Time Of The End

Power Of The Cross

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Kenneth Cox


Series Code: TOTE

Program Code: TOTE000003

00:02 Can you believe it?
00:04 Can you build your faith on it?
00:08 The promises of God's Word are sure.
00:12 They do not fail.
00:17 This book has stood the test of time.
00:29 Heavenly Father,
00:32 tonight as we look at the sacrifice that Your Son,
00:37 Jesus Christ, made in our behalf...
00:43 Lord, help us to understand.
00:46 May our minds be clear.
00:50 May they be open to the direction and guidance
00:54 of the Holy Spirit.
00:56 We pray, Lord, that we may see
01:00 all that was done upon the cross of Calvary
01:05 and that we might by faith reach out and take hold
01:11 of the provisions and receive the gift
01:14 of life eternal.
01:17 For this we ask in Christ's name, Amen.
01:29 As Communism was coming to an end
01:32 I had the opportunity
01:35 to visit a city out
01:39 on the outskirts of Russia
01:41 right almost to China.
01:43 A city by the name of Vladivostok.
01:45 Now Vladivostok is the... kind of the naval port
01:49 for the Russian fleet.
01:51 A city of about 2,000,000 people.
01:53 And I had the opportunity to go in there and spend
01:56 several weeks working to help establish Christianity
02:00 there in Vladivostok.
02:02 And so while I was there
02:04 I went out and walked through one of their cemeteries.
02:07 Their cemeteries are a little bit different than ours
02:12 in the fact that on the tombstones they have a picture
02:15 of the person who has died so when you look at it
02:17 you can tell who has passed away.
02:19 But I noticed that as I was looking there that the
02:23 tombstones that had been erected
02:25 since the time that Communism started...
02:28 they were just very plain tombstones.
02:32 There was no symbolism of anything on them.
02:35 I got to looking, and the tomb- stones that had been erected
02:39 before Communism had come into being
02:43 had symbolism on them, or did have...
02:46 They had come in and they had chiseled off
02:48 every cross, every sign of Christianity at all.
02:54 You see the cross... the cross is a symbol of hope.
02:59 They didn't want those people to understand that the cross
03:03 offered to any of them anything more than Communism would offer.
03:07 And so they tried to do away with anything
03:09 that represented Christianity or offered to them
03:13 any hope at all.
03:14 To you and I the cross is a symbol of salvation.
03:19 It's a symbol of hope.
03:21 It offers to us eternal life.
03:23 It offers to us something that you and I don't have
03:27 of ourselves.
03:30 The cross... today we see it on buildings.
03:35 On churches. We see it on books.
03:39 In fact, there is more jewelry
03:42 made in the symbol of a cross than any other thing
03:45 because people get a cross and to them it offers to them
03:50 life. It offers to them hope.
03:53 It presents something.
03:56 Offers to them something that you can't have
04:00 any other way.
04:03 The scripture has this to say about it.
04:06 I Corinthians 1 verse 18:
04:21 Now to the person who doesn't know Jesus Christ
04:24 who hasn't accepted Him, true enough... the cross
04:27 probably is foolishness to that person.
04:29 But to the individual that has reached out in faith
04:33 and accepted Christ, it is the power of God.
04:38 You know we sing that song:
04:40 On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross...
04:48 You see, the cross - to you and to me -
04:52 is a sign of hope.
04:54 It's a sign of eternal life.
04:57 It's a sign that God has done something special
05:00 for you and me. But that's not the way it was
05:04 in the days of Jesus Christ.
05:06 The cross was a symbol of torture.
05:10 It was a symbol of shame.
05:13 It was a... it was a symbol of
05:15 someone who had been convicted of a crime.
05:20 And by the way, the crucifixion
05:25 didn't take place out on a hill far away.
05:31 The crucifixion took place right outside Jerusalem
05:35 right beside the street
05:40 so that as the people walked by they could see
05:43 those men hanging there.
05:46 And it was a statement that they were guilty.
05:50 That's what it was a statement of: that they were guilty.
05:53 It was a warning to anyone else who might think
05:56 of trying to do what these men had done.
06:00 And so you find the scripture says that they were convicted
06:04 criminals. They had been tried
06:06 and they had been convicted.
06:08 And so as they hung there on the cross
06:11 it was a statement of this.
06:13 And thus it reads here in Mark 15:28:
06:24 He was numbered with the transgressors, so as people
06:28 walked down the street they could see them hanging there.
06:32 That's the reason the scripture
06:35 talking about the death of Jesus Christ
06:38 reads this way:
06:43 Matthew 27:39... "And those who... " what?
06:47 "passed by... " They're walking down the street
07:05 They are walking down the streets. There they hung:
07:09 a statement that they had been tried, convicted;
07:12 they were guilty. And they said: "If You're the Son of God,
07:15 come on down off the cross. "
07:16 Even the religious leaders of the day joined in,
07:21 because it goes on in the scripture and says:
07:36 If You are what You claim to be...
07:40 come down off the cross.
07:47 They said: "If You're what You said You are,
07:49 come down off the cross. THEN we'll believe You. "
07:53 Tried, convicted. For the crime
07:58 of claiming to be a king, the Son of God,
08:04 the Messiah, the Deliverer of Israel,
08:08 they hung Him on a cross.
08:10 Died in shame.
08:14 In fact, in the book of Hebrews 12th chapter verse 2,
08:18 it says:
08:34 So it says that He endured the cross,
08:37 despising the shame.
08:41 You understand what it means when it says
08:44 "He endured the cross? "
08:46 Let me tonight tell you a little bit about the
08:49 crucifixion of Jesus.
08:51 Maybe you'll understand a little bit
08:55 of what He went through
08:57 to save you...
08:59 to purchase your salvation.
09:01 You must understand that Jesus is not like you and I.
09:07 You must understand that He had the ability
09:10 to see it before it happened.
09:13 He knew every character.
09:17 He knew that Judas was going to betray Him.
09:19 He knew everyone that would be there involved in the
09:24 crucifixion.
09:25 He knew all that before it happened.
09:27 So when He went to the Garden of Gethsemane, folks,
09:31 He's going there fully conscious
09:35 of what's about to take place.
09:37 He knows what's about to happen to Him.
09:42 He also knows that at this time now
09:46 all the sins of mankind
09:50 is being placed on Him. He knows that.
09:54 The scripture says that He bore our sins.
09:59 So all the sins of the world are being poured upon Him.
10:02 He also understands that sin
10:06 is offensive not only to Him but to His Father.
10:12 Therefore, He knows that as He bears all the sins of the world
10:16 that those sins are separating Himself from His Father.
10:21 And that's why He cries out: "My God, My God,
10:25 why hast Thou forsaken Me? "
10:26 Because He knows that's what's taking place.
10:31 Therefore when He's there,
10:34 He is under great psychological stress
10:39 like you and I can't understand because He sees this all
10:44 vividly before it takes place. And that is why
10:49 it says that He sweat drops of blood.
10:54 You see, that is a condition - a medical condition -
10:58 called hematohidrosis...
11:01 what happens when a person is under tremendous
11:05 psychological stress.
11:08 Then a chemical is released
11:11 that breaks down some of the capillaries in the sweat gland
11:15 and it releases into it small amounts of blood
11:18 and it causes them to sweat blood.
11:22 But more than that, hematohidrosis
11:26 it also makes the skin extremely sensitive and fragile.
11:32 So He sweats drops of blood.
11:37 The mob comes
11:39 and they take Him away to a mockery of a trial.
11:46 And Pilate, Herod... trying to hope that some way
11:50 they might appease the crowd
11:54 have Him flogged.
11:56 Do you... have you ever read about Roman flogging?
12:02 See the art of Roman flogging, folks,
12:06 is to inflict upon that person
12:10 as much pain as possible without killing them.
12:15 That's the art of it.
12:17 So, by rights they're supposed to give them 39 stripes...
12:22 40 stripes save one.
12:27 But that all depends upon the soldier and how he's feeling.
12:32 The whip that they're going to use
12:35 is leather thongs.
12:38 In the end of them are steel balls
12:43 so that as they lay that whip across the back
12:47 of that individual
12:49 those steel balls bruise and make contusions.
12:53 And as they hit time and time again
12:57 they break open the skin.
13:01 In fact, it cuts because in those thongs,
13:06 those leather thongs, are little pieces of bone.
13:09 And the art of flogging is not just to hit the person
13:13 but when you hit them to pull it
13:16 so that those pieces of bones
13:18 cut every welt all the way down.
13:22 They're going to lay that across their back
13:25 from the back of the neck all the way down to the back
13:30 across the buttocks and the lower legs
13:33 until that whole part is bloody and open.
13:38 I could describe to you what historians
13:40 and people back then told about Roman flogging
13:43 and how it would even lay open the spine.
13:47 When they do this, it causes a person to go into
13:53 what is called hypovolemic shock.
13:57 It's a Latin word that simply means: hypo means low,
14:03 volemic... vo means volume,
14:05 lemic means blood.
14:07 It just means the loss of a great lot of blood.
14:11 And so as the person is bleeding and losing all this blood
14:14 it brings about several things
14:16 in their life. One...
14:18 since they are losing so much
14:21 blood, it causes the heart
14:23 to beat faster trying to take care
14:26 of the situation since they're losing so much blood.
14:31 Secondly, since they're losing so much fluids
14:37 their kidneys shut down
14:40 to save the loss of fluids.
14:45 Thirdly, it causes them to be tremendously thirsty
14:49 and also it causes their blood pressure to drop
14:53 so drastically that they become very dizzy and faint.
14:57 Now you can begin to put together some of the things
14:59 that happened to Jesus.
15:00 Because you remember, as they laid that cross on Him
15:04 and He's carrying it out to Golgotha,
15:07 you remember He staggered and fell.
15:10 Fainted because He's in hypovolemic shock.
15:13 That's what's happening to Him.
15:15 Also, that's why when He's hanging there on the cross
15:18 He cries out "I thirst... " because He's lost so much fluid.
15:22 They're going to take Him to the cross.
15:29 They laid Him out on the cross bar
15:34 and they're going to drive nails through His hands.
15:41 Those nails are going to pierce a nerve in here
15:45 called the median nerve.
15:47 You know what that's like?
15:49 You ever hit your funny bone?
15:52 OK, that's the ulnar nerve.
15:56 It's like if you took that nerve with a pair of pliers
16:01 and twisted it.
16:03 That's what it'd be like to have a nail driven through that.
16:06 And then they're going to hoist Him up there on the cross
16:09 and then they're going to drive nails through His feet
16:12 to pin them to the cross.
16:14 And again, piercing the nerve.
16:17 I'm trying to get across to you when the scripture says
16:20 that He endured the cross, you get a little idea
16:23 of what He endured for you and for me.
16:26 This is what He's going through.
16:29 When they put Him on the cross and they drop Him,
16:36 that stretches His arms about six inches.
16:40 That means both arms are going to become dislocated.
16:44 The moment He falls into that position,
16:48 then all of a sudden the only way He can breathe
16:54 is inhale.
16:56 To be able to exhale
16:59 He has to push Himself up with His feet
17:02 to be able to inhale air... and then He can exhale,
17:07 thus rubbing his bloody back on the cross.
17:12 Strength giving away, step by step.
17:15 His heart is beating much, much faster
17:18 because of the great amount of blood that He's lost
17:22 and He's going to die of cardiac arrest.
17:26 That's why it says this in scripture:
17:48 Why are they going to break their legs?
17:50 Well see, that's the way they can breathe.
17:54 Because they're pulled down there and they can't breathe
17:56 unless they can push up with their legs.
17:58 And so if they came and took an iron and broke their leg
18:02 then they couldn't push up and they would suffocate
18:05 to death. Hasten their death...
18:08 that's what they're trying to do.
18:24 You see, Jesus didn't die
18:29 from necessarily the crucifixion.
18:32 He died from cardiac arrest
18:36 that took place. And thus you find that as He died there
18:39 it says:
18:44 Because his heart had ruptured,
18:48 separated there. And when it pierced His side
18:51 blood and water came out.
18:53 This is what He endured, friends.
18:55 This is what the Son of God endured
18:58 that you might be saved.
19:04 I want to go a step farther,
19:05 because the scripture doesn't say
19:07 that He just endured the cross.
19:10 It says He "despised the shame. "
19:17 Now do you understand shame?
19:19 Do you understand what it means when it says
19:23 "despising the shame? "
19:24 Let me identify for you what shame is
19:28 because the scripture gives you some indications.
19:31 In the book of Revelation it says this:
19:48 You read through the scripture and any time someone
19:53 revealed their naked body, that in the scripture was a shame.
20:00 OK? When it says "despising the shame, "
20:04 this is what happened. This is what took place.
20:19 They stripped Him naked.
20:21 Hung Him on the cross
20:25 without any clothes.
20:52 Now folks, it's one thing...
20:56 It's one thing to take a man
21:02 and treat him with such shame.
21:06 But let me tell you, it's something entirely different
21:10 to treat the Son of God that way.
21:14 And that's what they did. He endured the cross,
21:18 despising the shame,
21:22 for you and for me.
21:25 Till today, because He went through all that,
21:28 He suffered that, He went through all the shame,
21:31 thus the cross offers a great amount of hope.
21:40 You see, homicide.
21:47 Terrible. Terrible when somebody goes out and
21:51 kills another human being.
21:53 How horrible.
21:56 But sin is exceedingly sinful
22:00 when its deicide.
22:03 When it kills its God.
22:09 The worst thing that sin ever did is when it took
22:12 the Savior and hung Him on a cross...
22:15 the murdered victim of our sins.
22:19 That's what Jesus did.
22:21 Have you thought about this, folks?
22:23 If Jesus - who only had imputed sin...
22:29 Do you understand what I'm saying when I say
22:31 imputed sin? Do you know what I mean?
22:33 When I say He has imputed sin
22:36 that means He didn't sin.
22:37 That means the sin was placed upon Him.
22:40 Imputed. It wasn't something He did; it was placed upon Him.
22:44 When Jesus only had imputed sin
22:48 and He had to suffer like this for your sins and mine,
22:54 then I want to ask you:
22:56 if Jesus the spotless, the perfect, the divine Son of God
23:02 had to suffer like that
23:05 for your sins and mine,
23:08 then I wonder how you and I might suffer
23:12 if we neglect so great a salvation.
23:15 That He did for each one of us
23:21 here this evening.
23:36 Now, to that person who doesn't know Christ
23:39 maybe it doesn't mean anything,
23:41 but to you and I it is the what?
23:46 "Power of God. "
23:48 That's what I want to talk to you about tonight:
23:50 the power of the cross.
23:52 What it can do for you as an individual tonight.
23:56 That power that it's talking about there, dear friend,
23:59 that power is divine.
24:01 I'm not talking about human power...
24:05 I'm talking about divine power
24:07 that can take an individual - I don't care who he is -
24:10 and can change his heart
24:11 and make him totally and completely different.
24:15 I'm talking about an individual
24:21 like a fellow that came to my meetings.
24:23 It's the only body... only person that I can ever remember
24:26 that I wished wouldn't come.
24:30 This man came every night...
24:34 usually, about half drunk.
24:38 That didn't bother me.
24:40 I usually have somebody in the audience about half drunk
24:42 every meeting I've ever had.
24:44 So that didn't bother me.
24:46 But he had a great big beard,
24:50 and that didn't bother me
24:51 either. I believe if God put the
24:53 whiskers there, well...
24:54 it's your privilege if you want to let them grow.
24:57 But he chewed tobacco.
25:00 That didn't bother me either because I grew up
25:02 with people chewing tobacco... so that really didn't bother me.
25:05 But he let the tobacco juice run out of the corners of his mouth
25:08 till it filled that whole beard full of tobacco juice.
25:11 And he smelled horrible... THAT bothered me!
25:15 Because, you know, if he sat down by anybody,
25:18 they got up and moved. And I really don't blame them...
25:20 I would have too, you know.
25:22 Each night when we got to the end of the service,
25:24 he'd come up and shake my hand and all he ever said to me is
25:26 "you stepped on my toes. "
25:29 We got down to the end of the meetings.
25:32 I gave an invitation for people to come and give their hearts
25:35 to Christ. First one out of their seat was that man.
25:38 Come down the aisle. As he came down the aisle I said
25:41 "Why, Lord? Why this man?
25:43 He'll come down here and there'll not be another soul
25:46 come down here because he came. "
25:48 And that's exactly what happened.
25:50 Mean exactly what happened. Not another person budged.
25:54 But he was dead serious.
25:57 Dead serious.
25:59 I saw that man give his heart to the Lord.
26:03 I saw his whole life change.
26:07 I saw him change from a drunkard.
26:11 I saw him move his wife and six children out of a hovel
26:14 and into a decent home.
26:17 I watched as I pastored that church.
26:21 He became the head deacon of my church.
26:25 I'm talking about the power of God.
26:28 And I don't care who you are tonight.
26:31 I don't care what your situation is.
26:33 I don't care where you've been.
26:35 I don't care how bad you've been.
26:37 The power of God can change you because that power is divine
26:42 and it can change your life
26:44 if you and I are just willing to step out and accept it.
26:47 Listen to what it says:
26:58 It can change a person's life.
27:01 How strong is that power?
27:02 Jesus spent 3-1/2 years ministering on the earth.
27:06 You can read the stories, and there was a few people
27:09 and a few disciples that followed Him...
27:11 but not very many.
27:13 But when He died, when He hung there on the cross,
27:16 and He paid the price, and He came forth from the grave,
27:20 you want to see what happened?
27:22 Huh? You want to see what happened when that took place?
27:25 Listen. This is what happened:
27:32 But listen... Acts... Acts 2:22:
27:48 This is Peter preaching. He's talking about Jesus Christ.
27:52 This is after the resurrection.
27:53 This is after Jesus went back to heaven.
27:55 Watch:
28:07 Telling them what happened...
28:30 Peter stood there and he preached that Jesus Christ
28:33 had died for them; that He had paid the price for them.
28:36 That He had risen from the grave and that He was alive.
28:39 And they were cut to the heart and they said:
28:41 "What must we do? "
28:42 Watch what happens:
29:09 You're talking about the power of the gospel.
29:11 The power to change lives... one day, three thousand
29:15 gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ.
29:18 He can take you and change your life.
29:24 Make it totally and completely different.
29:35 This is the area, folks, where I find
29:39 so many don't understand.
29:41 I didn't understand.
29:44 I didn't understand for a long time.
29:47 You see, we're so inclined to do it ourselves.
29:52 And I run onto people who live miserable Christian lives
29:58 because they've never understood this.
30:00 Listen carefully:
30:07 Now He told Jeremiah here in the 18th chapter
30:10 to go down to the potter's house.
30:24 It was marred in the hand of who?
30:26 In the hand of the potter.
30:29 Now watch who has the power.
30:32 Who has the power here tonight?
30:35 The potter or the clay?
30:38 Now come on, let's get it clear. Who has the power...
30:41 the potter or the clay?
30:43 The potter, OK.
30:56 Folks, you and I...
31:02 our only responsibility
31:06 is to be submissive to the potter.
31:10 Are you following me?
31:12 That's all that God asks
31:15 is that you and I be submissive to the potter.
31:20 That I let Him do His work in my life.
31:24 Listen as Paul goes on about this same subject:
31:55 You and I are nothing but vessels of clay
31:58 and God is the potter.
32:01 And He can make that vessel whatever He wants it to be.
32:05 And if you and I will submit,
32:08 if we will be humble,
32:12 if we will not be proud,
32:15 if we will submit to the working of God in our hearts,
32:20 He will make us into the vessel that He wants us to be.
32:24 This is what God wants to do for you.
32:48 Now in the home that I grew up we had vessels of honor
32:51 and dishonor in it. Didn't your home?
32:54 Sure. My mother in the dining room had a china cabinet
32:58 in which she kept vessels of honor.
33:01 And when we had company - we had special guests -
33:05 she would go to the china cabinet
33:07 and would take out the vessels of honor
33:09 and feed us all on the vessels of honor.
33:12 But boy when the company left
33:14 all the vessels of honor went back in the china cabinet
33:17 and we ate out of dishes in the kitchen cabinet
33:20 of dishonor. You understand what I'm talking about?
33:23 OK. That's up to the potter.
33:25 He can make whatever vessel He pleases.
33:29 But the scripture says here
33:31 if you and I will submit,
33:33 if you and I will turn our lives over to Him,
33:36 if we will be submissive,
33:38 He will make us a vessel of honor.
33:42 That's what He will do for us.
33:44 That is the power of God.
33:52 That's what God wants to do for you tonight.
33:55 He wants to make you a vessel sanctified for His purpose
34:00 to use for His purpose.
34:03 And if you and I will do that, we will be a vessel of honor.
34:06 But dear friend, let me tell you something,
34:08 that's God's work... not yours.
34:12 God's work. All you and I must do is submit.
34:19 J don't know if you ever heard the story of the Persian prince?
34:24 This Persian prince one day reached down and picked up
34:29 a piece of clay.
34:30 And as he was just rolling the clay in his hand
34:34 he smelled it. Had a marvelous smell to it.
34:40 wonderful. And he said to the clay:
34:43 "Where did you get your wonderful fragrance? "
34:47 "Oh, " the clay said,
34:50 "they laid me beside a rose
34:53 and I drank in its fragrance. "
34:56 Friend tonight, I'm just telling you that if you
35:02 walk with Jesus Christ, you fellowship with Jesus Christ,
35:07 the Rose of Sharon will change your life
35:12 and you will put forth a fragrance
35:15 of the marvelous love of Jesus Christ that comes no other way.
35:20 God will do that for you.
35:38 What a difference it makes!
35:41 What a difference it makes in my life.
35:46 II Corinthians 5:21. Let me tell you right now:
35:50 if you don't have this text underlined in your Bible,
35:54 if you don't have it highlighted,
35:57 don't go to sleep tonight until you do.
36:00 Go home, get your Bible out and dear friend,
36:04 get you a highlighter - get you something -
36:07 but mark that text and don't ever forget it.
36:10 Listen to it:
36:19 Marvelous!
36:21 "Took Him who knew no sin to be sin for us
36:26 that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. "
36:32 I have been looking for someone for years.
36:37 Every place I go I look for that individual that I can find.
36:42 You see, I have a pen here.
36:47 It's a good pen.
36:48 I use it; it writes OK. It's a nice pen.
36:52 But I have been looking for someone,
36:55 I have been hunting for someone,
36:57 who will be willing to trade me
37:00 a Mercedes for my fountain pen.
37:05 I'd be happy to just trade somebody
37:10 my fountain pen for a Mercedes.
37:13 You say: "Well, yeah, you would.
37:16 That person's crazy if he does that:
37:19 trade you a Mercedes for a fountain pen. "
37:22 Well, my friends, listen.
37:26 That's what that text says.
37:28 It says that God - or Jesus Christ -
37:31 is walking into this room here tonight...
37:35 walking into this room and He's saying to you:
37:38 "I'll tell you what, if you'll give Me your sins,
37:45 I'll give you My righteousness. "
37:47 That's what that text says.
37:50 Jesus says: "If you'll just give Me your sins,
37:54 I'll give you My righteousness. "
37:59 Aren't you willing to do that?
38:01 Aren't you willing to do that? Am I hearing right?
38:05 That He'll give me His righteousness
38:08 if I'll just give Him my sins?
38:11 Oh, absolutely, friend.
38:14 Absolutely I'll give Him my sins.
38:18 I hope that you would.
38:20 The scripture gives a perfect illustration of this
38:23 as far as I'm concerned.
38:25 Jesus was talking to Nicodemus.
38:28 You remember He said to Nicodemus, He said:
38:31 "You've got to be born again. "
38:33 And Nicodemus said: "What do You mean?
38:35 I've got to be born of my mother a second time? "
38:38 And Jesus said: "No, Nicodemus.
38:41 That which is born of flesh is flesh,
38:42 and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. "
38:45 And Nicodemus said: "I don't understand.
38:48 I don't understand what you're talking about. "
38:51 And Jesus said to Nicodemus... He said:
39:07 And Nicodemus all of a sudden remembered
39:10 about the children of Israel being out in the wilderness.
39:13 And they were out in the wilderness, and God said to them
39:18 "This is the way you need to go. That way. "
39:21 And they said: "Lord, that's pretty rough.
39:27 That's rocky and steep that way.
39:31 And, Lord, we can get to the land of Canaan this way
39:35 and it's much flatter... not near as steep. "
39:40 And the Lord said: "No, no.
39:43 You don't want to go that way you want to go this way. "
39:46 And they said: "Lord, You haven't forgotten that we've got
39:50 the women and the children and the cattle.
39:52 And there's mountains here and the terrain is hard, and
39:56 the path is narrow and all those things, Lord. "
39:58 And the Lord said: "That's the way you want to go. "
40:00 And they said: "But, Lord, it'll take us a little longer
40:03 but it will be so much easier on the children and on the
40:06 cattle and everything if we'd go this way. "
40:08 And the Lord said: "You really don't want to go that way.
40:11 You want to go this way. "
40:13 And they said: "Lord, that's just too hard;
40:15 we're going to go this way. " And they went that way.
40:19 And the scripture says that poisonous snakes
40:22 began to crawl into the camp and bite the people
40:26 and they began to die.
40:29 And they went running to Moses and they said:
40:32 "Moses, Moses, do something for us! "
40:35 And Moses prayed.
40:37 And God said: "Moses, make a brazen serpent.
40:43 Put it on a pole
40:47 and tell those people that if they look at that serpent
40:50 they'll live and they'll not die. "
40:52 Why? Why in the world would God tell him
40:57 "make a brazen serpent and put it on a pole? "
41:00 In the Bible, what does a serpent represent?
41:04 Represents the devil.
41:06 Represents sin.
41:07 So why would He say: "Make a brazen serpent
41:11 and put it on a pole? "
41:13 Because Jesus Christ became sin for you.
41:19 That's why. Jesus Christ became sin for you.
41:24 He said: "I'll take your sins
41:26 and I'll give you My righteousness.
41:30 I'll do that for you. "
41:40 And so Jesus Christ was lifted up, crucified,
41:43 hung on a cross that He might draw you and me to Him.
41:47 But that text goes on in II Corinthians 5:21 and says:
42:02 That you and I might become the righteousness of
42:07 God in Him. You see, that's the righteousness of God.
42:11 I'm talking about the power of the cross.
42:13 I'm talking about what can take and change your life.
42:16 Understand, folks, this righteousness is not
42:19 your righteousness. This power is not your power.
42:23 It is God's righteousness; it is God's power...
42:26 and that's what can change you and me.
42:29 You and I can't change ourselves.
42:33 II Corinthians 13:4:
42:46 "Crucified in weakness
42:48 but He lives by the power of God. "
42:52 Now listen carefully:
43:06 You and I can live a Christian life day by day
43:10 by the power of God.
43:13 So what's He going to do for you?
43:24 OK?
43:35 Are you trying to tell me tonight
43:38 that there's not a sin that God can't take care of?
43:43 Are you trying to tell me tonight that your situation
43:46 is so bad that God can't handle it?
43:50 Are you trying to tell me
43:54 that He can't take your life and make it different?
44:00 He's able... exceedingly, abundantly
44:03 to do more than you and I can think or ask.
44:16 Peter's saying here I Peter 1:5...
44:24 You see, my faith cannot be in myself.
44:27 It cannot be in what I can do.
44:29 But my faith must be in God and what He can do.
44:32 And if I put my faith in Him
44:34 He is capable of doing more than you and I
44:37 can even comprehend.
44:45 Now, this is a text, folks,
44:48 that when I first read it it took me about
44:54 a year to believe it.
44:58 It just to me is so marvelous
45:01 of what He has done for you and for me.
45:04 So listen very carefully to this text...
45:06 a very, very vital one.
45:08 It says:
45:15 Whose disobedience was that?
45:18 Adam's.
45:23 You say: "Well that's not fair.
45:27 Just because Adam sinned, why should that make me a sinner? "
45:32 Well, let me ask you a question:
45:34 if your grandfather had died when he was three years old,
45:38 how old would you be tonight?
45:42 Huh?
45:44 You're trying to tell me that your grandfather had something
45:46 to do with you being here?
45:47 Yes. And I'm trying to tell you
45:50 that Adam had something to do with you being a sinner.
45:52 See?
45:53 OK. So by one man's sin
45:56 all of us became sinners. Now listen:
46:06 Now I've got to ask you:
46:08 are you made righteous by your obedience?
46:11 Or are you made righteous by His obedience?
46:14 You're made righteous by His obedience, not yours.
46:19 See? That's the marvelous thing about it.
46:22 It's His righteousness
46:25 that makes all the difference in the world.
46:30 Jesus had an experience when He was here on earth.
46:34 There was a man who had lived a very, very sinful life.
46:40 In fact, his life had been so bad
46:43 that it had a physical effect upon him
46:45 and it caused him to be in a stretcher,
46:48 he was a paralytic... he couldn't walk.
46:49 And one day he heard about Jesus.
46:55 And he talked some of his friends into taking him
46:58 to see Jesus. And they put him on a stretcher
47:00 and they took him to Jesus.
47:01 And Jesus was in this house and He was talking to people
47:05 and the place was packed.
47:07 In fact, there were so many people in there, there were
47:09 people sitting in the windows and the doorway
47:11 and you couldn't get in.
47:13 And his friends took him up on top of the house.
47:17 And they took the tile off the roof
47:20 and they lowered this man on a stretcher
47:23 right down in front of Jesus.
47:27 And as this may lay there in front of Jesus,
47:32 Jesus said this to him:
47:41 Now folks, let me explain something.
47:43 That's all that paralytic wanted.
47:45 He didn't want anything else.
47:48 And just to have the assurance that his sins were forgiven
47:52 and he was freed, he could have had his friends
47:55 pick him up and carry him out of that house
47:57 and he would have went out of that house rejoicing.
48:01 His healing that I'm going to read to you now
48:04 didn't take place because that was necessarily
48:06 what he was wanting.
48:08 It took place because there were some people in the room
48:11 that couldn't believe.
48:13 Watch:
48:27 They said: "How can He tell this man his sin's forgiven?
48:32 God's the only one that can forgive sins. "
49:08 The boy just jumped up off the stretcher...
49:10 headed for the house.
49:22 Now I want to ask you, folks,
49:24 what could the paralytic do?
49:28 Come on. What could he do?
49:30 Nothing! He's lying in a stretcher.
49:33 He can't do one solitary thing.
49:37 He's paralyzed from the neck down.
49:41 It's the power of God...
49:44 the power of God that can change your life tonight.
49:48 The power of God that can make you different.
49:52 It's not your power... it's HIS POWER.
49:55 I don't care who you are.
49:57 I don't care where you've been.
49:59 I don't care what you've done.
50:02 God has the power to change your life
50:06 and make it totally and completely new.
50:12 I mentioned one text to you
50:14 that you ought to go home and highlight in your Bible.
50:19 I'm going to give you one more.
50:20 These are two texts, dear friend,
50:22 if you don't have any others outlined in your Bible -
50:26 highlighted in your Bible -
50:27 highlight them.
50:29 Colossians 1:28:
50:34 Speaking of Jesus Christ.
50:40 Now listen very carefully:
50:51 Perfect in Christ Jesus.
50:55 Oh, isn't that wonderful?
50:57 Jesus said: "Listen, listen...
51:00 give Me your sins.
51:01 Give Me all your sins.
51:03 I'll give you My righteousness. "
51:06 And when that happens, God looks at you and says:
51:09 "Aren't they all perfect?
51:11 Don't they look so nice?
51:13 There's no one sin in any of them.
51:15 They're all perfect! "
51:17 Because you have the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
51:21 See? That's what He does for you, friends. Marvelous!
51:25 He'll do that for you and for me.
51:29 We have a song that we sing.
51:32 Unfortunately, most of the time I ever hear it sung
51:36 is at funerals.
51:38 I don't know of any song in Christendom, folks,
51:41 that to me states the gospel as clearly as this song.
51:47 And that song is simply called
51:51 Rock of Ages.
51:53 Listen to the words of it:
52:07 See... that's it.
52:09 Like that paralytic, I can't bring a thing.
52:12 I can't do anything.
52:14 All I can do is cling to the cross of Jesus Christ.
52:28 As Maddy sang that song, I'm going to glory...
52:31 I'm going to glory in the cross of Christ.
52:34 If I'm going to boast, I'm going to boast
52:36 in the cross of Jesus Christ...
52:38 because I have nothing to bring, I have nothing to offer.
52:41 Only in Jesus Christ.
52:47 One of my favorite scriptures
52:49 is found in the book of Revelation.
52:54 It says this:
52:59 I want you to listen to what the power of God is.
53:23 To Him... I mean, King of Kings.
53:27 The Lord of Lords. The Ruler over all the kings of the earth.
53:31 That He loved us and washed us from our sins
53:36 in His own blood. I'm so glad tonight,
53:39 folks, that that text isn't turned around.
53:41 I'm glad that it doesn't say
53:43 that He washed us and then loved us.
53:47 See, God's not saying to you
53:50 "Get yourself all cleaned up and then I'll accept you. "
53:53 No. He's saying: "I'll take you just like you are.
53:56 Just like you are: sinful, undeserving,
54:03 weak, defiled.
54:05 I'll take you just like you are. "
54:08 He loves us just like we are.
54:09 I'm so glad tonight that He doesn't love us
54:12 like we love babies.
54:15 You know? You know how we love babies, don't you?
54:18 Yeah. If the baby has been washed and powdered and is clean
54:22 anybody will pick it up and love it.
54:25 But you let it get a snotty nose and a dirty diaper
54:28 and watch how many people go the other way.
54:29 See? God doesn't do that.
54:32 God loves us just exactly like we are.
54:36 And it says that His blood cleanses us
54:41 from what?
54:44 All sin.
54:46 It didn't say some sins.
54:49 It said tonight that the blood of Jesus Christ
54:51 will cleanse you, dear friend.
54:54 It will cleanse us from all sin.
54:57 You remember that text in the Bible that says:
54:59 "Though your sins be as scarlet
55:01 they shall be as white as snow.
55:05 Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. "
55:11 Now you understand scarlet and snow, don't you?
55:16 Scarlet's red; snow is white.
55:19 You understand the contrast.
55:21 But what in the world is He talking about when He says
55:23 crimson and wool?
55:26 Well, crimson's red. It's a staining agent.
55:29 If you get it in fabric, you can't hardly get it out.
55:31 OK? But what does that have to do with wool?
55:36 Well, when I was a boy
55:38 I belonged to something called the FFA.
55:44 You know what that is?
55:45 Future Farmers of America.
55:49 And one of the requirements for belonging to the
55:52 Future Farmers of America
55:53 is that you had to have an animal to show at the
55:57 county fair. So, with the help of my father
56:01 we purchased a couple Southdown lambs.
56:05 They're little sheep; they're not very big.
56:07 OK.
56:09 And I raised these Southdown lambs
56:14 to show at the county fair.
56:16 Dear friend, let me tell you there is much, much more
56:22 to what the Bible has to say when it says
56:24 we're like sheep than you and I ever believed.
56:27 But nevertheless, I raised these lambs
56:30 and getting ready for the county fair.
56:32 And we got down to, oh, about 3-4 weeks before the county fair
56:37 and my agriculture teacher said "I want you to go home.
56:40 I want you to get a gunny sack. "
56:42 If you don't know what a gunny sack is, a gunny sack is a
56:45 feed sack. And he said: "I want you to cut the corner
56:47 off of it and split it down on one side
56:49 and I want you to put it over those sheep's heads
56:52 and let that sack spread out across their body.
56:54 Which I did. I went home... I didn't understand why
56:57 this was. But I put it over on the sheep,
57:00 and they ran around with those things on them
57:01 all day. And when I would go out and feed them
57:04 I'd pick up those sacks and look under there
57:06 and the wool was getting dirtier every day.
57:08 And I went on; I couldn't understand
57:11 because we were getting closer to the fair all the time,
57:14 and now when I picked that sack up it was black.
57:17 I mean just kind of a greasy mess under there.
57:20 We got down to about three or four days before the fair.
57:25 Agriculture teacher said: "We're going to come out
57:28 to your house and block your sheep. "
57:30 He came out and brought his shears out there.
57:34 We caught the sheep; took those sacks off of them.
57:37 I mean, they were filthy... dirty.
57:41 And he took those shears and began to cut about an inch
57:44 or an inch and a half of that wool off.
57:46 Those sacks, folks, had pulled all the dirt to the top.
57:51 And when he cut that,
57:53 that's the purest white you'll ever see.
57:56 "Though your sins are as crimson,
58:00 they shall be as wool. "
58:04 That's what God is willing to do for you
58:06 and to do for me.
58:08 That's what Christ did on the cross.
58:14 That's the power of the cross to change and to make your life
58:17 different. And tonight the Lord Jesus Christ is
58:21 willing just to take and wash your sins white as snow.
58:30 To obtain a copy of this program
58:32 or for more information, please write to:


Revised 2014-12-17