Taste of Paradise

Coconut Kale Enchiladas / Blazin' Beans

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Nyse Collins (Host), Evita Tezeno


Series Code: TOP

Program Code: TOP000035

00:01 Have you ever wondered exactly how to prepare
00:03 healthy food that actually taste good?
00:05 Well, stay tuned while Evita Tezeno
00:07 and yours truly Nyse Collins show you
00:09 just how to do it and give you something better,
00:12 A Taste of Paradise.
00:31 Welcome to A Taste of Paradise.
00:34 My name is Evita Tezeno.
00:37 And as I said before my favorite food is Tex-Mex.
00:41 And okay, you've seen it quesadillas
00:44 and I'm gonna make some enchiladas today.
00:48 Coconut kale enchiladas.
00:50 So let's begin the recipe.
00:53 For the tortillas you need:
01:25 Now if you're not familiar with the young coconut,
01:28 this is a young coconut.
01:29 And this is just amazing.
01:34 I called the liquid that inside God's Gatorade
01:37 because it's high in electrolytes
01:39 and it's when you've been working out,
01:42 it really helps replenish you and gives you energy.
01:47 So we're gonna start with
01:51 the blending of the young coconut.
01:57 Water, the coconut water,
02:01 the coconut oil
02:04 and this has a lot of coconut in it,
02:06 and believe it or not coconut is fat burning, it is.
02:12 We have the Himalayan sea salt,
02:17 bell pepper and one date.
02:23 And you need a high powered blender to do this
02:27 or you could separate and put a little bit at a time
02:30 to make sure that you blend this very thoroughly.
03:01 After it is blended you need a dehydrator sheet.
03:08 And you dehydrate this overnight.
03:18 You have to really be careful to watch it
03:20 because it can get kind of get hard and crispy on it.
03:25 So you pour this out...
03:31 and it smell so good.
03:35 And you spread it out on the dehydrator sheet
03:39 all the way to the ends.
03:43 And because the second time we're not going to do this,
03:47 but I'm gonna show you the finished product
03:49 and then we are gonna go to the next recipe.
03:54 After it has dehydrated, it comes out like this
03:57 and I have already cut them up into little squares
04:01 but look at it, isn't this amazing?
04:03 This is so cool.
04:05 So for the next recipe which is cashew cheese:
04:47 Now I have various different cheese recipes
04:50 that I have made.
04:52 And you could just pick your favorite one.
04:55 I try to have different varieties of cheese.
04:59 So it mimics different flavors that I remember
05:03 when I was eating dairy.
05:05 So I have put in the cashews
05:08 and the red bell pepper and the cayenne.
05:11 And then the cumin,
05:15 the lemon juice,
05:19 the onion,
05:22 and I combine the maple syrup and the tahini.
05:28 And tahini is sesame seed butter
05:31 if you don't remember,
05:34 and it makes this recipe have like a sharp cheese taste.
05:39 One clove of garlic,
05:42 some Himalayan sea salt
05:44 and one cup of water.
05:49 And then you just blend it.
06:17 So this is like a cheese sauce
06:19 that we're gonna use on the enchiladas.
06:23 So for the next recipe,
06:25 we're gonna make the sour cream.
06:28 And that recipe is:
06:48 Okay, now let's begin the sour cream recipe.
06:52 And this is a sunflower seed sour cream.
06:57 So we have the soaked sunflower seeds,
07:01 the lemon juice
07:05 and the garlic,
07:07 and we're using onion power this time
07:10 because onion has a very strong taste
07:13 and we want a very mild taste.
07:17 Then we have the salt
07:20 and we just gonna use half the amount of water
07:22 and to see the consistency...
07:28 and then we blend.
07:39 So I'm gonna use the rest of the water.
08:09 This is great.
08:11 So this is for the sour cream.
08:15 And so for the next recipe we're gonna do Pico de Gallo.
08:21 And for that recipe you need:
08:46 Okay, now we're going to start
08:49 with the chopped diced up tomatoes
08:51 and I like to use Roma tomatoes.
08:53 You can use whatever you have accessible
08:56 but I really like Roma tomatoes
08:58 because they have less juice and they have more flavor.
09:02 And the chopped onions
09:03 and I'm using a yellow onion today
09:08 because they have a milder taste.
09:12 Cilantro,
09:15 jalapeno and you could not put jalapeno
09:18 if you don't like the hotness but I love spicy
09:22 so I am
09:25 always use a lot jalapeno and also cayenne.
09:30 That was the juice of one lime
09:33 and then the sea salt.
09:36 And you just mix, very simple recipe,
09:39 this is good with the chips that I've made
09:42 and you can also, also put this in with avocado
09:49 and a make guacamole with Pico de Gallo.
09:52 This is a great recipe.
09:55 So now we're gonna assembly.
09:57 And for the assembly you need:
10:09 So we're gonna start the assembly
10:11 and here we have our tortillas.
10:14 And if you remember from first season I made this kale,
10:19 avocado kale salad and this is the recipe,
10:22 and it will be posted on the site.
10:24 But what I'm gonna do is,
10:25 I'm gonna add a little Pico de Gallo to it
10:29 for that little kick.
10:34 So then we're gonna take some of the kale salad.
10:40 And put it in the tortilla and roll it...
10:47 and we're gonna do a couple of them.
10:52 And this satisfies
10:54 that Latin flavor it has.
11:00 So many good nutrients in it and, you know,
11:03 I call kale the new beef
11:06 because it's loaded with iron
11:09 and it is so good for you.
11:14 So we're gonna do one more...
11:20 and I'm getting a little messy here
11:22 but that's okay.
11:24 Food is fun, right?
11:31 Okay, first we're gonna put our cheese.
11:40 And then,
11:44 we're gonna put
11:47 a couple of dollops of sour cream.
11:54 And we're gonna top it off
11:59 with some Pico de Gallo.
12:02 Wow, look at this, isn't this beautiful?
12:09 I can't wait to eat some.
12:12 And there you have it,
12:15 coconut kale enchiladas.
12:18 This has been Evita Tezeno with A Taste of Paradise,
12:22 and remember to live life fresh.
12:33 La Republica Dominicana,
12:36 that is the Dominican Republic.
12:37 Many times when we think of that,
12:39 we think of beautiful beaches
12:41 and just hanging out and drinking water of course,
12:44 and some good pineapple juice of course,
12:48 and you think of coconuts and you think of vacation
12:51 and all like that stuff, but also you think of what?
12:54 Good food and this is very, very, very
12:57 vital to a good vacation.
12:58 And matter of fact, many times people go on a vacation
13:01 and unfortunately they eat so much
13:03 and they eat so good that when they ere done,
13:05 they have to take another vacation
13:06 from the vacation they just had.
13:08 Well, today what we're gonna do is make sure that
13:10 you have this vacation in your house all the time.
13:13 But we're gonna make sure you have with some good food,
13:15 good healthy food not with the extra ingredients
13:17 that's causing like major problems
13:19 but with the extra ingredients
13:21 that will actually help you to feel better
13:23 and feel good as well.
13:25 So we're gonna take one of those
13:26 nice or two of those nice recipes
13:29 that we find in the Dominican Republic
13:32 and bring it back home
13:33 and, and a lot of times when we think of these foods,
13:38 what is the key item that you think of?
13:40 Of course, you think of rice and you think of the fruits
13:42 and stuff like that,
13:44 but one of the key ones is the Dominican beans.
13:46 It's like everybody know Dominican beans.
13:49 When I think of La República
13:51 and so that's one of the things that we're gonna do,
13:54 it's really simple and easy,
13:56 and matter of fact, the reason why we want to focus on beans
13:58 is because they have so much fiber,
14:00 so many vitamins and nutrients
14:01 that it's actually very necessary for us.
14:04 A lot of times people avoid the beans,
14:06 they say they cause a little bit too much problems,
14:08 you know, what I'm talking about?
14:10 A little, they would say flatulence
14:12 or some would say gas, or some people say the wind,
14:15 blowing the wind, I'm like, "Where is the flag,
14:17 what are you talking about blowing the wind?"
14:18 But you know, I don't want to get into that,
14:19 we're trying to cook here today.
14:21 But, so a lot of people shy away from the beans
14:23 but we'll share with you some simple tips and things
14:26 that you can do that you can enjoy the beans.
14:28 You see beans are necessary,
14:30 it's actually a fundamental food
14:31 because of its carbohydrate content,
14:34 it also has the fiber to keep things moving,
14:36 carbohydrates to keep you full over extended period of time.
14:39 I mean the thing is phenomenon.
14:41 There are so many different types
14:42 and we think of kidney beans,
14:44 you think of pinto beans,
14:45 you think of black eye, oh,
14:47 black-eyes actually are amazing for you, why?
14:50 Because they provide a good amount of folic or folic acid
14:53 which is necessary for proper brain functioning.
14:56 You think of some other ones, pigeon peas and man,
14:58 I wish we can make this one call Arroz con Gandules
15:01 which is rice and peas or some would say peas and rice,
15:04 just depends which island you're on of course.
15:07 And so there is so many different options
15:09 that you can choose, but we just want you to do is,
15:12 what we want you to do is just choose one today
15:15 and so today we're gonna take the red kidney beans.
15:17 I know they make that in different islands as well
15:19 and we're gonna make some Dominican beans.
15:22 But not with just, you can't just eat beans by yourself.
15:25 One of the key things that we had is the,
15:27 the plantain or some would call it tostones
15:30 and in Panama they say patacones.
15:33 And it's just like so many different names.
15:35 What we know and what I know it as
15:36 'cause I'm from the island,
15:37 I don't know if you know this island is called Brooklyn,
15:39 I'm from that island,
15:41 we just call it plantain, you know,
15:43 and so we're gonna enjoy some of these things,
15:45 and a matter of fact before, I even talk anymore,
15:48 let's get that first recipe.
15:49 We got to get these beans roll in.
15:51 So we don't want run out of time here today.
15:52 And it's the Dominican, Blazin' Dominican beans,
15:56 all you need is:
16:18 Or you know, just get some cilantro
16:21 and just cut it up and just have a good time.
16:23 And it's really simple how we're gonna do it,
16:25 we're just gonna put all of these ingredients
16:26 in this saucepan here.
16:29 Let me make sure I'll get this fire started.
16:31 All right, so we get that rolling,
16:33 we're gonna put these ingredients in here.
16:35 Well, people say, wait a second,
16:37 those beans that you're putting in,
16:39 you haven't cooked them.
16:40 Well, look, yeah, I was pressed for time,
16:44 of course it's always good to get the dry beans
16:46 and stuff like that,
16:47 but if you just have canned beans, oh,
16:49 what you need to do is you just take it out,
16:51 rinse it down,
16:52 so you don't have all that extra sodium and enjoy,
16:55 it's really simple and easy.
16:56 Of course, if you had the dry ones,
16:59 that's good.
17:00 It's just that I need to eat today,
17:02 you can wait till tomorrow till it's finish.
17:03 And what happen is sometimes
17:05 people cook those dry beans all at one time,
17:09 they don't change the water or anything.
17:11 And so now as a result they're wandering
17:15 why their stomachs are bubbling, you know,
17:17 what I mean by bubbling, right?
17:19 So I would encourage you, you know,
17:22 I always keep some canned beans around just in case, you know,
17:26 uninvited friends, you know, family and stuff,
17:28 they always want to show up at your house
17:29 at the last minute.
17:32 You can go ahead and have them over,
17:35 and you could dish up something really nice, really nourishing.
17:38 Oh, I'm making a mess over here.
17:40 And very tasty so,
17:41 we're just gonna pour that sauce in there,
17:44 get that rolling.
17:46 Matter of fact, and let that cook there nicely,
17:50 and so you're gonna cook till those beans are nice and soft.
17:54 And I'm gonna add some more ingredients here,
17:56 that's why I want to get this rolling.
17:57 Of course, this is the kidney beans.
17:59 Kidney beans are actually excellent
18:01 for the heart as well.
18:02 So make sure you get some of that kidney beans.
18:05 I'm gonna put some salt in here.
18:08 All right, to add some flavor there,
18:12 I'll pour a little bit more,
18:13 I just want to get this rolling first.
18:15 And then we have our cilantro,
18:17 like you are not going to have a good meal
18:19 without adding some cilantro.
18:22 So I'm gonna go ahead and mix this up nicely,
18:25 have my fire on.
18:27 We're gonna let that simmer there as well.
18:31 And what we're gonna do just to make it really nice
18:34 and creamy and stuff like that,
18:37 we're gonna do the secret tip.
18:38 The secret tip is to go ahead and blend some of it up.
18:42 And so I'm gonna get to that here shortly,
18:43 so just make sure you get all of the goodies.
18:46 We are in a recession,
18:47 we can't waste anything these days.
18:49 People talk about people starving in other countries,
18:52 people are starving here,
18:53 and so I don't want to be one of those people.
18:55 So I'm gonna make sure I use everything as well.
18:58 So I got my salt also,
19:01 and if you want to add some other items of course,
19:04 you know, I may change up the flavor little bit.
19:06 You can add garlic, go ahead and do so.
19:09 If you want to add some other herbs,
19:11 hey, enjoy yourself.
19:13 And do that.
19:15 I like to, what I like to do especially with beans,
19:17 I like to make a big bash like early in the week,
19:20 and the reason why I do that
19:22 because I cannot be like cooking like this every day,
19:25 like literally, I'm pressed,
19:27 you're pressed, we're all pressed.
19:29 So I like to make a big part of beans early in a week
19:32 and then we'll do different things with this.
19:34 So we'll actually probably try that this season.
19:36 You may end up seeing the Dominican beans
19:38 on another recipe 'cause, you know,
19:39 we make a lot and so like this time,
19:42 we'll have it here with our plantain.
19:45 Maybe next time we'll do another recipe,
19:48 maybe a wrap or something of that nature.
19:50 And so this is one of the keys to planning out
19:53 and living a healthy lifestyle is making sure that
19:57 you make enough and you use one recipe
20:00 and make different recipes out of that one recipe.
20:03 So that's going really nice there.
20:06 I have my blender ready to roll.
20:07 What I'm going to do now,
20:09 you don't want to take all of it,
20:10 you just want to take some of it,
20:12 just about a couple of spoonfuls
20:15 and let nobody know.
20:18 Just taking them out, that's should be enough there,
20:22 and I'm gonna put this back.
20:24 I'm gonna put that on low heat.
20:28 Sometimes it get so low, it goes.
20:30 And we get that back going.
20:32 All right, so I get that on low heat
20:34 'cause I still want this to simmer here.
20:36 Now it takes a little bit longer,
20:38 I'm just speeding up the process for us,
20:41 you can probably even add a little bit of...
20:44 but I might just blend it now.
20:59 All right. Whoo, look at that.
21:03 If you do it for good amount of time,
21:06 you add some more,
21:07 you can even make yourself some nice bean dip.
21:13 So this is nice another recipe
21:16 that you can do is a nice little bean dip,
21:18 you just blend everything together
21:20 and you pour that back out.
21:22 It almost comes out looking like refry beans there.
21:25 They're like, "I thought he was in a Dominican Republic,
21:27 this is not Mexico.
21:29 And so but hey, you can probably
21:31 make some refry beans out of it.
21:32 And it's so funny because,
21:33 you go to so many different cultures,
21:35 but at the end of the day
21:37 even though they all may have like different foods,
21:39 they may call it different names.
21:41 At the end of the day
21:42 the staples are in general the same,
21:44 either beans, cassava, red fruit, rice,
21:49 you know, all of these items.
21:51 So you go ahead and you,
21:53 you mix it up there nicely and that's how you get it.
21:55 One person was asking us the other day,
21:58 "How do you get your beans to have such a rich gravy?
22:00 Do you add cornstarch or do you add flour,
22:03 different items?"
22:04 No, ma'am, all you got to do is just blend it up
22:06 and you would and get that same consistency there.
22:09 So that's what you do.
22:10 I'm gonna go ahead and let that cook
22:12 just a little bit longer there.
22:15 But I need to get rolling on the next one.
22:18 We got to make some plantain, some plantain
22:20 or a.k.a. tostones or patcone,
22:25 or something of that nature.
22:27 We're gonna get that rolling
22:28 and it's real simple how we could do it.
22:30 Now in this town that I'm at, you know,
22:33 normally you will have the green ones or whatever,
22:35 but it's like anything that was green,
22:37 it like disappeared
22:39 and we ended up with these yellow ones
22:40 and these are a little, they will say,
22:41 maduro like it's not older
22:45 but it's like ripe, is really ripe,
22:47 and so we would take a plantain as you see here.
22:49 We just open it just like this.
22:51 And matter of fact,
22:52 bananas and plantain are amazing.
22:54 Did you know after apples,
22:57 bananas and these items are the most used fruit.
23:01 And one person said,
23:02 is because it comes with his own wrapping,
23:04 you know, what I mean.
23:05 Own hygienic wrapping like this,
23:07 no other one and it's so easy to use,
23:09 it said, it's like almost
23:10 in every continent you'll see some form of banana.
23:13 So easy to get rolling. So we have this here.
23:18 What you do to make some 'cause we,
23:21 this is gonna go along with our Dominican beans, right?
23:24 You'd just take that and you'd just cut it up here.
23:26 I already have some that has been done.
23:28 You cut it up just like how you're,
23:31 let's say you're making cereal or something.
23:32 So this is the one that I've already done,
23:34 I'm gonna push that to the side.
23:36 You just cut it just nice and thick and you'd take that,
23:40 you put that in the oven, I don't know 300 or something,
23:44 not too long,
23:45 just till it gets a little brown
23:47 and then you would put some oil over it
23:51 like coconut oil or something
23:53 and actually while I'm doing that,
23:54 let me just show you this recipe,
23:55 all you need is:
24:07 Like literally that was like the easiest thing around town,
24:11 like anybody can make this themselves.
24:13 And so you take that, and you stick that in a oven.
24:16 You see many times when we make like banana or sweet,
24:20 banana or something,
24:21 we usually take that and then we fry it,
24:24 all right?
24:25 This is what we don't want to do,
24:26 you see 'cause when your fry items,
24:28 you're directly like throwing on excess fact
24:31 that is totally unnecessary.
24:33 Then you notice, you started adding on blessings,
24:35 you're like, "I've been eating healthy food,
24:37 why am I over blessed?"
24:38 Is because you throwing on too much oil.
24:40 Can we use a little bit of oil?
24:42 Yes, but let us remember real quick,
24:44 that oil is 100%, what?
24:47 Fat.
24:49 So the more you use, the more you add on,
24:51 is that simple?
24:52 So can you use it to cook with?
24:54 Yes, yes, a little bit here and there,
24:55 but when you fry it,
24:56 it makes things very tasty, I'm not even gonna lie to you,
24:58 don't let nobody come and tell you,
25:00 oh, fried food is bad, it doesn't taste good.
25:02 They don't know what they're talking about
25:03 or they never even try some fried food.
25:05 Fried food tastes good
25:07 but at the same time is dangerous.
25:09 As you know when you use excess items,
25:10 frying item or frying foods, you know,
25:13 it shows that it can even promote cancer,
25:15 it throws on extra blessings
25:17 and so it is and there's so many things involved
25:19 and you wonder why sometimes the face is just like
25:21 breaking out is
25:23 because all of these oils and fat,
25:24 the body is like too much.
25:26 So I got to get it out one way or another,
25:28 and lot of times it just comes out on your skin.
25:30 And so if you want good, beautiful,
25:31 healthy skin as well,
25:33 just cut back on your use of fried foods.
25:35 So what we're gonna do is we're not gonna fry,
25:37 we're gonna go actually bake it.
25:39 And so normally we will go ahead and,
25:42 and put that in there
25:43 and then when it comes out real quick,
25:45 when it comes out real quick,
25:46 then it looks a little bit like this here, all right.
25:50 This is as we see our plantain.
25:52 See it, little bit brown and what we have to do,
25:56 we're not done with this yet, okay.
25:58 We have to take this now and we're going to crush it.
26:02 So you can take a little top or watch this?
26:06 Let's see what I have here. I have a little spatula.
26:09 So you take it and you just crush it just like that,
26:11 just press it down.
26:13 Everybody's getting slippery up in here.
26:15 So you just crush it, put it down,
26:17 as you see I'm making a mess.
26:19 But hey, have a good time.
26:21 Matter of fact, this spatula is not working,
26:22 don't tell anybody, you're at home.
26:24 I know you'll be taking shortcuts at home,
26:26 just crush that thing, don't worry my hands are clean
26:29 and I'm gonna eat this myself.
26:30 And so you just press it down there.
26:33 Look at this, this is a handful and you have your plantain.
26:39 But now you take this
26:40 and then you put this back in the oven.
26:43 Wait a second.
26:45 But you got to sprinkle it with what?
26:47 A little bit of salt.
26:48 So sprinkle that little salt over that on the top.
26:50 Some people they say,
26:52 well, I don't wanted it that way,
26:53 they wanted to do it the long way,
26:55 you know, what I mean,
26:56 you can cut it the long way and bake it the same way.
26:58 Coconut oil actually,
26:59 you can use either that or olive oil,
27:01 I will recommend, hey, try the coconut oil
27:03 'cause it adds a extra little flavor.
27:05 So normally you'll take that, you get that going.
27:08 Let me turn off my Dominican beans here.
27:12 Okay, make sure this is all lined up,
27:15 but I have some that's already done.
27:17 And I'm getting hungry, I don't know about you.
27:20 And then when it's done,
27:23 this is what our finished product should look like,
27:25 this is our tostones right there, okay.
27:31 And we also have our Dominican beans,
27:34 really simple, really easy
27:36 and you can even like take one here,
27:38 you can dip it in.
27:41 Yeah, be quite up here.
27:43 And while nobody is looking, you can try some as well.
27:46 So I'm gonna go ahead and try some.
27:47 I don't know about you
27:49 or I hope you got down the recipe
27:50 because this is about to be over,
27:52 and I am going to go ahead and eat.
27:54 So enjoy yourself, cover me to La Republica,
27:57 the Dominican beans.
27:58 Take care.


Revised 2017-03-23