Participants: Pastor Kenneth Cox
Series Code: TOTE
Program Code: TOTE000010
00:02 Can you believe it?
00:05 Can you build your faith on it? 00:08 The promises of God's Word are sure. 00:12 They do not fail. 00:17 This book has stood the test of time. 00:29 Tonight we're going to continue 00:33 to look at prophecy. 00:35 Like I said, we're putting kind of a capsheaf 00:38 on it tonight because many of 00:40 these prophecies we've studied in Daniel 2, 00:42 Daniel 7, Revelation 13, 00:45 Revelation 11, and Revelation 17. 00:49 All those are going to begin to come together tonight. 00:52 And as they come together, you're going to find yourself 00:56 right down in the present day 00:59 and what is happening today. 01:01 And the scripture's even going to give you kind of a look 01:04 into what will take place in the future. 01:07 And as I have told you from night to night, 01:09 you can depend on this book. 01:13 It will not fail. 01:16 It's sure, and the prophecies will take place 01:21 just exactly as scripture says they will. 01:25 Now you're going to hear things 01:27 on the radio and television and newspaper 01:32 in which they'll talk about things that are going to happen 01:35 and it may look a certain way, 01:37 but I can assure you it will happen just exactly 01:40 as the scripture says it will happen. 01:42 Because the Bible says it's God who sets up kings 01:46 and it's God who takes them down. 01:49 OK. So we have some exciting subjects 01:53 over the next few nights, folks, the next three weeks 01:56 that will help you understand God's Word. 01:59 And to men and women who are living today - 02:02 this day and this age - I can't think of anything 02:07 that would be of more value to you 02:10 and more help to you than to understand what this book says. 02:15 So we hope you'll continue to be with us from night to night. 02:18 I hope you've been enjoying the music of Pam and Jimmy Rhodes. 02:23 They're very, very dear friends of mine. 02:25 I've appreciated them. In fact, when I was a young pastor 02:30 Pam was one of my members of one of my churches. 02:35 She was just a young lady then and started singing there 02:38 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 02:40 And she's always been a special blessing to me. 02:43 I've appreciated her very much. 02:44 She's going to sing a beautiful song tonight 02:46 entitled On The Wings of Eagles. 03:01 And He will raise you up 03:05 on eagle's wings, 03:08 bear you on the breath of dawn. 03:13 Make you to shine like the sun 03:17 and hold you in the palm 03:23 of His hand. 03:29 You who dwell in the shelter 03:32 of the Lord. 03:34 You'll abide in His shadow for life. 03:39 Say to the Lord: "My Refuge... 03:43 My Rock, in whom I trust. " 03:50 And He will 03:52 raise you up on eagle's wings, 03:57 bear you on the breath of dawn. 04:02 Make you to shine like the sun 04:07 and hold you in the palm 04:13 of His hand. 04:18 You need not fear the terror of the night 04:23 nor the arrow that flies by day. 04:29 Under His wings... your refuge. 04:33 His faithfulness... your shield. 04:40 And He will raise you up 04:44 on eagle's wings, 04:47 bear you on the breath of dawn. 04:52 Make you to shine like the sun. 04:56 And hold you in the palm 05:02 of His hand. 05:08 For to His angels He's given a command 05:14 to guard you in all of your ways. 05:18 Upon their hands they will bear you up 05:23 lest you dash your foot against a stone. 05:30 And He will raise you up 05:35 on eagle's wings, 05:38 bear you on the breath of dawn. 05:42 Make you to shine like the sun. 05:47 And hold you in the palm 05:52 of His hand. 05:58 And He will raise you up 06:02 on eagle's wings, 06:05 bear you on the breath of dawn. 06:10 Make you to shine like the sun. 06:16 And hold you... 06:20 and hold you... 06:24 and hold you 06:28 in the palm 06:34 of His 06:38 hand. 06:58 Our Gracious Father, 07:01 tonight we come 07:04 asking that You will hold us up 07:07 in Your hands. 07:10 That You'll give to us wisdom. 07:17 Give us, Lord, understanding. 07:19 As we look at the prophecies of Your Word, 07:24 Lord, may our hearts be soft. 07:29 May they be tender. 07:32 May the Holy Spirit come in and speak 07:38 to each one of us. 07:39 Lead, guide us. 07:42 May we come to know what You desire 07:47 for us who are living in these days. 07:50 We'll give to You the honor, 07:53 the glory, and the praise. 07:55 For this we ask in Christ's name, Amen. 08:07 In this past century 08:10 there have been basically three women 08:14 who have been in the position of rulership. 08:18 And those three women have done an exceptional job. 08:24 Those three women are: Golda Meir of Israel. 08:31 Tremendous leader. 08:33 Done a great, great job. 08:36 Queen Elizabeth still continues to work 08:44 holding the whole kingdom together. 08:48 Another woman that was in a position of rulership 08:52 that did a tremendous job was Margaret Thatcher. 08:57 Those three women in the past century will probably go down 09:01 in history as great, great leaders. 09:05 You see, when you pick up your Bible 09:08 and you begin to look at prophecy, 09:11 God does a simple little thing 09:15 and that is that He takes a woman 09:18 to represent a church. 09:20 You'll find the scripture speaks of it in that way. 09:23 Notice what it has to say here. 09:36 So here He just simply says, 09:38 and when He speaks He has likened the daughter to Zion. 09:43 Zion's talking about the church. 09:45 That's what it's referring to. 09:47 You can think of other texts in the Bible 09:49 where He makes that comparison 09:51 as the one in Ephesians the 5th chapter and verse 25 09:54 where He says: 10:09 So here He's making that comparison 10:12 between Himself and the church. 10:14 You also remember that it speaks 10:16 in Matthew about Christ being the... 10:20 Bridegroom. 10:22 The church is the... bride. 10:24 So God simply uses a woman 10:27 to represent a church in Bible prophecy. 10:30 So when you get to Revelation - 10:32 Revelation the 12th chapter - 10:34 you find a woman. 10:35 It speaks about her in these terms... It says 10:39 Revelation 12 verse 1: 10:52 This is a good woman. 10:54 We'll talk more about her on another night. 10:57 But she is a good woman. 10:59 She is clothed with the sun, 11:01 the moon is under her feet, 11:03 on her head she has a garland of twelve stars. 11:07 This represents God's church 11:09 here in Revelation the 12th chapter. 11:12 But when you go to Revelation the 17th chapter 11:16 you find there another woman 11:18 who is riding on a scarlet- colored beast. 11:22 It says this about her: 11:37 So now we see immediately this is NOT a good woman 11:41 because it's referring to her as a harlot. 11:46 OK. She's sitting on a beast... 11:48 and we're to take a look at all that. 11:49 But watch as it goes on and describes this woman. 12:33 Now watch very carefully 12:35 because God begins to identify certain things for us. 12:39 It says on her forehead is a name that is written... 13:01 So here John has seen this woman. 13:03 She is riding on this scarlet-colored beast 13:06 and she has been drunk with the blood of the saints. 13:10 Talks about all the things that she has done. 13:13 Now what we need to do tonight 13:15 is we've got to identify who this woman is. 13:19 That's what we'll have to do. 13:21 We're going to have to identify who the woman is. 13:23 Also, we're going to have to identify who this beast 13:26 that she's riding on represents. 13:29 We're going to begin to put all that together 13:31 so that you can take a look at the 17th chapter of Revelation 13:35 and understand what it's talking about. 13:38 We have studied all these different powers. 13:43 We have talked about how that the church 13:45 went into a wilderness for 1,260 years 13:51 from 538 AD to 1798 AD. 13:54 We talked about that period of time 13:57 and we talked how the church fled into the wilderness 14:01 and the great persecution that she went through. 14:04 So what we want to do tonight 14:06 is see when it speaks of this woman 14:08 who is represented as a harlot... 14:11 we want to see what the scripture says. 14:13 We will not have trouble identifying this woman. 14:17 In fact, I will not even have to say to you 14:22 who she represents. 14:23 All we will have to do is read the scripture to you 14:26 and you will know who it represents. 14:28 So let's look at the scripture, 14:30 see what it says about it. 14:31 Four points of identification. 14:34 Has to be a world power. 14:37 Put it down. One point: has to be a world power. 14:46 So it tells you that it had to be a world power. 14:49 You can't go looking for some little church off in the corner 14:54 somewhere, friend. 14:55 You've got to look for a church that it says 14:58 that she has committed fornication with the kings 15:01 of the earth. It means that she had to be 15:03 involved with the kings of the earth. 15:05 She has to be a world power. 15:07 One point. 15:08 Second point: 15:13 Going to lead the world astray from the teachings of scripture. 15:16 It says here in Revelation 17:2: 15:23 Now it speaks that she has in her hand a cup 15:28 filled with the wine of her fornication. 15:32 When the scripture speaks of this cup 15:34 and it speaks of the wine of her fornication, 15:37 it's meaning teachings that are contrary to the Word of God. 15:41 That's what it's talking about. 15:43 And thus it has to be a church that has taken a stand 15:47 contrary to scripture. 15:50 You have to put it down. 15:52 You're going to have to think. 15:54 You're going to have to look for yourself tonight. 15:56 It has to be a church that teaches things 15:59 that are contrary to the Word of God. 16:02 That's what it says very clear. 16:04 All right. Point three: 16:08 Satan's deception regarding scripture... 16:11 that's what the wine cup represents. 16:13 OK. Third point says it would be a persecuting power. 16:23 So you've got to look for a church that has persecuted. 16:28 "When I saw her, " John says, 16:30 "I marveled with great amazement. " 16:33 Why? Because of the tremendous things that she did 16:37 and the persecution that took place. 16:40 So if you're looking for a church, 16:42 you've got to look for a church that has been a world power. 16:48 You've got to look for a church that has led people 16:51 contrary to the teaching of scripture 16:53 and they have persecuted. 16:55 Those are three things. 16:57 You can look at it any way you want to, 16:59 but you're going to have to sit down and make 17:01 that application. 17:02 The fourth point: 17:04 unification of church and state. 17:21 So it says this woman is sitting on a scarlet-colored beast. 17:26 Now, if you're looking at it you'll remember 17:28 that in Bible prophecy a woman represents a church. 17:33 OK? So this woman 17:35 riding on this scarlet-colored beast represents a church. 17:39 It says that she is riding on a beast. 17:43 Daniel the 8th chapter verse 20 17:47 helps you and I understand what beasts represent. 17:49 It says: "The ram which you saw having two horns 17:53 they are the kings of Medo-Persia. " 17:55 So a beast in Bible prophecy represents a nation 17:59 or a civil power. 18:02 OK. Represents a civil power. 18:05 So, dear friends, if you have a woman 18:09 riding on a beast, what do you have? 18:14 Well you have uniting of church and state. 18:19 You have a church riding on a beast. 18:22 The church... or a woman riding on a beast. 18:25 The woman represents a church; 18:26 the beast represents civil power. 18:28 If she's riding on that beast, that represents union 18:32 of church and state. 18:33 So those four points you've got to put down. 18:36 1. Has to be a world power. 18:39 Secondly, she had to lead people contrary to the Word of God. 18:45 3. She had to persecute people; 18:49 persecute the saints of the Most High. 18:51 And... 4. She had to unite church and state. 18:57 Not hard to identify, is it? 18:59 If you understand history, if you read history, 19:03 you can identify that without any trouble tonight. 19:06 OK. Let's continue on with God's Word 19:09 and see what it tells us here. 19:11 Because it says here in Revelation 3... 19:13 17 and verse 3: 19:22 Now I want to take a little bit of time here. 19:24 Who is writing this book of Revelation? 19:29 John. John's writing it. 19:32 Where is John at this time? 19:35 Oh, he's on the island of Patmos. 19:39 That's where he's at... where he writes the book 19:41 of Revelation is on the island of Patmos. 19:43 But here John says he's been what? 19:47 Carried into the wilderness. 19:51 Therefore, in vision - 19:53 in vision - John has been carried 19:57 into the wilderness. 19:59 And as we look at this prophecy 20:02 you cannot look at it 20:04 as John being on the island of Patmos. 20:07 It won't work. 20:09 Or you cannot look at it from where you and I are today. 20:14 You have to look at it from John in the wilderness. 20:18 Are you with me? 20:21 Has to be that way, or you won't get it all together tonight. 20:25 So that's the reason I'm spending some time on this 20:27 third verse is John says he was carried away 20:31 into the wilderness. 20:33 We will establish where that wilderness is. 20:36 Watch what he sees in the wilderness: 20:46 So he sees this beast that has seven heads, 20:50 ten horns... scarlet-colored beast. 21:18 So John here is saying this beast that I saw out here 21:21 that has these seven heads and it has these ten horns... 21:25 that beast was, is not, yet is... 21:31 what John is saying. 21:33 So let's take a look and see if we can put together 21:36 what John is talking about 21:39 because John is here on the island of Patmos. 21:41 He's been carried in vision into the wilderness. 21:45 So in the wilderness... John is in the wilderness now 21:48 and he sees a beast that what? 21:54 You with me? 21:56 In the wilderness he sees a beast that WAS. 21:59 Was is what tense? 22:02 Past. 22:03 OK, keep it clear. 22:05 In the wilderness John is seeing this vision 22:10 and he sees this beast that IS NOT. 22:16 What tense is that? 22:18 Present. 22:20 Present. 22:21 Saw a beast that WAS... that's past. 22:25 IS NOT is present. 22:28 And YET IS is what? 22:31 Future. 22:33 OK, are we beginning to understand? 22:35 Beginning to help us limit exactly where John is. 22:39 He saw this beast that WAS. 22:41 In the wilderness the beast IS NOT, 22:45 and yet he says it is going to come. 22:49 YET IS... that's what John is saying. So remember 22:53 as we go through this keep John in the right place. 22:58 Keep him in vision in the wilderness 23:01 and this whole prophecy will begin to clear up 23:04 and you'll see exactly what it's talking about. 23:08 All right. With that, let's see if we can find out 23:12 who the beast is... what the beast is. 23:14 It says the beast... 23:40 Now folks, if you have been with me from night to night 23:44 we have put all that together. 23:47 We've studied all that; we've put that together. 23:49 That should be very clear to you. 23:51 And I'm going to review it just a little bit for you 23:54 in case there's some of you that are just tuning in 23:56 and getting... understanding what we're talking about. 23:59 Remember we studied Daniel 2. 24:02 You remember in Daniel 2 there was an image? 24:05 Had head of gold, arms and breasts of silver, 24:08 belly and thighs of bronze, 24:10 legs of iron, feet part of iron and part of clay. 24:13 And we found out that that head of gold represented Babylon. 24:16 The arms and breasts of silver represented Medo-Persia. 24:19 The belly and thighs of bronze represented Greece. 24:23 The legs of iron represented pagan Rome. 24:26 Remember? We took you through those. 24:28 OK, now watch... because God takes... 24:31 And I told you as we studied 24:33 that God simply takes a prophecy 24:35 and picks it up like in Daniel 2 24:37 and He's going to go this far with it 24:39 and He's going to stop. 24:41 And then He's going to go back to the same starting place 24:44 in Daniel 7, except this time He's not going to stop 24:47 here, He's going to go farther. 24:48 That God repeats and enlarges. 24:52 And you remember as we studied Daniel 7 24:55 you remember now He has given those nations beasts. 24:59 And you remember the first one was a lion. 25:03 Represented Babylon... Babylon of old. 25:07 605 BC to 539 BC she ruled. 25:11 Pictured as a lion. Even the scripture 25:15 refers to Babylon as a lion. 25:19 In fact, in the ruins, if you were to go over to Babylon 25:25 today to where they have rebuilt the Ishtar Gate 25:28 you will see lions there with eagles' wings. 25:32 The British Museum that did much of the excavation 25:35 of Babylon has statues of lions with eagles' wings. 25:39 God used that lion to represent Babylon. 25:43 That is one of those heads. 25:45 This beast in Revelation 17 has how many heads? 25:49 Seven heads. Five have fallen. 25:52 OK? All right. The second one 25:55 was that of a bear, and that was pictured as Medo-Persia. 26:00 You remember, this bear had three ribs in its mouth. 26:04 It represented the three countries 26:06 that Medo-Persia overthrew 26:08 which was Babylon, Egypt, and Libya. 26:11 So Babylon fell to Medo-Persia. 26:15 What history tells us took place. 26:18 That's what scripture tells us took place. 26:20 The third beast that came on the scene of action 26:23 was a leopard. Had four wings on its back, 26:26 had four heads. That leopard represented the kingdom of... 26:31 Greece. 26:34 Wings on its back represented the swiftness with which 26:37 Alexander the Great took everything. 26:39 The four heads on that beast represented that when 26:42 Alexander the Great died, 26:43 his kingdom was divided among his four generals. 26:47 OK. The fourth beast was that of a dragon... 26:52 represented as pagan Rome. 26:58 Pagan Rome opened up the waterways, 27:02 opened up the roadways, 27:04 made it possible for civilization to move across 27:07 the world. Rome ruled longer than any other power 27:11 from 168 BC to 476 AD. 27:16 Thus you have the fourth kingdom as a dragon. 27:20 Then we came to the fifth kingdom 27:22 which was that of papal Rome 27:26 that the Bible presents as a non-descript beast 27:30 in Revelation 13. 27:32 And that beast also had seven heads and ten horns. 27:37 Now follow me carefully: 27:39 Babylon fell to Medo-Persia; Medo-Persia fell to Greece; 27:44 Greece fell to pagan Rome; 27:47 pagan Rome fell to papal Rome. 27:50 Five have fallen. 27:54 You with me? 27:56 OK. "Five have fallen, 27:59 one is, 28:04 the other is yet to come. 28:08 When he comes, he must continue a short time. " 28:12 And so those five have fallen. 28:14 Are you beginning... you should be... 28:16 are you beginning to find out where John is? 28:21 He's in the wilderness in vision... where is he? 28:24 Well, he's at the time of this sixth beast. 28:27 That's where he is. 28:29 The time of atheism. 28:31 That's the reason the scripture refers to it as a wilderness. 28:35 John is at that time, and when he is talking about it 28:39 and he says this beast that WAS, 28:43 IS NOT, 28:45 YET IS. 28:48 OK? So when John says this beast that WAS, 28:53 IS NOT, and YET IS, 28:56 he can't be talking about communism 28:59 because that's the wilderness where he's at. 29:02 That's exactly what's going on. 29:04 Communism ruled 1798 AD... 29:09 basically fell in 1991 AD. 29:12 Then it says that the seventh beast - which we studied - 29:16 was that of the United States. 29:18 And it says that it would speak as a dragon. 29:24 And when communism fell 29:29 this country found itself as a superpower, 29:35 unrivaled. 29:37 And now it says from that point 29:39 it would speak as a dragon 29:42 and it says it would last a "short time. " 29:46 Now when the scripture says a "short time, " 29:49 that means in relationship to the other kingdoms. 29:52 That's actually what it means: 29:53 in relationship to the other kingdoms. 29:55 Those are the seven, OK? 29:58 We've looked at them very carefully. 30:01 Now, let's go a step farther. 30:05 Speaking of the United States... 30:08 its position in an article put out by the Associated Press 30:14 March 8, 1992: 30:37 And so it makes it clear the position of the United States 30:40 is taking... that she is NOT going to let a superpower - 30:44 another superpower - arise. 30:47 She's not going to permit that if she can help it. OK? 30:50 So now she has... In that position, it says 30:53 that she would speak "as a dragon. " 30:57 Now the beast that... what? 31:09 OK, the beast that was. Now, where's John? 31:15 In the wilderness. 31:17 He can't be talking about atheistic communism 31:21 because that is present. 31:23 He can't be talking about the United States 31:26 because that was future. 31:28 So it has to be one of these five that we've studied 31:32 when he said the beast that WAS and IS NOT. 31:35 Babylon was, is not. 31:38 Medo-Persia was, is not. 31:41 Greece was, is not. 31:43 Pagan Rome was, is not. 31:45 Papal Rome was, is not. 31:48 Are you with me? 31:50 Those are the five. It has to be one of those. 31:53 "He is himself also the eighth... " 32:00 So John is telling you this one that is the eighth 32:03 it has to be one of those seven. 32:05 So what I'm trying to tell you: 32:08 don't go running off some other place 32:10 trying to find another country to put it in there 32:13 because John has told you clearly 32:15 it's one of those seven. 32:17 Made that very, very clear. 32:20 OK. Let's see if we can identify who this eighth one is. 32:25 All right? Points of identification: 32:31 John tells us that: it's one of the seven. 32:34 No question about that. 32:39 OK? 32:40 Thirdly, it is not at the time John is in the wilderness. 32:46 OK? 32:48 Makes it clear. 32:55 All right. "Is himself also the eighth. " 32:58 So it says he's going to be the eighth. 33:00 So that means that that particular power 33:02 has to what? Come back. 33:06 Has to come back. 33:08 So one of those five - 33:11 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, pagan Rome, papal Rome - 33:14 one of those has to come back. 33:17 All right? 33:19 Fifth point: 33:25 Because it says the woman on its back 33:27 made war with the saints. 33:28 All right? 33:30 Six: has to be the uniting of church and state 33:34 because she's riding on the back of the beast, right? 33:37 So you've got to have uniting of church and state. 33:48 As the scripture says: "Was wounded with the sword 33:52 and yet lived. " 33:59 All right, let's take that. 34:01 Let's see those eight points 34:03 and see if there's any one power 34:06 that fits all those eight points. 34:10 OK? 34:12 One of the seven. 34:14 Now there's just one that will fit all eight points. 34:16 OK? And I'm going to put it down here... 34:19 If you can find one of the other seven 34:21 that will fit all eight points, let me know, will you? 34:24 But I can't find but one that fits all eight points. 34:29 One of the seven, all right? 34:32 Papal Rome... one of the seven. 34:36 OK. The beast that WAS. 34:40 Papal Rome was one of those five that WAS. 34:43 IS NOT. 34:46 Napoleon came in... overthrew the papal government 34:50 1798... February 15, 1798, 34:54 and established a secular one. 34:57 So during this time it IS NOT. 35:00 The time that John is in the wilderness it IS NOT. 35:03 "Is himself also the eighth. " 35:06 Question: Does papal Rome exist today? 35:11 Huh? Oh, very definitely! 35:14 All right. Point five: 35:21 Has she persecuted? 35:24 Yeah, papal Rome has persecuted. 35:29 That's what she stands for: 35:32 uniting of church and civil government. 35:37 Seven: 35:41 February 15, 1798 35:47 she received a deadly wound. 35:52 Deadly wound healed... 1929. 35:58 Mussolini signed the Lateran Pact 36:02 which reinstated the papal power as a civil government 36:07 and thus the deadly wounding was healed. 36:11 Only one out of those seven that fits 36:15 all those eight points. 36:19 Now, what we've got to do at this point, 36:22 dear friends, is you and I have to take a look - 36:25 a very clear look tonight - 36:29 at where we're headed. 36:32 I don't have the ability to tell the future. 36:39 That is not something that man of himself has. 36:43 But God does, and God's Word is accurate. 36:48 So I want you to follow very carefully 36:50 as the scripture tells you and I 36:53 where we're headed, what's about to take place. 36:59 Revelation 17 verse 9: 37:02 "Here is a mind which has wisdom. " 37:05 The Bible's saying if you really want to... you know, 37:07 kind of be smart, if you want to understand things... 37:10 "Here's a mind that has wisdom. " 37:25 We've taken a look at all those. 37:35 And you and I have studied now down to that point. 37:39 We've come that far. 37:40 Watch carefully now. "The ten horns... 37:53 Now we're getting to our day. 38:07 Now you should begin to put things together. 38:11 Dear friend, please, I beg of you tonight, 38:15 understand that I am talking about a civil power. 38:20 I am talking about what governments are going to do. 38:23 Please, I beg of you, 38:25 do not take what I say and apply it to people. 38:29 Don't do that! 38:31 This is talking about where we're headed... 38:34 where we're going. OK? 38:37 "They receive authority for one hour 38:40 as kings with the beast. " 38:50 Now when it says these ten kings are of one mind, 38:54 that tells your clearly that they're not all 38:57 going to come together and just be one kingdom. 39:01 It tells you they are going to cooperate. 39:04 They're going to work together; they will be of one mind. 39:08 Are you following me? 39:09 So don't... doesn't teach that they're all going to 39:12 come together and just be one power. 39:15 It teaches they're going to work together... 39:17 they're going to be of one mind. 39:21 All right. As we have studied God's Word 39:25 night after night, we found that that image 39:29 in Daniel 2 had ten toes. And it says those ten toes 39:33 were what? Ten kings. 39:35 What the scripture says very clearly. 39:38 In Daniel the 7th chapter 39:40 that beast - that dragon - had ten horns 39:44 and it tells you those ten horns were? Ten kings. 39:48 Very, very clear. 39:49 When you get to Revelation 12, that beast has... 39:54 ten horns which are ten kings. 39:58 You get to Revelation 13 40:01 that beast has ten horns which represented ten kings. 40:06 And you get to Revelation 17 and this beast has... 40:09 ten horns and it says they are what? Ten kings. 40:14 Now as we have studied, the scripture clearly 40:18 in every one of those prophecies 40:20 those ten horns represented the 10 Germanic kingdoms 40:26 that came down and they broke up the Roman Empire. 40:31 They were such tribes as the Anglo-Saxons, 40:34 the Franks, the Heruli, the Vandals, the Burgundis 40:37 and so forth. Those Germanic tribes 40:42 became the nations of western Europe. 40:45 The Alamanni became Germany. 40:49 The Franks became the French. 40:52 The Lombards became Italy. 40:57 The Anglo-Saxons became the English. 41:01 These Germanic tribes 41:03 became the nations of western Europe. 41:08 OK? 41:10 I hope you're putting some things together. 41:14 These ten kings have received no kingdom as yet. 41:21 OK? 41:23 But they are of one mind 41:26 and they will give their power and authority to the beast. 41:31 What do we have happening in Europe today? 41:36 What is taking place? 41:37 We have these ten kings 41:41 that are bringing together what is called 41:45 the European Community 41:47 or the Common Market. 41:49 What is their thinking? 41:54 Where... where are they? They have a symbol, you know. 41:57 They use the Tower of Babel to represent their kingdom. 42:01 It says: One Voice, Many Languages. 42:05 One nation pictured there. 42:09 All right. 42:11 Let me show you what's going on in their minds. 42:15 Where we're headed, folks. 42:17 I'm talking about what the scripture says 42:19 where you and I are headed tonight. 42:30 This is what it says: 42:36 European Community... 42:39 that's what the EC stands for. 42:47 Indeed it's coming to that. 42:49 They now have the Euro. 42:51 Just this last year they united their army, 42:57 and their army today is the largest in the world. 43:01 OK? So don't think it isn't coming together. 43:05 There may be a lot of rough spots. 43:07 There may be a lot of bumps, 43:09 but let me tell you, it's happening 43:11 and step by step it's coming together. 43:13 Now listen to what it says here: 43:16 It will lack an... 43:19 Yeah, it says indeed it will be an empire 43:22 but it will "lack an emperor. " 43:38 Yes, that is who they're looking to. 43:42 That is what they're thinking needs to take place. 43:45 I'm trying to share with you what is happening today 43:50 in the time in which you and I are living. 43:53 And you need to watch very carefully 43:55 when you pick up the newspaper, when you look at the television 43:59 and you hear these things that are happening, folks. 44:01 Be aware of what the Word of God says 44:04 because it won't lead you astray. 44:06 You'll know exactly where we're going. 44:11 I don't know if you're acquainted with a man 44:13 by the name of Charles Malik. 44:16 If you're not, Charles Malik was the president 44:19 of the Assembly of the United Nations. 44:21 He's the ambassador from Lebanon to the United Nations... 44:25 to the United States. 44:27 He's a guest lecturer at Harvard. 44:31 This man is in the thick of this. 44:35 I want you to watch as he... what his thinking is 44:40 regarding what is happening over in Europe. 45:03 Now he says if there's anything that is unifying, 45:07 controlling, in all of Europe 45:10 it's the Catholic church. 45:19 He said those two churches are the ones... 45:22 are the main ones in Europe. 45:40 That's what she controls. 45:42 So he's saying it is absolutely imperative 45:46 that these two unite. And there are movements 45:49 tonight towards that. 45:52 Things that are happening right now. 45:54 But listen as he goes on: 46:16 Now that's clear. That's what it's saying is going to happen. 46:21 That's what he's saying is going to happen. 46:22 That is NOT what the scripture says will happen. 46:27 The scripture does not say that Islam 46:30 will march across Europe. 46:33 Therefore, what's going to happen? 46:35 I don't know if you're putting things together. 46:40 It says those two are going to unite. 46:42 That's what's going to take place. 46:43 OK? 47:09 Now I... I'm just trying to get across... 47:12 when it says these ten kingdoms 47:15 or ten kings have received no kingdom as yet 47:19 but they are of one mind, 47:25 and they will give their authority to the beast. 47:32 So you ought to be able to begin to put things together 47:37 and understand where we are in the stream of time. 47:40 You need to see that and understand it. 47:42 But let's take it a step farther. 47:44 We've looked at Europe, OK? 47:47 Watch this: 47:50 Revelation 13:2. We talked about a two-horned beast, right? 47:56 And we identified that two- horned beast as that of 48:00 the United States. 48:03 And let me tell you, there is not another power 48:06 on the face of the earth that will fit that two-horned beast 48:10 except the United States. 48:11 That's the only one that fits the time sequence. 48:13 That's the only one that will fit into that prophecy. 48:16 Listen to what it says the United States will do. 48:19 "And he... " The United States... 48:29 That's the non-descript beast that has the seven heads 48:34 and ten horns that we identified as papal Rome. 48:37 OK? 48:45 Caused what? 48:57 So it says the United States 49:00 is going to give its power, 49:03 its authority, to the beast. 49:06 That's what it says will happen. 49:07 And dear friends, I plead with you tonight 49:11 watch carefully... watch carefully the moves 49:17 that are taking place to unite church and state 49:21 in this country. 49:23 Let me tell you a basic fact. 49:27 Many of the things that are said today 49:32 from those that are interested in bringing church and state 49:38 together are good things. 49:40 Don't misunderstand me. 49:42 Many of the things that are proposed are things 49:45 that need to be done. 49:47 Many of those things are things that we've gotten away from 49:51 that as a country we need to be doing. 49:54 They're good, honorable things. Don't misunderstand me. 49:57 But there is a basic fact, 50:00 and the basic fact is simply this: 50:03 that the pendulum does not stop. 50:09 You see it doesn't stop; it swings the whole way. 50:13 And so some of these things that we've gone way up here 50:16 and we do stupid things as a nation. 50:21 We do things that we shouldn't be doing 50:24 because we've let the pendulum swing way up here... 50:29 and it needs to come back. 50:31 But unfortunately, when you take church 50:34 and church begins to take over civil authority, 50:37 that pendulum's not going to stop in the middle. 50:40 It's going to swing right on up. 50:44 Like the old saying is: 50:46 let the camel get his nose in the tent 50:48 and he'll sleep with you. 50:50 That is very, very true in this state. 50:55 When church gets its nose into civil government, 50:58 you'd better believe we're headed for some serious times. 51:02 So I want to just give you kind of a glimpse 51:06 of what is beginning to happen, 51:08 what's taking place. 51:10 Church and state working together. 51:50 All of a sudden we find church and state 51:56 working together. 51:59 Beginning to move and bring all that together. 52:03 And when we do that, dear friend, 52:07 let me tell you something. 52:08 We are moving down a road that history 52:11 has told us will not work. 52:15 Won't work. 52:17 One other statement. 52:30 And thus the two-horned beast caused the world 52:35 to worship the first beast. 52:39 That's what it says. 52:41 So what am I trying to tell you? 52:43 I'm telling you that where we are in this particular time 52:48 is that we're beginning to see things developing in Europe. 52:52 It says clearly in God's Word 52:55 that those powers are going to work together 52:58 and they're going to give their authority to the beast. 53:01 It says the United States is also going to give 53:06 its authority to that of the beast. 53:08 And thus you find that it says that "all the world 53:13 wondered after the beast. " 53:16 What is says is going to happen. 53:20 Thus we find that today 53:24 we find the world leaders, our president himself, 53:28 seeking the counsel. Going there and talking, 53:32 seeking the counsel. Hoping to work together. 53:35 We find that happening at our present day. 53:39 II Peter, 1st chapter verse 19: 53:56 Oh dear friend, the prophetic word won't fail. 54:01 God is saying: "Pay attention! 54:04 Look at it. Give HEED to it. " 54:07 Because what God has said... He said: "I have told you 54:10 before it comes to pass 54:13 that when it comes to pass you'll recognize it 54:16 and know it. " 54:18 You see, prophecy is to tell you and I 54:21 where we're going. 54:23 That's what it tells us: where we're going. 54:25 It's to tell us where we are 54:28 and it's to tell us what we ought to do. 54:31 That is the purpose of prophecy. 54:33 And I have shared it with you night after night 54:36 that you might know it 54:38 because it goes on and says: 54:42 That's referring to the coming of Jesus Christ. 54:48 So, we have the prophetic word 54:53 that you and I can understand. 54:56 Revelation 17... we've been studying it. 55:01 Now folks, 55:05 in some ways I wish there was another beast. 55:11 I wish there was another one there that I could say: 55:14 "Well, here's another one. " 55:16 But there isn't. 55:18 I mean, do you know where you'd go after the 55:20 17th chapter of Revelation? 55:23 Huh? It talks about this women in the 18th chapter 55:27 and the 19th chapter and after that you're in heaven. 55:30 That's where you're at. 55:33 I wished I could say: "Oh here... here's 55:36 another beast... " but I CAN'T! 55:38 Watch! Listen to what it says here... 55:41 Revelation 17 verse 14: 55:44 Do you know who these are? 55:46 Huh? When it says these? 55:49 Who we've been talking about. 55:52 Ten kings. 56:00 You getting the picture? 56:20 Oh! The Lamb will overcome them. 56:25 What you and I have to make absolutely sure 56:28 is that we're called, we're faithful. 56:33 We're faithful! 56:35 We follow the Lord. 56:36 We follow what the scripture says. 56:39 I build my belief on the Word of God 56:42 and I stand solidly on the Word of God. 56:45 And I don't let people move me off of the scripture 56:49 because, dear friends, we're down to the end. 56:53 Jesus is coming back, 56:55 and you and I need to be ready for the coming of Jesus Christ. 57:01 Because He's coming... 57:08 He's coming, 57:11 coming, 57:14 coming soon I know. 57:19 Coming back 57:22 to this earth again. 57:29 And the weary 57:35 pilgrim 57:40 will to glory go 57:45 when the Savior comes 57:51 again. 57:59 Let us pray. 58:01 Heavenly Father, 58:04 as we see clearly from Your Word 58:08 where we stand today, 58:11 we understand all the movements that Your Word has told us about 58:17 are taking place. 58:19 That soon You'll be coming. 58:23 We ask that each one of us here tonight 58:26 may make our calling and election sure. 58:35 To obtain a copy of this program or for more information, 58:38 please write to: |
Revised 2014-12-17