Time Of The End

The Midnight Cry

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Kenneth Cox


Series Code: TOTE

Program Code: TOTE000001

00:02 Can you believe it?
00:04 Can you build your faith on it?
00:08 The promises of God's Word are sure.
00:12 They do not fail.
00:17 This book has stood the test of time.
00:30 Heavenly Father,
00:33 tonight as we open Your Word
00:36 we ask that our hearts may be open.
00:41 We pray, Lord, that they may be soft,
00:44 they may be tender.
00:47 That we may hear the voice of Your Spirit
00:51 and that as we listen to Your Spirit
00:56 that each one of us may be willing to follow.
01:01 Give us wisdom.
01:03 Give us understanding,
01:05 and give us faith to walk with You.
01:09 For this we ask in Christ's name, Amen.
01:20 All you have to do is ask any
01:26 child, any... schoolchildren,
01:31 what the poem that was written by Longfellow is
01:35 and just quote a few stanzas of it
01:38 that says: "Listen my children, and you shall hear...
01:42 the midnight ride of Paul Revere. "
01:46 And every child recognizes that poem.
01:50 They remember the story
01:51 how those colonists were faced with an invasion from England
01:55 and how they had decided that there in the tower
02:00 of the North Church in Boston
02:03 that if the British were coming by land
02:06 they would hang one lantern.
02:09 If the British were coming by sea,
02:12 they would hang two.
02:14 Paul Revere took a boat and rowed across the bay
02:19 over to Charleston.
02:21 And there he waited to see if that lantern would show
02:26 in the belfry of the church tower.
02:29 And sure enough, at midnight
02:32 there in that tower was hanging two lanterns
02:36 saying that the British were coming by sea...
02:39 and Paul Revere began his famous ride.
02:42 Riding through all the towns and the villages
02:45 shouting: "Wake up! Wake up!
02:48 The British are coming! Wake up! "
02:51 And those men as they heard the cry of Paul Revere
02:55 rose up and put their clothes on and took their rifles
02:59 and went out to defend the colonies.
03:01 They were called Minutemen,
03:03 and they stood for something.
03:05 And the cry went out across the whole area:
03:08 "Wake up! The British are coming! "
03:11 In the Bible, it speaks of another cry:
03:16 the cry that is given to you and to me at midnight.
03:22 I want you to listen to what the Word of God says about it.
03:25 It's found in Mark the 13th chapter
03:28 starting with verse 35. And it says:
03:35 Ah, He said: "Listen, watch...
03:38 You don't know when the master of the house is coming...
03:43 in the evening, at midnight,
03:46 at the crowing of the rooster or in the morning. "
03:48 You don't know when it's going to take place.
03:57 He said: "Watch out!
04:00 Be prepared. The Master's coming back...
04:03 You don't know when it's going to be, but He's going to come. "
04:05 So listen to the words of Christ Himself.
04:08 He says:
04:15 Said: "I'm saying that to everyone: watch! Be prepared! "
04:19 Now folks, this cry that's given where the Lord's saying:
04:23 "You don't know when this is going to happen.
04:25 You don't know when the Master of the house is coming back.
04:28 Be prepared! Watch! "
04:30 He is speaking to Christians.
04:33 That is the call
04:35 that is being given to Christians
04:39 To those that have accepted Jesus Christ
04:42 He's saying: "Wake up! watch!
04:45 because you don't know when I'm
04:46 coming back. "
04:48 "Oh, " you say, "Oh, Brother Cox,
04:50 I'm so weary of watching! "
04:54 "I've been watching so long I'm tired of watching. "
04:59 Remind me of the old minister I was talking to...
05:03 He said: "Oh, when I gave my heart to the Lord Jesus Christ
05:07 I thought I wouldn't be able to go to school.
05:10 I thought the Lord would come
05:11 before I could go away to school. "
05:13 "Then, " he said, "I went away to school
05:15 and I thought I'll never make it through school. "
05:18 And he said: "I went all the way through school. "
05:21 And then he said: "When I got out of school,
05:23 I said... 'Well, I won't have long in the ministry. ' "
05:26 And he said: "Now it's been all these years
05:28 in the ministry and I've retired.
05:30 I'm so tired; I'm so weary of watching and waiting. "
05:35 The Lord said: "Be careful!
05:38 Watch out! Don't become indifferent. "
05:43 Don't say: "Well, I'm tired.
05:46 I'm just going to go on and forget about that. "
05:49 "I'm going to go about life.
05:51 It's time that I do something else.
05:53 They've said that for years. "
05:57 I run onto people all the time that tell me that.
05:59 They say: "Oh, Brother Cox, we have heard this for years.
06:03 I've just become indifferent about it. "
06:06 And then I run onto some people who say:
06:10 "I've been so disappointed... so disappointed.
06:15 I didn't believe we would ever make it into a new millennium.
06:20 Why I thought the Lord would have come long before now.
06:25 So disappointed that He hasn't come back.
06:29 I don't know that the Lord's going to come back. "
06:33 The scripture has some special counsel to you and to me
06:37 about that. This is what it says:
06:46 When?
06:50 He said: "Now know that scoffers are going to come
06:53 in the last days. "
06:55 OK. That's the time in which you and I are living.
06:59 We'll find that out tonight.
07:00 Going to come in the last days.
07:02 What are they scoffing about?
07:10 They're scoffing about that. They're saying:
07:12 "Where is the promise of His coming?
07:14 Why doesn't He come back? "
07:17 "For all things continue as they were... "
07:22 "Where is the promise of His coming?
07:24 For since the fathers fell asleep... "
07:31 "Oh, " he said, "so disappointed. "
07:34 Dear friend, let me tell you something...
07:37 hang on! The promises of God's Word are sure.
07:42 They do not fail. Never do they fail!
07:47 Promise that He gives when He says He will come back...
07:50 Indeed, He will come back!
07:52 Don't go through life and become careless
07:56 about your relationship with Jesus Christ.
07:59 Don't become careless about your belief
08:03 in what you're holding onto.
08:05 I run onto people that say: "Oh, Brother Cox,
08:07 we don't know when the Lord's coming.
08:09 Why it could be a thousand years from now.
08:13 We don't have any idea when the Lord's going to come back? "
08:18 Well, I want you to listen to a scripture.
08:22 This is what it tells us in I Thessalonians.
08:24 It speaks of Jesus coming as some people say
08:29 as a thief in the night. Listen:
08:39 Paul is saying: "Now concerning the times and the seasons,
08:42 I really shouldn't have to write to you. " OK?
08:53 People say: "Well see right there. It says that Jesus
08:57 is going to come back as a thief in the night. "
09:02 Let me tell you something tonight:
09:05 if Jesus comes back as a thief in the night to you,
09:10 you're lost.
09:14 If Jesus comes back
09:17 as a thief in the night to you,
09:19 you're lost!
09:21 Let's go on:
09:34 Now listen very carefully...
09:40 See, this call is to Christians.
09:42 This call is to people that have accepted Jesus Christ.
09:45 This call is to people who believe the Word of God.
09:48 "You brethren... " See, that's talking about people
09:51 that have accepted Christ.
09:53 "But you brethren are not in...? Darkness. "
09:57 "You're not in darkness so that this day
09:59 should overtake you as a thief. "
10:02 He said: "No! You're not in darkness
10:04 that that day should come upon you as a thief. "
10:15 Said: "You're sons of light!
10:17 That day's not to come upon you unaware. "
10:27 No, don't become careless.
10:31 The promises of God are sure.
10:34 He's coming back just exactly like He said He would come back.
10:40 Jesus Himself gave a parable...
10:44 a parable that deals with this midnight cry.
10:48 And He speaks of some very definite things
10:51 concerning Christians today.
10:53 This is what He says...
10:55 talks about ten virgins... listen:
11:11 OK, so these ten virgins...
11:13 they've gone out to meet the bridegroom.
11:24 OK?
11:31 Those were the foolish ones.
11:33 OK?
11:40 So we have two groups here.
11:43 They're all virgins.
11:44 They've all gone out to meet the bridegroom.
11:47 One took oil with them;
11:48 the other didn't take any oil with them.
11:50 "Now while the bridegroom was delayed,
11:54 they all slumbered and slept. "
11:58 All of them... church members.
12:01 They ALL slumbered and slept.
12:06 Afraid we've been doing a little bit of that...
12:08 slumbering and sleeping.
12:11 OK? BUT, the cry is given!
12:21 That means right down at the end.
12:24 Midnight there means the darkest hour of this earth's history.
12:28 The cry is given: "Behold, the bridegroom comes! "
12:34 Heard:
12:41 That was the cry that was given.
12:49 All of them arose and trimmed their lamps.
12:57 They said: "Give us some of your oil...
13:00 our lamps are going out.
13:02 We didn't bring any oil with us. "
13:12 They said: "If we give you oil, we won't have enough. "
13:38 While those five were out looking for oil
13:42 the bridegroom came
13:45 and those five wise went in
13:48 and the door was shut.
13:49 Now listen very carefully
13:52 to what the scripture says here
13:54 because what I'm going to read to you now
13:55 is most important.
14:05 They got the oil; they went back; they knocked on the door.
14:09 They said: "Lord, open the door to us! "
14:22 "I do not know you. "
14:27 Terrible! Terrible!
14:29 They didn't make it in.
14:32 He said: "I don't know you. "
14:34 "I don't know who you are. "
14:44 God says: "Watch, you don't know when the Son of Man's coming. "
14:49 The call has come. If you're not ready,
14:52 if you aren't... if you don't have the oil,
14:55 you're not going to be able to go in
14:57 and the door will be shut
14:58 and He'll say: "I don't know you. "
15:00 Those wise virgins... they went in.
15:05 The foolish didn't. Now there's some things
15:08 that you need to know about these virgins.
15:11 Let's look at what it tells us about these ten virgins.
15:23 All of them.
15:25 I mean, they're all church members.
15:28 They're all followers.
15:31 They're all believers.
15:33 They all accept the truth of God's Word...
15:36 all ten virgins! OK?
15:38 This call I'm talking about right now, folks,
15:41 is to Christians.
15:43 It's to people who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ.
15:45 These - all ten - are followers of Jesus Christ.
15:49 Secondly, all ten of them are advocates of the truth.
15:54 If you were to ask any one of them
15:57 they would have told you: "Yes, this is what we believe.
16:00 This is what we stand for. "
16:02 They all were advocates of the truth of God's Word.
16:06 Thirdly...
16:12 All ten of them are there.
16:14 They're church members.
16:15 They're the people... different ones that serve in the church.
16:19 They could be ones that sing in the choir.
16:22 They're attracting each other; they like to go to church.
16:25 That's these ten virgins.
16:31 Now let's take a look at the facts.
16:34 The facts are that five of them
16:39 were wise. They had oil and they went in.
16:44 Five were foolish.
16:48 They didn't take any oil with them.
16:50 You see...
17:00 Oh, I know lots of people
17:03 who read the Word of God
17:05 and it doesn't do them any good.
17:09 You see, without the Spirit of God
17:13 a knowledge of the Word of God won't do you any good.
17:18 I know people that believe
17:22 but they don't have any of the oil.
17:25 You see, the oil represents the Holy Spirit.
17:28 And unless the Holy Spirit is there
17:30 to touch your heart and to work on your heart,
17:33 it won't do you any good.
17:35 And those five foolish virgins,
17:38 they didn't take any oil with them.
17:41 They were lacking the Spirit of God.
17:43 So what happened?
17:45 Here's the terrible facts:
17:50 five foolish... the door was shut and He said to them what?
17:55 "I do not know you. "
17:58 "I don't know you. "
18:00 You see:
18:04 50% of them didn't make it into the kingdom of God.
18:10 Is it possible... is it possible
18:14 to know all this and be lost?
18:17 To miss eternal life?
18:19 Is it possible that a person could accept the truth
18:22 of God's Word - could be an advocate of the truth,
18:25 could enjoy going to church -
18:28 and miss heaven?
18:29 Is that possible?
18:33 Well, there's several places in scripture
18:37 that gives us a good idea.
18:40 Listen to what it says here in Matthew the 7th chapter
18:44 verse 22:
18:58 Now these are people that have cast out demons.
19:03 They... they have prophesied in the name of the Lord.
19:07 They're certainly people that would advocate the truth,
19:11 would they not?
19:13 And listen to what He says to them:
19:23 Same thing that He told those five foolish virgins:
19:27 "I don't know you. "
19:30 Here these people have prophesied in His name...
19:33 cast out demons. And He says:
19:36 "Sorry, I don't know you.
19:38 Depart from Me you who practice lawlessness.
19:42 I don't know who you are. "
19:46 In fact, Jesus told of an experience that He had.
19:51 He told of a young man - a rich young ruler -
19:57 that came to see Him.
20:00 If you remember that experience,
20:04 it goes like this:
20:17 Said: "Good Master, tell me
20:19 what good thing I must do
20:22 to have eternal life. "
20:27 In Matthew 19 He goes on and He says:
20:38 Jesus said: "Why are you calling Me good? "
20:40 Now what Jesus was trying to get out of that young man
20:44 was him to acknowledge that He was the Savior.
20:47 That's what He was... that's why He said:
20:49 "Why do you call Me good? "
20:51 But listen to this... what Jesus says to him now:
21:00 He said: "Oh, if you want to enter into life,
21:04 if you want to have eternal life, keep the commandments. "
21:19 I mean, here is a young man
21:23 that from his youth has kept the commandments of God.
21:25 And by the way, I can read to you in one of the other gospels
21:28 where it says that when Jesus looked upon this young man
21:32 He loved him... so this young man's not lying.
21:35 He's telling the truth.
21:37 And he said: "All this I have done from my youth.
21:42 What do I still lack? "
21:54 Said: "If you want to be perfect,
21:58 go sell what you have and give it to the poor.
22:03 And you will have treasure in heaven
22:05 and come and follow Me. "
22:10 Do you catch the significance there?
22:15 Do you catch the significance?
22:17 "Come" and what? "Follow Me. "
22:20 You see, there's a difference there between
22:22 "I do not know you" and "Follow Me. "
22:26 He's saying: "If you want to get into eternal life,
22:30 sell what you have. Give it to the poor.
22:32 Come and follow Me... walk with Me.
22:34 Come and be with Me... get acquainted with Me.
22:38 Spend time with Me... learn to know Me. "
22:41 That's what He's saying to this young man.
22:45 So what about today?
22:47 What does the scripture say that the conditions are today?
22:53 Where do you and I stand?
22:55 As far as the scripture is concerned, it says:
23:05 II Timothy the 3rd chapter...
23:28 Having a form of godliness: go to church... Yes!
23:33 but don't know anything about the power of the Holy Spirit.
23:37 You see, having a form of godliness
23:43 but no relationship with Jesus Christ.
23:48 This is what the call is to the church...
23:51 to those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ.
23:54 To those that today say "I'm a Christian"
23:57 God is saying: "Wake up!
24:00 Wake up! Come to know Me.
24:05 Get acquainted with Me.
24:06 Have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. "
24:09 That is the call that He is giving in preparation
24:14 for the coming of Jesus Christ.
24:16 That's what He's saying to you and to me:
24:18 "Get ready. I'm coming back. Come to know Me
24:21 as a personal Savior. "
24:23 Jesus told many, many parables.
24:29 Tonight I'd like to tell you a modern-day parable
24:33 that might illustrate what I'm trying to tell you tonight.
24:38 We'll call the parable The Night I Was Too Busy.
24:42 OK?
24:44 It was on a Saturday night
24:47 and I had just sat down -
24:51 or the man had just sat down - to watch an episode
24:55 on television.
25:00 Had sat down and had watched the first segment of it.
25:04 And when the commercial break came
25:07 uh, he went to the kitchen and got him a piece of cake
25:11 and a glass of milk and uh
25:13 came in and watched the second episode
25:16 or the second part of it - of Lethal Weapon.
25:22 Watching Lethal Weapon.
25:25 And then when the next commercial break came
25:27 he decided he'd have another piece of cake.
25:29 Went in to watch the last episode of Lethal Weapon -
25:35 this is the most interesting part
25:38 because this is when Danny Glover and Mel Gibson
25:41 are about to capture the enemy.
25:44 And right in the very heart of that episode
25:48 down the stairs came his little sister yelling
25:52 "Jesus is coming; Jesus is coming! "
25:55 And he said: "Shhh, be quiet.
25:59 I'm watching Lethal Weapon. "
26:01 And she said: "No, Jesus is coming. I've seen Him. "
26:05 And he said: "Shhh, be quiet. "
26:08 She said: "No, I need to go out and meet Him.
26:11 You need to come with me. Jesus is coming! "
26:13 And he said: "Oh, go ahead and go on.
26:16 I'll be out in a minute. "
26:19 Strange that Jesus would come right in the middle...
26:23 right at the very end of Lethal Weapon
26:26 and spoil the very whole... last part of it!
26:30 And right in the midst of that dynamic part
26:34 when everything is happening
26:36 they decided to take a commercial break.
26:40 And he said: "Well, while we're having a commercial break
26:43 I'll go out and meet Jesus.
26:45 Probably can say in 5 minutes everything I have to say. "
26:50 And so he goes out, opens the door and everything is dark.
26:55 And he said: "Terrible.
26:58 Why would He come...
27:00 Why would He come very... in the last part of Lethal Weapon
27:04 and not even say 'Hi?' "
27:08 Said: "Oh, well, it's dark.
27:11 I'll go in and get some root beer and popcorn
27:15 and enjoy an evening of watching TV. "
27:19 Are you understanding what I'm talking about?
27:24 You see, He said: "I don't know you. "
27:28 "I don't know who you are. "
27:31 Concerning the coming of Jesus Christ, it says
27:35 that if you and I are going to enter into life
27:38 this is what we must do:
27:41 "And this is eternal life... THIS is eternal life...
27:53 "THIS is eternal life: that they may know You. "
27:59 If you want to enter into life, dear friends,
28:01 then you have to become acquainted with Jesus Christ.
28:05 You're not going to have eternal life if you don't.
28:08 Going to church won't get it done.
28:12 You can go to church and not know Jesus Christ.
28:15 It's even possible for you to read the Word of God
28:18 and not know Jesus Christ.
28:20 You've got to know Him. Who is this Jesus Christ?
28:27 Who is He that I need to know?
28:31 And tonight for this first part
28:34 I have talked to those that are Christians.
28:37 Those of you who go to church.
28:39 I'd like to take a little time to talk to those of you
28:43 who may not know Jesus Christ as your Savior.
28:45 Who is He? God up in heaven, the Father...
28:50 this is what He said about Him:
29:01 God the Father said: "This is My beloved Son. "
29:07 That's who He is: He is the Son of God.
29:11 There is no one else... He is the only one
29:16 that is the Son of God.
29:18 John the Baptist, as he stood there on the banks
29:22 of the Jordan River and Jesus come walking down
29:25 the Jordan River, John said this about Him:
29:38 John said "He is the Lamb of God. "
29:42 That means dear friend tonight no matter who you are
29:46 Jesus Christ was the sacrifice for your sins.
29:50 He died for you.
29:52 He paid the price that you rightfully owe.
29:56 He paid. He is the Lamb of God
29:59 that takes away the sins of the world.
30:02 That's what John the Baptist said about Him.
30:04 Peter... When Peter was asked who He was
30:15 Asked him: "Who is He? "
30:18 Peter said: "He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. "
30:23 Tonight, if you don't know Him
30:28 then tonight He IS the Savior, the Son of God.
30:34 When Jesus spoke about who He was
30:39 Jesus said this:
30:58 Oh, He said: "I'm the light of the world.
31:00 That person that comes to Me will not walk in darkness. "
31:06 No, won't walk in darkness.
31:11 In the scripture it gives you
31:13 an insight to what Jesus Christ
31:17 will do for you tonight.
31:20 What is the life? What is the life that Jesus Christ gives?
31:45 So it says the first thing
31:47 that Christ does is He opens your eyes.
31:51 You see, dear friend, you can't see if your eyes are shut.
31:57 And I run onto a lot of people that won't open their eyes.
32:02 Their eyes are shut!
32:03 And the Lord Jesus Christ wants to open your eyes
32:07 tonight so you can see.
32:09 I got on the plane, sat down,
32:13 and this fellow came in and sat down beside me.
32:16 He was very talkative.
32:18 And as we were flying, he began to tell me
32:21 about a book he had just bought at the bookstore.
32:23 Told me it was a best seller
32:26 and how it was recommended so high
32:28 and how anxious he was to read it.
32:31 Now the book was not very big... just kind of a thin little book.
32:34 And the name of the book was Who Moved My Cheese?
32:37 That was the name of the book: Who Moved My Cheese?
32:40 And so as we flew he read this little book.
32:43 And when he finished it, he began to rave
32:46 what a marvelous book it was.
32:48 And then he looked at me and he said:
32:50 "Would you like to read it? "
32:51 And I said: "Sure, I'd like to read it. "
32:53 So he handed it to me,
32:55 and so as we flew along I read the little book.
32:57 What the book is about is not being afraid
33:01 to move out of your comfort zone.
33:03 That's what it's about...
33:04 not being afraid to change.
33:07 Not being afraid to look at new things
33:10 and to accept changes that take place.
33:13 That's what the little book is all about.
33:15 And I enjoyed it. It was a great little book.
33:17 When I finished reading it, I told him how much I enjoyed
33:19 the little book, how much I appreciated him
33:22 letting me read it.
33:23 Then I decided in my own mind
33:26 that I would see how much good it had done him.
33:28 So I said to him, I said: "You know, I have a little book
33:32 that I just finished reading
33:35 that really is a fabulous little book.
33:36 It's called Almost Home
33:39 and it's on Bible prophecy
33:41 and it kind of tells us where we are today
33:43 and I thought you might like to read it.
33:45 And I pulled it out of my briefcase.
33:48 And he took it and he said:
33:50 "What did you say it was about? "
33:52 And I said: "Oh, it's about Bible prophecy. "
33:54 And he handed it back to me and said: "No thank you. "
33:58 Now you see, dear friend,
34:01 it didn't get him out of his comfort zone.
34:03 You see, if your eyes are closed
34:06 you can't see.
34:07 So Jesus Christ comes to open your eyes.
34:12 And when your eyes are open
34:15 something marvelously begins to happen because it says:
34:19 "in order to turn them from darkness to light. "
34:24 You see, you've got to open your eyes to know
34:28 that you're in darkness.
34:30 If you keep your eyes closed all the time,
34:33 you don't know whether there's light or there's darkness.
34:36 Your eyes are shut. But when you open your eyes
34:38 you can tell whether you're in darkness
34:41 or whether you're in light.
34:42 And Jesus said: "Listen, I've come to open your eyes
34:44 so that you will turn from darkness to light. "
34:48 That's what Jesus Christ is going to do for you.
34:50 I can tell you tonight: if you have never known Jesus Christ
34:56 as your personal Savior,
34:58 when you accept Him, oh, dear friends,
35:01 how He brings in the light and how everything looks different.
35:06 I mean, He changes things.
35:09 And things that you once loved
35:12 all of a sudden they aren't near as attractive to you.
35:16 And some of those things that you didn't care about
35:19 all of a sudden you enjoy.
35:22 He changes you.
35:23 Makes you different so that you enjoy the light.
35:27 Brings that to you.
35:28 Dear friend, it can only be experienced.
35:34 Sorry. I can tell you about it,
35:38 but you can only know about it by experience.
35:42 If you're going to sit back and say:
35:45 "Well, I don't know, "
35:48 you'll never experience it.
35:50 But when you give your heart to the Lord and you experience it,
35:54 what a change comes over your life.
35:57 And then He said:
35:58 " to turn them from darkness to light, and from
36:01 the power of Satan to God. "
36:13 It says that He turns you from darkness to light
36:17 that you might receive what? The forgiveness of sin.
36:24 He says: "Listen, I'll take you just like you are.
36:28 I'll accept you just like you are.
36:32 Welcome you into My family.
36:36 I'll forgive you of all your sins. "
36:40 Dear friend, let me tell you tonight:
36:42 I don't care how dark your sins may be,
36:46 the Bible says that He will forgive
36:49 "all manner of sin. "
36:53 Listen:
37:07 What does that mean?
37:09 It says that if you and I come to Him
37:12 and we confess our sins
37:15 "He is faithful and just
37:18 to forgive us our sins. "
37:20 He's faithful. That means that heaven is open for business
37:25 24 hours a day.
37:28 It means that you can come to Him any time
37:32 and if you confess your sins He'll forgive you.
37:35 And it says that He is "faithful and just. "
37:38 That means that He won't treat me one way
37:41 and you another way. If He'll forgive me of my sins,
37:44 He'll forgive you of your sins.
37:47 That's what it means: that our sins can be forgiven.
37:52 He will do that for you and for me.
38:08 It says that the blood of Jesus Christ
38:12 cleanses us from ALL sin.
38:18 The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from ALL sin.
38:24 So tonight it doesn't make any difference
38:31 how dark your past may have been.
38:34 It doesn't make any difference, dear friend,
38:37 how terrible your sins may have been.
38:40 The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from ALL sin.
38:46 There is no sin that it won't cleanse.
38:51 See, I have at home in my laundry room
38:56 some spot remover.
38:58 Some of it says "SUPER" spot remover.
39:03 But none of it ever seems to do a very good job.
39:07 But let me tell you, the blood of Jesus Christ
39:10 cleanses ALL sin.
39:14 Not any sin that it won't cleanse.
39:16 And then it says:
39:18 "the forgiveness of sins according to the riches
39:22 of His grace. "
39:25 Ah, marvelous!
39:27 The riches of His grace...
39:31 This fellow had a dream.
39:34 He dreamed he went to heaven.
39:38 When he got to heaven, he was met by Peter
39:41 at Peter's gate
39:44 and Peter welcomed him to heaven.
39:47 They had a nice talk, and then Peter as they were talking
39:52 said to him... said: "Well, if you want to come on inside
39:55 you have to have 100 points. "
39:58 And the fellow said: "Well,
40:00 how do I go about getting 100 points? "
40:04 And Peter said: "Well, what have you done? "
40:09 "Oh, " he said, "I've lived a good life. "
40:11 He said: "I have a family.
40:14 I've tried to be a good husband.
40:16 I've tried to be a good father.
40:18 I've tried to do good things in the community.
40:20 I've lived a good life.
40:22 I've gone to church.
40:23 I've been very supportive in the community.
40:26 I've done a lot of good things. "
40:28 And Peter said: "Well OK, that's worth a point. "
40:33 He said: "Worth what? "
40:35 Said: "Oh, that... that's worth a point. "
40:37 He said: "You mean my whole life?
40:39 Everything that I did is only worth one point?
40:43 That's all? "
40:45 And Peter said: "Don't you have anything else? "
40:50 He said: "Well, yeah, when I died, "he said, "I left
40:54 a large amount of money to the church. "
40:57 He said: "All the things that I have saved
41:01 I left to the church to forward the gospel
41:04 and to help the poor. " He said:
41:05 "I gave all that to the church. "
41:08 Peter said: "Well yeah, "
41:10 he said, "that's worth another point. "
41:12 He said: "You mean... you mean all that I've done
41:17 all my life and all the things that I saved
41:20 and everything that I gave to the church...
41:22 that's only worth two points? "
41:26 Peter said: "That's right. "
41:29 He said: "There's no way on earth I'll get in there
41:33 except by the grace of God! "
41:35 And Peter said: "That's worth 100 points. "
41:39 Dear friends, that's the way it works is by the grace of God.
41:44 You see, it's not because you're worth it.
41:48 It's not because you did something
41:51 that makes you worth it.
41:53 It's not because you're intelligent.
41:55 It's not because you are good looking.
41:59 It's not because of what you've done...
42:01 it's because of Jesus Christ.
42:04 Because of Him... that He died for you.
42:08 And by His grace He takes His blood and He cleanses you
42:13 from all sin. That is because of what Jesus Christ
42:18 did for you and for me.
42:19 And dear friends, that is why it is so absolutely vital
42:24 that you know Him.
42:26 You see, if you don't know Him He can't do anything for you.
42:31 You can go to church, but dear friend
42:33 if you don't know Him,
42:34 if you don't have a relationship with Him,
42:37 when that time comes He'll have to say: "Sorry,
42:40 I don't know you...
42:43 I don't know you. "
42:45 Very important... To open the eyes of the blind,
42:51 "to turn them from darkness to light,
42:55 from the power of Satan to God. "
43:07 Sanctified by what?
43:09 Sanctified means changing your life.
43:13 That means what the Lord Jesus Christ does for you.
43:16 How are we sanctified?
43:19 "By faith. " Get it clear, folks.
43:22 You're sanctified by faith.
43:37 Ever read the story of Abraham of old?
43:40 Came out one evening, looked up in the sky
43:45 and God said: "Abraham,
43:47 you ought to tidy the place up here
43:50 because there's going to be a baby born. "
43:52 Abraham said: "Good Lord, who's going to have a baby?
43:56 Lot's wife or one of the servants? "
43:58 God said: "No, Abraham...
44:00 your wife Sarah's going to have a baby. "
44:02 "In fact, Abraham, I'm going to give you a son
44:05 and your offspring will be like the stars of the heavens
44:08 and like the sands of the sea. "
44:10 And Abraham said: "Oh, Lord,
44:11 that's wonderful... wonderful
44:14 that You're going to give us a baby.
44:16 I've always wanted a son. "
44:18 And he went running home and he said:
44:20 "Sarah, Sarah, guess what? We're going to have a baby! "
44:23 She said: "We are? "
44:27 She said: "Abraham, you've forgotten something.
44:30 You've forgotten that I am 65 years old.
44:36 You're 75 years old.
44:40 I'm past the time of life to have a child.
44:43 I can't have a child. "
44:46 Abraham said: "Sarah, I wasn't hearing things. "
44:51 And - you know - every time they got around
44:56 that's all Abraham could talk about was having another baby,
44:59 having a baby... having a baby.
45:01 So Sarah got tired of talking about it.
45:04 Year after year passed. No baby.
45:07 Finally Sarah said: "Abraham, why don't you take my handmaiden
45:12 Hagar and have a son by her. "
45:14 And so Abraham took Hagar and had a son by her.
45:17 And God said: "Abraham, I didn't say a word about Hagar.
45:21 I said Sarah was going to have a son. "
45:26 Now, 25 years passed, folks.
45:32 Twenty-five years passed,
45:34 and here Christ comes talking to Abraham.
45:40 Told him he's going to have a son.
45:42 And it says Abraham's now 100 years old.
45:46 Sarah... she's 90.
45:49 And when He said: "Abraham, you're going to have a son, "
45:52 Abraham just fell on the ground and started laughing.
45:55 Said: "You've waited too long. "
45:57 Sarah... she was listening at it in the tent
46:00 and she started laughing.
46:01 You'd laugh too if some sister here
46:04 stood up 90 years old and told us she was pregnant.
46:07 You'd all say: "Oh, she's senile. "
46:10 That's what you'd do.
46:12 But, folks, have you ever considered
46:14 how embarrassing that was?
46:16 Huh?
46:18 Because Abraham and Sarah... they traveled.
46:22 They were kind of nomads.
46:23 And when God told him He was going to give him a son
46:27 he changed their names.
46:28 He changed Abram's name to Abraham, see.
46:30 Abram to Abraham
46:31 and Sarai to Sarah.
46:33 Do you know what those names meant?
46:35 Abraham means father of nations.
46:39 Sarah means mother of nations.
46:42 And so here they come walking up to this village
46:45 and as they did back then all the elders are sitting
46:48 out in front of the village.
46:50 And they say: "Welcome to our village. "
46:52 And Abraham said: "Thank you. "
46:53 They said: "What's your name? "
46:54 He said: "Oh, my name's father of nations. "
46:58 They said: "Your wife? "
46:59 "Oh, this is my wife: mother of nations. "
47:01 "Well how many children do you have? "
47:03 "We don't have any. "
47:04 Terrible!
47:07 Why? Why would God wait 25 years?
47:15 So... waiting so that Abraham would get so old
47:20 that he couldn't reproduce.
47:24 Said: "Abraham, since you wouldn't listen
47:27 I'll just wait you out. And when you're so old
47:30 you can't reproduce, then I'll give you a son. "
47:33 Listen. That's what it says in Romans...
47:35 Romans the 4th chapter:
47:43 That meant he couldn't reproduce.
48:03 Listen, folks...
48:08 By faith Abraham hung on.
48:11 That was counted to him as righteousness.
48:14 It is our faith that overcomes the world.
48:19 Hang on! Jesus Christ will do wonderful things for you.
48:25 How can I find direction for my life?
48:28 Let me tell you quickly
48:31 how you can find direction for your life.
48:34 You see, there's some people that make decisions.
48:40 They think they're the right decisions
48:43 but they're the wrong ones and they lead to death.
48:58 You see, I can't trust my own ability.
49:03 I can't do that, dear friend.
49:05 And if tonight you're trusting your own ability
49:08 you're on dangerous ground.
49:22 Don't put your trust in your ability.
49:25 Put your trust in the Word of God.
49:27 Don't lean on your own ability.
49:37 So if you want to know what's the right way
49:39 then, dear friend, get out that Bible. Read it.
49:43 Commit your life to the Lord Jesus Christ,
49:45 and read it to have a personal relationship with Him.
49:50 Read it to understand and listen to His voice.
49:52 As He speaks to you it will change your life
49:56 and make you different.
49:57 Jesus Christ is saying that He is the way.
50:11 You want eternal life?
50:14 Jesus Christ is the way.
50:24 Where do we stand?
50:26 It says that the cry is given at midnight.
50:30 That's what it says.
50:40 The Bible gives you two indicators
50:44 of helping you know where you are in the stream of time.
50:47 Those two indicators are these:
50:55 That's what prophecy is for.
50:58 Prophecy is given to help you and I know where we are
51:01 in the stream of time.
51:03 That's why God gives prophecy.
51:05 The other is...
51:10 For instance, in Matthew the 24th chapter
51:12 Jesus Christ Himself gave 17 signs of His coming.
51:18 Of those 17 signs, 16 have been fulfilled.
51:23 Can I trust these two indicators
51:28 to tell me where I am in the stream of time?
51:31 Listen, this is what the Bible tells you:
51:49 So he said: "If anything is sure, it's the prophetic word.
51:54 You can trust it. "
51:56 So starting tomorrow night, we're going to begin to take
52:00 the prophecies and take them step by step
52:03 and we'll bring them right on down to the time
52:06 in which you and I are living.
52:08 Concerning the signs, Jesus said:
52:22 So those are indicators to help you and I
52:25 know where we are today.
52:27 What is the danger today?
52:28 What's the danger for you and for me today?
52:34 This is the danger:
52:51 That's the danger.
52:53 The danger that we have today is that the coming of Jesus Christ
52:57 will come upon you unexpectedly.
53:02 Being so involved with the things of this life,
53:05 so concerned with making a living,
53:07 so concerned with taking care of the things of this life
53:10 that I miss eternal life.
53:14 Jesus made a comparison to it and He said:
53:26 He said: "Now, like the days of Noah,
53:29 so will the days of the Son of Man be. "
53:32 Let's see what the days of Noah were like.
53:41 That meant they were going on about life as usual.
53:44 They were eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage.
53:47 Not really very concerned about
53:50 really what was taking place.
53:56 OK?
53:57 So they were just going on about life as usual.
53:59 Now listen... I want you to listen very carefully
54:03 to the next words:
54:10 Terrible words.
54:20 Didn't know till the flood came.
54:25 Took them all way.
54:27 "So will the coming of the Son of Man be. "
54:35 Sometimes in our schedule
54:39 it's rather hectic.
54:42 Sometimes we have to go for months -
54:47 even years - without vacations.
54:49 And for the last couple years it's been that way.
54:52 I'm just constantly from one meeting to another.
54:56 And here about a year ago now
55:00 we received an invitation to speak at a convention
55:04 in Sacramento.
55:05 And so since we hadn't had a break
55:08 Gordon and Dona Klein that work with me
55:11 and I decided that we would catch a plane
55:15 and fly up to Seattle.
55:17 And there in Seattle we would take the Clipper Ship
55:22 from Seattle over to Victoria
55:24 and we would spend a couple days just sightseeing
55:28 and relaxing in Victoria.
55:30 Go out to the Butchart Gardens and just enjoy the scenery
55:34 and relax a little bit.
55:36 And then we would come back -
55:38 take the Clipper back to Seattle.
55:41 Spend the night there,
55:43 spend a day in Seattle sightseeing,
55:46 and then catch Amtrak train that night...
55:51 get us a berth and sleep overnight...
55:55 and get up and be in Sacramento the next morning.
55:58 That was our plan.
55:59 So we did. We flew up to Seattle.
56:02 Caught the Clipper; went to Victoria.
56:04 Enjoyed two wonderful days in Victoria
56:07 just looking at the scenery and enjoying the area.
56:09 Caught the Clipper back to Seattle and spent the night.
56:13 The next morning I got up... we weren't rushed.
56:16 I had a very leisurely breakfast; enjoyed it very much.
56:21 And then went up to the room and spent some time just reading
56:26 and praying with no schedule or anything.
56:29 Just enjoying spending time with the Lord.
56:32 And then when I had finished my devotions
56:35 I said to Gordon and Dona... I said:
56:38 "Well, let's go look at some things here in Seattle. "
56:42 But I said, "You know, I don't want to lug this suitcase
56:47 around all day. " You know, I had this big suitcase,
56:49 and I said: "I just don't want to lug it around all day.
56:52 You reckon I could call Amtrak
56:55 and see if they'd let me check it in early? "
56:57 So I called up Amtrak and I told them, I said:
57:00 "I have a train... a train to catch with you this evening
57:04 and I'm here in Seattle. I don't want to lug this all day.
57:08 I'm wondering if you'd let me check it in early. "
57:10 They said: "Sure, Mr. Cox. You can check it in early. "
57:13 They said: "What's the number of your train? "
57:16 And I said: "The number of the train I'm catching
57:18 is this number and it leaves tonight at 9:45 pm. "
57:22 And there was silence on the other end.
57:24 And the man spoke up and said:
57:26 "Mr. Cox, your train leaves at 9:45 this morning. "
57:31 That was 9:40 am, folks.
57:35 Only by the grace of God did we make that train.
57:40 But I hope you're getting my point.
57:43 Did not know... did not know
57:47 until all of a sudden there it was.
57:50 "So, " the scripture says,
57:52 "will the coming of the Son of Man be. "
57:56 Tonight I want to ask you:
57:59 are you ready for Jesus to come?
58:02 Do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
58:05 Can you look into His face and say
58:08 "This is my God! "
58:11 Let us pray.
58:14 Heavenly Father, tonight we ask
58:17 that each one of us may be ready for Jesus to come.
58:23 May we know You personally as a Savior.
58:29 May our hearts be surrendered to You.
58:32 To obtain a copy of this program or for more information,
58:35 please write to:


Revised 2014-12-17