Time Of The End

Europe's Last Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Kenneth Cox


Series Code: TOTE

Program Code: TOTE000002

00:02 Can you believe it?
00:04 Can you build your faith on it?
00:08 The promises of God's Word are sure.
00:12 They do not fail!
00:17 This book has stood the test of time.
00:31 Father in Heaven,
00:34 Tonight as we look at how You have
00:40 revealed in Your Word
00:43 the history of mankind...
00:46 as we see with what accuracy
00:49 You have predicted the events long before they ever took place
00:54 we pray that You will help us
00:58 to realize and to understand and to believe.
01:03 May we place faith in You.
01:09 Give us the wisdom and the understanding that we need
01:14 to see, to grasp the things that are revealed.
01:20 And may our hearts be open; may they be soft.
01:23 May they be prepared for the dwelling of the Holy Spirit
01:27 in our lives. For this we ask in Christ's name, Amen.
01:39 If you turn to the book of
01:41 Revelation - the 17th chapter
01:44 of the book of Revelation - you'll find that it says this.
01:48 Verse 12:
01:57 Now this is Revelation the 17th chapter, folks.
02:00 This is coming right down to the end of God's Word.
02:04 He's talking here about 10 kings that have received
02:10 no kingdom as yet.
02:12 Goes on and says:
02:20 So these 10 kings who have received no kingdom as yet -
02:25 they're going to receive a kingdom -
02:27 and it says when they do receive a kingdom
02:30 they're going to rule for 1 hour with the beast.
02:33 So what we need to find out this evening
02:36 is who are these ten kings?
02:39 We need to establish who those 10 kings are
02:43 and what meaning does it have to you and me today.
02:47 That's what we need to establish tonight
02:49 because those 10 kings you're going to find out
02:52 are very, very important.
02:55 In fact, they affect your life today and my life.
03:01 And it says that they've received no kingdom
03:04 but they are going to receive a kingdom.
03:06 And they'll rule for 1 hour as kings with the beast.
03:10 And as we study, we're going to find out exactly who all
03:13 these different characters that I mentioned to you are.
03:17 We're going to find out who these 10 kings are.
03:19 We're going to find out who this beast is.
03:21 We're going to put all those things in place
03:24 so that you'll recognize them
03:26 and you'll know exactly who they are.
03:28 Scripture tells us here in the book of Daniel -
03:31 we're taking a look at the book of Daniel tonight -
03:33 that you and I can recognize those individuals,
03:37 those characters. We'll be able to see who they are.
03:40 But there's a lot of people as we've moved into the
03:43 21st century that kind of feel like the world
03:46 is out of control. They... And really, all you have to do
03:50 is take a look at the television or the newspaper
03:54 or dwell on some of those things and I guess you could say
03:58 from a human standpoint... it's out of control.
04:02 But it is not out of control as far as God is concerned.
04:07 Listen to these words:
04:21 So it says that God has made all mankind from one blood.
04:25 Watch carefully:
04:32 He's made all... every individual...
04:35 but is says that God has "pre- determined their appointed times
04:42 and the boundaries of their dwellings. "
04:47 God has done that.
04:49 He's the One that establishes when someone comes to power
04:53 and when they don't. He's the One that establishes
04:56 what their boundaries are.
04:58 You and I think that they get together and they decide
05:01 what the boundaries of one nation is after another.
05:03 No! It says that God decides that.
05:06 That takes place with God.
05:08 He's the One that declares that.
05:10 And so you and I begin to see
05:13 that the world may be out of control
05:15 as far as man is concerned
05:16 but it's not out of control as far as God is concerned.
05:21 The Bible talks of a king by the name of Nebuchadnezzar.
05:28 Nebuchadnezzar is the leading monarch of the world
05:33 at this time in history.
05:35 There's no king as great as Nebuchadnezzar at this time.
05:40 He is the greatest of all kings.
05:43 And it says that one night he had a dream.
05:47 That dream made a profound impression upon Nebuchadnezzar.
05:52 And when he woke up the next morning he knew that he had had
05:55 a very, very important dream
05:58 but for the life of him he couldn't recall it.
06:01 Tried but he couldn't recall it
06:03 but yet he knew it was important.
06:06 And so he called in all of his wise men.
06:10 Called them in and told them that he had had a dream,
06:13 he knew it was important, and for them to tell him
06:17 what he dreamed.
06:19 Now what you've got to understand, folks,
06:21 is these wise men that he's called in...
06:24 they're specialists.
06:26 They're specialists in interpreting dreams.
06:29 In fact, as they have done excavations over in that
06:33 part of the world, they have found whole libraries
06:36 that didn't deal with anything other than dreams.
06:41 They studied dreams. They looked at dreams.
06:43 They were specialists in this.
06:45 And so he called them in and said:
06:47 "Tell me... tell me what I dreamed. "
06:51 They said: "Well, king, you tell us what you dreamed
06:55 and we'll tell you what it means. "
06:58 Nebuchadnezzar said: "I'll tell you what.
07:01 You tell me what I dreamed
07:03 and then I know for sure you can tell me what it means. "
07:07 And they said: "King, the gods up in heaven
07:11 wouldn't even make such a request. "
07:13 They said: "There's no way for us to tell you
07:16 what you dreamed. You tell us what you dreamed,
07:20 we'll tell you the interpretation. "
07:21 And the more they talked, the madder Nebuchadnezzar became.
07:27 In fact, finally he became so angry
07:30 he said: "Kill them all!
07:32 They're of no value to me.
07:35 They're nothing but a bunch of pawns.
07:36 Get rid of the whole bunch. "
07:38 And thus the scripture reads:
07:45 I mean, he sent out the decree and said:
07:48 "Get rid of all of them. "
07:49 And they went out and started killing the wise men.
07:59 Well, you see, Nebuchadnezzar - when he had gone down
08:02 and had overthrown Israel
08:05 he had the captain of his guard get about 70 of the young men
08:10 of Israel - intelligent young men -
08:13 and had them brought back to Babylon
08:16 to study there in the courts
08:18 to serve in the court of the king as wise men.
08:22 Four of these young men were special.
08:24 Their names were Daniel,
08:26 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
08:29 They were very, very special.
08:31 They had been found to be ten times wiser
08:36 than all the other wise men of Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom.
08:41 But when Nebuchadnezzar called in his wise men
08:45 he didn't call them in
08:47 because they were young, they were novices.
08:50 They were just starting. You know how that goes, don't you?
08:53 Huh? Why I remember before I went away to school
08:57 they said: "You've got to go get an education. "
09:00 They said: "If you want to do anything,
09:02 you've got to get an education. "
09:05 So I said: "OK. "
09:07 And I went... went to school.
09:10 Got an education. And then when I got out of college,
09:13 got through with my education,
09:16 got out in the field... you know what they said?
09:18 They said: "Well, you really... you can't do anything
09:21 till you get some experience.
09:23 You've got to have experience if you're going to be able
09:25 to do anything. " And so then I said: "OK. "
09:28 And then when I got the experience
09:30 they said: "Ah, you're too old. "
09:32 Isn't that the way that goes?
09:35 You know... so they didn't bring in these young men.
09:37 They were novices; they were just too young.
09:40 But when Nebuchadnezzar gave the decree
09:43 to kill all of them, he included them.
09:45 And so they sought Daniel and his companions to kill them.
09:50 Now, Daniel did something that you and I
09:55 need to look at very, very carefully
09:59 because Daniel asked if he could have time to pray.
10:05 Now folks, let me tell you something...
10:08 there's nothing as strong in the Christian life as prayer.
10:13 More will be accomplished by prayer
10:17 than you and I ever dreamed of.
10:20 And so Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
10:24 they got together and they prayed that God would reveal
10:28 to them what Nebuchadnezzar had seen in his dream.
10:33 And God did just that...
10:35 showed them what Nebuchadnezzar had seen in his dream.
10:39 And then when they got through with that
10:42 you know what happened?
10:44 Why Daniel ran in and told the king what he had seen, right?
10:48 No... no.
10:51 When they got through praying and God revealed to them
10:54 what Nebuchadnezzar had seen,
10:57 then they took time to thank the Lord.
11:01 Let me tell you something,
11:03 the other thing in the Christian life that is extremely powerful
11:07 is praise.
11:09 To praise God. I want you to listen to Daniel.
11:12 This is what he's saying...
11:13 Daniel 2 verse 20:
11:22 See, he's praising God for what He's done.
11:24 He says: "Wisdom and might is Yours. "
11:35 God's the One that does that.
11:44 Oh, you thought you did that didn't you?
11:47 Huh? You thought you were the one that elected presidents
11:50 of the country. Sorry.
11:53 It's God that raises up kings and takes them down.
11:58 You and I might think...
12:00 but God is the One that controls that.
12:03 He sets up kings and He takes them down.
12:07 Daniel is thanking God for this:
12:16 And so he thanks God for what He has done
12:18 and He has shown to them the dream. Now,
12:22 Daniel is going to go in before king Nebuchadnezzar
12:26 and tell him what he saw in his dream.
12:30 Daniel 2 verse 27:
12:47 He said: "King, you have all these wise men,
12:51 all these magicians, all these soothsayers,
12:54 all these... can't they tell you what you dreamed? "
12:59 See... because they're experts.
13:02 They're experts in dreams.
13:17 "Ah, " he said... "I can't either.
13:20 I don't have any more knowledge than any of the rest,
13:23 Nebuchadnezzar, but there's a God up in heaven
13:27 that revealeth secrets.
13:29 He has made known to the king what's going to be
13:33 in the... " when?
13:36 "latter days. "
13:38 That's talking about the time in which you and I are living.
13:41 The day in which you and I are living...
13:43 the latter days.
13:45 "He has revealed what is to take place. "
13:49 "Your dream and the vision of your head
13:52 upon your bed were these. " Now watch
13:55 as he reveals exactly what king Nebuchadnezzar saw.
13:59 Tells him in absolute detail what he saw in vision.
14:20 Now here stands this great image.
14:24 Nebuchadnezzar now... it all comes back in vivid color
14:29 to him and he sees this great image that was awesome.
14:33 Let's see what the image is like.
14:58 There stands that image.
15:00 All of a sudden here is a stone that is cut out without hands...
15:35 This is the dream; that's what Nebuchadnezzar saw.
15:39 This is the dream.
15:40 Nebuchadnezzar now can remember it... all that he saw.
15:44 And then he says: "Now we will tell the interpretation
15:47 before the king. "
15:48 So now, Daniel has not only told him what he's seen
15:54 he said: "Now I'm going to tell you what it means. "
15:57 Now this dream deals with what, folks?
16:02 What?
16:04 The latter days.
16:06 OK, so you've got to understand,
16:09 we're not studying just any prophecy.
16:11 We're studying the prophecy that deals with the latter days:
16:15 the days in which you and I are living.
16:18 So you need to watch carefully
16:20 because God's Word is very, very important
16:24 when it reveals to us things that are going to take place.
16:30 So he tells king Nebuchadnezzar this is what he saw:
16:58 Very, very clear... no question.
17:01 He said: "Nebuchadnezzar, you are this head of gold. "
17:07 You see the kingdom of Babylon lasted 70 years.
17:12 That's all it lasted was 70 years.
17:15 Of those 70 years, Nebuchadnezzar ruled 40 of them.
17:19 So he said: "Nebuchadnezzar, you are this head of gold. "
17:25 Nebuchadnezzar was one of the greatest generals
17:29 that the world has ever known.
17:32 He never... never once... did he ever lose a battle, not once.
17:37 And because of all the places that he conquered and overthrew
17:42 he took the money - the gold that he gathered
17:45 from all over the world - and he lavished that
17:48 upon the city of Babylon.
17:50 Babylon came into existence
17:53 in 605 BC
17:57 and lasted to 539 BC.
18:01 That was the time that it lasted.
18:03 Babylon... this head of gold.
18:06 The city of Babylon became known world-wide.
18:11 Great, great city that Nebuchadnezzar had built.
18:15 This is where one of the seven miracles of the world -
18:19 the seven hanging gardens...
18:21 You see Nebuchadnezzar's wife was from the plain.
18:26 Excuse me, Babylon sat on the plain.
18:29 Nebuchadnezzar's wife was from the mountain country,
18:32 and so he had built for her those seven hanging gardens
18:36 to remind her of her mountain home
18:39 where she grew up as a child.
18:41 And so it's one of the great wonders of the world.
18:43 But Nebuchadnezzar had taken and he had lavished
18:47 upon this city all kinds of things.
18:50 The city was huge.
18:52 Around the city was walls.
18:55 The walls around the city of Babylon were thick enough
18:59 that you could race two chariots side by side
19:02 around the top of the wall.
19:04 The city was looked upon as being impossible to overthrow.
19:10 They could close the gates to the city
19:13 and historians tell us they had enough food
19:17 inside the city to last them for 40 years.
19:21 So as far as overthrowing it,
19:24 impossible.
19:26 Here God has given Nebuchadnezzar a vision
19:30 and He said: "You are this head of gold. "
19:33 Nebuchadnezzar had built that city,
19:36 and he never wanted that city ever to come to an end.
19:40 In fact, as they have done excavations over in Babylon
19:46 they found a tablet like this with writing on it.
19:51 This is what that tablet said, folks.
20:09 Nebuchadnezzar didn't want that city to ever end.
20:13 He said: "maybe it will last forever. "
20:17 But now we just studied, and it says that God is the One that
20:21 raises up kings and takes them down, right?
20:24 He's the One that sets their pre-appointed borders.
20:28 God does that.
20:32 Now I don't know all of you yet,
20:34 I hope by the grace of God
20:36 we'll have a chance to get better acquainted
20:38 with each one of you.
20:40 But if there's some of you here tonight
20:42 or if there's some of you out there that are watching
20:45 in homes around the world,
20:47 and there's some of you that have questions
20:49 about the Word of God...
20:51 There may be some of you that think this book is a good book.
20:55 There may be some of you here tonight that say: "Well,
20:59 it's... it's a good book of morals. "
21:01 It is.
21:03 And there may be some of you saying
21:04 "Well, it's a good book of history. "
21:06 It is.
21:08 And there may be some of you that say:
21:10 "Well, it's a... it's a good book of literature. "
21:12 It is.
21:15 It's more than that... MUCH more than that.
21:19 This book is divine.
21:21 This book is divine.
21:24 If you think it isn't,
21:26 then I want you to listen to this prophecy
21:29 in Isaiah about the city of Babylon.
21:33 Listen to what it says about it because Babylon
21:35 lies in ruins tonight, and there's a man over there
21:38 by the name of Saddam Hussein
21:41 that doesn't understand this book.
21:43 And he keeps thinking that he can do something
21:47 that the scripture says he can't do.
21:49 See?
21:52 He keeps seeing that maybe there is a possibility
21:56 for Babylon to come back.
21:59 Scripture says it won't happen.
22:02 Listen.
22:03 This is the ruins of Babylon today.
22:07 This is what it says about it:
22:23 Hmmm, said Babylon will be like Sodom and Gomorrah.
22:28 He doesn't stop there; he becomes very, very clear.
22:51 Said: "The city's going to be in ruins.
22:53 It's never going to be inhabited. "
22:55 He said: "The shepherds won't even stay there. "
23:10 Dear friend, if you don't believe in this book
23:13 and you don't believe that it's inspired, that it's divine,
23:16 then you need to answer this prophecy
23:18 in Isaiah the 13th chapter.
23:21 You better know... you better know something
23:26 that you and I as humans don't know
23:29 when you say: "That city will never be inhabited. "
23:32 God said that concerning Babylon.
23:36 The glory of the Chaldeans, their pride...
23:40 would never be inhabited.
23:44 But the dream doesn't stop there.
23:47 God continues on
23:49 and He says to Nebuchadnezzar:
23:59 "Oh, He said, "Nebuchadnezzar, there's going to come another
24:02 kingdom, and it's going to rise and it's going to be
24:06 inferior to yours. " Just the same as silver
24:09 is inferior to gold - OK? -
24:13 so He said the next kingdom would be inferior.
24:15 And dear friend, remember tonight
24:18 it's God that raises up kings;
24:23 it's God that takes them down.
24:25 Because the next kingdom that came on the scene of action
24:29 was the kingdom of Medo-Persia.
24:32 Medo-Persia overthrew Babylon
24:36 in 539 BC
24:40 and it lasted or went to 331 BC.
24:44 There's a general of the Medes and the Persians:
24:50 his name is Cyrus.
24:53 Cyrus has gathered the Medes and Persians together.
24:58 Now folks, listen. This is a coalition of two powers.
25:02 This is the Medes and the Persians; they've come together.
25:06 That's why this image has two arms of silver...
25:10 because you've got two nations that are coming together
25:12 to make one power.
25:14 Unfortunately, that's why in your history books
25:17 when you went to school it was called the Persian kingdom.
25:20 Because the Persians were stronger than the Medes.
25:23 But they... it was really a coalition of two powers:
25:26 the Medes and the Persians.
25:28 Cyrus brought them together.
25:31 Cyrus took his army and they marched on the city of Babylon.
25:36 OK?
25:39 They closed all the gates to the city of Babylon.
25:42 The people even went up on top of the wall
25:46 and threw food to Cyrus and laughed at him
25:49 because the city could not be taken.
25:55 Now if there's some of you still that are not really convinced
26:00 that this book is divine,
26:02 if you're... if you're having trouble really believing
26:06 that this is a book that you can put your trust in,
26:08 that this is a book that you can put your confidence in,
26:11 and you can say: "I can believe it, I can follow it.
26:14 I can trust it; I can build my confidence on this book. "
26:17 If you're having trouble that way tonight,
26:19 then listen to this...
26:22 Isaiah the 45th chapter verse 1:
26:27 God calls...
26:29 God calls Cyrus by name -
26:34 listen to me, folks - 150 years
26:38 before he was born.
26:40 Calls him by name 150 years before he's born.
26:45 Not only calls him by name but He tells exactly
26:49 how he will overthrow the city of Babylon.
26:51 It's God that sets up kings and God that takes them down.
26:56 Listen to this:
27:09 Listen.
27:17 Exactly what He said he was going to do.
27:21 They crawled up on the wall.
27:23 They threw food to Cyrus and laughed at him.
27:27 Cyrus took his men... marched down the Euphrates river.
27:32 The Euphrates river, folks,
27:33 flows right through the middle of the city of Babylon.
27:37 You can see it here.
27:39 Flows right through the heart of the city of Babylon.
27:43 They had built walls down each side of the Euphrates river
27:47 so that there was no way that people could get into it.
27:51 Cyrus took his men.
27:53 They marched down the Euphrates river
27:56 and at a selected spot he had his men begin to dig canals.
28:01 Now let me tell you how worried the people in Babylon were.
28:05 Cyrus sent out a spy,
28:08 and he found out that on a certain night
28:11 that they were going to have a great big party.
28:14 Now here Cyrus has surrounded them;
28:17 they know they're under siege.
28:19 And what are they doing?
28:20 They're partying.
28:22 Having a great big party.
28:24 Cyrus decides that that night he will take the city.
28:27 He has his men break the dikes of those canals,
28:30 divert the Euphrates river into those canals.
28:33 And he and his men march up the muddy bottom
28:37 of the Euphrates river.
28:39 The gates - the two lead gates, the doors
28:42 that opened from the river into the city...
28:46 the guards were drunk and the gates were open.
28:50 And just as the scripture prophesied
28:53 Cyrus and his men marched through those gates
28:55 into the city and took it as God said he would.
28:59 Thus God sets up kingdoms
29:02 and takes them down.
29:04 He is the One who is in control.
29:06 But it doesn't stop there.
29:09 It says:
29:16 Third kingdom of bronze now is going to rule.
29:20 One of the great phenoms of history takes place, folks.
29:24 Probably one of the greatest generals
29:26 the world has ever known
29:28 by the name of Alexander the Great.
29:31 The Grecian empire - Greece -
29:35 overthrew Medo-Persia in 331 BC.
29:41 Greece is going to last to 168 BC.
29:45 Alexander the Great
29:48 met Darius of the Medes and Persians
29:52 on the plains of Arbela... 331 BC.
29:56 Listen: Darius of the Medes and Persians
30:00 has 1,000,000 men.
30:04 Alexander the Great has 40,000.
30:10 And Alexander the Great instituted a new type of warfare
30:17 and overthrew Darius.
30:19 Just as God said!
30:23 Under the leadership of Alexander the Great
30:25 he took his army now - a young man -
30:28 and marched them for 7 years
30:32 without ever going home.
30:34 They took everything that their hand touched.
30:38 When it says that he would rule over the earth,
30:41 Alexander the Great's kingdom was indeed that.
30:44 It ruled the earth.
30:46 Marched them clear to the borders of the country of India.
30:50 Thus the scripture says that the third kingdom of bronze
30:55 would rule. But then it continues... it says this...
30:59 One historian had this to say about Alexander the Great:
31:26 You see, God called him into existence.
31:32 Three kingdoms... the scripture speaks of a fourth one.
31:38 Daniel 2 verse 40:
31:54 So it speaks of this fourth kingdom.
31:57 The fourth kingdom that is to rule was Pagan Rome.
32:01 Rome overthrew Greece 168 BC.
32:07 God referred to it as the iron kingdom of Rome.
32:12 It crushed everything that was before it.
32:16 This is the power, folks, that is ruling at the time
32:20 Jesus was born.
32:22 Because you remember it was the decree of Caesar Augustus
32:26 that sent Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem to pay their taxes.
32:31 You remember it's the same power
32:34 that's ruling at the time Jesus died, because
32:37 it was a Roman soldier that stuck the spear in His side.
32:40 It was a Roman soldier that put the crown of thorns on His head.
32:43 Rome... Rome ruled from 168 BC
32:49 to 476 AD...
32:52 ruling longer than any other kingdom at that time.
32:57 The iron monarchy of Rome.
32:59 A historian by the name of Gibbons
33:02 had this to say about it:
33:16 Now, if you and I were writing history
33:22 and we said there'd be this kingdom and this kingdom,
33:27 and this kingdom and this... there'd be four kingdoms,
33:29 you probably would have said there would have been a fifth.
33:31 See? But God... I keep telling you...
33:35 God's the One that says what happens.
33:38 So watch:
33:44 Now you're understanding what we've done, don't you?
33:46 We're coming down that image.
33:48 We've come all the way from the head clear down to where?
33:52 Feet and the toes. Let me ask you something.
33:55 What is there after feet and toes?
34:00 Huh?
34:01 Nothing, OK?
34:03 We're down to the end. Get it clear.
34:05 We're down to the feet and toes.
34:17 Here we've had four kingdoms and now God all of a sudden
34:21 says: "That's it. From this time on
34:23 the kingdom is going to be divided. "
34:26 Friend, go back and read your history.
34:28 That's exactly what happened!
34:32 Do you understand what we're saying here tonight?
34:35 I'm studying with you from the book of Daniel.
34:38 OK? Do you know when the book of Daniel was written?
34:42 Back around 500 BC.
34:46 Do you know what we're talking about now?
34:48 We're talking about Rome down in 476 AD.
34:53 I mean, here's over 1,000 years.
34:57 And God has predicted with absolute accuracy
35:01 everything that has taken place
35:04 a thousand years before it happens here.
35:07 OK. The kingdom shall be divided.
35:18 So He said the kingdom's going to be divided.
35:20 It's going to be like iron and it's going to be like clay.
35:38 Kingdom going to be divided.
35:40 Rome... have you ever read about Rome?
35:45 Rome is responsible for civilization, folks.
35:50 Up until the time that Rome was there
35:55 civilization didn't advance very much.
35:57 Rome is the one that came in and made the waterways safe.
36:02 They're the ones that made the road safe.
36:05 They made it possible for people to travel.
36:08 Their soldiers marched down the road carrying plaques that said:
36:12 Pax Romana.
36:13 Pax Romana... Roman peace.
36:16 They were the ones that let civilization spread
36:19 across the world.
36:21 They ruled! And God says: "No.
36:26 It's going to be divided. "
36:28 What happened?
36:30 One of the great phenoms of history
36:33 when all of a sudden great masses of people
36:37 all moved at one time. They were called barbarians.
36:43 They were known as the Goths.
36:46 They were tribes of people,
36:48 and they moved down on the Roman Empire
36:51 and broke it apart. Broke it to pieces.
36:54 They were such tribes as the Anglo-Saxons, the Franks,
37:00 the Heruli, the Vandals, the Bergundis.
37:03 All these different tribes moved down on the Roman Empire
37:07 and broke it into pieces.
37:11 Now... now you and I become involved.
37:16 OK?
37:18 Because these 10 Germanic tribes
37:23 came down and broke up the Roman Empire.
37:27 And by the way, did you notice
37:30 Did you notice as we were studying
37:32 that that image had two legs?
37:34 Hmmm? Did you know that Rome is made of two divisions?
37:38 Eastern and Western Rome.
37:41 That's why the image has two legs... two legs of iron.
37:45 OK. They came down and they ran over the Roman Empire
37:50 and broke it up. And those Germanic tribes
37:53 became the nations of western Europe today.
37:58 You see, the Alamanni became the Germans.
38:04 The Bergundis became the Swiss.
38:07 The Franks became the French.
38:09 The Lombards became the Italians.
38:11 The Saxons became the English.
38:13 The Suevi, Portuguese,
38:15 and the Visigoths the Spanish.
38:17 You notice there's three there: Heruli, Vandals, and Ostrogoths,
38:23 that were destroyed.
38:25 On Wednesday night I'll tell you why they were destroyed
38:31 and when they were destroyed.
38:32 God's Word tells you that very, very clear...
38:36 so you don't want to miss that
38:38 when we talk about the rise
38:40 of the Antichrist
38:41 on Wednesday night.
38:43 It'll tell you why they were destroyed.
38:45 But these became the nations of western Europe.
38:48 OK. Now let's take the scripture farther and see what it
38:52 tells us here.
39:01 Now I need you tonight to remember that phrase
39:04 "they will mingle with the seed of men. "
39:07 We're going to come back to that.
39:08 Said: "As you saw iron mixed with clay,
39:11 they will mingle with the seed of men.. "
39:19 So God said: "They're going to try...
39:22 They're going to try to unite the kingdom back together
39:25 but it will not adhere. "
39:29 Well, you remember your history, don't you?
39:33 These Germanic tribes moved down on the Roman Empire...
39:38 broke it up 476 AD.
39:40 It's not too many years after that
39:43 until a man comes to rule by the name of Charlemagne.
39:48 He's that little fellow right up there at the top.
39:51 Charlemagne decides that he's going to establish
39:55 his holy Roman Empire.
39:58 That he's going to bring all of Rome back together.
40:03 That was his ambition; that's what he wanted to do.
40:06 A historian said of Charlemagne
40:10 that his empire wasn't holy, it wasn't Roman,
40:14 and it wasn't an empire.
40:16 Because he wanted to do that, but he died
40:19 a disappointed man... not able to do it.
40:23 Do you know why he couldn't do it?
40:26 Huh? Do you know why he couldn't do it?
40:29 Because God said he couldn't.
40:31 I mean that's just very simple. God just said "No,
40:34 the kingdom's going to be divided. "
40:36 But we don't learn very quick, folks.
40:39 You know, we don't... Many times we read what it says
40:43 and we say: "Well, that really couldn't be true. "
40:46 And so we move a few more years
40:48 and we come to this fellow right up here
40:50 by the name of Charles V.
40:52 And Charles V decides he's going to unite all of Europe
40:57 back together. Launched Europe into a blood bath...
41:02 but was never able to bring it back together.
41:05 Died without seeing his dream fulfilled.
41:08 Then we come to another man in history...
41:11 one by the name of Louis XIV of France.
41:15 You ever read in history about his famous Sunrise Kingdom?
41:19 Louis was a very interesting character.
41:22 He was going to bring all of Europe back together.
41:25 Louis was a very, very fancy dresser.
41:29 He really liked to dress.
41:30 You remember a few years back... quite a few years back now,
41:34 when they had these shoes that had very thick soles on them
41:37 and real tall heels on them? Remember that?
41:39 People wore that... they thought that was the latest fashion.
41:41 Well it wasn't. Louis wore them back then.
41:44 So they've been around a long time. But Louis was
41:48 not able to get his Sunrise Kingdom together.
41:51 Died without seeing it fulfilled because God said:
41:55 "The kingdom's going to be divided. "
41:58 This brings us to probably one of the greatest military
42:02 geniuses the world has ever known:
42:05 Napoleon Bonaparte.
42:09 Napoleon decides he is going to unite Europe.
42:15 And I mean he set out to do just that:
42:18 to unite all of Europe back together.
42:23 Do you know what defeated Napoleon?
42:26 Huh?
42:28 Do you know what defeated him?
42:29 I know some of you are saying: "Oh, yes, I know.
42:31 The Duke of Wellington at Waterloo. "
42:33 No, that isn't what defeated Napoleon.
42:36 What defeated Napoleon was something very, very small
42:42 called a snowflake.
42:45 That's what defeated him.
42:46 You see, Napoleon took his army and marched them
42:49 into Russia, and in the matter of a few months
42:51 they were in Moscow and had it in flames.
42:54 And it looked like there was nothing that could stop
42:57 Napoleon.
42:59 And then he took his army and they started to leave Russia
43:02 and it snowed and it snowed and it snowed
43:08 and the temperature dropped lower and lower and lower
43:12 until almost half of Napoleon's army froze to death.
43:18 And his army was in no physical condition
43:22 to meet the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo
43:25 because it's God that sets them up
43:28 and God that takes them down.
43:30 Now, in case some of you here still tonight
43:33 are struggling and you're saying "Well, I'm not real sure I can
43:38 I can put everything, all my confidence in this book.
43:42 I'm not real sure of that that I can do that, "
43:45 then let me share something else with you.
43:48 You see this man here?
43:50 His name is Kaiser Wilhelm.
43:55 He's the emperor of Germany, OK?
44:01 It says they would "mingle with the seed of men. "
44:07 Remember that text? They would "mingle with the seed... "
44:09 That's an old English term, folks.
44:11 It means they would intermarry.
44:15 That's what it means: they would intermarry
44:17 trying to bring the kingdom back together.
44:20 Now if you don't believe what this book says
44:24 then let me ask you to do something.
44:27 Go to the library.
44:30 By the way, you won't have any trouble getting in.
44:32 It's not over-crowded.
44:34 OK? You can get in without any trouble.
44:36 And look it up... You'll find at the time
44:40 of Kaiser Wilhelm every... every king, every queen
44:46 of Europe was related.
44:48 They had intermarried -
44:51 all of them - until they were all related.
44:53 So that one historian when he talked about the first World War
44:57 he said the first World War wasn't anything but a great big
45:00 family argument. That's pretty true.
45:03 As God said, they would intermarry
45:06 trying to bring it all back together.
45:08 But they couldn't.
45:11 And as the first Word War was coming to an end and
45:14 people were dancing in the streets of Europe,
45:16 in the mind of a young paperhanger
45:19 was dancing visions of a 1,000 year Reich.
45:22 His name was Adolph Hitler.
45:25 Adolph Hitler decided that he wouldn't just rule Europe...
45:30 he would rule the world
45:33 and set out to bring all the world
45:37 under his 1,000 year Reich.
45:40 Now dear friends, I could tell you many, many stories
45:44 about the hand of God and what took place
45:48 during the second World War.
45:50 That God said: "The kingdom would be divided;
45:53 it would not be united, "
45:55 and because of the hand of God that is exactly what happened.
46:00 Because God said it would be that way.
46:03 OK. So what I've taken you is we started
46:07 with that head of gold and we've come all the way down here
46:10 and now we're in the feet and toes.
46:13 Now listen carefully.
46:27 That's in the days of Germany, England, France...
46:32 In the days of these kings we've talked about
46:34 the God of heaven is going to set up a kingdom.
46:42 So in the days of these ten kings - the ten toes
46:46 referred to there in Daniel...
46:48 All right. Now... "It shall break in pieces"
46:57 So it says that God's kingdom
46:59 is going to come in the days of these kingdoms
47:02 and it's going to break them into pieces
47:04 and it will stand forever.
47:07 Now, follow me.
47:19 All right. Now I'm going to Daniel the 7th chapter, folks.
47:24 We've established that those ten toes are ten kings
47:28 right down here at the end of time.
47:30 Now listen carefully.
47:32 The ten horns are what?
47:42 So in Daniel 7 there's ten kings.
47:44 Let's go to Revelation 12.
47:47 Speaking of Daniel 7, excuse me,
47:53 We'll talk about that on Wednesday night.
47:55 Revelation 12:
48:10 So here in Revelation 12 there is a beast that
48:14 has ten horns that represent ten kings.
48:18 And then when we go to Revelation 17 it says:
48:34 Now what I'm trying to tell you tonight,
48:38 what you need to get clear in your thinking,
48:41 is here we have in Daniel 7- I mean Daniel 2-
48:45 we have ten kings.
48:47 Daniel 7 we have ten kings.
48:50 Revelation 12 we've got ten kings.
48:54 Revelation 17 we've got ten kings.
48:57 In every one of those, all are the same ten kings.
49:03 In every one of those prophecies
49:05 they are the same ten kings.
49:08 They are Germany, France, Switzerland...
49:12 they are those very same ten Germanic tribes.
49:16 What I'm trying to get across to you tonight
49:19 is that God is consistent.
49:22 God will not fail.
49:24 He's consistent all the way through His Word.
49:27 And I promise you that as we study these prophecies
49:30 they're going to open up and you're going to see this
49:32 beast in Revelation... in Daniel 7
49:36 and the great red dragon in Revelation 12
49:39 and this beast in Revelation 17,
49:41 you're going to see exactly who they are,
49:43 who they represent, and what they mean.
49:46 It'll be consistent all the way through.
49:49 So, those are the same ten kings.
49:54 What does that mean?
49:56 That means today things are happening in Europe.
50:02 You see, it says: "they have received no kingdom as yet. "
50:07 OK. But you are living at the time in which you're seeing
50:12 all of a sudden the nations of Europe coming together.
50:15 What is called the Common Market
50:18 or the European Community.
50:21 When that happens, folks, that will be the largest
50:25 political, economical block in the world.
50:31 That's what it will be.
50:33 They are coming together forming one power:
50:39 the European Community.
50:56 Europe... This is their poster.
51:01 It shows the Tower of Babel, OK?
51:05 And it says Many Tongues, One Voice.
51:11 Do you understand?
51:13 Do you know that last year this European Community
51:18 decided to take and put their army together?
51:22 It is now the largest army on earth...
51:26 the one that they have.
51:29 When I went to Europe a short while back
51:33 it was no different than crossing the United States.
51:37 I showed my passport when I went into the country
51:40 and I never showed it another time...
51:42 and I traveled across nation after nation.
51:45 They're all coming together, just exactly...
51:48 They are not only coming together
51:50 in political views and concepts
51:53 but they're coming together also when it comes to finances.
51:56 They now have the Euro,
51:58 and that is gaining more momentum all the time.
52:02 So what I'm telling you tonight is you're living
52:05 at the time that these ten kings who have received no kingdom
52:10 you're seeing that all come together
52:12 and they're going to form a power.
52:15 That's what you're seeing.
52:17 And the scripture says that happens in the last days.
52:22 Now dear friend, what I'm asking you
52:26 is: can you believe it?
52:29 Can you build your faith on it?
52:32 "In the days of these kings, the God of heaven will set up
52:36 a kingdom. "
52:45 Listen, folks.
52:55 So it says that the dream "is certain. "
53:00 No question about it... the dream is certain!
53:03 Now I want to ask you something.
53:05 If God gave a prophecy, OK,
53:10 and one event after another in that prophecy
53:13 took place exactly as God said it would,
53:19 I mean with uncanny accuracy
53:22 everything fit exactly as God said it would,
53:26 and 90% of that prophecy
53:30 has been fulfilled just exactly as God said it would be,
53:34 then let me ask you - and the last 10% was still future -
53:39 do you think that will be ful- filled as God said it would be?
53:42 You better believe it will be.
53:45 This prophecy I've shared with you tonight
53:48 has happened exactly as God said it would.
53:53 We only have a little bit of that prophecy
53:55 left to be fulfilled. And you'd better believe
53:58 it'll happen just like God said it would.
54:01 "The dream indeed is sure... certain;
54:07 the interpretation is" what? "sure. "
54:11 Absolutely. So tonight
54:15 you and I can build our faith on this book.
54:19 You don't have to be in doubt about it, dear friend.
54:23 This book has stood the test of time.
54:28 It's been around thousands of years.
54:32 It has never failed and it will NEVER fail.
54:36 God will guide and direct your life
54:39 just as sure as anything.
54:41 He will help you and I prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ.
54:47 Can't be far off... because in the days
54:50 of these kings, the Lord is going to set up a kingdom.
54:55 Tonight, the Lord is coming. Are you ready?
55:01 The Lord's coming.
55:04 It can't go on much longer.
55:06 There's nothing left after the feet and toes.
55:09 We're down at the end.
55:12 Are you ready for the Lord to come?
55:17 Why will you wait, my brothers?
55:23 The promises of God
55:26 are all true.
55:31 Jesus bought your life
55:35 on Calvary's mountain,
55:41 and soon He will come again
55:47 for you.
55:52 The Lord is coming,
55:57 are you ready?
56:04 The Lord is coming,
56:09 are you ready?
56:17 Would your heart be right
56:23 if He came
56:26 tonight?
56:31 The Lord is coming,
56:37 are you
56:39 ready?
56:49 Let us pray.
56:51 Heavenly Father,
56:55 tonight we have seen how You with
57:00 one stroke of the pen
57:04 have outlined the whole history of mankind.
57:08 Lord, help us not to be weak in faith.
57:15 May we put our confidence in You.
57:18 May our hearts be open.
57:20 May we accept Jesus Christ into our lives as our Savior.
57:26 As we sense that we are living down in the end time
57:33 when everything is coming to a close...
57:37 One of these days soon You'll be setting up Your kingdom...
57:42 we ask, Lord, that each one of us may have a place
57:45 in your kingdom. Not because we're worthy
57:49 or not because of things we have done,
57:52 but because we've accepted You as our Savior.
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58:04 please write to:


Revised 2014-12-17