Participants: Pr. Kenneth Cox
Series Code: TOTE
Program Code: TOTE000024
00:02 Can you believe it?
00:05 Can you build your faith on it? 00:08 The promises of God's Word are sure. 00:12 They do not fail. 00:17 This Book has stood the test of time. 00:30 Tonight we're talking about the Holy Spirit. 00:33 The Loud Cry: Did You Hear It? 00:36 Absolutely vital in your Christian experience 00:41 is the Holy Spirit. 00:43 If you don't understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit, 00:48 I hope that you'll listen very carefully tonight 00:51 because as far as I am concerned 00:54 a really effective Christian 00:56 life can never be lived without the Holy Spirit. 01:01 So as we listen, study God's Word together tonight 01:05 keep your hearts open. 01:07 Pray the Holy Spirit may guide and lead you 01:10 as we study His Word together. 01:13 Have you enjoyed the trio Celeste very, very much? 01:19 They're going to sing a hymn entitled 01:23 Fairest Lord Jesus. 01:32 Fairest Lord Jesus! 01:37 Ruler of all nature, 01:42 O, Thou of God 01:46 and man the Son! 01:51 Thee will I cherish, 01:57 Thee will I honor, 02:01 Thou art my glory, joy, 02:05 and crown! 02:10 Fair is the sunshine, 02:15 Fairer still the moonlight, 02:20 And all the twinkling 02:25 starry host: 02:30 Jesus shines brighter, 02:35 Jesus shines purer, 02:40 Than all the angels heav'n 02:44 can boast. 02:50 Beautiful Savior! 02:56 Lord of the nations! 03:01 Son of God 03:05 and Son of Man! 03:11 Glory and honor, 03:16 Praise, adoration, 03:22 Now and forever more 03:27 be Thine! 03:50 Father, we come to You this evening 03:54 asking that each of us may see Jesus. 04:01 May our hearts be open. 04:04 Lord, as we consider what the Word has to say 04:09 about the Holy Spirit, we pray that we may be receptive. 04:15 The Holy Spirit may impart to us the fruits 04:20 and the gifts that He wants to give us 04:23 that we might live for You in all that we do. 04:28 For this we ask in Christ's name, Amen. 04:38 Matthew the 24th chapter... 04:41 in that chapter Jesus gave one sign after another 04:46 of His coming. 04:48 In fact, He gave 17 signs of His coming 04:52 in the 24th chapter. 04:55 Of those 17 signs 04:57 16 of them have been fulfilled. 05:00 Only one left to be fulfilled. 05:04 So when you move into the 25th chapter of Matthew 05:09 Jesus is talking about things that are taking place in the 05:13 last days and He tells us a parable. 05:16 Tells a parable of 10 virgins. 05:20 He has this to say about them, very important instructions 05:24 to you and I who are living down here at the close of time 05:28 when these things that He's talked about 05:31 are all beginning to take place. 05:33 This is instructions that He's given to you and to me. 05:36 And He says this about the 10 virgins: 05:45 Now when the scripture says midnight 05:48 that's really talking about 05:49 the darkest hour of earth's history. 05:52 It's talking about the time in which you and I are living. 05:55 And it says that the cry went out: 05:58 "Behold, the bridegroom is coming. " 06:02 So it's you and I need to be ready to meet the bridegroom. 06:19 Cry went out. They all rallied to the cry. 06:24 The foolish said: "Well, we're running out of oil. 06:28 Give us some of your oil. " 06:37 They said: "We don't have any to spare. 06:39 If we give you oil, there won't be enough for us. " 07:01 So it says that while these five were out buying the oil 07:06 that they needed the bridegroom came. 07:09 The five that had oil went in and the door was shut. 07:29 Now listen very carefully: 07:39 Now when it says that these virgins all arose 07:44 and they were ready to go out to meet the bridegroom 07:47 but five of them didn't have enough oil 07:50 do you understand what the oil represents? 07:57 The oil represents the Holy Spirit, 08:01 and it says they didn't have enough of the Holy Spirit. 08:05 And so it says when the bridegroom came 08:08 those five wise went in. 08:10 The five foolish were off trying to find oil. 08:14 Now what I'm trying to tell you tonight, dear friends, 08:17 is you and I are living down here at the close of time. 08:21 It is essential that we have the outpouring of the Holy 08:26 Spirit in our lives to prepare us for the 08:29 coming of Jesus Christ. 08:31 Going to church filling the pew 08:37 saying "I'm a Christian" 08:40 IS NOT ENOUGH! 08:42 Listen to these words: 09:11 God says "No... " He said: "What I'm not interested in 09:16 is mouth service. 09:18 I'm not interested in them just talking; 09:21 I'm interested in their lives being filled 09:24 with the Holy Spirit. " 09:26 And if you and I are going to enter into the kingdom of God 09:30 that is necessary that our lives be filled with the Holy Spirit. 09:34 The Bible says right down at the end of time 09:38 there will be a loud cry that will go out across the earth 09:43 calling people to prepare for the coming of the Lord. 09:47 Listen to that loud cry that's going to be given. 09:50 We talked about it a little bit last night. 10:01 So this angel has great authority. 10:08 And I told you that when angels are pictured in Bible prophecy 10:12 they represent a message that's to go to the whole world. 10:15 And it says that this earth is "illuminated" 10:18 by the glory of this angel. 10:20 What is his message? 10:21 What message is this angel proclaiming? 10:33 So he says "Babylon has fallen. " 10:35 We talked about that last night. 10:38 Dear friend, it is essential - 10:40 it is absolutely vital - that you and I 10:43 build our faith on this Book. 10:47 I cannot... I'm sorry, 10:50 I'm sorry, dear friend... 10:53 but you and I cannot build our faith on church. 10:59 You've got to build your faith on the Word of God! 11:04 Then, once you build your faith on the Word of God 11:06 that'll never change... you're on a solid foundation. 11:12 See, you've got to be like the fellow that came to church 11:18 that was deaf. 11:20 Couldn't hear anything. 11:23 Went out of the church. The pastor stopped him. 11:26 Wrote on a piece of paper 11:29 "We appreciate you being here but since you can't hear 11:32 why do you come? " 11:34 The fellow took the piece of paper and wrote back 11:37 on the sheet: "Cause I want the devil 11:39 to know whose side I'm on. " 11:41 See? That's what needs to happen with you and I. 11:44 We need to be very clear where I stand on the Word of God. 11:48 "This is what I believe... this is where I stand. " 11:51 OK... so you can't build it on church. 11:54 You've got to build it on the Word of God. And it says: 12:02 This is the loud cry that's being proclaimed. 12:14 In other words it says that they have departed from God. 12:18 They're going the other way. 12:26 So dear friend tonight 12:29 if you value your relationship with Jesus Christ, 12:35 if you value the gift of eternal life, 12:41 if that's important to you, 12:44 then dear friend I'm pleading with you tonight 12:47 build your faith on the Word of God. 12:52 Don't build it any other place. 13:13 That's the cry that's going out across the world today. 13:17 God is calling people... He's calling them. 13:20 And dear friend, let me tell you something: He has people in 13:22 all the churches - good, sincere, honest people 13:27 in all the churches. 13:28 It says in John 10 13:31 "Other sheep I have that are not of this fold. " 13:37 Don't stop there because it says: 13:40 "Them I must bring and there will be one fold 13:46 and one Shepherd. " 13:47 It doesn't say that there will be fifteen folds. 13:51 It doesn't say there will be 300 folds. 13:53 It says there will be one fold. 13:56 And that's what He's saying here when He's saying: 13:58 "Come out of her... come out of her My people. " 14:01 Saying you... You know, I stand amazed 14:06 because I've run onto people 14:08 that there's nothing wrong with their minds. 14:11 You know, God has given you a good mind 14:15 and you can read God's Word. 14:17 Therefore, dear friend, as you read it 14:20 and you understand what it says, follow it. 14:23 That's all God's asking you to do. 14:26 As you read it and you understand it, follow it. 14:30 You're perfectly capable... Let me tell you something: 14:34 God would not put in this Book... 14:37 God would not put in this Book something that was impossible 14:41 to understand and expect you to be saved. 14:46 If God wants you to be saved, you'd better believe 14:48 He's going to put something there that you can understand. 14:51 And as you understand it follow it. 14:55 "Come out of her My people. " 15:01 That's the call that's going out to the whole world today. 15:05 It will not take place by the might of men. 15:12 You see, in my experience, 15:16 I'm finding that God 15:19 will only really use a person 15:24 if they're humble. 15:27 God says "I dwell with him 15:29 who is of a contrite heart. " 15:34 Only as you and I humble ourselves 15:37 then the Holy Spirit can use us so that it will go forth. 15:41 "It's not by might, it's not by power, 15:45 but it's by My Spirit" says the Lord. 15:50 That's the way that that loud cry will go forth 15:53 to all the world. 15:55 God promises to you tonight - 15:58 to every one of you here tonight - 16:00 God promises the Holy Spirit. 16:03 That's something He wants to give you. 16:06 It's not something He's trying to withhold from you. 16:09 He wants to give it to you. 16:19 You see, Jesus wants you to receive the Holy Spirit. 16:22 He's not trying to hold it back. 16:24 He wants you to receive it. 16:26 Something He's willing to give you. 16:40 So says He's more willing to give you the Holy Spirit 16:45 than you are to give good gifts to your children. 16:50 Do you have any trouble with that? No. 16:53 More than willing to give it to you. 16:56 So He says that you and I must come to Him 16:59 and we must ask for the Holy Spirit. 17:02 Disciples... they talked about it. In Acts 11:36 it says: 17:18 So tonight all I'm trying to get across to you 17:21 is God wants you to have the Holy Spirit. 17:26 Let me tell you something: to receive the Holy Spirit 17:30 it's not something that you've got to crawl on your knees. 17:36 It's not something that you have to beat your back. 17:40 The Bible makes it very clear that all you and I must do 17:43 is come to Him and ask. 17:46 And come with our hearts open, surrendered, humbled... 17:51 and God will pour out His Spirit upon us. 17:53 He'll give us the Holy Spirit. 17:55 Now the Bible talks about the Holy Spirit being given 17:59 in a special way in the last days 18:02 and it talks about what is called the former 18:05 and the latter rain. 18:07 Talks about the Holy Spirit being poured out as rain. 18:10 This is what it says here in Joel: 18:12 Joel the second chapter verse 23. 18:35 The former rain, folks, was when the Holy Spirit was 18:39 poured out on the Day of Pentecost. 18:41 The Holy Spirit was poured out in great measure 18:44 on the Day of Pentecost. 18:46 It says the Holy Spirit will be poured out again 18:50 in great measure in the last days. 18:53 That will be the latter rain. 18:55 OK? Listen, 'cause this is still Joel the second chapter. 18:59 What we just read. It tells you what he's talking about. 19:09 Going to pour out His Holy Spirit on all flesh. 19:29 That's the latter rain: 19:31 when God pours out His Holy Spirit in great measure. 19:35 And dear friends, let me tell you something tonight: 19:37 God is simply waiting on you and on me 19:41 to humble our hearts and to come and seek the Lord. 19:45 And He is more than willing to pour out the Holy Spirit 19:49 upon us. Wanting just to give us the Holy Spirit. 19:54 Great measure. Marvelous things will happen. 19:58 Ask the Lord for the rain in the time of the... 20:04 Well are we living in the time of the latter rain? 20:07 Yeah, we're living right down at the end 20:10 so God says what you're supposed to do... ask! 20:14 Ask for it. 20:29 It says He'll come and He'll pour out His Spirit upon us 20:32 in great measure. So how... how do I... 20:36 how do you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? 20:40 What do I need to do to receive it? 20:44 There are some very simple things 20:46 to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 20:49 One: You see, the scripture says that this Book 20:56 is the lamp. OK? 20:59 The lamp is God's Word. 21:02 That's here. This is what brings enlightenment. 21:06 But dear friend, the lamp will not burn 21:09 without oil. Are you with me? 21:14 I know lots of people that study the Word of God. 21:17 It doesn't do them any good. 21:20 They read it, and it doesn't do any good 21:22 because they're lacking the Holy Spirit. 21:25 The Holy Spirit's what has to illuminate my mind. 21:28 It's what has to help me understand God's Word. 21:33 Haven't you ever had that experience? 21:36 Huh? 21:38 Haven't you ever been reading the Bible and you 21:40 came across a text and you read it and you didn't understand it? 21:44 And some while later you read it again... 21:47 you still didn't understand it. 21:49 And then several times you read it, 21:52 just didn't understand it. 21:54 One day you picked it up and you read it 21:55 and all of a sudden you understood it. 21:57 Have you ever had that happen? 21:59 That isn't 'cause you got smart all of a sudden. 22:01 That's because of the Holy Spirit. 22:04 See, the Holy Spirit enlightens us, helps us understand 22:08 God's Word. That's what it's for. 22:11 That's what it does to us. 22:30 So you see, as I read the Word of God 22:33 then the Holy Spirit must come into my life 22:35 and work in my life. In fact, it says that I will not 22:39 understand the Word of God without it. 22:56 See, you can't understand it without the Holy Spirit. 23:01 So if you want the Holy Spirit 23:05 and you want to really understand God's Word 23:08 you have to spend time in the Word of God. 23:12 Essential. 23:15 You've got to take time every day... 23:20 every day... to read the Word of God. 23:24 Open up your heart and just read the Word of God 23:30 and take Him into your life, friends. 23:32 You don't have to read it fast. Just open up your heart 23:37 and read it and listen... listen to the Holy Spirit 23:42 as He speaks to your heart. 23:44 What a difference it'll make. 24:00 Marvelous promise! 24:03 Marvelous promise. 24:04 I talked to you the other night about these promises. 24:06 I told you that all the promises in God's Word 24:09 were conditional... there's the condition 24:14 and there's the promise, both. 24:16 OK? So if you have the Word of God abiding in you 24:20 you shall ask what you desire it will be done to you. 24:35 See, that's your responsibility... that's mine. 24:39 So the first thing I'm going to tell you: if you want 24:41 the Holy Spirit in your life, 24:43 you spend time in the Word of God. 24:46 Absolutely necessary if you're going to grow in grace. 24:50 Rightly dividing... 24:54 But you can't rightly divide it 24:56 unless the Holy Spirit's there to lead you. 24:59 That's what it takes to rightly divide the Word of God. 25:02 Second is prayer. 25:07 Absolutely required to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit 25:12 is prayer. 25:14 Now folks, please... there are no prescribed 25:20 things about prayer. 25:23 God's more interested in you talking to Him 25:27 than the position you're in when you talk to Him. 25:31 Now true: I believe that when you come before God 25:34 you need to kneel. That's the reason I do each night. 25:38 But dear friend, let me tell you something: God's more interested 25:41 in you talking to Him as you're driving down the road 25:46 than not talking to Him. 25:48 You know? 25:50 It's one thing I've found that you can do when you're 25:53 driving is pray. 25:54 The way some of these people drive out here you need to pray! 25:57 You know? But talk to the Lord. 26:01 Spend time in prayer. 26:03 That... if you want the Holy Spirit... 26:06 that is necessary that you have a prayer life. 26:10 This is what the scripture tells us - 26:13 speaking of the disciples - after Jesus left: 26:29 What was the promise of the Father? 26:31 The promise was He would send them the Holy Spirit. 26:34 That was the promise of the Father, OK? 26:39 So He said: "Don't leave Jerusalem. 26:41 Tarry there. " And this is what the scripture 26:44 says that they did: 26:58 They were there; they did not leave that upper room. 27:02 They stayed together. They were of one accord 27:04 and they sought the Lord in prayer 27:07 until on the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out 27:11 in great measure upon them. 27:14 What would happen? What would happen 27:20 if each one of us here tonight 27:25 humbled ourselves? 27:29 Laid aside all of our 27:32 pre-suppositions. 27:35 Laid aside all of our feelings. 27:40 Laid aside all of the things that separate us 27:45 and just opened up our hearts 27:50 and prayed and invited the Holy Spirit in. 27:53 Oh, what a difference. 27:56 Oh what a difference would take place. 27:58 The Holy Spirit would be poured out in great measure. 28:03 Dear friends, we would see things 28:05 like we have never seen before 28:09 would happen. Because it tells us that the latter rain 28:13 would be poured out. 28:15 What happens when this takes place? 28:26 So if you're going to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit 28:30 you've got to have faith. 28:33 It's given by faith. 28:36 Not given any other way. 28:38 I run onto these people that always want to be 28:41 so intellectual. 28:44 They've got to give a human reason for everything. 28:48 If they can't give some kind of a scientific reason 28:52 for everything well they can't accept it. 28:55 All I can say is dear friends 28:58 you're missing... you're missing some of the greatest joys 29:01 of life because it's given by faith. 29:05 The Holy Spirit's given by faith. 29:23 So dear friend... have faith in God. 29:29 Believe in Him. 29:32 Build your faith on the Word of God 29:36 and simply take God for what He says. 29:39 I know some of you are struggling 29:41 because you've learned some things in God's Word 29:45 and those present some obstacles to you. 29:48 And you're saying: "What am I going to do if I do this? " 29:53 Dear friend, trust Him. He will not fail. 29:56 I'll assure you: He won't fail you if you'll trust Him. 30:00 Take Him at His word. 30:02 You'll find that He will be there... 30:05 He'll meet every need. 30:07 And I can tell you right now He'll put a joy in your heart 30:11 like you've never known 30:12 if you just simply trust Him. 30:14 If your faith is not very strong, 30:17 let me tell you how to get it stronger 30:19 'cause it says in Romans 10:17 "Faith cometh by hearing 30:25 and hearing by the Word of God. " 30:28 Get in the scripture... that's what builds your faith. 30:32 Read it. And as your faith grows 30:35 so you will receive more of the Holy Spirit. 30:38 OK. What does the Holy Spirit give us? 30:41 He gives gifts to us. Did you know that? 30:44 Yes... He gives gifts to you. 30:48 And here you're running around without the Holy Spirit 30:51 and you don't have any of the wonderful gifts 30:54 that the Holy Spirit gives you. 30:56 Listen... this is the promises of God 30:58 about the gifts that He'd like to give you: 31:13 So it says, those of you that have been coming, 31:16 you've give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, 31:19 He said: "Repent and be... " What? "baptized. " 31:23 We'll be having a baptism here. Next Saturday morning 31:27 we're having a baptism right here. 31:29 You need... You've accepted Christ? You need to be baptized. 31:33 That's part of the steps of receiving the Holy Spirit 31:37 into your life: repent and be baptized 31:40 and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 31:43 See? We're back to opening up your heart and following what 31:48 the scripture says. What God wants to do for you. 31:54 What's gonna happen if you receive the Holy Spirit? 31:59 Have you ever looked at the scripture? 32:01 Seen what has happened? Listen: 32:33 Now don't misunderstand that scripture. 32:38 That scripture's not telling you for you to go home and drink 32:41 something poisonous. 32:43 That's not what it's saying. 32:45 You have to understand the circumstances there. 32:48 Back in the days of the disciples 32:50 the favorite way of getting rid of people was to poison them. 32:55 That was prevalent 32:58 was just simply poison them and get rid of them. 33:01 And God said: "If you will serve Me, 33:04 if you will walk with Me, 33:05 if you will be My disciple, 33:07 if you receive the Holy Spirit, 33:09 if they try to poison you it won't work. " 33:12 That's what He's saying. 33:14 Let's not be presumptuous and think that that gives you 33:18 the right to go out of here and handle snakes 33:20 or to drink poison. 33:22 It does not! But I can tell you right now 33:27 if you've committed your life to Jesus Christ, 33:31 you've given your heart to Him 33:33 and you're witnessing for the Lord Jesus Christ, 33:36 and if somebody decides to try to get rid of you 33:42 that is totally in the Lord's hands 33:46 and I can guarantee you: He can stop it. 33:49 I've seen it happen. 33:51 He can stop it! 33:53 So that's what He's trying to tell you. 33:56 But it says this is what will happen: 34:04 Now, what I'm trying to get across to you tonight 34:07 is why are you living such inefficient Christian lives? 34:12 Why are you going through life like this 34:15 when the promise of the Holy Spirit is there for you? 34:20 You know? Why? 34:24 What does the Holy Spirit do for us? 34:27 What does He want to do for us? 34:31 Well let me tell you what He would like to do for you. 34:42 Now listen to me. 34:44 It's the fruits of the Spirit that changes character. 34:48 Women... women... 34:52 See, I run onto these women all the time that are... 34:55 fall in love with this fellow and they say: 34:57 "Well, I'll change him. " 34:59 No you won't... no you won't. 35:03 It's the Holy Spirit that'll change him. 35:07 And dear friend, you need to commit your life to letting 35:11 the Holy Spirit come into your life and change you. 35:15 It's painful at times... 35:18 but it's marvelous what He can do. 35:29 If you're not very loving, 35:31 oh the Holy Spirit can make you loving. 35:34 He'll give you love... 35:48 If those things are lacking in your experience 35:51 tonight, dear friend... any of those things... 35:53 they come by the Holy Spirit. 35:57 OK? That's the way they happen; that's how it takes place. 36:03 So if I don't produce fruit, 36:06 then what do I have to do to produce fruit? 36:10 Hmmm? What do you do? 36:15 Let me ask you a simple question: 36:16 why does the apple tree bear apples? 36:19 Huh? 'Cause it's an apple tree. 36:23 All right. Listen... this is what it's saying: 36:47 If you want the fruits of the Spirit 36:50 then abide in Jesus Christ. 36:53 Spend time with Him. 36:55 Do you know Him? 36:57 Do you know Him? 36:58 Do you spend any time with Him? 37:02 Do you talk to Him? 37:04 Do you read His Word? 37:06 Do you fellowship with Him? 37:09 That's the way it happens. 37:11 That's the way it takes place, friends. 37:14 Abide in Him. 37:26 Much love, much joy, 37:31 much peace, much longsuffering. 37:34 All those will be given to you if you abide in Him. 37:38 "For without Me you can do nothing. " 37:44 Very, very clear. 37:47 See? That's the way it happens; that's the way it takes place. 37:52 So the fruit of the Spirit 37:55 is what changes character. 37:58 Where my character is unloving 38:01 the Holy Spirit makes it loving. 38:03 Where I don't have any joy 38:06 it gives me joy. 38:09 Where there's no peace... ah, puts peace in my heart. 38:14 That's what the fruits of the Spirit does for you. 38:18 "For it is God who works... " Just a minute now. 38:22 It's who? God who what? Works. Yeah. 38:27 "God who works in you. " He's the One who gets in there 38:30 and changes the character. 38:32 He's the One that makes it different. 38:40 God's the One that does that. 38:42 Those are the fruits of the Spirit... nine of them. 38:44 That's what we just looked at... nine of them. 38:46 Did you know He also wants to give you some gifts? 38:48 You know how many gifts there are? 38:52 Nine of them. 38:53 Do you know what the gifts are for? 38:56 Huh? Do you know what the gifts are for? 38:59 Now the fruits is what changes your character, 39:03 but the gifts are given to you to make you an effective 39:07 witness. That's what the gifts are given for. 39:30 See, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you 39:33 and it gives you those gifts 39:35 that is what makes you a witness. 39:38 I run onto people that try to witness 39:41 without the Holy Spirit. 39:43 How're you going to witness to somebody 39:46 if you're unloving? 39:50 If there's no joy in your heart, 39:53 how're you going to witness to them? 39:56 You can't! You see, it takes the Holy Spirit 40:00 to put that into your life and to change you 40:03 and pour out His Spirit upon you so that old carnal nature 40:06 is changed and you're made loving and kind 40:09 and gentle and all those elements are there 40:12 so that your witness will be what it should be. 40:29 You see, children sing This little light of mine... 40:34 I'm going to let it shine. 40:37 The Bible says: "Let your light so shine... " 40:41 Sorry folks... it does not say 40:44 "Make your light shine. " 40:47 It says: "Let your light shine. " 40:49 Only shines if the Holy Spirit - the oil - is there 40:55 to work in your life. 40:56 That's what it takes to make it shine in your life. 41:07 That is what God is asking you. 41:20 Dear friend, good works are what? 41:23 See if you understand the scripture. 41:27 Good works are what? 41:30 Dear friends, good works are fruit. 41:35 Good works are fruit. 41:39 They are the result of what the Holy Spirit does in you. 41:42 And because those good works are there - the fruit: 41:46 love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness - 41:49 all those are there, men will glorify God in heaven 41:53 because of you. 41:56 That's the good works. 42:19 So He gave certain gifts to you and to me 42:23 to make us effective witnesses for Him. 42:26 Now let's take a look and see what those gifts are 42:28 that He gave. 42:35 This is the work of the Holy Spirit, friends. 42:37 Get it clear. 43:09 All those nine gifts are given that you and I might be 43:13 an effective witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. 43:18 So if your witness is not very good tonight, 43:22 then what do you need? 43:26 You need the Holy Spirit. Amen! 43:29 That's what you need. 43:31 You need the Holy Spirit in your life. 43:44 So it says the Holy Spirit will give you 43:47 what gift He wants you to have. 43:50 Look what happened when the Holy Spirit was poured out 43:53 upon those disciples. It says: 44:06 OK? 'Cause they went forth and they witnessed. 44:10 I'm going to share with you tonight 44:14 my favorite statement. Of all the hundreds and hundreds 44:20 of books that I've read, this one statement 44:25 is my favorite concerning the Holy Spirit. 44:28 It's taken from the book called Desire of Ages 44:32 by E. G. White. 44:34 And listen carefully because what it says is wonderful. 44:51 Now listen: 45:21 Why don't they? 45:30 Do you want to receive the Holy Spirit? 45:33 You've got to surrender... surrender your life 45:39 to be guided, to be controlled 45:43 by the Holy Spirit. 45:47 You cannot say "No, this is what I'm going to do. " 45:51 Let me tell you something, folks. 45:53 As I mentioned the other night I'm a choleric by nature. 45:55 Do you understand cholerics? 45:57 Let me tell you what a choleric is. 45:59 A choleric is a type of person if you give them a job 46:04 they'll do it. 46:05 I mean that's a choleric. 46:07 I mean you give him a job and he'll get it done. 46:10 Of course, he might run over 50 people getting it done 46:13 but he'll do it... see, that's a choleric. 46:16 Very, very self-sufficient, 46:19 very able to take care of himself. 46:22 I don't need your help; I can do all this myself. 46:27 There are certain people in the Bible that were choleric. 46:34 You want to know who cholerics are? 46:36 If you want to look at them across in general 46:38 they're preachers, politicians. 46:41 They're cholerics. 46:44 Most of your prisoners in the prisons are cholerics. 46:48 Of all the different personality types 46:52 the choleric is the hardest to save 46:56 because he's self-sufficient. 47:01 He doesn't need His help. 47:04 Makes it very difficult... very difficult. 47:09 You see, I've got to understand my need. 47:14 It's not until I understand 47:17 that it's not me and it's not my ability 47:22 and it's not what I can do... it's what HE can do 47:25 that makes all the difference in the world. 47:29 Until you surrender - surrender your soul - 47:33 then the Holy Spirit can't use you. 47:36 Because when the Holy Spirit is given 47:38 power is given. And God's not going to 47:41 pour out that power if the vessel is not clean. 47:45 So you've got to surrender the whole soul. 47:48 Listen to what happens: 47:52 "We cannot use the Holy Spirit. " 47:58 Forget it if you think you're going to use the Holy Spirit. 48:01 No way... you cannot use the Holy Spirit. 48:13 You see, when that still small voice is speaking to your heart 48:20 and it's saying: "This is the way, walk ye in it" 48:23 you've got to listen. 48:25 You can't say: "Oh, I don't want to do that. " 48:29 You've got to surrender so the Holy Spirit can use you. 48:34 All right. "They want to manage themselves. " 48:42 Want to manage myself... do it myself. 48:54 I want to manage myself... I want to run it. 48:57 That's why they don't receive the heavenly gift. 48:59 Watch folks what happens if you receive the heavenly gift: 49:34 That's what the Holy Spirit does for you. 49:37 Claim it by faith. 49:39 "It brings ALL other blessings in its train. " 49:51 Did you? 49:53 Have you received the Holy Spirit? 49:57 God wants to give you the Holy Spirit. 50:11 You see, when I first became a Christian 50:14 I had trouble here. 50:16 My problem was that I gave my heart to the Lord 50:20 but I wanted to run my own life. 50:23 You know, I wanted to do what I wanted to do. 50:26 I wanted to call the shots. 50:29 And so I accepted Christ, gave my life to Him. 50:33 But things didn't go right. 50:36 I mean, I started down the highway of life - 50:40 you know - but I was in charge... I was driving 50:45 and I just wound up in the ditch all the time. 50:48 Have you ever had that experience? 50:49 You know? Here driving down the road 50:52 and in the ditch I'd go. 50:54 And I'd get out of the ditch and I'd say: "Lord, 50:57 I've got to do better than this. 50:59 I've GOT to do better than this. " 51:01 And I would start down the road again. 51:03 Wouldn't go very far until in the ditch I went. 51:07 And I'd say: "What's wrong with me? 51:10 What's wrong with me? I can't... I can't... 51:14 can't stay out of the ditch. " 51:16 And I can remember one time I'd gotten out of the ditch 51:20 and I was really feeling bad. 51:22 And I got on my knees and I said: "Lord, 51:25 I've got to stay out of the ditch. 51:29 Help me... help me to not go in the ditch all the time, 51:33 Lord. " And I said: "I'm just not going to go 51:37 in the ditch any more. " 51:38 And so I started down life's road. I mean, 51:40 I was driving as carefully as I could. 51:45 I mean I was making every effort to make sure 51:48 I wasn't going to go in the ditch. 51:50 And I thought I was doing pretty good 51:52 until over the hill came that truck. 51:57 As we got down the road 52:00 I noticed he was on my side of the road 52:03 and I said: "Well, he'll get over. " 52:07 But as we got closer he didn't get over. 52:10 And I said: "What's wrong with him? 52:13 Why doesn't he get over? " 52:15 And he just, I mean, headed right at me. 52:18 And so at the last moment I went in the ditch! 52:21 And when I went in the ditch the truck swished by 52:24 and I saw him wave the pitchfork at me 52:28 as he went down the road. 52:30 Well I mean I was really shaken. 52:33 That really shook me up. 52:35 I finally after a lot of effort 52:38 finally pulled myself out of the ditch... 52:41 started down the road again. 52:43 But I wasn't in very good condition 52:45 and I went in the ditch again. 52:47 And I was trying to get out of the ditch 52:49 when this fellow walked up and said to me... He said: 52:51 "Would you like some help? " And I said: "I sure would! " 52:54 And He helped me get out of the ditch. 52:57 When I got out of the ditch I said: "Would you like a ride? " 53:00 He said: "Well thank you. " 53:02 And he got in and we started down the road. 53:07 Went a little while and I was trying to do my best 53:11 and stay out of the ditch. And I misjudged something 53:15 and went in the ditch, and so he helped me get out again. 53:19 He said: "Would you like for somebody to drive for you? " 53:21 And I said: "Yeah. " I said "I could use someone to drive 53:26 for me. " So he got behind the wheel. 53:27 We started going down the road. 53:30 I've never seen anybody drive like that. Never. 53:34 I mean he went right down the road... no bobbles, 53:37 no ditch, nothing. 53:40 Now he was different. He was dressed in white. 53:45 Had scars on his hands... but he could drive. 53:50 And we went, you know, for a while and 53:53 I said: "I think I'd like to drive. " 53:58 I said: "I appreciate you driving but I'd like to drive. " 54:02 So he scooted over and I got behind the wheel. 54:05 We started down the road a little bit. 54:09 For some reason I couldn't drive like that; I went in the ditch. 54:13 We got out and I said: "You better drive. " 54:18 So he got behind the wheel and we started down the road 54:21 and we were doing fine. 54:23 And I looked up ahead and over the top of that hill 54:26 came that truck. And as we approached that truck 54:30 I said: "I guess you've noticed 54:32 that he's on our side of the road. " 54:35 He said: "Yes. " 54:37 And I said: "Well you just might as well pull off over here 54:39 in the ditch because he doesn't get on the other side. 54:42 I've been here before. 54:45 He just doesn't get on the other side of the road. " 54:47 But he didn't listen to me. 54:49 Instead of pulling off to the side of the road 54:51 he pressed down on the accelerator and headed for 54:53 the truck. And I said: "This is going to be the biggest 54:56 collision you've ever seen in your life. 54:58 This is going to be terrible! " 55:00 But he just headed right for the truck. 55:03 I mean, there we were... head on. 55:06 And I said: "I can't stand this! " 55:08 And I shut my eyes and braced for the collision. 55:10 And I heard a whishing sound and I opened my eyes. 55:14 We were going down the road and the truck was in the ditch. 55:19 And I looked at him and I said: 55:21 "Will you drive for me all the time? " 55:23 Dear friends, that's the difference. 55:27 That's the difference. 55:29 Are you going to run your own life 55:32 or are you going to turn it over to Him? 55:34 Let Him manage and guide your life. 55:37 He wants to do that for you today 55:39 if you're just willing to let Him. 55:48 Spirit of the 55:52 Living God, 55:58 Fall 56:00 afresh on me. 56:07 Spirit of the 56:12 Living God, 56:17 Fall 56:19 afresh 56:22 on me. 56:31 Tonight I would just like to ask you 56:37 if you're willing... if you're willing tonight 56:41 to surrender your soul to Jesus Christ, 56:46 if you're willing to say to Him: "Lord, 56:49 come into my life... drive for me. " 56:53 Willing to turn it over and let Him guide and lead your life. 56:57 Tonight you're willing to make that decision: 57:02 turn it all over to Jesus Christ and let Him lead and guide 57:06 your life, then I'm going to ask you tonight 57:10 to stand with me if you're willing to do that. 57:18 Lord, help us tonight 57:21 to just simply open up our hearts and receive You 57:24 into our lives. Give us the joy and the peace... 57:30 the fruits of the Spirit... 57:32 that we might be effective witnesses for You. 57:36 Bless each one in a very special way this evening. |
Revised 2014-12-17