Time Of The End

Does This Millennium Mean Anything?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Kenneth Cox


Series Code: TOTE

Program Code: TOTE000015

00:02 Can you believe it?
00:05 Can you build your faith on it?
00:08 The promises of God's Word are sure!
00:12 They do not fail!
00:17 This book has stood the test of time.
00:32 Our heavenly father.
00:38 just want to take this opportunity to thank you
00:41 for Your Word that gives us insight,
00:47 helps us understand where we are.
00:51 Lord, may we not get so busy,
00:57 so wrapped up in things of this world,
01:00 that we don't have time to slow down our lives
01:04 and to spend time with You.
01:07 Give us understanding tonight
01:10 that we may see and clearly understand
01:14 the events that are before us.
01:17 For this we ask in Christ's name, Amen.
01:29 A lot of individuals thought that something dramatic,
01:35 something unbelievable,
01:39 was going to take place...
01:41 was going to happen at the close of 2000.
01:47 As Pastor Melashenko mentioned
01:50 Y2K... they thought this was sure to bring an end,
01:55 bring catastrophe, many things would happen.
01:58 That it would usher in a millennium.
02:02 Other people said: "No... really, the millennium
02:06 doesn't really begin until 2001. "
02:10 And so there's a lot of people saying: "No, it really doesn't
02:13 start until 2001. " And so there's some people
02:16 who still think that come the end of this year
02:19 that there's going to be dramatic things that are
02:21 going to happen. There's other people that say
02:24 "No, you can't really go by that. You've got to go by
02:28 the Jewish calendar.
02:30 You can't go by our calendar; you've got to go by
02:32 the Jewish calendar, and there's a number of years left
02:34 on the Jewish calendar. " So you find there's a lot of
02:37 different ideas about the millennium.
02:40 What you and I need to understand is we need to
02:43 understand what God's Word says.
02:46 That's what we need to understand.
02:47 We need to understand exactly where we are.
02:50 And by understanding what God's Word says
02:54 you and I without question can rest our faith.
03:00 Told you before - told you the other night -
03:03 you do not... you do not build
03:08 your faith on a church.
03:10 You build your faith on the Word of God.
03:14 By the Word of God... that I know and understand.
03:18 That's why the scripture has this to say to us here
03:21 in II Peter first chapter verse 19:
03:39 So the scripture says if there's anything that's sure,
03:43 anything that we can count on,
03:45 it's the Word of God.
03:47 We can count on it. And so tonight
03:49 what we need to do is find out just exactly
03:52 what does God's Word say about this thousand years.
03:57 That's what we need to find out tonight.
03:59 Known as the millennium... no such word in scripture
04:04 as "the millennium. "
04:05 Just the Latin word that means thousand years.
04:08 But there's certain things that you and I need to establish
04:12 as we look at it tonight.
04:14 One thing that we need to establish is:
04:19 When is the thousand years going to start?
04:21 Will the scripture tell me exactly when that 1,000 years
04:25 starts? Will it tell me when that
04:28 thousand years is going to come to an end?
04:31 I was visiting with a lady and we were talking about this
04:34 1,000 years and she told me... She said: "Oh, we already live
04:37 during that thousand years. "
04:39 And I said: "You mean the 1,000 years has already started? "
04:42 And she said: "That's right. "
04:44 And I said: "Well my Bible tells me that the devil is
04:47 chained during that 1,000 years. "
04:49 And she said: "Oh, that's right; he's chained up. "
04:52 And I said: "If he is it's on a rubber chain
04:55 'cause he gets around to me quite often. "
04:57 So what you and I need to know
04:59 is: when does that 1,000 years start?
05:02 When does it end? We need to understand
05:05 what's happening during that 1,000 years.
05:07 Why does God say there's a thousand years?
05:10 What's going to go on during that thousand years?
05:13 We need to establish tonight
05:14 where are the righteous going to be.
05:16 Where are all the saints going to be during this 1,000 years?
05:19 Where are the wicked going to be during the 1,000 years?
05:23 Those are things that we simply need to establish
05:26 in understanding what the Bible says about the 1,000 years.
05:30 So with that, let's take a look at Revelation the 20th chapter
05:34 that mentions the 1,000 years, and we're going to read
05:37 several verses to see what God's Word has to say about it.
05:41 Revelation 20 verse 1:
06:41 So here it talks about a thousand years.
06:44 Tells us that the devil's going to be bound during that
06:47 thousand years. That the saints are going to
06:49 live and reign for 1,000 years
06:51 and that judgment was committed to them.
06:54 Now here in Revelation 20 verse 6
06:57 it tells us where this thousand years starts.
07:00 So watch carefully:
07:18 So it tells us very clearly
07:20 that this 1,000 years is going to begin with a resurrection.
07:25 That is how the millennium or the thousand years
07:28 is going to start is with the resurrection.
07:31 "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the
07:34 first resurrection. " So it tells us
07:37 that the thousand years begins with the first resurrection
07:41 and that it will end - this thousand years will come
07:44 to an end - also with a resurrection.
07:48 Now let's take a look at the scripture and watch as it
07:51 puts it together for us.
08:11 That's the first resurrection.
08:13 "The dead in Christ will rise first. "
08:16 That's the first resurrection.
08:18 Then if we take a look at Revelation 20 verse 5 it says:
08:30 Now if I have all the righteous
08:33 being resurrected in the first resurrection
08:36 and it says "but the rest of the dead did not live again
08:39 until the thousand years were finished"
08:41 then that has to be the second resurrection
08:43 or it is referred to in scripture as the
08:46 "resurrection of condemnation. "
08:49 You with me?
08:50 Following me? Let's look at another text.
08:52 It puts it all together for us.
09:10 That's the first resurrection.
09:12 All those that have done good to the resurrection of life.
09:16 Watch as it continues:
09:23 That is the second resurrection. Those two resurrections
09:27 are separated by 1,000 years.
09:31 OK? That's simply what the scripture tells us
09:35 about these thousand years. So what we need to do now
09:38 is we need to find out what happens at the beginning.
09:42 What are the events that all take place here
09:45 at the beginning?
09:47 Well, to begin with, Jesus is going to come.
09:51 Right?
09:52 Has to come because that's what causes the resurrection
09:56 of the righteous. So Jesus has to come back
09:59 as it says here in I Thessalonians 4:16.
10:15 So all those people down through the ages
10:18 who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior,
10:21 they have looked forward to the day when He's going to come back
10:24 they're going to be resurrected from the grave.
10:26 They're going to come up out of the grave.
10:28 Scripture describes it with these words:
10:51 So all those people that have died in the hope of Christ
10:55 accepting Him as their Savior
10:57 those people are going to come out of the grave immortal.
11:00 Changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
11:06 They will put on immortality.
11:19 Marvelous promise!
11:21 So when Jesus comes, He calls all those that have died
11:26 in faith from the grave. They come out of that grave
11:29 immortal. Never, never, never, friend, to die.
11:36 Just think... scripture says that when they come forth
11:40 from the grave there won't be any more sorrow.
11:45 There won't be any more pain.
11:49 There won't be any more sickness.
11:51 There won't be any more death.
11:53 All those things will be passed away
11:58 never to be again.
12:00 Marvelous promise that God gives.
12:03 Also it tells us that with Jesus' coming
12:08 and the resurrection of the righteous
12:12 it tells us that something's going to happen to the people
12:15 who are living on the earth.
12:17 Those that are living on the earth when Jesus comes...
12:20 the scripture says that they're going to be caught up
12:23 with those people that have been resurrected
12:26 to meet the Lord in the air.
12:29 So they're going to have the privilege of seeing Jesus
12:32 as He comes in the clouds of heaven.
12:34 And it says this is what will happen to them:
12:49 So all those people who are alive
12:52 waiting for Jesus to come
12:55 they're going to see Him come in the clouds of heaven
12:57 and in a moment - in a moment - they're going to be changed.
13:02 Just like that, their body's going to be changed.
13:04 They'll become immortal, and with those that have been
13:07 resurrected they will be caught up in the air to meet the Lord.
13:13 Marvelous promise to each one of you.
13:17 Let me tell you: I don't care tonight...
13:20 I don't care where you've been.
13:23 I don't care what you've done.
13:26 The Lord Jesus Christ promises to you
13:29 that you can have that privilege of being among those
13:34 that will see Jesus come or among those that will be
13:36 resurrected from the grave. You can have that privilege
13:39 by accepting Him.
13:41 That's a promise that He gives
13:43 to every one of you here tonight.
13:45 What about those people that are living...
13:48 the wicked that are living when Jesus comes?
13:53 The wicked that are dead? What?
13:58 They're not disturbed because it says
14:00 "the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years
14:03 were finished. " So they're not bothered.
14:05 When Jesus comes and He shouts and His words roll through
14:09 this earth like peals of thunder
14:11 and all the dead in Jesus Christ in their grave, they hear that
14:15 voice and they come out...
14:17 the wicked don't hear that.
14:19 They don't hear it; they're not disturbed.
14:22 But the scripture tells us about the wicked that are living
14:25 here on the earth... what will happen to them.
14:58 So it says when He comes back
15:00 He's going to come back in flaming fire
15:02 taking vengeance on those who have not served Him,
15:06 have not accepted Him, have not followed Him.
15:09 In fact, the Bible goes on and describes it with these words:
15:23 So it says they will be destroyed.
15:25 It tells us how they're going to react
15:29 here in Revelation the 6th chapter and verse 14.
15:35 It describes it with these words:
16:10 Now I've run onto some people who tell me that when Jesus
16:13 comes people aren't going to know it.
16:19 They say that the righteous are going to kind of be just
16:23 whisked out of here and the wicked are going to
16:26 look around and say "Where did everybody go? "
16:28 Dear friends, let me ask you something:
16:31 if mountains start moving
16:34 and islands start disappearing
16:37 and the heavens split and roll back like a scroll,
16:41 do you think you'll know something's going on?
16:44 I think I would... I think I would notice
16:47 something was taking place.
16:48 'Cause it says that they will literally cry
16:51 for the rocks and the mountains to fall on them,
16:53 hide them from the face of Him that sits on the throne
16:57 coming back. It says that all the wicked
17:01 will be destroyed. Will be destroyed at the coming
17:06 of Jesus Christ. They will be slain; they will fall;
17:09 they'll be destroyed.
17:10 Now let me ask you something tonight:
17:13 if when Jesus comes
17:16 and all the righteous that are dead are resurrected
17:19 and all the righteous that are living are caught up with Him...
17:22 caught up into the air and taken to heaven,
17:25 and all the wicked who are dead are not disturbed
17:30 and the wicked that are living are slain,
17:32 then let me ask you: "Who's left? "
17:36 Nobody. Listen to this scripture:
18:03 So it say that bound the devil for a thousand years.
18:07 Now said he had a great chain in his hand
18:11 and he bound the devil for a thousand years.
18:13 Do you think a chain could hold the devil?
18:15 Huh?
18:17 Why I can read to you where Christ and the disciples went
18:20 over to the shore of the Gadarenes and talked about these
18:22 two men come running out of the tombs.
18:24 The scripture said they had been bound with chains
18:27 and had broken them asunder.
18:29 Now if chains won't hold a man
18:31 they certainly wouldn't hold the devil, would they?
18:34 So what does it mean when it says "He had a great chain
18:36 in his hand and he bound the devil for1,000 years? "
18:40 Well, have you ever had somebody come over to your house
18:43 and said: "Go to town with me. " And you'd say:
18:46 "Well I really would like to but I'm tied down. "
18:49 What did you mean?
18:51 Well you meant circumstances didn't permit you to go.
18:55 The circumstances have bound the devil; that's what's bound him.
18:58 The righteous are in heaven; the wicked are dead.
19:01 The devil is bound for 1,000 years.
19:05 That's what happens here.
19:06 So five events... five events take place
19:10 at the beginning of the 1,000 years.
19:12 These are the five events:
19:42 Now what's going to happen here on earth?
19:46 What's going to take place during this 1,000 years?
19:49 And why are the righteous going to spend 1,000 years
19:52 up in heaven? Well let's look and see what the scripture
19:55 has to tell us.
20:01 God gives him... God gives him 1,000 years
20:05 to think over all the sin, all the crime,
20:09 all the degradation and all the things that he has done
20:13 as part of his punishment.
20:15 A thousand years to think over what he has done.
20:20 What's the earth like?
20:22 What's the condition of the earth during this 1,000 years?
20:39 Says the Lord is going to make this earth empty.
20:44 The righteous are in heaven; the wicked are dead.
20:47 The earth is empty... all right. Distorts its surface.
21:02 So it says the whole land is going to be absolutely empty.
21:05 There won't be anybody here.
21:07 The devil is given that as part of his punishment.
21:11 In fact, this is what it says will happen to the wicked:
21:33 So it says that the coming of Jesus...
21:36 that He will come as a consuming fire.
21:39 It says the wicked will fall to the ground.
21:41 They won't be gathered; they won't be lamented;
21:44 they won't be buried.
21:46 Fall right there.
21:48 That's what's going to happen to them.
21:50 The earth is going to be desolate
21:52 during this thousand years.
21:54 Now if the wicked are dead
21:56 and they don't know anything
21:59 what are the righteous going to do?
22:02 And why would they spend 1,000 years up in heaven?
22:07 What's the purpose of this?
22:10 Well, Revelation 20 verse 6 gives you an idea. Watch:
22:21 So it says the righteous are going to go to heaven.
22:24 They're going to live and reign with Him there for 1,000 years.
22:28 What are they going to be doing during that 1,000 years?
22:31 Verse 4 of the 20th chapter says:
22:41 Hmmm. The righteous during that 1,000 years
22:46 are going to be given what? Huh? Judgment.
22:51 When are the righteous given judgment, folks?
22:55 Come on. During the 1,000 years.
22:58 I just wanted to get that clear because I run onto some
23:00 saints that think judgment's been given to them now.
23:03 No... not now. During the 1,000 years.
23:06 I even have some people say: "Well I'm not judging.
23:09 I'm just a fruit inspector. "
23:10 No, you're not even a fruit inspector.
23:12 That's God's responsibility.
23:15 Judgment is given to them during the 1,000 years.
23:18 Who are they going to judge?
23:21 Who will they judge during this 1,000 years?
23:36 OK, so it says they're going to judge
23:40 the world; that we'll even judge angels.
23:42 Why... why is judgment going to be given to the righteous?
23:46 Have you ever thought about that?
23:49 Hmmm? Have you ever given any thought to that?
23:54 Well, let's say...
23:58 Let's say you get to heaven
24:01 and you look around and somebody you knew
24:04 who you thought was a Christian
24:06 is not there.
24:08 What are you going to do?
24:11 Are you going to go through eternity saying:
24:14 "I wonder where John is?
24:16 Strange. I thought he would have been here.
24:21 I wonder why John didn't make it?
24:25 Oh, I'd better keep my mouth shut.
24:28 Better not say anything.
24:30 Strange that John didn't make it. "
24:33 Now let me tell you something:
24:35 God doesn't intend for you to get 10,000 years
24:39 into eternity and all of a sudden yell
24:42 "Hey, where's John? "
24:45 No, that's not going to happen.
24:47 So God is going to open up the books.
24:51 That's why the books are kept up in heaven, folks.
24:54 He's going to open up the books and He's going to let you
24:57 look at them and He's going to let you be absolutely convinced
25:01 in your heart and in your soul
25:02 that God did everything that He could to save every last soul.
25:08 Let me tell you something tonight:
25:10 if you don't make it into heaven it won't be God's fault.
25:14 God's not trying tonight to keep you out of heaven.
25:17 God's trying to get you into heaven.
25:21 So He's going to open up the books.
25:23 The righteous are going to go through it
25:25 and they're going to be absolutely convinced in their
25:27 heart and in their soul that God did everything He could
25:30 to save every person.
25:33 Now, we come down to the end of the 1,000 years.
25:37 Something begins to happen
25:40 'cause it tell us that up in heaven
25:43 there's a city called the New Jerusalem
25:45 that Jesus has made.
25:58 So all of a sudden at the end of this 1,000 years
26:00 down comes the New Jerusalem.
26:03 Now the righteous, folks... the righteous were taken
26:06 to heaven at the beginning of the 1,000 years
26:09 and they have spent 1,000 years in the New Jerusalem.
26:13 But now it's coming back to this earth.
26:19 Beautiful city... beyond description.
26:23 And it tells us exactly where it's going to settle.
26:27 Did you know that?
27:10 So it says here that all the righteous that have been
27:13 up there in heaven with Him they're going to come back.
27:16 That New Jerusalem is going to touch...
27:20 His feet are going to touch the Mount of Olives.
27:23 It's going to split and going to become a huge plain,
27:26 and that's where the New Jerusalem
27:28 is going to come to rest.
27:32 I was over in Israel.
27:37 Had gone over to the Dome of the Rock...
27:41 top of Mount Moriah.
27:44 And there on the Dome of the Rock or there on the top
27:48 is the Dome of the Rock which is a Muslim shrine.
27:52 There's nothing in that shrine, folks, except a rock.
27:56 That rock is very very - how should I say? -
28:01 sacred in a sense to the Jews
28:04 and to Muslims and to Christians.
28:08 You see, they believe that it was upon that rock
28:13 that Abraham was going to offer Isaac.
28:18 The Muslim believes it was on that rock that Abraham
28:20 was going to offer Ishmael.
28:25 The Christians believe it was on that rock where
28:28 Abraham was going to offer Isaac.
28:30 They also believe that that rock was the threshing floor
28:35 of Nathan the Jebusite and they believe it was on that rock
28:38 where the temple altar of sacrifice was.
28:41 So that rock is very very special to them.
28:45 And so I had gone there and I was just inside
28:48 the shrine looking when this guide that I became very well
28:53 acquainted with - a Jew - came up to me and he said:
28:56 "Would you like to see something? "
28:57 And I said: "Sure. "
28:59 And so he took me around
29:01 to the other side of it. And here he opened a door
29:03 and turned on a light, and here was a stairway
29:06 going down under the rock.
29:08 He walked down the stairway and I followed him.
29:10 Got down there, and I realize now that this rock I had been
29:14 looking at now was the ceiling of this room.
29:17 And there was nobody in there but the guide and myself.
29:20 And he said to me... he said:
29:22 "What do you see? "
29:24 I looked around and I said: "Just a vacant room. "
29:28 I said: "That's all I see. "
29:30 He said: "You need to look a little closer. "
29:32 So I tried to look closer but I couldn't figure out
29:35 what he was talking about.
29:37 Finally he said: "Let me show you. "
29:38 And he went over to the edge of it and he pointed up to the
29:40 ceiling and he said: "You see that crack? "
29:42 Followed it clear across the room.
29:47 He said: "We've only had one earthquake here. "
29:53 And he said: "That took place in 31 AD. "
29:59 And he picked up a Bible and he turned over to Matthew
30:02 the 27th chapter and read verse 51 where it says
30:05 that when Jesus died the earth quaked
30:07 and the rocks split.
30:09 And he said: "That earthquake split this rock. "
30:12 Well... there wasn't anybody down there but me and this guide
30:16 who was a Jew. And I thought: "This is a good time
30:19 to ask him a question. "
30:21 And so I said to him... I said:
30:24 "Are you going to re-build the temple? "
30:26 "Oh, " he said, "absolutely. "
30:28 And I said: "I don't understand. "
30:31 I said: "Next to Mecca this is probably the most sacred
30:35 spot to the Muslim. All you and I would have to do
30:39 is do one thing to this to deface it or destroy it
30:43 and we'd be in trouble. We'd be in the biggest war
30:45 you've ever seen. "
30:47 He said: "Oh, we aren't going to do that. "
30:49 Then he picked up his Bible
30:52 and turned over to Zechariah that I just read to you
30:56 to the 14th chapter
30:58 and he read that text to me that we just read, see?
31:01 And he said: "Oh... " he said: "The Messiah's coming back.
31:05 His feet are going to touch the Mount of Olives. "
31:07 He said: "You see that crack? "
31:09 He said: "That didn't just crack that rock. "
31:11 He said: "That's a fault line. "
31:13 He said: "It not only runs through here. It crosses
31:15 the valley of Jehosephat and it splits the Mount of Olives
31:18 in two. " And he said: "When the Messiah comes back
31:21 His feet will touch this" and he said:
31:23 "It'll split this place wide open"
31:25 and he said: "Then we will rebuild the temple. "
31:30 And I said: "I have one problem with that. "
31:33 And he said: "What's your problem with that? "
31:35 And I said: "The problem I'm having with that is
31:38 you tell me that that rock there was split at the crucifixion
31:42 of Jesus Christ. " And he looked at me
31:47 and I said: "And I believe He's the One coming back. "
31:52 And he turned and walked up the steps.
31:55 You see... but what I'm trying to get across to you tonight
31:59 as far as I can tell that rock split,
32:02 that mountain has a fault line right though it
32:05 waiting... waiting for the feet of Jesus Christ.
32:09 When He comes it's going to split
32:12 and that New Jerusalem that Jesus made
32:14 is going to come and it's going to settle right here on this
32:17 old earth. What about the dead?
32:22 What about all the wicked that have been dead?
32:26 Scripture says this about them:
32:37 Didn't live again until the thousand years were finished.
32:39 Oh friend, let me tell you something: there's so much
32:41 difference between those two resurrections.
32:45 The resurrection of the righteous...
32:47 Over here I read to you it says that when they come forth
32:50 they are "changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. "
32:53 It says that "this mortal must put on immortality. "
32:57 It means that if that person was blind when he died
33:00 he comes out seeing!
33:01 It means if he went into that grave with one arm missing
33:05 he comes out with both arms.
33:07 It means if he went into that grave crippled he comes out
33:09 whole. Do you understand that?
33:12 That is not promised on this resurrection of the wicked.
33:17 If that person's blind and they don't know Jesus Christ
33:21 and they died blind they come out blind.
33:24 They come out just like they went in.
33:27 Nothing promised here... no change.
33:30 No immortality.
33:32 Are you telling me tonight? Are you telling me tonight
33:36 that you'll give that up for this old world?
33:39 That you'll give it up?
33:41 No way... no way.
33:46 They come forth from the grave thick as the sands of the sea.
33:53 Enoch - 7th from Adam - prophesied about it.
33:57 Jude the first chapter verse 14.
34:30 So it says He's coming back to execute judgment.
34:35 Well, the devil has been given 1,000 years to think over
34:40 all the trouble and all the crime and everything.
34:43 But all of a sudden, here at the end of the 1,000 years
34:46 all the wicked are resurrected.
34:49 He now has people.
34:52 That's why it says when the thousand years
34:55 have expired, Satan will be released from his prison.
35:00 You see, he's no longer bound because now he has people to
35:03 work with, he has people to tempt.
35:05 He has something to do.
35:07 And let me assure you that during that 1,000 years
35:11 he hasn't been sitting there twiddling his thumbs.
35:14 He has a plan. He knows exactly what he's going to do.
35:18 Watch very carefully because he has a plan.
35:34 So it says that he goes out to deceive
35:37 all the wicked. And he gathers them.
35:39 They're as thick as the sands of the sea.
35:41 And it says here in Revelation 20 verse 9:
35:55 Now why?
35:57 Why would that happen?
35:59 Why don't the wicked just go over on the other side of the
36:02 earth and say "We'll stay over here
36:05 and let the righteous stay over there.
36:07 And we won't bother them and maybe they won't bother us. "
36:11 Why go up and surround the city and try to take it?
36:16 Why do that?
36:19 The devil has a master plan.
36:24 You see, when they came forth from the grave -
36:29 the wicked - they're not immortal.
36:32 They're mortal... they're subject to death.
36:37 Back when God created man in the Garden of Eden
36:40 He put something in the Garden of Eden called
36:43 the Tree of Life.
36:45 Listen to what it says here... Genesis 3:22:
37:08 He said "lest man take... " He put an angel there!
37:12 Put an angel guarding the tree.
37:24 So God made it impossible for man
37:27 to eat of the Tree of Life.
37:31 You know where the Tree of Life is now?
37:34 Hmmm? It's in the New Jerusalem.
37:39 And at the end of the 1,000 years the New Jerusalem
37:42 comes back to this earth.
38:03 The devil convinces the wicked
38:06 that if they can just storm the city,
38:08 get inside, and eat of the Tree of Life
38:11 they'll live... they'll not die.
38:15 So they go up. Great, great masses of humanity
38:20 and they surround the New Jerusalem.
38:23 This is where the scripture says that the Great White Throne
38:28 Judgment takes place.
38:30 You think tonight. All of a sudden
38:34 right there, this particular moment in history or in time
38:38 right there inside the New Jerusalem
38:41 are all the righteous that have ever lived.
38:45 Outside the city are all the wicked that have ever lived.
38:49 So standing there before God now is all mankind.
38:55 And all of a sudden God is lifted up
38:58 and the Great White Throne Judgment takes place.
39:13 Here they stand... all mankind.
39:32 Oh dear friend, tonight
39:33 if your name is in the Book of Life...
39:36 At this point, if your name's in the Book of Life,
39:41 Jesus has already pleaded your case up in heaven
39:46 and you have been marked as having eternal life.
39:51 They read through the books.
39:55 If you have given your heart to Jesus Christ,
39:58 Christ has stood up and said: "Father, I plead My blood
40:01 in behalf of this person. Give them life eternal. "
40:05 And you have come forth from the grave immortal
40:08 as the scripture says.
40:11 The wicked?
40:18 The wicked get up off their knees
40:22 and they try to take the city.
40:37 The wicked go up; they surround the city.
40:40 Fire is rained down out of heaven... devours them.
40:45 That New Jerusalem will ride those flames
40:49 just like the ark rode the flood.
40:52 Because it says that this old earth of ours
40:55 will be burned. It says:
41:06 You see, if you know Jesus Christ tonight as your personal
41:11 Savior, if you've given your heart to Him,
41:15 then you will only die once.
41:18 You may not die at all
41:20 if you live long enough to see Jesus come.
41:23 But if you don't, you will only die once.
41:28 But if you don't accept Jesus Christ,
41:32 you'll die twice
41:34 'cause you will be resurrected in the second resurrection
41:38 and you will be destroyed at the end.
41:42 You will die twice.
41:44 Offers to you tonight life in Jesus Christ.
41:49 This old earth that you and I have lived in
41:52 referred to as being burnt like a lake of fire...
42:04 And the Bible describes this old earth and its condition
42:09 'cause it talks about it here in II Peter 3 verse 12:
42:34 So the old earth's going to be burned, and then
42:37 when it's through burning the Lord Jesus Christ
42:40 is going to make it brand new.
42:43 And so the Bible tells you and I
42:45 that there are things that are waiting for the righteous.
42:49 That you and I have a new world to look forward to.
42:54 Oh, how marvelous it will be!
42:58 Listen... this is what it tells us about it:
43:12 Brand new earth.
43:14 So you find that there are five events
43:17 that close the millennium or the thousand years.
43:20 Those five events are:
43:51 'Cause the scripture says in Matthew 5:5
43:54 "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. "
43:59 So God gives us a marvelous promise.
44:13 Time is here. As a boy as I have mentioned to you
44:19 I was born here. Lived here until I was 9 years of age.
44:25 My parents told me of an incident that happened here
44:29 in Chicago. There was a salesman
44:33 from out of town
44:35 that had come here to Chicago.
44:38 Evidently had had a busy day.
44:43 And he checked into a hotel down on the loop.
44:48 Went to bed tired.
44:51 But about 2 in the morning he was shaken out of sleep
44:56 by the sound of a siren.
44:58 Jumped up to realize that the hotel he was in
45:02 was on fire.
45:08 He could hear the sirens.
45:11 He could smell the smoke and all.
45:14 And he grabbed the telephone and by some chance
45:18 was able to get an outside line and called his boss.
45:23 And he told his boss that he was in this hotel,
45:27 it was on fire, and he was going to give him
45:31 a moment-by-moment account of what it was like
45:35 to be in a hotel on fire.
45:38 He said: "This is a chance for me to give a story
45:40 like no one's ever heard. "
45:42 His boss said: "You get out of there and you get out
45:45 of there now. " And he said: "No. "
45:48 He said: "My escape's OK. I've got it all figured out.
45:51 I'm all right. " And he began to describe to him
45:54 about the horrors of a hotel on fire.
45:57 He talked about how the fire evidently had broken out
46:00 on the second floor
46:02 and how the smoke was making its way up the stairways
46:07 and up the elevator shafts and up the laundry chutes.
46:10 He talked about hearing people run down the hall
46:14 screaming and yelling. And he said that there were
46:17 people piled up at the stairway and at the elevator
46:20 shaft where they had run over one another
46:22 trying to get out of the hotel.
46:24 He talked about how the smoke
46:27 was so bad as it went down the halls
46:30 and people were suffocating from the smoke.
46:32 He talked about how the fire, the heat, was sucking the oxygen
46:37 out of the air and how you had to bend over just to be able
46:40 to breathe. Described all of the horrors of a hotel that was
46:44 on fire. Finally the telephone lines were gone.
46:49 And he went over to the window to make his way out on the
46:52 fire escape to take it down to safety.
46:55 Opened the window, only to find out that
46:59 the fire escape was red hot.
47:02 He shouted to the firemen below to stretch out their nets,
47:06 that he was going to jump.
47:08 They stretched out their nets and he jumped...
47:13 but missed the net.
47:16 Dear friend, let me tell you something.
47:17 I run onto a lot of people that think they're going to
47:20 hang onto this old world to the last moment
47:23 and then they're going to jump.
47:25 I have people say: "Oh, not right now. "
47:28 Let me tell you something: the Bible says "today
47:31 is the day. " There's going to be people
47:34 who are going to say: "Oh, the summer is ended,
47:35 the harvest is past, we are not saved. "
47:38 Tonight Jesus is inviting you.
47:41 Accept Him as your Savior.
47:44 Give your heart to Him; prepare for His coming
47:47 as Maddy sings.
47:51 Years have come and years have gone
47:55 since Jesus went away
48:00 leaving us this promise
48:04 that He'd come again
48:08 some day.
48:15 If you would take that white card
48:17 that you receive each evening as you come in...
48:20 If you don't have one, would you please
48:24 hold up your hand. Our ushers will give you one.
48:27 We'd like everybody to have it.
48:30 Three questions I'd like for you to look at with me tonight.
48:34 First question says:
48:40 Dear friend, if you've been with me from night to night
48:43 we've gone down through the prophecies
48:45 and you've seen how we've moved right down to the end
48:47 of time. Certainly in your heart tonight
48:49 you should believe that we're living
48:52 at the time of Christ's return.
48:55 Put a check by #1.
48:57 Second question says:
49:02 Tonight if you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior
49:06 I would like to invite you to accept Him.
49:09 Just to reach out in faith tonight
49:11 and accept Him as your personal Savior.
49:13 Put a check by #2 on that card.
49:17 Third question says:
49:23 If you have given your heart to Jesus Christ
49:26 and you need to follow Him in baptism, check that card.
49:30 If you'd like to be re-baptized check that card.
49:34 Take that step following Him in baptism.
49:37 Put your name, your address on it.
49:40 Fill it out as Maddy sings.
49:42 What if this would be the year
49:48 that Jesus comes?
49:53 The year that we've been
49:56 waiting for so long.
50:02 We wouldn't have much time
50:08 to get our
50:10 loved ones won
50:16 if this would be
50:19 the year that Jesus
50:25 comes.
50:31 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
50:34 Father, we thank you so much
50:37 for Jesus, for His love and for His care over our lives.
50:42 We pray that You will bless each one here
50:45 that their hearts may be surrendered to You
50:48 and that they might be among those that will look up
50:53 into the heavens and will say: "Lo, this is our God.
50:57 We have waited for Him and He'll save us. "
51:00 For all the things that You do for each one of us
51:03 we give to You honor and glory and praise in Christ's name.


Revised 2014-12-17