Participants: Pastor Kenneth Cox
Series Code: TOTE
Program Code: TOTE000011
00:02 Can you believe it?
00:05 Can you build your faith on it? 00:08 The promises of God's Word are sure. 00:12 They do not fail. 00:17 This book has stood the test of time. 00:30 Tonight we're going to take a look at the subject 00:34 Why Don't They Just Tell The Truth? 00:37 Why Don't They Just Tell The Truth? 00:41 We hope that that will be a subject that will 00:44 help you understand your relationship to God. 00:48 Help you as you walk with Him day by day. 00:51 And I'm sure that you'll be blessed in a special way 00:55 if you follow carefully as we talk about 00:57 Why Don't They Just Tell The Truth? 00:59 You see, when you take a look at this old world 01:03 and all the things around us 01:07 and all the things that clamor for our attention, 01:09 let me tell you friend, there's only one person 01:14 that can satisfy your soul. 01:16 Things of this world won't do it. 01:19 Education won't do it. 01:22 Only Jesus can satisfy your soul. 01:26 Listen as Pam and Jimmy Rhodes bring us that beautiful song. 01:41 This world will try to satisfy 01:48 that longing in your soul. 01:53 You may search this wide world o'er... 01:58 but you'll be just as before. 02:03 You'll never find true satisfaction 02:08 until you find the Lord. 02:13 Only Jesus 02:16 can satisfy your soul. 02:23 Only Jesus 02:27 can satisfy your soul. 02:33 Only He can take your life 02:38 and make it whole. 02:42 He'll give you peace you never knew, 02:47 Sweet love and joy, 02:50 and Heaven too; 02:53 Only Jesus 02:56 can satisfy your soul! 03:02 If you could have fame and fortune, 03:08 and all the wealth you could obtain. 03:12 Yet if you didn't have my Jesus 03:16 you see, your living would be in vain. 03:21 There's going to come a day when death 03:25 will call you, riches will not help you, 03:31 Come to Jesus... 03:34 only He will satisfy. 03:40 Only Jesus 03:44 can satisfy your soul; 03:50 Only He can take your life 03:55 and make it whole. 03:59 He'll give you peace you never knew, 04:04 Sweet love and joy, 04:07 and Heaven too; 04:10 Only Jesus 04:13 can satisfy your soul! 04:27 Only Jesus 04:30 can satisfy your soul; 04:36 Only He can take your life 04:42 and make it whole. 04:46 He'll give you peace you never knew, 04:51 sweet love and joy, and Heaven too; 04:56 Only Jesus 05:00 can satisfy 05:04 your soul! 05:26 Heavenly Father, tonight 05:29 we just simply come to You 05:32 asking that You will fulfill Your Word 05:36 that says that the Holy Spirit 05:39 will lead and guide us into all truth. 05:43 Bless us tonight. 05:46 We ask that our hearts may be open, 05:48 the Holy Spirit may have access, 05:51 and that each one of us may see and understand 05:55 the relationship that Jesus desires to have with us 05:59 and that we all might rejoice 06:02 in the salvation that we have in Him. 06:06 For this we ask in Christ's name, Amen. 06:17 We live in an age... 06:20 we live in an age 06:23 in which there is not 06:25 a great lot of emphasis placed 06:29 on telling the truth. 06:31 In fact, I'm sure that all of you 06:34 at some time or another have been in an airport. 06:39 And you had a plane to catch. 06:43 And some reason the plane is delayed 06:48 and you have been told all kinds of things 06:53 other than what was actually the truth. 06:56 Sat on the runway for two or three hours 07:00 and they tell you: "Well, there's just bad weather 07:02 or something somewhere. " But it'd just be great 07:05 if we were just told the truth. 07:08 Seems that there's not a great emphasis 07:11 on telling the truth. 07:13 Such as... this one: 07:20 You know? 07:21 Why don't we - you know - state the truth? 07:25 Or even in advertising 07:28 when they put advertising and they tell you: 07:31 "Oh, cigarettes won't hurt you. " 07:34 No, they won't hurt you... they'll kill you! 07:37 OK? We don't put much emphasis 07:42 on telling the truth, and yet the Lord 07:45 puts great interest on telling the truth. 07:48 Makes it extremely important that we know the truth. 07:52 The scripture tells us here in John 8 verse 32, it says: 08:02 So the scripture says that if you know the truth 08:05 the truth is what will set you free, friends. 08:08 And I can assure you that is absolutely true. 08:13 To know the truth will set you free. 08:17 That's what the Lord wants to do for you and I. 08:19 And he has given us certain ways 08:22 by which we can know the truth. 08:25 The scripture has laid it out very clear. 08:28 We don't have to be in doubt as to what the truth is. 08:30 Jesus said in John 14 verse 6: 08:46 So Jesus said He is "the way, the truth, and the life. " 08:50 And if you want to know truth - 08:53 if you want to know truth - then look at the life of Jesus 08:58 because His life is truth 09:01 and in Him you can find truth. 09:03 It also says in John 17:17... it says: 09:12 So dear friend, this book is truth. 09:16 And when I say it's truth, it is not relative truth 09:21 it is absolute truth. 09:23 From cover to cover in this book is truth 09:27 in every respect of the Word. 09:29 There's some people that don't understand it 09:33 and they wrestle with it and they have a hard time 09:37 understanding God's Word. 09:38 There's a reason for that. 09:40 And let me tell you what that reason is. 09:42 This book - this book here - will harmonize 09:46 all the way through. 09:48 There are people that never understand the truth 09:52 because they try to build a belief on one text. 09:56 You cannot build a belief on one text. 10:01 You can't be like the fellow... 10:03 His... his way of trying to find inspiration for the day 10:08 was he would get up in the morning and he would take 10:10 his Bible and let it fall open 10:12 and the first text his eyes fell on 10:14 well that was his inspiration for the day. 10:16 And so this particular morning he got up, 10:19 opened his Bible up. First text his eyes fell on 10:23 said "Judas went and hung himself. " 10:25 You know, wasn't... wasn't really very inspirational. 10:30 So he closed his Bible up and let it fall open again. 10:32 And he looked at it and it said "Go do thou likewise. " 10:35 You see, you don't build a belief on one text. 10:39 Doesn't work that way. 10:41 And people who... many times never understand the Word of God 10:45 because they build a belief on one scripture. 10:48 You can't do that. 10:50 Secondly, Paul and Moses will never disagree. 10:55 Never. 10:58 Moses and Matthew will never disagree. 11:02 Daniel and John will never disagree. 11:07 That Bible will harmonize from Genesis to Revelation. 11:10 Therefore, if you read something over here in the Old Testament 11:15 and it doesn't harmonize with what's taught 11:17 in the New Testament, 11:19 then, dear friend, you need to keep studying. 11:22 Follow me? You need to keep looking 11:25 and it will harmonize all the way through. 11:28 Those are principles in understanding truth. 11:32 It also says in the 119th Psalm 11:36 verse 142, it says: 11:48 In other words, the law of God is truth. 11:52 So tonight, if you want to know what truth is, 11:55 if you want to see what truth is, 11:57 then look at Jesus Christ, study the scripture, 12:02 and look at God's law. 12:04 And in those three things you will find truth. 12:07 No question about it. 12:09 And the Bible says the Holy Spirit will lead you 12:11 into truth. It will guide you and lead you into exactly 12:15 what truth is. 12:16 So tonight we want to look at what the scripture says 12:20 about truth. 12:21 There are three very, very special words 12:26 in the scripture. 12:27 Three words that you need to put down in your mind 12:31 that have very, very special meaning. 12:35 One of those words is the word hallowed. 12:39 That word is not used very often in scripture. 12:43 In fact, that word is used only 22 times in the Bible. 12:48 When it says hallowed, what does that word mean? 12:53 It means to make something holy. 12:56 OK. Remember what it says here 12:59 Matthew 6 verse 9: 13:09 Holy, holy is Your name. 13:12 That's what it's saying: "Hallowed is Your name. " 13:15 So that means something that's made holy. 13:18 Do you know what makes something holy folks? 13:21 Do you know what makes something holy? 13:23 Well do you remember the time when Moses was up on 13:26 the mountain he saw this bush burning? 13:28 And you remember he got close to it 13:31 and the voice said: "Moses, take off your shoes 13:34 because the ground you're standing on is holy. " 13:38 What made that ground holy? 13:41 The presence of God. 13:43 That's what makes something holy. 13:45 So He said make sure that you understand that that is special. 13:50 It's holy to God. 13:51 The other word is sanctified. 13:54 That word sanctified is used 40 times in the Bible. 13:59 The word sanctified has a very special meaning. 14:04 And it says in John 17 verse 19: 14:15 The word sanctified simply means to be set apart 14:20 for sacred purpose. 14:22 That's what the word sanctified means. 14:24 It means that object - that person - 14:27 has been set apart for a sacred purpose. 14:32 Timothy talks about it. 14:49 That means set apart... he's a vessel of honor. 14:52 Set apart for what? 14:54 Huh? Set apart for the Master's use. 14:59 That's what he's set apart for. 15:01 "And useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. " 15:04 So when He uses that word sanctified, 15:07 it means that has been set apart. 15:11 OK. The other word is blessed. 15:14 Now that word blessed is used numbers of times. 15:18 It's used 307 times in the Bible... 15:21 uses the word blessed. 15:22 And that word means that God has put a special blessing 15:27 on something. And I'll give you an example 15:31 when it talks about a blessing that God has put on it. 15:34 You remember the case of Joseph? 15:36 You remember he was sold 15:39 to the caravan of Ishmaelite that bought him. 15:45 Sold him, and they put him on the auction 15:47 and you remember Potiphar bought him. 15:51 Remember that? 15:52 You want to see what happened because of Joseph? 15:55 This is what the scripture says happened: 16:06 Potiphar took him, made him overseer of his house 16:09 because Joseph was very faithful 16:12 and a very good worker. All right? 16:25 Well what does it mean when it says 16:27 "He blessed his house? " 16:30 Huh? What did that mean? What did that do for Potiphar? 16:35 Nothing? 16:37 Didn't do anything for him? 16:39 Or did it do something for him? 16:42 You'd better believe it did something for him. 16:49 It meant he prospered. He prospered wonderfully 16:53 because God blessed it. 16:56 OK. So when God says something is hallowed, 17:00 something is sanctified, and something is blessed, 17:04 you'd better believe that has special meaning. 17:06 And when God blesses something, folks, 17:09 it doesn't change. Watch: 17:31 So I mean, he said: "You blessed it, Lord. 17:34 It will be blessed forever. " 17:36 There are not very many places in the scripture 17:41 where it uses all three words 17:45 for something. 17:47 Now I know of one place in the scripture 17:50 where it uses two words. 17:52 You can find it in the book of Revelation 17:55 where it speaks of two words. Revelation 20 verse 6: 18:14 So the scripture says that these people are blessed 18:17 and they're holy. 18:19 OK? 18:22 Now friends, I know of only one place in scripture 18:27 that it uses all three of those. 18:32 Only one place where it applies 18:34 blessed, hallowed, and sanctified 18:38 to one particular thing. 18:41 Look at it with me, and let me tell you something. 18:43 When God says: "Listen, this is blessed, 18:46 this is hallowed, this is sanctified, " 18:49 you'd better put it down. 18:52 And you'd better put it down for sure 18:54 that that is special to God! 18:57 OK? Listen carefully: 19:19 All right, now this is God speaking. 19:21 God blessed and sanctified the seventh day. 19:33 Let's continue on. 19:39 So here it's talked about the Sabbath 19:41 and it says it is blessed, 19:44 it is hallowed, 19:46 it is sanctified. 19:48 I don't find anything else in the Word of God 19:53 that it gives those three words to. 19:56 And when you and I take that particular day 20:00 that God said: "Listen, I'm blessing this day. 20:02 I'm hallowing this day, I'm sanctifying this day" 20:05 and attach no importance to it, 20:08 then dear friend, let me tell you something... God does! 20:11 God places great importance upon that day. 20:58 I mean that day, as far as God is concerned, 21:03 is special. It has been sanctified. 21:07 That means it has been set apart. 21:10 It has been hallowed. 21:13 That means God's presence is in that day 21:16 and it has been blessed. 21:18 And it means that God will prosper you 21:22 if you will follow Him in keeping it. 21:24 That's what it means. 21:26 And God will not fail. 21:30 Never! Because He took that day and He said 21:33 "it has very, very special meaning to Me. " 21:39 You see, if it's been sanctified, 21:42 it's been hallowed, 21:44 it's been blessed, 21:46 it's been set aside for sacred use. 21:49 That's what it's set aside for. 21:52 And God expects you and He expects me 21:56 to use it for sacred use. 21:59 You say: "Does it make any difference? 22:02 Does it really make any difference whether I do 22:05 or whether I don't? " 22:06 I want you to listen to something and you decide 22:09 whether it really makes any difference or not. 22:12 Jerusalem... you're looking at Jerusalem. 22:16 You're seeing the Dome of the Rock. 22:19 Listen to what the scripture says 22:21 in relation to this question of the Sabbath. 22:24 Listen. I'm talking about the Jewish nation. 22:27 I'm talking about Jerusalem. 22:29 I'm talking about this city in relationship to the Sabbath. 23:01 Now this is God's instruction to them. 23:03 He said: "Listen, take the Sabbath... set it aside. 23:08 Don't carry a burden on the Sabbath. 23:10 Don't work on the Sabbath. 23:12 As I have told your forefathers, hallow it. " 23:16 You want to see what would have happened 23:18 if they would have done that? 23:21 I'm talking about does it carry any consequences. 23:24 If I do it, what difference would it have made? 23:43 They said: "No, we're not going to do this. " 23:48 What would have happened if they would have? 23:52 This is what would have happened if they would have: 23:56 Listen carefully. 24:15 Then this is what would have happened... 24:37 Listen, folks. 24:49 I can tell you, dear friends, 24:53 when God blesses and God hallows 24:57 and God sanctifies something, 24:59 you better believe that is tremendously important to God. 25:04 And He says: "Listen, I will bless you marvelously 25:08 if you will follow what I say. 25:11 If you'll just do what I say, I'll care for you. 25:14 I'll bless you in a special way. " 25:17 Blessed: we found out that blessing means 25:20 God would prosper you, right? 25:35 God said: "You want to be blessed? 25:39 You want God to care for you and bless you in a special way? 25:44 Then be faithful in keeping the Sabbath. " 25:47 That's what He's telling you. 25:49 It makes a great difference to Him. 25:52 Why? Because Jesus... Jesus says 25:59 that He - HE - is the Lord of the Sabbath. 26:15 Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. 26:17 Why would Jesus be Lord of the Sabbath? 26:20 Why? Why would it say that He, Jesus Christ, 26:24 is Lord of the Sabbath? 26:27 When I first gave my heart to Jesus Christ - 26:30 accepted Him as my Savior - 26:32 and I began to pick up the Bible and read it, 26:36 I came across something. And when I came across that 26:42 and began to understand it, the whole Bible just began 26:45 to open up like a new book 26:47 and I began to understanding things I had never seen before. 26:50 I want to share just a few texts with you 26:52 because it has to do with Jesus being Lord of the Sabbath. 26:55 It says: 27:19 All things were made through Jesus Christ. 27:25 Are you with me? That's what the text is saying. 27:45 So Jesus Christ, the scripture says, 27:47 is the One that created this world. 27:49 He's the One that made it. 27:50 Let me give you a couple other texts about that. 28:18 So the scripture says clearly that Jesus 28:21 was the One that made the worlds. 28:23 Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 28:25 One more text... 28:51 So Jesus Christ is the One who made this world. 28:57 All right. Now apply what you've just learned. 29:00 Genesis 2 verse 1 says: 29:14 Is that talking about God the Father 29:18 or God the Son or God the Holy Spirit? 29:21 Who created the world? 29:25 Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is Jesus that created this world. 29:29 Therefore, it was Jesus Christ that gave the Sabbath 29:33 because He is the One that rested and gave the Sabbath. 29:38 So that's the reason it says that Jesus is Lord 29:42 of the Sabbath. 29:51 So Jesus Christ is the One that said: "Listen, 29:54 I created this world... made it all. 29:58 And for you to remember... for you to remember 30:03 that I'm the One that made the world, 30:06 I'm the One that made you... 30:09 I'm taking this day and I'm sanctifying it, 30:13 and I'm making it holy, and I'm blessing it 30:16 so you will remember that I'm the One that made this world 30:20 and I created you. " 30:22 That's what God is telling you. 30:24 That's what God is saying to you, dear friend. 30:27 He's the One that made us. 30:28 Therefore when you and I take a look at this question 30:32 it says: 30:37 Jesus Christ rested from all of that. 30:48 Now, OK... 30:51 He said to you and to me, Jesus is talking... 30:55 It says here in Mark 2:27: 31:07 Well what He was saying... He said: "I made that Sabbath 31:10 to be a blessing to you. " That's what Jesus said. 31:14 He said: "Listen, I'm making that Sabbath to be a blessing 31:17 to you. " And let me tell you tonight: 31:19 if you keep it, if you follow the Lord 31:24 and keep the Sabbath, He promises in this book 31:27 and He won't fail... He will not fail. 31:30 He promises in this book that He will bless you. 31:33 Promises that. 31:35 That if you will just follow Him and keep His Sabbath... 31:40 But He made the Sabbath to be a blessing to you and to me. 31:45 He made it as a day of rest. 31:50 A day in which you and I are to rest 31:54 from physical labor. 32:07 So God rested and was refreshed. 32:09 He made it as a day in which you and I are to cease 32:14 physical labor. 32:17 God says "Don't labor on the Sabbath. You are to rest. " 32:36 So the Lord says: "I want you to take that seventh day 32:40 and I want you to set it aside. It is to be a day of rest. 32:44 Physical rest. " 32:46 Not only that, dear friend, 32:48 it's to be a day of spiritual rest. 32:55 You say: "What do you mean spiritual rest? " 32:57 Well, let me tell you something. I know some people who 33:02 keep... well, I shouldn't say they keep the Sabbath. 33:05 They think they keep the Sabbath... 33:07 let's put it that way. 33:09 Because I know some people who, when it gets close 33:13 to the time of the Sabbath 33:14 they try to get ready for the Sabbath, you know? 33:17 You know what I'm talking about? 33:18 They're going to get their house clean 33:21 and all the dishes done and all this kind of stuff. 33:23 And they go after that and they get all that done 33:26 and by the time the Sabbath comes, 33:28 nobody can live with them they're so out of sorts. 33:31 That's not Sabbath-keeping... you want to understand me? 33:34 That's not the way you keep it. 33:36 Yes, I need to get ready for the Sabbath... 33:38 but I must get ready spiritually. 33:42 I must get ready spiritually. 33:45 Let me tell you a little bit of what's involved 33:48 in resting spiritually. 34:26 You see, what I'm trying to tell you tonight 34:30 is salvation... 34:33 salvation is found only in Jesus Christ. 34:37 Salvation is not found, friends, in what you can do. 34:42 It's not found in your ability. 34:45 It's not found in how good you are. 34:49 It is found only and completely in Jesus Christ. 34:52 And so when that Sabbath comes around, 34:55 I must learn to rest totally and completely 35:01 in Jesus Christ. 35:02 When you learn to turn everything over to Him 35:08 and rest in Christ Jesus, 35:12 then you're really keeping the Sabbath. 35:15 That's what it's talking about. 35:29 What are you going to rest in? 35:33 You've got to rest in what Jesus Christ has done for you. 35:38 That's what you rest in. 35:40 You don't rest in your works. 35:41 You don't rest in your ability. 35:43 You rest in what Jesus Christ has done for you. 35:53 So when I come to the Sabbath every week 35:57 and that seventh day rolls around 36:00 and I'm approaching the Sabbath Day, 36:02 the scripture tells me "cease your labor. 36:08 Stop your work. " 36:09 But it also says: "Kenneth Cox, stop! 36:14 Think about it. Understand that it's resting in Jesus Christ 36:20 and what He has done for you that you find salvation. " 36:24 That's what the Sabbath is about. 36:26 That's what it's to teach you. 36:28 That's what it's to teach me. 36:30 The Sabbath, the scripture says, was given for worship. 36:34 That's what it was set aside for. 36:37 Not only was it a time that I was to rest 36:40 but it's a time that we are to worship God. 36:45 Acts 13:42... and there may be some of you here tonight 36:50 that are saying: "Oh, Brother Cox, 36:53 that Sabbath... that was given for the Jewish people. " 36:57 Well, if you think it was given for the Jewish people, 37:01 then you need to take a look at this scripture. 37:03 Listen to what it says here: 37:24 These aren't Jews asking for the word to be preached to them. 37:27 It's Gentiles. They're saying: "Paul, preach to us 37:31 the next Sabbath. " 37:32 You'd better believe it was given to the Gentiles. 37:48 They preached to them. Watch what takes place here... 37:52 what happens: 38:01 These are Gentiles! They poured out 38:04 on the Sabbath to hear the Word of God preached. 38:07 That promise about the Sabbath, dear friends, 38:10 is given to you. And God says: "Listen, 38:15 if you will honor Me, if you will keep My Sabbath, 38:19 if you'll set it aside, 38:21 I'll bless you. I'll bless you in a special way. " 38:25 That's a promise that God gives to you... gives to me. 38:29 In fact, the scripture even tells you 38:33 that you're going to keep the Sabbath in heaven. 38:36 Now if you're going to keep it in heaven, friend, 38:39 wouldn't it be well to start keeping it here? 38:43 This is what it says, Isaiah 66:22: 38:59 So it says that as the new heavens so your name remains. 39:05 And it goes on in Isaiah and it says: 39:08 "From one Sabbath to another 39:10 and from one new moon to another 39:13 all flesh shall come to worship before Me, saith the Lord. " 39:17 God tells us very clearly. It says 39:20 that you and I are to meet together on the Sabbath. 39:24 It says, Hebrews 10:25: 39:38 So he says as you see the Sabbath approaching 39:41 that you need to worship God. 39:43 The Sabbath was given as a time of worship. 39:47 You see, Jesus Christ took that Sabbath 39:52 and He blessed it, He hallowed it, and He sanctified it 39:57 because He said: "This is special time 40:01 I want to spend with you. " 40:03 That's what it is. 40:04 It's special time that God wants to spend with you. 40:08 And dear friend, when you say "Oh, it doesn't make 40:11 any difference" and you go on about your own way 40:13 and you pay no attention to it, 40:15 that's very very special time that you're giving up 40:19 that you could have spent with Jesus 40:22 because He set it aside for that. 40:25 Isaiah 58:13... 40:29 I have told you as we've gone through from night to night 40:32 there's certain texts in the Bible that I've told you 40:34 you need to highlight... underline and so forth. 40:37 Well this is one of them. 40:38 OK, Isaiah 58:13: 40:43 That means trodding it underfoot. 40:45 That's what it means. Don't trod it underfoot. 40:54 God said, you know: "Stop forgetting about Me 40:57 and going about and doing your own thing. " 40:59 All right? 41:18 In other words, He's saying: "Don't treat that day common. 41:22 This is not a day when you're to do your own thing. " 41:24 Said: "Don't treat it that way. " 41:26 Watch what He says He will do for you 41:29 if you will treat that day special. 41:39 You want to delight yourself in the Lord? 41:41 You want the Lord saying to you 41:43 "I'm very, very pleased with you. " OK? 41:56 That's blessings, folks. 41:58 He said: "If you'll just do that, 42:00 I will abundantly bless you in a very, very special way. " 42:16 That's a promise given to each one of you 42:22 if you will spend some time with the Lord. 42:26 You say: "Well, Brother Cox, 42:28 can I really know which day is the Sabbath? 42:32 Is that possible? Can I really know which day is the Sabbath? " 42:36 Absolutely! You can know which day is the Sabbath 42:39 without any question of a doubt at all. 42:43 You don't have to be of the slightest doubt about it. 42:46 To begin with... languages. 43:01 Spanish it is Sabado. 43:05 In German, their word for Wednesday 43:09 is... Anybody tell me? 43:12 Mitwoch. You know what that means? 43:16 That means middle of the week. 43:20 Now if Wednesday is the middle of the week, 43:23 let me see you find any other day but Saturday 43:27 be the last day of the week. 43:30 We don't have to be in doubt at all. 43:32 You take something as simple as the Jewish people. 43:35 I mean here you have a group of people 43:37 that have kept the Sabbath - in a sense - 43:41 since God gave it... all the way down through time. 43:45 Their calendar that hangs on their wall 43:48 still is clear as to exactly when the Sabbath is. 43:51 It falls every week on Saturday, friends. 43:55 We don't have to be in doubt as to which day is the Sabbath. 44:01 Your calendar - the calendar that hangs on your wall - 44:06 clearly tells you that the seventh day is Saturday. 44:10 Don't have to be in doubt about that. 44:13 But you can do away with the calendar. 44:14 You can do away with all those things 44:17 and you and I still don't have to be in doubt. 44:19 All you have to do is take a look 44:22 at the death of Jesus Christ 44:24 and it will tell you clearly which day is the Sabbath. 44:29 Listen: 44:38 So it tells us that the day on which Jesus died 44:44 was the day before the Sabbath. 44:46 We call that day Good Friday. 44:50 That's the day that He died on. 44:53 It was called the Preparation Day. 44:56 Watch as Luke continues: 45:19 OK, they rested on the Sabbath. That's the next day. 45:24 That's' the very next day... Saturday, the Sabbath Day. 45:29 Watch as Luke continues. He doesn't leave you in any doubt. 45:49 They came to the tomb on the first day of the week. 45:53 Jesus was not there. He had risen, right? 45:56 And we refer to that day... we call that day... 46:04 We call that day Easter Sunday: 46:09 the first day of the week. 46:10 Now folks, if I know which day 46:15 is the day that Jesus died on 46:18 and I know which day He rose on, 46:21 do I have any trouble knowing which day is the Sabbath? 46:24 None at all. 46:26 Scripture is perfectly clear on this. 46:29 No question about it. 46:39 Only the Sabbath day, no other day. 46:42 Therefore, what I'm trying to tell you tonight 46:49 is God has taken one day of the week 46:53 and He's put His blessing upon it. 46:57 Let me illustrate it for you. 46:59 Let's say I have seven glasses of water up here. 47:05 All the glasses are just exactly alike 47:09 and the water in the glasses is all just exactly alike. 47:15 They're all the same. 47:17 When I come down to the seventh glass 47:22 God said He did something special with it. 47:26 He blessed it, He hallowed it, He sanctified it. 47:30 So if I come down to that seventh glass 47:33 and I put some concentrated juice in it 47:39 and I bless it, 47:41 I take it... hallow it, sanctified it. 47:45 Is it like the other six? 47:47 No! Never will be, friends. 47:49 You see, the Sabbath... 47:52 God's not asking you now... tonight, folks. 47:56 God's not saying to you 47:59 "Make the Sabbath holy. " 48:01 He's not asking you to do that. 48:03 God's the One that makes the Sabbath holy. 48:05 He tells you and I to "keep it holy. " 48:08 The only day we can keep holy is the one that God made holy. 48:13 That's why that day is special. 48:16 That's why that day is different. 48:18 That's why God is inviting you 48:21 to keep that day special. 48:24 And He says: "If you will do so, 48:26 I will bless you in a special way. " 48:29 The Sabbath is a very, very special time 48:34 that God has set aside. 48:40 Holy Sabbath Day 48:45 of rest, 48:49 By our Master 48:53 richly blessed. 48:58 God created 49:02 and divine, 49:07 set apart 49:11 for holy time. 49:20 When you came in this evening you were handed a white card. 49:24 Would you please take that? 49:27 If you don't have one, would you raise your hand... 49:30 our ushers will give you one. 49:31 We'd like everybody to have one. 49:33 There's three questions tonight 49:36 I'd like for you to look at with me. 49:38 The first one says: 49:44 He's the One that created this world. 49:48 He's the One that took the Sabbath and set it aside 49:51 and blessed it, hallowed it, sanctified it. 49:53 That's the reason it says He's Lord of the Sabbath. 49:56 And if you understand that tonight, 49:57 then put a check by #1. 50:02 Second question says: 50:08 Let me tell you something: 50:09 there's a blessing in keeping the Sabbath 50:12 that you'll find no other way. 50:14 I promise you, God carries out His Word 50:18 and He says He'll bless you if you'll keep the Sabbath. 50:21 And He'll do that for you. 50:23 If you're interested in keeping the Sabbath, 50:25 put a check by #2. 50:30 And the third question says: 50:36 Maybe tonight you're hearing it for the first time 50:40 and maybe you'd like to just have more information 50:42 about the subject. 50:44 If you would, put a check by #3. 50:47 We'll see that you get more information on the subject. 50:50 Put your name, your address on it. 50:52 Fill it out as Maddy sings. 50:55 Yes, the holy Sabbath 51:00 rest. 51:04 By our God 51:08 divinely blessed. 51:15 It to us a sign 51:20 shall be 51:26 throughout all 51:31 eternity. 51:39 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer. 51:40 Father, we thank you... 51:44 thank you for Your interest in us 51:47 asking us, Lord, to keep the day that You've blessed 51:52 that You've hallowed and You sanctified. 51:54 Bless each one here tonight. 51:57 May they find this very special time with You. 52:03 And we pray that each one of us 52:06 may be able to rejoice with You in heaven 52:09 because we've given our hearts to Jesus Christ. 52:17 To obtain a copy of this program or for more information, 52:20 please write to: |
Revised 2014-12-17