Time Of The End

The Fattening Of America

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Kenneth Cox


Series Code: TOTE

Program Code: TOTE000020

00:02 Can you believe it? Can you build your faith on it.
00:08 The promises of God's word are sure. They do not fail.
00:17 This book has stood the test of time.
00:29 Tonight we thank you, for the great sacrifice
00:34 that You made for us on the old rugged cross.
00:40 We ask Lord that this evening as we look at the provisions
00:46 you've made for us to be healthy, to be happy.
00:52 We pray that You will give us understanding
00:57 and give us the wisdom that we need
01:00 that we might seek Your guidance
01:04 and Your direction and give us the faith to follow.
01:09 For this we pray in Christ name. Amen.
01:21 Gordon and Donna Kline and myself
01:24 had gone over to a town.
01:29 We were looking for some material,
01:32 a material to put in some curtains in a motor home.
01:37 And we had gone to this particular store
01:40 and was looking at the material and the young lady
01:45 that was waiting on us was quite obese.
01:50 I mean, quite large and in the course
01:54 of the conversation we were talking about it and--
01:57 and she was telling us what a problem
02:00 it was to her in being so heavy and all,
02:05 and we found it to be interesting that the comment
02:09 that she made and I think it's kind of illustrates
02:13 some of the thinking that we have today,
02:15 'cause she said that when she was in school,
02:19 she had a terrible time when it came time
02:22 for a prom or something like this
02:25 that she couldn't find a dress to fit her.
02:27 Just couldn't find one.
02:29 And--and so she said I've solved my problem.
02:33 And we said, well, how did you solve your problem?
02:35 She said, "oh, I learned to sow"
02:37 and I think that's pretty much
02:40 the concept today rather than to take a look
02:44 at what I'm doing and what's causing me
02:48 to put on the weight and say well I just learn to sow.
02:52 No, God's word make some rare things very-very clear.
02:58 I'm going to share with you some of the circumstances
03:01 and some of the things that we face today
03:04 as people in this country.
03:06 And why I've referred to this subject
03:07 as the 'Fattening of America'.
03:09 To begin with, 55% of the adult
03:14 American population is overweight.
03:20 Okay. Fifty five percent of the adult
03:26 American population is overweight today.
03:31 What does that mean?
03:32 Being overweight does that-- does that carry
03:35 any consequences or should I just simply say well,
03:39 uh, that's genetically the way I am and I--I can't help it.
03:44 What consequences does it carry?
03:47 Well, obesity is on the rise.
03:51 In the last ten years-- in the last ten years
03:56 obesity has risen 32%, in the last ten years.
04:02 So that in itself should tell you and I
04:05 that we're doing something.
04:09 We're doing something that's causing this.
04:13 I mean, there has to be a reason for this.
04:16 And so what is bringing that about.
04:19 Well, look at this.
04:21 Excess body mass is related to premature death
04:26 from all illnesses up to the age of 75.
04:33 Put it down, premature death.
04:35 How--how does that affect.
04:37 I was invited to speak to a convocation of retirees.
04:44 And I went there, walked into this room
04:46 to speak to these people and here were about 300 of them
04:51 and I looked out across the audience.
04:56 And in the entire audience of 300 people, I saw 22 men.
05:06 All the rest were women.
05:09 And there wasn't one heavy man in there among those 22.
05:15 I don't know if you're getting what I'm trying to tell you.
05:18 All the rest of them had died.
05:23 And I'm just trying to be very honest with you tonight
05:27 and face where we are.
05:29 Excess body mass is related to premature death
05:33 from all illnesses up to the age of 75.
05:38 So if you and I are carrying excess body weight,
05:43 then dear friend don't think that it is going to affect you.
05:48 Fat Tax article, 300,000 people a year
05:53 die due to weight complications.
05:56 Three hundred thousand die every year
05:59 due to weight complications which include heart disease,
06:02 diabetes, hypertension and stroke.
06:05 All that because of excess weight.
06:12 In the United States, this is by Hamer and Copeland,
06:15 Kenneth Copeland, and he's has done
06:17 tremendous amount of study and this is what he says,
06:19 "United States spends approximately $40 billion a year
06:25 on diet foods, weight-loss books and exercise videos."
06:31 Now folks if you don't understand
06:32 what I'm going to get across here is American people,
06:37 people in this country we have the greatest amount
06:42 of obesity of any country and we spend more money
06:48 on exercise equipment and on diet foods
06:51 than anybody in the world.
06:54 You talk about something that's not right,
06:58 I mean here we buy all kinds of exercise equipment.
07:02 We buy diet foods. We do all this,
07:05 and yet we are the most obese people on earth.
07:11 Why? This is what he said.
07:15 Copeland--Hamer and Copeland,
07:17 "The only thing growing faster than the national waistline
07:21 is the bottom line of the weight control industry."
07:25 It's the only thing is growing faster.
07:27 So what-- where are we
07:30 and what does this mean to you and I tonight.
07:33 Watch, look, this is what's happening folks.
07:38 I'm talking about non-communicable diseases.
07:42 Okay, these are not diseases
07:43 that are spread by communication.
07:45 They are non, what they call non-communicable diseases,
07:49 such as cancer, heart disease,
07:56 diabetes. Okay. Watch, watch and begin to understand
08:03 what's happening in this country.
08:05 This kills most of our people in this country, okay.
08:08 Watch. Non-communicable diseases killed 58%
08:15 of the world's population in 1998.
08:19 Fifty eight percent of all the people that died in 1958
08:23 died from non-communicable diseases, okay.
08:28 I'm saying worldwide. Now, look.
08:37 Eighty one percent in rich countries,
08:43 81 percent of the people that die
08:47 in rich countries die from non-communicable diseases.
08:52 That is cancer, heart disease, diabetes
08:55 and that is directly in relationship to how you eat.
09:02 That's directly in relationship to how you eat.
09:06 39.8 percent in poor and middle income countries.
09:14 So in poor and middle income countries,
09:16 far less people die from non-communicable diseases.
09:21 Why? Because they can't eat.
09:29 Okay. They're poor.
09:33 We--we can eat and so we kill ourselves with our mouth.
09:40 We need to learn what-- what God has to say about it.
09:44 Well, how do we stand what takes place because of this?
09:47 The average American male adult has 53%
09:53 more body fat than what is ideal.
09:57 The average American male adult
10:02 has 53% more body fat than is what is ideal for him,
10:10 and the women aren't much better.
10:14 The average female adult has 50%
10:18 more body fat than what is ideal.
10:22 And that's the situation that we find ourselves in today.
10:27 So what's the problem, what's causing this?
10:30 Well, let me tell you what's causing this.
10:35 High carbohydrate low fat diet.
10:41 Now, why, why for the last 15 years
10:45 has the medical community and the nutritional community
10:51 pushed a high fat--a high carbohydrate low fat diet.
10:56 Why have they pushed that?
10:57 Well, they pushed that because they felt they needed
11:01 to lower to try and do something to lower
11:05 the health care cost in this country.
11:10 They felt if they can lower the health care cost
11:14 then that would help the whole country tremendously
11:17 and so they felt that was the way to go
11:20 and so you now have what is called a food pyramid.
11:24 Have you looked at your food pyramid?
11:26 Where your food pyramid says
11:27 have high carbohydrate low fat diet.
11:31 And people have tried to follow that
11:34 and because they've been following that as a result
11:37 the weight has been going up.
11:42 That's what brought it about.
11:44 Now, what is the case?
11:47 Well, you have what is called
11:49 macro nutrients, macro nutrients.
11:54 There are three of them.
11:56 You ought to learn those three
11:58 and they have a great-great affect upon you.
12:03 Those three are simply this.
12:06 One is carbohydrates. It's one of them.
12:10 The other is, protein and the other is fat.
12:17 Those are the three macro nutrients.
12:21 Carbohydrates, protein, fat.
12:26 If you eat a high carbohydrate diet low fat diet,
12:35 what is wrong with that?
12:41 Well, you just bypass protein.
12:45 Now, folks let me just tell you a simple little fact here.
12:49 You can say all you want to deny
12:52 and you will never convince me differently, okay.
12:57 What I'm trying to tell you is God knew
13:00 what He was doing when He made you.
13:03 Okay. And when God made you,
13:06 He gave you certain things to eat,
13:09 but He gave them to you to be eaten balanced.
13:15 They have to be balanced.
13:17 And if I have anything to stress to you tonight
13:20 is you got to take these macro nutrients
13:24 and balance them and if you don't
13:26 balance them you're in trouble.
13:29 Carbohydrates. Okay, let's take a look.
13:33 Carbohydrates given to us to eat.
13:36 What are carbohydrates?
13:39 You know what carbohydrates are?
13:42 Well, bread, pasta,
13:49 okay, cake, cookies,
13:55 you ought to know it--
13:56 can you name some other carbohydrates?
14:00 Let me name some most people don't think about.
14:03 Fruit, vegetables,
14:09 those are all carbohydrates. Okay.
14:14 So you have to balance what you're going to eat.
14:18 Your muscles, muscles in your body will store
14:22 300 to 400 grams of carbohydrates
14:24 can be stored in your muscles.
14:26 That's the most it can store, okay.
14:29 That's all you can store.
14:33 Now, I'm gonna ask you a question.
14:35 What happens if you sit down to a great big meal,
14:40 a pasta and in that meal of pasta,
14:46 you eat about 7-800 grams of carbohydrates.
14:51 All that your muscles can store is 300 to 400 grams, okay.
14:57 Your brain--your brain and that's all it uses
15:02 is glucose which is a carbohydrate that's all.
15:05 And all that your brain can use is 80 to 90 grams
15:09 of carbohydrates that's all your brain can use.
15:12 So here I've eaten 7-800 grams of carbohydrates in pasta
15:18 and my muscles have taken 3 or 400 grams,
15:21 my brain had 80 to 90,
15:24 what's going to happen to the rest of it.
15:27 It all goes to your body, all excess carbohydrates
15:32 are stored in the body as fat. That's where it goes.
15:38 You see you have a hormone in your body
15:43 that when you eat too many carbohydrates,
15:47 it raises the insulin in your body.
15:51 Insulin in your body folks lowers blood sugar, okay,
15:57 carbohydrates raise blood sugar.
15:59 So God made you, He said,
16:01 all these people have lost their cookies,
16:03 they're eating too many carbohydrates and--
16:05 and, I've got to do something,
16:07 the Lord gave you body insulin so it lowers it,
16:10 but insulin does it double whammy on you.
16:14 Insulin says, take all those carbohydrates
16:18 and store them as fat.
16:21 And then the insulin says, don't let them out.
16:28 And that's the reason you have hard time losing weight,
16:32 because the insulin says don't let them out.
16:35 That's carbohydrates, okay.
16:39 All carbohydrates as I mentioned to you are fruits,
16:43 vegetables, grain, pasta, so forth.
16:47 All these carbohydrates have what is called a glycemic index.
16:54 Let me try to explain what a glycemic index is.
16:56 A glycemic index just means how fast
17:01 those carbohydrates enter the blood stream.
17:05 Some enter the blood stream much faster than others.
17:10 Okay. That's what glycemic index means.
17:13 And there are basically three types of carbohydrates.
17:18 One is called glucose.
17:21 Now folks, all your brain uses is glucose, that's it.
17:28 It's a glucose form, okay.
17:30 So, that's all your brain will uses glucose.
17:34 So if you eat some carbohydrates
17:37 that are glucose then that goes directly
17:40 into your blood stream, into your brain.
17:42 It enters it very-very fast
17:45 that is called a high glycemic index.
17:50 You're with me. Okay.
17:53 There are others that don't--
17:55 that don't have as high they as glucose does
17:59 and this one is called fructose.
18:03 Why does it not have as high glycemic index as glucose,
18:07 is because your brain only uses glucose.
18:12 So when you eat fruit, it has to go to the liver
18:16 and be converted into glucose before it can go to your brain.
18:20 So it goes in the bloodstream much slower, okay.
18:25 The other type of carbohydrate is that,
18:29 that is called galactose.
18:31 That comes from milk products.
18:34 And again same thing.
18:37 Got to go to the liver, be converted
18:39 before it can go on to the brain
18:40 so it has it's lower glycemic index.
18:45 I'll give you an illustration.
18:46 I have a friend who, worked at where I lived
18:54 and so I invited him anytime he's out there to come
18:57 and stay with me, any day.
19:00 My friend is quite heavy, and I came home
19:06 and he came in a little later and as he came in
19:09 he was carrying three bags of rice cakes.
19:15 You know what I'm talking about, rice cakes in it.
19:17 And I said to him, I said, what are you doing with those?
19:21 He said, uh, he said, I'm having such a hard time
19:24 with this weight problem and he said,
19:26 I'm just going to eat rice cakes tonight.
19:28 He said that way it's high carbohydrate low fat.
19:32 And I said, you know, you would be much better off,
19:38 to take those back to the store
19:40 and buy you a half a gallon of ice-cream.
19:46 And he looked at me like I was crazy, okay.
19:50 You see the highest glycemic index there is, is rice cakes.
19:58 And, he would have been better off
19:59 to buy a half gallon of ice-cream.
20:01 We do things folk that are foolish, absolutely foolish.
20:07 And then we wonder why we struggle
20:09 with the weight problem that we have
20:11 and it's simply because we are not doing
20:14 what God laid out for us to do. Okay.
20:21 What's God's original diet?
20:23 Now, follow carefully what God gave man to eat.
20:30 Genesis 1:29, "And God said,
20:33 'See I have given you every herb that yields seed
20:37 which is on the face of all the earth
20:40 and every tree whose fruit yields seed
20:43 to you it shall be for food.'"
20:46 So when God created man,
20:48 He gave him fruits, grains, nuts.
20:52 That's what God gave man to eat.
20:56 Now, folks say whatever you want to say,
21:00 but you're not going to improve on that diet.
21:05 You're not going to improve on it.
21:07 That's what God gave for man to eat.
21:10 Now, true enough you've got to use
21:12 your head as to how you do it.
21:15 God didn't give you just carbohydrates to eat.
21:18 Or He didn't give you just grains to eat.
21:21 He gave all three of those
21:23 and God just simply says they are to be eaten.
21:26 You see fruit is carbohydrates,
21:30 but fruit has carbohydrates is also high in fiber.
21:36 Okay. Two things happen when you eat fruit.
21:39 One, it cannot go directly into your bloodstream,
21:43 it has to go to the liver and be converted
21:45 to glucose before it does.
21:46 And secondly fiber also slows down
21:50 its entrance into the bloodstream,
21:53 so the glycemic index on fruit is much lower.
21:58 Okay. God understood that, He made it that way.
22:02 So that's one reason, fresh fruits good for you.
22:05 Secondly, God gave grains.
22:10 Complex, listen to me. Complex carbohydrates.
22:16 What are complex carbohydrates?
22:19 Complex carbohydrates are such thing as oatmeal, okay.
22:26 Lentils, peas, beans.
22:34 All those are complex carbohydrates,
22:39 but they also contain protein.
22:43 If you don't believe me then when you go to the store, okay,
22:47 when you go to the store get a can of beans,
22:50 turn it over to the back and on the back it will list
22:53 how many carbohydrates are in it,
22:55 how much proteins in it and you'll see
22:58 that it has carbohydrates,
22:59 it has good amount of protein in it, okay.
23:03 So they contain both, all right.
23:07 He also gave you nuts to eat.
23:12 Nuts contain two things.
23:15 Nuts contain protein and fat.
23:20 So God just simply gave that all three of those
23:24 macro nutrients are there.
23:27 If you eat too many carbohydrates
23:30 what's going to happen?
23:33 Your blood sugar is going to go up
23:36 and your body is going to have to secrete
23:38 insulin to lower it, okay.
23:43 But if you eat protein which you need to eat,
23:48 well then that affects a hormone called glucagon
23:54 and the glucagon raises blood sugar,
23:57 so that balances the insulin and the blood sugar, okay.
24:02 Fat unbeknownst to many people fat is neutral.
24:07 It doesn't raise your blood sugar,
24:08 it doesn't lower your blood sugar.
24:10 All it does is its quite high in calories.
24:13 But you have to have some fat folks
24:16 and I can't go into all the details of that
24:19 because you have a hormone in your body
24:22 that's extremely important.
24:24 You have a whole family of hormones in your body
24:29 that are tremendously important
24:31 and much of the medical research today
24:34 that's being done is in this area
24:36 and this family of hormones is called eicosanoids.
24:41 And eicosanoids can only operate in a fatty acid base
24:47 and if you don't eat fat they won't work
24:50 and you really, I'm sorry,
24:53 some people are going to think I'm crazy,
24:55 but you can't really lose weight unless you eat fat.
25:00 So you got to have some fat.
25:02 Don't misunderstand me, I'm talking about lot,
25:05 but you got to have it balanced if it's going to work, okay.
25:09 Now folks, if you take what I've just given you
25:15 and you go home and study it, it can change your life.
25:19 Now, I'm sure that there are some of you
25:21 sitting out there they are saying well,
25:24 what about meat as a protein.
25:29 What about meat as a protein. Well, let's see.
25:34 It is a source of protein, okay.
25:37 But the scripture, the word of God has something
25:42 to say about meat and if you are a follower of Jesus Christ,
25:48 then you need to understand
25:50 what the scripture says about meat, okay.
25:54 Let's look and see what it tells you.
25:56 Leviticus 3:17. "There shall be a perpetual statute
26:01 throughout your generations in all your dwellings."
26:05 That means it goes on forever.
26:07 "You shall eat neither fat nor blood."
26:12 Number one, God says don't eat
26:16 fat or blood of an animal.
26:21 And you and I don't really need a big explanation about that.
26:24 We understand that if you eat animal fat,
26:27 it raises your what? Your cholesterol.
26:31 We understand that blood,
26:34 chances of disease are much greater.
26:36 So God just simply said, if you're gonna eat an animal,
26:39 you don't eat the fat, you don't eat the blood.
26:43 And I have some dear people say to me,
26:45 oh, Brother Cox, that was written for the Jew.
26:49 Well, let me tell you something.
26:50 The only difference I know between my stomach
26:54 and a Jewish stomach is mine might be a little bigger.
26:58 That's the only question I know, okay.
27:01 God said don't eat it
27:03 and that is simply what He meant
27:05 when He said don't eat it. All right, let's go on now.
27:09 God says there are some animals that are clean.
27:14 That means as far as scripture is concerned
27:18 they are okay to eat, okay.
27:23 And God says, there are some animals
27:25 that are not to be eaten
27:27 and the scripture calls them unclean.
27:31 They are not a very inviting list, okay.
27:34 They are unclean. Scripture says don't eat them.
27:38 And I can tell you right now dear friend,
27:41 your health will be much better off
27:44 if you listen to the Lord, okay.
27:47 Let's see what the Lord has to say about it.
27:51 Yeah, I have people like I said that say well clean
27:54 and unclean business that was given to the Jew.
27:56 No, it wasn't. It was given before the Jew existed.
28:01 You ever read about Noah.
28:05 Listen to what He says to Noah.
28:09 Genesis 7:2. "You shall take with you seven
28:14 each of every clean animal."
28:18 You were told, weren't you?
28:20 The animals went into the ark two by two.
28:23 No, they didn't. The unclean went in the ark by two's.
28:28 The clean went in the ark by seven's.
28:32 A male and his female, two each of the animals
28:36 that are unclean a male and his female.
28:39 So God just sent--made a clear distinction way back
28:43 then in the beginning that the clean were there
28:46 and the unclean there and God has never
28:49 changed that, friends, at all.
28:51 So when you go to the Book of Leviticus,
28:53 you begin to see what the scripture says.
28:55 "Also seven each of birds
28:58 of the air male and female to keep the species alive
29:02 on the face of the earth."
29:03 Okay, Leviticus, this is what it says about the animals.
29:07 "Among the animals whatever divides the hoof,
29:13 having cloven hooves and chewing the cud
29:16 that you may eat." Very simple.
29:21 An animal is clean that has divided hoof
29:26 and it has to chew the cud.
29:28 Those are the two things it has to do.
29:31 Not one or the other, but both of them, okay.
29:34 God named some of them for you.
29:37 "Nevertheless, these you shall not eat
29:40 among those that chew the cud--
29:42 chew the cud or those that have cloven hooves.
29:45 The camel, because it chews the cud,
29:47 but does not have cloven hooves is unclean to you."
29:50 I don't see there are many people eating camels.
29:55 Have you ever looked at a camel, uh?
29:59 They are strange animals, camels are. You know, really.
30:05 You know, what they remind me of.
30:07 They remind me of a horse
30:09 that's been put together by a committee.
30:10 Is what they remind me of, okay.
30:13 But God said, don't eat them.
30:15 Leave them alone, okay. Secondly:
30:19 "The rock hyrax," that's the rock badger,
30:22 if you don't know what that is,
30:24 "because it chews the cud but does not have
30:26 cloven hooves is unclean to you.
30:28 So God says don't eat the rock badger.
30:32 The hare, that's the rabbit, okay,
30:35 because it chews the cud
30:36 but does not have cloven hooves is unclean to you
30:41 and the swine," that's the pig.
30:44 This is the one we eat Mr. Piggy
30:48 from the tail to the snout, you know, okay.
30:52 "The swine though it divides the hoof having cloven hooves
30:56 yet does not chew the cud is unclean to you.
31:02 God says, do not eat it. It's unclean.
31:11 When I became a Christian, I had a real problem here.
31:18 My problem was as I told you another night,
31:23 I belong to something called the FFA,
31:26 Future Farmers of America.
31:30 And one thing I had done is I had bought a pig,
31:35 I don't know if you know what rested Duroc-Jersey pig is,
31:39 but it's so--if you ever go to county fair
31:41 you can go look at them they are red in color,
31:43 that's what they are.
31:45 I had bought one to raise to show at the county fair
31:48 and had won the county fair with it.
31:52 My father also had one,
31:53 so we both had sows that we raise pigs from.
31:58 I got to read in God's word, you know,
32:01 I was just a young person and I was reading a scripture
32:04 and here I began to read
32:05 what it had to say about the pig in here.
32:08 And from reading that I decided
32:10 it wasn't right for me to eat it.
32:14 And then I got in a conviction 'cause I didn't know
32:16 what to do with the pig, you see.
32:19 And my father was not a Christian.
32:22 My father was violently opposed to what I did.
32:28 And I knew that if I killed that pig he'll kill me.
32:34 So I didn't know what to do with it.
32:36 A fellow offered to trade me a calf for it,
32:38 I wouldn't even do that.
32:40 I just didn't know what to do with it.
32:42 That plagued me folks, bothered me.
32:46 Finally one night, I went in the bedroom
32:50 and I shut the door and I got down on my knees
32:53 and I said, Lord, I don't know what to do with this pig.
32:58 I know that my dad would just--no telling
33:02 what he would do if I kill that pig.
33:05 And I said, I don't know what to do it.
33:07 I don't feel right about keeping it.
33:11 I don't know how to get rid of it,
33:13 so Lord I made up my mind I'm giving it to you,
33:17 it's not my pig anymore. And that's what I did.
33:23 Just gave it to Him and said it's your pig, not mine.
33:27 The next morning I went out
33:30 on the back porch picked up a slop bucket,
33:33 go out have to feed the pigs walked out there
33:36 and mine was lying in pen dead.
33:39 And dad just ran around took care of him.
33:43 What I'm trying to get across to you
33:46 is God is very clear folks He just tells you and I
33:50 we're not to eat it. Let's go on.
33:54 "Their flesh you shall not eat
33:56 and their carcasses you shall not touch.
33:58 They are unclean to you."
34:02 Okay. What about sea life.
34:06 What does the scripture say there?
34:07 God gave you two rules for an animal.
34:10 They have to divide the hoof, they have to chew the cud.
34:13 When it comes to sea life, he gives you two rules.
34:15 Let's see what they are.
34:18 "These you may eat of all that are in the water,
34:21 whatsoever in the water that has fins and scales,
34:25 these whether in the sea
34:28 or in the rivers that you may eat."
34:30 So the rule is, they've got to have fins and scales, both.
34:35 Not one or the other. They got to have both.
34:40 "But all in the sea or in the river
34:42 that do not have fins and scales,
34:45 all that move in the water or any living thing
34:48 which is in the water they are an abomination to you."
34:51 So God says, if they don't have
34:53 fins and scales, you can't eat them.
34:56 And if you look at most of them folks they're scavengers.
35:00 Okay. I have people say to me well,
35:03 why did God create the pig?
35:06 Well, very easy, for garbage disposal.
35:10 That's why He created the pig.
35:13 That's also why He created these such things
35:16 as crabs and oysters and--and,
35:19 cat fish and these thing that don't have fins and scales
35:23 'cause they're scavengers.
35:24 There's what they cleans up the bottom of the river,
35:27 in the bottom of the pond.
35:29 And God says don't eat them.
35:31 If they have fins and scales they are clean,
35:35 clean to be eaten, okay.
35:38 When we take a look and it says:
35:41 "And these you shall regard
35:42 as an abomination among the birds."
35:45 Now when it comes to the birds, God doesn't give a rule.
35:49 He just name them what you are not to eat.
35:53 Among the birds that shall not be eaten:
35:56 They are an abomination to you and he says the eagle,
35:59 the vulture, the buzzard, the kite, the cormorant,
36:02 the cuckoo, pelican, goes on and names them.
36:05 He says these are unclean.
36:07 Most of them folks are birds of prey.
36:11 That's what most of them are.
36:12 They are birds of prey and God says, don't eat them.
36:17 Okay, so that's simply when it comes to meat.
36:19 If you're going to talk about meat as a protein,
36:23 those are the things that God counsels us concerning meat.
36:29 Because you're going to use meat as a protein
36:32 then you need to follow the scripture
36:34 in junction about it and I'll just say,
36:37 when God wrote that He told you
36:41 to begin with that this His diet for you was fruits,
36:46 grains, and nuts, and later he added vegetables.
36:51 This day and age, I think you take great risk
36:57 with meat being as deceased as it is.
37:01 I think you're running great risk, okay.
37:04 So you need to be clear on what the scripture says.
37:08 And by the way, the ones that are unclean
37:13 like the camel and the pig,
37:19 and the seagull, and the mouse you know, I don't find them
37:24 served in the best restaurants. Do you?
37:28 I don't find people going in ordering roasted camel
37:32 or seagull a la King, or breaded mouse, you know.
37:38 Most of those things are things
37:40 that God says leave them alone. Don't eat them.
37:44 What does the New Testament say about it?
37:46 Well, people say well that's the Old Testament.
37:48 We don't go by the Old Testament,
37:50 we go by the New Testament.
37:51 Well, let's look at the New Testament. See what it says.
37:56 Second Corinthians 6:16. "What agreement
37:59 has the temple of God with idols? Listen carefully.
38:03 "For you are the temple of the living God."
38:07 So He makes it very clear when He says what agreement
38:09 has the temple of God with idols.
38:11 He's talking about what? Talking about you.
38:15 He's talking about your body, okay.
38:16 You are the temple of the living God.
38:20 "As God has said, 'I will dwell in them and walk among them.
38:23 I will be their God and they shall be my people.
38:28 "Therefore come out come out from among them
38:30 and be separate, says the Lord.
38:32 Do not touch what is unclean and I will receive you.'"
38:37 God is very clear in the New Testament.
38:40 He said, leave it alone.
38:42 Don't be touching, don't be eating what He list as unclean.
38:47 He says it's no to be. You'll say well,
38:52 "I will be a Father to you, you shall be
38:53 my son and daughter says the Lord almighty."
38:56 You say well, didn't Peter,
39:00 didn't Peter have some kind of a vision
39:01 where he cleaned it all up, uh.
39:04 Have you ever read Acts 10, where Peter had this vision
39:08 and the sheath was let down out of heaven
39:10 and in the sheath was all manner of unclean animals
39:15 and a voice said rise Peter kill and eat.
39:20 And Peter said, not so Lord,
39:23 I've never eaten anything common or unclean.
39:26 That was done three times.
39:29 And the voice said Peter
39:31 what I have cleansed don't you call common.
39:37 "But peter said, 'Not so Lord!
39:40 For I have never eaten anything common or unclean."
39:44 Peter can't figure this out folks.
39:47 He can't understand because this is direct--
39:49 a direct contrary to the word of God.
39:53 And so it says in scripture while he is trying
39:56 to get all this put together, there's a knock at the door.
40:00 And there are some men there from Cornelius' house.
40:03 Cornelius is a Roman soldier.
40:06 He's a Centurion. He's had a dream.
40:11 And in the dream he's been told to send these men to Peter,
40:15 to get Peter from Joppa. Bring Peter back.
40:19 So he sent them there, they knock on the door,
40:22 Peter invites men, they tell him that Cornelius' had the dream
40:26 and so they spend the night with Peter
40:27 and the next day they go back,
40:30 or Peter goes with them back to Cornelius' house.
40:33 Cornelius is a Roman soldier folks.
40:36 He's a Gentile. Do you understand that?
40:40 Okay, listen. Listen to the words of Peter,
40:43 he'll tell you what the dream meant.
40:47 Acts 10:28. "Then he said to them,
40:50 'You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man
40:55 to keep company or go to one of another nation."
41:02 So you know that's out of keeping.
41:05 "But God has what? Shown me
41:08 that I should not call any man common or unclean."
41:13 God weren't trying to say Peter, it's okay to eat the pig.
41:17 He was saying Peter, you need
41:19 to take the Gospel to the Gentiles.
41:22 That's what He was telling him.
41:23 He wasn't telling unclean animals were now clean,
41:27 He was saying you need to take the Gospel to the Gentile.
41:30 Preach it to them. That's what it was about.
41:33 You see the New Testament says, First Corinthians 6:19.
41:37 "Do you not know that your body is the temple
41:41 of the Holy Spirit who is in you,
41:45 whom you have from God and you are not your own?"
41:49 So when you accept Jesus Christ,
41:52 this body of yours becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit,
41:57 that's what the scripture says.
41:58 You are not your own,
42:01 your body belongs to the Lord, it's His.
42:07 And he gives you some very good
42:08 counsel about taking care of it.
42:13 "For you were bought at a price,
42:16 therefore glorify God in your body
42:19 and in your spirit which are God's."
42:23 He said, you've been bought with a price,
42:26 glorify God in your what? In your body.
42:31 That means that I'm to keep this body
42:33 as healthy as I possibly can keep it
42:36 for the Lord, that's what it means.
42:39 "Do you not know that you are the temple of God
42:42 and that the Spirit of God what? Dwells in you.
42:47 If anyone defiles the temple of God,
42:50 God will destroy him.
42:52 For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are."
42:57 And so your body, what makes your body holy?
43:04 Do you know that, what makes your body holy?
43:07 The Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit dwells within you
43:11 and because he dwells in you that's what
43:13 makes your body holy and God says,
43:15 you need to take care of it.
43:17 You need to treat it right.
43:19 You need to make sure that it's cared for as it should be.
43:23 So I am not to put in things that harm it.
43:26 And in this country we do a lot of things that harm it.
43:31 We put things in our body.
43:32 Christ would not go along with that.
43:35 Jesus is hanging on the cross.
43:38 I told you that other night about the tremendous agony
43:41 that He went through, what crucifixion was like.
43:45 They've offered to Him, they've offered Him
43:49 sour wine mingled with gall.
43:52 You know what gal is? Gall is a poison.
43:59 That's what it is. Also deadens pain.
44:04 They offered Him that, mingled gall.
44:08 "They gave Him sour wine mingled with gall to drink,
44:12 but when He had tasted it, He would not drink."
44:17 He wouldn't drink it.
44:19 Now dear friend, God makes it very clear
44:24 in the word that you and I are not to put things
44:27 into our body that are harmful to you.
44:30 And one of the things that we do
44:32 quite often is that of tobacco.
44:37 Tobacco is an insidious poison.
44:44 Tobacco has 27 poisons in it,
44:51 nicotine being the worst.
44:55 You and I should not harm our bodies that way.
45:03 In America, cigarettes killed--
45:06 cigarettes killed 582,000 people in 1998.
45:12 You know, why I'm saying?
45:15 Cigarettes in 1998 folks killed over a half a million people
45:22 in the United States, half a million people.
45:30 If we had a half a million people dying from some disease,
45:34 we would call that an epidemic and yet we go
45:37 right around here and we manufacture them
45:40 and we pass them out to the children
45:41 so they can get hooked on them.
45:44 And we think that's all right.
45:50 Surgeon General's warning.
45:53 Smoking by pregnant women may result in fetal injury,
45:58 premature birth and low birth weight.
46:06 Boy you talk about water down. That is really water down.
46:12 It shouldn't say that, it should say this will kill you.
46:17 That's what it needs to say, this will kill you.
46:20 No questions about it.
46:24 God doesn't expect us, He doesn't want us
46:28 to use something that is poisonous
46:31 or harmful to our body. It's very clear on that.
46:35 Cigarette smoking, what does it do?
46:39 It contributes to strokes.
46:43 Secondly, emphysema. Heart disease.
46:49 I'm just telling you what cigarettes do.
46:52 You talk about them being good for you.
46:56 Various forms of cancer.
47:00 All that in smoking. Poor circulation.
47:07 Premature births.
47:11 All that happens by smoking,
47:14 Shortness of breath.
47:17 Now, dear friends, the Lord came
47:21 to help you in that respect.
47:24 He came to give you life
47:26 and give it to you much happier.
47:31 We take hundreds, hundreds, and hundreds,
47:35 and hundreds of people off of tobacco every year.
47:40 Every meeting we hold, we take people off of tobacco.
47:44 And starting Friday night right here,
47:48 we will be conducting a program if you want to quit it,
47:52 we'll be glad to help you and I'll just tell you this,
47:54 if you do what we tell you to do for five days,
47:58 you'll be off completely and feeling good.
48:01 I promise that. So we'll talk more about that.
48:05 Something else that we're faced with,
48:09 some things that we do that the Bible says,
48:12 this is what wise people do.
48:15 "Wise people's lives get better and better.
48:19 They avoid whatever would cause their death."
48:24 Wise people do that.
48:26 Their lives get better and better because they avoid
48:28 what would cause their death, okay.
48:32 The other thing is that of alcohol.
48:38 Folks, you can give me all the excuses in the world
48:44 for using alcohol
48:47 and I'll tell you that you are ill-informed.
48:54 You're ill-informed. I'm--I will say this.
48:59 I'm glad that one of the candidates
49:02 that's running for the President of United States
49:05 had enough sense to say, I will not drink.
49:12 I'm at least glad that one does because there's no way.
49:18 All you got to do is take a walk with me
49:20 in the certain sector of the town
49:21 and I'll show you what alcohol does to people.
49:26 Ephesians 5:18.
49:28 "Do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation,
49:33 but be filled with the Spirit."
49:39 "Do you not know that the unrighteous
49:41 will not inherit the kingdom of God?
49:44 Do not be deceived neither fornicators,
49:48 nor idolaters, nor adulterers,
49:49 nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,
49:53 nor thieve, nor covetous, nor what?
49:56 Drunkards, nor revilers,
49:58 nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God."
50:02 Scripture is very-very clear on that,
50:06 but I cannot use that kind of thing
50:09 and make it into the kingdom of heaven.
50:11 Proverbs, listen. Proverbs 23:31.
50:15 "Do not look at wine when it is red,
50:18 when it sparkles in the cup, when it swirls around smoothly,
50:22 at last it bites like a serpent and stings like a viper."
50:28 God says, don't use it when it is intoxicating.
50:32 That's what that text is saying.
50:33 When it moves itself God says, don't use it.
50:38 Proverbs 20:1.
50:40 "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler
50:44 and whoever is led astray by it is not wise."
50:50 I mean the scripture is crystal clear on this question, folks.
50:55 Alcohol is estimated
50:57 to cause the United States economy $86 what?
51:02 $86 billion a year outstripping.
51:06 now listen folks,
51:07 outstripping illegal drugs by $30 billion.
51:14 And you hear the country talk about doing something
51:17 about the drugs and that needs to be done,
51:20 don't misunderstand me, but they don't want to say
51:22 anything about the alcohol.
51:27 This is the problem that we face.
51:30 The Bible says that you and I are to abstain from it.
51:36 That means leave it alone.
51:39 It won't help you, it doesn't make you healthy,
51:42 it doesn't make you happy,
51:43 it does not contribute to your life.
51:48 This doesn't do that.
51:51 Alcohol is responsible
51:52 for roughly 10% of all U.S. deaths.
51:59 Ten percent of every person that dies in the United States
52:04 is the result of alcohol.
52:08 What does the Lord want to do for you?
52:10 This is what He wants to do for you.
52:13 "The thief does not come except to steal
52:17 and to kill and destroy." Okay.
52:21 "I have come that they may have life
52:25 and that they might have it more abundantly."
52:28 You want to be happy, you want to be healthy,
52:32 you want to enjoy life.
52:35 Well, then dear friends, listen carefully what God says
52:39 about what you're to eat.
52:43 Balance, as the scripture give it balance what you eat.
52:48 Leave the tobacco,
52:52 the alcohol, the drugs alone.
52:58 Dear friend, let me tell you something,
53:00 if you do that, you'll find your health will increase immensely.
53:05 You'll find yourself happy.
53:08 You'll find that the whole thing will change
53:11 and God will simply come in
53:14 and touch your life in a very special way.
53:17 Listen as Maddy sings, 'He touched me'.
53:22 Shackled by a heavy burden
53:33 Neath a load of guilt and shame
53:43 Then the hand of Jesus touched me
53:53 And now I am no longer the same
54:06 Three questions I want you to look at me.
54:12 First question says,
54:14 I understand what scripture teaches about unclean meats.
54:18 I've shared with you.
54:20 The scripture is very clear on what's clean and unclean.
54:24 If you understand that tonight, put a check by number one.
54:29 Let me--let me take just a moment
54:32 to explain something to you.
54:34 Folks, what I'm telling you tonight
54:37 God--or principles that God gave to help you be healthy.
54:42 Salvation doesn't come this way.
54:45 You can't eat your way into heaven,
54:47 I hope you understand that. Okay.
54:51 But if you want to be healthy, you want to be happy.
54:54 If you want to follow what God says,
54:56 then follow it.
54:58 So if you understand what it teaches about unclean meats,
55:01 put a check by number one.
55:03 Second questions says, I need help with chemical dependency.
55:08 If you need help with chemical dependency
55:10 then put a check by number two.
55:13 Third question, I'd like to accept Christ as my Savior.
55:20 You may do some of these things by willpower,
55:25 but I'll tell you, it's a thousand times easier
55:31 if you give your heart to the Lord
55:33 and let the Holy Spirit work in your life.
55:35 So tonight if you don't know Christ as your Savior,
55:38 I'd like to invite you to accept Jesus Christ
55:41 as your personal Savior.
55:43 He touched me
55:47 Oh He touched me
55:54 And all that joy that floods my soul
56:07 Something happened and now I know
56:21 He touched me and made me whole
56:35 Let's bow our heads for word of prayer.
56:37 Heavenly Father, we thank you that not only do You love us,
56:44 not only do You provide salvation for us,
56:48 but You've give in ways in which we can be healthy,
56:51 we can be happy, we can enjoy this life.
56:54 I pray that You'll bless each one here,
56:57 and may they find in Christ constant help.
57:03 To obtain a copy of this program or for more information,
57:06 please write to Kenneth Cox Ministries
57:08 PO Box 1027 Loma Linda, CA 92354
57:13 Again Kenneth Cox Ministries
57:15 PO Box 1027 Loma Linda, CA 92354
57:21 In North America you can call
57:22 toll free at 888-747-1844
57:26 Or internationally call 909-790-2770


Revised 2014-12-17