Time Of The End

Living Water

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Kenneth Cox


Series Code: TOTE

Program Code: TOTE000018

00:02 Can you believe it?
00:05 Can you build your faith on it?
00:08 The promises of God's word are sure.
00:12 They do not fail.
00:17 This book has stood the test of time.
00:29 Tonight our subject is entitled Living Water.
00:34 Living Water. The Bible says
00:37 that when you and I come to Christ,
00:40 that we become streams of living water.
00:45 Then out of us flows a river of living water.
00:50 And tonight Michael Harris is going to sing for us
00:53 that beautiful song there is a river.
00:58 There is a River.
01:13 There is a river, and it flows from deep within
01:34 There is a fountain, that frees the soul from sin
01:54 Come to this water; there is a vast supply
02:15 There is a river, that never shall run dry
02:35 One day a thirsty woman,
02:45 She was drawing from a well
02:55 See her life was ruined and wasted
03:05 And her soul was bound for hell
03:16 Oh, but then she met the master
03:26 And he told about her sin
03:37 And he said "if you drink this water,
03:47 You'll never thirst again.
03:58 There is a river, and it flows from deep within
04:18 There is a fountain that frees the soul from sin
04:39 Come to this water; there is a vast supply
04:59 There is a river that never shall run dry.
05:37 Gracious Father, tonight
05:41 we're thankful that the water of life is given to us
05:47 as a river that never will run dry.
05:52 Lord, help us this evening to drink
05:57 and to drink deeply of the water of life.
06:03 Give us ears to hear, hearts that are open,
06:09 minds that are clear, that we may accept your word,
06:14 for this we pray in Christ's name, amen.
06:25 Once a year, Jewish people made their way
06:29 from all over Israel, they're coming up to Jerusalem
06:35 and they are coming to Jerusalem
06:36 for the Feast of the Tabernacles.
06:40 It's also referred to in scripture
06:42 as the Feast of Booths.
06:44 And so from every little village and hamlet,
06:47 all across Israel, little groups are making
06:50 their way towards Jerusalem.
06:51 This is a very festive time, because the climate
06:54 at this time of the year is just about ideal.
06:58 And they're going to come to Jerusalem,
07:00 everybody, everybody is gonna move out of their house.
07:05 And they're going to in the backyard
07:07 or out of the vacant field,
07:09 maybe went up on the top of the house.
07:11 They're gonna build a little Tabernacle
07:13 or a little booth and they are going to move
07:16 into this Tabernacle and they are going to
07:18 live in it for a week.
07:21 It's reminding them of the 40 years
07:23 that their forefathers spent in the wilderness.
07:25 This is a very, very special time
07:27 because they can visit with relatives and friends
07:30 and just have a good time visiting,
07:32 but every morning they make their way up
07:36 the Mountainside to the temple.
07:39 And there in the courtyard of the temple
07:41 but they worship God and they sing songs
07:43 and they spend time there praising the Lord
07:47 and reading the scripture together
07:48 and then during the day, they visit with friends and family.
07:52 But when they come down to the last day of this feast,
07:56 early that morning, they all gather
07:59 there in the courtyard of the temple.
08:02 And a couple of priests take too large jugs
08:06 and set them on their shoulder and then those priests
08:09 begin to march around the courtyard.
08:13 And the other priests begin to fall in behind them
08:16 and then the people begin to march with them
08:18 and they march around the courtyard.
08:20 As they sing Psalms and as they play musical instruments
08:23 and they march around the courtyard.
08:25 And then outside of the temple gate
08:27 down through the streets of Jerusalem,
08:30 outside the gates of the city of Jerusalem
08:32 and down the hillside
08:34 till they come to a brook called Kidron.
08:37 And there those two priests now take those two large jugs
08:41 and they dip them into the brook and fill them with water.
08:45 Place them on their shoulder
08:47 and they begin to make their way back up
08:48 the hillside singing songs
08:51 and repeating scripture together,
08:53 until they've arrived in the courtyard again.
08:57 Now one of those priests takes one of those jugs of water,
09:01 another priest takes a jug of wine
09:04 and they make their way up
09:06 the stairway of the alter of sacrifice.
09:09 And they walk right after the very front of it
09:12 and there in the front of it is a large funnel
09:15 and they begin to pull water and wine into that funnel.
09:20 Just at that moment, while they're pouring the water
09:24 and the wine into that funnel someone out
09:27 in the crowd of people begin to shout.
09:30 And you find his words recorded in the Book of John.
09:33 John the 7th chapter and verse 37
09:36 and it says, On the last day,
09:39 that great day of the feast,
09:41 Jesus stood and cried out, saying,
09:44 'If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink."
09:48 So you can just imagine,
09:49 here that whole courtyard is just crowded with the people,
09:52 and Jesus is shouting out across that whole crowd,
09:55 if anybody is thirsty let him come unto me and drink.
10:01 Marvelous promise that he gives to you and me,
10:05 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said,
10:09 out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
10:14 So it says that out of you
10:17 and me will flow rivers of living water.
10:22 Marvelous promise that God gives to each one of us.
10:26 Jesus and His disciples, they have left Israel.
10:32 They've gone over into Samaria.
10:35 They're approaching a city by the name of Sychar.
10:39 Jesus has sent his disciples into town
10:41 to buy something to eat. And he has gone over
10:45 and had a seat beside Jacob's well.
10:49 A woman of Samaria, from the city of Sychar
10:52 has come to the well to draw water.
10:56 As she approaches the well she sees Jesus sitting there,
10:59 but she doesn't pay any attention to him.
11:02 You see, Jesus is a Jew and she is a Samaritan.
11:07 And the scripture puts it very politely,
11:09 it says that they had no dealings,
11:11 that's what the scripture says.
11:13 Let me tell you how it was.
11:16 Well, if you were a Jew and you were eating
11:20 and a Samaritan walked by,
11:23 and his shadow fell on your foot
11:25 and you turned your plate upside down.
11:27 So she didn't expect Jesus to speak to her.
11:32 But Jesus knew that in the middle east
11:34 there is a request that you cannot refuse.
11:37 Doesn't make any difference how much you dislike the person,
11:40 how much they might be your enemy,
11:42 you cannot refuse a request for a drink of water.
11:46 And so Jesus said to her give me a drink.
11:51 And she couldn't understand and she said,
11:53 how is that you being a Jew would ask me
11:56 a Samaritan for a drink of water?
12:00 And Jesus said, if you knew who was asking,
12:03 you would have asked him and he would have giving you. Listen.
12:12 and Jesus answered and said to her,
12:14 'If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you,
12:19 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him,
12:21 and HE would have given you living water."
12:25 How he said if you just knew that
12:27 you would have asked of him,
12:28 and he would have given you living water.
12:32 It's a promise, over and over in this book.
12:35 God gives you and I an invitation
12:38 to come and to drink.
12:40 And to drink of the water of life
12:43 and it says that out of us
12:44 will flow rivers of living water.
12:47 Isaiah 51:1, Ho! everyone who thirsts,
12:53 come to the waters; and you who have no money,
12:59 come, buy and buy wine and milk without money
13:03 and without price. So it says come.
13:06 Come to the waters. What's that going to do for you?
13:10 Revelation 22:17, And the Spirit and the bride say,
13:15 "Come!" And let him who hears say, 'Come!"
13:18 And let him who thirsts come.
13:21 Whoever desires let him take of the water of life freely."
13:27 Totally free dear friends; there is no other way tonight
13:33 that you can get it. It's free.
13:38 Do you understand what I mean?
13:39 It's free. You see money can't buy it,
13:47 wisdom can't impart it, impossible.
13:52 Merit will not procure it.
13:56 The only way you can receive it is by, what?
14:04 Do you know? Only way you can get it is by accepting it.
14:10 You can't buy it, you can't work for it.
14:13 It is given to you totally and completely free,
14:18 it's given on the basis of grace.
14:21 And God offers to you and says come,
14:24 come to me and I will give you the water of life.
14:30 And out of you will flow rivers of living water.
14:34 This woman, she couldn't understand this.
14:37 She couldn't understand it
14:38 and she said you don't have a rope?
14:42 You don't have anything to draw with,
14:44 what do you mean? You would give me water of life?
14:50 Jesus answered and said to her,
14:52 whoever drinks of this water will thirst again.
14:58 Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again.
15:03 Oh! I find so many people today that are trying to drink
15:07 of the water of this life and find satisfaction.
15:12 Flying on the plane the other day,
15:15 picked up a magazine and was thumbing
15:17 through the magazine. And here was a full page ad
15:21 in the magazine and it said, find happiness, lay linoleum.
15:31 Is that the way you find happiness, lay linoleum?
15:35 We get the idea that satisfaction
15:39 in life can be found in these things.
15:43 I have people say, oh, Brother Cox,
15:45 if I just had a better job, I'd be happy.
15:49 No, you wouldn't. That isn't what produces happiness.
15:54 I have people say well,
15:57 if I just made more money I will be happy,
15:59 no, you wouldn't. That isn't what produces happiness.
16:04 An individual say well,
16:06 if my spouse just love me I would be happy.
16:09 No, you won't. That isn't what makes happiness.
16:13 He that drinks of this water shall thirst again.
16:18 You see that's what happens the waters of this life,
16:21 dear friends, only take place when the showers come.
16:26 When the shower comes, the pond overflows.
16:31 But you let the heat of hard times come
16:36 and that water goes dry.
16:39 It's only the well, only the well
16:43 that has water in winter and summer to say.
16:47 He that drinks of the water
16:49 that I shall give him shall never thirst.
16:52 Listen, Jesus promises and says,
16:57 whoever drinks of the water
16:59 that I shall give him shall never thirst.
17:01 But the water that I shall give him
17:04 will become in him a fountain of water
17:07 springing up into everlasting life."
17:12 Oh, it just says if you come to me the water
17:15 that I will give you will come in you
17:17 and dear friends please understand
17:20 it doesn't say it will be from you,
17:24 it doesn't say, it will be around you,
17:26 it doesn't say it will be about you.
17:29 It says it will be in you, springing unto everlasting life.
17:36 You see when you and I drink water,
17:40 it goes into our system, it goes into our blood,
17:43 it becomes part of our blood,
17:44 it infuses every cell of our body.
17:49 So when I come to Christ
17:51 and I drink of the water of life
17:53 it becomes part of me.
17:55 It infuses every part of our body.
18:00 You see folks, I don't hear music,
18:07 I don't feel music, that's just not part of my being,
18:14 it's just not there. You could give me music lessons
18:19 for ten years and I still wouldn't ever
18:22 feel it or anything, it's just not part of me.
18:26 When I was in school I had to take a class called conducting,
18:30 when I was in college. And I will never forget,
18:33 the teacher had a girl sit down at the Piano
18:36 and she had a play of piece
18:38 and she said when she got through,
18:39 she said tell me what time was that played in.
18:42 I said you got to be crazy, what are you talking about,
18:45 I don't know what time that was played in.
18:47 It's just; it's just not in my being.
18:51 But let me tell you something.
18:53 These people like Donna Cline, Marni Hanes, Adriane Windy,
19:00 Michael Harris, it's part of them.
19:04 They feel it; it's in their inmost being.
19:08 That's what I'm talking about?
19:10 This is what Christ is talking about?
19:12 When you drink of the water of life it becomes part of you.
19:16 It's in your inmost being.
19:19 And dear friends, if it is not, if it is not,
19:24 then it is totally external religion.
19:29 You say, music. I'm sorry,
19:32 will always be external with me.
19:36 Because it's just not in me,
19:38 God didn't give that to me.
19:40 But dear friend, he did give me the water of life.
19:43 And he gives to each one of you the water of life.
19:46 And tonight if it is not that to you tonight
19:50 then your religion is external
19:52 and you're missing the joy that's there.
19:55 You are missing what it's all about.
19:58 When I grow up as a boy, we had a phrase that we said,
20:03 we talked about people putting on
20:05 their Sunday go to meeting hats.
20:08 You know what I'm talking about.
20:10 Put on their Sunday go to meeting hats
20:12 and they go to church. But it's all external,
20:17 because when Sunday was passed well
20:19 then they put on their work hat.
20:20 There was no difference you see, they changed.
20:25 They didn't, it wasn't internal,
20:27 it wasn't part of their being.
20:29 That's what I am talking about tonight.
20:31 And that's what Christ is talking about.
20:34 In the Book of Jeremiah, he talks about this very thing.
20:40 Says here in Jeremiah 2 verse 13,
20:43 For My people have committed, what?
20:46 Two evils. Let's see what those two evils are.
20:49 They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living water,
20:55 hewn themselves cisterns,
20:56 broken cisterns that can hold no water."
20:59 So he said one thing they have forsaken me
21:03 the fountain of living water.
21:05 And you see I talked to people who go to church,
21:08 who keep people who claim to be Christians
21:12 and they say to me, oh, Brother Cox,
21:15 I'm so busy, I'm so busy, I don't have time to pray.
21:22 Let me tell you something.
21:24 If you're so busy, you don't have time to pray
21:27 you are too busy, okay.
21:32 If you don't have time to pray you're too busy.
21:37 I don't care what you do, I don't care what your work is,
21:41 I don't care if you're a preacher,
21:44 I don't care if you are a elder or a Deacon in church,
21:48 if you don't have time to pray, you're too busy.
21:54 It's absolutely necessary if you are going to
21:57 understand what Jesus Christ will do in your life,
22:00 you must take time to pray.
22:04 I have people say well, Brother Cox,
22:08 I don't have time to read God's word.
22:12 You have time to eat, don't you?
22:15 I don't see any of you starving to death out there?
22:20 You have time to eat, then dear friends,
22:22 you need to take time to eat spiritually.
22:27 You put it in your schedule,
22:28 you see, I'm one of these individuals that
22:30 I cannot do something on a half hazard basis.
22:36 I've got to know exactly what I'm gonna do
22:39 when it comes to God's word,
22:41 I've got to know what I'm going to do tomorrow,
22:43 I've got to know what I'm going to do the next day,
22:46 I've got to know what my devotional life is
22:48 at the end of the year.
22:49 So before next year starts,
22:51 I will plan that whole thing out
22:53 and I will know what exactly what I'm going to read,
22:56 I will know exactly because I'm going to eat,
22:59 I'm going to feast on God's word everyday.
23:04 And if you want to your spiritual experience to grow,
23:08 you got to spend some time in the word of God.
23:12 If you are not praying, if you are not spending time
23:16 in the word of God then, dear friend,
23:19 your religion is external. You understanding me?
23:24 That is external religion,
23:27 and that's what he's talking about here.
23:29 They have forsaken me, the fountain of living water.
23:35 But he goes on, talks about it,
23:37 Jesus makes some comparisons here at Matthew 13:22.
23:42 Now he who receives seed among the thorns
23:46 is he who hears the word, okay, ye person, hears the word.
23:52 And the cares of this world, what is that?
23:58 What's the cares of this world?
24:00 What's the cares of this world are clothing and food.
24:05 That's what cares of this world are.
24:07 Okay, shelter. Those are all cares of this world,
24:11 the cares of this world
24:13 and the deceitfulness of riches choke thee.
24:19 What chokes the word? What chokes the word?
24:24 Cares of this world. Deceitfulness of riches
24:28 that's what chokes the word of God.
24:33 And dear friends, I hope tonight
24:35 that you are not letting those things
24:37 keep you spending time in the word of God.
24:42 I can assure you, I can tell you right now.
24:46 You are much better off, if you spend time with the Lord.
24:52 Much better off. And he becomes what unfruitful.
24:58 So dear friends take time,
25:01 the Bible speaks about these people
25:02 whose their religion is totally external
25:05 and it makes some comparisons of them like in Jude here.
25:09 Jude 1 verse 12 it says,
25:11 They are clouds without water, carried about by every winds,
25:18 late autumns trees without fruit,
25:20 twice dead, pulled up by the roots.
25:24 I don't know here in Chicago do you have,
25:26 do you have clouds without water,
25:29 do you ever have that?
25:30 California, we have clouds without water.
25:33 You know. Get up in the morning,
25:35 here are some great big beautiful clouds
25:37 and sun comes out and they just all kind of
25:39 dry upand disappear. Clouds without water,
25:42 it says that's way you and I are if we are not spending time
25:46 in God's word, if you're not spending time in prayer.
25:49 It says for you shall be as the terebinth tree,
25:53 that's a tree, whose leaf fades,
25:55 and as a garden that has no water."
26:01 You know what a garden is like without water.
26:05 Boy, Oklahoma, what was it, the last of March,
26:09 first of April that we planted the garden.
26:13 Plowed the garden, planted the garden.
26:16 April rains came, the garden begins to come up,
26:21 it's vibrant, it's green, it's growing.
26:25 And usually by, oh, in May sometime
26:29 we are eating some things in the garden.
26:31 It's still is, it rains and it's nice
26:34 and green and we're eating from it.
26:38 End of May, June, the garden is really barring now, all of it.
26:46 But we hit July and you can begin to see around
26:50 the deges of the garden a little bit of brown.
26:56 August comes, there is no rain.
27:00 No rain in August and the whole garden just dries up.
27:05 Is that way your Christian experience is?
27:11 Like a garden without water, dry.
27:15 Dry as the Hills of Gilboa.
27:20 That's what he is talking about.
27:21 That's external religion, that's what I'm talking about.
27:25 It's when I don't spend time with the Lord,
27:29 he says that these people,
27:32 they hewn themselves cisterns,
27:35 broken cisterns that can hold no water,
27:39 broken cisterns that hold no water.
27:42 Jesus talked about these type of people in his day.
27:46 Listen, Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,
27:49 and hypocrites, for you are like whitewashed tombs,
27:54 which indeed appear beautiful outwardly.
27:59 If you have ever been to Jerusalem
28:01 you understand what I mean, whitewashed tombs.
28:04 They have tombs there, they whitewash them and all.
28:06 Whitewashed tombs but inside are full of dead men's bones
28:12 and all uncleanness. You see, if you are going to church,
28:21 but you don't have any joy in your heart.
28:25 If you are going to church out of habit,
28:30 if you are going to church just because it's tradition,
28:37 and your relationship with Jesus Christ is totally lacking?
28:44 Then dear friend you are like a whitewashed tomb,
28:49 full of dead men's bones.
28:52 Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men.
29:00 But inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
29:06 This is what Jesus is talking about, you see.
29:08 This is why he said that they are cisterns,
29:11 broken cisterns that can hold no water
29:14 cause they don't take anytime to spend
29:16 with the Lord Jesus Christ.
29:20 I talked about one of the Pharisees,
29:21 he told the story about this Pharisee,
29:25 who went down the temple to pray.
29:28 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself,
29:31 God, I thank you that I am not like other men.
29:39 Extortioners, unjust, adulterers, even as this,
29:44 see over on the side there was a poor tax collector.
29:50 He may not have been poor;
29:51 he may have been a rich tax collector. I don't know.
29:53 But he was over there and this Pharisee said,
29:57 sure glad I am not like him.
30:03 I fast twice every week,
30:07 I give tithes of all that I possess.
30:13 Any of you here tonight think for one moment
30:20 what you give makes you righteous,
30:24 then dear friend, your religion is external. I'm sorry.
30:33 He said I am not glad; I am not like this tax collector.
30:37 But that tax collector says,
30:39 just beat on his chest and said,
30:42 God be merciful to me a sinner.
30:47 And it says that he went down to his home justified.
30:53 You see I will never forget I was speaking
30:54 to a room full of fifth graders
30:58 and I was trying to explain to them the grace of Jesus Christ
31:03 and what the Lord Jesus Christ does for them.
31:06 And how that it was a gift that Jesus gave
31:08 and how they, all they had to do
31:10 is just reach out and accept him,
31:11 and accept Jesus into their heart all that
31:14 he would do for them,
31:15 and this little fifth grade boy raised his hand.
31:19 And he said are you trying to tell me
31:21 that all this stuff my parents have been telling me,
31:23 I've got to do is not true.
31:25 You talk about a loaded question.
31:29 And I said, well I don't know what your parents
31:31 have been telling you, but I'm telling you
31:33 that the only people that are going
31:35 to be saved is those that qualify.
31:40 He got a downcast look on his face and he said to me.
31:44 Okay, what do I have to do qualify.
31:48 And I said, the only people that qualify are sinners.
31:52 And he smiled and he said, I qualify.
31:56 That's what I am trying to tell you tonight,
31:58 dear friend. You see it's the grace of God.
32:02 That must come in into your heart.
32:05 It's the grace of God that must work in your life
32:07 and only as it takes place that way will anything happen.
32:11 The children of Israel couldn't understand this,
32:13 it was external watch. Romans 9:31,
32:17 But Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness,
32:20 has not attained to the law of righteousness.
32:23 What were they pursuing?
32:26 They were pursuing the law of righteousness
32:29 and as a result what? They wouldn't have find in it.
32:35 Why? Because they did not seek it by faith,
32:39 but as it were, by the works of the law.
32:42 They said oh, if I do this,
32:44 this and this I'm going to make it.
32:46 No, you're not. No, you're not.
32:51 Let me tell you right now dear friend,
32:53 if you don't know Jesus Christ, you missed it.
32:58 You can pursue the works of the law,
33:00 all day long but if you don't know Jesus,
33:06 you're not going to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven.
33:09 It's what it takes.
33:12 For they stumble at the stumbling stone.
33:16 Who was the Stumbling Stone?
33:19 Jesus Christ. Let me talk to you just
33:23 a little bit about internal religion.
33:26 We've talked about external.
33:28 Let's talk about internal. What takes place, what happens?
33:34 And being found in him, not having my own righteousness.
33:41 I don't have any folks, I don't have any.
33:47 Bible makes that very clear,
33:48 my righteousness is as filthy rags,
33:52 don't have any. Not having my own righteousness
33:57 which is from the law,
34:00 but that which is through faith, what? Faith in Christ.
34:08 Yes. That's the way it comes, faith in Christ,
34:10 the righteousness which is from God by faith.
34:14 You see I reach out and I claim Jesus Christ
34:20 and his righteousness, then something begins to happen,
34:26 begins to take place.
34:27 Internal religion takes place by faith.
34:32 That's the way you get folks, is by faith.
34:35 Let me tell you something.
34:37 Quit, quit living lives that inefficient,
34:44 quit living weak lives. What do I mean? Faith.
34:50 Faith requires that you have something
34:52 in your hand that's bigger than you can accomplish.
34:56 Move out in faith and do something for God.
35:00 Take him at his word. If his word says
35:03 this is what I want you to do,
35:05 then step out in faith and say, okay Lord,
35:08 I can do that, not of my strength not what I can do
35:11 but what you can do in my life.
35:15 That's faith. If you don't do it that way,
35:20 you are like a garden without water.
35:23 But if you do it by faith,
35:25 this is what internal religion will do for you.
35:32 Instead of being a garden without water,
35:35 it says, The Lord will guide you continually,
35:38 and satisfy your soul in drought.
35:42 You see the well of water has water in drought.
35:47 Okay. Satisfy your soul in drought,
35:51 strengthen your bones,
35:53 you shall be like a watered garden,
35:56 and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
36:02 Never fail, never will. Because that's what the Lord
36:06 does for you and for me.
36:09 Internal religion must be a work of the heart.
36:15 So it has to be, it is not external,
36:19 has to be work of the heart.
36:23 For he is not a Jew, who is one outwardly,
36:28 nor a circumcision that which is outward in the flesh.
36:33 But he is a Jew who is one inwardly;
36:37 and circumcision is that of the heart.
36:42 That's internal. And so tonight and guess
36:47 what I'm trying to tell you.
36:50 If you've been going to church all these years
36:54 and it's been boring to you.
36:57 And you go to church
36:58 and you kind of have to make yourself go.
37:01 Well, then dear friend the problem is,
37:04 you don't know Jesus, sorry, you don't know Jesus,
37:11 because if you know Jesus, he changes that.
37:15 Jesus Christ is the one that puts joy in your heart.
37:18 He puts a spring in your step, he makes the sky blue,
37:23 makes the birds sing sweeter.
37:26 And then if you don't know him,
37:28 then your religion will never be joyous,
37:32 will never be happy. You go and you come back home
37:36 and it hasn't done anything for you.
37:40 That's all external.
37:44 It has to be a work of the heart.
37:46 In the spirit not in the letter whose praise
37:51 is not from men but from God.
37:55 That's what it is. When I do that,
37:58 all things begin to change, our life begins to change,
38:02 I begin to find a life that I've never known before.
38:09 And so to you tonight I just say, take time.
38:16 Take time to get acquainted with Jesus Christ.
38:22 Don't get so busy, that you can't spend time with him,
38:28 that the righteous requirements of the law
38:31 might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according
38:37 to the flesh but according to the spirit.
38:41 You see if you are keeping God's law because
38:44 you think you have to, that's drudgery.
38:49 That's total drudgery if you're keeping the law of God
38:52 because you think you have to.
38:54 And I talk to people and they say well I keep,
38:56 I keep the commandments. I keep the Ten Commandments;
39:02 well bless your heart you may,
39:04 but you maybe miserable.
39:09 I don't keep the commandments of God;
39:12 I do not keep the commandments of God to be saved.
39:19 I keep them because I am saved, okay.
39:25 Keep them because I am saved.
39:29 That's a total different situation.
39:33 You see God says to each one of you here tonight,
39:35 come to me and I will make you,
39:39 I will make you priest.
39:43 I will make you Kings,
39:46 he promises that he would do that for you that is his work.
39:51 If you come to him, he says he will take his law
39:54 and he will write it on your heart.
39:58 Oh, if he writes it on my heart, then dear friends,
40:02 that's an internal experience and I'm gladly keep his law.
40:07 Gladly keep it.
40:10 Then I will give them one heart,
40:13 and I will put a new spirit within them,
40:18 putting new what? Putting new spirit within you,
40:21 I'm talking about the water of life,
40:23 he puts that new spirit in you.
40:26 And take the stony heart out of their flesh,
40:28 and I'll give them a heart of flesh.
40:33 Dear friend, when Jesus comes into your life
40:35 and does that, what a difference,
40:39 what a difference. It changes you,
40:42 makes you totally different.
40:45 And they may walk in my statues
40:48 and keep my judgments and do them. Why?
40:54 Why are they are gonna walk into statues
40:56 and keep his commandments, his judgments and do them?
40:58 Why, why are they going to do this?
41:03 Because he wrote it on their hearts.
41:06 Came in and he wrote it down in their heart
41:09 and because it's in your heart, you're going to do it,
41:11 that's what the scripture is simply telling you.
41:14 And they shall be my people and I will be their God.
41:20 You better believe, they are his people.
41:24 Keeping the law of God is the fruit;
41:28 it's the fruit of an inward experience.
41:32 Are you with me? It's the fruit of it.
41:36 For this is the covenant that I will make
41:38 with the house of Israel after those days,
41:40 says the Lord, I will put my law in their mind
41:43 and write them on their hearts;
41:46 I will be their God, they shall be my people.
41:52 And so to many of you here who had been watching
41:56 by television or you being coming here to the meeting
42:01 and maybe you've been struggling over
42:03 some of the things you've been hearing.
42:06 Dear friend, let me tell you,
42:07 the answer to that comes in surrendering
42:10 your heart to Jesus Christ.
42:13 That's where the answer comes.
42:16 You see if you try, to face it on your own
42:21 and if you try to reason out all the reasons
42:25 why it won't work, it won't work.
42:28 But if you come in faith and surrender
42:31 your heart to Jesus Christ,
42:34 marvelous will be the results of what He'll do in your life.
42:39 Where he says I delight to do thy,
42:43 delighting thy law of God according to the inward man.
42:49 It says I delight to do;
42:51 I delight to keep the law of God.
42:55 You see when I first became a Christian
42:57 I had a trouble with that, because I had pick up my Bible.
43:03 And I read it. And you know something
43:04 strange about the Bible, it says the same thing
43:07 every time you read it, have you ever noticed that?
43:11 I will read this text and man it just hit me hard,
43:15 I mean just hit me right between the eyes
43:17 and so I would go read some other place you know.
43:20 Read there and then later I would be reading again
43:23 and there was again it said the same thing again.
43:26 You know. And I said, listen Lord, listen, I love you,
43:32 but I don't like some of these things that it says.
43:36 You know, but it wasn't until I understood.
43:41 That it wasn't what I had to do.
43:44 It was, what Jesus did,
43:46 that all of a sudden it began to do something for me.
43:50 All of a sudden I began to understand
43:52 that he was saying, listen, open up your heart,
43:55 accept me by faith, surrender your life to me
43:59 and I'll change you and make you different.
44:02 And the law of God was no longer offensive to me.
44:06 I could say Lord, write in my heart.
44:10 Go ahead, put it there and when I did that,
44:14 changed the whole thing.
44:16 You see if the law of God is to you this way,
44:21 we'll take a look at what is external
44:24 and what's internal.
44:27 If it's written on stone like with me.
44:32 It was written here on these pages
44:34 and I read it and I said I don't like it,
44:37 think that was totally external and it graded,
44:42 it went against what I wanted to do.
44:45 But when I surrendered my heart
44:49 and gave my life to the Lord and surrendered my heart
44:52 and he wrote it on my heart,
44:54 it was no longer offensive, that's internal.
44:58 Are you with me?
45:01 You see if circumcision is strictly external,
45:08 that's all it is.
45:10 That all it is with you,
45:13 but if it circumcision of the heart, that's internal.
45:19 If your religion is legalism,
45:23 do you understand what I mean by legalism?
45:26 And I understand I run on to people
45:28 who don't understand legalism.
45:31 Legalism is when I wanted to do my own thing.
45:37 I want to act like I wanted to do,
45:39 and I wanted to do what, it might be good,
45:41 I might go to church do all that.
45:44 But if it's what I want to do that's legalism. Okay.
45:50 Righteousness by faith is when I simply say hear Lord,
45:56 I don't have one thing in this world
46:01 to recommend myself to you except my great need.
46:07 Come into my heart, take possession of my life,
46:12 I'm yours that's internal religion.
46:17 Our Bible says the letter kills, spirit gives life.
46:25 See I can keep folks listen to me,
46:29 I can keep the Ten Commandments by will power.
46:36 I can do that. I can just you know say,
46:41 I'm not going to do this, and have strong will power.
46:44 I went on to some of these people.
46:46 Man, they have will powers like you,
46:48 I've never seen in my life.
46:50 There's nobody can live with them, you know, and just.
46:54 But I can keep the Ten Commandments by will power.
46:58 Okay. But let me tell you something you cannot,
47:02 you cannot keep the spirit of the law by will power.
47:09 You cannot do that.
47:11 You can keep the letter of the law by will power
47:15 but you can't keep the spirit of the law by will power.
47:18 But if you keep the spirit of the law
47:20 you will keep the letter of the law.
47:24 Come and go together.
47:27 Old covenant works.
47:31 That's the old covenant, new covenant, faith.
47:36 Internal, external.
47:39 Works of man, works of grace, that's the difference.
47:46 You see give me a man, give me a man or a woman,
47:55 who does not base their experience upon the preacher.
48:05 Give me a man or a woman who do not gather inspiration
48:12 from a warm hearted friend or from large meeting.
48:18 But give me a man or a woman, who has a personal relationship
48:24 with Jesus Christ and know Him personally
48:29 and that man and woman will stand if every preacher dies.
48:35 Okay that's what God is looking for.
48:39 He is looking for somebody this willing
48:42 to come to know Him in a close experience.
48:45 If you do that dear friend,
48:47 then you're talking about religion.
48:50 Then you're talking about the water of life
48:52 then you are talking about what Jesus Christ
48:54 will do in your life.
49:00 What will it do to you?
49:02 Let me explain what it do to you.
49:04 This is out of Ezekiel 47th chapter;
49:06 you may have read it, never known what it was talking about.
49:08 Watch what it says.
49:11 "And he brought me back to the door of the temple;
49:14 and there was water,
49:15 flowing from under the threshold of the temple
49:17 towards the east, for the front of the temple faced east;
49:22 the water was flowing from under the right side
49:24 of the temple, south of the altar.
49:26 " Now that text just simply saying that
49:28 Ezekiel got there to the front door of the church,
49:31 and here water was seeping out under the threshold,
49:35 that's what it says.
49:37 The Angel takes Ezekiel for a walk around the church, okay.
49:44 "He brought me out of the way
49:46 out by the way of the north gate,
49:48 and led me around on the outside
49:51 to the outer gate that faces east;
49:54 and there was water running out on the right side.
49:58 And when the man went out to the east
50:00 with the line in his hand, he measured one thousand cubits.
50:04 " So it just simply says he took him for a walk
50:06 around the church one thousand cubits.
50:10 "And he brought me through the waters;
50:13 and the waters came up to my ankles.
50:16 " Now they've gotten back to the front of the church
50:20 and here water was ankle deep like tonight.
50:24 If we would have come here and water was seeping out
50:27 under its front door out there
50:28 we were said that's a catastrophe.
50:30 Well here it is now ice flowing out,
50:33 now it's ankle deep they take another walk around the church.
50:39 "Again he measured one thousand
50:40 and brought me through the waters;
50:43 and the waters came to my knees.
50:45 " You see the waters rising.
50:48 "Again he measured one thousand and brought me
50:52 through the waters they came up to my waist.
50:55 " It's getting deep.
50:57 "Again he measured one thousand, and it was a river,
51:02 I could not cross, for the water was too deep
51:08 water in which one must swim a river
51:10 that could not be crossed.
51:13 " What's he talking about?
51:15 He is talking about you and he is talking about me.
51:20 You see, when you come to Jesus Christ
51:24 and you open up your heart
51:27 and you invite Him into your heart the Bible says,
51:31 you become a spring of living water.
51:33 When Jesus comes in your heart,
51:36 and by the way dear friends when you drink, you drink, okay.
51:43 You got to drink.
51:46 Let me tell you a secret tonight.
51:48 If your cup is only half full,
51:53 you don't have anything to share with anybody.
51:56 But when you drink and you drink
51:59 until your cup runs over then you can't help yourself.
52:03 That's what this text is talking about.
52:05 You come to Jesus Christ and you drink the water swim in,
52:10 lots of water to river flowing
52:12 and out of you will flow streams of living water.
52:16 And when that religion is internal
52:20 and it flows out of you then you are gonna say
52:24 something to that neighbor next door.
52:27 And you're gonna say something to that loved one.
52:30 And you are gonna say something to that person
52:32 about what Jesus means to you.
52:35 And the wonderful experience that you have in Christ Jesus
52:38 and all the joy and happiness that he brings to your heart.
52:41 And as you witness to them,
52:43 you're gonna find other people gonna say,
52:46 man, I'd love to have what that person's got.
52:50 I'd love to have that.
52:51 And you are gonna find men and women
52:53 reaching out to accept Jesus Christ.
52:55 And when they accept Jesus Christ,
52:57 do you know what just happens? The stream just goes.
53:03 You see and then the two of them they bring people to Christ
53:08 in the stream rises again until it's ankle deep
53:10 and then it's knee deep and then it's waist deep,
53:13 and then it's a river.
53:15 That's what God has called
53:17 everyone of you here tonight to do.
53:19 That's what he has asked us to do.
53:22 Become rivers of life.
53:23 "And the Spirit and the bride say,
53:26 'Come!' let him who hears say,
53:28 'Come!', let him who thirsts come.
53:31 Whoever desires let him take of the water of life freely. "
53:37 See tonight.
53:39 God's inviting you to take of the water life.
53:43 Oh dear friend,
53:46 I hope it won't be an external experience with you.
53:50 I hope tonight you'll open up your heart, let Jesus in,
53:57 that you will accept Him like the woman at the well.
54:03 Reach out, accept the water of life.
54:09 Like the woman at the well I was seeking
54:17 For things that could not satisfy;
54:26 And then I heard the Savior speaking:
54:36 "Draw from the well that never shall run dry.
54:50 The first question tonight says,
54:54 I want to accept Christ's gift of the water of life.
54:57 It's a gift friend, it's free.
55:01 You can't buy it.
55:03 All you can do is accept it tonight.
55:06 If you would like to accept Christ's gift,
55:10 the water of life, put a check by number one.
55:15 Second question says, I would like to be baptized.
55:21 Baptism by water as great symbolism folks,
55:29 cause as you open up your heart to him
55:31 and you're baptized means
55:34 all those sins have been washed away.
55:37 If you come out of the baptistry clean,
55:39 nothing to your account.
55:43 God has given you the water of life,
55:48 that you may drink and never thirst again, marvelous.
55:54 Thirdly, I'd like to rededicate my life
55:58 to drinking deeply of the water of life.
56:02 Tonight if there are some of you here
56:05 who have accepted Christ,
56:09 that the cares of this world and a sea full of riches
56:15 have been suffering, chocking, suffocating, the word of God.
56:21 And tonight you would like to say,
56:23 listen, I am gonna rededicate my life,
56:25 I am gonna spend time with the Lord Jesus Christ
56:29 then put a check by number three.
56:31 Put your name, put your address on it, as Maddy sings.
56:37 Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up, Lord!
56:47 Come and quench this thirsting of my soul;
56:58 Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more
57:12 Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!
57:29 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
57:31 Father, we thank you, for your love,
57:35 for the hope that we have in Christ.
57:38 Tonight Lord, we ask that you give to us the living water.
57:45 To obtain a copy of this program or for more information,
57:48 please write to Kenneth Cox Ministries,
57:52 PO Box 1027, Loma Linda, CA, 92354.
57:56 Again, Kenneth Cox Ministries,
57:57 PO Box 1027, Loma Linda, CA, 92354.
58:02 In North America, you can call toll free at 888-747-1844
58:08 or internationally call 909-790-2770.


Revised 2014-12-17