Time Of The End

Time Of The Antichrist

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Kenneth Cox


Series Code: TOTE

Program Code: TOTE000004

00:01 Can you believe it?
00:05 Can you build your faith on it?
00:08 The promises of God's Word are sure.
00:12 They do not fail.
00:17 This book has stood the test of time.
00:29 Gracious Heavenly Father,
00:33 Tonight as we look at prophecy
00:38 we ask, Lord, that You'll quicken
00:43 our understanding.
00:47 We pray that the Holy Spirit may be here.
00:53 That each heart may be open,
00:58 may be soft,
01:00 that the Holy Spirit can lead and guide and direct us
01:04 into the truths of Your Word.
01:06 We pray, Lord, that we may keep our hearts surrendered
01:10 and that we might listen and follow Your direction.
01:15 Bless each one this evening as we study Your Word.
01:19 We pray in Your name, Amen.
01:28 We use the word Antichrist, and I think, many times
01:33 we misunderstand it,
01:35 because when the scripture speaks of the Antichrist
01:38 to you and I the word anti- means against.
01:44 That's what we normally think of when we use the word anti
01:48 we think of against.
01:49 But that is not the way the scripture uses it.
01:52 When the scripture is speaking
01:54 of the Antichrist,
01:55 it uses it in the sense of "instead of" or "in place of. "
02:01 That's what it's talking about.
02:03 When it speaks of the Antichrist
02:04 it's talking about something that is in place of
02:08 or instead of. It's not talking about something
02:11 that is against.
02:13 Now the word Antichrist is actually only used
02:17 by the apostle John.
02:20 John is the one that uses it,
02:22 and it's used in I and II John.
02:25 And John starts out and says this about the Antichrist...
02:28 and it's only used four times.
02:31 I want you to listen carefully as we look at those four times
02:34 because they help you understand some things
02:38 about the Antichrist. So please follow
02:40 as we take a look here at I John the second chapter
02:44 and verse 18:
02:56 So John said you've heard that the Antichrist is coming.
03:01 That's important. Let's go on and read another one.
03:11 So if you are studying that scripture
03:14 all of a sudden you see that John is talking about
03:16 two different types of Antichrist.
03:18 He says there's an Antichrist that is coming
03:22 and there are Antichrists that are already here.
03:25 Now watch as he continues:
03:39 So John says that if a person denies the Father,
03:42 he denies the Son, he's an Antichrist.
03:45 Now that could be anybody, right?
03:48 Sure, that could be anyone.
03:50 If he denies the Father, denies the Son,
03:53 that could apply to anyone who did that.
04:17 So John is saying here
04:19 that you have heard that the Antichrist is coming
04:23 and he says the spirit of the Antichrist
04:26 is already in the world.
04:29 So we're beginning to put some things together
04:31 as we take a look at what John has to say.
04:45 So when we start looking at what John had to say
04:49 we find that John talks about two types of Antichrist.
04:54 Two different types of Antichrist.
04:56 Those two types of Antichrist are:
05:02 If a person denies Christ, denies the Father,
05:05 denies that He came in the flesh,
05:07 that person is an Antichrist.
05:10 That's what the scripture says.
05:12 But it also talks about another type of Antichrist
05:15 and it says:
05:20 Now folks, if there's an Antichrist that is coming
05:24 and he's already in the world in John's day,
05:29 that can't refer to a human being
05:33 because people don't live that long.
05:35 See, he says the spirit of that Antichrist is already started
05:40 so he says that Antichrist is coming.
05:43 So that can't be talking about a person, an individual.
05:47 It has to be talking about a system or a power
05:51 that the spirit of it was already starting in John's day
05:55 and would go clear to the end of time.
05:58 So you find John is talking about two different types
06:02 of Antichrist.
06:04 1. An individual who denies God. that's an Antichrist.
06:08 But he's talking about a power or a system
06:11 that was going to come into the world.
06:13 And he said the spirit of it's already developing in my day
06:16 and it's going to go clear down
06:18 to the day when Jesus comes back.
06:21 OK, Paul... Paul talks about the Antichrist.
06:26 He doesn't use the word Antichrist,
06:28 but he talks about it and you'll recognize it
06:31 as we look at some of the scriptures which Paul gave
06:34 as he describes what the Antichrist would do.
06:51 This is referring to the Antichrist.
06:53 Said until he's revealed -
06:56 the son of sin or perdition - until he's revealed.
07:00 All right, now watch:
07:15 So it says that this power... And you remember I said
07:19 that that word Antichrist doesn't mean opposed to -
07:24 it means in place of or instead of.
07:27 And Paul is saying that this Antichrist power is going to
07:31 show himself as God in place of God.
07:36 That's what Paul is saying.
07:38 That he will oppose that... that he will presume to be God
07:42 showing himself that he is God.
07:45 Continues in verse 9:
07:52 This is talking about the Antichrist.
07:56 So it says he will do a lot of things.
08:13 So it says that the things are revealed in God's Word.
08:18 God puts them there for you and I to understand clearly
08:22 that we can see what it says.
08:24 But it says these people would not
08:25 receive the love of the truth.
08:28 In other words, they weren't willing to look at God's Word
08:31 and say: "Yes, I'll follow it. "
08:33 And God say because they would not receive
08:36 the love of the truth this is what happens.
08:49 So dear friend, it is absolutely vital tonight
08:52 that you and I be willing to accept what God's Word says.
08:58 That is essential if a person is going to grow in grace.
09:01 And if God is going to lead that person,
09:04 then I have to be willing to take the Word of God
09:07 and make my stand on the Word of God
09:09 and stand there and say: "This is what I believe! "
09:12 If I'm not willing to do that, God can't lead me.
09:16 That's what the scripture says.
09:18 They would not receive the love of the truth
09:20 therefore "God sends them strong delusions
09:24 that they should believe a lie. "
09:25 So tonight we want to look very carefully
09:29 as we take a look at the Antichrist...
09:32 so we're going to go to the book of Daniel.
09:35 And in the book of Daniel,
09:37 Daniel outlines this whole thing for us.
09:40 Daniel has been praying that God will help him
09:45 understand what the Word is teaching
09:48 and what this seventh chapter is about.
09:51 Now folks, I want to share a principle with you tonight.
09:54 Because as we are studying these prophecies
09:57 you'll find that God uses a principle.
10:00 And that principle is simply this:
10:02 like with Daniel here...
10:04 He gave Daniel the vision that you and I studied
10:07 the other night in Daniel the second chapter.
10:09 You remember that? OK.
10:11 And he took us step by step so far.
10:14 Then you'll find that God will back up and start exactly
10:19 at the same place again...
10:21 and this time He's going to take us a little farther.
10:25 In other words, God is going to show us that
10:29 and He's going to repeat it and enlarge.
10:31 Repeat it and enlarge.
10:33 That is what God does. That's a principle
10:36 in understanding Bible prophecy.
10:38 So tonight as we take a look at this
10:41 you're going to see some of it repeated.
10:43 OK? That we talked about here on Sunday night.
10:47 You're going to see some of that repeated
10:49 and then you're going to see God enlarge it
10:51 so that you and I will understand more of it.
10:54 So as we go to Daniel, watch this principle
10:57 as we continue to study God's Word.
11:00 Because when we studied Daniel the second chapter
11:03 you remember we found there to be what?
11:06 Four nations. Those four nations were
11:15 Those four powers, folks -
11:18 I'm talking about repeat and enlarge -
11:21 those four power are mentioned in Daniel 2, Daniel 7,
11:26 Daniel 8, and Daniel 11.
11:30 They are mentioned in those four chapters.
11:32 So God in each case is just simply repeating it
11:36 and enlarging it so that you and I understand
11:39 more and more of what He's talking about,
11:42 and that's what we're looking at tonight.
11:44 So, let's go to Daniel the seventh chapter
11:48 and see what Daniel saw in this vision.
12:06 So it just simply says he had a dream
12:08 and Daniel has written it down, recorded it,
12:12 so that you and I can see what he dreamed.
12:29 So Daniel is having a dream. In his dream
12:32 he is seeing the wind blowing across the water,
12:36 stirring up the water.
12:38 And as the wind stirs up the water
12:40 watch what happens:
12:48 So as a result, four beasts rose up out of the water
12:52 out of the sea.
12:54 Now, God simply uses symbolism.
12:57 God uses symbolism and He tells you
13:01 without any question of a doubt
13:04 exactly what that symbol is in the Bible
13:07 so you and I don't have to be in doubt about it.
13:09 God reveals it very clear.
13:11 So we have wind blowing on the water
13:15 and beasts rising up out of it.
13:17 Let's see what the scripture tells us about those.
13:32 So the Bible tells us as clear as it can
13:36 that water represents people, nations, tongues.
13:40 So when you are studying Bible prophecy - listen carefully -
13:45 don't apply this outside of Bible prophecy.
13:51 In other words, you might be reading when the children
13:53 of Israel crossed the Red Sea.
13:55 Don't take the Red Sea there to mean people.
13:58 When you're dealing with prophecy,
14:01 when in prophecy you come to water,
14:04 water represents people, nations, tongues.
14:08 OK, let's go on.
14:13 I'm giving you a text here to illustrate
14:17 how He uses water to represent people
14:21 and He uses a definite symbolism for wind.
14:53 So here God is talking about wind - a whirlwind -
14:57 going through and it destroyed people.
15:00 In other words, wind in Bible prophecy
15:03 represents war, represents strife, represents hard times.
15:09 That's what wind represents.
15:11 So when Daniel had a vision and he saw the wind
15:15 blowing on the water,
15:17 he's really seeing war and strife taking place
15:21 among the people.
15:23 As the result of that,
15:25 four beasts come up from the sea.
15:36 Let's take a look...
15:38 see what these four beasts look like...
15:41 what they represent.
15:43 The first beast, scripture says, was like a lion.
15:48 Watch:
15:58 So the scripture doesn't leave us in any doubt
16:02 as to what beasts represent.
16:04 They represent kings; they represent nations;
16:07 they represent powers.
16:09 And so, as a result of war and strife among the people,
16:13 a kingdom rose up.
16:31 This first beast you'll find the scripture tells us
16:35 represents the kingdom of Babylon.
16:39 This beast rose up on its two hind feet.
16:43 It says that a man's heart was given to it.
16:46 It's the only beast in the Bible
16:50 that you'll find a man's heart was given to it.
16:52 And the reason a man's heart was given to it
16:55 was because of the conversion of King Nebuchadnezzar.
16:58 He accepted the Lord; gave his heart to Him.
17:01 So a man's heart was given to that beast.
17:04 But this represents the kingdom of Babylon.
17:09 Babylon went from 605 BC
17:13 to 539 BC.
17:16 I told you that Nebuchadnezzar,
17:18 the king of Babylon, was one of the greatest generals
17:21 the world has ever known. Never lost a battle.
17:23 And he had taken the city of Babylon
17:26 and lavished everything that he could upon it.
17:29 It was referred to as the Golden Kingdom.
17:32 And I read to you on Sunday night how Nebuchadnezzar
17:35 wanted that kingdom never to end.
17:38 OK. Never to come to an end.
17:42 But God said that isn't what would happen.
17:45 Remember, Nebuchadnezzar's grandson,
17:50 Belshazzar, didn't follow the Lord.
17:55 One night they were having a great party
17:59 and they had called and had the golden vessels
18:02 they had taken from the temple in Jerusalem...
18:05 They had them brought it and they were drinking
18:07 out of those. They were drinking wine out of them
18:09 and celebrating to pagan gods.
18:11 And while they were doing that
18:13 all of a sudden a bloodless hand began to write on the wall.
18:18 Belshazzar called in all of his wise men.
18:25 Said: "Tell me what it's saying. "
18:27 It said, in fact, it scared him so bad, it says,
18:29 that his "knees knocked" is what the scripture says.
18:33 But nobody could interpret it.
18:36 Nobody could tell Belshazzar what it meant
18:38 until the queen, his mother, said to him:
18:44 "Ah, there's a man in your kingdom by the name of Daniel
18:49 who can tell you what it means. "
18:50 They called in Daniel; he's now 90 years old.
18:54 Asked him what it meant.
18:58 And Daniel interpreted, and this is what it said, folks:
19:11 The words written on the wall were Mene,
19:14 Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.
19:17 Mene: your kingdom is numbered, found wanting.
19:23 Terrible words.
19:25 Tekel: you have been weighed in the balances
19:28 and found wanting.
19:32 Peres: your kingdom has been divided
19:37 and given to the Medes and the Persians.
19:41 And I told you that Cyrus was right there
19:44 at the command of the Lord.
19:46 So the scripture made it very clear
19:48 that that kingdom of Babylon was going to fall
19:50 to the Medes and the Persians. That's exactly what happened,
19:53 because it goes on the scripture and says this:
20:10 So now we have a second beast coming on the scene of action.
20:13 It's represented as a bear.
20:16 And the scripture tells us clearly that Medo-Persia
20:19 would overthrow Babylon.
20:21 How was the bear represented?
20:24 Well, I told you the other night that this was a coalition
20:27 of two powers: the Medes and the Persians came together.
20:30 The Persians were stronger than the Medes.
20:33 That's why the scripture says this bear raised itself up
20:36 on one side...
20:38 because the Persians were stronger than the Medes.
20:41 But also it says this bear has three ribs in its mouth.
20:45 Those three ribs represented the three countries
20:49 that Medo-Persia overthrew.
20:51 Those three countries were Babylon, Egypt, and Libya.
20:56 Those are the ones that Medo-Persia overthrew.
20:59 Under the leadership of Cyrus they overthrew Babylon.
21:04 And I told you that in the book of Isaiah
21:10 it spoke of Cyrus.
21:14 Isaiah the 45th chapter verse 1
21:17 it called Cyrus by name
21:20 150 years before he was born.
21:27 You don't believe this book is inspired?
21:30 You tell me how that happens when God will call a person
21:35 by name.
21:38 In fact, I can read you in scripture where God said
21:41 to Jeremiah, He said: "I knew you
21:42 while you were still in the womb. "
21:46 God knows the end from the beginning.
21:50 Called Cyrus by name.
21:52 Not only called him by name...
21:53 said exactly how he would overthrow the city of Babylon.
21:57 And he did it just exactly as God described.
22:04 But it says:
22:10 So all of a sudden we have the third beast
22:13 coming on the scene of action,
22:14 and this beast represented the kingdom of Greece.
22:18 Greece. This beast like a leopard
22:23 had four wings on its back like a bird.
22:31 Under the leadership of Alexander the Great
22:34 Greece over threw Medo-Persia
22:39 in 331 BC.
22:43 Alexander the Great
22:46 faced Darius of the Medes and Persians
22:49 on the plains of Arbela.
22:51 Darius had 1,000,000 men.
22:56 Alexander the Great had 40,000
22:59 and Alexander the Great overthrew him.
23:04 That's why this beast has four wings on its back...
23:08 because when he overthrew Darius of the Medes and Persians
23:11 Alexander the Great took his army and they began to march
23:15 and they took every country they came to.
23:17 He marched his army for 7 years without ever going back home
23:22 and wept because there was nothing else to conquer.
23:28 Reaching the borders of India
23:31 his men refuse to go any farther and they head back.
23:34 Alexander the Great now is suffering.
23:37 He is suffering from epilepsy.
23:40 He is suffering from drunkenness.
23:42 They have arrived back, folks, to the city of Babylon.
23:49 Alexander the Great is lying on a table
23:52 in that very banquet hall
23:55 where the hand had written Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.
23:58 Lying on a table there... dying...
24:01 and he's called in his generals.
24:05 And his generals have asked him
24:06 to whom he's going to give the kingdom.
24:09 And he said: "When I die, I'll give my kingdom to
24:13 the strongest. "
24:14 And when he died, his kingdom was given to his 4 generals.
24:20 That's why that beast has four heads...
24:23 because it represented his four generals
24:27 that the kingdom was given to.
24:48 The fourth power that comes on the scene of action
24:53 is the kingdom of pagan Rome.
24:55 Pagan Rome overthrew Greece in 168 BC...
25:00 lasting longer than any other kingdom.
25:13 OK. Pagan Rome went from 168 BC
25:17 to 476 AD.
25:19 As I told you the other night,
25:21 Rome was the one who brought civilization to the world.
25:25 It opened up the waterways. It opened up the roadways
25:29 and people could travel where they had never been
25:31 able to before.
25:32 Rome was the power that was
25:34 ruling at the time Jesus
25:36 was born.
25:38 It was the decree of Caesar Augustus
25:41 that sent Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem
25:44 to pay their taxes.
25:45 You remember, Rome was the one that was ruling at the time
25:48 Jesus died.
25:51 For you remember, He was tried in a Roman court
25:57 by Pilate.
25:59 Rome ruled to 476 AD.
26:04 Now you were with me the other night on Sunday night
26:07 as we went through this.
26:08 And this is the part I was talking to you about repeating.
26:12 You see, God repeats and enlarges.
26:15 You remember I told you as we went down through that image
26:18 we came to the ten toes.
26:21 Watch, because this beast has ten horns.
26:34 All right. Those, you remember I told you, were the Germanic
26:39 tribes that came down on the Roman Empire
26:41 and broke it to pieces.
26:43 They were such tribes as the Anglo-Saxons,
26:46 the Franks, the Heruli, the Vandals, the Ostrogoths.
26:49 And they broke the Roman Empire into 10 different parts.
26:54 OK. That is the same as the ten toes
26:59 on the image of Daniel 2.
27:02 Now we're going to begin to enlarge.
27:05 OK?
27:07 Those ten tribes became the nations of western Europe
27:12 such as the Alamanni, the Franks, the Visigoth, uh...
27:16 The Alamanni became the Germans.
27:19 The Bergundis became the Swiss.
27:21 The Franks became the French.
27:23 The Lombards became the Italians.
27:24 The Saxons English; the Suevi Portugal; the Visigoths, Spain.
27:28 The Heruli, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths are now extinct,
27:32 and I'll tell you why tonight...
27:33 what happened to them.
27:35 Now folks, the other night I read you a text
27:38 in Revelation the 17th chapter where it says
27:40 "these ten kings have received no kingdom as yet
27:44 but they will receive authority for one hour with the beast. "
27:47 And several of you have come up and said:
27:49 "You didn't say anything about that. " No, I didn't...
27:52 because we're coming to that.
27:54 We're going to trace it right on down,
27:57 and we're going to see how all that fits together.
27:59 And we'll come to that, and we'll talk specifically
28:01 how that all fits together.
28:03 OK. But these ten tribes became the nations of western Europe
28:08 today.
28:18 We're enlarging now, folks.
28:34 All right.
28:38 So tonight we want to identify this little horn
28:41 that the scripture identifies as that of the Antichrist.
28:44 Before I go on, I want to take just a moment
28:48 and tell you that the Bible and history does certain things.
28:54 One of the things that's unique about the Bible
28:57 is when the Bible talks about individuals,
29:00 when it talks about nations or powers,
29:03 it tells both the bad and the good.
29:07 You know, sometimes in history they have tainted
29:10 and told only the good.
29:12 Scripture doesn't do that. It tells bad and good.
29:15 So tonight as we identify this little horn,
29:18 you've got to understand that we are talking about a power.
29:22 We are talking about a system.
29:25 We are not talking about people.
29:28 Please do not take what I say and apply it to an individual.
29:33 That would be wrong.
29:34 That would be just as wrong as could be.
29:37 Let me... let me illustrate what I mean.
29:41 I am a citizen of the United States of America.
29:44 Glad to be one.
29:45 Sometimes the United States government
29:49 does some things that I don't agree with.
29:52 Maybe they never do anything you don't agree with,
29:55 but sometimes they do things I don't agree with.
29:57 If they do something that you or I don't agree with,
30:01 does that make all the people in the United States bad people?
30:05 Huh? No!
30:08 So when I'm talking about this system tonight
30:10 don't take it and apply it to individuals... because
30:13 that isn't the way it's to be applied.
30:16 We are talking about history.
30:17 We are talking about something that happened in the past
30:22 as we come on down through time.
30:24 So look at it very clear because the scripture is very clear.
30:28 I'm going to give you 8 points
30:31 that the scripture gives to identify this power.
30:35 I want to say something else about that.
30:38 If you can take these 8 points
30:42 and make them fit any other power on the face of the earth
30:48 please tell me.
30:50 I'll listen to everything you have to say.
30:53 I have never been able to get it to fit any other power.
30:58 What I will tell you is don't do to me like one man did.
31:02 Came up to me after the meeting was over
31:04 and said: "Well, I disagree with you. "
31:06 And I said: "Well, that's OK.
31:09 You can disagree with me. "
31:11 He said: "Well, I just don't see it that way at all. "
31:13 And I said: "Tell me... how do you see it? "
31:16 "Oh, " he said, "I don't know what it means,
31:17 I just disagree with YOU. "
31:19 You know, you know... I hope that you will
31:21 be open enough that you'll take God's Word
31:24 and open it up and look and see and study it.
31:27 If you don't know what it means,
31:28 study it until you do have some conviction about it.
31:32 That is important.
31:33 OK. Let's see if it will identify
31:35 this little horn for us.
31:37 That's what we want to take a look at
31:40 is this little horn that's coming up among those ten.
31:44 All right.
31:46 Number one, first point:
31:57 That's the first point.
31:59 Second point:
32:04 I'm reading. This is a scripture, folks.
32:06 This is Daniel 7:24 and 25 and that's what I'm reading.
32:10 I've just broken it up and given you the points
32:13 that God uses to identify it.
32:15 Three:
32:20 Four:
32:23 Five:
32:27 Six:
32:31 Seven:
32:35 Eight:
32:40 Those are the eight points that God gives you and me
32:43 to identify with any question of a doubt
32:46 who this little horn is.
32:49 So now we're going to go back and take it step by step.
32:52 And watch how scripture and history bears out
32:55 exactly what God said.
33:08 Rise from what kingdom?
33:10 Well, this represents the fourth beast.
33:13 This fourth beast.
33:15 The fourth beast was who?
33:18 Pagan Rome.
33:19 So there's no use you going over into Asia
33:22 and start looking for the little horn.
33:25 There's no use you going to the United States
33:27 and start trying to find the little horn there.
33:30 There's no use you going over into Africa
33:32 trying to find the little horn there.
33:34 It had to come out of that kingdom which was pagan Rome.
33:39 So that little horn has to arise out of that kingdom.
33:43 You with me?
33:45 That's the first point.
33:46 Second point:
34:01 So the scripture tells us secondly
34:03 that this little horn was going to come up what?
34:07 "among them. "
34:09 So it makes it very clear that it had to rise
34:12 out of pagan Rome
34:13 but it had to come up among the ten horns.
34:16 That's where it had to come up.
34:19 Had to come up in western Europe.
34:22 It brings it right down to the location.
34:24 It tells you it had to arise in western Europe.
34:28 OK. Let's go to the third point.
34:32 These ten kings which we just talked about
34:37 and it said those... it said it came up...
34:40 Let me make one other point:
34:41 it says it came up "after them. "
34:44 Those ten kings came into existence in 476 AD.
34:49 When it says the little horn had to come up after them,
34:52 that means he had to come into existence after 476 AD.
34:57 And that little horn came into existence in 538 AD.
35:03 So it fulfills it. It came up in the pagan Roman Empire,
35:08 it came up among the ten horns,
35:10 and it came up "after them. "
35:12 OK?
35:16 What happened... what took place?
35:22 As these Germanic tribes moved down on the Roman Empire
35:28 they broke it apart.
35:29 There's a Roman emperor
35:32 that's trying to hold his
35:35 kingdom together. His name is
35:36 Justinian.
35:37 Justinian is fighting these Goths
35:42 trying to hold them back.
35:43 His general Belisarius is fighting them.
35:46 In the city of Rome, folks,
35:49 in the city of Rome the bishop of Rome...
35:53 The bishop of Rome - his name is Silverius.
35:56 Silverius is a godly man.
36:00 He's a man that loves the Lord.
36:02 He's a man that loves the people.
36:04 He tries to serve the people,
36:06 and Silverius has refused to have anything to do with the war
36:11 between Justinian and the Goths.
36:13 Since he is the bishop of Rome,
36:16 he has control of the city of Rome.
36:18 And any time the army of Belisarius got close
36:23 to the city of Rome, he had all the gates to the city
36:26 of Rome shut and refused to let them in.
36:28 If the Goths got close, he shut the gates
36:32 and refused to let them in.
36:35 Well, the Goths had backed Justinian's army
36:40 clear to the walls of the city of Rome.
36:43 Silverius has had all the gates shut.
36:48 It looks like Justinian's army is going to be wiped out.
36:54 So Belisarius has sent a note to Justinian saying:
36:57 "Do something for us or we're going to be wiped out. "
37:03 Justinian went to his wife.
37:05 Justinian's wife was a Christian.
37:08 She happened to be a friend of the bishop.
37:13 And he pled with her to ask the bishop to raise the gates
37:17 to the city of Rome to let his army in
37:20 and shut the gates and keep the Goths out to save his army.
37:24 She went to Silverius and pled with him.
37:28 And out of respect to her
37:31 he raised the gates to the city of Rome;
37:34 let the army in; shut the gates and kept the Goths out.
37:39 But... Justinian and Belisarius had already agreed
37:45 that if they got inside the city of Rome
37:48 they would banish the bishop.
37:51 Why?
37:53 Justinian sees his kingdom falling apart
37:56 and he thinks that since he can't control it politically
38:02 maybe he could control it religiously.
38:06 And so he banishes Silverius
38:09 and he takes and puts Virgilius on the seat of the bishop
38:14 as his puppet, and he thinks that through him
38:18 he can control it. That's why history says:
38:29 That's from the History of the Christian Church, volume 3.
38:32 That's exactly what happened.
38:35 Now that had great, great influence.
38:41 It had great - should I say - effect
38:45 upon the whole kingdom. We'll talk about that later on.
38:49 But remember the date: 538 AD.
38:52 All right. Next point:
38:57 Now I told you, Justinian felt that he couldn't control
39:02 his kingdom any longer politically
39:04 so he thought maybe he could control it religiously.
39:07 So with Virgilius taking the seat of the bishop
39:11 and working under Justinian,
39:13 all of a sudden you find the kingdom changing
39:16 and you find union of church and state.
39:19 No longer is it just a political power...
39:22 it is a religio-political power.
39:26 Church and state has come together.
39:29 That's why the scripture says it is "different. "
39:33 Different than it has been.
39:38 This is from the history book called
39:40 The Rise of The Medieval Church
39:42 by Alexander Flick.
39:44 And listen carefully. Very, very important
39:49 statement in history. This tells you what happened:
39:55 Now folks, let me... let me explain something.
39:59 Justinian, when he put Virgilius on the seat of the bishop,
40:05 he never intended Virgilius to be anything other than
40:10 the docile head of the department of religion.
40:13 That's all he intended for him to be.
40:15 But history says that the bishop of Rome seized the scepter
40:21 and stepped to the seat of Caesar.
40:24 And this is what it says happened. Watch:
40:36 And I want you to listen to this word...
40:38 "And was soon" what?
40:41 "Forced. " You need to keep that very clear.
40:44 This wasn't something that he just intended to do.
40:47 It was forced upon him...
40:54 All of a sudden he found himself not just the head of the church.
40:58 He finds himself the head of the government.
41:19 So all of a sudden you find the power that has been
41:22 in the state all of a sudden now the religious head has.
41:27 And so you find union of church and state taking place.
41:33 It's a different power than it has been before.
41:44 Thus it changes.
41:55 When these Germanic people - the Goths, the Anglo-Saxons,
41:59 the Franks, the Heruli, the Vandals -
42:01 when they moved down on the Roman Empire,
42:04 moved down and began to run over the Roman Empire,
42:09 the Christian people that lived in the Roman Empire
42:12 remembered the commission that Christ had given
42:14 to the Christians, and He told them they were to preach
42:16 the gospel in Jerusalem, Samara, and to where?
42:19 To the ends of the earth.
42:21 So when they went out, they found these Germanic people
42:26 with open hearts. They found people who were willing
42:30 to accept the gospel and they preached Jesus Christ
42:33 to these Anglo-Saxons, these Franks, the Heruli, the Vandals.
42:36 And these people accepted Christianity.
42:40 That is the reason, folks, western Europe is Christian
42:44 to this day. OK?
42:47 But among those powers that accepted Christianity
42:51 there were three tribes...
42:54 These three tribes - the Visigoths,
42:59 Heruli, the Vandals...
43:02 When they went in and preached to these, these people
43:05 taught a belief to these people that was called Arianism.
43:11 Arianism says that Jesus Christ was a good man.
43:14 Says He was a prophet,
43:17 but it says He was not divine.
43:21 Teaches that He wasn't divine.
43:23 Those 3 tribes accepted that.
43:27 That was very offensive to Justinian,
43:31 to Virgilius, and to those of the church.
43:35 And since it had become a state as well as just a church
43:39 they sent out their army and they had those 3 tribes
43:45 wiped out.
43:47 Now folks, if you don't believe what I'm telling you tonight
43:51 I invite you to go to the library and check me out.
43:55 Listen, the descendants of the Alamanni are the Germans.
43:59 The descendants of the Franks are the French.
44:02 The descendants of the Anglo- Saxons are the English.
44:06 You cannot find any descendants to the Visigoths,
44:11 the Heruli, and the Vandals.
44:14 The Bible says that he would pull them up by the roots,
44:18 and that's exactly what took place
44:21 just as the scripture said it would.
44:23 "He shall speak pompous words against the Most High. "
44:28 Now folks, you remember as we studied what Paul said
44:32 there in Corinthians, he said that this power would
44:35 put himself in the place of God.
44:37 That's what it said: "He would show himself to be God. "
44:40 That's what he said. So I want to share with you
44:42 just some things. You have to judge it for yourself.
44:45 Again, I am not talking about people.
44:48 I'm talking about a power; I'm talking about a system.
44:52 The papacy claims two things that belong only to God.
44:58 They don't belong to anybody else but God.
45:01 It says it would speak "pompous words. "
45:04 Let's look at what those two things are.
45:26 It says that the priest has the power to forgive sins.
45:30 Can you remember the other night when I studied with you
45:33 and when Jesus told that paralytic
45:35 "your sins are forgiven, "
45:37 do you remember what the Pharisees said?
45:39 They said: "Blasphemy! "
45:42 Only God can forgive sins.
45:46 You'll find that taught in scripture.
45:49 Says here the priest can forgive sins.
45:53 Secondly,
46:10 Let me read you one other.
46:29 So when it says he would speak great words or pompous words
46:33 as far as I'm trying to tell you is history
46:36 has borne that out that he has done just that.
46:42 Now folks, I want to try to make something clear,
46:45 because this doesn't apply just to this power.
46:49 Any time if you want to go and get your history book,
46:52 you want to go to the library and you want to read
46:54 and study, you'll find that any time in history
46:57 that a church - I don't care what church it is -
47:01 has taken state power...
47:04 Any time a church has taken on state power
47:08 it's persecuted.
47:10 I don't care whether you're talking about Lutherans
47:13 or whether you're talking about Baptists.
47:15 Whether you're talking about Roman Catholic.
47:16 I don't care what you're talking about,
47:18 when that church has assumed state power,
47:21 it has persecuted.
47:23 A church is not capable of handling state power
47:28 and it should never be placed in the hands of a church.
47:31 Why?
47:33 Because a church - I don't care what church it is -
47:36 they believe what they believe to be the truth.
47:40 And if you don't believe like they do,
47:44 then they're going to persecute.
47:47 That has always happened.
47:49 So what I'm reading to you tonight, don't be shocked at.
47:53 If you don't understand, you want to read it,
47:55 then go to the library. I'll name some books for you.
47:58 You can read Fox's Book of Martyrs.
48:00 Or you can Read Short Stories of the Reformation.
48:02 Or you can read The History of the Reformation by d'Aubigné.
48:06 Or you can read Here I Stand by Bainton.
48:08 Or you can read The History of Europe by Quabbin
48:11 and they will all tell you what I am sharing with you tonight.
48:14 All you have to do is read about the Massacre of St. Bartholomew
48:19 where they slew 60,000 Huguenots one Sunday morning.
48:22 Or read about the persecution of the Waldensian people.
48:32 That's a history book.
48:40 You find that shocking?
48:42 You must understand she has existed longer
48:45 than any other institution.
48:47 OK?
48:54 So when it says that this power would persecute the saints
48:57 of the Most High, all I'm trying to do tonight is to tell you
49:01 that she has fulfilled that.
49:11 Going to be "given into his hand for a time,
49:13 times, and a half a time. "
49:15 Now God is very, very accurate in what He does.
49:20 He tells you exactly how to count time in prophecy.
49:24 Watch carefully as He tells you how to do this:
49:27 it says that this power would think to change what?
49:34 Now, if all these other points we're talking about
49:36 have fallen true, this should fall true.
49:38 So has it changed that of law?
49:43 OK? Listen. This is a statement taken from history,
49:47 and it says:
49:57 It's a statement; that's what they say...
49:59 that they can change it.
50:01 Have they changed it?
50:02 Well let me read to you from their own Catechism
50:06 because this is what we're talking about: changing law.
50:10 Listen. This is what they've done.
50:11 You take the 10 Commandments.
50:13 If you read in the Catechism you'll find they did away
50:16 with the second commandment.
50:18 You won't find it in the Catechism.
50:20 You'll find it in the scripture but not in the Catechism.
50:22 If you take a look at the 4th Commandment,
50:25 they shortened the 4th Commandment
50:27 from 94 words to 8 words.
50:30 Literally... just shortened it that much...
50:33 from 94 words to 8 words.
50:37 Third, they divided the 10th Commandment
50:40 into two commandments.
50:42 So you find when it talks about they would change the law
50:45 of God, they have changed the law of God.
50:48 Now folks, again, I am talking about a power.
50:51 I'm talking about a system in the past.
50:54 I am not talking about individuals.
50:56 There are many, many individuals within this particular
51:00 fellowship or this particular belief that are sincere
51:04 Christian people.
51:05 And if you take what I'm saying tonight
51:08 and you apply it to an individual,
51:10 you are doing the wrong thing.
51:13 OK? So please understand what I'm saying.
51:17 Secondly, the scripture helps you and I
51:23 and from tonight on, folks, you ought to be able to study
51:26 prophecy and apply time and see how God uses it.
51:30 For God tells us exactly how to count time.
51:33 Ezekiel 4 verse 6 says:
51:41 So when you're studying Bible prophecy
51:43 a day will simply represent one year.
51:47 That's what a day will represent.
51:50 Let's look at another text.
52:04 So here again God said: "I'm going to give you a day
52:07 to represent a year. "
52:09 So when we look at this particular prophecy
52:12 we find that God talks about that they would be given
52:16 into his hand for a time, times, and a half a time.
52:21 Now in the Bible, a time represents one year.
52:24 OK. Since a day represents a year,
52:28 if you pick up your Bible and you begin to study it
52:31 you'll find there are 360 days in a Biblical year.
52:36 If you need help with that, go to Genesis the 5th chapter
52:39 where it talks about Noah and the flood.
52:41 It'll tell you very clear there are 360 days
52:44 in a Biblical year. OK?
52:46 So if I've got one time, that's 360 days.
52:50 Times means two years... that's 720.
52:54 And a dividing of time or a half a time
52:57 represents a half a year which is 180.
52:59 If you add those together, that gives you 1,260 days
53:04 and each day represents one year.
53:07 OK?
53:09 Now let's see what happens.
53:11 I told you the papal power, this little horn,
53:15 came into being in what year?
53:18 538 AD... that's when Virgilius ascended the throne.
53:23 538 AD. If I add 1,260 years
53:29 to 538 it takes me to when?
53:33 Takes you to 1798 AD.
53:37 Now folks, something very, very important happened
53:43 in 1798 AD.
53:46 I mean extremely important happened in 1798 AD.
53:50 But that's as far as I'm going to take you tonight.
53:55 If you want to know what happened in 1798 AD,
53:57 you've got to be here Friday night.
53:59 OK?
54:02 And I can assure you, it's very important that you know
54:05 what happened in 1798 AD.
54:06 But I want you to watch as we put together
54:10 what we've learned. And I want to take you just a step farther
54:14 because there's some fantastic things, folks,
54:16 that you need to apply here as we look at it tonight.
54:21 As we take a look at scripture
54:24 and we're trying to see where we are,
54:28 God here in the book of Daniel, folks,
54:31 He is stressing... He is stressing over and over
54:35 some points that you and I must understand
54:38 so that we'll be ready for His coming.
54:41 And He's telling you "I'm telling you these things
54:44 before it happens. "
54:53 God's saying: "Listen, I want you to know this
54:56 so you'll believe. " So watch carefully tonight,
54:58 dear friend, please watch... because you're going to see
55:01 where we are and what God has to say.
55:05 Listen:
55:07 We found the head of gold on the image represented who?
55:13 Babylon.
55:15 The lion tonight represented
55:17 Babylon.
55:19 The arms and breasts of silver
55:22 represented Medo-Persia.
55:25 The bear represented
55:28 Medo-Persia.
55:30 The belly and thighs of bronze
55:35 represented Greece.
55:37 The leopard beast represented
55:39 Greece.
55:40 The legs of iron
55:43 represented pagan Rome.
55:44 The dragon represented
55:47 pagan Rome.
55:48 Then from there you remember
55:50 we went to the ten toes.
55:52 And the ten toes were
55:53 those ten Germanic tribes.
55:55 And in Daniel 7
55:57 the ten horns on that beast
55:59 represented the ten Germanic tribes.
56:01 All that was repeat for you
56:03 tonight. But then we went
56:05 to this little horn
56:07 which represented
56:09 the papal power
56:10 that came into existence.
56:12 OK, we've enlarged on that.
56:15 So now you've seen another power
56:17 taking us clear down to 1798 AD.
56:22 And it says that his kingdom
56:24 would go to 1798 AD.
56:26 Now watch what the 7th chapter
56:29 of Daniel does
56:31 when it talks about this little horn.
56:34 OK. We're talking about the little horn: the papal power.
56:38 You'll find that little horn is mentioned in Daniel 7 verse 8.
56:43 OK. It's mentioned again in Daniel 7, verses 20 and 21.
56:49 OK, you with me?
56:50 It's mentioned again in Daniel 7 verses 24 and 25.
56:55 All those talk about the little horn.
56:59 Scripture says that when that little horn comes to an end
57:04 the judgment begins.
57:08 Watch. It talks about the judgment. And you'll find that
57:14 in Daniel 7 verses 9-12.
57:18 Are you with me?
57:21 You not only find it in Daniel 7 verse 9-12 but
57:24 Daniel 7 verse 22 talks about the judgment.
57:28 And Daniel 7 verse 26 talks about the judgment.
57:32 So the Bible says that when this little horn comes to an end
57:37 the judgment is going to take place.
57:40 And then the Bible says that when the judgment ends
57:44 do you know what it says is going to happen?
57:46 Says God's going to set up His kingdom!
57:49 Watch:
57:55 talks about God setting up His kingdom.
57:58 Daniel 7:22 talks about God setting up His kingdom.
58:02 Daniel 7 verse 27 talks about God setting up His kingdom.
58:07 So when you take a look at this 7th chapter of Daniel
58:11 it takes all those things and lines them up for you and I.
58:15 And this is simply what it's telling us:
58:26 After the little horn,
58:28 the scripture says you've got the judgment.
58:31 And after the judgment, you have the kingdom of God.
58:35 Are you getting an idea of where we are in the stream of time?
58:39 Hmmm? Are you beginning to get the picture?
58:45 To obtain a copy of this program or for more information
58:48 please write to:


Revised 2014-12-17