Time Of The End

Blind Man's Bluff

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Kenneth Cox


Series Code: TOTE

Program Code: TOTE000013

00:02 Can you believe it?
00:05 Can you build your faith on it?
00:08 The promises of God's Word are sure.
00:12 They do not fail.
00:17 This book has stood the test of time.
00:50 Oh Lord, my God,
00:57 when I in awesome wonder
01:05 Consider all
01:08 the worlds Thy hands have made,
01:16 I see the stars,
01:22 I hear
01:24 the rolling thunder,
01:31 Thy pow'r thru-out
01:35 the universe
01:39 displayed!
01:44 Then sings my soul,
01:51 my Savior God,
01:55 to Thee;
01:59 How great
02:02 Thou art,
02:07 How great Thou art!
02:14 Then sings my soul,
02:21 my Savior God,
02:24 to Thee;
02:29 How great Thou art,
02:36 How great
02:44 Thou
02:48 art!
03:02 When Christ shall come
03:07 with shout of acclamation
03:14 and take us home,
03:18 what joy will fill our hearts!
03:23 Then we will bow
03:28 in humble adoration
03:34 And there proclaim,
03:38 my God, how great Thou art!
03:44 Then sings my soul,
03:49 my Savior God, to Thee;
03:54 How great Thou art,
04:00 how great Thou art!
04:05 Then sings my soul,
04:09 my Savior God,
04:12 to Thee;
04:15 How great Thou art,
04:25 how great
04:32 Thou
04:37 art!
05:10 Our Father in Heaven,
05:12 this evening as we open Your Word
05:17 we first, Lord, would ask that You would give us
05:22 understanding.
05:25 Lord, may our hearts be open.
05:27 We pray that the Holy Spirit may be here to impress.
05:33 We ask that each one of us
05:35 may understand that Thou art God
05:39 and that each one of us need to just simply surrender
05:43 our hearts to You
05:45 and let You lead, guide, and direct in our lives.
05:48 Bless us as we study Your Word this evening.
05:51 For this we ask in Christ's name, Amen.
06:03 Blind Man's Bluff
06:05 is a game that's played by children
06:09 where they taken another child and they blindfold them
06:13 and put them in a circle -
06:17 in the middle of a circle -
06:18 and then a child will hit them, touch them,
06:22 and they try to guess who touched them.
06:26 That originally was not called Blind Man's Bluff...
06:31 it was called Blind Man's Buff
06:34 and it was from the child hitting them.
06:36 But over the years it became know as Blind Man's Bluff.
06:40 And today that Blind Man's Bluff means
06:44 when somebody pulls the wool over our eyes.
06:47 Somebody does something that kind of tricks us
06:52 or we don't really understand.
06:54 And tonight's subject is a subject that -
06:56 as far as I am concerned - has kind of pulled the wool
07:00 over people's eyes and they haven't really seen it clearly.
07:05 I had the privilege of working with an individual
07:08 by the name of H.M.S. Richards, Jr.
07:11 In fact, I started in the ministry under him
07:14 and spent several years working with him.
07:17 And he told me that his grandfather
07:20 one day took him and sat him on his knee
07:24 and he said to him... He said: "Sonny,
07:27 if I had a little lamb
07:29 and I called his tail a leg,
07:33 how many legs would he have? "
07:35 "Oh, " he said, "five! "
07:38 He said: "Sonny, if I had a little lamb
07:41 and I CALLED his tail a leg,
07:44 how many legs would he have? "
07:46 And he said: "Five. "
07:47 Said: "No! Just because I call it something
07:53 doesn't make it so. "
07:55 OK folks?
07:57 Just because you call something
08:01 something doesn't necessarily make it so.
08:05 So tonight we're going to look very carefully
08:08 at a subject that is extremely important.
08:11 Luke... Luke, the writer of the book of Luke
08:16 and Acts... a physician. I want you to listen very carefully
08:22 to what he says when he started out the book of Luke.
08:26 And this is what he's saying in Acts about that.
08:29 Notice:
08:42 Now he's writing to Theophilus.
08:44 He's writing in the book of Acts, and he said:
08:46 "I have recorded... " how much?
08:48 Huh?
08:50 "All that Jesus began both to do and teach. "
09:05 He said: "I have written down all the things
09:08 that Jesus began to do and teach
09:10 from the time He started
09:12 until He ascended back into heaven. "
09:27 So he said: "I have recorded, Theophilus, all the things
09:32 that Jesus began both to do and to teach. "
09:36 OK?
09:38 So that makes it clear that in the book of Acts
09:42 Luke recorded those things.
09:44 So the question that you and I need to look at this evening
09:48 is:
10:00 Now that we've got to take a good look at.
10:03 We need to be objective.
10:05 We need to keep our hearts open.
10:07 We need to ask ourselves: is there such scripture?
10:10 If there is, Luke should have recorded it
10:15 because he said: "I recorded everything. "
10:17 OK? So let's take a look at Luke.
10:20 He's a physician.
10:21 Luke in his writing is more detailed
10:24 than all the other writers.
10:25 He writes and makes it very detailed.
10:28 So we're going to take a look at the gospel of Luke.
10:31 And we're going to go to the 23rd chapter
10:33 and start with verse 52 where he says:
10:57 So Luke is giving this account
10:59 and he says that Joseph of Arimathea
11:04 went to Pilate... asked for the body of Jesus.
11:07 It's been given to him.
11:08 He has taken it, put it in the tomb.
11:11 They have prepared it, and this was done on the?
11:14 Preparation Day
11:17 or the day before the Sabbath.
11:19 That's what the scripture has told us clearly.
11:21 We all understand that day to be what we call
11:26 Good Friday.
11:27 That's the day that Jesus died:
11:30 Good Friday.
11:31 The Preparation Day is when He died.
11:33 But watch. Luke is recording exactly what took place.
11:38 So watch as Luke continues:
12:01 Now I have people that say to me
12:04 "Brother Cox, do you really
12:05 think the Sabbath is important? "
12:08 I want to ask you a question tonight:
12:11 if those women wouldn't even embalm the body of Jesus
12:17 on the Sabbath...
12:19 they went back home and they kept the Sabbath
12:21 according to the commandment...
12:23 then who am I to say it's not important.
12:27 See? So it makes it very clear
12:29 that the Sabbath comes right after the Preparation Day.
12:35 The Sabbath comes right after that.
12:36 That's what Luke is saying:
12:38 the next day was the Sabbath.
12:40 Luke continues in the 24th chapter...
12:43 has this to say:
12:57 So these women are coming to the tomb.
13:00 They're coming when?
13:02 Early in the morning
13:04 on the first day of the week.
13:16 So it says here they got there.
13:18 They went in. Jesus wasn't there.
13:20 He had risen from the grave.
13:22 And we refer to that as?
13:29 There is nothing, folks, nothing in this text at all
13:34 that says anything about God taking the first day of the week
13:38 blessing it, hallowing it, or sanctifying it.
13:42 It just simply says that Jesus rose
13:44 on the first day of the week.
13:46 That's what it's telling us...
13:48 not any more than that.
13:49 So there's nothing here.
13:51 So with that - and Luke has recorded all that took place -
13:56 but let's go on and take a look
13:57 at what the other gospel writers have to say.
14:00 You'll find that they pretty much say the same thing
14:03 that Luke said.
14:05 Matthew 28 and verse 1:
14:24 After the Sabbath was over. They went home.
14:27 They kept the Sabbath according to the commandment,
14:29 right? And it says
14:31 they are coming to the tomb when?
14:34 They're coming early...
14:36 early on the first day of the week.
14:38 Now do you know when the gospel of Matthew was written?
14:45 You know when the gospel of Matthew was written?
14:48 Well the gospel of Matthew was written in 60 AD.
14:52 60 AD, folks.
14:56 This happens to be
14:57 twenty-nine years after the death of Jesus.
15:02 OK. So the gospel of Matthew is written
15:06 twenty-nine years after the death of Jesus.
15:09 If there had been a change in the day of worship,
15:13 don't you think Matthew would have said something about it?
15:16 Huh? Why sure!
15:18 If there had been a change there, Matthew would have
15:21 recorded it and said something about it.
15:23 But he doesn't say a word about it.
15:25 And in the gospel of Matthew there is nothing that says
15:29 that He blessed, hallowed, or sanctified
15:32 the first day of the week.
15:33 So with that, let's go to the gospel of Mark.
15:39 Mark the 16th chapter verse 1:
15:56 So it says that these women are coming early
16:00 on the first day of the week, and they're coming to the tomb
16:03 for what purpose?
16:05 To anoint Him.
16:07 They are not coming, folks,
16:10 for the purpose of worship.
16:12 They're coming for the purpose of anointing Him.
16:16 Why are they coming so early?
16:22 I mean, in another text it tells us they are coming
16:23 at the rising of the sun.
16:25 Why are they coming so early?
16:28 Well, they're coming early because He's been dead
16:33 several days. They know that time is of the essence.
16:39 They know they need to take care of His body quickly now
16:42 because rigor mortis has set in.
16:45 Also, they know that they need to do their work
16:50 while it's cool...
16:51 not while it's hot.
16:55 And they also know that this is hard, hard work.
17:02 You have any idea how many pounds of spices,
17:06 ointment, and that type of thing
17:09 that it took to prepare someone's body
17:11 for burial back then?
17:13 Well, it took 300 pounds.
17:17 Three hundred pounds just to
17:20 prepare somebody's body for burial.
17:22 And so it says: "very early in the morning... "
17:30 They're getting there because they know
17:33 they have to do it quickly.
17:34 They have to take care of it
17:36 because He's been dead several days.
17:37 The scripture says that Nicodemus...
17:40 Nicodemus himself furnished 100 pounds
17:45 of those spices.
17:47 That's what the scripture says.
18:02 So Nicodemus himself furnished 100 pounds of it.
18:06 So this... what I'm just trying to get across to you...
18:09 is they're coming. They don't think He's risen.
18:12 They're coming there to work.
18:14 There is nothing here in the gospel of Mark
18:17 that says anything about God taking that day:
18:20 blessing it, hallowing it, or sanctifying it.
18:24 Nothing there, folks.
18:25 So... one other text here in the gospel of Mark
18:31 the 16th chapter verse 9, and it says:
18:37 Do you know how early that is
18:39 when it says Jesus rose early the first day of the week?
18:45 Well how early that is... it's still dark.
18:49 I'll show you a text in just a little bit.
18:52 "He appeared first to Mary Magdalene. "
18:56 So He appeared to her first.
18:57 But let's go on to the gospel of John and see what it says.
19:00 It says: "Out of Mary He had cast seven demons. "
19:03 John 20 verse 1:
19:15 She gets there while it's still dark.
19:18 When she gets there, she finds that the stone's
19:21 already been rolled away and that He's risen.
19:27 So she's gotten there early before anybody else.
19:31 Christ has already risen from the grave.
19:34 Nothing here, folks.
19:36 Nothing here in the gospel of John that says that
19:39 God blessed, hallowed, sanctified it.
19:42 In fact, it goes on in John 20 verse 2 and says:
19:58 They said: "He's taken away.
20:00 We don't know what they have done with Him. "
20:03 Nothing there!
20:05 One more text in the gospel of John.
20:10 Listen carefully because I find some people
20:13 use this text as a premise for keeping
20:17 the first day of the week.
20:18 This is what it says:
20:37 Now it says the disciples are meeting in this room
20:42 for what purpose?
20:44 For worship?
20:46 No, they're meeting for fear of the Jews.
20:50 They're afraid that they're going to be taken.
20:52 That they might be crucified as He was.
20:55 So basically what that text is telling us is they're hiding.
20:59 That's what they're doing when Jesus appears to them
21:02 on the first day of the week.
21:12 Nothing here, folks, that says that He blessed,
21:16 hallowed, or sanctified the first day of the week.
21:19 That is all the texts there are
21:23 in the gospels that mention the first day of the week.
21:28 That's it!
21:30 OK? There are only three more in the Bible.
21:34 One in the Old Testament... that's all.
21:39 There's only one text in the whole Old Testament
21:44 that mentions the first day of the week.
21:47 There's two more in the New Testament.
21:50 I want you to listen very carefully
21:51 because on these next two in the New Testament
21:55 probably 85% of all the reasons that's given
21:59 for worshiping on the first day of the week rest
22:01 on those two texts.
22:03 So we need to look at them very, very carefully.
22:07 The first one is found in I Corinthians the 16th chapter
22:10 starting here with verse 1. And it says:
22:22 All right. A collection for who?
22:25 For the saints.
22:27 All right. So Paul is writing out to the believers in Corinth
22:32 and he wants to take a collection for the saints.
22:43 So Paul is writing them.
22:45 He tells them on the first day of the week
22:47 let each one of you lay something aside
22:50 as God has prospered that person.
22:56 So this is what Paul has written out.
22:58 What is the background?
23:00 What's the circumstances here?
23:03 Let's get an idea of what it is.
23:04 The scripture will help us understand
23:07 exactly what the background is because it tells us here:
23:21 So Paul said: "When I come
23:24 on the first day of the week you should lay something aside
23:27 as God has prospered you
23:30 so there'll be no collections when I come. "
23:32 And he said: "Whoever you choose we'll give this gift to him
23:35 and he can take it to Jerusalem. "
23:37 That's what Paul has told them.
23:39 Now why?
23:40 Well, this is what's going on, folks.
23:42 This is what's taking place at that time.
23:45 Acts 11:27: "And in these days prophets came from... "
23:50 Where's the gift going to?
23:53 Going to Jerusalem.
23:55 The gift is going to Jerusalem.
23:56 These prophets are coming from where?
23:58 From Jerusalem to Antioch.
24:06 Remember that name.
24:08 We're going to come back to that name yet again tonight.
24:25 So he's been shown by God
24:27 there's going to be a great famine.
24:29 That famine, folks, is in progress.
24:32 And the believers down in Jerusalem
24:35 are having a very, very hard time.
24:38 And so Paul has asked the believers at Corinth
24:42 to give. To give some help
24:44 to the believers down in Jerusalem.
24:46 And he gave them instructions about doing that.
25:00 So they made that decision they were going to send a gift
25:03 to help them.
25:13 OK. Let's go back to that text
25:15 and begin to put some things together about it because
25:18 we need to see what it says.
25:29 I have highlighted the words lay something aside.
25:34 Folks, that does not mean at church.
25:38 I have some people read that text and they say:
25:41 "Well, that says you're to take your offering
25:42 to the church on Sunday. "
25:44 No that does not.
25:45 In fact that text says really:
25:48 "you need to lay something aside at home"
25:51 is what it's actually saying
25:54 "that there be no collections when I come. "
26:05 Lay something aside at home. Paul said:
26:08 "You need to lay something aside at home
26:11 as God's prospered you
26:13 so there'll be no collections when I come. "
26:27 What does he mean "no collections? "
26:29 They're not going to take an offering?
26:32 Is that what that's saying?
26:34 No, that's not what that's saying, folks.
26:37 You see back then, they used what was called
26:40 the bartering system.
26:42 They still do over there to this day.
26:45 For instance, if you had a bushel of wheat
26:50 and you needed a couple bushels of corn,
26:55 you could take that down and swap it at the market
26:57 for a couple bushels of corn.
26:59 Or you might have a chicken
27:00 and you might take it down to the market
27:02 and swap it for a half a bushel of wheat.
27:04 Paul said: "As God has prospered you. "
27:08 What he's really saying, folks,
27:10 is if you have a bushel of wheat you want to give
27:13 or a bushel of corn or this type of thing
27:15 for the folks down in Jerusalem,
27:17 lay that aside... have it ready
27:20 so there's no collections when I come.
27:22 So that we don't have to gather all that up.
27:25 That's what Paul's saying to them.
27:27 Lay it aside so it's ready
27:29 so that we don't have to wait for you to gather all this up.
27:32 Now let's take a look
27:35 at what this text says so we're very clear
27:38 as to what it's telling us.
27:46 Does it say that?
27:49 No. There's nowhere in that passage
27:52 that it says that it is a day of worship or a holy day.
27:56 Does not say that.
27:57 Doesn't say that God blessed it, hallowed it, or sanctified it.
28:00 Secondly:
28:07 Does it do that?
28:09 No, that isn't there either.
28:11 It doesn't command the people
28:12 to worship on the first day of the week.
28:14 That's not there.
28:15 Thirdly:
28:20 Nah, doesn't even say that.
28:23 Doesn't say there were meeting every first day for worship.
28:25 So that's not there.
28:27 All right.
28:32 No. Says: "Lay by at home
28:35 as God has prospered you. "
28:37 So that doesn't apply either.
28:39 So you can see this text is not talking about a day of worship.
28:43 It's not talking about a day being set aside
28:45 as a day of worship. It's talking about them
28:47 looking over how God has blessed them.
28:50 In other words, they've gone all week long...
28:52 They've gone all week long. They've kept the Sabbath.
28:56 The very first opportunity they've had
29:00 to look over how God has blessed them that past week
29:03 was on the first day of the week.
29:05 And he said: "Sit down. Look it over.
29:07 If God has blessed you in a special way
29:09 and you want to give an offering for the poor in Jerusalem,
29:11 set that aside. "
29:13 That's all that text is saying.
29:15 All right. One more...
29:18 This one's found in Acts 20.
29:21 Start with verse 7... notice what it says:
29:33 I want to get some things clear as we go along here.
29:36 This meeting is happening on what day of the week?
29:39 Huh?
29:42 First day of the week. All right.
29:44 The disciples have gathered together for what purpose?
29:47 To break bread. We'll come back and look at that.
29:50 Paul is ready to depart the next day.
29:55 All right.
29:57 Well, we passed one up, but it says:
30:04 "There were many lights in the upper room... "
30:07 This meeting is taking place what time of day?
30:10 Nighttime.
30:12 So they're... upper room...
30:15 They're meeting... it's a night meeting.
30:16 All right.
30:27 This young man sitting in the window.
30:30 This meeting, folks, was taking place on the third story.
30:34 That's what the scripture says.
30:36 It's a warm summer evening,
30:38 and he's evidently sitting in the window.
30:40 And it says that he fell into
30:44 a deep sleep. OK?
30:53 So he went to sleep,
30:56 fell out of the window, and it killed him.
30:59 Now there's two things to be learned from this passage.
31:02 One is: don't go to sleep on the preacher.
31:06 Dangerous, OK?
31:11 The other thing is the preacher shouldn't be long-winded either.
31:15 OK? But the boy fell out of the window.
31:19 Took his life.
31:22 Paul goes down and prays for him.
31:33 All right.
31:45 OK?
31:51 So it says he fell out of the window.
31:53 It was about midnight.
31:55 His life was restored to him.
31:57 They went back upstairs, had something to eat,
32:00 and they talked all night long.
32:02 The next morning Paul leaves.
32:05 OK, let's put together
32:08 some facts about this meeting.
32:10 This is what time of day?
32:12 Nighttime.
32:14 It's a night meeting. There's many lights
32:15 in the upper chamber
32:17 so this is definitely a night meeting.
32:19 Secondly, this takes place
32:22 on Paul's third missionary journey.
32:26 If you take a look at this map,
32:28 you'll find that this is Paul's third missionary journey here.
32:32 And this incident that we're talking about tonight
32:36 took place up there at a place called Troas.
32:40 That's where this incident took place.
32:42 This is Paul's last missionary journey, folks.
32:48 The last one he ever made.
32:50 You've got to make sure you understand that.
32:52 Paul has gone clear down here into Greece.
32:57 Down into Corinth, Athens, all the way down there.
33:00 All right. Watch...
33:02 Paul is going to where?
33:07 Now let me tell you what's happening.
33:09 The Feast of Unleavened Bread is taking place
33:13 in Jerusalem.
33:14 Paul knows that there's going to be Jewish people there
33:18 from all over the nation.
33:20 He knows that this will be an excellent opportunity
33:23 for him to talk to the Jewish people about Jesus Christ.
33:27 So he feels that he has to go to Jerusalem
33:31 because he wants to talk to people about Jesus Christ.
33:33 Well, the Holy Spirit has told Paul
33:38 "If you go on to Jerusalem,
33:41 you're going to be bound and taken to Rome. "
33:45 The Holy Spirit has already told that.
33:47 The Holy Spirit does not tell Paul "don't go. "
33:51 He's just telling Paul what's going to happen to him
33:55 if he does.
33:56 But Paul is under conviction that he needs to go to Rome.
34:00 All right, let's go on:
34:33 So Paul knows, folks, what is before him.
34:39 No question about it.
34:40 So do the believers.
34:43 Got to remember that... so do the believers.
34:46 This church at Troas Paul raised up.
34:51 He's the one that started that church.
34:53 Those people love him.
34:55 He is spending the weekend there with them.
34:59 That's what he's doing.
35:01 This meeting is a farewell meeting for Paul.
35:05 That's what it is... it's a farewell meeting for Paul.
35:08 These people know they're never going to see him again.
35:13 They know that.
35:15 So, what's happening?
35:18 Well, Paul has some companions with him.
35:19 He has Luke and Silas and Timothy.
35:24 He tells them to go ahead of him and catch the ship
35:28 and sail to Assos.
35:48 How is that possible?
35:50 How is it possible that they could go ahead
35:53 and catch the ship, sail to Assos,
35:55 and Paul says: "I'll go by foot and catch you? "
35:58 How could that be?
36:01 Well, let's see.
36:04 If you're looking here at Troas, you'll find
36:07 that this is a peninsula.
36:09 And what just simply happened is he told his companions
36:13 "You go ahead and catch the ship.
36:15 You sail from Troas around the peninsula
36:19 over to Assos Sunday morning.
36:23 I'll walk across the peninsula and catch you in Assos... "
36:28 which was twenty miles.
36:30 And that's exactly what he did.
36:32 OK, so that's what's happening here.
36:35 Why did Paul tell them "You go ahead? "
36:37 "You go ahead and catch the ship.
36:39 I'll spend the night here with the believers. "
36:41 Because it's a farewell meeting for Paul.
36:44 That's why they stayed up all night, folks,
36:47 is because they know they're not going to see him.
36:50 That's also why I believe when it says
36:54 that they "broke bread"
36:57 I believe that refers to celebrating the Lord's Supper
37:00 because I can't think of anything I would rather do
37:04 if I was never going to see people again
37:07 and I knew I would never see them again
37:09 I can't think of anything nicer
37:10 than to celebrate the Lord's Supper with them.
37:12 So Paul celebrated the Lord's Supper with them,
37:16 spent all night with them.
37:18 Sunday morning he takes out and walks 20 miles
37:22 over to Assos to catch the ship there.
37:34 That was Sunday morning...
37:45 So this is a night meeting.
37:50 They spend all night there.
37:52 All right, now let's look at something.
37:55 This is the only text, folks, in the Old Testament
37:59 that mentions the first day of the week...
38:02 but it has a very important point.
38:05 Genesis 1 verse 5:
38:17 Now, there's certainly nothing in that text that says
38:20 that God blessed, hallowed, or sanctified
38:22 the first day of the week. It's just simply saying
38:25 on the first day of the week God created
38:26 the light and the darkness.
38:28 But he tells you something very important.
38:30 He tells you when the day starts
38:32 and when it ends.
38:35 It says there the what? So the...
38:39 "evening and the morning were the first day. "
38:43 The scripture tells you that the day begins at sunset.
38:46 That's what it's saying.
38:48 The day begins at sunset and goes to sunset.
38:52 That's the way God made it.
38:54 And as you read the scripture, you'll find that over and over
38:58 that the Bible is simply telling you that the day starts
39:01 here at sunset
39:03 and goes to sunset.
39:07 Now, my point:
39:10 if this is the first day of the week,
39:14 which it is... the first day of the week,
39:17 and it's in the dark part of the first day of the week,
39:23 then when is it?
39:26 Has to be Saturday night.
39:30 You see, because the first day of the week
39:32 starts on Saturday night.
39:35 Sunset Saturday night to sunset Sunday
39:38 is the first day of the week.
39:39 If you move it to Sunday evening,
39:42 that's the second day of the week.
39:45 Now you say: "Well, Brother Cox, are you really sure
39:47 about that? "
39:49 Well let me show you the way the New English Bible
39:52 translates it.
39:53 This is what it says:
39:56 Well, let me give you another one. Leviticus 23:32.
39:59 Excuse me. Says:
40:06 That means from sunset to sunset
40:11 you shall celebrate your Sabbath.
40:13 OK. Now the statement from the New English Bible.
40:16 It's Acts 20 verse 7, and it says:
40:27 See, Bible scholars recognize
40:29 that night meeting was Saturday night.
40:31 Had to be in order to be the first day of the week.
40:34 So what I'm trying to tell you, folks, is there is nothing here
40:38 in this scripture that says that God blessed,
40:42 God hallowed, or God sanctified the first day of the week.
40:46 In fact, the Bible says that the first day of the week
40:51 is a work day.
40:54 Did you know that?
40:56 That's what the Bible says.
41:21 So the scripture says very clearly
41:23 that the first day of the week is a work day.
41:27 That's all the scriptures there are, folks.
41:29 There's not any more.
41:31 Now we live in a day of computers.
41:35 You know, I have to travel.
41:39 Because I travel a lot, I cannot haul my library with me.
41:44 Impossible. I'd love to but I can't.
41:47 Fortunately, computers make it possible that you can
41:51 have your library in your computer.
41:54 You can get all kinds... you know...
41:56 all books - lots of books - in a computer.
41:58 And, of course, I have my Bible in the computer.
42:01 And so what I did is I just simply asked
42:05 the computer on my Bible
42:08 in the computer I said: "Give me all the texts
42:11 in the Bible that mention the first day of the week. "
42:13 And it printed them out for me.
42:17 That's what I just shared with you.
42:19 These are all the texts in the Bible
42:23 that mention the first day of the week.
42:25 Nine of them right there.
42:27 All listed.
42:29 OK?
42:30 Then I said to the computer
42:32 "Give me all the texts in the Bible
42:35 that mention the Sabbath. "
42:37 And it did.
42:41 I'd like to share them with you.
42:55 Now
43:00 if you want to see on which side the amount of evidence is,
43:04 it's quite obvious - see? -
43:07 that God never... never blessed, never hallowed
43:11 the first day of the week.
43:13 So I guess what we need to ask is...
43:16 Since God never...
43:27 There's not any.
43:28 Then... what brought about the change?
43:31 Let me read some statements to you.
43:34 These are statements by other beliefs.
43:38 This is by Dr. Edward Hiscox,
43:42 the author of the Baptist Manual.
43:45 I want you to listen to what he has to say.
44:33 That's what he says.
44:36 Quite clear where he stands.
44:42 Why do we have that today?
44:45 What brought about the change?
44:46 Well the Jewish people are in revolt
44:51 against Rome.
44:54 If you have never read about it, then I would
44:57 invite you to read about it. Read about Masada
45:00 and some of those things.
45:02 And it will tell you about the revolt of the Jewish people
45:04 against the Roman Empire.
45:06 Because they were in revolt against the Roman Empire,
45:11 the Romans sent soldiers in
45:15 and they killed them. Slaughtered the Jewish people.
45:18 But since the Christians... since the Christians
45:23 kept the Sabbath as well as did the Jews,
45:27 they slaughtered Christians.
45:29 And so in an effort to try to show
45:33 a difference between the Jews and the Christians
45:37 some of them started keeping the first day of the week.
45:41 That's what brought about a change.
45:44 No scripture for this, folks.
45:46 No scripture at all...
45:48 but just simply trying to make a distinction.
45:50 And so you find many Christians kept the Sabbath
45:53 and they kept Sunday both.
45:54 But by the time you reach 300 AD
45:59 almost half of the Roman Empire is now Christian.
46:04 Christianity has spread that much.
46:07 The emperor's name is Constantine.
46:12 Constantine can see that it would be politically
46:17 advantageous for him to become a Christian.
46:21 So he tells the people that he had a dream.
46:24 In the dream he saw a cross
46:28 and that he was going to become a Christian.
46:30 Never did.
46:32 But he even took his army and marched them through the river
46:36 and told them they had all been baptized
46:38 and were now Christians.
46:40 But in order to make Christianity appealing
46:46 to the pagan - that's what he's trying to do...
46:48 to make Christianity appealing to the pagan -
46:51 Constantine signed into effect what was known as the
46:55 Edict of Constantine 321 AD.
46:58 Listen to it:
47:24 In fact, Constantine even put a penalty on it
47:27 if they didn't do that.
47:29 The church leaders after a period of time
47:32 at the Council of Laodicea they accepted that.
47:35 And thus you find now the state is enforcing
47:40 the keeping of the first day of the week.
47:43 This is what history tells us.
48:02 That was the stand that the Council of Laodicea took.
48:08 And so you find that the change came.
48:17 And so you and I today
48:20 because of tradition many of you like myself
48:24 were brought up keeping Sunday.
48:27 Didn't know any different.
48:28 That's the way I was taught from the time I was a child.
48:31 But when I picked up God's Word
48:34 and I began to look in the scripture,
48:37 I began to find it was strangely absent.
48:40 Just wasn't there.
48:43 And I had to take a good look at it and say
48:47 "What does the Bible say? What does it teach here? "
48:52 Many religious leaders have understood this.
48:57 Some have made very strong statements about it.
49:01 This is a statement - Creeds of Christendom -
49:04 Phillip Shaff. This is a statement, folks, made by
49:09 Martin Luther.
49:10 This was made by Martin Luther.
49:14 I want you to listen:
49:21 Said that's what they say.
49:29 Said it's contrary to the Decalogue.
49:50 They said "that's there. " That's Luther's own statement.
49:55 So there are many church leaders quite well aware
50:01 that this is what took place.
50:03 If you want to take a look at the Bible,
50:06 look at it... what it has to say,
50:09 it will tell you clearly there is no other day
50:13 but the Sabbath.
50:14 In fact, it refers to the
50:17 Sabbath all the way through
50:19 as the Sabbath of the...
50:25 Lord. It does not say
50:28 the Sabbath of the people.
50:30 It says it is the Sabbath of the Lord.
50:34 He's the One that gave it; He's the One that made it.
50:38 Another statement:
51:04 That was what the Catholic church says.
51:07 That's their statement.
51:08 So to you that are here tonight
51:13 those of you who are watching by television
51:15 I would just simply say to you
51:18 that you have to look at God's Word
51:20 and decide where you're going to build your faith.
51:24 If you're going to build your faith on church...
51:28 That where you're going to build it?
51:33 Let me tell you something. You never, never,
51:37 never find truth by a church.
51:41 You don't find it there.
51:44 I don't care what church you're talking about.
51:45 You don't find truth by the Baptists.
51:48 You don't find truth by the Methodists.
51:51 You don't find it by the Presbyterians.
51:53 Don't find it by the Lutherans.
51:54 You don't find it by the Catholics.
51:56 You don't find it by Seventh-day Adventists.
52:00 You do not find truth by a church.
52:05 You find truth by the Word of God.
52:10 That is where you must build your faith.
52:15 You see, if I'm going to start out here and say
52:18 "well I'm going to build my faith on a church, "
52:21 that's a long road, friend...
52:25 because there are over 300 major denominations.
52:29 You going to go through all 300 of them
52:30 to make sure you got the truth?
52:32 No, you can't do that.
52:35 You've got to build your belief on the Word of God.
52:38 You've got to stand here.
52:40 I've got to say: "This is what the Word of God teaches.
52:42 This is where I stand. "
52:44 And if I will stand solidly
52:48 on the Word of God,
52:51 you'll never be let down.
52:53 You know, once you build your faith on the book
52:56 you never have to say: "Well, uh... " you know.
53:01 It reads the same every time.
53:03 You can believe it; you can stand there.
53:06 And I can tell you tonight
53:10 that God will wonderfully, marvelously bless you
53:15 if you'll stand on the Word of God.
53:18 He won't fail; He won't let you down.
53:22 He'll be there to guide and direct your life
53:25 in a very, very definite way.
53:29 I can tell you...
53:32 I can tell you out of experience
53:36 when I came face to face with this question
53:44 I was 17 years old.
53:48 Some of the things that you are seeing here
53:52 the ideas were given to me as just a young man.
53:56 Because a man came to our house, and he took
54:01 a window shade - an old pull-down window shade -
54:04 you know what I'm talking about?
54:05 and he had painted in color all these prophecies
54:09 that I've been talking to you about.
54:11 And he would come and roll that out across our living room floor
54:14 and teach us. And it was from him
54:18 that I came face to face with the question of the Sabbath.
54:25 I was 17 years old.
54:29 My father became violently opposed.
54:35 Opposed enough that every time
54:39 I went to church on the Sabbath
54:43 when I came back he whipped me.
54:47 I didn't have to take it.
54:49 I was 17 years old.
54:52 My father was crippled.
54:56 But I stood there and I took it
54:58 week after week after week.
55:04 And I will tell you tonight
55:07 if I had to do it over, I'd do it again.
55:11 Because God simply promises that if you and I
55:17 will stand with Him... And it's believing...
55:22 take Him for what He says
55:24 that He will bless you and bless you abundantly.
55:28 And I can tell you right now tonight
55:31 if I had my life to live over again,
55:34 I'd do exactly what I have done
55:37 because I have seen the hand of God.
55:40 I've seen how He's blessed over and over.
55:43 And He'll bless your life in a very special way
55:47 if you just follow Him.
55:51 Where He leads me
55:55 I will follow.
56:01 Where He leads me
56:05 I will follow.
56:12 Where He leads me
56:16 I will follow.
56:23 I will follow
56:27 all the way.
56:35 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
56:37 May God be with each of you as we look
56:43 at what His Word has revealed.
56:47 We pray, Lord, that You will bless each one.
56:53 May they find comfort; may they find strength
56:57 in You that You will guide and direct their lives.
57:02 That they may reach out in faith,
57:04 take hold of Your hand,
57:07 walk with you all the way into the kingdom.
57:10 For this we ask in Christ's name.
57:17 To obtain a copy of this program or for more information,
57:20 please write to:


Revised 2014-12-17