Time Of The End

The Time Of The End

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Kenneth Cox


Series Code: TOTE

Program Code: TOTE000016

00:02 Can you believe it?
00:05 Can you build your faith on it?
00:08 The promises of God's Word are sure!
00:12 They do not fail!
00:17 This book has stood the test of time.
00:47 Hallelujah!
06:34 Father up in heaven,
06:36 this morning as we open Your Word
06:42 we think about this wonderful time that You're coming back.
06:47 Where each one of us will have the privilege of hearing
06:50 wedding music. Lord, we ask that we
06:55 each may have the opportunity
06:59 of being in Your kingdom.
07:01 Not because, Lord, we have done anything
07:05 but because we've accepted You.
07:08 Bless us as we study Your Word now.
07:11 Give us wisdom and understanding we pray
07:14 in Christ's name, Amen.
07:23 This morning we're going to take a look at a text in the
07:26 Bible - a chapter in the Bible - that you'll find
07:31 Bible commentaries just kind of pass it by.
07:35 You don't hear very many sermons on it.
07:37 Books on the Bible don't say much about it
07:40 yet it is an extremely important chapter.
07:43 Talks about an angel that is standing on the earth
07:47 and on the sea. We're going to take a look
07:50 and see what Revelation the 10th chapter has to say
07:53 to us about this angel.
07:55 We'll start with verse 1. Says:
08:39 Now you find that when you're studying God's Word
08:42 that you will in Bible prophecy come across
08:47 angels many places in the scripture.
08:50 When you come across an angel
08:51 like in Revelation the 14th chapter
08:54 there are three angels. Those angels represent
08:57 a message that's to be given to the world.
09:00 And so you have three angels with three distinct messages
09:03 the whole world is to hear.
09:05 When you go to Revelation the 18th chapter
09:08 you have an angel there. And it says the earth was
09:10 lightened with the glory of that angel.
09:12 meaning that that angel had a particular message
09:15 the world is to hear. And when you come to this angel
09:18 here in Revelation the 10th chapter
09:20 that is standing on the earth and on the sea
09:23 that angel has a distinct message that the whole world
09:26 was to hear. That's what he's representing.
09:29 So let's see what the message that this angel
09:32 that has his right foot upon the sea and his left foot
09:35 upon the land and his hand raised to heaven
09:37 let's see what that message
09:39 that he's proclaiming to the world is.
09:43 Revelation 10 verse 5:
10:03 So he has his hand raised to heaven.
10:06 He's shouting out across the whole world
10:08 that there is to be delay no longer.
10:11 Now the scripture that we're reading is the New King James
10:15 version. I like the old King James version
10:18 on this particular text much much better.
10:21 It doesn't say that there shall be "delay no longer. "
10:24 The old King James version says that "time shall be
10:28 no longer. " In other words, he has his hand raised to heaven.
10:33 He's shouting out to the whole world that time
10:36 has run out... that time should be no longer.
10:40 So this angel is dealing with the question of time.
10:44 Watch as it continues:
10:57 So here it says that he is shouting out
11:00 that it's done... that the mystery of God
11:03 is... what? Finished.
11:07 Now if you pick up your Bible and you'll look in it
11:10 you'll find that there are several things
11:11 that are mentioned as mysteries.
11:14 One of the things the Bible refers to as a mystery
11:17 is the mystery of iniquity.
11:19 That's a mystery.
11:22 You see, logically you can't put it together.
11:25 Why would Lucifer rebel against God? Leave heaven
11:29 and everything there? Doesn't make sense.
11:31 And I even run onto people who are trying always
11:34 to make an excuse for sin.
11:36 There is no excuse for sin. You can't... there just isn't.
11:40 That's why it's referred to as the mystery of iniquity.
11:43 But it also refers to the mystery of God.
11:46 You see, it's also a mystery how that the Son of God,
11:50 Jesus Christ, would leave heaven.
11:52 Would leave the side of His Father.
11:54 Would leave the adoration of the angels.
11:55 Come down to this earth to be abused of man.
11:59 That logically does not fit.
12:02 That's the reason it's referred to as the mystery of God.
12:05 It's talking about the gospel.
12:07 And he says: "The mystery of God is finished. "
12:10 That means when the whole plan of salvation is over.
12:13 It's come to an end. So this angel has his hand
12:16 raised to heaven. He's shouting out that time
12:18 should be no longer,
12:20 that the mystery of God has come to an end.
12:24 That's what he's proclaiming.
12:26 Listen as he continues:
12:38 So the prophet John is told to go to this angel,
12:42 take the little book out of the hand of the angel.
12:46 That little book is open please notice in the hand of the angel.
12:51 OK.
13:17 Now evidently there is something... something about
13:21 this message this angel has that time should be no longer,
13:25 something about the mystery of God should be finished,
13:28 something that's contained in that book,
13:30 that the scripture says would be sweet in his mouth
13:34 and bitter in his stomach.
13:36 Now you find that as you read God's Word
13:39 and as you study it the books of Daniel and Revelation
13:44 go together.
13:46 They're kind of like a hand and a glove.
13:48 All the prophecies in the book of Daniel are repeated
13:51 in the book of Revelation.
13:52 And so you find that one complements the other
13:55 as you study them. This little book
13:58 that is open in the hand of the angel
14:02 is also mentioned in Daniel... in Daniel the 12th chapter.
14:06 Notice what it has to say about it:
14:22 So here he's telling Daniel: "Shut up the words;
14:25 seal the book. " Not open.
14:28 "Seal the book unto the time of the end. "
14:33 Now you understand the difference between the time
14:36 of the end and the end of time?
14:38 The Bible uses both those phrases. It talks about
14:41 the time of the end. Talks about the end of time.
14:44 When I was a boy oh, sometime usually
14:48 the month of September my father would go to town
14:52 and he would buy a turkey.
14:55 And he would bring it home and he would put that turkey
14:58 in a cage. And he would give instructions to me
15:01 about taking care of it.
15:03 Make sure it was fed, watered, cared for properly.
15:06 When my father put that turkey in that cage
15:10 that began the time of the end.
15:14 Do you understand what I'm talking about?
15:18 But when Thanksgiving Day rolled around, that was
15:21 the end of time, OK?
15:24 So he said: "Shut up the book; seal it
15:27 unto the time of the end. "
15:30 And when you and I begin to study Bible prophecy
15:32 and we begin to look at the Word of God and see what it's
15:35 talking about, you'll find that when we're looking at prophecy
15:39 concerning the coming of the Lord
15:41 there's one date that comes up over and over in God's Word
15:46 that marks the beginning of the time of the end.
15:48 I don't care whether you're talking about Daniel 7:25,
15:52 Daniel 12:7, or whether you're looking at Revelation 11
15:57 or whether you're looking at Revelation 12
16:00 or Revelation 13... all those chapters give you a time
16:06 and every one of them sets the time of the end
16:10 as that of 1798 AD.
16:13 That begins the time of the end.
16:16 He said: "Shut up the book; seal it
16:19 unto the time of the end. "
16:21 "Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased. "
16:25 Up until 1798 AD there were a lot of people that tried to
16:30 understand Bible prophecy
16:32 but they just couldn't seem to get through.
16:35 And you can go back and read their writings.
16:38 Great students of Bible prophecy
16:40 and it just seemed that they
16:42 couldn't break through.
16:45 The books of Daniel and Revelation became known
16:48 as closed books.
16:50 Looked on a closed books. Couldn't be understood.
16:53 But in the late 1700's on the scene of action came
16:58 a man by the name of Joseph Wolff.
17:02 Joseph Wolff was a Jew.
17:05 As a boy he gave his heart to the Lord.
17:08 Went to school; studied to be a minister.
17:11 And when he finished the seminary he went to Israel
17:15 and began to preach and teach the Jewish people there.
17:20 But Joseph Wolff had a great great burden on his heart
17:24 to understand Bible prophecy.
17:27 And so he began to read it, understand it.
17:30 And as Joseph Wolff was studying
17:33 particularly the book of Daniel
17:36 and he came to that text that we studied the other night
17:39 in Daniel 8:14 that said "Unto 2,300 days
17:43 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. "
17:45 And he began to study that and he got over into the 9th chapter
17:49 of Daniel and he came to that text where Gabriel is explaining
17:54 to Daniel and said: "Know therefore and understand
17:56 that from the going forth of the commandment to restore
17:58 and build Jerusalem unto Messiah the Prince
18:00 shall be seven weeks three score and two weeks. "
18:02 And he began to take that prophecy and he began to
18:05 trace it step by step.
18:08 And as he traced it, it brought him to the date of 1843 AD.
18:14 There was a problem.
18:16 All the churches back then - Baptist, Methodist,
18:20 Presbyterian, Episcopalian, all of them -
18:23 believed that that phrase in Daniel 8:14
18:26 that said: "Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed"
18:29 they all believed that that meant the cleansing of
18:32 this earth by fire.
18:34 And so when Joseph Wolff took that prophecy and it
18:38 brought him to 1843 AD
18:40 he said: "Jesus is coming back! "
18:42 And he began to preach all across the Middle East
18:46 that Jesus Christ was coming back.
18:48 And people responded to his message
18:51 saying that Jesus was coming.
18:54 At the same time, folks,
18:57 not connected with Joseph Wolff but living at the same time,
19:01 there's a minister over in England by the name of
19:04 Edward Irving that's been preaching the same prophecy.
19:08 He has taken that same prophecy and studied it
19:11 and it's brought him to the date of 1843 AD.
19:14 And he has preached across England that Jesus is coming.
19:17 He's joined by 500 other Anglican preachers
19:21 and that has swept across the British Isles like wild fire.
19:26 You want to say this is coincidental?
19:28 You want to tell me this just happened?
19:32 At the same time - not connected with Joseph Wolff,
19:35 not connected with Edward Irving -
19:37 but living at the same time - contemporary -
19:39 there's a Catholic priest down in So. America by the name of
19:43 Manuel de Lacunza that's been studying the same prophecy.
19:46 And as he is studying those prophecies
19:49 they too have brought him to the date of 1843 AD.
19:52 And he has written a book called The Coming King
19:55 and it's circulated across South America.
19:57 And thousands and thousands of people have accepted and
20:00 believed that Jesus is coming in 1843 AD.
20:04 At the same time
20:07 not connected to these men but living at the same time
20:11 there's a Baptist minister here in the United States.
20:14 His name is William Miller.
20:17 William Miller has been pouring over those prophecies
20:20 for nine years.
20:22 He has become absolutely convicted
20:25 that Jesus is coming in 1843 AD.
20:28 William Miller was invited by a Congregational church up in
20:33 Boston to come and to present his messages.
20:36 And he went up to this little church
20:38 and there he took his charts and all and he began to
20:41 explain the prophecy. And he brought them all the way
20:44 down through that prophecy coming to 1843 AD.
20:47 And he said that Jesus is coming back.
20:50 When he finished the young pastor of that church
20:54 by the name of Joshua V. Hines
20:56 stood up and said: "Mr. Miller, do you believe
20:58 what you're preaching? "
20:59 And he said: "Well I wouldn't be preaching it if I didn't
21:02 believe it. " And that young preacher said:
21:04 "Then why don't you do something about it? "
21:06 And under the tremendous genius of that young minister
21:09 they began to make one large city after another
21:12 across the United States.
21:13 They would pitch tents. 6,000- 7,000- 8,000 people
21:17 would pour out to those tents. In fact, so many people came
21:20 that the railroad companies would have to run railroad
21:23 tracks out to take care of the people that came just by car.
21:26 Among the people that came to those meetings
21:29 was a young Methodist minister by the name of S. S. Snow.
21:34 He listened to William Miller preach, went home that night
21:37 under great conviction.
21:39 Got his Bible; got every history book he could get his hands on
21:44 and began to study that prophecy in Daniel.
21:48 And he found out that that decree given by King Artaxerxes
21:51 in 457 BC... found out that that was given in the fall of 457 BC.
21:56 And he began to trace it step by step.
21:59 And as he traced it it didn't bring him to 1843 AD.
22:03 It brought him to the fall of 1844 AD.
22:07 And S. S. Snow went to see William Miller.
22:10 And they sat down and they poured over that prophecy
22:13 and William Miller could see that he was right.
22:16 They called a Bible conference.
22:19 People came in from all over... some even from Europe.
22:23 S. S. Snow stood up and presented that paper
22:26 and that Bible conference voted. They voted that Jesus Christ
22:31 was coming back. They called it The Midnight Cry.
22:36 They went out of there electrified.
22:38 They said: "Jesus is coming! "
22:40 They told everybody they met that Jesus was coming.
22:43 They got down on their knees. They confessed their sins.
22:46 It was something they believed with all their hearts.
22:49 It was in their mouths as sweet as honey.
22:55 "Time shall be no longer. "
22:57 "The mystery of God is finished. "
23:03 October 22, 1844, came... the date that they had set
23:08 for the coming of Jesus.
23:10 They went out to meet Him.
23:13 Some went out and stood in fields.
23:15 Some sat in their homes as William Miller did.
23:18 All day long they waited.
23:21 Sun set... Jesus didn't come.
23:24 They encouraged one another and said: "Oh, He'll come
23:27 at midnight. " And on into the night they waited
23:29 and midnight came and passed
23:31 until the sun came up the next morning.
23:34 And that that had been in their mouths as sweet as honey
23:38 became bitter in their stomachs.
23:42 They had longed for it, looked for it, but Jesus hadn't come.
23:47 Now let me tell you something, friends:
23:49 if you're intellectually honest,
23:53 you can take that prophecy in Daniel 8 and 9
23:56 and it'll take you to the Fall of 1844 AD
23:59 every last time. Oh, they were wrong.
24:04 They were wrong because that prophecy's talking about
24:07 Jesus coming before His Father to begin the judgment.
24:12 And they thought it was talking about the second coming, but
24:14 the point I'm trying to make today is it was prophesied in
24:18 God's Word that they would be disappointed. It was prophesied
24:21 that it would be preached.
24:23 That's the point I'm trying to make.
24:25 Yes, it was preached. They misunderstood it
24:29 but God said they would misunderstand it.
24:32 And they were prepared and looking for the coming of Jesus.
24:35 It was in their mouths as sweet as honey.
24:37 There were certain prophecies that had to be preached
24:41 before Jesus could come.
24:43 For instance, those that I mentioned to you.
24:45 But I want you to look at the last verse of the 10th chapter
24:50 of Revelation because I read to you all the verses
24:54 but the 10th one... but the 11th one.
24:57 Let me read it to you:
25:13 Thou must prophesy again about what?
25:18 Huh? About what?
25:22 Time shall be no more?
25:24 The mystery of God should be finished?
25:26 "Thou must prophesy again. "
25:29 Who? Who must prophesy again?
25:35 You. You. You're the ones who are living
25:39 down here at the time of the end.
25:41 You're the one that God has laid that message on.
25:46 You and I are the ones that need to be proclaiming
25:48 that Jesus is coming back.
25:50 "Thou must prophesy again! "
25:53 in preparing the world for the coming of Jesus Christ.
25:58 No, He didn't come because those three angels in Revelation 14
26:02 have a special message the whole world is to hear.
26:14 That's the message. First angel is to tell people that
26:17 salvation is available for every man, every woman,
26:20 every child.
26:27 And you and I talked about that the other night.
26:30 That we're living during the hour of God's judgment.
26:33 It doesn't say: "The hour of God's judgment is coming. "
26:37 It says: "The hour of God's judgment has come. "
26:41 Going on up in heaven right now.
26:44 Secondly, it says:
26:59 And dear friend, we're going to be talking about Babylon.
27:01 We're going to be talking about the fall of Babylon.
27:03 We're going to be finding out what's involved in that second
27:06 angel's message and a third angel.
27:24 And here in a few days we're going to be looking at the beast
27:27 and its image and its mark and we're going to be finding out
27:30 exactly what's involved in that.
27:32 And all that is part - put it down -
27:35 all that is part of getting ready for the coming of
27:38 Jesus Christ. So you need to be here
27:42 as we study those great, great prophecies.
27:44 They're extremely important
27:46 and you and I know what they're talking about.
27:49 The problem is: when you start talking about
27:53 the coming of Jesus, people get edgy and get scared
27:58 and they say: "Oh Bro. Cox, don't you know there's
28:00 a text in the Bible that says 'no one knows the day
28:03 nor the hour. ' "
28:04 Well yes. That's found in Matthew 24:36.
28:07 This is the way it reads:
28:15 Yes, but the problem is that there's another text
28:19 in that same chapter that few people seem to pay
28:22 any attention to. And that text says this:
28:43 Now this morning I don't know the day,
28:46 I don't know the hour of the coming of Jesus Christ.
28:49 I'm not going to try to tell you that, friend.
28:51 But I am going to do everything in my power to help you know
28:54 it's near... even at the door.
28:57 I am going to do that.
28:59 What bothers me is I talk to Christian people,
29:04 people that love the Lord, and they say:
29:07 "Oh, we don't know when Jesus is coming.
29:09 Why He's going to come back as a thief in the night.
29:14 We don't know when Jesus is going to come back. "
29:17 Well, let me tell you something.
29:20 You can write this down in your little book if you want to.
29:23 if Jesus comes back as a thief in the night
29:27 to you, you're lost.
29:31 OK? Just put it down.
29:33 If He comes back as a thief in the night to you,
29:36 you're lost. At least that's what the scripture says.
29:38 Listen:
29:48 Paul said: "I shouldn't have to write to you about this. "
29:56 People say: "See right there? "
29:58 The problem is they quit reading right there.
30:10 Now listen, folks:
30:29 No, dear friend, Jesus is not coming as a thief in the night
30:33 to you or to me or to those that love the Lord.
30:36 He's coming as a thief in the night to the wicked
30:39 but not to the righteous.
30:41 So you and I need to be watching. We need to be waiting
30:44 for the coming of the Lord.
30:45 You see, some people think that God doesn't know
30:48 what he's doing. But as I read the scripture
30:53 God has always done everything according to a plan.
30:56 Everything has gone off perfect. Listen
31:00 concerning the birth of Jesus:
31:09 He was born exactly on time.
31:12 You remember when He turned the water into wine
31:15 there at the wedding at Cana?
31:17 And His mother you remember had asked Him to do something
31:19 about it. You remember His response to her?
31:23 He said... Jesus said to her:
31:31 He said: "You're rushing me.
31:32 You're moving Me ahead of time. "
31:36 His ministry went off like clockwork.
31:38 He died exactly on time. John 19 verse 30:
31:47 And he died exactly on time.
31:50 And you'd better put it down:
31:51 He's coming back exactly on time.
31:57 There's a text in the Bible that I find people read
32:02 that many times they take out of context.
32:04 I'd like for you to look at it with me.
32:06 It's found in Peter... the book of Peter: II Peter the third
32:10 chapter. I'm going to start with verse 3. And it says:
32:28 So they're scoffing about the coming of Jesus.
32:31 This chapter, folks, is talking about the end of time.
32:35 It's talking about the coming of Jesus Christ.
32:51 So he said the earth back then was destroyed by water.
32:55 All right?
32:56 Now listen carefully because Peter's going to come to our
32:59 day, the time in which you and I are living.
33:02 Verse 7:
33:15 I don't have time to go into that this morning, folks.
33:17 But let me ask you something:
33:19 the fuel that we use out here... you know, the gas and the oil...
33:23 what is that called? What kind of fuel is it called?
33:28 It's called fossil fuel.
33:32 Are you with me?
33:33 Put there by the flood.
33:35 The same fuel that will burn the earth at the close.
33:40 Put it down.
33:51 Now Peter is saying "Concerning the coming of Jesus"
34:04 Peter is saying when it comes to the coming of Jesus Christ
34:06 don't forget that one day is as a thousand years,
34:09 a thousand years as a day.
34:10 And people say to me: "Oh that just means that God's
34:13 not concerned with time. " No it doesn't.
34:15 In fact, it means just the opposite.
34:18 Listen to the next verse:
34:31 What is the Lord trying to tell you and tell me?
34:36 Why did he say one day is as a thousand years
34:40 and a thousand years as a day?
34:41 Well let me ask you some questions today.
34:45 How do we go about
34:50 getting a year? How do we establish that?
34:55 How do we get 365 days a year?
34:59 Yeah, we get it from the earth's orbit around the sun.
35:02 How do we establish 30 days in a month?
35:07 The moon... orbit around the earth.
35:09 How do we establish that there are 24 hours in a day?
35:16 Earth's rotation on its axis.
35:18 OK... you tell me. Now you tell me this morning:
35:21 what heavenly body -
35:25 sun, moon, stars, earth -
35:28 what heavenly body gives us the seven-day week?
35:36 What happened? Come on.
35:40 I don't know what the evolutionist does with that.
35:44 Only place you get a 7-day week is right here, friends.
35:47 God gave the seven-day week.
35:50 Now, what does that have to do with what I'm talking about?
35:52 If you pick up the Bible and begin to study it,
35:54 you find in prophecy the number seven is used
35:56 over and over and over.
35:57 God... In Revelation the number seven is used
35:59 over 50 times. God talks about seven seals,
36:03 seven woes, seven spirits, seven plagues,
36:05 seven trumpets. I could go on and on.
36:07 That number seven indicates completeness.
36:11 That's what it stands for.
36:12 All right... now watch carefully:
36:16 the Bible divides time into seven parts.
36:19 How it divides it.
36:21 Genesis 5 says there's
36:24 ten generations from Adam
36:29 to the flood.
36:30 Genesis 11 says there's ten generations
36:33 from the flood to Abraham.
36:37 Matthew 1:17 says there's fourteen generations
36:41 from Abraham to David.
36:44 It continues in Matthew 1:17 and says there's
36:47 fourteen generations from David to the captivity.
36:50 And then it says that there's
36:52 fourteen generations from the captivity to Christ.
36:56 OK... that's 5 periods of time.
36:59 Then the Bible tells us in Revelation 2 and 3
37:02 that you and I are living in
37:03 the time of the Holy Spirit -
37:05 the dispensation of the Holy Spirit.
37:06 That's the 6th period of time.
37:08 And then the Bible talks about
37:10 a seventh period of time in:
37:17 Talks about a thousand years
37:20 that we've studied. OK?
37:21 Studied last night.
37:45 A thousand years.
37:48 Seven periods of time.
37:51 Are you gettin' the picture?
37:54 That seventh period, folks,
37:56 is the 1,000 years of the millennium.
37:59 We have come through 6,000 years of time.
38:03 Now watch carefully because the Bible speaks
38:05 of rest. Pastor Melashenko talked to you about rest.
38:11 Listen carefully what it promises you:
38:26 Every 7th year they had to let the land lie desolate.
38:30 It was to rest.
38:32 OK... follow:
38:43 Let me ask you something: as we studied the millennium
38:45 last night, the land was going to be what?
38:48 Desolate.
38:56 OK, that's a promise that God has given.
38:58 You remember the children of Israel?
39:00 Remember what happened with them?
39:02 This is what it says in II Chronicles 36:21.
39:19 Now you know why the children of Israel were in captivity for
39:22 70 years. Because the land had to lie desolate for 70 years.
39:26 Do you think we have done any better in letting the land
39:29 rest than the Jewish people did?
39:31 Huh?
39:33 Well let me ask you, dear friends: if we haven't
39:36 and we've gone 6,000 years
39:38 then how long would the land have to rest?
39:41 A thousand years.
39:43 Are you with me? That's where it is.
40:17 You see the whole land is absolutely desolate.
40:20 "For thus saith the Lord: 'The whole land shall be
40:23 desolate... yet I'll not make a full end. ' "
40:27 So when it comes to the coming of Jesus Christ
40:30 you can consider this...
40:34 we find it just simply tells us this:
40:36 That from creation to Abraham
40:40 was... You have any idea?
40:46 Why would He pick Abraham?
40:49 Because it's when God took the Jewish people...
40:52 took Abraham and said: "I'm going to make a special
40:54 nation out of you to take the gospel to the world. "
40:57 We're told that it is
41:00 from Abraham to Jesus...
41:04 Have any idea?
41:10 Where do we find ourselves today?
41:13 From Jesus to our day has been 2,000 years.
41:19 And it says "the land is going to keep its Sabbaths. "
41:24 It's going to rest for 1,000 years.
41:28 The Sabbath always takes place, friends,
41:31 on the seventh. Now, are you going to tell me today
41:36 that God's going to pass up His coming... this 7,000th year,
41:42 this millennium...
41:43 and go 6,000 more years into eternity before Jesus comes?
41:49 All I'm trying to get across to you this morning:
41:52 I don't know the day, I don't know the hour
41:55 but let me tell you something, dear friends,
41:57 I know it's near.
41:59 It can't be far off.
42:01 All the prophecies in this book point to it.
42:04 You and I are down to the end
42:07 when Jesus Christ is going to come back.
42:10 Matthew 24... it says:
42:26 That meant they were going on about their business
42:29 not concerned. More concerned with making a living.
42:34 More concerned with life
42:36 than they were about the coming of the Lord.
42:39 What does it say?
42:53 I hope that will not be said of you -
42:55 I hope it will not be said of me -
42:57 that we did not know.
42:59 You and I are to be watching and waiting,
43:03 looking, preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ.
43:08 That you and I should be ready for that day.
43:16 Do you really want Jesus,
43:21 your Lord, to appear?
43:26 Do you long for
43:30 your Savior's return?
43:37 Your lips praise His name...
43:44 does your life
43:46 show the same?
43:52 Do you really
43:56 want Jesus
44:00 to come?
44:10 This morning I would like to invite
44:14 those here this morning, those of you who
44:17 would like to give your heart to Jesus Christ,
44:20 accept Him as your personal Savior,
44:22 I'm going to ask you to step out of where you're seated
44:27 and make your way to the front this morning.
44:29 If you have given your heart to Christ
44:32 and you would like to follow Him in baptism,
44:34 I'd like to invite you also to take that step.
44:38 Come forward this morning.
44:40 Or if you have learned things in God's Word,
44:44 things that you have not understood such as the Sabbath,
44:47 and so forth, and you would like by faith to step out
44:49 and keep those things, I'm going to ask you also
44:52 to come as we pray.
44:54 I'd just like to invite you to step out and make your way
44:57 right to the front this morning.
44:58 Won't you come?
45:41 Men and women are coming today. Won't you make that decision?
45:44 If you need to give your heart to Jesus Christ
45:47 this morning, won't you do that?
45:49 Preparation for His coming. That's the only way
45:51 I know to get ready.
45:52 If you'd like to follow the Lord in baptism,
45:55 make that decision. Come.
45:57 Or if you would like to say: "Listen, I've learned truths
46:00 that I've never known before and I'm going to follow them. "
46:03 Make that decision. Men and women are coming. Won't you?
46:38 I want to take just a moment to let the Holy Spirit
46:41 do its work.
46:43 To those of you who are watching by television
46:45 I would like to just simply invite you also
46:49 at this time to take that step
46:51 and give your heart to Jesus Christ.
46:54 If you've given your heart to Him and you haven't followed
46:56 Him in baptism, won't you make that decision today?
47:00 Or some of these things that we've been learning
47:02 in God's Word in preparation for His coming,
47:05 some of the great truths of God's Word, won't you make
47:07 that decision to follow? To walk in accordance with that?
47:13 We're living in serious times.
47:15 Jesus is coming back.
47:17 We want each of us to be ready to meet Him,
47:22 prepared for His coming.
47:24 We'll take just a moment to let the Holy Spirit speak to each
47:27 heart. As He does, won't you just step out of your seat
47:31 or stand wherever you're seated?
47:34 Give the Holy Spirit an oppor- tunity to speak to your heart.
47:55 Heavenly Father,
47:56 this morning as we have seen that surely we're down to the
48:00 end, the time when Jesus is going to be coming back,
48:05 we ask that each one of us here today
48:09 may make a full surrender of our heart to You.
48:13 That by faith we might reach out and accept
48:18 Your gift of life eternal.
48:22 Lord, we pray that each one of us may have the privilege
48:27 of being among those that will go with You
48:32 and be with You in Your kingdom.


Revised 2014-12-17