is mortal.
09:38 OK? That means he is subject to death.
09:41 Goes on and says:
09:54 Even though science
09:57 would like to give the idea that they can offer life
10:03 they have not been able to do it.
10:06 All you have to do is look around. Right now
10:10 almost in every large city in the United States
10:15 they now have places where you can go and be frozen.
10:22 Did you know that?
10:24 Yeah. People now think that when they die
10:27 they can take them and freeze them...
10:30 and keep them frozen until medical science
10:34 develops a cure for the problem that they had.
10:38 And then they will thaw them out and cure their problem.
10:42 And so you can actually pay to be frozen and kept that way.
10:49 Sorry... man is mortal, subject to death.
10:54 I can take you to the book store and I can show you
10:57 book after book that will tell you that there is life
11:01 after death.
11:04 The Bible does not teach that there is life after death.
11:10 Just does not do that, folks.
11:13 In fact, there's a place over here in Arizona
11:17 where they tell you that dying
11:20 is just the result of a wrong attitude
11:24 and that you can come to that particular place in Arizona.
11:28 And of course, you have to give them all your money.
11:31 And you live there at that place all your life.
11:36 And if you die well the problem was you just had the wrong
11:40 attitude, you know. But this is offered today, folks.
11:47 The Bible has this to say in Titus 3 verse 7:
12:05 Get it clear. The Bible doesn't say
12:06 eternal life now. It says "The hope of eternal life. "
12:11 OK? You need to get it clear.
12:13 It doesn't say that man now has eternal life.
12:17 It's the hope of eternal life.
12:20 Luke 2:23: "Who shall not receive
12:24 many times more in this present time.
12:27 And in the age to come... " What?
12:31 Yeah. "In the age to come eternal life. "
12:35 See, the Bible is very, very clear.
12:39 You and I don't have to be in any doubt about it.
12:41 In the age to come you and I can have eternal life
12:46 but right now we are mortal.
12:50 We're subject to death. That's what the scripture simply says
12:55 about us.
13:09 You're not going to find eternal life any other place.
13:14 There isn't such a thing as a fountain of youth.
13:19 There isn't a place where you can go in this world
13:22 and receive eternal life.
13:25 You will find it only in Jesus Christ.
13:38 "I... I am the resurrection and the life. "
13:44 You see, that's the reason when Jesus died, folks,
13:49 and He came forth from the grave
13:52 you find one statement in scripture after another
13:56 that validates the fact that He came forth from the grave.
14:00 He did not make it so there would be any doubt.
14:04 There were over 500 people that saw Him after
14:10 the resurrection. And He gave it with infallible proof
14:14 that He came forth from the grave.
14:16 I'm going to share just a few with you tonight
14:18 to show you that Jesus Christ
14:20 is the resurrection and the life.
14:23 These are proofs of His resurrection.
14:25 He appeared to Mary Magdalene. John 20 verse 10.
14:28 You remember that? Appeared to her.
14:31 Secondly, the other women. You remember it talks about
14:35 Salome and Mary and those?
14:37 The other women that came... He appeared to them
14:40 there in Matthew 28:8.
14:48 You remember that? They're on the road to Emmaus
14:51 and there He spoke to them, talked to them. All right.
14:55 Eleven disciples... He appeared to them after His resurrection.
15:00 These are people, folks, that He appeared to
15:03 and spoke to. Absolute proof of the resurrection.
15:07 Luke 24:33.
15:14 Second time He appeared to them. Thomas was not there.
15:17 Remember that? Appeared to them, spoke to them there
15:21 in John 20 verse 19.
15:26 Then He appeared again to them and Thomas was there.
15:29 You remember? And He said: "Come, Thomas, and put your
15:31 finger in the nail print, hand in my side. "
15:34 'Cause Thomas didn't want to believe. OK?
15:43 He appeared to them.
15:44 Appeared again to the disciples in Matthew 28;16.
15:48 Remember this one there on the Mt. of Olives?
15:58 All these are statements of proof that Jesus came forth
16:03 from the grave... that He IS the resurrection.
16:07 Therefore what I'm trying to say to you tonight:
16:09 if Christ is the resurrection - and He said
16:12 that He is the resurrection and the life -
16:14 then you and I if we're going to find life
16:17 on the other side of the grave
16:20 we're going to find it only in Jesus Christ.
16:24 We're not going to find it any other place.
16:42 Clear?
16:45 So dear friend, tonight
16:48 you don't have eternal life if you don't have Christ.
16:53 You see, if you don't have Jesus
16:57 you don't have anything
16:59 because you're going to die
17:02 and all the things you have are going to go to somebody else.
17:06 But if you've got Jesus you've got everything
17:10 because you've got life.
17:13 You're going to come out of the grave
17:15 as He came out of the grave.
17:17 So you and I will have that opportunity.
17:20 All right. Listen as it continues on:
17:33 Now it's true: you and I need to spend time in the Book.
17:39 This is how you come to know Jesus Christ.
17:42 Do you understand me?
17:44 But dear friend, let me tell you something:
17:47 don't read the book and not get acquainted with Jesus.
17:53 Because it says: "This is life eternal, to... " What?
17:57 "to know You. "
18:00 You see, eternal life is in Christ
18:03 and you and I must know Him.
18:05 As an individual we must know Him as our Savior.
18:08 It's not... You can't have an arms-off experience with
18:12 Jesus Christ. It's got to be something that is in your heart
18:16 and in your soul.
18:18 It's got to be something that you experience.
18:21 You take somebody who has experienced it
18:25 and they may not be able to explain it to you.
18:28 But I can tell you one thing: they know it.
18:32 There's no question about that.
18:35 God is a great God, and the Lord Jesus Christ
18:41 comes into your heart and gives you eternal life.
18:46 I guarantee you... you know it.
18:48 No question about it. All right... let's go on.
18:55 You don't have it. You're mortal... right?
18:58 So how am I going to receive eternal life tonight?
19:03 Well the Bible tells you this is how you receive it.
19:18 Is that clear?
19:20 Dear friends, if you didn't read any other text but that one,
19:25 that's clear enough.
19:27 It says: "If you do not have the Son, you don't have... "
19:31 "life. "
19:33 Now I hope you'll fasten that in your mind
19:35 because I'm coming to something.
19:37 I'm coming to a point in just a little bit
19:39 and if you don't have that fastened in your mind
19:42 then you may have trouble. But if you'll fasten it clearly
19:45 in your mind that if you don't have the Son
19:48 you do not have life.
19:51 If you get that real clear, then the point we're coming to
19:54 won't be a problem with you. OK...
19:59 If he doesn't have life, the wrath of God abides on him.
20:10 That person that believes in Jesus Christ
20:13 has everlasting life. That's a promise
20:17 that God gives to you.
20:20 OK? So we find that eternal life
20:23 is found only in Jesus Christ.
20:26 Now the question is: how do I keep it?
20:31 It's a gift. That's what it tells me: it's a gift.
20:34 It's given to us. That what it says in Romans the 5th chapter
20:38 verse 17 that it is a gift.
20:40 So it's a gift given to me... but how do I keep it?
20:45 Do you know how to keep it?
20:48 'Cause I run onto people that lose it.
20:51 Well let's see how you keep it.
21:05 OK, how do I keep it?
21:07 Fight the good fight of faith.
21:09 That's how you keep it.
21:11 I've got to look and I've got to read the Word of God
21:14 and I've got to walk by faith. I've got to believe.
21:18 As Jesus said: "Blessed is he
21:22 who doesn't see and believes. "
21:26 You see, I've got to walk by faith.
21:30 The Christian experience is a walk by faith.
21:33 That's the difference. You see, animals...
21:35 animals live by scent.
21:39 OK? That's how they exist is by what they smell.
21:43 Sinners... sinners... they live by reason.
21:50 That's how sinners live.
21:53 Christians live by faith.
21:57 Great, great difference.
22:00 Great difference!
22:02 And if I'm going to lay hold of eternal life
22:04 I do that by faith.
22:08 That means that by faith
22:12 I put Jesus Christ above everything else.
22:19 I must... Listen carefully 'cause the scripture's going to
22:22 tell you... I must put my priorities right.
23:06 How do you keep it?
23:09 I keep it by making sure my priorities are right.
23:15 That's what Jesus was taking about
23:17 when He talked about the man that went out and bought
23:20 the piece of land. He talked about the man that
23:22 sold everything he had for the pearl of great price.
23:26 I have to place it in the right priority
23:29 and reach out and hang onto it...
23:31 and hang onto it for all I'm worth by faith.
23:36 THEN you keep eternal life.
23:40 That's what He's telling us.
23:42 All right. Now we come to the point that
23:46 many people don't understand: what is the penalty for sin?
23:53 What is the penalty for sin?
23:56 That's what we have to establish
23:58 because this is the area that many people do not understand.
24:19 Sin brings forth what? Death.
24:23 The penalty for sin is death.
24:29 That's what the scripture tells us:
24:31 that death came into the world by sin.
24:43 OK, through one man sin entered the world
24:46 and death through sin.
24:50 And thus death spread to all men because all sinned.
24:56 Because Adam sinned
24:59 death passed upon the whole human race.
25:04 OK? Death means what?
25:11 Death means what?
25:16 Death means that life ceases, doesn't it?
25:22 It does not means this, friends:
25:24 it doesn't mean that you change existence.
25:30 See, that's what some people think.
25:32 They think when you die all you do is change existence.
25:35 No, that isn't what the Bible says.
25:38 Death means the end of life...
25:44 ceases.
25:46 Now there's a special death
25:49 that you and I as Christians do not want to have happen.
25:54 The Bible is very clear on that
25:56 because righteous and un- righteous both die, don't they?
26:02 Yes.
26:04 OK. But watch carefully. It tells us:
26:21 See, eternal life is "in Christ Jesus. "
26:25 "He that hath the Son hath life. "
26:29 That's the way it happens; that's the way it takes place.
26:33 Death brings about the end of life.
26:59 Now are you getting clear.
27:01 You see, righteous and unrighteous both die
27:05 the first death but only the wicked
27:10 will die the second death.
27:13 See, you have eternal life in Christ Jesus.
27:17 Jesus said: "Even though a man may die yet he shall live. "
27:22 Just as He died
27:24 and came forth from the grave
27:25 so the righteous will die and will go in the grave
27:28 but they will come out.
27:31 They will be resurrected. They have life in Christ Jesus.
27:35 But the wicked the Bible says very clearly
27:38 will be resurrected but they will die the second death.
27:44 FROM THAT there is no return.
27:49 And dear friends, it is not... it is not
27:54 a place where the devil
27:59 is going to stoke the fires of hell for eternity.
28:03 It is not that.
28:04 Death means the ceasing of life.
28:09 Comes to an end.
28:11 Does not continue on.
28:30 You see, there's a resurrection of the just AND the unjust
28:34 and they come forth from the grave.
28:37 There's just a great difference in the two.
28:40 Those that are righteous, those that are just,
28:43 they have eternal life.
28:47 The Bible says that they are "changed
28:51 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
28:55 at the last trump,
28:56 for this mortal must put on immortality. "
29:01 And so as the righteous come forth from that grave
29:05 they have life eternal. Immortality!
29:10 The wicked? NO!
29:13 No.
29:16 They come forth from the grave to die the second death...
29:22 and from that there is no return.
29:28 Let me take a moment on this.
29:32 I hope you'll understand something.
29:36 Do you understand what you're worth tonight?
29:39 Do you understand what you're worth?
29:42 Do you understand tonight that there is not another
29:47 individual anywhere in the entire universe
29:52 that's exactly like you?
29:55 Do you understand me?
29:57 That's what makes you of supreme value.
30:02 You see, if that was not the case
30:05 then when sin came into the world
30:08 God could have just wiped it all out and started over.
30:13 But the fact is: there is not another person like you
30:18 anywhere in the vast universe of God.
30:22 That's what makes you of supreme value.
30:26 That's why Jesus Christ would have come and He would have
30:30 died if it had only been you.
30:35 Now, that's also why
30:40 if you're lost,
30:43 if you are involved in the second death,
30:47 how terrible that is.
30:50 I mean, you will never be...
30:53 That'll be the end. There'll never throughout eternity
30:56 be an individual like you
30:58 if you're lost - gone - for eternity.
31:03 How terrible! Never would there be another person like you.
31:11 That's why the Lord Jesus Christ said: "Listen, I'll come
31:16 to this old planet and I'll die for you...
31:21 die just for you...
31:23 that you might have eternal life. "
31:27 That's what He did for you and for me.
31:44 No more. All the way down through the corridors of time
31:50 never, never again will the wicked be.
32:23 They're going to perish.
32:25 They will be no more... never again.
32:36 Are you beginning to understand?
32:39 See, that's what's going to happen:
32:41 the wicked just aren't going to be any more.
32:43 They're going to be destroyed and they will be no more.
32:48 Never again.
33:09 Says the wicked will be like brute beasts.
33:13 They'll be destroyed... they'll be no more.
33:18 That's what God says is going to happen to them.
33:21 So what I'm trying to tell you tonight, dear friends,
33:25 is you can have life.
33:27 God offers you life.
33:30 All you've got to do is accept Jesus Christ
33:33 and give your heart to Him.
33:35 Surrender your life to Him...
33:37 He'll give you eternal life.
33:49 How thoroughly is He going to do His job?
33:57 Never throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity
34:01 will sin ever come again.
34:05 "Affliction shall not rise a second time. "
34:09 Glory, hallelujah! It'll be an end of it.
34:13 There will be no more.
34:15 Never all the way down through the ceaseless ages
34:19 of time will sin ever raise its ugly head again.
34:23 Be no more.
34:26 That God offers to you and to me.
34:30 How could this be, folks?
34:34 Now you think about it: how could this be?
34:39 If there was a place called hell
34:42 where the wicked burn for eternity,
34:49 how could this text be?
34:53 There would be a constant sight, a constant reminder,
34:57 of what sin was.
35:00 No... not what the scripture says.
35:04 What is going to happen? Is there a hell?
35:06 Yes, there's a hell.
35:09 You and I have a hell to shun and a heaven to win.
35:12 Oh yes, there's punishment...
35:14 but let's see what the scripture says.
35:26 This is referring to the wicked.
35:33 Have you ever seen a stubble field on fire?
35:37 Do you know what I'm talking about?
35:39 I grew up in Oklahoma.
35:42 The western part of Oklahoma has huge, huge wheat fields.
35:47 Wheat fields so big that you can't see across them, OK?
35:52 And they come in there the latter part of May,
35:55 first of June and they cut that wheat
35:57 and they leave about that much stubble sticking up.
36:01 And then it begins to dry.
36:05 By the time you get August that stubble is golden brown.
36:12 There is no moisture in it at all.
36:15 And you let it get on fire and I will tell you
36:19 you haven't seen a fire till you've seen a stubble field
36:22 on fire. I mean, it'll roll across that field.
36:25 You can hear the roar of the fire for miles away
36:29 as it burns across that field.
36:31 And when it's through, there is absolutely nothing left.
36:36 That's what it's talking about when it says the wicked
36:39 will be like stubble that is fully burned... fully dried.
37:01 What? You see folks, that text didn't say
37:06 "the fire shall burn them. "
37:09 It says: "it shall burn them up. "
37:13 Don't miss that little word up.
37:22 So it says the wicked are going to be burned.
37:24 They're going to be burned up.
37:26 It will leave them neither root nor branch.
37:30 How thoroughly does it do its work?
37:44 So it says the wicked are going to be burned up.
37:47 They're going to be turned into ashes.
37:52 It speaks of the wicked as stubble.
37:56 Do you know what the scripture speaks of the righteous as?
38:01 Hmmm?
38:03 It talks about the wicked as stubble.
38:06 What does it speak of the righteous?
38:10 What does it call them?
38:12 Well it refers to the righteous as gold.
38:17 The Bible talks about them as gold.
38:20 Fire burns up stubble.
38:25 Fire does what to gold?
38:27 Refines it... purifies it.
38:30 See? Marvelous what it does!
38:34 It's marvelous what God does. The righteous... they're gold.
38:39 Refines, purifies them.
38:41 But the wicked? They are stubble.
38:45 They will be no more.
38:47 Some people say: "Well Brother Cox,
38:50 when you die, you know, well your soul...
38:52 it goes off some other place. "
38:55 Do you know what a soul is?
38:57 Let me clarify what a soul is.
39:00 The Bible says that you are a soul.
39:03 OK? What makes a soul?
39:07 The Bible says it takes the body
39:10 and the breath of life to make a soul.
39:13 That's why it refers to you as souls. It even refers
39:16 to the fish in the sea as a soul. OK?
39:21 Cause it has a body, has the breath of life.
39:24 OK? So you are a soul.
39:28 When a person dies
39:30 the body goes back to the ground the scripture says.
39:33 It says the spirit - which is the breath of life -
39:36 goes back to God.
39:40 On the resurrection morning...
39:42 on the resurrection morning God's going to form the body
39:46 again and the breath of life will enter it
39:50 and that person will be a living soul.
39:53 That's what it says.
39:55 That's why this text says this:
40:15 Yes, destroy the person. That means they will be no more.
40:21 That will forever be the end of them.
40:25 Says that the fire will burn them... burn them up.
40:29 They will be no more.
40:41 Now I run onto people that have trouble here
40:45 'cause it says - speaking of the wicked -
40:47 that they're going to go into what? Everlasting punishment.
40:52 OK... but the righteous into eternal life.
40:57 Now folks, the problem here is this word punishment.
41:02 You see, what I run onto people is they try to take this word
41:07 and apply it the wrong way.
41:09 You see, the punishment is eternal.
41:16 When the wicked are destroyed they're never never coming back.
41:21 The punishment is eternal. Are you with me?
41:26 That's why it says they're going to go into everlasting
41:28 punishment. Means they are destroyed.
41:30 Never throughout eternity will they ever come back.
41:33 Please do not take that word "everlasting"
41:36 and apply it to punishing.
41:39 The punishment is eternal not the punishing.
41:45 And that's where people get it all mixed up.
41:48 They take it and apply it to punishing rather than
41:50 punishment. And the Bible gives you a very very clear example
41:56 so that you don't have to be in any doubt about it at all.
41:59 OK. Remember a city by the name of Sodom and Gomorrah?
42:06 Wicked... so wicked
42:12 that God said: "I have to destroy it. "
42:18 And so God sent some angels.
42:22 Do you remember those angels had to take Lot and his two
42:26 daughters and wife and lead them out of Sodom and Gomorrah
42:30 by their hands, and then Lot's wife didn't even make it then.
42:35 OK? Would you like to see what the scripture says about this?
42:40 Watch... 'cause it's making a comparison:
43:08 Sodom and Gomorrah suffered the vengeance of eternal fire.
43:11 Are Sodom and Gomorrah burning today?
43:14 No! No. Do you know where they are?
43:20 Oh, they're under about 3 feet of water
43:24 in the lower end of the Dead Sea.
43:26 Certainly not burning today.
43:28 But the punishment was eternal... not the punishing.
43:34 Are you with me?
43:36 See, the Bible makes that very, very clear.
43:39 Punishment? Yes... that's eternal.
43:43 The punishing is not.
43:45 So the wicked will receive punishment
43:49 but God is not, folks... God is not a God of -
43:55 how should I say? - vengeance
43:58 in the sense that He's not a sadist.
44:01 He's not interested in punishing people.
44:05 That's not God's way.
44:12 When will it take place?
44:14 Well let's see. The scripture makes it very
44:16 clear when it's going to take place.
44:35 Doesn't say wrath now... it says "wrath to come. "
44:40 Get it clear... it's not happening now.
44:43 When people die they don't go to hell.
44:48 That does not happen; they DO NOT go to hell.
44:51 They are asleep, and the wrath to come
44:55 is when they will face it... not now.
45:10 When is it? End of this age.
45:14 That's when that's going to happen... not now
45:16 but at the end of the age is when it will take place.
45:22 This subject, folks, is important because
45:29 you misunderstand the character of God
45:32 if you don't understand it right.
45:34 Very very hard to love a God
45:39 who is not merciful.
45:45 You take... If you put somebody in hell,
45:49 if you say when they die they go to hell,
45:54 people that died 6,000 years ago
45:57 they've been burning in hell for 6,000 years?
46:00 They get 6,000 years more punishment than people today?
46:04 No. You see, God's not that way.
46:08 God is just; God is kind... longsuffering.
46:13 Oh, don't misunderstand me.
46:15 Sure there's punishment
46:18 but He's a God of mercy. God loves you,
46:22 cares about you.
46:44 All right now. The scripture is just as clear as can be.
46:49 "The wicked are reserved for the day of doom;
46:51 they shall be brought out on the day of wrath. "
47:00 That's what the wicked are going to receive... all of that:
47:13 Hmmm.
47:15 "A vigil kept over the tomb. "
47:20 Waiting for the day of resurrection.
47:27 If you don't know Jesus Christ,
47:29 if you don't know Him as your personal Savior,
47:32 the Bible says you have an angel.
47:36 It says that that angel keeps record...
47:41 keeps record of all the things we do.
47:45 If you know Jesus Christ and you die,
47:51 then that angel will be there to welcome you
47:55 when the resurrection takes place.
47:58 If you don't know Jesus Christ,
48:01 that angel keeps a vigil over the tomb
48:04 so that on the resurrection of the wicked
48:08 they will come forth to receive their punishment.
48:15 To receive their punishment.
48:50 So the Bible says the wicked are going to die.
48:53 Clods of the earth will be sweet to them.
48:55 They'll be there. But on that day
48:58 when God calls all the people forth from the grave
49:03 judgment will take place.
49:05 And then it says the wicked will be destroyed.
49:09 It says this earth will burn. All the wicked
49:14 will be burned up in it.
49:17 Now let me explain something.
49:19 God takes no pleasure whatsoever in the punishment of the wicked.
49:24 That is contrary to the nature of God, friends.
49:30 And if you've been one of these people that down through the
49:32 years have never been able to put together how a God
49:37 could punish people through the ceaseless ages of eternity,
49:40 I hope tonight you're seeing that that is NOT how God is.
49:46 That God loves you; He cares for you.
49:48 He doesn't want you lost.
49:50 He takes no pleasure whatsoever
49:53 in the punishment of the wicked.
50:12 That's what God has pleasure in.
50:14 Turn from your way and live.
50:18 Do you understand that?
50:20 The Bible calls that conversion.
50:23 You with me? You understand conversion?
50:27 I think I told you one night what conversion is.
50:30 That's right. I'm going to hell, I'm going to hell,
50:35 I'm going to hell, I'm going to hell.
50:37 Turn around: I'm going to heaven, I'm going to heaven.
50:40 That's conversion: turn around and LIVE!
50:43 Amen! That's what God offers to you.
50:45 I don't have to be lost.
50:48 That's what God has pleasure in.
50:50 That's what He wants... He wants you saved!
50:53 Wants you in the kingdom of heaven.
51:04 So tonight God is just simply offering to you
51:09 life in Christ Jesus.
51:12 I want you to think with me a little bit.
51:16 What's the penalty for sin?
51:19 Are you clear on that tonight?
51:21 The penalty for sin is death.
51:25 Did Jesus pay that penalty for you?
51:28 Yes! Huh? Yes. Are all of you clear on that? Yes.
51:32 That Jesus paid the penalty for you.
51:34 Praise the Lord! Amen! Paid the penalty.
51:39 OK, now think with me.
51:41 If the penalty for sin was to go to hell and burn in hell
51:47 for eternity, then Jesus didn't pay it.
51:52 Are you with me? Yes!
51:55 See, any time you do that
51:58 you just move Jesus out of the picture.
52:01 No. He paid it... the penalty was death.
52:04 He died... understand me tonight...
52:07 Jesus died like the sinner died.
52:12 That's why He cried out: "My God, My God,
52:15 why hast Thou forsaken Me? "
52:17 Because He died as the sinner.
52:19 He didn't die as you and I as a Christian might die
52:23 and have hope. He died understanding
52:26 that He was paying the price for sin.
52:29 He paid that price... a horrible price.
52:32 He paid for your sins and mine.
52:37 You and I... we can die by faith.
52:41 And even though I may die yet I still can live
52:48 because of what Jesus Christ has done for you and me.
53:00 And don't let people mix you up on that.
53:04 The opposite of life is death.
53:07 Death is not life. OK?
53:19 OK, that's simply the way it is.
53:22 Now let me ask you a question:
53:28 What do I have to do to have eternal life?
53:32 What do I have to do to have eternal life?
53:38 I have to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.
53:42 Life is in Him. That's how I receive eternal life.
53:47 I don't know if you put it all together.
53:51 You see, dear friend, you've got to have Christ
53:55 to receive life.
53:57 You can't get
54:00 eternal life in hell.
54:05 Did you just follow me?
54:06 Only way you can get eternal life is in Christ.
54:09 You can't get eternal life in hell.
54:12 It's impossible.
54:15 The end of life... the wicked are going to die
54:20 and they're going to die the second death
54:23 and that will be the end of them. They'll be no more.
54:27 But to you and to me we have a promise of life.
54:32 Life in Christ Jesus...
54:36 that's what He offers to us.
54:38 And so tonight I hope that you
54:42 by faith will just simply reach out,
54:46 accept Jesus Christ into you heart as your Savior
54:49 and find life in Him. Because He wants to give
54:52 life to you in a very very definite and special way.
54:58 If you reject
55:04 God's final call to you,
55:11 you'll have no chance
55:15 your footsteps
55:18 to retrace.
55:23 All hope will then be gone
55:29 and doom you'll face.
55:36 O heed His call...
55:42 God's final call.
55:51 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
55:53 Heavenly Father, we thank you
55:56 for all that You have done for each of us.
56:00 Wonderful hope that we have in Christ our Lord
56:03 to know that in Christ Jesus we can have life eternal.
56:07 May each one of us claim that today by faith.


Revised 2014-12-17