Participants: Pr. Kenneth Cox
Series Code: TOTE
Program Code: TOTE000019
00:02 Can you believe it? Can you build your faith on it?
00:08 The promises of God's word are sure, they do not fail. 00:17 This book has stood the test of time. 00:48 Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; 01:06 Praise Him, all creatures here below; 01:25 Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; 01:44 Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 02:28 Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; 02:45 Praise Him, all creatures here below; 03:03 Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; 03:22 Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Amen. 04:15 We're glad that you are here. Subject tonight is, 04:17 The Shout of the Lord. The Shout of the Lord. 04:21 When God shouts definite things happens. 04:25 I assure you and that's what we're going to look at tonight. 04:28 So, we hope that you'll be blessed in a very special way. 04:36 How about your heart, is it right with God? 04:46 That's the thing that counts today 04:56 Is it black with sin, or is it pure within? 05:06 Could you ask Christ in to stay? 05:17 People often see you as you are outside 05:27 Jesus really knows you for He sees inside you 05:37 How about your heart, is it right with God? 05:47 That's the thing that counts today 05:57 Friend, if you could see, all that you can be 06:07 Would you ask Christ in today? 06:18 He won't let you stray, if He guides your way 06:28 He is waiting, come today 06:39 People often see you as you are outside 06:49 Jesus really knows you, for He sees inside you 07:00 How about your heart, is it right with God? 07:09 That's the thing that counts today. 07:38 Heavenly Father, we look forward to that day 07:43 when we can go home. For there won't be any sorrow, 07:47 crying or pain. We pray tonight as we look 07:54 at all the provisions that you've made 07:58 for each one of us to have that opportunity 08:01 no matter who we are. We thank you, 08:05 we ask you that you would give us tonight the understanding, 08:09 the wisdom that we need. Pray Lord that our hearts 08:13 may be soft and tender, that the Holy Spirit maybe 08:17 able to speak to each of us and draw us near to You. 08:21 For this we ask in Christ name, amen. 08:32 Scripture says that the word of God is living, 08:36 powerful and sharper than any two edged sword. 08:41 It says that God merely speaks and things come into existence. 08:47 Listen, Psalms 33:6, "by the word of the Lord 08:55 "the heavens made; and all the host of them 08:57 by the breath of his mouth. " I mean He spoke 09:03 and the earth was formed, came into existence. 09:06 So, when God speaks folks mighty things take place and happen. 09:13 In fact there on Mount Sinai, it says, as He spoke 09:17 the law into existence. Deuteronomy 5:22, 09:21 "These words the Lord spoke to all your assembly, 09:26 "in the mountain, from the midst of the fire, 09:29 "He stood there and he spoke Commandments of God. 09:32 "The cloud, and of the thick darkness, 09:35 "with a loud voice; and He added no more. 09:38 "He spoke the word of God into existence. 09:40 "And he wrote them on two tablets of stone, 09:43 and gave them to me. " So Moses said, he spoke that, 09:46 wrote it on tablets of stone and gave it to me. 09:50 Bible says that when Jesus comes back he is going to speak. 09:57 It doesn't just say He is going to speak, 09:58 it says He is going to shout. Listen, 10:04 First Thessalonians 4:16, "For the Lord himself 10:07 will descend from heaven with a shout, 10:10 with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God. 10:14 And the dead in Christ shall rise first. " 10:17 Says he is going to come, He is going to shout, 10:19 His words gonna roll through this earth like thunder 10:23 and those that are dead in the ground 10:26 are literally gonna hear that voice and they are gonna 10:29 come up out of the ground. They're gonna rise, 10:33 resurrection will take place. All these people that are gonna 10:38 come forth when Jesus speaks, when He shouts, 10:42 where are they coming from? Are they up in heaven, 10:50 are they in hell? Just exactly where are these people? 10:55 We need to establish that, we need to establish 10:58 what God's word says. Where are these people 11:01 that when He shouts and they're all going to be resurrected. 11:04 Where are they coming from? Well let's see the scripture 11:09 tell us very clearly where they come from. 11:12 John 5:28, "Do not marvel at this; 11:14 "for the hour is coming in which all who are in the, where? 11:20 "Graves will hear His voice. So, it says clearly 11:25 "all these people that are in the graves will hear His voice 11:30 "and come forth those who have done good, 11:34 "to the resurrection of life, those who have done evil, 11:37 to the resurrection of condemnation. " 11:40 So, this scripture says clearly that all the dead 11:44 are going to come up out of the grave. 11:47 Let's look at another one. Daniel 12 verse 2. 11:50 This is Daniel, this is one that He said Daniel, 11:53 you are greatly beloved. I mean he, 11:57 you know that there are only two people in the Bible 12:00 that it doesn't say anything bad about. 12:01 Do you know them? That's Daniel and Joseph. 12:05 So He is very much beloved. So listen to what the Lord 12:09 says the Daniel. "And many of those who sleep 12:13 in the dust of the earth shall, where are they? 12:19 They're in the dust of the earth, 12:21 okay. Shall awake, some to everlasting life, 12:24 some to shame and everlasting contempt. 12:28 Okay so, it makes it very clear that they're asleep 12:32 in the dust of the ground they are going to come out of that. 12:36 Remember when Jesus was crucified, 12:41 the veil in the temple was rent. Did you know that the Bible says 12:45 that the graves open. Listen to this. 12:50 "Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn 12:52 in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, 12:54 and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened, 13:00 and many of the bodies of the saints 13:02 who had fallen asleep were raised. 13:05 So these people that are dead and when Jesus comes and calls. 13:11 Where they are coming from folks? 13:13 Graves, they are not coming from heaven, 13:16 they are not coming from some spirit world. 13:20 They're coming from the grave. 13:23 It's exactly what the scripture tells us. 13:25 And it says these people that came out of the grave 13:27 and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, 13:33 they went into the holy city and appeared to many. 13:35 So, the Bible makes it very clear where they are. 13:39 I guess the question we need to ask ourselves and denied 13:41 is what's their condition. And out there in the grave 13:46 then do the dead retain their senses. 13:49 Can they see, hear, taste, touch, smell, 13:57 do the dead experience such things as joy, sorrow, pain? 14:02 What just happens to a person when they die, 14:05 what is their condition? Well let's see if the scripture 14:07 tell us what their condition is. Ecclesiastes 9 verse 5, 14:13 "For the living know that they will die; 14:16 "but the dead know; how much do they know? 14:21 "Nothing. They have no more reward, 14:24 for the memory of them is forgotten." 14:27 So the scripture says that the persons in the grave, 14:30 they don't know nothing, anything. 14:34 You know it always amuses me why, why people wanna think 14:37 that the people in the grave know something. 14:41 You know, let me as you a question tonight. 14:45 When you go to cross the street, which way do you look first, 14:48 the left or the right? Some of you don't even know, 14:54 do you? Okay, all of you since you were 14:59 children have been taught to look to the left because 15:02 that's the way the traffic is coming from. 15:03 And that's great as long as you don't travel. 15:08 Okay, because there are places in the world where they drive 15:10 on the other side of the street. And I've been there you know, 15:14 and look nobody coming step out on street 15:17 and below right there it was. Just almost got me. 15:20 Okay, there is people lose their life every year over 15:23 that one thing, okay. So, let's say I'm not watching 15:26 where I'm going alright, and I step out on the street 15:29 and this car hits me. Knocks me down, 15:32 knocks me unconscious. Okay, do I know anything? 15:39 No, I'm unconscious, I don't know anything. 15:41 And they called the ambulance, they put me in the ambulance 15:45 and they rushed me to the hospital. 15:46 They row me into the emergency room 15:49 and the doctor comes in and examines me. 15:52 And he says, this man is hurt internally, 15:54 we're going to have to operate on him. 15:56 So, they row me into the operation room, 15:59 they call the anesthetist. Comes in and they begin 16:03 to give me the anesthetic, they put me to sleep. 16:06 Do I know anything? No, I'm asleep I don't a thing. 16:11 The doctor starts operating on me and while he's operating 16:15 on me, my heart stops beating. Now I know everything. 16:23 Now folks, see. The Bible just says 16:25 that when a person dies, they don't know anything. 16:30 Listen, it goes on further. "Also their love, 16:36 and their hatred, and their envy have now perished; 16:42 Nevermore will they have a share in anything that is done 16:44 under the sun." So, the Bible makes it clear 16:47 they don't know anything. We just gone through 16:50 the Olympics. I don't know if you noticed it, 16:55 but so many times I see this where somebody 16:59 who is participating in one of the sports and they win. 17:04 Say the gold medal and the commentator 17:09 will be talking to them and find out that maybe 17:12 they lost their mother or their father. 17:14 And the commentator will say something to him about you know 17:18 your dad was very close to you and helped you all this time, 17:22 and it's been so nice if he could have been here. 17:25 And you know, they talk about that 17:27 and some would be said about well he is up in heaven 17:30 looking down. I'm sure you seen that time 17:33 and time ago. Would you like to see what 17:34 the Bible says about that? Listen, this is what 17:37 the scripture says about that very thing. 17:42 "His sons come to honor, he does not know it; 17:49 "His sons come to honor, he does not know it; 17:52 They are brought lo, he does not perceive it." 17:57 He didn't know that, they die, he is not aware of, 18:00 he dies he is not aware of what goes on there. 18:03 Makes it very clear. Scripture says 18:06 in Job 14 verse 10, "But the man dies, is laid away; 18:11 Indeed he breathes his last and where is he?" 18:15 Says he dies breathes his last where is he? 18:19 Well we found out where he is didn't we? 18:22 He is in the grave, he doesn't know anything. 18:25 "So man lies down, does not rise till 18:30 the heavens are no more. Listen carefully now, 18:34 they will not awake nor be roused from their sleep." 18:41 Bible is crystal clear, that the dead 18:44 don't know anything. They're asleep and they 18:48 will remain so until the coming of Jesus Christ. 18:53 "The dead do not praise the Lord, 18:56 nor any who go down into silence." 19:01 They don't know anything, they don't praise God. 19:03 Says they just go down into silence, 19:06 that's where they are the whole time. 19:10 What do you say, well they're in their grave, 19:12 they don't know anything. Is there any hope? 19:16 Is there any hope? Well, I can tell you this folks, 19:21 if you think that philosophy offers you some hope, 19:25 you missed it. You know, I've read the works of Atheists, 19:31 Agnostics and Infidels. And when I got through 19:36 it was just nothing there, just darkness. 19:39 So it was no hope at all. I want you to listen what 19:41 Christ offers to you. First John 5:11 19:46 "And this is the testimony; that God has given to us, 19:52 what? Eternal life, 19:54 and this life is in His Son." Now folks, 19:58 let's get something clear, where is eternal life, 20:03 in you? No, eternal life is in his Son. 20:08 Listen, "He who has the Son has life; 20:13 he who does not have the Son of God does not have life." 20:19 It's simply right there and if you want life, 20:22 if you want eternal life it's found totally and completely 20:26 in Jesus Christ, no one else. 20:30 See, Christ died, did he stay in the grave? 20:35 No, he did not stay in the grave, 20:37 he came forth from the grave, listen to the promise of God 20:41 what he says he will do for you and for me. 20:46 Romans 8:11, "But if the Spirit of Him 20:49 who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, 20:53 He who raised Christ from the dead will also give to your, 21:01 what kind of body? Mortal bodies through the Spirit 21:05 that dwells in you. So, it says that same spirit 21:09 that gave life to Jesus Christ will give you life. 21:14 That's where the hope is, the hope is in Jesus Christ. 21:17 It is not you and I nowhere in the Bible folks does it say 21:23 that you and I have immortality. Just does it promise that? 21:29 We get immortality because of Jesus Christ. 21:33 We are mortal, that means we are subject to death. 21:36 We do not have immortality of ourselves. 21:41 Okay, Bible doesn't promise that, 21:43 it promises that we get immortality through 21:46 Jesus Christ, he is the one who gives it. 21:49 Well then we need to ask ourselves a question 21:52 if this happens at the resurrection. 21:55 When does the resurrection take place? 22:00 Well, let's see if the scripture will tell us. 22:02 John 6:39, "This is the will of the Father 22:07 who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me 22:10 I should lose nothing, but should raise it up 22:16 at the last day." So, when is the resurrection 22:20 going to take place? Last day, 22:23 if you're not clear on that, look at this one. 22:26 "And this is the will of him who sent me, 22:29 that every one who sees the Son, and believes in Him, 22:34 may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up 22:37 at the last day." Is this getting clear? 22:40 Resurrection takes place at the last day. 22:45 One more, "No one can come to me unless 22:49 the Father who sent me draws him, 22:53 and I will raise him up at the last day." 22:56 So the scripture is crystal clear that the resurrection 23:00 is going to take place at the last day. 23:02 It says, you and I as individuals are mortal. 23:05 It says that we're subject to death and that when we die 23:09 we are in the grave, we don't know anything 23:13 until the resurrection at the last day. 23:16 That's when the resurrection will take place. 23:19 Now this idea, you know, 23:22 this idea that when you die, if you're good, 23:25 you go to heaven, if you're bad, 23:27 you go to hell. That really causes some 23:30 major problems in understanding God's word. 23:35 Let me show you a few of them, if it's true that when you die 23:39 if you're good you go to heaven, if you're bad you go to hell. 23:42 Then what need is there of a resurrection. 23:47 I've one, fall the righteous are up in heaven. 23:52 Why not just get it live and take them to heaven, 23:55 they are all the rest are there. 23:57 If this is true that when you die, 24:00 if you're good you go to heaven, if you're bad you go to hell. 24:03 Then what need is there of the coming of Jesus. 24:09 Why does Jesus need to come back, 24:11 if when you die you go to heaven. 24:14 Not really any reason, or if it's true then what 24:19 need is there of a judgmen. You talk about getting 24:23 in trouble, have someone go to heaven 24:25 and be there for a few hundred years and then have 24:28 the judgment find out they didn't belong there. 24:32 That won't work. So, what I'm trying to say 24:35 that does away with some of the great teachings 24:37 of God's word. I've a friend, 24:41 when her daughter was about, oh I don't know. 24:46 Five years old or so, they went out to cemetery 24:49 to put some flowers on the aunt's grave. 24:54 And they got out there and laid the flowers on the grave there, 24:58 this little girl, wheels were turning. 25:00 And she reached over and tugged on her mother skirt 25:05 and she said is, Aunt Polly in there. 25:09 Her mother said oh no, Aunt Polly is not there, 25:11 she is up in heaven. And little girl thought 25:15 that through for a little bit and she tugged 25:17 on her mother's skirt and she said 25:19 why are we putting flowers there? 25:24 And of course this really threw the mother 25:25 into confusion you know. She didn't know exactly 25:28 what to say, and so she said well Aunt Polly 25:33 is up in heaven but her body is here. 25:37 And little girl thought little bit 25:39 and tugged on her mother's skirt and said, 25:41 Aunt Polly is up in heaven running around without a body. 25:45 You see you get into all kinds of difficulty when you depart 25:50 from the word of God folks. God has made it very, 25:54 very clear, very simple 25:57 that when a person dies, he's asleep. 26:00 He doesn't know anything and will not until 26:04 the resurrection morning. Then he will come forth 26:07 from the grave. "For the Lord himself 26:10 "will descend from heaven with a shout, 26:12 with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God. 26:17 And the dead in Christ will rise first." 26:21 So, that makes it clear where they're coming from the grave. 26:24 God promise that they will be resurrected from the grave. 26:28 First Corinthians 5:12, excuse me 15 verse 20. 26:33 One of the great, great scriptures folks, 26:38 promises to you and I change, 26:41 promises to us immortality. Listen, 26:45 "But now is Christ risen from the dead, 26:47 become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." 26:54 "But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; 26:57 afterward those who are Christ's at his coming." 27:02 So, it says Jesus is going to get them all, 27:04 take them to heaven at his coming. 27:07 Well when these people are resurrected from the grave? 27:10 What are they gonna be like? Going to be an invisible spirit 27:17 just kind of flipping around, 27:19 is that what they're going to be like? 27:20 What does this scripture tell us that we'll be like 27:23 at the resurrection? Job 19:25, 27:29 "For I know that my Redeemer lives, 27:31 "and He shall stand at last on the earth. 27:37 "And after my skin is destroyed this I know, 27:41 that in my flesh I shall see God." 27:46 Let me tell you something dear friend, 27:48 you'll be just as real as you are today. 27:52 There will be some changes you know. 27:56 You won't be sick, you won't ever get tired, okay. 28:01 There won't be any sorrow, there won't be any pain, 28:04 all that will be gone. But you will be 28:06 a very real person. How real? 28:11 "Whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, 28:19 "and not another. So he is a very real person. 28:22 "How my heart yearns within me! O for that day 28:27 "when he is coming back. Coming back in which 28:30 there will be no more sin." Ever thought about that, 28:37 what would this world be like if there was no sin? 28:42 What would it be like? No crime, no death, 28:52 no heartache, no sorrow, marvelous. 28:56 How my heart yearns that day? Promises. John 5:28, 29:06 "Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, 29:08 in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice." 29:12 They are gonna do what? All there in the grave 29:14 are gonna what? Hear His voice. 29:18 So, we found out that they've got flesh, 29:21 we found out that they can see, 29:23 we found now they can what? Hear, they hear His voice. 29:29 Luke 24 verse 36, "Now as they said these things, 29:33 Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, 29:35 and said to them, 'Peace be to you.'" 29:38 Now folks this is, this is one of the great scriptures 29:40 as far as I'm concerned. It tells you exactly what you 29:42 are gonna be like. So, here is Jesus, 29:44 this is after the resurrection and he has walked into the room 29:47 there and he said to them, peace be to you. 29:50 Watch what happens here, "And they were terrified 29:55 and frightened, and supposed that they had 29:56 seen a spirit." They think they are seeing what? 30:01 A ghost, that's what they think 30:03 they are seeing, is a ghost. 30:05 Let's see if it's a ghost, let's see if it's a spirit, 30:07 okay. "And He said to them, 30:12 'Why are you troubled? And why do doubts 30:15 arise in your hearts? "'Behold My hands and My feet, 30:22 that it is I, Myself. Handle Me and see." 30:30 Said come here touch me, feel me, I'm not a spirit. 30:35 I'm not a ghost. Thomas put your finger 30:39 in the hand print, not something that's ethereal, 30:43 a real, real person. Do you know how real he was? 30:49 Listen, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones, 30:54 as you see I have. He said I'm not a spirit, 30:58 I'm not a ghost, I'm a real person. 31:03 "And when He had said this He show them 31:05 His hands and His feet." Now listen to this folks, 31:09 "And while they still did not believe for joy, 31:12 and marveled, He said to them, 'Do you have any food here?" 31:19 He said got anything to eat, I'm hungry. 31:22 That's not a spirit, that's not a ghost folks. 31:25 He said you got something to eat? 31:29 We'll be real people, we'll do real things. 31:34 Heaven will be a very, very real place folks. 31:40 God promises that to you and to me. 31:45 What's your body is gonna be like. 31:46 Listen, Philippians 3:21, "Who will transform 31:50 our lowly body that it may be confirmed to His glorious body. 31:55 Oh! It's gonna be conformed to his glorious body. 31:57 Glorious body is refereeing to his body after 32:00 the resurrection. After the resurrection 32:03 what kind of body did He have? Flesh, bones, he saw, he ate, 32:07 tasted. Real body, ours will be like His body, 32:11 glorious body, according to the working by 32:15 which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself." 32:19 So he has a very, very real body. 32:22 Well you say is there anybody up in heaven there. 32:28 I mean if all the dead are asleep in the grave, 32:30 is there anybody in heaven now. Yes, there are some people 32:33 in heaven now. The Bible tells us that Enoch, 32:37 Enoch the seventh from Adam the scripture says, 32:40 was taken to heaven without seeing death. 32:43 It's right to say as so, he is up in heaven. 32:45 The scripture tells us that Elijah was taken to heaven 32:49 without seeing death. Fiery chariot took him 32:52 to heaven. Elisha saw him go up 32:55 into heaven. The Bible tells us that Moses 32:58 died and in the book of Jude it says, 33:02 he was resurrected and taken to heaven, 33:04 and you remember he is one of those people that appeared 33:07 to Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. 33:13 I've people ask me say, 33:16 do you think fasting is of any benefit? 33:21 Do you think it is, fasting? 33:26 There is only three people in the Bible 33:28 that fasted for forty days. 33:33 Do you know who they were? 33:35 Moses, Elijah and Jesus, 33:40 and those are the three on the Mount of Transfiguration. 33:44 Evidently it has some value, right. 33:47 Okay, but listen, it talks about some other people 33:49 that were taken to heaven. 33:50 We read about them already, but we read it again. 33:52 "Then, behold, the veil of the temple 33:54 was torn in two from top to bottom; 33:56 and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, 33:59 and the graves were opened; 34:00 and many of the bodies of the saints 34:01 who had fallen asleep were raised; 34:04 and coming out of the graves after His resurrection 34:07 they went into the holy city and appeared to many. 34:09 "These people were resurrected at the time Jesus died 34:12 and they were taken to heaven with Jesus 34:14 because they are the first fruits of the resurrection. 34:18 He took them back with Him to heaven 34:19 as living proof of the resurrection. 34:22 So they came up out of the grave, they're in heaven. 34:25 So, there is people in heaven, 34:27 but the vast majority of people are waiting, 34:32 waiting for Jesus to come back. 34:35 When He comes back He is going to shout, 34:39 and all the graves are gonna open 34:42 and Jesus is gonna call them forth from the grave. 34:48 You say well Brother Cox, 34:51 what about the thief on the cross. 34:54 What about him? Didn't he go to heaven that day. 34:59 Well let's see what the scripture says to us. 35:02 Luke 23:42, remember speaking to Jesus he said Jesus Lord, 35:08 remember me when You come in Your kingdom!" 35:13 "Then he said to Jesus, 'Lord, remember me 35:16 when You come into Your kingdom. 35:19 And Jesus said to him, 'Assuredly, I say to you, 35:21 today you will be with Me in Paradise. 35:25 " And you say, well that sounds like 35:27 he went to Heaven that day. 35:28 That's what that text says, 35:30 that's what that that text says. 35:33 "I say you today you will be with Me in Paradise," 35:37 that is what that text says. 35:40 The problem with that text is the commas out of place. 35:45 Now, folks there is nothing inspired about punctuation. 35:49 Punctuation was put into the scripture 35:51 by the Medieval Church, it was not something 35:54 that was in the original language, okay. 35:56 The problem is here, I say to you, 36:00 today you will be with Me in Paradise 36:03 that sounds like he went to Paradise that day 36:06 and that's way that text was, that would be right. 36:09 But the problem is that comma. 36:12 After you belongs after today, okay. 36:17 If you put it there, it reads completely different 36:19 so, lets put it there and see what how it reads. 36:24 So, you wanna watch this very carefully this what happens. 36:32 Okay, we just moved it, 36:34 simply moved it over there to after today. 36:37 Now let's read and Jesus said to him, 36:39 'Assuredly, I say to you today, 36:41 you will be with Me in Paradise. 36:44 " See totally different meaning, that first text saying, 36:48 he went to heaven that day, 36:49 this text is saying on this day 36:51 that it doesn't look like I have a kingdom, 36:53 on this day that they pluck my beard, 36:55 on this day that they have put a crown of thorns on my head, 36:59 on this day it don't look like I have kingdom, 37:01 on this day I am promising you, you will be with me in heaven. 37:06 That's what that text actually should read. 37:09 You say, Brother Cox, that's pretty weak, 37:12 I believe it's true but I believe it's weak also. 37:16 So, if you just hang on, 37:17 we'll make it much stronger, all right. 37:20 You remember, He is crucified between two thieves. 37:26 Remember they've gonna out there, 37:30 they found that Jesus is dead. 37:33 Listen carefully, John 19:31 37:37 "Therefore, because it was the Preparation Day, 37:40 that the bodies should not remain 37:42 on the cross on the Sabbath. 37:43 Now folks this Sabbath as it says is a high day, 37:46 for that Sabbath was a high day, all right. 37:52 the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, 37:55 that they might be taken away. 37:57 '' So this is a high day, it's a high day 38:01 because the weekly Sabbath and the annual Sabbath 38:05 are falling on the same day, 38:07 that's what makes it a high day, okay. 38:10 So, it's a high day, and they don't want 38:13 their bodies out there over the Sabbath, 38:16 so they've asked that their legs might be broken 38:19 they might be taken away. 38:22 Now, I told you crucifixion, 38:25 it puts the persons body in a place 38:27 that the only way they can inhale is by pushing up 38:33 with their legs and that way gets enough there 38:36 because when all the weight is thrown on their arms 38:38 they can exhale, but they can't inhale. 38:41 And only way they can inhale is 38:43 by pushing up with their legs. 38:44 So to break their legs puts him place 38:47 they can push up with it and thus they will suffocate. 38:50 Although this takes some time this doesn't happen quickly 38:54 this is not this is not like a lethal injection 38:57 or its not like the electric chair understand that. 39:00 This takes a period of time for this to happen. 39:03 So it says that their legs might be broken, 39:07 they might be taken away. 39:09 "Then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first 39:11 and the other who was crucified with Him. 39:13 " They broke their legs, 39:15 of course when they came to Jesus, 39:16 his leg, he was dead already. 39:19 What I am trying to get across to you this is happening 39:22 late; late Friday afternoon, the Sun is about to set. 39:29 I am trying to tell you the thief didn't die that day, 39:34 okay, didn't die that day, because the Sun was setting. 39:38 That became the end of the day, all right. 39:41 Secondly Jesus did, they buried Him. 39:46 Mary Magdalene is gotten to the tomb before anybody else. 39:51 In fact the scripture says 39:52 she's gotten there while it's still dark, all right. 39:56 When she gets there, the stone's rolled away 39:58 and she looks in and the body of Jesus is gone, 40:03 and as she turns around it's dark folks, 40:06 its not the sun hasn't come up. 40:08 It says, she got there while it was still dark, 40:09 and the Sun hadn't come up yet. 40:11 And in the Twilight of dawn, 40:15 she can see the figure of somebody over there. 40:18 But not only is it dark, she is crying. 40:21 So, she can't see very well, and she thinks that, that 40:24 individual she sees there is the gardener 40:27 and so she speaks to him, and says, 40:29 if you taken my Lords body somewhere 40:31 tell me what you've done with it and I'll take care of it. 40:35 And Jesus speaks to her, calls her by name 40:39 and when He calls her by name, she recognizes Him. 40:44 And she runs and she's gonna hug Him, watch what happens. 40:51 John 20 verse 17, "Jesus said to her, 40:55 ''Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet what? 41:03 I have not yet ascended to My Father; 41:07 but go to My brethren and say to them, 41:11 I am ascending to My Father and your Father, 41:15 and to My God and your God.'' 41:17 What I am telling you is Jesus didn't go to Heaven that day. 41:21 He didn't go to Heaven that day. 41:22 While he was telling that thief is to saying listen on this day 41:26 that it didn't look like I have kingdom I am promising you, 41:30 you have place in my kingdom. 41:31 That's what Jesus was saying to him. 41:34 Well, you say Brother Cox, 41:37 didn't Paul say something about going to Heaven, 41:40 didn't Paul say something about going to heaven when he died? 41:44 I have a lot of people that read that. 41:48 Lets read the text folks, this is what it says. 41:52 First Second Corinthians 5:8, 41:54 "We are confident yes, well pleased 41:57 rather to be absent from the body 41:59 and to be present with the Lord. 42:02 " So they say, that just simply means that when you die 42:06 you are immediately present with the Lord. 42:08 Now folks, I have mentioned night after night 42:14 this Bible will be consistent, okay. 42:19 Do you understand the basis of inspiration, 42:22 the first five books of your Bible written by Moses. 42:27 Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, 42:29 that was all written by Moses that's call the Pentateuch. 42:33 That became the basis of inspiration. 42:36 And so when the Book of Joshua came along, 42:39 it had to agree with what Moses said, okay. 42:44 And every book there after had to agree 42:47 with the other one, that's the basis of inspiration. 42:51 So, what I am trying to tell you 42:52 is that Moses and Paul won't disagree, okay. 42:58 And Paul and Jeremiah won't disagree, 43:01 and Jeremiah and John won't disagree. 43:05 It will harmonize all the way through 43:07 and Paul will not speak out of two sides of his mouth. 43:15 Understand Paul will not do that, 43:17 Paul will not say one thing one place 43:20 and something else some other place. 43:24 So listen to what Paul had to say, 43:27 he said to be absent from the body 43:32 is to be present with the Lord. 43:34 Did he and his mind think that mean when he died 43:37 he wanna go straight to heaven, 43:39 is that what he though, well lets see if he thinks that. 43:46 Second Timothy 4:7 Paul is Paul's speaking. 43:50 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, 43:55 I have kept the faith. " Is he confident? Absolutely. 44:01 He said fought a good fight, 44:02 I have finished the race I have kept the faith. 44:06 "Finally, there is laid up for me, that is what? 44:11 Laid up for me the crown of righteousness, 44:14 which the Lord, the righteous Judge, listen folks. 44:20 Will give me on that day, going to give me on that day. 44:25 When is that day? And not me only, 44:29 but also to all who have loved His appearing. 44:33 Paul understood clearly that when he died 44:37 there was no such thing as time. 44:42 You understand what I mean by that. 44:44 To that person who died six thousand years ago 44:48 and that person who died today, 44:51 it will seem only like that in Jesus will come. 44:54 There is no time in death, 44:59 and Paul understood that clearly. 45:01 He knew close his eyes and sleep 45:03 and the very next moment to him, Jesus will be here. 45:08 That's the marvelous thing to your loved ones, 45:11 my loved ones who had died close their eyes in death. 45:17 It will seem to them only like a moment 45:21 and they will open there eyes and see Jesus come. 45:25 That's what Paul understood, that's what Paul believed. 45:29 Nowhere in the scripture does it say 45:33 that the soul is immortal. 45:36 Just doesn't say that folks. 45:38 In fact it says the opposite. 45:42 Ezekiel 18:4, "Behold, all souls are Mine; 45:47 The soul of the Father as well as the soul of the Son is Mine; 45:52 The soul who sins shall what shall die. 45:57 " No, we are not immortal, we don't have an immortal soul. 46:01 Says the soul that sins is gonna die 46:05 that's part of the consequence of sin. 46:07 Jesus gave us marvelous hope in the resurrection. 46:13 John 11:25, "He said I am the resurrection and the life. 46:17 He who believes in me though he may what? 46:22 Though he may die he shall live." Okay. 46:29 Daniel, Daniel, The God gave the promise to him. 46:34 Said all those that asleep in the death 46:36 shall awake and come forth. 46:37 Talking to Daniel himself, God is talking to Daniel 46:42 listen to what He says 46:43 to this ancient man, marvelous individual. 46:47 That you is Daniel, the you Daniel 46:49 Go your way till the end; for you shall rest, 46:56 and will what arise to your inheritance 47:00 at the end of the days. 47:03 " He said Daniel, you're gonna close your eye in death. 47:08 Don't sleep Daniel and rest. 47:11 And at the end you're going to arise, come forth. 47:16 That's promised to every one of us here 47:18 I have people say to me oh Brother Cox, 47:20 I hope I can live to see Jesus come. 47:24 I really like to live to see Jesus come, 47:27 I am not so sure I want to. 47:30 I'm not so sure folks that I want to miss 47:34 the experience of resurrection. 47:37 That's bound to be a marvelous experience, 47:40 when He is gonna shout, 47:43 His words gonna roll through this earth, 47:46 and the grounds gonna open up. 47:49 And as is described in the body, 47:51 the bones are gonna form back. 47:53 You ever read about them, bones, 47:55 and bones and dry bones in Ezekiel. 47:57 Says, they are gonna formed back and it says 48:00 the flesh is gonna come on those bones 48:02 and then the sinew and then the skin. 48:04 And then it says, the Spirit of God 48:06 is gonna enter into that person, 48:08 they're gonna live, they're gonna come back to life. 48:11 That must be a marvelous experience. 48:13 Not sure I wanna miss that, 48:15 when is gonna call all, all this people forth 48:19 from the grave they come forth anew in Christ Jesus 48:25 Behold First Corinthians 15:51, 48:29 "Behold, I tell you a mystery: 48:31 We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. 48:38 That's marvelous, gonna be changed in a moment, 48:40 in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet will sound. 48:49 For the trumpet will sound, 48:50 and the dead will be raised incorruptible, 48:55 and we shall be changed this moral 49:02 should put on immortality did you know. 49:06 Did you know that the scripture not only tells you 49:08 that the dead are gonna come out grave, 49:10 but did you know that the scripture tells you exactly 49:14 what Jesus is going to say? 49:17 Did you know that? 49:18 It tells you exactly what He is going to say when He comes. 49:21 This what He will say here in Isaiah 26:19, 49:25 "Your dead shall live; together with My dead body 49:28 they shall arise and these are the words he will say. 49:33 Awake and sing, you who dwell in dust; 49:36 for your dew is like the dew of herbs, 49:40 Jesus gonna come back and He is going to shout out 49:42 across this whole world, awake and sing. 49:45 And boy, all those people that are in the ground, 49:48 they are gonna come out like grave singing. 49:50 So, there are gonna come out there 49:52 sing in the praises of God. 49:54 Not only they gonna come out singing, 49:57 it says the earth shall cast out her what? Dead. 50:00 You better believe, they're gonna come out ground singing, 50:03 do you know what they gonna be singing. 50:06 O they're gonna sing those words in Corinthians, 50:09 O death, where is thy sting? O death, where is thy victory? 50:15 Singing, come forth from the grave, 50:17 that is promised to every individual 50:22 that has given their heart to Jesus Christ. 50:25 You tonight can have eternal life in Christ Jesus 50:29 simply by reaching out in faith and accepting. 50:33 Oh, what glorious day that will be! When Jesus comes. 50:43 Oh, what a meeting, there in the skies; 50:55 No tears or crying shall dim our eyes. 51:07 Loved ones united eternally, 51:19 Oh, what a daybreak that morn will be. 51:36 Three questions I'd like for you look at with me. 51:39 First question reads, 51:41 I'd like to accept Christ as my Savior tonight. 51:47 If you don't have life, it's found in Jesus Christ. 51:53 If you don't have life tonight won't you accept Him. 51:56 By accepting him, He gives you life. 51:59 That's a promise is in God's word, it's given to you. 52:03 So, if you don't know Christ tonight as personal Savior, 52:05 won't you just put a check by number one 52:08 and accept Him as your Savior? 52:10 Second question, 52:12 I understand that the dead sleep until the resurrection, 52:16 if you understand tonight that when person dies 52:19 he just gonna sleep until the resurrection 52:23 and then Jesus gonna come 52:24 and he's gonna call that person forth. 52:27 If you understand that put check by number two. 52:32 Third question says, 52:35 I understand that life is found only in Christ Jesus. 52:38 Life is found only in Christ Jesus. 52:42 Let me explain something. 52:49 When do I as an individual or you, either one of us, 52:55 when do we receive eternal life? 53:02 I've got, you've got to think now, 53:04 I got to have you think here. 53:05 When does a person receive eternal life? 53:11 You receive eternal life the moment you accept Jesus Christ. 53:18 That's when you receive the eternal life, 53:20 the moment you accept Jesus Christ. 53:22 It's given to you on what basis? Faith. 53:26 Given on the basis faith, okay. 53:28 When do you receive immortality? 53:35 Yeah, you receive immortality at resurrection. 53:39 Okay, you understand the difference. 53:41 you understand that put check by number three. 53:45 Put your name, your address on it, 53:47 fill it out as Maddy sings for us. 53:51 Some golden daybreak Jesus will come; 54:03 Some golden daybreak, battles all won, 54:14 He'll shout the victory, break through the blue; 54:26 Some golden daybreak, for me, for you. 54:44 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer. 54:46 Heavenly Father, we thank you, 54:50 that you promised each of us life, 54:54 that is found only in You. 54:58 And we pray Lord, that we may seek you 55:00 with all of our hearts and that as we do, 55:04 that you will give to us 55:07 all the wonderful things that you have promised. 55:12 To get a copy of this program or for more information 55:15 please write to Kenneth Cox Ministries, 55:17 PO Box 1027, Loma Linda, CA 92354. 55:22 Again Kenneth Cox Ministries, 55:24 PO Box 1027, Loma Linda, CA 92354. 55:29 In North America, you can toll free at 888-747-1844 55:34 or internationally call 909-790-2270. |
Revised 2014-12-17