Taste of Paradise

Fudge And A Facial / Almond Apricot Cookies

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Nyse Collins (Host), Evita Tezeno, Monique Brown


Series Code: TOP

Program Code: TOP000038

00:01 Have you ever wondered exactly how to prepare
00:02 healthy food that actually tastes good?
00:05 Well, stay tuned while Evita Tezeno and yours truly,
00:07 Nyse Collins,
00:09 show you just how to do it and give you something better,
00:12 A Taste of Paradise.
00:31 Welcome to A Taste of Paradise.
00:33 My name is Evita Tezeno,
00:36 and are you hankering for something sweet today?
00:40 Oh, of course, you can have a piece of fruit
00:42 or even a piece of dried fruit,
00:44 but, no, I am going to show you
00:47 how to make a Creamy Carob Fudge.
00:51 And you're saying, "Evita, carob?
00:53 I like chocolate."
00:54 Well, carob is naturally sweet
00:58 and chocolate isn't.
01:01 Carob can be pulled from the tree,
01:03 the pods can be licked like a lollipop,
01:06 and the problem with chocolate,
01:09 it is not naturally sweet,
01:10 it has to be processed with milk and sugar
01:13 to make it sweet.
01:15 And the process for chocolate is a little questionable,
01:19 you can go read it on the internet for yourself,
01:21 I'm not gonna go into detail.
01:23 But carob is better for you, it's high in calcium,
01:27 and it's loaded with other great nutrients.
01:30 So the recipe for the creamy carob fudge is...
01:55 Now in most of the stores,
01:57 you will find that you will find the roasted carob
02:03 other than the raw.
02:04 And if you can't find the raw carob,
02:06 it's quite all right because both of them are great.
02:10 One has just been roasted
02:11 and the other one has not been...
02:14 They're un-roasted and the other one is roasted.
02:17 And what they do is just grind the carob pods into powder.
02:22 So what we're gonna do is,
02:24 we're gonna start with our almond butter
02:27 and also you can have
02:30 raw almond butter or roasted almonds,
02:33 and roasted almonds are not as great for you,
02:38 but if you cannot find the raw almond butter,
02:41 the roasted almond butter will be all right.
02:45 And these dates, I have soaked them,
02:49 these are medjool dates, but sometimes the dates are
02:53 harder than usual
02:55 and it's really hard on your food processor,
02:57 so I advise you to soak your dates first
03:00 and these are the 12 dates.
03:04 And this is a real, real quick and easy recipe.
03:10 This is the two tablespoons of honey.
03:15 A pinch of salt,
03:18 the cardamom and coriander,
03:20 which gives it that kind of extra kick.
03:24 And then we're gonna process this first
03:26 before we put the carob powder in.
03:42 And then the carob powder.
04:07 And what you can do with this,
04:09 you can press it into a container like so
04:13 or you can even form these into
04:15 nice little round balls like this.
04:19 And you could put nuts in it or any kind of things.
04:24 And today, what I'm gonna do is just put them into...
04:27 Make them into little balls
04:29 and you could also roll them in nuts or any kind of...
04:35 Coconut or anything.
04:39 Whatever your heart's desire,
04:41 these are good to take to the gym with you,
04:45 to take hiking.
04:48 These are just wonderful,
04:50 so we can make these like fudgy balls.
05:00 And so what I'm gonna do is,
05:02 you know, I have to taste everything I eat so...
05:11 These are so good,
05:15 they're not too sweet but they are...
05:19 They hit the spot when you want something
05:22 not too sweet, but you want that sweet
05:25 and that dense...
05:28 Really, really like them, you must try them,
05:32 and share them with a friend.
05:34 This is Evita Tezeno with A Taste of Paradise
05:39 and remember to always, live life fresh.
05:52 Wow, I mean, literally those are dangerously tasty.
05:56 I just had some actually a little bit earlier today,
05:59 those creamy carob fudge or carob creamy fudge,
06:02 whatever it is, it was good and we figured, man,
06:04 we are in the dessert mood today.
06:06 Let's just continue along with that.
06:09 Today, we have a special, special program
06:11 and it's called "For Ladies Only,"
06:12 the skin edition and I think for those
06:14 who have been good frequent viewers
06:16 or watchers of the program,
06:18 they know what I'm talking about,
06:19 because before we've done a "For Ladies Only" program,
06:22 and I have a special guest who did it,
06:24 so we invited her back by popular demand,
06:26 you requested it.
06:27 So we are here again today,
06:29 and my special guest for the "For Ladies Only,
06:31 Skin Edition,"
06:32 is none other than one of the lead consultants
06:34 with SanareLife consultants, Monique Brown.
06:36 Monique, how's it going?
06:38 Going good, Nyse, how about you?
06:39 Good, good, good to see you again
06:40 and thank you for coming back and helping out.
06:42 I remember the last time you were here,
06:44 you made that phenomenal cheese cake,
06:46 it was good, inside, outside,
06:49 it was good for everything, and we figured, hey,
06:51 let's just do something special for the ladies,
06:53 for their skin as well.
06:55 And just for those who don't know you, Monique,
06:57 where are you from?
06:58 I'm from Brooklyn, New York. Brooklyn, New York.
07:00 What do you know about Brooklyn?
07:01 She's claiming Brooklyn,
07:02 I think she's from a different part,
07:04 she's from like the suburbs of Brooklyn,
07:05 you know, not the real Brooklyn.
07:07 No, I'm just kidding.
07:08 But welcome from Brooklyn, New York.
07:11 What did you use to do before you came in to
07:14 as a lead consultant with SanareLife consultant,
07:16 what was your career?
07:17 Well, before I became a consultant with SanareLife,
07:20 I actually used to work with the police department
07:22 there in New York city.
07:23 I used to be a forensic scientist
07:25 and one day, I got a little light bulb and I said,
07:27 "You know what?
07:28 I think I wanna help people before they go to sleep."
07:31 Oh, so you basically work with the dead people,
07:34 you mean, like CSI or something like that,
07:36 crime scene investigation,
07:37 you know, where you do all the science and stuff,
07:38 that's what you used to do?
07:40 Something like that.
07:41 So forensic science, so used to study people
07:42 after they were dead
07:44 and find out what caused their problem,
07:45 and then look at their skin,
07:47 and can you tell things from people when they die,
07:48 just looking at their skin when they're dead?
07:51 Can you tell if they had good or bad skin
07:54 or something like that or...?
07:55 Well, it's amazing, you can tell a lot of things.
07:57 You can tell, based on their skin,
07:59 based on the colors of their body,
08:01 kind of what happened to them when they died,
08:04 you can even tell what they last ate before they died.
08:06 Whoa. So you can tell tons of things.
08:08 This is serious business,
08:09 so we wanna focus on people before they die.
08:12 Of course, you know,
08:13 and so that's why we're gonna do the special program.
08:15 Now tell us a little bit about this program, the skin edition.
08:18 What are we gonna do?
08:20 Why are we focusing on the skin here, today?
08:22 Well, Nyse, a lot of women, we care about our skin,
08:25 about the way we look, it's kind of what makes us,
08:28 you know, when we look in the mirror
08:29 before we leave home or as soon as we wake up,
08:32 you know, we wanna see beauty,
08:33 you know, that's just woman, that's what we're like.
08:36 So we started to develop some programs
08:38 and this is just one of them
08:39 on how we can have nice healthy skin.
08:41 Awesome, awesome, nice healthy skin,
08:43 you can't go wrong.
08:44 But, yeah, am I doing okay?
08:46 Oh, don't look too close, don't look too close.
08:47 But anyway, so we're gonna do that today
08:49 and we're gonna show how there are certain foods
08:51 that you can use
08:53 and eat that is actually good for the skin.
08:55 But since we're doing desserts, what are we gonna do today?
08:58 What did you come up with?
08:59 Well, we have our Almond-Apricot Cookies.
09:02 Almond apricot or apricot cookie...
09:05 Very good, so the almonds is good
09:07 as we know for the body,
09:08 good for the bones and all of that stuff.
09:10 But one of the key ingredients you said is the apricots, yeah?
09:12 Yes. What is the apricot's good for?
09:13 The apricot is good for the skin,
09:15 it's also good for the eyes as well.
09:16 Really?
09:18 Yes, it's very high in beta carotene,
09:19 nice orange color we have there,
09:21 and what's really great is that you can do like a shake,
09:25 you can do cookies like we're doing today,
09:27 you can do tons of things with the apricot.
09:29 Okay, okay, so we're gonna do some cookies today,
09:32 but now can you imagine you're eating a cookie
09:34 'cause normally we would eat those chocolate chip cookies
09:36 and those other cookies,
09:37 which actually causes the skin problems,
09:39 but now this cookie is actually gonna be good for you,
09:42 inside and outside, right?
09:44 You've got it.
09:45 And so let's just go ahead
09:47 and see what this recipe is all about
09:48 and get it rolling, 'cause we want those things
09:49 to be baking and hurry up.
09:51 So I can go ahead and have some before we're done.
09:53 The Almond-Apricot Cookies, all you need is...
10:18 And that's pretty much all you need here.
10:20 Yeah, that's all.
10:21 It's simple enough as for this
10:23 delicious almond-apricot cookie.
10:24 So where do we start here
10:25 'cause we got a couple of items,
10:27 I'm about to get this thing rolling here?
10:28 What's the first step?
10:30 All right, so first, we're gonna go ahead
10:31 and we're gonna blend our almonds.
10:33 All right.
10:34 So those almonds, they are shredded there.
10:36 If you have regular almonds, can you use those as well?
10:38 Yes, you can use those as well. Okay.
10:40 All right, and we also have our oats,
10:42 and we have a little tip
10:43 we're gonna share a little bit later with the oats
10:45 and how this is also good for the skin as well.
10:47 So the oats, now the oats we have, is that rolled oats,
10:50 quick oats, doesn't really matter, no?
10:52 These are quick oats,
10:54 but you can also use old fashioned rolled oats as well
10:56 'cause you're gonna blend it up.
10:57 Right, so it doesn't really matter.
10:58 So that's actually like a really good key here
11:00 'cause a lot of people are like,
11:01 "I don't have the almonds or the shredded
11:03 or something like that."
11:05 Just work with what you have and, you know, improvise, yeah.
11:07 Yeah, you got it.
11:09 And then what's this last one here?
11:10 We have our coconut.
11:11 Coconut, very nice, very nice, okay.
11:13 Little coconut, look like
11:14 it was holding on quite tightly there.
11:16 So we have the coconut, doesn't matter,
11:18 just use what you have.
11:19 We want shredded unsweetened coconut.
11:21 Oh, okay, good. Unsweetened coconut.
11:22 But let's say I can't find unsweetened coconut,
11:25 you know, it's...
11:26 Yeah.
11:27 Looks like a specialty item, what do we do?
11:29 No problem, no problem,
11:30 you can get the sweetened coconut in the supermarket.
11:31 Right.
11:33 And when you go home, you just put it in a strainer
11:34 and you just go ahead and run water through it...
11:36 Okay.
11:38 And just squeeze out the coconut
11:39 and you'll literally see just all the sugar,
11:40 just draining out, the water will be cloudy afterwards.
11:43 Okay, so that's like the added sugar
11:45 and all that stuff.
11:46 So basically the coconut will still be there,
11:48 you just rinse that off, yeah.
11:49 You got it.
11:50 As well, so, hey, that's the cool little tip
11:52 that we all can implement.
11:53 Actually that coconut is also good for the muscles
11:55 and the bones and all of that.
11:57 I was actually working with one of our clients
11:58 and she had like some really bad back problem
12:00 and she started to use a little coconut,
12:02 she made some adjustments in her diet and bam!
12:04 No problem anymore, so...
12:06 Wow. Okay. This is cool.
12:07 So this actually, cookie, is gonna be helping us
12:09 like there's no tomorrow here.
12:11 Yeah.
12:12 All right, and, well, what's the last ingredient?
12:14 And we have some sea salt.
12:15 All right, so we've got the sea salt going in there.
12:17 Yeah.
12:18 Now should we add some water to that or...
12:20 Not yet, not quite, not quite.
12:22 We'll go ahead and we have some liquids
12:23 and we'll add it later.
12:24 All right. Okay.
12:26 So basically, we're blending it dry.
12:27 We're blending it dry.
12:28 Really cool, the dry blend here, all right.
12:30 All right.
12:31 And, all right, so we'll get that going?
12:33 Yeah, we'll get that going.
12:46 All right.
12:48 All right, so we blend it till it's almost like a flour.
12:51 Almost like a flour, you got it.
12:52 Okay. All right.
12:54 And then we're gonna go ahead
12:55 and we're gonna add it our whole-wheat pastry flour.
12:57 All right.
12:58 Let me move these out of your way as you get cooking.
13:00 All right.
13:01 For ladies only,
13:02 should I step out of the kitchen or something?
13:04 No, no, no, 'cause you have to learn how to cook too, Nyse.
13:05 Oh, my goodness, you're trying to say I can't cook?
13:08 I don't know what it is at home,
13:09 but when I see on the show, you always say, you know,
13:12 you have quick breakfasts', so...
13:14 Well, you see, cooking, I enjoy it,
13:17 but I don't like to do it unnecessarily, pretty much.
13:20 So I go ahead and keep it as simple as possible,
13:23 make sure my meals are complete.
13:25 All right.
13:26 But, man, if this thing turns out pretty good,
13:28 I may make some of these almond cookies quite a bit.
13:31 How much is this gonna make for us?
13:33 This will make about,
13:35 depending on how big you want the cookies.
13:36 So if you want big large cookies, it'll be about 12.
13:39 If you want smaller ones, you can make about 20.
13:41 All right, very nice, very nice.
13:43 So we mix that, can I do the mixing or something so...?
13:46 Sure, go ahead.
13:47 You do look kind of,
13:48 you need to do something with your hands there.
13:50 So you can use it, all right.
13:51 All right, so you see that, so I'm gonna pass this,
13:52 so I just mix this up here.
13:54 You mix it up there and what's really good is that
13:55 we used whole-wheat pastry flour,
13:57 but if you don't have whole-wheat pastry flour,
13:58 you can actually use,
14:00 for example, this called for how much?
14:01 One cup?
14:03 About a cup, yeah, that's what I remember.
14:04 What you can do, you can use one half cup of unbleached
14:06 white flour and one half cup of whole-wheat flour.
14:09 So kind of get that soft texture with the cookies.
14:11 Okay, okay. Okay.
14:13 And other option you said, if we could just find pastry...
14:15 Yes, pastry, yeah.
14:16 I guess pastry sometimes is hard to, to acquire
14:18 or whatever, so that...
14:19 That gives us a little option there,
14:21 you know, that just to work with the situation, you know.
14:25 Of course, you want the whole-wheat one
14:26 and so that's something I would do.
14:28 All right. All right.
14:29 I did much job, my hands have been used there.
14:31 Okay, so. Next.
14:32 You can keep working, Nyse,
14:33 we're gonna ahead and we're gonna add our oil.
14:35 Trying to give me more work up in here, all right.
14:36 All right.
14:38 So I'm gonna pour this oil in here,
14:39 now this is the light tasting, I'm sure.
14:40 Yes.
14:42 Why are we gonna use the light taste
14:43 instead of just the regular one?
14:44 Well, we don't want the flavor of the cookie to be overtaken
14:47 by the olive oil, it can be very strong at times.
14:49 Okay, okay. All right.
14:50 Excellent, excellent.
14:52 And now we have some maple syrup, pure maple syrup,
14:53 we're gonna use that as our sweetener.
14:55 Okay. All right.
14:56 So you do that, let me let you take over here.
14:59 I'm gonna step over on the other side, all right.
15:00 Okay.
15:02 So you got that in there and then,
15:03 what's the last one here?
15:05 We'll go ahead and we'll mix it up.
15:07 Okay. All right.
15:09 So we almost have like almonds up in here.
15:11 You got it. You got it.
15:12 We have the coconut, we got the pastry flour.
15:14 Yeah.
15:15 So these cookies will keep things
15:17 moving along for you here.
15:18 At the same time, this thing is like a multi-benefit cookie,
15:20 you know what I mean?
15:22 It helps with like so many different organs of the body.
15:24 So I'm definitely,
15:26 I may have to take seconds, is it,
15:28 it'll probably be like a guilt free cookie, how about that?
15:31 That's what I like to think, all right.
15:32 And at this point,
15:34 I like to get my hands in my food,
15:35 it's fun.
15:36 No worries, my hands are clean.
15:38 All right.
15:39 All right, so it's a little bit easier,
15:41 you can hold and take that.
15:42 Oh, I'll do that.
15:43 And I'll just mix it up with my hands, it's fun,
15:45 it's something the kids can play
15:47 and they can have a good time with as well.
15:50 That is true because we meet with a lot of parents
15:53 and they always say,
15:54 "Oh, my kids don't wanna eat healthy food."
15:56 Well, it's not that they don't wanna eat it,
15:58 they just don't make it.
15:59 And if you get the kids involved in these recipes,
16:02 we find that they will be very...
16:03 Yeah.
16:05 It will be conducive to them
16:06 participating in a healthy lifestyle.
16:08 So you'll never have to go out and buy cookies
16:09 and stuff for them anymore,
16:11 because they've done it themselves, so...
16:12 You know, you know what's great?
16:14 We were working with some clients
16:16 there in the Bronx
16:17 and we did a cooking school with the youth,
16:19 about 13, 14 years old.
16:20 Okay.
16:22 And they made their own milk
16:23 and they made the nice healthy cheese,
16:25 we do here on the show,
16:26 and I called up and I did a follow up
16:28 with the parents a week later,
16:30 and the parents told me that
16:32 their children would not eat the food that
16:35 they made unless it was made with healthy milk,
16:37 with healthy cashew milk or...
16:39 Wow.
16:40 With healthy cheese. Look at that.
16:42 So once they get their hands in and start making great food,
16:44 they'll eat it.
16:46 So that, especially this one,
16:47 I know they'll probably eat it before it's even done.
16:49 Now what happens if I just, you know, I start eating here?
16:51 No, not quite, not quite.
16:53 We don't want your stomach to get upset here.
16:54 Okay, okay. So this is the fun part.
16:56 So you go ahead and you'll take a little bit here
16:59 and you'll roll into a ball.
17:01 All right, so this is our almond-apricot...
17:04 You got it.
17:06 Balls? Cookies.
17:07 All right. Right, so...
17:08 'Cause Evita just made some little...
17:10 There's she.
17:11 Little item is there, so...
17:13 All right, so you just take a little bit
17:14 or however big you want it.
17:16 And if it's a little crumbly, you can just go ahead,
17:18 you can add a little bit more oil,
17:19 but if you follow the instructions,
17:21 it should be just fine.
17:22 So we got that. Just fine.
17:24 So you can keep rolling the balls and then...
17:27 Did we forget an ingredient here?
17:29 Not quite, not quite, don't jump the gun,
17:31 don't jump the gun.
17:32 This is also another fun part, you can use your thumb,
17:35 just make a little indent on the cookies there.
17:37 All right.
17:40 So now what are we doing here?
17:43 And now, we're gonna do a dollop.
17:45 A dollop?
17:47 Yes, we're just gonna take a little bit
17:48 of that apricot jam.
17:50 You mean like a wallop?
17:51 No, no, no, no, no, like dollop.
17:52 We're just gonna take a little bit of this jam,
17:54 and we're gonna put it in the indent.
17:56 Oh, is that how they do it?
17:58 I was wondering... That's how they do it.
18:00 Remember the cookies at the store,
18:01 where like the strawberry fillings
18:02 and stuff like that,
18:04 I'm like how did they like put it in there?
18:05 Yeah, the ones that weren't quite so healthy, right.
18:06 Yeah, go.
18:08 They probably weren't healthy but they tasted good.
18:09 I used to eat at least 10, 20 of them.
18:10 All right.
18:12 Now you don't know,
18:13 but I used to be like over blessed.
18:15 I used to be about 220 to 225 from time to time,
18:18 I was eating a lot of those strawberry ones.
18:19 Is that so? Yeah.
18:21 I'll go ahead here and just wipe my hands off.
18:22 Okay.
18:24 So what we would do, we can put those in the oven,
18:26 we made more...
18:28 Of course, you'd fill up the whole pan there.
18:29 All right, so we'll make a whole bunch of these.
18:30 You got it.
18:32 We'll take these, we'll put these in the oven,
18:33 and then, how long should we bake it and how...
18:36 What temperature?
18:37 You can bake it at 350,
18:39 depending on your oven for about 12-15 minutes.
18:41 You just wanna watch
18:42 till it'll come out nice golden brown.
18:44 Okay.
18:45 All right, and what I find, since there's oil in it,
18:48 you actually don't have to oil the pan,
18:50 you can if you want to,
18:51 but since it's already so moist,
18:53 you see there.
18:54 Nice and moist, you can just put it in as this
18:56 and just keep an eye on it
18:57 and it'll come out nice and tasty.
18:59 Okay, now I had some oil in it,
19:00 will that cause us to add on some extra blessings or what?
19:02 Well, well, we just have to remember being temperate...
19:06 Finding a balance and I think...
19:07 Temperance in all the things, ah?
19:08 Temperance in all things.
19:10 And you have a finished product here.
19:11 Yeah.
19:12 And this is the part I was waiting for.
19:14 We had fun. All right.
19:15 We had fun there and we have a finished product.
19:17 Whoa.
19:19 Of our almond-apricot cookies.
19:21 All right, so now should I just go ahead
19:24 and get my ziplock and load it up real quick.
19:25 No, no, no, actually, I'm gonna take that home,
19:28 you can load it up,
19:29 then you have to hand it over to me.
19:30 Okay, I'm sorry. All right.
19:32 So this is the almond-apricot, that thing looks amazing,
19:34 amazing, it's even going along there
19:36 with your apple and so,
19:39 man, enjoy this one, go ahead and have seconds,
19:42 don't worry about it, it's guilt free,
19:44 this is actually good for cleansing the skin
19:46 and so...
19:48 Good for the skin. Right.
19:50 A matter of fact, I'll tell you a little tip.
19:51 Before I do these programs,
19:52 I make sure I go ahead and I eat some apricots
19:54 'cause it's very good for replenishing and revitalizing,
19:58 and so the skin looks good.
20:00 You got it.
20:02 So that's my little tip and so if you have a presentation,
20:03 eat some apricots before it, of course.
20:04 But eat good food,
20:06 because the most important thing
20:07 I guess with the skin is what goes in.
20:08 Yes. You know, so...
20:10 When we actually do a program
20:11 and we focus on a whole 45 to an hour
20:13 on how we can have healthy skin,
20:15 and we find out is that it's not so much
20:17 what we put on our face as what we put in our body,
20:21 that's what's important.
20:23 And so whatever we eat,
20:24 it's gonna come out through our skin.
20:26 You know, I noticed that 'cause I was actually,
20:27 not too long ago,
20:29 I was actually in the Caribbean and,
20:30 you know, there's coconuts all over the place.
20:32 So I sat by this guy
20:33 who has a truck full of coconut,
20:35 and I just said, "Give me, the next one,
20:37 and another one, and another one."
20:38 And I would drink the coconut,
20:40 and eat the jelly or like the meat of it.
20:42 And I ate so much and then that next day,
20:45 literally, I got home and I touched something,
20:47 it was just like all kind of and it wasn't sweat,
20:49 it was just oil...
20:51 And what happens is if you put too much in,
20:53 the body has to find a way to get it out as well.
20:55 Right. So that's pretty cool.
20:57 So let me see if I could squeeze this
20:58 in my pocket here.
21:00 But that's good,
21:01 but that was just one of the items.
21:02 Yes.
21:04 You said you want to do something with those oats.
21:05 Yeah, so...
21:06 What are we gonna do?
21:08 We are gonna do a oat facial mask.
21:09 A oat, wait, wait, wait a second.
21:11 A oat facial mask? You got it.
21:12 You mean like the oats that we just eat,
21:13 the one that we put in there?
21:15 The oats that we eat,
21:16 you can use it on the inside and the outside of the body.
21:17 So it helps on the outside as well,
21:19 is that why when I go to the store,
21:20 sometimes you look in the skin area,
21:21 they have apricots.
21:23 Have you ever noticed that?
21:24 They tell you, this is the apricot scrub.
21:26 You got it.
21:27 Well, hey, if it's good for the skin,
21:28 I'm not gonna only put it,
21:30 I'm not gonna buy that product,
21:31 I'll just eat the apricots and so,
21:32 and they also have oat scrubs...
21:34 And different items like that, so the oats is good.
21:35 Yeah.
21:37 And you have some of that here. Yeah.
21:38 A matter of fact, let me just show y'all real quick
21:40 the recipe before we get rolling.
21:41 It's really simple, all you need is what:
21:53 Or I guess, evaporated, you know,
21:56 cane juice or something like that.
21:57 Evaporated cane juice crystals.
21:59 Like so that's all you need?
22:00 That's all you need.
22:02 Like do I need a special machine
22:03 or anything else?
22:04 No, no special machine needed.
22:06 Now this is so simple, that's what makes it so great.
22:08 Okay.
22:09 And the oats is the key, Nyse.
22:11 And what's so amazing is that
22:13 even for those who have like little ones,
22:14 if they have eczema or diaper rashes,
22:17 you can actually do,
22:18 you can make a bath out of the oats.
22:20 What?
22:21 So you would blend this in the blender.
22:23 Okay.
22:24 And you will just pour it into some warm water.
22:25 When you're bathing your little one there
22:27 or even when you're bathing yourself,
22:28 you just pour it in there, mix it around thoroughly,
22:30 and you can take a nice bath
22:31 and that will help with the skin.
22:33 You're pushing it now.
22:34 Can you imagine, take a little baby,
22:36 you try and clean up and stuff
22:37 and then start putting some oats on a baby?
22:39 Yeah.
22:40 I mean, well, how does it do it?
22:42 Like what is the oats doing?
22:43 Why is it good for the skin in general?
22:44 Okay, well, first, it has a protein in there.
22:47 I'm a scientist,
22:48 so I love looking at the science behind things.
22:49 Yes, yes, teach me, teach me.
22:51 It has a protein and what the protein does,
22:53 it acts like a barrier.
22:54 So things that are outside,
22:56 it prevents it from coming in onto our skin.
22:58 Okay.
22:59 And then what's in our skin, it helps it to stay in.
23:01 The good things, of course, that want to stay.
23:02 All right, the good things.
23:03 So it is, it's just we're like pulling out the skin.
23:05 Not pulling out the skin,
23:06 but pulling out some of the bad items.
23:07 But, yeah, and it also helps with the pore,
23:09 with cleaning our pores.
23:10 So it cleans out the pores. Yeah.
23:12 Is that why they always use that in the scrubs and...
23:13 You got it. Interesting, interesting.
23:15 Cleans out the pores and also,
23:16 it also just helps with moisturizing the skin, yeah.
23:19 So it also moisturizes? It does.
23:22 I know about moisture,
23:23 'cause when we make the porridge
23:26 or the oat meal in the morning,
23:28 it's like really sticky and all that stuff,
23:30 so that actually replenishes the skin.
23:32 It does. Very nice.
23:34 So how do we make it here?
23:35 All right, so we have our oats already
23:38 and we have some water here, so it calls for a cup of water.
23:40 All right.
23:42 So you take, this is regular raw oats?
23:43 Yeah, regular raw quick oats. All right.
23:45 And then...
23:46 You'll just go ahead and you'll add the water there.
23:48 I'll take that.
23:49 Alrighty.
23:50 All right.
23:52 And then we have our sugar.
23:53 Sugar?
23:55 Now quick question,
23:56 why are we adding sugar to this mix?
23:57 Well, well, let's say
23:59 I didn't tell you this was sugar.
24:00 What does it look like?
24:03 Sand. You got it.
24:05 And when we're at the beach and we're in the sand,
24:07 after we leave the beach, how does our feet feel?
24:10 Crusty.
24:11 Well, I don't know what beaches you go to, Nyse,
24:13 but the beaches that I go to in the Caribbean
24:15 where I'm from...
24:17 Yeah, it feels clean and fresh and you just wash it off.
24:19 If feels clean and fresh.
24:20 So the sugar, it acts like an exfoliant, all right.
24:23 Okay.
24:24 So it goes ahead and it scrubs our skin
24:26 and it leaves it feeling nice and soft.
24:28 Oh, that's why some people take baths with like the sugar
24:30 and stuff like that, and I actually,
24:31 I noticed that also, it's really cool,
24:33 if you wanna learn about different foods,
24:35 you just go to like skin area or section in a supermarket
24:39 or not a supermarket or,
24:40 you know, big stores or whatever,
24:41 and you just look on the labels
24:43 and it's gonna show you like which foods is good for this,
24:45 which foods are...
24:46 Not which foods is good, but they usually say,
24:48 "Oh, we put it in it."
24:49 Like one in particular is like cucumbers.
24:50 You got it.
24:52 Cucumber is just phenomenal for the skin.
24:53 One time, you know,
24:55 I got burnt up at the beach and I was like,
24:58 man, I was looking like a cherry tomato for real.
25:00 And as a result, I'm like, what am I gonna do with this?
25:02 My friends were laughing,
25:03 "We told you to put on sun block."
25:05 And I was like, "No."
25:06 You know, my pigmentation would help
25:09 and I realized that didn't really kick in
25:11 as well as I thought.
25:12 And I got burnt up
25:13 and all I did was brought some cucumber,
25:15 rubbed it all over my skin, of course, took a quick shower,
25:17 rubbed it all over my skin,
25:19 I went to sleep and the next day,
25:20 bam!
25:22 I was ready to roll again. All right.
25:23 So this is our oatmeal. Yes.
25:27 What is that, oatmeal paste, oatmeal or something?
25:28 Oat mask. Oat mask.
25:30 Our oat mask. Okay.
25:32 Yeah, right.
25:33 So what you can do,
25:34 you let it sit for a little bit for,
25:36 maybe a couple of minutes or so, you know,
25:37 when we let oat sit, it becomes nice and thick.
25:39 So I just wanna make sure that they see what...
25:42 All right. So it becomes...
25:43 And so it thickens up and then you'll go ahead
25:46 and you will put it on your face
25:48 and you let it sit for about 15-20 minutes.
25:50 Okay.
25:51 Until it becomes firm,
25:53 until you start to feel your skin tightening
25:54 and then you'll just rinse it off with warm water.
25:56 You mean, you could get this scrub here
25:58 like literally for pennies.
26:00 For a penny.
26:01 You can do a facial scrub for pennies.
26:03 I mean, I may even get,
26:04 you know, get rolling with this,
26:05 but this looks a little watery and stuff,
26:07 so you said, what?
26:08 It gets really thick. You let sit.
26:09 But once you let it sit for a little bit,
26:11 it gets a little bit thicker. I got to see how this works.
26:12 Oh, do you? Yeah.
26:14 Oh, is that so? Alrighty.
26:15 Is that the other one there?
26:17 So we have one that we let sit for a little bit here.
26:20 Okay. It's a little moist.
26:22 So we'll just put that right there.
26:23 So I have to act like you're my mirror
26:26 'cause I'm at home.
26:27 All right. All right, so...
26:30 Oh, oh, she's taking off the glasses
26:32 and getting serious...
26:33 I normally don't do this, especially...
26:35 This is a special occasion, trust me.
26:37 All right.
26:38 We worked together
26:39 and when she takes off the glasses,
26:41 it's one of two reasons.
26:43 Either you did something wrong or, you know...
26:46 I'm gonna sleep.
26:47 Or she's going to sleep or something like that.
26:48 All right. Wow!
26:50 Look at this special occasion,
26:51 y'all better take some pictures up in here.
26:52 Alrighty, so you'll go ahead and you got to make sure
26:54 I'm getting it right.
26:55 All right, so let's go the other side real quick, so...
26:57 All right.
26:58 Everybody can see, look at this.
26:59 I don't have a mirror.
27:01 So if I'm messing up my shirt, you got to let me know.
27:04 So you just put it on your skin like that?
27:05 You just put it on your skin just like that,
27:07 make a little mess, but that's okay.
27:08 It's going to get all messy,
27:09 make sure you do it over the sink.
27:11 All right, so you just rub it on.
27:12 Just rub it on, just like that.
27:16 Getting it all over the place, this is no joke.
27:19 So I'm sure you'll paste it all quite.
27:21 Yeah, and you can do this about
27:22 two to three times a week, not too much.
27:24 Okay.
27:25 All right, and 15-20 minutes,
27:30 until your skin starts to feel tight.
27:32 Wow!
27:34 And then... So you didn't rub...
27:36 Can you just rub it all onto, yeah?
27:37 And how much this quick oats cost, Nyse?
27:39 It's next to nothing, it's next to nothing, so...
27:42 Did I get it all?
27:43 You got some of it, you know, just...
27:45 So, you all, just try this.
27:46 A matter of fact, and time is running,
27:49 I'm gonna go ahead and buy me some of this
27:51 and try it out myself.
27:52 Looking at here, it makes some mess,
27:54 but it's definitely good for the skin.
27:55 So I wanna encourage you all try it.
27:57 Enjoy the cookies and enjoy good food
27:59 that's good for the inside and also the outside.


Revised 2017-03-23